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By Tamara Henson

In Harms Way: Dragons! Breeds of the Orient 2012, Laura Tamara Henson This is not an attempt to infringe on the copyrights of either Flying Mice Games or Better Mousetrap Games. This is not an officially licensed product nor has it any affiliation with either company. Cover by Dee Dreslough All Illustrations are all copyright expired or copyright free artwork with the exception of the illustration of the Bixie which was modified from a picture by Ellisa H. Michell and is Copyright 1983. The use of Michells art is free to use as long as the resulting work is distributed for free and the copyright notice is included as stated in the license distributed with the ASFA clipart edited by Jon Gustafson 1997-2008 No Hassle Home published by Simply Software. Special Thanks to Clash Bowley for his Dragon breed generator (without which these rules would not exist) and to Naomi Novak for her Temeraire series. Flying Mice Games From Better Mousetrap Games

Table of Contents
Introduction Bixie Chiang-Lung Chi-Lung Fuku-Ryu Fu-Tsang Lung Gong-Gong Hai-Ryu Ka-Ryu Kiao-Lung Pan-Lung Peng-Niao Pi-Hsi Shen-Lung Tien-Lung Tun-Mi-Lung Equivalent Ranks 4 (Chinese Chimera) 5 (River Dragon) 6 (Oriental Tri-Color) 7 (Luck Dragon) 8 (Treasure Dragon) 9 (Thunder Dragon) 10 (Japanese Bird Dragon) 11 (Japanese Fire Drake) 12 (Crossed Dragon) 13 (Coiled Dragon) 14 (Chinese Bird Dragon) 15 (Dragon Turtle) 16 (Spirit Dragon) 17 (Celestial Dragon) 18 (Typhoon Dragon) 19 20

In 2008 Clash Bowley wrote a supplement for the Role Playing Game In Harms Way that incorporated dragons into the Napoleonic Wars. This game published by Better Mousetrap and Flying Mice Games included rules for creating your own dragon breeds using the Starcluster System. Clash Bowley was partially inspired by Naomi Novaks Temeraire series in which a British Naval Captain tames a Chinese Dragon for use in the war with Napoleon. However Mr. Bowleys game included only British, French and American Breeds. This book seeks to remedy that and includes 15 new dragon breeds from the Far East. The breeds included here are all based on actual folklore and mythology and are Not based on the breeds given in the Temeraire series. Most are from China but a few of the most common and distinctive Japanese and Mongolian breeds are given as well. All (with the exception of the flightless Pi-hsi) follow the rules set down in the book In Harms Way: Dragons! and both that volume and the core rules are needed to use this book. Dragons in the China are rarely used for war being bred instead for their beauty, protective instincts, and even for food and medical purposes. If a Chinese breed is obtained for another country than it will have to be trained for a military position. In the entry below each dragon is called by its native name (as spelled in the English of the last century) followed in parenthesis by the name it is often called by Europeans. So what an English book on dragon breeds would call the Oriental Tri-color a Chinese native would call a Chi-lung. I hope you have fun as much fun playing with these great beasts as I did researching them. Until next time: Good Flying!
Bibliography Bowley, Clash. In Harms Way: Dragons! Flying Mice Games,, 2008 Gould, Charles. Mythical Monsters. London, UK: Allen and Co., 1886 Hayes, Newton. The Chinese Dragon. Commercial Press, Limited: Shanghai China, 1922 Ingersoll, Ernest. Dragons & Dragon Lore. Concord. NH: Payson & Clark, 1928 Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon and Ash LeopardDancer DeKirk. A Wizards Bestiary. New Page Books, Career Press, Inc. Franklin Lakes, NJ., 2007

Bixie (Chinese Chimera)

