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The Writing in the Indus script

The language and contents of the IVC inscriptions



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Preface Acknowledgements References The decipherment of the Indus script


This work is a sequel to Bharata the Language of the Harappans,The deciphered IndusHarappan(Indo-Anatolian) inscriptions etc. By this we further confirm that the language of the inscriptions is Bharata(veda) and it is logo-syllabic.The inscriptions generally contain financial terms and praises to the throne/king. The fine nuances of the language in several inscriptions are brought out in a crystal clear style.For example the conjoined bull and elephant and the conjoined woman and tiger are identified as the same bhadraasana karsha. Some of the ardent supporters of the Proto-Dravidian Indus script concept have changed their stand and now many support a Para Munda Indus script hypothesis. Careful study of this work will change their mind

and they also will finally accept that the script is Bharata(veda) itself. I am not sure whether I will be able to write further on the Indus script.Working in a factory for twelve hours a day and seven days a week for my daily bread and doing research in late hours has taken a heavy toll on my life as a whole. Some of my works could not be given the finishing touches due to the limited time at my disposal. However I am satisfied that the final decipherment is here. I hope,researchers and scholars will find this work highly useful for further studies on the Indus script.



I am greatly indebted to the articles and works of many scholars and researchers in this field without whose works this volume would not have been possible.The sources for this volume is shown in the reference list. I gratefully acknowledge my thankfulness to those authors and their

publishers whose articles I have used in this work either in whole or in part. Special mention may be made of,Ancient,Dr.Asko Parpola,Dr. I.Mahadevan,Dr.Brian Wells, Dr.Kalyanaraman,Dr.J.M.Kenoyer, Dr.Subhash C
Kak ,Dr.Nupam Mahajan,Dr.B.B.Lal,Roger D.Woodard,Lionel D.Barnett , Jonathan Slocum and Sara E. Kimball ,Dr. Roy Davies and Glyn Davies , Dr.Colin Narbeth , Dr.Marvin A.Powell,Dr.Jimmy Dunn,Dr.T.S.Subramanyan, et al

in this context whose articles

constitute the main body of this work.I have tried to contact all the original authors for their permissions,but due to non availability of addresses some of them could not be contacted .However I utilize this opportunity to express my indebtedness to them and thank them.

Vijaya Bhaarati

References;Articles on atalhyk, Gbekli Tepe, Neval ori (PrePottery Neolithic B) etc.; palm/olive/cinnamon branch; Abrus precatorius; Tola (unit) ; Ratti; Grain;

Garuda; Coins ; Shekel; Gharial

64. Monkey figurine; 27. Bull seal, Harappa; 154. Unicorn seal; 42. "Priest King."; Inscribed storage jar,M-1196;
126. Inscribed mold fragment; Ravi Phase Pot ; 102.Ravi Phase Motifs ; 124. Inscribed Ravi sherd; 133. Unicorn seal; 60. Seal Fragment; 25. Unicorn Seal, Mohenjo-daro; 145. Unicorn seal

Worlds Oldest Erotic Picture

4.Dr.Asko parpola for his works


a) Asko Parpola . 1994. Deciphering the Indus script/DTIS. 1994. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge

b) Sanskrit has also contributed to Indus civilization Dr.Asko Parpola C) The Indus script and the wild ass

5 .B. B. Lal, Director General (Retd.), Archaeological Survey of India Lecture given at the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi ).
Why Perpetuate Myths? A Fresh Look at Ancient Indian History
6. Roger D.Woodard
The Ancient languages of Asia minor- H i t t i t e , The Lycian alphabet;

7 Lionel D. Barnett
Antiquities of India: An Account of the History and Culture of Ancient Hindustan

8. Ancient Luwian

9. Jonathan Slocum and Sara E. Kimball

Hittite 10.

Manusmriti: The Laws of Manu 11. The Oxus river Civilization: the Bronze Age of central Asia.

12. P Gopakumar

In his Hindu article The Viiraraaya FaNam



Accounting existed in Vedic India

Earliest writing found 15.

Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, 1996 & 1999

A Comparative Chronology of Money 16. Colin Narbeth

[email protected]

The cowry shell as money

17 Marvin A. Powell Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 39, No. 3 (1996)
Money in Ancient Mesopotamia 18. [email protected]

Ancient Indian coins

19. l

The History of Coins: How We Got From Shekels to Sela'im 21.

Rice grain 22. Jimmy Dunn The Sed-festival

23. T.S. Subramanian

Bull-baiting of yore The Bhirrana potsherd

Harappan link

24. Iravatham Mahadevan, May 6 2006 |

A Note on the Muruku Sign of the Indus Script in light of the Mayiladuthurai Stone Axe Discovery

25. The Australian coin collecting weblog

Proclamation Coin - Indian Rupee


Subhash C.Kak

The Indus Script-Its Connection With Brahmi 27. J.M. Kenoyer

Hariyupia and the Rg Veda

28 .Akkadian dictionary Association Assyrophile de France Akkadian

29. Corpus of Indus Inscriptions

30 The Indus script: texts,concordance and tables(ITCT).Iravatham Mahadevan.1977.ASI,New Delhi. 31.An Introduction to Indus writing (AIIW). Bryan wells. The University of Calgary . 1998. Canada. 32.Sumer. Wikipedia 15.2.2008(SWP). 33.Ancient Egypt Myth and History (AEMH). Geddes and Grosset Ltd. 1997. New Lanark. Scotland. 34A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (ACDME). Raymond O Faulkner .1991. Griffith Institute. Oxford. 35The Hebrew Greek Key Word Study Bible. 1996. AMG International Inc. U.S.A.

36.Sanskrit - English Dictionary. Sir Monier Monier Williams. 1999. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 37Sanskrit Malayalam Dictionary. Kanippayyuur Sankaran Naambootirippaatu. 1996. Pancaangam Pustaka Saala, Kunnamkulam, Kerala. 38 Sabdataaraavali. Sriikantesvaram G. Padmanaabha Pilla .April 2000. National Book stall , Kottayam, Kerala. 39 Puraanic Encyclopedia (PEP). Vettam Maani. 1991. Current books, Kottayam. Kerala. 40 The Rigveda (RV). OMC Narayanan Nambotirippatu. 1995. D. C. Books .Kottayam. Kerala. 41 The Vedic people (VP). Their History and Geography: Rajesh Kochhar. 2000. Orient Longman. Hyderabad. India. 42 A Phrenologist Amongst The Todas (APATD). William E. Marshall. 1995. Asian Educational Services. New Delhi. 43 Iythareya Brahmanam(IB) .V.Balakrishnan,Dr.R.Leela Devi . 1992 .The Vidyarthi Mithram Book Depot,Kottayam,Kerala. 44.Life In Ancient India In The Age of The Mantras : P.T.Srinivas Iyengar .Asian Educational Services-1991

Rare Indus seal discovered in Cholistan

List of abbreviations
DTIS-Deciphering the Indus Script by A.Parpola Grk-Greek Hitt-Hittite Lat-Latin Mal-Malayalam RV-Rig Veda AV-Atharva veda. Sumer-Sumerian

The decoded Indus script

Analysis of the IVC inscriptions (Refer Bharata the

Language of the Harappans,The decoded Indus scripts and the true vedic soma, The deciphered Indus Harappan-Indo-Anatolian inscriptions etc. available on has clearly shown that the language is Bharata(svara-soundvedaliterary works of IVCbhaasha-language), a member of the Indo-Anatolian family of Aryan languages including Luwian,Hittite etc. and the writing adopts the logosyllabic style.The inscriptions contain mainly the theme Bhadraasana(throne,royal command) karsha(weight,gold,count,sound) paNa(aksha ,karsha , =money,

praise, price,prize, sun,house, agreement,gambling/chess/dice,barter,market etc.), though a few have different contents.Synonyms and praises of the king, gold and money are profusely used in the inscriptions. Bhadr(svar-sun,sky,tiger/lion)aasana(seat)=simh(lion,tiger;hamsaswan)aasana=seat/the throne/king;bhadra(king,patra-writ,)aajna(command),ajina(hide of goat or black antelope used as cloth or parchment for writing ),amsa(portion,division) etc. Karsha=weight of 16maasha(cf.maa-to measure;maana-maatra-measure)=80 rettis or 12 maasha=96 rettis(cf.satamana=100 rettis) paNapanasa(article for trade)panca(5) karaja(digits=5 or 10,claws)mana(maana-house,measure)aksha( gaming die,5,eye,wheel,snake) sana(daana-donation,gift).

Karsha being panca(5) ,the average script number of the inscriptions were generally five to indicate the count (gaNita-gaNana-count,kanaa-woman,naagaelephant,snake) of five by sound(garja-roar). paNa



baaNa(sara-arrow,5 ,water cf.karshaka-head+sara-sira-head-raaja-king) vana ( tree,house,water,nava-9;vriksha-karsha) vaana(mat,dress,net)

naava(boat,praise) pa( vana-leaf,king, cipher,water; vatiger,hand,bull,river);vakra-curve(va-kara-hand,bhuj-bent,bhuja-arm/hand,bhoga-phaNasnake cf. the bent arm indicate vakra-cakra-karsha paNa;cakra-wheelkarsha,vana-water,paaNa-hand)-na(fight,pearl,praise,prize,wealth cf.fight with tigers indicate karsha paNa;tiger-karsha,va-tiger,na-two.Hence two tigers=paNa).

Patra(writ) is shown by paatra



, . The


PaNa is gold,copper,silver etc. having the weight of a karsha vana(water) symbol is a

phaNa(snake) symbol as well which with the

karsha(ka-head,sara-arrow,tra-tri,raaja-king,raaza-naada-sound) makes karsha paNa.PaNa(palm having the shape of the hood of a snake,sama-equal,sanadaana-gift,vaNa-sound) is scales(libra sa-bird + bhaara-weight + Nasvar-

man=svarNa-bharma-gold/wages cf.libra pound.count-sound-pound sound-pound+ Na-man=svarNa-gold;svar-sun,heavenbhaara-

weight,vishnuvaara-roof,tail,sivaviira-hero,kingpaana-cup-sa-bird,god whence svarNa= svarNa= paana-jar svarNa=gold) or aksha(balance baaNa-arrow ,

cf . pan of scales

vaana-jaala-net virgo-karsha

vaama-woman.Hence in several inscriptions ,the woman symbol is also used with other karsha indicators).

Some of the karsha indicators are the elephant(garja-roar,gajaelephant),tiger(garja),vriksha(tree,karsha;sikhara-branch,sekhara-crown,vanatree-paNa,dru-tree,druu-gold etc.),nakra(graaha,garja-gharial),sarpa(cakrakarsha;svara-garja),horn(Grk.keras-horn),leg(caraNa-paada-foot,veda-pada-vacaword,bhadra-king,Lat.crus),ass(raasabha from raaza-sound and raajaking,garddabha from garja-roar and garta-throne),ibex(deer from rohita-rakta-red and garja-roar and raaja-king,hariNa-deer ,gold;nripa-king) etc. Hence in the seal M-304 the deer(rohita,hariNa=bhadra=gold,nripa-king,rohita-rakta-karsha) supports the bhadraasana(garta).PaNa(money) was the word of the king or the chief priest(cf.Kohen Gadol) and it was equivalent to the word of god.The kings roar(garja-words) reached the nook and corner of the country with the

accompaniment of

drums and

conchs or

horns(shofar) .

paNa(barter;pa-king,water;na-equal,fight,pearl)vart(trade,karsha-money;garjasound;harsha-erection) vaartaa(news,trade,Durga) bhadra(king,gold,Durga;vrisha-bull,Virgo)

Hence VanaDurgapaNa Durga. Durga-devi-ravisunsuurya-sunSakra-Indracakra-wheel cf.Mal.cakram-moneykarshaharta-sun(Heb.Heres)-paNa-Vishnu.Word is god and money.The written word of the king (writ/bulla/paNa) was traded as sama(equal) of dhana/saamaana- goods.

Na(naaga-snake,war) svar(ravi-sun;sky) = aksha dyuuta(dice/chess/fight) =

HiraNya(gold)-aksha(5,karsha;aakaasa-the sky.The sky is naaka and the snake is naaga.Naga-sun is paNa-sun-Vishnu.) ,the enemy of Vishnu. (karsha-horn of ram cf. aja-ram;aksha-karsha)dyu-sky,fire,fight;dva(ravasun,sound-count-pound)-two;svar-sky,sun;hari-Indra,tiger,lion,snake,gold+ paNa aksha dyuuta(gambling,chess)dyumna(wealth,garja-roar,karsha-paNa-money) hiraNyaaksha(killed by VishNu) RaavaNa(killed by Raama;raa-gold,paNamoney,vaNa-sound-count-pound).Vishnu-sun is paNa.

Raama is nri(king,god king).Raa is gold.Hana(killing,havana-sacrifice,hvaanacall,svana-sound,simha-lion/tiger,himsa-hana,garja-roar,sankha-cowry cf.tiger cowrysvar-sun,sound;sankhya-count) is paNa(price,money,praise,prize,bali-sacrifice,tax). Thus HiraNyaaksha=Raa-vaNa=Aja(Indra-netra-king)=paNa(money).


