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Social-Emotional Dictionary with Exercises

The Psycho-Educational Teacher

Adore Affection Afraid Aggression Aggressive Agitated Agonize Alarmed Amazed Ambivalent Anger Angry Anguish Annoy Antagonize Anxiety Anxious Appreciate Apprehensive

loving deeply a tender feeling fearful or frightened Syns: apprehensive, petrified, and scared a hostile action hostile or combative to be upset emotionally to suffer great distress a sudden feeling of fear Syns: alert and frightened affect with great surprise or wonder Syns: astonish the existence of mutually conflicting emotions or thoughts great displeasure or hostility Syns: wrath showing anger Syns: choleric, enraged, furious, indignant, irate, mad, sore, and wrathful a pain of the mind, torment to bother or irritate Syns: aggravate, bother, bug, irk, provoke, peeve, and ruffle mutual enmity or hostility a state of uneasiness or worry Syns: care, concern, and disquiet uneasy or worried to value highly, to feel gratitude Syns: cherish, esteem, prize, respect, and treasure feeling fearful or uneasy; anxious

Arguing Ashamed Astonishment Aversion Awe Awesome Awful Bad Betray(ed) Bitter Bittersweet Blame Blues Blush Boast(ful) Body language Boisterous Bored Brag Bravado Brave Brawl Breakdown Bug Burden

to offer reasons for or against; to debate; to engage in a quarrel; to dispute Syns: bicker, contend, fright, squabble, and wrangle feeling shame a sudden wonder; to surprise greatly a strong dislike reverence and dread mingled with wonder remarkable or outstanding very unpleasant; dreadful disobedient or naughty to be unfaithful or disloyal harsh; showing strong animosity feeling both pain and pleasure to hold at fault Syns: censure, condemn, criticize, and denounce a state of depression to become red in the face from modesty, embarrassment, or shame Syns: flush to speak with excessive pride postures, gestures, and expressions by which a person communicates nonverbally loud, noisy, unrestrained, or undisciplined to tire with dullness or repetition Syns: weary to assert boastfully a pretense of courage; defiant; swaggering behavior displaying courage, valiant Syns: audacious, bold, courageous, fearless, gutsy, heroic, intrepid, and unafraid a noisy fight or argument a collapse in mental or physical health to bother or annoy something difficult to bear, physically or emotionally

Burnout Calm Captivate Care Cared Catastrophe Cause Censure Cheerful Chill Choleric Concerned Condemn Contempt Contrition Cordial Cry Curious Depressed Desperate Detached Determined Detest Devastated Disappoint

exhaustion from long-term stress not excited or agitated; undisturbed Syns: peaceful, placid, serene, and tranquil to fascinate mental distress or worry; a source of solicitude or attention to be interested or concerned a sudden and terrible disaster; a calamity one that produces an effect, result, or consequence; motive; reason an expression of strong disapproval or criticism in good spirits Syns: bright, cheery, happy, lighthearted, and sunny a dampening of enthusiasm or joy easily angered; bad tempered uneasy; troubled; worried to express a strong disapproval; to denounce bitter scorn or disdain sincere remorse for something done wrongly warm, heartfelt to shed tears Syns: sob, wail, and weep eager to know low in spirits; emotional disorder characterized by inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of guilt and dejection rash or violent out of despair; almost hopeless; grave not emotionally involved; indifferent firm, resolute; decided or resolved disliking strongly overwhelmed, destroyed, or ruined to fail to satisfy the expectations, desires, or hopes

Discomfort Disconsolate Discouraged Disgust Disheartened Disillusioned Dislike Dismay Distraught Distress Disturb Disturbed Dread Ease Ecstasy Edgy Embarrassed Emotion Empathy Envious Envy Exasperate Fear