Breed/Country of Origin Bixie/China Size Draft Horse (2) Special Ability/Edges Night Vision/ Night 4 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 9/COOR 12/ AGY 9/END 9/ CHAR 10/ IQ 70/INT 2 Armor/Outer Covering 0.8/ Light Feathers Acceleration/Max. Speed 7/12 Ceiling/Range 16/114 Attack Type & Skill Teeth+4 & Horns+4 Damage Teeth+35, Claws +25, Horns+30, Tail +25 Break 3 Maneuv/Stability 18/2 Constitution 17 (5,4,4,4) Diet/Habitat Herd Animals/ Grassy Plains Aggression Ready to Strike Senses Sight X2, Smell X3, Hearing X2, Touch x0, Taste x0 Alert/Observe +2/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the Bixie has soft hair-like feathering in a solid yellow brown with ivory horns and a longer mane in dark auburn. The result looks like a large winged lion with goats horns. Ornaments Mane Vigor 30 This rare dragon from the steppes of the western provinces is kept as a guard animal throughout China. While not the most intelligent of dragons it has excellent senses and a fierce disposition towards strangers. Similar breeds are the Tibetan Snow Lion and the wingless Fu lions and Fu dogs of Southern China.

Chiang-Lung (River Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Chiang-Lung/ China Size Hippo (3) Special Ability/Edges Dive and Swim/ Dive 2 & Swim 2 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 10/COOR 10/ AGY 11/END 10/ CHAR 12/ IQ 125/INT 8 Armor/Outer Covering 1.8/ Light Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 10/6 Ceiling/Range 11/147 Attack Type & Skill Teeth+3 & Tail +3 Damage Teeth+40, Claws +30, Horns+30, Tail +35 Break 4 Maneuv/Stability 10/10 Constitution 18 (5,5,4,4) Diet/Habitat Fish/ Riverside Aggression Wary Senses Sight X2, Smell X3, Hearing X0, Touch X2, Taste x0 Alert/Observe +2/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the Chiang lung is an elongate dragon with iridescent turquoise scales that gradually shade to canary yellow on the belly. Ornaments barbels Vigor 25 This is the common dragon of the rivers and coastlines of China. In the wild it uses its barbells to find fish in muddy waters and in civilization it uses this talent to find small objects and treasure lost in the waters. Its fair stability also means that it is the most common dragon for riding, usually by ferrying people across rivers or along the river banks in specialized chariots.

Chi -Lung ( Oriental Tri-Color)

Breed/Country of Origin Chi-Lung/Mongolia & northern China Size Hippo (3) Special Ability/Edges Herd Mentality/ Teamwork 4 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 10/COOR 11/ AGY 10/END 9/ CHAR 12/ IQ 100/Int 5 Armor/Outer Covering 1.0/ Light Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 9/13 Ceiling/Range 11/126 Attack Type & Skill Teeth+3 Damage Teeth+40, Claws +30, Horns+30, Tail +30 Break 4 Maneuv/Stability 11/9 Constitution 18 (5,5,4,4) Diet/Habitat Herd Animals/ Desert Aggression Skittish Senses Sight X2, Smell X3, Hearing X2, Touch X0, Taste x0 Alert/Observe +2/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the chi lung is covered with small glossy emerald green scales that gradually change to a white underbelly. Cherry red stripes mark the sides in wide bands. Ornaments Barbels Vigor 25 This dragon originated in the cold deserts of the North where they were originally used to guard and protect waterholes and oases from rival tribes. Today both the Mongolian hoards and Chinese army train them to be war dragons. Often this breed will be seen searching for invaders from atop the Great Wall. Their favorite food is camels and wild horses.

Fuku-Ryu (Luck Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Fuku-Ryu/Japan Size Elephant (4) Special Ability/Edges Hovering Flight/ Landing 4 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 10/COOR 10/ AGY 9/END 11/ CHAR 13/ IQ 113/Int 7 Armor/Outer Covering 1.0 /Light Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 7/11 Ceiling/Range 14/158 Attack Type & Skill Teeth+3 Damage Teeth+50, Claws +40, Horns+40, Tail +40 Break 4 Maneuv/Stability 11/9 Constitution 18 (5,5,4,4) Diet/Habitat Small Animals/ Riverside Aggression Quiet & Docile Senses Sight X3, Smell X1, Hearing X2, Touch X0, Taste x0 Alert/Observe +3/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the fuku ryu has soft scale-like feathers in a pale pink color scales tipped with white. The coloring becomes grey-white on the underside and snow white fur-like feathers adorn the head, limbs and tip of the tail. The large eyes are white or deep blue. Ornaments bearded Vigor 25 This feathered pearl-colored dragon, unlike most Japanese breeds, has a gentle nature that has given it the reputation as a bringer of luck to the family that owns one. This superstition means that normally only the royal family and those favored by them can bond with a fukuryu.