Dyuuta(game,fight) is dyu(fire)-ja(born)/uttha(risen) which indicates the smelting and moulding of ayas(copper and gold cf.ayas-aajya-aadya-aadya maasha-a unit of weight.Aajya is related to aja-goat,ram,Indra or sa-god,snake,bird.Many seals with the naaga-mesha-ram indicate raaja-king ,naaga-copper and hema-gold). PaNa (money,namas-praise cf.the cupped hands in praise form the fish) being pa(king,snake,water,leaf;sa-god,snake,fence,bird cf.the use of these symbols in the IVC money seals)-na(fight cf.raNa-war and ha-riNagold), sama(equal), hana(killing), hala(plough), gala(neck),kala(count),kara(hand,tax;krii-to buy) ,vana(tree,leaf,house,water),nava(new,9,praise) etc.such stories were created.SvarNa(gold) is the equivalent or fight(na) of svar(the sun-vishNu,suuratiger).The golden colour and the heavy roar of the tiger made it a favourite symbol of the garta(throne) and the karsha paNa.PaNa is also paaNa(palm,hand .The shape of the palm is similar to a serpents hood or head and trunk of an elephant represented by the unicorn).

The Anatolian tradition

Worlds Oldest Erotic Picture

February, 26 2011

German Herald

Scientist's found the world's oldest erotic picture - an image of a 12,000-year-old erect penis.DruuNa(scorpion) is taruNa( a youth).Compare this with the Kalibangan seal K- 65 where the druuna is replaced by tarunii(woman) and druma(tree).


sa(scorpion,sarpa-snake) +



nishka(money),moksha(heaven),mushka(scrotum),saasana(daana-gift,command) aasana paNa( money,praise).


The image was found carved on a stone(bhadra-petra-Bharata) by a German team digging in Turkey at the world's oldest temple- the Gobekli Tepe temple- that predates the Stonehenge by seven thousand years - and shows a headless man with an erect penis(phaNa-snakepaNa-praise) romping with mythical creatures. Jens Notroff, a spokesperson for the German Archaeological Institute, said: "In the picture you can clearly see on the carving a man's body with an erect penis."The erect penis , shows harsha(erectiongarta-thronebhadraasana-thronekarsha)

which is also shown by the aasana(seat) on the patra(bird,bhadra-gold).Bhadra(king)s aasana(seat) is garta(throne).Bhadras aajna(vrata-order) is garja(roar).

Bhadra(king,gold,Bhadra kaali-Durga)patra( girl,virgo)paala(king)


bird) baala(



There is also a giant vulture(Garuda-garta-bhadraasana-simhaasana-throne;garjatiger-simha-lion;hamsa-swan,ha-heaven) and a scorpion - and a strange disk that could be the sun(paNa-praise,prize,price,Vishnu cf.pasa whence pada-caraNafoot;bhaanu,bhaama-the sun,maapa-scale).. Images of naked women(bhadra-patra-phaNa-paNa) believed to be fertility symbols have been found that are of a similar age but this is believed to be the first showing a naked and aroused man.

The scorpion(druuNa
leaf(asvattha,patra svar),

),the bow and arrow(druuNa,bali ,paNa

),the peepul

),the tuft(cuuda,kuutasuura-the sun), tiger-lion-svar (suura),the tree(dru-

the unicorn(bhadraasva or bhadra vrishabha) etc. point to the Bharadvaaja(Bharata-Deva- DroNathrone) clan and its spread from Anatolia to the IVC .

Sanliurfa museum, God of Reproduction.

The scorpion(druuNa-Drona-sroNa-throne naaga-snake,aasana-seat) which is headless agrees with the kabandha or sroNa/sroNi-a headless body indicating aasana or throne on patra(leaf,bird,writ;bhadra-gold,tiger,king,elephant,girl,wheel,head) or hamsa(swan,sankha-conch;hamsaha-heaven,aasana-seat cf.the seat of the sungod is the heavens and the seat of the god king is the throne) / simha(lion,tiger cf.Leo is the heavens;simhajina-sun,ha-sky) or linga(phallus/palace).Gaatra(the body,karsha,garta-throne) and harsha(sikhara-erection,crest) is hamsa/ garudawinged manking/ garta-throne.In another portrait the erected phallus is held in the hands to indicate harsha-erection, garta-throne , harta-the sun and karsha-paNamoney,praise(karsha paNa-money,garta/harsha paNa-praise to the throne/palace).PaNa(hand, praise) is saya(hand,sex).Sisna(phallus,naaga-phaNasnake,baaNa-arrow,vana-leaf,paNa-hand) saasana(command,daana-gift). , indicate

VishNu(hamsa-the paNa/sun bird) is traditionally portrayed with a conch , wheel,club etc.also.This indicates the reach of the Anatolian Aryans in the Indus valley probably from the early Mehergarh period or latest by 6000- 4500 B.C. as indicated by Dr.B.B.Lal(cf. Why Perpetuate Myths? A Fresh Look at Ancient Indian History . )

A royal golden proof to the language of the Indus script.

This is svar(the sun,sky)-na(gem,like).SvarNa is hiraNya(hariNa-gold).HiraNya is bhadra(king,bull,elephant,gold).Bhadras aasana(seat) is bhadraasana(throne).So if is seen on

an aasana it is bhadraasana .Now note

etc. indicating with

bhadraasana(simhaasana-throne,throne of svarNa-gold).Similarly note hiraNya aksha(snake,eye,wheel) making HiraNyaaksha (gold money) in


Note that ka(head, ) is ra(va=kara-hand,bull;raaja-gaja) also.

sa(bird,god cf.ears are wings) and pa(king

) .Sa is

Dual use of the glyphs-as alphabet and as word/rebus word symbols- was a common practice.Dr.S.R.Rao,Dr.Madhusudan Mishra,Dr.N.S.Rajaram et al.have given more importance to the latter aspect.

Shekel is karsha
Shekel (8.33 gr.) is almost identical in weight to the karsha(9.03 gr.). 03/21/2012/Dr. Mitchell G. Bard

H-764 ka-tra(karsha cf.three headed bull) pa-tra(writ;bhadra-

king,gold;netra-king,eye,sacrifice;satra-sacrifice) patra,daatra(gift cf. ) ka(kha,pa,na,ma,ha-cipher)-tra(karsha cf.kahead,knot),raaja(king),rakta(red,copper),bhadra(king,gold),satra(sacrifice) cf. karasa

vakra(curve,virgo;va-hand,bull,tiger,varuNa;kara-hand,tax) is cakra(wheel),bhadra(gold,virgo) ;arka(sun-paNa);argha(price-paNa-sun);karsha(vabird,VaruNa=sa-bird,god).PaNa(sun) is karsha(harta cf.Heb.Heres also).


sankha(cowry nagna(naked

cf.H-3305) nagna(cf. genitals resemble phaNa-snake/sankha-cowry.Sanga is sex.Surata-sex is purada-gold.)

Hence the inscription in H-764 is karshakarsha-3

as in

m318a aasana(paNa-house cf.



bhadra (aksha-5)

paNa-aasana-seat,naaga-snake/elephant is phaNa,naaga-naaza-

nose-raaja-king cf.nose money of the Chinese which is paNa itself.Mal.piNa=sava=dead body );


karsha(paNa-money,gaja-elephant,raja-king,netra-king,Indra ) .


cf.Akshaya tritiiya(festival of

Gaja(karsha) Lakshmi is Vana(paNa) Durga(karsha-suurya-sun).

SvarNa is svar(sun-paNa;sound;haKrii( to buy) kari(gaja-elephant)

)-na(pearl) and sva(wealth;dva-two cf.




) kala(count,mark

) gala(neck)gaja(elephant)kaca(hair

cf. gira(word,hill

note the kaca of the gaja)gara(grii-swallowing cf.graaha


) sara(arrow,5 cf.


cf.kara-paNa-hand,money cf.M-


Water is money

paNa is





phaNa-snake cf.9) h728b


paNa(sun,money)-bali(tax,sacrifice) patraasana(seat of patra-leaves or bhadra-king cf.deity in tree is king on throne);vriksha(tree)-karsha(paNa);dru(tree)-druu(gold)-patra(leaf)-bhadra(king,gold)drava(fish ).

Water(bhadra-light) mark is kings mark.It is light of paNa(sun-god-king).Note the kings well Kuupa-well,bhuupa-king shaped like a patra(leaf) .Garja(lion) is garta .

Synonyms of gold



haataka, hema,gangeya, bharma(wages,gold cf.Mal.sambaLawagessama-equal,paNa-money), jaataruupa, caamiikara, kaartasvara, karbura,kaancana,tapaniiya, jaambuunada, , rukma, , ashtaapada,mahaarajata, sringi(cf,sringa-horn and horned deities indicate sringi-gold as in K-50, M-1186,K-65,M-1181,M-305 etc.) Karsha , (cf.

is 16 maasha

(paana-jar,paaNa-hands;naaza-nose cf.nose ).Tola is often taken as half karsha

money,mesha-ram cf.

whence tola=8 maasha.Ashta(eight-8) is denoted by naaga(snake,mesha,gaja cf.ashtanaaga,ashta gaja etc.).

Muruku sign
A Note on the Muruku Sign of the Indus Script in light of the Mayiladuthurai Stone Axe Discovery
by Iravatham Mahadevan, May 6 2006



Vana(dru cf.draviNa) -sikhara(saakha-branch cf. (money)karshapaNa(praise)-garta(throne).


bhadra(king,gaja-elephant,simha-lion) , paNa,8 aasana(seat,sroNabuttocks,DroNa,bhadraasana-throne is sarpaasana-seat on snake),svarNa-gold.

karsha(kara + ha/ca),bhadraasana(aasana of 3 pa cf. , , etc.),paNa,sringa(sringi-gold cf.Mal.naaranga-lemon.Naaranga is placed on a sringa to worship and as a raksha-cakra(kavaca-amulet).For this rakta-rohita-kumkum is also applied on it.),saaranga, hariNa,karsha
cf.Saarnga is a bow of Vishnu made of ivory and saarngapaaNi(saarngadhara) is Vishnu (cf.naagaking,naatra-praise,netra-king,maatra-measure,haatra-wages,haaraka-nishka,haataka-gold)

paNa( .


Karsha paNa suvarNa paNa sringi paNa saarangapaaNipaNa(Vishnu)





aasana(seat,naaga-snake;sroNa-seat;talpa-bed,sarpa-naagasnake,8;droNa-shodas-16)sroNa(buttocks)druNa(druuNa vriscika-scorpion,




druma-vriksha-tree)droNa(Bharadvaaja, seer.)

a trough,a

crow,scorpion,owl, a measure=4 aadaka=32 seer.DroNi = a trough,128

Drona(king,draviNa-svarNa-gold) can be read as shodasa(Sudaasasu-raaja) and surata(sex,purada-gold) from its components. 16(shodasa=drona=netra=king) maashas make a karsha.


In this seal the phaNa(snake,paNa cf.sisna-phallus-palace) with the is clearly visible. naaga(8,5


gaja-elephant,karsha; aksha(karsha,paNa,5,snake),paNasa,panca
cf.hastaashta-8,panca-5),svarNa bhadraasana,svarNa sa,ka anka(mark,9),anga(limb,6) svarNa


naga,naka(Sanaka,sankha-cowry,sangha-sreNisankha(from sa-tail,na-cipher,ka-karsha) paNa

business group;Mal.tanka-kanaka-gold) svarNa(hiraNyaaksha) Hence bhadraasana

naaga =kara=bhuja(arm,bhoga-naaga-snake)=panca(cf.naaga pancami;simha, ,

lion cf.Leo,sign of naaka-the sky and naga-the sun) aksha(eye,wheel,snake,5) , etc.

Patra(pa-leaf,bhadra-head,king,gold,sarpa-snake) on aasana(seat) is

patraasana(tree , ) , bhadraasana(throne, praasana-feeding,eating cf.patra=pa whence patraasana-bhadraasana-praasana) etc.Hence Vishnu is said to rest on the sarpa(Ananta) and patra( Ficus leaf) both indicating talpa(bed) and bhadraasana(throne). The human body(gaatra) being seat of bhadra(head,paada-feet,raaja-king) is bhadraasana(garta-throne) and is hence associated with the tree(patraasana-seat of leaves,vriksha-garta-karsha) in seals like H-178 B,H-179 etc.Srona(droNa) is druma(tree,marta-nara-man,drava-matsa-fishcf.Mal.naranman,maram-tree) whence (bhadraasanasiirshaasana-standing on head)


(bhadrapaada-standing on bhadra/wheel-

bhadraasana bhadra/ka aasa/sa nanishka) (patraasanabhadraasana cf.bhadra-hill). Bhadraasana has asana(eating) of bhadra(srava-anna-rice,dravafish,patra-leaf cf. fish eating alligator in M-410 and leaf eating hare in C2B7 from Mohenjo-

daro.Anna is paNa-sun and praasana is anna bhraajana-rise of anna-paNa-sun.Thus rice is rise and price.Also nishka is bhuushaNaornament-of gold.BhuushaNa agrees with bhojana-food as well!)

Hence maasha(cf.mesha-ram,naaga-elephant,snake,ram,8) paNa(karsha,panca-5) in K-100. It has alternate values as na,pa(paNa) sa,na(aasana,naaga) 16,8,5

ka,ra,sa(aja-ram,gaja-elephant,naaga-ram,naasa-nose,ravi-sa-sun bird,kalasa-paana-pot;paala-raaja-king;raajaraa-gold,sagod)nishka-money-shekel-sulka-price; naaNaka-coin; panca-5 also. eg.k-100.


+ sa(sarpa-naaga-snake cf.talpa-aasana-naaga-seat)

ka(gaja-naaga- elephant,kanaa-woman)

nishka(money,vessel/ornament of gold)

naasika(nose,nose money)


droNa( a

measure,soma jar;praasana-feeding cf.anna praasana- food offering is popular in Hindu temples even today ) + paNa(trade,money,praise;maa-measure)

Nishkacashaka(cup of gold;saasaka-king) cf.nishka on cashaka in K-100 a potsherd from Kalibangan with a

post-firing graffito.

