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Vera M Brierley

Family tree For you Journal

Spring issue 2012 April /may

Hi Everyone Hasnt April been a funny month with winds and rain and more rain the poor plants dont know if they want to pop their heads out or not its been very windy as well so what a funny month we have had, they have been on about the hose pipe ban but with all the rain we have had we will see what the council decide, .

Our group has been a little slow these last few months but people have been sick or had other things to do so we do understand, Genealogy is a kind of Hobby that you can put away and fetch out when you decide to do the family tree again, others do have other hobbies that they like to do as well. We will start the April/May newsletter off with a look at different articles that all fit in with family history I hope you will enjoy the reading of this Journal and please lets have a few comments of what you thought about it as Christine and myself take a lot of time on the journals .It does usually take us 2 weeks to put it all together and edit it all so come along please lets have feed backs. If you have any old stories or old pictures that you would like us to put in the next issue please send in we would like also any stories you know about the areas your ancestors came from and what they did it all makes the journal a lot more interesting for all to read.

We do have on our group members from Australia and Canada and other places abroad so in the next issue which will be out in June we would like to put in some of their stories please send in and we will do our best.

Before We go onto the reading of the journal We would like to thank our followers on Scibd we do upload to scribed and we have a few followers that do take a read at our journals so we thank them as well its nice that people are interested

Cadbury's as we know it today started from humble beginnings in Bull Street, Birmingham. A shop was opened by John Cadbury in 1824. It did not start as a confectionery shop but sold tea and coffee and homemade drinking chocolate or cocoa which he made himself for his customers. In those days cocoa and chocolate was a luxury and affordable by only the wealthy. John's experiments with chocolate and an aggressive marketing campaign soon made him a leading trader in Birmingham. The shop prospered and became more and more popular. John Cadbury moved into the manufacturing of drinking chocolate and cocoa. By the early 1840's Cadbury operated from a factory in Bridge Street and went into partnership with his brother Benjamin. 'Cadbury Brothers of Birmingham' was now operational and the chocolate industry was given a much needed boost in the 1850's when the government reduced the high import taxes on cocoa. Chocolate was now within reach of the masses. Cadbury's received a Royal Warrant in 1854 as manufacturers of chocolate for Queen Victoria. After such a successful start the business fell upon hard times and John Cadbury's sons Richard and George struggled with the business after their father retired in 1861. Long hours with little reward and just sheer determination and perseverance kept them going. New processes and a new product called cocoa essence helped the business improve so much so that by the turn of the decade they were able to move from the Bridge Street factory to what is now Bourneville. The name is derived from Bourn brook with the brook being replaced for the French word 'Ville' meaning town. A shrewd move perhaps considering that French chocolate was regarded as the best in the world at the time. In 1878 the Bourn brook estate, comprising fourteen and a half acres which was then countryside on the outskirts of Birmingham and was acquired by the brothers. With nearby rail and canal links and main roads it was an ideal location. The new factory was not completed until 1879. Cadbury's had now laid the foundations for what was to come. Using expertise from abroad and with their first export order from Australia in 1881 the company prospered. Milk chocolate was introduced, the competition from Switzerland and France was matched with compatible products and those products were continually perfected until they could finally claim superiority in chocolate manufacture in both quality and taste. New recipes and experimentation created innovative new products that ensured their success. Cadbury's moved on to become a limited company and after the death of Richard Cadbury the sons of the two brothers joined the firm headed by George Cadbury. This was very much a family business in every sense of the word. New products followed swiftly and the business expanded. By the turn of the century the

new factory employed some 2,500 workers. Cadbury's was not just an ordinary factory. Far ahead of its time and under the direction of George Cadbury the workers were provided with housing, education and training. Pension schemes for e the employees as part of his family and treated them well and with recognition for their services. Cadbury's Dairy Milk became a household name. After the first world war the factory was redevoped and mass production began in earnest. A merger with J S Fry and Sons in 1919 saw the integration of well-known brands such as Fry's Chocolate Cream and Fry's Turkish Delight which is still sold today. In 1915 Cadbury's Milk Tray followed and became a resounding success. The brand known as Roses commenced in 1938. These products became market leaders and placed Cadbury's at the forefront of world chocolate manufacture. During the war years chocolate was regarded as an essential food and placed under the supervision of the government. After the war normal production resumed and Cadbury's went from strength to strength. More factories opened, new products and new technology improved production and the insatiable demand for chocolate just grew and grew. In 1969 the Cadbury Group merged with Schweppes. Cadbury Schweppes is a leader in confectionery and soft drinks both in the UK and abroad. With factories all over the world and a host of well-known brand names it has become a household name in many countries. Today Cadbury World has a visitor centre dedicated to the history of chocolate. Factory tours take the visitor on a guided tour of this massive chocolate factory and the factory shop with its keen prices ensures that the visitor will not leave empty handed.