Fu-Tsang Lung (Treasure Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Fu-Tsang Lung/ China Size Mammoth (5) Special Ability/Edges motion Detection/ Motion 2 & Sight 2 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 11/COOR 10/ AGY 10/END 12/ CHAR 10/ IQ 95/Int 5 Armor/Outer Covering 4.5/Heavy Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 8/10 Ceiling/Range 12/184 Attack Type & Skill Teeth & Tail +4 Damage Teeth+55, Claws +45, Horns+45, Tail +50 Break 4 Maneuv/Stability 10/10 Constitution 21 (6,5,5,5) Diet/Habitat Any Animal/ Mountain Aggression Aggressive Senses Sight X2, Smell X3, Hearing X2, Touch X2, Taste x0 Alert/Observe +2/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the fu-tsang lung has sharp edged heavy scales of a dark olive green hue spotted with midnight blue. A blood red crest crowns the head. Ornaments Crested Vigor 20 All dragons are acquisitive and avaricious and this instinct has been increased considerably in the futsang lung. This dragon was bred to be the ultimate guardian of the imperial treasure and will fight to the death to protect whatever it has been commanded to guard. While not the smartest of dragons they know every piece of treasure in their possession and will fly for days to retrieve any item stolen from their hoard. They would possibly make great military dragons if properly trained and if their protective urges were re-directed to a country or kingdom.

Gong-Gong (Thunder Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Gong-gong/ China Size Large Whale (7) Special Ability/Edges Breath Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage water/6/135 Attributes STR 13/COOR 10/ AGY 9/END 10/ CHAR 8/ IQ 100/Int 5 Armor/Outer Covering 2.8/Heavy Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 8/11 Ceiling/Range 13/150 Attack Type & Skill Teeth & Claws +3 Damage Teeth+70, Claws +65, Horns+60, Tail +60 Break 5 Maneuv/Stability 7/13 Constitution 18 (8,8,7,7) Diet/Habitat Herd Animals and Carrion/ Mountains Aggression Murderous Senses Sight X3, Smell X3, Hearing X2, Touch X2, Taste x0 Coloring, Pattern & Texture matte black scales striped with electric blue and with tan horns. Ornaments horns Vigor 10 This is the largest breed of dragon in the Orient and poems claim that its wingspan can obscure the sun itself casting the earth into darkness. This dragon is extremely vicious, especially for a Chinese breed and can attack over the slightest perceived insult. Indeed legend claims that the first gong-gong went feral, attacking its master (the Celestial Emperor Yeo) and causing a flood. The only representatives left of this breed are kept in high mountain aeries where they can easily get their great bulk airborne. There they stay until summoned to put out a large fire by a magistrate or other official.


Hai-Ryu (Japanese Bird Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Hai-Ryu /Japan Size Small Whale (6) Special Ability/Edges Dive & Swim/Dive +2 , Swim +2 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 12/COOR 10/ AGY 12/END 11/ CHAR 9/ IQ 100/Int 5 Armor/Outer Covering 1.5/Thick Feathers Acceleration/Max. Speed 11/13 Ceiling/Range 8/162 Attack Type & Skill Teeth Bite +4 Damage Teeth+70, Claws +60, Horns+60, Tail +60 Break 5 Maneuv/Stability 6/14 Constitution 21 (6,5,5,5) Diet/Habitat Fish/ Sea Shore Aggression Stubborn Senses Sight X1, Smell X3, Hearing X3, Touch X0, Taste x0 Alert/Observe +1/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the hai-ryus head, limbs and tail are a leaf green color while the ruffled feathers on the body are bright amber tipped with reddish brown. Ornaments Long nose & barbles Vigor 16 Looking much like an enormous mandarin duck the hai-ryu (also spelled hanryu) is the largest of the Oriental bird dragons. While not able to fly very high (a trait poetically described as being unable to reach heaven) this fierce beast is the primary war dragon of the shoguns. Several similar (though smaller) breeds are found in Japan including the tobi-tatsu and schachi-hoko.


