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Pokemon red rescue team cheats An Easier Way!

by: Andyiscyndaquil

I found an easy way to get to Legendary pokemon in a dungeon. If the Dungeon has a Mid level where you can save, then good. If not, then oh well. When you reach the Mid level, save your adventure. Then keep going to the Legendary pokemon. WHENEVER you faint (even at the Legendary pokemon) just turn og the game... IMMEDIATLY! When you turn the power back on, you'll be back at the Mid level of the Dungeon again, yay!!! NOTE: THIS DOES NOT WORK IF YOU QUICKSAVE AFTER YOU SAVE IN THE MID LEVEL!

A Swarm of Kecleon's!
by: absolmaster211

Be careful, if you rob a Kecleon store, of course that Kecleon will attack you. If you beat it, don't think you're out in the clear just yet. If you have X-Ray Specs attached to your Pokemon, you'll start to see lots and lots of little red dots EVERYWHERE! Most of those are Kecleon's, coming to kill you. So after you beat a few, get near the stairs and get ready to escape.

A way to easily walk on traps and NOT activate them!!

by: Cheat Masters

First you need to get your starter (the one you started with) and let it eat ALOT of gummis until it says its IQ says "MAX",then go to your IQ list go down till you see "Trap Seer" then switch to you can step on traps without ever setting them off (can also work for other pokemon)

Bananas, bananas and more bananas!

Did you know that Bananas are found mostly inside walls? Just use HM Rock Smash ( found on the 45th floor of Buiried Relics) on the walls in Frosty Forest, and eventually a banana will pop up in front of you! Well sure it's easier if you use a wonder mail, but get this, you can sell it for 5000 poke!

Battle monster houses easyly

It's easy to beat monster houses if you have a move called "Heat Wave" because the move "earthquake" will hit your team and foes and Heat Wave will only hit foes not your team.

Beat Groudon Easy

by: Cheat Code Master

To wipe the floor with Groudon you need a fire starter with the ability Blaze. Groudon makes sunny weather automaticly so your fire attacks are boosted. Use flamethrower before he's right in front of you to get in some extra damage. Keep using powerful fire attacks. When your HP is low(the text box will flash red and blue) DO NOT RESTORE IT! Your ability will kick in making your fire attacks do close to 100 damage a piece. Also make sure you stock-up on reviver seeds before the battle just in case you die.

Beat Jirachi
by: Cheat Masters

Enter wish cave with 6 reviver seeds,a pass scarf,and plenty of big apples and huge apples.Be mew,with charizard,and poliwrath.Get to floor 70 or 82 with them,then send them back.Now do the rest to get to floor 99(where jirachi is)Also,be sure u brought graveler rocks and the tm frusration...4 frustration tms.U should have taught them all to urself and linked them with a link box.Now fight jirachi with gravelerrocks and of course the tm frustration.U should win.If u have the wish stone,(50f of wish cave)and jirachi asks to join the team but u dont accept,u can make a wiah.Here are the things u can wish for: Lots of Money(all money from wish cave) Lots of Items(all useful items from wish cave) More Power(an item that will make u stronger)

Something Good(a new pokemon will join the team or ur rescue rank increases) If u choose "something good",u will leave wish cave,and in the morning ur partner will tell u the good thing that happened,not knowing jirachi did it.Hope I was helpful!!!

Get Gardevoir!!! (yes, the one in your dreams)

To get Gardevoir you have to beat Rayquaza. Then go to the whiscash pond medicham and ekans will be talking about a cave that makes wishs come true go to them after they see you they will run then do any mission.The next day go back to the pond ekans will be alone go to him he will talk and run away then do any mission.The next day ekians will be at the bulliten board at the post office.Go to the board, there will be a rescue requst from medicham in wish cave, take it wish cave will be open now.Medicham is on F20 (IN WISH CAVE YOU ENTER AT LV 1!!!) after you rescue medicham she will give you a wish stone(an item FOR jirachi) after you rescue medicham do another mission, the next day gengar will be at your base wanting to go to mt.freeze escort him at the top 9tales will give him a 9 tailed crest and send him off to murky cave escort him at the top(F20)the 9 tailed crest will kick in start asking questions about why he wants to set gardevoir free(thats what he wanted)after you set gardevoir free she will be in pokemon square and offer to join your team for bravery and kindness her area is sky blue plains.(you should have by now)

Get jirachi! (or make a wish)