physical or mental distress; annoyance or inconvenience, to make uncomfortable beyond consolation; cheerless or gloomy deprived of enthusiasm; disheartened Syns: dispirit to become impatient or annoyed; extreme dislike discouraged, demoralized, or dispirited disenchanted or free from false belief a feeling of aversion; disapproval or distaste to cause fear or apprehension: intimidate; to discourage or trouble greatly anxious, worried to cause anxiety or misery; to trouble greatly Syns: affliction, agony, anguish, hurt, and pain to trouble or upset the tranquility; to unsettle mentally or emotionally showing signs of symptoms of mental or emotional illness great fear or terror; a nervous or fearful anticipation freedom from worry, pain, or agitation intense joy or delight Syns: rapture, feeling or showing nervous tension Syns: fidgety, jittery, jumpy, restless, tense, uneasy, nervous to feel self-conscious or ill at ease, disconcerted Syns: abashed, confused, discomforted, and mortified a strong feeling; a particular feeling, as love or hate identification with and understanding of another persons feelings, situation, and motives feeling, showing, or marked by envy resentful desire for anothers possessions or advantages to make angry or frustrated; to irritate alarm and agitation caused by expectation or realization of danger

Fearful Feeling Frantic Frenetic Frenzy Frustrate Furious Furor Fury Fussy Gloom Grateful Grief Grudge Guilt Happy Hate Heartache Heartbroken Hopeful Horrified Horror Hostile Hostility Humiliated

to be frightened an emotion that expresses compassion or sympathy emotionally distraught, as from worry or fear wildly excited; frenzied a state of wild excitement or violent agitation to prevent from reaching a goal or fulfilling a desire; to prevent from taking place full of, showing, or marked by rage; showing violent activity violent rage, rage violent anger Syns: ire, rage, and wrath easily upset; frequently complaining; hard to please depression or melancholy thankful or appreciative deep sadness, as that caused by the death of a loved one; sorrow a feeling of ill will or deep resentment a feeling of responsibility for having done something wrong having, displaying, or marked by pleasure or joy; cheerful to feel animosity or hostility toward Syns: abominate, despise, detest, and loathe emotional sorrow or grief feeling great sorrow or disappointment wanting or wishing for something with a feeling of confident expectation of its fulfillment experiencing a feeling of horror; to be shocked or dismayed an intense and painful feeling of disgust, terror, or great fear experiencing or expressing antagonism deep-seated hatred or opposition Syns: antagonism an injury to the dignity or pride; humbled

Impatient Inconsolable Indifferent Indignation Infatuate Infuriated Irritable Irritate Jealous Joy Joyful Jubilant Languish Lighthearted Mad Mean Merry Miserable Misery Mood Moody Mortify Mourn Nervous

unwillingness to wait or tolerate delay; expressing irritation at having to wait Syns: restless incapable of being consoled not mattering or unimportant; having no marked feeling or preference; uninterested; apathetic anger aroused by injustice or unworthiness to arouse an unusual or foolish love to feel very angry, enraged easily annoyed or irritated, ill-tempered Syns: cranky, grouchy, grumpy, irascible, and testy to make angry; to annoy or bother; to provoke resentful or bitter in rivalry (competition); envious; can arise from feelings of envy or bitterness great happiness; delight displaying joy expressing joy to become depressed free from trouble, anxiety, or care; cheerful angry, resentful; afflicted with a mental disorder or insane marked by pettiness and ill will; malicious full of gaiety (cheerfulness); high-spirited Syns: glad, happy, joyful, and joyous very unhappy or uncomfortable a source or cause of suffering; affliction; emotional distress a temporary state of emotion or mind; a feeling given to moods, especially of gloom; temperamental Syns: gloomy to humiliate to express or feel sorrow; to grieve excitable, jumpy; worried; apprehensive

Nice Nostal(gia, gic) Nuisance Obsession Offend Optimism Outrage(ous) Passion Perturb Pessimism Petrify Pleasure Rage Rampage Rampaged Rejoice Sad Scared Serene Shock Sorrow Stress Stressful Surprise

enjoyable; pleasant a bittersweet yearning for things from the past a source of inconvenience, annoyance, or irritation a persistent preoccupation with an idea or emotion to arouse resentment, annoyance, irritation, or anger a disposition to expect the best possible outcome or to emphasize the most positive aspects of a situation resentful anger; exceeding the bounds of what are right and proper Syns: atrocious, flagrant, heinous, monstrous, and shocking powerful feeling as in love or rage; great enthusiasm Syns: ardor, fervor, fire, and zeal to make anxious or uneasy; disquiet greatly a tendency to take the least hopeful view of a situation, or to anticipate the worst to immobilize, as with terror a feeling of enjoyment or satisfaction violent anger; to be violently angry a course of violent, destructive, or unrestrained action to move about wildly to be joyful marked by unhappiness or sorrow a state of alarm or panic; to startle Syns: frightened peaceful, calm to strike with great surprise, agitation, outrage, or disgust mental suffering; anguish mental, emotional, or physical tension, strain, or distress full of or tending to cause stress to catch or take unaware; to cause to feel astonishment Syns: amazement

