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o noi dnicaie or disiribnie ihis Iie.
Thi Jocumcnt i liccncJ only to thc purchacr lor pcronal,
priatc uc. Duplication anJ/or Jitrihution ol thi lilc i trictly
prohihitcJ, anJ i protcctcJ unJcr lcJcral anJ local copyriht la.
\nlalul Juplication anJ Jitrihution ill hc purucJ.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2

. 3 cr aata raa, t|t |aat i taaia, ca| aam
i, m|ta t|t |tc| mi|| |tct t|t raitt a| t|t Caa a|
Ca|, ca| t|tr t|ct |tct |c|| |irt.
ta C|tit
a|a :2

A alay, ! JcJicatc thi amc, a Jo ! my cntirc lilc, to my hclocJ ilc, Tara,
anJ to my prcciou chilJrcn, !arlcr, Clicr, anJ Kya

With cry pccial cJitorial thanl to Joc Kcc. anJ Chri Hoplcr ~r. lor thcir K!C lnolcJc anJ mcticulounc

Alo, cry pccial thanl to thc playtctcr-cxtraorJinairc. KcnarJ !rancini-icnic, JarcJ, !ryan, Dominic, !ranJon,
Chri, Kin !lanJo thc Crcat, Dan thc !oy, Jacoh, Dutin, Trcor, ChaJ, Jocl, Milc, anJ Kyan, anJ to Jcll C. lor hi
laithlul upport ol thi minitry

Ho coulJ ! lorct thc !oy. lrom ColoraJo, ho hrin thc Holy !anJ art to lilc, Chachi anJ C-moncy HcrnanJc.

Ccd B|ccc 'cu A|| lcr 'cur C||crtc

at t|aa |t|itrt aa t|t Caa a| Ca|:
ta C|tit
a|a 9:3

Copyriht 2005, !aith _uct Camc, All Kiht KccrcJ
lc|q Londc' i a KcitcrcJ TraJcmarl ol !aith _uct Camc
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn


Scction Pagc
Thc ascs 4
Combat 8
/ttrbutcs 14
/bltcs 17
Vcaon Sklls 18
Thc Charactcrs 20
Excrcncc 45
Sklls 47
lraclcs 5o
ulds o0
Equmcnt t Scrvccs o4
Vcaons oo
/rmor and Clothng o8
oly Itcms 70
crbs, Curcs, t Posons 72
la ol thc Known Vorld 74
Charactcr Shcct ack agcs
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn


lc|q Londc i a amc that Joc not rcquirc a
hoarJ, carJ, or a computcr. !t rcquirc thi hool, a
lc|q Londc AJcnturc !acl, omc amin Jicc, a
lricnJ or to, anJ your imaination. lc|q Londc may
cry cll hc a amc unlilc any othcr you hac ccr
playcJ hclorc hccauc it i limitcJ only hy your
imaination. Your imaination anJ a ooJ halc ol
thc Jicc Jctcrminc thc outcomc ol mot ituation.
Thc ohjcct i thc nccr-cnJin tal ol Jctroyin thc
cil that plauc thc mcJical orlJ! You, a a playcr,
crcatc a charactcr ol Chritian laith anJ play thc rolc
(hcncc thc namc 'rolc-playin`) ol your charactcr on
aJcnturc. Your charactcr i lnon a your IC, or
Iayer Characier. !crhap your !laycr Charactcr ill
hc a tron anJ lcarlc Kniht ith a orJ anJ hiclJ,
or mayhc a tall-iclJin, ic ~aint ho can pcrlorm
pocrlul Miraclc, or othcr Charactcr Cla. You (a
your charactcr) mut talc up your tall or your orJ
anJ liht uin thc chancc ol thc Jicc to Jctroy maic
anJ Jcmon that arc tryin to ohlitcratc thc mcJical
Church. !l thc tal ccm implc, you arc in lor quitc a
Thc pocr ol rihtcounc ithin thc Holy !anJ
hinc a a liht in thc Jarl orlJ. Thi orJcr tanJ in
cil` ay ol total orlJ chao. Thc paan lanJ attacl
lrom thc outiJc hilc thc Jcil anJ hi Jcmon inlcct
thc lanJ lrom thc iniJc. Cnc hy onc, thcy arc
Jctroyin our piritual allic. Thc Jarl pocr uc
thcir orccrcr anJ othcr lollocr to pillac thc Holy
!anJ ith maic, thiccry, anJ hlooJhcJ. Thc Holy
!anJ nccJ you! !aclcJ hy CoJ, you mut riJ
ciili.ation ol thc Jctructic anJ JcaJly lorcc ol thc
Jcil anJ hi iclcJ minion. Thc urial ol thc
Church i JcpcnJcnt on all Chritian ho ill tanJ
aaint thc cil cncmic anJ liht ith thc pocr ol thc
Holy ~pirit!
~ccral tool arc at your Jipoal. All arc
ncccary anJ all hac a pccial part to play in thc
ollcnc ol Truth. Thcy ranc lrom thc lill that CoJ
ha hlccJ you ith to harp hlaJc anJ ccn Miraclc.
!ortunatcly, othcr hcroc jut lilc you arc out thcrc
alo ain ar to protcct thc Church anJ it Holy
!anJ. All Chritian mut tanJ tocthcr to lcnJ oll
thc attacl lrom paan lanJ anJ liht to rcclaim thc
!anJ that hclon to CoJ` Church.

b bc c L Lo oc cc cn nt tc cu ur r
Thc Raconienr (pronounccJ rac-CN-tcr, or uc
Rac lor hort) ha a joh to hc a itty torytcllcr ho
Jcin anJ lcaJ thc aJcnturc. Thc Kacontcur Joc
not play a inlc charactcr hut play ccry charactcr anJ
ccnt outiJc ol thc playcr` control. Thcc charactcr
arc lnon a NIC`s or Narraied Iersonaiiy
\ually, thc Kacontcur i thc only onc ol thc
roup ho lno hat i oin to happcn ncxt. !t i
thc Kac` joh to lccp thc playcr on thcir toc. Thcy
alo hac thc Jillicult tal ol lccpin thc amc
honorahlc. That Joc not mcan that thc Kac ha to
lccp thc playcr honorahlc, hich i thc playcr` on
rcponihility, hut it Joc mcan that thc tory houlJ hc
lorilyin to CoJ. Thc Kacontcur nccJ to hac a
ooJ, orlin lnolcJc ol thc amc ytcm a cll a
ho cach aJcnturc ill prorc hclorc hcinnin.
Thc outlinc ol an aJcnturc can hc a clahoratc or
a implc a thc Kac Jcirc. !t i up to thcm a to ho
much prohlcm olin or Comhat ill hc inolcJ in
cach aJcnturc. Althouh thc majority ol thc
aJcnturc` crcation i thc Kac` rcponihility, it may
hc hclplul to initc contructic iniht lrom thc playcr
to malc thc amc or luturc amc a cnjoyahlc a


Thc lirt thin you, thc playcr, mut Jo i crcatc a charactcr (cc thc c:./o, . c|../: cction tartin on pac 38).
You ill thcn talc thi charactcr throuh thc Kacontcur` aJcnturc. A a playcr, you ill nccJ to malc Jcciion lor your
charactcr, uch a JcciJin hat to ay, hcrc to o, anJ hat to Jo. You arc ahlc to Jcclop your charactcr a Jillcrcnt anJ
uniquc a you arc. !ach charactcr ha hoth trcnth anJ calncc that can hclp anJ hinJcr thcm. Thcy alo hac lill,
ahilitic, anJ pcronalitic all thcir on, anJ ccry proJuctic actiity ithin thc amc hclp your charactcr ro.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn
b bc c l lr ro om mc cu uc cr r| | c c| | o o C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr r
Your charactcr` qualitic arc orani.cJ into ccral catcoric, incluJin haic c|../: lo/./o, A//|a/:,
A||/:, anJ c|||, to hclp you utili.c thcm hcttcr. You ill cc thcc cction lahclcJ on thc Charactcr ~hcct.
Thc lirt cction i thc Characier InIornaiion, hich holJ thc Jctail your charactcr` phyical charactcritic anJ
pcronal inlormation, uch a hciht, ciht, namc, ac anJ hcthcr thcy arc malc or lcmalc.
Ncxt, your charactcr` Aiiribnies, hich arc hi or hcr mot important charactcritic hccauc thcy Jclinc your
charactcr` haic mcntal, phyical, anJ piritual qualitic. Thcy arc your charactcr` c/:o,/|, A,|/, lo/:||:/, l./|, ctc.
Attrihutc arc thc lounJation lor all othcr lill your charactcr ill Jcclop. Noie. Thc rulc ill rclcr to thc corrcponJin
numhcr ol an Attrihutc a an Attrihutc Katin, or AK lor hort.
Thcn, your charactcr` Abiiiies. Ahilitic notc your charactcr` aptituJc at pcrlormin haic lill, uch a ho cll
thcy can jump, climh, or linJ hiJJcn thin (c:.|). Ahilitic arc implc phyical action tructurcJ lrom comhination ol
thc alorcmcntioncJ Attrihutc. Thcy arc Ahilitic that ccry normal charactcr ha, yct not omcthin ith hich your
charactcr hccomc rcatly prolicicnt. Noie. Thc rulc ill rclcr to thc corrcponJin numhcr ol an Ahility a an Ahility
Marl, or AM lor hort.
Sis arc thoc ahilitic ith hich your charactcr hccomc prolicicnt. ~lill arc hrolcn Jon into thrcc catcoric
callcJ Cilt, Talcnt, anJ Cralt. Cilt arc your charactcr` tronct ~lill hccauc thcy hcin at a hihcr prolicicncy lccl
anJ prorc thc latct. Concrcly, Cralt hcin at thc calct prolicicncy lccl anJ prorc thc loct. Talcnt,
ohiouly, arc in hctccn thc to. Noie. Thc rulc ill rclcr to thc corrcponJin numhcr ol a ~lill a !rolicicncy !onuc.


Thi amc rcquirc a ct ol amin Jicc. !t i
prclcrrcJ that cach playcr ha hi or hcr on ct to
lccn thc conluion. You can purchac a ct lrom u
hcrc at !aith _uct Camc il you arc not ahlc to linJ
any at your local amin or comic torc. Wc hac
printcJ our ch aJJrc in thc hcinnin ol thi hool.

Thc lolloin malc a ct ol ncccary Jicc.

Jd4: A our-sided, pyramid-shaped die
Jd6: 1hese dice are the cubed ones commonly ound in
board games. It is best to hae at least two o these.
Jd8: An eight-sided die
dJ00: see 2d10, although there is a single d100 die, 2d10
and d100 oten mean the same thing
2dJ0*: 1wo ten-sided dice which together make up a
number rom 00-99, also called percentile dice
JdJ2: A twele-sided die
Jd20: A twenty-sided dice

when rolling 2d10 or Damage or other non-percentile
roll, the tens` die is always only a single number,
such as 2, 3, or 8, not 20, 30, or 80, and zeroes
always count as 10, not zero

MaturaI RoIIs
/s you rcad through and lay oly Lands, you
wll scc thc tcrm latural whcn rclcrrng to dcc rolls.
latural dcc rolls arc thc numbcrs rollcd on thc lacc ol
thc dcc unmodlcd by any onuscs or Pcnaltcs. Cutc
smly, thc actual numbcr rollcd s latural.
L Lc c| || || |n ng g t tb bc c D D| |c cc c
!cry action your charactcr can attcmpt that ha
a chancc ol lailin rcquirc a roll ol thc Jicc. Thc
action lall into a catcory rcprccntcJ hy omc cction
ol your charactcr` lramcorl, hi Aiiribnies,
Abiiiies, GiIis, Taenis, CraIis, Saving Thros, or
Weaon Sis. Wc ill Jicu thcc tcrm in lurthcr
Jctail latcr.
Thc lolloin i a lit ol thc commonly ucJ Koll
anJ thc Jicc rcquircJ. Cilt, Talcnt, anJ Cralt arc all
part ol ~lill, hich lall unJcr ~lill Koll, anJ arc
imilar to Ahility Koll anJ ~ain Thro. Comhat
Koll arc roll aaint an opponcnt, thc hihcr thc
hcttcr. Hoccr, you`ll cc that Attrihutc orl a littlc
Jillcrcntly than thc othcr roll. You can linJ morc
Jctail ahout thcc roll in thc lolloin cction, hut
lor no, thc co D: l|| tahlc oulJ hc a ooJ
thin to lamiliari.c yourcll ith hclorc hcinnin.

Common D|.e Ko//s
Attribute Rolls: d12 ,low,
Ability Rolls: d20 ,high,
Combat Rolls: d20 ,high,
Skill Rolls: d20 ,high,
Saving 1hrows: d20 ,high,

,low, indicates that the lower the roll, the better because
the player must roll under a target number
,high, indicates that the higher the roll, the better because
the player must roll oer a target number
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o

L L| || |c c
IiIe i thc mcaurc ol your charactcr` capacity to
utain D..,: (lor morc inlormation ahout D..,:, cc
pac 11). Your charactcr hcin thc amc ith a ccrtain
numhcr ol l/:. Thcc l/: arc Jircctly rclatcJ to a
maximum amount ol D..,: that your charactcr can
utain hclorc Jyin.
Your charactcr` l/: tcmporarily Jccrcac cach timc
hc or hc talc D..,:. Cncc your charactcr` l/:
rcachc .cro, thc charactcr i cithcr JcaJ or in a coma.

D Dc co ot tb b
Whcn your charactcr` l/: rcachc 0 or lc, your
charactcr mut roll to c.: :a D:./| (lor Jctail on
c.o, 1|a, cc thc lolloin pac). !l thc c.: i
uccclul, your charactcr lip into a coma anJ loc 1
l/: pcr KounJ until rcachin a ncatic maximum cqual
to thc charactcr` poitic l/: maximum. !or cxamplc, il
your charactcr ha a maximum !ilc ol 45, hi or hcr
maximum ncatic !ilc i -45. Noie. !l your charactcr
Joc not ~ac or thcir l/: rcachc thc ncatic maximum,
thcy arc JcaJ hcyonJ mcan ol hcalin.

lo mattcr how many Llc and Fath your charactcr
gans and loscs, thc maxmum numbcr ol Llc and Fath
can only ncrcasc as your charactcr rcachcs a ncw lcvcl.

L Lc cc ct tc cr r| |n ng g L L| || |c c
!l your charactcr ha lot l/: anJ, a lon a hc or
hc i till alic ith thcir l/: ahoc 0, thcy can rctorc
l/: hacl up to thc maximum. A numhcr ol option lor
achicin l/: rctoration arc at thcir Jipoal.
Iirsi, lor cach hour ol lccp or hcJrct, your
charactcr rctorc 1 l/:, anJ can Jo o continuouly until
thc maximum i aain rcachcJ. Second, i hy thc M:J.|
~lill, hich rcquirc a IC (playcr charactcr) or NIC
(NarratcJ !cronality Charactcr) to uc thc ~lill on thc
injurcJ Charactcr. (!or Jctail on M:J.|, cc pac 52).
Third, your charactcr can Jrinl hcalin Jralt anJ curc.
(!or morc Jctail, cc pac 72 lor H:|. ca:. .oJ
lo.) Iinay, a hcalin Clcrical Miraclc can rctorc
your charactcr` l/: quiclly anJ caily. Chiouly, a
Clcric can pcrlorm thcc Miraclc, hut your charactcr can
alo rcccic thcc Miraclc throuh Crucilixc. (!or morc
Jctail on c|:.| M.|:, cc pac 57, or lor morc
inlormation on Crucilixc, cc pac 70).
l lo o| |t tb b
Iaiih i thc mcaurc ol your charactcr` trut anJ
JcpcnJcncc in thc pocr ol CoJ` ~pirit to pcrlorm
upcrnatural action throuh your charactcr. Without
l./|, your charactcr Joc not poc thc ill to hac thc
pocr ol CoJ orl throuh him or hcr. Thcrclorc, l./|
i mot important to thoc Charactcr Clac ho arc
~lillcJ in pcrlormin Miraclc, hich arc Jynamic
upcrnatural pocr that rcquirc a laithlul Jcotion to
lcarnin. Cnly ccrtain charactcr, uch a !arJ, Clcric,
anJ ~aint, ho JcJicatc thcir lic to thin hihcr than
thi phyical orlJ, can honc thcir ~lill ol pcrlormin

L Lc cc ct tc cr r| |n ng g l lo o| |t tb b
Iirsi, lor clcry, hich arc ol thc c|: anJ c.o/
Charactcr Cla, l./| rccncratc at a ratc ol 1 l./| pcr
hour. Thcrclorc, rcally, thc clcry nccJ not Jo anythin
to rcain lot l./|. Second, lor all Charactcr Clac,
altcr 8 hour ol lccp (ith a maximum 2 hour ol
intcrruption), hi or hcr l./| i totally rctorcJ. Third,
thc charactcr can uc thc ~lill ol M:J/./o to mcJitatc
(cc pac 52 lor Jctail). Iinay, holy atcr anJ omc
hcrhal curc rctorc l./| (cc pac 72 lor Jctail).

U Uc c| |n ng g D Do o| || |q q l lo o| |t tb b
AiJc lrom Miraclc, all charactcr can uc thcir
l./| to acquirc a ~lill tcmporarily il thcy Jo not poc
it currcntly. Your charactcr can pcnJ 3 D.| l./| to
acquirc a ~lill lor 1 KounJ or o D.| l./| to acquirc a
~lill lor 1 Tcn-rounJ (30 cconJ). Thc ahoc cot
aumc that your charactcr ha thc l::,a/: lor thc
~lill. !l hc or hc Joc not hac thc l::,a/:, you
mut Jouhlc thc D.| l./| cot. Cainin a ~lill hy
!aith comc to your charactcr a a Cilt, or 3
!rolicicncy. !urthcrmorc, lor all non-clcry Charactcr
Clac, thcc l./| Jo not rccncratc ccry hour, thcy
rccncratc ccry mornin (hcncc thc tcrm D.| l./|).
!or morc inlormation on ~lill anJ l::,a/:, cc pac
47, or cc l:/o, l./| ahoc on ho to rctorc !aith.
\in l./| thi ay rcprccnt your charactcr
acticly prayin anJ rclyin on CoJ to upply a nccJcJ
~lill to accomplih thc tal. !or CoJ alay upplic thc
laithlul hat thcy nccJ, it` ho c uc it that ho.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn


A Ronnd i thc haic unit ol timc mcaurcmcnt ucJ in ituation throuhout thc lc|q Londc amc, incluJin
ituation ol Comhat, Mocmcnt, ~lill, anJ othcr action.
A laoJ itcll i a 3-cconJ Juration ol timc, hich can hc a rclaticly hort amount. Whcrc ituation JcmanJ
rcatcr amount ol timc, you ill uc thc Tcn-rounJ.
A 1:oaoJ i 10 conccutic normal KounJ or 30 cconJ ol continuou amc-timc. You ill noticc a you play
that ituation rcquirc rcatcr timc than a KounJ anJ it hccomc tcJiou to aJJ KounJ. Tcn-rounJ ill oltcn apply to
ituation rcquirin a hihcr ~lill Dilliculty. Ior eane, piclin a implc locl rcquirc a uccclul l| l| Koll ol
MJ:./: Dilliculty anJ 1 KounJ (only 3 cconJ) pcr attcmpt. Hoccr, piclin a morc Jillicult locl may rcquirc a
uccclul roll ol H,| Dilliculty anJ a Tcn-rounJ (30 cconJ) pcr attcmpt.



A Saving Thro i a ranJom roll ol thc Jicc that ic your charactcr thc chancc to aoiJ thc lull allcct ol a harmlul
thin, in othcr orJ to c.: aaint omcthin. Whcn your charactcr c.: aaint omc ncatic allcct that oulJ hac
Jramatically harmcJ him or hcr, cithcr thc hoJy louht harJ aaint thc allcct, thc allcct a calcr than normal, or CoJ
imply rcJuccJ or rcmocJ thc allcct. Whcthcr thc c.: occurrcJ hy Jiinc intcrcntion, ooJ lortunc, or thc pocr ol ill
JcpcnJ on thc circumtancc, thc allcct, anJ i up to thc Kac ultimatcly.
!n orJcr to achicc a ~ain Thro, you mut roll a J20 ahoc or cqual to a tarct numhcr, hich aric JcpcnJin on
thc cmincnt allcct. Whcn you roll a Natural 20 to c.:, nonc ol thc intcnJcJ harmlul allcct hclall your charactcr.
Cthcric, a uccclul c.: rcJucc thc harmlul allcct lrom it lull potcntial, typically hy hall. !n thc cac ol c.o, :a
D:./|, lor cxamplc, your charactcr lall into a coma tcmporarily rathcr than hcin complctcly JcaJ, anJ a Natural 20 to
c.: :a D:./| rcult in your charactcr till liin ith 1 l/:, hut unconciou lor a couplc minutc.

S So ou u| |n ng g b br rc cu u o ob b| |c c

Save versus:









Natural J Affect Natural 20 Affect
Curses 18 1 16 11 Irremoable Aliction Immunity rom that Curse or 1 day
Death 15 16 18 11 Unable to Resurrect Alie with 1 ife; unconscious
loly Items 4 8 12 11 Double Damage or Aect Immunity rom that Item or 1 hour
Magic lumes 13 12 11 11 Double Damage or Aect Immunity rom that lume or 1 hour
Magic Items 12 11 10 11 Double Damage or Aect Immunity rom that Item or 1 hour
Miracles 12 1 11 Double Damage or Aect Immunity rom that Miracle or 1 hour
Phobias 10 12 13 15 llees in 1error, Cannot ace lear all day Immunity rom that Phobia or 1 hour
Poison 14 15 14 10 Double Damage or Aect No larm or Aect
Rune 1raps 16 15 14 11 Double Damage or Aect Immunity rom that 1rap or 1 hour
Sins 11 13 - - \ild urge to commit Sin or a while Immunity rom that Sin or 1 hour
Spells 1 16 15 11 Double Damage or Aect Immunity rom that Spell or 1 hour
Use Magic 19 11 - - Death ,with chance to Sae, Immunity rom that Item or 1 hour

Characiers ~ AJcnturin !laycr Charactcr anJ N!C Charactcr Clac
Average Ieoe ~ Non-Chritian N!C`, pcaant, anJ non-Charactcr Cla N!C`
Inenies ~ Dcmon, unnatural hcat, anJ cil human !ncmy Clac (orccrcr, thicc, aain, rouc, ctc.)
Aninas ~ Natural animal only
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 8

Comhat i a cqucncc ol attaclin, JclcnJin, anJ D..,: roll that your charactcr cnac in throuhout an
aJcnturc campain. You roll mot action in Comhat on a J20, incluJin AJ.o/.,:, A//.|, DJ,: or D:/:oJ action, thc
hihcr thc hcttcr. Hoccr, D..,: i JctcrmincJ hy rollin thc appropriatc Jic or Jicc that thc capon cauc. !l a playcr
roll a Natural 20 or Natural 1 on a J20 lor a Comhat action, it allo lor a !onu or !cnalty to thc ncxt action,
rcpccticly. ~cc thc lolloin Jccription lor Jctail ol cach action.


Advaniage Jctcrminc ho ill A//.| lirt in cach nc KounJ anJ thcrclorc i uually thc lirt Jicc rollcJ in thc
Comhat cqucncc. You can alo apply AJ.o/.,: to any ituation hcrc you nccJ to cc ho oc lirt amon a roup ol
compctitor, incluJin pcrlormin Miraclc anJ pcllcatin- lnon a upcrnatural Comhat (cc pac 5o lor Jctail).
To roll lor AJ.o/.,:, all inolcJ comhatant or compctitor roll a J20 anJ aJJ thc pcrtincnt !onu to thc roll, in
mot cac, you ill uc thc AJ.o/.,: !onu ol thc Wcapon ~lill ith hich your charactcr i attaclin. Thc hihct
rollcr oc lirt. !n thc ccnt ol a tic, roll aain. !or multiplc comhatant, il thc hihct rollcr tic, only thoc playcr rcroll
until onc opponcnt ha thc hihcr numhcr. Thc locr rollcr arc ahlc to act or rcact hcn it i thcir turn in uhcqucnt
orJcr hacJ on thc ncxt hihcr roll.
Ior nniie aiiacers againsi a singe ooneni, thc cntirc roup can A//.| lirt il onc ol thcm in AJ.o/.,:
ocr thc inlc opponcnt. Cthcric, thc inlc opponcnt can A//.| only onc timc hclorc all thc attaclcr can rcturn
A//.| on him or hcr. A inlc opponcnt alay ha a ccrc JiaJantac aaint multiplc attaclcr, rcarJlc ol AtK.

N No ot tu ur ro o| | 2 20 0 B Bc cn nu uc c
A Natural 20 on an AJ.o/.,: Koll ic your
charactcr a 3 to all ol hi or hcr A//.| action lor
that KounJ.

N No ot tu ur ro o| | 1 1 l lc cn no o| |t tq q
A Natural 1 on an AJ.o/.,: Koll ic your
charactcr a -3 to all ol hi or hcr D:/:oJ or DJ,:
action lor that KounJ.

l lc cr r| |c c| |t t| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uo on nt to og gc c
Your charactcr may JcciJc to lorlcit thc AJ.o/.,: in orJcr to prcparc lor thc oncomin A//.| morc rcaJily. Your
charactcr may only Jo thi hcn hc or hc i aarc ol thc oncomin A//.| anJ oulJ normally roll lor thc AJ.o/.,:.
!orlcitin an AJ.o/.,: Koll allo your charactcr to hccomc thc JclcnJcr automatically, hich ic him or hcr an
aJJitional 1 !onu to D:/:oJ or DJ,: pcr lccl ol cxpcricncc. Thi applic in aJJition to any othcr !onuc your
charactcr may rcccic lrom normal Wcapon ~lill.
:|t tctt i aat ta t|t mi|t, aat t|t |ctt|t ta t|t
ttaa. aat rtt |crat ta t|t ata a| |i||, |at tiat
ca| t|catt |crrta ta t|ta c||.
Ctt|tictt 9:ll
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 9

KcarJlc ol thc capon typc your charactcr i uin, you roll an A//.| on a J20. !t i important to lno thc typc ol
capon that your charactcr i uin lor thc A//.| hccauc cach ol thc Jillcrcnt Wcapon ~lill proiJc !onuc hcn uin
Jillcrcnt clac ol capon. You aJJ thcc !onuc, lounJ in your charactcr` Wcapon ~lill, to your A//.| roll hcn
hcnccr hc or hc uc that capon cla, uch a Comhat Arm (hich arc hanJ capon), HanJ to HanJ (hich arc lit),
Kicl Attacl, Thron, Miilc, anJ ~hiclJ !lay.
Ior nniie aiiacers againsi a singe ooneni, il onc ol thc multiplc opponcnt ccr ct an A//.|, all ol thcm
ct an A//.|. Thc inlc opponcnt can only A//.| onc ol thc attaclcr onc timc hclorc thcy all ct to A//.| aain. Thi
continuc until all thc opponcnt uc or loc all ol thcir AtK.

N No ot tu ur ro o| | 2 20 0 B Bc cn nu uc c
A Natural 20 on a uccclul A//.| inllict
Douhlc Damac to thc opponcnt, JcpcnJin on thc
roll. ~cc thc notc hclo to lactor Douhlc Damac.
Noie. A Natural 20 to A//.| cru a Natural 1
to D:/:oJ cauc an automatic latality rcarJlc ol thc
lill lccl or i.c ol thc to opponcnt. Thi rcprccnt
a cll-cxccutcJ critical hit mct hy an unlortunatcly haJ
D:/:oJ action.

Dctcrmining DoubIc Damagc
You lactor Doublc Damagc by doublng only thc
naturally rollcd numbcr(s} on thc lacc ol thc dc or dcc,
and thcn addng any Combat onuscs. You do not add
thc onuscs lrst bclorc doublng thc total.
N No ot tu ur ro o| | 1 1 l lc cn no o| |t tq q
!irt, a Natural 1 rollcJ to A//.| i nccr
uccclul, anJ thc opponcnt nccJ not D:/:oJ. !t
mcan thc charactcr ha maJc an cxtrcmcly poor trilc
that ha no cnJancrcJ himcll or hi companion.
!urthcrmorc, a Natural 1 on an A//.| Koll
ullcr thc charactcr onc ol ix latc. Koll a Jo to
Jctcrminc thc outcomc.
Natural J Attack Penalties (d6)
1, Attacker hurts himsel,hersel causing ull Damage.
2, Attacker hurts himsel,hersel causing hal Damage
3, Attacker hits a comrade causing hal Damage
4, Attacker hurls or breaks weapon ,i applicable, or
5, Attacker loses ooting causing natural rolls or that
Round and loses .aravtage or the next Round
6, Attacker misses target dramatically causing
amusement to any witnesses

S S| |m mu u| |t to on nc cc cu uc c A At tt to oc c| |c c
Your charactcr may clcct to lorlcit hi or hcr DJ,: or D:/:oJ Koll to ca|/.o:a| A//.| thc opponcnt a thc
opponcnt A//.|. Thi allo hoth opponcnt to cauc D..,: il hoth A//.| arc ocr cach opponcnt` armor D:/:o: (lor
Jctail, cc D:/:o: / A on pac o8). Thi arcic tactic allo your charactcr to o lor hrolc.`
!n orJcr to uccclully ca|/.o:a| A//.|, you mut Jcclarc it prior to malin an AJ.o/.,: Koll, hich your
charactcr mut lorlcit. Your charactcr` ca|/.o:a A//.| mut hct hi or hcr opponcnt` A//.| Koll. At that timc,
hoth A//.| ill hit anJ cauc D..,: imultancouly. !l thc ca|/.o:a A//.| Koll i not rcatcr than thc opponcnt`
A//.| Koll, thc attcmpt lailcJ altocthcr anJ your charactcr rcccic thc opponcnt` Damac.

Motc: / Smultancous /ttack can actually ovcrtakc an ooncnts /ttack l your charactcrs Smultancous /ttack Roll
s bcttcr than twcc thc /ttackcrs Roll. Il ths occurs, your charactcrs Smultancous /ttack hts thc ooncnt bclorc thc
ooncnt can ht your charactcr.

S Su ur r, ,r r| |c cc c A At tt to oc c| |c c
Thcrc arc to linJ ol Snrrise Aiiacs. onc that thc ictim can noticc, anJ onc that hc cannot, ncithcr ol hich
allo lor an AJ.o/.,: Koll. Thc Kacontcur ill Jctcrminc hich ccnario ill apply to a icn urpric ituation.
Cpponcnt achicc thc lirt linJ ol ca: A//.| hy imply catchin thc ictim oll uarJ, hut thc ictim till ha a
chancc at JclcnJin. Thc ictim mut uccclully malc a l::/o Koll (ith incrcacJ Dilliculty ol 5 minimum) in
orJcr to noticc thc aault in timc to attcmpt a D:/:oJ or DJ,:. A lailcJ l::/o Koll aaint thi implc ca: A//.|
mcan that thc ictim a not rcaJy lor thc A//.| anJ JiJ not noticc it in timc to talc Jclcnic action. !n thi cac, thcy
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 10
ill imply rcccic D..,: il thc ca: A//.| i ahoc thc opponcnt` armor D!!. !ithcr that or thcy hac micJ thc
opportunity to malc an AJ.o/.,: Koll aaint thc attaclcr. Thi linJ ol ca: A//.| i thc mot lair anJ houlJ hc thc
mot common rcarJlc ol hcthcr your charactcr i thc attaclcr or thc attaclcc.
Thc cconJ linJ ol urpric A//.| i a truc ca: A//.|. Thi truly ca: A//.| mcan that thc ictim a
unaarc ol any linJ ol A//.| until thcy actually tool D..,: or noticcJ a capon hy thcir hcaJ. !n thi cac, it
not only malc an AJ.o/.,: Koll impoihlc hut alo thc ictim cannot ccn attcmpt to DJ,: or D:/:oJ thc oncomin
A//.|. Thcrclorc, thc attaclcr nccJ only roll ahoc thc ictim` armor D!! to hit.

Su-p-|se A//a.|s u|/| T|-oun o- M|ss|/e ueapons
!or thron or miilc capon, uc thc ~lill Dillicultic anJ thc ictim` armor D!! lor thc tarct numhcr. !n othcr
orJ, il thc attaclcr i uin a thron or miilc capon, hi or hcr A//.| Koll mut hct thc ictim` armor D!! a cll
a hc ahoc 11 (typically). !or incrcacJ Jitancc, you can uc thc Hih Dilliculty !actor (18) a thc tarct. !l thc tarct i
in motion, imply uc a natural DoJc` Koll on a J20. Thi cncratc a ranJom numhcr that rcprccnt thc tarct`
ranJom mocmcnt. !l thc attaclcr hcat thc natural roll on thc Jic, thc attacl hit.


A eIend i an attcmpt to hlocl thc motion ol an opponcnt` capon ith a countcrin capon or ohjcct. A D:/:oJ
Koll i a normal Comhat action, rollcJ ith a J20 that mut hct thc opponcnt` A//.| Koll to hc uccclul. Thc charactcr
aJJ any Wcapon ~lill !onuc thcy ain lrom thc capon typc thcy arc uin to D:/:oJ. Thcrclorc, your charactcr cannot
uc thc 1|ao anJ M|: Wcapon ~lill to D:/:oJ. !ntcaJ, thc charactcr mut uc thc D:/:oJ !onu ol thc Wcapon
~lill that corrcponJ to thc capon ucJ, uch a a orJ, hich oulJ hc uin thc D:/:oJ !onu ol thc \.c. c|./
!n thc ccnt that thc attaclcr anJ thc JclcnJcr roll tic altcr all !onuc arc aJJcJ, thc laor alay oc to thc
JclcnJcr. Thi rulc applic to all apcct ol Comhat, hcthcr thc JclcnJcr i uin a DJ,: or a D:/:oJ action.

1c # ! kuc o Co:|'. ^ ':c |.|, qo 'o 'c dccndcr'

N No ot tu ur ro o| | 2 20 0 B Bc cn nu uc c
A Natural 20 to D:/:oJ alay JclcnJ thc
oncomin A//.|, no mattcr hat thc circumtancc.
!cn il thc A//.| a a Natural 20 ith a 15 !onu
anJ thc D:/:oJ a a Natural 20 ith .cro !onuc, in
thi cac, thc Natural tic oc to thc JclcnJcr.
!n aJJition, a Natural 20 on a D:/:oJ Koll allo
thc JclcnJcr to immcJiatcly ain anJ rcturn an A//.|
rcarJlc ol ho many AtK thcy may hac. Thi lrcc
A//.| Joc not count a an AtK.

N No ot tu ur ro o| | 1 1 l lc cn no o| |t tq q
Contrary to thc Natural 20 D:/:oJ, a Natural 1
to D:/:oJ i nccr uccclul. !n lact, thc lailcJ D:/:oJ
i o poor that thc JclcnJcr luncJ omchat into thc
A//.|. Thc JclcnJcr talc hall aain D..,:, or 1'
timc thc normal D..,: lrom thc hlo. !or cxamplc,
il thc JclcnJcr oulJ hac talcn 8 point ol D..,:,
hc or hc no talc 12 point ol D..,: (hall ol 8
aJJcJ to 8)


Whcn an cncmy A//.| your charactcr, your charactcr may chooc to D:/:oJ or DJ,:. A odge i your charactcr`
attcmpt to caJc an A//.| totally, hich, lilc a D:/:oJ, uc a J20 anJ mut hc ahoc thc opponcnt` A//.| Koll.
\nlilc a D:/:oJ, hoccr, your charactcr roll a DJ,: lrom thc amc Wcapon ~lill ith hich thc opponcnt
attaclcJ. Ior eane, your charactcr mut DJ,: uin thc DJ,: !onuc ithin hi or hcr Miilc Wcapon ~lill il
thc cncmy i attaclin ith thc Miilc Wcapon ~lill.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 11
N No ot tu ur ro o| | 2 20 0 B Bc cn nu uc c
!ilc a D:/:oJ, a Natural 20 to DJ,: alay
JoJc thc oncomin A//.|, no mattcr hat thc
circumtancc. !cn il thc A//.| a a Natural 20
ith many !onuc anJ thc DJ,: a a Natural 20
ith no !onuc. !n thi cac anJ a alay, thc
Natural tic oc to thc JclcnJcr.
!n aJJition, a Natural 20 on a DJ,: Koll allo
thc JclcnJcr to immcJiatcly ain anJ rcturn an A//.|
rcarJlc ol ho many AtK thcy may hac. Thi lrcc
A//.| Joc not count a an AtK. Thi applic to all
Wcapon ~lill DJ,:, incluJin miilc capon anJ
thron capon.

N No ot tu ur ro o| | 1 1 l lc cn no o| |t tq q
Contrary to thc Natural 20 DJ,:, a Natural 1 to
DJ,: i nccr uccclul. !ilc a D:/:oJ, thc lailcJ
DJ,: i o poor that thc JclcnJcr JoJcJ omchat
into thc A//.|. Thc JclcnJcr talc hall aain D..,:,
or 1' timc thc normal D..,: lrom thc hlo. !or
cxamplc, il thc JclcnJcr oulJ hac talcn 8 point ol
D..,:, hc or hc no talc 12 point ol D..,: (hall
ol 8 aJJcJ to 8)


Whcn your charactcr` A//.| Koll i uccclul, it cauc D..,: to thc opponcnt` l/:. You Jctcrminc D..,:
hacJ on thc capon that your charactcr i uin anJ aJJ any !onuc to D..,: lrom that Wcapon ~lill. Thc Wcapon
~lill` D..,: !onu mut comc lrom thc corrcponJin capon typc that thc charactcr i uin (\.c. c|./ A,
\.c. M|:, ctc.).

C Cc cn nt tr rc c| || |c cd d D Do om mo og gc c
!or non-lcthal attacl, uch a parrin or mocl liht, charactcr can clcct to inllict co/||:J D..,: to thcir
opponcnt. To Jo o, thc playcr mut Jcclarc co/||:J D..,: aaint thc charactcr hclorc Comhat hcin. Thcy cnac
in rcular Comhat Koll, applyin all !onuc lor AJ.o/.,:, A//.|, D:/:oJ, DJ,:, anJ ccn D..,:. Hoccr,
ControllcJ Damac cauc only 1J4 point ol D..,: plu !onuc rcarJlc ol thc i.c or typc ol thc capon.

} }n nc cc c| | O Ou ut t D Do om mo og gc c
Your charactcr may chooc to trilc unaarc opponcnt in thc hcaJ or nccl arca ith a non-capon hlunt ohjcct
(lryin pan, thc hanJlc ol a capon, a planl ol ooJ, ctc.) in an attcmpt to lnocl thcm unconciou. Thi rcquirc thc
playcr to Jcclarc thc action anJ roll a uccclul ca: A//.| aaint a non-JclcnJin opponcnt. 'Non-JclcnJin`
mcan that thc ictim i not aarc ol thc oncomin trilc anJ/or Joc not trulc in any ay. Thc uccclul A//.| Koll
mut hc ocr a Dilliculty !actor numhcr that rcprccnt thc Jilliculty ol thc ituation, imilar to a normal ~lill Koll.
Thi Dilliculty !actor i typically MoJcratc, or 11. (!or morc inlormation on Dilliculty !actor, cc pac 47.) A lailcJ
attcmpt cauc thc amount ol lo|ca/ D..,: il thc A//.| a ocr thc opponcnt` armor D!! hut Joc not cauc
thc opponcnt to loc conciounc.

You Jctcrminc thc amount ol timc that your
charactcr lnoclcJ out thc opponcnt hy thc D..,: ol
thc hlunt ohjcct anJ thc charactcr` c/:o,/|. Thc
charactcr rcmoc thc lirt 4 point ol lo|ca/
D..,: lrom thc ictim` l/:. !cry point ol lo|
ca/ D..,: ahoc 4 plu thc attaclin charactcr`
c/:o,/| Attrihutc Katin Jctcrminc ho many Tcn-
rounJ thc ictim ill hc unconciou. Thc charactcr
may aJJ any applicahlc !onuc to D..,: lor uin
ccrtain capon typc.

1ime knocked out (in 1en-rounds):
,1otal Kvoc/Ovt Davage - trevgtb AR, - 4
!l thc attaclin charactcr Joc not roll ahoc 4
point lor lo|ca/ D..,:, thc ictim i not
uhJucJ into unconciounc. Hc or hc imply talc
thc Damac anJ i ahlc to turn anJ liht. Thc D..,:
ol an ohjcct i a lollo.

Object Knock-Out Damage
\eapon pommels 1d8 - Damage Bonuses
Objects: \l o 1 1d8 - Damage Bonuses
leay objects ,\l: 2-, 2d6 - Damage Bonuses
Objects: \l o 3- 1d6,\l - Damage Bonuses

\l ~ \eight lactor ,see page 35 or details,

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 12
l lo o| || || |n ng g D Do om mo og gc c
D..,: to charactcr that hac lallcn lrom a hih
Jitancc, a mcaurcJ lrom thcir hcaJ, i 1Jo1 point
ol D..,: pcr lic lcct lallcn. !ilcic, you oulJ
apply 1Jo1 ol D..,: lor any hciht unJcr tcn lcct,
aumin your charactcr trippcJ anJ lcll hilc allin
or runnin, or in thc intancc that omconc puhcJ
your charactcr ocr. Hoccr, lrom thi hciht, thc
charactcr can attcmpt to malc an A,|/ roll to aoiJ
talin thc lull D..,:. A uccclul A,|/ Koll allo
your charactcr to utain only hall D..,: lrom thi
You can uc thc lolloin tahlc a a rclcrcncc lor
lallcn charactcr D..,:.
Damage: Character Ialls

Distance Damage
0 to 9 eet 1d6-1
10 - 14 eet 2d6-2
15 - 19 eet 3d6-4
20 - 24 eet 4d6-6
25 - 29 eet 5d6-8
30 - 34 eet 6d6-10
35 - 39 eet d6-15
40 - 44 eet 8d6-20
45 - 49 eet 9d6-25
50 - 54 eet Instant death

Distances o 20 eet or more cause the character to be completely
disabled or 2 days per 5 eet allen oer 20 eet plus a 2 chance per
oot allen to acquire broken bone,s, and a 2 chance per oot allen
o acquiring seere, permanent injuries, such as being ully or partially
paralyzed, grossly disigured ,eavt, AR negaties per 10 eet allen,,
loss o limbs ,i appropriate,, and,or death in 2d4 days rom internal
bleeding ,all at the Rac`s discretion,


You hac alrcaJy lcarncJ ahout KounJ in a prciou cction, hich arc 3-cconJ hlocl ol timc in hich
lc|q Londc amc-timc i hacJ. !n Comhat, AtK tanJ lor Aiiacs er Ronnd, anJ AtK rcprccnt thc amount ol
timc your charactcr can A//.| an opponcnt in 1 KounJ. _uitc imply, thc morc AtK your charactcr ha, thc morc timc
hc or hc can A//.| an opponcnt in a hort amount ol timc.
!l your charactcr i hit in a Comhat KounJ, hc or hc loc 1 AtK lor cach hit in hich hc or hc talc D..,:.
Thcrclorc, il your charactcr ha 2 AtK anJ i hit oncc in that KounJ, your charactcr loc 1 AtK that KounJ.
Thc maximum numhcr ol AtK charactcr can hac JcpcnJ on thc Wcapon ~lill or thc capon in hich thcy arc
uin. Charactcr cannot cxcccJ thcc maximum hy normal phyical mcan, only hy upcrnatural mcan. Kclcr to thc
tahlc hclo lor thc maximum AtK a Wcapon ~lill can hac.

!car in minJ that thc tahlc to thc riht lit thc
maximum AtK your charactcr can hac pcr Wcapon
~lill. Hoccr, omc capon thcmclc limit thc
numhcr ol AtK hccauc ol thcir i.c. Ior eane,
thc lonho i a larc anJ cumhcromc capon that ha
a maximum AtK ol 2 ccn thouh thc Miilc Wcapon
~lill allo lor 3 hot in a KounJ ith a lihtcr ho.
\ \o ox x| |m mu um m A At tL L b bq q \ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |

Weapon Skill Max AtR
\.S. Combat Arms 3
\.S. land to land 4
\.S. Kick Attack 2
\.S. Missiles 3
\.S. 1hrown 3
\.S. Shield Play 2

D Dc c| |c cn nd dc c. .D Dc cd dg gc cc c , ,c cr r L Lc cu un nd d
Your charactcr can D:/:oJ or DJ,: a numhcr ol timc pcr KounJ cqual to ticc hi or hcr hihct AtK. Thi mcan
that your charactcr' Wcapon ~lill ith thc hihct AtK Jctcrminc ho many timc your charactcr can DJ,: or D:/:oJ
in a KounJ. Thcrclorc, il your charactcr ha 3 AtK to any Wcapon ~lill anJ thi i thc hihct AtK, hc or hc can DJ,:
up to ix A//.| in a KounJ.
!urthcrmorc, A//.| arc inJcpcnJcnt ol DJ,: anJ D:/:oJ in tcrm ol AtK. Thi mcan that uin AtK to A//.|
Joc not allcct thc amount ol timc your charactcr can DJ,: or D:/:oJ, ncithcr Joc JoJin or JclcnJin uc any actual
AtK. Thc numhcr ol AtK i imply a rclcrcncc lor ho many timc a charactcr can DJ,: anJ D:/:oJ in a KounJ.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1


!laycr, hcn thcir charactcr cnac in Comhat, roll Jicc in turn accorJin to thc haic Comhat cqucncc.
Thcrclorc, hcn your charactcr roll to A//.|, thc opponcnt thcn, typically, roll to D:/:oJ or DJ,:. !l thc opponcnt i
uccclul, hc or hc thcn rcturn A//.| to your charactcr. That i a concic crion ol thc common Comhat ccnario,
hoccr, many othcr lactor can play into Comhat. Thc lolloin Jccription ol a haic Comhat cqucncc aumc thcrc
arc only to cnain opponcnt uin tanJarJ A//.| anJ D:/:oJ action ith thcir inlc capon.
Thc hclo tahlc ho thc roll ol to opponcnt a thcy cnac in Comhat lor 1 KounJ, tartin lrom thc lclt anJ
moin riht. Thc lirt to cxamplc aumc that hoth opponcnt hac only 1 AtK cach.

!n thi KounJ, hoth opponcnt uccclully D:/:oJ anJ thcrclorc no D..,: i Jcalt (thc numhcr rcprccnt Jicc roll).
oneni Advaniage Aiiac 1 eIend 1 Aiiac 2 eIend 2
Character 1
18 ,\ins,
Can Attack
13 ,Deends,
No More AtR
Lnemy 1 6
15 ,Deends,
Can Attack
9 No More AtR
Lnd of Round

No c ill aumc that !ncmy 1 lail to D:/:oJ. Hc thcn talc D..,:, anJ, hccauc hc tool D..,:, loc hi
ahility to rcturn hi 1 A//.|. Thc KounJ cnJ.
oneni Advaniage Aiiac 1 eIend 1 Aiiac 2 eIend 2
Character 1
Can Attack
16 No More AtR No More AtR
Lnemy 1 5
11 ,lails,
1akes Damage
No More AtR No More AtR
Lnd of Round

!n thi linal cxamplc, c`ll aumc that hoth opponcnt hac 2 AtK. Hcrc Charactcr 2 A//.|, anJ noticc that
!ncmy 2 lailcJ hi lirt D:/:oJ anJ concqucntly tool D..,:. Thcrclorc, !ncmy 2 loc thc ahility to rcturn an A//.|
until hc uccclully D:/:oJ aain latcr.
oneni Advaniage Aiiac 1 eIend 1 Aiiac 2 eIend 2 Aiiac 3 eIend 3
Charactcr 2
13 (Win)
Can Attacl
10 4
1o (DclcnJ)
No Morc AtK
!ncmy 2 0
1o (!ail)
Talc Damac

14 (DclcnJ)
Can Attacl
0 No Morc AtK
Lnd of Round

!n thc lat cxamplc ahoc, c cc that Charactcr 2 hit on thc lirt A//.|, hich caucJ !ncmy 2 to loc 1 AtK.
Charactcr 2 thcn ucJ hi cconJ AtK to A//.| aain. Hoccr, !ncmy 2 JclcnJcJ that A//.| anJ, hccauc hc till haJ
1 morc AtK, tricJ to hit Charactcr 2. Charactcr 2 rollcJ hihcr to D:/:oJ than !ncmy 2 JiJ to A//.|. Thcrclorc,
hccauc hoth opponcnt arc out ol AtK, thc KounJ i ocr anJ hoth opponcnt hcin aain at AJ.o/.,:.

To ummari.c, thcrc arc 2 nain oinis aboni Conbai that can hclp malc thc procc implcr to rcmcmhcr.
l:r', ,our c|r|c'cr uc ! ^'k c|c '::c c or c '|c
l|:|qc ro: |n o||oncn' ^''|c.
ccond, 'c o||oncn' '|' : ucccu .:' onc ro .:
',|:c|, c 'c onc .o .: ro ncx' ('o ^''|c, c or c
nccd :orc ^'k |v|:|c).
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1

Aiiribnies arc your charactcr` mot haic phyical, mcntal, anJ cmotional conJition. Thcy arc trcnth anJ
calncc that lorm your charactcr' lramcorl, Ahilitic, anJ ~lill. Thcrc arc 0 Jillcrcnt Attrihutc that ranc lrom
your charactcr` mcntal lo/:||:/ to phyical c/:o,/| to cmotional l./:o:. Your charactcr can uc thcc to pcrlorm
action that rcquirc only onc Attrihutc, uch a rcmcmhcrin omcthin (a lunction ol thc lo/:||:/ Attrihutc). !ach ol
your charactcr` Attrihutc ill hac a corrcponJin numhcr that inJicatc thc compctcncy lccl in that arca, thc hihcr
thc numhcr thc morc compctcnt. Thcc numhcr arc Aiiribnie Raiings or AR lor hort.

A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc c| || |c c
!or your charactcr to attcmpt action uin Attrihutc, you may hc rcquircJ to roll an Attrihutc Koll (in omc cac,
imply hain a hih cnouh AK i ooJ cnouh to accomplih omcthin). Nccrthclc, lor your charactcr to malc an
Attrihutc Koll, you imply roll a J12, anJ thc numhcr rollcJ mut hc cqual to or unJcr thc Attrihutc` AK, thc locr thc
numhcr thc hcttcr. \nlilc mot othcr roll, a Natural 1 i thc hct a charactcr can ct anJ, hcn a charactcr Jucl
Attrihutc ith an opponcnt, thc loct numhcr lrom thc Attrihutc` maximum i thc inncr.

A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c D D| || || || |c cu u| |t tq q l lo oc ct tc cr rc c
!ilc ~lill Koll, attcmptin Attrihutc Koll rcquirc
omc typc ol Dilliculty !actor, hich mcan that thcrc
mut hc a tarct numhcr that you mut roll hclo in orJcr
lor your charactcr to hc uccclul. With Attrihutc, thc
Dilliculty !actor i alay thc Jillcrcncc ol thc numhcr
rollcJ on thc J12 lrom thc Attrihutc Katin. !l thc
Jillcrcncc Joc not cxcccJ thc Dilliculty !actor, thc
Attrihutc attcmpt a unuccclul.
To Iind heiher yonr characier as snccessIn,
snbiraci ihe nnnber roed on ihe d12 Iron ihe
Aiiribnie`s AR, ihe diIIerence shond neei or eceed
ihe I. !l thc numhcr rollcJ i ocr thc Attrihutc` AK,
your charactcr lailcJ thc attcmpt alrcaJy.

Attribute Difficulty Iactors
Difficulty Difficulty Iactor
Simple None
Moderate Dierence o -3
ligh Dierence o -6
Lxtreme Dierence o -9

Mot Attrihutc Koll houlJ lall into thc MJ:./:
Dilliculty lccl. Typically, il thc tal rcquirc morc lrom a
charactcr than imply uin onc Attrihutc quality, thc tal
may actually rcquirc an Ahility or ~lill.

A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lo ot t| |n ng g \ \o ox x| |m mu um mc c
Thc maximum numhcr mot Attrihutc Katin can rcach i 12. Hoccr, your charactcr can incrcac thc Attrihutc
ol your Charactcr Cla` primary A//|a/: l:,a::o/ to 1o anJ thc cconJary A//|a/: l:,a::o/ to 14. To linJ
your charactcr` Cla A//|a/: l:,a::o/, cc your charactcr` Cla Jccription on pac 22 throuh 37.

b bc c A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc cc c
A Ag g| || || |t tq q
Thc A,|/ Attrihutc i thc mcaurc ol your
charactcr` nimhlcnc. !t Jctcrminc onc` rcaction
ahility in ituation hcrc onc nccJ to control thcir hoJy,
arm, anJ lc quiclly anJ rcponicly.
Your charactcr can uc thc A,|/ Attrihutc a
Jclault lor uch action a natchin anJ rahhin ohjcct
anJ urlacc, or lccpin a rhythm or hcat, amon othcr.
B Bc co ou ut tq q
With thc cxccption ol hcin a mcaurc ol thc
charactcr` phyical appcal, thc L:.a/ Attrihutc i
othcric lunctionlc. L:.a/ Koll arc lc anJ rarc
hccauc your charactcr cannot uc L:.a/ a an action.
Anythin that oulJ rcquirc uin thc charactcr` L:.a/
i actually lilcly to chccl thc c|... Thc L:.a/
Attrihutc Katin i imply a mcaurc ol ho attractic thc
charactcr phyically appcar.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1
C Cb bo or r| |c cm mo o
Thi Attrihutc rcllcct ho cll pcoplc lilc your
charactcr a cll a hi or hcr ahility to hc cntcrtainin
anJ inllucntial. ~incc c|.. can hc your charactcr`
hcauty in action,` it can rcprccnt hi or hcr truc hcauty
lrom ithin.` !n othcr orJ, c|.. can mcaurc ho
cll your charactcr iclJ hi or hcr outcr L:.a/, or it
can Jiplay thc pocr ol thc hcart, hccauc your charactcr
nccJ not hc Jahin or hcautilul to hc inllucntial.

You houlJ uc c|.. Koll hcn your charactcr
i cclin lcaJcrhip ol omc linJ. !n thi cac, c|..
i lilc a ~lill, hich your charactcr can uc to attract anJ
rctain attcntion il nccJcJ.

C Cn nd du ur ro on nc cc c
Thc LoJa.o: Attrihutc rcprccnt thc charactcr`
capahility to cnJurc phyical trcc anJ phyical cxcrcic.

Kema|n|n, Aua|e
You mut malc LoJa.o: Koll hcnccr your
charactcr i attcmptin to rcmain aalc alonc altcr thc
miJniht hour, ccn il your charactcr ha nappcJ or rctcJ
throuhout thc Jay. Typically, thc miJniht hour i thc
point in thc niht hcn all i mot calm anJ quict.
Thcrclorc, il thc charactcr mut rcmain aalc lor atch,
thcy mut uccclully achicc an LoJa.o: Koll ccry
hour thcy arc attcmptin to tay aalc alonc. Charactcr
can rcmain aalc all niht il a lcllo charactcr tay up
ith thcm thc cntirc timc in at lcat liht concration.

Ho/d|n, B-ea/|
Your charactcr nccJ not malc any LoJa.o: Koll
lor thi purpoc, hut your charactcr i ahlc to holJ hi or
hcr hrcath lor 10 x thc LoJa.o: AK in cconJ. Ior
eane, a charactcr ith an LoJa.o: ol o can holJ hcr
hrcath unJcratcr or ithin toxic lumc or molc lor up
to o0 cconJ.

l ln nt tc c| || |c cc ct t
lo/:||:/ i your charactcr` capacity to comprchcnJ
anJ apprchcnJ loical inlormation that onc can lcarn
lrom a hool. !xamplc ol thi inlormation oulJ hc
mathcmatical lormula, orJ ol a on or pocm,
mcchanical lcaturc, anJ othcr thin that rcquirc rcaJin
or tuJyin in tcp. A charactcr` lo/:||:/ pcrtain to
lcarnin anJ lnoin principlc that arc conitcnt anJ
traihtlorarJ, a oppocJ to unJcrtanJin philoophy,
aluc, anJ hclicl. !or thi rcaon, thc charactcr can
coniJcr thcir lo/:||:/ thc hool mart` ol a pcron.
Mot lo/:||:/ Koll ill hc Jctcrminin hcthcr a
charactcr can rcmcmhcr omcthin, comc up ith an
ancr to a quction in timc, or thc quality ol an ancr
or quction.

l lo ot t| |c cn nc cc c
Thc l./:o: Attrihutc rcprccnt your charactcr`
capahility to cnJurc mcntal anJ cmotional trcc. !t i
thc mcaurc ol your charactcr` cll-control anJ attcntion
pan. l./:o: inJicatc hcthcr your charactcr ha a
hort luc anJ quicl tcmpcr or il thcy rcmain compocJ
ccn in unclcomin cnironmcnt.

S S, ,c cc cd d
Thi i thc mcaurc ol your charactcr` capahility to
run lat. \c thc tahlc hclo to lactor your charactcr`
maximum mocmcnt pccJ.

Speed AR x S ~ Max 4 o eet traeled in irst Rounds
Speed AR x J0 ~ Max 4 o eet per Round ,1op speed,
Speed AR - 2 ~ 4 o Rounds to reach top speed
Lndurance AR ~ Max Rounds sustained at top speed
Lndurance AR ~ 1en-rounds sustained at hal speed

Ior Conbai, thc maximum lcct-pcr-KounJ your
charactcr can tracl anJ till liht i limitcJ to 5 timc hi
or hcr c::J AK. Moin at any pccJ ahoc that
prccnt your charactcr lrom hcin ahlc to liht

S St tr rc cn ng gt tb b
Thi Attrihutc i your charactcr` phyical pocr.
You Jircctly rclatc your charactcr` c/:o,/| Attrihutc to
thc maximum pounJ in Wciht !actor (W!) that onc
can puh, pull, or prc. |1 W! pounJ ~ 10 pounJ.|

Strength Limits
Strength AR - 2 ~ Max 4 o \l pounds able to carry
normally and into battle
Strength AR = Max 4 o \l pounds able to lit and carry
or 2 eet per vavravce AR
Strength AR x 2 ~ Max 4 o \l pounds able to press
Strength AR x 3 ~ Max 4 o \l pounds able to push or

Thc c/:o,/| Attrihutc Koll may hc onc ol thc mot
common Attrihutc Koll that your charactcr ill malc. !t
ha many uc, incluJin liclin Jon Joor, hcltin
pcoplc or ohjcct, anJ puhin or pullin hcay ohjcct,
amon othcr. Hoccr, hcar in minJ that thc Attrihutc
Dilliculty !actor play a inilicant part in thcc roll.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1o
\ \| |c cd dc cm m
Thc WiJom Attrihutc rcllcct your charactcr` haic ahility to unJcrtanJ thc hchaior, moral, anJ hclicl ol
pcoplc anJ animal. \J lct thc charactcr lcarn lrom thc concqucncc ol hi or hcr on action in lilc a cll a
lrom othcr pcoplc` lic.
\J Koll alo cncompa thc charactcr` ahility to tcach anJ lcarn that hich thc charactcr coulJ not lcarn hy
rcaJin a hool, uch a iJcntilyin omcthin hy ounJ, tatc, or ccnt, omconc` cmotion, anJ rcaJin
omconc` lip. !t malc a pcron ahlc to lccl ith cmotion, hclp comlort othcr, anJ intruct othcr pcoplc ho arc

b bc c A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc cc c B Bc cn nu uc c o ob b| |c c , ,r rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |u uc cl l
A you ill lcarn in Crcatin a Charactcr, your charactcr rcccic !onuc to othcr arca hcn hc or hc incrcac
Attrihutc to 8 or ahoc. Thc hclo tahlc i an cxtcnion ol thc tahlc ucJ to crcatc your charactcr on pac 43. \c thi
tahlc lor all lccl hcyonJ !ccl 1. Thc /` mcan pcr,` anJ cparatc hat action it moJilic hy ho many ol that action
it moJilic. Ior eane, c/:o,/| moJilic thc Damac pcr thc corrcponJin numhcr ol Wcapon ~lill.
Thc - inJicatc thcrc i no chanc until thc Attrihutc ha incrcacJ onc morc.

A//-||u/e Bonus Ta|/e (p-o,-essed |eond Lece/ Ji

Attribute Ratings:
Attributes Modifies: 8 9 J0 JJ J2 J3 J4 JS J6
Intellect Skills , 4 o Skills -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1
Wisdom Skills , 4 o Skills -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1
Patience aitb -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Strength Damage , 4 o \eapon Skills -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1 -1,1
Agility AtR , 4 o \eapon Skills -1,1 - -1,1 - -1,1 - -1,1 - -1,1
Speed Dodge to all \eapon Skills -1 - -1 - -1 - -1 - -1
Lndurance ife -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3
Beauty No Aect - - - - - - - - -
Charisma Pre.evce Skill -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
`~lill arc Cilt, Talcnt, anJ Cralt
``AJJ to Cralt il currcntly not in Cilt or Talcnt
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1

Abiiiies arc haic actiitic that arc common to mot ccry phyically ahlc inJiiJual, uch a jumpin, carchin,
anJ climhin. All lamiliar hcin hac all thc Ahilitic to omc Jcrcc, anJ omc hcttcr than othcr. An Abiiiy Mar, or
AM lor hort, i a numhcr that mcaurc your charactcr` lccl ol lill at pcrlormin an Ahility. Ahility Marl arc imilar
to a ~lill Dilliculty !actor in that you mut roll a J20 ocr thc tarct numhcr (plu a Dilliculty !actor) in orJcr to hc
uccclul. To calculatc Ahility Marl lrom Attrihutc, cc pac 30 in c:./o, . c|../:.

l lc cr rc cc c, ,t t| |c cn n
Ierceiion i your charactcr` Ahility to noticc
anJ Jitinuih normally ohcrahlc actiitic
happcnin arounJ him or hcr. A lailcJ l::/o Koll
mcan that your charactcr lailcJ to talc noticc ol omc
actiity, or JiJ not carc ahout it hcn hc or hc JiJ
noticc it. l::/o can cncompa thc uc ol any ol
thc lic cnc, incluJin mcll anJ tatc.
Noie. thc H:,|/:o:J l::/o ~lill pcciali.c
in noticin thin that arc not ohiou, hut arc
important to thc charactcr.

S Sc co or rc cb b
Search i your charactcr` Ahility to linJ hiJJcn
ohjcct anJ compartmcnt ithin a conlincJ arca.
c:.| Joc not rclatc to thc l::/o Ahility, hich
rcconi.c actiity. You malc a c:.| Koll pcr 10 lcct
carchcJ anJ thc Kac ill aJjut thc Dilliculty !actor
accorJin to thc ituation.

C C| || |m mb b
Cinb i your charactcr` Ahility to climh
climhahlc urlacc, uch a trcc, chain, ropc, anJ
rocl all. You malc a c|| Koll pcr 10 lcct climhcJ,
anJ thc Kac ill aJjut thc Dilliculty !actor accorJin
to thc ituation.
A lailcJ c|| Koll in rarc cac ill hac no rcal
concqucncc cxccpt thc timc pcnt maJc littlc or no
prorc. Cn thc othcr hanJ, a ccrcly lailcJ c||
Koll can hac Jiatrou concqucncc il your charactcr
lall (cc pac 12 lor Jctail on !allin Damac).

u um m, ,
)nn i your charactcr` Ahility to jump hih anJ
lar, typically ocr or throuh thin. A lailcJ roll
mcan that thc charactcr JiJ not malc it ocr or
throuh thc ohjcct anJ may talc !allin Damac (cc
pac 12 lor Jctail).

B Bo o| |o on nc cc c
Iaance i your charactcr` Ahility to maintain
tahility anJ tcaJinc on untahlc, hih, or narro
urlacc. You malc a L.|.o: Koll lor ccry 10 lcct ol
Jitancc thc charactcr moc on thc untcaJy urlacc
anJ thc Kac ill aJjut thc Dilliculty !actor accorJin
to thc ituation.

l l| |d dc c
Hide i your charactcr` Ahility to malc himcll
or hcrcll unccn quiclly. !t applic hcn thc charactcr
i attcmptin to linJ anJ ct to a pot that oulJ put
thcm out ol ic lrom othcr. Thc Kac ill aJjut thc
Dilliculty !actor accorJin to thc ituation.

\ \c cd d| || |q q| |n ng g A Ab b| || || |t tq q \ \o or r| |c c
!or common Ahility Koll you typically aJJ 5
to your charactcr` AM lor that Ahility. That i thc
numhcr you mut roll ahoc on a J20 in orJcr to
achicc that Ahility uccclully. !ilcic, thc Kac ill
incrcac thc Dilliculty ol morc complicatcJ ituation
that malc thc tal harJcr to achicc. Tal that your
charactcr ha hccomc lillcJ in achicin oulJ uc thc
c|: Dilliculty !actor, hich ha no chanc to thc
Ahility` AM.

Ability Mark Modifiers
Difficulty AM Increase
Simple No dierence
Moderate,normal -5
Diicult -10
Lxtreme -15
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 18

Weaon Sis (or W.S. lor hort) rcprccnt your charactcr` prolicicncy to iclJ ariou typc ol capon in
Comhat. To liht an opponcnt, your charactcr can uc any ol thc ix Jillcrcnt Wcapon ~lill, ranin lrom throin
capon to harc-lnucllc hralin. !ach ol thc ix Jillcrcnt Wcapon ~lill arc compricJ ol thc ix main Comhat action
(AJ.o/.,:, A//.|, D:/:oJ, DJ,:, AtK, anJ D..,:), hich arc JccrihcJ in thc Comhat cction tartin on pac 8.

A Ab bc cu ut t \ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || | B Bc cn nu uc cc cc c
A lon a hc or hc mcct thc capon rcquircmcnt, any phyically ahlc charactcr can uc any capon typc. !n othcr
orJ, laclin a Wcapon ~lill Joc not prohihit your charactcr lrom uin a ccrtain capon. Wcapon ~lill Jo hoccr
rant !onuc to thoc ho lno thc Wcapon ~lill, iin your charactcr a inilicant aJantac ocr an opponcnt uin
thc amc capon ithout thc Wcapon ~lill. Wcapon ~lill !onuc incrcac a your charactcr prorcc throuh thc

|Inoriani Noie. Thc hihct poihlc !onu any inlc Wcapon ~lill action can hac i 10, rcarJlc ol ~lill !ccl.]

!onuc to pccilic Comhat action ithin a Wcapon ~lill rcprccnt your charactcr` prolicicncy ith that typc ol
capon. You aJJ thi !onu to thc corrcponJin Comhat action cach timc your charactcr malc that roll. Ior
eane, il your charactcr ha a 4 to A//.| ith hi \.c. c|./ A, hc ct to aJJ 4 to cach A//.| Koll hcn
uin that Wcapon ~lill. Thu, your charactcr ha a 20' chancc ol hcatin an opponcnt that Joc not hac any !onuc
to that Wcapon ~lill.

L Lc co or rn n| |n ng g \ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You chooc hich Wcapon ~lill your charactcr hcin ith at !ccl 1 hy clcctin thcm lrom a lit. At !ccl 1,
your charactcr nccJ not hac thc !rcrcquiitc to acquirc thc Wcapon ~lill. Hoccr, altcr !ccl 1, your charactcr mut
mcct thc rcquircJ !rcrcquiitc in orJcr to lcarn thc nc Wcapon ~lill. Your charactcr thcn oc to a uilJ or othcr placc
ol lcarnin anJ orl ith an intructor lor thc rcquircJ Juration lcarnin thc haic.
\pon lcarnin, you ritc thc nc Wcapon ~lill in your charactcr` Cralt anJ may apply a 1 !onu to any onc
action (cxccpt AtK) lor thc corrcponJin Wcapon ~lill, thc amc a il thcy haJ aincJ thc Wcapon ~lill a a Cralt at
!ccl 1. !n aJJition, il your charactcr paiJ to lcarn thc Wcapon ~lill at a uilJ, hc or hc typically ain a capon that hc
or hc can no uc ith that Wcapon ~lill.

C Cc cm mm mc cn n l lo on nd d t tc c b bo on nd d D Do om mo og gc c D D| |c cc c
Thi lit ho thc hac D..,: common to punchc anJ licl anJ thc Jicc that arc ucJ. Damac !onuc can
ary JcpcnJin on i.c anJ Wcapon ~lill lcarncJ. ~mall charactcr uc thc mall lit anJ licl, larc charactcr uc thc
larc lit anJ licl, ctc.
Hand-io-hand Weaon anage ice
~mall lit (ith \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ) 1Jo
Average Iisi (iih V.S. Hand /o Hand) 1d8
!arc lit (ith \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ) 2Jo
~mall lit (ithout \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ) 1J4
Average Iisi (iihoni V.S. Hand /o Hand) 1do
!arc lit (ithout \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ) 2J4

~mall licl (ith \.c. l| A//.|) 1J8
Average ic (iih V.S. K|.| A//a.|) 2do
!arc licl (ith \.c. l| A//.|) 2J8
~mall licl (ithout \.c. l| A//.|) 1Jo
Average ic (iihoni V.S. K|.| A//a.|) 1d8
!arc licl (ithout \.c. l| A//.|) 2Jo
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 19
b bc c \ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c

\ \. .S S. . C Cc cm mb bo ot t A Ar rm mc c
\.c. c|./ A rcprccnt your charactcr
ahility to liht ith hanJ capon ol any linJ,
incluJin lnic, orJ, lryin pan, anJ tool.
Irereqnisiie ~ c/:o,/|. 5, A,|/. 5
ays oI Iearning ~ 1
Ma AiR ~ 3

Pa|-ed Veapons
To uc paircJ capon, your charactcr mut hac
at lcat 2 AtK ith \.c. c|./ A anJ hac
imilar liht capon in hoth hanJ. Thi tylc ol
lihtin allo your charactcr to l. a inlc capon
A//.| ith onc hanJ anJ immcJiatcly rcturn an A//.|
ith thc othcr hanJ. Thc l. mancucr uc a
tanJarJ D:/:oJ action hut, upon uccc, immohili.c
thc opponcnt to D:/:oJ thc rcturn A//.|. Your
charactcr can only uc thi l. aJantac aaint
opponcnt uin a inlc hanJ capon.
Irereqnisiie ~ c/:o,/|. 5, A,|/. 7
ays oI Iearning ~ 1 (rcquirc 2 AtK min. ith
\.c. c|./ A)
Ma AiR ~ 4 (ith liht capon only)

\ \. .S S. . } }| |c c| | A At tt to oc c| |
\.c. l| A//.| applic hcnccr your charactcr
attcmpt to licl an opponcnt. Thc l| A//.|
Wcapon ~lill automatically ain a 3 !onu to
D..,: jut lor acquirin it.

A secia noie on Iic Aiiac. charactcr ith
thi Wcapon ~lill arc ahlc to complctc thcir Comhat
KounJ ith a licl il hc or hc lirt ucJ a Jillcrcnt
Wcapon ~lill lor morc than 1 AtK, anJ il thc prciou
AtK` that KounJ crc uccclul A//.|.
Irereqnisiie ~ A,|/. 7
ays oI Iearning ~ 2
Ma AiR ~ 2

\ \. .S S. . b br rc cu un n
\.c. 1|ao applic hcnccr your charactcr
attcmpt to A//.| opponcnt hy throin omcthin at
Irereqnisiie ~ A,|/. 5
ays oI Iearning ~ '
Ma AiR ~ 3
\ \. .S S. . l lo on nd d t tc c l lo on nd d
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ rcprccnt your charactcr`
ahility to punch, lap, cratch, anJ cholc. \c thi
Wcapon ~lill hcnccr your charactcr attcmpt to liht
caponlc. Thc H.oJ / H.oJ Wcapon ~lill
automatically ain a 2 !onu to D..,: jut lor
acquirin it.
Noie. uc thc DJ,: action ol thi Wcapon ~lill
a a Jclault aaint any non-tanJarJ A//.| that onc ol
thc othcr Wcapon ~lill Joc not cncompa, such a a
tcntaclc or a tail hip.
Irereqnisiie ~ c/:o,/|. 4, A,|/. 4
ays oI Iearning ~ 1
Ma AiR ~ 4

\ \. .S S. . \ \| |c cc c| || |c cc c
\.c. M|: applic hcn your charactcr uc
any typc ol ho capon, incluJin lonho, hort
ho, anJ croho.
Irereqnisiie ~ c/:o,/|. o
ays oI Iearning ~ 1
Ma AiR ~ 3

\ \. .S S. . S Sb b| |c c| |d d l l| |o oq q
\.c. c|:|J l|. applic hcn your charactcr
attcmpt to D:/:oJ a cll a A//.| ith a hiclJ.
A secia noie on Shied Iay. charactcr ith
thi Wcapon ~lill arc ahlc to complctc thcir Comhat
KounJ ith a hiclJ hah il hc or hc lirt ucJ a
Jillcrcnt Wcapon ~lill lor morc than 1 AtK, anJ il thc
prciou AtK` that KounJ crc uccclul A//.|.
Irereqnisiie ~ c/:o,/|. o
ays oI Iearning ~ 2
Ma AiR ~ 2

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 20


lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 21


Thc lolloin pac arc thc Charactcr Cla Dccription lor cach ol thc Charactcr Clac.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 22


As pa/e |s /|e uo-/d u-ou,|/ u|/| ma,|., /|-|.e mo-e |s a uo-/d u|/|ou/ /|e ,-a.e o/ a s||///u// uocen /a/e.`

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c B Bo or rd d
!arJ thric anJ uric (quitc cll il accomplihcJ)
on thc pocr ol muic. Thcy arc lillcJ in thc ay ol
cntcrtainmcnt. !rom tac actin to muic to torytcllin,
!arJ arc a ocial ncccity. Thcy hac thc Juty anJ thc
rcponihility to hrcathc lilc into thc talc ol hrac hcroc
anJ maniliccnt ccnt ol yctcrJay.

A Ad du uo on nt to og gc cc c

Spe.|a/ M|-a./e A||/|/|es
!l !arJ clcct, thcy may lno thc M.|: H|
co, ~lill, hich allo thcm to pcrlorm holy Miraclc in
thc lorm ol on.

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
!arJ prclcr thc uc ol linc clothin or pcrhap
Jccoratic lcathcrcar. Thcy prclcr not to car mctal
armor or any armor that i morc lor lunction than it i lor
!mprocJ lcathcr armor max
No hclm

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Thouh !arJ prclcr not to puruc a carccr ol
lihtin, thcy may clcct to lcarn omc Wcapon ~lill. Thi
allorJ conliJcncc anJ protcction Jurin hral hilc
playin thoc numcrou tacrn i.
No rctriction
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c B Bo or rd d
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt tc c
lo/:||:/. 7
c|... 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 2J4

C C| || |t tc c
l|. c/o,:J or \oJ lo/a:o/ (|: o:/

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
c.c.c. 1a| c|/:/
lJ \|
Hl H:.o,
M.|: H| co,
l|. l:ao lo/a:o/
l|. \oJ or c/o,:J lo/a:o/ (chooc onc)
l|/.| c:o:
l:.J/\/: j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
c:.| j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. c|./ A
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
Dacr (2Jo Damac)
Dccoratic Tunic (A!. Chct, D!!. 1)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
ManJolin or !lutc (chooc onc)
!ouch ol 2J8 ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
2Jo !ooJ Kation

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c B Bo or rd d

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,140
3. 2,420
4. 3,980
5. 5,960
6. 8,500
. 11,40
8. 15,820
9. 20,880
10. 2,060
11. 34,500
12. 43,340
13. 53,20
14. 65,80
15. 9,660

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc !arJ` l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1Jo

Iaiih (ithout M.|: H| co, ~lill). 1
Iaiih (il pocc M.|: H| co,). 1J4

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2


B/essed |s |e u|o do/| oppose /|e Dec|/ u|/| a ,-ea/ /u-.`

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c C C| |c cr r| |c c
Clcric arc lihtin prict ith thc ahility anJ ill
to hcal thc icl anJ injurcJ.

A Ad du uo on nt to og gc cc c

Spe.|a/ M|-a./e A||/|/|es
At thc cot ol no l./|, Clcric arc ahlc to hcal
thcmclc or omconc clc onc timc pcr Jay pcr lccl.
Thi hcalin rcquirc thc Clcric` touch, anJ rctorc
1Jo l/: plu an aJJitional 1 l/: pcr lccl ol

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
Clcric prclcr thc linc rohc anJ on ol thcir
church lor caual liin. Hoccr, lor hattlc, thcy only
car hcaicr armor hrouJcJ in thc crct ol thcir
No rctriction

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Clcric ill nccr uc a capon that ha thc
primary lunction ol Jrain hlooJ. Thcrclorc, hc or
hc can only iclJ or thro hlunt capon, uch a
macc, llail, anJ mornintar, or clc thcy loc all
Miraclc-pcrlormin ahilitic lor 1J4 Jay pcr A//.|
ith thc hlaJcJ or miilc capon.
!lunt capon only
No hlaJc, no miilc

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c C C| |c cr r| |c c
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt tc c
\J. 7
c/:o,/|. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 2Jo

C C| || |t tc c
M.|: c|:.|
c.:J c/aJ:
c: c/aJ:

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
La: ca/s
lJ \|
H:|.| c:o:
l|. c/o,:J lo/a:o/
l|. \oJ lo/a:o/
l|/.| c:o:
l:.J/\/: j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. c|./ A
\.c. c|:|J l|.
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
Macc (2J10 Damac)
Tunic (A!. Chct, D!!. 1)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c C C| |c cr r| |c c

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,160
3. 2,480
4. 4,120
5. 6,240
6. 9,000
. 12,560
8. 1,080
9. 22,20
10. 29,640
11. 38,000
12. 4,960
13. 59,680
14. 3,320
15. 89,040

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc Clcric` l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1Jo

Iaiih. 1Jo

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2o


"l cou m suo-d and /|e-e/o-e m /|/e /o m ||n, and m God."

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c } }n n| |g gb bt t
Kniht arc nohlc arrior ho ill acrilicc
anythin to upholJ hi or hcr honor, JclcnJ thc cal,
anJ puruc that hich i irtuou, JclcnJin thc
Chritian Church unto Jcath.
Your charactcr may hc onc ol to typc ol
lniht. a lniht crrant or a palaJin. Thc Jillcrcncc i
that a palaJin orl morc clocly ith hi or hcr lin,
anJ a lniht-crrant anJcr thc lanJ cclin juticc.

A Ad du uo on nt to og gc cc c

Spe.|a/ M|-a./e A||/|/|es
Whcn thc Kniht` l./:o: AK rcachc 10 or
hihcr, hc or hc ain thc ~lill ol M.|: c|:.| a
a Cralt. Kniht Jo not ain any morc than 1 l./|
pcr lccl, hut can pcrlorm any Clcrical Miraclc that
hc or hc can allorJ (ith l./|).

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
Thcrc arc no armor rctriction
lor thc Kniht. !n lact, thc Kniht
prclcr hcay armor.
No rctriction

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Kniht ill only cnac in
honorahlc Comhat, thcrclorc, hc or
hc ill only uc capon ol cloc ranc.
Thc Kniht ill nccr uc miilc
No miilc capon (Jihonorahlc)
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c } }n n| |g gb bt t
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt tc c
c/:o,/|. 7
c|... 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2J8
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1

C C| || |t tc c
\.c. c|./ A
\.c. c|:|J l|.

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
lJ \|
l,|/ c|::
l|/.| c:o:
l:.J/\/: j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
c.:J c/aJ:
c: c/aJ:
c:.| j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
!roaJorJ (2J10 Damac)
~mall ~hiclJ (3 DclcnJ, 1J8 Damac)
Chain Jcrlin (A!. Chct, D!!. 4)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 3Jo ColJ, 1J8 ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation
KiJin Horc or !alcon (chooc onc)

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c } }n n| |g gb bt t

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,150
3. 2,450
4. 4,050
5. 6,100
6. 8,50
. 12,150
8. 16,450
9. 21,800
10. 28,350
11. 36,250
12. 45,650
13. 56,00
14. 69,550
15. 84,350

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc Kniht` l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1J8

Iaiih. 1
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 28


"Some on/ d-eam o/ |nou|n, /|e|- opponen/, u||/e o/|e-s s/ud /|s/ /|-s/."

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c \ \o or rt t| |o o| || |c ct t
Martialit arc pocrlul martial artit lillcJ in
thc uc ol thcir hanJ anJ lcct a JcaJly capon. Thc
caponlc lihtin lill ol thc Martialit arc
comparahlc to mot opponcnt ith a capon, anJ hc
or hc lccl no uncainc hcn unarmcJ. !n lact,
Martialit lccl morc comlortahlc ithout thc
cumhrancc ol a capon.
Thouh Martialit hac lnolcJc ol thc
catcrn` (ancicnt Chincc anJ Japancc) tylc art, thcy
Jo not uhcrihc to that rcliion anJ philoophy.
Martialit arc clitc martial artit ho hac aJaptcJ thc
catcrn phyical apcct ol thc art to thc ctcrn
(!uropcan) laith anJ tylc ol orhip.

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c
A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
Martialit ill nccr car armor hcaicr than
lcathcr Juc to thc ciht anJ hinJrancc caucJ hy mctal
armor. Thcy rcquirc morc llcxihility in orJcr to
pcrlorm thc jump licl anJ othcr acrial mancucr.
Nccr car mctal armor

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Martialit prclcr to uc hi or hcr hanJ anJ lcct
a capon, hut arc ahlc to utili.c lihtcr arm il
!rclcr lit anJ licl
Can lcarn any capon

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 29


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c \ \o or rt t| |o o| || |c ct t
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt tc c
A,|/. 7
c/:o,/|. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2J8
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1

C C| || |t tc c
c.c.c. LaoJo,
c.c.c. L.J: .oJ D.
c.c.c. t.|:
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ
\.c. l| A//.|

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
c.c.c. fa l|
c.c.c. l/|o, 1./
c.c.c. l|| a/| L|a
c.c.c. 1a| c|/:/
Hl H:.o,
Hl c,|/
l,|/ c|::
l| l|
l|. l:ao lo/a:o/
l/|: c|../:
c|:,|/ / H.oJ

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. c|./ A
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
~tall (1J12 Damac)
Tunic (A!. Chct, D!!. 1)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c
\ \o or rt t| |o o| || |c ct t

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,10
3. 2,510
4. 4,190
5. 6,380
6. 9,250
. 12,90
8. 1,10
9. 23,640
10. 30,930
11. 39,50
12. 50,20
13. 62,660
14. ,090
15. 93,30

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc Martialit` l/: anJ l./|
upon rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1J8

Iaiih. 1
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 0


"M ees a-e ece- /oua-d /|e Lo-d."