DTIS page 65.K-100.


(kara-hand,sa-vi-bird) is paada-foot/pada-foot,word/bhadra-

king,gold,feet,1/4(cf.Lat.crus-foot,crux-cross;garta-throne-Christking;paada-feet,raja-king) whence we have Cf. 5) ashtaapada=gold.

kara(ka,ra;hara-bhadra-bhuja-bhoga-sa=god,snake,siva,king,stop) ka-tra(karsha,raaja-king,15,vana-tree)




tax,hand,trunk)kaca(hair)kasa(liquor cf.Kasyapa)raaja(king)saaza(king)saha(strength)






leaves),sarpa(naaga-snake,hema-gold),ashtaapada,druu etc .indicate gold. Kausika

(Owl cf.Athenian owl money) indicates the treasurer also.Pingala(naaga,mongoose,monkey,lion ) can be brass as well.

Haataka(gold-hariNa,bhadra-gold cf.ha-na-pa-ma-cipher.water drop), ,kataka(crab, karkafire,thorn,crab), taaraka(star),Taataka(cf.RaamaayaNa) etc.indicate gold and karsha.

HaraNa(hand,nakra-gharial) is hariNa-gold. carama(death).

CaraNa(leg) and hariNa(deer,ibex) is gold and

Fish (bhuja-hand,pada-foot) miina-Pisces maana(measure,house)maasha(5 rettis= karaja-5 fingers).Hasta(hand) is matsa(fish,mushti-fist).PaNa(sun,money) is palm as well.It is bhaama(sun),paana(jar),soma(wind,sky,madhu-alcohol),suura(sun),daana(gift),daama(house cf. savana(netra-sacrifice cf.netra-king,eye ) etc.



Sikha kaasi(sun,handful=paNa=sun)-kaparda(hair bun,pearl cf. ka-head,parda-hair);

Karshaka(head)-tra( 3,sira-head, sara-5,arrow cf. karsha-garta-throne,kiriita-crown;vana-tree,paNa-money)



naaga(snake,elephant) X=ka

Gaatra(body) Karshavarta(trade) svara(sound) Aja(Indra,ram,goat) ayas(gold) aksha(karsha-gold) aakaasa(sky) gaja(elephant-unicorn) naaga(snake,elephant,naga-sun)naaka(sky,arrow) svarNa(svar-sun,sky) hiraNya(gold).Aja

is often linked to aksha hence to make


Synonyms of copper
taamraka,sulba(cf salabha-butterfly Sumer.griskarsha),mlecchamukha,dvyashta,varishtha,udumbara

Synonyms of bronze

aarakuuta,riiti cf.

synonyms of silver
durvarNa(cf.suvarNa-gold,RVhiraNyam rajatam-gold silver.For the IVC silver was also gold),rajata(cf.dasra-ass M-457 m457a ),ruupya(cf suurya-sun cf.

karsha(bhadraasana-crux,sun-paNa=karsha paNa cf.ghasra-harta-sun Heb.Heres-sun;karta-karsha-furrowing cf.karta on gala-neck shows garja/karsha) paNa(bhadra-ravi-sun cf.viira raaya fana) aasa(face Sumer.pana-

face)24,naava-paNa-praise cf.


svarNa(svar-hari-Gold-Heres,na-pearl;sva-wealth,nri-king) is usually indicated by the bhadra(bulls) and hari(gold,Tiger,lion) seals.

Copper is the naaga(snake,rohita,elephant) seals. Arka(sun,copper,12) and rakta(red,copper,rohita-deer,raksha-amulet cf.copper amulets and taamra saasanas-copper tablets) is karsha and copper. Cf.Indra, VaruNa, Kubera, Yama, Marut,Suurya,Agni etc.denote the king as per Manu.7.7.Money is the king.God is the king.Hence god is money and it is worshipped by touching the netra-eyes to praise the king) . Arka(the sun,copper) is argha(price) as shown in the painted sherd inDTIS page55Fig.4.4.b.

kara-saghasra-harta-sun-karsha crossed and the head is bowed

karsha(svastika) paNa(sun).The arms are

when praising/worshipping the lord(king).While welcoming(namas) the hands are

held together to form a fish (paNa-money,praise) karsha(sankha-cowry) paNa(money)garta(throne)/kiriita(crown)-paNa(praise). karsha(paNa Gr.chrysos-gold-garta-throne-svarNa,Gr.phainesthai-to appear,Lat.crus-foot,cornu-horn,crux-cross;Mal.,Pers.sarkaar-government,Grk.kerashorn;Heb.heres-the sun)garta(throne;ka-head,raaja-kingkiriita-crown,sikharapeak,harsha-erection)bhadra(king,gold,bull,girl,elephant,star) panca(five,savana-yajna-sacrifice)Daksha(prajaapati-king, a year)DurgaSakra(Indra).

Bhadraasana(the throne,crown,royal writ) and its representations Bhadra(Bharata)

The symbol for


(bhadra-hill) ,










bhadra-girl etc.

Bhadraasana indicate the aasana(seat,vaahana-vehicle) of the bhadra(the king,paada-feet,raaja-king) on a bhadra(bull,elephant,tiger,lion,petra cf.Peter as the bhadra-head and bhadra-rock for the Holy Church,sarpa cf.Vishnu on Ananta naaga ) , an aajna(order) by a patra(writ,bulla) etc. Bhadr(head)aasana(seat) is gala(neck;kara-hand,gala-neck,kala-count,gaNa-groupcount;paNa-money,vaNa-sound,hara-fire,ass;hala-plough).The daama(rope,cord,wreath,garland cf.galahaara,

)/vali-fold/kala-mark on

the neck of vrisha(bhadra-bull) is daana(gift)/karsha bali-tax/paNa. Gala(kanthathroat cf.kantaka-thorn-throne draviNa-gold ) is the seat of garja(gartakarsha).

Note the second glyph from the left making a kantaka(karka-drumara-thornthrone)-draviNa-gold.Water(bhadra,Sumer.badur-water) drops (drapsa cf.Drupada-king,kaNasa-drop by drop,kaNisa-ear of corn/flower ,sakala-scale,nishka-shekel;kaNa-drop,kala-gaNa-calculate;haaragarland,hiira-garland of pearls,hema-gold;paana-jar,vana-water,paNa-money) on the paatraasana also indicate bhadraasana paNa. Cf.

, 03/21/2012/Dr. Mitchell G. Bard

The bhadraasana svarNa paNa symbol in L051a

carry the same sense.

Drachma from Lucania, c. 535510 BC

bhadrapaada (seat on bhadra-wheels)is bhadraasana(throne).

seat in bhadra(drava-varsha-water) is bhadraasana.Seat on leaf,bull,elephant bhadraasana. Sara is arrow, water and 5.Bhadra(gold,king) is pacf.Patra-birds have wings and drava have fins-wings-

sara(raaja-king cf.drava

kings.).Hence sarasayya(bed of arrows cf.Bhiishma of Mahaabhaarata) indicate bhadraasana of the king as in ,

Aasana(seat) amsa(part,division,due) amza(shoulder,cf patra-leaf on the amzashoulder of the unicorns and other karsha symbols) asana(food .Eating patra-leaf by

a hare,goat etc.

indicate patraasana-bhadraasana.Note the

aasana-seat between patra-leaves in the inscription also.This is a usual practice in the inscriptions where the scripts narrate the picture. Sasa(hare) + na(grass)saasana(vrata-order,daana-gift)




bhadraasana(throne) svarNa karsha(gold money)

panca(5) bhadraasana(throne).

Asana-eating grass-graze is karsha cf.Gaja-elephant,karsha is kusa-grass.TriNa-grass is netraking,Indra and Mitra.),

azana(throwing) by a bhadra(bull cf.M312 bhadraasana throne, panca-5 ,gaatra-body-karsha) daana(gift) naaza (nose) naada (sound,cf. roar-garja-is karsha;raaza-sound is raaja-king) saasana(daana,command) sana(daana-gift) paNa(pasa,jina-sun) aapaNa(market) etc. Bhadra(head,bull,king,elephant,girl,mountain,cipher,gold) is na(cipher) , drava(fish) and asva ( cf. bhadraasva bhadra=asvapatra of avasa-kings writ).Hence the unicorns indicate the bhadraasana bhadraasva-writ from the kings throne.This is garja(roar,gharsha-scratch) by gaja(elephant,aksha-karsha),tiger(garja-gartathrone),karta(throne),karaja(finger,claw;the fingers being 5 the karsha is usually of aksha/panca=5),gaatra(body-karsha ) ,karsha(weight,money),cakra(wheel),sikhara(branch),sekhara(crown), Sakra(Indra),Durga(goddess cf Vana Durgakarsha paNa) etc.

Karsha is karsha paNa.Kara(hand,tax) is kala( ,count) ,gaLa(neck cf.the kala on the gala of the unicorn indicate paNa),gaNa(group;gaNana-count,kanaa-woman,naagaelephant,snake),hara(garddabha ),hala(plough ) etc.

PaNa is vaNa(svana-sound).Garja ( paNa-karsha) is sabda(sound). Sound is count and

pound(libra). Sabda(sound,garja-roar) is sapta(seven).. cf.


Bhadraasana karsha(unicor n) paNa sapta(7,sabda-garja-karsha). Sound-sabda-sapta-count-pound. In M-1186 sapta(7) kanaa(women) are employed to indicate gaNana(count,kanaa-woman) by sabda(paNa-vaNa-garja-karsha-sound-count).

PaNa is maana(house cf.miina-fish and svarNa-gold ), vana( water,tree,house;nava-9,phaNa-snake),sana(gift,food) and saya(sex,hand).Counting with the index finger is simulating saya(sex act). bhadra(king,bull,gold,girl,cipher)=paNa=kaasara(buffalo)=ka(water)cara(going=drava=fish akshanetra-eye,king=karsha=gaatra-body cf

All these seals contain the idea of bhadraasana karsha(paNa).

The fish is the ibex.HariNa(ibex,gold) is haraNa(handhasta-masta-matsa cf. DTIS Fig.10.13).Hasta(bhuja-hand-fish) is matsa(fish) and masta(head-ka;ka-tra is karsha on bull- bhadra aasana.Hence it is bhadraasana karsha.) Bhadra(head,king) being paada(foot,deva-god,veda-word),in the last seal bhadra(head) is made paada(foot,siirshaasana-standing on head) and the paada(caraNa-feet,vaajafood,raaja-netra-king) is touched/kissed by bowing to show namas( .touching netra-eyes with paNa-money). Bhadra - bull,elephant,king,gold,girl,cipher Garja(roar) gaja(elephant,garja-roar),tiger(garja-roar),graaha(gharial),karsha(paNamoney,praise),garta(throne,kiriita-crown),cakra(wheel),rakta(copper,rohitaibex/markhor),Sakra(Indra,Durga),sikhara(branch,sekhara-crest),harsha(erection) The elephant(garja-karsha) on bull(bhadra) is the same as bhadra(baala-girl,paala-king) on tiger(garja-karsha).

Seated goddess on a throne flanked by two lionesses(simhaasanabhadraasana-raajaasana-paadaasana-throne) from Catalhoyuk.

Note the

paNa-fish(pa-water,king;bha-sun;na-pearl,gift;Na-dot,ornament cf.

, -paNa) and the aasana-seat of the gaja-elephant on the bhadra-bull to indicate bhadraasana karsha paNa(royal gold money,praise to the king ) or simply hasta(bhuja-hand) paNa(the conjoined palms of both hands make a fish or hasta/bhuja anjali-cupped palms). Bhadra(head,drava-fish,patra-leaf,bird) is
masta(ka-head cf. masta-ka-head).Masta(head cf.mast) nasta(nose) nashta(loss) hasta(hand-saya-paNa) matsa(fish-miina) sadma(sadana-bhavanamaana-paNa-house,sun,money,barter. cf.bha/pa/ha(svar) on vana bhavana-house as in
, , etc.make svar-Na,svar-ga(ha) etc.

bhadra(soma-madhu-liquor,bull;netra-raaja-asva-avasa-bull,king,sun)bull,king,gold,eye,sacrifice;paNa-barter,chess,palm,praise,prayer;patra-leaf;dravafish,dru-tree in M-414;srava(suuna)-rice,ear;kraya-purchase Kraya krii(buy)kara(hand,tax)+aya(4,chess cf. four digits of palm).Hence fish can have values like ka,ra,na/ma etc. bhadraasana paNa , paNya(cf.aya-four,good luck,chess=paNa) With a vaara(roof=paNa=house) it is viira bhadra(svarNa-gold cf.kaasi-sun,handful and Mal. Raasipon-gold coin)/paNa paNa(aasana=vasana=paNa=house. For the single hand to form paNa,the thumb has to form a roof on it.) palm(kara-hand,paNa-money,hasta-hand,raaja-king,asva-bull,avasa-king,sun) has karaja(fingers,claws cf.claws of tiger/lion) on it to make karsha(garja-roar,harshaerection,gharsha-clash,scratch).The four fins are four fin-gers or two thumbs and arms when bot hands are cupped(anjali) in praise(paNa) or to receive or give gifts. netra=sacrifice,eye,king(raaja.Hence raaja-kingpaala-kingpaNa-money paana-cup,jarcf.soma-madhu paana/chalice , baaNa-arrow) and viirabhadraasana/viirabhadra




aksha(eye,wheel,karsha,die for chess,5)-kaasi(sun ,handful)-mushti(fist-fish) netratraaNa(salvation),caraNa(foot,leg),saraNa(refuge),carama(death),Sarama (a dog),Naarada(sage),ntr(Egy.god),Indra(god),Mitra(god),triNa(grass),dharma (duty,law,justice) etc. ka=na=ma=ha=pa(cipher,water).Thus paNa /nava is pa + na= + ,



K-50 bhadraasana(buttocks of the bhadra-girl)-karsha(tiger)-paNa(vana-tree,sekhara-sikhara-crownkarsha) karsha(gaja cf.Sumer.kas-trader, garash- straw karsha cf kusa-darbha-sara-grass)

4.Vana(tree,paNa-sun) Durga(devi-ravi-suurya-sun) is paNa karsha. H-94 indicates bhadraasana(buffalo head)-karsha(tiger,raksha-protection,amulet,rakta-blood,red,rohita-ibex,raajaking Sumer.hurasham-gushkin-gold)

Sumer. sukur , - spear, lance cf.the trident on the head of deities.PaNa(sun) is karsha(sukursekhara-kiriita-crest,sikhara-branch,suula-spear,cakra- weapon of Vishnu,Sakra-Indra,garta-throne).


karsha paNa (paaNa-the hand is made paNa

.A kaksha karsha(

buffaloe,bhadra-bull,paatra-paana-taala-dish with the tiger-garja makes it karsha paNa). panca-5,gaatra-body-karsha) paNa

.Note the bold karaja(claws) of the tiger to indicate

karsha.Tiger(svar) +paana(na) is repeated in the glyph as gaatra+paaNa(cf svarNa-puraaNa-gold coin)

Graasa(graaha-alligator,gras-grabh-swallow) is karsha. Hence is karsha(gras-graasagraaha-nakra-hariNa-karsha) paNa.Grass grazing hare is its equivalent(copper tablet M-C2B7).

