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// DG degrees. // Degrees I. Kefer [1 ]ARIES 10. (Mars). Labour, fight, dispute. 20. (The sun).

Disputes, trouble, enterprise, love to the order, envy. 30. (Venus). Discipline, love to the art, inclination to profit to each. 40. (Mercury). Intelligentsia, financial losses. 50. (Moon). Zeal, economic, solicitude, capabilities. At the damage by Mars and Saturn cruelty. At the damage by the Sun hostile tendencies. 60. (Saturn). Importance, power, influencing, obstacles. 70. (Jupiter). Quick wits, economic, self-possession, ideals. 80. (Mars). Disputes, nasilstvennost, immorality, uncontrolled passions. 90. (The sun). Quick wits, eloquence, faith in itself, dignity. 100. (Venus). Self-possession, victory in a fight, ambition, love to the hunt. 110. (Mercury). Hospitality, goodwill, love, research spirit. 120. (Moon). Ascent, ambition, love, sudbonosnie blows. 130. (Saturn). Ascent and glory due to own merits, unceremoniousness, danger. Critical degree. 140. (Jupiter). Pacified energy, slave of the passions. 150. (Mars). Vicious character, propensity to treachery, but considerable capabilities, is special musical, propensity to suicide, danger of paralysis. 160. (The sun). Zeal, love to nature, dignity, opened character. 170. (Venus). Ljubov to the luxury and pleasures, weak will, laziness, smooth speech, oratorical talent. 180. (Mercury). Dignity, ideals, effort, help from the side of women, criticism, strong intellect. 190. (Moon). Zeal, dishonesty, sensuality. 200. (Saturn). Distant journeys, strong will, quick wits. 210. (Jupiter). Good friend, noble heart, self-confidence, aspiration to the journeys. 220. (Mars). Carelessness and ambition, what losses are from. 230. (The sun). Fight, victory due to the quickness of judgements, treachery, unchanging enemies. 240. (Venus). Sensuality, slave of love (from it there are troubles), musical capabilities, is special if good attitude toward Venus and Neptune. 250. (Mercury). Character Force, aspiration to the distant edges, difficulties, literary talent with propensity to idealism, is special if there are aspects to the mercury. 260. (Moon). Knowledge, capabilities, ascent. Critical degree. 270. (Saturn). Calmness after a fight, passions, loneliness. 280. (Jupiter). World in connection with self-knowledge, victory of spiritual. 290. (Mars). Labour, tension, successes, enterprise, happiness. 300. (The sun). Spirituality, reasonableness, ambition, aspiration to power. TAURUS 10. (Venus). Adroitness, force, overcoming of obstacles. 20. (Mercury). Research spirit, proudness, obstacles. 30. (Moon). Profit from sensuality and love to the elders, love to the money, journeys. 40. (Saturn). Aspiration to confession and sklokam, crabbiness. 50. (Jupiter). Narrow-mindedness, patience, love to rest, loyalty, modesty. 60. (Mars). Versatility, quick wits, glory, loyalty, modesty. 70. (The sun). Beauty, love, happiness, enterprise. 80. (Venus). Torments from marriage and love, anxieties, failing. 90. (Mercury). Ljubov to nature and to the animals, a lot of anxieties and labour for other people, journeys, interest to literature. At unfavorable there is aspektirovanii propensity to the alcohol. Critical degree. 100. (Moon). Laziness, propensity to sensuality, game and pleasures. Nervous breakdown at the damage of Saturn and mercury. 110. (Saturn). Aspiration to power, sklokam, self-interest. 120. (Jupiter). Constancy, goodwill, friendship. Commercial talent. 130. (Mars). Obstinacy, jealousy, envy, commercial talent. On the whole good influencing. 140. (The sun). Peaceful nature, patience, justice. 150. (Venus). Propensity to occultism, black art, wisdom, research spirit and commercial talent. 160. (Mercury). Inheritance, zeal, criticism, commercial talent. At the damage and if astsendent and luminaries are damaged threat of death penalty. If good attitude toward Venus and Neptune musicality and excellent domain by voice.