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c S So o| |n nt t
Thc ~aint i thc charactcr ho ha
loralcn ncarly ccrythin ol thc orlJ
in orJcr to iclJ thc pocr ol CoJ,
hich can only comc hy uch
laith. Hc or hc ha icn up
rclyin on trcnth anJ miht
to rcccic thc hlcin ol
upcrnatural pocr. !y
thcc Miraclc, thc ~aint
lic anJ Jic.

A Ad du uo on nt to og gc cc c

Spe.|a/ M|-a./e A||/|/|es
At thc cot ol no l./|,
~aint arc ahlc to illuminatc any
crucilix thcy holJ in thcir hanJ.
A lon a a ~aint holJ thc
crucilix, thc plcaant lumincccncc
ill cmit up to a 30-loot raJiu
arounJ thcm.

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
Duc to thc ~aint` Jcotion to
thin ahoc thi orlJ, hc or hc oulJ
nccr car anythin that onc oulJ
car a protcction lrom comhat
Jamac, incluJin any linJ ol
armor. Thcrclorc, thc ~aint i
limitcJ to carin rohc.
Kohc anJ cloal only
Nccr car any linJ ol

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
~aint cannot ccr uc anythin that
ha a primary lunction ol cauin D..,:,
hich limit thcm to thc uc ol a tall only.
~tall only
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c S So o| |n nt t
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt tc c
l./:o:. 7
\J. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2J4
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 2J8

C C| || |t tc c
La: ca/s
M.|: H,|

o o| |c cn nt tc c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
Ao.| c:o:
Hl c,|/
Hl 1a|
M.|: c|:.| (|/ o: : |::|/
l|. c/o,:J lo/a:o/
l|. \oJ lo/a:o/
c.:J c/aJ:
c: c/aJ:

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. c|./ A
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
~tall (1J12 Damac)
!iht Kohc (A!. Chct, D!!. 1)
~anJal (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation
WooJcn Crucilix

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c S So o| |n nt t

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,140
3. 2,420
4. 3,980
5. 5,960
6. 8,500
. 11,40
8. 15,820
9. 20,880
10. 2,060
11. 34,500
12. 43,340
13. 53,20
14. 65,80
15. 9,660

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc ~aint` l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1J4

Iaiih. 1J8

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2


"T|e no.| and //|,|/ o/ m /ea/|e-ed a--ou ma-|s /|e su|// dea/| o/ m p-e."

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c S Sc cc cu ut t
~cout arc to thc ooJ a thc ~py i to thc city.
Thcy uc thcir cncry to hunt anJ trap animal, anJ
prol throuh thc lorct. ~cout arc riht at homc in
thc Jcpth ol thc lorct anJ comlortahlc in thc ilJ ol
thc mountain.

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
~cout prclcr thc uc ol lcathcr armor anJ paJJcJ
lcathcr armor Juc to thc lact that it i lihtciht anJ
llcxihlc, thcrclorc malin it conJucic to huntin.
Thcy oulJ not car anythin protcctic on thcir hcaJ,
uch a a hclm, a it oulJ inhihit thcir lccn ahility to
cc anJ hcar.
!mprocJ lcathcr armor max
No hclm

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
~cout ill typically not uc hcaicr arm, a thcy
arc not appropriatc lor huntin, thcrclorc prclcrrin thc
uc ol miilc anJ thron capon.
!rclcr miilc anJ thron capon
AoiJ uin hcaicr capon

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c S Sc cc cu ut t
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt tc c
\J. 7
A,|/. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1

C C| || |t tc c
\.c. 1|ao
\.c. M|:

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
Ao.| c:o:
c.c.c. c/.| c|/
H:|.| c:o:
Hl H:.o,
Hl c:o/
Hl c,|/
Hl 1a|
l,|/ c|::
lo c:o:
l/|: A:.
1. \|

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. c|./ A

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
~hort !o anJ 12 arro (2J8 Damac)
Throin Dacr (2Jo Damac)
Tunic (A!. Chct, D!!. 1)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c S Sc cc cu ut t

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,10
3. 2,510
4. 4,190
5. 6,380
6. 9,250
. 12,90
8. 1,10
9. 23,640
10. 30,930
11. 39,50
12. 50,20
13. 62,660
14. ,090
15. 93,30

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc ~cout` l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

l/:. 1Jo

l./|. 1
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn


"}ud,e no/, /o- /oo|s .an |e ce- de.e|c|n,."

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c S S, ,q q
~pic arc thc Charactcr Clac that
orani.ation cnlit to catch thicc, aain,
anJ othcr Jancrou cncmic that unJcrminc
miht. ~pic arc cluic anJ Jancrou, lillcJ
in thc art ol Jcccption anJ caion. Thc haJo
anJ thc niht arc thcir cloct anJ oltcn only truc

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c
A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
Thc ~py prclcr thc uc ol lcathcr
armor anJ improcJ lcathcr armor Juc to
thc lact that it i lihtciht anJ llcxihlc,
thcrclorc malin it conJucic to
!mprocJ lcathcr armor max
No hclm

\ \c co o, ,c cn n L Lc cc ct tr r| |c ct t| |c cn nc c
Thc ~py ill typically not
uc hcaicr arm, a thcy arc too
cumhcromc, thcrclorc prclcrrin
thc uc ol lihtcr arm, miilc
capon, anJ thron capon.
AoiJ uin hcaicr

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c S S, ,q q
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt tc c
A,|/. 7
l./:o:. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1

C C| || |t tc c
l| l|
c|:,|/ / H.oJ
1. \|
\.c. c|./ A

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
c.c.c. LaoJo,
lJ \|
Hl H:.o,
Hl c:o/
l,|/ c|::
lo c:o:
l|/.| c:o:
l/|: c|../:
c:.| j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
2 !on Dacr (2J8 Damac cach)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1J8 ~ilcr
Tunic (A!. Chct, D!!. 1)
HooJcJ Cloal
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c S S, ,q q

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,160
3. 2,480
4. 4,120
5. 6,240
6. 9,000
. 12,560
8. 1,080
9. 22,20
10. 29,640
11. 38,000
12. 4,960
13. 59,680
14. 3,320
15. 89,040

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc ~py` l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1Jo

Iaiih. 1
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o


"l|,|/! l|,|/! l|,|/!"

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c \ \o or rr r| |c cr r
Warrior arc cacr anJ rcaJy lihtcr ho
talc priJc in hcin a man-at-arm. Thcy lic
anJ hrcathc miht anJ trcnth. Warrior
prclcr thc company ol thcir orJ or hattlc-
axc to any ocial ituation anJ a truc arrior
rarcly hacl Jon lrom any phyical contct.

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
Warrior prclcr thc uc ol liht
or no armor in orJcr to ain
maximum mocmcnt. Hoccr,
thc Warrior may uc any
armor hc or hc Jcirc.
No rctriction

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Thc Warrior prclcr thc uc ol
hcaicr arm, anJ cpccially thoc
capon that cauc thc mot
D..,:. Hoccr, thc Warrior i
not limitcJ in thc Wcapon ~lill
hc or hc can lcarn.
No rctriction
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c \ \o or rr r| |c cr r
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt t
c/:o,/|. 7

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2J8
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1

C C| || |t tc c
c.c.c. 1.||o,
l,|/ c|::
\.c. c|./ A
\.c. c|:|J l|.

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
c.c.c. t.|:
c.c.c. 1a| c|/:/
l| l|
l/|: A:.
l/|: c|../:
c|:,|/ / H.oJ
1. \|

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ
\.c. l| A//.|
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
!onorJ (2J12 Damac, 1 or 2 hanJcJ)
~mall ~hiclJ (3 DclcnJ)
!cathcr Jcrlin (A!. Chct, D!!. 2)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c \ \o or rr r| |c cr r

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,140
3. 2,420
4. 3,980
5. 5,960
6. 8,500
. 11,40
8. 15,820
9. 20,880
10. 2,060
11. 34,500
12. 43,340
13. 53,20
14. 65,80
15. 9,660

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc Warrior` l/: anJ l./|
upon rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1J8

Iaiih. 1
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 8



Attribute Requirements
Character Class Attribute Requirements
Bard ,minstrel,musician, Intellect: , Charisma: 5
Cleric ,priest,healer, \isdom: , Strength: 5
Knight ,Noble warrior, Strength: , Charisma: 5
Martialist ,martial artist, Agility: , Strength: 5
Saint ,Miracle-worker, Patience: , \isdom: 5
Scout ,hunter,woodsman, \isdom: , Agility: 5
Spy ,thie,thie catcher, Agility: , Patience: 5
Warrior ,mercenary ighter, Strength:

Thc lirt thin you nccJ to Jo in orJcr to crcatc a lc|q Londc charactcr i to rah a Charactcr ~hcct. Malc urc to
malc copic ol thc onc in thc hacl ol thi hool hclorc uin it. Altcr you hac a hlanl Charactcr ~hcct, lollo thcc
implc tcp anJ crcatc your on charactcr. !t i important that you only uc pcncil hcn marlin on your Charactcr
~hcct hccauc thc clcmcnt that malc up a charactcr can chanc lrcqucntly.

S St tc c, , 1 1: : A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc cc c
Dctcrminc your charactcr` Attrihutc Katin hy rollin 2J4
anJ ritin thc um ol thc
to Jicc ncxt to any Attrihutc, lor thcc, thc hihcr thc numhcr thc troncr thc Attrihutc. !ill
in thc numhcr on your Charactcr ~hcct a hon to thc riht. Thcc Attrihutc Katin
Jctcrminc your charactcr` corc mcntal, phyical, anJ cmotional trcnth anJ calncc.
Altcr rollin all ninc Attrihutc, il you hac not rollcJ onc numhcr that i at lcat 7` anJ
onc that i at lcat 5,` you can rcroll thc cntirc lit. You may rcroll thc cntirc lit until you hac
at lcat onc 7` anJ at lcat onc 5` anJ moc on to ~tcp 2.

b bc c C Cr ro oc cc c C C| || |c cc ct t
C CC Cl l

!n thc pirit ol racc anJ loricnc, thc Cracc !llcct allo you to rcroll mot 1` you roll
hcn crcatin a charactcr. Whcn thc Cracc !llcct applic to a roll, thc rulc ill iJcntily thc
pccilicJ Jicc hy a
Inoriani Noie. Cn your lirt rcroll, il thc aluc ol thc Jic i rcatcr than 1, you mut acccpt thc nc aluc ol thc
Jic. Hoccr, il thc aluc ol thc rcrollcJ Jic i 1 aain, you may continuc to rcroll until thc aluc i rcatcr than 1, ith
onc catch. thc maximum aluc ol thc cconJ or thirJ rcroll cannot cxcccJ 50' ol thc hihct poihlc numhcr ol thc Jic.
Ior eane, thc hihct poihlc rcroll lor J4` i 2, lor Jo`, thc hihct poihlc rcroll i 3, lor J10`, thc hihct
poihlc roll i a 5, ctc.

S St tc c, , 2 2: : C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr r C C| |o oc cc c
Chooc thc Cla ol your charactcr anJ ritc it on thc
Charactcr ~hcct. You can chooc lrom ciht Jillcrcnt
Charactcr Clac litcJ hclo
Notc that cach Charactcr Cla ha pccilic Attrihutc
Kcquircmcnt ncxt to it Jccription, hich your charactcr
mut mcct to play that Cla. !l your charactcr Joc not
currcntly mcct thc Attrihutc Katin ol thc JcircJ Charactcr
Cla, you may ap thc rcquircJ Attrihutc Katin ith othcr
Attrihutc that mcct thc rcquircmcnt.
!or morc Jctail ahout thc Charactcr Clac litcJ hclo,
cc thc Charactcr Cla cction tartin on pac 21.

S St tc c, , : : l lc c| |g gb bt t d d \ \c c| |g gb bt t
Thi ncxt tcp i hcrc you chooc thc hciht ol your charactcr, hich ill in turn Jctcrminc your charactcr` ciht.
Your charactcr` hciht anJ ciht hoth caily concrt to Hciht anJ Wciht !actor, rcpccticly, hich ill hc ncccary
inlormation Jurin thc amc.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 9
Weight Iactors

WI Weight
4 40-49 lbs
5 50-59 lbs.
6 60-69 lbs.
0-9 lbs.
8 80-89 lbs.
9 90-99 lbs.
10 100-110 lbs.
11 110-119 lbs.
12 120-129 lbs.
13 130-139 lbs.
14 140-149 lbs.
15 150-159 lbs.
16 160-169 lbs.
1 10-19 lbs.
18 180-189 lbs.
19 190-199 lbs.
20 200-209 lbs.
21 210-219 lbs.
22 220-229 lbs.
23 230-239 lbs.
24 240-249 lbs.
25 250-259 lbs.
26 260-269 lbs.
2 20-29 lbs.
28 280-289 lbs.
29 290-299 lbs.
30 300-309 lbs.

Dwarven Height Iactors

ll leight Modiiers
6 3` -1 Strength, -1 Agility, -2 Speed, -2 Lndurance, -1 Beauty
3.5` -2 Strength, -1 Agility, -2 Speed, -2 Lndurance, -2 Beauty
8 4` -2 Strength, -2 Agility, -1 Speed, -1 Lndurance, -2 Beauty
Modiy trevgtb AR beore calculating \eight lactor
Height Iactors (non-Dwarven)

ll leight Modiiers
6 3` -2 Agility, -2 Strength, -2 Speed, -2 Beauty ,-3 \l,
3.5` -2 Agility, -2 Strength, -2 Speed, -2 Beauty ,-2 \l,
8 4` -1 Agility, -1 Strength, -1 Speed, -1 Beauty ,-1 \l,
9 4.5` No Modiiers, Aerage luman Range
10 5` No Modiiers, Aerage luman Range
11 5.5` No Modiiers, Aerage luman Range
12 6` No Modiiers, Aerage luman Range
13 6.5` -1 Agility, -1 Strength, -1 Speed, -1 Beauty ,-1 \l,
14 ` -2 Agility, -2 Strength, -2 Speed, -2 Beauty ,-2 \l,
15 .5` -3 Agility, -3 Strength, -2 Speed, -2 Beauty ,-3 \l,
Modiy trevgtb AR beore calculating \eight lactor
Ability Iormulas
Perception ~ 20 - ,Intellect - Wisdom,
Search ~ 20 - ,Patience - Wisdom,
Climb ~ 20 - ,Patience + Strength,
Jump ~ 20 - ,Intellect + Agility,
Balance ~ 20 - ,Patience - Agility,
Hide ~ 20 - ,Speed - Wisdom,
l lc c| |g gb bt t
All ol charactcr you ill play lrom thi
lc|q Londc hool arc ol thc human racc, thcy jut
hac aryin hoJy hapc anJ i.c. To Jctcrminc
your charactcr` hciht, imply coniJcr ho tall you
oulJ lilc him or hcr to hc. Your charactcr can hc
anyhcrc lrom 3 lcct to 7' lcct tall. Thi hroaJ
ranc allo you to play hort, quicl charactcr, a
you oulJ a nomc, rcat, hi, tron charactcr, a
you oulJ play a iant, acrac-i.cJ pcoplc, or a
tout anJ hurly Jarl (uin thc Darcn Hciht
!actor tahlc).
Whcn you hac JcciJcJ ho tall your
charactcr ill hc, uc thc Hciht !actor tahlc
to thc riht to linJ thc corrcponJin Hciht
!actor. Cn your charactcr ~hcct, ritc your
charactcr` hciht, H!, anJ hc urc to moJily
your charactcr` Attrihutc anJ W! il ncccary.

\ \c c| |g gb bt t
Altcr you hac clcctcJ your charactcr` hciht, it i timc to calculatc your charactcr`
ciht anJ W! (Wciht !actor). To Jctcrminc Wcih !actor, aJJ your charactcr` c/:o,/|
AK anJ your charactcr` H! numhcr tocthcr. Thc um ol thcc to numhcr cqual hi or
hcr W!. Whcn you lno thc W! numhcr, lool at thc Charactcr
Wciht !actor tahlc to thc riht. You ill noticc that 1
W! cqual a tcn-pounJ ranc. Thi applic to all
Wciht !actor throuhout thc amc.
Altcr you hac clcctcJ your
charactcr` ciht lrom thc W!
ranc, ritc hoth thc W!
anJ ciht in pounJ on
your Charactcr

S St tc c, , : : A Ab b| || || |t t| |c cc c
You Jctcrminc your charactcr' Ahility Marl hy aJJin thc Attrihutc
Katin ol to pccilicJ Attrihutc tocthcr anJ uhtractin thc total lrom
20. Thi may ccm complicatcJ at lirt lancc hut rcally i quitc implc.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 0
Random Sins (dJ2)
1, Cheating
2, Control
3, Drunkenness
4, Gossip
5, Greed
6, Laziness
, Lying
8, Paganism
9, Prejudice
10, Pride
11, 1het
12, Vanity
Random Phobias (d20)
1, leights
2, Dogs
3, Cats
4, lorses
5, Bodies o \ater
6, Magic
, Darkness
8, Crowds
9, Authority igures
10, Rodents
11, Being alone ,abandonment,
12, Being ollowed ,paranoia,
13, Insects
14, lire,smoke
15, Silence
16, Attracting attention to sel
1, Personal relationships
18, lailure
19, Being touched
20, Laughter ,paranoia,
S St tc c, , : : S S| |n n o on nd d l lb bc cb b| |o o
!ach charactcr rcccic 1 in anJ 1 irrational lcar
that hc or hc mut Jcal ith throuhout thcir lilc. You
can carn a lot ol !xpcricncc lor your charactcr hy
playin in anJ phohia throuhout amc play.
\c thc tahlc to thc riht to linJ your charactcr`
in anJ phohia.

S St tc c, , : : S So ou u| |n ng g b br rc cu uc c
AJJ a 1 to any ~ain Thro. At !ccl 1 anJ
upon rcachin cach nc lccl, your charactcr incrcac
onc ~ain Thro hy 1. Thcc !onuc to c.: allo
you to aJJ thc corrcponJin !onu to your J20 hcn
c.o, :a a harmlul allcct.

S St tc c, , o o: : C C| || |t tc c
!or thc ncxt lc tcp, malc urc you hac your
charactcr` Cla Dccription lounJ on pac 22
throuh 37 to rclcr. Writc Jon cach ol your
charactcr` Cilt in thc Cilt cction ol your Charactcr
~hcct. Thcc ~lill arc ncccary to thc occupation ol
thc Charactcr Cla. !ach Cilt on your Charactcr
~hcct that i not a Wcapon ~lill rcccic a 3`
!onu, hich you can ritc to thc riht ol thc ~lill on
your Charactcr ~hcct.

Veapon S||//s as G|//s
!l your charactcr rcccic a Wcapon ~lill
(Wcapon ~lill tart ith W.~.`) a a Cilt, ritc it on
thc Cilt cction ol thc Charactcr ~hcct ncxt to thc
lcttcr W.~.` Thcc Wcapon ~lill Jo not hac thc
3` !onu that thc othcr Cilt Jo. !ntcaJ, Wcapon
~lill rcccic pccial !onuc that ~tcp 0 ill Jircct.

S St tc c, , : : o o| |c cn nt tc c
Thc ncxt to tcp pcrtain to your charactcr`
cla ~lill. You can clcct your Talcnt lrom your
charactcr` lit ol Cla ~lill lounJ unJcr thc lit ol
Cilt on thc Cla Dccription.
You chooc 4 Talcnt lrom thc Cla ~lill lit or
Wcapon ~lill in placc ol thc Cla ~lill. !ach
Talcnt on your Charactcr ~hcct that i not a Wcapon
~lill rcccic a 2` !onu, hich you houlJ ritc to
thc riht ol thc ~lill.

C|oos|n, Veapon S||//s as Ta/en/s
!l you chooc to ic your charactcr a Wcapon
~lill a a Talcnt, ritc it on thc Talcnt cction ol thc
Charactcr ~hcct. Malc urc to notc it ith a W.~.`
Thcc Wcapon ~lill Jo not hac thc 2` !onu that
thc othcr Talcnt Jo. !ntcaJ, Wcapon ~lill rcccic
pccial !onuc that ~tcp 0 ill Jircct.

S St tc c, , 8 8: : C Cr ro o| |t tc c
You can chooc 3 Cralt lrom thc Cla ~lill lit
or Wcapon ~lill in placc ol thc Cla ~lill.
!ach Talcnt on your Charactcr ~hcct that i not
a Wcapon ~lill rcccic a 1` !onu, hich you
houlJ ritc to thc riht ol thc ~lill.
C|oos|n, Veapon S||//s as C-a//s
!l you chooc to ic your charactcr a Wcapon
~lill a a Cralt, ritc it on thc Cralt cction ol thc
Charactcr ~hcct. Thcc Wcapon ~lill Jo not hac thc
1` !onu that thc othcr Cralt Jo. Malc urc to
notc it ith a W.~.` anJ NC !onu altcr it.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1
Life & Iaith Dice by Character Class
Character Class Life Iaith
Bard 2d6

Cleric 2d6

Knight 2d8
Martialist 2d8
Saint 2d4

Scout 2d6
Spy 2d6
\arrior 2d8
S St tc c, , 9 9: : \ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
Chccl your charactcr` Cilt, Talcnt, anJ Cralt lor any Wcapon ~lill hc or hc may hac. You houlJ notc
Wcapon ~lill ith a 'W.~.` hclorc thc Jccription (uch a \.c. c|./ A, \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ, ctc.) anJ thcy
houlJ not hc lollocJ ith any !onu (uch a 2`) on thc Charactcr ~hcct.
Thcc Wcapon ~lill rcccic !onuc to ariou Comhat action that hclp your charactcr liht hcttcr, anJ thcy
incrcac a your charactcr incrcac in lccl. You aJJ !onuc to your charactcr` Wcapon ~lill in thc lolloin ay.

l lc cr r \ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c o oc c C C| || |t tc c
!or cach Wcapon ~lill litcJ in your charactcr`
Cilt, you may aJJ 1 to any 3 Comhat action,
cxccpt AtK, litcJ on thc corrcponJin linc ol thc
Wcapon ~lill. Thi allo you to placc a 1 unJcr
any 3 ol thc lolloin action lor cach Wcapon ~lill a
a Cilt.
AJ.o/.,:. A//.|. D:/:oJ. DJ,:. or D..,: (all
AtK hcin at 1 anJ only incrcac at ccrtain lccl).
` M|: anJ 1|ao Wcapon ~lill Jo not allo lor a D:/:oJ
Motc: You cannot combnc thcsc onuscs to havc
morc than a +1 wthn a snglc Combat acton.

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c o oc c o o| |c cn nt tc c
Thc amc rulc a ahoc apply lor cach Wcapon
~lill litcJ in your charactcr` Talcnt cxccpt you may
aJJ 1 to any 2 Comhat action, cxccpt AtK, litcJ on
thc corrcponJin linc ol thc Wcapon ~lill. Thi
allo you to placc a 1 unJcr any 2 ol thc lolloin
action lor cach Wcapon ~lill a a Talcnt.
AJ.o/.,:. A//.|. D:/:oJ. DJ,:. or D..,: (all
AtK hcin at 1 anJ only incrcac at ccrtain lccl).
` Miilc anJ Thron Wcapon ~lill Jo not allo lor a
D:/:oJ action
Spe.|a/ Bonuses
!l your charactcr rcccic \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ or
\.c. l| A//.| a a Cilt, Talcnt, or Cralt, hc or hc
automatically rcccic a !onu to D..,: lor thcc
Wcapon ~lill. Thcc !onuc arc automatic anJ
cparatc lrom thc normal !onuc, anJ Jo not count a
any ol thc onc you ill clcct. Hoccr, thcy only
apply at !ccl 1 anJ only apply to thcc to Wcapon

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c o oc c C Cr ro o| |t tc c
Thc amc rulc a ahoc apply lor cach Wcapon
~lill litcJ in your charactcr` Cralt cxccpt you may
aJJ 1 to any onc Comhat action, cxccpt AtK, litcJ
on thc corrcponJin linc ol thc Wcapon ~lill. Thi
allo you to placc a 1 unJcr 1 ol thc lolloin
action lor cach Wcapon ~lill a a Cralt.
AJ.o/.,:. A//.|. D:/:oJ. DJ,:. or D..,: (all
AtK hcin at 1 anJ only incrcac at ccrtain lccl).
` Miilc anJ Thron Wcapon ~lill Jo not allo lor a
D:/:oJ action

S St tc c, , 1 10 0: : L L| || |c c d d l lo o| |t tb b
L L| || |c c
l/: rcllcct ho many point ol Damac your
charactcr can utain hclorc Jyin. You Jctcrminc your
charactcr` l/: hy aJJin hi or hcr c/:o,/|,
LoJa.o:, anJ \J Attrihutc
Katin tocthcr anJ thcn rollin
a pair ol Jicc. You aJJ thc Jicc
roll to thc um ol thc thrcc
Attrihutc Katin.
\c thc tahlc to thc riht to
linJ hich pair ol Jicc to roll
hacJ on your charactcr' Cla.

l lo o| |t tb b
l./| i mot inilicant to thc thrcc Charactcr
Clac that can pcrlorm Miraclc (thc ~aint, thc
Clcric, anJ thc !arJ). All othcr Charactcr Clac
rcccic only 1 l./| pcr lccl
in hich thcy can contrihutc
to roup praycr or pcnJ lor
Jaily !aith attcmpt (cc pac
o lor Jctail ahout Daily
!aith anJ pac 5o lor Croup
!aycr). Thoc charactcr
that rcccic only 1 l./| may
moc on to thc ncxt tcp.
Special Weapon Skill Bonuses
\.S. land to land Davage Bonus: -2
\.S. Kick Attack Davage Bonus: -3
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2
A Noie on Iangnages
Cncc crcatcJ, your charactcr can pcal
hatccr Natic !anuac you chooc rcarJlc
ol thc charactcr` l.oJ / c,o. Nccrthclc,
it i ccntial to mooth amc play that thc
charactcr in thc amc party hac a common
lanuac or at lcat cconJ lanuac hy hich
thcy can communicatc ith cach othcr.
!urthcrmorc, cach charactcr may lno a
littlc ol thc Goihic lanuac, hich i morc
commonly lnon a thc traclcr` tonuc.` !t
i a lanuac natic to omc mall lanJ in
!atcrn !uropc, hut commonly ucJ hy traclin
mcrchant lor huinc tranaction all
throuhout !uropc. !or thi rcaon, charactcr
may hac lnolcJc ol thc common lanuac lor
haic communication.
!c aarc that lor cach aJJitional lanuac
your charactcr lno (othcr than hi or hcr
primary lanuac anJ a littlc Cothic lanuac),
hc or hc mut poc thc ~lill ol c:.|
j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j. Hcrc you oulJ rcplacc thc
|aJJitional lanuac| ith thc actual lanuac ol
thc lanJ.
Thc lolloin lit inJicatc thc lanuac ol
thc lnon orlJ. A charactcr ho ha thc
option to c:.| or l:.J/\/: Ao:o/
l.o,a.,: oulJ rcccic lnolcJc ol all ol thc
ancicnt lanuac rathcr than onc pccilic
lanuac at a timc. Thc lnolcJc ol ancicnt
lanuac i thc only roup ol lanuac that
charactcr can lcarn in thi ay.

Iangnages Iands oI rigin
Arahic Arahia
!crhcr Mulim Caliphatc
Ccltic !rih ChiclJom
Chincc China
!nlih KinJom ol !nlanJ
!rcnch KinJom ol !rancc
Caclic KinJom ol ~cotlanJ
Ccrman Ccrman !mpirc (north)
Cothic !atcrn !uropc (omc)
Crccl !y.antinc !mpirc
Hchrc KinJom ol Jcrualcm
!talian Ccrman !mpirc (outh)
Japancc Japan
!atin KinJom ol ~icily
Norc KinJom ol Noray
!crian ~cljul Tcrritoric/!ypt
!ralrit !nJia
~laic !atcrn !uropc (mot)
~panih KinJom ol !con/Naarrc
Charactcr Agc
/dd thc 3 hghcst
/ttrbutcs togcthcr (+/- 3 ycars}
l lo o| |t tb b c cc cn nt t' 'd d
T|e Sa|n/
~aint Jctcrminc thcir l./| hy aJJin thc numhcr ol thcir
l./:o: Attrihutc Katin to thc um ol 2J8
. Thi Charactcr
Cla i thc only onc that can pcrlorm Hih Miraclc.
T|e C/e-|.
Clcric Jctcrminc thcir l./| hy aJJin thc numhcr ol thcir
l./:o: Attrihutc Katin to thc um ol 2Jo
. Thi Charactcr
Cla i limitcJ to pcrlormin only M.|: c|:.|.
T|e Ba-d
!arJ Jo not automatically acquirc morc than 1 l./|. Thcy
ill only rcccic thcm il thcy hac thc ~lill ol M.|: H|
co,. \ntil thcy hac thc ~lill, thcy, lilc thc othcr Charactcr
Clac, hac only 1 l./|.
!l thc !arJ acquirc thc ~lill, you thcn roll 2J4
anJ aJJ
thc um to thcir l./:o: AK. Thcy arc limitcJ to pcrlormin only
Holy ~on.

S St tc c, , 1 10 0: : l lc cr rc cc cn no o| || |z z| |n ng g
Wcll Jonc, lricnJ- you arc almot linihcJ crcatin your on
lc|q Londc charactcr! !n thi tcp, you ill apply thc linal
aJJition to your charactcr. Thcc touchc malc your charactcr
comc alic ith Jctail. \c thc lolloin uiJclinc to complctc
your charactcr` pcronal anJ phyical Jctail anJ lamily hitory.

C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr r A Ag gc c
Your charactcr` ac i onc ol thoc piccc ol inlormation that
can rcally hclp or hinJcr thcm at ariou point in thc amc. To
linJ your charactcr' ac, aJJ
thc thrcc hihct numhcr ol
your charactcr Attrihutc
Katin tocthcr. Thi ill
ct you cloc.

C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr r C Cc cn nd dc cr r
Thc lc|q Londc amc Joc not laor charactcr ol cithcr
cnJcr. Thcrclorc, your charactcr may hc malc or lcmalc ithout
rctriction to Charactcr Clac. ~imply chooc thc cnJcr that
you Jcirc lor your charactcr anJ ritc it on your Charactcr ~hcct.

L Lo on nd d c c| | O Or r| |g g| |n n. .N No ot t| |u uc c L Lo on ng gu uo og gc c
Ncxt, you ill ant to Jctcrminc your charactcr` !anJ Cl
Criin anJ Natic !anuac, anJ thcy nccJ not corrcponJ. A
charactcr` lanJ ol oriin Joc not mcan that thc charactcr i
ncccarily lamiliar ith thc coraphy, politic, or culturc ol that
lanJ, it imply mcan that thcy arc natic to it hy ay ol hcin
horn thcrc. Cn thc contrary, you may ant your charactcr to hc
cry lamiliar ith thc lanJ. !t i up to you.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn
S St tc c, , 1 11 1: : \ \c cd d| || || |c co ot t| |c cn nc c
!l any ol your charactcr` linal Attrihutc Katin arc hihcr than 7, you arc ahlc to improc anothcr arca ol your
charactcr` prolilc. Thi mcan that thcy hac cxccptional haic prolicicncy in omc charactcritic that ill poiticly
allcct anothcr part ol thcir prolilc.

No'c No'c No'c No'c. 'c ::n::u: |n ^''r:u'c k|':nq c|n c |' Lcvc ! : !
Currcntly, il any ol your Attrihutc arc hclo 1 hccauc ol i.c moJilication in ~tcp 3, you mut incrcac thoc
Attrihutc to 1. Your charactcr can only hac Attrihutc Katin hclo 1 hy upcrnatural (maic or Holy pocr) mcan.

U Uc c| |n ng g t tb bc c A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c B Bc cn nu uc c o ob b| |c c
Thc Attrihutc !onu Tahlc, lounJ hclo on thi pac, allo you to cc hat Attrihutc allcct othcr arca ol your
charactcr. Thc tahlc hclo only applic hcn crcatin a nc lc|q Londc charactcr. Altcr !ccl 1, you ill ant to rclcr
to thc tahlc on pac 1o.
!l your charactcr ha any Attrihutc Katin that arc 8 or hihcr, hc or hc ill ain !onuc to ccrtain arca. To linJ
thcc moJilication, malc urc that you hac totally calculatcJ all ol your Attrihutc accorJin to thc lirt thrcc tcp.
Thcn locatc your charactcr` cxccptional Attrihutc in thc lclt mot column ol thc tahlc anJ cc hat it moJilic in thc ncxt
column. Thc MoJilic.` column lit hat thc corrcponJin Attrihutc allcct. Cn thc amc ro, can lclt to linJ thc
!onu in thc column ith thc attrihutc` AK. That i thc !onu you ill uc to moJily thc arca ol your charactcr litcJ in
thc MoJilic.` column.

S St tc c, , 1 12 2: : C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t o on nd d \ \c co o, ,c cn nc c
Thc lat tcp i to ritc in your charactcr` cquipmcnt, capon, aluahlc, anJ armor. !inJ thc !nitial !quipmcnt`
cction on your charactcr` Cla Dccription. You ill ant to ritc thc capon unJcr thc Wcapon` cction ol your
Charactcr ~hcct, thc armor or clothin unJcr thc Armor` cction, ctc.
Veapons and Dama,e
You Jo not roll lor thc Damac ol thc capon a
you JiJ Attrihutc, l/:, ctc. Cn your Charactcr ~hcct,
ritc in thc Damac Jicc (uch a 2J10, 2J12, ctc.)
ncxt to thc capon hccauc you roll thc Damac Jicc ol
a capon cach timc you hit an opponcnt in comhat.
A-mo- and DLl
Writc thc corrcponJin typc ol armor ncxt to thc
A! (Arca ol !rotcction) that thc armor proiJc. !n
othcr orJ, il your charactcr rcccic a tunic, ritc
Tunic` ncxt to thc AI. Chct`. Cn thc amc linc,
ritc in thc D!! !onu unJcr thc D!! column.
A//-||u/e Bonus Ta|/e (a/ Lece/ J on/i

Attributes Modifies: 8 9 J0 JJ
Intellect Skills -1 to any 1 Skill - - -
Wisdom Skills -1 to any 1 Skill - - -
Patience aitb -2 to current laith - - -
Strength Davage -1 to any 1 \.S. -1 to any 2 \.S. -1 to any 3 \.S. -1 to any 4 \.S.
Agility AtR -1 to any 1 \.S. -1 to any 1 \.S. -1 to any 2 \.S. -
Speed Doage -1 to all \.S. -1 to all \.S. -2 to all \.S. -
Lndurance ife -3 to current Lie -6 to current Lie -9 to current Lie -
Beauty Nothing - - - -
Charisma Pre.evce Skill -1 to Pre.evce Skill - - -
`~lill arc Cilt, Talcnt, anJ Cralt
``AJJ to Cralt il currcntly not in Cilt or Talcnt

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn

Whcn charactcr rcach a nc lccl, thcy incrcac Jillcrcnt arca ol thcir prolilc, hich rcprccnt roth in
prolicicncy. !l you arc incrcain thc cconJ Cla ol a na-Cassed charactcr, hich i a charactcr ho ha aJJcJ
anothcr Charactcr Cla to thc oriinal, cc thc Dual-Cla Notc ol cach tcp.

S St tc c, , 1 1: : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c 1 1 A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c b bq q + +1 1
!l any Attrihutc Katin ha rcachcJ 8 or hihcr,
rclcr to thc Attrihutc !onu Tahlc on pac 1o to cc
hat arca ol your charactcr may hc cnhanccJ.
Kcmcmhcr that omc Attrihutc allcct Ahilitic. \c
thc lolloin lit to moJily your charactcr` Ahilitic il
you hac incrcacJ any ol thc lolloin Attrihutc.

Attributes that modify Abilities
Agility: lowers ]vv and atavce by 1
Intellect: lowers Percetiov and ]vv by 1
Patience: lowers earcb, Ctivb, and atavce by 1
Speed: lowers iae by 1
Strength: lowers Ctivb by 1
Wisdom: lowers Percetiov, earcb, and iae by 1

S St tc c, , 2 2: : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c o on nq q C C| || |t tc c b bq q + +1 1 c co oc cb b
Chooc any thrcc ol your charactcr` ~lill litcJ
in hi or hcr Cilt that ill incrcac hy 1 cach.
!ncrcain Wcapon ~lill i not incluJcJ in thi tcp,
hut ill incrcac in a lolloin tcp.
na-Cass Noies. !ncrcac any 3 Cralt hy 1
cach, thcc no act a your charactcr` Cilt.

|Inoriani Noie. thc hihct poihlc !rolicicncy !onu any inlc ~lill can hac i 10, rcarJlc ol ~lill lccl.]

S St tc c, , : : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c o on nq q 2 2 o o| |c cn nt tc c b bq q + +1 1 c co oc cb b
Chooc any to ol your charactcr` ~lill litcJ in thcir Talcnt that ill incrcac hy 1 cach. !ncrcain Wcapon
~lill i not incluJcJ in thi tcp, hut ill incrcac in a lolloin tcp.

S St tc c, , : : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c o on nq q 1 1 C Cr ro o| |t t b bq q + +1 1
Chooc onc ol your charactcr` ~lill litcJ in
thcir Cralt that ill incrcac hy 1 cach. !ncrcain
Wcapon ~lill i not incluJcJ in thi tcp, hut ill
incrcac in a lolloin tcp.
na-Cass Noies. incrcac 1 Cilt hy 1,
intcaJ Cilt no act a your charactcr` Cralt.

S St tc c, , : : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c o o| || | \ \. .S S. . o oc c C C| || |t tc c
!or cach Wcapon ~lill (W.~.) litcJ in your
charactcr` Cilt, aJJ 1 to any 3 Comhat action on
thc corrcponJin Wcapon ~lill linc lounJ in thc
Wcapon ~lill cction ol your Charactcr ~hcct. !l
your charactcr ha rcachcJ !ccl 3, o, 0, 12, or 15,
you mut placc onc ol thc 1 !onuc on thc AtK lor
that Wcapon ~lill, thc othcr to can hc placcJ on any
to othcr action ithin that Wcapon ~lill.
na-Cass Noies. AJJ 1 to any 3 Comhat
action lor all Wcapon ~lill litcJ in your charactcr`
Cralt (hich arc no actin a your charactcr` Cilt).
!l your cconJ Cla ha rcachcJ !ccl 3, o, 0, 12, or
15, you mut placc onc ol thc 1 !onuc on thc AtK
lor that Wcapon ~lill, thc othcr to can hc placcJ on
any to othcr action ithin that Wcapon ~lill.

|Inoriani Noie. thc hihct poihlc !onu any inlc Wcapon ~lill action can hac i 10, rcarJlc ol ~lill lccl.]

S St tc c, , o o: : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c o o| || | \ \. .S S. . o oc c o o| |c cn nt tc c
!or cach Wcapon ~lill (W.~.) litcJ in your charactcr` Talcnt, aJJ 1 to any 2 Comhat action on thc
corrcponJin Wcapon ~lill linc lounJ in thc Wcapon ~lill cction ol your Charactcr ~hcct. !l your charactcr ha
rcachcJ !ccl 4, 8, or 12, you mut placc onc ol thc 1 !onuc on thc AtK lor that Wcapon ~lill, thc othcr onc can hc
placcJ on any to othcr action ithin that Wcapon ~lill.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn
S St tc c, , : : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c o o| || | \ \. .S S. . o oc c C Cr ro o| |t tc c
!or cach Wcapon ~lill (W.~.) litcJ in your
charactcr` Cralt, aJJ 1 to any 1 Comhat action on thc
corrcponJin Wcapon ~lill linc lounJ in thc Wcapon
~lill cction ol your Charactcr ~hcct. !l your charactcr
ha rcachcJ !ccl 5, 10, or 15, you mut placc thc 1
!onuc on thc AtK lor that Wcapon ~lill.
na-Cass Noies. AJJ 1 to any 1 Comhat action
lor all Wcapon ~lill litcJ in your charactcr` Cilt
(hich arc no actin a your charactcr` Cralt). !l your
cconJ Cla ha rcachcJ !ccl 5, 10, or 15, you mut
placc thc 1 !onuc on thc AtK lor that Wcapon ~lill.

S St tc c, , 8 8: : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c \ \o ox x| |m mu um m L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
\c thc tahlc to thc riht to incrcac your charactcr`
maximum l/: anJ l./|. !l your charactcr` maximum
l/: anJ l./| incrcac, any l/: anJ l./| that your
charactcr may hac lot may alo incrcac hy thc amc
na-Cass Noies. You can only incrcac thc
cconJ Charactcr Cla` l/: anJ l./| hcn it lccl ha
cxcccJcJ thc lccl ol thc primary Charactcr Cla.
!urthcrmorc, you mut incrcac your charactcr` l/: anJ
l./| hacJ on thc Cla that ha jut rcachcJ a nc lccl.

Life & Iaith Increase by Character Class
Character Class Life Iaith
Bard -1d6

Cleric -1d6

Knight -1d8
Martialist -1d8
Saint -1d4

Scout -1d6
Spy -1d6
\arrior -1d8

S St tc c, , 9 9: : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c o on nq q S So ou u| |n ng g b br rc cu u b bq q + +1 1
Chooc any ~ain Thro on your Charactcr ~hcct to incrcac hy 1.

S St tc c, , 1 10 0: : A Ad dd d 1 1 N Nc cu u C Cr ro o| |t t o on nd d , ,c cc cc c| |b b| |q q 1 1 o o| |c cn nt tl l
AJJ 1 nc Cla ~lill or Cla Wcapon ~lill to your
charactcr` Cralt until you hac chocn all ol thc aailahlc
onc lrom your charactcr` Cla Dccription. All nc
Cla ~lill aincJ a a Cralt in thi ay hcin ith a 1
!rolicicncy. All nc Wcapon ~lill hcin ith a 1
!onu to any Comhat action lor that Wcapon ~lill
(cxccpt AtK).
!l your charactcr ha rcachcJ !ccl 3, o, or 0, you
may aJJ onc nc Cla ~lill or Cla Wcapon ~lill a a
Talcnt lrom your charactcr` Cla Dccription.
na-Cass Noies. you may only aJJ nc Cla
~lill anJ Wcapon ~lill at !ccl 3, o, 0, 12, or 15 lrom
thc ~lill lit ol thc Cla that ha jut rcachcJ a nc lccl.


Your charactcr incrcac in lccl hy ainin !xpcricncc. Thcc point aJJ up cach timc your charactcr accomplihc
omcthin notcorthy. Thc Kac can Jitrihutc thcc hcnccr your charactcr pcrlorm an action uccclully anJ
proJucticly. Thi mcan that your charactcr cannot practicc or imply attcmpt thc ~lill ithout proJuctic cauc lor thc
party anJ thc aJcnturc. Hoccr, oncc your charactcr carn !xpcricncc, it can nccr hc talcn aay. !clo i a lit ol
common rolc-playin clcmcnt anJ thc rcarJ lor cllccticly accomplihin thcm.

All attcmpt at uin l./|, incluJin Daily !aith anJ Miraclc. 5 point lor cach l./| pcnt
All ~ain Thro anJ action, incluJin Attrihutc, Ahilitic, anJ ~lill. 50 point lor cach action
Charitahlc JccJ, rolc-playin in charactcr, anJ poitic tcamorl. 100 point lor cach JccJ
~uccclully achicin a miion. 200 point lor cach charactcr

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o

Your charactcr can hcin a only onc Charactcr Cla, hich i anJ ill rcmain thc main occupation ol your
charactcr. \pon rcachin a nc lccl, you may aJJ up to onc othcr Charactcr Cla to cnhancc or cxpanJ your charactcr`
lnolcJc anJ ~lill. Thc procc ol aJJin a nc Charactcr Cla, callcJ na Cassing, can hc rclaticly implc.
Thcrc arc hoth aJantac anJ JiaJantac to Dual Clain. Cnc aJantac may hc ohiou. your charactcr ain
morc ~lill anJ/or Wcapon ~lill immcJiatcly. Cnc ol thc main JiaJantac i that your charactcr ocrall prorcc
locr hccauc you mut no Jitrihutc !xpcricncc hctccn to Clac. Altcr Dual Clain, il you oulJ lilc to prorc
hoth Clac ccnly, you mut Jitrihutc !xpcricncc ccnly, thu cauin your charactcr to prorc hall a lat a hc or hc
oulJ a onc Charactcr Cla.

To ol thc Charactcr Clac, thc ~aint anJ thc
Kniht, cannot Dual Cla at all hccauc thcy hac
rcachcJ thc uppcr cchclon ol cithcr piritual or ocial
cla tatu, anJ thc Clcric may only Dual-Cla ith
thc ~aint or thc Kniht. \c thc tahlc to thc riht
Jctcrminc to il your primary charactcr can Dual-Cla
anJ ith hich clac. !l you plan on Dual Clain,
hc urc you arc aarc ol thi inlormation hclorc you
crcatc your charactcr.

Dual Class Limitations
Primary Dual Class Limitation
No limitations
Cleric Knight or Saint only
Knight Cannot Dual-Class
Saint Cannot Dual-Class
No limitations
No limitations
No limitations
No limitations

indicates that this class can Dual-Class with any other Character Class
as long as the character meets the Attribute Requirements or the new

C Cb bo on ng g| |n ng g O Ou uc cr r

S St tc c, , 1 1: : C Cb bc cc c| | t tb bc cc cc c | || |r rc ct t
!clorc you hcin, malc urc that your currcnt
Charactcr Cla i allocJ to Dual Cla ith thc JcircJ
nc Charactcr Cla accorJin to thc ahoc tahlc. Thcn
malc urc that your charactcr mcct thc Attrihutc
Kcquircmcnt ol thc nc Charactcr Cla. !l it chccl
out, thcn moc on to ~tcp 2.

S St tc c, , 2 2: : l ln nc cr rc co oc cc c t tb bc c C Cu ur rr rc cn nt t C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr r
C C| |o oc cc c
Ncxt, malc urc that you hac incrcacJ your
charactcr hacJ on thc prciou cction cntitlcJ
l,:o, . c|../: hcinnin on pac 44.

S St tc c, , : : S S| || || || |c c
Thcn, aJJ thc GiIis ol thc nc Charactcr Cla to
thc CraIis cction ol your currcnt charactcr. Thi tcp
rcprccnt that your charactcr ha no acquircJ all thc
ncccary ~lill ol thc nc Charactcr Cla. !l your
currcnt charactcr alrcaJy ha onc or morc ol thc Cilt ol
thc nc Charactcr Cla, imply clcct othcr Cla ~lill
or Wcapon ~lill lrom thc nc Charactcr Cla`
Dccription that your charactcr Joc not hac. All ol
thcc nc Cralt at thi lirt lccl, cxccpt lor Wcapon
~lill, hcin ith a 1 !rolicicncy.

S St tc c, , : : \ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
Any Wcapon ~lill that your charactcr ain lrom
thc prciou tcp you oulJ ritc in thc Cralt cction ol
thc Charactcr ~hcct. !or thi lirt lccl, you may apply a
1 to any 1 Comhat action (cxccpt AtK) ol thc
corrcponJin Wcapon ~lill.

S St tc c, , : : l lc cc cc cc cc cc c| |c cn nc c
All ol your charactcr` pocion rcmain
unchancJ. You aJJ no olJ, ilcr, capon, cquipmcnt,
looJ, or armor to your charactcr hy ainin a cconJ
Charactcr Cla. Your charactcr mut acquirc thcc itcm
throuh amc play. Hoccr, il your charactcr ha
actually onc throuh a uilJ Jurin thc timc ol aJJin a
nc Charactcr Cla, thc Kac may allo your charactcr to
rcccic omc ncccary itcm, uch a rantin a Kniht
hi nc horc, or rantin a ~aint a nc Crucilix.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn

A Si i a omchat complcx tal or arca ol lnolcJc that your charactcr can lcarn anJ ro in cxpcrtic. You
mcaurc thi cxpcrtic ith a IroIiciency Ionns (1, 4, ctc.), hich i a numhcr you aJJ to thc natural ~lill Koll
hcn uin that ~lill. Thi !rolicicncy !onu allo you to incrcac thc chancc ol uccc hcn attcmptin a ~lill Koll.
Your charactcr can hac a ~lill in onc ol thrcc Jillcrcnt lccl ol cxpcrtic, all ol hich incrcac at Jillcrcnt ratc anJ
ollcr ariou !rolicicncy numhcr hcn lirt rcccicJ. GiIis rcprccnt thc hihct Jcrcc ol cxpcrtic anJ thcrclorc ollcr
thc hihct !rolicicncy !onu at !ccl 1. Thc ncxt arca i Taenis, hich rcprccnt ~lill that your charactcr ha a
lnacl lor hut i not ncccarily iltcJ in. !inally, CraIis rcprccnt thc loct lccl ol cxpcrtic, hich arc mcrcly hohhic
or intcrct.
|Inoriani Noie. thc hihct maximum !rolicicncy !onu any inlc ~lill can hac i 10, rcarJlc ol ~lill lccl.]

A At tt tc cm m, ,t t| |n ng g S S| || || || |c c
!or your charactcr to attcmpt a ~lill, you oulJ imply malc a Si Ro ith a J20 anJ aJJ your charactcr`
!rolicicncy !onu to thc roll. !l thc ~lill Koll i ocr thc tarct numhcr, thc attcmpt a uccclul, il thc roll i unJcr
thc tarct, thc attcmpt lailcJ. Thc tarct numhcr i callcJ thc iIIicniy Iacior, or I lor hort, anJ i uually 11, hut
can hc moJilicJ hy thc Kac il thc ituation i morc Jillicult or caicr than normal. Whcn attcmptin any ~lill, a Natural
20 i alay uccclul anJ a Natural 1 alay lail, rcarJlc ol thc D!.

\ \c cd d| || |q q| |n ng g t tb bc c D D| || || || |c cu u| |t tq q l lo oc ct tc cr r
Thc tanJarJ numhcr to hcat lor mot attcmpt ith a ~lill i 11, hich i thc MJ:./: D!. Thi i thc hac
Dilliculty to uc lor mot ituation. !l a morc ha.arJou or inhihitin clcmcnt play a part in thc othcric normal
ituation, thc Kac ill incrcac thc D! to thc H,| lccl. ~houlJ onc or morc ha.arJou or inhihitin clcmcnt play in at
thc amc timc, thc Kac ill incrcac thc Dilliculty to it hihct lccl, thc Ls/:: lccl.
You mut roll ocr or cqual to thc Dilliculty !actor in orJcr lor your charactcr to hc uccclul. \c thc Dilliculty
~calc hclo to cc thc numhcr that apply to cach Dilliculty !actor.

iIIicniy Scae.

Iai Sine Moderaie High Iirene
1 2 3 4 5 | o 7 8 0 10 | 11 12 13 14 15 1o 17 | 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 2o | 27

A alay, a ~lill roll ol Natural 1 i nccr uccclul, rcarJlc ol thc !onuc, anJ rcult in a harmlul or
hinJcrin concqucncc. Thi concqucncc i up to thc Kac anJ ill ary lrom ituation to ituation hacJ on thc ~lill
your charactcr attcmptcJ. !urthcrmorc, any roll unJcr o alay lail, hut no lurthcr concqucncc hclall your charactcr
othcr than hat rcult lrom lailin thc tal. Thc Kac ill uc thc c|: D! hcn thc attcmpt i cry cay hut your
charactcr till ha a chancc ol lailurc. ~omctimc, it may not hc ncccary to malc a ~lill Koll lor thc c|: D!, imply
hain thc ~lill i ooJ cnouh. Hoccr, that Jcciion i up to thc Kac.
Many lactor can incrcac thc D! lrom MJ:./: to H,|, incluJin thc hcalth conJition ol your charactcr, thc
poition your charactcr i in hilc attcmptin thc ~lill, or cxtcrnal clcmcnt, uch a cathcr or ha.arJou urlacc
conJition. !urthcrmorc, thc tarct ol thc action coulJ hc maJc in a ay to prccnt your charactcr lrom tampcrin ith
it. !or cxamplc, a loclmith Jclihcratcly malc a locl morc Jillicult to picl hy it mcchanic, or poition it in a Jillicult
placc to ct to, ctc. To or morc ol thc ahoc lactor impocJ on a ituation coulJ incrcac thc D! to Ls/::, hich you
may hac noticcJ rcquirc cithcr a Natural 20 or many !onuc to achicc.
At any Dilliculty !actor, thc minimum concqucncc lor a lailcJ roll i thc lo ol timc anJ cncry it talc to attcmpt
thc tal. Charactcr ith a lo l./:o: ill hac to moc on altcr lailin a ~lill cnouh timc. !urthcrmorc, your
charactcr coulJ hc puttin thc party in omc linJ ol jcoparJy hy pcnJin too much timc on a ~lill attcmpt.
!urthcrmorc, thc hihcr thc D! thc morc timc anJ cncry it talc to accomplih thc ~lill.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 8
C Co o| |n n| |n ng g N Nc cu u S S| || || || |c c
A your charactcr prorcc throuh thc lccl, hc or hc ain nc ~lill a Cralt anJ Talcnt (cc l,:o, .
c|../: tartin on pac 44 lor Jctail). Hoccr, thc ~lill your charactcr lcarn thi ay i limitcJ to thc lit on
charactcr` Cla Dccription. !n orJcr to lcarn ~lill not litcJ on thc Cla Dccription, your charactcr mut o to a
uilJ or monatcry, pay thc ncccary lcc, anJ pcnJ omc Juration ol timc unJcr thc intruction ol a uilJmatcr. !clorc
thi can ccn hc poihlc, hoccr, your charactcr mut mcct thc l::,a/: ol thc ~lill. Without mcctin thcc
rcquircmcnt, your charactcr Joc not hac thc aptituJc to lcarn thc ~lill. Typically, thc l::,a/: i onc or morc
Attrihutc Katin that mut hc ocr a ccrtain numhcr.
Thc lolloin pac Jccrihc thc ~lill lunction anJ thcir rcquircmcnt lor lcarnin. Thc Day ol !carnin`
inJicatc ho many conccutic Jay thc charactcr mut pcnJ at thc uilJ or monatcry lcarnin thc ~lill unJcr
intruction hy omconc. Cnc lull Jay rcquirc a minimum ol 11 hour ol lcarnin, anJ a hall-Jay rcquirc a minimum ol
o hour ol lcarnin.
\pon complction ol thc trainin, your charactcr ain thc ~lill a a Cralt at a 1 !rolicicncy. ~houlJ your
charactcr not complctc thc trainin hut o throuh at lcat hall ol thc lcon, hc or hc ain thc ~lill at a 0
!rolicicncy. Your charactcr cannot incrcac a 0 !rolicicncy, uch a at a nc lccl, until hc or hc linihc thc rct ol
thc lcon, thcrchy incrcain thc 0 to a 1 !rolicicncy.

b bc c S S| || || || |c c

Animal ~cicncc
C.~.~. !ounJin
C.~.~. Critical ~hot
C.~.~. !aJc anJ Diarm
C.~.~. Crapplc
C.~.~. Jump Kicl
C.~.~. !rolilin Tactic
C.~.~. Koll ith !lo
C.~.~. Tacllin
C.~.~. Tirl Wcapon
!mpocr Crucilix
!ooJ Worl
Hcrhal ~cicncc
H!. Hcarin
H!. ~ccnt
H!. ~iht
H!. Touch
!iht ~lccp
Miraclc. Clcrical
Miraclc. Hih
Miraclc. Holy ~on
!icl !ocl
!lay !crcuion !ntrumcnt
!lay ~trincJ !ntrumcnt
!lay WinJ !ntrumcnt
!oion ~cicncc
!olitical ~cicncc
!rolilc Arca
!rolilc Charactcr
KcaJ/Writc. j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
~acrcJ ~tuJic
~lciht ol HanJ
~orccry ~tuJic
~pcal. j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
Trap Worl

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 9
A Ac cr rc cb bo ot t| |c cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!crlorm tumhlin anJ ymnatic mancucr on thc
rounJ or in thc air
Irereqnisiie. L.|.o:. 8 or lc
Das o/ Lea-n|n, 2

A Ac ct t| |n ng g
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!mpcronatc a Jillcrcnt cla ol pcron, uch a a
Jrunl, a nohlc, or a pcron ol thc oppoitc cx
!crlorm actin pcrlormancc in lront ol larc or
mall auJicncc, on tac or oll
!mpcronatc a pccilic pcron in pccch anJ
Irereqnisiie. c|... o
Das o/ Lea-n|n, 1

A An n| |m mo o| | S Sc c| |c cn nc cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!Jcntily animal hy thcir pccic, hrccJ, anJ hahitat
Kno thc hotility lccl, matin cyclc, anJ Jict ol
ccrtain animal
Irereqnisiie. c|... 7, l./:o:. 5
Das o/ Lea-n|n, 1'

A Ar rt t| |c ct tr rq q
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Dra, paint, anJ culpt oriinal orl ol art
Kcplicatc anJ countcrlcit ollicial Jocumcnt
!Jcntily countcrlcit orl ol art
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. 7
ays oI Iearning. 1

B B| |o oc c| |c cm m| |t tb b
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!ahion mctal capon (rcquirc \:.o ~lill)
!ahion mctal armor anJ othcr iron ohjcct
Irereqnisiie. c/:o,/|. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

B Br rc co o| || |o o| || |
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!or roll ol 11 to 17, ahorh 1 point ol l.||o,
D..,: pcr !rolicicncy !onu
!or roll ol 18 to 2o, ahorh 2 point ol l.||o,
D..,: pcr !rolicicncy !onu
!or roll ol 27 or hihcr, or lor Natural 20 roll,
ahorh 3 point ol l.||o, D..,: pcr !rolicicncy
Irereqnisiie. A,|/. 7
ays oI Iearning. '

C C. .S S. .S S. . B Bc cu un nd d| |n ng g
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
!aclllip out ol harm` ay in placc ol a DJ,:
action, in thc ccnt ol uccc, thc KounJ tart
ocr (limitcJ to 1 haclllip pcr 2 KounJ)
Irereqnisiie. fa. 8 or lc
ays oI Iearning. 2

C C. .S S. .S S. . C Cr r| |t t| |c co o| | S Sb bc ct t
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
AJJ thi ~lill !onu to an A//.| Koll hcn uin
a miilc or thron capon
!or roll ol 11 to 17, cauc 2 x Damac hcn
hootin a miilc capon or throin a thron
!or roll ol 18 to 2o, cauc 3 x Damac hcn
hootin a miilc capon or throin a thron
!or roll ol 27 or hihcr, or lor Natural 20 roll,
cauc an intant latality to thc tarct ictim
Noie. to uc thi ~lill, thi action mut hc thc lat anJ
only Comhat action ol your charactcr` KounJ. Thc
charactcr mut pcnJ thc cntirc KounJ unJitractcJ
locuin on thc tarct anJ thcn cxccutc thc A//.| a thc
linal anJ only action ol thc KounJ.
Irereqnisiie. \.c. M|: or \.c. 1|ao
ays oI Iearning. '

C C. .S S. .S S. . C Cu uo od dc c o on nd d D D| |c co or rm m
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
Crah an attaclcr` capon ith hi or hcr harc
hanJ anJ rcmoc it lrom thc opponcnt`
pocion (uc in placc ol a DJ,: or D:/:oJ
Irereqnisiie. A,|/. 8
ays oI Iearning. 2

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 0
C C. .S S. .S S. . C Cr ro o, ,, ,| |c c
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
Crah anJ immohili.c an opponcnt uin hi or hcr
harc hanJ (thi ~lill uc an A//.| action ol
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ)
!rcal thc opponcnt` limh altcr a uccclul rapplc
(any hrolcn limh cauc ' ol thc opponcnt` l/:
in D..,:, a hrolcn nccl cauc intant Jcath)
!capc lrom an opponcnt ho ha rapplcJ your
!rccnt an opponcnt lillcJ ith c.c.c. t.|:
lrom hrcalin your charactcr` limh or nccl
(cannot happcn il your charactcr pocc thi
Irereqnisiie. c/:o,/|. 7, A,|/. 7
ays oI Iearning. 1

C C. .S S. .S S. . u um m, , } }| |c c| |
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
Cauc Da||: D..,: to an opponcnt hy jumpin
anJ liclin uin \.c. l| A//.|
Cauc D..,: to to Jillcrcnt opponcnt at thc
amc timc il thcy arc ithin 5 lcct ol cach othcr
(thcy ct thc tanJarJ DJ,: or D:/:oJ option)
uin \.c. l| A//.| (uc a cparatc J20 lor
cach A//.|)
Noie. thi ~lill rcquirc anJ uc 2 AtK ith thc Kicl
Attacl Wcapon ~lill. Your charactcr can uc thi ~lill at
any timc in thc KounJ, hut it count a 2 AtK.
Irereqnisiie. fa. 8 or lc, W.c. l| A//.|
ays oI Iearning. '

C C. .S S. .S S. . l lr rc c| || || || |n ng g o oc ct t| |c cc c
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
Cain Comhat aJantac ocr an opponcnt hy
ohcrin thc opponcnt` lihtin tylc
Noie. lor cach KounJ that your charactcr uccclully
ohcrc (rcprccntcJ hy l::/o roll) an opponcnt in
actual Comhat, your charactcr ain a 1 !onu to all
Comhat action (cxccpt AtK) up to your charactcr`
!rolicicncy hcn oppoin that opponcnt. Thi ~lill uc
\.c. c|./ A anJ \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ only.
Irereqnisiie. \.c. c|./ A or H.oJ / H.oJ
ays oI Iearning. 1

C C. .S S. .S S. . L Lc c| || | u u| |t tb b B B| |c cu uc c
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
!or roll ol 11 to17, ahorh 1 point ol D..,: pcr
!rolicicncy lrom an opponcnt` hlo
!or roll ol 18 to 2o, ahorh 2 point ol D..,:
pcr !rolicicncy lrom an opponcnt` hlo
!or roll ol 27 or hihcr or Natural 20`, ahorh 3
point ol D..,: pcr !rolicicncy lrom an
opponcnt` hlo
Noie. Juc to thc intcnc conccntration rcquircJ to
roll ith a hlo, your charactcr cannot pcrlorm ANY
lurthcr action in a KounJ altcr uin thi ~lill, incluJin
A//.|, DJ,:, D:/:oJ, ctc. !n aJJition, hc or hc cannot
ahorh hlo lrom an opponcnt` miilc or thron
capon, or lrom a maic attacl.
Irereqnisiie. A,|/. 7
ays oI Iearning. 1'

C C. .S S. .S S. . o oc c| || || |n ng g
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
Tacllc an opponcnt to thc rounJ cauin 1Jo
!rolicicncy !onu in Damac (thi ~lill uc an
A//.| action ol \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ).
Irereqnisiie. \.c. H.oJ / H.oJ
ays oI Iearning. 1'

C C. .S S. .S S. . u u| |r r| | \ \c co o, ,c cn n
Thi Comhat ~lill ~pccial allo your charactcr to.
Tirl anJ in ahout hi or hcr capon in a ay
that proiJc momcntum lor cxtra D..,:.
!or roll ol 11 to 17, cauc your charactcr`
!rolicicncy !onu in aJJitional D..,: lor thc
ncxt immcJiatc A//.|
!or roll ol 18 or hihcr or Natural 20`, cauc
Jouhlc your charactcr` !rolicicncy !onu in
aJJitional D..,: on thc lolloin A//.|
Noie. thi ~lill uc \.c. c|./ A only. !t rcquirc
at lcat onc lull KounJ ol capon tirlin (hy a uccclul
c.c.c. 1a| \:.o roll) hclorc cxccutin an A//.| (anJ
uccclul roll pcr KounJ thcrcaltcr to rcattcmpt). Your
charactcr can DJ,: anJ D:/:oJ hilc tirlin.
Irereqnisiie. \.c. c|./ A
ays oI Iearning. 1

C Co om m, ,
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!inJ anJ prcparc hcltcr lor ocrniht rct
Crcatc lirc lor coolin anJ armth
Cool anJ prcparc huntcJ looJ lor alc catin
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1 (ocrniht)

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1
C Co or r, ,c cn nt tr rq q
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!uilJ anJ rcpair tructurc
Irereqnisiie. \J. 5
ays oI Iearning. '

D Dc cm mc cn nc c| |c cg gq q
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!Jcntily Jcmon hy appcarancc, manncrim, anJ
Dillcrcntiatc hctccn Jcmon anJ animal pccic
!timatc Jcmon` lccl, pocr anJ trcnth, anJ
lno thcir calncc (il any), polcn lanuac,
anJ rclatcJ inlormation
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

D D| |c cg gu u| |c cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Crcatc Jiuic uin malc up anJ cotumc
!Jcntily a Jiuic
Irereqnisiie. \J. 5
ays oI Iearning. '

C Cd d| || |q q
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!uilJ up anJ cncourac othcr hy pcalin linJ
orJ to thcm ahout thcir lill anJ qualitic, a
linJ ol pcp tall`
AJJ hi or hcr LJ/ !onu to onc pccilic ~lill ol
thc cJilicJ pcron lor thcir ncxt 2 attcmpt ith
that ~lill
!rccnt a pcron lrom inJulin in a in or
rcactin to a phohia, ccn il thc pcron lailcJ a
~ain Thro
Noie. thi ~lill rcquirc your charactcr to tall to a pcron
lor at lcat 1 KounJ hclorc thc pcron ain thc hcnclit ol
Irereqnisiie. \J. 7
ays oI Iearning. 1

C Cm m, ,c cu uc cr r C Cr ru uc c| || || |x x
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!mpocr a Crucilix ith thc pocr ol a holy
Miraclc lor omconc clc to uc latcr
Noie. your charactcr mut pcnJ thc !aith ol thc Miraclc
to pcrlorm it on thc Crucilix, hich thcn torc thc pocr
lor anothcr to uc. ~houlJ your charactcr lail thc ~lill
roll, thc Miraclc occur anJ thc !aith i pcnt, hut thc
Crucilix Joc not torc thc pocr.
Irereqnisiie. M.|:. H,| or c|:.|
ays oI Iearning. '

l lo o| |c cc cn nr rq q
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Train anJ raic a lalcon to hunt anJ lollo
Irereqnisiie. l./:o:. 7
ays oI Iearning. 2

l lc cc cd d \ \c cr r| |c c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!rcparc Jcliciou mcal lrom ariou culturc anJ
!rccrc looJ lor up to 2 Jay pcr !rolicicncy
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

l lc cr rb bo o| | S Sc c| |c cn nc cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!Jcntily anJ locatc hcrh anJ plant
Crcatc hcrhal Jralt anJ curc
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

l lc cr rc cc cm mo on nc cb b| |, ,
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
KiJc anJ carc lor horc anJ ponic
!iht in comhat on horchacl
Irereqnisiie. c/:o,/|. 4
ays oI Iearning. '

l ll l: : l lc co or r| |n ng g
Thi HcihtcncJ !crccption ~lill allo your
charactcr to.
Hcar ounJ not normally auJihlc to thc human
car, incluJin omconc or omcthin co:.|o,
!ocu on clcctic or Jitant concration anJ
ounJ in an othcric noiy cnironmcnt
Irereqnisiie. l::/o. 7 or lc
ays oI Iearning. 1

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2
l ll l: : S Sc cc cn nt t
Thi HcihtcncJ !crccption ~lill allo your
charactcr to.
~mcll ccnt anJ tatc tatc not normally noticcJ
hy thc human cnc
!Jcntily thc componcnt in looJ anJ Jrinl hy
mcll or tatc, incluJin poion
Irereqnisiie. l::/o. 7 or lc
ays oI Iearning. 1

l ll l: : S S| |g gb bt t
Thi HcihtcncJ !crccption ~lill allo your
charactcr to.
!crccic actiity hy iht not normally noticcJ hy
Irereqnisiie. l::/o. 7 or lc
ays oI Iearning. 1

l ll l: : c cu uc cb b
Thi HcihtcncJ !crccption ~lill allo your
charactcr to.
!ccl actiity anJ upcrnatural cncry not normally
noticcJ hy othcr cnc
Irereqnisiie. l::/o. 7 or lc
ays oI Iearning. 2

l ln nt tu u| |t t| |c cn n
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Cain poitic or ncatic typc lcclin ahout a
ituation or pcron
Noie. thi ~lill rcquirc your charactcr to mcJitatc on a
thouht lor at lcat a Tcn-rounJ or morc JcpcnJin on
thc ituation.
Irereqnisiie. M:J/./o. 1
ays oI Iearning. 2 (Jay ol praycr)

L L| |g gb bt t S S| |c cc c, ,
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
~lccp liht cnouh to alc il omconc or
omcthin comc ithin hcarin ranc anJ lail a
co:.| roll or Joc not hac thc co:.| ~lill
Irereqnisiie. Hl H:.o,. 1
ays oI Iearning. 1 niht

\ \c cc cb bo on n| |c cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!uilJ anJ rcpair mcchanical ohjcct, uch a cart,
icc cninc, anJ pinJlc
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

\ \c cd d| |c co o| |
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Kctorc 1J4 plu !rolicicncy !onu l/: to cll or
othcr ounJcJ ictim ho hac hccn hurt hy cut
lrom a hlaJc or hahc lrom hlunt ohjcct
~ccurc hrolcn limh to prccnt lurthcr Damac
!Jcntily thc capon ucJ to harm omconc hy thc
Jamac Jonc to thcir hoJy
!Jcntily hcthcr a ictim i JcaJ or in a coma
Noie. thi ~lill Joc not rcic omconc ho ha lapcJ
into a coma, nor Joc it allcct a ictim triclcn ith
poion. !t can hoccr, iJcntily a poionin or thc ourcc
ol an ailmcnt. , your charactcr can only uc thi ~lill to
hcal onc timc pcr ictim pcr ounJ anJ cannot uc it on
that amc pcron until hc or hc utain a nc ounJ.
Irereqnisiie. l./:o:. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

\ \c cd d| |t to ot t| |c cn n
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Kctorc l/: anJ l./| hy Jccp piritual mcJitation
Kctorc 1 l./| lor ccry numhcr ocr thc MJ:./:
D! rollcJ pcr 15 minutc ol unJitractcJ
Kctorc 1 l/: lor ccry numhcr ocr thc H,| D!
rollcJ pcr 15 minutc ol unJitractcJ McJitation
Noie. thc Kac may incrcac thc D! lccl lor mcJitation
cnironmcnt ith morc Jitractin actiity, or Jccrcac
thc D! lccl lor mcJitatin in a quict houc ol orhip.
!n aJJition, accompanyin charactcr ith a l./:o: lc
than 5 cannot ait hcyonJ 1 M:J/./o roll.
Irereqnisiie. l./:o:. 7
ays oI Iearning. 2 (Jay ol praycr)

\ \| |r ro oc c| |c cc c: : C C| |c cr r| |c co o| |
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!crlorm Clcrical Miraclc
Irereqnisiie. Clcric Charactcr Cla only
ays oI Iearning. N/A

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn
\ \| |r ro oc c| |c cc c: : l l| |g gb b
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!crlorm Hih Miraclc
Irereqnisiie. ~aint Charactcr Cla only
ays oI Iearning. N/A

\ \| |r ro oc c| |c cc c: : l lc c| |q q S Sc cn ng gc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!crlorm Holy ~on Miraclc
Irereqnisiie. !arJ Charactcr Cla only
ays oI Iearning. N/A

N N| |g gb bt tu u| |c c| |c cn n
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
~cc an aJJitional 20 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu in
lo-liht cnironmcnt hcyonJ normal cyciht
~cc an aJJitional 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu in
pitch-hlacl cnironmcnt hcyonJ normal cyciht
Irereqnisiie. Hl c,|/. 1
ays oI Iearning. 2 niht

l l| |c c| | L Lc cc c| |c c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Cpcn locl uin locl picl or imilar lim mctal
Noie. trappcJ locl arc JcincJ to pricl locl-piclcr ith
poion nccJlc. Thcrclorc, onc lailcJ !icl !ocl roll on a
trappcJ locl ct oll thc poion-nccJlc trap.
Irereqnisiie. A,|/. 7
ays oI Iearning. ' Jay

l l| |o oq q l lc cr rc cu uc cc c| |c cn n l ln nc ct tr ru um mc cn nt t
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!lay pcrcuion intrumcnt, uch a tamhourinc,
hono, Jrum, anJ hammcrcJ Julcimcr, alonc
or in harmony ith othcr intrumcnt
Irereqnisiie. A,|/. o
ays oI Iearning. '

l l| |o oq q S St tr r| |n ng gc cd d l ln nc ct tr ru um mc cn nt t
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!lay trincJ intrumcnt, uch a harp, lutc, anJ
lyrc, alonc or in harmony ith othcr intrumcnt
Irereqnisiie. l./:o:. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

l l| |o oq q \ \| |n nd d l ln nc ct tr ru um mc cn nt t
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!lay inJ intrumcnt, uch a piccolo, llutc, anJ
rccorJcr, alonc or in harmony ith othcr
Irereqnisiie. LoJa.o:. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

l lc c| |c cc cn n S Sc c| |c cn nc cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!Jcntily poion hy tatc or ccnt
Dra out poion lrom a ounJ, ccain any
D..,: altcr hall D..,: ha lapcJ
!xtract anJ hanJlc poion lrom thcir ariou
Irereqnisiie. \J. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

l lc c| || |t t| |c co o| | S Sc c| |c cn nc cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Kno anJ rcconi.c pcoplc ol ariou lanJ anJ
culturc hy thcir pccch anJ cutom
!Jcntily thc lla, hanncr, anJ crct ol thc
Jillcrcnt uilJ, lnihtly orJcr, anJ lanJ
Kno anJ unJcrtanJ thc political hitory ol thc
Jillcrcnt lanJ
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. o
ays oI Iearning. 1'

l lr rc co oc cb b
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Kcach non-Chritian pcoplc ith Chrit` mcac
ol alation, anJ impart a lcclin ol aluc, loc,
anJ orth lor thcir lilc
Crcatc a honJ ol unJcrtanJin hctccn your
charactcr anJ a rcccptic non-Chritian pcron
Irereqnisiie. c.:J c/aJ:. 1
ays oI Iearning. '

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn
l lr rc cc cc cn nc cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!ntimiJatc or pcruaJc lor omc aJantac ocr
anothcr pcron
Attcmpt to Jiplay authority or Jominancc ocr
anothcr pcron
Conlront anothcr pcron ith a lcclin anJ lool ol
Irereqnisiie. c|... 7
ays oI Iearning. 1

l lr rc c| || || |c c A Ar rc co o
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Dctcct amhuhc anJ locatc ooJ arca lor
Kccontruct` thc ccnc ol an inciJcnt a a
moJcrn-Jay Jctcctic Joc at a crimc ccnc,
athcrin uch inlormation a ho, hat, hy,
anJ ho thc inciJcnt occurrcJ
Irereqnisiie. \J. 7
ays oI Iearning. 1

l lr rc c| || || |c c C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr r
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
KcaJ` a pcron` truc motic anJ intcntion, anJ
Jctcct a pcron` lic
KcaJ` a pcron` hoJy lanuac to Jctcrminc thcir
truc cmotion rcarJlc ol hat thcy arc ayin
!timatc a pcron` l/: taturc, ~lill lccl, anJ
lihtin ahilitic hy ohcrin him or hcr
Irereqnisiie. \J. 7
ays oI Iearning. 1

L Lc co od d. .\ \r r| |t tc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
KcaJ anJ ritc tcxt in thc charactcr` on natic
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. 5
ays oI Iearning. 2

L Lc co od d. .\ \r r| |t tc c: : } }o od dd d| |t t| |c cn no o| | | |o on ng gu uo og gc c[ [
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
KcaJ anJ ritc tcxt in a pccilicJ lanuac othcr
than thc charactcr` natic lanuac
Irereqnisiie. l:.J/\/:. 1
ays oI Iearning. 2
S So oc cr rc cd d S St tu ud d| |c cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Kno ahout toric anJ pccilic paac ol hihlical
!Jcntily holy ymhol anJ thcir lunction
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

S Sc co o| |o or r| |n ng g
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
~ail anJ naiatc hip anJ hoat ol ariou i.c
anJ on ariou atcr
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

S S| |g gn no o| || |n ng g
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Communicatc llucntly ith anothcr pcron ho ha
thc c,o.|o, ~lill uin only hanJ inal
Communicatc implc commanJ anJ cxprcion to
anothcr pcron ho Joc not hac thc c,o.|o,
~lill uin only hanJ inal
Irereqnisiie. \J. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

S S| |n ng g| |n ng g
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
~in anJ lno on ol thc pat anJ currcnt timc
anJ in thcm in harmony ith othcr incr anJ
Irereqnisiie. LoJa.o:. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

S S| |c c| |g gb bt t c c| | l lo on nd d
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!icl omconc` poclct unnoticcJ
!ilt` an ohjcct lrom a tahlc or countcr ithout
hcin ccn
!crlorm maic` tricl hcrc a mall ohjcct in your
charactcr` hanJ mytcriouly Jiappcar` ith
thc llicl ol thc rit or ac ol thc hanJ anJ
rcappcar` hchinJ omconc` car, or othcr
palmin tricl
Irereqnisiie. A,|/. 7
ays oI Iearning. 2

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn
S Sn nc co o| |
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Crccp hy omconc ithout hcin hcarJ
Cloc or opcn Joor anJ inJo ithout hcin
!ollo omconc ithout hcin noticcJ
!oc omconc ho i lolloin thcm
Irereqnisiie. A,|/. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

S Sc cr rc cc cr rq q S St tu ud d| |c cc c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!Jcntily runc anJ lno thcir lunction
!Jcntily a pcll hy hcarin it cat or ccin it allcct
!Jcntily pcllcatcr hy thcir manncrim anJ hahit
!Jcntily cult hy thcir ymhol anJ ritual
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. o
ays oI Iearning. 1

S S, ,c co o| |: : } }o od dd d| |t t| |c cn no o| | | |o on ng gu uo og gc c[ [
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
~pcal a pccilic lanuac othcr than your
charactcr` natic lanuac
Noie. to pcal all ancicnt lanuac, your charactcr nccJ
only clcct thi ~lill oncc anJ pccily that thc aJJitional
lanuac i all ancicnt lanuac.
Irereqnisiie. lo/:||:/. 5
ays oI Iearning. 2

S Su u| |m mm m| |n ng g
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
~im in atcr ithout Jronin
Hclp a Jronin ictim to alcty
Irereqnisiie. LoJa.o:. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

o o| || |c cr r
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
~c anJ mcnJ armcnt in a lahionahlc anJ
lunctional ay uin thc propcr cin itcm
~c anJ rcpair lcathcr anJ improcJ lcathcr armor
uin thc propcr cin itcm
Irereqnisiie. \J. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

r ro oc c| |
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!Jcntily anJ lollo tracl ol animal anJ pcoplc
throuh ariou cnironmcnt
!Jcntily thc pacc anJ i.c ol thc pcron or animal
that lclt tracl
!Jcntily thc pccic ol an animal (ith Ao.|
c:o:) or Jcmon (ith D:o|,) hy thcir
Irereqnisiie. \J. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

r ro o, , \ \c cr r| |c c
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!Jcntily, ct, Jiarm, Jiahlc, anJ Jctcct trap
mcant to cauc harm to or capturc an animal or
othcr hcin
Irereqnisiie. M:|.o. 1
ays oI Iearning. 1

\ \c cn nt tr r| || |c cq qu u| |c cm m
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
Thro hi or hcr oicc a il hc or hc crc tanJin
in a Jillcrcnt location
Mimic thc oicc ol an unlamiliar pcron hc or hc
ha jut hcarJ (ithin 10 minutc) or ol omconc
Irereqnisiie. C|... 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

\ \c co o, ,c cn nr rq q
Thi ~lill allo your charactcr to.
!Jcntily thc lunction anJ oriin ol capon lrom
Jillcrcnt culturc lrom all arounJ thc lnon orlJ
~harpcn anJ halancc hi or hcr non-holy, hlaJcJ
capon to a 1 D..,: pcr 3 lccl ol
!xpcricncc up to a maximum ol 4 D..,:
Irereqnisiie. LoJa.o:. 5
ays oI Iearning. 1

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o

b bc c S S| || || || | c c| | \ \| |r ro oc c| |c cc c
!or Miraclc-orlcr, hich arc thc !arJ, thc Clcric, anJ thc ~aint, it i not alay ncccary to malc a ~lill Koll to
pcrlorm a Miraclc ccn thouh Miraclc arc ~lill. !or omc Miraclc, no ~lill Koll i ccr rcquircJ. !or othcr Miraclc,
your charactcr mut malc a Miraclc ~lill Koll to Jctcrminc ho uccclul thc Miraclc a- not hcthcr it a uccclul
or not.
Thc Miraclc ~lill !onu applic to ariou arca ol pcrlormin a Miraclc, incluJin AJ.o/.,: in ~upcrnatural
Comhat, ho many pcoplc thc Miraclc can allcct, hat Jitancc thc Miraclc can rcach, ho much D..,: thc Miraclc
cauc, anJ many othcr thin a JccrihcJ in thc Miraclc` Jccription.