Bhadraasana(throne) or simhaasana(throne) is also indicated by by standing or sitting on toe-

harsha,standing on bull,elephant,wheel,hill in

(Vana- a tree being aasana-seat of patra-leaves is patraasana and bhadraasana-throne.Sometimes birds sitting on trees also serve the same purpose to become bhadraasana karsha) etc.Vriksha(vana-tree) is karsha.
, ,

Hence a tree is bhadraasana karsha paNa. Saasana(command,gift;suudana-promise,aasanaseat,daana-gift,naaga-snake,hema-gold;sa-naaga-sarpa-snake,god) is shown by sazana(killing) of the kaasara(karsha) or sasa(hare-hari) with na(tri-na=grassnetra-king,sacrifice,eye).

Karsha paNa is Word Money. suudana(promise;nikshepaNa-deposit) is suurya(sun,naaga-nagasun) and puraaNa(suvarNa,money).It was the paNa(word,agreement) of the god king.

Hearth(bharata,karsha,harta) and heart(hrit) is karsha paNa. Note the paNa(fish) in the hrit(heart,harta-ghasra-sun) of the gaatra(deha-body) indicating karsha paNa in

DTIS page 55 Fig.4.2 Gaatra(body)is karsha. Hrit(heart,harta-sun) is karsha.Fish(paNa) at the heart of the gaatra indicate karsha paNa.

Sangharsha(fight) indicate karsha paNa. Bulls and lions fight to indicate karsha paNa. In k065a bhadraasana karsha is made by making the tiger(karsha) the aasana(seat,buttocks) of the bhadra(kanaa-woman) and also by making a bhadra(virgo-karsha) as the aasana(seat) of the


spears(sangharsha karsha paNa) which is the equivalent of karsha paNa



traya(3,tra) bhadraasana karsha(tiger seat

of bhadra) paNa(vana-


fight).Ka-tra is karsha(Durga-simha).

Druma(tree) snake,elephant)droNa(


Sikhara(branch)/sekhara(crown) indicate karsha.

Sound(garja-roar) is count and karsha(raja-king,raaza-sound).Bhadra(kanaa-girl;gold,king ) is svar(sun,sky cf. svarNa )and sarpa(naaga-snake ) .Garja is cakra and sarpa.Drum is
, , .Hence the drum is

paNa(soundcf.sabda-pataha-drum) and garja(gharsha,karsha) cf.

shown with the tiger(garja-karsha) in H-182.

Parda(hair) is bhadra(king,gold) and karsha.Hence the hair is seen to raise on arms of deities( so called bangles),the back of elephants,the neck of bulls and unicorns etc. to indicate karsha by harsha( rise of hair,sex organs,hands,feet etc.).

sa,ka(head,bird) ka,sa ra



sa karsha(cf.




Note the bhadraasana

: :,

indicated by the aasana(hoof cf.vartaka-

hoof,trader,worshipper,bronze) of the bhadra(bull),the harsha stand of the feet(caraNa , Lat.crus-karsha),the patra(leaf) formed by the bent and dent of the thighs and legs,the harsha on the hands and the sekhara vana( karsha paNa ) crown.

Bhadraasana(throne ) is also bhadra(king, paada-leg/foot,deva-god,veda-word)aasana(seat) whence the deity is made to sit(aasana) on the upright feet/toes(paada/bhadra cf.bhadrapada as in also.

DTIS page 91. H-3305 .An amulet from Harappa. Bhadraasana Karsha(bhadra-virgo on toe with raised hands in a garja/harsha pose) paNa(paana-jar,vaama-vanita-woman,vaNija-trader).

The bhadra(bull)/gaja(elephant) combination result is achieved by the particular

pose of the bhadra(girl,gold,king) itself .Karsha is raksha(kavaca-amulet cf.


etc. has svar-sun,heaven as raksha or kavaca-protection.Svar-paNa-sun is karsha-ghasra-harta-

Heres-sun. Bhadraasana(king) paNa(praise,money) is the equivalent of modern praise the lord(cf.karsha-gartathrone-Lat.crux-cross-Christ-the Xaviour. kara


blood,rohita-ibexraaja-kingdasa-10dos-hand.Hence dasaraaja-10 kings and Dasaratha- king with ten ratha-chariots also. The Roman numeral has its source in IVC.)

Naaga(snake,gaja-elephant,mesha-ram,paana-jar,raaja-king,hema-gold,nagnanaked,sankha-cowry) ka(head),sa(bird,god) cf.gaja(elephant) is ka(head) of sa(god,bird,snake). Cf.aadhaka(kamsaGunjagarjakarsha)=1/4 droNa=8 saraava=4prasthas=16 kudavas=64 palas=256 karshas=4096 maashas=nearly7lbs.11ozs.avoirdupois

nagna( gna,sankha na)naaga(snake,elephant,ram;hema-gold;8) gnaa(know)naanaka(coin)kanaa(woman)kanaka(nishka-gold) simha(lion,tiger) Harsha(erection,joy) shows harija(horizon),garta and harta(sun,Heb.Heres). Harsha of nagna(naked) +paatra(jar) 8(nagna-naaga) karsha(harsha) writ(patra,paNa).
The price(paNa) of the amulet was probably 8 karsha.


bha(sun,star;pa-water)-sara(arrow,water;sira-head);vajra-weapon of

Indra;cakra(weapon of Vishnu)parda(hair)pajra(soma) patra(writ,wing,leaf)paatra(jar,patrawrit,leaf,bird)paartha(king,bhadra-king,Bharata)paana(cup) paaNa(hands)bhaama(the sun)naava(boat,praise) Naaga(elephant,snake,gaNana-counting) is ashta-8 which means it is the anjali with both hands(8 digits).

paNa(money,praise) is phaNa(aksha-eye,snake,wheel)






Paana/paNa/saasana(daana) is sazana(killing,sacrifice cf.yajna or medha) and sa(god,snake,bird,with)-aasana(seat),sadana( daama,dhaama-house;daana-gift) etc. , , , house,cf.

ka,pa + ka,pa + ka,pa ka-tra (karsha-paNa,phaNa-hood) patra(bhadra-king,gold;naatra-siva,praise;netra-eye,king)vi(patra-bird,bhadra-asvabull,arrow) sa(bird,god cf.king is god) karta(throne) garta(throne) karaja(finger,claws) garja(roar cf voice of the king . Winged bull is kings bulla)gaja(elephant,Sumer. kas-trader)tiger(garjaroar)cakra(wheel)bhadra(virgo) varta(barter,trade) vrisha(bull)varsha(year)harsha (saya-paNa).

ka(head)-tra(tri)karsha.It is seated(aasana) on a bhadra(bull,king,gold,girl).Hence this is bhadraasana karsha.Its equivalents are seen in bhadra(bull,buffalo)+garja(lion,tiger,elephant) ;bhadra+gaja(elephant) etc.


ka-tra(karsha cf.H-764) gaatra(karsha)

ka(kha)-tra(karsha;ka=granthi-knot cf.H-147) gaja(garja-karsha)

gaja(elephant,visa-man,trader cf.Sumer. kas-trader,aksha5,karsha)naaga(elephant,snake,ram/goat/ibex,raaga-raaja-king)naaka( arrow,sky)kanaa( woman cf.woman+elephant in seals)naaza(nose cf.elephants


nose as the uni-hor n)mesha(ram)maasha(weight of 5 rettis cf.


Even now some of the rupee notes issued by the Reserve Bank of India( ) whose


contain the tiger(karsha) and the palm(paNa,Mal-pana-palm cf.

show the garja(lion- from the lion capital,tiger,elephant,snake) symbols being the descendant of the karsha paNa/punch(cf.karsha-panca-5,gharsha-punch) marked coins as seen

karaja-finger,palm;taalapaaNa-palm;taala-daana-sana-gift ,dhana-wealth etc.)

in these banknotes

, Compare the first note with the three-headed bull(karsha). Note the watermark(white area).Water(vana,bhadra) is money(paNa,svar)


vana(water)nava(nine)phaNa(hood of snake)paNa(money,praise).

Note the boat(naava=paNa)

in the third note.

These will help us make the following reading for M-290a.


bhadra(paada-foot/legraaja-paala-kingdeva-god,1/4,baala-girl) aasana(ass;raasabha-garddabha-asskarta-garta-thronegarja-roarkarsha-Mal.kezha-ibex cf.


) .The ibex (rohita-rakta-redgarta-thronekarsha .Mal.kezha) and the ass (garddabha

Mal.kazhuta) has the same role of indicating karsha by garja(bray,roar).


leaf,nripa-king,hariNa-gold;ass-sa+parNa =svarNa)


Bhadra(gold,paada1/4,rishabha-bull) being hiraNya and aasana being aksha(sa) bhadraasana is the equivalent of hiraNyaaksha in several inscriptions.


parNa(leaf,palm) with

varaNa(fence,wall,Indra,camel cf.nripa-king).

The RBI emblem has the palm and the tiger itself,a true Harappan inheritance and continuity of the IVC tradition into the present(cf.J.M.Kenoyers classification of IVC).The RBI issues rupee (cf.rupya-coins of gold or silver ;rupyasuurya-sun-paNa ) notes in the place of the karsha paNa issued by the IVC priest kings.

PaNa(prize,praise,price) is vana(


olive branch-vana given away palm vana performs paNa-praise

as prize and praise-paNa.On palm Sunday, of Christ-garta-kiriita-the king.)

DTISpage55. Fig.4.4

Crux(cross,cakra-wheel,Sakra-Indra,karsha) is garta(throne,cf. crus-foot) and karsha(sankha-cowry). PaNa(money,Vishnu;arka-sun,copper) is harta-sun cf.Heb.Heres.PaNa(sun)+Cross(sa-bird) panca(five)karsha.


ka-sara(karsha) cf.






Karsha(gaja ) = paNa (cf.baaNa) ; pa-sara (bhadra gold,king;garta-throne; Bharata ; vajradiamond;pajra-strong,rich;varta-trade;varsha-year; drava-fish;srava-ear,rice;Durga;sarva-whole;Sarga, etc.) naaga(king,elephant,8,copper).Bhadra naaga(Mahaa bhadra) is the unicorn itself.Bhadra(elephant) indicate bhadra(king,gold,girl) and bhadraasana(throne). Hence this is bhadraasana karsha . Aksha (karsha,5)karshakaraja(finger)garja(roar)gaja(elephant)ka(head/bull)sa(god,snake) kaca(hair)kasa(whip,liquor)saka(year)saha(strength,a month)


+sa = = (bird,= ma,sa,na cf.M-Z-N sama-equal) kaca(hair,kesa-vishnu-

sun),gaja(karsha;naaga-elephant,8) maasha(naaza-nose,raja-king)mesha(ram)


head,bhadra-head,king,gold,sa-god,bird,naaga-snake,elephant;kanaa-woman;kanaka-bhadra-gold;patraleaf,writ,bird,word cf.H-3305)

Thus aksha(karsha,5,eye,wheel,snake) aja(ram,Indra)gaja(elephant)saha(strength)sa(god,bird,snake) gaja ksha(narasimha-nritunga-great king) ka(head,ha-moon,sky,vishnu,siva)sa(god,snake),ca(moon) saka(year,a warrior tribe) saha(powerful,the month Maargasiirsha;sama-equal)







The conjoined bhadra(bull

,paatra-palm,vessel cf.

) and gaja(garja-karsha)

in these seals indicate bhadraasana(bhadra-bull)karsha(gaja-

elephant).Hasta(hand) is gaja(unicorn-elephant)+ta(sa-bull) as in H096,M-300 etc.Hasta-hand,palm matsa-fish masta-headnasta-noseashtaeightpanca-5 Daksha-Prajaapati etc.


bhadraasana(throne) panca(5) karsha cf.Note the azana-throw of the gaatra-

karsha by the bhadra(kaasara-karsha)-bull . It is performing

azana-throw to indicate

bhadraasana.Kaasara-buffalo is karsha.Gaatra-body of man is also karsha.

