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Human resources management is an important part of Rational requirement composer. The human resources management plan is a tool which will aid in the management of this projects human resource activities throughout the project until closure. The human resources management plan includes: Roles and responsibilities of team members in the project and towards each other Project organization charts will be Horizontal Organization Chart Staffing management plan to include: a. How resources will be acquired b. Timeline for resources/skill sets c. Training required to develop skills d. How performance reviews will be conducted e. Recognition and rewards system The purpose of the human resources management plan is to achieve project success by ensuring the appropriate human resources are acquired with the necessary skills, resources are trained if any gaps in skills are identified, team building strategies are clearly defines, and team activities are effectively managed.


The roles and responsibilities for the rational requirement composer are essential to project success. All team members must clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in order to successfully perform their portion of the project. For this Project the following project team roles and responsibilities have been established: Project Manager (PM), (1 position): PM is responsible for the overall success of the Portal Infrastructure setup. The PM must authorize and approve all project expenditures. The PM is also responsible for approving that work activities meet established acceptability criteria and fall within acceptable variances. The PM will be responsible for reporting project status in accordance with the communications management plan. The PM will evaluate the performance of all project team members and communicate their performance to functional

managers. The PM is also responsible for acquiring human resources for the project through coordination with functional managers. The PM must possess the following skills: leadership/management, budgeting, scheduling, and effective communication.

Implementation Manager (IM) (1 position): The IM is responsible for the Approving, Implementation, and Monitoring of the Project. The IM is responsible for working with the DEs to ensure all coding on new software conforms to organizational security regulations. The IM is responsible for coordination outage windows with each department to facilitate the rollout of the Project with minimal/no disturbance to operations. The IM will report status to the Project Sponsor or have own decision power in accordance with the projects communications management plan. The IMs performance will be evaluated by the Project Sponsor .The IM must be proficient in managing network architecture. Training Lead (TL) (1 position): The TL is responsible for training to all stakeholders in the Project. The TL will coordinate training times/locations with each departments training advocate. The TL will provide training status to the PM in accordance with the project communications management plan. .


The following RACI chart shows the relationship between project tasks and team members. Any proposed changes to project responsibilities must be reviewed and approved by the project manager. Changes will be proposed in accordance with the projects change control process. As changes are made all project documents will be updated and redistributed accordingly.
Requirements Gathering Software Testing Implementation Conduct Training Program Manager A A A A Implementation Manager A C R C R Training Leads C Project Manager R R R I

Key: R Responsible for completing the work A Accountable for ensuring task completion/sign off C Consulted before any decisions are made I Informed of when an action/decision has been made

Staff Acquisition: For the Rational requirement composer the Project staff will consist internal resources. The Project team will consist of the students from campus who will do the planning, documentation and implementation with the aided support of the systems department. The Project Manager will negotiate with functional managers in order to identify and assign resources in accordance with the project organizational structure. All resources must be approved by the Project/Program Manager before the resource may begin any project work. .

Resource Calendars: The project Rational Requirement Composer will run on basis of 30 days. The Project team will work for 5 hours per day and 6 Days a week. The Weekends can use for meeting and Review of the project with Program Manager / Project Sponsor

Training: Training to the Program Team will be given as and when it is needed .Training to Stakeholders will be given after it is implemented. The funding part regarding Training is not fixed. However, if training requirements are identified, funding will be provided from the project reserve. Performance Reviews: The project manager will review each team members assigned work activities throughout the project and communicate all expectations of work to be performed. The project manager will then evaluate each team member throughout the project to evaluate their performance and how effectively they are completing their assigned work. Prior to releasing project resources, the project manager will meet with the appropriate functional manager and provide feedback on employee project performance. The functional managers will then perform a formal performance review on each team member.

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