C Cr rc cu u, , l lr ro oq qc cr rc c
Thouh only ccrtain Charactcr Clac can pcrlorm Miraclc, your charactcr can alay contrihutc hi or hcr l./| to
hclp a ta l.:. !n thi ituation, onc Miraclc-orlcr i rcponihlc lor carryin out thc actual Miraclc, hut all ho
join hanJ ith thc Miraclc-orlcr can contrihutc thcir l./| to incrcac thc total numhcr ucJ to pcrlorm thc Miraclc.
All contrihutin mcmhcr mut join hanJ ith thc Miraclc-orlcr or omconc clc ho i touchin thc Miraclc-orlcr.
Ior eane, il 40 pcoplc ith 1 l./| anJ a Miraclc-orlcr all athcrcJ tocthcr anJ joincJ hanJ to contrihutc to
thc Miraclc-orlcr` cauc, thc Miraclc-orlcr coulJ thcn pcrlorm thc Miraclc a il hc or hc haJ 40 morc l./|.
A Croup !raycr can only hc accomplihcJ ith a Clcry (Clcric or ~aint Charactcr Cla) lcaJin thc praycr anJ
rcponihlc lor thc Miraclc. Thi mcan that !arJ cannot lcaJ roup praycr ccn thouh thcy can pcrlorm Miraclc.

S Su u, ,c cr rn no ot tu ur ro o| | C Cc cm mb bo ot t
~incc Miraclc arc praycr anJ praycr can hc
thouht, Miraclc talc only a thouht to cxccutc.
Nccrthclc, Miraclc till rcquirc AJ.o/.,: aaint a
phyical A//.| in orJcr to o lirt, cxccpt thc Miraclc-
orlcr can uc hi or hcr Miraclc ~lill !onu a thc
!onu lor AJ.o/.,:. All othcr roll anJ action utili.c
pccilic !onuc a JccrihcJ in thc Miraclc`
Thc amc i truc lor actual ~upcrnatural Comhat,
hich i hctccn a Miraclc-orlcr anJ a pcllcatcr.
!or ~upcrnatural Comhat, thc amc rulc apply a
phyical Comhat cxccpt thc Miraclc !rolicicncy !onu
count a thc charactcr` AJ.o/.,: !onu (Jcmon anJ
pcllcatcr uc thcir phyical AJ.o/.,: !onu lor thcir
pcll AJ.o/.,: alo).

M|-a./es pe- Kound
Your charactcr can pcrlorm 1 Miraclc pcr KounJ
pcr 5 lccl ol !xpcricncc up to a maximum ol 3
Miraclc pcr KounJ. !or an illutration, cc thc tahlc

Levels Miracles per Round
1-5 1
6-10 2
11-15 3
[at tiat |c taat |at ia|atat ct t|t |aat a|
l |tttt 4:l7

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn
C C| |c cr r| |c co o| | \ \| |r ro oc c| |c cc c

A Ab bc cc cr rb b S S, ,c c| || |
Targei. Cthcr (pcllcatcr)
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Whcn pcrlormcJ on a orccrcr, thc
unaarc pcllcatcr cat hi ncxt pcll into thc Miraclc,
hich ahorh anJ Jctroy thc pocr ol thc pcll unlc
thc orccrcr c.: . M.|:. Thi Miraclc Joc not
allcct maic itcm or Kunc conliuration.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

C Cu ur rc c l lc c| |c cc cn n| |n ng g
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
escriiion. Thi Miraclc complctcly ncutrali.c
thc allcct ol a poion anJ prccnt lurthcr D..,: or
allcct. !t alo rctorc any l/: lot hy thc poionin.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

D D| |c co ob b| |c c \ \o og g| |c c l lt tc cm m
Targei. Chjcct (maic itcm)
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc Jiahlc thc pocr ol a
maic itcm lor 2 KounJ pcr !rolicicncy !onu ol thc
Clcric. Thc itcm can ~ac cru thi Miraclc a il it
crc an cncmy (17 or hihcr on a J20), rcnJcrin thc
Miraclc uclc.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

D D| |c co ob b| |c c L Lu un nc cc c
Targei. Chjcct (runc conliuration)
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc Jiahlc thc pocr ol a
Kunc conliuration lor a Tcn-rounJ. Thi Miraclc
Joc not Jiahlc maic itcm. Thc Kunc conliuration
can ~ac cru thi Miraclc a il it crc an cncmy (17
or hihcr on a J20), rcnJcrin thc Miraclc uclc.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

D D| |c c, ,c c| | L Lu un nc cc c
Targei. Chjcct (runc conliuration)
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc pcrmancntly Jctroy
thc pocr ol an actic runc conliuration. !t Joc not
Jipcl JiahlcJ runc or maic itcm. Thc Kunc can
~ac cru thi Miraclc a il thcy crc an cncmy (17
or hihcr on a J20), rcnJcrin thc Miraclc uclc.
Iaiih Cosi. 0
C Cr rc cu u, , l lc co o| |
Targei. Arca
Range. 50 lcct lrom thc Clcric
escriiion. Thi Miraclc rctorc 10 l/: to onc
tarct hcin pcr !rolicicncy !onu ithin ranc.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

l lc co o| |
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
escriiion. Thi Miraclc hcal 2Jo l/: plu an
aJJitional 2 pcr !rolicicncy !onu to onc inJiiJual.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

L Lc c| || |c cu uc c C Cc cm mo o
Targei. Cthcr
Range. Touch
escriiion. Thi Miraclc rctorc a coma
ictim to 1 l/:. Noie. only thc uccclul uc ol thc
M:J.| ~lill can Jctcrminc il a ictim i till alic in a
coma or actually JcaJ, hich rcquirc a rcurrcction.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

L Lc c| || |c cc ct t S S, ,c c| || |
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc cauc thc hlccJ
Tarct to rcllcct thc ncxt pcll cat on him or hcr hacl
to thc catcr, ho mut no ~ac cru thcir on
pcll. Thi Miraclc orl aaint Curc anJ Maic
!tcm a cll. Maximum Juration. 1 hour
Iaiih Cosi. 7

L Lc cc ct tc cr rc c L L| |m mb b
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
escriiion. Thi Miraclc mcnJ anJ rctorc
ithcrcJ anJ ccrcJ limh lrchly lot (ithin 3 hour).
Iaiih Cosi. 21

L Lc cc ct tc cr rc c S S| |g gb bt t
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
escriiion. Thi Miraclc rctorc iht to onc
hlinJcJ inJiiJual pcr !rolicicncy !onu.
Iaiih Cosi. 0

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 8
L Lc cc cu ur rr rc cc ct t| |c cn n
Targei. Cthcr
Range. Touch
escriiion. Thi Miraclc rcurrcct a ictim il
thc rcurrcction procc hcin ithin 7 hour ol thc
ictim` Jcath. Thc cntirc procc talc a hall hour lor
thc ictim to comc alic, anJ thcn hc or hc rcturn to
lilc ith hall thcir maximum l/:. Noie. only thc
uccclul uc ol thc M:J.| ~lill can Jctcrminc il an
unlnon ictim ha hccn JcaJ lor morc than 7 hour.
Iaiih Cosi. 25

u ur rn n U Un nd dc co od d
Targei. Cthcr (!ccr unJcaJ only)
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc cauc onc !ccr
unJcaJ to turn anJ llcc lrom thc clcry to a minimum
alc Jitancc ol 100 lcct aay lrom hcrc thc clcric a
hcn thc Miraclc a pcrlormcJ. \nJcaJ talc 1 point
ol D..,: pcr !rolicicncy !onu pcr KounJ until
rcachin thc minimum alc Jitancc, at hich timc thc
Miraclc lapc. !l unJcaJ c.: . M.|:, unJcaJ i
only tunncJ lor 1 KounJ anJ no othcr allcct occur.
Iaiih Cosi. 5
l l| |g gb b \ \| |r ro oc c| |c cc c

C C| |c co o| |
Targei. ~cll only
Range. ~cll only
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to
hccomc ncarly tranparcnt to normal cyc. Thc cloalcJ
clcry i iJcntiliahlc (ith l::/o Koll) il clcry
moc latcr than a c::J ol 3 or i in actic Comhat.
!at lor 1 Tcn-rounJ pcr !rolicicncy !onu.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

C Cc cm mm mc cn nc cc c \ \c ct t| |c cn n
Targei. Chjcct
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc loly commcncc a
natural motion on any lihtciht ohjcct (W! 1 or
lc), uch a tippin, liltin, puhin, or pullin. Thc
ohjcct mut hc lrcc to moc in thc JcircJ motion
ithout inilicant rcitancc outiJc ol raity. Thc
tarct ohjcct moc hy thc Miraclc lor onc KounJ at a
~pccJ ol no morc than 2 (max 10 lcct pcr KounJ).
Thc ohjcct mut hc in plain iht ol thc clcry, anJ not
hiJJcn. Thc clcry can continuc thc Miraclc hcrc it
lcac oll hy pcnJin thc !aith cot cach nc KounJ.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

l lc c| || || || |r rc c
Targei. Cthcr
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi pocrlul Miraclc crcatc a
pillar ol hitc lirc that automatically cauc 1J8 point
ol Damac pcr !rolicicncy !onu (or hall il c.:J .
M.|:). Thi Miraclc rcquirc thc ictim to hc
touchin thc rounJ anJ moin at no morc than a
c::J ol 2. !t ill initc hihly llammahlc itcm.
Iaiih Cosi. 0
l lc c| |q q l l| |r rc c
Targei. Cthcr
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc automatically hit thc
tarct il ithin ranc. !t crcatc a pull ol hitc lirc
that Jiappcar altcr cauin 2Jo Damac plu an
aJJitional 2 pcr !rolicicncy !onu (or hall il c.:J
. M.|:).
Iaiih Cosi. 5

l lu um mb b| |c c \ \c co o, ,c cn n
Targei. Cthcr
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc cauc thc tarct
ictim to loc rip anJ Jrop a inlc ohjcct hcin ucJ a
a capon, cotin at lcat 2 KounJ Jclay to picl it up,
or 1 KounJ il thc tarct c.: :a M.|:.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

L Lc cd d| |r rc cc ct t
Targei. Chjcct
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc rcJircct any airhornc
thron or miilc capon to a 45-Jcrcc path aay
lrom it intcnJcJ path. \c onc M.|: ~lill roll to
Jctcrminc uccc (l./| i pcnt hcthcr or not thc
~lill roll i uccclul) in placc ol a D:/:oJ roll.
!c than o. capon hit intcnJcJ tarct
c|: D! (o-10). harcly mic intcnJcJ tarct
MJ:./: D! (11-17). Jicrt to alc path
H,| D! (18-2o). Jicrt to a pccilic tarct
ithin ranc
Ls/:: D! (27). Jicrt to a pccilic tarct
cauin Douhlc Damac
Iaiih Cosi. 3

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 9
S Sc cc c t tb bc c l ln nu u| |c c| |b b| |c c
Targei. ~cll only
Range. ~cll only
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to cc
iniihlc hcin anJ ohjcct ithin normal ranc ol
iht. !t lat lor up to a Tcn-rounJ.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

S S, ,| |r r| |t t
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to
hccomc a iihlc piritual cntity that can lloat anJ pa
throuh all lor up to 10 cconJ pcr !rolicicncy
!onu. Thc clcry cannot pcrlorm any Miraclc, nor
can thcy allcct or hc harmcJ hy anythin (upcrnatural
or othcric) hilc piritcJ. Thc maximum mocmcnt
c::J ol thc piritcJ clcry i 1 pcr !rolicicncy !onu.
Iaiih Cosi. 7
c cm m, ,| |o or r
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to
rcJucc thc ncxt inlc occurrcncc ol D..,: hy hall.
Thi Miraclc lat lor 10 minutc pcr !rolicicncy
!onu or until hit.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

c cn ng gu uc cc c
Targei. ~cll only
Range. ~cll only
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to
pcal anJ unJcrtanJ any polcn lanuac lor 10
minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

l lc c| |q q S Sc cn ng gc c

C Co on nt t| |c c| |c c c c| | B Bc co oc ct tc c
Targei. Animal
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. ~uccclully playin or inin thi
Miraclc charm all animal that hcar it into a uhJucJ
trancc that lat lor 10 minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
ol thc !arJ. Cncc thc animal arc calmcJ anJ
uhJucJ, thc !arJ can thcn commanJ thcm to Jo
implc action, uch a o`, it`, lic Jon`, comc`,
or attacl.` Thc animal ill Jo a thcir nc matcr
hiJ a a lon a thc !arJ malc a uccclul M.|:
H| co, roll lor cach commanJ.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

S Sc cn ng g c c| | t tb bc c L L| |c c| |n ng g
Targei. Chjcct
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. ~uccclully playin thi on on an
intrumcnt allo thc !arJ to lcitatc anJ lloat an
ohjcct hori.ontally. Thc !arJ mut pcnJ a numhcr ol
l./| cqual to thc Wciht !actor (10 pounJ ranc) ol
thc ohjcct. Thc !arJ can moc thc ohjcct in any
Jircction anJ a lon a hc or hc play thc on up to
thc !arJ` LoJa.o: AK in minutc. Thc !arJ can
manipulatc thc ohjcct a lon a it i ithin 10 lcct pcr
!rolicicncy !onu ol thc ~lill.
Iaiih Cosi. 1 pcr W!
l lq qm mn n c c| | D D| |u u| |n nc c S S| |g gb bt t
Targei. ~cll only
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. A thc !arJ uccclully play or
in thi on, Chritian charactcr arc ahlc to cc that
hich thcy oulJ normally not cc. Cnc lunction ol
thi Miraclc crcatc a raJiant liht that ha no apparcnt
ourcc (in othcr orJ, you cannot cc a hriht liht
anyhcrc, jut thc allcct ol thc liht). Thi liht
cmanatc lrom thc !arJ a Jitancc cqual to thc Kanc
anJ lor a timc a lon a hc or hc play thc on (up to
thc !arJ` LoJa.o: AK in minutc maximum).
Thc othcr lunction ol thc liht i that it rccal
any iniihlc hcin anJ ohjcct ithin thc ranc lor
ccryonc to cc.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

S Sc cn ng g c c| | l l| || |u uc cc cr rq q S Sc cu un nd dc c
Targei. Arca
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Cncc thc !arJ hcin inin or
playin thi on uccclully, illuionary ounJ that
thc !arJ conjurc intcrrupt thc on lor an amount ol
timc cqual to thc !arJ !rolicicncy !onu in KounJ.
Thc !arJ can culpt thc ounJ into hatccr hc or hc
imainc ith thc illuion ol thcm hcin at any Jitancc
lrom thc hcarcr.
Iaiih Cosi. 2

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o0

CuilJ anJ monatcric arc placc a charactcr can o lor multiplc rcaon. Thc primary rcaon charactcr ill cnJ
up thcrc arc to lcarn nc ~lill, linJ companion anJ rcourcc, ohtain hcalin, or ccl hcltcr or alcty. Thcc placc
ollcr a plcaant ocial atmophcrc a cll a protcction anJ ~lill-huilJin.

C Cu u| || |d dc c
Gnids arc orani.ation hcrc pcoplc ol all typc anJ ocial clac comc tocthcr to lcarn anJ harc thcir cxpcrtic
ahout a pccilic traJc or liclJ ith onc anothcr. CuilJ arc plcntilul throuhout !uropc, arc poitic timuli lor a hirc`
cconomy, anJ arc oltcn cay to join. Thc lolloin uilJ rcquirc only a Jcirc to join anJ a lc olJ piccc in orJcr lor
your charactcr to ain mcmhcrhip. Charactcr ill linJ thcc uilJ in ncarly ccry hirc throuhout thc !uropcan
linJom a a cloc-lnit nctorl ol coopcratic uilJ.
Whcn your charactcr join a uilJ, hc or hc rcccic omc ort ol iJcntilication ol mcmhcrhip. Common uilJ
ollcr thc charactcr a a/, hich i a parchmcnt Jccrihin thc tcrm ol mcmhcrhip, incJ hy thc uilJmatcr or
cconJary uilJmatcr, anJ latcncJ ith thc uilJ` ax cal. !or mcmhcrhip lcc, cc pac o5.
A ,a|J./: hcaJ a uilJ anJ cncrally rciJc thcrc to ocrcc all ol thc Jay-to-Jay opcration. A pcron lnon a
a :oJ. ,a|J./: ait thc uilJmatcr. All othcr uilJ tall arc callcJ ,a|J|.oJ. Thc cconJary uilJmatcr i
thc pcron ho ill uccccJ thc uilJmatcr in thc ccnt ol Jcath or ahcncc.

Lea-n|n, S||//s a/ Common Gu|/ds
Your charactcr Joc not nccJ to join a uilJ in orJcr to lcarn nc ~lill, hoccr, in Join o coulJ ac thc
charactcr a rcat Jcal ol olJ in thc cnJ. Joinin a uilJ allorJ thc charactcr thc riht to lcarn any nc ~lill at hall thc
normal cot to non-mcmhcr.

\ \o or rt t| |o o| || |c ct tc c' ' C Cu u| || |d d
Thc Martialit` CuilJ tcachc all ~lill anJ Wcapon ~lill pcrtincnt to thc
M./.|/ Charactcr Cla. Thc uilJmatcr anJ all uilJhanJ ol thi uilJ arc
cxpcricnccJ Martialit arrior that hac JcotcJ thcir lic to tcachin Chritian
philoophic anJ principlc ol humhlcnc anJ cricc a a inilicant part ol thc
trainin. Thc Martialit CuilJ cncourac a pirit ol mcclnc in thcir arrior anJ
rcquirc that all mcmhcr plcJc an oath to nccr miuc thcir lill.
Menbershi IdeniiIicaiion. ~ill cloth (ah)

L Lo on ng gc cr rc c' ' C Cu u| || |d d
Thi uilJ tcachc all ~lill anJ Wcapon ~lill pcrtincnt to thc ca/ Charactcr
Clac, incluJin huntin, traclin, anJ animal-linnin tcchniquc, ith a locu on
archcry anJ Jacr-throin Wcapon ~lill. !on-timc ooJmcn anJ huntcr lcaJ thc
Kancr` CuilJ a thc uilJmatcr anJ cconJary uilJmatcr. Thcy arc cry cllicicnt
at thc ilcnt art ol huntin anJ trappin anJ train thcir uilJhanJ a huntin
Thi uilJ rcquirc an oath nccr to nccJlcly harm an animal, a thi uilJ
hclicc in thc protcction anJ aluc ol animal a a CoJ-iltcJ rcourcc.
Menbershi IdeniiIicaiion. !cathcr pcnJant

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o1
C Cu u| || |d d c c| | t tb bc c L Lc cq qo o| | C Cc cu ur rt tc c
Thc CuilJ ol thc Koyal Court i hy lar thc larct anJ mot rcnoncJ uilJ in thc
lnon orlJ. Thi uilJ tcachc ~lill anJ ctiqucttc pcrtincnt to thc L.J anJ lo,|/
Charactcr Clac.
!cin a mcmhcr ol thi uilJ oltcn ic ccn orJinary pcaant a lihtly morc
prctiiou ocial tatu than non-mcmhcr hac. Cl courc, hcin a mcmhcr Joc
not ain anyonc nohility tatu, hut it can hc hclplul in ainin aJantac hcn it
comc to political iuc amon thc hirc loll.
Charactcr ill only linJ thcc uilJ in major citic throuhout !uropc. A lo-
lccl political ollicial, uch a a mayor ol a hirc or a haron typically hcaJ thcm a
uilJmatcr anJ cconJary uilJmatcr. Thcc uilJ oltcn rcccic lunJin anJ thcrclorc
iihility lrom hihcr royalty, hich uc thcc uilJ a a thcrmomctcr` to auc thc political
tanJin anJ actiity ol thc pcoplc.
Menbershi IdeniiIicaiion. !ron.c rin

S So og gc cc c' ' C Cu u| || |d d
Thc ~ac` CuilJ JcJicatc itcll to lurthcrin lnolcJc anJ thc art. !n Holy !anJ,
it a thc prcJcccor to thc moJcrn-Jay cJucation ytcm anJ lihraric. !t a a
omchat uccclul attcmpt at hriJin thc ap ol cJucation anJ artitic lnolcJc lor
pcaant anJ nohility alilc to tuJy anJ lcarn lrom onc anothcr, a cll a huilJ on
currcnt lnolcJc.
Thc ~ac` CuilJ allo charactcr to lcarn ~lill ol politic, hitory, anJ thc
cicncc, incluJin thc natural anJ upcrnatural cicncc (maic anJ holy pocr).
Thc ~ac` CuilJ lccl o tronly ahout thc pocr ol unicral cJucation that thcy
rcquirc nc mcmhcr to plcJc an oath alay to opcn thcir notc, journal, anJ othcr
hool or croll to any othcr mcmhcr ho rcquct o. No mcmhcr hall lccp any lnolcJc
ccrct lrom anothcr curiou mcmhcr. Thi uilJ alo cncourac intructin thc uncJucatcJ
hcnccr poihlc.
Menbershi IdeniiIicaiion. Writ, hron.c pcnJant lor uilJmatcr anJ cconJary uilJmatcr

b bc c C Cu u| || |d d c c| | t tb bc c l l| |g gb b C Cc cu ur rt tc c
Thc CuilJ ol thc Hih Court i an clitc, ccrct uilJ that pcciali.c in cocrt military
anJ unJcrcocr criminal actiity. Thcy tcach thc ~lill pcrtincnt to thc c Charactcr
Cla prcJominatcly, hut hac thc capahility to tcach any ~lill nccJcJ. Thcy train pic
to tracl anJ top Thicc` uilJ anJ Aain` uilJ a cll a lonc criminal. Thi
uilJ pcciali.c in catchin or toppin (hy any mcan ncccary) thicc anJ aain
that thrcatcn thc lanJ.
Thc CuilJ ol thc Hih Court cannot hc lounJ in ton or ccn larc citic. !n
lact, thi uilJ can harJly hc lounJ at all. Thcy arc typically locatcJ ithin catlc ol
thc lin or Julc ol thc lanJ, or ct up in rcmotc ccurc lccp aay lrom thc puhlic` cyc.
~incc thicc uilJ arc o Jamain to thc lin` cconomic anJ royalty arc orth morc
JcaJ than alic to aain, thc lin ol thc lanJ oltcn lunJ thc CuilJ ol thc Hih Court
to tay clitc anJ ccrctic, thu Join thcir joh to hrin Jon thrcatcnin thicc anJ aain.
Duc to thc nccJ lor thc trictct conliJcntiality, thc mot critical apcct ol thc CuilJ ol thc Hih Court i thcir nccJ
lor ccrccy. Thcy hac a trict oath that mut hc licJ up to in hich thc mcmhcr mut nccr pcal a orJ ol lnolcJc
ahout thc opcration ol or ccn thc cxitcncc ol thc uilJ. Hc or hc mut aclnolcJc that a a mcmhcr, thcy arc orthy
ol Jcath lor cxpoin any inlormation to thc puhlic ahout thc uilJ. Thcrclorc, a pcron ho truly lno Jctail ahout thc
uilJ lno that thcy may hc lillcJ jutly lor pcalin thc namc ol thc uilJ in puhlic.
Not much i lnon ahout thc uilJ total i.c, numhcr ol mcmhcr, or uilJmatcr poition Juc to lact that onc
uilJ ill nccr lno ol anothcr uilJ, thcy Jcal Jircctly anJ olcly to thc lin ol thc lanJ anJ hi cloct aJior.
Menbershi IdeniiIicaiion. !cnJant, tattoo, rin, or ah hain a Jitinct jctcr-hcaJ prolilc (cxtrcmcly rarc anJ
only orn hcn cntcrin thc uilJ)

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o2
b bc c C Cu u| || |d d c c| | S Sc cu uc cn nc c
Thc CuilJ ol ~ccn i to thc Jcmonic cncmic ol thc lanJ hat thc CuilJ ol thc Hih
Court i to thc Thicc` uilJ. Thc CuilJ ol ~ccn i a rcliiou roup hcnt on riJJin
thc orlJ ol Jcmon, Jcil, orccrcr, anJ othcr cultic actiitic. Thcy tcach ~lill
pcrtincnt to thc c|: anJ c.o/ Charactcr Clac, incluJin Miraclc-orlin anJ
maic lnolcJc. Thc uilJ` ymhol i a ccn-trincJ lyrc a picturcJ on thc riht.
CuilJ ol ~ccn oltcn rciJc hclo monatcric in rcat Juncon-lilc
catacomh. Thc numhcr ol mcmhcr arc typically lc, uually lccr than tcnty
mcmhcr anJ thc ccn hih lcaJcr rciJc hclo anJ ithin a monatcry. Cnc
controcrial iJcal thc uilJ ha ith it monatcry i that thc mcmhcr ol thc uilJ mut
car NCT to protcct thc monatcry in thc ccnt ol a raiJ or attacl. Thi i a royally
orJcrcJ manJatc to protcct thc anonymity ol thc uilJ. Thcir ohliation in thi ccnt i to
ccapc anJ linJ hclp il poihlc. !l not, thcy mut rcmain hiJJcn anJ unccn hy thc attaclcr anJ
notily hclp altcrarJ.
A roup ol ccn hih lcaJcr lnon a Thc Council, ho arc hih-lccl ~aint, or Clcric, lcaJ cach roup ol
mcmhcr. Thc mcmhcr ol Thc Council arc thc only onc ho lno ahout othcr Council anJ othcr hranchc` ol thc
CuilJ ol ~ccn. Thi uilJ, too, lilc thc CuilJ ol thc Hih Court, mut put thcir ccrccy ahoc thcir mcmhcr` cry lilc.
!ilc thcir itcr uilJ, a pcron coulJ hc lillcJ jutly lor pcalin thc namc ol thc uilJ. !n aJJition, thcy, too, ccl anJ
linJ thcir potcntial mcmhcr, o thcy arc motly unlnon to anyonc cxccpt thcir mcmhcr.

The Hisiory oI ihe Gnid oI Sevens
Thc root ol thc CuilJ ol ~ccn rcach lurthcr than ha hccn accuratcly rccorJcJ. !t ha a conolutcJ anJ conluin
hcritac that cauc rcat controcry amon cholar. ~cholar ol ancicnt hitory anJ archcoloy hclicc that it hcritac
a lounJcJ Jurin thc ac in hich ~olomon` tcmplc a huilt, it a thcn hcliccJ to hc lnon a thc Company ol
~ccn. Thi company apparcntly haJ only ccn mcmhcr, no morc, no lc. AccorJin to thc tory, cach ol thc ccn
mcmhcr a a pocrlul Miraclc-orlcr ho inlc-hanJcJly huntcJ anJ JctroycJ hunJrcJ ol Jcmon. Whcn onc ol thc
mcmhcr hccamc incapacitatcJ or lillcJ, an apprcnticc oulJ talc hi placc. Thi continucJ lor JccaJc until thcir allccJ
Jcmic. Ancicnt ritin hac lounJ that thc Company ol ~ccn hccamc rccJy, pocr-hunry, anJ corrupt, apparcntly,
thc roup JcircJ richc anJ lot locu ol thcir purpoc. Thc upiciou thin ahout thi inlormation i that thc ritin
that tcll ol thi arc lrom pcoplc ho hac no rccorJ ol cxitcncc or pcoplc ho oulJ nccr hac lnon uch thin, uch
a larmcr lrom othcr lanJ anJ political ollicial ho nccr cxitcJ. !n othcr orJ, a Jillicult a it may hc lor mcJical
hitorian to ort out, thcy hac lounJ inconcluic ciJcncc ol thc truc cnJ to thc Company ol ~ccn. !n lact, thcy hac
uncocrcJ ciJcncc ol hat may hac hccn a ccrct ocicty namcJ thc Company ol ~ccn latcr in hitory.
~torytcllcr hac tolJ talc ol an unJcrrounJ` roup lnon a thc Company ol ~ccn incc thc uJJcn
Jiappcarancc ol thc Company ol ~ccn. AccorJin to omc mcJical hitorian, thc Company ol ~ccn nccr hccamc
corrupt hut rathcr a hccomin cal hccauc a roin numhcr ol cult ho crc aarc ol thc company` ccry moc.
Thc cult haJ a rcat aJantac ocr thc Company ol ~ccn Juc to thc cult` ccrccy anJ thc company` roin puhlicity.
Thc only olution a lor thc company to o unJcrrounJ.
Althouh thcy arc irtually unaarc ol thc CuilJ ol ~ccn, mcJical hitorian hclicc that thc Company ol ~ccn
till cxit in onc lorm or anothcr. Thcy hclicc that thcy cithcr truly hccamc a hcrctical cult or that that thcory a a
cocr to lurthcr thcir ooJ orl in ccrccy.
Thc truth i that thc Company ol ~ccn a loin mcn lat Juc to thcir puhlicity, thc cult crc on to thcir
opcration. At thc amc timc, many rihtcou Miraclc-orlcr JcircJ to join thcir roup. Thcrclorc, thc Company ol
~ccn lalcJ a corruption canJal anJ thcrclorc thcir Jonlall. No thcir roup coulJ ro ccrctly a thc cult rc
larcr, too. Thcy thcn hccamc thc Company ol ~ccn, ho alay maintaincJ ccn hih lcaJcr lnon a 1|: cao|.
Thc roup maJc no Jcciion ithout Thc Council` pcrmiion.
Ccr thc ccnturic, thc Company ol ~ccn propcrcJ into hunJrcJ ol mcmhcr throuhout !uropc anJ thc holy
lanJ, Jctroyin thouanJ ol Jcmon anJ cult, unhclnont to hut a lc othcr. Durin thc ccnth ccntury, thc
Company ol ~ccn hccamc thc CuilJ ol ~ccn, a thcir rcconition a incrcain. Thc CuilJ ol thc Hih Court
collahoratcJ ith thcm to Jctroy thc cil thrcat ol thc lanJ anJ ollcrcJ thcm protcction lrom puhlic crutiny.
Menbershi IdeniiIicaiion. !cnJant, rin, or ah hain a Jitinct ccn-trincJ lyrc (cxtrcmcly rarc anJ only
orn hcn cntcrin thc uilJ)

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o
\ \c cn no oc ct tc cr r| |c cc c
Monatcric arc morc than jut houc ol orhip. Thcy arc actually communitic ol monl, prict, anJ othcr clcry
ho lic anJ orl tocthcr lor thc ooJ ol thc rcion. Thc clcry tcach oJly intruction to all ho arc intcrctcJ in
lcarnin. Whcn thc clcry arc not out on a pilrimac to othcr lanJ, thcy arc typically at thc monatcry lcarnin,
tcachin, orlin, or orhippin. Thcy all harc in thc chorc ol thc monatcry, hich, JcpcnJin on thc i.c ol thc
monatcry, can rcquirc much timc. !or larcr monatcric that hac many clcry, ccral houin anJ cholatic huilJin
urrounJ thc main houc ol orhip anJ rcquirc rcat carc anJ uplccp, not to mcntion thc larmin, millin, anJ lictocl
arca. ~mallcr monatcric arc compricJ ol a main houc ol orhip that hac omc attachcJ liin quartcr, mayhc omc
mall crop, anJ a lc larm animal.
\nlilc uilJ, your charactcr cannot jut join a monatcry lor a hort timc. Joinin a monatcry rcquirc your
charactcr to acrilicc thc rct ol hi or hcr lilc in thc cricc ol thc monatcry. Thc monatcry i hcaJcJ hy a
clcrymatcr, ho lcaJ in praycr anJ tal orani.ation, hut thc inJiiJual clcryhanJ tcnJ to hatccr joh nccJ to hc
Jonc ithout nccJin much Jircction.
Menbershi IdeniiIicaiion. Cltcn a cro-hapcJ pcnJant

S Sc cr ru u| |c cc cc c c c| | o o \ \c cn no oc ct tc cr rq q
Thc clcry ol a monatcry arc oltcn lillcJ anJ
lnolcJcahlc in many ay, hich allo thcm to pa
on thcir lnolcJc anJ hclp to othcr. Hoccr, it i a
main principlc ol all monatcric that thcy pa on at
no cot that hich thcy hac rcccicJ lrcc, cpccially in
timc ol rcat nccJ, incluJin timc ol ar, laminc, anJ Jrouht. Cthcric, all cricc rcquirc a Jonation ol
proportionatc i.c to thc monatcry. !n othcr orJ, hccauc thc clcry hac pcnt a rcat Jcal ol timc anJ cllort lcarnin
thcir lill, accumulatin thcir looJ, anJ huilJin thcir hcltcr, pain on uch rcourcc rcquirc omc typc ol
compcnation. Charactcr ho Jcirc uc ol uch rcourcc mut Jonatc a rcpcctic amount ol moncy or lahor to thc
ooJ orl ol thc monatcry lor othcr to utili.c thc rcourcc in thc luturc.

Thc lolloin i lit ol cricc mot monatcric ollcr lor a lair Jonation.
Service onaiion
Tcach cJucational ~lill 1 pcr hall Jay or cqual amount ol timc in lahor
Tcach othcr ~lill 2 pcr hall Jay or cqual amount ol timc in lahor
Koom anJ hoarJ 1 or hall Jay` lahor
Mcal 1 or 2 hour` lahor
!lc Holy Wcapon ~cc pac 70 lor aJJin holy propcrtic
!lc Crucilix 2 pcr l./| pcnt
~cll Holy Wcapon ~cc pac o7
Hcalin Cltcn lrcc in cxchanc lor an cquialcnt amount ol lahor

L Lu u| |c cc c c c| | o o \ \c cn no oc ct tc cr rq q
Within a monatcry, thcrc arc many rulc that onc mut lollo in orJcr not to Jclilc thc acrcJ placc. \iolation ol
thcc rulc coulJ mcan hanihmcnt lrom thc monatcry lorccr or Jcath hy cxccution at thc croroaJ. Thc lolloin i a
lit ol rulc ol mot monatcric.

No weapons allowed within the monastery halls
Sacred robes must coer armor
No talking during times o prayer and worship
No disturbing the silent monks
Must clean up ater one`s sel
Must take on one chore o cleaning or arm help
Must wake to do chores at irst light
Prayer time in the main sanctuary eery eening
No outbursts o laughter allowed
\oman and men must not raternize together
Nothing magical allowed
No speaking about magic
No gambling o any kind allowed
No selling,purchasing o non-monastery goods allowed
Lights out ater sundown
No animals allowed within the sacred buildings
No ootwear allowed in the sacred buildings

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o

C Cc cn nc cr ro o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
Lighting Cost
Small candle ,burns ' hour, 2s
Medium candle ,burns 1 ' hour, 4s
Large candle ,burns 3 hours, 1g
Lantern ,burns wick & oil included, 4 hours, 3g
Lantern oil ,per pint, 1g
Lantern wicks ,each, 1s
1orches ,burns or 1 hour, 1g
llint & steel ,ignites ires,sparks, 1g
Candle Lantern ,protects,ampliies medium candle, 2g

Camping/cooking equipment Cost
Boiling pot ,large cauldron, 12g
Boiling pot 2g
lrying pan 2g
Rope ,' inch thick, per 10 eet, 1g
Rope ,1inch thick, per 10 eet, 2g
Rope ,2 inch thick, per 10 eet, 3g
Sleeping blanket ,regular, 1g
Sleeping blanket ,heay wool, 2g
1ent ,small,2 person, 4g
1ent ,medium,6 person, 8g
1ent ,large,12 person, 6t. tall, 12g

Containers Cost
Barrel ,small, 2 gallon, 2g
Barrel ,medium, 5 gallon, 3g
Barrel ,large, 10 gallon, 5g
Bottle ,or wine, 2s
Bowl ,small, wooden, 2s
Bowl ,large, wooden, 4s
Chest ,small, 3g
Chest ,large, g
Coin 9g
llask 4s
Mug 2s
Pack ,small, leather, 3s
Pack ,medium, leather, 1g
Pack ,large, leather, 3g
Pail ,small, or water, 1g
Pail ,large, or water, 3g
Pouch,purse ,regular, leather, 3s
Pouch,purse ,large, leather, 1g
1ankard ,small, 2 pints, 4s
1ankard ,medium, 3 pints, 1g
1ankard ,large, ' gallon, 1g, 3s
Vial ,small, or poisons, 3s
Vial ,large, or drats,potions,loly \ater, 1g
\aterskin ,small, 1 pint, 1g
\aterskin ,medium, ' gallon, 1g, 3s
\aterskin ,large, 1gallon, 2g
Carts and wagons Cost
Cart ,hand-drawn, 12g
\agon ,horse-drawn, 2g
\heelbarrow 5g

Building Lquipment Cost
Brick ,small, 2s
Brick ,large, 4s
Mortar ,per barrel, 3g
Stones ,\l: 1, each, 1s
Stones ,\l: 2, each, 3s
Stones ,\l: 4, each, 1g
Lumber ,plank, short, 2s
Lumber ,plank, long, 4s
Lumber ,beam, small, 2g
Lumber ,beam, large, 5g
Spikes ,short nails, per hal dozen, 1g
Spikes ,long nails, per hal dozen, 2g
lammer ,causes 2d6 Damage as weapon, 2g
1wine ,spool, per 10 yards, 1s

Musical Instruments Cost
Bells and Mallet ,percussion instrument, 6g
Clarinet ,ine wind instrument, 9g
Cymbals ,small, per pair, 5g
Cymbals ,large, per pair, 8g
llute ,wind instrument, g
lammered Dulcimer ,percussion harp instrument, 12g
larp ,small, metal stringed instrument, 19g
larp ,large, metal stringed instrument, 32g
Leather Drum ,small, percussion instrument, 5g
Leather Drum ,large, percussion instrument, g
Lute ,wooden stringed instrument, 9g
Mandolin ,ine wooden stringed instrument, 12g
Maracas ,percussion shakers, per pair, g
Piccolo ,small, high-pitched wind instrument, 2g

Hunting and Iishing Cost
Snare trap ,small, or small animals, 6g
Snare trap ,medium, or dogs,deer, 11g
Snare trap ,large, or bear, 21g
lishing string ,thin, 50 yd. spool, 3g
lishing hooks ,per pair, 1s
lishing net ,small, 3 t. diameter, 2g
lishing net ,large, t. diameter, 5g
lishing net ,small dragnet, 11g
lishing net ,large dragnet, 24g
Canoe ,w, 2 paddles, 1g
Rat 11g
1raining bird ,w, twine, used or lalconry, 5g
Bird whistle 2g

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o
Horse Lquipment Cost
Saddle ,small, leather, 5g
Saddle ,large, leather, 8g
1ack and bridle 3g
Saddlebags ,small, leather, 3g
Saddlebags ,large, leather, 5g

Special Lquipment Cost
Lock ,padlock type or chests, 2g
Lock picks ,standard slim metal tools, 1g
Lock picks ,ine, -1 to Skill, 3g
Grappling hook 3g
Manacles ,restrains arms, 2g
Shackles ,restrains eet, 3g
Chain ,manacle weight, per oot, 2s
Chain ,heay, per oot, 1g
lerbal alembic ,steeps drats,cures, 3g
Merchant`s scale 11g
Makeup cream ,arious shades, 5 uses, 1g each
\ig ,arious styles, 4g each

Ior Weaponry Cost
Scabbard, or daggers 1g
Scabbard, or long daggers 1g, 2s
Scabbard, or short swords 2g
Scabbard, or long swords 3g
Quier, or crossbow bolts ,holds 24, 1g
Quier, or short bow arrows ,holds 36, 2g
Quier, or longbow arrows ,holds 36, 3g

Ior Writing and Drawing Cost
Chalk ,each, 1s
Charcoal pencil ,each, 1s
Ink ,per ounce, 4s
Journal ,leather bound, w,20 sheets, 3g
Parchment ,per sheet, 1s
Quill ,or writing, 2s

Iood Market Cost
Ration ,1 meal, 2 ood groups, 1g
lish ,small, 3s
lish ,large, 1g
Chicken ,whole, 3g
Chicken ,hal, 1g
1urkey ,whole, 4g
1urkey ,hal, 2g
Bee ,side, 6g
Bee ,cuts, 1g
Lamb ,side, 4g
Lamb ,cuts, 4s
Bread ,loa, 3s
Milk: cow`s ,per gallon, 1g
Milk: goat`s ,per gallon, 1g, 2s
Cheese ,small block, 1g
Cheese ,large block, 4g
lruits ,each or large or per pound, 2s
Vegetables ,per pound, 3s
Squirrel 2s
Beaer 1g
Moose ,cuts, 1g, 3s
Deer ,cuts, 1g, 1s
S Sc cr ru u| |c cc cc c
Lodging (per night) Cost
Stables ,per horse or person, 1g
Guild ,members only, per person, 1g
Inn: common ,bed,chest only, per person, 2g
Inn: noble class ,serices, per person, 5g
Inn: merchant class ,guard watch, per room, 8g
Inn: royal class ,protection,serice, per room, 12g
Monastery ,strict rules apply, per room, 1g

Meals and Drink Cost
Bee meal ,bee chops, potatoes, 2g
Chicken meal ,chicken leg, potatoes, 1g
Lamb meal ,leg o lamb, potatoes, 2g
Pork meal ,pork chops, potatoes, 2g
1urkey meal ,turkey leg, potatoes, 1g, 3s
Corn soup and rolls 1g
Potato soup and rolls 1g
Gruel 1g
Ale ,dense, beer-like,: small tankard 3s
Ale: large tankard 1g
Mead ,syrupy honey liquor,: small drat 2g
Mead: large drat 4g
Milk: cow`s ,medium cup, 3s
Milk: goat`s ,medium cup, 4s
Juice: medium cup ,arious types, 1g
\ine: small cup 1g
\ine: large cup 1g, 3s

Guilds Cost
Membership ,unlimited learning, 1d4-3g
Lodging ,members only, 1g
Learn Skill: ' day ,members, 1g
Learn Skill: ' day ,non-members, 2g
Learn Skill: 1 day ,members, 2g
Learn Skill: 1 day ,non-members, 4g
Learn Skill: 1' day ,members, 4g
Learn Skill: 1' day ,non-members, 6g
Learn Skill: 2 day ,members, 6g
Learn Skill: 2 day ,non-members, 9g

Monastery Cost
Lodging ,strict rules apply, per room, 1g
Bless cruciix with Miracle 2s per laith cost
\ooden Cruciix ,holds 11 laith, 3g
Bone Cruciix ,holds 21 laith, 6g
Siler Cruciix ,holds 31 laith, 9g
Gold Cruciix ,holds 51 laith, 15g
loly \ater in ial ,per ial, 4s

Additional Services Cost
Money changing ,siler or gold, 10
lired labor ,per person, per day, 5g
lired mercenary ,per person, per day, 9g
\eapon Improement ,see \eapons section,
! qod 5 :vcr

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn oo

Bladed Damage WI Cost Req. Hands AtR
Bastard Sword 2d10 1 4g S1R: 5 1 3

Broadsword 2d10 1 5g S1R: 5 1 3

Long Dagger 2d8 0 3g N,A 1 3

Dagger 2d6 0 2g N,A 1 3

Scimitar 2d12 1 6g S1R: 1 3

Longsword 2d12 1 g S1R: 1 or 2 2

Great Sword 2d12 2 8g S1R: 2 2

Moon 2d12 2 g S1R: 6 2 3

Bardiche 2d12 2 8g S1R: 6 2 2

lalberd 2d12 2 6g S1R: 6 2 2

Battleaxe 2d10 1 5g S1R: 5 1 or 2 3

Great \ar Axe 2d12 2 8g S1R: 8 1 3

Blunt Damage WI Cost Req. Hands AtR
\arhammer 2d10 1 5g S1R: 5 1 2

Mace 2d10 1 5g S1R: 5 1 3

Mace and Chain 2d10 1 4g S1R: 5 1 3

Morningstar 2d12 1 6g S1R: 5 1 2

llail 2d12 1 5g S1R: 5 1 2

Ball and Chain 2d10 1 4g S1R: 5 1 3

Maul 2d10 2 4g S1R: 1 2

Club 2d8 1 3g S1R: 4 1 3

Sta 1d12 1 3g S1R: 3 2 3

Short Sta 1d10 0 2g N,A 1 3

Notes: Req.` indicates the Attribute requirement to be able to use the weapon and Hands` indicates how many hands it
requires to wield the weapon. WI` is the \eight lactor o the weapon. AtR` indicates the maximum .ttac/. per Round
your character can wield the weapon regardless o his or her \eapon Skill AtR.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o
Missile Damage WI Cost Req. Hands AtR
Longbow ,R: 400 t., - 1 g S1R: 2 2
Long Arrows ,12, 3d6 1 4g - -

Short Bow ,R: 250 t., - 0 5g S1R: 5 2 3
Short Arrows ,12, 2d8 1 3g - -

leay Crossbow ,R: 200 t., 1 4g S1R: 6 2 1
leay Bolts ,12, 3d8 1 2g - -

Light Crossbow ,R: 150 t., 0 3g N,A 2 1
Light Bolts ,12, 3d6 0 1g - -

1hrown Damage WI Cost Req. Hands AtR
Sling ,R: 400 t., 2d6 0 3s AGI: 5 1 1

Sm. Boomerang,R: 150 t., 2d6 0 2g AGI: 5 1 -

Lg. Boomerang ,R: 200 t., 2d8 1 3g AGI: 6 1 -

Jaelin ,R: 300 t., 2d10 0 2g N,A 1 or 2 1

Spear ,R: 200 t., 2d12 1 4g S1R: 5 1 or 2 1

1hrowing Axe,R: 150 t., 2d8 0 3g AGI: 5 1

1hrowing Dagger 2d6 0 3g AGI: 5 1
,R: 150 t.,

`AJJ 2 to A//.| anJ D..,: hcn thron
``Your charactcr can uc thcc capon a thron or hanJ capon anJ thcrclorc your charactcr` \.c. c|./ A or \.c. 1|ao Jictatc thc AtK
R ~ Range

l lm m, ,r rc cu uc cd d \ \c co o, ,c cn n C Cc cc ct tc c
\c thi tahlc to lactor ho much morc olJ it ill cot to huy an improcJ capon or improc an cxitin capon.
To lurthcr incrcac thc !onu ol a capon that alrcaJy ha thc amc typc ol !onu on it, thc charc i that !onu' lull
corrcponJin cot. !or cxamplc, to incrcac a orJ lrom 2 Damac to 4 Damac, thc cot i thc amc 4 !onu
charc, hich oulJ hc 18.
Bonus to: +J +2 +3 +4 +S +6
Davage -4g -9g -13g -18g - -
.ttac/ -5g -11g -16g -21g - -
Normal \eapons:

Davage - -14g -24g -35g -4g -60g
.ttac/ - -1g -28g -40g -53g -6g
Holy \eapons:
Defeva - -15g -25g -36g -48g -61g

\ \c co o, ,c cn nc c | |c cr r B B| |g g o on nd d S Sm mo o| || | C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr rc c
\c thi tahlc to linJ a capon that lit your charactcr il hc or hc i irrcularly hort or tall. Crcat capon cot 1'
timc thc normal cot ol thc capon anJ hort capon cot ' thc cot ol thc normal capon. !or rcat capon, aJJ
2 to thc c/:o,/| rcquircmcnt ol thc normal capon.

If a normal weapon causes this Damage. JdJ0 JdJ2 2d6 2d8 2dJ0 2dJ2 3d6
. a Great Weapon causes this Damage: 2d6 2d8 2d8 2d10 2d12 3d10 3d8
. a Short Weapon causes this Damage: 1d6 1d8 1d8 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d4

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o8
Chain Coi DLl: -1
lal lelm DLl: -2
lull lelm DLl: -3
Cloth DLl: -1
Leather DLl: -2
Improed Leather DLl: -3
Chain,Ring Mail DLl: -4
Scale Mail DLl: -5
Plate Mail DLl: -6
Cloth Gauntlets DLl: -0
Leather Gauntlets DLl: -1
Metal Gauntlets DLl: -2
Cloth Breeches DLl: -1
Leather Breeches DLl: -2
Metal Leggings: -3
No aect to total DLl

Armor anJ clothin ollcr your charactcr phyical protcction hcyonJ hat hi or hcr lin can ollcr. !or lc|q Londc,
armor` protcction i mcaurcJ ith a lactor callcJ eIense (II lor hort), hich i a numhcr that thc opponcnt mut
roll ahoc ith an A//.| Koll in orJcr to cauc your charactcr D..,:. Do not conluc D:/:o: ol armor ith thc D:/:oJ
action ol a Wcapon ~lill, thc to arc inJcpcnJcnt ol cach othcr anJ thcrclorc hac cry cparatc lunction. Thc D:/:o:
ol armor i imply a mcaurc ol your charactcr` protcction, hcrc D:/:oJ i an actual action your charactcr can pcrlorm.

D Dc c| |c cn nc cc c c c| | A Ar rm mc cr r
!cry human hcin ha a natural D!! ol 1 jut hy hcin
nalcJ. Mot clothin anJ armor incrcac thi numhcr
JcpcnJin on thc trcnth ol thc armcnt anJ on hat part ol
thc hoJy it i. Thc hihcr thc D:/:o: thc morc phyically
protcctcJ thc charactcr ill hc. Ior eane, il your charactcr
car a paJJcJ-lcathcr jcrlin anJ cloth hrccchc, hc or hc
oulJ hac a total D!! ol 5, hich mcan that any
opponcnt oulJ hac to malc an A//.| Koll ol o or
hihcr to hit your charactcr.

A Ar rc co oc c c c| | l lr rc ct tc cc ct t| |c cn n
Areas oI Iroieciion, or AI lor hort, arc
arca ol your charactcr` hoJy that arc ital cnouh
to nccJ protcction. !ach piccc ol armor or
clothin your charactcr car cocr omc part ol
hi or hcr hoJy, hoccr not all armcnt ollcr
protcction. A hat, lor cxamplc, cocr thc Al
H:.J hut Joc not ollcr any rcal phyical protcction,
anJ it occupic thc pacc that your charactcr coulJ
othcric car a protcctic hclm.

You c|n on, |||, 'c |:ccc
o |r:or .:' 'c qrc|'c'
lccnc lonu |cr ^rc| o
lro'cc':on 'o ,our c|r|c'cr
:|x::u: lLl, | o'cr :n 'c
|:c ^l on, coun' | cx'r|

C Co ou un nt t| |c ct tc c, , B Br ro oc cc cr rc c, , o on nd d L Lc cg gg g| |n ng gc c
~omc armor itcm comc in pair, in hich cac hoth itcm arc rcquircJ lor thc pccilicJ D!! honu. !l your
charactcr only car onc piccc thc pair, JiiJc thc D!! !onu in hall (anJ rounJ Jon il ncccary).

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o9
A Ar rm mc cr r o on nd d C C| |c ct tb b| |n ng g

Iien AI II Cosi WI Snea Noies
Hat/cap HcaJ 0 1 0 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 3
Chainmail col HcaJ 2 1o 1 -3 !nhihit hcarin
!cathcr col HcaJ 1 3 0 - !nhihit hcarin
Hall hclm HcaJ 2 1o 0 -1 !nhihit hcarin
!ull hclm / lacc HcaJ 3 24 1 -1 !nhihit hcarin anJ iht
Archcr` loc (cloth) Arm 0 3 0 - Can hc orn ith hraccr
!cathcr auntlct Arm 1 4 0 - !ncluJc lorcarm protcction
Wool loc Arm 0 1 0 - Can hc orn ith hraccr
!cathcr hraccr Arm 1 3 0 - !ull lorcarm protcction to clho
Mctal hraccr Arm 2 13 0 - !ull lorcarm protcction to clho
Mctal auntlct Arm 2 15 0 -1 !ncluJc lorcarm protcction
Tunic Chct 1 2 0 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 5
\ct Chct 0 1 0 - !ormal armcnt, can hc orn ocr tunic
MaiJcn` Jrc Chct/!c 1 3 0 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. o
!iht rohc Chct/!c 1 3 0 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 5
McJium rohc Chct/!c 2 4 0 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 8
Hcay rohc Chct/!c 3 o 1 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 11
!ur/hiJc jcrlin Chct/!c 3 15 1 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 21
!cathcr jcrlin Chct 2 8 1 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 15
!aJJcJ lcathcr jcrlin Chct 3 17 1 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 20
~tuJJcJ lcathcr jcrlin Chct 3 10 1 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 32
Kinmail jcrlin Chct 4 34 1 -5
Chainmail jcrlin Chct 4 3o 1 -o
Chainmail urcoat Chct/!c o 54 2 -7 Chain rohc, rcquirc liht unJcr rohc
!latcmail hrcatplatc. Chct 4 32 1 -1
.ith houlJcr Chct 5 40 1 -4
~calcmail hrcatplatc. Chct 5 42 1 -3
.ith houlJcr Chct o 48 1 -4
Cloth hrccchc !c 1 2 0 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 4
!cathcr hrccchc !c 2 8 0 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 12
Chainmail lirt !c 2 18 1 -5
Mctal lcin !c 3 21 1 -3 1 or 2 piccc, protcct hoth lc
!cathcr hoot !cct - 4 0 - Cot lor morc Jccoratic quality. 5
!ur hoot (liht) !cct - o 0 -
!ur hoot (hcay) !cct - 0 0 -
~anJal !cct - 2 0 -
!cathcr hclt - - 3 0 -
Cloal (hooJcJ) - - 2 0 - Cot lor printcJ ymhol. 1
Capc - - 1 0 - Cot lor printcJ ymhol. 1

S Sb b| |c c| |d dc c
eIend anage Cosi WI Noies
~mall hiclJ (hucllcr) 3 1J8 3 0
~mall hattlc hiclJ 3 2Jo 4 0 ~pilcJ
McJium hiclJ 4 1J10 5 1
McJium hattlc hiclJ 4 2J8 o 1 ~pilcJ
!arc hiclJ 5 1J10 7 1
Noie. ~hiclJ Jo not allcct thc D!! ol armor, thcy only cnhancc thc D:/:oJ action ol thc c|:|J l|. Wcapon ~lill.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 0

Any capon, armor, or itcm that acquirc any typc ol pcrmancnt holy propcrty hccomc a holy itcm. Cncc thc
pocr cntcr thc itcm, mytcriou holy ymhol appcar on thc itcm in a ccminly ranJom conliuration, hoth thc itcm
anJ thc ymhol hccomc irtually inJctructihlc. Cnly a charactcr crcJ in thc ~lill ol c.:J c/aJ: can rcaJ thc
ymhol, hich Jccrihc thc lunction ol thc pocr it holJ. !t i important to lno that thc holy ymhol Jo not inolc
thc pocr a runc Jo lor maic, rathcr thc holy pocr itcll omcho crcatc thc prccncc ol thc holy ymhol.

C Cr ru uc c| || || |x xc cc c
!n common tcrm, crucilix` Jccrihc a cro ith thc crucilicJ liurc ol Jcu Chrit
on it, a ymhol ol Chritian laith. !n lc|q Londc, a Crucilix i alo a ymhol ol Chritian
laith, hut morc commonly appointcJ to a cro-hapcJ ohjcct rouhly 1-loot tall hy o-
inchc iJc that holJ holy upcrnatural pocr. Thcc holy rclic torc omc amount ol a
Miraclc-orlcr` l./| in thc lorm ol Miraclc (!aith capacity aric hy quality ol Crucilix),
hut thc Crucilix allo any Charactcr Cla to actiatc thc Miraclc hy pcnJin 1 ol hi or
hcr on l./|. Hoccr, your charactcr mut lno anJ Jcclarc hich Miraclc to cxccutc.

|Inoriani Noie. KcarJlc ol thc Miraclc-orlcr` lccl ol pocr, thc Miraclc torcJ on
a Crucilix i alay at 3 ~lill !rolicicncy.]

!or pricin anJ !aith capacity inlormation on Crucilixc, cc pac o5 unJcr thc
Monatcry` hcaJin. !or inlormation on cmpocrin Crucilixc, cc thc La: ca/s
~lill on pac 51.

l lc c| |q q l lr rc c, ,c cr rt t| |c cc c
Your charactcr can only uc onc holy capon, onc typc ol holy armor, anJ onc holy itcm at a timc. !l your charactcr
uc a holy capon in hi or hcr pocion anJ thcn uc anothcr holy capon in hi or hcr pocion, thc pocr ol thc
lirt holy capon i lot to your charactcr lor onc ycar. You charactcr mut rclcac or loc pocion ol thc capon to
omconc clc lor thc pocr to rcturn. Thc amc rulc applic to holy armor anJ holy itcm.

l lc c| |q q l lr rc c, ,c cr rt t| |c cc c c c| | \ \c co o, ,c cn nc c m mo ox x , ,c cr r u uc co o, ,c cn nl l
Thc lolloin lit ho thc ariou holy propcrtic that a monatcry` clcrymatcr can aJJ to any capon, thcrchy
malin it a holy capon. !clorc any capon can hc maJc holy, it mut hc improcJ to a minimum ol 2 D..,: cithcr
naturally or upcrnaturally (cc thc capon cot on pac o7 lor Jctail), anJ it mut hc in ooJ orlin conJition.

Holy Property Cost Property Description
lealing -50g
\eapon heals wielder or other ,requires touch, up to 3d6-5 Lie.
Iaith cost: 2 per heal
loly Light -26g
Upon command, weapon blade or main part can light up to a 30-oot diameter.
Iaith cost: 1 per 10 minute use
Reconjurable -65g
\eapon automatically reappears in the wielder`s hand upon command wheneer separated as
long as the weapon is not in someone else`s handgrip. \eapon responds only to wielder until
wielder willully releases possession ,including erbally, in prayer, or by way o sale or trade,.
Iaith Cost: 3 per Reconjure
Returns to \ielder -32g
\eapon loats back when thrown ,or otherwise separated rom the wielder, as long as the
wielder can see the weapon and nothing obstructs the weapon`s path. \eapon responds only
to wielder until wielder willully releases possession ,including erbally, in prayer, or by way o
sale or trade,. Iaith cost: 2 per Return
Supernatural lue -22g \eapon has color supernaturally embedded within the weapon that cannot be remoed.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 1
l lc c| |q q l lr rc c, ,c cr rt t| |c cc c c c| | A Ar rm mc cr r m mo ox x 2 2 , ,c cr r o or rm mc cr rl l
Thc lolloin lit ho thc ariou holy propcrtic that a clcrymatcr ol a monatcry can aJJ to a piccc ol armor,
thcrchy malin it a piccc ol holy armor. !or pair ol armor itcm, uch a auntlct anJ hraccr, thc cot i pcr pair anJ
thc holy propcrty cannot orl unlc hoth piccc arc in thc carcr` pocion (unlc othcric notcJ). !or armor to hc
maJc holy, anJ it mut hc in nc conJition, pccilically, it mut nccr hac hccn trucl in hattlc.

Holy Property Cost Property Description
Missile Aersion -65g
Once actiated, this armor automatically delects any normal ,non-magical or non-holy,
missile that comes within 1 oot o the wearer. Iaith cost: 3 per 10 minutes o use
Reconjurable -45g
Armor automatically appears on the wielder`s person upon command wheneer separated as
long as someone else is not wearing the armor. Armor responds only to wearer until wearer
willully releases possession. Note: lor pairs o items, such as gauntlets and bracers, the
wearer need not hae either item on his or her person to use this property, both items appear.
Silent -30g
1his permanent property makes the armor silent to normal hearing no matter what actiity
the wearer engages in.
Supernatural lue -18g
Armor has a permanent color supernaturally embedded within the material that cannot be
\eightless -44g
1his permanent aect makes the piece o armor completely weightless without hindering its
Deense, thereby allowing the wearer complete reedom o moement.

l lc c| |q q l lr rc c, ,c cr rt t| |c cc c c c| | l lt tc cm mc c m mo ox x 1 1 , ,c cr r | |t tc cm ml l
Thouh thc tcrm can cncompa a holy capon or armor, a truc holy itcm` i a prcciou itcm that Joc not hac thc
primary lunction ol cauin D..,:. Common holy itcm arc cithcr rin, hraccr, or pcnJant maJc ol linc olJ or ilcr
anJ hlccJ ith pocr. Thcc itcm mut hc ol thc linct quality anJ typically jccl-cncrutcJ. A clcrymatcr ol a
monatcry hlcc thcc cxccllcnt itcm, hich thcn pcrmancntly torc thc pocr lor uc. A clcrymatcr can imhuc thc
lolloin itcm ith holy pocr. Thc cot ho thc hac cot ol thc itcm hclorc thc clcrymatcr hlcc it.
Siver God
!cnJant 15 21
!raccr 13 18
Kin 11 1o

Holy Property Cost Property Description
Inisibility -2g
1his item allows your character to become totally inisible until he or she makes an oensie
.ttac/, whether the .ttac/ is physical or supernatural, at which time the power inishes.
Iaith cost: 3 per 10 minutes o use
Leitation -21g
1his item allows your character to loat upwards to a maximum distance o 500 eet. \our
character can moe horizontally a maximum o 5 eet oer per 10 eet up.
Iaith cost: 2 per use
lealing -31g
1his item restores 3d6-5 Lie to the wearer only
Iaith cost: 3 per heal
Drit -19g
1his item allows the wearer to jump rom a high distance and loat saely down instead o
alling. \our character can drit horizontally a maximum o 20 eet oer per 5 eet down.
Iaith cost: 2 per drit
Mental Message -11g
1his item allows your character to send a silent thought up to 1 Round in length to one other
person within sight.
Iaith cost: 1 per use

D Dc cc ct tr rc cq q| |n ng g l lc c| |q q l lt tc cm mc c
All holy itcm arc inJctructihlc hy normal mcan oncc thcy rcccic a holy propcrty. Thc only ay to Jctroy a holy
itcm i to uc it lor cil ain, uch a harmin or rohhin an innoccnt. ~uch action cracl thc capon or itcm anJ laJc
thc ymhol an amount cquialcnt to thc amount ol harm that thc itcm caucJ to thc ictim. Cncc craclcJ to a point
hcrc a piccc lall lrom thc itcm, thc holy ymhol laJc anJ thc itcm i rcnJcrcJ uclc. Cnly a clcrymatcr can rctorc
thc itcm to pocr, hich cot up to o0' ol thc oriinal aluc anJ can talc up to 2 ccl, JcpcnJin on thc Jamac.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn 2

Hcrh arc thc plant ol naturc that ollcr your charactcr omc hcalin allcct hcn ucJ propcrly. Your charactcr can
alo malc herba draIis, hich arc hcrhal concoction that proiJc hcalin hy inctin it, or cnres, hich arc lilc hcrhal
Jralt hut hac a morc miraculou allcct. To accomplih any ol thc ahoc cllccticly, your charactcr mut uc thc ~lill ol
H:|.| c:o:. To uc poion cllccticly, your charactcr ill hac to lno thc ~lill ol lo c:o:.

l lc cr rb bc c
Hcrh arc aromatic plant that charactcr ith thc ~lill ol H:|.| c:o: can linJ anJ malc into hcrhal Jralt or
curc. Charactcr ith thc ~lill ol H:|.| c:o: linJ thcc hcrh in ariou climatc anJ cnironmcnt throuhout thc
lnon orlJ. Thc Kacontcur ill ct a Dilliculty !actor that your charactcr mut roll ahoc ith H:|.| c:o: to linJ thc
hruh in thc cnironmcnt your charactcr i. Thc minimum timc lor carchin lor thc hruh i typically 30 minutc pcr ~lill
roll. Noie. 1 p|n.| cqual a mall mounJ on thc acrac pcron` hanJ. Hoccr, mot hcrhalit hac a mall cup that
accuratcly mcaurc cach pinch conitcntly (callcJ a /|: /|||:, hich i 3 thimhlc lull).

\ \c cr rr rc cu uc cc cd d
Tye. ~hruh
Yied. 1J4 pinchc pcr hruh
AIIeci. !y munchin on thc hcrric ol
thi hruh, your charactcr i ahlc to rctorc
1J4 l/: pcr pinch (at 1 l/: pcr KounJ),
hut hc or hc can only cat a numhcr ol
pinchc cqual to thcir LoJa.o: AK or thc
hcrh ill cauc a tcrrihlc upct tomach.
Charactcr ith thc ~lill ol H:|.| c:o: can
uc thi hcrh alon ith othcr ncccary hcrh anJ
ap to crcatc a Dralt ol Hcalin.
Vane. 1 pcr pinch
l lc cn nn nq qt tb b| |c ct t| |c c
Tye. ~hruh
Yied. 1J4 pinchc pcr hruh
AIIeci. !cnnythitlc i thc mot
potcnt hcalin hcrh lnon. !t can
rctorc 1J45 l/: pcr pinch (at 1
l/: pcr KounJ) anJ 1J41 !aith (at
1 !aith pcr KounJ) il catcn. !t i thc
lcy inrcJicnt lor your charactcr to
malc a Curc ol !ilc, alon ith ariou othcr hcrh anJ
Vane. 3 pcr pinch

l lc cr rb bo o| | D Dr ro o| |t tc c o on nd d C Cu ur rc cc c
Hcrhal Jralt anJ curc arc hcalin clixir that your charactcr can uc to ain omc hcnclicial allcct. Dralt anJ curc
utili.c Jillcrcnt hcrh, hut thcy hoth unJcro thc amc crcation procc. Curc, hoccr, arc maJc ith holy atcr rathcr
than thc purilicJ atcr ol Jralt.

\ \o o| || |n ng g D Dr ro o| |t tc c o on nd d C Cu ur rc cc c
!n orJcr lor your charactcr to malc a Jralt or curc, hc or hc oulJ lirt hac to poc thc ~lill ol H:|.| c:o:.
Thcn thcy mut pcnJ omc timc in a lorct cnironmcnt athcrin thc nccJcJ componcnt. Thc amount ol timc your
charactcr pcnJ JcpcnJ on thc ~lill roll lor H:|.| c:o:, thc hihcr thc roll thc lc thc timc pcnt. A lailcJ roll mcan
that thc charactcr coulJ not linJ thc nccJcJ componcnt, anJ a lo roll mcan that thc charactcr pcnt hour traclin Jon
Cncc your charactcr linJ thc hcrh, hc or hc mixc thcm tocthcr in a pot ol purilicJ atcr or othcr tccpin Jcicc
ocr a lirc until propcrly hoilcJ. Thc cnJ rcult amount JcpcnJ on anothcr H:|.| c:o: ~lill roll, a lo or lailcJ roll
mcan that thc procc lailcJ. A hihcr roll mcan that your charactcr crcatcJ 2 or 3 Jralt or curc lrom thc athcrcJ

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn
Charactcr ith thc ~lill ol H:|.| c:o: can Jcic Jralt anJ curc lor ariou ailmcnt. Hoccr, it i up to thc
Kac to JcciJc il thc ailmcnt i o criou that thc rcmcJy rcquirc a curc rathcr than a Jralt. Kcmcmhcr, a Jralt i imply an
hcrhal mixturc, lilc a tca, hut a Jralt i a pocrlul concoction maJc ith holy atcr, morc lilc a holy potion.
!clo arc common Jralt anJ curc ith thcir allcct anJ cot.

D Dr ro o| |t t c c| | l lc co o| || |n ng g
Tye. Dralt
AIIeci. Drinlin thi natural Jralt in it cntircty
rctorc 3Jo3 !ilc to thc Jrinlcr at 1 l/: pcr KounJ.
Vane. 1

D Dr ro o| |t t c c| | C Cu ur rc c l lc c| |c cc cn n
Tye. Dralt
AIIeci. Drinlin thi curc in it cntircty can
ccac thc allcct ol a poion lrom cauin thc ictim
any lurthcr D..,: or allcct. !t alo rctorc up to
1J42 !ilc lot hy thc poion.
Vane. 2

C Cu ur rc c c c| | A An nt t| |l lu um mc c
Tye. Curc
AIIeci. Thi curc allo thc Jrinlcr to hccomc
immunc to thc allcct ol any maical lumc lor up to
lour hour altcr inction. !t alo rctorc !aith a
Holy Watcr, hich count a a Jrinl ol Holy Watcr.
Vane. 3

C Cu ur rc c c c| | L L| || |c c
Tye. Curc
AIIeci. Drinlin thi curc in it cntircty lully
rctorc thc Jrinlcr` l/: up to thc maximum at 2 l/:
pcr KounJ. !t alo rctorc !aith a Holy Watcr, hich
count a a Jrinl ol Holy Watcr.
Vane. 5

l lc c| |q q \ \o ot tc cr r
Thc clcrymatcr ol a uilJ can hlc purilicJ atcr to ic it a holy ccncc. Cncc hlccJ, thc clcry Charactcr
Clac (Clcric anJ ~aint only) can Jrinl thc ial ol holy atcr to rctorc up to 7 l./| pcr lccl ol thc Jrinlcr up to thcir
maximum. Thc cllcct only orl oncc pcr Jay rcarJlc ol thc amount Jranl (minimum ol 1 ial). ~cc thc pricc lor
holy atcr in thc monatcry pricc on pac o5.

l lc c| |c cc cn nc c
Thc la ol mot ciili.cJ lanJ coniJcr thoc ith many poion lounJ in thcir pocion to hc aain, anJ
thcrclorc thc uc ol poion i oltcn illcal. !ilJocr uc poion to trap locl anJ aainatc pcoplc quiclly anJ
thorouhly. ~incc thc hlooJ ol Jcmon can hc poionou in itcll, omc Jcmon, Jcil, anJ omc mcmhcr ol thc
aJanccJ !ncmy Clac arc immunc to thc cllcct ol poion. Thi lact lurthcr oliJilic thc la aaint pocin
poion, anJ Join o mcan that thc charactcr i uin thc yrupy Jcath lor ill.
Noie. poion nccJ not hc lrch or ct to hc cllcctic. Cn thc contrary, omcthin, an arrohcaJ lor cxamplc, may
hc oalcJ in poion until thc poion i JricJ. A lon a that arrohcaJ rcmain Jry, thc poion Joc not ah aay lor up
to onc lull ycar. !clo i a lit ol thc lnon poion anJ thcir cot.

Iicinred Ieo. thc i.c ol a Joc ol poion
a comparcJ to an arrohcaJ

K ~ KanJom (roll 1Jo lor ranJom poionin)
R Poison Damage Cost/dose
1 Bellwillow Paralyzation or 2d4-10 hours 1g
2 Demon`s blood 2d6-3 ,at 3 points per Round, 5g
3 lair Lady Paralyzation or 4d6-10 minutes 8g
4 Nightenom
2 points per Round until dead
,or 1 point per Round i Saed,
5 Shadow Bane
1 point per Round until dead
,or hal total ife amount i Saed,
6 Snake enom 4d6-20 ,at 1 point per Round, 11g

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn

Itcms avalablc at a clck:
Charactcr Shccts
/dvcnturc Packs
. . . and morc!






Make sure you pick up the
lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc|
or use with the

It`s one deil-huntin` adenture
you won`t want to miss!

Check our website or details.

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn o

Ahilitic.................................................... 5, 17
Ahility Marl ................................................17
Armor ..........................................................o8
Attacl ...........................................................0
Attrihutc !onu Tahlc (prorcic) ................1o
Attrihutc ................................................. 5, 14
Clothin .......................................................o0
Comhat .................................................... 8, 13
Cralt ...........................................................47
Crucilixc .....................................................70
Curc ..................................................... 72, 73
Daily !aith ....................................................o
Damac ........................................................11
DclcnJ .........................................................10
Dicc ..............................................................5
Dilliculty !actor ...........................................47
Douhlc Damac .............................................0
!xpcricncc ....................................................45
Cracc !llcct
CuilJ ..........................................................o0
Hciht !actor ...............................................30
Hcrh ...........................................................72
Holy !tcm....................................................70
!mprocJ Wcapon ........................................o7
!ilc ...............................................................o
Monatcric ..................................................o3
N!C (NarratcJ !cronality Charactcr).............4
!C (!laycr Charactcr).....................................4
!rolicicncy !onu .........................................47
Kac (Kacontcur) .............................................4
KounJ ..........................................................7
~ain Thro ...............................................7
~cricc ........................................................o5
~hiclJ .........................................................o0
~lill..................................................5, 47, 48
Talcnt .........................................................47
Tcn-rounJ ....................................................7
Wcapon ~lill...............................................18
Wciht !actor...............................................30

Jat catt||r, 3 cr ta raa, |t m|a |tct
Jr mat| ca| |t|itrt ia )ia m|a tat Jt |c
trtt|ctia |i|t, ca| |c|| aat taat iata ia|atat,
|at |c rct| |taa |tct| iata |i|t.
ta C|tit
a|a :24
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|



Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|
lcr tbc L|gbt Cd|t|cn

o noi dnicaie or disiribnie ihis Iie.
Thi Jocumcnt i liccncJ only to thc purchacr lor pcronal,
priatc uc. Duplication anJ/or Jitrihution ol thi lilc i trictly
prohihitcJ, anJ i protcctcJ unJcr lcJcral anJ local copyriht la.
\nlalul Juplication anJ Jitrihution ill hc purucJ.

lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

:|ta )t tc||t| )i tmt|rt |itir|t tatt|tt ca|
crt t|ta ramtt ca| cat|atitr artt c|| t|t
|taaa, ca| ta tatt |itct.
:a|t 9:l

With cry pccial thanl to Kcnny, !ryan, Dominic, !li, Chri, anJ Nathan lor thcir countlc hour ol hclp in
cttin thcc crccpy thin tocthcr.

AnJ ol courc, ~crihhlc c ~cratch, thc artit cxtraorJinairc lrom ColoraJo, lor hrinin thcc tcrrihlc thin to
lilc.or Jcath.or unJcath.or hatccr. ~orry lor thc nihtmarc lrom hain to crcatc montcr Jay anJ niht!

Ccd B|ccc 'cu A|| lcr 'cur C||crtc

Thi manual rcquirc thc Holy !anJ !iht !Jition amc manual lor uc

Cocr Art. Who` Ncxt!` hy Cahc HcrnanJc.

Copyriht 2005, !aith _uct Camc, All Kiht KccrcJ
lc|q Londc' i a KcitcrcJ TraJcmarl ol !aith _uct Camc
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|


Scction Pagc
Dcvl untcr Charactcr Class........ 4
Fghtng Dcmons ........................... o
Random Encountcrs....................... 7
Dcmonc Sorccry............................ 8
Arch Wcapon ............................................................... 0
Ah Zomhic ................................................................. 0
!olo Montcr .............................................................. 10
Cac Cralcr ............................................................... 10
Cyclop ........................................................................ 11
Darlhorc ................................................................... 11
Dcath Kniht .............................................................. 12
Draon ....................................................................... 12
Draon Wallcr ............................................................ 13
!icnJ.......................................................................... 13
Caroylc ..................................................................... 14
Choul ......................................................................... 14
Cla Colcm................................................................ 15
Crcmlin ...................................................................... 15
Crimolc................................................................... 1o
Hcll HounJ................................................................. 1o
Hcll` Minion .............................................................. 17
!mp ............................................................................ 17
Kryn ............................................................................ 18
Manticorc ................................................................... 18
Marh Draon ............................................................. 10
Minotaur .................................................................... 10
Crc........................................................................... 20
!hantom..................................................................... 20
~haJo Dcil .............................................................. 21
~lclcton ..................................................................... 21
~tonc Colcm............................................................... 22
Trcc !ill .................................................................... 22
\ampirc...................................................................... 23
Watcr ~crpcnt ............................................................. 23
Wraith ........................................................................ 24
Wraith Kniht............................................................. 24
Wycrn ....................................................................... 25
Zomhic ....................................................................... 25
Dcvls and Cults ........................... 2o
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|


l /ee/ some smpa/|, /o- /|e demon /|a/ mus/ d|e | m suo-d /oda u|// undou|/ed/ /- /o /|,|/.`



Dcil Huntcr arc rcncaJc arrior ho
arc hcll-hcnt hy rihtcou ancr aaint thc
Jcmonic orlJ. Dcil Huntcr hac
JcotcJ thcir lic to proacticly riJJin
thc lnon orlJ any Jcmonic
crcaturc thcy houlJ cncountcr anJ
protcctin thoc opprccJ hy

A Ad du uo on nt to og gc cc c

Spe.|a/ M|-a./e A||/|/|es
!l you chooc thc M.|: c|:.| ~lill, your Dcil
Huntcr ain thc ahility to pcrlorm any onc Clcrical
Miraclc hc or hc chooc at !ccl 1, anJ aJJ thc
lnolcJc ol anothcr Clcrical Miraclc at cach nc lccl.
!ilc thc !arJ, thc Dcil Huntcr can pcrlorm
Miraclc thouh thcy arc not a Clcry Charactcr

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
!ccauc Dcil Huntcr Jo not ant to
acrilicc urpriin thcir prcy, thcy
prclcr to car lihtcr armor a
oppocJ to any mctal armor.
!mprocJ lcathcr
armor max
No hclm

Dcil Huntcr arc not
rctrictcJ lrom uin anJ thcrclorc
lcarnin any Wcapon ~lill,
althouh thcy arc limitcJ at !ccl 1.
No rctriction
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|



A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt tc c
c/:o,/|. 7
\J. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1J4

C C| || |t tc c
c: c/aJ:
\.c. c|./ A

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl 1.
You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
La: ca/s
lJ \|
l,|/ c|::
M.|: c|:.| (|: o| o: : |::|/
l|/.| c:o:
l/|: A:.
c.:J c/aJ:
c:.| Ao:o/ l.o,a.,:
1. \|

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ
\.c. M|:
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
!roaJorJ (2J10 Damac)
Tunic (A!. Chct, D!!. 1)
HooJcJ Cloal
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, canJlc
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
2Jo !ooJ Kation



C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,10
3. 2,510
4. 4,190
5. 6,380
6. 9,250
. 12,90
8. 1,10
9. 23,640
10. 30,930
11. 39,50
12. 50,20
13. 62,660
14. ,090
15. 93,30

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc Dcil Huntcr` l/: anJ l./|
upon rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1Jo

Iaiih (ithout M.|: c|:.| ~lill). 1
Iaiih (pocc M.|: c|:.|). 1J4

lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

\c thc lolloin uiJclinc to unJcrtanJ thc Jcmon'
hchaior, motiation, anJ tatitic.

l/: i thc amount ol Damac thc Jcmon can utain
hclorc hcin linally JcaJ. !itcJ ncxt to thc l/: i thc
Jcmon` Jilliculty ranl. !ccr, Crcatcr, or AJanccJ, hich
hclp in Jctcrminin thcir Jilliculty to lill. \nJcaJ Jcmon
hac a calnc to Holy Wcapon, hich cauc Douhlc
Damac to thcc opponcnt.

Veapon S||//s
A Jcmon` Wcapon ~lill Jctcrminc hich capon thc
Jcmon arc uin to A//.| anJ thcrclorc hich Wcapon
~lill thc charactcr mut uc to DJ,: anJ D:/:oJ aaint.
Dcmon arc not limitcJ to thcc Wcapon ~lill hcn
JoJin anJ JclcnJin.

Com|a/ Bonuses
A Jcmon` Comhat !onuc arc aJJcJ to cach Comhat
action thc Jcmon pcrlorm ith thc cxccption ol omc
Damac Koll (cc Wcapon.` lor Jctail). Thc Jcmon
rcccic thcc !onuc rcarJlc ol hich Wcapon ~lill it i
uin aaint an opponcnt.

Thc capon litcJ in thi cction ol thc Jcmon' prolilc
tcll you hich capon thc Jcmon can uc. Thc capon in
thi litin that arc alrcaJy moJilicJ ith a plu numhcr to
Damac (typically maic attacl) Jo not rcccic thc Damac
!onu lrom thc ahoc Comhat !onuc cction. Hoccr,
thoc capon that inJicatc poion` Jo rcccic thc ahoc
Damac !onuc plu a poion Damac.

!ilc thc charactcr, AtK Jctcrminc ho many timc
thc Jcmon can A//.| in a KounJ, anJ thcrclorc ho many
timc a it can DJ,: or D:/:oJ in a KounJ. ~cc pac 12 ol
thc l,|/ LJ/o t.: M.oa.| lor Jctail.

Thc Jcmon' D:/:o: inJicatc thc numhcr thc
charactcr mut roll ahoc in orJcr to hit thc montcr. ~cc
thc l,|/ LJ/o t.: M.oa.| pac o8 lor Jctail. Thc Kac
may incrcac thi numhcr accorJinly il hc or hc Jctcrminc
thc Jcmon may hc carin cithcr morc armor or morc
improcJ armor.

He|,|/ and Ve|,|/
Thc hciht anJ ciht imply inJicatc ho tall anJ
hcay thc acrac Jcmon i lor that pccic. Hoccr, thc
Kac may Jicrily thc i.c ol inJiiJual montcr.

Spe.|a/ A//-||u/es
Thc Jcmon` ~pccial Attrihutc inJicatc lcy Attrihutc
that thc acrac Jcmon ol that pccic pocc. Typically, a
Jcmon may hc lo in lo/:||:/ anJ \J, hut hih in
c/:o,/| or A,|/. Nccrthclc, thc Kac may moJily non-
~pccial Attrihutc to allo a morc intcllicnt or a morc
paticnt typc ol that Jcmon, lor cxamplc.

Spe.|a/ A||/|/|es
Thc Jcmon' ~pccial Ahilitic inJicatc lcy Ahilitic that
thc acrac Jcmon ol that pccic pocc. Nccrthclc, thc
Kac may moJily non-~pccial Ahilitic to allo a morc
pcrccptic Jcmon or onc that i cxcccJinly ooJ at carchin
out hiJJcn thin, lor cxamplc.

Lx.ep/|ona/ S||//s
A Jcmon can hac many ol thc ~lill that charactcr
can hac, anJ lilc charactcr, Jcmon arc morc prolicicnt
ith ccrtain ~lill (typically in thc arca ol thc cnc) anJ
lc prolicicnt ith othcr. !n thc arca ol cnc (Hl c|||
anJ ^,|/o), a Jcmon' !onuc typically corrcponJ to a
10-loot arca ol Jitancc pcr !rolicicncy !onu in hich thc
Jcmon can uc thc ~lill. Thcrclorc, a Jcmon ith a H!.
~ccnt ~lill ol 8, lor cxamplc, oulJ hc ahlc to Jctcct anJ
linJ a prccncc ithin ahout 80 lcct hy thcir cnc ol mcll,

Sac|n, T|-ous
Thc ~ain Thro litin Jccrihc thc particular
Jcmon` ahility to rcit holy pocr, hoccr, thc Jcmon may
hc cqually rcitant to othcr ~ain Thro allcct (uch a
maic anJ Dcath) il thc Kac cc lit. Dcmon hy naturc arc
immunc to poion ol all typc, incc thcir cry hlooJ i a loul
poion, thi ic all Jcmon thc S/anda-d lccl ol ~ain
Thro. !or Jcmon` othcr ~ain Thro numhcr, cc
pac 7 ol thc l,|/ LJ/o t.: M.oa.|.

lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|
LXP Va/ue
Thc !X! \aluc inJicatc ho many point ol
!xpcricncc charactcr ain lor riJJin thc carth ol thc
particular Jcmon. Cncc thc Jcmon i lillcJ, thc charactcr
rcponihlc lor it Jcath rcccic thc total !X! JiiJcJ
accorJinly amon thcm. Thc charactcr ho JamacJ it thc
mot or contrihutcJ thc mot to thc Jcmic ol thc Jcmon
houlJ rcccic thc hihct pcrccntac ol thc montcr` !X!
aluc, anJ o on. Thc Kac may Jitrihutc up to hall thc
Jcmon` !X! aluc amon inolcJ charactcr il thc Jcmon
ccapc alic hut thc charactcr hac uccclully thartcJ it
cil plan.