In order to get jirachi, beat ho-oh and clear pitfall valley or somthing like that then go to where whishcash'll see medicham and ekans.walk up to them and they'll be having a conversation.they'll notice you an day,go back to the same place and listen to them day'll see to him and he'll say somthing about fainting in that day,go to the rescue job board and you'll see ekans hopping up and down behind octillery,blastoise and to him and he'll say somthing about medicham fainting.go look at the jobs and you'll see one posted by says he'll give you a secret enter wish cave,and find him on lvl.20 BEWARE!you must enter at lvl 1.anyways,later at the base medicham said "thank you for rescuing me!the reason why i sent an s.o.s mail was that i didnt want to lose this!"Then medicham gives you the wish stone.then he told you somthing about taking the wish stone to the depths of the cave and have your wish come then you travel 99 levels or somthing(i dunno how much lvls there are,i'm still working on it)and you might see jirachi.defeat him,he might join your team.if he doesnt,you can make a wish.(belive me,a friend of mine past this)

Get the parts to unlock regice regirock and registeel

by: ShadowSky

Rockpart-??M? ??F? 4??? ?F?? F466 3??? ICEPART-??M? ??Y? 4??? 3F?? F466 (FEMALE SIGN)??? STEELPART-??7? ??Y? 4??? (MALESIGN)F?? F466 3??? THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE APART OF MY ALL HM'S LIST BUT I FORGOT

Getting all the legendaries (including lucario and groudon) >:)

by: Sli

Type this cheat in wondermail: ??7? [??(...)?] 4??? +F?? [F4?6] K??? This givs you a friend bow witch helps recruit all legendaries 1nce you defeat them like recruits 99.9% of the time.

How to get latios and latias

by: peter2264

First get hm surf in solar cave[fl20] then get the lati's friend area[ southern island ] then go to sleep.when you woke up,you wil here a sound,you will go outasite,i'll just skip this will go to northern range and that's where you fight latios.if you beat him,you get to go to to pitfall valley and save latias then they will join your team.latios will be in lv30 and latias will be in lv28.i think that you don't need to be in gold rank.

get gardivior (yes the 1 in your dreams!)

Submitted by : team invincible 04-Jun-2007, 1:44:48 am

1st u have 2 have the friend area sky blue plains then 1 day genger comes 2 your house and asks u 2 take him 2 ninetales on mt freeze and then ninetales says u cant lift the curse but u can go 2 see her (or something) in MURKY CAVE (20 floors) then u go in gengers hearts and answer a question then u go back 2 your base and gardiviors there with genger then genger goes somewhere then the next day go 2 pkmn sqaure and gardivior will be there talk to her and she'll ask to be on your team.

mail code to get a star mission 2000 rescue points

Submitted by : rudy -:) 29-Dec-2006, 12:35:03 pm

Type this on the maiol thingy its really hard though ?66SC?+???46 23?XFN60XT?? ITS PRETTY HARD THOUGH I DID IT AND IT TOOK ME ALL THE WAY TO DAIMOND LEVEL HAVE FUN DOING IT!!!

A Place FULL of $Money$

Submitted by : Dark Eon Master 03-Sep-2007, 10:44:02 pm

If any of You didn't know, Gangar is the human who pulled one of Ninetale's tails. Once You talk to Medicham and Ekans several times, a few days later Gangar will ask for your help. The first time, he takes you to Mt. Freeze, but the second time, he takes you to a

new dungeon called Murky Cave which is filled with only $MONEY$

Submitted by : growlcanine 03-Nov-2007, 2:24:52 am

This is how you get the weavile figure. type in this code ??6? 8?Y? 46?? Y+?N F4N6 J??? SAVE THE POKEMON IN TINY WOODS 1F ENJOY YOUR WEAVILE FIGURE

get ninetales on your team

Submitted by : rapman 25-Nov-2007, 2:24:31 pm

first get the ninetales mission and when you get to ninetales press loads of buttons for 30 secs and turn the gameboy off and when you turn it on and go out side she will battle you shes at lv1 and win you will pull one of her tales and the screen goes purple your poisined for ever but gengar comes and helps you then he will battle ninetales and he will lose and gets curse and he pulles a tail and he will be poisoned and you will not he sacrificed himself and ninetales helps gengar and they both join you and every one comes and surrounds you and wants to be on your team even alakazam.charazard and tyranitar wants to be on your team p.s everyone is lv.X lv.x is invincible but gengar is lv.1 p.s everyone in the pokemon world please rate this ten seconds of peace L.O.L p.s ninetales helps him and

Mime jr. fig.

Submitted by : ??? 17-May-2007, 6:46:47 pm

Wonder Mail for Mime Jr, Fig + ?

I can't go on my own power... Please take me to see Mr.Mime! Client: Salamance Objective: Escort to Mr. Mime. Place: Pitfall Valley B19F Difficulty: S Reward: Mime Jr. Fig + ? Wonder Mail: F?C4 FHT? 440P M-?(male) 2CN0 JX?+

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