Sympathy Tantrum Temper Tense Tension Terrify Terror Thankful Torture Tranquil Turmoil Unbearable Uneasy Unhappy Vindictive Worrisome Worry Worries

the capacity to share another persons feelings an outburst of anger and rage a usual state of mind or emotions; a tendency to become irritable or angry; a violent outburst of anger experiencing emotional tension mental or emotional strain to fill with fear overwhelmingly intense fear showing or feeling gratitude Syns: grateful mental anguish; something causing pain or anguish free from disturbance Syns: serene a state of great confusion or agitation intolerable causing or feeling discomfort or distress; feeling awkward or embarrassed Syns: restless sad, sorrowful having or showing a desire for revenge; meant to cause harm or pain Syns: revengeful, spiteful, and vengeful causing worries; inclined to worry to feel or cause to feel anxious or distressed mental anxiety or distress

Suggested Activities
Using the Social-Emotional Vocabulary List 1. Ask students to pair feeling words as synonyms or antonyms. 2. Ask students to match the feeling with the definition of the word. 3. Ask students to tell the definition of the feeling. 4. Ask students to categorize (put together) feeling words that relate; for example, mad, furious, annoyed, and irritated. 5. Create a feelings list, and ask the students to list together words associated with a specific feeling; for example, words associated with sadness, fear, or anger. 6. Ask students to rank (put in order) the feelings, from least to most intense. 7. Explain the continuum of feelings; use annoyed, mad, and enraged as examples. 8. Discuss the difference between feelings, and give examples and not an example. 9. Discuss with the class the difference between anger, aggression, and violence. 10. Ask the class to use the feeling words in oral and written sentences. 11. Ask students to write paragraphs and stories using the socio-emotional vocabulary. 12. Play memory games using feeling words such as synonyms, antonyms, definition, and categorization. 13. Use feeling words to analyze characters (character traits); for example, find the character that is fearful, anguished, or bitter. 14. Use feeling words to develop characters in stories; for example, develop a character that is bitter or anguished. 15. Put the feeling words in a bag. Ask one child to grab a word from the bag and role-play the feeling while the other students guess the feeling. Other Activities 16. To help students develop awareness of different feelings, direct the class to close their eyes while you say a phrase or sentence. Make sure to change the tone of your voice and temperament. The students listen and tell if you sound angry, surprised, happy, afraid, etc.

17. Use this activity to teach adverbs while developing students awareness of feelings. Read aloud several sentences, and ask students to describe how you are reading: angrily, sadly, gently, loudly, happily, enthusiastically, slowly, etc. 18. Use pictures or drawings and ask students to match the tone of your voice to a picture. 19. Ask one student to make the voice that matches the picture; for example, when you point to an angry face the child makes an angry voice. 20. During your social studies lessons, discuss concepts like fairness, respect, cooperation, injustice, and violence. 21. Use the feelings sheet to discuss facts about feelings. 22. Create a semantic map or web to represent a problem or conflict. Draw lines branching from the center of the web for students to present alternative solutions to the conflict. To Develop Rational-Emotive Thinking 23. Ask students to pay close attention to their self-talking for one day or one week. Give students points for writing down five things they say to themselves during that day or week. 24. Using students self-talking notes, teach children how to separate feelings from thoughts (Feeling or Thought? exercise). 25. Train students to monitor what they think by acting as thought detectives. Use a timer or bell, and when it rings, direct students to stop what they are doing and, in three minutes or less, jot down whatever they are thinking at that moment. 26. Ask students to identify irrational beliefs in their thinking (e.g., I never do things right or I am going to fail this test). Teach students to debate their irrational thinking. 27. Teach students to substitute their irrational beliefs with rational beliefs; for example, Sometimes I have difficulty solving long division, but there are other things that I do well.

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