Iraavata (svar-the sun, Iraavata is svar reversed.Mal.savaari-journey.) is the gaja(elephant;garja-roar,aksha-wheel) used by Indra(netra-king;cf.gajendra-gaja that is Indra) as his vaahana(vehicle Tiger(garja-karsha) is fire(ra-Jaatavedas).Ra+ra+saraaja(bhadra-king,woman,elephant,bull,gold,vartabarter).Raa is gold/gift and Iraavata is Revata(devata-god) and raapada(foot,word) also. The woman(bhadra-karsha.Kanaa(kanya-virgo,kanaka-gold)-woman is naagaelephant cf.Hitt.gazan-lady;gin-shekel.Heb.kenaa-smith,kaanaa-to earn,save) is sa/sha.She is the equivalent of the bull in M-312 and the woman in K-50,K-65,,H3305 etc.employing bhadraasana karsha(she is bhadra-woman on the aasana-

seat of the bhadra-elephant and is performing azana-throw of the tigerskarsha).Karsha(tiger) on the aasana of bhadra(elephant,woman) is bhadraasana karsha.Since the tiger is svar(suura-tiger,va) two of them(na) and the fight(na) make svarNa and paNa . With the aksha or the same as coin) Note harsha(erection) by kaca(hair) of gaja(bhadra-elephant) , the gazan(lady), the wide open mouth(garja) of the tiger and the aksha(cakra-wheel;gaja). Hence bhadraasana karsha(harsha) is shown by the elephant(bhadra) and the woman(bhadra) also. Cakra(aksha-wheel) is bhadra(gold,king),karsha,rakshaprotection,raaja-king, Sakra(Indra) etc.Aksha(bhadra-cakra-wheel cf hiraNyaaksha , ,the elephant is gaja-naaga- bhadra or and naaga(elephant) is 8. If we add the two(tiger) na above it becomes svarNa(hiraNya) aksha svar, na , na indicating

hiraNyaaksha(svar-Nagold Mal.svarNa cakram or tanka naaNayam-gold

bhadranaaga-the unicorn) is 5

and one(sa) woman to it,the total is 16.There are 16 maasha(each weight of 5 retti;naada-soundcountgaNana-countkanaa-womannaagasnake,elephantnaaNaka-coin).Thus the number of naada(paNa-vaNa-sound) in the inscription indicate the maasha(naada) or karsha(garja-sabda-sound). The inscription becomes bhadra(elephant) aasana(woman+tigers) karsha(cakrawheel).

DTIS page 183.Fig.10.7 2karsha(taaraka-star,tilaka-bindi,kaasara-buffalo,tolaka-sulka-money,tax. PaNa is sama-equal shown by the tulaa-scales and the principle of barter trade).

Bhadraasana(throne (two taarakas).

) paNa(

cf.paNa granthi-purse) karsha(taaraka) 2

PaNa(money,praise) is saya(sex,hand)

kri-giri-sana(conch,gold ) and tri(giri

) fingered karsha paNa hand

available on Srii(the sun,light,word,wealth) is tri(three) . Athari(finger) is adri(mountain,aatreya-king) .Karasaakha(finger) is prakaasa(light).Karabha(finger)-na(like,two) is girvaaNa-praisepaNa..Kabri(made up hair bun-pa)-na(two) is also girvaaNa/paNa. Prakaasa is pra(sira-head)-kesa(hair). The Harappan gods were given trident like kirii-ta (crown;giri-hill,da-hill tri-dathree hillsTritagartakarsha) .The word of the priestking is the word of god or veda.In the kurbaana
( karsha + paNa-roof Mal.vaana-sky) ,

(svarNa) note the ghar(karasa cross-cup; Heres-harta-sun) formed by the priest by crossing the paNa(bhuja) holding the kaaza(cashaka-cup) and piilaaza(paatra- plate). The money unit Kaakinigagana(nabha-paNa) san-kha shell cypraea moneta
or (svarNa,paNa)


PaNa wt . of copper used as a coin 20 maasha 4 kaakinii 4x5 (=20)maasha Kaakini Maana

a Gunja seed,the shell Cyprea Moneta,20 kapardas or cowries or PaNa

;gunja,a cubit,the fourth part of a Danda or 5maasha


Kaparda-a small shell or cowrie used as a coin 80 (16x5=8x10)kaparda


elephant,hema-gold.Gold is ashtaapada-eightfooted and ashtanaaga make naaga the number eight-

8.)1 paNa or as a die in gambling; braided and knotted hair

Kaakaa crow, tilaka ,a measure( cf. droNaa crow )

Kabandha RV,AV (a large cask or barrel, a headless body

) can be a kaparda(cowrie

) whence we


and the double buns .KarNa-ear is karsha.KarNanakra(nose)


) hariNa(deer,hiraNya-gold).Kaparda(bun

) being paNa

kara(gaja-garja-karsha) +

paNa karsha paNa.

Kapardin RV.10.102.8 wearing braided and knotted hair, Rudra and Pushan , author of RV.1.60.1.

The Hoof Evidence to the script

The hoof : : indicates the seat of the bull(bhadra-king,gold,good luck) or bhadraasana(throne).It is aya(4,good luck cf.ayasgold).Vartaka(hoof,trader,bronze) is kaparda(shell,hair-bun) also.

M-1181 svarNa karsha(garta)/karsha paNa .


va(pa-water,vana-paNa cf.water mark of the present Rupee)-

is sva-wealth and nri-king.)ka rsha(kaasara-buffalo,kalasa-pot,sulka-tax, lakshamark,nishka-money) or ka-pa-rda-karsha.Note the vana(tree,bun-paNa-vana) on the head indicating paNa and the harsha(erection of hair) on the hands indicating karsha apart from the bhadraaasana(hooves) and hiraNya utthaana paada(harsha by the seat on toe or feet-paadaraajaking ).Bhadraasana(throne,bhadra-raaja-king) is aasana(seat) on paada(feet,raaja-king,devagod,veda-word of godking).

Money is paNa and mana/mina. Cash is( kaasi-sun,handful),karsha,gaja,kaaca and Sumer.kas etc.

Kola is karsha(ghasra-harta-sun-paNa,Heb.Heres-sun)

m507b ananta bhadra (Ananta naaga-hema-gold is seat of paNaVishnu-sun) padmavyuuha which killed Abhimanyu(Mbh.).Bhadra(king,gold) is sarpa(snake,cakra-wheel-karsha-Sakra-Indra).

m508b padma vyuuha

ananta bhadra

Kola(cf.tola) is suura(harta-sun).It ivolves bhaata vandana (worship of dawn) by bandhana(endless knot) of the bharta(husband,bhadra-lord)s paada(feet) by the woman.kola(PaNa) is praise.

Bali(Sacrifice) is paNa(Money,praise)
(kara-hand,tax;paNa- money, sun, praise,barter,chess; bali-sacrifice,tax,archer;

asva-bull,avasa-king,sun; mesha-ram,maasha-5 retti; hana-killing;havana-sacrifice; hara-fire,ass,Siva-paNa; hala-plough; kala-count;gala-neck note kala on gala of the hariNa-ibex,gold)

A deity with a horned headdress(karsha paNa,Daksha) and

bangles(harsha-karsha) on both arms, standing in a pipal (sacred fig;vriksha-karsha) tree (bhadraasana,tree is patraasana-aasana of patra which again is paatraasana-aasana on paatra which is a normal symbol in the unicorn seals ) . A human head(bhadra) rests on a small stool(aasana) over the sapta(devata,divasa,dvija;sabda-sound/count or the simple word bhadra-king,auspiciousness.Sapta bhadra is the sabdavoice of bhadra-the king/auspiciousness) kanaa(bhadrawoman;naagaaasana.Hence bhadra naaga/bhadraasana is indicated.This agrees with the paatra/patra aasana for the godking.). A ram( bhadra naaga-mesha-maasha) is shown.The bhadras wear a single plumed headdress(kaparda with harshakarsha;parda-hair,bhadra-woman,king,bull,gold), and bangles on both arms(harsha-karsha) . PaNa is bali(netra-sacrifice).MoneynaaNya

nayana(eye)netra(sacrifice,nayana,king) Bhadraasanapuruda(gold,purusha) aasana (seat) purodaasa(Holy bread) Karsha garta(throne) rakta (blood cf.rohita-ibex) This is the eucharist.Thus money is sacrifice and praise to the god king.This principle of paNa(money) as bali(sacrifice) is truly vedic and can be seen in several seals.
The chopped bhadra(head ) on a stool(aasana) and the paatra(vessel ) aasana(seat) indicate bhadraasana. Karsha is shown by the deity with the horned(karsha-keras-sekharacrest) head and the hair harsha on the hands of the deity and the karsha(bhadra-virgin,gold) virgins.The ficus(paNa-vanatree) and its leaves (vana) indicate paNa(sun,karshamoney,praise).Naaga(hariNa-ibex,deer;mesha-ram,hemagold,raaja-king;garja-roar-karsha;Mal.kezha-cry.Sans.rohita-red

deer cf.Mal.kazhuta-gardabha-ass from its bray or cry.) indicate medha-sacrifice,maasha-5 retti weight etc.also. A Rohita(cf. purohita-priest) indicates karsha by its rakta(red) varNa(colour,parNa-leaf- hariNa-deer,gold) and garja(paNavaNa-sound). Sazana(hana-havana-sacrifice;saasana-daana-gift,order;hanapaNa;sadana-house). patra(writ=garja-roar=karsha=paNa)

is bhadra(good luck,king,gold,girl) ,Bharata, drava(fish),satra(sacrifice) etc. Sapta(7) bhadra(girl;kanaagaNana-count,vaama-woman-paNa,vanita-vanija-trader) indicate sabda(garja-karsha)

Bhadra(karsha) and is similar to

svarNa (Daksha cf.


paNa-money,hand;kara-hand,tax;haraNa-hand;nakramakara-gharial;hariNa(gold,cf.ibex),ma karsha cf. ta(tail ,kara+ta-

daatra-gift,raatra-satra-sacrifice,raaja-king-karsha )

-paNa-karsha), na(nakra),5,bhadra(raaja-king cf. , aksha/karshapanca(5),bandha(bond),mana(paNa),

maasha(maana-maatra-measure,medha-sacrifice) patra(paatra-jar,paNa,satra-sacrifice,saadara-with respect,bhadra-king/gold,karsha cf.. , ,


Hence the inscription is


karsha( hariNa,paNa raaja-karsha,aksha-panca5) - bhadraasana karsha paNa (horned deity-karsha paNa on paatra aasana-pot seat with patra-vana-leaf)patra(writ,bhadra-gold) -sapta karsha paNa(vaama-virgokarsha,sapta-7,sabda-sound-count-pound)

The horned(horn

is the crosssa

god, horn-sound-count) deity

(karsha,harta-sun) is placed in a tree(vrik-ksha karshasha-man) to show prakaasa-light, Vrishaa(Indra) and bhadraasana(throne).

The bharata(fire,praata-dawn,pa-tra


jar,bhaarata-fire) symbol

ka,sa(gaja) is placed close to the foot of the

deity along with the head(bhadra) of the sacrificial victim on the altar(standaasana) and the praying chief priest(paNa-praise).It shows bhadraasana(gartaroyal throne),amsapatra(deed of partition),bhadra aajna(royal order or

command),ajina patra(writ on animal hide) etc. Bhadraasana (kings seat, royal order, girvaaNa)is also shown by the deitys seat(aasana-seat,aajna-order) on the paatra(jar) with patra(leaves,writ) and also by the sapta(seven,sabdavoice,word,garja-garta-karsha) bhadra(women,king) at the bottom of the sacrificial scene.The seven women also show the seven flames(saptaarchis) of the fire and savitri. Prakaasa(light) is prasaada(divine food) and vriksha(tree,preksha-sight,karsha).

Vriksha(patraasana-bhadraasana paatraasana cf.

or the

paatraasana of the deity in this seal.The karta-garta-seat is covered with patra-leaves and bhadrasandal,turmeric,gold and placed on vartaka-hooves,bronze etc. to make it bhadraasana) is

vrika(wolf,jackal,tiger,kshatriya;bharga-arka-the sun;nripa-king)-sa(god),ta(tail)



The Egyptians sacrificed their king(vrika) in the Sed(vrika-ta,sa,bulls tail) festival and ate him as the divine food(prasaada-divine foodprakaasa-light).The Christians eat the body of
the Christ in the same belief.

Note the yajnavriksha(Fig tree) in which the agna(fire,king) god is seated like the Christ on the cross. Yajnavriksha is agnaprakaasa(sunshine). Now let us look at the inscription in this seal.

salabha-butterfly, silpa-ornament;sulba-copper,sacrifice; siri-locust-trikrii,Sumer.giris-butterfly,mothkarsha-garta(throne)-garut(wings cf .Garuda).

ghar- sa(cf.ghar-paNa-house with sa is karsha-paNa and gaatra-

deha-body as in





khala- sakalasa



sa(svar-heaven) of

sara(baaNa-arrow,paNa-sun) or

kusa/gaja/Indra/netra is god .



sha,gaatra-karsha (marta Mitra,Marut-wind,Dharma-

law,mudra-seal,srii-nri-king,krii-purchase,panca-5.Panca paana is pancabaaNakaamadeva).Hence the inscription can imply

Srii (Sarva srii)



From paatra(jar)- patra(leaf)- aasana(seat) we have bhadraasana(royal throne) .


ra or sa


bhadra(king,bull,happiness,auspiciousness), bharata(fire,paartha-king), praata(dawn) and patra(writ). The seven women(kanaa) make gnaavas(praise) and bhadra(karsha) sabda(auspicious speech or word of the king).Bhadra sabda is AUM or garja(karsha-karas-deed/action,saras-head) Hence the inscription reads: Srii(His highness/holiness) Bharata netra(king Bharata) tridasa(divine) bhadraasana(throne,order) patra(writ) gnaavas(praise,speech) which means writ of praise to His Highness King Bharata and his sacrifice or an order of King Bharata .It is also svarna silpa (nishka)karsha bhadraasana patra(writ).This seal is thus very closely related to the svarna karsha seal M-1181.