Ka-Ryu (Japanese Fire Drake)

Breed/Country of Origin Ka-ryu/Japan Size Pony (1) Special Ability/Edges Breath Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage fire/6/90 Attributes STR 8/COOR 12/ AGY 9/END 8/ CHAR 10/ IQ 129/Int 8 Armor/Outer Covering 2.2/ Medium Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 7/10 Ceiling/Range 10/90 Attack Type & Skill Teeth bite +2 Damage Teeth+25, Claws +15, Horns+15, Tail +15 Break 3 Maneuv/Stability 17/3 Constitution 18 (4,4,4,4) Diet/Habitat Small Animals/ mountains Aggression Ready to Strike Senses Sight X3, Smell X2, Hearing X0, Touch X0, Taste X0 Alert/Observe +3/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the Ka-ryu is a glossy cherry red in color fading to bright copper on the belly. Ornaments Barbed Vigor 25 This is the smallest dragon in Japan and that countrys only fire-breather. This small dragon was used by the shoguns to terrorize enemy provinces by burning buildings and crops. It was also used as for scouting and spying though its low range makes this use less common than in most European lightweight breeds.


Kiao-Lung (Crossed Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Kiao-lung/China Size Pony (1) Special Ability/Edges Chameleon skin/Undetectable 4) Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 8/COOR 13/ AGY 10/END 8/ CHAR 11/ IQ 70/INT 2 Armor/Outer Covering 0.5/ Skin only Acceleration/Max. Speed 8/8 Ceiling/Range 10/85 Attack Type & Skill Teeth Bite +2 Damage Teeth+25, Claws +15, Horns+15, Tail +15 Break 3 Maneuv/Stability 19/1 Constitution 17 (3,3,3,3) Diet/Habitat Carrion/ Tropical Forests Aggression Nervous Senses Sight X1, Smell X2, Hearing X0, Touch X2, Taste X0 Alert/Observe +1/+1 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the kiao has soft fish-like skin of a light olive green color gradually grading to dull red on the belly. Ornaments Barbed Vigor 35 This swamp and jungle-dwelling dragon gets its name from its crossed eyebrows. It is primarily a vegetarian though it will also feed on carrion. It is mainly an ornamental breed used to grace royal gardens though upon death its meat is served as a dish to the Emperor and its bones and organs are also used in traditional medicine.


Pan-Lung (Coiled Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Pan-Lung/China Size mammoth (5) Special Ability/Edges Herd Mentality/ Teamwork 4 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 11/COOR 10/ AGY 11/END 11/ CHAR 9/ IQ 109/INT 6 Armor/Outer Covering 2.2/ Heavy Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 10/14 Ceiling/Range 13/152 Attack Type & Skill Teeth+3 & Horns+3 Damage Teeth+55, Claws +45, Horns+50, Tail +45 Break 4 Maneuv/Stability 10/10 Constitution 21 (6,5,5,5) Diet/Habitat Herd Animals/ Forests Aggression Defensive Senses Sight X2, Smell X2, Hearing X2, Touch X0, Taste X0 Alert/Observe +2/+3 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the pan-lung has glossy ruby red scales tipped with bright copper and shading to moss green below. Ornaments Large eyes and barbels Vigor 20 The most common large dragon the Pan-lung was bred to guard temples and other important buildings. Its name means coiled dragon for its habit of coiling around courtyard statues. This beautiful and fierce breed is occasionally ridden into battle during times of war and would make an excellent military dragon in the west if ever imported.