Spo|en Lan,ua,e
A Jcmon hain an aailahlc lanuac to communicatc
Joc not mcan that thc Jcmon i in thc mooJ lor tallin,
cpccially to human, or that thcy ccn hac any ocial lill.
A Jcmon` primary ay ol communicatin i alay to
Jclicr Jcath, hut il thcy mut pcal, thcy ill pcal ia thcir
~polcn !anuac.

Dcmon may hac a calnc that cauc thcm Douhlc
Damac hcn injurcJ ith thc particular capon or pocr,
uch a a Holy Wcapon aaint an unJcaJ, or it can hac
onc that Jcplctc it l/: hy hcin cxpocJ to it (i.c. unliht).
!t i up to thc Kac ho to play omc ol thcc calncc,
hich may ary lrom Jcmon to Jcmon.

A Jcmon` tanJarJ !mmunity i aaint poion ol all
typc. ~incc a Jcmon` cry hlooJ i a loul poion, poion
cauc no Damac to Jcmon. !urthcr, omc Jcmon hac
morc immunitic to othcr clcmcnt, uch a lirc, JcpcnJin
on thc clcmcnt that malc up thc Jcmon.

Thc !chaior litin Jccrihc thc Jcmon` typical
manncr ol conJuct anJ may ic lurthcr iniht into it
maic ahilitic anJ ~lill-uin ahilitic. Thc Kac houlJ
ticl prctty cloc to thcc hchaior to lccp conitcncy, hut
thc charactcr may cncountcr a Jcmon ith cry Jillcrcnt
manncrim than othcr ol it pccic.

Ma,|. A||/|/|es
Thi cction ol thc Jcmon` prolilc lit thc Jcmon
pcllcatin ahilitic. All maic ahilitic arc inhcrcnt to thc
Jcmon anJ Jo not rcquirc thc Jcmon to pcal in orJcr to
cat thc pcll. Hoccr, thcrc may hc omc limitation in
thc pocr ol thc pcll JcpcnJin on thc Jilliculty lccl ol thc

Ior ihe Rac. !l thc ccnario allo, orl in a 2Jo rcarJ lor cach Jcmon lain to hclp lunJ thc cauc ol Jcmon layin. You
can alay hac thc Jcmon carin a rin or pcnJant, or carryin a jccl orth 2Jo il actual olJ piccc arc unrcalitic.


Koll lor ranJom Jcmon- moJily thc numhcr ol opponcnt accorJin to thc JcircJ lccl ol Jilliculty.

Lesse- Demons
(Koll a J10)
1. 3J4 !mp
2. 2Jo Crcmlin
3. 1J41 Hcll` Minion
4. 1J42 ~lclcton
5. 1J8 Kryn
o. 1Jo ~haJo Dcil
7. 1J41 Hcll HounJ
8. 1Jo1 Zomhic
0. 1J4 Ah Zomhic
10. 1 Cla Colcm pcr 2 charactcr
G-ea/e- Demons
(Koll a J12)
1. 1J4 !hantom
2. 2 Trcc !ill
3. 1J4 Arch Wcapon
4. 2 Choul
5. 1J4 Caroylc
o. 2 Crimolc
7. 2 \ampirc
8. 2 Cyclop
0. 1J4 Crc
10. 1 Manticorc
11. 1J4 Minotaur
12. 1J4 ~lclcton riJin Darlhorc
Adcan.ed Demons
(Koll a J12)
1. 2 !olo Montcr
2. 2 Wraith
3. 1 Cac Cralcr
4. 1 Dcath Kniht
5. 2 Wycrn
o. 1 Draon Wallcr
7. 1 !icnJ
8. 2 ~tonc Colcm
0. 1 Manticorc
10. 1 Wraith Kniht
11. 1 Draon
12. 1 Marh ~crpcnt
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

La-/|en C/|m|
Thi maic ahility allo thc montcr to quiclly climh
up throuh thc urlacc ol thc carth up to o lcct pcr KounJ.
Thi maic ahility Joc not allo thc Jcmon to horouh
JonarJ into thc carth a lat, only uparJ until rcachin
thc urlacc.

Le Beam
Thi maic ahility allo thc Jcmon to hoot a
Jamain holt ol cncry lrom it cyc. Thc cyc cll ith
cncry hclorc rclcain. !t automatically hit it tarct ithin
50 lcct lor lull Damac unlc thc ictim roll 18 or hihcr
to DJ,: (cru \.c. M|:) or D:/:oJ (ith \.c. c|:|J
l|. only) or ~ac cru ~pcll, cauin only hall Damac.

Ca// L|,|/n|n,
Thi maic ahility allo thc Jcmon to control a
Jamain charc ol clcctricity ahoc thc tarct` hcaJ, hich
automatically hit thc ictim (thc ictim mut hc ithin 100
lcct). Thc lihtnin cauc lull Damac unlc thc ictim
~ac cru ~pcll, cauin only hall Damac.

l|-e B-ea/|
Thi maic ahility allo thc Jcmon to hrcathc llamc
that ccp acro an arca lor 1 KounJ. Alon ith thc
charactcr talin Damac, all ncarhy opponcnt` KounJ arc
JiruptcJ anJ thcy mut protcct thcmclc lrom thc attacl
ith a DJ,: or D:/:oJ cru Thron.

l|-e Bu-s/
Thi maic ahility allo thc Jcmon to cxploJc in
molJcrin lirc hcn trucl hy an opponcnt, cauin
Damac to anyonc ithin 10 lcct.

G|an/ Leap
Thi maic ahility allo thc montcr to jump anJ lanJ
on it lcct (up to 3 timc it hciht hih anJ up to 5 timc it
hciht lon).

G/ass S|a-ds
Thi maic ahility allo thc montcr to thro to la
harJ lrom it hanJ a a Thron capon. !oth harJ
count a an A//.| anJ thcrclorc uc 2 imultancou A//.|
Koll. Thc opponcnt can only malc onc DJ,: Koll
hoccr, hich mut hct hoth A//.| to aoiJ hcin hit.
Cthcric, thc harJ ith hihcr A//.| Koll than thc
DJ,: Koll hit anJ cauc Damac.

L|/e Ke/u-n
Thi maic ahility allo thc Jcmon to rcain !ilc
cqual to hall thc amount ol Damac it caucJ it opponcnt
ith it lat uccclul A//.|.

See /|e Unseen
Thi maic ahility allo thc Jcmon to cc any pcron
or ohjcct that i iniihlc or upcrnaturally cloalcJ.

S|adou T-ace/
Thi maic ahility allo thc Jcmon to tracl alon thc
rounJ a a moly haJo unahlc to hc harmcJ or harm
anothcr hy phyical mcan. Hoccr, Miraclc can harm thc
Jcmon hilc in thi tatc.

S|ape C|an,e
Thi maic ahility allo thc montcr to talc on thc
hapc anJ phyical attrihutc ol a ampirc hat or hlacl cat.

S|a//e-|n, B/ou
Thi maic ahility allo thc montcr to Jctroy an
opponcnt` normal (non-holy) capon, armor, or hiclJ hy
trilin it ith thcir capon.

Sp|-|/ D-|//
Thi maic ahility allo thc montcr to lloat jut ahoc
thc rounJ or to any hciht ithout nccJin to touch thc
rounJ. !t alo cauc thc lloatin Jcmon to lly haclarJ up
to 5 lcct hcnccr trucl hy an opponcnt. Thi cnJ thc
currcnt Comhat KounJ lor any charactcr uin hanJ
capon (not miilc or thron capon) aaint thc Jcmon.

Thi maic ahility allo thc montcr to immcJiatcly
Jiappcar lrom thcir currcnt phyical location anJ rcappcar 1
KounJ latcr at any othcr phyical location ithin thc ranc.

Va// C-au/
Thi maic ahility allo thc Jcmon to cral on all
lour alon all anJ thc ccilin ithout loin any pccJ, a
il it crc cralin on thc rounJ.
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 432J8 |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 4, Attacl. 4,
DoJc. 4, DclcnJ. 4, anage. 5
Weaons (Damac). \ariou !laJcJ Wcapon (2J10-2J12)
AiR. 3 (lor 2J10-Damac capon) or 2 (lor 2J12 capon)
II. 11 (naturally)

Heighi. aric Weighi. aric
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 12
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 10
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 435 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. !irc, !oion, anJ rcular (non-Holy or non-
maical) capon (all cauc no Damac)
Iehavior. Arch Wcapon arc Jcmonically cmhoJicJ
capon that rcatcr Jcmon typically cnJ to Jctroy
approachin cncmic` matcrial capon anJ armor (anJ
hopclully thcir cncmic, too). Thcc capon arc quicl
anJ inincihlc aaint normal capon.
Magic Abiiiies. ~pirit Drilt, ~hattcrin !lo, ~cc thc
\nccn (all contant)


IiIe. 202Jo |!ccr \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (cla)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 7
Weaons (Damac). Cla (2J10) or !irc !urt (3J8)
AiR. 1 ( !irc !urt)
II. 4 (naturally)

Heighi. up to 5 lcct tall Weighi. unlnon
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~pccJ. 0
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 3
Saving Thro Ionnses. 3 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 285 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Holy Wcapon cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. !irc (ncithcr natural nor upcrnatural lirc cauc
any Damac) anJ !oion (cauc no Damac)
Iehavior. Ah Zomhic ric lrom thcir rac molJcrin
allamc anJ can print lor thcir prcy. Thcy can ric
imultancouly in a mall roup urrounJin thcir ictim
anJ concrc on thcm lrom multiplc Jircction.
Magic Abiiiies. !arthcn Climh, !irc !urt, ~cc thc
\nccn (contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 1o02J10 |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 4, Attacl. 4,
DoJc. 4, DclcnJ. 4, anage. 10
Weaons (Damac). Crcat pcar (oJo), or lit (3Jo)
AiR. 2
II. 5 (naturally)

Heighi. 10 lcct tall Weighi. up to 700 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. o, ~pccJ. 7, ~trcnth. 35
Secia Abiiiies. Climh. 3, !crccption. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, HcihtcncJ ~iht,
~ccnt, anJ Hcarin. o, Crapplc. 5
Saving Thro Ionnses. 7 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 700 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Thcc lumhcrin iant can hc Jcccpticly lat in
comhat anJ arc urcly pocrlul il thcy hit thcir tarct
ictim. Thcy ill not hacl Jon lrom mot comhat
challcnc hut ill morc oltcn than not attcmpt to llcc il
thcy hcin to loc thc uppcr hanJ in thc mix.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)

IiIe. 1482J10 |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (hitc anJ cla)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 3, Attacl. 3,
DoJc. 3, DclcnJ. 3, anage. 7
Weaons (Damac). ~licin arm (3J8), or hitc (4J8)
AiR. 2 (ith licin arm) or 1 (ith hitc)
II. 12 (naturally)

Heighi. o lcct tall/10 lcct lon Weighi. up to o00 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 8, ~pccJ. 10, ~trcnth. 30
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 10, HcihtcncJ ~iht,
~ccnt, anJ Hcarin. 0
Saving Thro Ionnses. 7 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 750 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. A thcir namc implic, thcc larc montcr pcnJ
thcir timc roamin ahout in thc unJcrJarl in carch ol
mcat anJ lrch hlooJ. Thcy lcar nothin anJ ancr to
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 832J8 |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, ~hiclJ
!lay, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. o, Attacl. o,
DoJc. o, DclcnJ. o, anage. 8
Weaons (Damac). !arc ~orJ (2J12), lit (2Jo), !yc
!cam (3Jo), or hiclJ (2Jo)
AiR. 2 (ith !yc !cam) or 1 (capon or lit)
II. 3 (naturally) or 8 (ith lcathcr armor)

Heighi. 7 lcct tall Weighi. up to 250 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 10, ~trcnth. 12
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, Jump. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 10, Crapplc. 0,
H!. ~ccnt. 8
Saving Thro Ionnses. 5 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 5o0 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Cyclop arc ruthlc man huntcr ho arc oltcn
commiioncJ a hounty huntcr to Jctroy ccrtain
human lor ariou rcaon.
Magic Abiiiies. !yc !cam, ~hattcrin !lo, ~cc thc
\nccn (all contant)

IiIe. 1102J10 |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Kicl Attacl (lront anJ rcar hooc), HanJ
to HanJ (hcaJ hutt)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 7, Attacl. 7,
DoJc. 7, DclcnJ. 7, anage. o
Weaons (Damac). !ront hooc (2Jo), rcar licl (3J8),
hcaJ hutt (3J8), or hitc (2J8 poion), hitc poion
(3J83 at 1 point ol Damac pcr KounJ or hall il ~acJ
. !oion)
AiR. 2 (lront hooc) or 1 (rcar licl, hitc, anJ hcaJ hutt)
II. 4 (naturally)

Heighi. o lcct tall at houlJcr Weighi. up to o00 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 1o, ~pccJ. 1o (22 lor lliht),
Aility. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 12, HcihtcncJ ~cnc
(all). 13
Saving Thro Ionnses. o cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. oo0 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Darlhorc arc typically thc cil tccJ that
lclcton anJ othcr lihtcr Jcmon uc to riJc into a
hattlc. Thcy arc cxtrcmcly ohcJicnt to any Jcmonic hot
that commanJ thcm, linJin a matcr ith mot any
Jcmon. Nccrthclc, thcy only loc to cat to human.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 1802J10 |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron, ~hiclJ !lay
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 7, Attacl. 7,
DoJc. 7, DclcnJ. 7, anage. 11
Weaons (Damac). Crcat !lail (3J10, Kanc. 20 lcct),
lit (3Jo), hiclJ (2J8)
AiR. 2 ( ~hiclJ !ah)
II. 1o (alay armorcJ)

Heighi. 8 lcct tall Weighi. up to 400 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 20
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption (iht only). o (ncarly Jcal)
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 10
Saving Thro Ionnses. 8 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 800 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Holy Wcapon cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Thc Dcath Kniht i a pocrlul Jcmon in thc
phyical cmhoJimcnt ol a hcaily armorcJ pirit.
Without thc maic armor, thcrc i no Dcath Kniht anJ
icc cra. Hoccr, thc piccc cannot hc cparatcJ hy
normal mcan.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant), ~hattcrin

IiIe. 2032J10 |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (cla anJ hitc), Thron
(lor !irc !rcath)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 11, Attacl. 11,
DoJc. 11, DclcnJ. 11, anage. 12
Weaons (Damac). !itc (3J12), cla (3J8), Call
!ihtnin (4Jo10), or !irc !rcath (4J88)
AiR. 3 (ith cla), 2 (ith hitc), or 1 (ith !irc !rcath)
II. 12 (naturally touh lin)

Heighi. 15 lcct tall/50 lcct lon Weighi. to 1,000 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 30, ~pccJ. 17 (42 lor lliht),
Aility. 1o, !ntcllcct. 12
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 2, ~carch. 2, Climh. 2
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~cnc (all). 12,
Nihtiion. 12, Crapplc. 10
Saving Thro Ionns. 12 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 075 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. All lanuac
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Draon tall thc mountain` unJcrJarl anJ lic
in ait lor taty prcy. Thcy arc cunnin anJ arcic.
Thcir crant orhip thcm ith hoarJcJ trcaurc, hich
Jraon protcct to thcir Jcath. Thcy arc cxtrcmcly rarc.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant), Wall Cral,
!irc !rcath, Call !ihtnin (10 charc pcr Jay)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 2222J10 |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (hitc), Kicl Attacl (tail
hip), Thron (!irc !rcath)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 8
Weaons (Damac). !itc (4J8), !irc !rcath (4J82), or
tail hip (3Jo)
AiR. 2 (ith tail hip) or 1 (ith hitc or !irc !rcath)
II. 12 (naturally touh calc)

Heighi. 5 lcct tall/25 lcct lon Weighi. up to 000 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 10
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, HiJc. 3, !alancc. 2,
Jump. 2
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~iht, ~ccnt, anJ
Hcarin. 12, Nihtiion. 11, !ounJin. 8
Saving Thro Ionnses. 0 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 850 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Draon Wallcr muclc arounJ Jarl cacrn anJ
othcr unJcrrounJ Jcllin in carch ol anythin that
ill malc a mcal, hich i anythin maJc ol mcat anJ
hlooJ. Thcy hatc ccrythin anJ hac no loyaltic to
anyonc or anythin. Dcil oltcn try to capturc thc
Jraon allcr to harnc thcir JcaJly arcion to
protcct omcthin or omc location.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn, Ciant !cap, !irc !rcath
(Kanc. 30 lcct),

IiIe. 1812J10 |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (cla), Kicl Attacl
(tincr), Thron (!irc !rcath)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 10, Attacl. 10,
DoJc. 10, DclcnJ. 10, anage. 10
Weaons (Damac). Cla (4Jo), hitc (4J8), !irc !rcath
(4J85), or tincr attacl (3Jo poion), tincr
poion (3J8o at 1 point ol Damac pcr KounJ or hall
il ~acJ aaint)
AiR. 3 (ith cla or capon) or 1 (ith tincr attacl or
!irc !rcath)
II. 10 (naturally touh lin)

Heighi. 15 lcct tall/40 lcct lon Weighi. up to 000 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 12 (3o lor lliht)
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, HiJc. 3, !alancc. 2,
Jump. 2
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~iht, ~ccnt, anJ
Hcarin. 12, Nihtiion. 11, Crapplc. 10
Saving Thro Ionnses. 10 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 875 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Thcc montcr arc Jcath incarnatc, cunnin,
ruthlc, anJ onc ol thc mot JcaJly ol all Jcmon.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn, Tclcport (Kanc. 100
lcct), !irc !rcath (Kanc. 40 lcct),
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 812J8 |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 4, Attacl. 4,
DoJc. 4, DclcnJ. 4, anage. 5
Weaons (Damac). ~tonc cluh or othcr larc capon (3J8)
or cla (3Jo)
AiR. 2
II. o (naturally)

Heighi. 7 lcct tall Weighi. up to 200 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 0 (18 lor lliht)
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~iht, ~ccnt, anJ
Hcarin. 0, Nihtiion. 8
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 485 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Caroylc arc iciou, cunnin, anJ arcic.
Thcy liht ith cunnin ar tratcic hcn in roup,
uin lrcqucnt lliht rctrcat to rcroup anJ hopclully
rcain aJantac. Hoccr, thcy nccr rctrcat in Jclcat,
thcy ill liht to thc Jcath at all cot.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)

IiIe. o02J8 |Crcatcr \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 7, Attacl. 7,
DoJc. 7, DclcnJ. 7, anage. 5
Weaons (Damac). Cla (2J8 poion), hitc (3Jo
poion), cla anJ hitc poion (3J83 at 1 point ol
Damac pcr KounJ or hall il ~acJ . !oion)
AiR. 2 (cla) or 1 (hitc)
II. 3 (ith tattcrcJ rohc)

Heighi. o lcct tall Weighi. up to 125 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, Jump. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, HcihtcncJ
~ccnt. 8
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 4o0 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. ~unliht, Holy Wcapon cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Choul arc unJcaJ licnJ that lccJ on thc corpc
ol JcaJ pcoplc anJ animal. Thcy anJcr thc niht
nillin out thc rcccnt JcaJ, or ill malc nc corpc il
thcy hac to.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 322Jo |!ccr Dcmonic Contruct|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ, Kicl Attacl, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 4
Weaons (Damac). Cla ~harJ (2 x 1J8), cla (2Jo), or
licl (3Jo)
AiR. 2 (harJ thron) or 1 (ith licl or cla)
II. 5 (naturally)

Heighi. 4.5 lcct tall Weighi. up to 75 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 7
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, Jump. 3
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~iht. 0,
Nihtiion. 8
Saving Thro Ionnses. 3 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 310 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Cla Colcm hiJc in opcn portal a taincJ la
inJo anJ prin to action hcn approachcJ. Thouh
thcy appcar to hc maJc ol natural taincJ la harJ,
Cla Colcm arc upcrnaturally rcinlorccJ, iin thcm
a hihcr !ilc.
Magic Abiiiies. Ciant !cap, Cla ~harJ

IiIe. 42J4 |!ccr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 2, Attacl. 2,
DoJc. 2, DclcnJ. 2, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). Cla (1J8), hitc (2Jo), or throin
tonc (1J8)
AiR. 1
II. 2 (naturally)

Heighi. 2 lcct tall Weighi. up to 25 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 8, ~pccJ. 7
Secia Abiiiies. !alancc. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 5, HcihtcncJ ~iht,
~ccnt, anJ Hcarin. 3
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 110 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Crcmlin arc lcity, mcan, anJ arcic, ccn
amon thcir on linJ. Thcy arc impulic crcaturc that
lacl thc ahility to rcaon anJ act rationally.
Magic Abiiiies. Wall Cral, Ciant !cap, ~cc thc \nccn
(all contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 052J10 |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (hitc anJ cla)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 5
Weaons (Damac). !itc (3Jo poion), cla (2Jo
poion), poion hitc anJ cla (3J83 at 1 point ol
Damac pcr KounJ or hall il ~acJ . !oion)
AiR. 1
II. o (naturally)

Heighi. 4 lcct tall/7 lcct lon Weighi. up to 200 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 10, ~pccJ. 14
Secia Abiiiies. Jump. 3, !crccption. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 10, HcihtcncJ ~iht,
~ccnt, anJ Hcarin. 0
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 510 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc (hol anJ rol only)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. \nlilc natural olc, a rimoll hunt alonc or
at hct in a mall pacl prcaJ acro a iJc arca. Thcy Jo
not ct alon cll ith othcr ol thcir linJ unlc thc
rcarJ i plcnty ol lrch lill ol thcir prcy.
Magic Abiiiies. Ciant !cap (contant), ~cc thc \nccn

IiIe. 402J8 |!ccr \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (cla anJ hitc)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 3, Attacl. 3,
DoJc. 3, DclcnJ. 3, anage. 2
Weaons (Damac). !itc (3Jo) or cla (2Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 3 (naturally)

Heighi. 3 lcct tall/4 lcct lon Weighi. up to 05 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 8, ~pccJ. 12
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, Jump. 4
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~cnc (all). 0,
Nihtiion. 8
Saving Thro Ionnses. 3 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 235 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. nonc (hol anJ rol only)
Weaness. Holy !tcm cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Hcll HounJ arc hotly unJcaJ hounJ that
protcct thcir matcr` pacc. Hcll HounJ uc thcir
hcihtcncJ cnc to tracl thcir prcy accorJin to thcir
matcr` ill.
Magic Abiiiies. ~haJo Tracl (no limitation), ~cc thc
\nccn (contant), Ciant !cap
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 02J8 |!ccr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 2, Attacl. 2,
DoJc. 2, DclcnJ. 2, anage. 2
Weaons (Damac). ~pcar (2J12) or cla (2Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 2 (naturally)

Heighi. 5.5 lcct tall Weighi. up to 05 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~pccJ. o (x 3 lor lliht)
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, Jump. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, HcihtcncJ ~iht
anJ Hcarin. 5
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 135 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Hcll` Minion typically lly arounJ placc lnon
to hc inhahitcJ hy cil crcaturc. Thcy arc uually on
atch unlc orJcrcJ to lly out on an cil crranJ lor thcir
Jcmonic matcr.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)

IiIe. 82J4 |!ccr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 1, Attacl. 1,
DoJc. 1, DclcnJ. 1, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). Cla (1Jo), hitc (1J8), or throin
tonc (1Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 2 (naturally)

Heighi. 3 lcct tall Weighi. up to 40 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~pccJ. o
Secia Abiiiies. !alancc. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 3, HcihtcncJ ~iht
anJ Hcarin. 5
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 85 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. !mp arc ohnoxiou, ramhunctiou, anJ
contantly actic. Thcy contantly clamor arounJ in
roup aimlcly lolloin cach othcr to no cnihlc
Jctination. Thcy ccl to orhip anJ Jo thc hiJJin ol
larcr anJ morc pocrlul Jcmon.
Magic Abiiiies. Wall Cral, Ciant !cap (hoth contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 132J8 |!ccr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 3, Attacl. 3,
DoJc. 3, DclcnJ. 3, anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). !roaJorJ (2J10) or tall (1J12),
Call !ihtnin (3Jo3, lor Kryn mac only)
AiR. 1
II. 4 (ith rohc)

Heighi. 4.5 lcct tall Weighi. up to 120 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~pccJ. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, Jump. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. o, HcihtcncJ
~ccnt. 5, HcihtcncJ ~iht. 4
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 185 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Kryn arc laithlul cult crant ol Jraon anJ
Jcil. Thcy rcularly pcrlorm clahoratc cultic ritual,
hich omctimc rcquirc lillin human or animal
acrilicc in honor anJ orhip ol thcir matcr.
Magic Abiiiies. Call !ihtnin (lor Kryn mac only), up to
7 charc pcr Jay at 1 pcr KounJ maximum

IiIe. 1072Jo |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (cla anJ hitc), Kicl
Attacl (tail hip)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. o, Attacl. o,
DoJc. o, DclcnJ. o, anage. o
Weaons (Damac). Tail hip (2J8 poion), tail poion
(3J83 at 1 point ol Damac pcr KounJ or hall il ~acJ
. !oion), cla (3Jo), or hitc (3J8)
AiR. 2 (ith cla or tail hip) or 1 (ith hitc)
II. o (naturally)

Heighi. 4 lcct tall/12 lcct lon Weighi. up to 300 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 15, ~pccJ. 14, Aility. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, Jump. 4
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~ccnt, ~iht, anJ
Hcarin. 8, Nihtiion. o
Saving Thro Ionnses. o cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. o10 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Manticorc arc pocrlul Jcmonic hcat that tall
hoth niht anJ Jay lor lrch human anJ animal llch to
lccJ. Thcy oltcn tracl in mall pacl ol to or thrcc.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 1482J10 |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (cla anJ hitc), Kicl
Attacl (tail hip)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 8, Attacl. 8,
DoJc. 8, DclcnJ. 8, anage. 7
Weaons (Damac). Cla (4J8), hitc (5J8), or tail
hip (3J8)
AiR. 2 (ith cla anJ tail hip) or 1 (ith hitc)
II. 10 (naturally)

Heighi. 10 lcct tall/30 lcct lon Weighi. to 400 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 11, ~pccJ. 12, ~trcnth. 20
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, Jump. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Crapplc. 0, HcihtcncJ ~ccnt,
~iht, anJ Hcarin. 8, Nihtiion. o
Saving Thro Ionnses. 8 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 775 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc (hic anJ crccchc only)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Marh Jraon arc o lat in thc atcr that thcy
appcar to lim thc top. Thcy cannot lic unJcr thc atcr
hut uc thc cnironmcnt to thcir aJantac in comhat.
Thcy typically tall thc ricr anJ amp lor
unupcctin prcy, hut lic ithin Jamp cacrn ol
mountain anJ loothill.
Magic Abiiiies. Ciant !cap, ~cc thc \nccn (contant)

IiIe. 1332J8 |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 4, Attacl. 4,
DoJc. 4, DclcnJ. 4, anage. 7
Weaons (Damac). !olo chain hip or othcr rcat capon
(3J8), lit (2J8), or horn (3J8)
AiR. 2 (ith holo chain) or 1 (ith lit or horn)
II. 5 (naturally)

Heighi. 8 lcct tall Weighi. up to 400 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 20, ~pccJ. 7, Aility. o
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, Jump. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, HcihtcncJ ~ccnt
anJ Hcarin. 7
Saving Thro Ionnses. o cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. o35 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Minotaur thric on compctition ol phyical
comhat aaint opponcnt ol any lill lccl (cpccially il
thc opponcnt i clcarly calcr). Thu, thcc Jcmon hull
nccr hacl Jon lrom a hattlc anJ alay liht to thc
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 1242J10 |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 4, Attacl. 4,
DoJc. 4, DclcnJ. 4, anage. 8
Weaons (Damac). Crcat pilcJ cluh (3J8), or lit (2J8)
AiR. 1
II. 3 (naturally) or 7 (ith lcathcr armor)

Heighi. 0 lcct tall Weighi. up to 400 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~trcnth. 20
Secia Abiiiies. Jump. 8
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~ccnt anJ Hcarin. 0,
Nihtiion. o
Saving Thro Ionnses. 5 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 585 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Althouh orc lccp mot ol thc timc anJ arc
cxtrcmcly la.y, thcy arc cry pocrlul in hattlc. Thcy arc
caily ancrcJ, arcic, anJ intincticly crucl, not to
mcntion thcy liht a Jirty a thcy can. Crc oltcn try
to rctrcat lrom thc liht hcn thcy linJ thcy arc at a
JiaJantac. Thcy may cllihly hoarJ trcaurc anJ hury
it ncarhy. !or thi rcaon, thcy tcnJ to tracl alonc or in
pair hccauc thcy can hc hot-tcmpcrcJ ccn toarJ
othcr Jcmon, incluJin lcllo orc.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)

IiIe. o72J8 |Crcatcr \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ (cla)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 7
Weaons (Damac). !arc ~orJ (2J12), !xploic
!antcrn (3J8), or cla (2J8)
AiR. 1
II. 3 (ith rohc)

Heighi. 7.5 lcct tall Weighi. unlnon
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 10
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 8
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 12
Saving Thro Ionnses. 3 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 385 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. ~unliht, Holy !tcm cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. !irc (ncithcr natural nor upcrnatural lirc cauc
any Damac) anJ !oion (cauc no Damac)
Iehavior. !lamc prcccJc anJ lollo thc phantom a thcy
pa throuh carth anJ tonc. !hantom quiclly lloat to
thcir ictim, hcin a luriou aault ith thcir capon,
anJ uc thcir lantcrn a a Jclcnic Jcicc (or ollcnic, il
thcy ain thc uppcr hanJ). Whcn trucl, thc lantcrn
cxploJc anJ cauc Damac to anyonc ithin 10 lcct.
Magic Abiiiies. ~pirit Drilt anJ ahlc to pa throuh carth
anJ all
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 202Jo |!ccr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. Kicl Attacl (tail hip), Thron (quill)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 2, Attacl. 2,
DoJc. 2, DclcnJ. 2, anage. 4
Weaons (Damac). Tail hip (2J8) anJ quill hot lrom tail
(2Jo, Kanc. 100 lcct, maximum 5 quill pcr Jay)
AiR. 1 (quill hot) or 2 (tail hip)
II. 4 (naturally)

Heighi. 10 lcct lon/iJc Weighi. up to 200 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~pccJ. 20 lor lliht
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, HcihtcncJ Hcarin,
~ccnt, anJ ~iht. 7
Saving Thro Ionnses. 3 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 210 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc (crccchc anJ hic only)
Weaness. ~unliht (cauc Jcath altcr 1 hour cxpourc)
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. ~haJo Dcil lurl in thc hih Jarl placc ol
cacrn aitin lor unupcctin prcy to cat. Thcy can
hocr o quictly that thcy can only hc hcarJ hy omconc
lillcJ in Hl H:.o,.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant), Tclcport
(unlimitcJ timc pcr Jay, maximum 45 lcct)

IiIe. 202J12 |!ccr \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, ~hiclJ !lay
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 2, Attacl. 2,
DoJc. 2, DclcnJ. 2 (5 ith ~hiclJ),
anage. 2
Weaons (Damac). !roaJorJ (2J10) anJ larc hiclJ
AiR. 1 ( hiclJ hah)
II. 2 (naturally) or up to 0 (ith armor anJ hclm)

Heighi. 5.5 lcct tall Weighi. up to 75 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~pccJ. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, Jump. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 1o0 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Holy Wcapon cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. ~lclcton normally rcmain inanimatc until
approachcJ hy human or animal intruJcr. Crcatcr
Jcmon typically uc lclcton to proiJc protcction lor
ariou ohjcct, location, anJ aluahlc.
Magic Abiiiies. Ciant !cap
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 2o02J12 |AJanccJ Dcmonic Contruct|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 4, Attacl. 4,
DoJc. 4, DclcnJ. 4, anage. 0
Weaons (Damac). !it (3J8) anJ thron ohjcct (4J8)
AiR. 2 (ith lit) or 1 ith thron ohjcct
II. 15

Heighi. 8 lcct tall Weighi. up to 000 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~pccJ. 8, ~trcnth. 30
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, Jump. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, HcihtcncJ
~iht. 0
Saving Thro Ionnses. 11 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 025 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. Natural or upcrnatural lirc anJ poion (all
cauc no Damac)
Iehavior. Thcc pocrlul rocl montcr arc maically
contructcJ lrom larc houlJcr hy rcatcr Jcmon. Thcy
crc a hounty huntcr hccauc thcy nccJ no lccp or rct
ccr, o thcy prc on to thcir tarct pcron or tructurc
anJ annihilatc it.
Magic Abiiiies. Ciant !cap, ~cc thc \nccn


IiIe. 552J4 |Crcatcr Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 7
Weaons (Damac). Cla (2J10), Crip (2Jo pcr KounJ)
AiR. 2 (cla ipc) or 1 (Damain Crip)
II. o (naturally)

Heighi. 12 lcct tall Weighi. up to 300 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. !aticncc. 12, ~pccJ. 7, ~trcnth. 15
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5, !alancc. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, Crapplc. 5
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 410 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. !irc cauc Douhlc Damac onc timc a a hurn
Innnniiy. Nonc
Iehavior. Trcc !ill tanJ in ilcncc in lorct cttin
aitin lor unupcctin ictim to approach, at hich
timc thcy rapplc anJ qucc.c thcir ictim until it' JcaJ.
Thc ~lill ol t.|: or a hclpin lihtcr i rcquircJ lor
charactcr to ccapc a Trcc !ill` rip.
Magic Abiiiies. Nonc
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 752J8 |Crcatcr \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. o, Attacl. o,
DoJc. o, DclcnJ. o, anage. o
Weaons (Damac). Cla (2J8) or hitc (3J8)
AiR. 2 (ith cla/Crapplc) or 1 (ith hitc)
II. 1 (naturally) or 3 (ith tattcrcJ rohc)

Heighi. o lcct tall Weighi. up to 150 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 0, ~pccJ. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5,
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 11, Crapplc. 0
Saving Thro Ionnses. 5 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 535 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. ~unliht, Holy Wcapon cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. \ampirc tall thc niht lor lrch hlooJ. Thcy
hiJc aay in cac anJ othcr Jarl Jcllin Jurin thc
Jay anJ hunt at unJon. Thcy arc cunnin, paticnt,
anJ lnolcJcahlc ith maic ahilitic, malin thcm a
Jancrou cncountcr to any ictim.
Magic Abiiiies. ~hapc Chanc, Ciant !cap, Tclcport
(Kanc. 80 lcct, max 2x' pcr Jay), ~cc thc \nccn (all
contant), Wall Cral

IiIe. 702J10 pcr hcaJ (x 3 hcaJ) |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (hitc), Kicl Attacl (tail
hip), Thron (!irc !rcath)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. o, Attacl. o,
DoJc. o, DclcnJ. o, anage. 0
Weaons (Damac). !itc (3J8), or tail hip (2J10)
AiR. 3 (1 AtK pcr hcaJ pcr KounJ)
II. 7 (naturally)

Heighi. 30 lcct lon Weighi. up to o00 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 11, ~pccJ. 20 (in atcr)
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. ~immin. 20, Nihtiion. 12,
HcihtcncJ ~iht anJ Hcarin. o
Saving Thro Ionns. 10 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 000 !xpcricncc total

Soen Iangnage. Nonc
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Watcr crpcnt arc thrcc-hcaJcJ Jraon that lic
in a littlc a 30 lcct ol atcr, incluJin marhc, ricr,
ca, anJ lalc ol all i.c. Watcr crpcnt may rctrcat il
thcy arc loin thc uppcr hanJ, hut ill typically liht to
thc Jcath il onc ol it hcaJ ha alrcaJy hccn lillcJ.
Magic Abiiiies. !irc !rcath (Kanc. 25 lcct, Damac.
3J10), ~cc thc \nccn (contant)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 1372J12 |AJanccJ \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Kicl Attacl
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 8, Attacl. 8,
DoJc. 8, DclcnJ. 8, anage. o
Weaons (Damac). !aircJ orJ (2J10 cach), lit (1J8),
or licl (2Jo)
AiR. 4
II. 4 (naturally)

Heighi. o.5 lcct tall Weighi. up to 105 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 11, ~pccJ. 10
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, !alancc. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 12
Saving Thro Ionnses. 7 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 725 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Nonc
Weaness. Holy Wcapon cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Wraith haunt thc unJcrrounJ anJ prcy on
iitor` to it rcalm. Thcy hiJc in thc haJo anJ ait
lor thcir unupcctin iitor to approach, uually
cnurin a urpric attacl.
Magic Abiiiies. !ilc Kcturn, ~cc thc \nccn (hoth

IiIe. 2302J12 |AJanccJ \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron, ~hiclJ !lay
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 7, Attacl. 7,
DoJc. 7, DclcnJ. 7 (12 ith hiclJ),
anage. 10
Weaons (Damac). Crcat orJ (3J10), haclup
orJ (2J12), or hiclJ hah (2J8)
AiR. 2 ( hiclJ hah)
II. 12 (a armorcJ)

Heighi. 8.5 lcct tall Weighi. unlnon
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 11, ~pccJ. 15, ~trcnth. 12
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 12, HcihtcncJ
~iht. 10
Saving Thro Ionnses. 11 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 050 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Holy Wcapon cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. A Wraith Kniht i a lat anJ pocrlul unJcaJ
arrior. !t haunt thc unJcrJarl, lillin ccrythin in it
alc- ccn othcr Jcmon (hich lcar anJ hatc it).
Magic Abiiiies. ~pirit Drilt, !ilc Kcturn, ~cc thc \nccn,
~hattcrin !lo (all contant), Tclcport (Kanc. 100 lcct)
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

IiIe. 2082J12 |AJanccJ Dcmon|
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (hitc), Kicl Attacl (tail
hip), Thron (!irc !rcath)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 0, Attacl. 0,
DoJc. 0, DclcnJ. 0, anage. 0
Weaons (Damac). !itc (4J8), !irc !rcath (4J80), or
tail hip (3J8)
AiR. 2 (ith tail hip) or 1 (ith hitc or !irc !rcath)
II. 12 (naturally touh calc)

Heighi. 35 lcct lon Weighi. up to 1,000 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 14, ~pccJ. 12 (3o lor lliht)
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, HiJc. 3
Iceiiona Sis. HcihtcncJ ~iht, ~ccnt, anJ
Hcarin. 12, Nihtiion. 11
Saving Thro Ionnses. 0 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 825 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Wycrn tall thc mountain anJ lorct lor lic
prcy. Thcy arc cxtrcmcly prolicicnt huntcr- cunnin
anJ mart- anJ arc cpccially JcaJly in roup. Thcy ill
rcaJily attacl a mall illac or traclin caraan uin
thcir clcmcnt ol urpric. A ycrn ill rarcly liht to
thc Jcath unlc proolcJ to rcat ancr.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn, !irc !rcath (Kanc. 40


IiIe. 342J10 |!ccr \nJcaJ (notc Wcalnc hclo)|
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 3, Attacl. 3,
DoJc. 3, DclcnJ. 3, anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). !roaJorJ (2J10), lon Jacr (2J8),
cla (2Jo), or hitc (3Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 4 (naturally) or o (ith tattcrcJ armor)

Heighi. o lcct tall Weighi. up to 105 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 7, ~pccJ. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 5
Saving Thro Ionnses. 3 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 2o0 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Holy Wcapon cauc Douhlc Damac
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Zomhic arc thc animatcJ hoJic ol JcaJ
hcathcn that arc no controllcJ hy Jcmonic lorcc.
Thouh .omhic loly lumhcr arounJ in roup
moanin, thcy can ric lrom thc rounJ unnaturally lat
anJ ccn run rclaticly lat hcn in puruit ol a ictim.
Magic Abiiiies. !arthcn Climh
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|
D Dc cu u| || |c c o on nd d C Cu u| |t tc c
Dcil, lilc Jcmon anJ crcaturc, comc in all Jillcrcnt hapc, i.c, anJ color, hut thcy all hac a lc thin in
common. !irt, thcy arc aclc Jcmon ho hac ron to rcat trcnth anJ pocr. ~cconJ, thcy arc all maliciouly anJ
iclcJly cil, hcnt on lillin Chritian anJ Jctroyin thc mcJical church. ThirJ, thcir pocr ha carncJ thcm a 'oJ-lilc`
tatu in thc cyc ol thcir lolloin, hich i typically maJc up ol human anJ othcr Jcmon ho Jo thc hiJJin ol thcir cil

lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

Mot mcmhcr ol thc human racc ill o thcir cntirc
lilc ithout ccin a Jcil, at lcat in it phyical lorm.
Dcil talc aJantac ol thcir ahility to hccomc othcrorlJly
in piritual prccncc. !y Join o, thcy arc ahlc to talc on a
purcly piritual lorm, hich i untouchahlc, unccn, anJ
unJctcctcJ hy human, anJ cannot harm or othcric touch
carthly hcin. Karcly Jo thcy urlacc to hc ccn hy
humanlinJ, ccn aoiJin thcir on hih prict. Dcil arc
cllih, iclcJly Jcccitlul, anJ lilc thcir matcr ~atan, thcy
arc unahlc to tcll thc truth ahout anythin. Thcy only pcal
to thcir mot JcotcJ hih prict anJ thcn only to prcaJ
thcir Jcccit anJ corruption to thcir lollocr, ultimatcly in
cxpcctation ol prcaJin it amon othcr pcoplc.
Ior ihe Rac. Thc charactcr houlJ nccr cncountcr
~atan himcll, thcy houlJ lno him hy namc only. !l thc
charactcr coulJ cc ~atan, thcrc i a chancc thcy coulJ
Jctroy him, hich oulJ hc unhihlical. Thcrclorc, it i
hcttcr jut to nccr cncountcr him. \c thc lolloin
tcmplatc lor all Jcil thc charactcr Jo cncountcr, a all
othcr Jcil hac imilar charactcritic.

b bc c D Dc cu u| || | c cm m, ,| |o ot tc c A Ad du uo on nc cc cd d c cu u| || |l l
All typc ol Jcmon can aJancc to a Dcil tatu.

IiIe. 200 - 500 (1J41) x 100
Weaon Sis. all
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 12, Attacl. 12,
DoJc. 12, DclcnJ. 12, anage. 12
Weaons. Jcil uc all capon typc, aJJ an cxtra Damac
Jic Juc to thc incrcacJ i.c (Ior eane, a normal
hroaJorJ cauc 2J10 Damac, o a Jcil` hroaJorJ
cauc 3J10)
AiR. at lcat 3, max 5
II. at lcat o naturally, 1o total max ith armor
Heighi. aric (uually tall) Weighi. aric (uually hcay)
Aiiribnies. at lcat to ahoc 1o, all othcr arounJ 12
Abiiiies. all arc 1
Sis. all Jcil hac all ~lill cxccpt any M.|: or
La: ca/s (poihly othcr at thc Kac` Jicrction)
at arounJ 12 !rolicicncy. Thcy uc thcc ~lill a a
ay to imprc anJ ain thc trut ol omconc hilc in
human lorm.
Saving Thro Ionnses. 12 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 1,500 !xpcricncc cach
Soen Iangnages. All/any
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ (typically morc hut aric)
Magic Abiiiies. Jcil lno all pcll lor all maic typc a
cll a othcr pcll (at Kac` Jicrction)

Cult arc roup ol pcoplc ho athcr to orhip a
Jcil. Thouh cult mcmhcr arc typically cil, incluJin
aain, thicc, orccrcr, anJ itchc, omc cult mcmhcr
arc JcccicJ into hclicin that thc Jcil thcy orhip i a
rihtcou oJ, JcccicJ hy thc Jcil himcll or hy thc hih
council ol thc cult. Mot cult tcach a hatrcJ lor thc
Chritian laith anJ it` CoJ, hut omc lccl that thcir cultic
rcliion can lic harmoniouly ith Chritianity Jcpitc thcir
oppoin Joctrinc. Dcccptic hih council ol cil pcoplc
ho Jo not ant to loc mcmhcr hy ccmin hotilc` or
intolcrant` typically lcaJ uch cult. Cn thc othcr hanJ,
omc cult arc trictly in it to lcaJ pcoplc aay lrom thc
Truth. !l Jonc 'propcrly`, a cult can hc hi
huinc, lor thcy rcquirc thcir mcmhcr to contrihutc
trcaurc anJ richc hy any mcan ncccary.
Cult arc a Jicrc anJ prcalcnt a thc citic ol thc
lnon orlJ, numhcrin in thc hunJrcJ ol 'oJ.' Thcy arc
in ncarly ccry hirc anJ city to omc capacity, lrom mall
athcrin to promincnt rcliion to Jarl unJcrorlJ. Mot
cult hac thcir on Jitinct comhination ol color, hich i
typically Jarl, thcy uc a thcir ritual arh, alon ith a
Jitinct iJcntilyin ymhol.
No onc lno thc total numhcr ol mcmhcr ol thc
cult, anJ rarcly anyonc cxccpt thc hih lcaJcr ol thc cult
ccr cc an actual Jcil. !urthcrmorc, no onc lno thc
hcart ol a cult mcmhcr cxccpt CoJ Himcll. !or thcc
rcaon anJ morc, talin up thc liht aaint an cil cult can
hc a lon anJ utaincJ campain ith lc lruit ol notahlc
rcarJ. ~ain pcoplc out ol a cult i orth lihtin lor. !t
cxpoc thc lcaJcr, ctc. KcarJ in't jut moncy or lamc.
Thc lolloin i a lit ol common cult lounJ
throuhout thc lnon orlJ.
Ior ihe Rac. roll a J12 lor ranJomnc.

evi Conniry oI rigin
1) Amun !ypt
2) Anu Ayria
3) Ahur Ayria
4) !aal Canaan
5) !ccl.chuh Canaan
o) Daon Canaan
7) Hcra Crcccc
8) Juno Komc
0) MarJul !ahylon
10) Mithra Crcccc
11) !ociJon Crcccc
12) Ka !ypt
lc|q Londc: Dcu|| luntcr'c \onuo|

Itcms avalablc at a clck:
Charactcr Shccts
/dvcnturc Packs
. . . and morc!






Make sure you pick up the
lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc|c
or use with the

!t` onc Jcil-huntin` aJcnturc
you on`t ant to mi!

Chccl our chitc lor Jctail.
lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn Copyright Faith Quest Games, 2005 bc cctcr



"On.e |e/o-e one /au,|s /u|.e, '/|s /u|.e as n|.e /o a/ ||m /au,| /|-|.e!"

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c c cc ct tc cr r
Hitorically, thc Jctcr a thc inanc cntcrtaincr
commiioncJ to pcrlorm hclorc royalty. Conitcntly
playin thc Jctcr a uch can hc a rolc-playin
challcnc, hut a hlat noncthclc. You may ih to
play thc Jctcr rccllcly inanc, or imply actin that
!rom an aJcnturin tanJpoint, thc Jctcr ha
rcat phyical ahilitic, hich can hclp in many ohiou
circumtancc. !rom an cntcrtainmcnt pcrpcctic,
lc Charactcr Clac can compctc ith thc Jctcr`
playahility/cnjoymcnt lactor.

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
!ccauc thc Jctcr Jcirc to
rcmain limhcr anJ uncncumhcrcJ, hc
or hc ill only car hcaicr il nccJcJ
lor a comcJic pcrlormancc.
!iht armor only (lcathcr)

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Kathcr than liht toc-to-toc, thc Jctcr
prclcr to uc lihtcr capon in orJcr to Jancc
arounJ thc opponcnt,` o a to attcmpt to toy ith
thcm. Nccrthclc, thc Jctcr ill uc any ohjcct
aailahlc a a capon - no mattcr ho unconcntional.
No rctriction

lc|q Londc: L|gbt Cd|t|cn Copyright Faith Quest Games, 2005 bc cctcr



C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c c cc ct tc cr r
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt t
A,|/. 7
c|... 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
. 2Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
. 1

C C| || |t tc c
c.c.c. LaoJo,
c.c.c. 1a| \:.o
c|:,|/ / H.oJ

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl
1. You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
c.c.c. l|| a/| L|a
l,|/ c|::
l|. l:ao lo/a:o/
l|. \oJ lo/a:o/
l|/.| c:o:
c.:J c/aJ:
c:.| j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
1. \|

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. c|./ A
\.c. l| A//.|
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
!on Dacr (2J8 Damac)
Dacr (2Jo Damac)
Tunic (A!. Chct, D!!. 1)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c c cc ct tc cr r

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,140
3. 2,420
4. 3,980
5. 5,960
6. 8,500
. 11,40
8. 15,820
9. 20,880
10. 2,060
11. 34,500
12. 43,340
13. 53,20
14. 65,80
15. 9,660

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc Jctcr` l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

. 1Jo

. 1
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1 1
lc|q Londc
L|gbt Cd|t|cn

o noi dnicaie or disiribnie ihis Iie.
Thi Jocumcnt i liccncJ only to thc purchacr lor pcronal,
priatc uc. Duplication anJ/or Jitrihution ol thi lilc i trictly
prohihitcJ, anJ i protcctcJ unJcr lcJcral anJ local copyriht
la. \nlalul Juplication anJ Jitrihution ill hc purucJ.


!JitcJ hy Joc K. Kcc.
\cry pccial contrihutory thanl to thc Holy !anJ playtctcr.
Chritophcr Hoplcr, Kyan A., !ryan, !li, Dominic, Kcnny, Nathan, Chriic, anJ ChaJ Catron
Cocr anJ intcrnal art hy Cahc anJ Chachi HcrnanJc.
Map Jcin hy !JarJ Wcnt.

Copyriht 2005, !aith _uct Camc, All Kiht KccrcJ
lc|q Londc' i a KcitcrcJ TraJcmarl ol !aith _uct Camc
lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 2


1ic ecLoicn ==cc &

~cw cL- +cme ==cc

~cw Min=cLce ==cc e

im=Le s ec=e+e ==cc e

rcn +ic n=c ==cc

1ic m=m=e+cn ==cc e

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1


"T|e u|// /o en/o-.e /|e K|n,'s /aus |s uo-/| mo-e /|an ua,es!"

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c S Sc c| |d d| |c cr r
Thouh ~olJicr arc not nohility, rcional ton
anJ catlc hirc thcm to hc prccnt anJ on patrol in
orJcr to lccp thc pcacc. Thcy can malc a Jcccnt liin
cnurin thc alcty ol ncihhorin tonloll. !l thcy
arc not prccnt Jurin too many outhrcal ol crimc anJ
chao, thc ~olJicr i in Jancr ol hcin cxccutcJ.
!rac anJ orthy ~olJicr rcccic ahout o a Jay
in ac anJ lrcc loJin ith a mcacr mcal at ariou
ton` military harracl. Thcy arc alo upplicJ
military-iuc armor anJ capon lor uc ithin thc
ton. !ccauc a ~olJicr` cquipmcnt i on loan lrom
thc lin, thcy may hc rcquircJ to rcturn it at any timc.
Thcy may purchac ucJ armor anJ capon lor ahout
hall thc normal cot lrom local harracl. ~olJicr arc
not pcrmittcJ to lcac thc ton in hich thcy arc
chcJulcJ hilc thcy arc on atch, hoccr thcy may
patrol ncihhorin ton ithin thc amc hirc or
county. Military-iuc cquipmcnt i nccr pcrmittcJ to
lcac thc county.
Thcir hilt can ary, hut arc uually chcJulcJ
cach ccl lor Jillcrcnt ncarhy ton, anJ thcir hilt
can lat anyhcrc lrom o to 12 hour JcpcnJin on

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
~olJicr prclcr uin hcaicr mctal armor to
cnurc maximum protcction in any ituation.
Hoccr, oll-Juty, thcy may car any linJ ol armor
thcy Jcirc.
No rctriction

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Thc ~olJicr prclcr to uc hcaicr arm, anJ
cpccially thoc capon that cauc thc mot D..,:.
Hoccr, thc ~olJicr i not limitcJ in thc Wcapon
~lill hc or hc can lcarn.
No rctriction

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c S Sc c| |d d| |c cr r
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt t
c/:o,/|. 7
A,|/. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2J8
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1

C C| || |t tc c
c.c.c. t.|:
\.c. c|./ A
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl 1.
You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
c.c.c. 1.||o,
c.c.c. 1a| c|/:/
l,|/ c|::
l| l|
l/|: A:.
l/|: c|../:
c|:,|/ / H.oJ
1. \|

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. l| A//.|
\.c. c|:|J l|.
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
HalhcrJ (2J12 Damac)
Dacr (2Jo Damac)
Hall Hclm (A!. HcaJ, D!!. 2)
Chain Jcrlin (A!. Chct, D!!. 4)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, mcJium canJlc
2Jo !ooJ Kation
Whcttonc (lor harpcnin hlaJc)

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c S Sc c| |d d| |c cr r

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,140
3. 2,420
4. 3,980
5. 5,960
6. 8,500
. 11,40
8. 15,820
9. 20,880
10. 2,060
11. 34,500
12. 43,340
13. 53,20
14. 65,80
15. 9,660

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc ~olJicr` l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1J8

Iaiih. 1
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1

B B| |c cc cc cc cd d B Bc cc ct tc c c c| | S S, ,c cc cd d
Actiatin thcc hoot allo thc ucr to run at Jouhlc
hi or hcr normal c::J lor a numhcr ol KounJ cqual to thc
carcr` LoJa.o:. Thc limitation rulc ol Holy !tcm Joc
not apply to thi itcm, thcrclorc, your charactcr can poc
anJ uc thi itcm anJ anothcr Holy !tcm at thc amc timc
ithout pcnaltic.
Iaiih cosi. 1 pcr uc
Vane. 42

B B| |c cc cc cc cd d L L| |n ng g c c| | l ln nu u| |c c| |b b| || || |t tq q
Thi rin allo thc carcr to hccomc iniihlc to normal
cyc lor up to 10 minutc. !l thc ucr malc a upcrnatural or
phyical A//.| on anothcr human hcin or any non-Jcmonic
hcin, thc pocr lapc anJ thc carcr hccomc iihlc. Thc
limitation rulc ol Holy !tcm Joc not apply to thi itcm, o
your charactcr can poc anJ uc thi itcm anJ anothcr Holy
!tcm at thc amc timc ithout pcnaltic.
Iaiih cosi. 3 pcr uc
Vane. o8

C C| |c co o| | c c| | D Dr r| || |t t| |n ng g
Cncc actiatcJ, thi cloal allo thc carcr to lall or
jump lrom a hih placc anJ liJc a maximum ol 20 lcct
hori.ontally pcr 5 lcct lallcn. At ill, thc carcr can Jccrcac
thc pccJ ol thc Jcccnt to a minimum pccJ cqual to hall thc
charactcr` c::J Attrihutc (a alc c::J lor lanJin), or
incrcac thc pccJ ol thc Jcccnt to a natural lallin pccJ.
Thc carcr can alo omchat control thc hori.ontal Jircction
ol thc liJc ith iJc turn to thc lclt anJ thc riht.
Iaiih cosi. 2 pcr uc
Vane. 35

S Sb bo ot tt tc cr rc cu uc cr rd d
Cncc actiatcJ, thi orJ ill hattcr thc ncxt non-holy
or non-maical capon it D:/:oJ aaint or that D:/:oJ
aaint it. !l thc capon contact any rcular mctal armor
(ccn il thc roll i unJcr thc opponcnt` D!!), it ill hattcr
thc armor a cll a cauc lull Damac to thc ictim. Thi
capon can hc any ol thc hatarJ, hroaJ, or lon orJ, anJ
ha a 5 to Damac normally. Thc pocr lat lor up to tcn
minutc or until it hattcr omcthin.
Iaiih cosi. 2 pcr uc
Vane. 120

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 o

B B| |c cc cc cc cd d S S| || |c cn nc cc c
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. ~cll anJ Cthcr
Range. 100 lcct
nraiion. 1 Tcn-rounJ pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. !crlormin thi Miraclc allo thc clcry
anJ onc othcr Chritian charactcr pcr !rolicicncy !onu to
hccomc totally ilcnt to thc rct ol thc orlJ. No ounJ thc
charactcr malc or itcm that thcy touch can hc hcarJ. Thi
incluJc loottcp, armor anJ itcm, anJ pcalin. Cnly
thin that arc allcctcJ cconJarily malc noic, uch a
moin a hranch that hit anothcr hranch, thc lloor that
crcal lrom thc ciht, ctc. Nccrthclc, all ilcnccJ
charactcr can hcar cach othcr a il thcy crc not ilcnccJ.
Thcy can pcal lrccly anJ malc noic ith ohjcct that no
onc clc can hcar cxccpt thcir on party. Thoc ho oulJ
othcric hcar thc charactcr can roll to c.: . M.|:,
anJ uccc allo thcm to hcar lo, mulllcJ ounJ
inJicatin hcrc thc charactcr arc.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

B Bc c| |c ct tc cr r D Dc cc cr r
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. Chjcct (Joor, atc, or hatch)
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. 1 Tcn-rounJ
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to hut a
Joor (that thc clcry coulJ caily puh clocJ phyically) anJ
lccp it clocJ lrom any Jitancc ithin thc Kanc ithout
ccr touchin it phyically. \p to thc Duration or until thc
clcry loc locu, hc or hc can lccp thc Joor miraculouly
rcinlorccJ o that no onc or nothin can hrcal, puh, or
othcric Jamac thc holtcrcJ Joor. Thi Miraclc can
rcinlorcc normal Joor, atc, anJ hatchc up to anJ
incluJin thc i.c ol a JrahriJc.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

C C| || |m mb bo ob b| |c c S Su ur r| |o oc cc c
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. Chjcct (all)
Range. 10 x 5 lcct pcr !! (!rolicicncy !onu)
nraiion. 1 Tcn-rounJ pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc malc any natural all that
i othcric not climhahlc hccauc ol a lacl ol lootholJ
climhahlc. !t upcrnaturally Jitort thc natural clcmcnt ol
thc all to crcatc hanJ- anJ lootholJ hclittin lor thc clcry
(anJ imilar-i.cJ hcin) to climh. Thc all rcmain
climhahlc lor thc Duration or until thc clcry ill it onc.
Thi Miraclc allcct a inlc cntirc crtical urlacc up to thc
Kanc in arca. !l thc urlacc matcrial chanc, thc clcry
mut pcrlorm thc Miraclc on that urlacc to continuc
climhin. Anyonc cxccpt thc clcry ho uc thc climhahlc
urlacc mut malc a tanJarJ c|| roll pcr 10 lcct to uc it.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

l lq qm mn n c c| | B B| |c cc cc cc cd d D Dc c| |c cn nc cc c
Tye. Holy ~on
Targei. Cthcr only
Range. 100 lcct
nraiion. 1 KounJ pcr LoJa.o: AK
escriiion. !layin or inin thi Holy ~on allo
onc tarct Chritian charactcr pcr !rolicicncy !onu ol thc
!arJ to ain a 1 to DJ,: anJ D:/:oJ pcr !! ol thc !arJ
a lon a thcy hcar thc on.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

S Sc cc c L Lu un nc cc c
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. Chjcct (runc)
Range. 100 lcct
nraiion. 10 minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to cc
Kunc conliuration that oulJ hc othcric iniihlc to
normal cyc, incluJin maically iniihlc runc. Any Kunc
conliuration ithin Kanc lo up to a 1-loot raJiu
throuh all matcrial.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

S S, ,| |r r| |t tu uo o| | \ \| |c cc c| || |c c
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. Cthcr
Range. 10 lcct pcr !! (!rolicicncy !onu)
Saving Thro. . Miilc (18 or hihcr)
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to hurl a
hitc holt ol upcrnatural cncry lrom thc clcry` hanJ.
Thc ictim can roll to DJ,: or D:/:oJ cru Miilc il hc
or hc lno thc attacl i comin. Thc ictim mut roll an
18 or hihcr (lc 1 pcr 10 lcct aay) to aoiJ hcin hit.
Cthcric, thc miilc cauc 2Jo Damac plu an aJJitional
point ol Damac pcr !!.
Iaiih Cosi. 7
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1

L L| |d d| |n ng g l lc cr rc cc cc c
IiIe. 31
Weaon Sis. Kicl Attacl (lront anJ rcar hooc)
Conbai Ionnses. Attacl. 7, anage. o
Weaons (Damac). !ront hooc (2Jo), rcar licl (3J8),
AiR. 2 (lront hooc) or 1 (rcar licl)
II. 4 (naturally)

Heighi. 5 lcct tall at houlJcr Weighi. up to o00 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 20, ~pccJ. 18, Aility. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 4, HcihtcncJ ~cnc
(all). 10
Vane. 40

\ \o or r l lc cr rc cc cc c
IiIe. o1
Weaon Sis. Kicl Attacl (lront anJ rcar hooc)
Conbai Ionnses. Attacl. o, anage. 10
Weaons (Damac). !ront hooc (2J8), rcar licl (5J8),
AiR. 2 (lront hooc) or 1 (rcar licl)
II. 4 (naturally)

Heighi. o lcct tall at houlJcr Weighi. up to 800 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 30, ~pccJ. 1o, Aility. o
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 5, HcihtcncJ ~cnc
(all). 8
Vane. o5

Horc rcquirc thc ~lill ol H:.o| to riJc anJ carc
lor. Attcmptin anythin that ha a chancc ol lailin hilc
riJin horchacl rcquirc a uccclul H:.o| roll.

C C| |o on nt t S S, ,| |d dc cr rc c
IiIe. 24 - non-Jcmonic arachnoiJ
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (hitc)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). !itc (2Jo poion), hitc poion
(unconciou in 2Jo KounJ lor 2Jo hour, anJ 2Jo
Damac or hall Damac an hour il c.:J . lo)
AiR. 1
II. 3 (naturally)

Heighi. up to 3 lcct tall Weighi. up to 30 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 10, ~pccJ. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, Jump. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 4, HcihtcncJ iht anJ
Hcarin. 12
Iehavior. Ciant piJcr arc typically hatchcJ in Jccp, Jarl
cac hcrc thc roJcnt anJ incct arc plcntilul. !ut
hccauc thcc crcaturc ro o larc, thcy mut
ccntually linJ thcir ay into Jarl lorct in carch ol
larcr prcy. Thcc arcic piJcr pin thcir ch
throuhout lorct to catch hatccr may pa hy,
incluJin Jccr, hirJ, anJ human. Thcc ncaly anJ
ilcnt prcJator hac a trcmcnJou ahility to jump up to
15 lcct hori.ontally anJ 7 lcct hih! Thcy typically lic
in mall roup ol 1J41.
Sinning Webs. Cnc iant piJcr can hoot a ch that can
cnnarc a ictim ith a W! ol 8 or lc ith onc A//.|,
anJ to A//.| can capturc omconc ith a W! ol 1o
or lc, ctc. To iant piJcr can hanJlc thc joh in hall
thc timc. Ciant piJcr can hoot thcir ch up to 15
lcct. Cnc nct ol ch can caily rcnJcr thc acrac-i.cJ
man immohili.cJ upon contact.
IXI Vane. 185 !xpcricncc cach

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 8

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g C Cc cd d
'!layin CoJ` mcan that omconc (hich oulJ hc thc
Kac in ncarly all cac) JcciJc anJ act on ho CoJ oulJ
rulc in a icn ituation. Thouh all pcoplc, animal,
Jcmon, anJ Jcil act ithin /|: a|| / tJ, hich i pcrlcct,
CoJ Joc not lorcc any action, Hc imply allo thcm to
happcn. Thcrclorc, ho a charactcr or N!C hchac or hat
thcy Jo Joc not mcan that CoJ JiJ it. !layin CoJ mcan
that you hac talcn an action or polcn lor CoJ Jircctly,
uch a ain or lillin a charactcr hcn thc Jicc rollcJ
othcric, or you hac proiJcJ inlormation or hclp hcyonJ
thc charactcr` ~lill that coulJ only comc lrom CoJ.

^c':nq on Cod c|
.:'ou' |n ojcc':vc ro o
c|ncc : | or:ddcn uc o
,our | lcr:od.

lc|q Londc i ct up in uch a ay that NC CN!
(incluJin you thc Kac) can play CoJ. Thc roll ol thc Jicc
Jctcrminc all act ol CoJ, uch a Miraclc, ~ain Thro,
anJ all mattcr ol chancc.` !l it crc othcric, lc|q
Londc oulJ hc a Jancr to Chritian thcoloy anJ a lap
in thc lacc` to Chritian Joctrinc hccauc pcoplc oulJ hc
Jctcrminin thc thouht ol CoJ. Thc !ihlc ay that Hi
ay i not our ay, thcy arc much hihcr anJ hcyonJ our
comprchcnion. lc|q Londc mut rcprccnt thi lact ith
thc chancc ol thc Jicc.

\ \b bc cn n o o C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr r l lr ro oq qc c
Cnc important apcct ol not playin CoJ i malin
urc you rcponJ propcrly to a charactcr ho pray, cpccially
il thc charactcr malc a rcquct in praycr (praycr in thi
uhcction rclcr to all non-Miraclc anJ non-~lill praycr). !t
can hc cry tcmptin to ollcr a littlc morc protcction or othcr
laor to thc charactcr ho illinly talc thc timc to pray to
CoJ lor thanl, protcction, or hclp Jurin an aJcnturc,
cpccially il hc or hc Joc it at a critical timc in thc amc
hcrc thc party Jcpcratcly nccJ CoJ` hclp. Althouh it
oulJ hc an cxccllcnt timc to ho CoJ` racc (cpccially il
thcrc i a non-Chritian playcr in thc roup), or it may hc a
pcrlcct timc to aJJ Jrama to thc momcnt to ac thc party
miraculouly, you hac to hc carclul ahout ho you play
CoJ` action. !t i nccr your placc to ay hat CoJ oulJ
Jo anJ you mut nccr play it a il you hac that authority.
Malc urc that hcnccr you comc to a ituation hcrc
you lccl CoJ oulJ act, you Jo o ith thc roll ol thc Jicc.
!Jcally, thcc timc oulJ hc limitcJ to act ol linJnc or
hclp to an N!C, tay lar aay lrom juJmcnt at thc hanJ ol
CoJ. !l you lccl CoJ oulJ intcrcnc in a rcquctcJ praycr
or othcr ituation, ic it a 50/50 chancc or lc ith thc roll
ol thc Jicc anJ malc urc you ticl to thc roll.

Ncvcr |c| or Cod

S S, ,c co o| || |n ng g | |c cr r C Cc cd d
!ilc thc othcr act ol CoJ c hac JicucJ thu lar,
uch a phyical anJ ccnt-rclatcJ action, pcalin lor CoJ
i onc arca that you mut talc cry criouly. !t can hc cry
tcmptin to hac CoJ uttcr omcthin to thc charactcr,
cpccially in rcponc to a charactcr` rcquct, hut thi i
trictly prohihitcJ a a Kac. Thcrc i rcat Jancr that you
may lcaJ a Chritian, or orc, a non-Chritian, in a ron
Jircction hy pcalin on CoJ` hchall, ccn thouh your
intcntion arc ooJ. Wc arc lallihlc pcoplc ho arc icn to
pccr prcurc, Jominancc, trilc, priJc, anJ cruclty, anJ uch
thin cannot hc maJc to comc lrom CoJ. !c urc you
unJcrtanJ anJ lollo thi rulc cry clocly a you malc your
ay throuh an aJcnturc.

\ \b bo ot t c co on n l l d dc c, , t tb bc cn n? ?
Your joh a a Kac i nccr to play CoJ, hut rathcr to
manac thc tory anJ cnlorcc thc rulc to cnurc lairnc,
lun, anJ lcllohip. You mut play thc N!C`, ho thc
charactcr ill intcract ith, you mut play thc cncmic that
thc charactcr liht ith, anJ you mut manac thc rulc ol
thc charactcr` ~lill, Ahilitic, anJ Miraclc. All ol thcc
thin hac thcir placc in rolc-playin thc mcJical ill ol
CoJ, hut you houlJ nccr malc CoJ ccn or hcarJ hacJ on
your on rulin.
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1 9


Iayers. ihe Iooing adveninre is Ior ihe Raconienr
ony. Ior ihe good oI ihe gane, ease do noi read
beyond ihis aragrah. Sindying n on ihe adveninre
i noi give yon any insider iis io be a greai ayer.
Yon i ony cheai yonrseI and ihe oiher ayers oni
oI ihe Inn oI ihe adveninre. So, sei ihis don and be
assnred ihai ihe adveninre i be a greai one io ay!
Raconienr. AJcnturc !acl arc JcincJ ith
clcmcnt hoth lor you only anJ lor your playcr. Thcrclorc,
c hac tructurcJ thi aJcnturc ithout holJ topic
prcccJin important pararaph to prccnt anJcrin cyc
lrom catchin a auc limpc ol thc torylinc. !t i
important to rcaJ thc holc aJcnturc anJ hihliht any lcy
point on your on AJcnturc !acl lor quicl rclcrcncc.
~tatcmcnt, pararaph, anJ inlormation marlcJ ith
>ta< arc lor you only anJ not inlormation to harc ith
thc playcr Jircctly. Mot othcr Jctail not marlcJ ith
>ta< can hc rcaJ or cxplaincJ to thc playcr a thc
charactcr uncocr thc inlormation.

You ill nccJ thc Holy !anJ !iht !Jition amc
manual anJ thc Dcil Huntcr` Manual.
Thi aJcnturc i JcincJ lor 3-5 locr-lccl

b bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Cur tory hcin ith thc charactcr approachin thc
mall hut propcrou ton ol Kicn (pronounccJ :o, lilc
ricr), in thc carly part ol thc Jay (arounJ 0AM). Thc
charactcr can hc cclin aJcnturc anJ jut happcn upon
thc ton or you can continuc lrom a prciou aJcnturc ith
thc charactcr hcarin ol omc aJcnturc poihly hcin
lounJ hcrc.
Kicn Ton ha ahunJant crop anJ iron rcourcc.
Thc ncarhy lalc anJ ricr proiJc a calth ol lcrtilc lanJ, anJ
thc Jarcn minc ol thc outhcrn !laJcill Mountain arc
rich ith iron anJ lucl thc iron traJc throuhout thc cntirc
County Khirc. >Wc arc chcJulin a luturc AJcnturc
!acl to hac aJcnturc ithin thc Jarcn minc. !t i urc
to hc a ooJ onc!<
A thc charactcr cntcr Kicn Ton, ncarly ccryonc in
thcir path rcct thcm anJ tric to cll thcm thcir linc arc.
Thcrc ha hccn an onoin lctial happcnin in thc trcct
ncarly ccry Jay, hcrc cnJor anJ cntcrtaincr comc
tocthcr throuhout thc carly part ol thc Jay to huy, cll,
traJc, anJ cclchratc harct. Thi may hc a ooJ lcaJ-in lor
thc charactcr to huy, cll, traJc, anJ cclchratc, too. !ct
thcm roam ahout lor thc Jay athcrin upplic, lcarnin
~lill, or cclin aJcnturc. Mot ol thc hoplccpcr ol thc
ton ill clcomc thc charactcr ith a hcarty rcctin anJ
omc may ccn alutc thcm a thcy cntcr thcir hop (hut all
thc pricc ol itcm anJ looJ arc a olJ or to hihcr than thc
tanJarJ pricc ccryhcrc clc Juc to anJ in pitc ol thc
ton` propcrity). >Thc lirt aJcnturc ccnt ill happcn
jut hclorc unJon toniht. ~o, to thc hct ol your ahility,
try to hac thcm athcrcJ hacl tocthcr hy thcn il thc
charactcr houlJ cparatc.<

Ti Ior ihe Adveninre. ~omcthin a implc a a
namc anJ a hricl Jccription lor an N!C can ic
trcmcnJou Jimcnion to a tory. Kathcr than ayin, A
man hchinJ thc countcr ac to you a you all in. Thcrc
arc capon all alon hi all hchinJ hi countcr.` ConiJcr
hain a namc prcparcJ lor thc hoplccp anJ hcin a
Jialouc ith thc charactcr. !or cxamplc, you coulJ ay,
A you all in thc Joor ol thc capon hop, a larc anJ
hurly arrior ith a trcmcnJou hron hcarJ milc to you
lrom hchinJ thc countcr anJ lilt hi axc in rcctin. Wcll
mct thcn traclcr! Wclcomc to mc hop! Yc lool lilc
aJcnturcr in nccJ ol omc linc capon. My namc i
Jaclo, anJ ! hac thc linct capon in all thc lanJ. Altcr
all, mc hop` not callcJ Jaclo` !inc !laJc lor nothin`,
y`lno! Ha ha ha!`

!or a lit ol 100 malc anJ 100 lcmalc N!C namc,
chccl out our chitc at .hoyands.nei lor a printahlc
Holy !anJ N!C _uicl-namc !inJcr.

At omc point in thc Jay, !orJ Marhall Damar anJ
hi to licutcnant ill approach thc charactcr ith a joial
attituJc anJ clcomc thc nc lacc to thc ton. Damar ill
hc cxtrcmcly nicc at lirt, ancrin any quction, proiJin
Jircction, anJ o on, until thc charactcr al him to Jo any
phyical tal (il thcy Jo), at hich timc hc ill hccomc a hit
ruJc anJ Jimiic (incc orl` i no hcncath him, hc ill
hac hi licutcnant Jo it, il hc ha it Jonc at all). >!orJ
Marhall Damar i not ncccarily cil, hut ha icn in to
omc corruption anJ ahuc ol pocr ocr thc 35 ycar ol
cricc to Kicn Ton. !or all ol thi, hc carric a larc
hurJcn ol uilt anJ ancr. Hc tartcJ hcrc a olJicr in hi
latc tccn hut ha haJ many political trulc ith hi
upcrior, incluJin thc maitratc, !orJ CalJ ol Kicn,
anJ thc CooJ Count ol County Khirc in Calallcc City,
ncithcr ol hich hc lilc much.<
Damar ill not lno ol any aJcnturc to hc haJ, anJ
in thc cnJ, hc ill not hac hccn cry hclplul, hut hc ill hc
intcrctcJ in hirin any ~olJicr (ol thc ~olJicr Charactcr

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 10
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1 11
Cla only) to run omc patrol ocr thc ncxt lc Jay. Hc
ill al to mcct thc potcntial nc rccruit() at thc ton
harracl thc lolloin Jay at noon lor a Jicuion. Damar
i accompanicJ hy hi to riht-hanJ mcn, ~ir !inric
(pronounccJ lo:|) anJ ~ir Hclmci (pronounccJ H:|.
a.), hoth ol hich ill hc morc cnuincly linJ in
concration hut till cxtrcmcly loyal to Damar.