Sisna(phallus-palace,saasana-daana/order,paNa-money,pa) god,karsha,15,na) karsha(paNadraviNa-svarNa-gold)

raaja(aadara-obeisance,sanaaga(king,naaNaka-coin;nagnasvar,pa,aa na

naked,gaNana-count,ankana-mark,hema-gold,8,sanka-paNa shell money)



king,gold;writ),vi=sa=bird.Hence the inscription is



naaga(8,naaNaka,sankha paNa)



( cf.


na paNa


Bhadraasana is shown by the patra(leaf) on the aazana(shoulder) of the gaja(unicorn-karsha),by the gharsha/laksha-scratch marks on its gala(neck,garja-cry).The unicorns keras(horn cf.kara-trunk of gaja,hand,taxpaNa) shows karsha by its harsha( hair erection/whorls).

The paatraasana(pot seat-bhadraasna-throne) is decorated with drapsa(drops) of bhadra(water=vana=paNa) to make it bhadraasana paNa.

h728b vana(tree)-paNa(money)-bali(tax,tree); patraasana(seat of leaves)-bhadraasana(throne) paatraasana(seat as paatra-jar);vriksha(tree,karsha.Hence trees denote bhadraasana karsha paNa)

h742b paatraasana cf.M-1186 seat on paatra-jar(patraasana-seat on patra-wings bhadraasana-simhaasana-paNa-kings seat or throne).cf.mahaapaatra-chief minister;mahaabhadra(Siva-Mahaarudra,Ganga);Mahaaviira-Vishnu,Garuda,Lion,a sacrificial vessel etc.

Viira(hero)bhaara(weight,Vishnu)vaara(roof,cup)paana(cup,jar)baaNa(arrow) cf.

The tree and the stand convey the same bhadraasana(throne) message.


bhadraasana karsha paNa(Note the replacement of the paatraasana

paana-pot-paatra-sarpa which agrees with the patra-parNa-vana-leaf

by the

. Patra +naaga is

bhadranaaga(bhadraasana-karsha-vrisha-unicorn).Note the garja(cry/roar) -kharsha(vali-fold/whorl) on the gala(neck,kala-count-sound-pound) to indicate bali(paNa-money).

Patra(leaf,writ; drava-fish)pa(va-2)+tra(tri3)=panca(5)bhadra(king,bull,elephant,gold,good luck,virgo,paNa,karsha,paada1/4)paatra(paanapot,paNa) shown in front of the unicorn(gaja-karsha). Unicorn(gajagarjakarsha) + leaf(patra,parNa,vana-pa) + pot(paana-phaNa-naaga-na) karsha paNa


karsha paNa.HariNa(deer,gold;hemanaaga pa,bhabhadra naagaunicorn,rohita-

rakta-red;garja-garta-karsha-Mal.kezha) paNa.The pot/snake fish .Aja is Indra.Garja (bray or cry) of kezha(rohita-red deer,ibex,rising red sun) and kazhuta(raasabha,garddabhaass) make them garta/karsha symbols. Thus unicorn(garja-gaja-roar)elephant(garja-gaja-roar)ibex(kezha-garja-roar)ass(kazhutagarddabha,raazabha-garja-roar)tiger(katuva-garja -roar)gharial(mutala-garja-roar)karsha All these animals indicate Karsha paNa or garja paNa(vaNa-sound-count-pound). Added to these are the gharsha(pounding-sounding-counting) instruments that produce garja and indicate karsha like karsha paNa , , .cf. H182a

kara(arms) paNa(palm,sun,money,praise,price,phaNa-hood of snake)bhadraasana(garta-throneka-rashaka-la-sashekel;sulka-price,tax;nishka-money) . Tiger is garja(karsha-panca-5).The three glyphs syllabically denote karsha paNa as done by the tiger(karsha) and the drummer(paNava-drum,paNa-money).The garja(hiss) of the kaasara(buffaloe) is karsha.A druuNa( seat;sroNa-buttocks-throne) or scorpion, sarpa(cobra) is karsha . A


bow) is aasa(face,aasana-

garta(throne,chair;aasana-seat;aajna-order) and Panjara(body) has a panca(5,karaja-digit) in it


gaatra(panjara-body cf.panca-5) is karsha. and panca , is karsha( , aksha,


kara) cf.H-182b.

karsha(cakra-wheel,Sakra-Indra,panca-5 whence five karsha-svastika-signs are there.) sa kara paNa(price,praise;patra-bird,writ;bhadra-

king,gold,auspicious)bhadraasana(gartakarshaka-la-sashekel;sulka-price,tax;nishkamoney;Sakra-Indra-king.Karsha paNa is price by the king and praise to the king). The harsha(erection) of kaca(hair cf. garja of gaja) is also karsha and is visible on the back of the Gaja in Karsha/garja-roar/gaja elephant is matched by the cakra(aksha-bhadra-wheel karsha-Sakra-Indra) placed at the top.Cakra-wheel is taaraka(star cf.M-305) and tilaka(bindi).All indicate karsha.Vriksha(tree) and vrisha(bhadra-bull,virgo,elephant) have taaraka(kv) in them.Hence star(karsha,vrisha)+tree(vana-paNa) or bull(bhadra-vaaha-paaNa-paNa cf.DTIS page213.Fig.12.3) indicate karsha paNa.

cf.H-179b karsha(taaraka-star,gaatra-body) paNa(vana-tree,nava-9,new,praise)patraasana(seat of leaves,bhadraasana-throne)




: :caturanga-paNa-chess,aya-4,good luck,chess die) aksha

Cowries counted in singles .

etc.and in fives (kara=ka,rakala-countgaNa-group)

is vetra-yashti-danda-rod,kara-hand,bhadra-stop,rod,king etc. Aksha(akshaya-Vishnu,aakaasa-sky-svarsvar-Na-gold) indicate kshaya(destruction cf bhadra-cipher)


Naaga(elephant,ram,snake)/kanaa(woman) /nagna(naked,gaNana-calculation) shows naaNaka,gaNana and copper. Copper(cobra-sarpa-naaga-snake;nakra-gharial) is kubera(svar-sun cf.Nava nidhi nine treasures of Kubera is paNa nidhi of copper.PaNa(money) is phaNa(snake).Its bera(body) is bent(ku-evil,su-good) The bhadra(bull,tiger) indicate gold(karsha)..


hiraNyaaksha (gold; cf.rohita-red deer;rakta-red;garta-throne;karsha)

Rare Indus seal discovered in Cholistan

7 February,2012


LAHORE, Feb 6: The Punjab University archaeology department has discovered a rare Indus seal in steatite material with carved figure of Ibex with two pictographs from Wattoowala, Cholistan, during a survey of different sites near Derawar Fort along the ancient bed of River Hakra.

The seal dates back to 2500-2000 BC.

Karsha suvarNa aksha(karsha,5) /viira bhadra aksha(karsha,5).

Bhadraasana(suvarNa,Karsha,panca) paNa aksha(5,karsha,trade).Note the karsha(aksha) on the tail,body,neck ,head and horn of the ibex(rohita-rakta-raajaking).Vaara(tail,cup,times,ta) is paana(cup) ,paaNa(kara) , paNa(money,praise) and viira(king,hero cf.viira raaya faNa of Kerala).Vaara with the sa(cross) is varsha-rain(,vrisha (bull,Indra) and karsha.The aasana(amza) has the patra(leaf,bhadraking,gold,auspicious) mark.Laksha(mark) is aksha(karsha).Capra is karsha and vrisha(bhadra cf.pardos).The long horn of the hariNa(horn,ibex,gold) indicate karsha.If the garja(roar
cf.pradaaker,pundariika,pandara etc.) of elephant,tiger,lion,snake,leopard/panther(cf.Grk.Leon,pardos),jaguar,alligator etc. make them Karsha significators the ibex qualifies for this by its garja(cf.Mal.kezha-garja-karsha) its

rohita(rakta-red,garta-karsha) varNa(colour,nripa-king,parNa-palm,leaf keras(sekhara- crown) also. Karsha is denoted by garja(roar-

) and

gaja, tiger,lion,snake,gharial), vrisha(bull,buffalo),vriksha(tree,asvattha,palm,saal etc are patraasana and bhadraasana),harsha(rising hair,sex organs,hands,feet ) etc. The ibex is karsha(garja-roar,Mal.kezha)..

The first glyph is derived from svarNa(gold)


patra(parNa-leaf;bhadra-gold) +


The second glyph is aksha(karsha,5,snake) paNa(sun,sound;phaNa-snake).


Hence this is svarNa aksha or hiraNya aksha(svarNa karsha ) itself.

The ibex as hariNa(deer) indicate gold.But as rohita-rakta-red is rakta/arka-copper.


dasa -10(da cf.




The Dholavira sign board

va(hand,haraNa-hand,nakra-makara-graaha-alligator,netra-king),ma,a(aksha,akshara) na,ka,ha,pa,ra-cakra-bhadra-cipher na(anna, manana-homage,reverence cf. Mal.mannaking,mahaa-great,naama on the forehead of Brahmins,Raama cf.naranri;raaja,srii etc.indicate manana) ra,a ka sa na,ra(rakshaNa, akshara-final beatitude,lakshaNa,KrishNa)

bhadra(head,king;patra-leaf),ka(head,kaparda-hair bun) aasa-seat,raaja-king,dasa-10,ksha na(aksha-bhadra-cipher;pearl;raaja-king;ratha-wheel,chariot)

in the inscription on the copper tablet C2B7.

This is the bhadraasana(palace/temple) of king/god Manana/Mahaa/Anna/Raama- RakshaNa/krishNa or Raama Akshara. aasana is also kshaNa(feast/festival).

Bhadraasana being KrishNa it can also indicate Anna RakshaNa KrishNa(Anna rakshaNa bhadra dasa raaja/ratha.Dasa raaja is ten kings of the Vedas.Dasaratha is father of Raama in the RaamaayaNa) .

ma,va,bha haa,raa,naa,aa bhadra,kara,ra,ka ka,sa sa kaparda(cf.bhadra-head,king,gold;patra-leaf,raaja-kingkaasa -lightkesa-hair .Note the double bun(cf.horn-hariNa-deer,gold) in several seals indicating hair/hariNa/harsha/garta/karsha

Bhadra-king,bull, cipher,head,girl,gold,elephant

is Rudra-Siva. Mahaakesa(Mahesa,Mahesvara) is

Siva.Mahaakaparda is a conch(sankha-shell-Sanaka-Janaka-kanaka-gold).The kaasa-light of the sungod is the kesa-hair of the godking.

Panca-5bhadra-bull,kingkarsha Gaja-elephantkaaca-swingkaasi-sun,handfulraaja-kingraasi(cf Mal.raasi pon paNa) svarNa-goldpuraaNa-coindharaNa-coin haataka-goldnaaraka-lemonbhaarata-firebharma-gold

hariNa-goldhari(tiger,lion,gold,monkey,naaga maaNikya)




vaama=va+na=paana=paNa=bhaama=vaana=nava bhadra=nri=raja=daasa=dasa

Male deities are Sakra.Female deities are Durga(sulka,sukra,simha). Vana(tree) sikhara(sekhara) is paNa(Vishnu-sun) Durga(surya). svarNa(sva-nri) is hari(indra,svar)-Na.Nri is hari(indra,lion,tiger,snake,monkey) Patra(bird,writ,leaf) or paatra is pa + sara.Bhadraasana is aasana(seat) with patra(bird,wing,leaf).From the two Da s of the dhanus(bow,sara-arrow) and Na/sa of nara(man) we have daana(donation,desa-country,raaja-king,saaza-king,daasa-servant,fisherman,dasa-ten,traaNaprotection, dharaNa- 10 palas,grain etc.).Vana(dru-tree
va-hand+ va)

is paNa(paana-


is paNa(palm).Hence this is bhadraasana(throne,daana patra-gift writ)/desaraaja/dasaraaja/Dasaratha/ karsha paNa;raaja raaja paNa etc. The Dholavira sign board has


Pa(bha-palm) + tra(tri,sara,tara,15,raaja) + aasa-na bhadraasana (paretaasana,pretaasana-burial urn) bhadraasana-15-paNa(draviNa). Sara(water,arrow,5,taarastar)jarsaraava (a measure)saraasa(treta-3,kreta-purchase)pa-tra(bhadra-king/gold) or karsha paNa or PaNasa(vasna panca-5. sara-5,tra-three kara-5) Paana(pot)-paaNa(hand)-baaNa(arrow)-pan(scales).It is the scales of maa-tra and haa-tra.

Sumer.<sar d-> offer, take --










paNa or saastra paNa or sastra paNa or Turvasa paNa or trippaada(kings foot) paNa(praise,money .

Patra(writ,paatra-jar,bhadra-king,vaasara-week,darbha-grass,sarpa-snake) is pa(va-two)sara(arrow,kara-hand).


cakra(karsha,garta-throne) paNa,maasha




Eka cakra /eka karsha/ekasulka bhadra naaga(mahaaraaja) karsha(panca) vasna

An individual spearing a water buffalo(cf.medhamaasha,balipaNa) .A gharial is depicted above the sacrifice scene and a figure seated in yogic position, wearing a horned headdress, looks on.