Peng-Niao (Chinese Bird Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Peng-niao/China Size Elephant (4) Special Ability/Edges Hovering Flight/ Landing 4 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 10/COOR 11/ AGY 11/END 10/ CHAR 9/ IQ 80/INT 3 Armor/Outer Covering 2.7/ Medium Feathers Acceleration/Max. Speed 10/14 Ceiling/Range 14/143 Attack Type & Skill Claws+2 Damage Teeth+40, Claws +45, Horns+40, Tail +40 Break 4 Maneuv/Stability 11/9 Constitution 20 (5,5,5,5) Diet/Habitat Herd Animals/ Grassy Plains Aggression Stubborn Senses Sight X6, Smell X0, Hearing X0, Touch X0, Taste X0 Alert/Observe +6/+3 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the peng-niao has deep blue scales tipped in coral red that gradually fade to violet tipped in leaf green. Ornaments barbels Vigor 20 This is the largest feathered dragon found in China. Like an eagle it soars across to great steppes before stooping down upon antelope and wild ponies. It is mainly used for long-distance travelling or carrying mail across the country. Only its limited intelligence detracts from this breeds usefulness as a military dragon.


Pi-hsi (Dragon Turtle)

Breed/Country of Origin Pi-hsi/China Size Large Whale (7) Special Ability/Edges Dive and Swim 2 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 13/COOR 9/ AGY 10/END 12/ CHAR 10/ IQ 105/INT 6 Armor/Outer Covering 4.8/ Heavy Plates Acceleration/Max. Speed 7/12 Ceiling/Range 9/200 1 Attack Type & Skill Teeth and Tail +4 Damage Teeth+70, Claws +60, Horns+60, Tail +65 Break 5 Maneuv/Stability 5/15 2 Constitution 30 (9,8,7,6) Diet/Habitat Fish and small marine animals/ Sea Shore Aggression Ready to Strike Senses Sight X2, Smell X0, Hearing X3, Touch X0, Taste X2 Alert/Observe +2/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the dragon turtle has a ruffled light olive scales with deep yellow spots. The shell is dark olive with grey-green spots. Ornaments barbels Vigor 10 This dragon is practically a walking tank. It has been highly modified to have armor that forms a protective carapace, a heavy body and no wings. It cannot fly but is an excellent swimmer. The crew can sit on the wide shell to ride it into battle where it simply crushes lesser opponents. Or it can be used to board a ship at sea. More often the breed is used for more harmless tasks such as retrieving objects from the ocean floor or to protect ships from pirates.

Dragon turtles cannot fly so Ceiling equals how deeply the dragon can swim (which in this case is 7425 feet or 1237 fathoms) while Range is how far it can swim. Maneuverability and stability is when in the water. The wide back means there is very little rocking.


Shen-lung (Spirit Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Shen-lung/China Size Small Whale (6) Special Ability/Edges Hovering Flight/Landing 4 Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage 0/0/0 Attributes STR 12/COOR 10/ AGY 12/END 12/ CHAR 9/ IQ 121/INT 8 Armor/Outer Covering 2.1/ Light Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 11/12 Ceiling/Range 13/198 Attack Type & Skill Teeth and Horns +3 Damage Teeth+60, Claws +50, Horns+55, Tail +50 Break 5 Maneuv/Stability 8/12 Constitution 25 (7/6/6/6) Diet/Habitat Herd Animals and Fish/Riverside Aggression Stubborn Senses Sight X3, Smell X2, Hearing X0, Touch X2, Taste X0 Alert/Observe +3/+2 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the shen-lung is covered in iridescent sky blue scales blotched with sapphire blue. Ornaments barbels and beard Vigor 13 This is the blue, cloud enshrouded, dragon celebrated in Chinese art and religion. The shen-lung is the dragon that was believed to be in charge of rainfall in ancient times, an opinion likely based on its superb flying skills. Even today the uneducated peasants write letters to them requesting rain for their crops or complaining of floods. More practically shen-lungs are the companions of the majority of the rulers of China and act as bodyguards and symbols of legitimacy. Only the Tien-lung, companion to emperors, is more highly regarded among dragons.