Clarkes The shoes History

It began with a flash of inspiration. It was 1825 in the Somerset village of Street and James Clark was busy working at the tannery owned by his brother, Cyrus. Among the sheepskin rugs, the off-cuts and cast-offs were piling up when James had a brainwave: Slippers!. And the rest, as they say, is history. A few stitches and a few years later, the sheepskin slipper was born. It was the very first Clarks shoe and the opening chapter in a remarkable story that continues to unfold to this day. In the decades that have passed since the young Mr Clarks eureka moment our shoes have seen social, political and economic revolution. Theyve seen fashions in footwear come and go, and come again everything from court shoes and winkle pickers to wedge heels, sandals and sneakers. Theyve tapped to the beat of crooners, rockers, Britpoppers and hip hoppers. Theyve walked, marched, strode and sashayed through an ever-changing world.

Our feet, meanwhile, have stayed firmly rooted in Street. Its where Clarks started. Its where our heart lies. And still, as always, we put that heart into every pair of our shoes to create stylish footwear that protects and cares for our customers feet.

Britain was perhaps at its greatest in the 1800s. Queen Victoria was on the throne from 1837 to just beyond the end of the century and reigned over a time of phenomenal economic, colonial and industrial growth. And while Charles Dickens gripped the nation with his storytelling skills, engineer Isam bard Kingdom Brunel got it moving via his remarkable tunnels, bridges, railway lines and steam ships. For Cyrus and James Clark business was booming. Their sheepskin slipper, named the Brown Petersburg, was a huge success. Within years of its unveiling, its unique design graced feet the length and breadth of the country and by 1842 sales were averaging 1000 pairs a month. The Brown Petersburg was made by hand in Street. There were no factories, so the brothers now trading as C&J Clark Limited relied on outworkers to meet the growing demand. The workers collected the leather from the tannery, along with a pattern, took the whole lot home and turned it into slippers. Production was often a family affair everyone did their bit of cutting, sticking and sewing. Then, every Friday, all the finished footwear would be taken to Cyrus and James and swapped for wages. The system worked well for many years. The good people of Street were happy in their work and the company prospered. In fact business was so brisk that in 1851 the Clark brothers won two awards at the Great Exhibition, an event organised by Prince Albert to showcase the achievements of British industry.

Riding the storm

Then, in 1863, disaster. A recession hit business badly and, almost overnight, the Clarks needed help. Lifelong Quakers themselves, they turned to contacts in the Quaker community for financial support and managed to secure a loan. But it came with conditions: James and Cyrus were to step down and William James youngest son was to take the reins. It was another turning point in the companys fortunes. Something of a visionary, William modernised the manufacturing process by bringing in the factory system and investing in the Singer sewing machine a ground-breaking piece of technology at the time. Under his watchful eye, C&J Clark was revitalised, the loan was paid back in full and the company continued to move forward with developments like the Hygienic range. Launched in 1883, it was the first ever shoe designed to fit the shape of the foot; an innovation that is still the bedrock of Clarks reputation.

Whilst developing the commercial side of the business, William remained true to the ideals of his Quaker roots. He invested in the community, looked after his workers and built them homes many of which can still be seen in Street today.

What the latter days of the 19th Century had started, the new millennium carried on with a passion. Science and technology were the watchwords. Inventions came thick and fast and included everything from the telephone and the zip to assembly line automobiles. Meanwhile, mass production and inexpensive alternatives to fabrics like silk meant a nation increasingly interested in fashion could finally afford to indulge itself. With John, Roger and Alice Clark now running the company, Clarks continued to expand. Emerging from the buttoned-up days of the Victorian era, women in particular were a major new consumer. The female ankle was suddenly on display and shoes that showed them at their best were a must-have for every elegant lady of the time. C&J Clark was happy to oblige.

Spreading the word

With more and more product to promote, Clarks began advertising our first press ad appeared in 1936. We opened our own chain of shops called Peter Lord, a name which remained on the high street until the 1990s. We also introduced a choice of width fittings to our childrens range, not forgetting the first ever Clarks foot gauge two innovations which became a benchmark in the care of growing feet. Before the 1900s were even half over, the world was plunged into two terrible wars. British industry stepped up to play its part in the war effort and during the Second World War the main Clarks factory was used to make torpedoes. On the home-front, meanwhile, the global conflict led to all sorts of shortages; raw materials became scarce, testing the ingenuity of manufacturers determined to meet the demand for everyday essentials. Clarks, for example, designed a unique, hinged wooden sole, so we could carry on supplying the nation with shoes even when leather was hard to come by. They are one of the shops that has been going a lot of years .