170. (Moon). Limitation of will, stranger influencing. Sense of colour. 180. (Saturn). Quarrelsomeness, hostility, wound. 190. (Jupiter). Internal experiencing, dignity, clear conduct. 200. (Mars). Envy, hostility, bellicosity, enterprise. At the damage possibility of criminal crimes, collapses, falling. 210. (The sun). Passive force, lack of ability to negotiate, numerous enemies. At the damage possibility of criminal crimes, damages, collapses, falling, catastrophes. Critical degree. 220. (Venus). Profit from partnership, flexibility, capacities for medicine and painting. 230. (Mercury). Falling, catastrophe, hoodoo, ambition, possibility of criminal crimes. 240. (Moon). Avarice, severe character, loneliness through own fault, haughtiness. Harmful effect conducing to the catastrophes. 250. (Saturn). Hardness, modesty, justice, constancy. At the damage propensity to alcoholism, drugs, suicide. 260. (Jupiter). Goodwill, consent, riches, kindness. 270. (Mars). Success, effort, economic, literary talent with propensity to realism. 280. (The sun). Ambition, tenderness, quick wits, ascent. 290. (Venus). Despotism, passions, aspiration to the perverted self-possession. At the damage danger of blindness, permanent sickliness, but strong position in society. 300. (Mercury). Ideality, sense of beauty and architectures, overcoming of material. GEMINI 10. (Mercury). Friendly character, intellect, propensity to instinct. 20. (Moon). Reason, force, fight, victory of reasonableness. 30. (Saturn). Art, singing, music, gladness of life. 40. (Jupiter). Reason, magnanimity, control above senses. Critical degree. 50. (Mars). Ljubov, interest to literature and weapon, wound. 60. (The sun). Criticism, interest to science, justice. At the damage neuroses, phobias. 70. (Venus). Beauty, art, love, consent. At the damage of the Sun heart troubles. 80. (Mercury). Call of duty, patience, self-possession. Favourable influencing, but dangerous. 90. (Moon). Power without force, quick wits. 100. (Saturn). Help, patronage, overcoming of itself. 110. (Jupiter). Sense of domestic life, ambition, inherited successes. 120. (Mars). Anxieties from frivolity, losses, insults, literary capabilities. 130. (The sun). Quickness, oratorical gift, good partnership, plots, egoism, literary talent, propensity to rheumatism. 140. (Venus). Treachery, errors, income, literary talent. 150. (Mercury). Not clear plans, activity, in many cases unavailing lie, literary talent. Favourable influencing, but dangerous. 160. (Moon). Literary talent, but senseless plans and failure. 170 (Saturn). Aspiration to power, success does not calm, literary talent. At the strong damage the perverted tendencies which the death penalty threatens for. Critical degree. 180. (Jupiter). Rapid, insidious mind, hastiness. Propensity to asthma. 190. (Mars). Treachery, diplomacy, plots, secret danger, errors, but ascent. 200. (The sun). Patronage, frivolous character favourable, but threatens a danger. 210. (Venus). Not enough initiative, love to sport. 220. (Mercury). Ljubov, happiness, interest to the art, mathematical capabilities. At the damage, for example by squaring, madness. 230. (Moon). Hoodoo, poverty, samoedstvo, trouble, abandonment, illnesses of spine. 240. (Saturn). Merriment, friendliness, frivolity. 250. (Jupiter). Success due to knowledges and receptivity, disputes, propensity to tyranny. At the damage by a mercury, Saturn or Mars nervous breakdown. 260. (Mars). Readiness to the display of feelings, wit, slander, propensity to suicide. 270. (The sun). Disbelief, art, samoedstvo. 280. (Venus). Success as a result of effort and example. Agriculture. 290. (Mercury). Trouble, good intellect, but is easily subject to influencing. 300. (Moon). Lordship over weak, capture by passions and instincts. Critical degree. CANCER 10. (Moon). Vanity, happiness in love, popularity, marine journeys. 20. (Saturn). Breeding, not enough happiness, research spirit, actor capabilities. 30. (Jupiter). Changes, strong influence on women. The eye diseases are threatened.

40. (Mars). Sensitiveness, inconstancy, sharp spirit, interest to religion, medical capabilities. 50. (The sun). Harm from a woman, itch, inconstancy. 60. (Venus). Highly emotional, strong instincts, eccentricity. 70. (Mercury). Egoism, use of power, control above passions. 80. (Moon). Hoodoo in a house, falseness, superficiality, secrets, good intellect. 90. (Saturn). Effort, thrift, practical tendencies. 100. (Jupiter). Diligence, danger, devotion. 110. (Mars). Distant journeys, enterprise, inconstancy, alcoholism. 120. (The sun). Unceremoniousness, force, haughtiness, losses, capable worker. 130. (Venus). Ardour, effort, a lot of scientific interests in young days, glory, considerable property. At the damage wound or death at employments by sport, in a fight. Critical degree. 140. (Mercury). Enterprise, clear thought, high ideals, commercial talent. 150. (Moon). Power, haughtiness, high aspirations, commercial talent, musicality. At the damage by Mars threatens a paralysis, and if astsendent is in mobile signs propensity to suicide shows up. 160. (Saturn). Ascent, overcoming material, victory over intrigues, commercial talent. 170. (Jupiter). Idealism, understanding of art, nobleness, good friend. 