O n the reverse (90),a female deity is battling two tigers(bhadra-azana

gharsha/karsha/paNa) and standing above an elephant(naaga,gaja-garja cf.kanaalady,Hitt.gazana-a lady.). A single Indus script depicting a spoked wheel(aksha-cakrakarsha) is above the head of the deity. Cf.Sumer.gur-wheel,Heb.Heres-the sun,ophenwheelcakrakarsha paNa(bali-sacrifice,tax).Buffalo(mahaafestival,sacrifice,buffalo,maagha)-bali(sacrifice,tax) Mahaabali(a legendary king,the festival of maagha etc.)

Cf.anka(a hook,a curve,a mark,stroke,9)-ankana(marking,seal)-ankaNa(yard)agna(fire,naga-the sun,naaga-elephant)-anga(limb,the number 6),angana( a woman,a yard/court,the female elephant of the northkankaNa(bangle,bracelet,crest,necklace,ornament,ornament round the feet of an elephant)-kaNa-kala-kara-hala-karsha-cakra-aksha-gaja Both seals indicate bhadraasana by maanava( man,maapana-scale,measure) on kaasara(karsha),vaama(woman) on gaja(karsha) etc.



smasru( moustachesma-face,dru-tree)


tra,dra +



DTIS page 109 H-247.A kneeling man holds a vessel

kara +

sha (man) karsha,garta(throne). PaNa(money,copper,praise,price,Vishnu) is paana



is karsha(keras-horn,ka-head) and paNa(trade,hand)

sa +




DTISpage183.Monochrome goblet painted with three star symbols from Mehrgarh.3000-2600 B.C. Taaraka(star)karsha. Taarasarasiraka(head).Ka-trakarsha.

2 taaraka2karsha paNa ;bhaara(Vishnu,20 tulaa) New and Full moon. ; kaaca(yoke)-gaja(elephant)karsha;bhaara(weight,Vishnu)paala-king ; paNa,na+papaNa ,chair-garta-bhadraasana-karsha


paarvaNa-oblations offered at

, na+gaja=nishka

Hence bhadraasaana bhaaramaana (pramaaNa-standard) 2 karsha paNa is indicated.

DTIS page 188.M-304.

Pasupati is vasupati(pasu-mriga-animals;vasu=rays,gold;pati-lord).To mrig is to beg.Samaja(assembly of animals or conjoined animals) is panca(5,karsha),paNasa(articles for trade),bandha(paNaagreement),vanda(praise) and sandhaa(to unite,agree,reconcile,bring together cf.Mal.canta-market place). Ashta(8) aja(ram) + da (da-hill,dos-hand,ta-tail). svarNa-naagahiraNyaaksha(haritasva-the sun,Hariscandra-the famous king who donated his kingdom to Visvaamitra and sold himself,his wife and his son to repay his debts to him ) gaja(paNa,gana) fish=na,sa,ma(naasa,maasha) This seal employs a dual direction reading from left to right and from right to left. Ga-ja= ha-ca =candra(moon) as ha=candra ,ca=candra . Hence elephant = candra vamsa(cf.Hastina pura,capital of the Candra vamsa kings.). Tiger = hari(lion,tiger,Indra) vamsa. The titles parthiva candraa(moon),vyaaghraadi(tiger),narendra(god) etc .are applied to kings. Candra=1 ,a spot similar to the moon .cf Cand=to shine,raa=gold Candra=cand(shine)-raa(gold)sama-ta-raasamataa(equality)-raa(gold) Samaja(group of animals-panca-5-karsha)bandha(agreement)paNasa(article for trade)paNataa(paNatva-price)panca(five)karsha Tiger(hari) + elephant(candra) haridasva(the sun)Hariscandra(the famous king)

Hari(tiger)+sa( )harit(10) + gaja(8) haridasvahiranyaaksha(18)= harit(trinanetraIndrathe sun) Thus Haridasva(sun) is hiraNyaaksha(sun=paNa=bhaama). Harit(tiger)karsha.

hari(harit)+ sa +na+ca+ra(elephant)=hariscandra Bhadra=va-tiger,sa-god,ra-fire;ra=R=elephant=unicorn=R;bhadrakarsha




raaja(king) karshabhadra(raaja-king)pa/va-tra (cf. kara=va=da=hand,tra-tri)




phaNa-hood of snake,paNa-trade,money)


vana(water,house,leaf,tree cf.Hindi-paani-water,nava-nine

) vaNa(sound cf.vaaNi-word)


bhaama(the sun)bhuvana(deity)pavana(wind=soma

Ashta pada(ashtaapada-gold)ashta vasugold .Hence pada1/4,foot,gajaka(head)-sa(god)raaja(king)raa(gold)+sa(god)/aasa(seat)

The panca(5) garja(roar,cry) animals indicate karsha(karajafingers5).Rohita(rakta-garta-karsha)/hariNa(deer,gold,haraNa-hand cf. ) also

+ r na ,nri,raaja-king,raaza-sound =na,ha=gaja=garja=karsha indicate the same sound and count. The proto-Siva seal.The animals(hariNa,hari,kari,kaasara,khadgi etc.indicate gold,Vishnu,Indra,Siva etc. and garja,garta and karsha .The horn of the deity is karsha(keras-sikhara-sekhara) by its ability to make garja, karsha,gharsha and its cakra-vakra shape.Tri-mukha(Buddha) is sriimukha(the kings shining face,the seventh year of the 60 year cycle). The drum(paNava) seat indicate paNa (money) and paNavii(Siva,vipaNa-sale). The deity sits in the bhadraasana style.Nishka(karshagarja-harsha) is indicated on the arms,neck and horns.HariNa(deer) is hariNa(gold) , karaNa(writ,deed,scribe) and rohita(rakta-garta-throne).Va(tiger)-sa(sha-man)-na(sanaaga-elephant) is vasna(panca-5,bandha-agreement,vanda-praise) or karsha.Gaja(garja) itself is Tiger ,unicorn(gaja-kas-hassus) and kaksha(buffalo,kaasara-asva-avasa-aksha).Suura-sankha-naaga-mriga(krena) man(panca) pana-sankha pana -575 dasara sazana=saadhana samaana krena=kiranahorn,karna-ear,parna-wing,leaf patra=bhadra(head,bull,circle,star) hariNa(deer)-paNa(drum)-karsha(tiger)-Sakti(Dakshaman+elephant)-kankaNaangada(saasana cf.Kankanaangada- a name or names)-gaja(Kaca,dasa,kaacaunicorn-ra)-Kaksha(buffalo,hasta-aksha-5,karsha,kaasara-sekhara) cf.raaja sekhara.





panca,sa paNa,raaja,nri(cf.



aksha(karsha) ,va

m1393a bhadraasana(throne) karsha paNa(money,praise) .Samaja(assembly of animals cf.M-304)-panca(5)-karsha.


bhadraasana karsha(samaja-panca-5) paNa .


bhadraasana karsha(samaja-panca-5) paNa.

m296a paNa(sana-money,barter)

bhadra(aasana-throne;patra-writ;Dvaaraka cf.dvaara-door)

karsha,bhadraasana bhadraasana aksha(karsha,hiraNyaaksha) .Note the aasana of the bhadra(bull,king,gold) gaja(karsha-unicorn) on the patraasana-tree(dru-bhadravata-Fig tree). Vana(tree) is paNa.Dru(tree) is druu(gold).Druma(tree) is Drona/sroNa(throne).Vriksha(karsha) is vri( pra,srii,tri,dru)-gaja(garja-karsha) denoted by the unicorn(gajaka-head,sa-god;gar-jaroar;sa-karasakra-Indra)

DTIS page 219.M-489B.Astanding human couple in sexual intercourse;two goats eating leaves from a tree;a bird and a three-headed animal. What is the relation of sex to goat,bird and three headed animal? The three(tra) headed(ka) and threebodied animals show garta,gaatra,karsha, mushka etc.Karsha is harsha(sex or erection of sex organs or hair).Karsha is

ka(head)-tra(three) and karaja(fingers,claws).Karaja(harijahorizon;hara-fire,ja-bornaya-fire,ja-bornayas-gold,copperaja-ramsagod,bird,snake) is born from kara-hand,tax/hara-fire,ass.Kara is saya(sex,hand,snake cf.the original sin.Kaama is naaga-snakenagnanakednaaNaka-coingaNana-count). Surata(sex) is puruda(gold).Saya is sa(bird,god,snake) and aja(goat) , usha(dawn,udaya-sunriseu-saya) and ayas(gold,copper,bronze).Patraasana(eating leaves) by aja(goat,eka-1) or sasa(hare ;sata-100,dasa-10 cf.C2B7 from Mohenjo-daro) indicate Aja/Sasa bhadraasana.PaNa (saya-hand,sex) is money . 2 Mesha is 2 maasha.Pan is sound and sexual intercourse(cf.buck and fuck).Count(cf.Mal.cuuntu-to point) is sound(cf.Mal.cuntulips).Counting with the pointed index finger and gunja/maasha/sankha is making sanga(sex) with the erected linga(the pointed index finger and the fist is the erected linga and the mushka). Hence this indicates karsha/gold -2 maasha/ayas-bhadraasana-sa/patrakarsha(ka-tra). .

DTIS page 227.H-182.Obverse.karsha(tiger) paNa(paNavadrum,sabda-count-sound-pound) sa kara phaNa-hood,paNa.

sun,money,praise .The tiger+ drum=karshapaNa.This is duplicated by



H182b king)- bhadraasana(svastika

karsha(garta-throne,panca-5)-sreNi(ladder,vedic trader groups,netrain square )

DTIS page228.H-147.Signs of fireplace and intersecting circles.

Hearthheartharta(the sun) ha(pa,bha,na,ma,ka-cipher)-tragarta-throne

karsha,bhadra,bharata,raaja(top to bottom),aasa(face)

Hearthuddhaana(tax,duty;rise,the rise of the sun,hair,feet,hands etc.indicate harsha and karsha;udaka-water being udaya-rise is karsha) uddhaara(hearth,credit,wealth gained by defeating enemies)uddaama(Varuna-having raised daama-rope,dhaama-seatthe godking)

paNa,na headed bull)

pa-naphaNa(naaga-raaga)bhaNa or ka-tra(karsha cf.cipher=ka=headthree



bhadra( aasa)






Hence it is raaja(bhadra) naaga(aksha-paNa)-karsha

or paatra-aasana(bhadraasana)

.In fact the uddhaana(hearth) is the aasana for paatra placed on it during cooking. Sa(god)-aasana(seat) is saasana(rule,daana-gift) and saadhana(articles,sex organs.Sex being harsha is garta and karsha.).




m309a coin

bhadraasana-throne aksha-5




karsha(cf.karka-thorn) paNa aksha-5 bhadraasana-throne .Bhadraasana karsha is also shown by the man (karsha) seated on the tree(patraasana).The tiger is karsha.


bhadraasana karsha(seat on tree and tiger) .

paN a bhadraasana paNa bhadraasana(Dvaaraka cf. bhadraasana is svargaheaven.Seat of the sun is seat of the king),patra(writ).


bhadraasana karsha .Vrisha(bhadra-bull,king,gold) is karsha.Note the open mark on gaatra-body

mouth garja(roar) to indicate karsha.Ka-tra(karsha,bhadra-gold,haatra-wages) is also karsha.

m1457b anantabhadra (aananda- harsha-happiness,bhadraauspiciousness,king,gold,full)kola-karsha-harta-sun Heb.heres-sun-paNa(sun,praisecf.Mal.vaNakkamnamas-praise)

H180a hariNa(gold,hari-natwo tigers,Va-natwo tigerspaNa;hari=va=tiger;vana-treepaNa) muulyapaNa and bhadraasana is shown by the aasana(pose,seat) on the bhadra(head-siirshaasana),karsha by the gaatra(body) and the patra(druvana-tree-paNa) on the aasana(sroNa-buttocks,druma-tree,druuNa-scorpion cf. ) of the man on siirshaasana.Bhadra(king,head,gold) is paada(aasa-seat,raja-king). The two tigers indicate karsha paNa.This is one of the best seals giving graphic expression to vedic Bharata-the language of the Indus script -which not even a blind man can doubt or dispute.Bhadraasana karsha(tola) is also indicated by the other glyphs in the seal. There is a saying inMalayalam aasanattil aalu muLaccaal atum oru taNal-Even if a fig tree grows from ones buttocks,it will be considered a shade!





aasana-chair in paatra-cup with patra-parNa-leaves cf.s-varNa-gold paatraasana+patraasana bhadraasana, paNa(paana)

gold,king,Bharata,Dvaaraka karshapaNa patra-writ,bhadra-

sapta-7 angana-kanaa-vaama-women sabda-paNa,

ankana-mark,gaNana-count.It indicates

Sabda-sound-count-pound-paNa-vaNagarja-roarkarshavirgosapta cf .7+fish


H-9a patra(vana-leaf,paNa).



Bhadra(svarNa-gold)svara(sun,sound,count)sabda(sound)sapta(7)svar-Na 7-Na(naari-hari-gold) Sapta kanaa=sapta naaga(the 7 naagas or serpents) also.Naaga/paNa is aasana. Sapta bhadra is bhadra naaga(7) or bhadraasana and is a substitute for the unicorn.