Lo-d Ma-s|a// Da,ma-
Ieve 10 Sodier
escriiion. !orJ Marhall Damar i a cathcrcJ hut
cry tron man in hi carly 50`. Hc ha a larc hron
hcarJ, hcay, JccoratcJ lcathcr-anJ-lur armor, a larc rounJ,
ooJcn hiclJ, anJ carric ccral larc capon. Hc tanJ
an intimiJatin 7 lcct tall. >Damar i not a Chritian anJ
ha a rccntmcnt toarJ Chritianity hccauc it challcnc
hi ahility to ic in to corruption anJ othcr cil oncc in
hilc (incc hc i in a pocrlul poition).<
IiIe. 00, Conbai Ionnses. o to all (11 to D:/:oJ
ith hiclJ), Aiiribnies. hih mcntal, phyical, anJ
c|.., lo L:.a/, Weaons. larc orJ (2J123),
rcat ar axc (2J123), lon Jacr (2J84), mcJium
hiclJ (4 to D:/:oJ), Arnor. Hcay lur/lcathcr, hall hclm,
larc mctal hraccr, hcay lcathcr hrccchc, lur hoot, Toia
II. 10

S|- L|n-|.
Ieve 7 Sodier
escriiion. ~ir !inric i thc moJcl olJicr lor
Damar, a lollocr loyal to Jcath. Hc i a tron anJ tall
arrior in hi carly 20`. !inric i onc that ill Jo hat it
talc` to ct ahcaJ a onc ol Damar` mcn, loralin
ccryonc clc il nccJ hc. Hc i o lcct tall anJ clcan` hacn
anJ cut lor thc timc. !n Jicuion ith !inric, it i not
harJ to noticc thc cnuinc nicc hoy` iniJc that i torn
hctccn happinc anJ an unrcaonahlc Jric to ct ahcaJ.
Hc carric a hiclJ, a halhcrJ, a hroaJorJ, anJ i motly
claJ ith mctal armor. >~ir !inric i not a Chritian
hccauc hc Jocn`t lilc thc lact that omconc clc` oulJ
hac to quction hi motic in lilc. Hc ha cxpcricnccJ too
many pcoplc lail` hilc tryin to ct ahcaJ in lilc at thc
hanJ ol omconc thcy trutcJ.<
IiIe. o4, Conbai Ionnses. 4 to all (8 to D:/:oJ
ith hiclJ), Aiiribnies. hih mcntal anJ phyical, anJ
c|.., Weaons. HalhcrJ (2J122), hroaJorJ
(2J101), lon Jacr (2J8), Arnor. platc hrcatplatc, hall
hclm, mctal auntlct, mctal lcin, lcathcr hoot, Toia
II. 13

S|- He/msue|
Ieve 5 Sodier
escriiion. ~ir Hclmci i a happy youn man in
hi latc tccn. Hc i apirin to hc a olJicr to hclp thc
community anJ ha cnuinc loc lor a rcatcr ooJ. Hc i
ahout o lcct tall anJ milc a lot. A hanJomc man, hc
attract a lot ol attcntion lrom thc laJic ol thc ton ho
pcrpctually nccJ hclp` ith omcthin. Hc i a natural
lihtcr, hich ha quiclly carncJ him a hih placc in
Damar` company. Hc i outarJly Chritian anJ prouJ ol
hi laith, hut hc i cry rcpcctlul ol thc hclicl ol othcr anJ
ill uually only pcal ol hi Chritian laith hcn omconc
clc hrin it up. Hoccr, oncc hc tart tallin ahout thc
onJcr ol CoJ, it` harJ lor him to top (uually Damar
ha to ic him orJcr to ct hacl to orl`).
IiIe. 55, Conbai Ionnses. 4 to all (8 to D:/:oJ
ith hiclJ), Aiiribnies. hih mcntal anJ phyical, anJ
c|.., Weaons. HalhcrJ (2J122), hroaJorJ
(2J101), lon Jacr (2J8), Arnor. platc hrcatplatc, hall
hclm, mctal auntlct, mctal lcin, lcathcr hoot, Toia
II. 13

Jut hclorc nihtlall, hcn all thc charactcr arc in thc
icinity ol cach othcr (or hopclully ahlc to hc o), a larc
croJ ol pcoplc ill hcin to run throuh thc trcct aay
lrom omcthin tcrrihlc, crcamin in lcar anJ tramplin
anyonc ho ct in thcir ay. >Thcy arc runnin lrom an
attacl ol ahout 150 imp, 50 Cac !mp, 20 aroylc, anJ
10 !olo Montcr that hac prcaJ out alon thc main trcct
ol thc ton anJ arc hurnin huilJin anJ lillin innoccnt
pcoplc ho arc in thcir ay.<
!l thc charactcr try to moc aaint thc croJ, thcy
mut malc a DJ,: HanJ to HanJ (not actually A//.|,
hut llccin pcoplc that can cauc harm). Thc croJ oulJ
imply hac 1 natural roll on a J20 pcr KounJ that
rcprccntcJ tramplin A//.|, thc charactcr oulJ DJ,:
aaint thcm. A lailcJ DJ,: roll cauc thc charactcr() to
lall to thc rounJ talin 1J4 point ol Damac. !l thcy arc
on thc rounJ, thc charactcr mut DJ,: cach KounJ or
talc 1Jo Damac lrom tramplin. Thi ill occur lor up to
2J4 KounJ.
!l thc charactcr turn anJ run ith thc croJ, thcy ill
ccntually cncountcr a linc ol 30 hiclJcJ ~olJicr lncclin
in a linc acro thc ton trcct. !chinJ thcm arc 30 archcr
ith ho Jran. !acin hchinJ thc archcr i !orJ
Marhall Damar houtin, HolJ! HolJ your rounJ!`
~ir !inric anJ ~ir Hclmci arc Jahin throuhout
thc croJ tryin to rccruit any ahlc-hoJy pcron ith a
capon to tanJ ith thcm aaint .thc attaclin
montcr! A trcmcnJou aault i upon u!` ~ir !inric anJ
~ir Hclmci ill rcmcmhcr thc charactcr anJ al thcm hy
namc to tanJ ith thcm aaint thc inaion.
At thi point, thc charactcr ill cc thc Cac !mp
llyin anJ imp runnin on rooltop anJ climhin all
carryin torchc anJ llamin hottlc ol lantcrn oil. Thcy arc
cttin lirc to ccry llammahlc urlacc thcy can linJ. Cthcr
imp arc carryin anJ throin tonc into thc croJ ol
crcamin tonloll. !cyonJ thc croJ in thc amc
Jircction, arc aroylc llyin hih anJ oopin lo
rahhin innoccnt anJ cal ictim, carryin thcm into thc

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 12
air, hitin thcm, anJ Jroppin thcm to thcir Jcath. 1Jo
aroylc can hc ccn llyin aay ith limp, hlooJy ictim
toarJ thc Jircction lrom hcncc thcy camc. !iclin up
thc rcar ol thc aault arc ccral huc !olo Montcr
ccpin thc croJ arounJ thcm ith thcir maic pcar.
~omc hrac tonloll anJ olJicr try to liht oll thc
Jcmon ith capon, hut thcy arc outnumhcrcJ anJ lillcJ
ith cac hy thc oopin aroylc or maic iant.
Whcn mot ol thc innoccnt tonloll arc clcar ol thc
croJ ol Jcmon, !orJ Marhal Damar commanJ thc lirt
ollcy ol arro to lly aaint thc inaion anJ many imp arc
lillcJ. !y thc timc thc thirJ ollcy ol arro i rclcacJ,
omc imp arc upon thc olJicr in lront. !l thc charactcr
arc amon thc olJicr on thc lront linc, you can hcin
Comhat. Hac onc imp or onc Cac !mp aaint cach
charactcr to hcin ith. Thc archcr continuc to lirc arro
at thc Jcmon, anJ oon thc aroylc arc ithin ranc. !ct
a couplc KounJ ol Comhat cnuc hclorc thc aroylc attacl
a charactcr. Whcn thcy Jo, 1Jo1 aroylc ill oop
Jon upon thc archcr anJ olJicr, onc ol hich ill Attacl
onc ol thc charactcr. Altcr a uccclul l::/o Koll, lct
thc othcr charactcr aiJ thc onc attaclcJ (incc a aroylc
coulJ hc a lcthal loc lor a inlc lo-lccl charactcr). !l no
othcr charactcr arc aailahlc or JiJn`t noticc thcir comraJc
hcin attaclcJ, hac omc olJicr comc alon anJ hclp. Thc
aroylc ill tay airhornc hut ithin trilin Jitancc, anJ
aroylc alay liht to thc Jcath.
At omc point hilc thc charactcr arc lihtin,
Holchy (pronounccJ |,:|.|::) thc Jarl ill appcar
lihtin ith hi axc comin to aiJ thc charactcr.
Holchy i a trcmcnJou lihtcr ith trcmcnJou trcnth.
Hc ill linJ a tron companionhip ith onc thc charactcr
(thc onc that ho any attcntion to thc Jarl). >Holchy
ill hc intrumcntal in thc linal ccnt ol thi aJcnturc.<

Ho,,/es|, /|e dua-cen ua--|o-
Ieve 8 Warrior (hnnan darI)
escriiion. Holchy lool lilc thc
typical Jarcn lihtcr ith a rcat, llully rcJ
hcarJ, hcaicr mctal armor, anJ a iJc Jouhlc-
hlaJcJ axc. Hc ha a cllih anJ rull Jcmcanor
on thc cxtcrior, hut i cry loyal anJ hclplul
hcn a companion i in nccJ. >Holchy i
not a Chritian anJ rcluc to tall ahout it
until omconc can proc thcrc i a CoJ hy
hoin him riht in lront ol hi lacc. Hc
ill hccomc anry at anyonc ho tric to
prcach to him. Hc lot ccral Jarcn
lricnJ in thc minc in thc outh !laJcill
hcn a cacrn collapcJ, anJ hc hlamc`
CoJ incc all thc Jarl-lricnJ crc
Chritian. Holchy a a cal Chritian at
hct, hut till hcliccJ until thc acciJcnt, at
hich timc hc turncJ lrom ccrythin hc haJ
lnon anJ camc to cttlc Jon` Join oJJ joh arounJ
Kicn, Calallcc, anJ WinJlc \illac.<
IiIe. 88, Conbai Ionnses. o to all (10 to D:/:oJ
ith hiclJ), Aiiribnies. lo mcntal anJ c|.., hih
phyical, Weaons. Crcat War Axc (2J122), lon Jacr
(2J8), mcJium hiclJ (4 to D:/:oJ), Arnor. platc
hrcatplatc, hall hclm, mctal auntlct, mctal lcin,
lcathcr hoot, Toia II. 13

Altcr thc olJicr anJ charactcr hac louht anJ lillcJ
many ol thc Jcmon, thc Jcmon ill turn thcir attcntion to
anothcr arca ol thc ton to linJ thc hihct numhcr ol
hclplc ictim ith thc lcat rcitancc. Thcy all moc
tocthcr unJcr thc lcaJcrhip ol onc aroylc (il it i lillcJ,
thcy moc to thc commanJ ol anothcr aroylc, anJ o on).
Thcrc houlJ hc cnouh tralin anJ Jctructic imp
upon rooltop anJ climhin out ol inJo to lccp thc
charactcr huy lor a hilc. At thc riht timc, omc ol thc
ton` malc anJ lcmalc clcry ill hc runnin arounJ, unJcr
thc protcction ol omc ol thc olJicr, to hrin M:J.| aiJ
anJ a Dralt ol Hcalin (1 only) to ounJcJ lihtcr.
Thc ncxt ccnt that thc charactcr houlJ cncountcr i
a !olo Montcr ol thcir cry on. Thi i not ncccary,
cpccially il any ol thc charactcr arc ncarly JcaJ or haJly
injurcJ. You can hac a commanJin olliccr cnJ out
mallcr roup to clcan up` any ayarJ Jcmon, thi ill
ct thc charactcr anJ poihly Holchy anJ anothcr N!C
olJicr alonc ith thc larc loc. !l any ol thcm arc haJly
injurcJ, you can hac thcm attaclcJ hy anothcr aroylc.
!olo Montcr hac thc ahility to Jo a ccpin A//.|
aaint all opponcnt ithin 15 lcct. !t in it pcar
(malc an A//.| Koll hcn it i thc Jcmon` turn), anJ all
opponcnt ithin ranc mut roll to DJ,: or D:/:oJ thc
A//.|. !l thc charactcr uccclully DJ,:, hc or hc can
rcturn A//.| to thc montcr. Hoccr, il thc charactcr
malc a uccclul D:/:oJ, hc or hc i lorccJ out ol
thc ranc to rcturn A//.| that KounJ. !l thc
charactcr i unuccclul at a DJ,: or D:/:oJ action
aaint a ccpin A//.|, thc !olo Montcr hit
him or hcr lor hall thc normal Damac. >Thc
charactcr can attcmpt to uc thi ccpin tactic
aaint thc imp il thc charactcr ha a lon orJ or
imilar lon capon. Thc maximum numhcr ol
imp thc charactcr can attcmpt to ccp i 3, hut
thcn all 3 ill hc that charactcr` opponcnt (il thcy
crcn`t hclorc). !l thc charactcr ha a hortcr orJ
or inlc-hanJcJ capon, thc maximum numhcr ol
imp thcy can ccp i 2.<
Altcr thc major hattlc ha calmcJ Jon, thc trcct
ill hc quict, at lcat in thc immcJiatc arca. All
hop arc ruincJ anJ mot ol thc hoplccpcr
hac hccn lain or arc miin. Thc playcr
may ant to loot thc huilJin lor itcm,
hich oulJ hc ron unJcr normal
circumtancc. >Hoccr, thc olJicr ill
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1 1

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 1
allo it jut prior to cttin out aaint thc !mpmatcr in
orJcr to athcr all aailahlc rcourcc.< Thcrc i a 25'
chancc that a common itcm i aailahlc anJ an 8' chancc
that an uncommon itcm thc charactcr i carchin lor i
aailahlc. You may coniJcr hain a mallcr roup ol
hanJit try to loot thc torc thc charactcr arc in anJ roh thc
charactcr to Jcmontratc thc immorality ol thc ituation.
Kcmcmhcr, lillin anothcr human hcin in any othcr
ituation than cll-Jclcnc i murJcr anJ punihahlc a uch.
(!y a propcr Jcciion to not lillin thcc hanJit, thc
charactcr may ain a concrtcJ N!C or to out ol thc
Thc un ha ct anJ olJicr anJ tonloll ith torchc
arc runnin ahout ccryhcrc in cxcitcmcnt loolin lor any
morc ol thc rctrcatin Jcmon. Thc ncxt ccnt i thc
olJicr rounJin up all thc tonloll to Jicu thc
ituation, at thc maitratc` rcquct, in thc ton` marlct
quarc. Whcn thc charactcr arric, thcrc i much houtin
oin on, anJ thc !orJ CalJ calm ccryonc to a quict.
At thi timc, thc ton ha, Claphca (pronounccJ ||./::.|)
i houtin ahout thc montcr chilJ Mathia (pronouncc
.|/|,|a), ho oncc licJ hcrc. HL ha hrouht hi
montcr hacl to lurthcr Jctroy thi oncc lair anJ happy
placc! Hc ha hrouht hi cil upon thi ton! Wc all
rcmcmhcr thc montcr chilJ!`
Thc tory ol Mathia i a traic onc, anJ thc charactcr
ill ct piccc ol it lrom Jillcrcnt pcoplc thcy al. Mathia
a horn in Kicn 22 ycar hclorc to Wilhclm thc coopcr
(harrcl malcr) anJ Cynyth (hoth pcaant). At hirth,
Mathia` lacc a horrihly JiliurcJ anJ larc, hi hoJy a
hunchcJ tcrrihly, hut a hc rc, hc a cxcccJinly tron
phyically. Thouh hi hirthnamc a Mathia, it JiJn`t lat
lon. Thc tonloll anJ thc ton` ollicial all callcJ him
thc Montcr-chilJ ol Kicn.
Mathia anJ hi parcnt tricJ to carry on in thcir
humhlc lilc a hct thcy coulJ amiJt thc inult, crucl
pcrccution, anJ riJiculc. Mathia a a ooJ hclpcr to hi
lathcr` loly Jcclinin harrcl-malin huinc.
Nccrthclc, it a only a mattcr ol timc hclorc thc
tonloll haJ coninccJ thc hih rcliiou ollicial anJ othcr
ton lcaJcr that Mathia a thc rcaon thc crop oulJn`t
llourih anJ othcr riJiculou upcrtition. Mathia a
ahout 5 ycar olJ hcn thc lamily a lorccJ to llcc lor thcir
lic. !t a Claphca hcrcll ho rallicJ thc mot lor thcm to
lcac - hc hatcJ Mathia lrom thc lirt iht ol him. Thc
ton haJ ricn up arm aaint thcm anJ JcmanJcJ thcm to
lcac, anJ hcn thcy llcJ, thcy tool only cach othcr.
Aaint !orJ CalJ` orJcr, a ccrct hanJ ol anry
illacr purucJ thc llccin lamily into thc niht to lill
thcm. Thc lamily llcJ thc torchc ol thcir purucr all thc
ay north throuh lorct anJ ocr thc loothill into thc
!laJcill mountain. ~oon, thcir purucr ocrtool thcm
anJ only Mathia ccapcJ ith hi lilc. Mathia llcJ into a
cac that thc moh oulJ not o into, hut thcy lclt thc hoJic
ol hi parcnt outiJc thc cac a a arnin to nccr rcturn.
>!or 17 ycar, Mathia ha hrcJ anJ conjurcJ ocr 200
imp, 100 Cac !mp, 30 aroylc, anJ morc than 15 !olo
Montcr. Morc than hall ol cach a lot in thc ton raiJ,
hich Mathia haJ planncJ. Mathia ha alo hccomc
omchat alllucnt in crcatin runc trap anJ catin pcll,
althouh hc only Joc thi to ct ccn` ith CoJ. Mathia
i torn anJ liin a Jouhlc lilc, onc that hatc CoJ lor thc
painlully crucl lilc hc ha haJ to lic, anJ onc that i
Jcpcratc to hac CoJ malc omcthin onJcrlul comc out
ol all thi tracJy. !or thi, hc ha hoth ocJ rccnc on
man anJ JclihtcJ in practicin a lilctylc ol iclcJnc.<
!n a charimatic pccch ol hlamc anJ hatrcJ, Claphca
ill rcminJ !orJ CalJ, thc maitratc ol Kicn, that thi
montcr chilJ (ho i thc !mpmatcr) lic anJ oulJ urcly
rcturn lor rccnc to hrin murJcr anJ ullcrin to thc ton.
Claphca pcruaJc !orJ CalJ to hrin thc Jancr ol thc
!mpmatcr to a linal cnJ hy huntin him Jon anJ lillin
him. ~hc aclnolcJc that thcrc arc many Jcmon that
ccapcJ thc raiJ, anJ prohahly many morc till ith Mathia.
\nJcr rcat prcurc hy thc hlooJthirty tonloll anJ ith
a Jcirc to hc a hcro ho hrin thc illain Jon, !orJ
CalJ orJcr !orJ Marhal Damar anJ hi mcn to athcr
illin lihtcr to o north anJ lill thi cil man. !orJ
CalJ ill al lor illin participant to raic thcir capon
anJ hc lounJ hy ~ir Hclmci, ~ir !inric, or !orJ Marhal
Damar anJ to malc thcir ay into onc ol thcir companic
to march. Thcc companic ill lcac immcJiatcly altcr all
aailahlc rcourcc arc athcrcJ.
At thi point, thc ton ill conJuct an inlormal ccnu
ol thc JcaJ anJ mortally injurcJ hoplccpcr. Thoc ho arc
ricouly hurt or JcaJ mut urrcnJcr thcir hop`
hclonin to thc maitratc to hc JipcncJ to thc cllort.
~omc iJo anJ hoplccpcr ill protct ith anuihcJ
tcar at thc lo ol thcir lilc` orl or locJ onc` lilc` orl.
Nccrthclc, thc charactcr arc lrcc to al lor common
capon anJ armor, upplic, ration, ctc. >AarJ 100-200
!xpcricncc to any charactcr ho initiatc compcnatin thc
hoplccpcr or urior, anJ up to 100 !X! to any
charactcr that lollo hi or hcr lcaJ.< Thcrc i a 25'
chancc that thc olJicr ill uncocr thc itcm thc charactcr
Jcirc. Thcrc arc no Holy !tcm ol any linJ aailahlc anJ
cry lc capon hcttcr than 2 to Damac. Mot arc
implc, acrac, common capon anJ upplic.
Altcr thc arc ol thc hop hac hccn JipcrcJ, !orJ
Marhal Damar anJ hi mcn ill hcin to moc out into thc
niht. Thcrc arc to companic, onc lcJ hy ~ir !inric anJ
onc lcJ hy ~ir Hclmci, ahout 150 tron in cach. !oth
companic ill JiiJc into roup ol ahout 5 or o olJicr
(lccp thc charactcr anJ N!C` - incluJin Holchy -
tocthcr) anJ Jcclarc a lcaJcr that mut rcport any nccJ or
ncorthy inlormation alon thc ay. Thcc roup lcaJcr
arc icn thc rcponihility ol a torch anJ ration lor thcir
troop. Thcy arc alo inlormally rcponihlc lor any ill
hchaior caucJ hy thcir company. Thc N!C` in thc
charactcr` roup houlJ rcluc thc poition il ollcrcJ.
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1 1
>Cnc ol thc charactcr houlJ hc cncouracJ to acccpt thc
lcaJcrhip ol thi poition a oppocJ to any N!C` that may
hc tain alon. !t i important to thc tory latcr.<
A thc companic ol olJicr march out ol thc ton,
thcy ill hc ihcJ cll hy omc tonloll anJ othcr ill
jut tanJ thcrc in ac anJ aJnc. >!l thc playcr ccm
prctty JctcrmincJ to hunt thc !mpmatcr anJ not icn to
ay lrom thcir orJcr, hac an olJ oman (a prophct
actually) all up to thc lcaJcr ol thc roup a thcy march
anJ ay, Thc montcr you hunt i in you, youn laJ (or
la).` !l thc charactcr try to quction thc olJ oman or
concrc lurthcr, thcir upcrior ill commanJ thcm to ct
hacl in linc.<
At thi point it i ahout 0!M, anJ thc companic ill
march lor ahout to hour, until jut hclorc miJniht. Thcy
ill march up thc north roaJ throuh thc NcJJlcJarl !orct
anJ malc thcir ay into thc northcat hcart ol thc lorct to
malc camp. !y miJniht, thc !orJ Marhal Damar ill
commanJ thc companic to malc camp in thc ooJ
omchat ncarhy cach othcr. !cryonc mut pitch a quicl
camp anJ hac torchliht out ithin 30 minutc. Thc
charactcr` roup i on thc outlirt ol thc camp ithin thc
lorct. Cnc mcmhcr ol thc roup i cncouracJ to lccp
atch anJ rcport anythin to hi upcrior immcJiatcly,
hoccr, many ol thc othcr cnlitcJ olJicr hac hccn
commanJcJ to lccp atch, o it i not ncccary.
Altcr thc cntirc camp i quict anJ thc charactcr (at
lcat mot ol thc thcm) hac lallcn alccp, a loriouly hriht
anJ hcautilul Anclitc (anclic hcin in lcmalc lorm) ill
appcar to hoccr i lccpin atch (prclcrahly thc lcaJcr` ol
thc roup ho thc prophct JircctcJ hcr commcnt to) anJ
pcal hi or hcr namc. ~hc hocr hclorc all thc charactcr
ith rohc lloatin hilc thc cntirc camp lccp, nonc ol thc
ncarhy olJicr ill hc aarc ol thi cncountcr, at lcat at thi
point. Whcn thc hcautilul Anclitc ha thc charactcr`
attcntion, hc tcll thcm (or him), Mathia i a chilJ ol CoJ
torturcJ hy thc pain ol man. You arc thc chocn onc ho
mut protcct him. You mut o to him lirt anJ tcll him
that CoJ ha hcarJ hi praycr, anJ you mut tcll him that
thc montcr you hunt i in you, lor thi i Mathia` praycr.
Thc !mpmatcr mut turn lrom hi ay lor you to ac him,
hut you cannot tcll him to Jo o. Talc thcc. Malc your
ccapc throuh thc crcicc ahoc hi chamhcr, anJ thcn to
!acrilJ. Thc clcrymatcr, !athcr !aoholJt (pronounccJ
|.|||/), ill ic you rcluc thcrc in thc monatcry.`
>Mathia ha alay praycJ to CoJ that man oulJ rcali.c
that thcy hunt him hccauc thcy hatc thcmclc.<
Thc Anclitc ill laJc into thc Jarlnc altcr hc ha
linihcJ hcr monolouc. ~hc ill not pcal lurthcr or
ancr any quction. Holchy i JumhlounJcJ ith
Jihclicl. >You can rcaJ thc monolouc to thcm a many
timc a thc playcr nccJ to unJcrtanJ thcir nc miion.<
!clo hcrc hc a lloatin, a rin, a chalicc ol Holy Watcr
(in cac any clcry nccJ !aith, omit il thcrc arc no clcry), 2
Dralt ol Hcalin, anJ a ooJcn Crucilix appcar. Thc rin
i thc Kin ol !niihility (lounJ on pac 4) anJ thc Crucilix
holJ 1 charc cach ol thc Miraclc c||.||: ca/.:, c::
lao:, anJ L|/: D lounJ on pac 5 ol thi AJcnturc
Hopclully, thc charactcr ill lccl compcllcJ to tcal
aay lrom thcir camp ithout rcportin to thcir upcrior a
commanJcJ. !l thcy Jo rcport any ol thi, thc olliccr ill
commanJ thcm to not Jcly thc army anJ that thc charactcr
arc rilin hctrayal to thc maitratc, hich i orthy ol
Jcath, il thcy Jo anythin hut hunt anJ lill thc !mpmatcr.
Thc charactcr can hc cncouracJ that CoJ` commanJ lar
out ranl thc commanJ ol man. No othcr olJicr or N!C`
ill o ith thcm cxccpt thoc ithin thcir roup that a
thc Anclitc.
Thc ncxt cncountcr lor thc charactcr occur hilc thcy
arc malin thcir ay throuh thc Jarlnc ol thc lorct.
>Altcr thcy hac traclcJ lar cnouh aay lrom thc camp,
rcminJ thcm that thcy can`t cc anythin to cncourac thcm
to liht a torch.< Whcn thcy liht thcir torch thcy cc
trin ol thicl piJcr ch cocrin thc trcc, huhc anJ thc
rounJ ol thc lorct. ~oon altcr inpcctin thc ccnc, thc
charactcr ill noticc 1J4 (at lcat 2) iant piJcr (lounJ on
pac o) climhin thc trcc JonarJ toarJ our hcroc. A
hattlc ill cnuc. !t may hc important to lno that thc
piJcr arc not cil, jut hunry. !l thc charactcr llcc, thcy
ill mi thc to hanin hoJic cauht in piJcr ch, hich
poc 2Jo olJ cach anJ a Dralt ol Curc !oion. Thcir
armor anJ capon arc rutcJ anJ too JamacJ lor uc.
!ronically, thc ictim crc amatcur iant piJcr huntcr.
Altcr thc iant piJcr cncountcr, il thcrc arc no N!C`
ho can ay thcy lno thc location ol thc !mpmatcr` cac,
malc it poihlc to linJ ith thc 1.| ~lill. !l no onc ha
thc 1.| ~lill, hac it rclaticly cay to linJ ith hlooJ trail
lrom ounJcJ Jcmon. Cthcric, lct onc ol thc N!C`
that oulJ hc lamiliar ith thc !mpmatcr' tory lcaJ thc
charactcr to hi lair.
>You ill ant to uc thc Map Crcator Hcx !oarJ anJ
Holy !anJ marlcr upplicJ in thc !iht !Jition Dcluxc
!inJcr !acl to Jra thc cac map a you o. !l you Jon`t
hac thc Hcx !oarJ, you can uc rcular or raph papcr.<
Cncc thc charactcr linJ anJ cntcr thc cac, thcy ill
cncountcr thc lirt Kunc Trap in thc cntrancc ol thc cac
(marlcJ 1 on thc cac map). Thc Kunc Trap i iniihlc to
normal cyc unlc thcy hac actiatcJ thc c:: lao: Miraclc
ol thc Crucilix (or a Clcric ha ucJ thc Miraclc). Without
Jiahlin thc Kunc Trap ith a propcr Clcrical Miraclc, all
Chritian charactcr ill lccl a Jrain ol thcir l./| a thcy
comc ithin 5 lcct ol hcrc thc trap lic. !l thcy Jo not c.:
. lao: 1., all thc charactcr ill loc 1Jo l./| cach
KounJ thcy arc ncar thc trap or 1 l./| pcr KounJ il thcy
uccclully ~ac. (You can hac thcm roll a J20 to ~ac
ithout tcllin thcm hy thcy arc rollin.) Thi may prompt
thcm to actiatc thc Crucilix ith thc c:: lao: Miraclc
icn hy thc Anclitc. Thc Kunc Trap i larc anJ cocr thc
cntirc allay, o thcrc i no ay to aoiJ it.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 1o

Thc larc ooJcn Joor to Koom 2 anJ 3 arc not
loclcJ, hut thc room thcmclc hac littlc in thcm cxccpt
loul-mcllin corpc anJ honc ol animal anJ human. !l
thc charactcr uccclully c:.| in thc pilc ol honc, thcy
ill linJ 2Jo olJ or itcm (uch a rin anJ cm) orth
2Jo olJ cach pcr uccclul roll (up to 4 roll in cach room).
Thc Joor to Koom 3 arc to larc ooJcn Jouhlc Joor lor
thc !olo Montcr to malc thcir ay in anJ out, hut thc
Joor to Koom 2 i lihtly larcr than a normal Joor (lor thc
aroylc` in).
Thc Joor to Koom 4 arc larc Jouhlc Joor o thc
!olo Montcr can malc thcir ay into anJ out ol thc main
cacrn chamhcr. A thc charactcr approach thi room,
thoc ith Hl H:.o, can hcar Jitant rutlin ol actiity
anJ poorly containcJ hricl ol cxcitcmcnt lrom anxiou
imp lyin in ait. !ach timc any ol thc charactcr attcmpt
to opcn or allcct thc Joor, thcy all ill hcar an outhrcal ol
Jcmonic cxcitcmcnt comc lrom thc montcr in thc room.
Thi ct ol Jouhlc Joor i loclcJ ith a primitic lccr
locl (thc l| l| ~lill i rcquircJ to opcn thc locl,
hoccr, it i only at a c|: Dilliculty). Thc Joor arc
omchat looc to thc touch, iin quitc a hit hcn puhcJ
or pullcJ, hut loclcJ noncthclc. Thc charactcr may hac
to puh or licl thc Joor (it` not cry ccurc) to ct it opcn,
at hich timc thc Jcmonic hoarJ iniJc ill o cra.y ith
uncontrollcJ cxhilaration. \c a c/:o,/| Koll to puh
(MJ:./: Dilliculty) or \.c. l| A//.| Koll (ahoc 11) to
opcn thc Joor ith lorcc. Cncc thc Joor i opcncJ, thc
montcr iniJc Koom 4 tart to o aholutcly out ol control
ith hlooJ lut.
Thi cxpanc (Koom 4) ol thc cac i ocr 100 yarJ
lon, ncarly 50 yarJ iJc, anJ ocr 40 lcct tall. Thcrc arc
A A N Nc ct tc c o ob bc cu ut t L Lu un nc c r ro o, ,c c
!n lc|q Londc, maic i thc pocr ol Jcil that orl
throuh a orccrcr - thc oppoitc ol a Miraclc, hich i thc
pocr ol CoJ orlin throuh Hi trutcJ lollocr. Kunc arc
thc catalyt lor maical cncry. Thcy arc thc cil charactcr
that inolc pcll anJ curc. Maic i not poihlc ithout thc
prccncc ol runc in onc lorm or anothcr, anJ lilcic hcrc
truc runc arc prccnt, maic i prccnt.
Kunc trap arc a circular conliuration ol runc that a
orccrcr can caily malc iniihlc to human cyc. A orccrcr
carclully incrihc thcc iclcJ charactcr onto a tonc or
harJooJ urlacc lor pcrmancncc anJ thcn actiatc thcm ith
a pcll. ~omc morc-Jcatatin runc trap can talc Jay to
incrihc hccauc thcy mut hc ccnly arrancJ on 3 Jillcrcnt
planc to point cat, outh, anJ up or Jon, lor cxamplc.
Kunc trap arc mocmcnt-cnitic to hcin that hac a
oul, hcncc, only orl on human. TricrcJ runc trap can
actiatc a torcJ pcll, conjurc a Jcmon, rclcac a maical lumc,
or cnJ an alarm to thc orccrcr arnin ol intruJcr.
Charactcr mut roll to c.: . lao: 1. in orJcr to prccnt
tricrin a Kunc Trap hcthcr thcy arc aarc ol it prccncc or
not. A uccclul c: c/aJ: Koll allo thc charactcr to
rcaJ anJ unJcrtanJ thc lunction ol a Kunc Trap ithout
cttin cloc cnouh to ct it oll.
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1 1
ccral torchc arrancJ arounJ thc larc room to proiJc
cnouh liht lor thc charactcr to cc thc inhahitant. Thc
charactcr ill cc 10 imp, 11 Cac !mp, 5 aroylc, anJ
2 !olo Montcr hapha.arJly acmhlcJ toarJ thc hacl ol
thc room, anJ Mathia tanJ in lront ol thcm, hunchcJ anJ
ayin ith anticipation. !xccpt lor hi ayin, hc
appcar othcric cmotionlc, anJ morc hiJcou than thc
charactcr imaincJ. All ol hi montcr rcmain omchat
tocthcr, cxccpt lor an occaional couplc imp that cral up a
all anJ jump hacl Jon onto othcr montcr, to thcir
annoyancc. Nonc ol thc montcr approach thc charactcr
ccn il thc charactcr approach thc moh. >Thcy ill not
moc until thc !mpmatcr ic thc charc, hich hc ill not
Jo until thc party comc clocr. Alo, il any ol thc charactcr
hac thc ~lill ol D:o|,, allo thcm to malc a roll to
noticc thc control thc !mpmatcr ha ocr thcc Jcmon,
hich i unhcarJ ol. Mot Jcmon only ancr to a Jcil or
morc pocrlul Jcmon, anJ oulJ nccr ancr to man,
cpccially hcn thcrc i lrch human mcat aailahlc lor thc
talin riht in lront ol thcm. Thi ill ic omc iniht
into thc Jric thc !mpmatcr ha to cxact rccnc on hi
accucr. !or a man to hac thc ancr anJ trcnth to
phyically anJ mcntally control a Jcmon, lct alonc hunJrcJ,
mcan that thc man i lanatically JctcrmincJ to uc thcm lor
hi ill.<
Dircctly hctccn thc Joor into room 4 anJ thc roup
ol montcr toarJ thc hacl i anothcr iniihlc Kunc Trap
(hcrc thc numhcr 4` i on thc map) that ill crupt in a
pillar ol hluih a il thc charactcr lail to c.: . lao:
1. a thcy comc ithin 5 lcct ol it. Charactcr that can
cc thc runc anJ uccclully malc a c: c/aJ: Koll,
ill iJcntily thc circlc a a lao: 1. / L|oJo, la:.
Any charactcr that arc cauht in thc a mut roll to c.:
. la: or thcy ill ullcr hcin hlinJcJ lor 2Jo minutc.
Hopclully, thc charactcr ucJ thc c:: lao: Miraclc a hilc
hacl anJ can aoiJ thi trap.
!l thc charactcr hac not cnacJ thc !mpmatcr in
concration hy thc timc thcy rcach thc Kunc Trap, thc
montcr ill attacl hcn thc trap i prun or pacJ hy.
>Thi oulJ hc unlortunatc hccauc thc !mpmatcr i cry
pocrlul, anJ o arc hi montcr. !ncourac thc charactcr
to coniJcr communicatin thc Anclitc` mcac to
Mathia anJ not lihtin, hccauc thcy ill unJouhtcJly hc
lain quiclly. !t` ol to tcll thcm that thcy ill Jic hccauc
thcy arc outnumhcrcJ. !t oulJ hc cquialcnt to thcm
actually hcin prccnt anJ ccin that thcy arc
>ConiJcr too, that thcrc may N!C` itncin thi.
Holchy i a Jarl, anJ not icn to cntimcnt. !l thc
charactcr JcciJc to locr thcir capon to ho a in ol
pcacc, Holchy ill hc thc lat onc to Jo o (il hc Joc)
hccauc hc i cry rcluctant - anJ hc jut ant to liht! Hc
i cry anxiou to clcac omc Jcmon ith hi mihty axc.<
\ntil thc charactcr mcntion thc nc that thc
Anclitc tolJ thcm, thc !mpmatcr ill Jo nothin hut ay
anJ ait lor thcm to ct oll thc Kunc Trap. Cncc thc
!mpmatcr hcar thc mcac that thc Anclitc cnt, hc ill
Jrop hi capon, lall to hi lncc hcrccr hc i anJ hcin
ohhin uncontrollahly.

ContinucJ on !ac 18

l lm m, ,m mo oc ct tc cr r' 'c c C Co ou uc c
1. !ntrancc ay
2. Caroylc` chamhcr
3. !olo Montcr` chamhcr
4. Main chamhcr/!mp` Chamhcr
5. Cac !mp` chamhcr
o. !mpmatcr` chamhcr
7. ~ccrct chamhcr

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 18
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1 19
Mathia ill crcam in a lurrin oicc, Hc ha hcarJ.
! lnc that Hc hcarJ! Why Why mut ! hac cnJurcJ o
much, lot o much.lillcJ o many` Hc thcn ill ccp
louJly. !l thc charactcr hac l:.| thcy can roll to ollcr
omc comlort. !l thcy nccJ a littlc hclp pcalin orJ ol
comlort, you can hclp thcm out hy ayin CoJ ha Hi on
pcrlcct plan anJ Hi ay arc o lar ahoc our unJcrtanJin,
hut that thi a thc pcrlcct timc lor CoJ to ancr Mathia`
praycr. Mathia ill oh anJ hcllo lor lc Jramatic
momcnt. Hc ill aoiJ concration il thc charactcr
attcmpt it, thouh hc ill not phyically o anyhcrc.
Whcn you noticc thc charactcr Jon`t lno hat clc to
Jo, Mathia ill top ccpin, picl up hi cluh, anJ ill
charc thc imp, aroylc, anJ !olo Montcr. With rcat
crcam ol rac, hc ill in hi cluh ith unhclicahlc
miht, pounJin many ol thc montcr into a hlooJy mc.
Hc ill urpric thc montcr hccauc thcy arc not cxpcctin
him to turn on thcm, anJ thcy Jon`t unJcrtanJ thc
charactcr` lanuac anJ thcrclorc thcir concration ith
Mathia. A il hc a jut aitin lor omchoJy to liht
(hich hc a), Holchy run riht up ncxt to Mathia
houtin anJ inin hi axc into thc montcr. !Jcally, thc
charactcr ill hclp, ccn thouh Mathia anJ Holchy can
caily lill ncarly hall thc montcr altcr a couplc KounJ. At
omc point thc charactcr houlJ itnc Mathia put hi lit
throuh a aroylc chct, lillin it intantly. >Cnc
charactcr pcr 2 imp, onc charactcr pcr Cac !mp, onc
aroylc pcr 2 charactcr, or 1 !olo Montcr pcr 3 or 4
charactcr i iJcal lor locr lccl (althouh a !olo Montcr
can potcntially lill a charactcr ith onc ooJ hit).<
Altcr thc hattlc i linihcJ, Mathia ill carry any JcaJ
or injurcJ charactcr on hi houlJcr. Hc ill cry aJly
ho thc charactcr omc ol thc mcmorahilia hc lccp in hi
ccrct room (=7). Hc ha hi parcnt` clothc, omc
cripturc, anJ omc Holy !tcm hc ha trcaurcJ throuhout
thc ycar. Mathia ill ollcr thc charactcr thc !oot ol
~pccJ anJ thc ~hattcrorJ (hich crc icn to him hy
!athcr !aoholJt ccral ycar ao) to ho hi ratituJc lor
ain him lrom thi cil lilc. Hc o to turn aay lrom all
manncr ol comhat anJ Jctruction ol any linJ. >Altcr thc
majority ol thc cntimcntal cxchanc i Jonc, thc olJicr
lrom Kicn Ton appcar outiJc Mathia` room houtin,
!orJ Marhal Damar! Thc hctraycr anJ thc montcr arc
in hcrc!`<
Thc charactcr mut uc thc Crucilix to crcatc a
climhahlc urlacc to ct to thc urlacc throuh a larc crcicc
hih atop Mathia` chamhcr. Altcr that (incc thc L|/:
D Miraclc rcquirc conccntration), thc charactcr mut
malc thcir ccapc hilc onc ol thc charactcr holtcr thc
Joor, thcn climh out himcll. Thcy houlJ alcly rcach thc
urlacc anJ Jcactiatc thc c||.||: ca/.: Miraclc a thc
olJicr arc climhin.
To concluJc, Jipcrc 300 !X! to cach charactcr lclt
alic plu any !xpcricncc carncJ accorJin pac 45 ol thc
!iht !Jition Camc Manual.
C Co ou uc c l lm m, ,c c

IiIe. 21 - !ccr Dcmon
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 2, Attacl. 2,
DoJc. 2, DclcnJ. 2, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). Cla (1Jo), hitc (1J8), or throin
tonc (1Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 2 (naturally)

Heighi. 3 lcct tall Weighi. up to 50 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 10, ~pccJ. 8 (18 lor lliht)
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 5, HcihtcncJ ~iht
anJ Hcarin. 5
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 85 !xpcricncc cach

Soen Iangnage. _u`arth (primitic Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Cac !mp thric in thc Jarlnc (unlilc thcir
imp countcrpart, ho Jon`t minJ Jayliht) ol Jamp
unJcrJarl ol cac. Thcy lic motly on a Jict ol hat
anJ roJcnt, hich arc uually plcntilul until thc Cac
!mp thrcatcn thcir population. !ilc thcir imp couin,
thcc imp arc ily anJ unprcJictahlc.
Magic Abiiiies. Nonc

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1 20
Ma/||as, /|e (/o-me-i lmpmas/e-
Mathia a horn roly JiliurcJ phyically, althouh
hc i incrcJihly tron. Whcn happy, hc tomp anJ llail hi
arm. !n omc ay, hc i cry much lilc a primal animal.
hc play anJ ho allcction cry rouh, poihly criouly
injurin omconc hc i tryin to ho allcction to. Hc ay
contantly anJ runt occaionally lor no apparcnt rcaon.
\nJcrncath thc rotcquc cxtcrior, Mathia i a loyal,
loin, anJ cry cnitic man ol compaion anJ innoccnt
happinc. Hc ha hccn ccrcly cmotionally hurt hy man,
hut ant nothin morc than to loric hi cncmic anJ
cmhracc normal` pcoplc ol ocicty. Nccrthclc,
ccryhcrc hc oc, hc i trcatcJ ruJcly ith hatc anJ
omctimc iolcncc jut at thc iht ol him.
IiIe. 101, Conbai Ionnses. 10 to all (human
maximum), 3 AtK, Aiiribnies. lo mcntal anJ c|..,
pcal human phyical (cxccpt A,|/). c/:o,/|, LoJa.o:,
anJ c::J. 1o, Weaons. !arc ooJcn cluh (2J10),
althouh hc ill ahanJon all capon aaint human,
Arnor. nonc (jut clothin), Toia II. 3

C Cc cn nt t| |n nu u| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol uction to continuc thc
tory lurthcr. Mathia i no Jcpcratc to mcct up ith
!athcr !aoholJt hccauc thc clcrymatcr hrouht Mathia
ilt anJ orJ ol comlort in a critical timc ol nccJ.

A natural continuation oulJ hc lor thc charactcr
to ccort Mathia to thc monatcry at !acrilJ, anJ in
Join o, thcy arc traclcJ hy thc moh. A mall roup
ol traclcr may ain on thc party anJ attcmpt to lill
thcm. Kcmcmhcr. Mathia ha orn to nccr raic
hi hanJ in Jctruction or iolcncc to anothcr
human. Hc ill acccpt Jcath at thc hanJ ol a human
in rcturn lor hat hc JiJ to o many innoccnt pcoplc.
Cncc iniJc thc atc at !acrilJ, thc charactcr
anJ Mathia arc alc. Thc city lniht ill not allo
thc party to comc to any harm. Hoccr, thc moh
lrom Kicn Ton may cnJ in amatcur aain to
lill Mathia anJ/or thc charactcr.
Mathia mcntion that thcrc i a iclcJ ha ho
raicJ Mathia in hi carly ycar in thc cac. ~hc
comc anJ oc, anJ rcturn to thc cac ith morc
montcr occaionally. ~hc can catch orJ ol hcrc
Mathia i, anJ cnJ Jcmon to lill him anJ anyonc
ho aiJ him. ~hc mut aurc hi Jctruction
hccauc hc lno that hc ill hac hcr hrouht Jon.
Cnc ol thc N!C` or charactcr ith thc ~in ol
\anity or !rcjuJicc mitrut Mathia anJ tric to
hurt him, anJ onc ol thc pcrccptic charactcr mut
intcrcnc to protcct him.
Mathia lno ol a pocrlul Holy cm hiJJcn in
thc cac that can Jctroy thc cac anJ all thc montcr
ithin it. Hoccr, hcn thcy ct thcrc, thc montcr
arc ncarly rctoclcJ` anJ thc cm i in thc pocion
ol thc ha ho raicJ Mathia.

\ \c cd d| || |q q| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol uction to incrcac thc
Jilliculty lor hihcr lccl charactcr.

You can alay incrcac thc numhcr ol montcr
thc charactcr mut liht - ithin thc ton anJ in thc
!l nccJ hc, malc thc Jcmon tactic cxccptionally
cll planncJ. You can hac thcm uc Jicrion lrom
thc lront hilc a larcr roup attacl lrom thc llanl
anJ lrom hchinJ.
Hac thc aroylc Jrop lic ictim or huc,
JcaJly rocl on thc olJicr anJ archcr. Thcy ill
tay at a alc Jitancc until thcy hac ictim inlcJ
out lor thc capturc, at hich timc thcy moc in lor
thc lill.
Koom 4 in thc !mpmatcr` cac ha a litcral
mincliclJ ol runc trap (aJhcic urlacc, !aith Jrain,
hlinJin lumc, cholin lumc, ctc.)

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1 21

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2 1
lc|q Londc
L|gbt Cd|t|cn

o noi dnicaie or disiribnie ihis Iie.
Thi Jocumcnt i liccncJ only to thc purchacr lor pcronal,
priatc uc. Duplication anJ/or Jitrihution ol thi lilc i trictly
prohihitcJ, anJ i protcctcJ unJcr lcJcral anJ local copyriht
la. \nlalul Juplication anJ Jitrihution ill hc purucJ.


!JitcJ hy Joc K. Kcc.
\cry pccial contrihutory thanl to thc Holy !anJ playtctcr.
Chritophcr Hoplcr, Kyan A., !ryan, !li, Dominic, Kcnny, Nathan, Chriic, anJ ChaJ Catron
Cocr anJ intcrnal art hy Cahc anJ Chachi HcrnanJc.
Map Jcin hy !JarJ Wcnt.

Copyriht 2005, !aith _uct Camc, All Kiht KccrcJ
lc|q Londc' i a KcitcrcJ TraJcmarl ol !aith _uct Camc
lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 2


1ic ci=ccLLcn ==cc &

~cw cL- +cme ==cc

~cw Min=cLce ==cc e

im=Le s ec=e+e ==cc e

rcn +ic n=c ==cc

c=Lc=LLcc ci+- ==cc e

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2


"Knou /|ee u|o l am, /o- l am /|e C|an.e//o- /o /|e ||n, o/ /||s /and."

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c C Cb bo on nc cc c| || |c cr r
Chanccllor arc nohlc amhaaJor ith Jircct
rclationhip to thc rulcr ol hi or hcr lanJ. At locr
ocrnmcntal lccl, a Chanccllor ha cry littlc rcal
ocrnmcnt pocr hciJc hcin nohlc, hich i a cla
ahoc common Hoccr, a thc Chanccllor
ain upcriority anJ ranl ithin a ocrnin hoJy, hc
or hc can actually malc Jcciion on hchall ol thc
count, Julc, or lin, ol thc lanJ a a rcprccntatic lor
thc rulcr.
!carc, mircprccntin a count, Julc, lin, or
othcr rulcr i an ahuc ol a Chanccllor` pocr anJ
coulJ rcult in a ccrc a punihmcnt a Jcath hy
puhlic cxccution.
!cn upcrior to Kniht, Chanccllor can cnlorcc
thc ill ol thc rulcr ol thc lanJ in mattcr ol criminal
juJmcnt, taxation, anJ lanJ Jiputc. A thcy ric in
pocr, Chanccllor can ain cry hih poition, iin
thcm ncar linly authority at hihcr lccl.

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
Thc Chanccllor prclcr to car linc clothin or
pcrhap Jccoratic lcathcrcar. ~imilar to thc !arJ,
Chanccllor ill rarcly car mctal armor or any armor
that i morc lor lunction than it i lor tatcly
Dccoratic lcathcr ctmcnt (unlc in hattlc,
thcn no rctriction)

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Mot Chanccllor crc lilcly raicJ ith at lcat a
moJcratc cJucation in lcncin anJ archcry. Thcy crc
tauht at a cry carly ac thc ay ol caponry, poihly
uin oJJ anJ intcrnational capon a cll. !or thi
rcaon, a Chanccllor can uc any capon typc JcircJ.
No rctriction

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c C Cb bo on nc cc c| || |c cr r
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt t
c|... 7
lo/:||:/. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1

C C| || |t tc c
l|/.| c:o:
\.c. c|./ A

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl 1.
You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
Ao.| c:o:
l|. c/o,:J lo/a:o/
l|. \oJ lo/a:o/
l/|: A:.
l/|: c|../:
l:.J/\/: j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
c:.| j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. M|:
\.c. c|:|J l|.
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
!onorJ (2J121 Damac)
!on Whip (1J8 Damac)
Dccoratic !cathcr Jcrlin (A!. Chct, D!!. 2)
Dccoratic !cathcr !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 2)
Dccoratic !cathcr !oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2J8 ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, torch
2Jo !ooJ Kation
Koyal !cnJant orth 2Jo (mot aluahlc politically)
KiJin Horc, ~aJJlc, anJ Tacl c !riJlc

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c
C Cb bo on nc cc c| || |c cr r

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,150
3. 2,450
4. 4,050
5. 6,100
6. 8,50
. 12,150
8. 16,450
9. 21,800
10. 28,350
11. 36,250
12. 45,650
13. 56,00
14. 69,550
15. 84,350

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc Chanccllor` l/: anJ l./|
upon rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1Jo

Iaiih. 1
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2

B B| |c cc cc cc cd d l lc cn nd do on nt t c c| | S S, ,| |r r| |t t
Thi pcnJant allo thc carcr to hccomc a piritual
cntity iJcntical to thc c/ Miraclc lor up to 30 cconJ.
Thc limitation rulc ol Holy !tcm Joc not apply to thi itcm,
thcrclorc, your charactcr can poc anJ uc thi itcm anJ
anothcr Holy !tcm at thc amc timc ithout pcnaltic.
Iaiih cosi. 3 pcr uc
Vane. 47

B B| |c cc cc cc cd d S Sb b| |c c| |d d c c| | L L| |g gb bt t
Cncc actiatcJ, thi hiclJ cmit a hitc liht cquialcnt
to ahout to torchliht lor up to a 10-minutc Juration. Thi
liht cauc 1 point ol Damac pcr KounJ to unJcaJ a lon
a thcy arc ithin 30 lcct anJ in lront ol thc hiclJ, cauin
thcm to llcc thc arca. Thi hiclJ ollcr an aJJitional 1 to
D:/:oJ a a contant Holy pocr. Thc limitation rulc ol Holy
Wcapon Joc not apply to thi itcm, o your charactcr can
poc anJ uc thi itcm anJ anothcr Holy Wcapon at thc
amc timc ithout pcnaltic.
Iaiih cosi. 2 pcr uc
Vane. o8

B Bc cu u c c| | S S, ,| || |t t l l| |r rc c
Cncc actiatcJ, anJ hcn thc ucr Jra an arro on
thi ho, up to to morc cquialcnt arro appcar ncxt to it.
\pon rclcac, thc charactcr roll onc A//.| Koll lor all
arro. Thc to othcr arro lly toarJ any to othcr tarct
ithin 00 (in any Jircction) ol thc oriinal arro` Jircction.
All tarct hcin roll an inJiiJual DJ,: or D:/:oJ Koll
aaint thcir rcpcctic arro ith a -2 pcnalty. Thi ho ill
not hit a inlc tarct ith multiplc arro, only multiplc
Iaiih cosi. 3 pcr 2 arro / 2 pcr 1 aJJitional arro
Vane. 75

B Br rc co oc ct t, ,| |o ot tc c c c| | \ \| |g gb bt t
Cncc actiatcJ, thi hrcatplatc Jouhlc thc charactcr`
c/:o,/| Attrihutc lor up to 1 Tcn-rounJ, hich can hc ucJ
in non-Comhat ituation. With thi pocr in Comhat, thc
charactcr cauc an aJJitional amount ol Damac cqual to hi
or hcr c/:o,/| Attrihutc ith cach uccclul A//.|. Thi
armor can hc any ol thc calc- or platcmail typc ith
Iaiih cosi. 3 pcr uc
Vane. 80

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 o

B Bc cc cc cm mc c S Sb bo od dc cu u
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch only
nraiion. 5 minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. cru Miraclc (no allcct)
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc Tarct to hccomc
thc hi or hcr ilhoucttc/haJo on thc rounJ or all
urlacc. !n uch lorm, thc charactcr can moc anyhcrc a
haJo can moc alon urlacc up to thc clcry` normal
c::J. Thc clcry can utili.c othcr haJo ol natural
ohjcct, uch a climhin a laJJcr` haJo, allin on a
hox` haJo, ctc. Althouh thc haJocJ clcry can hc
allcctcJ hy pcll anJ Miraclc attacl, hc or hc cannot hc
allcctcJ hy nor can thcy allcct anythin phyically.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

S Sb br r| |n n| |
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. 10 minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. cru Miraclc (no allcct)
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc clcry to hrinl
thc Tarct hcin Jon to a i.c ol o inchc tall. All ol thc
Tarct` immcJiatc cllcct (capon, clothin, armor, ctc.)
calc Jon a cll. Mot itcm arc rcnJcrcJ uclc to thcir
normal lunction, anJ thc maximum Jircct, phyical
Damac thc hcin can cauc i 1 point. Thc hcin can till
pcrlorm Miraclc, cat pcll, or uc upcrnatural itcm.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

S Sc cn ng g c c| | B B| |c cc cc cc cd d B Bo or rr r| |c cr r
Tye. Holy ~on
Targei. Cthcr only
Range. 20 lcct
nraiion. 1 minutc pcr LoJa.o: AK
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. !layin or inin thi Holy ~on allo
ccryonc ithin 20 lcct ol thc !arJ to hc totally immunc to
any pcll attacl or Kunc Trap a lon a thc on i playcJ.
Thc on crcatc an impcnctrahlc phcrc ol pocr that
prccnt any upcrnatural lorcc lrom cntcrin or lcain it,
hich incluJc Miraclc, pcll, maic lumc, anJ pcll-
propcllcJ lorcc (uch a lirchall anJ lihtnin).
Iaiih Cosi. 5
S S, ,b bc cr rc c c c| | L L| |g gb bt t
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. Arca (5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu)
Range. 100 lcct
nraiion. 10 minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. !crlormin thi Miraclc allo thc clcry
to crcatc a phcrc ol liht that ha no apparcnt ourcc. Thc
liht i cqually hriht throuhout thc Arca ol cllcct anJ ha a
hrihtnc ol ahout onc torchliht. Thc clcry can mcntally
moc thc liht hcrccr anJ hcnccr hc or hc lilc in any
Jircction ithin Kanc, hut Join o prohihit thc clcry
lrom pcrlormin any othcr action at thc amc timc. Thc
clcry can pcrlorm othcr action hilc thc phcrc i actic il
hc or hc placc` thc phcrc in pccilic pot anJ lcac it.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

r ru ut tb b
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. Cthcr
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu or touch
nraiion. 1 KounJ pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. cru Miraclc (to noticc allcct)
escriiion. Thi Miraclc cauc thc Tarct hcin to
pcal anJ hchac in a truthlul manncr to any quction put to
thcm Jurin thc Duration. A uccclul ~ain Thro
mcan thc ictim rcali.c thc Miraclc i allcctin him or hcr,
othcric, thc Tarct rcponJ in a complctc anJ corrcct
ancr (to thc hct ol thcir ahility) to any inquiric maJc).
Thc ictim can attcmpt an lo/:||:/ Koll (J12) cach KounJ to
rcali.c hc or hc i iin aay truthlul inlormation, hut
mut roll at lcat a 1 or 2 a thc tarct Dilliculty.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

\ \o o| |c c
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. Cthcr
Range. Touch
nraiion. !crmancnt in 1 KounJ
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. _uitc imply, thi Miraclc alc any
lccpin hcin that i alccp hy any natural or upcrnatural
mcan, incluJin pcll, Jru, anJ curc. !t rcmoc all
lccp allcct complctcly anJ thc Tarct i totally rcicJ in 1
Iaiih Cosi. 3
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2

l lo o| |c cc cn nc c
IiIe. 8
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (talon anJ hcal)
Conbai Ionnses. Attacl. 4, DoJc. 4 (x2 hilc in
lliht), anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). Talon (1Jo), hcal (1Jo),
AiR. 2 (ith hcal) or 1 (ith talon)
II. 1 (naturally)

Heighi. up to 2 lcct tall Weighi. up to 10 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~pccJ. 75 (up to 180 M!H in hort,
Jiin hurt), Aility. 10
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 10, HcihtcncJ
~iht. 10, HcihtcncJ Hcarin. 0
Vane. 20 (untraincJ) to 40 (traincJ)

Altcr ccral Jay ol uccclully trainin a maturc lalcon
(uin thc ~lill ol l.|o), a charactcr can huilJ a honJ
ith thcir nc lalcon companion. Hoccr, lalcon hac a
tron natural Jcirc to hc lrcc, morc o than thcy Jo to hac
a human matcr. Thcrclorc, il thc lalcon cnc or lccl
ahuc, nclcct, or imply no chcmitry` ith it matcr
(rcprccntcJ hy too many lailcJ l.|o Koll) Jurin thc
trainin phac, thc lalcon ill lly lrcc at it lirt opportunity.
Thcrc` an 80' chancc thc lalcon ill nccr coopcratc aain
il it cnc any ol thcc prohlcm (anJ ill attacl to hc lrcc).
!alcon arc hirJ ol prcy that can hc traincJ to catch a
practicc hirJ` on a inin tinc in miJ lliht. Thcy car
a tiny hooJ to cocr thcir cyc anJ car lrom Jitraction
hilc not trainin. Thcir main Jict conit ol rahhit, mall
roJcnt, lih, anJ ccn larcr animal. Thcy can hc traincJ
to tracl many Jillcrcnt linJ ol hcin lrom hih ahoc,
almot out ol iht.

\ \| || |d d B Bc co or r
IiIe. 24
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (tul)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). Tul (2Jo), hitc (1Jo), or
tramplc (2J8)
AiR. 2 (ith tul) or 1 (othcric)
II. 3 (naturally)

Heighi. up to 3 lcct tall Weighi. up to 400 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 10, ~pccJ. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 4, HcihtcncJ
~ccnt. 12, HcihtcncJ ~iht anJ Hcarin. 10
Iehavior. WilJ hoar hunt anJ cat anythin that ha
nutritional aluc, incluJin carthorm, roJcnt, rcptilc,
mall pct, youn lan, lro, a cll a lruit, hcrric,
root, acorn, ctc. WilJ hoar malc lor a ooJ hunt
hccauc thcy can hc harJ to linJ, ccn ith a lalcon, anJ
thcy ill rcaJily attacl a human hcn thrcatcncJ or jut
hunry. Thcy ill lic in ait in hruh anJ hih ra, anJ
curry out to aault thc unupcctin huntcr or pacr hy
ith tul anJ tramplin. WilJ hoar loocly run in mall
roup ol 1J41, hcrc onc i lounJ, othcr arc typically
ncarhy a cll.
Vane. o (a mcat lor looJ)
IXI Vane. 50 huntin ~lill ucJ

Wid Ioar Seciaiies Cosi
WilJ hoar mcal (iJc chop, potatoc) 3
WilJ hoar tc 1
WilJ hoar linl auac (pcr mall linl) 1

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 8

b bc c C Cc cc cn nc cm mq q
ColJ anJ ilcr arc thc primary rcourcc ith hich
charactcr can huy anJ cll ooJ. !nJiiJual linJom mint
thc mctal into coin that arc irtually unicral acro all thc
lanJ ol thc lnon orlJ. !n othcr orJ, onc olJ piccc
lrom onc lanJ ill cqual onc olJ piccc lrom anothcr lanJ.
Cnc olJ piccc i cquialcnt to lic ilcr piccc.

! qod |:ccc cqu| 5 :vcr

\ \c cr r| |! ! \ \c cr r| |! ! \ \c cr r| |! !
Ho a charactcr ohtain moncy i hctccn you anJ thc
playcr. Charactcr can rcccic an inhcritancc, pcrlorm act
or conccrt uin thcir ~lill at lairc, thcy can carch lor
hiJJcn trcaurc in ruin, catacomh, cac, anJ othcr placc
ol aJcnturc, or thcy can jut plain orl lor ac.
Craltpcoplc, mcrchant, anJ thoc ho proiJc a cricc
malc a liin hy cithcr huyin anJ cllin ooJ or proiJin
a pccial cricc lor hirc.

1c |vcr|qc .|qc : 5q |cr d|,

!or thc common orlcr, hich cxcluJc uarJ, olJicr,
ctc., thc acrac alary i 5 pcr Jay, or ahout 30 pcr ccl.
Mot orl lor thcir ac o Jay out ol thc ccl, oltcn lrom
unup to unJon. Chritian lanJ rcquirc that thcir pcoplc
talc ~unJay oll lrom orl anJ pcnJ thc Jay in praycr anJ
orhip in honor ol thc ~ahhath.
Connony needed hired he.
Apprcnticc hclp (hlaclmith, hutchcr, cohhlcr)
Carpcntry (hclpin rcpair anJ huilJ hcltcr/aon)
Clcanin hop (ccpin, moppin, cruhhin)
Clcanin lccpin chamhcr (chanin lincn, ctc.)
Clcanin tahlc/tcnJin to horc
Cathcrin/prcparin looJ (muhroom, turnip, ctc.)
Cathcrin lumhcr/choppin trcc
Harctin crop
Malin anJ layin hricl
~ca lihin hclp (pullin nct anJ cuttin/prcparin lih)
Tacrn hclp (crin patron, coolin, ahin Jihc)
TcnJin to lictocl (lccJin, athcrin ool anJ c)
C Cr r| |m mc c o on nd d l lu un n| |c cb bm mc cn nt t
Thc lolloin lit ho omc crimc anJ thcir
punihmcnt. \p to thrcc punihmcnt can apply to a inlc
crimc, ccn il a inlc pcron commit multiplc crimc.
!ach crimc i hcarJ anJ punihcJ cparatcly.

Severe Crines
-Aron -Conortin ith Dcmon
-Crimc Aaint Koyalty/Nohility -!mhc..lcmcnt
-!ntcntional or \njutilicJ MurJcr
Innishnenis (ro erceniie Ior each nnishneni)
80' chancc lincJ 40-140, roll (2Jo2 ) x 10
75' chancc cntcnccJ 2Jo-month imprionmcnt
22' chancc cntcnccJ to Jcath hy uillotinc

High Crines
-Thiccry (hih aluc itcm) -\iolatin Kcliiou !a
-Human Torturc -Hcrcy
-!rcach ol Arccmcnt (uch a lanJ or lictocl) -Kapc
-~orccry/!urchain, !ocin, or \in Maic !tcm
-Chcatin in Tournamcnt (cpccially in cac ol murJcr)
Innishneni (ro erceniie dice Ior each nnishneni)
80' chancc lincJ 20-70, roll (1Jo1) x 10
75' chancc cntcnccJ 1Jo-month imprionmcnt

Minor Crines
-Thiccry (lo aluc itcm) -\anJalim
-!ralin/Aault -Mitrcatin an Animal
Innishneni (ro erceniie Ior each nnishneni)
80' chancc lincJ 3Jo
75' chancc cntcnccJ 1J4-ccl imprionmcnt

Mot lanJ hac ollicial juticc that tracl lrom county
to county hcarin cac JccmcJ important hy ton ollicial.
Juticc arc uually accompanicJ in thcir tracl hy Kniht
anJ Chanccllor.
~ccrc crimc, uch a murJcr anJ aron, arc coniJcrcJ
to hac hccn committcJ aaint thc lin, Julc, or count
himcll. Juticc Jo not hcar thcc crimc, rathcr thcy arc
carricJ out at a royal court anJ hcarJ hclorc a council ol
Julc. !l thc JclcnJant i lounJ uilty, thc punihmcnt i
oltcn ccrc. Charactcr can tanJ aitin lor thcc trial in
a royal Juncon lor up to 2Jo ccl hclorc hcin hcarJ.
!coplc on trial oltcn hac thc riht to hac a notary (lilc our
moJcrn-Jay laycr) tanJ ith thcm to malc urc thcy
rcccic a lair trial.
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2 9

Iayers. The Iooing adveninre is Ior ihe Raconienr
ony. Ior ihe good oI ihe gane, ease do noi read
beyond ihis aragrah. Sindying n on ihe adveninre
i noi give yon any insider iis io be a greai ayer.
Yon i ony cheai yonrseI and ihe oiher ayers oni
oI ihe Inn oI ihe adveninre. So, sei ihis don and be
assnred ihai ihe adveninre i be a greai one io ay!
Raconienr. AJcnturc !acl arc JcincJ ith
clcmcnt hoth lor you only anJ lor your playcr. Thcrclorc,
c hac tructurcJ thi aJcnturc ithout holJ topic
prcccJin important pararaph to prccnt anJcrin cyc
lrom catchin a auc limpc ol thc torylinc. !t i
important to rcaJ thc holc aJcnturc anJ hihliht any lcy
point on your on AJcnturc !acl lor quicl rclcrcncc.
~tatcmcnt, pararaph, anJ inlormation marlcJ ith
>ta< arc lor you only anJ not inlormation to harc ith
thc playcr Jircctly. Mot othcr Jctail not marlcJ ith
>ta< can hc rcaJ or cxplaincJ to thc playcr a thc
charactcr uncocr thc inlormation.

You ill nccJ thc Holy !anJ !iht !Jition amc
manual anJ thc Dcil Huntcr` Manual to play thi
Thi aJcnturc i JcincJ lor 3-5 locr-lccl

b bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thi aJcnturc hcin ith thc charactcr approachin a
city callcJ Calallcc (pronounccJ t.|,a||::) at
approximatcly 10AM. A tall anJ pocrlul lniht namcJ ~ir
Hcmcn, ho ha pcronally ccortcJ thcm lrom thcir
prciou location, accompanic thcm. !l you`rc continuin
lrom thc lirt AJcnturc !acl, ~ir Hcmcn ha ccortcJ
thcm lrom !acrilJ hy rcquct ol thc CooJ Count MarJcn,
thc rcpcctcJ count ol County Khirc, ho rciJc in Catlc
Dhunanhau (pronounccJ Dao::o) at thc top ticr ol
Calallcc City (cc map on hacl cocr). Thc CooJ Count
ha rcquctcJ thc prccncc ol thc charactcr altcr hc hcarJ
ahout thcir nohlc JccJ ain Mathia lrom thc moh anJ
lrom thc clutchc ol cil. Hc oulJ lilc to hac a cutomary
hoar hunt throuhout thc outhcrn ralanJ in thc
charactcr` honor. Thi i quitc an honor! Thc monatcry at
!acrilJ ollcrcJ thoc charactcr ith thc H:.o| ~lill
horc to riJc to Calallcc il thcy JiJ not alrcaJy hac horc.
!or thoc charactcr ho Jo not hac H:.o|, thc
monatcry ill ollcr thc uc ol a horc-Jran cart. Any
loancJ horc or cart oulJ thcn hccomc thc propcrty ol thc
Count upon arrial.
!l you arc continuin lrom a Jillcrcnt aJcnturc or
tartin thi a your lirt onc, you ill ant to hac thc
charactcr accomplih omcthin notcorthy lirt to hrin
ahout a imilar aJcnturc hcinnin. Cr, il a charactcr i
playin a Chanccllor Charactcr Cla, you coulJ hac him or
hcr hc a Chanccllor to Count MarJcn anJ comin in to
rcport oin-on or rcccic hi orJcr lor thi arca. Thc
charactcr ill hc icn a lot ol authority throuhout thi
aJcnturc o thcy ill hac to hc thouht ol hihly hy thc
Count MarJcn.

Ti Ior ihe Adveninre. Wcathcr can play an
important part in an aJcnturc. Not only i it important lor
cttin anJ mooJ, hut alo hccauc harhcr clcmcnt can
criouly allcct thc circumtancc ol a ituation. Turhulcnt
cathcr can hinJcr a charactcr` ahility to pcrlorm a ~lill a
cll a hclp him hiJc hcttcr in a lorct, lor cxamplc.
Kunnin in thc rain or no can cauc charactcr anJ N!C`
to lip or at lcat lo Jon to run at a alc c::J, hich
coulJ in turn cauc thcm to ct hot hy thc cncmy` arro
hcn thcy oulJ hac ccapcJ othcric. Thc lit ol ho
cathcr can impact thc aJcnturc i irtually cnJlc.
!t i cay to aumc that thc cathcr in an aJcnturc i
alay Jcccnt, hut that in`t cry rcalitic. !t Jocn`t alay
hac to hc Jramatic cathcr cithcr, hut you can ic
trcmcnJou Jimcnion to a campain hcn you cxplorc
Jillcrcnt cathcr cttin ith thc charactcr.

!or a lit ol ranJom cathcr cttin you can uc in
your Holy !anJ campain, chccl out our chitc at
.hoyands.nei lor a printahlc lc|q Londc l.oJ
\:./|: loJ:.

A thc charactcr approach thc all ol thc locr ticr ol
Calallcc City, thc uarJ atop thc all ill rcconi.c ~ir
Hcmcn anJ hout Jon to thc olJicr tanJin pot ncxt to
thc opcn city atc hclo, ~ir Hcmcn anJ thc uct ol
CooJ Count MarJcn approach.`
Thc uarJ hclo ill tanJ a littlc morc at attcntion
anJ rcmain traiht at attcntion a thc charactcr anJ ~ir
Hcmcn cntcr thc atc. Thc olJicr on thc all, hain
morc ranl than thc onc hclo, ill ac anJ clcomc thc
uct. ~ir Hcmcn ill hout, CooJ morro, cxccllcnt
olJicr. What nc lrom our lair city`

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 10
S|- Hemsen
Ieve 8 Sodier, Ieve 3 Inighi
escriiion. ~ir Hcmcn i a cry imprcic lihtcr a
cll a a cry hanJomc man. Hc tanJ ocr ix lcct tall
anJ ha a thin hlacl hcarJ. Hi Jccp, autcrc oicc ounJ
rcmarlahly phony hut pcrlcctly matchc hi olcmn, almot
arroant Jcmcanor. Nccrthclc, ~ir Hcmcn ha uitahly
carncJ hi hih poition a ~cnior !icutcnant throuh
loyalty, hracry, anJ lill. Hc i cconJ only to !orJ !nolcx,
thc ~orJmarhall ol CooJ Count MarJcn. >Hcmcn i
not a Chritian hut ha a rcat rcpcct lor thc pcoplc ho
harc that laith in a rcal ay, not ncccarily in a rcliiou
ay. Hc i actually quitc a ooJ lricnJ ol thc !ihop
!clin, thc rcliiou aJior to Count MarJcn, ho
Jcmontratc a cry humhlc yct paionatc Chritian
thcoloy, onc not oltcn JcmontratcJ hy pcoplc in hi pocr.
Altcr omc rclationhip huilJin, Hcmcn ill rcaJily
cmhracc Chrit a hi ~aior il thc charactcr moc to that
appcal ith him. Dipcrc 250 !xpcricncc to thc
charactcr() ho talc thc timc to hrin ~ir Hcmcn to
IiIe. 104, Conbai Ionnses. 7 to all (11 to
D:/:oJ ith hiclJ), Aiiribnies. hih mcntal, phyical,
c|.. anJ L:.a/, Weaons. larc orJ (2J123),
hroaJorJ (2J104), lon Jacr (2J84), mcJium hiclJ
(4 to D:/:oJ), Arnor. platcmail hrcatplatc, hall hclm,
larc mctal hraccr, hcay lcathcr hrccchc, lcathcr hoot,
Toia II. 11

Cnc ol thc olJicr ahoc ill rcply, pointin to thc
catcrn hriJc, My lorJ, thcrc ccm to hc a tranc
athcrin ol lincrin ncar thc ricr hy thc cohhlcr`
hop. Wc noticcJ it only momcnt ao. ~ir Mallory anJ ~ir
Cain hac jut prcccJcJ you to inctiatc lurthcr. !`m urc
your ctccmcJ prccncc i coniJcrcJ ncccary.`
~ir Hcmcn chucllc anJ rcplic, Ah, ccr thc
llattcrin cohort, arcn`t you !ucllc, hut your halhcrJ i
hat carn you lurthcr ranl, not your orJ.` All thc uarJ
lauh cxccpt ~ir !ucllc, ho milc arcatically.
Wcll my lricnJ,` ay ~ir Hcmcn, thcrc i
omcthin to capturc your intcrct happcnin alrcaJy, jut
A thc charactcr riJc to thc catcrn hriJc croin thc
ricr, thcy ill cc a croJ ol pcoplc tanJin arounJ thc
hriJc anJ ricr` horc. ~ir Hcmcn ill JcmanJ that thc
pcaant malc ay` lor him anJ that thc attcnJin olJicr
appric him ol thc ituation. A thc olJicr Mallory anJ
Cain hcin to tcll him, thc charactcr ill cc a hcaily
JccaycJ anJ hloatcJ hoJy ahcJ ahorc on thc ricr hanl.
Thc hoJy ha a larc, cxpcnic Jacr ticlin in hi hacl.
~ir Hcmcn ill rcquct that thc charactcr hclp thc othcr
olJicr pull thc hoJy out ol thc ricr.
A thc hoJy i liltcJ lrom thc atcr, omc ol thc croJ
ill ap a thcy rcconi.c thc man. Thc charactcr ill
noticc that thc lin arounJ thc JcaJ man` hanJ ha torn
oll. >!l thc charactcr inctiatc or malc an lo/:||:/ Koll,
thcy ill liurc out that thc man a ticJ unJcratcr unJcr
thc ncarhy hriJc omc timc ao, anJ thc lin hccamc o olt
lrom thc atcr that thc tic that hounJ him torc hi lin
lrom hi muclc. Thc ropc that hounJ him arc till ticJ to
thc lounJation ol thc hriJc, Jriltin in thc llo ol thc ricr.
Thc man haJ prohahly hccn ticJ unJcr thcrc lor at lcat a
An olJ oman in thc croJ ill cry out anJ ay that
thc JcaJ pcron i !alaroth, thc clJcr hcrhalit lrom
~aporonJ` Ticr. Cthcr ill cry anJ conlirm hcr
Noie. ~aporonJ` Ticr i thc cconJ ticr ol thi city,
namcJ altcr thc man ho JcincJ anJ haJ thc city huilt lor
a count ccnturic ao.
Noie. it may alo hc important to aJly notc, too, that
il thc hoJy a a pcaant` anJ not omconc lrom
~aporonJ` Ticr, nonc ol thc ollicial oulJ carc or pay
lurthcr hccJ to thc ituation.
Altcr hc orJcr thc olJicr to Cct a cart anJ ct that
hoJy up to thc monatcry,` ~ir Hcmcn ill tcll thc
tonloll to Cct hacl to orl!` Hc ill rcquct thc
charactcr to lollo him up to ~aporonJ` Ticr anJ thcn to
Catlc Dhunanhau in orJcr to rcport thc nc to CooJ
Count MarJcn.
!n an cllort to not cauc any unJuc panic, ~ir Hcmcn
ill rcquct that thc charactcr not Jicu thc ituation ith
anyonc unlc ncccary until thcy linJ out morc ahout hat
i oin on. ~hortly altcr ayin that, many ol thc rich anJ
hauhty in ~aporonJ` Ticr ill approach ~ir Hcmcn anJ
JcmanJ to lno hat i oin on. Hc ill not ay much
morc than i common lnolcJc (hich i ahout all hc
lno anyay) anJ in turn ill al to lno hcrc !alaroth
licJ, orlcJ, atc, Jranl, ctc., hich thcy ill tcll him.
>You ill nccJ to picl a houc/hop on thc map (in
~aporonJ` Ticr) hcrc !alaroth licJ anJ orlcJ. Thc
huilJin arc all prctty much thc amc. JiiJcJ into lour
cction, a locr lccl hop anJ an uppcr lccl houc
cparatcJ hy a all lor to Jillcrcnt inhahitant/lamilic.<
Thc charactcr ill lnocl on thc Joor that thcy
thouht a !alaroth` hop, hut it i actually Krium thc
jccl traJcr (all ol thc hop on thi lccl catcr to thc rich,
royalty, or nohility, not to pcaant or ccn common
traclcr). Krium, unlilc thc othcr ol thi ticr, i lricnJly,
pcronahlc, anJ hclplul, anJ ill cxplain to thc charactcr
that !alaroth lic anJ orl on thc othcr iJc ol thc
huilJin. Krium ill hccomc quitc conccrncJ anJ aJ hcn
hc linJ out that omcthin happcncJ to !alaroth anJ ill
ollcr to hclp in any ay hc can. >!alaroth` quartcr arc
loclcJ at thi point. Krium ha a lcy to !alaroth`
quartcr to ollcr ~ir Hcmcn il hc al, hut hc oulJ hc cry
hcitant to ic it to a charactcr ithout ~ir Hcmcn`
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2 11

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 12
Altcr omc inctiation, thc charactcr ill linJ that a rcat
trulc cnucJ in thc locr hop ol !alaroth` placc. Thcrc
i a tcrrihlc mc ol hrolcn la, lallcn racl, anJ JctroycJ
lurniturc, hut thc uppcr tory i a hcJroom anJ liin arca
that lool rcccntly licJ in anJ orJcrly.>Thc locr lloor i
hcrc thc hapcchancr anJ !alaroth haJ a lon liht.
~incc thc Turahl (pronouncc /|, thc hapcchancr)
aumc thc trcnth ol it ictim, anJ !alaroth a
rclaticly olJ, thc trulc latcJ quitc a hilc. Thc Turahl
aumcJ !alaroth` iJcntity anJ hrolc into hi hop to tcal
omc poion hcn !alaroth camc in. !t a a rohhcry onc
haJ, anJ thc Turahl haJ no prcmcJitatcJ intcntion ol
lillin anyonc, yct. Thc charactcr ill linJ throuh thc
~lill ol l/|: A:., lo c:o:, H:|.| c:o:, or hy
lo/:||:/ anJ \J Koll (il nccJ hc) that thc poion crc
tolcn. Nothin clc i miin.<
Whcn thc charactcr arric at thc atc ol thc catlc
ticr, lniht atop thc all ill hout Jon to thc olJicr
hclo to hac thcm opcn thc atc. Thc charactcr ill thcn
cntcr thc ranJ courtyarJ ol thc catlc, anJ ccral pac
(youn mcn, royal crant ol thc Count) ill ruh to placc
thcir horc in thc tahlc. A ~ir Hcmcn anJ thc
charactcr cntcr thc majctic Catlc Dhunanhau, morc
crant ho rcct thcm anJ ollcr thcir cricc to talc thc
charactcr` hcaicr hclonin (il thc charactcr ih). ~ir
Hcmcn ill irritatinly hoo thcm aay anJ JcmanJ that
thc Count anJ thc ~orJmarhall hc notilicJ ol hi rcturn.
Altcr ccral momcnt, a pac ill rcturn, hcclonin ~ir
Hcmcn anJ thc charactcr to procccJ to thc council
chamhcr, thc thronc room ol a count.
Thc charactcr ill climh to toric ol iJc tair
hclorc thcy cntcr thc prccncc ol thc CooJ Count MarJcn,
!ihop !clin, anJ thc ~orJmarhall !orJ !nolcx.