Tien-lung (Celestial Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Tien-lung/China Size Large Whale (7) Special Ability/Edges Breath / Breath Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage fire/8/210 Attributes STR 13/COOR 10/ AGY 13/END 12/ CHAR 9/ IQ 135/INT 9 Armor/Outer Covering 0.8/ Light Feathers Acceleration/Max. Speed 7/12 Ceiling/Range 16/114 Attack Type & Skill Teeth and Claws +4 Damage Teeth+70, Claws +65, Horns+60, Tail +60 Break 5 Maneuv/Stability 6/14 Constitution 28 (7,7,7,7) Diet/Habitat Herd Animals/ Meadow Aggression Defensive Senses Sight X2, Smell X3, Hearing X2, Touch X0, Taste X0 Alert/Observe +2/+3 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the tien-lung has glossy deep yellow scales tipped with canary yellow. Ornaments Mane and barbels Vigor 12 The sacred five-clawed, golden dragon of Imperial China, only the Emperor and his children are allowed to be the companions of the tien-lung and images of this breed adorn only imperial property. The only fire-breathers in china, it is said that these dragons guard the palace of the gods upon death. In life it is considered unseemly for such a sacred thing to endanger itself with hard work so tien-lungs spend their days learning, writing poetry, and advising the Imperial family.


Tun Mi-lung (Typhoon Dragon)

Breed/Country of Origin Tun Mi-lung/China Size Small Whale (6) Special Ability/Edges Breath Weapon Breath Type/Times per Day/Damage Wind/6/200 Attributes STR 12/COOR 10/ AGY 10/END 11/ CHAR 10/ IQ 107/INT 6 Armor/Outer Covering 2.8/ Heavy Scales Acceleration/Max. Speed 8/11 Ceiling/Range 12/162 Attack Type & Skill Teeth and Claws+5 Damage Teeth+60, Claws +55, Horns+50, Tail +50 Break 3 Maneuv/Stability 9/11 Constitution 25 (7,7,6,5) Diet/Habitat Any Animals/ Sea Shore Aggression Aggressive Senses Sight X3, Smell X3, Hearing X2, Touch X0, Taste X0 Alert/Observe +3/+3 Coloring, Pattern & Texture the tun-mi lung has ridged midnight blue to black scales tipped with purple that fade to dark grey on the belly. Ornaments Beard and barbels Vigor 13 In Chinese lore the tun-mi lung lives in the sea and its dancing among the clouds brings typhoons and waterspouts. No doubt this is an exaggeration of the tun-mi lungs windy breath which can make substantial waves if used on water. Such dragons feed by flying low over the water snatching up large fish and aquatic mammals. In society this breeds role is similar to that of the inland dwelling shen-lung. Unlike that spiritual breed the tun-mi lung has a fierce temper that allows it to also be used to attack enemy or pirate ships.


Equivalent Ranks
British Military British Dragoneers

Subltern Wingman Captain Lieutenant Major Flight Commander Colonel Post Captain Brigadier General Air Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Admiral Lieutenant General Air Admiral General Admiral of the clouds Field Marshal

Chinese Military Jun duifu duizhu Junfu Junzhu Chuangzhu Tongjun Jiangjun Shuzhu

Chinese Dragoneers Lung-jun Lung-duifu Lung-duizhu Lung-junfu Lung-junzhu Lung-chuangzhu Lung-tongjun Lung-jiangjun

Japanese Military Rikugun Chi () Rikugun Taii () Rikugun Shsa () Rikugun Chsa () Rikugun Taisa () Rikugun Shsh () Rikugun Chj () Rikugun Taish () Gensui Rikugun Taish ()

Japanese Dragoneers Rikugun Chi Ry () Rikugun Taii Ry () Rikugun Shsa Ry () Rikugun Chsa Ry () Rikugun Taisa Ry () Rikugun Shsh Ry () Rikugun Chj Ry () Rikugun Taish Ry () Gensui Rikugun Taish Ry ()


In this book are 15 new breeds of dragon for your In Harms Way: Dragon Campaign. Will you be a brave member of the Chinese or Japanese military riding a dragon in defense of your country? Are you a British Soldier who has found himself presented with a mysterious dragon egg captured from an enemy ship? Are you the first in your Country tasked to raise a new breed of dragon presented to your land from the Far East? All these scenarios and more can be played with


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