L051a bhadraasana.

bhadraasana paNa. Look at the head of the bhadra formed by the pegs to show
bhadraasana,halaasana,balabhadra,hala,paNa paNa(aasana-seat,phaNa-snake),svarNa(gold)



karsha(vriksha-vana-tree-paNa;patraasana-seat of leaves,bhadraasana-

throne;sekhara-crest,sikhara-branch-Sakra-Indrakarsha paNa cf.7 virgo in M-1186)

sapta(7,sabda-sound-count-pound;garja-roar-karsha) cf. etc.indicate reading in both directions. in H-9a or K-50

m418ac-1 bhadraasana karsha(cf.patra-leaf on bhadraibex and patra-leaf) paNa(cf.phaNa-snake,naaga-snake,raaga-king,hema-gold,vana-tree,leaf)- 4 cf.Sa(sarpa) +va(patra-vi-bird)+ra(rohita-rakta-ibex)+na(vana-parNa-leaf,triNa-grass)svarNa(gold) .This indicates 4 suvarNa(karsha) of the throne.

m410 karsha/ hariNa(gold cf.nakra-gharial) paNa( money cf.paaNa-palmhand;hasta-hand;matsa-drava-fish;bhadra-gold,king;patra-writ,leaf,bird). bhadraasana karsha(gharial) Asana(eating) is aasana(seat). Asana of drava is bhadraasana(throne).

m312 bhadraasana(throne) panca(five) karsha (cf.Note the azana-throw of the karsha by the bhadra-bull,king,gold)


bhadraasana(seat on tree)karsha( garja-tiger,vriksha-tree) .

bhadra(gold,king;patra-writ,Dvaaraka) paana-pot)




. m308






bhadra naaga(rohita-rakta-garta-karsha)


aksha(karsha), paNa


karsha(sekhara-crest,gaatra-body) paNa(raised palm) bhadraasana(bulls tail).


bhadraasana karsha( bhadra-girl on garja-tiger-roar) paNa(vana-tree) 4

karsha(gaja-elephant,kusa-sara-grass;harit-triNa-grass;Indra;netra-king) -


garja(roar-Tiger )karsha


vana(tree)-paNa(sun,money,praise)-bali(tax,tree,sacrifice);patraasana(seat of leaves)-

bhadraasana(throne) = h742b paatraasana(seat on pot)-bhadraasana(throne).With the unicornbhadranaaga(gaja garja-vrisha)-karsha it indicates bhadraasana karsha(kara-bha-elephantkara-taxpa-rulerking) paNa.




karsha paNa (the hand is made paNa paana with the tiger-garja makes it karsha paNa).

.A kaksha - bhadra-bull;paatra-

aksha svarNa(hiraNya-gold) raja(king)hiraNyaaksha( enemy of Vishnu)RaavaNa(enemy of Raama(nri=king=god).RaavaNa(varaaNa-Indra,nripa-king) is raa-gold,paNa-money,sun.


is karsha and nishka.


hand,paNakarshapanca(five) .Kalasa



paNa,na sapta(7,sabdasvar-sound) paNasvar-



Ka=Brahma,Vishnu,prajaapati,the sun,head,water,wealth,happiness,fire,sound,king etc. Ha=Siva,Vishnu,water,sky,pleasure,horripilation


kara-sa(aksha-5,gaja-elephant,karsha,cakra-wheel,Sakra-Indra) cf.


Cylind-9 Karsha is ploughing/farming.Vrisha is karsha.Suuna is soma.Bhadra is bull, king and gold.Katir(ear of corn) is karsha.Hala-plough is kara-hand and paNa-money.

Ho93a va,ka,sa sara sacrifice;karsha,varsha-year;vrisha-;rishabha-bull



bhadraasana karsha paNa(Note the replacement of the

by the


paatra-pot-sarpa-snake which agrees with the patra(leaf,5 ;vana-leaf,paNa-money,sun ). Patra( paleaf,writ;bhadra-king,bull elephant)+ na( naaga-phaNa-paana-paNa or bhadranaaga)paNa; karsha(unicorn) paNa; 8 paNa(naaga8 cf.paaNa-hand)

vana(pa-leaf ) +

na(naaga/bhadranaaga,naasa)paNabhavanakarsha paNa.

Naaga is bhadranaaga(gaja-elephant,bhadraasana-karsha-vrisha-unicorn)

k027 hiraNyaaksha =raaja(sa=snake,god;naaga-snake,naasa-nose cf.raaja paNa is nose money) =dyumna(garja is dyumna RV.AV splendor,majesty,author of RV.5.53), dyumnavat-inspired or clearly sounding RV.RV.3.29.15 ,5.28.4 Aksha(karsha,snake,eye,5) is dyuuta(gambling) too.

dvi(ravi-sun-paNa;raa-gold) + cf.HiraNyaaksha is the king.

sa(sarpa-snake,god)dvija(a Brahmin)raaja(king)

k049 Karsha(tiger) paNa(vana) bhadraasana(seat on patra) paNa(raised hand) aksha (balance,karsha-paNa-sama-equal) 10


bhadraasana paNa(karsha-money,vana-leaf)

paNa,bhadra(gold) 12 . Also

svarNa(karsha-ghasra- paNa-sun;bhadraasana-throne),
12 sa vana-paNa-house12 savana(sacrifice).

DTIS page 82 . H-94 .Tiger Cowry . Cypraea tigris.Krisana

(gold,conch) paNa . Panca(sa)



karsha)PaNa(barter)bandha(barter). Gaatra is karsha/haatra/maatra.Nri(king) is hari(Indra,tiger,lion,gold,srii-the sun,Lakshmi,Va-tiger,Varuna,hand cf.uddaama -having raised rope is Varuna/Yama.).Vrika is tiger and kshatriya.Tiger is garja and karsha. Karsha is stressed by the Tiger(garja-gaja-dasa or ta-tail+body-sadasa/sata) with bold karaja(claws,sankhasa-with,nakha-nail), a wide open mouth(garja) and a gaatra(body) full of karsha laksha(scratch/streak) and the bhadra(head) of a kaasara(buffalo,bhadra-bull,paatra-paana-paNa,garta-throne,Mal.kasera-chair Grk.boubalos cf.bhuupaala-king) or aja(ram)..This is aksha(balance,kakshabuffalo).Graduated buffalo horns(keras-karsha-garta-bhadra) were used as balances by the Harappans. Balanceaksha(pan,panca-5)bandha-agreementvanda-veneration The unicorn(bhadra=bull,tiger,elephant,buffalo) is the tiger.The paatra aasana -jar throne-is simplified as the buffalo head.

karshagarja(tiger) kaasara(buffalo)


+ na


This is thus karsha paNa by the tiger and paana and by the gaatra and paNa in the glyph

The aksha(balance/kaksha-buffalo,bull,grass

) + tiger



panca-5 is corroborated by the panca-5-anga-limb-gaatra-body. .

Note the karshagarja(gaja) sarpaharshahara-sa-god,snakeharita(tail,sa- god,snake).Vaara is bhaara , and viira .

svarNa(hiraNya) + , aksha(snake) HiraNyaksha(killed by Vishnu;hiraNya=aksha=karsha,aksha-Sesha/Ananta is the aasana/saya

of Vishnu.Aksha is kaasa-light/kesa-hair/gaja-elephant/kaksha-buffaloe/pakshawing/bhaksha/bhiksha-gift/vaksha-chest. Sesha is teja-splendour.).This karsha paNa might belong to Bharata-Vyaaghrapad -=author of RV.9.97.16-18 .Hence
vyaaghraBharata. The prominent claws of the Tiger can indicate Vyaaghrapad also.

The bhadraasana (paNa,maapana) symbol is replaced by other paNa(karsha,garta-garja) symbols like paNa
, , , = = , maapana(maanava) , bhaNa(phaNa,paana) ,bhadra

etc. in seals like B001a,B003,B004,M223,C017,K026,M006A,M007A,M008A,M1224B etc.

b003 )-


paNa(sada-na is paNa cf.

: :aya(4,good luck,die for gambling,bhadraasana-throne) .PaNa+ayapaNya(commodity to

be bought or sold)kanya(virgo-bhadra-kanaka-gold-karsha).Kanya being ka-naka(gold) and bhadra(girl,gold,king) appears in sevarl seals with elephant(gaja-garja-karsha) and tiger(garja-karsha). Naari(lady-bhadra) is nri(king) - hari(lion,tiger)-kari(elephant) etc.


pa (sa,snake,bird=sa-god,bird,snake)


8,karsha cf.rohita-rakta-garta-makhor-makara-mihira-bhadra-

hariNa ;paNa-samapancama,vandana,naaga paNa etc.






maa-pana-scale/maana-measure/bhadraasana-throne/garta-throne/karsha is confirmed by the

substitution in front of the unicorn.Hence bhadraasana/garta/karsha/bhadra (king,gold,auspiciousness).


Note the bhadra(circle,cipher

)on the paatra-cup

and the patra-leaf on the aasana(seat,amza-shoulder,amsa-portion) of the bull (bhadra-elephant)to make bhadraasana-throne in this seal .
bhadra aasana kara(paNa) sa(patrabird,bhadra-king)bhadraasana(throne) karsha(paNasa-article,panca-5,bandha-agreement,vandapraise).



Note the addition of bhadra(dots,cipher) on the paatra(cup) and the naaga/sarpa(talpa-seat) signs on the aasana-seat to make it a resounding bhadraasana-throne.


paatraasana(throne) before the unicorn(karsha) is substituted

by the bhadra(king,cipher

)aasana itself.

karsha paNa



na(two=paNa)m223 panca,karsha)


paNa(bhadra naaga,sa)


Bhadraasana is replaced by the paatra(jar) and patra(leaf) aasana of the deity and the bhadra(head) on the aasana(piitha) and the bhadraa(kanaa) and aja(naaga-mesha-maasha) in M-1186.

The unicorn being bhadra(paada-1/4,raaja-king) naaga(bhadra- 1/4) , vrisha(bull) being karsha and vrata it can indicate karsha (1/2 vrisha or karsha16 ruttee cf.shodasa-16 and king Sudas.Hence the unicorn can indicate the Sudas series of money writs/bullas? ) also.Pritha( cf.perutah,beka etc.of shekel)is palm of the hand(Hitt.kessaras-hand-karsha),karaja(panca-5) is the fingers which make the garja(gaNita-calculation,gaja-elephant) for the karsha.The thumb forms the single horn of the

unicorn(cf.hasta-hand,hastin-elephant-gaja-unicorn-karsha.Gr.keres-horn).The double horned bull (both hands-dos=dasa=10)can indicate the full karsha(garta-throne,vrisha-bull,vrata-command ).cf.

note the eka(1)-cakra(wheel,aksha-snake,5;gaja-elephant,8;aja-ram;karsha)

16 maasha80 ruttee1 karsha(aksha/cakra/bhadra/ha/na/ra/pa/va



svar+ na(



1 tolaka(1/2 karsha cf.1/2 shekel-beka) , karsha(paNa)raaja(king,naagasnake/elephant,naaza-nose)paNa.Raaja paNa is nose money.


ra/na +

sa(pan-ca) +

paNaraaja paNa

The unicorn is bhadra(bull,king,gold)-naaga(snake) or mahaa(great)-bhadra(bull,king) or bhadra(bull)-tama(greatest) which is the elephant(aleph-tama,sama).An elephant is the bhadra(bull,king) by its tusk(horn) , body and tail but is the naaga(snake) by its trunk(proboscis).The nakra(gharial,naaga-snake,naga-arka-the sun) with its long snout is another naaga and is often portrayed with the elephants in the IVC seals to show bhadranaaga(the unicorn).

The bhadra (sarpa-naaga-snake ) on the head of the unicorn is the kara(trunk) of the elephant(bhadra naaga). It is the Mal.amsavati (crosier) of the metraan (bishop,netra-king cf.patron,matron,mitre) and the naaga(snake,naga-the sun,raaga-raaja-king) on the phaala(forehead,paala-bhadra-king) of the Egyptian Pharaoh(prabhu-lord).Bhadra naaga(sarpa,srava) is sarva(all) bhadra (auspicious) or bhadra(king) sarva(for all).Naaga(Mal.naaraka-

lemon,haataka-gold) + sana(paNa) kaancanagold;naagaasana-Garuda-garta(throne)-karsha .


naagaasana(Garuda-eater of naagas-snakes or elephants;aazana garta-of Vishnu ) naagaazana(aazana-seat on naaga-snake,ram,elephant,naaka-arrow,the sky cf.anantanaaganaaka-saya of Vishnu or sara-naaka-naaga-saya of Bhiishmar) Garuda(paksha,patra,vi,sa-bird;visa-trader) garta(throne) garja(roar) gaja(elephant) ksha(NarasimhaVishnu) karsha karaja(finger,claw)cakra(cf.cakravaaLahorizon) harija(horizon) harsha(erection) sikhara(branch)sekhara(crest)sikha(crest,tuft of hair)sakra(Indra)saakha(branch)sivaRudra bhadra(king,Rudra,Durga)patra(leaf,bird) Garuda(patra,paksha-bird,wing) is gaja(bhadra) and is called suparNa(svarNa-puurNa-suurya cf.Anna puurNa). Bhadraasana(aasana on bhadrabull,girl,gold,simha,gaja,leaf,snake,bird throne-sroNa-droNa-





patraasana(Garuda,Aja-Rudra-in H-178B) paada(feet, bhadra=



Vriksha(druma-tree,karsha) is the aasana(seat) of patra(leaf,bhadra-king,bull,bharata-firecf.M1186,bulls tied to asvattha etc.) or is patraasana(bhadraasana) or Rudraasana(bhadra- Rudra- patrabharata - bhaarata).A vriksha being vri-ksha has a ksha(gaja,narasimha) in it. Similarly a nakshatra( bha

) being naaga(gaja-naaka-elephant,arrow,sky,naga-the

sun,tree,mountain)-satra(house-star) is bhadraasana(patraasana;bhadra-patra cf.H-179,M305)

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