Sirdar Knitting Wool /Yarn History

Sirdar is a company with humble beginnings, deep family roots and a long standing commitment to quality and reliability. Knitters are familiar with the trusted label- SIRDAR knitting made fashionable, but few of us know the entire story that has spanned one hundred and thirty years, the heritage that stands behind some of our favourite yarns and pattern leaflets. The original spinning mill was founded in 1880, in the tiny town of Ossett, England, by two brothers, Tom and Henry Harrap. With a small handful of employees and a strong drive for success, the two brothers aimed high, producing good quality wool products and building a solid reputation. A decade later, the company moved to its present location in Alverthorpe, a manufacturing district just outside of Wakefield. It was Toms son, Fred who brought about the name change when he took over the helm in the 1930s. The new company name- Sirdar was chosen in respect to Lord Kitchener and his appointment as Sirdar (Leader) of the Egyptian Army. With his keen foresight, it was also Fred who re-directed the company to keep up with the changing times in England. In the 1930s Sirdar introduced hand knitting yarns and pattern leaflets to the public. By 1960, Freds daughter had joined the company and began to introduce patterns to the rest of the country through a new and popular format, womens magazines. The Sirdar label was now well on its way to gaining international recognition. Lets take a glimpse into the archives, and follow the remarkable journey of Sirdar, a company well-trusted by knitters far and wide, as it has evolved from one decade into the next over the past one hundred and thirty years.

Sirdar Vest 1930's The pullover sweater made its debut in England during the 1930s. This was an era of thrift and recycling. Sweaters were unravelled instead of being discarded, and the yarn was re-knit again and again. Wool was harsh and scratchy, in a very fine fingering weight. Cardigans, sweaters sets, and skirts were all popular knitted styles, and most clothing was knit by hand, not store-bought.

Sirdar Man's Vest 1940's The 40s brought about wartime knitting, colours were dark and sombre, and women knit with what little wool was available. The styles were refined and sensible, still in a fine fingering weight. Socks were knitted for soldiers. Hand knit gloves and scarves became popular for women.

The History of Asda and many supermarkets

In 1965, there came a mighty union between three Yorkshire men, when Associated Dairies & Farm Stores MD, Noel Stockdale, joined forces with Peter and Fred Asquith, who ran a selfservice supermarket in a converted cinema in Castleford, West Yorkshire. Just like that, Asquith + Dairies became ASDA. In 1968 the company took over two struggling US discount stores and broke away from the small high street store model to create a large retail destination. In their first week in charge, sales at the new Nottingham store jumped from 6,000 to 30,000 per week. With huge profits under their belt, ASDA developed its own-brand range and began to build yet more supermarkets. Two years later they had 30 stores in the North and began expansion to the south of England. Today, there are 346 Asda supermarkets in the UK employing 140,000 people.

Way back in 1899, William Morrison was an egg and butter merchant with a dream. After making his name on the market scene, he opened his first town centre shop in 1958, the first in Bradford to offer self-service and to have prices on its products. In 1961 the company converted an old cinema into their first supermarket - and called it 'Victoria'. It spanned 5,000 sq. ft. of retail space selling fresh meat and greengrocery with the added lure of free parking. In 1999, Morrison's celebrated its centenary with the opening of its 100th store but the big boom was to come in 2004 when a takeover of Safeway boosted Morrison's number of stores to 375 and made the company the UK's 4th largest supermarket group.


About Bolton

Bolton is a large town situated in Lancashire, in the north west of England, with a population of about 261,000. The current Metropolitan Borough of Bolton was created in 1974 and encompasses the townships of Bolton, Farnsworth, Kearsley, Horwich, West Houghton, Little Lever, Black rod and South Turton, all of which retain their own unique characters, identity and history. Bolton itself boasts a magnificent Town Hall, pedestrian-friendly shopping streets, an acclaimed theatre and a new University. The beauty of the moorland countryside within (and surrounding) the Borough may come as a pleasant surprise to those still expecting factory chimneys and clogs... Bolton has always been a town that made things. In the famous and pioneering Mass Observation study carried out between 1937 and 1940 it was known as Work town. In its heyday as an industrial manufacturing town the skyline was indeed a forest of chimneys, most of which served the textile industry, of which Bolton was a world-famous centre. Heavy engineering, foundries, bleaching, tanning and coal mining were also major employers. Very few of the chimneys - or old industries - now remain.