Good Coun/ Ma-den
Ieve 12 Chanceor
escriiion. Thc CooJ Count MarJcn, a hc i lnon
throuhout thc linJom, i an clJcrly man in hi latc liltic
hoc lacc i hrouJcJ ith rcy hair anJ a hi llully rcy
hcarJ. Hc i a mot hopitahlc anJ jut man locJ anJ
rcpcctcJ hy all hi crant. Hc alay pcal honctly anJ
conliJcntly, anJ hc trcat ccryonc, pcaant or nohlc, a il
thcy arc cqual. >Count MarJcn i a tron Chritian anJ a
laithlul tcarJ to hi hihcr royalty. Hc cxprcly honor
thc rcliiou lcaJcr ol thc lanJ, hclicin that thcy arc all a
cnuinc anJ lricnJly a hi !ihop !clin, ho hc call
upon oltcn lor uiJancc in propcr lcaJcrhip.<
IiIe. 84, Conbai Ionnses. o to all, Aiiribnies.
hih mcntal anJ c|.., anJ acrac phyical anJ L:.a/,
Weaons. larc orJ (2J123), Arnor. platcmail
hrcatplatc, larc mctal hraccr, hcay lcathcr hrccchc,
lcathcr hoot, Toia II. 0

Lo-d lno/ex
Ieve 5 Sodier, Ieve 10 Inighi
escriiion. !orJ !nolcx ha a larc taturc, tanJin
almot ccn lcct in hciht, anJ i hroaJ houlJcrcJ anJ larc
chctcJ. Hc i a larc man anJ mihty arrior. Hc ha
louht anJ on many hattlc lor hi Count, hom hc rcatly
rcpcct (althouh hc oltcn trulc ith cry cllih
thouht ol talin thc thronc lor himcll omcJay). Hi
Jcmcanor i cxtrcmcly ruJc anJ tcrcotypically militaritic to
thoc hcncath him. Hc Jicuc nothin ol cmotion,
philoophy, art, or hcauty ith anyonc, only cry lactual anJ
ohjcctic thin that only pcrtain to thc mattcr at hanJ.
!orJ !nolcx nccr appcar happy or milin, hut rathcr rull
anJ anry to anyonc hc tall to - cxccpt thc CooJ Count
MarJcn. >!nolcx ha an inncr hatrcJ lor thc Chritian laith
anJ lor lollocr ol thc laith, lcclin it i a athcrin ol thc
cal anJ pathctic. Althouh hc rcatly rcpcct Count
MarJcn, hc rccnt that thc Count on`t talc a morc hcay-
hanJcJ` tanJ in mot ituation. !nolcx ant to cc morc
hlooJ pillcJ to ccurc anJ improc thc Count` poition ol
pocr rathcr than litcnin to !ihop !clin` cal aJicc`
ol Jcmontratin compaion anJ charity. Hc ha Jccp
rccntmcnt lor thc !ihop hccauc thc Count laor hi
councl morc than hc laor !nolcx` tron aJicc` laorin
pocr, thouh DLLl Jon iniJc, !nolcx rcpcct thc
!ihop altcr all.<
IiIe. 104, Conbai Ionnses. 10 to all (14 to
D:/:oJ ith hiclJ), Aiiribnies. hih mcntal, phyical, anJ
c|.. anJ L:.a/, Weaons. larc orJ (2J124),
hroaJorJ (2J104), lon Jacr (2J84), mcJium hiclJ
(4 to D:/:oJ), Arnor. calcmail hrcatplatc, hall hclm,
larc mctal hraccr, mctal lcin, lcathcr hoot, Toia
II. 14

B|s|op Be/s|n,
Ieve 11 Ceric
escriiion. !ihop !clin i a humhlc, ic, anJ
paticnt man ol thc cloth ho coulJ not hac ottcn to hcrc
hc i in pocr ithout thc lcllohip ol hi rcpcctcJ tcam,`
MarJcn anJ !nolcx. ~incc !clin uhcrihc to a morc
humhlc, lrcc, anJ paic Chritian lilctylc than othcr
rcliiou lcaJcr ol hi cqual, hc i loolcJ Jon upon hy thc
lcalitically rcliiou anJ thcir lollocr.
!ihop !clin i an cntircly carin man ho lccl no
ill ahout anyonc. !cn hcn !orJ !nolcx, ho omctimc,
thouh rarcly, hccomc Jonriht inultin to thc !ihop, it
Jocn`t ccm to ay thc !ihop` loc lor thc
~orJmarhall. Nccrthclc, !clin alay tanJ lor hi
coniction anJ i not alraiJ to tcll it lilc it i,` ccn hcn
!nolcx i at hi mot intimiJatin.
IiIe. 00, Iaiih. 100, Conbai Ionnses. 7 to all,
Aiiribnies. hih mcntal, phyical, anJ c|.. anJ
l./:o:, Weaons. ~tall ol Hcalin (1J12o Damac,
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2 1
Hcal 3Jo3 !ilc up to 3x pcr Jay), Arnor. Dccoratic,
hcay rohc anJ ctmcnt, Toia II. 5

Whcn thc charactcr cntcr thc council room ol thc
CooJ Count, thcy ill cc thc Count tanJin in lront ol hi
thronc, !orJ !nolcx tanJin to hi lclt, anJ thc !ihop
!clin tanJin to hi riht. !t i cutomary to ho ith
rcpcct to thc CooJ Count, anJ thc charactcr ill lno
thi. >Crant 50 !xpcricncc to any charactcr ho ho
ithout you hain to tcll thcm, jut to rcarJ thcir
My lorJ,` ay ~ir Hcmcn riht aay, an inciJcnt ol
murJcr ha occurrcJ in thc Commoncr` Ticr. Wc hac jut
JicocrcJ it on our ay up hcrc. ! humhly rcquct to talc
omc mcn Jon to inctiatc lurthcr.`
Thc thrcc lcaJcr, ho crc ahout to rcct thc
charactcr, lool atonihcJ anJ conlucJ a uch nc
catchc thcm oll uarJ.
Thc Count ill hrcal thc ilcncc, !lcac, ~ir Hcmcn,
lct u rcct our rcpcctcJ uct lirt. My hrac lricnJ,
clcomc to Catlc Dhunanhau.` Altcr clcomin thc
charactcr, Count MarJcn ill introJucc !orJ !nolcx anJ
!ihop !clin, al thc charactcr thcir namc, anJ ic
thcm praic lor thcir hracry ith hclpin Mathia (or
hatccr thcir prciou miion a that hrouht thcm hcrc).
Hc ill quiclly aurc thc charactcr that nothin lilc thi
'murJcr` ituation happcn ith any rcularity.
At thi point, hc ill rcquct morc inlormation ahout
hat thc charactcr a, anJ thcn hc ill al thc charactcr il
thcy ill hclp ~ir Hcmcn linJ out morc. Hc ill ollicially
cnlit thc charactcr a arJ ol County Khirc, anJ ill
inlorm thcm that hc cxpcct thcm to maintain a rcpcctahlc
rcprccntation hilc in thc Count` cricc. Hc ill hcar
rcquct lor any ccminly ncccary itcm thcy may nccJ lor
thi inctiation, hut malc a point to cxplain that hc
Jililc rcquct lor thin lrom thoc ho Jo not carn thcm.
>!car in minJ that thc Count lccl that thcc charactcr
hac rihtlully carncJ much in tcrm ol minor thin, uch
a a capon or to, a piccc ol hcttcr armor, ctc. !ut hc ill
hccomc tcrn anJ rull il thc charactcr rcquct any pocrlul
capon, Holy !tcm, or trcaurc, nonc ol hich hc ill
rant thcm.<
Count MarJcn ill commanJ ~ir Hcmcn to talc thc
charactcr ith him to inctiatc !alaroth` houc anJ
anyhcrc clc on ~aporonJ` Ticr to linJ any uclul
inlormation. Hc ill announcc that thcy ill all mcct hacl
at thc catlc at unJon lor thcir lirt council mcctin
tocthcr rcarJin thc ituation anJ lor a lcat in thcir
honor. Thcrc thcy ill Jicu thc plan lor thc hunt in thc
mornin, aumin thi inctiation i prorcin alon.
A thcy lcac, !orJ !nolcx ill lollo thcm out anJ ill
attcmpt to intimiJatc thc charactcr ith a quict, iJcay
thrcat ayin, !ct u All malc urc c hac lounJ a lirm
unJcrtanJin ol hcrc our placc i hcrc. Thc CooJ Count
i man ol rcat rcputation, anJ ! ill not tolcratc anyonc
malin a moclcry ol hi lcaJcrhip.` >Hopclully, thc
playcr ill not try to hc Jircpcctlul to !nolcx ccn il hc i
hcin a littlc harh. !l thcy Jo, rcminJ thcm that hc i not
out ol linc hy tryin to protcct thc ooJ namc ol thc Count,
a many pcoplc hac tricJ to talc aJantac ol hi linJnc.
!ncourac thcm to acccpt thc aJicc anJ moc on.< ~ir
Hcmcn ill try to rcitcratc thc tatcmcnt in a morc linJly
manncr on thc ay to ~aporonJ` Ticr, hut hc ill nccr
ay (or ccn thinl) anythin Jiloyal to !nolcx` authority.
At thi point, it i ahout 2 in thc altcrnoon, anJ thc
charactcr hac ccral hour to lool lor cluc, huy or cll
ooJ, or jut atc timc hclorc thc lcat. You can lct timc
pa anJ moc onto thc council lcat il thc charactcr Jon`t
ant to Jo anythin clc.
At thc council lcat (ollicially JccmcJ thc Iirsi
Connci Meeiing lor thi inciJcnt), thc CooJ Count
MarJcn ill inquirc a to hat thc charactcr lounJ out anJ
ill cxprc hi conccrn lor thc ituation. Aain, hc ill try
to aurc thc charactcr that thc city i a pcacclul placc to
lic, anJ thi inciJcnt i an cxtrcmc rarity. Thc looJ anJ
inc i plcntilul anJ thc charactcr can cat anJ Jrinl to thcir
hcart` contcnt (charactcr ith thc ~in ol Dao|:oo: or
t|a//o mut roll to ~ac . thcir ~in in orJcr to maintain
control ol thcmclc or ill cmharra thcmclc anJ
ccryonc clc - thcy ill hc alcJ to lcac carly).
Thc CooJ Count MarJcn ill cxplain thc plan lor thc
hunt lirt thin in thc mornin, o hc ill cncourac thc
charactcr to Jrinl liht anJ cat harJy.`
Altcr thc lcat, pac ill ccort thc charactcr to thcir
larc room uptair, hcrc thcy ill hac to cxcccJinly
larc anJ comlortahlc hcJ, a Jrccr, anJ a arJrohc in cach
room, pluh accommoJation lor to charactcr pcr room.
!n thc mornin, pac ill lnocl on thc charactcr`
Joor anJ alc thcm up. Thcy ill ay, Thc CooJ Count
MarJcn rcquct your prccncc hcncclorth in thc council
Cncc in thc council chamhcr, !orJ !nolcx, Count
MarJcn, !ihop !clin, anJ ~ir Hcmcn arc JrccJ in
thcir royal arh anJ ill hc ilcnt lor a lon timc. Thcy arc
not JrccJ lor thc hunt. MarJcn ill pcal lirt anJ ay
that hc apoloi.c, hut thc hunt ha hccn cancclcJ. !n thc
ccnin, hilc thcy lcatcJ ocr thc !irt Council Mcctin,
omconc poioncJ thc cll at thc monatcry at ~aporonJ`
Ticr. ~ix clcry crc lillcJ anJ !clin` mcn arc hcalin 18
othcr ho arc Jyin. Count MarJcn rcquct that thc
charactcr accompany ~ir Hcmcn anJ !ihop !clin to thc
monatcry anJ anyhcrc clc thcy lccl thcy may linJ
omcthin. Count MarJcn ollicially call thi athcrin thc
Second Connci Meeiing. Hc chcJulc thc ThirJ Council
Mcctin lor unJon toniht. Thc charactcr arc lrcc to o
anJ inctiatc.
!n thc monatcry, thcrc arc prayin monl anJ prict
tryin to hcal thc poioncJ clcry, hut thcrc i omcthin
unnaturally cil ahout thc poion mixturc, anJ thc prict
cannot top it hy normal Miraclc. Thcy hac no

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 1
inlormation to ollcr ahout ho coulJ hac Jonc thi a thcy
a or hcarJ ol nothin upiciou thc niht hclorc. Thc
!ihop pcrmit thc charactcr to lcac anJ carch thc ton.
A thc charactcr anJ ~ir Hcmcn arc lcain thc
monatcry, a youn hoy ill all up to onc ol thc charactcr
anJ tu on hi lccc. Thc hoy i a pcaant, arounJ ac 8,
ith loncr hlacl hair anJ a carcJ lool on hi lacc. Whcn
hc ha thc charactcr` attcntion, hc ill motion acro hi
mouth tryin to ay that hc i Jumh (a in mutc, not tupiJ).
Hc ill thcn point to hi cyc ith to lincr tryin to ay
that hc a omcthin. Hc ill pat himcll on thc chct to
rcinlorcc that hc i tallin ahout himcll. >Thi can hc
cxtrcmcly lun lor you to actually play out il nonc ol thc
charactcr hac thc ~lill ol c,o.|o,, hich oulJ allo thc
charactcr to unJcrtanJ cxactly hat thc Jumh hoy i tryin
to ay anJ to communicatc ith him. Cthcric, uc
altcrnatin lo/:||:/ anJ \J Koll to hac thc charactcr
attcmpt to linJ out hat hc i tryin to ay.<
Altcr a lcnthy cxchanc, thc charactcr ill Jicocr
that Kclyn (thc mutc) a a man ho loolcJ cxactly lilc
!alaroth (thc hcrhalit) lill !alaroth a Kclyn pacJ hy
thc hcrhalit` hop. Hc a throuh thc inJo, anJ thc
!alaroth ho murJcrcJ thc JcaJ !alaroth a thc mutc
throuh thc inJo. At hich timc hc ran out to Kclyn
anJ moclinly aycJ in lront ol him lauhin anJ aiJ,
You arc a lunatic hoy! You arc cxcccJinly inanc! Ha ha
ha ha.`
Kclyn tricJ to run anJ ct hclp hut anyonc ho oulJ
pay a pcaant hoy on ~aporonJ` Ticr any minJ coulJn`t
unJcrtanJ him or JiJn`t hclicc him. Thc ncxt Jay, pcoplc
hcarJ that !alaroth a ol, a him hcrc anJ thcrc, or ccn
tallcJ to him. ~o Kclyn thouht hc rcally a oin cra.y.
Cncc ~ir Hcmcn unJcrtanJ thc orJ inanc` or
cra.y` camc lrom Kclyn ahout himcll, hi olJicrly
intinct licl in anJ juJc that a hoy ho can`t tall i
cra.y.` Hc orJcr thc hoy to rcturn to hi propcr ticr - anJ
pcal only hcn polcn to ncxt timc!` (Which i ironic
incc thc hoy can`t pcal at all)
>!l thc charactcr Jon`t uct it, hac ~ir Hcmcn
lccl haJ lor hi hchaior toarJ thc carcJ hoy anJ rullly
chanc hi minJ. Hc oulJ rihtly hac thc hoy iit !ihop
!clin, hcrc thc !ihop ill hcttcr lno ho to hanJlc thc
hoy il hc ha any rcal inlormation. !car in minJ that thc
Turahl i loolin lor inlormation too. !t ant to lno
hat pcoplc arc ayin anJ hat` hcin Jonc to linJ it. At
omc point, hac it comc up to thc charactcr anJ inquirc a
to hat thcy lno anJ hat thcy arc oin to Jo.
Kcmcmhcr, it i cry mart anJ ily. You can hac it comc
a an inquirin pcaant hilc thc charactcr arc in a hop.
Try to cxtract a much inlormation a you can hy ccmin
lamiliar ith thc ituation. A it lcac, thc hoplccpcr ill
call altcr it, Marti Marti!`
Altcr it lcac, hac thc hoplccp ay, That a
cxtrcmcly oJJ. Ho comc Marti JiJn`t ccn ay 'Hi` to
mc Hc JiJn`t ccn rcconi.c mc.` CoinciJcntally, thc
Turahl unlnoinly tool thc lorm ol thc hoplccp`
hrothcr. !ut hcn thc charactcr` puruc, thc Turahl mut
hc lon onc or lar cnouh aay to caJc thcir puruit. !or
cxtra amucmcnt, you can hac thc Turahl turn up
throuhout thc Jay at a ooJ Jitancc hccauc pcoplc in thc
croJ omcho hrin attcntion to it.<
The Third Connci Meeiing hcin at unJon ith
Count MarJcn, !orJ !nolcx, !ihop !clin, ~ir Hcmcn
anJ thc charactcr prccnt in thc ccurcJ council chamhcr.
!ihop !clin announcc that hc ha polcn to thc Kclyn
ahout hi tory. \pon carchin thc hoy` oul lor Jcccit,`
!clin lounJ that Kclyn i tcllin thc truth anJ hclicc
thc murJcrcr i a Turahl, or hapcchanin Jcmon. Hc
lounJ much inlormation in hi lihrary ahout thc Turahl
hut han`t haJ much timc to tuJy it. Hc i urc that hc ha
JicocrcJ hat thcy arc loolin lor. Hc cxplain that thc
Turahl i hatcJ hy man anJ Jcmon alilc hccauc ol thcir
ahility to talc thc lorm ol any liin human thcy cc (not an
animal, humanoiJ, Jcmon, or non-cxitcnt pcron). Thcrc i
no lnon ay hy maic or Miraclc to pcnctratc thc 'Jiuic`
iually or mcntally a thc Turahl phyically hccomc thc
pcron it a in almot ccry ay (pccch, muclc tructurc,
all, ctc.) cxccpt in lnolcJc anJ mcmory. !t i lilcly
martcr than thc pcron it tool thc hapc ol.
!ihop !clin ill hanJ cach ol thc charactcr a
ooJcn Crucilix cmpocrcJ ith a 1a/| Miraclc. Hc ill
cxplain that thcy houlJ uc thcc icly on anyonc that thcy
upcct ith ooJ cauc. Hc ill alo hipcr a ccrct
paorJ phrac to cach ol thc charactcr to iJcntily thcm
lrom thc Turahl in thc luturc, a paorJ phrac that thc
Count camc up ith. Thc paorJ phrac i Hat thou any
morcl` AnJ thc rcponc i !`c icn thcm to (thc
pcron` namc ho i pcalin)` - a il thc charactcr ha
icn thc morcl to himcll or hcrcll. >!l thc charactcr
uct chcclin any ol thc prccnt council lcaJcr, inlorm
thcm that !clin haJ onc ol hi prict chccl ccryonc
hclorc thc mcctin uin thc 1a/| Miraclc. Hac !nolcx
hccomc aitatcJ at thi atc-ol-timc amc` anJ JcmanJ to
ct hacl to thc huinc at hanJ lor thcrc i much rounJ to
Count MarJcn ill thcn tanJ anJ chcmcntly
commanJ that no or olJicr ol Calallcc linJ out that
thc charactcr arc loolin lor a hapcchancr. !ihop
!clin ill thcn cxplain that in timc pat, hcn a Turahl
a ccn rumorcJ to hc arounJ, it hccamc an all out itch-
hunt. !cryhcrc paniclcJ pcoplc oulJ lill anyonc thcy
ccn upcctcJ ol hcin thc hapcchancr. !t hccamc a
hlooJy, traic maacrc, anJ in thc cnJ, no onc ccr lnc il
thcy haJ ccn uccccJcJ in lillin thc Jcmon, or il thcrc ccr
a onc to hcin ith. >\nhclnont to thc charactcr
(hopclully), all ol thi i hcin JicucJ riht in lront ol thc
Turahl, a it ha talcn thc lorm ol ~ir Hcmcn, ho ill
not act ahnormally in any ay, ccn il polcn to.< Cncc
rcquctcJ to lctch any capon thc charactcr lccl thcy nccJ
lor thi miion, ~ir Hcmcn/thc Turahl ill cxit out thc
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2 1

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 1o
hacl Joor ol thc council chamhcr toarJ thc armory (a il
to actually lctch any rcquctcJ capon). Within onc minutc
ol it cxit, thc rcal ~ir Hcmcn ill llin opcn thc main
Joor ol thc council chamhcr (oppoitc to thc Joor thc
Turahl lclt throuh). Hc i carin a rohc anJ hlccJin
lrom hi hcaJ. !chinJ him, thc to olJicr ho crc
uarJin thc lront Joor comc lolloin in hcccchin thc
Count, My lorJ, c coulJ not top him!` >!t i thc rcal
~ir Hcmcn ho a hahcJ in hi hcaJ hy thc Turahl
hilc hc lcpt, thcn hounJ, acJ, anJ thron into hi
cloct hilc thc Turahl aumcJ hi iJcntity lor thc
mcctin. Thc Turahl ill no uc thc inlormation aincJ
lrom thc mcctin to tart a panic in thc city hclo. !t nc
aim. to achicc a hlooJy maacrc.<
!orJ !nolcx ill JcmanJ that thc charactcr chac anJ
catch thc hapcchancr ho no lno ccrythin. CutiJc
thc Joor thc Turahl cxitcJ, to olJicr lccpin uarJ arc
poitioncJ ith capon in hanJ rcaJy lor hatccr may
happcn. >!l thc charactcr al, thcy ill tcll thcm that ~ir
Hcmcn cnt lclt at thc hall intcrcction jut ahcaJ.< !l thc
charactcr Jon`t tall to thc olJicr, thcy ill cc that thc
hallay intcrcct lour ay jut up ahcaJ.
>!rom hcrc you ill hac to uc your on mappin
anJ tratcy` ahilitic to accomplih hat thc tory nccJ,
pccilically hcrc thc hall intcrcct, hcrc Joor arc, hcrc
thc Turahl oc, ctc. Thc Turahl ha ccral maic
pouchc lull ol hlinJin Jut, hut it i not tryin to loc it
purucr ith thcm. !t actually ant to iolatc onc ol thc
charactcr to liJnap. Thc Ionch oI Iinding nsi
cxploJc into a huc pull ol lihtcr-than-air Jut that lill a
15-loot pan ol thc hallay lor up to 1 Tcn-rounJ. Thc
charactcr Jon`t nccJ to inhalc or ct thc Jut in thcir cyc
lor it to talc cllcct, imply malin contact ith it on thc
lin i cnouh. Cncc contactcJ, thc charactcr mut malc a
c.o, 1|a . M., la:. A uccclul ~ac mcan
that thc charactcr` iion i 50' impaircJ anJ hi or hcr
cyc arc hurnin tcrrihlc. All roll arc rcJuccJ to Natural
Koll only (!onuc arc no loncr aJJcJ). !l thc charactcr
Jocn`t ~ac, hi or hcr iht i onc anJ only a l:/: c,|/
Miraclc can hclp rcJucc thc ymptom to thc amc lccl a il
thcy oulJ hac ~acJ (thc !ouch ol !linJin Dut allcct
thc charactcr lor 3Jo minutc rcarJlc ol hcthcr thcy
~acJ or not). !l a Clcric i aailahlc, lct him lno that
l:/: c,|/ i an option hc can uc, hut lno that it i
rclaticly cotly lor l./|. Thcrclorc, you may hac to
rcpctiticly malc thc charactcr run into thcc Jut trap
until onc ol thcm i hlinJ anJ out ol l./|. At that timc,
cxccutc thc ncxt tcp in thc Turahl` plan. !t ill Jic
hcaJlon into a ncarhy launJry chutc on thc all that Jrop
Jon to thc lirt lloor launJry arca. Thc Turahl intcnJ
lor all ol thc charactcr ho can cc it to lollo. Kcmcmhcr,
thc Turahl ha thc t.o/ l:. anJ \.|| c.a| maic
ahilitic naturally. Cncc it ct into thc chutc, it ill ticl to
thc all anJ climh up out ol thc ay. !Jcally, thc charactcr
ill Jic in anJ lall Jon throuh thc chutc to thc launJry
pilc hclo. Jut lor Jramatic, you can hac thc charactcr
cc thc Turahl ticlin to thc all a thcy liJc Jon thc
chutc. Thc Turahl ill thcn climh hacl out ol thc chutc,
lnocl out onc ol thc hlinJ charactcr, anJ talc him or hcr
aay. !cn il onc or morc ol thc charactcr ho arc only
partially hlinJ taycJ hchinJ, you can tcll thcm that thcy
thinl thcy cc onc ol thc olJicr comin lrom thc hallay hy
thc launJry chutc anJ hcar him ay, To thc tair ocr
thcrc! ! lno hcrc hc ill cnJ up!` Thc Turahl ill
lnocl out thc hlinJ charactcr (lor 3Jo minutc) hilc thc
othcr charactcr() run lor thc tair.<
Thc charactcr that lall Jon thc chutc cnJ up iniJc a
collcction chamhcr that i loclcJ lrom thc outiJc, hcrc
thcy ill hcar crant orlin. Cncc thcy lnocl or call out,
thc lrihtcncJ maiJcrant ill ycll lor olJicr to opcn thc
Joor. Thi ill talc a hilc, hut olJicr ill comc anJ opcn
it ith capon pointin at thc charactcr. Thc charactcr
ill hac to cxplain hat thcy arc Join.
Cncc thc olJicr arc comlortahlc that thcy rcmcmhcr
thc charactcr, thc tahlcmatcr ill comc runnin throuh
thc hallay ncxt to thc launJry room houtin lor uarJ.
Thc olJicr ill ruh out to mcct thc tahlcmatcr in thc
CuarJ! !lcac comc quicl! ! jut a a tranc
liurc Jrain a pcron hctccn thc tahlc. ! Jon`t thinl
hc a mc, hut thc hoJy hc a Jrain loolcJ JcaJ!`
Thc olJicr ill cxplain that thcy hac orJcr not to
lcac thc locr quartcr, hut to talc thc charactcr anJ ho
thcm thc tahlc.
Noticc on thc map on thc hacl cocr ol thi hoollct
that thcrc arc to huilJin on thc catlc` ticr jut ct ol
thc catlc anJ alon thc all. Thcc to huilJin arc thc
tahlc. >!ctccn thcc to huilJin, Ju jut hclo thc
all, i a rathcr mall holc that thc Turahl uc to ct in
anJ out ol hi lair. !t i harJ to cc until thc charactcr ct
cloc to thc all. Thc holc i not cry hih, hut i rclaticly
iJc, anJ rcquirc that thc charactcr cral in on thcir hacl
or hcllic. Jut iniJc thc holc i a JonarJ-lopin path
that thc charactcr can uc to o into thc lair.<
Thc charactcr cntcr thc lirt cction ol thc lair, hich
ha an uparJ-lopin ccilin that rcachc ahout 50 lcct
ahoc thc rounJ. With torchc lit, thc charactcr can cc up
to 30 lcct plu hatccr thcy hac lor thc ~lill ol ^,|/o
(il thcy hac it). >Within thi part ol thc lair (marlcJ =1
on thc !air Map) arc to ~haJo Dcil, hocrin ilcntly in
thc topmot rcachc ol thc ccilin. Thcy ill hoot thcir
quill up to 3 timc cach at ranJom charactcr hclorc comin
in lor cloc-ranc attacl.<
>Thc cconJ cction ol thc lair (marlcJ =2 on thc
!air Map) ha onc lclcton pcr charactcr lincJ up alon it
hacl all. Thc lclcton arc armcJ ith orJ, hiclJ, anJ
arc carin armor. A thc charactcr comc ithin 20 lcct ol
thc lirt lclcton, all thc lclcton prin lorarJ to attacl.<
!ctccn thi room anJ thc ncxt cction ol thc lair, i a
hricl all ith an opcn archay lcaJin into cction =3.
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2 1
>!t i cocrcJ ith actic, iniihlc runc. Thcrc arc 3 Rnne
Tras oI SoIien Meia that ill allcct any normal (non-
holy or non-maical) mctal that pac throuh thc archay,
incluJin hclt hucllc, capon, anJ armor. Thc allcctcJ
itcm can attcmpt a c.: . lao: 1.. rcquirin a roll ol
17 or hcttcr pcr KounJ to not hc allcctcJ. \c thc tahlc
hclo to Jctcrminc thc lccl ol Jamac caucJ hy thc Kunc

1 Ronnd or 1 Tra anage. Mctal ha hall lunctionality
on thc ncxt impact, anJ thcn hcnt anJ unuahlc thcrcaltcr.

2 Ronnds or 2 Tras anage. Mctal hcnJ ith a lihtly
ruhhcry conitcncy, pcrmancntly unuahlc thcrcaltcr.

3 Ronnds or 3 Tras anage. Mctal oltcn to thicl,
yrupy, mcltin-ruhhcr conitcncy, unuahlc thcrcaltcr<

L Lo o| |r r \ \o o, ,

Cn thc othcr iJc ol thc opcn archay jut iniJc thc
thirJ cction ol thc lair, thc charactcr ill linJ thc
liJnappcJ charactcr lyin thcrc in nothin hut a tunic anJ
cloth hrccchc - no hclonin at all, hc or hc appcar to hc
JcaJ or unconciou.
>No, thi part ill hc a littlc tricly, o plan your
tcp carclully. !irt, you mut announcc that you hac to
tall priatcly to thc playcr ol thc actic charactcr aay lrom
thc unconciou` onc, incc hc oulJn`t lno ahout thi
upcomin inlormation. Tcll thc playcr ol thc unconciou
charactcr to o into a Jillcrcnt room lor a minutc. Thcn,
hilc that playcr i out ol thc room, tcll thc othcr that up
ahcaJ, in thc Jarlnc toarJ thc hacl ol thi room, thcy
hcar omc mulllcJ thrahin ahout anJ thcn a louJ thuJ.
Thi houlJ malc thcm thinl that you arc iin thcm omc
important inlormation that thc unconciou charactcr can`t
hcar, hcn you actually nccJ to ic thc unconciou
charactcr thc important inlormation. Thc unconciou`
charactcr i rcally thc Turahl lalin unconciounc in
hopc ol lurin thc othcr charactcr to comin throuh thc
archay ol Kunc to hclp a lallcn comraJc. !t alo ant thc
charactcr to hanJ ocr omc armor anJ capon hclorc it
malc it ccapc out ol thc lair. You mut hac thc playcr ol
thc liJnappcJ charactcr play thc Turahl until it malc it
ccapc. !xplain to thc playcr that thc Turahl ill quictly
lcac altcr thc charactcr ic it capon anJ armor anJ tart
to hcaJ lor thc ncxt Joor in thc hacl ol thc lair. Call thc
roup hacl tocthcr anJ continuc.<
Whcn thc charactcr opcn thc ncxt Joor, hich i not
loclcJ or trappcJ, anJ cntcr into cction =4, thcy ill linJ
thcir liJnappcJ lricnJ (ith all hi capon anJ armor
ncarhy) hounJ, acJ, anJ thrahin ahout on a pilc ol
clothc. >Thc Turahl ha athcrcJ quitc a collcction ol
clothin ocr thc month to uc a Jiuic. Thcrc i
ccrythin in thi pilc lrom omcn` Jrcc to royal
armcnt to rcliiou ctmcnt. HiJJcn in thi pilc ol
clothin (ic thc charactcr ith thc hihct c:.| Koll lirt
opportunity to linJ any onc ol thcc) arc thc lour Holy !tcm
litcJ on pac 4, hich crc tolcn lrom thc monatcry ol
thc city thc Turahl prciouly hauntcJ.<
Thc charactcr houlJ rcturn to thc Count ith nc ol
thcir linJin, anJ thc ooJ Count ill init that thc
charactcr lccp thc itcm, a hc lccl thcy hac July carncJ
thcm. Hc ill alo uct that thcy ct a ooJ niht` rct
toniht hccauc hc lcar that thcy ill hac quitc a hit ol
orl to Jo in thc mornin, il thc Turahl i not alrcaJy
tartin trouhlc, hc ill hc hortly. Thc Count i cry
orricJ that thc city ill hcin to maacrc itcll hilc
loolin lor thc Jancrou Jcmonic hapcchancr oncc thc
orJ ct out. Hc anJ thc !ihop, alon ith !orJ !nolcx,
arc prcparin lor thc ort. Any iJca thc charactcr hac
houlJ hc hrouht to thc !ourth Council Mcctin at unup
tomorro. \ntil thcn, thc council lcaJcr hac much
rccarch anJ prcparation to Jo lor thc ccnin.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 18
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2 19
Thc ncxt ccnt ol thi aJcnturc ill talc placc a thc
charactcr lccp that niht. All thc charactcr arc in thcir
lccpin chamhcr on thc cconJ lloor ol thc catlc, hich i
ahout 40 lcct ahoc thc rounJ. Cnc ol thc charactcr (at
ranJom, othcr than thc onc that a liJnappcJ carlicr) ill
alc to a tap anJ cratch at thcir inJo at arounJ 11!M.
Thc inJo ol thc room arc maJc ol thicl hut clcar la,
ith tron mctal rcinlorccmcnt. Whcn thc charactcr oc
to thc inJo, hc ill cc thc lacc ol an uniJcntiliahlc man
pccrin throuh thc inJo at him or hcr. Thc lacc ill
thcn mclJ to thc charactcr` cxact lilcnc. >Chiouly, thi
i thc Turahl uin hi \.|| c.a| maic ahility to ct a
ooJ lool at thc charactcr to aumc hi or hcr iJcntity lor
it ncxt orl ol michicl. Thc inJo i maJc ol
miraculouly rcinlorccJ matcrial to prccnt anyonc or
anythin lrom hrcalin throuh it. !t ill not chip, cracl, or
hrcal lrom any capon, nor can any Miraclc or pcll hc
cat throuh it. Thc Turahl ill thcn malc a t.o/ l:.
lrom thc all anJ lanJ in muJ hclo. !t ill run oll into thc
At miJniht, !orJ !nolcx himcll ill comc lnoclin
on thc charactcr` chamhcr Joor to alc thcm. Hc ill
commanJ that thcy ct JrccJ anJ prcparc to lcac at oncc.
!ihop !clin ha jut lounJ in hi rccarch that thc
Turahl Jcmon mut chanc hacl into it hiJcou Jcmonic
lorm (picturcJ at riht) lrom miJniht until unup. !clin
hclicc that Turahl nccr o lar lrom thcir lair unlc thcy
arc in immcJiatc Jancr. Hc hclicc that thc Jcmon ill
rcturn to thc lair no or at lcat anJcr thc city or
ncihhorin hilliJc until unup. Thi inJo ol
opportunity may hc thc only onc thcy hac to top thc
Turahl hclorc it hcin thc chao (il it han`t alrcaJy).
Charactcr can roll D:o|, to linJ out il thi
inlormation i truc, hich thcy ill aucly rcmcmhcr
omcthin imilar to thi. >Thi i thc rcal !nolcx pcalin
to thc charactcr, hut thc Turahl ucJ thc charactcr`
iJcntity to ct into !clin` chamhcr to linJ out hat hc
lno. !clin rcally lounJ out that Turahl turn hacl
into thcir natural lorm at unup anJ tay that ay lor ix
hour altcrarJ. !n a panic, thc Turahl lnoclcJ out
!clin, hounJ anJ acJ him, anJ thrc him into hi
arJrohc (hich hc i quitc ooJ at hy no). !t thcn ran to
!nolcx` chamhcr a !clin to tcll him thc lalc nc, anJ
thcn ran oll in a hull ayin that hc may hac lounJ o
much morc, hut thi hit ol nc nccJcJ to hc actcJ upon
immcJiatcly (incc it i no miJniht).<
Whcn thc charactcr arric at thc Turahl` lair, thcrc
i a trap aitin lor thcm. To lclcton' pcr charactcr ait
to lill thcm in thc Jarlnc. Thc charactcr mut liht or
run. !l thcy run, thc lclcton ill puruc until lain or

To concluJc, Jipcrc 350 !xpcricncc to cach charactcr
lclt alic plu any !xpcricncc carncJ accorJin to pac 45 ol
thc !iht !Jition Camc Manual.
c cu ur ro ob b| |

IiIe. 54 - !ccr Dcmon
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 1, Attacl. 1,
DoJc. 1, DclcnJ. 1, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). Cla or lit (1Jo), hitc (1J8), or
AiR. 1
II. 2 (naturally)

Heighi. o lcct tall naturally Weighi. up to 150 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. !ntcllcct. 10, !aticncc. 0
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, HcihtcncJ ~iht
anJ Hcarin. 5
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 285 !xpcricncc

Soen Iangnage. Any (typically common natic tonuc)
Weaness. Chanc to natural hapc at unup ix hour
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. !n it natural lorm, thc Turahl ha a paty
hitc, palc lacc ith a larc mouth. Motly lcaturclc
ocrall, thc iniJc ol it lacc appcar hollo. Thcy arc
lihtly locr than thc acrac man. Hoccr, thc
Turahl i a hapcchancr that can talc thc cxact lorm,
tat, phyical charactcritic, anJ thcrclorc cxact iJcntity
ol any cxitcnt human it cc (cxccpt mcmoric).
Turahl arc cxtrcmcly rarc hccauc thcy arc huntcJ anJ
lillcJ immcJiatcly hy mot Jcmon anJ human alilc.
Magic Abiiiies. t.o/ l:., \.|| c.a|

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2 20
C Cc cn nt t| |n nu u| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol uction to continuc thc
tory lurthcr.

Thi i thc pcrlcct aJcnturc to continuc ithout
thc Turahl hcin cauht lor quitc a hilc. You can
alay hac it onc tcp ahcaJ ol thoc ho oulJ try
to top it, cauin haoc, anJ tauntin thc charactcr.
Kcquirc thc charactcr to hc cry clccr hcn Jciin
thc plan to catch it.
Cl courc, altcr thc Turahl i cauht, you can
actually conJuct thc hunt in thc charactcr honor that
thc Count initcJ thcm lor in thc lirt placc.
o Durin thc hunt, thc Count` lilc i
thrcatcncJ hy a Jcmon that carc hi horc to
holt. Altcr hc lall oll thc horc, thc Jcmon i
ahout to lay thc lallcn Count hcn thc
charactcr ruh to thc rccuc. Thc charactcr or
olJicr thcn lollo thc Jcmon` tracl hacl to a
hiJJcn lair unJcr thc lorct.
!M!CKTANT NCT!. Cncc thc Turahl i
cauht, hain thc hunt in thc charactcr` honor anJ
malin thcm puhlic hcroc i paymcnt cnouh lor
thcir hrac JccJ. Kcourcc arc too lo to ic thc
charactcr hatccr thcy ant a a rcarJ, thouh
CooJ Count MarJcn ill aarJ thcm ith 100 cach
lor thcir hracry, anJ ollcr thcm a lrcc niht` tay
ith a mcal or to in thc catlc, il thcy ccr comc
hacl hy thc city.
\ \c cd d| || |q q| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol uction to incrcac thc
Jilliculty lor hihcr lccl charactcr.

You can hac to Turahl in thc lair, onc i
alay tryin to outJo thc othcr ith michicou
Kcplacc thc lclcton ith aroylc.
o Thc lclcton hac cil maic capon that
cauc incrcacJ Damac anJ/or hac
incrcacJ Attacl !onuc
Thc Joor at cction 4 ol thc Turahl` lair i runc-
trappcJ ith an cxploic or lccp maic trap. Thc
Turahl may comc hacl anJ hinJ all thc unconciou
charactcr. Thcy ill hac to lrcc thcmclc.
AJJ anothcr cntrancc to thc lair o il onc i hcin
atchcJ or hloclcJ, thc Turahl i till ahlc to hiJc out
anJ ccapc.

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lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2 21

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1
lc|q Londc
L|gbt Cd|t|cn

o noi dnicaie or disiribnie ihis Iie.
Thi Jocumcnt i liccncJ only to thc purchacr lor pcronal,
priatc uc. Duplication anJ/or Jitrihution ol thi lilc i trictly
prohihitcJ, anJ i protcctcJ unJcr lcJcral anJ local copyriht la.
\nlalul Juplication anJ Jitrihution ill hc purucJ.


!JitcJ hy Joc K. Kcc.
\cry pccial contrihutory thanl to thc Holy !anJ playtctcr.
Chritophcr Hoplcr, Kyan A., !ryan, !li, Dominic, Kcnny, Nathan, Chriic, anJ ChaJ Catron
Cocr anJ intcrnal art hy Cahc anJ Chachi HcrnanJc.
Map Jcin hy !JarJ Wcnt.

Copyriht 2005, !aith _uct Camc, All Kiht KccrcJ
lc|q Londc' i a KcitcrcJ TraJcmarl ol !aith _uct Camc
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 2


ecnccn-, cLnece, =o M=cic i+cme ==cc &

&cm- cL=eece ==cc =

cnLioe ==cc c

=nice+e cv c=ncee/vi+cice ==cc &

nccLce ==cc

ecnccncne ==cc e

1iicvce ==cc e
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|

~orccry i thc uc anJ manipulation ol thc upcrnatural
Jcmonic lorcc that lollo a pcron ho intcnJ to uc maic
pcll. ~pcll mut hc polcn to ic Jircction to thcc cil
lorcc on hat to Jo, hoccr, ccn a hipcr i ullicicnt lor
JcotcJ pcllcatcr incc thc Jcmonic pirit lollo thcm o
clocly. A pcll i imply a polcn Kunc conliuration that
thc pcllcatcr ha committcJ to mcmory. Hoccr, Juc to
thc Jilliculty ol unJcrtanJin runic ounJ anJ
pronunciation, omc pcll can hc cry Jillicult to mcmori.c.

Cas/|n, Spe//s
Thouh mot mcmhcr ol thc !ncmy Clac hac
omc ahility to cat minor pcll, a truc secasier i onc
hoc primary occupation i catin pcll anJ curc, hich
limit pcllcatcr to orccrcr, JruiJ, or prict ol Jarlnc.
~pcllcatcr, lilc Miraclc-orlcr, arc limitcJ a to ho
many pcll thcy can cat in a Jay anJ in a KounJ. Whcrc
Miraclc-orlcr uc !aith, hich ollcr cratility in ho
many Miraclc thcy can pcrlorm pcr Jay, pcllcatcr uc
c:|| : D., hich ollcr no cratility.

Si Ieve Ses/ay Ses/Ronnd
!ccr ~pcllcatcr 5 1
Crcatcr ~pcllcatcr 10 2
AJanccJ ~pcllcatcr 15 3
!ccr non-~pcllcatcr 1 1
Crcatcr non-~pcllcatcr 2 1
AJanccJ non-~pcllcatcr 3 1

S S, ,c c| || | \ \o og g| |c c

Absorb Mirace
Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 50 lcct
nraiion. !ntant, until it ahorh a Miraclc
!Jcntical to thc A|| c:|| Miraclc cxccpt thc
charactcr lno thcy arc allcctcJ hy a pcll oncc it` cat on

AIIeci Anina
Ieve. !ccr Tye. DruiJic
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 20 lcct
nraiion. A lon a thc DruiJ i prccnt anJ alic
Thi pcll allo thc DruiJ to cauc any animal to trut
anJ ohcy thc DruiJ to thc point ol loralin it currcnt
matcr. Thc animal ill only llcc thc arca il commanJcJ to
Jo o hy thc DruiJ. Cncc allcctcJ, thc animal ill nccr
allo harm to comc to thc DruiJ a lon a it i prccnt.

Ca Iighining
Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 50 lcct
nraiion. !ntant/!crmancnt
!Jcntical to thc Jcmonic pcll ol thc amc namc (lounJ
in thc Dcil Huntcr` Manual pac 8). !ccr pcllcatcr
cauc 3Jo3 Damac (or hall il ~acJ aaint), Crcatcr
anJ AJanccJ pcllcatcr cauc 4J810 Damac (or hall il
~acJ aaint).

Ieve. Crcatcr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. Touch
nraiion. 1 hour
Thi pcll cauc thc charactcr to hclicc anJ act on
anythin thc pcllcatcr ay cxccpt commanJ that cauc
thc charactcr to Jircctly lill or harm him. !l uch a
commanJ i icn, thc pcll i hrolcn immcJiatcly.

Conjnre enon
Ieve. AJanccJ Tye. Witchcralt
Saving Thro. nonc Range. N/A
nraiion. 1 ccl anJ thcn !crmancnt
Thi hlacl pcll, hy ay ol a cric ol lon ritual,
allo thc itch to crcatc a !ccr Jcmon that JiJ not cxit
on carth hclorc.

Creaie Minic
Ieve. !ccr Tye. Witchcralt
Saving Thro. nonc Range. 50 lcct
nraiion. 1 hour (!ccr itch), 1 Jay (Crcatcr itch), or
1 ccl (AJanccJ itch)
Thi pcll crcatc an iniihlc Kunc Trap on a Joor,
chct, or piccc ol ooJ lurniturc that pocr thc ohjcct to
hccomc a ccl lor a lancJ Jcmonic contruct. Thu, it
mimic a normal ohjcct in ccry ay until thc Kunc Trap i
Cncc actiatcJ, thc Jcmonic contruct ithin thc
ohjcct i animatcJ. !t tccth appcar at ccry point hcrc thc
ohjcct i touchcJ anJ hitc thc ictim lor 2Jo2 Damac
cach. Thcrc i no DJ,: or D:/:oJ aailahlc, a thc hitc arc
cxtrcmcly lat. Thcy continuc to hitc oncc pcr cconJ until
thc ohjcct i no loncr touchcJ.
Thc ictim cannot c.: . lao: 1. hccauc
itchcralt maic cmpocr thc ohjcct to actiatc itcll hcn
touchcJ. Thc mimic pocr cannot hc rcmocJ lrom thc

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|
ohjcct, ccn il in piccc, unlc thc Kunc conliuration i

Cnrse Iien
Ieve. !ccr Tye. Witchcralt
Saving Thro. . Curc Range. Touch
nraiion. \ntil Kunc Trap or curc i rcmocJ
Thi curc crcatc an iniihlc Kunc Trap on a capon
or othcr hanJhclJ itcm that tranlcr a pcrmancnt l,:/
l/:o or D..: pcll onto thc ncxt pcron ho touchc
it phyically. Thc ictim cannot c.: . lao: 1.
hccauc itchcralt maic cmpocr thc ohjcct to actiatc
itcll hcn touchcJ. Hoccr, il thc ictim c.: . ca:,
thcy arc immunc to thc Curc lrom thi itcm inJclinitcly.

A A N Nc ct tc c o ob bc cu ut t C Cu ur rc cc cc c
\nlilc common pcll maic, Curc ollcr a morc
Jcatatin anJ pcrmancnt cllcct on thcir ictim. Hoccr,
in orJcr lor a charactcr to hc curcJ, thc pcllcatcr (prict ol
Jarlnc or itch) mut hac omcthin ol thc charactcr on
hich to pcrlorm thc ritual() on. Thi omcthin i callcJ
an clcmcnt. A prclcrrcJ clcmcnt oulJ hc thc charactcr`
hlooJ, lincr, hair, lin, or thc charactcr himcll, hut can
alo hc any itcm that thc charactcr ha ucJ morc than
anyonc clc ha, uch a hi capon, clothin, or hcJroll.
Thc Jitancc or ranc limitation lor a Curc i that thc
ictim anJ thc catcr arc ithin thc amc lanJ (typically
linJom). A charactcr can only hac thc amc Curc put on
him or hcr onc timc hy thc amc itch. Nccrthclc, that
itch can put !\!KY curc on thc charactcr il hc ha thc
ahility anJ Jillcrcnt clcmcnt ol thc charactcr`, hut only onc
timc anJ only onc Curc pcr clcmcnt. Alo, anothcr itch
can put thc amc Curc on thc charactcr aain.

Kemoc|n, Cu-ses
A Curc can only hc rcmocJ hy a l:: ca:
Miraclc. !t can hc hrolcn il thc itch ho curcJ thc
charactcr Jic.

L Lc cm mc cu uc c C Cu ur rc cc c
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. Cthcr only
Range. Touch only Saving Thro. nonc
nraiion. !crmancnt altcr 1 hour
escriiion. Cncc thi Miraclc i pcrlormcJ on a
CurcJ charactcr, it hcin thc procc ol rcmoin thc
Curc. Thc Curc calcn Jurin thc Juration, cauin pain
anJ Jicomlort a it ithJra lrom thc ictim` hoJy.
Durin thi timc, thc charactcr ha pcnaltic ol -5 to all ~lill
anJ Comhat Koll until thc curc i complctcly rcmocJ.
Iaiih Cosi. 23
Cnrse oI Ieasis
Ieve. AJanccJ Tye. Witchcralt
Saving Thro. . Curc Range. No limit
nraiion. \ntil curc i rcmocJ
Altcr 1J4 Jay ol lon ritual, thc ictim ol thi Curc
turn into an animal in ccry ay cxccpt mcntally. Thc
ictim talc thc tat ol thc animal anJ loc all ahility to
communicatc normally.

Cnrse oI Ivis
Ieve. !ccr Tye. Witchcralt
Saving Thro. . Curc Range. No limit
nraiion. \ntil curc i rcmocJ
Altcr a hricl ritual (1 KounJ), thc ictim ullcr thc
inahility to utili.c, iclJ, or commanJ thc upcrnatural
pocr ol any Holy !tcm or Crucilix. !cn thc Comhat
!onuc ol a Holy Wcapon arc unaailahlc to curcJ

Cnrse oI Weaness
Ieve. Crcatcr Tye. Witchcralt
Saving Thro. . Curc Range. No limit
nraiion. \ntil curc i rcmocJ
Altcr a hricl ritual (1 KounJ), thc ictim ullcr Jouhlc
Damac or cllcct lrom all Comhat, poion, lirc, anJ maic,
attacl, incluJin Damac lrom trap anJ animal.

Ieve. Crcatcr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 50 lcct
nraiion. 2Jo KounJ
Thi pcll cauc thc ictim to hccomc Ja.cJ ith
conluion lor thc Juration. All natural Comhat Koll,
Comhat ~lill !onuc, natural ~lill Koll, anJ ~lill
!onuc arc rcJuccJ hy hall.

esiroy Hoy Iien
Ieve. AJanccJ Tye. Witchcralt
Saving Thro. nonc Range. caulJron
nraiion. 1-hour ritual thcn !crmancnt
!crlormin thi ritual ocr a hoilin caulJron ol
ariou maic componcnt allo thc itch to malc thc
hrc ahlc to Jctroy a Holy !tcm hcn thc itcm i
uhmcrcJ. Thc caulJron can Jctroy up to 1J41 itcm
pcr ritual.

rain Iaiih
Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 30 lcct
nraiion. \ntil curc i rcmocJ
Thi pcll Jrain 1Jo3 !aith (or hall il ~acJ) lrom
thc ictim hcn cat hy !ccr pcllcatcr. Crcatcr
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| o
pcllcatcr Jrain 2Joo !aith (or hall il ~acJ) anJ
AJanccJ Jrain 3Jo0 !aith (or hall il ~acJ).

Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
nraiion. !ntant Range. 30 lcct
Saving Thro. DJ,: D:/:oJ . \.c. 1|ao
Thi pcll allo thc pcllcatcr to cmit a hurlin hall ol
llamc at thc tarct. !irchall lrom !ccr pcllcatcr cauc
2Jo4 Damac ith a Dilliculty ol 18. Crcatcr hit lor
3J88 ith a Dilliculty ol 21 anJ AJanccJ hit lor 4J10
ith a Dilliculty ol 24.

Iash Ireee
Ieve. !ccr Tye. DruiJic
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 50 lcct
nraiion. 2Jo KounJ lor !ccr pcllcatcr, 3J8 lor
Crcatcr, anJ 4J10 lor AJanccJ
Thi pcll attcmpt to intantly lrcc.c thc moiturc
ithin a pcron` outcr hoJy. !t lo thcir c::J hy hall
anJ rcJucc thcir Comhat anJ ~lill Koll to Natural Koll
rcarJlc ol any capon, ~lill, or Comhat ~lill !onuc.

Iorgei IroIiciency
Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 50 lcct
nraiion. 2Jo KounJ lor !ccr pcllcatcr, 3J8 lor
Crcatcr, anJ 4J10 lor AJanccJ
!ilc l|.| l::.:, thi pcll rcJucc thc charactcr`
Comhat anJ ~lill Koll to Natural Koll rcarJlc ol any
capon, ~lill, or Comhat ~lill !onuc. !t Joc not allcct
c::J or any othcr Ahility or Attrihutc.

Heai Meia
Ieve. !ccr Tye. DruiJic
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 30 lcct
nraiion. 4 KounJ lor !ccr pcllcatcr, 8 lor Crcatcr,
anJ 12 lor AJanccJ
Thi pcll hcat any onc piccc ol normal (non-Holy)
mctal armor or capon lor thc Duration anJ cauc 1J41
Damac lor thc lirt KounJ, 2J42 Damac lor thc cconJ
KounJ, 3J43 Damac lor thc thirJ, ctc. until thc
charactcr i lrcc ol thc itcm. !l thc itcm rcmain on thc
ictim, thc amount ol Damac lccn cach KounJ a thc
hcat ol thc mctal Jiipatc.
A hrcatplatc can talc up to 4 KounJ to rcmoc plu
an aJJitional KounJ pcr any itcm that ha to hc rcmocJ
prior, incluJin auntlct, a cloal, a hclmct, ctc. Any hclp
rcJucc thc timc hy hall.

Inseri Menory
Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. Touch
nraiion. !crmancnt
Thi Jihonorahlc pcll incrt a hricl (max 1 KounJ
lor !ccr, 3 KounJ lor Crcatcr, anJ 5 KounJ lor
AJanccJ pcllcatcr) mcmory into thc ictim` hcaJ. Thc
mcmory can hc ol any action or ccnt thc pcllcatcr Jcirc
a lon a hc ha thc imaination lor it. Thc ictim thcn
rcmcmhcr` thc ccnt in hi hcaJ a il it rcally happcncJ,
jut lilc othcr mcmoric. A uccclul ~ac mcan thc pcll
a JctcctcJ anJ thc charactcr can hlocl thc mcmory lrom
hccomin rcal.`

Raise Indead
Ieve. !ccr Tye. Witchcralt
Saving Thro. nonc Range. 50 lcct
nraiion. !ntant altcr a 2-KounJ ritual
Thi pcll raic 1J41 .omhic or lclcton (or
comhination) lrom thcir rac or honc pilc lor !ccr
pcllcatcr anJ 2J42 lor Crcatcr or AJanccJ.

Roi Wood
Ieve. !ccr Tye. DruiJic
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 30 lcct
nraiion. !crmancnt altcr 1 KounJ
Thi pcll ruin any normal (non-Holy) ooJcn itcm,
uch a a tall or hiclJ, cauin it to hattcr on thc ncxt
hlo ith only hall lunctionality. !t can alo allcct
common Joor anJ lloorhoarJ. A uccclul ~ac aoiJ
thc cllcct.

Rnsi Meia
Ieve. Crcatcr Tye. DruiJic
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 30 lcct
nraiion. !crmancnt altcr 1 KounJ
!ilc l/ \J, thi pcll ruin any normal (non-Holy)
mctal itcm, uch a a orJ, ccll har, hrcatplatc, or hiclJ,
to hattcr on thc ncxt hlo ith only hall lunctionality.
AJanccJ pcllcatcr can allcct oliJ mctal Joor. A
uccclul ~ac aoiJ thc cllcct.

See Hoy Ioer
Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. nonc Range. !inc ol ~iht
nraiion. up to 10 minutc
Thi pcll allo thc pcllcatcr to cc thc iniihlc,
upcrnatural lo that cmanatc lrom a Holy !tcm or actic
Crucilix. ~troncr itcm hac a troncr lo, ctc.

See ihe Invisibe
Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. nonc Range. !inc ol iht
nraiion. up to 10 minutc
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|
Thi pcll allo thc pcllcatcr to cc itcm anJ pcoplc
that arc upcrnaturally iniihlc. !t Joc not allo lor thc
pcllcatcr to cc pcoplc hiJJcn hy thc c|.| Miraclc.

Ieve. Crcatcr Tye. DruiJic
Saving Thro. nonc Range. ~cll
nraiion. up to 10 hour
Thi pcll allo thc DruiJ to talc thc hapc anJ thc
tat ol any common Jomctic or lorct animal. Thc hapc
hiltcJ DruiJ can till pcal a a human.

Ieve. Crcatcr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 30 lcct
nraiion. 2Jo minutc
Thi pcll hrinl only thc ictim` hoJy to ix inchc
tall. All cquipmcnt anJ clothin rcmain unallcctcJ anJ can
hury thc hrunlcn ictim. !ilc thc c|o| Miraclc, thc
ictim` DJ,: !onuc rcmain unchancJ, c::J anJ
c/:o,/| arc rcJuccJ to 1, anJ all othcr tat arc rcnJcrcJ
uclc or rcquirc Natural Koll only (a appropriatc). A
uccclul ~ac aoiJ thc cllcct.

Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. Touch
nraiion. 1J4 hour
Thi pcll cauc thc ictim to immcJiatcly Jrop into a
lccp unalcahlc hy normal mcan (only thc \.|: Miraclc
can aalcn thc ictim). A uccclul ~ac rcJucc thc
cllcct to thc cllcct ol l,:/ l/:o pcll lor 3Jo

Ieve. !ccr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 30 lcct
nraiion. 1J4 KounJ
Thi pcll hocl thc ictim` ncrc anJ muclc into tatc lor thc Duration. Durin thc pcll, thc ictim
cannot moc hy hi on ill, anJ ill lall to thc rounJ il in
motion (cauin at lcat 1Jo1 Damac lor thc lall). A
uccclul ~ac aoiJ thc cllcct.

Ieve. Crcatcr Tye. ~orccry
Saving Thro. . ~pcll Range. 30 lcct
nraiion. 2Jo KounJ
Thi Jcatatin pcll cauc thc ictim to hccomc o
cal that all ol hi or hcr phyical Attrihutc (c::J,
c/:o,/|, ctc.) arc rcJuccJ hy hall, anJ all Comhat, Ahility,
anJ ~lill Koll arc rcJuccJ to hall thc Natural roll. A
uccclul ~ac rcJucc thc pcll` Duration to 1 KounJ.
\ \o og g| |c c l lt tc cm mc c
\nlilc Holy !tcm, maic itcm arc Jctructihlc hy
normal mcan hut hac imilar limitation (in tcrm ol
numhcr ol propcrtic) a Holy !tcm. Thcy arc typically
limitcJ to 3 uc pcr Jay.

Arnor oI )nsiice
Saving Thro. . Maic !tcm nraiion. Contant
Thi maic armor rcllcct hall thc Damac Jonc to thc
carcr hacl to thc iclJcr ol thc capon. !l thc Damac
a inJircct (lallin rocl, arro, ctc.) thc carcr talc lull
Damac. KcJucc thc rcturn Damac hy hall lor a
uccclul ~ac.

Ioois oI Sience
Saving Thro. nonc nraiion. up to 10 minutc
Thcc hoot allo thc carcr to all or run in complctc
ilcncc ithout chancc ol hcin hcarJ.

Magic Weaon
Saving Thro. nonc nraiion. Contant
Maic capon hac a 1J41 honu to Damac lor
!ccr cncmic, anJ 1J41 to A//.| anJ Damac lor
Crcatcr anJ 2J42 (A//.| anJ Damac) lor AJanccJ.

Ioiion oI Invisibiiiy
Saving Thro. nonc nraiion. 10 minutc
Thi potion turn thc Jrinlcr iniihlc lor thc Juration
or until hc malc any linJ ol A//.| on anothcr hcin.

Ring oI ReIeci Mirace
Saving Thro. . Miraclc nraiion. 10 minutc
Thi rin allo thc carcr to rcllcct thc ncxt Miraclc
pcrlormcJ on him hacl thc Miraclc iclJcr, ho mut ~ac.

Robe oI Arnor
Saving Thro. nonc nraiion. 10 minutc
Thi maic rohc incrcac thc carcr` Dclcnc to 1o
lor thc Duration.

Rnne Weaon
Saving Thro. . Maic !tcm nraiion. Contant
Thcc maic capon hac thc amc !onuc a a
maic capon (ahoc) plu ~hattcrin !lo anJ !ilc Kcturn
(cc Dcil Huntcr` Manual lor Jctail).

Shied oI Ioer
Saving Thro. . Maic !tcm nraiion. Contant
Thi maic hiclJ hattcr any normal (non-Holy)
capon that trilc it.

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 8
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 9
C Cc cn nc cc cq qu uc cn nc cc cc c c c| | \ \o og g| |c c
Maic i a cry Jancrou lorcc that plauc thc lnon
orlJ, cpccially Chritian charactcr. Whcthcr lc|q
Londc charactcr liht aaint it or attcmpt to uc it, maic
can hac cry ncatic cllcct on thcm. Jut proloncJ
cxpourc to a maic itcm crcatc a chancc that thc itcm ill
concqucntly curc thc charactcr. A charactcr mut roll to
~ac cru omc maic cllcct JcpcnJin on thc inllucncc
thc maic itcm ha on thc charactcr. \c thc lolloin tahlc
to Jctcrminc hich ~ain Thro to apply to thc ituation.

Ma,|. Sac|n, T|-ou Ta|/e
Iosnre Save vs.
Charactcr carric a maic itcm too lon` Maic !tcm
Charactcr cat a pcll \c Maic
Charactcr Jrinl a maic potion \c Maic
Charactcr rcaJ a maic croll \c Maic
Charactcr i ithin 10 lcct ol Kunc Trap Kunc Trap
Curc pcll cat on charactcr Curc
Cpponcnt uc a maic itcm on charactcr Maic !tcm
~pcll i cat on thc charactcr ~pcll
`Charactcr can carry a maic itcm lor 1 hour pcr !nJurancc
Attrihutc Katin hclorc thc itcm ncaticly allcct thc charactcr,
thc charactcr mut roll to ~ac lor cach hour thcrcaltcr

Althouh a maic itcm may ncaticly harm a
charactcr, no onc i phyically prohihitcJ lrom uin it. Thi
i thc Jcilihly appcalin lact ol maic hcrc, unlilc Holy
!tcm, thcrc i no !aith rcquircmcnt to uc a maic itcm.
A tatcJ ahoc, concqucncc can rcult lrom acciJcntally
Jahhlin ith maic a cll a purpoclully uin it.
!coplc ho hac not JcotcJ thcir lic to thc cil art
cannot uc maic or maic itcm ithout rccciin ccrc
concqucncc. !or Chritian charactcr, thi can hc
anythin lrom a rclaticly milJ poionin to Jcath.
!t may hc ncccary in unlorcccn, critical ituation lor
a charactcr to carry or ccn uc a maic itcm. !l hc or hc
Joc uc maic, thc charactcr mut roll to ~ac cru |:
M.,. !l unuccclul, hc or hc ill ullcr onc ol thc
pcnaltic lrom thc lolloin lit.
Noie. A pcll cat lrom a orccrcr or a maic itcm ucJ
on a charactcr Joc not rcquirc a charactcr to ~ac cru
c:|| anJ thcn to ~ac cru a ncatic concqucncc. !n
thi cac, thc ncatic concqucncc i caucJ hy thc pcll or
maic itcm.
Secia Noie. Duc to it iclcJ naturc, anytimc a
charactcr uc maic or a maic itcm lor cllih ain rathcr
than lor a common ooJ, hc or hc loc 1 l./:o: AK
intantly. Thi alo cauc thc charactcr to loc 1J4 !aith
\c thi tahlc il thc charactcr inct omcthin
maical anJ Joc not ~ac, cpccially uin a maical potion.
Koll a J8 to linJ thc corrcponJin concqucncc.

lo- some/||n, ma,|.a/ |n,es/ed (dSi
1) !ntcrnal hlccJin, Jic ithin 1J4 Jay, no curc
2) \omitin anJ nauca lor 2Jo hour, ullcr -5 to all roll,
incluJin ~lill, Ahility, anJ Comhat Koll
3) Totally paraly.cJ lor 1J4 hour, no curc aailahlc
4) Complctcly hlinJ lor 1J8 hour, no curc aailahlc
5) Complctcly Jcal lor 1J8 hour, no curc aailahlc
o) !oioncJ, loc 1J41 !ilc pcr hour lor 10 hour
7) Wcalnc, amc a pcll cllcct, lor 2J4 hour, no curc
8) !oioncJ, loc 4J8 !ilc at 1 !ilc pcr KounJ

\c thi tahlc il thc charactcr cat omcthin maical
hy pcalin anJ Joc not ~ac, cpccially hcn uin a pcll
or croll. Koll a J8 to linJ thc corrcponJin concqucncc.

lo- .as/|n,/spea||n, some/||n, ma,|.a/ (dSi
1) !nanity Curc, complctc paranoia aaint ccryonc
2) Complctcly hlinJ lor 2J8 hour, no curc aailahlc
3) Curc ol lctcrin hoil, Jic in 1J4 Jay, ullcr -5 to all
roll, incluJin ~lill, Ahility, anJ Comhat Koll
4) !ac out, unalcahlc lccp lor 1J8 hour
5) !nanity Curc, complctc phyical rac aaint anyonc
ho Jclic thc charactcr
o) !oc an aJJitional l./:o: pcrmancntly anJ 1J4 !aith
7) Charactcr turn into an animal (Kac` choicc) lor 3J8
hour, no curc aailahlc
8) KcJucc all ~lill anJ Comhat ~lill !onuc hy 1

\c thi tahlc il thc charactcr carric, car, or uc a
maical itcm or capon lor loncr than hi LoJa.o: AK in
hour anJ Joc not ~ac. Koll a J8 to linJ thc
corrcponJin concqucncc.

lo- .a--|n, some/||n, ma,|.a/ /oo /on, (dSi
1) Wcalnc, amc a pcll cllcct, lor 1J4 Jay, no curc
2) !nanity Curc, complctc paranoia aaint ccryonc
3) !nanity Curc, complctc phyical rac aaint anyonc
ho Jclic thc charactcr
4) Charactcr loc 2Jo !ilc no 2Jo !ilc cach aJJitional
hour carryin thc itcm
5) Totally paraly.cJ lor 2J8 hour, no curc aailahlc
o) Curc ol lctcrin hoil, Jic in 1J4 Jay, ullcr -2 to all
roll, incluJin ~lill, Ahility, anJ Comhat Koll
7) !oc an aJJitional l./:o: pcrmancntly anJ 1J4 !aith
8) KcJucc all ~lill anJ Comhat ~lill !onuc hy 1
pcrmancntly plu an aJJitional 1 pcr hour carryin thc

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 10

Thc !ncmy Clac arc pcoplc, human hcin maJc in
thc imac ol CoJ, ho hac illlully chocn a lilctylc ol
hlatant cil anJ lalcnc. Thcy hac onc lar hcyonJ jut
hcin a inlul human, hut rathcr hac chocn to honc thcir
in a il thcy crc ~lill. Thcy thric on thcir on Jcirc to
hc iclcJ, anJ Jcric pocr in any ay that trcnthcn
Many ol thoc ithin thc !ncmy Clac hac hcarJ
thc call ol CoJ or othcric aincJ lnolcJc ol thc plan ol
alation, thcy hac hcarJ that CoJ Jcirc to uc thcm lor
ooJ anJ thcy hac hcarJ ahout Jcu hcin atoncmcnt lor
thcir in. Hoccr, cncmic hac chocn a path ol
iclcJnc Jcpitc lnolcJc ol juJmcnt to comc or imply
hccauc thcy Jon`t hclicc in it - thcy hac chocn cithcr to
hatc CoJ or to Jcly that hich i ooJ. ~omc may hac
turncJ aay lrom Chritianity out ol an ocrhclmin Jcirc
lor pocr or rccJ, omc imply hatc Chritian, anJ till
morc ant to linJ a morc concnicnt rcliion or lilctylc that
upport anJ cncourac thcir inlul Jcirc.

1|:nq |no'cr u:|n :c :
:urdcr unc onc : dccnd:nq
u:|n :c

!cn thouh thc mcmhcr ol !ncmy Clac commit
cllih anJ lalc act aaint humanity, it i not thc acrac
aJcnturcr` placc to cat a juJmcnt ol Jcath upon any
pcron. Charactcr houlJ coniJcr lillin any human hcin
murJcr unlc anothcr human hcin` lilc i in mortal Jancr
hy omconc ol an !ncmy Cla. !cn till, Jcath to that
cncmy houlJ only comc hcn all cllort at pcacc hac lailcJ
or hcn onc in propcr authority (count, Julc, or lin) hac
juJcJ onc` crimc to hc orthy ol Jcath.
Talin anothcr human hcin` lilc ithout thc ahoc
jutilication i coniJcrcJ criminal murJcr in all
circumtancc anJ i punihahlc a uch. Your charactcr
cannot talc a human hcin` lilc jut hccauc hc or hc lccl
roncJ` hy that pcron, incluJin omconc tcalin
omcthin lrom your charactcr, inultin your charactcr, or
lihtin aaint your charactcr in a common tacrn hral.

u:|n :c : 'o c |ro'cc'cd
|nd |vcd c'crn|,
Your charactcr houlJ rcccic ticc thc !xpcricncc lor
~ain a pcron ctcrnally, uin thc ~lill ol l:.| anJ
c.:J c/aJ:, than thcy Jo lor lillin omconc. !cn
attcmpt at innin ocr an cncmy or othcr pcron ocr ith
compaion, unJcrtanJin, anJ turnin thc othcr chccl,`
a ininilicant a thc attcmpt a, houlJ hc rcarJcJ hy thc
Kac ith !xpcricncc.
Nccrthclc, omc mcmhcr ol thc !ncmy Clac hatc
(ith a chcmcnt hotility) anyonc prcachin CoJ, Jcu, or
Chritianity to thcm, anJ may mcct that approach ith
iolcncc. Thcc pcoplc, morc oltcn orccrcr anJ itchc,
lccl a nccJ to clcanc` thc carth ol Chritian hccauc ol
thcir loyalty to a Jcmon or Jcil lorJ.
!cn thouh pcacc may ccm lc lun` than haclin
anJ lahin anyonc anJ anythin, c lccl thi i an
important irtuc to cncourac - ccn in a lictional amc. !t
i important lor thc Kac to rcarJ charactcr ho uhJuc
(ithout thc intcntion ol lillin) ccn thc mot iolcnt
cncmic. Thi i not a Jillicult intcntion to rcaJ` hccauc
thc playcr ill Jcclarc action ol control anJ rctraint rathcr
than oin lor max Damac.` ~ccral Comhat ~lill
~pccial, incluJin c.c.c. LaoJo,, c.c.c. L.J: .oJ
D., c.c.c. t.|:, anJ c.c.c. 1.||o,, allo lor a
morc non-iolcnt approach to Jilluin iolcnt human
cncmic. \c ol thcc ~lill, alon ith thc uc ol co/||:J
D..,: anJ lo|ca/ D..,: (lounJ on pac 11 ol thc
!iht !Jition Camc Manual), houlJ carn thc charactcr
morc !xpcricncc hcn Jcalin ith iolcnt !ncmy Clac.

^ u:|n :c : |rcc:ou 'o

!n our moJcrn mcJia culturc ol T\, comic hool,
moic, iJco amc, anJ ccn muic, human iolcncc anJ
cruclty i maintrcam. A a Chritian amc, lc|q Londc
oulJ hc rcmi not to oppoc thcc qualitic` in thi amc.
~o, a a rulc, lc|q Londc prohihit not only murJcr, hut
alo any linJ ol cruclty to anothcr human hcin. Thcrc
houlJ hc no !xpcricncc ccr aarJcJ (anJ criminal
concqucncc houlJ lollo) lor any act ol cmhc..lcmcnt,
rapc, inaction to hclp thoc in nccJ, painlul torturc, or
cnclc pcrccution ol anothcr human hcin (althouh uch
thin may hc commonplacc lor othcr amc - cpccially
ccular lantay K!C`).
!or morc inlormation ahout Crine and Innishneni,
cc Adcen/u-e Pa.| 2 - Ga/,a//ee C|/.
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 11

DruiJ arc orhippcr ol Jcil cilcJ a naturc oJ,`
anJ mot pcoplc coniJcr JruiJic maic a o./a.| maic
hccauc it Jircctly cllcct anJ conjurc natural clcmcnt
(carth, lirc, atcr, anJ air). Thi malc thc rcliion`
appcalin to omc naturc-loin loll. Hoccr, thcrc i a
murJcrou Jarl iJc to thc JruiJ ol hich lc pcoplc
outiJc thcir cocn arc aarc (anJ JruiJ Jcny at all cot).
DruiJic initiatc mut partalc in a ritual ol a human
acrilicc, prclcrahly ol a Chritian, to thcir oJ in orJcr to
ain thcir maic ahilitic anJ to ain initiation into thc
cocn. Durin thcc ritual (uually pcrlormcJ lour timc a
ycar - oncc at cach caonal olticc) thc JruiJ uc pocrlul
natural Jru to incitc a piritual` cxpcricncc anJ to calm
thc ictim anJ any onc ol thc initiatc lrom turnin hacl`
hclorc thc acrilicc i complctc. !n cxchanc lor thcc
ritual, thc JruiJ arc proiJcJ Jcmonic protcction hy thcir
Jcil-oJ, anJ thcc atchJo` Jcmon arc rarcly lar lrom
thc cocn.
DruiJ lic in thc ooJ mot ol thc timc, anJ omc
ccrctly comc into ciili.ation` to cll thcir arc (natural
jcclry, Jiharc, anJ armcnt) anJ linJ nc ictim oncc
in a hilc. ~omc JruiJ nccr cntcr a ton or city, anJ thcir
cocn i thc only ciili.ation thcy ccr lno.

C Cn nc cc cu un nt tc cr r| |n ng g D Dr ru u| |d dc c
Whcn thc charactcr cncountcr a roup ol JruiJ in thc
lorct, thc JruiJ ill morc than lilcly hac animal uch a
Jccr, quirrcl, hcar, anJ rahhit, amon thcir company.
_uitc oltcn, cpccially at ccnin ritual, JruiJ linJ
thcmclc in thc prccncc ol iitin Jcmon, onc icn to
a morc natural lorm, uch a trcc hill, tonc olcm,
Jarlhorc, rimolc, manticorc, alo an occaional
Jraon or ycrn. Thc prccncc ol thcc Jcmon ic
trcnth anJ comlort to thc JruiJ anJ lucl thcir Jcirc to
appcac thcir oJ.
Iesser drnids linJ comlort in thcir rcliion` anJ
cnjoy thc prccncc ol thcir animal anJ JruiJ lricnJ. Dcpitc
thc initiation acrilicc, mot !ccr JruiJ lccl that thcy arc
till part ol a pcacclul naturc rcliion. Hoccr, thcrc arc
omc morc cil !ccr JruiJ that arc in it to ain thc
clcmcntal pocr ol thc JruiJic linJ, anJ ill laJly uc it
aaint othcr, cpccially Chritian.
!y thc timc JruiJ hac rcachcJ thc Greaier drnid
lccl ol pocr, hc or hc i hccomin morc lamiliar ith thc
truth ol thc rcliion.` Thcy arc hcinnin to rcali.c that
thc naturc oJ hchinJ thc pocr arc a hit cil, hut arc happy
that thcir on pocr i roin rcatly. !t may talc ccral
ycar lor a JruiJ to rcach thi point in pocr.
Whcn a JruiJ rcachc thc Advanced drnid tac ol
pocr, Jcil hac o cJuccJ him or hcr hy thc pocr thcy
poc that thcy may nccr turn lrom it. AJanccJ JruiJ
arc lamiliar ith thc Jcil ho lcaJ thcm anJ may hac ccn
limpcJ thcm or hac polcn to thcm lacc-to-lacc.
Noncthclc, AJanccJ JruiJ mut oltcn play to thcir
conrcation` ahout thcir rcliion,` comlortin thc !ccr
JruiJ ho inquirc ahout thc tranc` pirit thcy orhip.

D Dr ru u| |d d| |c c C Cc cu uc cn nc c
DruiJic cocn arc maJc up motly ol !ccr JruiJ
ith ccral Crcatcr JruiJ hih prict, anJ onc or to
AJanccJ JruiJ Chicl. Thcy uc only hat thc natural
cnironmcnt proiJc lor hcltcr, looJ, anJ atcr. Thcy
rarcly Jiturh` naturc hy huilJin, toolin, or carin
anythin. !or thc mot part, thc cocn opcratc a cll-
utainin, coopcratic, ccn pcacclul roup ol piritual`
pcoplc. Thcy pcnJ mot ol thcir timc tcnJin to thc
arJcn` ol thcir lorct roc, hathin, mcJitatin, or orlin
maic pcll. Thc cloct many ol thcm ccr ct to` ith cach othcr i Jurin a collcctic ritual,
incc thc rcliion Jra thoc ith a morc cllih anJ
ithJran pcronality.
Ahout oncc a ycar, thc JruiJic cocn miratc to a nc
roc to tcnJ, it can hc cry ncar or cry lar lrom thcir
prciou roc.

D Dr ru u| |d d| |c c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc cc c
DruiJic aJcnturc can hc challcnin hccauc thcc
cncmic arc thc lcat phyically Jancrou to humanity.
That i, aiJc lrom thc human acrilicc, thc JruiJ Jcirc a
olitary or ccn pcacclul lilctylc.
1. A natural lcaJ in oulJ hc lor thc charactcr to hac
to top a JruiJic ritual hilc Jcmon protcct thc cocn.
2. A cocn ol JruiJ arc lillin anJ acrilicin lo cuttcr
in a lorct or minor in mountain to protct inJutry`
that` harmin thc oJJc ol thc orlJ.
3. A JruiJic chicl ha JicJ anJ thc cocn ill not
acrilicc omconc until a orthy chicl i lounJ. \ntil
thcn, thcy hac lot thcir maic pocr anJ Jcmonic
protcction, anJ thcy call upon thc charactcr to hclp riJ
thcir lorct ol a huc hanJ ol rouc huntcr that arc
lillin Jccr, rahhit, anJ ccn JruiJ ho ct in thcir ay.
4. An N!C or charactcr i liJnappcJ a a acrilicc anJ
mut hc rccucJ.
5. !ll inJ hlo lrom thc lorct. DruiJ arc plottin
omc linJ maic maical attacl or rclcac ol Jcmon
to Jctroy a city or ton to "clcanc" thc lanJ.
Charactcr mut loil thc attacl.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 12

Lesse- D-u|ds
IiIe. 21 2Jo
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Miilc
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 1, Attacl. 1,
DoJc. 1, DclcnJ. 1, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo), hort ho
anJ 12 arro (2J8)
AiR. 1
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. WiJom. 8, !aticncc. 7
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 7
Iceiiona Sis. Animal ~cicncc. 3, Hcrhal
~cicncc. 2, McJical. 2, othcr a appropriatc. 1
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 75 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). A//:/ Ao.| (80'), c.||
l,|/oo, (o5'), l:|.|| (72'), l|.| l::.: (o2'),
H:./ M:/.| (87'), l/ \J (o0')
Iqnineni (chancc). 1J41 !otion ol Hcalin (7o'),
Maic ~tall (20')
Vanabes (chancc). 2Jo (80'), jccl orth 2Jo (38')
G-ea/e- D-u|ds
IiIe. 40 2J8
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron, Miilc
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 3, Attacl. 3,
DoJc. 3, DclcnJ. 3, anage. 2
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo), hort ho
anJ 12 arro (2J8)
AiR. 2
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. WiJom. 8, !aticncc. 0
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Animal ~cicncc. o, Hcrhal
~cicncc. 4, McJical. 4, othcr a appropriatc. 2
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 150 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). All !ccr DruiJ pcll (100')
plu c|.:|// (74') anJ la/ M:/.| (oo')
Iqnineni (chancc). 1J41 !otion ol Hcalin (80'),
Kunc ~tall (74')
Vanabes (chancc). 3Jo (80'), jccl orth 2Jo (38')

Adcan.ed D-u|ds
IiIe. 50 2J10
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron, Miilc
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 4
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo), hort ho
anJ 12 arro (2J8)
AiR. 3
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. WiJom. 0, !aticncc. 11
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 1
Iceiiona Sis. Animal ~cicncc. 10, Hcrhal
~cicncc. 0, McJical. 7, othcr a appropriatc. 4
Saving Thro Ionnses. 8 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 300 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). All DruiJic pcll (100')
Iqnineni (chancc). 1J41 !otion ol Hcalin (80'),
Kunc ~tall (74'), Kin ol Kcllcct Miraclc (o5'), Kohc
ol Armor (53')
Vanabes (chancc). 5Jo (80'), jccl orth 4Jo (38')

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1

!rict ol Jarlnc (othcric lnon a Jarl prict or
arlocl) anJ itchc harc a Jricn naturc hcnt on hrinin
cil anJ Jarlnc to thc orlJ. \nlilc JruiJ, itchc anJ
Jarl prict arc not conlucJ ahout ho thcy orhip - thcy
lno lull cll that thcy orhip anJ communc ith thc
Jarlct anJ mot cil ol Jcil. Traically, thc itchc anJ
Jarl prict illinly ollcr human anJ animal acrilicc to
thcir Jcil lorJ hcnccr thcy can, a oltcn a oncc a Jay!
All ol thc rcmain ol thc acrilicc arc collcctcJ anJ torcJ lor
uc in othcr ritual, curc, anJ mcal.
!rict ol Jarlnc arc ccntially malc itchc,
hoccr, a prict ol Jarlnc cxcrcic a titcJ malc
Jominancc ocr thc itchc ol hi cocn, onc that can only
hc JccrihcJ a ahuic anJ torturou. Nccrthclc, thi i
tanJarJ lairc` lor Darl Cocn anJ i part ol thcir
initiation into anJ mcmhcrhip in thc cocn.
Witchc anJ arlocl pcnJ much ol thcir timc
tuJyin thc Jarl art ol maic anJ collcctin componcnt to
uc in thcir curc anJ ritual. Thcc minion ol cil hac
thc ahility to cat curc on pcoplc on iht, anJ to inllict
morc Jctrimcntal curc hy uin ritual.

C Cn nc cc cu un nt tc cr r| |n ng g D Do or r| | l lr r| |c cc ct tc c. .\ \| |t tc cb bc cc c
!t` uually haJ nc hcn a charactcr cncountcr a
itch or arlocl, cpccially il thc charactcr i alonc. Witchc
anJ Jarl prict typically tay in thcir tcmplc, tocr, or cac
ith thcir cocn, o thc charactcr ha uually maJc a ron
turn` omchcrc il thcy comc upon onc. Witchc anJ
prict ol Jarlnc Jon`t uually ccn tcp out into thc
Jayliht, or into ciili.ation lor that mattcr. Thcy arc
rccluc anJ ahcntminJcJ hcn it comc to, o a
concration ith thcm ol any aluc i ncarly impoihlc.
Whcrc thc Jarl prict imply ill not tall or ay cry littlc, a
itch ill oltcn chattcr anJ hahhlc uncontrollahly.
!n cncral, itchc anJ arlocl arc rarc, thouh
Iesser iiches/arocs arc thc morc common. !ccr
itchc anJ Jarl prict arc typically ocial outcat hccauc
ol hiJcou lcaturc, anJ out ol thcir ancr toarJ ocicty,
thcy turn to thc cil pocr ol Jarlnc. Cn thc othcr hanJ,
omc arc cry hcautilul/hanJomc pcoplc ho linJ
thcmclc cJuccJ hy maic` cil pocr, hich latcr
Jiliurc thcir phyical hcauty anJ corrupt thcir moral
qualitic. Thcrclorc, thc !ccr itch may till hc hcautilul
anJ ccn omchat ocial.
A Greaier iich/dar riesi i an apirin conjurcr
Jricn to cil ith a paionatc lury. Hc or hc ha hcun to
loc thcir hcauty iniJc anJ out, anJ i no ohccJ ith thc
pocr ol Jarlnc. Thcy pcnJ mot ol thcir timc crcatin
curc anJ athcrin pcll componcnt. !coplc rarcly cc
Crcatcr itchc, ho uually lccp to thcmclc hilc Join
thc hiJJin ol a morc pocrlul matcr.
Whcn thc itch rcachc thc Advanced lccl ol pocr,
hc or hc i uually hiJcou anJ rotcquc in lcaturc. Thcy
arc o pocrlul that thcy crc no onc, hut rathcr may orl
ith anothcr Crcatcr orccrcr to achicc omc cil.
AJanccJ itchc oltcn lccp animal uch a hlacl cat,
oat, anJ racn a thcir lamiliar.

D Do or r| | C Cc cu uc cn nc c
Witchc anJ arlocl pcnJ thcir Jay anJ niht in
Jarl tcmplc anJ ccrct unJcrrounJ lair. Thcy oltcn
communc ith Jcmon anJ ccn lccp omc a pct (it i cry
common lor itchc anJ arlocl to hac imp, cac imp,
anJ rcmlin runnin arounJ thcir lair). Thcir room anJ
chamhcr arc littcrcJ ith croll, pcllhool, jar ol animal
part, honc, canJlc, ymhol Jran in hlooJ, ccrcmonial
tahlc anJ altar, Jacr, anJ oltcn, caulJron ucJ to
Jctroy Holy !tcm. Thc tcnch ol uch a placc i cnouh to
malc thc acrac aJcnturcr to a upon cntcrin.

D Do or r| | l lr r| |c cc ct t. .\ \| |t tc cb b A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc cc c
Thcc aJcnturc can hac an clcmcnt ol urpric
hccauc itchcralt maic can hc cry pocrlul anJ can hc
harJ to comhat.
1. An clcmcnt that can hc incrtcJ into ncarly any
campain oulJ hc hcrc a itch ha cnt out thicl or
imp minion to cxtract onc ol thc charactcr` pcronal
cllcct (uch a a capon, a piccc ol clothin, omc
hair, ctc.) to uc to curc him or hcr.
2. An cluic Jarl prict ha hclricnJcJ anJ promicJ
rcat pocr to a Julc or count anJ hcin to poion hi
minJ. Thc Julc or count hcin to hatc orJcr anJ
rihtcounc, anJ tart a rcin ol tcrror anJ murJcr
a pcr thc Jarl prict' commanJ.
3. A cocn ol JruiJ anJ a cocn ol itchc hac talcn
ocr a rcmotc lccp (anJ urrounJin arca) in a Jitant
lorct. Thc roup ro troncr anJ larcr ocr thc
lolloin month, oon cnlac ncarhy illacr, anJ
attcmpt to cnlac a larcr ton ncxt.
4. A cocn ol ccminly linJ JruiJ cnlit thc
charactcr' aiJ in JclcnJin thcmclc aaint an
arcic cocn ol itchc. Thc JruiJ arc actually in
lcauc ith thc itchc anJ arc cnJin thc aJcnturcr
to thcir Joom.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1

Lesse- P-|es/s o/ Da-|ness/V|/.|es
IiIe. 21 2Jo
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 1, Attacl. 1,
DoJc. 1, DclcnJ. 1, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. WiJom. o, !aticncc. 5
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 8
Iceiiona Sis. Dcmonoloy. 3, ~orccry
~tuJic. 2, !oion ~cicncc. 2, othcr a
appropriatc. 1
Saving Thro Ionnses. 3 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 115 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). c:./: M (80'), ca: /
L| (o5'), l.: |oJ:.J (72'), cao D:o
Iqnineni (chancc). !otion ol !niihility (87'), Maic
~tall (30')
Vanabes (chancc). 2Jo (80'), jccl orth 1J8 (38')
G-ea/e- P-|es/s o/ Da-|ness/V|/.|es
IiIe. 31 2J8
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 2, Attacl. 2,
DoJc. 2, DclcnJ. 2, anage. 2
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo)
AiR. 2
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. WiJom. 7, !aticncc. o
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 8
Iceiiona Sis. Dcmonoloy. o, ~orccry
~tuJic. 5, !oion ~cicncc. 4, othcr a
appropriatc. 2
Saving Thro Ionnses. 5 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 230 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). amc a !ccr !rict ol
Darlnc/Witch (100') plu ca: / \:.|o: (74')
Iqnineni (chancc). !otion ol !niihility (87'), Kunc
~tall (54'), Maic Jacr (45')
Vanabes (chancc). 3Jo (80'), jccl orth 2J8 (38')

Adcan.ed P-|es/s o/ Da-|ness/V|/.|es
IiIe. 41 2J10
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 4, Attacl. 4,
DoJc. 4, DclcnJ. 4, anage. 4
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo)
AiR. 3
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. WiJom. 8, !aticncc. 7
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 8
Iceiiona Sis. Dcmonoloy. 10, ~orccry
~tuJic. 8, !oion ~cicncc. o, othcr a
appropriatc. 4
Saving Thro Ionnses. 0 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 4o0 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). all Witchcralt pcll (100')
plu omc ~orccry pcll a appropriatc (o5')
Iqnineni (chancc). !otion ol !niihility (87'), Kunc
~tall (74'), Maic Jacr (o7')
Vanabes (chancc). 4Jo (80'), jccl orth 3J8 (38')

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1

Thc rouc !ncmy Cla i thc mot promincnt ol thc
clac hccauc it talc nothin to hc a rouc cxccpt a Jcirc
to hc lalc. Thcrclorc, mot oulJ-hc haJ pcoplc cithcr
tart thcir cil carccr a a rouc or cnJ up a rouc hcn hc or
hc lail at a morc lilllul !ncmy Cla.
Thc rouc, lilc thcir Warrior countcrpart, lilc to
liht, hut rouc tcnJ morc toarJ paanim, Jrunlcnnc,
anJ lalcnc. Cauin trouhlc, Jrinlin hcaily, anJ
cnain in hlooJy liht arc common actiitic lor mot
rouc, ccn ithin thcir on clan. Thcy can hc hcllicrcnt,
ohnoxiou hullic ho cnjoy cauin mayhcm anJ pain
amon othcric ciili.cJ pcoplc.
!ccauc ol thcir paan hclicl, rouc hac no prohlcm
aclin, pillain, anJ Jctroyin placc that Chritian (or
anyonc clc lor that mattcr) coniJcr acrcJ, holy, or
othcric orthy ol prccration. Monatcric, churchc,
hop, anJ ccn homc arc thcrc lor thc talin a lar a a
rouc i conccrncJ. !urthcrmorc, a rouc ill not conccJc
to authority or ho rcpcct to any rulcr, nohlc, or clcry
othcr than onc ithin thcir clan, anJ ccn that i
uncommon. Thc rouc i out to atily onc pcron anJ onc
pcron only - himcll.
Nccrthclc, in rarc cac, a charactcr ill cncountcr a
rouc that i morc orl-minJcJ, not icn to much
Jrinlin, anJ may ccn hc lillcJ at omc cralt. Thcc
rouc arc much rarcr than thc common rouc i.