Elephants on parade Visitors to Bolton are often struck by the number of elephants adorning buildings and street furniture in the town centre and beyond. The true origin of Bolton's curious association with elephants is not known. The Elephant crest appeared on Bolton's unofficial coat of arms from at least 1799. According to the official description of the Armorial Bearings for the County Borough of Bolton, designed by Major Ottley Perry and registered with the College of Arms in 1890, the Elephant and castle represent Bolton's connection with the old County of Coventry which was founded by the Lancastrian King Henry VI. An Elephant and castle appear on the arms of that City. Bolton's elephant device then also displayed a gold Bishop's Mitre which "was in memory of the long connection of Bolton-le moors with the ancient Diocese of Mercia (which had it's seat in Coventry) and is supposed to have included Bolton. Numerous Bolton companies and organisations have adopted an elephant as part of their trademarks or logos over the last two centuries. Many of Bolton's native elephants can be spotted in the wild throughout the town and beyond - if you look hard enough!

Bolton Market Hall

The Market Hall, was opened on 19 December 1855. Measuring 294 feet in length and covering an area of 7000 square yards it was said to be 'the largest covered market in the kingdom'. It cost 50000. At the there was a and it was market boon to the the fish 30000. opening ceremony long procession predicted that the would be a great town. Nearby was market, which cost

Market Hall exterior c1900

Market Hall interior c1900

Henry Hopwood's Echuca

Henry Hopwood was born in Bolton in 1813, son of Henry, muslin manufacturer of Ridgeway Gates, an area now covered by a car park and extensions to the rear of The Victoria Hall. Henry Hopwood was one of the many characters linked with the early settlement of Victoria, Australia. In 1834 he was convicted at Lancaster Assizes and was sentenced to 14 years transportation to Tasmania (Van Diemans Land) Australia for the crime of receiving stolen silk. He was incarcerated on a derelict wooden warship, serving as a prison hulk "William Metcalfe" in September 1834. Such were his powers of persuasion and manipulation however that he had become a police constable in Tasmania by 1835! He was sentenced at least twice after that as a result of various liaisons with women. He married three times - once in England and twice in Australia. He spent two years in the infamous Port Arthur penal settlement before finally being released in 1846. In May 1839 he was sentenced to two years in the Penal Settlement for 'aiding

and abetting the abduction of his masters daughter'. This had a sobering effect for on December 22nd 1842 he received a 'ticket of leave' (a form of local parole) and once more became a policeman, then, on January 15th 1846, having served 12 years of his sentence, was granted a full pardon and stayed on in Tasmania. He migrated northwards to the Murray River and found employment on its banks, in boiling - down works (animal carcass reduction for fats and fertilisers) later becoming overseer and staying until its closure in 1850, then seeing the opportunity for an independent life he purchased buildings, took them apart and re-erected them into a single edifice and christened it 'The New Road Inn', then obtained a liquor licence from the Lieut-Governor. He next built a punt to accommodate the growing band of travellers and cattle drovers, this he named 'Hopwood's Ferry', the site now Little Hopwood Street Echuca. The punt was designed with ramps fore and aft so that cattle could be transported across the river, the mechanism being a chain anchored on each river bank and looped round a hand - cranked drum amidships. Due to the success of the Murray River trade, Hopwood submitted a plan for a town to the authorities, subsequently the LieutGovernor arranged for an official survey in 1854, the area being named 'Echuca' and the first land sale authorised, Hopwood purchased various plots around his hotel on which, in 1855, he erected a bakery, butchery and boiling down works, a large iron warehouse and a vegetable garden for his patrons. In 1856, recognising that perhaps the days of the punt were numbered, he built a pontoon bridge over the river, with, no doubt, a bascule type opening to allow boats to pass, the following year he erected another bridge across the adjacent Campaspe River. Within another two years he had built a brick warehouse, organised a school, planted a vineyard, published a newspaper and opened, in March 1859, the Bridge Hotel, which survives to this day. Henry Hopwood's marital life was a bit convoluted, extant records in Liverpool indicate that he was married to a Fanny Wogden (Walkden?), for a son, Henry Edwin, was born to them on June 1st 1834 and baptised fifteen days later, by which time Henry was awaiting transportation and does not appear to have seen his son, or his wife, ever again.

During his 'ticket of leave' period in Tasmania he formed an association with a Martha Bolton and a daughter, Alice was born in January 1844. Martha in the following November married one Peter Marley in Hobart, after about four months the marriage failed and it would appear that Martha left Tasmania with Henry and young Alice for Melbourne and married in that town in October 1854, the marriage lasted for only three years for Martha died in February 1857 aged 33. In January 1860 Henry married once more, this time to Charlotte Walter from Radford, Warwick and retired to a suburb of Melbourne, not completely satisfied he returned to Echuca to run the Bridge Hotel until 1864 when he leased it to a manager and retired once more except for service on the Echuca Road Board. On January1 1869 he died aged 55, from typhoid fever and laid to rest in Echuca cemetery. His grave is kept in pristine condition and, with its marble headstone, is a regular tourist attraction. Despite his reputed arrogance, quarrelsome attitudes, and a penchant for petty disputes, he would show intense loyalty to friends and kindness to those deemed by him to be in need of help and as such is revered as the Father of Echuca. Echuca's twin town of Moama was founded by James Maiden who had been sentenced to seven years transportation on the same day as Henry Hopwood and at the same Assizes. He and Hopwood were business rivals and clashed on a number of occasions, both operated punts across the Murray River. Maiden became a millionaire from his cattle dealings but died penniless in December 1869. Whether there was any early criminal links between them is a matter for some popular speculation. If there was then the secrets lie buried with them. Both their names are commemorated in street titles in both towns.

A Bit of Old Keighley

Where the Wellington Inn stood in 1826 the memory of man knoweth not. The site now covered by the imposing Wellington premises was formerly occupied by the Masons Arms Inn, which fronted the main street with a gable into Hanover Street, and farm land at the back running on to what is now Cavendish Street. At the rear of the Inn were a brew house, stables etc., and a large herd in which stone and other building materials were stored. The yard was entered from the Main Street, two large gates occupying the ground on which the shop of Barwick & Haggas, Jewellers

now stands at present. The man who obtained the licence to the Masons' Arms Inn was Jeremiah Fowlds, the tenant in the early years of the 19th century. At that time there were no resident justices in Keighley, and Mr Fowlds had to attend before Mr Matthew Wilson at Gargrave to obtain the necessary authority. According to Mr Hodgson, an earlier tenant of the premises had been an ancestor of "Old Three Laps". Jeremiah Fowlds, who was born in 1776, remained in occupation at the inn till he died in 1820. His widow, Sally Fowlds, was next tenant, and continued as landlady for many years. In 1849 or 1850, the owner pulled down the old inn, and built on the vacated site the present imposing Wellington Hotel for a favourite butler who aspired to compete with the Devonshire Hotel. But the enterprise was wholly unsuccessful. Keighley was not big enough for two such hotels, and the new venture lasted little more than a year. This estate in the very heart of Keighley had been the property of Lt. General Twiss of Myrtle Grove, Bingley, the father-in-law of Walker Ferrand Esq., M.P., of Harden Grange, but in 1822 it was acquired by Mr John Greenwood, the son of the famous John Greenwood, one of the earliest Cotton Spinners in Keighley, who built the first mill at North Brook, and afterwards Cabbage Mills and Vale Mills. The first John Greenwood died in 1807, and the second John who was residing at 'The Knowles', Keighley, died there in 1846. The latter left his real estate in Keighley, Bingley, Bradford and other places to his son Frederick Greenwood, and it was this gentleman who erected the Wellington Hotel. After the hotel scheme failed he had the premises on his hands for a time, and then in 1856, he sold the estate to Mr Thomas Wall, the great grandfather of Mr Harry Wall, Solicitor, Keighley, and a member of Eboracum. The property continues to be owned by the Wall family. The present Masons Arms Inn, Long Croft, was erected on land bought from the Greenwoods by Mr William Fowlds, father of our well known townsman, Mr Hiram Fowlds. It was one of the first houses built through the Keighley and Craven Building Society. Incidentally it may be mentioned that in 1850, as now, there was a great shortage of houses in Keighley".

Britannia Square

Mosley's Chip Shop - shown going back to the bus station is actually Queen Street, with College Street being a short street linking up with Cooke Lane at t' other end

If anyone knows any more about Keighley Please send it in and we will add in the next Journal

Links of interest
USEFUL LINKS Free search of British Newspapers :London Gazette Edinburgh Gazette Belfast Gazette Search these three newspapers for any news on your ancestors, here is the Free Books To Read Online: Old Maps Online:60,000 Maps - its the broadest collection of maps around the world The 1940 U.S.A. Census The 1940 census records were released by the US National Archives April 2, 2012, and brought online through a partnership with This website allows you full access to the 1940 census images, in addition to 1940 census maps and descriptions. Mocavo With billions of names, years & places, Mocavo is your source for free ancestry records. Upload your family tree and begin your family history search today.

We are at the end of this spring Journal now we hope you have enjoyed From Vera and Christine Editors

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