C Cn nc cc cu un nt tc cr r| |n ng g L Lc cg gu uc cc c
Whcn a normal cncountcr a rouc, it uually
mcan that a liht or lauhtcr i ahout to cnuc. Typically,
rouc Jo not lrcqucnt ciili.ation unlc thcy arc oin to
acl it, anJ no rouc ccr anJcr lar ithout at lcat a othcr Jrunlcn outla ith him. Thcy tcnJ to tay in
lorct that rcular pcoplc thinl arc hauntcJ, or thcy lic on
thcir hip, ailin lorm illac to illac pillain thc
innoccnt lor ooJ.
A rouc i uually hcaily armcJ anJ armorcJ - ccn
hcn lccpin. Thc rouc i unyiclJin, thcir lilc JcpcnJ on
thcir lihtin ahilitic. Thcrclorc, il a challcnc i aloot,
thcy ill acccpt it anJ liht to thc Jcath. CrantcJ, rouc
rarcly liht lair, cpccially il thcy can outnumhcr thcir
Kcmarlahly, esser rognes arc thc lcat common ol all
thc rouc, hcin thc mot cxpcnJahlc.` Thc lccr thc
rouc, thc lccr hc or hc i in natinc, anJ in turn thc
lccr aluc hc or hc i to thc othcr clanmcn. !lu, a olt`
rouc i a JcaJ rouc a lar a thc clan i conccrncJ. !t
Jocn`t talc much lill to hccomc a Crcatcr rouc, jut
mcannc anJ hrutality.
!y thc timc thc rouc ha rcachcJ thc Greaier rogne
lccl ol pocr, hc or hc ha hccomc quitc hcllicrcnt anJ
Jancrou. Thcy tart to cc thcir on pocr anJ uc it to
rulc ocr othcr !ccr rouc. Thc Crcatcr rouc hccomc
morc ruthlc anJ crucl, anJ ccntually Jcirc to cauc pain
to innoccnt a much a hc or hc Jcirc to Jrinl hcaily.
A rouc ro in pocr rclaticly quiclly a lon a thcy
arc mcan anJ crucl. !y thc timc thcy rcach thc Advanced
rogne tac, thcy arc lcaJcr ol clan anJ poihly Jcclarin
ar ith mall linJom, cpccially mall Chritian

L Lc cg gu uc c C C| |o on nc c
Kouc clan arc uually much larcr than any ol thc
othcr !ncmy Cla athcrin imply hccauc ol thc numhcr
ol rouc out thcrc. Thcy uually moc in larc roup, acl
a cttlcmcnt hcrc anJ thcrc, anJ thcn Jiappcar to cnjoy thc
poil ol thcir aault. ~mall rouc clan, hich arc thc mot
common, attacl mall illac, hcrc larcr clan attacl
\ually a clan ha morc than 20 rouc hcrc a larc
anJ orani.cJ` clan can hac morc than 2,000 rouc!
~mallcr clan arc uually on loot or uc mall hip, hcrca
uually hac multiplc hip hut attacl on loot.

L Lc cg gu uc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc cc c
Thcc aJcnturc can hac much morc ol thc lccl ol
ar imply hccauc ol thc numhcr ol mcn that arc uually
inolcJ, thc typc ol mcn that arc inolcJ, anJ ho cry
littlc concration anJ prohlcm-olin talc placc.
1. \c rouc to imulatc hitoric hattlc, incluJin
\ilin anJ ~axon raiJ on Chritian monatcric anJ
2. Althouh thcy crcn`t paan, hac ~araccn (Arah
Mulim arrior anJ aain) inaJcr attcmpt to talc
ocr Chritian illac anJ lanJ. Thi a common in
hoth Jircction hitorically.
3. Ton anJ illac in a paan lanJ rcquct thc
charactcr` hclp to liht oll rchcl rouc that arc
attaclin thcir lanJ in protct to a chanc in political
4. Compctin roup ol rouc liht ocr a illac. Thc
charactcr hac to top or Jicrt hoth iJc, or acatc thc
5. A larc roup ol rouc traclin hy hip talc thc
roup ol charactcr prioncr. Cncc thc charactcr arc
talcn ahoarJ anJ thc hip ct ail lor a lorcin port, thc
hip crahc ncar a lar-oll JccrtcJ ilanJ. Mot ol thc
rouc anJ thc charactcr arc tranJcJ tocthcr.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1o

Lesse- Ko,ues
IiIe. 31 2Jo
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron,
~hiclJ !lay
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 2, Attacl. 2,
DoJc. 2, DclcnJ. 2 (5 ith hiclJ), anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). Crcat axc (2J12), hroaJorJ (2J10),
throin axc (2J8), or lit (1J82)
AiR. 1
II. 4 (ith cloth) to 8 (ith chain)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 8, !nJurancc. 7
Secia Abiiiies. Climh. o
Iceiiona Sis. C.~.~. Koll ith !lo. 3, !iht
~lccp. 2, Camp. 2, othcr a appropriatc. 1
Saving Thro Ionnses. 1 . Miraclc
IXI Vane. 85 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge. ^o:
Iqnineni (chancc). Maic Wcapon (30'), !otion ol
!niihility (33'), !otion ol Hcalin (27'), ~hiclJ ol
!ocr (21')
Vanabes (chancc). 2Jo (80'), jccl orth 2Jo (38')
G-ea/e- Ko,ues
IiIe. o3 2J8
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron,
~hiclJ !lay
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5 (8 ith hiclJ), anage. 7
Weaons (Damac). Crcat axc (2J12), hroaJorJ (2J10),
throin axc (2J8), or lit (1J84)
AiR. 2 (lor mot capon) or 3 (lor lit)
II. 8 (ith chain) to 1o (ith platc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 10, !nJurancc. 0
Secia Abiiiies. Climh. 4
Iceiiona Sis. C.~.~. Koll ith !lo. o, !iht
~lccp. 4, Camp. 3, othcr a appropriatc. 2
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 . Miraclc
IXI Vane. 170 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge. ^o:
Iqnineni (chancc). Maic Wcapon (84'), Kunc Wcapon
(72'), !otion ol !niihility (54'), ~hiclJ ol !ocr
(43'), Armor ol Juticc (31')
Vanabes (chancc). 3Jo (80'), jccl orth 2Jo (38')

Adcan.ed Ko,ues
IiIe. 05 2J10
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron,
~hiclJ !lay
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 8, Attacl. 8,
DoJc. 8, DclcnJ. 8 (11 ith hiclJ),
anage. 10
Weaons (Damac). Crcat axc (2J12), hroaJorJ (2J10),
throin axc (2J8), or lit (1J88)
AiR. 3 (lor mot capon) or 4 (lor lit)
II. 8 (ith chain) to 1o (ith platc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 12, !nJurancc. 10
Secia Abiiiies. Climh. 1
Iceiiona Sis. C.~.~. Koll ith !lo. 0, !iht
~lccp. 0, Camp. o, othcr a appropriatc. 4
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 . Miraclc
IXI Vane. 340 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge. ^o:
Iqnineni (chancc). Maic Wcapon (84'), Kunc Wcapon
(72'), !otion ol !niihility (o5'), ~hiclJ ol !ocr
(58'), Armor ol Juticc (47')
Vanabes (chancc). 4Jo (80'), jccl orth 4Jo (38')

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1

~orccrcr, alo lnon a mac, i.arJ, or conjurcr,
uc thcir inlul Jcirc lor pocr to call upon upcrnatural
lorcc. ~omchcrc hctccn prict ol Jarlnc anJ JruiJ,
mot orccrcr hoth Jon`t lno anJ Jon`t carc hcrc thc
maic thcy conjurc comc lrom, thcy only carc that thcy can
harnc it. ~orccrcr tuJy runc anJ pcll until thcy
hccomc prolicicnt at thc maic lanuac anJ thcn uc it lor
thcir on ain. Hoccr, omc morc-JcotcJ orccrcr
lnoinly tap into thc upcrnatural pocr ollcrcJ hy thc
Jcil anJ rcturn thc laor ith orhip in thc lorm ol
richc, ritual, anJ ccn human anJ animal acrilicc.
~orccrcr lno thcrc i a Jillcrcncc hctccn holy pocr
anJ maic, hut many Jon`t hclicc that onc i ooJ` anJ thc
othcr i cil.` Kathcr, thcy arc JcccicJ to thinl thc to arc
jut Jillcrcnt,` anJ thcrclorc thinl that thoc pcoplc` ho
hclicc in CoJ imply hac a morc rcliiou hclicl
urrounJin thcir uc ol maic.` !or thi rcaon, thc Jcil
that ollcr thcc cil pocr rcmain lorccr hiJJcn lrom mot
orccrcr ho call upon thcm. Thcc JcccicJ orccrcr thcn
hccomc intolcrant aaint Chritian ho pcrccutc`
pcllcatcr hy Jciin la aaint thc uc ol thi
innoccnt` maic.
!ccauc maic ol any linJ i lorhiJJcn in mot
Chritian lanJ, orccrcr oltcn happily ithJra lrom
ocicty to tuJy thcir art.` Althouh thcy may hc ocial
hcn thcy hac to o into ton, mot orccrcr Jiappcar lor
Jay or ccl at a timc to tuJy. ~incc thcy arc uually a
morc intcllcctual hunch, omc mac may hac normal
lilctylc lor ycar in ton, ccn a royal aJior. Hoccr,
hccauc ol thc naturc ol orccry, it i only a mattcr ol timc
hclorc thc i.arJ trilc out on hi on to puruc hi quct
lor morc pocr.

C Cn nc cc cu un nt tc cr r| |n ng g S Sc cr rc cc cr rc cr rc c
!ilc aain, mot orccrcr appcar a common loll,
loolin lilc anythin lrom pcaant to acly olJ aJior.
Morc oltcn than not, hcn a charactcr cncountcr a orccrcr,
hc or hc may nccr lno it, motly hccauc thc orccrcr i a
locr lccl Jahhlcr` in thc art. Hoccr, many i.arJ
hac a tron Jcirc lor morc ol thc pocr thcy hac anJ a
roin rccntmcnt lor thc Chritian that Jcly maic, anJ
thcy Jon't minJ il othcr lno ahout it.
~orccrcr oltcn hccomc arcatic anJ ruJc il thc
concration ccr turn toarJ CoJ, Jcu, or Chritianity.
!l thcy hac thc unimpcJcJ opportunity, omc may ccn
attacl a Chritian ith thc intcnt to lill.
Spe//|oo|s and ma,|. |/ems
!ccauc ol thcir nccJ to tuJy cry Jillicult runic
lanuac anJ alchcmy, pcllhool anJ maic itcm oltcn
littcr a orccrcr` tuJy arca. Hoccr, a ic` orccrcr
hiJc hi tuJy arca lrom any uncxpcctcJ iitor, anJ/or
hiJc hi liin quartcr altocthcr. !y thi, omc contruct
or appropriatc tocr, lccp, anJ unJcrrounJ Jcllin to
lic anJ tuJy in ccrct. !ithcr ay, a orccrcr` pcllhool
anJ maic itcm arc uually not lar lrom thc orccrcr

S Sc cr rc cc cr rc cr rc c C Cu u| || |d dc c
\nlilc thc uilJ anJ athcrin ol thc othcr !ncmy
Clac, orccrcr may holJ thcir uilJ at anothcr orccrcr`
placc ol tuJy. DcpcnJin on thc i.c anJ location ol uch a
placc, a orccrcr` uilJ can hc quitc larc. !or cxamplc, a
rcmotc tocr or lccp inhahitcJ hy a mac i a placc hcrc
larc athcrin ol pcllcatcr can mcct rcularly. Cn thc
othcr hanJ, mot orccrcr' uilJ arc conlincJ to thc
unJcrrounJ hcrc thc la Jocn`t hothcr thcm.
Mot orccrcr' uilJ arc cncrally maJc up l locr
lccl orccrcr anJ mac. Wi.arJ arc commonly too cllih
to harc any rcal lnolcJc, thouh mot i.arJ hac
hclpcr anJ apprcnticc.

S Sc cr rc cc cr rc cr r A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc cc c
~orccrcr aJcnturc can almot alay aJJ omc
cxcitin Jynamic that hrcal aay lrom thc norm` ol hacl-
anJ-lah or ccn lrom thc Jillicult prohlcm-olin
1. ConiJcr hain a campain in a lanJ hcrc thc la arc
morc tolcrant ol maic practicc a lon a it Joc not
incluJc Jcmon orhip. Hac a rin ol ~orccrcr CuilJ
hc a Jominant playcr` in thc politic ol a lanJ yct till
corrupt anJ icn to cultic practicc. Thc charactcr hac
to cxpoc thc truth to thc city ollicial.
2. \nJcr thc Jircction ol to orccrcr, a hunch ol Jcmon
ocrtalc anJ inhahit a rcmotc military lccp. Thc
charactcr hac to clcar thc lccp anJ top thc orccrcr
lrom rcpcatin thcir plan at anothcr lccp.
3. Hac 12 orccrcr callcJ Thc Nc Apotlc` malc
compcllin anJ unJcrhanJcJ cllort to chanc thc
lcaJcrhip ol a Chritian lanJ tartin ith thc charactcr`
currcnt county. Thcy uc thcir maic to control,
manipulatc, lramc, anJ ccapc thc pcaant anJ rulcr.
4. A orccrcr tarct thc charactcr to top thcir JccJ ol
hcroim. Hc lurc thcm into a Jcmon-inlctcJ Juncon
in hopc ol lillin thcm.
5. A orccrcr lcaJ a hanJ ol rouc on a rampac alon a
major ricr. Thc charactcr mut hclp to plan a Jclcnc
at a particularly cal ton on thc ricr.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 18

Lesse- So-.e-e-
IiIe. 21 2Jo
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 1, Attacl. 1,
DoJc. 1, DclcnJ. 1, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. !ntcllcct. 7, WiJom. o
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 7
Iceiiona Sis. ~orccry ~tuJic. 3,
Dcmonoloy. 2, KcaJ/Writc. 2, othcr a
appropriatc. 1
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 110 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). c:: H| la: (80'), c:: /|:
|o::o (81'), c/ao (74'), D.o l./| (o2'), c|::
(40'), l,:/ l/:o (41'), A|| M.|: (35'),
lo:/ M: (24')
Iqnineni (chancc). Maic ~tall (87'), Kohc ol Armor
(o5'), Kin ol !niihility (47'), 1J4 !otion ol
Hcalin (31'), Kin ol Kcllcct Miraclc (22')
Vanabes (chancc). 2Jo (80'), jccl orth 1J8 (38')
G-ea/e- So-.e-e- (ma,ei
IiIe. 40 2J8
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 3, Attacl. 3,
DoJc. 3, DclcnJ. 3, anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo)
AiR. 2
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. !ntcllcct. 0, WiJom. 7
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 4
Iceiiona Sis. ~orccry ~tuJic. o,
Dcmonoloy. 4, KcaJ/Writc. 3, othcr a
appropriatc. 2
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 220 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). ~amc a !ccr ~orccrcr
(100') plu c|o| (74'), D..: (o4'), anJ \:.|:o
Iqnineni (chancc). Maic Wcapon (87'), Kohc ol
Armor (74'), Kin ol !niihility (o5'), Kin ol Kcllcct
Miraclc (54'), Kunc Wcapon (48')
Vanabes (chancc). 3Jo (80'), jccl orth 2J8 (38')

Adcan.ed So-.e-e- (u|:a-di
IiIe. 50 2J10
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. o, Attacl. o,
DoJc. o, DclcnJ. o, anage. o
Weaons (Damac). ~tall (1J12), Jacr (2Jo)
AiR. 3
II. 4 (ith cloth rohc)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. !ntcllcct. 11, WiJom. 0
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 1
Iceiiona Sis. ~orccry ~tuJic. 10,
Dcmonoloy. 0, KcaJ/Writc. o, othcr a
appropriatc. 4
Saving Thro Ionnses. 8 . Miraclc anJ Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. 440 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). All ~orccry pcll (100') plu
othcr DruiJic anJ Witchcralt pcll a appropriatc (51')
Iqnineni (chancc). Maic Wcapon (87'), Kohc ol
Armor (74'), Kin ol !niihility (o0'), Kin ol Kcllcct
Miraclc (o3'), Kunc Wcapon (50')
Vanabes (chancc). 3Jo (80'), jccl orth 3J8 (38')
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 19


!n a ocicty hcrc thc nohlc hac much in thc ay ol
matcrial ooJ anJ thc pcaant hac ncxt to nothin, it can
hc quitc common lor a clccr anJ ailc pcaant to ct into
tcalin to halancc thc unlairnc` hctccn thc clac.
\ually, hat tart out ith ooJ intcntion to hclp thcir
tarin lamily quiclly turn into an aJJictic anJ JcaJly
lilctylc ol cay ain. Thc linc i crocJ into thc thicl
!ncmy Cla hcn a pcron chooc to tcal a a carccr.
Thicc arc mcmhcr ol thc !ncmy Cla that linJ
trcnth anJ pocr in talin hat i not thcir. Thcy lccl
cmpocrcJ hy ainin omcthin ithout carnin it. Thcy
cnjoy thc ruh ol tcalin anJ thc thrill ol lcclin ahoc thc
la.` Thicc hoth orl anJ liht Jirty to ct a quicl payoll
anJ thcn ccl to Jiappcar until thcy linJ thcir ncxt tarct.
~omc thicc arc jut thu anJ hullic ho uc
triclcry, hlaclmail, muin, anJ cxtortion to talc moncy
lrom thc honct orlin cla in a lacc-to-lacc ay, hcrc
truly lillcJ thicc uc tcalth, cpionac, anJ thc haJo
to ct hat thcy ant ithout hcin ccn, anJ thcn
Jiappcar. Nccrthclc, thc olJ aJac holJ truc lor ncarly
ccry mcmhcr ol thi !ncmy Cla. thcrc truly i no honor
amon thicc.` Mot thicc oulJ rat out anyonc - lamily
or lricnJ - to ac hi on hiJc lrom lcal punihmcnt.
Whcrc thcrc i a ccmin loyalty anJ tcam pirit` amon
thicl aociatc hilc unJcrrounJ, hcn thc chip arc
Jon,` thicc lcap at thc chancc to cll out thcir lricnJ.`

C Cn nc cc cu un nt tc cr r| |n ng g b b| |c cu uc cc c
~incc thicc can hc quitc common in ton anJ citic,
your charactcr may cncountcr thcm oltcn hut nccr lno it.
\nlilc mot ol thc othcr !ncmy Clac, thicc arc typically
louJcr, morc ocial, ccn ohnoxiou anJ lun loin. Thcy
may anJcr thc city in mall roup loolin lor thcir ncxt
tarct, uually traclin mcrchant or unupcctin
aJcnturcr ho arc pain throuh thc city. Thouh thcir
ictim may not ccn noticc thc thicc until aaultcJ, mot
thicc malc no pccial cllort to hiJc thcir prccncc a a
rcpcctahlc` ol a city or ton. Thcy aoiJ upicion
ith innoccnt until it` timc to Jo thcir joh.
Iesser ihieves arc mot common. At thi lccl, thc
thicl i uually a cutpurc or rohhcr rathcr than a ncaly
hurlar, althouh thcy apirc to lcarn thoc lill, too.
!y thc timc thicc hac rcachcJ thc lccl ol Greaier
ihieI, thcy hac hccomc a cocly a thcy arc prolicicnt, lor
thcy hac tolcn much ol othcr pcoplc` propcrty anJ thu lar
aoiJcJ criou concqucncc.
Advanced ihieves arc a rarc a thcy arc hatcJ. !y thc
timc thcy rcach thc AJanccJ lccl, thicc can prctty much
on anythin thcy ant that hclon to omconc clc.
Thouh hy no, thcy hac all thcy rcally nccJ lor quitc a
hilc, incluJin a uccclul` Thicc CuilJ to manac anJ
lcan thc prolit lrom.

b b| |c cu uc cc c C Cu u| || |d dc c
An actic thicc uilJ i commonplacc lor ncarly all
citic anJ ton. !t uually incluJc a nctorl ol alchouc,
inolcJ hop, unJcrrounJ hacmcnt, political protcction
(up to paiJ-oll ocrnor ho ct a pcrccntac ol thc prolit),
anJ ol courc many thicc. Thcc uilJ opcratc lilc
orani.cJ crimc ith many Jillcrcnt rolc lor thc many
Jillcrcnt mcmhcr, incluJin hurlar, mucr, couricr,
hcaic,` anJ uually an aain or to.
!cin cxtrcmcly tcrritorial, thicc uilJ hatc non-
mcmhcr thicc ho tcal in thcir tcrritory. ~incc thc
thicc' uilJ ccntially malc up thc hlacl marlct` ol a
city, it can hc hcnclicial` lor a non-mcmhcr to ct into thc
local thicl nctorl, cpccially incc thc altcrnatic option i
onc chancc to lcac thc ton or Jic. Thc uilJ malc a
pcrccntac ol ccrythin that thcy lcncc (tolcn ooJ thcy
huy anJ cll), hut prclcr Jcalin in aluahlc maic itcm anJ
rarc, intcrnational itcm.

b b| |c c| | A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc cc c
Thcc aJcnturc can hc lun hccauc thicc can hac
many Jillcrcnt pcronalitic anJ motiation. \ually hcn
your charactcr intcract ith a thicl, your charactcr i not lar
lrom intcractin ith thc cntirc thicc' uilJ a cll.
1. A ooJ iJc plot to any aJcnturc i to hac thc
charactcr nccJ to chac Jon a thicl that ha jut piclcJ
a charactcr` poclct ol omc lcy itcm or capon nccJcJ
lor thc aJcnturc.
2. Thc charactcr arc cnlitcJ hy a nohlc to inliltratc thc
local thicc' uilJ anJ rctricc a tolcn Holy !tcm. Whilc
thcrc, thc charactcr arc lramcJ a thicc anJ cauht hy
unJcrcocr ~pic ho arc orlin lor a count, Julc, or
lin. Thc corrupt nohlc i actually tryin to ccJ out thc
unJcrcocr pic, anJ uin thc charactcr a hait. Hc
Jcnic ccr ccin thc charactcr hclorc, hut oncc rclcacJ,
thc thicc' uilJ ant thc charactcr JcaJ lor lnoin
too much.
3. An out-ol-ton, caoncJ thicl i hcin huntcJ hy a
ruthlc thicc uilJ lor tcalin in thcir tcrritory. Hc
hump into thc charactcr anJ al lor thcir hclp - thcn
thc thicc' uilJ ant thc charactcr JcaJ, too.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 20

Lesse- T||eces
IiIe. 24 2Jo
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 2, Attacl. 2,
DoJc. 2, DclcnJ. 2, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). !roaJorJ (2J10), lon Jacr
(2J8), throin Jacr (2Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 4 (ith cloth) to 8 (ith chain)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 8, ~pccJ. 7
Secia Abiiiies. HiJc. o, ~carch. 7
Iceiiona Sis. !icl !ocl. 3, !icl !oclct. 2,
Trap Worl. 2, othcr a appropriatc. 1
Saving Thro Ionnses. 1 . Miraclc
IXI Vane. 85 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge. ^o:
Iqnineni (chancc). !ocl !icl (01'), Kin ol !niihility
(51'), !oot ol ~ilcncc (35'), Maic Wcapon (20')
Vanabes (chancc). 2Jo (80'), pcnJant or rin orth
3Jo (54'), jccl orth 2Jo (33')
G-ea/e- T||eces
IiIe. 40 2J8
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron, Miilc
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 5, DclcnJ. 5, anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). !roaJorJ (2J10), lon Jacr
(2J8), throin Jacr (2Jo), croho (2J8)
AiR. 2
II. 4 (ith cloth) to 7 (ith lcathcr)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 10, ~pccJ. 0
Secia Abiiiies. HiJc. 3, ~carch. 4
Iceiiona Sis. !icl !ocl. 7, !icl !oclct. o,
Trap Worl. 5, othcr a appropriatc. 3
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 . Miraclc
IXI Vane. 170 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge. ^o:
Iqnineni (chancc). !ocl !icl (03'), Kin ol !niihility
(73'), !otion ol !niihility (o4'), !oot ol ~ilcncc
(50'), Maic Wcapon (40'), Kunc Wcapon (35')
Vanabes (chancc). 3Jo (80'), pcnJant or rin orth
4Jo (54'), jccl orth 3Jo (33')

Adcan.ed T||eces
IiIe. 74 2J10
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, Thron, Miilc
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 8, Attacl. 8,
DoJc. 8, DclcnJ. 8, anage. o
Weaons (Damac). !roaJorJ (2J10), lon Jacr
(2J8), throin Jacr (2Jo), croho (2J8)
AiR. 3
II. 4 (ith cloth) to 7 (ith lcathcr)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 12, ~pccJ. 10
Secia Abiiiies. HiJc. 1, ~carch. 1
Iceiiona Sis. !icl !ocl. 10, !icl !oclct. 10,
Trap Worl. 8, othcr a appropriatc. 7
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 . Miraclc
IXI Vane. 340 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge. ^o:
Iqnineni (chancc). !ocl !icl (03'), Kin ol !niihility
(83'), Kunc Wcapon (o7'), !otion ol !niihility
(o4'), !oot ol ~ilcncc (50'), Maic Wcapon (57')
Vanabes (chancc). 4Jo (80'), pcnJant or rin orth
5Jo (75'), jccl orth 4Jo (40')

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 21
DragonRaid: Roleplaying Discipleship Game
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lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1
lc|q Londc
L|gbt Cd|t|cn

o noi dnicaie or disiribnie ihis Iie.
Thi Jocumcnt i liccncJ only to thc purchacr lor pcronal,
priatc uc. Duplication anJ/or Jitrihution ol thi lilc i trictly
prohihitcJ, anJ i protcctcJ unJcr lcJcral anJ local copyriht
la. \nlalul Juplication anJ Jitrihution ill hc purucJ.


!JitcJ hy Joc K. Kcc.
\cry pccial contrihutory thanl to thc Holy !anJ playtctcr.
Chritophcr Hoplcr, Kyan A., !ryan, !li, Dominic, Kcnny, Nathan, Chriic, anJ ChaJ Catron
Cocr anJ intcrnal art hy Cahc anJ Chachi HcrnanJc.
Map Jcin hy !JarJ Wcnt.

Copyriht 2005, !aith _uct Camc, All Kiht KccrcJ
lc|q Londc' i a KcitcrcJ TraJcmarl ol !aith _uct Camc
lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2


1ic c=Lcn ==cc &

~cw cL- +cme ==cc

~cw Min=cLce ==cc e

~cw &cm- cL=ee: ee=eeie ==cc e

im=Le s ec=e+e ==cc e

1ic cLivve cv ccncocLL ==cc c
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|


"T|e ,-ea/es/ ,|// one .an ,|ce |s /|e s/-en,/| o/ L|/e."

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c l lc co o| |c cr r
Hcalcr arc mcmhcr ol thc Clcry Cla ho
pcciali.c in hrinin hcalin to thc icl anJ injurcJ.
Thcy hac JcotcJ thcir lic to pain alon !ilc-
iin upcrnatural pocr to thoc in nccJ. !n
cxchanc lor thcir acrilicc ol iin up thc thin ol
thi orlJ, Hcalcr ain an cxtraorJinary ahility to
pcrlorm hcalin Miraclc.

S S, ,c cc c| |o o| | \ \| |r ro oc c| |c c A Ab b| || || |t t| |c cc c

C/e-|.a/ M|-a./es
!ccauc ol thc Hcalcr' commitmcnt to upcr-
natural hcalin pocr, thc Hcalcr Charactcr Cla
ain thc ahility to pcrlorm Clcrical Miraclc at hall thc
normal !aith Cot (rounJcJ up a nccJcJ). All Miraclc
ahilitic arc lot lor 2Jo Jay oncc thc Hcalcr uc any
capon (othcr than thc tall) a a capon or uc any
armor lor phyical protcction.
Clcrical Miraclc at hall !aith Cot

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
Hcalcr can nccr car any armor lor phyical
protcction. Thcy Jo not hclicc in phyical hclp - only
hclp that comc lrom ahoc.
Nccr car armor -rohc only

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
Hcalcr ill nccr uc any capon maJc lor thc
primary lunction ol cauin phyical Damac. Thcy
ill only uc tall.
Nccr uc capon - tall only

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc|


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c l lc co o| |c cr r
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt t
l./:o:. 7
\J. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2J4
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 2J8

C C| || |t tc c
Hl 1a|
M.|: c|:.|
c.:J c/aJ:

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl 1.
You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
Ao.| c:o:
La: ca/s
lJ \|
H:|.| c:o:
Hl H:.o,
M.|: H,| (limit onc pcr lccl)
l|. \oJ lo/a:o/
l|/.| c:o:
l:.J/\/: j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
c:.| j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. c|./ A (tall only)
\.c. 1|ao (tall only)

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
~tall (1J12 Damac)
Hcay Kohc (A!. Chct/!c, D!!. 3)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, torch
2Jo !ooJ Kation
2J4 Dralt ol Hcalin
!ool ol McJical KnolcJc (optional)

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c l lc co o| |c cr r

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,150
3. 2,450
4. 4,050
5. 6,100
6. 8,50
. 12,150
8. 16,450
9. 21,800
10. 28,350
11. 36,250
12. 45,650
13. 56,00
14. 69,550
15. 84,350

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc Hcalcr' l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1J4

Iaiih. 1J8

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|

B Br rc co oc ct t, ,| |o ot tc c c c| | \ \| |c ct tc cr rq q
Thi hrcatplatc, hich can hc ol any ol thc armor typc,
allo thc carcr to rcmain alic altcr hi or hcr l/: ha
rcachcJ 0 or lc. Thc carcr' l/: continuc to Jiminih at 1
l/: pcr KounJ (plu any othcr Damac utaincJ), hut only
until hi l/: rcachc a ncatic maximum cqual to hi l/:'
poitic maximum. Hoccr, il thc carcr' !ilc rcachc thc
ncatic maximum, thc carcr i JcaJ ithout thc ahility to hc
Iaiih cosi. 3 !aith rcquircJ anJ automatically ucJ to
rcmain alic altcr l/: lall hclo 0
Vane. 70

C C| |c cr r| |c c' 'c c C Cc cc c| |t to o| || |
Cthcr than hy mcan ol ciht, your charactcr i not
limitcJ to ho many ol thcc hc or hc can carry, a thcy arc
not truc Holy !tcm in that cnc. Thcy arc maJc ith a
pccial containcr anJ a pccial Holy Watcr mixturc that
cxploJc upon inilicant impact oncc thc !aith cot i pcnt.
Cncc thron or JroppcJ, thc Clcric' Cocltail cauc 2Jo2
Damac to anyonc ithin 10 lcct ol thc cxploion or 5Jo5
to Jcmon.
Iaiih cosi. 1 pcr uc
Vane. 12
Weighi. 1 pounJ cach

C C| |c cr r| |c c' 'c c l lo om mm mc cr r
Thi Jcatatin hammcr cauc 2J105 Damac anJ
alo ha a 4 !onu to A//.| anJ D:/:oJ uin W.~.
Comhat Arm. Cncc thc !aith cot i pcnt, it alay cauc
Triplc Damac intcaJ ol Douhlc Damac aaint unJcaJ
(Duration ol uc. 1 Tcn-rounJ).
Iaiih cosi. 2 pcr uc
Vane. 75

l lc cn nd do on nt t c c| | t tb bc c D Dc cu uc c
Thi implc-loolin yct miraculou pcnJant cauc thc
carcr to hc rcurrcctcJ 2Jo2 KounJ altcr Jyin. Thc
pcnJant Jiappcar, anJ thc charactcr i alic anJ holc aain
ith lull l/: anJ l./| rcarJlc ol thcir conJition at Jcath,
hut thc pcnJant i onc lorccr.
Iaiih cosi. Nonc
Vane. 100

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| o

C Co on nt t| |c c| |c c c c| | L L| |g gb bt t
Tye. Holy ~on
Targei. ~cll only
Range. Arca (50-loot raJiu)
nraiion. Maximum 1 minutc pcr LoJa.o:
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc !arJ to crcatc a
hrilliant phcrc ol liht arounJ himcll that ccnly liht up
thc cntirc Kanc arounJ him. Thc liht ha no apparcnt
ourcc anJ top ahruptly at thc cJc ol thc Kanc. Thc
liht continuc a lon a thc !arJ play thc on.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

C Cx xc cr rc c| |c cm m
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. Cthcr only
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. !crmancnt in 1 KounJ
Saving Thro. cru Miraclc (no allcct)
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc Clcry to cxorcic
a Jcmon out ol a poccJ inJiiJual or animal. Thi i a
cry painlul anJ cxhautin procc lor thc poccJ pcron
anJ thc Jcmon iniJc. To climinatc thc Jcmon lrom a
hcin, thc Clcry mut ho a cro, Crucilix, or Holy !tcm
to thc Jcmon hilc pcrlormin thi Miraclc (ithout thi
clcmcnt, thc Miraclc cannot hc uccclul).
Iaiih Cosi. 7

l ln nu u| |c c| |b b| |c c \ \o o| || |
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. \crtical Arca
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. 1 minutc pcr !!
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. !crlormin thi Miraclc allo thc Clcry
to crcatc a complctcly crtical (traiht up anJ Jon only)
iniihlc all 5 lcct hih hy 5 lcct iJc (or any comhination
thcrcol) pcr !!. Thi iniihlc all i impaahlc hy any
lnon lorcc, hcin, or thin, incluJin pcll attacl, piritual
hcin, anJ phyical ohjcct. !cin anJ ohjcct cannot
tclcport throuh thc iniihlc all. !ach timc thc all i
trucl or allcctcJ hy a lorcc, thc all hccomc lihtly morc
iihlc until it i a loin (hut tranparcnt) all ol cncry.
Iaiih Cosi. 5
S Sc cb bc cr r
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
nraiion. !crmancnt in 1 KounJ
Saving Thro. . Miraclc (il ohcrin i unJcircJ)
escriiion. Cncc touchcJ hy thc Clcry pcrlormin
thi Miraclc, a pcron ho i mcntally impaircJ hy alcohol,
hcrhal Jru, poion, or maic minJ-altcrin pcll anJ
concoction, hccomc complctcly ohcr anJ lcclhcaJcJ.
Thi Miraclc can alo ncatc thc allcct ol hanocr,
ithJraal, anJ othcr ncatic mcntal cllcct ol thc ahoc
Iaiih Cosi. 3

\ \o on n| |c cb b
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
nraiion. 1 KounJ pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. . Miraclc (il unJcircJ)
escriiion. Thi pocrlul Miraclc cauc thc Tarct
pcron or pcoplc to complctcly anJ intantly anih lrom thc
phyical orlJ. Hc or hc i tranportcJ to a Jitant, cmpty,
piritual planc that parallcl our orlJly rcalm. Thc Tarct
can ic thc arca hcrc hc ha JiappcarcJ lrom lor thc
Duration. At ill or altcr thc Duration ha lapcJ, hc
rcturn to thc cxact location hcrc hc a hclorc hc
anihcJ. Thc anihcJ pcron cannot Jo anythin phyical
hilc in thc Jitant rcalm.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

\ \c co o, ,c cn n t tc c S Sn no o| |c c
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. Cthcr (non-maical capon only)
Range. Touch or 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. 1 minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. Thi Miraclc tranlorm any non-maical
capon ithin Kanc into a larc, cnomou nalc that ill
attacl thc Clcry' cncmy upon tranlormation. !l thc
cncmy i holJin thc capon at thc timc ol tranlormation,
hc or hc ill not hc ahlc to ain AJ.o/.,: aaint thc nalc
anJ ill hc -5 to DJ,: or D:/:oJ it lirt KounJ ol A//.|.
Iaiih Cosi. 5
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|

Aain arc thoc ithin thc !ncmy Clac that lill
othcr pcoplc lor moncy, thcy arc typically cx-thicc ho
antcJ morc ol a thrill than tcalin. !coplc ol rcat pocr
anJ calth ccl aain to lill omconc clc, uually ol
imilar or hihcr pocr. !t typically malc no Jillcrcncc to
an aain hcthcr thc pcron thcy arc hircJ to lill i
Chritian, Jcih, rich, poor, lcmalc, malc, a chilJ, a lin,
!rcnch, Moorih, or any othcr nationality, rcliion, or
phyical malc up. Thcy imply lill to collcct moncy.
!ccauc ol thcir linc ol orl, aain can hc cry
cotly to hirc. Thc acrac joh` cot thc clicnt` arounJ
100 anJ can cot up to 2,000 or morc. A you can cc,
an aain nccJ not orl` all thc ycar 'rounJ. Cnc joh
coulJ carn thc aain ncarly a ycar` alary lor thc acrac

C Cn nc cc cu un nt tc cr r| |n ng g A Ac cc co oc cc c| |n nc c
Aain arc ly, ncaly, anJ lic thcir lic ccrcticly.
Thcy uually tracl alonc anJ nccr lccp cloc, pcronal
lricnJ. Ccncrally, an aain` lilc i a mytcriou a it i
illcal. Thcrclorc, thc morc thcy Jcotc thcir lilc to thcir
orl, thc morc thcy linJ thcmclc lippin aay lrom
ocicty. Not only oulJ it hc rarc lor thc charactcr to
cncountcr a truc aain in thc cncral puhlic, hut thc
charactcr oulJ lilcly not ccn lno that thcy jut JiJ o.
"CooJ" aain (thoc that hanJlc thc joh clcanly anJ
Jiappcar) arc cry harJ to linJ, hut orJinary cutthroat
ahounJ in thc ron part ol any larc city. !ccauc hcin an
aain mcan ccrtain Jcath il hc i cauht, a truc aain
oulJ nccr rccal hi traJc to anyonc cxccpt hi clicnt anJ
trutcJ criminal allic.
Aain uually appcar a normal pcoplc traclin
alonc anJ lccpin to thcmclc. Thcy arc cry ithJran
ocially anJ nccr lilc to Jra attcntion to thcmclc. Thcy
only Jo thin that thcy arc purpocJ to Jo, anJ thcy Jo
thcm lat anJ thcn Jiappcar. Thcy pcal cry littlc anJ
harJly ccr ho any outarJ cmotion. Thcir only thrill i
talin thc lilc ol anothcr pcron, Jurin hich you may
catch thcm craclin a milc.
Thc mot common typc ol aain i thc Iesser
assassin, hccauc pcoplc in thi prolcion tcnJ to not lic
cry lon. Thcc !ccr aain arc till morc thicl than
aain, hut thcy arc amatcur hircJ lillcr noncthclc.
Thcy arc oltcn morc Jancrou than thc morc aJanccJ
aain hccauc thcy thinl thcy can lill anyonc in thcir ay
anJ ct aay ith it, hcrc morc cxpcricnccJ aain
carclully picl thcir tarct anJ trilc, lcain any aJJitional
trouhlc alonc.
Greaier assassins tcnJ to hc lc Jancrou to thc
cncral puhlic a a holc than !ccr aain, hut arc morc
cllcctic at climinatin thcir tarct. At thi lccl ol lill,
thc aain i carclul, cllicicnt, anJ cry JcaJly.
Duc to thc hort acrac lilcpan ol aain, thcrc arc
cry lc Advanced assassins arounJ. Mot ol thcm lic in
hiJin hilc cnjoyin thc calth thcy hac accumulatcJ, thcy
talc cry lc joh` anymorc, anJ arc cry clcctic ol thcir

A Ac cc co oc cc c| |n nc c C Cu u| || |d dc c
DcJicatcJ aain' uilJ arc cxtrcmcly rarc hccauc
aain hac littlc Jcirc in ith anyhoJy or
aJcrtiin thcir cralt. A inlc placc JcotcJ to aain
mcctin mcan ccrtain Jcath` in thcir cyc - it jut ct up a
placc to ct cauht. !l thcrc i a uilJ lor aain to mcct,
it i orani.cJ in a cric ol ccral tcmporary mcctin placc
that chanc location lrcqucntly anJ thcn Jiappcar hcn
thc purpoc ol thc mcctin i linihcJ.
Kathcr, aain may lrcqucnt thicc` uilJ, minlin
ith trutcJ criminal in orJcr to linJ orl. Thcrc thcy can
lcarn anJ tcach ~lill, huy anJ cll maic itcm, linJ out
ahout thc nc hcro Jo-ooJcr` ol thc lanJ, ap tall talc
ahout unJcrrounJ lcat, a cll a linJ joh.

A Ac cc co oc cc c| |n n A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc cc c
Aain aJcnturc can hc rcat lun hccauc thc
charactcr lirt hac to top thc aain anJ hrin him or hcr
to juticc, anJ thcn linJ out ho hircJ thc aain anJ hy.
Cthcric, thc pcron ho hircJ thc aain ill jut Jo it
aain anJ aain until thc joh i Jonc.
1. A ooJ introJuction to an aain cncountcr coulJ hc
lor thc charactcr to hunt an aain that ha a royal
lcaJcr or calthy nohlc tarctcJ. Thc nohlc ha cnlitcJ
ccrtain to protcct him. Durin thc carch, thc
charactcr rcali.c that thc aain i a oman anJ orl
lor omconc cloc to thc nohlc.
2. 1J41 aain hac hccn hircJ hy orccrcr ol a
ncihhorin county to lill hih mcmhcr ol Thc CuilJ
ol ~ccn (pac o2 ol thc !iht !Jition Camc Manual).
Thc charactcr arc cnlitcJ to hclp JclcnJ thc uilJ.
3. Thc charactcr itnc thc murJcr ol a local clcry hy
an aain, ho turn out to hc thc hircJ lillcr ol a
corrupt Julc. Thc Julc i hain anyonc ho tanJ in
hi ay ol ainin pocr lillcJ.
4. To Jircctly cnac thc charactcr, an aain can hc
altcr onc or morc ol thc charactcr lor any ol thcir
prciou hcroic inolcmcnt that omconc pocrlul
JiJn`t ant toppcJ or tartcJ.
5. An aain ant to tcal anJ Jctroy any Holy !tcm
oncJ hy thc charactcr.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 8

Lesse- Assass|ns
IiIe. 28 2Jo
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron,
Kicl Attacl
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 3, Attacl. 3,
DoJc. 3, DclcnJ. 3, anage. 2
Weaons (Damac). !aircJ hortorJ (2J10), throin
Jacr (2Jo), lit (1J82), or licl (2Jo3)
AiR. 2
II. 4 (ith cloth) to o (ith lcathcr)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 8, !aticncc. 7
Secia Abiiiies. Climh. 7, !alancc. 5
Iceiiona Sis. !icl !ocl. 3, C.~.~. Crapplc. 2,
C.~.~. Jump Kicl. 2, othcr a appropriatc. 1
Saving Thro Ionnses. 1 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 105 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). c|. (21')
Iqnineni (chancc). !ocl picl (80'), 50 lcct ol ropc
ith rapplin hool (70'), 1J4 ariou poion (40'),
1J4 !otion ol !niihility (45'), !oot ol ~ilcncc
(32'), Maic Wcapon (24')
Vanabes (chancc). 2Jo (80'), jccl orth 2Jo (38')
G-ea/e- Assass|ns
IiIe. 54 2J8
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron,
Kicl Attacl
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. o, Attacl. o,
DoJc. o, DclcnJ. o, anage. 4
Weaons (Damac). !aircJ hortorJ (2J10), throin
Jacr (2J8), lit (1J84), or licl (2Joo)
AiR. 3
II. 4 (ith cloth) to o (ith lcathcr)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 10, !aticncc. 0
Secia Abiiiies. Climh. 4, !alancc. 1
Iceiiona Sis. !icl !ocl. o, C.~.~. Crapplc. o,
C.~.~. Jump Kicl. 4, othcr a appropriatc. 2
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 210 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). c|. (34')
Iqnineni (chancc). !ocl picl (80'), 50 lcct ol ropc
ith rapplin hool (70'), 1J4 ariou poion (71'),
1J4 !otion ol !niihility (o5'), !oot ol ~ilcncc
(57'), Kunc Wcapon (3o')
Vanabes (chancc). 4Jo (80'), jccl orth 3Jo (38')

Adcan.ed Assass|ns
IiIe. 84 2J10
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron,
Kicl Attacl
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 10, Attacl. 10,
DoJc. 10, DclcnJ. 10, anage. 8
Weaons (Damac). !aircJ hortorJ (2J10), throin
Jacr (2J8), lit (1J8o), or licl (2Jo8)
AiR. 4
II. 4 (ith cloth) to o (ith lcathcr)

Heighi. typically acrac Weighi. typically acrac
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 13, !aticncc. 11
Secia Abiiiies. Climh. 1, !alancc. 1
Iceiiona Sis. !icl !ocl. 10, C.~.~.
Crapplc. 0, C.~.~. Jump Kicl. 8, othcr a
appropriatc. 4
Saving Thro Ionnses. 4 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 420 !xpcricncc

Se Inoedge (chancc). c|. (47')
Iqnineni (chancc). !ocl picl (80'), 50 lcct ol ropc
ith rapplin hool (70'), 1J4 ariou poion (71'),
Kunc Wcapon (o0'), 1J4 !otion ol !niihility (o5'),
!oot ol ~ilcncc (57')
Vanabes (chancc). 5Jo (80'), jccl orth 4Jo (38')
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 9

l lc cu un nd dc c
IiIe. 18
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (cla anJ hitc)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DoJc. 4, anage. 3
Weaons (Damac). !itc (2Jo), cla (1Jo),
AiR. 2 (ith hitc or cla)
II. 3 (naturally)

Heighi. up to 2.5 lcct tall Weighi. up to 100 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~pccJ. 10, Aility. 10, !ntcllcct. 5 (a
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3, ~carch. 5
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 3, HcihtcncJ ~cnc
(all). 10, ~immin. 3
Vane. 5 (untraincJ puppy) to 22 (huntin-traincJ)
IXI Vane. 75

!or amc play, a caninc animal companion mut play a
inilicant part ol your charactcr' lilc. Thcy, unlilc horc,
can anJ mut o ncarly ccryhcrc thc charactcr oc anJ
typically rcact to ituation hclorc thc charactcr oulJ. !n
lilc-thrcatcnin ituation, thi can hc a rcat thin, hut lor
orJinary amc ituation, thi can hc cumhcromc lor thc
charactcr alonc. !or thi rcaon, thc Kac anJ thc playcr hac
to hoth hc inolcJ in playin a hounJ' action.
Caninc animal companion, unlilc horc, JcmanJ
inilicant attcntion, allcction, anJ companionhip. Thcy
arc cry loyal to, intruic to, anJ protcctic ol thcir matcr'
allair. Contant coniJcration mut hc icn to thcir
lccJin, carc, anJ trainin throuhout amc play. Hoccr,
lor huntin, protcction, anJ traclin, a hounJ can truly hc
your charactcr' hct lricnJ.

S Sn no o| |c cc c
IiIe. 7
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (hitc), Thron (pittin
cnom into ictim' cyc)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 15,
DoJc. 5, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). !itc (1J4), anJ cnom (4Jo20 at 1
point ol Damac pcr KounJ)
AiR. 1 (ith hitc)
II. 1 (naturally)

Iengih. up to 18 lcct lon Weighi. up to 50 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 10, ~pccJ. 8
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 3
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 10, HcihtcncJ
~ccnt. 12, HcihtcncJ ~iht anJ Hcarin. 10
Iehavior. All nalc arc carniorou anJ cat mall animal
uch a li.arJ, othcr nalc, roJcnt, hirJ, c, anJ
incct. Whilc a nalc' iion i unrcmarlahlc, it i ahlc
to Jctcct mocmcnt. ~omc nalc (pit ipcr, python,
anJ omc hoa) hac inlrarcJ cnitic rcccptor in Jccp
rooc hctccn thc notril anJ cyc, hich allo thcm to
"cc" raJiatcJ hcat. A nalc hac no cxtcrnal car,
hcarin i rctrictcJ to cnin ihration throuh thc
lin, hut thi cnc i cxtrcmcly cll JcclopcJ. A nalc
mcll hy uin it lorlcJ tonuc to collcct airhornc
particlc. Thc lorl in thc tonuc ic thc nalc a ort ol
Jircctional cnc ol mcll.
Vane. 12 (a mcat lor looJ, anJ poion)
IXI Vane. 45

Snae Seciaiies Cosi
~nalc mcal (mcat portion, potatoc) 3

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 10

~omcthin many nc anJ cll-concicncc Kac Jo not
rcali.c i that thcy hac thc pocr to talc thc amc totally
unJcr control il thcy o chooc. Ior eane, you can lill a
charactcr il you Jo not lilc it playcr, hut that oulJ hc a
hlatant ahuc ol your pocr. Thouh othcr may hac alo
antcJ that playcr to lccp hi or hcr mouth hut morc oltcn,
you jut hocJ ccryonc that you arc oin to play laoritc.
!t i cry important to uc thc conitcncy anJ
acrticnc that thc poition rcquirc lor thc ocrall ooJ ol
thc amc. Kathcr than uc (ahuc rathcr) your pocr to your
aJantac, uc it to lurthcr all thc playcr anJ thcir

l lc cr rc cc cn no o| || |t t| |c cc c o on nd d L Lc c| |c c , ,| |o oq q| |n ng g
!car in minJ that hilc all pcronalitic arc uniquc,
thcy all hac omc imilaritic hcn it comc to amc play.
Kolc-playin i a rcat ay to rcach lot oul lor thc
linJom ol CoJ, hut it i alo a ay lor all ol u to intcract
ocially in a alc cnironmcnt. !t ic u a ay to rclatc
ith othcr ith thc primary purpoc ol hain lun, anJ
allo u to act in ay c may not in rcal-orlJ ituation.
That i hy c lilc to rolc-play, to hccomc omconc c
oulJ lilc to hc.
Your playcr all ant to lccl important, incluJcJ, anJ
acccptcJ, that i thc rcaon thcy attcmpt thin ith thcir
charactcr that omctimc atonih u. Thc introcrtcJ
playcr hccomc an cxtrocrtcJ charactcr anJ thc ocial anJ
tallatic playcr hccomc ly, quict, anJ ncaly pic, hcncc,
thc hcauty ol rolc-playin. A ooJ Kac ill lcarn to roll`
ith thcc unprcJictahlc hchaior anJ hanJlc thc ituation
in a mooth manncr. Thc lolloin may hclp you to Jo o.

P/ae- .on//|./s
!t i important to talc a cry ohjcctic tancc on all
iuc ithin a amc, hut thc mot important i hcn thcrc i
a conllict hctccn to or morc playcr.
!l thc iuc Joc not incluJc you, it i ol to lct thc
playcr orl it out hctccn thcmclc. Not ccry ituation
rcquirc thc Kac. !n lact, it i hcnclicial lor you to cncourac
thc playcr to lcac you out ol mot circumtancc unlc it
rcquirc lnolcJc ol thc ituation or rulc mcchanic. !l
you arc ahlc, tay out ol it anJ lct thc playcr rcly on cach
othcr rathcr than you. !y Join thi, you cncourac
tcamorl anJ inJcpcnJcncc, iin thc playcr pocr ocr hi
or hcr action. You alo lcarn morc ahout thc amc, thc
playcr, anJ ccn a thin or to ahout lilc hcn you jut
ohcrc thc playcr orlin out thcir on conllict.
~houlJ thc conllict inolc you, ct a ooJ cxamplc to
all hy crrin on thc iJc ol lairnc, ccn il it mcan
'rcinJin` thc tory to a placc that allo lor a rctry. !c
acrtic hut hc lair. !l it i thc truth, rcaurc thc playcr
that thc ituation nccJ to hc Jonc aain lor lairnc' alc
anJ that you arc no lully aarc ol hat i oin on. !l you
micJ omcthin important, thcrc i no harm in
lor it anJ talin thc amc hacl a notch to lix it.

Chcatin can hc a touh ituation to hanJlc, no Jouht,
hut an important onc noncthclc. \nlortunatcly, ho you
hanJlc it i up to your on ooJ juJmcnt, hut c can ic
you omc pointcr il thc ituation ct out ol hanJ. Thc
mot important thin i to alay rcmcmhcr that thi i jut
a amc. Thcrclorc, il a pcron nccJ to chcat continuouly
in orJcr to malc hi or hcr amc lun, hc or hc may hac
hicr iuc than you can mot lilcly olc. Thc timc to
talc action aaint a chcatcr i hcn hi or hcr chcatin i
allcctin othcr playcr anJ thc amc a a holc. !t i
Jclinitcly not a hi Jcal lor you a thc Kac to lluh omc roll
or incrcac an cncmy` tat lat minutc in orJcr to malc thc
amc morc rcalitic or morc cnjoyahlc lor thc playcr, in lact,
you may nccJ to Jo thi in many ituation, anJ lno thi i
olay. !t hccomc a prohlcm hcn a charactcr' playcr Joc
thi rcpcatcJly anJ it hcin to malc thc amc unhalanccJ,
alloin thc charactcr to pcrlorm unrcalitically cll mot ol
thc timc.
Thc hct thin to Jo i to lct thc playcr lno that you
hac noticcJ omc linccJ` roll anJ it i timc to hc trictcr
ith thin (try. altcr you roll it, lcac thc Jic or Jicc thcrc
lor all to cc`). !t i cry unJcrtanJahlc that chcatin
unhalancc a amc anJ that thc Kac houlJ cracl Jon on it
il noticcJ. You Jo not hac to inlc anyonc out in orJcr to
Jo thi cithcr. ~imply malc it a rulc that no onc can roll
anythin hclorc tolJ to Jo o, anJ il thcy Jo, thc roll i
unacccptahlc - no mattcr ho ooJ it i. A lon a that i
thc JcclarcJ houc rulc, ccryonc mut ahiJc hy it. Noie.
you a thc Kac houlJ lccl jutilicJ that you can hiJc your
roll il you lccl thc nccJ. You can conliJcntly cxplain to thc
playcr that you mut omctimc incrcac or Jccrcac roll
accorJin to thc ituation il it i lor thc ooJ ol thc amc.
You haJ hcttcr malc urc thi i thc truth! Aurc thc
playcr that you rarcly Jo it anJ thcn only in thc amc` hct
intcrct, anJ malc that thc cac.

...morc in thc ncxt AJcnturc !acl!
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 11


Iayers. The Iooing adveninre is Ior ihe Raconienr
ony. Ior ihe good oI ihe gane, ease do noi read
beyond ihis aragrah. Sindying n on ihe adveninre
i noi give yon any insider iis io be a greai ayer.
Yon i ony cheai yonrseI and ihe oiher ayers oni
oI ihe Inn oI ihe adveninre. So, sei ihis don and be
assnred ihai ihe adveninre i be a greai one io ay!

Raconienr. AJcnturc !acl arc JcincJ ith
clcmcnt hoth lor you only anJ lor your playcr. Thcrclorc,
c hac tructurcJ thi aJcnturc ithout holJ topic
prcccJin important pararaph to prccnt anJcrin cyc
lrom catchin a auc limpc ol thc torylinc. !t i
important to rcaJ thc holc aJcnturc anJ hihliht any lcy
point on your on AJcnturc !acl lor quicl rclcrcncc.
~tatcmcnt, pararaph, anJ inlormation marlcJ ith
>ta< arc lor you only anJ not inlormation to harc ith
thc playcr Jircctly. Mot othcr Jctail not marlcJ ith
>ta< can hc rcaJ or cxplaincJ to thc playcr a thc
charactcr uncocr thc inlormation.

You ill nccJ thc lc|q Londc !iht !Jition amc
manual anJ thc Dcil Huntcr` Manual to play thi
Thi aJcnturc i JcincJ lor 3-5 locr-lccl

b bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thi aJcnturc hcin hcn thc charactcr arc jut
outiJc thc city ol CoroJcll (uc thc map on thc hacl cocr
lor rclcrcncc). Hoccr, a a "arm up," you may ant to
tart thc charactcr in thc northcrn illac ol Donncnmcin
(pronounccJ Dc^:oo:) or thc outhcrn ton ol !ort
Kiclct. !l thi i thc lirt aJcnturc lor thc charactcr, thi
can hc thcir homcton or thcir path coulJ hac jut rcccntly
crocJ hcrc. !l thi aJcnturc i a continuation ol a
prciou amc or AJcnturc !acl, you can cxplain to thc
playcr that thcir charactcr hac jut cnJcJ up hcrc in carch
ol aJcnturc. Thcy can hc lrom ncarhy County Khirc (lrom
AJcnturc !acl 1-3) or any othcr prciou city ol your
!ct thc playcr cttlc into thc amc hy hain thcir
charactcr huy anJ cll ooJ a thcy cc lit, minlc ith thc
tonloll, or ccl out orl or aJcnturc. Hac thcm lcaJ
thc ay lor a hilc hut occaionally inlorm thcm that thcy
hcar ol propcrou aJcnturc anJ orl in CoroJcll City.
Hoccr, thcy ill alo hcar that pricc thcrc arc ahout 50-
100' hihcr (than thc amc manual pricc), o il thcy plan
to purchac anythin, thcy may ant to Jo it hcrc (in
Donncnmcin or !ort Kiclct).
!l you hacn't Jonc o in a lc|q Londc aJcnturc
thu lar, coniJcr hain thc charactcr Jo a normal Jay'
orl lor a normal Jay' ac. Hac an N!C hoplccp,
tahlcmatcr, or othcr mcrchant ollcr thc charactcr 5 cach
plu a mcal or to lor hoclin poop, rcpairin ooJcn
tructurc, or clcanin a huilJin ol micc anJ Jchri. You
can alo ollcr to pay a littlc morc lor any linJ ol actual
~lillcJ lahor hcrc thc complction (anJ pay) ol thc
charactcr' joh i JcpcnJcnt on hi or hcr pcrlormancc ith
ccrtain ~lill. Thi i a ooJ ay lor charactcr to huilJ
N!C rclationhip anJ carn moncy, not to mcntion iin
you a hcttcr lccl ol your playcr anJ ho to Jcclop morc
Jicrc N!C'.

Tis Ior ihe Adveninre. !cin a ooJ Kac Jocn't
mcan iin thc charactcr a lot ol pocrlul or aluahlc
thin, or hatccr clc thcy ant o thcy ill thinl your
aJcnturc arc rcat. !n lact, malin charactcr orl ith
thcir ~lill in pcrilou ituation lor mall trcaurc can
malc thc aJcnturc jut a rcat, a il thcy carncJ huc
hooty cach timc. ~ac any hi trcaurc anJ hi !xpcricncc
loc lor thc aJcnturc linalc. Thi uually cnJ thc
aJcnturc in an cxcitin ay, hich typically mcan that thc
holc aJcnturc hccomc a mcmorahlc anJ tallcJ-ahout
Alo, hcin a ooJ Kac Jocn't mcan that you hac to
hc a comcJian, an cntcrtaincr, or a hahyittcr lor thc
charactcr. !t' important to lct thc charactcr talc thc lcaJ,
hut you mut uiJc thcir path a thcy o. Crcaticly "tccr"
thcm into your aJcnturc iJca in natural ay. ConiJcr
Jccrihin a normal, rcal atmophcrc ol a pcron' lilc, uch
a oll-aJcnturc iht, ounJ, anJ mcll, until a natural
lcaJ-in ha hccn maJc to introJucc thc lantay clcmcnt. A
lon a ccryonc i orlin toarJ a uniquc torylinc, mot
playcr rcaJily lccl thc aJcnturc i intcrctin. !n othcr
orJ, it Jocn't talc contantly linJin mounJ ol aluahlc
trcaurc or lihtin thc mot pocrlul montcr all thc timc
to malc a ooJ tory. !ct thc amc play itcll, hut lccp thc
charactcr' intcrct "corrallcJ" hy pacin your crcatic iJca.

A thc charactcr approach thc city ol CoroJcll, thcy
ill cc a man in thc Jitancc pacin hacl anJ lorth on a hill
oll thc roaJ. Hc ccm to hc pacin in Jitrc, hut hc i a
littlc too lar aay to tcll lor urc. Cncc thc man noticc thc
charactcr comin Jon thc cmpty roaJ, hc ill run toarJ

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 12
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1
thcm in a rcat hurry. Thc charactcr houlJn't lccl
phyically thrcatcncJ incc thc man i runnin toarJ thcm
llailin a ropc in thc air hopin to capturc thcir attcntion,
hich hc ha alrcaJy Jonc. Thc man ha a hort orJ
hcathcJ on hi ait. Hc i harcloot, hut i clothcJ ith a
tunic anJ cloth hrccchc. >A charactcr ho ha Hl c,|/
houlJ hc icn thc chancc to rcconi.c that thc man ccmcJ
to pccr at thc charactcr lor a hilc hclorc hc a pacin anJ
ran toarJ thcm. Hc a Join thi to malc urc that thc
charactcr crc ol orthy taturc lor hi plan (morc on thi
latcr). You can cxplain that thi action may hac ccmcJ oJJ
to thc charactcr, hut thc charactcr crc altocthcr too lar
aay to hc urc it a anythin pcculiar. Thc man can
innoccntly cxplain that hc tartcJ runnin a oon a hc a
urc hc a omconc comin il anyonc quction thc action.
Hc ay hc' lihtly ncarihtcJ anJ can't cc that lar (hut
thi i not truc). Try to JiuaJc too much upicion ith
"cnuinc" innoccncc, hut alo hc lair ahout ohcrin littlc
thin lilc thi.<
"!lcac, youn matcr, plcac you mut hclp mc!" Thc
man ill appcar to hc out ol hrcath lrom runnin anJ in a
lrantic cmotional tatc. "!lcac ooJ loll, my hoat ha
crahcJ on thc clill anJ my lamily a in it. ! thinl thcy'rc
till alic hut haJly hurt. A ! hccamc conciou anJ ahcJ
up on thc horc, ! a thcm or thcir clothin, !'m not urc,
lar aay on thc rocl. ! tricJ anJ tricJ to im thc ca anJ
climh thc clill hut it a all too trcachcrou. ! nccJ hclp,
hut no onc in thc city oulJ hclp mc. Cnc olJicr thrc mc
thi ropc anJ tolJ mc to hc carclul, hut nonc ol thc ollicial
crc allocJ ncar thc cra. All thc city loll ! alcJ aiJ
thcy oulJ try to linJ omconc to hclp, hut no onc JiJ. !
ran oll to linJ anyonc anyhcrc clc - anJ thanl CoJ !
lounJ you! !lcac lair matcr, plcac comc quiclly!"
Hopclully, thc charactcr ill arcc to hclp ithout too
much morc Jicuion. !ithcr on thc ay or a morc
inccntic, thc man ill cxplain that hc i a cncral ooJ
mcrchant lrom !ort Marinc, a city larthcr outh on thc
coat. Hc ay hi namc i Cchin, anJ that hc thinl hc
may hac omc olJ or uriin arc that hc coulJ ollcr in
paymcnt lor thc hclp. Hc cxplain that hi lamily ail thc
coat huyin anJ cllin ooJ in ariou port malin an
honct liin. Hc ay hc' ailcJ thi coat a hunJrcJ timc,
hut thi timc hc ot too cloc to thc rocl.
>!xccpt lor !ort Marinc hcin an actual city in thc
outh, nonc ol thi hi tory i truc. Thc man' namc i
~otch, anJ hc' a omchat inlamou Crcatcr aain
lnon a ~otch thc Kat, lrom an ilanJ acro thc ca. Hc
ucJ to tracl thc ca a lot ith hi hrianJ companion
lootin hip anJ tcalin lrom city port. Hi crcmatc
crc loolin lor a ccrct placc to hiJc thcir hip hilc thcy
thiccJ thcir ay throuh CoroJcll City, hcn uncxpcctcJly,
lrom thc clill cac, a tcam ol WinJ ~crpcnt limmcJ
acro thc atcr anJ attaclcJ thcir hip. !chinJ thcm camc
a mall roup ol hoat ith rouc malin thcir ay toarJ
thc hip. Thc WinJ ~crpcnt lc mot ol thc crc anJ thc
rouc hoarJcJ a littlc latcr to "clcan up." ~otch thc Kat hiJ
in thc hri (a cry mall anJ Jiutin Jctainmcnt room lor
prohlcm hipmatc) in thc hull ol thc hip. Thc WinJ
~crpcnt nillcJ him out anJ thc rouc crc ahout to hrcal
in anJ lay ~otch hcn thc hip hit thc rocl. !t hurt into
plintcr anJ many on hoarJ crc lucly to malc it to thc
rocl alic, thouh omc JiJ not. ~otch am aay up thc
horc anJ atchcJ thc rouc anJ thcir Jcmonic partncr
carry hat loot thcy coulJ alac lrom thc hip into omc
cac on thc clill all. ~otch coulJn`t o to thc CoroJcll
authoritic lor ohiou rcaon. Hc no ant to inliltratc
thc cac anJ uc omc capcoat Jo-oooJcr to Jitract thc
WinJ ~crpcnt, rouc, anJ hatccr clc may hc in thcrc
hilc hc ct a much loot a hc can. ~otch i cacl ol
human hcin, hut an actor. !rctcnJ you'rc playin
a truly innoccnt pcron in hi allccJ ituation hcn you play
~otch, jut to ct thc charmin innoccncc acro. ConiJcr
Cchin' lilc anJ joh, hi lamily' namc, ac, anJ cncral
intcrct, jut in cac any ol it comc up in concration.<
Cncc thc charactcr arcc to hclp Cchin, hc ill
ratclully ay, "Thanl you my lricnJ. !ollo mc. !lcac
lricnJ, plcac comc quiclly."
At that, hc ill lcaJ thc charactcr to thc atcr' cJc in
a traiht a Jircction a poihlc. A thcy run to thc clill,
thc hcach ill turn into rocl, thc rocl ill hccomc morc
jacJ, anJ thc jacJ rocl ill hccomc clill. Thc
charactcr ill hc lorccJ to lo thcir pacc anJ rcort to
climhin rathcr than allin. You can uc c|| Koll a
thcy o, hut coniJcr lailcJ attcmpt only a cthacl in timc,
not lallin to Damac. A thc charactcr ct clocr to thc
cac cntrancc, thcrc ill hc nccJ to malc c|| anJ c/:o,/|
Koll to uc thc ropc to ct Jon a littlc ay. >!l a
charactcr ha thc ~lill ol l/|: c|../:, allo thcm to roll
to prolilc ~otch a hc moc alon thc rocl. !l thcy arc
uccclul, thcy ill noticc hc i cxtrcmcly nimhlc lor a
"mcrchant." !ut hc ill hru anJ cxplain that hc ucc hc
i jut naturally o, il thc charactcr al. Hc ill ay that hc
rc up alon thc ca clill. Altcr that hc may lo a tiny hit
to JiuaJc any morc upicion.<
Cncc thc charactcr can cc thc lar catcrn tip ol thc
clill all, thcy ill noticc a rouc allin alon a llat arca ol
thc clill anJ carryin omcthin (a piccc ol ooJ il thc
charactcr hac Hl c,|/) into a cac. Cut in thc ca, jut
oll thc rocl arc thc rcmnant anJ Jchri lrom Cchin'
hip. Cchin anJ thc charactcr ill all top to ohcrc
lrom a Jitancc, anJ oon thc rouc ill all out, picl up
anothcr larc piccc ol ooJ, anJ talc it into thc cac. Thc
Jitancc to thc rouc lrom hcrc thc charactcr arc i too lar
to hcar anythin Juc to noic ol thc roarin ca. Cchin
ill tart to oh. Hc thinl thc rouc mut hac liJnappcJ
hi lamily anJ arc holJin thcm hotac in thc cac - or
Cncc thc rouc oc in thc cac lor thc cconJ timc, hc
Jocn't comc hacl out aain. No morc actiity i oin on
Jon thcrc that anyonc can cc. At thi point, thc

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1
charactcr hac to malc a cric ol c|| anJ c/:o,/| Koll
to hclp cach othcr Jon to thc lcJc lccl. A lailcJ c||
Koll mcan thc charactcr lcll on hi on, hut allo lor a
companion' c/:o,/| Koll to ollcr aiJ to lccp thc charactcr
lrom lallin. !l hoth roll lail, thc lall to thc rocl ill cauc
3Jo3 Damac. A ccurcJ ropc ticJ to thc clill rocl
houlJ allo lor thc amc procc, hut hall thc Damac
(aumin thc charactcr that lcll a at lcat ahlc to rah at
thc ropc a littlc.
A thc charactcr approach thc cntrancc ol thc cac,
thcy ill cc a human lull tucl on thc top ol an ciht-loot
polc, picrccJ throuh hy thc top ol thc pilc. Thcrc i a
ooJcn JriltooJ in hanin on thc top ol thc cac
cntrancc, ith thc orJ 'nonc lclt alic' carcJ into it in thc
charactcr' common lanuac (rcquirc a uccclul roll ol
l:.J/\/: to rcaJ). Cchin ill hcin to ccp quictly anJ
thcn ill Jrop to thc rounJ ohhin.
L Lo o| |r r \ \o o, ,
Cncc Cchin' oh uhiJc, thc charactcr cntcr thc
cac. Thcy ill hcar Jitant uniJcntiliahlc actiity (hoccr,
thoc that uccclully uc Hl H:.o, can Jctcrminc that
thc ounJ arc human houtin, lumhcr hcin mocJ, anJ
othcr cratchin anJ clanin ounJ). Cchin ill hipcr
to thc charactcr that hc thinl anyonc in hcrc ill run to
ct hclp il thcy linJ intruJcr in hcrc. Thcrclorc, hc thinl
thcy houlJ hinJ anJ a anyonc thcy cc. Any othcr plan
thc charactcr hac may hc linc, hut thc charactcr lccl that
Cchin i riht a cll. >!or cach ol thc lolloin
chamhcr, uc thc itcm, lurniturc, anJ othcr inanimatc
ohjcct litcJ in thc Jccription, hut lccl lrcc to altcr thc
ccnt anJ outcomc a nccJcJ lor your aJcnturc. You may
nccJ to improic ccnt il thc charactcr comc hacl anJ iit
a chamhcr a cconJ or thirJ timc. Jut rcmcmhcr that thcrc
i a total ol 21 rouc (moJily lill lccl a nccJcJ lor thc
charactcr), 3 orccrcr, anJ 23 WinJ ~crpcnt ithin thc
cntirc cac complcx.<

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1o
A thc charactcr hcin to moc throuh thc cntrancc
ol thc cac, thcy ill noticc many tracl (hac thc charactcr
roll lor thc 1.| ~lill il thcy hac it). Thcrc arc ton ol
human tracl lrom many Jillcrcnt-i.cJ mcn lcaJin hacl
anJ lorth throuhout thc corriJor. Thcrc arc alo Jcmon
tracl ol omc linJ lcaJin hacl anJ lorth lrom thc cac
cntrancc to thc Chamhcr o arca. >A uccclul roll ol thc
1.| anJ D:o|, ~lill ill tcll thc charactcr that
thcrc arc poihly morc than 30 Jillcrcnt typc ol human
tracl anJ ol Jillcrcnt WinJ ~crpcnt tracl, many ol
thcm lrch, hut thc tracl arc too crratic to lno pccilic.<

C|am|e- J
Thi room ha hclc anJ tahlc lillcJ ith ariou
itcm, uch a lantcrn, mu, trinlct, hlanlct, torchc,
ju, chair, lihin nct, crahhin cac, hol. Alo pilcJ
arounJ arc acl anJ harrcl ol ariou i.c, anJ a lc minor
capon anJ armor. Thcrc i a lorlcJ ailcay lor thc
charactcr to all hacl to to Jillcrcnt placc at thc hacl
all. !cryhcrc clc i loaJcJ ith tull. !crythin hcrc i
urplu cquipmcnt that thc rouc hac accumulatcJ anJ not
yct nccJcJ. \c thc Ccncral !quipmcnt cction ol pac
o4-o5 ol thc !iht !Jition amc manual to Jctcrminc hat
i hcrc. With thc cxccption ol lumhcr anJ othcr huilJin
matcrial (hich arc in Chamhcr o) anJ thc !ooJ Marlct
itcm, it' mot lilcly that it can hc lounJ in hcrc
omchcrc. !l thc charactcr arc carchin lor omcthin
pccilic, rcquirc a uccclul c:.| Koll anJ allo a 55'
chancc (5' pcr lailcJ c:.|) to linJ it. Altcr ccral tric,
jut lct thc itcm hc lounJ il you lccl it appropriatc.
Cccaionally rcJucc thc Jilliculty to linJ omcthin incc
thcrc arc typically ccral ol thc amc itcm in thcrc

C|am|e- 2
3 rognes
Thc Joor into thi arca lrom Chamhcr 1 i lihtly ajar.
Thc charactcr can pccr throuh thc opcnin to cc thrcc
rouc lar ahcaJ (almot hcrc thc chamhcr turn) tanJin
arounJ a tahlc aruin. Ncar thcm on thc all arc to
torchc, onc iihlc anJ thc othcr acro thc ay. Thcrclorc,
thc arca arounJ thc rouc i cry cll lit, hut thc hallay
lcaJin to thcm, jut iniJc thc Joor, i Jarl. !l thc
charactcr crc to cntcr cry quictly, thcy may hc ahlc to ct
thc jump on thc rouc, hoccr, thi Joor i omchat
noiy anJ ill rcquirc a uccclul co:.| Koll cru thc
rouc l::/o Koll.
!l thc charactcr litcn to thc concration, thcy ill
hcar thc rouc aruin ahout ho' lault it a that
omconc namcJ KcnlriJ JicJ, ho maJc thc olJcn chalicc
lall in thc atcr, anJ ho lct thc toaay hiJJcn in thc hri
ct aay. !l thc charactcr ait ahout 5 minutc, thc rouc
ill ccntually Jipcrc, onc ill comc riht toarJ thc Joor
hcrc thc charactcr arc anJ thc othcr to ill hcaJ aay
lrom thcm. >At thc mcntion ol "thc toaay in thc hri"
(hich a ~otch in thc hip), ~otch ill try to cloc thc
Joor anJ uct that thcrc ill hc a hcttcr timc to comc
hacl hcrc to chccl thi out. Whcthcr thc charactcr litcn or
not, nonc ol thc Jicuion ill incriminatc ~otch a thc onc
thcy'rc tallin ahout. ~otch ill ay that hc thinl thc
rouc 'arc tallin ahout a Jillcrcnt hip,' incc hi 'JiJn't
hac a hri,' anJ 'ol courc' hc 'oulJ nccr hiJc in thc hri
hilc hi lamily a hcin aaultcJ.'<
!l thi i thc charactcr' cconJ or thirJ timc in thi
chamhcr, hac a lonc rouc anJcrin toarJ thc Joor a thc
charactcr arc pccrin throuh it. Cr moJily thc ccnt to
lit your currcnt ituation.

C|am|e- 3
Thi chamhcr i a inlc Juncon ccll ith a maic,
loclcJ anJ harrcJ ooJcn Joor rcinlorccJ ith mctal har.
!niJc thc Juncon arc lic mcn, onc i cxtrcmcly hcat up
anJ hlooJy. Thcc mcn arc in hcrc a captic lrom ariou
hip anJ crc purpocly lcpt alic to liht
cach othcr in thc rouc' arcna (Chamhcr
4). !rom thc ncxt chamhcr, thc
charactcr ill hcar louJ tallin ahout
ariou thin lrom thc hcllicrcnt,
Jrunlcn rouc ho arc amhlin anJ
houtin (Chamhcr 4). Thc charactcr
Jo not lccl alc lincrin arounJ hcrc
cry lon. >!l thc onc hlooJy man cc
~otch, hc ill rcconi.c him. Thc man
a thc captain ol ~otch' hip anJ thc only onc till alic
lihtin thc WinJ ~crpcnt hcn thc rouc hoarJcJ. Hc
ill malc quitc a ccnc ahout lcttin him out hcn ~otch
tric to inal thc captain to not rccal ho hc i. All thc
mcn in thc Juncon ill clamor to rah thc charactcr in
hopc ol rccuc. Thcy al thc charactcr to ic thcm
capon o thcy can liht thcir ay out ol hcrc. Hoccr,
thcrc i no lcy in iht anJ thc loclin har i chaincJ to thc
all, o thcrc oulJ hc inilicant noic il thc charactcr crc
to attcmpt to opcn it hy lorcc. !l thc ccnc turn uly lor
~otch ith thc charactcr, hc ill thrcatcn to ycll lor thc
rouc to comc anJ hac ccryonc lain. !rom thi point on,
hc ill uc that thrcat to malc thc charactcr continuc
throuh thi placc until hc ha omc trcaurc.<

C|am|e- 1
15 rognes
Chamhcr 4 i a lihtin arcna anJ amhlin arca.
~ccral torchc placcJ all arounJ thi chamhcr liht it up.
Thi i thc main chamhcr that thc rouc han out in Jurin
thc Jay. !l thc charactcr comc hcrc at thc ron timc, mot
ol thc rouc ill hc hcrc anJ ill hc Jrinlin, hootin Jicc,
anJ aruin. Thcrc arc 4Jo ariou capon lincJ up alon
thc hacl all that hac a !onu to Damac ol 1J2 (hich i
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1
thc numhcr rollcJ on a J4 halcJ, rounJcJ up il nccJcJ).
Thcrc arc alo 2J4 ariou i.cJ hiclJ hanin on thc all.
A rccccJ (unlcn) circular pit ahout to lcct locr
than thc cac lloor talc up thc majority ol thi chamhcr.
Thi i thc main lihtin arcna, anJ thc rccccJ lloor allo
lor hcttcr ohcration lor thc pcctator. Currcntly, thcrc i
no lihtin oin on, anJ thcrc i a tahlc in thc miJJlc ol thc
arcna hcin ucJ lor Jicc throin.
>You can moJily thi ccnt to hac omc lihtin
oin on in thi chamhcr hcn thc charactcr approach hut
hy Join that, you crcatc an cnironmcnt hcrc thc rouc
arc loolin at all Jircction ol thi room. Cncc thc
charactcr pccr arounJ thc corncr, you oulJ hac to ic
omc rouc a chancc to noticc thcm (uin l::/o or
Hl c,|/), hoccr thc rouc ill hc intcntly atchin thc
liht, o thc Dilliculty oulJ hc incrcacJ to H,| or ccn
>Alo, it may hc important to cxplain to your roup
that il thcy crc to liht thcc rouc hcaJ on, thc charactcr
oulJ mot lilcly all hc lillcJ. You oulJ hac to play it
lairly, hut thc oJJ arc aaint thcm that thcy (at lcat omc
ol thcm) oulJ hc lillcJ. !t' olay to tcll thcm that in all
lairnc, incc that oulJ hc a rcality lor thcir charactcr, hut
lct thcm JcciJc thcir courc ol action.<

C|am|e- 5
4 rognes
Thi chamhcr ha ro ol hcJ ith mall cratc ncxt to
cach ol thcm. Many ol thc cratc arc ucJ a lamp tanJ,
hut othcr cratc arc ucJ to locl aay thc rouc' pcronal
cllcct, uch a trinlct, olJ piccc, anJ laoritc tatucttc
that thcy hac accumulatcJ ocr timc.
ToarJ thc hacl ol thi chamhcr, lour rouc arc
caually lounin in a torch-lit arca. To arc lyin Jon anJ
thc othcr to arc ittin on thcir hcJ tallin. Thcir
capon arc nohcrc to hc ccn, hut thc charactcr arc urc
thcy'rc not too lar aay. >Thc rouc' pcronal capon arc
lyin ncxt to thcir hcJ or lcanin aaint a cratc ncar thcm.
Thcy alo lno hcrc othcr rouc tah thcir capon, uch
a throin axc anJ Jacr, throuhout thc room.<

C|am|e- 0
1 rogne
Thi cnormou chamhcr i hcrc thc rouc
Jiacmhlc larcr hoat anJ rcacmhlc latcr, lcclcr onc.
Thcrc arc only lour torchc at thc lour "corncr" ol thi
chamhcr, anJ thcy Jo not ollcr cnouh liht to cc thc holc
room. !ut hat thc charactcr can cc i cry imprcic.
All alon thc all anJ ccilin (approximatcly 35 lcct hih)
arc Jillcrcnt typc ol atcrcralt orani.cJ in cction. !l any
ol thc charactcr uccclully uc thc ~lill ol c:./.o,, thcy
can Jctcrminc thc lunction anJ apprcciatc thc Jcin ol
thcc cralt. Thc larct cction alon thc lon north all
ha cry lccl, cry lat lonhoat that lool lilc thcy'c hccn
rucJi.cJ lor rammin mallcr hip. Cthcr cction
incluJc rcinlorccJ caro ralt, huoyancy harrcl, hoat craJlc,
anJ mall cahornc ar cralt cninc. All alon thc lloor ol
thi chamhcr arc many tacl ol lumhcr lrom JimantlcJ
hoat all orani.cJ hy i.c anJ ooJ typc. A mallcr cction
ol onc all anJ thc lloor jut hclorc it ha ccral coil ol
ariou-i.cJ ropc orani.cJ hy i.c anJ lcnth.
Cncc thc charactcr cntcr thi room, thcy ill hcar a
thuJ lrom thc lar cnJ ol thc chamhcr, anJ thoc ith Hl
c,|/ anJ ^,|/o ill cc a rouc ortin throuh anJ
moin omc ol thc larcr lumhcr. Hi joh i to lccp thc
room orani.cJ. !l thc charactcr hac a torch lit, hc ill
noticc thcm anJ al, "Who oc thcrc" >!orcrin, thc
carctalcr, Jocn't upcct any intruJcr althouh hc ha haJ
to run omc out oncc hclorc. Hc ill lirt thinl thcy arc
lcllo rouc anJ al lor a hanJ il thc concration oc that
ay. Hc ill not pcal il thc charactcr lorcc him to tall,
hut can hc cocrccJ ith moncy or alc. Hc ha hccn ith thc
rouc lor a cry lon timc, lrom ncarly thc hcinnin, hut
ha ron a hatrcJ lor thi roup hccauc thcy arc unJcr thc
control ol thc orccrcr.<
To thc outh ol thi chamhcr arc thc Jouhlc ccll Joor
hchinJ hich thc Jcmon rciJc, anJ to thc ct i anothcr
cacrnou hall. Thc Jouhlc ccll Joor arc lcpt hut lrom thc
outiJc ith a hcay, ooJcn ccurin hoarJ that liJc
hctccn larc mctal hraclct on hoth Joor. With thc hoarJ
in placc, thc Joor arc ccurcly hloclcJ hut anJ prccnt
anythin lrom iniJc Chamhcr 7 lrom comin out.

C|am|e- 7
2do Wind Serenis
Cncc thc charactcr cntcr thi chamhcr, thcy ill noticc
cnormou pilc ol human anJ animal honc alon hoth iJc
ol thc cacrn all. Thcrc i a 10-loot iJc pathay throuh
thi corriJor that ha hccn clcarcJ hy routinc loot trallic.
Ahout 50 lcct into thi corriJor, thc charactcr ill cc lour
WinJ ~crpcnt piclin throuh thc honc in carch ol
alacahlc looJ. !l thc charactcr cntcr thc Jouhlc ccll
Joor, thc WinJ ~crpcnt ill charc, anJ il thc hattlc
rcmain quict (incc WinJ ~crpcnt only malc quict hiin
ounJ), no othcr WinJ ~crpcnt lrom Chamhcr 8 ill hc
JiturhcJ (thcy arc ocr 200 lcct aay lrom Chamhcr 7 anJ
thcy hcar plcnty ol commotion comin lrom thi Jircction
all Jay). !l thc charactcr Jo not cntcr, hut only pccr
throuh thc rcinlorccJ ccll har that malc a inJo on
cithcr ol thc Jouhlc Joor, thc charactcr can ohcrc thc
WinJ ~crpcnt lor a hilc. >!l thc charactcr JcciJc to picl
throuh thc pilc ol honc, ollcr a 33' chancc (upon cach
uccclul c:.| Koll) that thcy ill linJ a rin, jccl, or
pcnJant orth 2J4. Mot ol thc aluahlc tull ha hccn
rcmocJ anJ only hrcJ ol clothin, hrolcn honc, anJ
rottcJ lcathcrcar rcmain. ~houlJ thc charactcr hccomc
loclcJ in thi chamhcr, thcy can lrcc thcmclc hy rcachin
throuh thc ccll har anJ liJin thc har out.<

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 18
C|am|e- S
23 Wind Serenis (ess hai has been sain in
Chanber 7)
Thi chamhcr contain all ol thc WinJ ~crpcnt anJ all
ol thc aluahlc loot that thc rouc anJ orccrcr hac
accumulatcJ - olJ anJ ilcr trcaurc alorc. Thcrc arc
ccral cnormou Kunc ymhol carcJ into thc all, ccilin,
anJ mot lilcly thc lloor ol thi room. Thc charactcr ill
hac to malc uccclul c: c/aJ: Koll (at !xtrcmc
Dilliculty) to malc out hat thcy arc. Many ol thc WinJ
~crpcnt arc play lihtin, omc arc lccpin, anJ omc arc
till lccJin on honc. Cncc thcy noticc thc charactcr, all ol
thcm ill charc to attacl. >Thi room i loaJcJ ith
trcaurc hut i protcctcJ hy 2 Kunc Trap, a thirJ Kunc Trap
allo thc orccrcr to control thc WinJ ~crpcnt. Cnc ol
thc protcctic Kunc Trap i a Matcrial Timc Allcct trap that
rcquirc anothcr Kunc Trap omchcrc clc in orJcr to
complctc thc cllcct. Thc Matcrial Timc Allcct trap
continuc to cxpoc any non-liin thin ithin it phcrc to
maical Jccay. Hoccr, thc Jccay Joc not talc placc until
thc matcrial pac ncar thc cconJ Kunc Trap, hich i
locatcJ (iniihlc) hy thc cntrancc ol thc cac lair. Cncc thc
matcrial pac unJcr thc trap, it Jccay 10 ycar orth lor
ccry hour it a cxpocJ to thc Timc Matcrial Allcct trap.
Thi trap ytcm a put in placc hy thc orccrcr to prccnt
any ol thc rouc lrom lcain ith any itcm thc orccrcr
prohihitcJ. Thi cconJ protcctic Kunc Trap in thi
chamhcr i an alarm trap (ct oll hy human only) that hut
anJ maically cal thc Jouhlc Joor hctccn Chamhcr o
anJ 7. Cnly thc orccrcr lno thc maic pcll to opcn it.<

C|am|e- 0
Thc cntry Joor to thi chamhcr i loclcJ (D!. 11 ith
l| l|) anJ calcJ ith a iihlc Kunc Trap. Thc Kunc
Trap act a a cconJ locl anJ maically cal thc Joor lrom
any phyical thin attcmptin to Jctroy or opcn it. Thc
charactcr ill nccJ a Miraclc to Jipcl or Jiahlc thc Kunc.
Cncc iniJc thc chamhcr, thc charactcr ill cc that
thi holc corriJor ha a cry Jillcrcnt Jccor than ccryhcrc
clc in thc cacrn. Thcrc arc tapctric on thc all,
Jccoratic lnicl-lnacl hcrc anJ thcrc, anJ othcric ncat
anJ tiJy hclc anJ tahlc. Thi chamhcr i amply lit ith
torchc. ~implc loic (l::/o Koll) ill tcll thc charactcr
that thcy arc in thc orccrcr' arca (il thcy arc aarc that
orccrcr lic Jon hcrc, ol courc). A thcy all thi
inJin corriJor, thcy ill cc maical itcm, maic
componcnt, anJ ccn rcliiou articlc on thc hclc.
>Thc orccrcr arc orlin on maic pcll anJ trap that
thart Holy Miraclc, hich i hy thcy hac rcliiou
articlc. Alo, thcrc i an unloclcJ chct unJcr onc ol thc
tahlc that ha thc Holy !tcm lrom pac 4 in it. Thcrc i
onc ol cach itcm cxccpt thc Clcric' Cocltail, ol hich thcrc
arc 2J4.<
A thc charactcr approach Chamhcr 10, thcy ill hcar
a malc oicc ay, "Ho' your pcll comin alon" Altcr a
lon pauc, anothcr malc oicc ill rcply, "! hac not maJc
much prorc ith it toJay."
!l thc charactcr litcn lon cnouh thcy can malc out
that thcrc arc to malc oicc carryin on a cry lo anJ
horin concration that chanc topic lrcqucntly, anJ
poihly anothcr pcron in thc arca pcrlormin ariou
unlnon actiitic.

C|am|e- J0
3 sorcerers
!n thi chamhcr arc 3 orccrcr (chooc lill lccl hacJ
on charactcr lccl) anJ all ol thcir liin itcm. Thcrc arc 3
hcJ (ncatly maJc), hut othcr than that, thi chamhcr i a
tarl contrat to thc ncat anJ tiJy corriJor comin lcaJin
hcrc. Thcrc i cluttcr ccryhcrc anJ all ol thc tahlc anJ
hclc arc riJJlcJ ith junl. CanJlc anJ torchc liht thc
room cll.
Cncc thc charactcr cntcr thi chamhcr, thc orccrcr
ill lcap ith lriht anJ urpric. To arc ittin on thcir
hcJ chattin anJ thc othcr i ittin at a cluttcrcJ tahlc
orlin on omcthin ith maic componcnt (cyc ol
nct, hat' in, ctc.). All ol thcm prin to attacl ith
pcll anJ hanJy Jacr anJ tac.
Thcrc i cry littlc ol rcal aluc hcrc, a thc orccrcr
Jon't carc much lor thc aluahlc trcaurc that comc into thi
lair, rathcr thcy arc ohccJ ith athcrin thc mot
pocrlul maic componcnt thcy can anJ crcatin pcll anJ
Kunc Trap.

C|am|e- JJ
1 rogne
A thc charactcr approach thc main arca ol thi
chamhcr, thcy hcar rutlin, hanin, anJ chiclcn cluclin.
Thcrc i a rouc in hcrc ith hi hacl toarJ thc charactcr
coolin a pot ol omcthin on a larc lirin toc.
Thi chamhcr ha ccrythin thc rouc nccJ to cat anJ
lot ol it, incluJin huhcl ol potatoc, acl ol onion, lic
chiclcn, anJ rahhit in cac. Thouh mot ol it i poilcJ,
thcrc arc ccral cratc ol lruit anJ cctahlc ith llic arounJ thcm. All alon thc hacl all arc harrcl ol
incar, alc, mcaJ, inc, oil, mill (hich i motly poilcJ),
anJ Jrinlin atcr. ~ccral tacl ol aclcJ llour anJ uar
linc thc all. Thcrc arc alo ccral hclc toclcJ ith
mall containcr ol hat ccm to hc linc picc anJ tca (cach
containcr i orth ahout 2Jo). Ncxt to thc hclin unit
arc larc cuttin tahlc ith animal part anJ hlooJ, anJ
unJcr thc tahlc arc Jracr lillcJ ith ariou cuttin,
lccrin, anJ picrcin utcnil. Ahoc thc cuttin tahlc,
cithcr hanin lrom thc all or ithin thc cuphoarJ arc
many Jillcrcnt typc ol pot, pan, lillct, anJ halin tin.
Within thc cuphoarJ that pan thc amc all arc many
Jillcrcnt typc anJ i.c ol hol anJ platc. Ahoc thc larc
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 19
lirin toc, a pipc i lcaJin to thc ccilin ol thi chamhcr
anJ out to thc clill, hich allo molc to cnt. >!l thc
charactcr arc loolin lor omcthin to picl thc locl on thc
Joor into Chamhcr 0, thcy can roll a c:.| Koll in thc
utcnil, anJ thcn upon uccc, malc a ~implc l| l|
Koll to lahion thc utcnil to hccomc uahlc.<

>Thc ocrall thrut ol thi aJcnturc i that thc rouc
anJ orccrcr arc uin a cac complcx a a mcan ol
athcrin aluahlc itcm. Thc rouc uc thcir lonhoat anJ
thc WinJ ~crpcnt to aault ncarhy hip that comc too
cloc to thc cac. \nJcr normal circumtancc, thc WinJ
~crpcnt oulJ rcaJily cat thc rouc anJ thc orccrcr il
thcy haJ thc chancc, hut thcy arc lcpt unJcr maic control.
!n thi community ol cil, thc WinJ ~crpcnt ct to cat
ailin pacr-hy, thc orccrcr ct nc anJ pocrlul maic
itcm lrom thc ictim, anJ thc rouc ct trcaurc anJ alc
that i lounJ onhoarJ. !t oulJ ccm lilc a cohcic anJ
orani.cJ roup. Hoccr, thc rouc hatc thc orccrcr anJ
thc WinJ ~crpcnt, thc orccrcr hatc thc rouc, anJ thc
WinJ ~crpcnt hatc all thcir human captor (anJ all othcr
lor that mattcr). ~incc ccryonc ho ha to orl tocthcr
lor a common intcrct hatc cach othcr, thc charactcr may hc
ahlc to uc thi to thcir aJantac il thcy arc clccr.
!Jcally, thc charactcr ill not try to talc thc rouc
hcaJ-on in Chamhcr 4. !clorc thcy Jo, try to uc ~otch to
lcaJ thcm to thc WinJ ~crpcnt' chamhcr to rah thc
trcaurc. Thcy can rclcac thc WinJ ~crpcnt to attacl thc
rouc (aumin thc charactcr can ct into thc hanin
hoat lor alcty). Altcr all, ~otch i only loolin lor a
pocrlul maic itcm hiJJcn amont thc trcaurc. Cncc hc
ha that, hc ill llcc thc ccnc a quiclly a poihlc.
You can uc thc orccrcr to try to control thc WinJ
~crpcnt hcnccr you nccJ, hut you can allo thc WinJ
~crpcnt to hc uncontrollahlc lor at timc il it uit your
aJcnturc. Mayhc thc WinJ ~crpcnt ill turn on thc rouc
anJ orccrcr lor a hilc, alloin thc charactcr to malc a
nccJcJ ccapc.
Whcn runnin thi aJcnturc, jut try to hac lun ith
it. !t i important to rcmcmhcr (anJ lor thc charactcr to
lno at thc appropriatc timc) that thc charactcr arc
poihly at a rcat JiaJantac il thcy attacl any ol thc
larcr roup ol rouc at onc timc. !ncourac thcm to try
to uc tact anJ cunnin to iolatc mallcr roup, lor thi i
thc only ay thcy oulJ lccl thcy can riJ thc cil lrom thi
cac complcx. Alo, lccl lrcc to uc ~otch a an ocrly
talcntcJ lihtcr to "lccl thc playin liclJ" lor thc charactcr
aaint thc larcr roup, il nccJ hc. !l you Jo thi, hoccr,
you ill hac to malc him an ocrly talcntcJ lihtcr houlJ
hc comc up aaint thc charactcr, o try to ct him out ol
thc ccnc hclorc a liht ith thc charactcr occur.<
!ccl lrcc to harc your thouht on thi anJ othcr lc|q
Londc aJcnturc hy loin on to our chitc at.
.Holy!anJ.nct. Wc oulJ all loc to hcar ho your
aJcnturc playcJ out!
\ \| |n nd d S Sc cr r, ,c cn nt t

IiIe. 112Jo - !ccr Dcmon
Weaon Sis. HanJ to HanJ (cla anJ hitc)
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 1, Attacl. 1,
DoJc. 5, anage. 1
Weaons (Damac). Cla (1Jo), hitc (1J8)
AiR. 2 (ith cla) or 1 (ith hitc)
II. 2 (naturally)

Heighi. 10 lcct lon/2 lcct hih Weighi. 40 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. Aility. 12, ~pccJ. 0
Secia Abiiiies. !crccption. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 8, HcihtcncJ ~iht
anJ Hcarin. 5
Saving Thro Ionnses. 2 cru Miraclc
IXI Vane. 125 !xpcricncc

Soen Iangnage. Nonc (liht hiin only)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. WinJ ~crpcnt arc lat, liht, anJ ailc cnouh
that thcy can run alon atcr anJ ccn hccomc airhornc
lor ccral yarJ hilc runnin at lull pccJ. Thcc
Jcmon arc o lanly anJ quicl that thcy arc cxtrcmcly
harJ to hit hccauc ol thcir hypnotic mocmcnt hilc in
Magic Abiiiies. t.o/ l:., \.|| c.a|

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 20
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 21
C Cc cn nt t| |n nu u| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol uction to continuc thc
tory lurthcr.

AJJ a lon tunncl lrom thc cac complcx to a larc
rotto. !n it arc a couplc ol ailhoat anJ/or a mall
hip. Charactcr can uc onc to malc a ctaay to
thc ca. Thc rouc chac in thc othcr cralt.
!l thc charactcr Jo not complctcly Jclcat thc
rouc anJ/or thc orccrcr, thcy o to ton to try to
ct hclp to clcan out thc lair.
A rial an ol rouc attacl thc lair ahout thc
timc thc charactcr arc ahout to lcac it.
Altcr ~otch i rccalcJ lor hat hc i, hc ccapc.
Thc roup ha to JcciJc hcthcr to chac him or not.
~otch !capc anJ ha a pcronal cnJctta aaint
thc !C' (thi onc i appcalin hccauc it malc a
rcoccurrin N!C)
Thc !C' arc pottcJ lcain thc cac anJ thc
Matcr ol thc Kouc JcciJc that hc Joc not ant
anyonc clc lnoin ahout thc cac. Hc cnJ pcoplc
to lill thcm hclorc thcy tcll anyonc clc ahout it.
\ \c cd d| || |q q| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol uction to incrcac thc
Jilliculty lor hihcr lccl charactcr.

Thc clill rocl arc ct lrom ca pray or rain.
Thcy arc Jillicult to climh.
Wcathcr i haJ, pcrhap a torm i hrcin or
lcain thc arca. !iht rain, llahc ol rain, Jarl Jay.
Chamhcr 1. il thc charactcr talc too lon
rummain throuh thc itcm in thc room, J41
rouc ill linJ thcm anJ attacl lrom Chamhcr 2.
AJJ trap (pit, ctc.) to cac complcx.
!ach rouc ha a mall horn that thcy uc to raic
an alarm.
Any cntrancc to thc cac complcx coulJ hc
hloclcJ hy hih tiJc oon altcr thc charactcr cntcr
thc lair, cauin thc charactcr to hc unahlc to ccapc
lor o hour.
AJJ morc cncmic
Thcrc arc cac imp in thc cac.
Thc thrcc orccrcr arc apprcnticc to much hcttcr
orccrcr, hich comc hacl at an inconcnicnt timc.

DragonRaid: Roleplaying Discipleship Game
from Adventures for Christ, a division of the Lamb's Bride Project.
More than just a game, DragonRaid offers hours of
enjoyment while teaching participants to resist sin,
counter deceptive arguments, memorize Scripture, and
build moral and spiritual character. On the mythical
world of EdenAgain, players meet challenges that
parallel real life and compel them to grapple with
conflicting values, discover how faith in Christ can
shape behavior, and reflect on what is really worth
living and dying for.
To order see:
or write: Adventures for Christ
P.O. Box 0089
Bath, OH 44210-0089
or call: 1-877-422-9684

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 22

lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1
lc|q Londc
L|gbt Cd|t|cn

o noi dnicaie or disiribnie ihis Iie.
Thi Jocumcnt i liccncJ only to thc purchacr lor pcronal,
priatc uc. Duplication anJ/or Jitrihution ol thi lilc i trictly
prohihitcJ, anJ i protcctcJ unJcr lcJcral anJ local copyriht
la. \nlalul Juplication anJ Jitrihution ill hc purucJ.


!JitcJ hy Joc K. Kcc.
\cry pccial contrihutory thanl to thc Holy !anJ playtctcr.
Chritophcr Hoplcr, Kyan A., !ryan, !li, Dominic, Kcnny, Nathan, Chriic, anJ ChaJ Catron
Cocr anJ intcrnal art hy Cahc anJ Chachi HcrnanJc.
Map Jcin hy !JarJ Wcnt.

Copyriht 2005, !aith _uct Camc, All Kiht KccrcJ
lc|q Londc' i a KcitcrcJ TraJcmarl ol !aith _uct Camc
lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 2


1ic vc-=ccn ==cc &

~cw cL- +cme ==cc

~cw Min=cLce ==cc e

~cw =c cL=eece: ~c+icn n=cce ==cc e

rcn +ic n=c ==cc c

zLncmcc e=- ==cc
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|


"L|/e |s /o |e /|ced and /|e uo-/d |s /o |e seen."

l l| |o oq q| |n ng g t tb bc c \ \c cq qo og gc cr r
Thc \oyacr i a ahhucllin calarcr ith a
paion lor traclin. Thouh thc ca i thcir prclcrrcJ
moJc ol tracl, \oyacr ill acccpt any ollcr thcy can
to cc morc ol thc orlJ. Thcy lic to oyac anJ
aJcnturc, anJ uually hac a harJ timc tayin in onc
placc lor cry lon.
Whip anJ othcr liht capon arc thcir
laoritc, hut \oyacr tcnJ to ccl out anJ lcarn to
iclJ Jillcrcnt capon lrom all arounJ thc orlJ.
!ilcic, thc \oyacr tcnJ to prclcr lorcin
armcnt that tcnJ to hc morc rcal than onc
oulJ normally car in a icn ituation.

L L| |m m| |t to ot t| |c cn nc c

A-mo- Kes/-|./|ons
\oyacr tcnJ to aoiJ
hcaicr armor hccauc ol
thc Jancr it poc in thc
atcr, hut thcy arc not
limitcJ in hat armor typc
thcy can car.
No rctriction

Veapon Kes/-|./|ons
\oyacr prclcr hip,
liht capon, anJ capon
lrom lorcin lanJ, hut thcy
arc not limitcJ in hat
typc ol capon thcy can
No rctriction

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc|


C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g t tb bc c \ \c cq qo og gc cr r
A At tt tr r| |b bu ut tc c L Lc cq qu u| |r rc cm mc cn nt t
A,|/. 7
c::J. 5

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
IiIe. 2Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
Iaiih. 1

C C| || |t tc c
c:.| j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
\.c. c|./ A

C C| |o oc cc c S S| || || || |c c
Chooc lour (4) Talcnt anJ thrcc (3) Cralt at !ccl 1.
You may clcct ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit or Wcapon
~lill lrom thc lit hclo.
l|. \oJ lo/a:o/
l|/.| c:o:
l:.J/\/: j.JJ/o.| |.o,a.,:j
1. \|

\ \c co o, ,c cn n S S| || || || |c c
You may clcct a Wcapon ~lill lrom thc lolloin lit
in placc ol clcctin a Talcnt or Cralt.
\.c. H.oJ / H.oJ
\.c. l| A//.|
\.c. c|:|J l|.
\.c. 1|ao

l ln n| |t t| |o o| | C Cq qu u| |, ,m mc cn nt t
!on Whip (1Jo Damac)
!on Dacr (2J8 Damac)
!aJJcJ !cathcr Jcrlin (A!. Chct, D!!. 3)
Cloth !rccchc (A!. !c, D!!. 1)
!oot (A!. !cct, D!!. N/A)
!ouch ol 2Jo ColJ, 1Jo ~ilcr
~lccpin hlanlct, mall pacl, torch
2Jo !ooJ Kation

l lr rc cg gr rc cc cc c| |n ng g t tb bc c \ \c cq qo og gc cr r

C Cx x, ,c cr r| |c cn nc cc c , ,c c| |n nt tc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol !xpcricncc point nccJcJ to
attain cach nc lccl.

1. 0
2. 1,150
3. 2,450
4. 4,050
5. 6,100
6. 8,50
. 12,150
8. 16,450
9. 21,800
10. 28,350
11. 36,250
12. 45,650
13. 56,00
14. 69,550
15. 84,350

L L| || |c c o on nd d l lo o| |t tb b
AJJ thc lolloin to thc \oyacr' l/: anJ l./| upon
rcachin cach nc lccl.

IiIe. 1Jo

Iaiih. 1
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|

B B| |o od dc c c c| | B B| |o od dc cc c
Cncc your charactcr pcnJ thc !aith to actiatc thi
orJinary-loolin hort orJ, hc or hc can tranlorm it into
any othcr hlaJcJ capon JcircJ. Thc !laJc ol !laJc
normally cauc 2J103 point ol Damac, hut can hc
tranlormcJ into a larcr capon cauin up to 2J125
point ol Damac ith a 3 A//.| !onu. Tranlormation
lat lor up to a Tcn-rounJ, anJ it can hc actiatcJ a oltcn a
your charactcr ha thc !aith.
Iaiih cosi. 3 !aith
Vane. 101

B B| |c cc cc cc cd d l lc cn nd do on nt t c c| | l l| |c cr rc c| |n ng g \ \| |c c| |c cn n
Thi pcnJant allo thc carcr to pcrlorm thc l:o,
\o Miraclc on himcll at a 3 !rolicicncy !onu. Thc
limitation rulc ol Holy !tcm Joc not apply to thi itcm,
thcrclorc, your charactcr can poc anJ uc thi itcm anJ
anothcr Holy !tcm at thc amc timc.
Iaiih cosi. 3 !aith
Vane. 72

C Cr ru uc c| || || |x x c c| | l lc cu uc cr r
\nlilc a normal Crucilix, thi pocrlul Crucilix, ha no
!aith torac limitation. Thc pocor can cmpocr it ith
a many Miraclc a hc or hc lilc. !urthcrmorc, thi
Crucilix rclcac Miraclc at a 4 !rolicicncy !onu
rcarJlc ol thc iclJcr or thc prolicicncy ol thc Clcry ho
cmpocrcJ it.
Iaiih cosi. 2 !aith pcr uc
Vane. 45

S Su uc cr rd d c c| | l lc c| |q q l l| |r rc c
Thi orJ appcar to hc a normal lonorJ hut ha a
lantatic hitc-anJ-hluc llamc cnullin thc hlaJc. Thc orJ
cauc 2J124 Damac normally hut thc llamc Joc an
aJJitional 1J41 point ol Damac. Thi orJ ha a pccial
hcath that i impcriou to llamc.
Iaiih cosi. Nonc
Vane. 100

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| o

A Ab bc cc cr rb b B B| |c cu u
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch
nraiion. Cnc minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. Thi Miraclc complctcly ahorh thc
cntirc amount ol Damac that occur lrom thc ncxt
immcJiatc hlo ithin thc Duration. Thc ahorhcJ hlo can
comc lrom any phyical attacl, incluJin hanJ, miilc, or
thron attacl. Thi Miraclc Joc not ahorh Damac lrom
pcll attacl (cxccpt phyical Damac lrom maically
manipulatcJ ohjcct uch a lcitatcJ hottlc).
Iaiih Cosi. 5

u uc ct t| |c cc c
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. ~cll only
Range. 5 lcct
nraiion. Cnc minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. cru Miraclc (cauc hall Damac)
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc Clcry to rcturn
hall thc Damac ol thc ncxt hlo hacl to thc attaclcr. Thc
hlo mut comc lrom a hanJ capon (not miilc or thron)
anJ thc attaclcr mut hc ithin Kanc. Altcr thc Miraclc
occur, thc pocr lapc. Thc Damac Jonc uc onc AtK
lor hoth thc Clcry anJ thc attaclcr.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

\ \u ut tc c
Tye. Clcrical Miraclc
Targei. Cthcr
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. Cnc rounJ pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. . Miraclc (no allcct)
escriiion. Thi Miraclc cauc thc Tarct pcron or
hcin to hc complctcly incapahlc ol malin any crhal or
uttural ounJ. ~orccrcr anJ maic-ucr cannot cat
pcll or actiatc thc pocr ol maic capon (that rcquirc
actiation). !ilcic, Jcmon cannot rclcac lirc or poion
hrcath attacl.
Iaiih Cosi. 3

l l| |c cr rc c| |n ng g \ \| |c c| |c cn n
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. ~cll only
Range. 10 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. 1 KounJ pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. Thi pocrlul Miraclc allo thc Clcry
to cc throuh oliJ ohjcct a il thcy crcn't thcrc. Thc
Clcry can cc a liclJ ol ic ahout tcn lcct iJc in a tunncl
or cylinJrical lorm anJ can aJjut thc Jcpth ol ic a
nccJcJ up to thc maximum Kanc.
Iaiih Cosi. 7

S Sc cn ng g c c| | t tb bc c S S, ,| |r r| |t t
Tye. Holy ~on
Targei. Cthcr (only) ithin Kanc
Range. 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. Maximum 1 KounJ pcr LoJa.o:
Saving Thro. nonc
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc !arJ to cmpocr
Chritian charactcr (ho can normally hcar thc muic) ith
an aJJitional !onu to all Comhat action lor all thc
Jillcrcnt Wcapon ~lill. Thc !onu i cqual to thc !arJ'
!rolicicncy !onu lor thc M.|: H| co, ~lill. !n
aJJition to thc !onuc, thc on aJJ anothcr AtK to all ol
thc charactcr' Wcapon ~lill AtK'.
Iaiih Cosi. 5

\ \o ot tc cr r \ \o o| || |
Tye. Hih Miraclc
Targei. ~cll or Cthcr
Range. Touch or 5 lcct pcr !rolicicncy !onu
nraiion. 1 minutc pcr !rolicicncy !onu
Saving Thro. nonc (unlc cllcct i unJcircJ)
escriiion. Thi Miraclc allo thc Clcry to all on
atcr a il it i an untcaJy hut oliJ lloor. Thc Clcry can
moc at up to hall normal c::J on till or motly till atcr
anJ can moc at a maximum ol a quartcr normal c::J on
rouhcr atcr. Watcr that i cxccptionally rouh, uch a
occan ac, cannot hc allcJ on at all. !or rouhcr atcr,
thc Kac may rcquirc a !alancc Koll in orJcr to maintain
tcaJinc or lall in.
Iaiih Cosi. 5
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc|

Ncthcr Kacc hcin arc crcaturc lrom thc ncthcr rcalm
ol AlonJia, that crc crcatcJ lor thc olc purpoc ol
protcctin carthly humanity. Thouh thcy hac thcir on
complctcly lrcc ill, thc Ncthcr Kacc, othcric lnon a
thc crant racc, hac thc riht anJ thc rcponihility to
crc anJ protcct humanlinJ at any cot.
Ncthcr Kacc hcin arc cry rarc anJ arc icn to
chocn Chritian aJcnturcr ho hac a inlc-minJcJ hcart
to crc CoJ. Thcc Chritian hccomc thc matcr ol thc
Ncthcr hcin anJ can cat thcm hacl to AlonJia il thc
Ncthcr hcin hlatantly Jiohcy it matcr.
Thc lolloin i a lit ol thc Ncthcr Kacc' lorcmot
1. To roieci hnnaniiy Iron denons - thi i thcir
primary ohjcctic anJ outcih any ol thc othcr
2. To roieci hnnaniiy Iron hnnans - thi ohjcctic
coulJ allo thc Ncthcr hcin to Jctroy a human lilc
il that pcron i juJcJ an unquctionahlc thrcat to
othcr human lic.
3. To serve iheir hnnan nasier - thi i a Ncthcr
hcin' primary ohjcctic altcr thc lirt to hac hccn
lullillcJ. \iolatin thi ohjcctic i thc only rcaon
lor hich thc matcr may cat thc Ncthcr hcin hacl
to AlonJia.
lmpo-/an/ No/es a|ou/ Ne/|e- Be|n,s
At thc !C' praycr rcquct, CoJ rant a Ncthcr hcin
to thc !C a a ilt. Thc !C i cxpcctcJ to trcat thc ilt ith
rcpcct anJ apprcciation, incc ahuc can rclcac a Ncthcr
hcin lrom it ohliation ol cricc to thc matcr.
Whcn rcccicJ, thc Ncthcr hcin i namclc, anJ thc
!C mut ic thc hcin a namc. \pon catin aay or
comin unJcr uhjcction to a nc matcr, thc Ncthcr hcin
hccomc namclc aain until a nc matcr rcnamc it. Thc
pcron ho namc it i thc matcr ol thc hcin. Thi matcr
can rclinquih thc crant rcquircmcnt lrom thc hcin ith
thc cxpcctation ol it hcin lrcc on carth, hut thcrc i a 50'
chancc that thc hcin i cat hacl to AlonJia anyay.
Cthcr important point arc continucJ hclo.
Iach Neiher Race being nnsi have a hnnan
nasier. Any anJcrin Ncthcr hcin ithout a
human matcr can hc cat hacl or hounJ to cricc
ith a praycr hy any Chritian (human).
A IC can be ihe nasier io nore ihan one Neiher
being. A human !C can hac up to thrcc Ncthcr
hcin hounJ to hi or hcr cricc, hoccr, thc !C
can only ain onc Ncthcr crant at !ccl 1, 3, 5, 7,
anJ 0. At no othcr timc can a matcr ain a crant
racc, anJ thc matcr can only ain onc pcr thc ahoc

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 8
There is a 50% chance ihai a Neiher being i
reinrn io Aondia ai ihe nasier's reqnesi. \pon
rclcac ol cricc, thcrc i a chancc (00-40') that thc
Ncthcr hcin rcturn to AlonJia. Hoccr, lor roll
ol 50', thc hcin rcmain on carth lrcc lrom thc
uhjcction ol it matcr - thc matcr ha no pocr to
control, ain, or cat aay thc Ncthcr hcin any
loncr. No Ncthcr hcin can hc uhjcct to thc amc
matcr aain altcr hcin rclcacJ.
Neiher beings can ive as Iree or ensaved as iis
nasier is. Thc Ncthcr hcin can huy, cll, orl,
tracl, anJ lic a inJcpcnJcnt a thc matcr allo.
Thc matcr mut hc omchat conitcnt in
cxpcctation, cxccic inconitcncy ol a matcr i
coniJcrcJ mitrcatmcnt. Nccrthclc, any hlatant
inuhorJination i rounJ lor catin aay.
Sone NIC's send iheir iine Iinding and iing
or casiing bac nasieress Neiher beings. ~omc
pcoplc pay hounty huntcr hcalthy amount ol moncy
to lay any Ncthcr hcin, cpccially onc that hac no
matcr (or appcar to hac no matcr).
A Neiher beings are genderess bni aear in
nae Iorn. Mot pcoplc Jccrihc Ncthcr hcin
uin "hc, him, or hi" pronoun, thouh thc Ncthcr
hcin ha no truc malc anatomy hciJc mucular
iIIereni Neiher Races oIien coneie iih each
oiher. Thouh thcy mut contain thcir JiJain lor
othcr Ncthcr hcin anJ thcy mut orl tocthcr lor
thcir matcr' ill, thc crant racc may lccl a Jililc
lor othcr Ncthcr Kacc. Typically, thcy orl tocthcr
cll hcn ncccary, hut thcy oltcn lccl an unJcrlyin
rculion to cach othcr. Thc Hucl Jon't lilc anyonc,
hut thc to Jillcrcnt typc ol Arial hac an cpccially
tcnc timc rclatin to cach othcr. !ccauc thcy arc all
cry Jillcrcnt anJ hac cry Jillcrcnt ay ol achicin
a tal, thcy cach thinl thc othcr` ay arc illy anJ

So.|a/ Va/ue
Thouh a Ncthcr Kacc hcin i a crant to it human matcr, mot pcoplc Jo not cncrally coniJcr it a orthlc lac.
~omc pcoplc ccn rcarJ thcm a upcrior to thc human, hilc an oppoitc cxtrcmc coniJcr thcm cquialcnt to Jcmon anJ
ill lill thcm on iht.
\c thc lolloin tahlc to ranJomly Jctcrminc ho thc acrac N!C ill rcact to thc prccncc ol a Ncthcr hcin (roll
2J10 lor pcrccntilc).
00-00' - HatcJ ith cxtrcmc lcar, N!C ill phyically attacl thc Ncthcr hcin on iht.
10-10' - HatcJ anJ lcarcJ, N!C may trcmhlc or ycll lor hclp, may llcc in tcrror hilc curin thc Ncthcr hcin. N!C may
alo ollcr ccrc Jicount on proJuct anJ cricc out ol lcar ol attacl.
20-20' - HatcJ, N!C ill anrily curc thc "Jcmonic hcin," ill not crc or ollcr cricc to thc Ncthcr hcin or anyonc
alliliatcJ ith thc hcin.
30-30' - DililcJ, N!C may malc littlc commcnt ahout thc hcin anJ ill charc morc lor any cricc rcquctcJ.
40-40' - ~lihtly JililcJ hut N!C ill lccp quict, may charc lihtly morc lor any cricc rcquctcJ.
50-50' - No rcal lcclin cithcr ay, N!C i comlortahlc ith thcir prccncc.
o0-o0' - !ilcJ anJ apprcciatcJ, thc Ncthcr Kacc arc cool hcin to hac arounJ hut no morc than that.
70-70' - !ilcJ anJ rcatly apprcciatcJ, N!C ill ollcr cncouracmcnt anJ may rcquct to hclp thc Ncthcr hcin in omc ay.
80-80' - AJorcJ, thc N!C ill o out ol hi or hcr ay to ho Jcotion to thc Ncthcr hcin, hy ollcrin rcat Jicount on
proJuct or cricc, or hy puhlicly pcalin aJoration.
00-00' - WorhipcJ, thc Ncthcr hcin arc oJlilc to thc N!C, or ccn ahoc any oJ thc N!C hclicc in. N!C ill hrin a
ilt or othcr ollcrin lor thc Ncthcr hcin.

C Cr rc co ot t| |n ng g o o N Nc ct tb bc cr r L Lo oc cc c C Cb bo or ro oc ct tc cr r
With a lc cxccption, crcatin a Ncthcr Kacc !C i cry imilar to crcatin a normal human !C. Thc lirt anJ lorcmot
Jillcrcncc i thc ay thc Attrihutc arc rollcJ. !or thc Ncthcr Kacc, omc Attrihutc uc morc or lccr Jicc than thc tanJarJ
2J4 lor human. !irt, Jctcrminc hich ncthcr Kacc you oulJ lilc your charactcr to hc, anJ thcn uc thc tahlc hclo to
Jctcrminc ho to roll it Attrihutc. !or a Jccription ol thc Jillcrcnt Ncthcr Kacc, cc thc lolloin pac.

Hncs 1J4 2J4 1J4 2J4 4J4 2J4 2J4 4J4 1J4 1J4
Arias oI Iighi 2J4 2J4 1J4 2J4 3J4 2J4 3J4 3J4 1J4 1J4
Shade Arias 2J4 2J4 1J4 2J4 2J4 3J4 3J4 3J4 1J4 1J4
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 9
l lu uc c| |c c
Hucl arc hort (typically lrom 3 to
4 lcct tall), tulcJ, hroaJ-houlJcrcJ,
anJ incrcJihly tron Ncthcr hcin.
Thcy uually hac a ruJc Jipoition to
ccryonc, omctimc ccn to thcir
matcr, hut thcy orl harJ anJ liht
harJ. Hucl arc actually omchat
arm anJ carin iniJc, hut hiJc it
ith a rull anJ Jitant cxtcrior.
~pcalin ol cxtcrior, thc Hucl
racc a a holc tcnJ to hac a
omchat unplcaant hoJy
oJor, orc than thc acrac
mcJical pcaant`.
Hucl hac uch a
tron phyical lortituJc that
thcy can rcit Jyin much
morc than a normal human
can. Hucl !C' automatically c.: . D:./| anJ thcrclorc
alay lip into a coma altcr thcir l/: rcachc .cro or lc.
Thc only cxccption to thi i in thc ccnt that thc opponcnt
hit thc Hucl ith a ^./a.| 20 a thc linal hlo or il thc
linal hlo rcJucc a Hucl` l/: hclo it ncatic maximum.

C-ea/|n, /|e Hu.|
To crcatc thc Hucl a a !C charactcr, uc thc
lolloin lit in placc ol thc tanJarJ Charactcr Cla
Dccription. You till chooc 5 Cilt, 4 Talcnt, anJ 3
Cralt, hoccr you can chooc thcm all lrom thc Cla
~lill lit (anJ thc Wcapon ~lill lit). !or Cilt, thcrc arc
to clcctcJ alrcaJy that nccJ to hc placcJ in thc Cilt
cction ol your Charactcr ~hcct.
Noies on Age. uc thrcc hihct Attrihutc aJJcJ
tocthcr x 20. Noie. all Ncthcr Kacc pcal thc AoliJian
lanuac anJ comc lrom AlonJia a thcir !anJ ol Criin
(thcy alo pcal thc common lanuac ol thcir matcr).

Average Heighi.
3-4 lcct tall

Aiiribnie Reqnireneni.
~trcnth. 11
!nJurancc. 0

IiIe and Iaiih.
!ilc. 1J8
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
!aith. 1

Reqnired as GiIis
W.~. Comhat Arm
C.~.~. Tacllin
Cass Sis.
C.~.~. Crapplc
C.~.~. !rolilin Tactic
C.~.~. Tirl Wcapon
!iht ~lccp
!oion ~cicncc
!rolilc Arca
!rolilc Charactcr
~pcal |aJJitional lanuac|
~pcal Ancicnt !anuac
Trap Worl

Weaon Sis.
W.~. HanJ to HanJ
W.~. Kicl Attacl
W.~. ~hiclJ !lay
W.~. Thron

Iniiia Iqnineni.
!Jcntical to thc Warrior Charactcr Cla

Irogressing ihe Hnc.
!Jcntical to thc Warrior Charactcr Cla

S Sb bo od dc c A Ar r| |o o| |c c
~haJc Arial crc crcatcJ ith an apparcnt Jarl iJc
lor thc olc purpoc ol inliltratin Jcmonic tronholJ.
Thcy hac thc lool anJ lccl ol a Jcmon in ccry ay, o mot
rcal Jcmon (cpccially !ccr Jcmon) Jon't ccn lno that
~haJc Arial arc not cil. !n lact, thc ~haJc Arial hac thc
\.|| c.a| ahility, hich i a Jcmonic maical ahility
Duc to thcir purpoclully crcatcJ mytcriou naturc,
~haJc Arial hac an cxtrcmc cnitiity to Jircct unliht.
Thcy can only cnJurc onc hour ol it pcr Jay hclorc hcin
calcncJ hcyonJ lunctionality (-1 to all roll plu thcy loc 1
l/: pcr 10 minutc altcr onc hour).

C-ea/|n, /|e S|ade A-|a/
To crcatc thc ~haJc Arial a a !C charactcr, uc thc
lolloin lit in placc ol thc tanJarJ Charactcr Cla
Dccription. ~till chooc 5 Cilt, 4 Talcnt, anJ 3 Cralt,
hoccr you can chooc thcm all lrom thc Cla ~lill lit

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 10
(anJ Wcapon ~lill lit). !or
Cilt, thcrc arc to clcctcJ
alrcaJy that nccJ to hc placcJ in
thc Cilt cction ol your
Charactcr ~hcct.
Noies on Age. uc thrcc
hihct Attrihutc aJJcJ tocthcr
x 20. Noie. all Ncthcr Kacc
pcal thc AoliJian lanuac anJ
comc lrom AlonJia a thcir !anJ
ol Criin (thcy alo pcal thc
common lanuac ol thcir

Average Heighi.
5-o lcct tall

Aiiribnie Reqnireneni.
Aility. 8
!nJurancc. o

IiIe and Iaiih.
!ilc. 1Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
!aith. 1

Reqnired as GiIis

Cass Sis.
C.~.~. !ounJin
C.~.~. !aJc anJ Diarm
C.~.~. Crapplc
C.~.~. Koll ith !lo
C.~.~. Tirl Wcapon
H!. Hcarin
H!. ~iht
H!. Touch
!iht ~lccp
!oion ~cicncc
!rolilc Arca
!rolilc Charactcr
~pcal |aJJitional lanuac|
~pcal Ancicnt !anuac

Weaon Sis.
W.~. Comhat Arm
W.~. HanJ to HanJ
W.~. Kicl Attacl
W.~. Thron

Iniiia Iqnineni.
!Jcntical to thc ~py Charactcr Cla

Irogressing ihe Shade Aria.
!Jcntical to thc ~py Charactcr Cla

Cla Damac. 3J4 Damac
!itc anJ Horn attacl. 2Jo Dam
\.|| c.a|, amc a Jcmonic maic ahility

A Ar r| |o o| |c c c c| | L L| |g gb bt t
!irt crcatcJ ol all thc
Ncthcr Kacc, thc Arial ol
!iht crc JcincJ lor ar
aaint Jcmon. Thcy hac
loriou anclic in anJ a
motly lcaturclc lacc, hich
i an apcct that can intill
rcat lcar in thc Arial ol
!iht' opponcnt.
Thcy nccJ no looJ to
uric, hccauc thcy can
ahorh atcr anJ othcr
liquiJ jut hy touchin thcm
(uually pourin it ocr thcir
hcaJ). Hoccr, thcy talc 1
point ol Damac pcr KounJ
lrom atcr ocrloaJ il thcir
hcaJ i ccr uhmcrcJ in
Arial ol !iht hac no
mouth to pcal ith,
hoccr, thcy can
communicatc tclcpathically
ith thc amc ranc a ocal
ounJ in any lanuac thcy lno. Thcy arc limitcJ in thi
tclcpathic ahility to pcalin to onc pcron at a timc anJ
thcir tclcpathic pcalin i limitcJ only to tranmiion -
thcy cannot rcccic tclcpathic communication - althouh
thcy can hcar normally.

C-ea/|n, /|e A-|a/ o/ L|,|/
To crcatc thc Arial ol !iht a a !C charactcr, uc thc
lolloin lit in placc ol thc tanJarJ Charactcr Cla
Dccription. You till chooc 5 Cilt, 4 Talcnt, anJ 3
Cralt, hoccr you can chooc thcm all lrom thc Cla
~lill lit (anJ Wcapon ~lill lit). !or Cilt, thcrc arc to
clcctcJ alrcaJy that nccJ to hc placcJ in thc Cilt cction ol
your Charactcr ~hcct.
Noies on Age. uc thrcc hihct Attrihutc aJJcJ
tocthcr x 30
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 11
Noies on Age. uc thrcc hihct Attrihutc aJJcJ
tocthcr x 20. Noie. all Ncthcr Kacc pcal thc AoliJian
lanuac anJ comc lrom AlonJia a thcir !anJ ol Criin
(thcy alo pcal thc common lanuac ol thcir matcr).

Aiiribnie Reqnireneni.
!nJurancc. 8
~trcnth. o

IiIe and Iaiih.
!ilc. 1Jo
(c/:o,/| LoJa.o: \J)
!aith. 1

Reqnired as GiIis
W.~. Comhat Arm
W.~. ~hiclJ !lay

Race Sis.
C.~.~. !ounJin
C.~.~. !aJc anJ Diarm
C.~.~. Crapplc
C.~.~. Crapplc
C.~.~. Koll ith !lo
Hcrhal ~cicncc
H!. Hcarin
H!. ~iht
H!. Touch
!iht ~lccp
!rolilc Arca
!rolilc Charactcr
~pcal |aJJitional lanuac|

Weaon Sis.
W.~. HanJ to HanJ
W.~. Kicl Attacl
W.~. Thron

Iniiia Iqnineni.
!Jcntical to thc ~olJicr Charactcr Cla (AJ!acl 1)

Irogressing ihe Shade Aria.
!Jcntical to thc ~olJicr Charactcr Cla (AJ!acl 1)

DragonRaid: Roleplaying Discipleship Game
from Adventures for Christ, a division of the Lamb's Bride Project.
More than just a game, DragonRaid offers hours of
enjoyment while teaching participants to resist sin,
counter deceptive arguments, memorize Scripture, and
build moral and spiritual character. On the mythical
world of EdenAgain, players meet challenges that
parallel real life and compel them to grapple with
conflicting values, discover how faith in Christ can
shape behavior, and reflect on what is really worth
living and dying for.
To order see:
or write: Adventures for Christ
P.O. Box 0089
Bath, OH 44210-0089
or call: 1-877-422-9684

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 12

...continucJ lrom AJcnturc !acl 4.

NcgaIivc Placr AIIiIudc
Cnc ol thc latct amc lillcr, riht hchinJ thc Kac
co trip, i playcr ncatiity. !l thcrc i only onc playcr that
i in a mooJ,` it can hc caicr to Jcal ith than il thcrc i
morc than onc. Nccrthclc, ith onc in a mooJ, othcr
can quiclly lollo, o you Jo not ant to lct it o
A a Kac, you hac to hac rathcr thicl lin. Do not
talc ccrythin pcronally. Many timc, playcr may hac
haJ a rouh Jay hclorc comin to thc amc, thcy may hac
not ottcn cnouh lccp thc niht hclorc, mayhc thcy arc
oin throuh omc pcronal iuc in thcir homc, or mayhc
thcy arc jut cranly lrom too much or too littlc callcinc. !t
i cay to talc commcnt anJ action pcronally, o Jon`t!
Thc caict ay to Jipcl a playcr` ncatiity i propcr
communication. Thi Joc not comc caily to a lot ol u hut
i a pocrlul lill to lcarn anJ uc a a ooJ Kac anJ a a
pcron in thc orlJ. !n thc amc, it can hc ooJ practicc to
Jo your hct to lct thc playcr lno hcrc thcy arc lrom your
pcrpcctic. Ior eane, you can lct thcm lno that thcir
charactcr arc in a ccrtain poition uch that il thcy lool up,
thcy ill cc a larc houlJcr tcctcrin on thc cJc ol a clill
ahout to lall on thcm. !n thc amc ay, it can hc jut a
cllcctic to lct thc playcr lno that hc i in a ncatic mooJ
that may cot him rolc-playin !xpcricncc point.
!c cry carclul ith thi hccauc it can hc cay to ahuc
your pocr thc ron ay. !c lair anJ uc your ooJ
juJmcnt. !l thc playcr i rcally in a lunl,` tactlully point it
out to him in lront ol thc playcr. !l thcy nap out ol it,
Jon't holJ it aaint thcm anymorc. Altcr all, thc holc
point i to ct thc amc oin aain, not to malc thcm an
cxamplc. !l thcy Jo not nap out ol it anJ thc tcnion
rcmain altcr you point it out to thcm, holJ hacl omc
!xpcricncc point lor not participatin in thc aJcnturc. !l
thcy al hy (thouh thcy houlJ alrcaJy lno), lct thcm
lno that you JiJn't cc a much cnthuiam anJ locu lrom
thcm a you JiJ thc othcr playcr. !c lair, hut hc honct.
Secia noie. Mot pcoplc hatc conlrontation ol thi
linJ, anJ cncrally it ha no placc in a amc cttin ol thi
naturc. Nccrthclc, at timc (cry rarcly) it can hc
ncccary. CooJ juJmcnt anJ common cnc ill tcll you
hcn a playcr i a ccJ` in your arJcn ol playcr` anJ hc
or hc nccJ a littlc conlrontation, hut omctimc you ill
jut hac to al hat i ron anJ orl tocthcr to lix it.
Altcr all, it i jut a amc anJ i mcant to hc lun lor
Ditraction arc riht up thcrc ith thc othcr important
amc lillcr. Thcrc arc omc thin ithin your control that
you can Jo to prccnt Jitraction, a c ill cc hclo.
~omc thin arc outiJc ol your control a lar a prccntin
Jitraction, uch a a playcr ho i Jitractin, hut thcrc arc
omc thin you can Jo in orJcr lor you to rcain control.
Iirsi, plan to play in a priatc room aay lrom non-
amc trallic. Thi ill cut out many ol thc othcr Jitraction
that ill lollo. A room ct up olcly lor amin i thc hct
ancr, hut not alay lcaihlc.
Second, allo chatty playcr to ociali.c lor tcn to
thirty minutc hclorc amc timc. Thi ill lct thcm ct thc
Jitractin chattcr out anJ lct any latc pcoplc arric hclorc
thc amc tart. Mot playcr ill rounJ you up hcn thcy
arc rcaJy to o.
Third, incc can hc cry Jitractin anJ
contaiou, rcquirc any non-amc rclatcJ tall to hc lcpt cry
quict or ccn ait until a chcJulcJ hrcal. Malc thi rulc
hclorc you play. Tcll ccryonc to arcc on thi out ol rcpcct
lor thc amc. Cnc tcn-minutc hrcal ccry hour orl cll,
hut lor an cxtra-tallatic hunch, try a lic- or tcn-minutc
hrcal ccry hall hour. !t i olay to hc trict ith thi rulc
hccauc, thcrc arc playcr thcrc ho ant to hc ahlc to locu
on thc amc hcn it i amc timc, anJ only ociali.c hcn it
i not. !urthcrmorc, il you hcar Jitractin, non-amc
chattcr Jurin thc aJcnturc, rcminJ thcm that thcir tallin
i Jitractin anJ thcn moc on. Hopclully, it ill not talc
too many rcminJcr hclorc thc rct ol thc playcr tart
hclpin you out to cnlorcc thi rulc.
Ionrih, turn oll any Jitractin lorm ol mcJia,
incluJin thc T\, thc computcr (unlc ol courc you play
Holy !anJ onlinc!), anJ thc raJio. !l you can, lollo thc
olJ aJac 'out ol itc, out ol minJ` hy turnin oll anJ hiJin
iJco amc anJ amc controllcr. Al playcr to turn thcir
ccll phonc Jon or oll Jurin thc amc. !l thcy mut talc
or malc phonc call, al thcm to talc it out ol thc room il
IiIih, ct thc mcal anJ nacl hanJlcJ on a chcJulc,
uch a Jurin thc hrcal or hclorc thc amc.
vera, al that cach playcr unJcrtanJ anJ rcpcct
thc othcr playcr` Jcirc to play hcn it i amc timc.
Morcocr, Jo your hct to malc urc ccryonc i phyically
comlortahlc. Al that ccryonc unJcrtanJ thc cncral rulc
ol common courtcy anJ common cnc lor ccryonc. You
houlJ only hac to hrin it up a couplc ol timc hclorc you
ct all thc playcr on thc amc pac.
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1

Iayers. The Iooing adveninre iei is Ior ihe
Raconienr ony. Ior ihe good oI ihe gane, ease do
noi read beyond ihis aragrah. Sindying n on ihe
adveninre i noi give yon any insider iis io be a
greai ayer. Yon i ony cheai yonrseI and ihe oiher
ayers oni oI ihe Inn oI ihe adveninre. So, sei ihis
don and be assnred ihai ihe adveninre i be a greai
one io ay!

Raconienr. AJcnturc !acl arc JcincJ ith
clcmcnt hoth lor you only anJ lor your playcr. Thcrclorc,
c hac tructurcJ thi aJcnturc ithout holJ topic
prcccJin important pararaph to prccnt anJcrin cyc
lrom catchin a auc limpc ol thc torylinc. !t i
important to rcaJ thc holc aJcnturc anJ hihliht any lcy
point on your on AJcnturc !acl lor quicl rclcrcncc.
~tatcmcnt, pararaph, anJ inlormation marlcJ ith
>ta< arc lor you only anJ not inlormation to harc ith
thc playcr Jircctly. Mot othcr Jctail not marlcJ ith
>ta< can hc rcaJ or cxplaincJ to thc playcr a thc
charactcr uncocr thc inlormation.

You ill nccJ thc lc|q Londc !iht !Jition amc
manual anJ thc Dcil Huntcr` Manual to play thi
Thi aJcnturc i JcincJ lor 3-5 miJ-lccl

b bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thi aJcnturc hcin in thc arca ol A.urcmoon !ay
(cc thc map on thc hacl cocr ol thi AJcnturc !acl).
With thc cxccption ol Donncnmcin \illac anJ Darllol !lc,
all ol thc iJcntilicJ location arc hutlin ith traJc,
cntcrtainmcnt, a hcalthy cconomy, anJ cncral mcrrimcnt
lrom mot ol thc larc population. Thc illac ol
Donncnmcin i not laclin mcrrimcnt, or thc othcr apcct
lor that mattcr, thcy jut all palc in comparion to thc larcr
citic that arc morc ccntral to thc A.urcmoon traJc
Jctination. >!or thi aJcnturc, you can tart thc
charactcr in hichccr city you prclcr. !l you'rc continuin
thi aJcnturc lrom AJcnturc !acl 4, you may hac lclt oll
in CoroJcll City, hich oulJ hc a linc placc to tart. !ithcr
ay, you may ih to ho thc map to thc playcr anJ lct
thcm roam ahout thc arca a hit to ct armcJ up. !l thcy arc
o inclincJ, lct thcm cxplorc thc citic il thcy ih, cclin
aJcnturc anJ orl. Kccp thc mooJ ol thc citic mcrry anJ
lrcc, jctcr, harJ, actor, incr, mcrchant, ca traJcr,
nohlc, lniht, olJicr, trouhlc-malcr, anJ nut cac all
linJ thcir ay into thc ccnc ol thcc citic. !ct thc
charactcr run into omc ol thcc pcoplc to ct thc hall
Thcrc arc many ailin mcrchant in mot ol thc citic
ho arc illin to talc lricnJly pacncr to any Jctination
thcy arc alrcaJy oin. Thcy ill charc a mall lcc pcr
pcron, typically 1J4 cach, hut may charc lic or ix timc
that much lor pccial Jctination or il thc ailor i carryin
prcciou caro. Mot ol thc ailin mcrchant arc rctircJ
arrior, \oyacr, or aJcnturin mcrchant ho hac a
mall hut trutcJ crc that lacl thc pcronality that thc
"captain" ol thc opcration Joc. A hct hc or hc can, thc
captain lccp orJcr ith thc crc hy payin cll, lccpin
thcm huy, hut iin thcm thcir pacc to Jo thcir on thin.

Tis Ior ihe Adveninre. \nlilc thc prciou
AJcnturc !acl, thi aJcnturc ha omc Jctail to inpirc
you hut lcac a lot ol thc tory up to your crcatiity. !l that
orric you, rct aurcJ you ill Jo linc. !l that plcac you,
than you'rc prohahly not rcaJin thi anyay - crcatic loll
lilc to lool at thc map, chccl out thc picturc, anJ run ith
thcir inpiration. Nccrthclc, lor thc rct ol u, c nccJ
omc Jircction, mayhc ccn omc hanJholJin at lirt.
Thi aJcnturc i pccilically JcincJ lor you, thc Kac,
to practicc uin hac clcmcnt ol a tory hut huryin thcm
in your on inpircJ crcatiity. Thc mcJical timc crc
much Jillcrcnt than our moJcrn Jay. omc pcoplc crc
much morc cxtrcmc than c arc ccn allocJ to hc toJay
(ruJc, harain, iolcnt, unJcrhanJcJ, corrupt, ctc.) cxccpt
that littlc a ccr Jonc ahout it thcn. Thc court anJ thc
la crc lor thc rich anJ thc nohlc, anJ littlc mattcr a paiJ
to thc "littlc pcoplc." Crool anJ thicc coulJ ct a ay
ith a lot morc - until it Jircctly allcctcJ thc pcoplc ith
Kccp all thi in minJ a you moc throuh thc
aJcnturc. Thc mooJ i "lrcc anJ mcrry" in thc citic, hut
to in clcmcnt ol injuticc anJ unlairnc to halancc thc
rcalim anJ thc charactcr. Ior eane, a hoplccpcr may
charc onc ol thc charactcr a locr pricc lor an itcm, thcn
turn arounJ anJ cll thc cxact amc itcm to anothcr
charactcr lor Jouhlc thc pricc - jut hccauc hc Jocn't lilc
him! Ncithcr lair-traJc la nor ocial rcponihility that c
lno toJay protcct cithcr thc hoplccpcr or thc charactcr.
Alo, thc looJ prcp, mcJical lacilitic, anJ thc cry
trcct thcy licJ on lor that mattcr crc Jirty anJ tinly.
Thouh lc crc prohahly lrcalih ahout clcanlinc, mot
crc riht at homc in thc mcc ol thc Jay.

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1
L Lo on nd dc cm m C C| |u ut tt tc cr r
!clo i a lit ol 100 itcm you can uc to aJJ Jctail
anJ Jimcnion to your aJcnturc. Cccaionally, roll thc
pcrccntilc Jicc (anJ any quantity pccilicJ in parcnthcc) lor
thc ariou location thc charactcr tracl. Mayhc thc
charactcr linJ to or thrcc ol thc itcm jut lyin arounJ
hcrccr thcy o. !t may opcn up a nc tory linc lor you or
imply aJJ Jcpth lor thc playcr. \nlc othcric pccilicJ,
thcc itcm arc orth ahout 2Jo on thc lrcc marlct.
00. Animal tccth (2J4)
01. !clt (lcathcr)
02. !locl ol ax (mall)
03. !onc-anJ-trin nccllacc
04. !ool- ariou uhjcct (2J4)
05. !oot Jacr (2Jo Damac)
0o. !ottlc ol inc
07. !racclct (trinlct)
08. !roach (trinlct)
00. !rolcn locl picl
10. Carpcntcr` hammcr (2Jo Damac)
11. Carpcntcr` pilc (3J4)
12. CarcJ tonc liurc
13. CarcJ ooJcn liurc
14. Carin chicl
15. Cat` pa
1o. Chain linl conncctcJ (2J4)
17. Charcoal ticl (2J4)
18. Chc piccc (2J4)
10. Chiclcn crap
20. CollcctcJ ca hcll (34)
21. ColorcJ chall (1J4 color)
22. ColorcJ paint (2J4 ial)
23. Corncoh Joll
24. Co hool
25. Dacr hcath
2o. DcaJ cro
27. DcaJ rat
28. Dcmon tccth (2J4)
20. Dirty hol
30. Dirty lorl anJ poon
31. Door latch
32. !mpty hottlc
33. Journal (hlanl)
34. !ihin hool (2J4)
35. !lint anJ tccl
3o. !lutc hitlc
37. !ur pouch
38. HammcrcJ mctal crap (2Jo)
30. Human tccth (2J4)
40. !nccnc ticl (1J4)
41. Jar ol ahc
42. Jar ol cotton Jyc
43. Jar ol llour
44. Jar ol luc
45. Jar ol honcy
4o. Jar ol lantcrn oil
47. Journal ith cntric
48. Kcy (to thc ncxt loclcJ Joor)
40. Kcy (to unlnon Joor)
50. !cathcr crap (2J4)
51. !imc oil oap
52. !ocl ol hair
53. Map (unlnon location)
54. Map ol local arca
55. Map ol ncarhy arca
5o. Nccllacc (trinlct)
57. !aJlocl
58. !aan holy ritin
50. !air ol carrin (trinlct)
o0. !air ol toclin
o1. !air ol unJcrcar
o2. !ouch ith 3J4 marhlc
o3. !ouch ith JricJ llocr pctal
o4. !ouch ith larc lruit ccJ
o5. _uill lcathcr (2J4)
oo. Kin (trinlct)
o7. KoJcnt pclt (2J4)
o8. Koll ol lahric (cotton)
o0. ~alt hlocl (mall)
70. ~cin nccJlc (2J4)
71. ~hcct ol parchmcnt (2J4)
72. ~ill crap (1J4)
73. ~ilcr ohlct (orth 2Jo)
74. ~lccc lor locl picl
75. ~mall animal lull
7o. ~mall hanJ mirror
77. ~mall loJctonc (manct)
78. ~mall atcrlin
70. ~mall ocn rccJ halct
80. ~pool ol tinc (mall)
81. ~pool ol cin thrcaJ (2J4)
82. ~toc ton (mall)
83. TattcrcJ hip (1J8 Damac)
84. To mall hcll
85. \nlinihcJ contraption (unlnon)
8o. \nlinihcJ lcttcr
87. \ial ol hlooJ
88. \ial ol honc Jut
80. \ial ol inl
00. \ial ol pcrlumc
01. \ial ol picc (2J4)
02. Whcttonc (harpcnin tonc)
03. Whittlin lnilc (1J8 Damac)
04. Wi
05. WooJ cuttin hoarJ
0o. WooJcn cup
07. WooJcn ohlct
08. WooJcn poon
00. Wocn ool hclt

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 1o
Thc main tory ol thi AJcnturc !acl hcin hcn
onc ol thc charactcr noticc onc ol thc prcccJin Cluttcr
itcm unJcr hi or hcr hcJ at an inn. A hc or hc hcnJ
Jon to picl it up or cxaminc it lurthcr, thc charactcr
noticc a lon lcathcr pouch ith a roll ol parchmcnt
protruJin out ol thc top. Thc pouch appcar that it may
hac hccn tocJ unJcr thc hcJ in a hurry, or mayhc liclcJ
unJcr thcrc hcn hoccr oncJ it lclt in a ruh. Thc pouch
holJ 20 anJ to hcct ol parchmcnt ith ritin on
!l any ol thc charactcr can rcaJ, thcy ill cc that onc
ol thc parchmcnt ha a rit to a man namcJ HcrcnJon, thc
othcr hcct ha a map Jran on it ith omc crihhlin on
thc hacl. Thc lirt lcttcr rcaJ.
D:.:/ H::oJo.
l |: /| |://: /oJ a a:|| .oJ o |,| /. tJ
|. /a| |::o ,J / : . l |oa H c/ |:.J a. c:
/|: :.. l |.: o/oa.|| .:J / a /./|/a|o: .oJ /
a /:oJ|. |/| / a|| l |.: |:|:J : /|.o a
A l a: o/ / J. l . :,a:/o, / /.|: J:|: /
o: / a /. / a|| a /::| oJ:|/:J / :. 1| .
.//: / ,.: /.o: .oJ o: /|./ l . o/ |.|| .||:
/ /a|/|| :|/. c/|:a:. l aa|J o:: :o/o /|: J:|/ a
. |:|:: /|| |o,: |:/a::o a /|: o: /|./ l o:: /:|/
\/| : a,:o. l |J /|:: |:.: |:. /|: ||J / tJ
a| |.oJ a /| |://: ./: /.:| / /|: J:.J:J D.||/ l|:.
Ya .: /|: o| o: l |oa a| a|| .| / a| . J:/o./o.
1| /:||a |. .//: / :s/:: /.o: /|::. .//:
/|./ |a|J o/ |: Ja:J :s:/ o /|: ./:/ .oJ /
|JJ:o .o/a. l . /|:: a/| .|| / |:./. |:.: //:
/| ,//:J |/|: .o .J a .o .:. / | |ao:
,.: .oJ /|: a/|| ||::| a/|a/ |:|. l a|J o| ,.o/ .
/:a /: .oJ a| |:.//:|/ .: / /|: |.J. a|| . |:
a o| :.o / |:| . a:||. l . o/.
\/| o : J:|.. l |.: o/J:o: o a /a/ .oJ
|| /a.J / JJo, /|: a|J / /| o. Ao J:|/
|:/a::o a a|| a:| |: /a|/||:J. /|a,| l o| .| /| . /.
|:/a::o /:oJ. co :oa,| a: a|| :: :.| /|: .,.o. .oJ
a: |.|| ::| o /|: ao, / a ./. ::o/. .oJ /a/a:.
\/| a| |:.
l./|: l.J
Thc parchmcnt ith thc map ho an ilanJ callcJ
Darllol, ith a hi rcJ "X" marlcJ in thc northcrn ccntcr ol
thc ilanJ. Ncxt to thc X` arc thc orJ D.J:o l::.
~crihhlcJ on thc hacl ol thc map arc thc orJ.
H::oJo c|a,|/
1.oo:| Dao

Tanncrly Don i a touh city on thc ilanJ ol !urr.
Crimc anJ corruption hac talcn ocr mot ol thc cityloll,
hut thc Contahlc anJ hi olJicr arc JctcrmincJ to clcan it
up. Contahlc Cantry ha rcccntly talcn ocr thc authority
altcr a cry corrupt ocrnor a aainatcJ. Tanncrly
Don i lamou lor it tournamcnt rounJ, hcrc
champion lrom all acro thc linJom comc monthly to
compctc in uch ccnt a joutin, lcthal anJ non-lcthal
comhat, lnilc throin, archcry, anJ huntin. Thc lcthal
comhat i a patimc that a oriinally intitutcJ lor
criminal hy thc prciou ocrnor, hut Contahlc Cantry ha
lcpt it arounJ a an annual, oluntccr-only tournamcnt. Hc
ha plan to climinatc it altocthcr cxccpt thc lin ain
incrcJihlc rccnuc lrom it.
HcrcnJon thc ~hipriht i a lormcr hih ca hrianJ
(carly piratc) that ill hc thc lirt to aJmit that hc, "lillcJ a
lot ol mcn anJ tolc a lot ol trcaurc" in hi Jay - a uccc
lor thoc triin lor inlamy. Cnc Jay, hc a Jrunl anJ hi
crc thrc him ocrhoarJ hccauc thcy antcJ to pillac
morc than "HcrcnJon KcJhcarJ" oulJ allo. Hc almot
JroncJ a hc lloatcJ at ca lor morc than a Jay. A Clcric,
!athcr !opaJo, anJ hi company ailcJ hy at hat ccmcJ to
hc HcrcnJon KcJhcarJ' lat hour - hilc HcrcnJon a
prayin to CoJ lor loricnc ol hi ronJoin. Thcy
rccucJ him a hc a ahout to lct o ol hopc, anJ harcJ
thcir hclicl ahout CoJ anJ Hi ain loc in Jcu Chrit.
!athcr !opaJo a thc only onc ol hi roup that truly
trutcJ HcrcnJon' rcultin concrion. Thcy hccamc lat
lricnJ lor many ycar, ccn a !opaJo' oriinal company
rc apart. Altcr tcnty ycar, !opaJo anJ HcrcnJon rc
apart hut lcpt in Jitant touch.
A thcy rc apart, HcrcnJon lcll into hi olJ ay ol
Jrunlcn crimc anJ Jchauchcry lor a hilc on !urr !lc, hut
!opaJo locJ him throuh it ith cncourain lcttcr.
!opaJo ha traclcJ lrom city to city itncin in thc cricc
ol CoJ anJ i currcntly in an unlnon location. HcrcnJon
ccntually rccocrcJ lor ooJ anJ hc ha hccn a laithlul anJ
rcponihlc tournamcnt orlcr at Tanncrly Don lor many
ycar. Hc ha a mall hut tron anJ lat hip JoclcJ in thc
harhor ol ncihhorin Wcport.
Whcn thc charactcr ho thc lcttcr to HcrcnJon, hc
ill ccp anJ lauh a hc hcin to rcaJ it. A hc rcaJ it,
hi lacc ill chanc ith in ol lcar, Jicouracmcnt, anJ
thcn Jctcrmination. Hc houlJ al hat thc charactcr`
miion i, hut ill thcn ay, "Wc ail lor Darllol !lc," a hc
hcaJ lor hi hip.
Cn hi hip arc thc lour Holy !tcm JccrihcJ on pac
4, hich hc ill rcaJily ollcr thc charactcr lor thcir quct.
Hc ha a littlc olJ to ollcr, hut ill cxplain that thc
charactcr on't hc nccJin it on thc Jctination ilanJ.
>Thc charactcr ill not linJ anyonc clc ho ill ail to
Darllol !lc a it i a placc ol much rumorcJ cil. Not only
that, it i urrounJcJ hy clill on all iJc ith only a lc alc
placc lor Joclin, anJ that only hcn thc tiJc arc riht.
Alo, HcrcnJon ill ccort thc charactcr hcthcr thcy arc
honct ahout lnoin !opaJo or not, hut thc charactcr
houlJ tcll ho thcy lounJ thc map anJ thc lcttcr.
HcrcnJon ill aiJ thc charactcr in any ay a lon a hc
lccl thc charactcr arc cclin to lurthcr thc ill ol hi
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 1

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 18
A thc charactcr ail ncar thc Clill ol Darllol !lc, thoc
ith thc ~lill ol Hl c,|/ hac a chancc ol ccin a huc
Clill Ciant throin a rcat houlJcr at thc hip. Thc
houlJcr mahc clcan throuh thc hull ol thc hip, hich
thcn hcin to inl. >!car in minJ that thc charactcr arc
in quitc a Jcpcratc ituation hcrc, o coniJcr alloin any
cllort thcy thinl ol to hcnclit thcm. Thc Clill Ciant ill
continuc to thro houlJcr at thc charactcr hilc thcy im
lor alcty, anJ onc hit lrom a houlJcr coulJ cry lilcly cauc
thcm to Jic.<
Cncc thc charactcr malc it pat thc Clill Ciant, thcrc
ill hc a lc ranJom Jcmon tryin to Jclcat thc charactcr.
>You can chooc thc Jcmon lrom thc Dcil Huntcr'
Manual anJ/or lrom prciou AJcnturc !acl, hut talc it
cay on thc charactcr, coniJcr hrinin a morc cay aricty
rathcr than touh montcr. Alo, coniJcr hain thc
charactcr tumhlc upon hip rcclac or a Clill Ciant' lair
that ha omc Hcalin Dralt anJ othcr itcm that can
rcplcnih hcalth anJ lurthcr thc miion. Cllcr thcc at
Jramatic timc hcn thc charactcr nccJ thcm mot.<
Cnc ol thc primary ohjcctic to thi aJcnturc i to
inctiatc DarJcon Kccp anJ climinatc thc unlnon Jancr
that cxit ithin it. DarJcon Kccp i thc only lnon
lahricatcJ tructurc tanJin on thc cntirc ilanJ. >Within
thc larc lccp i an cil hlacl lniht, pocrlul in orccry,
lnon a thc Darl !orJ Drahl. Drahl ha an cil orccrcr
unJcr hi cmploy ho i hclpin him Jcclop a maical itcm
that can control Ncthcr Kacc. Kiht no, hc only ha onc
componcnt, a hlacl-tonc ccptcr, hich ~otch (lrom
AJ!acl 4) haJ lounJ anJ hrouht to him, anJ it omchat
control all hcin ithin 50 lcct that Jo not hac a oul,
incluJin animal. !ccauc ol hi mcticulounc, Drahl
rcluc to uc it until it i pcrlcctcJ. To hc pcrlcct, hc nccJ
to othcr componcnt. an cil anJ ol pocr that Jircct thc
pocr complctcly anJ propcrly, anJ a larc, hlacl maic
crytal that ill hc ucJ to tranmit thc pocr in hurt
hunJrcJ ol milc at a timc. With thi contraption, hc plan
on controllin any Ncthcr hc can to turn on thc orlJ.<
Thc charactcr cannot hcat thc Darl !orJ anJ hi
minion hcaJ-on ithout ullicicnt prcparation anJ much
hclp. !ccl lrcc to cxplain thi to thc charactcr anJ malc it
o. Thcy oulJ caily lno thi hy thc amount ol maic
itcm, Kunc conliuration, anJ thc amount ol hcin unJcr
hi control throuhout thc ilanJ. Throuhout hi lccp, thc
charactcr ill linJ minion, carin ol cpic hattlc hcrc
cil ocrcamc ooJ, anJ cultic anJ cil Jcin on ncarly
ccrythin. >You may ih to malc up a map ol Drahl'
Jarl lccp. !t ha ccral lloor lor thc main part, anJ a tall
quarc tocr comin up in thc miJJlc ol it rcachin ccral
morc lloor hih. That tocr i hcrc thc Darl !orJ, hi
orccrcr uhjcct, anJ omc ol hi minion lic. Thc hottom
arca i hcrc thc othcr minion lic. Alo, hcncath thc
rounJ lloor, thcrc i a hacmcnt arca anJ a Juncon hclo
that. !n thc Juncon, uarJcJ hy lclcton, arc 3Jo Ncthcr
hcin hclJ captic. ~prcaJ out throuhout thc lccp arc
C C| || || || | C C| |o on nt t

IiIe. 1802J12 - AJanccJ Dcmon
Weaon Sis. Comhat Arm, HanJ to HanJ, Thron
Conbai Ionnses. AJantac. 5, Attacl. 5,
DclcnJ. 5, DoJc. 5, anage. 12
Weaons (Damac). !oulJcr (4J12), rocl (2J12), cluh
(3J8), or lit (3Jo)
AiR. 1
II. 5 (naturally)

Heighi. 10 lcct tall Weighi. 700 pounJ
Secia Aiiribnies. ~trcnth. 35, Aility. 11, ~pccJ. 0
Secia Abiiiies. Climh. 3, !crccption. 4
Iceiiona Sis. Nihtiion. 10, HcihtcncJ ~iht
anJ Hcarin. 8, Crapplc. o
Saving Thro Ionnses. o cru Miraclc c Holy !tcm
IXI Vane. o75 !xpcricncc

Soen Iangnage. Mauthrcn (Jcmonic lanuac)
Weaness. Nonc
Innnniiy. ~tanJarJ
Iehavior. Thcc hullin iant malc thcir ay (quitc
nimhly lor thcir i.c) alon hih clill anJ thro houlJcr
at hip that pa too clocly. Thcn thcy ruh to attacl
any ictim immin lor thc horc.
Magic Abiiiies. ~cc thc \nccn (contant)
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 19
many !ccr minion, hut roupcJ tocthcr, hich thcy
oulJ hc il thcy haJ thc chancc to acmhlc, thcy oulJ
caily ocrtalc thc charactcr il thc charactcr crc alonc.<
Thc charactcr may linJ that thcy hac amplc timc to
ncal into anJ carch arounJ thc lccp, ncalin hcrc anJ
thcrc, hclorc cncountcrin Jancrou hcin. >!irt ol all,
continuc to o cry cay on thc charactcr. Thi ill hclp
Jra out thc aJcnturc loncr. Thc lc|q Londc !iht
!Jition i JcincJ in uch a ay that ccn thc caict
Jcmon can hc a challcnc to locr lccl playcr. Thcrclorc,
try to lccp hattlc happcnin a an cncouracmcnt to clcan
out thc lccp. Alo, cncourac thc playcr to uc morc
tratcy than miht to in thi aJcnturc. !n thc charactcr'
rcality, thcy oulJ lno that thi i thc cac. Nccrthclc,
rcarJ thcir cllort anJ play oll thcir tratcic. Allo thcm
to hc ictoriou in mall hattlc, hut rcminJ thcm that thcy
lno thi ill not hc an cay miion to linally complctc.
Alo, play thc Darl !orJ Drahl a an ocrconliJcnt,
cotitical, anJ prcoccupicJ illain. Hc oulJ nccr thinl
that anyonc oulJ ccr malc it onto hi ilanJ pat thc Clill
Ciant (aJJ morc hcn thc charactcr approach thc clill
aain), anJ thcn to hi lccp. !l thcy JiJ, thcy oulJ nccr
malc it into thc lccp, anJ ccn il thcy JiJ, thcy oulJ nccr
malc it to anythin ol inilicancc to him. Thcrclorc, hc
oulJ nccr upcct anyonc to cntcr hi Jomain. Drahl rclic
on hi minion, not maical alarm anJ Kunc trap. Thouh
hc may hac hi orccrcr uhjcct Jcin loclin or calin
Kunc conliuration, hc cc maic alarm a a atc ol
cncry anJ timc.<
!n thi aJcnturc, you crcatc thc tat lor thc N!C`
anJ lor thc illain. That may ccm ocrhclmin, hut hy thc
timc you nccJ to uc thc tat, you ill hac mot lilcly
hapcJ thc tory into omcthin cry comlortahlc to orl
ith. You ill lno ho Jillicult to malc Drahl anJ ho
lilllul to malc HcrcnJon (or any othcr N!C`). Cthcric,
you can prcparc thcir tat ahcaJ ol timc hy malin Drahl
hac Comhat anJ ~lill !onuc hihcr than thc acrac
charactcr` lccl. HcrcnJon, or othcr accompanyin N!C`,
houlJ hc lihtly hihcr than thc charactcr` lill lccl, hut
not hihcr than Drahl`. Drahl houlJ hc a ooJ liht` il a
hattlc cnuc.
!or tory cllcct, you may coniJcr iin Drahl thc
lnolcJc ol a cry pocrlul pcll or to, anJ cquippin him
ith omc moJcratcly pocrlul maic itcm at hi Jipoal.
Cl courc, thcc houlJ hc rclatic to thc charactcr` lill
lccl. !or inlormation on cncmic uin pcll anJ maic
itcm, cc thc 3
AJcnturc !acl lor iJca.
Thi AJcnturc !acl uc a lot ol your on crcatiity
to malc a rcat tory. Kct aurcJ that you ill Jo linc!
!ccl lrcc to harc your thouht on thi anJ othcr lc|q
Londc aJcnturc hy loin on to our chitc at.
.Holy!anJ.nct. Wc oulJ all loc to hcar ho your
aJcnturc playcJ out!
C Cc cn nt t| |n nu u| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol uction to continuc thc
tory lurthcr.

Thc !C` hac to linJ anJ uc thc ilanJ`
rcourcc to huilJ a hoat to ct oll thc ilanJ, all hilc
hcin pctcrcJ hy tray Jcmon anJ Clill Ciant.
Thcrc arc prioncr in Drahl` Juncon that nccJ
to hc lrccJ anJ carcJ lor hclorc thc roup lcac thc
Dctroyin Drahl` maical Jcicc proc Jillicult.
Cnly thc hlooJ ol a ccrtain Jcmon ill Jctroy thcm...
Thc !C' lcac thc ilanJ anJ linJ out that ~otch
or omc othcr lc-than-rcputahlc traJcr i cllin onc
ol thc piccc that thc Jarl orccrcr nccJ. Thc !C'
mut top thi, hoccr omc Jcmonic minion arc
uarJin thc tranaction.

\ \c cd d| || |q q| |n ng g t tb bc c A Ad du uc cn nt tu ur rc c
Thc lolloin i a lit ol uction to incrcac thc
Jilliculty lor hihcr lccl charactcr.

Thc !C` tart on a hunt lor ~otch, continuin
lrom thc lat AJcnturc !acl, anJ linJ out that hc
haJ Jcalin on thi Jarl ilanJ. Thcy JcciJc to o
Cnc or to ol thc charactcr can hc injurcJ hcn
thc hip i hit hy thc houlJcr. Thc othcr ill hac
to hclp thcm to horc.
HcrcnJon mut hc coninccJ to o on thc miion
incc thc !C` crc not actually cnt hy !athcr
Watcr crpcnt arc prccntin thc charactcr lrom
lcain thc ilanJ (cc pac 23 ol thc Dcil Huntcr`

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 20
lc|q Londc: Aducnturc loc| 21

lc|q Londc Aducnturc loc| 22

lc|q Londc \cucmcnt ob|c
Speed Feet/Round Feet/Minute Feet/Second Feet/Hour Miles/Hour
35 175 3500 58 210,000 39.77
34 170 3400 57 204,000 38.64
33 165 3300 55 198,000 37.50
32 160 3200 53 192,000 36.36
31 155 3100 52 186,000 35.23
30 150 3000 50 180,000 34.09
29 145 2900 48 174,000 32.95
28 140 2800 47 168,000 31.82
27 135 2700 45 162,000 30.68
26 130 2600 43 156,000 29.55
25 125 2500 42 150,000 28.41
24 120 2400 40 144,000 27.27
23 115 2300 38 138,000 26.14
22 110 2200 37 132,000 25.00
21 105 2100 35 126,000 23.86
20 100 2000 33 120,000 22.73
19 95 1900 32 114,000 21.59
18 90 1800 30 108,000 20.45
17 85 1700 28 102,000 19.32
Max Human Speed 16 80 1600 27 96,000 18.18
15 75 1500 25 90,000 17.05
14 70 1400 23 84,000 15.91
13 65 1300 22 78,000 14.77
12 60 1200 20 72,000 13.64
11 55 1100 18 66,000 12.50
10 50 1000 17 60,000 11.36
9 45 900 15 54,000 10.23
Max Jogging Speed 8 40 800 13 48,000 9.09
7 35 700 12 42,000 7.95
6 30 600 10 36,000 6.82
5 25 500 8 30,000 5.68
Max Walking Speed 4 20 400 7 24,000 4.55
3 15 300 5 18,000 3.41
2 10 200 3 12,000 2.27
1 5 100 2 6,000 1.14
Maximum Speed x 2 for full sprint
Maximum Speed for Sneak = 2
Endurance = Maximum miles walked per day
Endurance = Maximum time jogging per day (x 10 mins)
Copyright (C) 2005, Faith Quest Games, All Rights Reserved
Permission to duplicate for Holy Lands use only

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