180. (Mars). Losses, absent-mindedness, insufficient sense of responsibility, musical capabilities. 190. (The sun). Interest to the art, to the weapon, luxuries, rapid mind, energy. At the damage by Venus, Mars or Saturn anger, loss of capabilities. 200. (Venus). Vigilance, guard, small establishments. 210. (Mercury). Journeys, changes of place of inhabitation and that is why loss, profits. 220. (Moon). Dreams, fantasies, emotional states, changes, talent in the fine art and medicine. 230. (Saturn). Journeys, propensity to tourism, inconstancy, trouble. 240. (Jupiter). Overcoming of obstacles, mistrust, cunning, musicality, happiness, confession. At the damage vice versa. 250. (Mars). Independence, eccentricity, disorder. If there is attitude toward a mercury, astsendent and a lot of planets in Shrine, then considerable literary capabilities with propensity to romanticism. 260. (The sun). Danger of falling, reasons the reduced circumstances, garrulity. Critical degree. 270. (Venus). Good helper which is able to submit, erudition. 280. (Mercury). Proudness, love to nature, eloquence, contemplative. 290. (Moon). Captivity, prison, crimes. 300. (Saturn). Quiet old age, achievement of purpose, property. LEO 10. (The sun). Courage, victory, power, love to the hunt. At the damage propensity to murder, falling. 20. (Venus). Danger of death, critical point, love to the art, at the damage collapse, catastrophe. 30. (Mercury). Sorrow, lack of forces and hopes, intelligentsia. 40. (Propensity to mysticism, interest to religion, quick wits, ascent. 50. (Saturn). Science, treachery, cunning, vigilance. 60. (Jupiter). Interest to the weapon, perkiness, sure, aggressive conduct. At the damage by Mars accidents, danger of fire, deaths and catastrophes. 70. (Mars). Will-power, boldness, love of power, power, accidents, fire. 80. (The sun). Fiery conduct, influencing, technical interests. At the damage anaemia, illnesses of ear. 90. (Venus). Haughtiness, proudness, love to splendour, property, position, alcoholism. Critical degree. 100. (Mercury). A danger for the life, quick wits, yields in the fight, interest to medicine. At the damage catastrophes, danger of falling and collapses. 110. (Moon). Sensitiveness, itch, dignity from maternity. 120. (Saturn). Good marriage, nobleness, dignity. 130. (Jupiter). Constancy, quiet work and successes. If it is well by aspektirovan strong Venus, the Sun or mercury talent to the lyric verses. 140. (Mars). Losses, special value of original appearance, ingenuity. 150. (The sun). Self-confidence, power, nobleness. 160. (Venus). Obstinacy, modesty, sensitiveness. 170. (Mercury). Distant journeys on a country, difficulties, debauchery, intellect. 180. (Moon). Ingenuity, research spirit, propensity to medicine. 190. (Saturn). Calmness, restraint. Damaged by Saturn or Uranium illnesses, distorted spine. 200. (Jupiter). Honoured establishments, riches of thoughts, good speaker, instinctive thoughts, medical capabilities. Piety, mysticism, occultism, spiritual dignity. 210. (Mars). Clean, noble spirit, capacities for medicine. Critical degree.

220. (The sun). Carelessness, trustfulness, weakness of body, cunning, capacities for medicine. At the damage possibility of criminal crimes. 230. (Venus). Property, power; at the damage possibility of crimes, rheumatism, is special at the damage by Saturn. Good aspects give propensity to anarchic idealism. Good actor, if there is attitude toward the given degree in the signs of fiery and air. 240. (Mercury). Boldness, quick wits, success, carefulness, foresight. 250. (Moon). Passions, senseless plans, danger of falling. Plank beds, alcoholism, immorality, susceptibility to the drugs, danger of suicide and criminal crimes. 260. (Saturn). Work, related to the danger, zeal, carefulness, musical capabilities. Falling from a woman, danger of death from water. 270. (Jupiter). Success after the fag good or wicked. Propensity to astrology, inventive art, music. At the damage the tumours are threatened. 280. (Mars). Prudence, love to the hunt and sport, a lot of friends, danger of paralysis. 290. (The sun). Advantageous marriage, economic, famous citizen, danger of paralysis. Well lighted up by Jupiter or Mars success, riches, management. 300. (Venus). Various plans and ideas, interest to literature and sport, leading official. VIRGO 10. (Mercury). Chastity, order, happiness, hardness, clumsiness, hudoba. 20. (Moon). Curiosity, slander, bad calculation. 30. (Saturn). Prudence, cunning, egoism, foresight, successes. 40. (Jupiter). Propensity to the fag, agriculture, good thought, good figure, at the damage asthma. Critical degree. 50. (Mars). Higher spirit, calculation, self-confidence, power. 60. (The sun). Unnoticeable use, luxury, riches, use of love. 70. (Venus). Difficulties, a lot of ideas, sorrow. 80. (Mercury). Poetic spirit, music, sense of idyll, gladness of labour. 90. (Moon). Wicked, lazy wife, decline, rheumatism. The damaged Sun in astsendente murder, possibility of criminal crimes. 100. (Saturn). Profit without labour, itch, reasonableness. At the damage of luminary falling. 110. (Jupiter). Rapid judgement, boldness, enterprise, seriousness, propensity to astrology. 120. (Mars). Falseness, secrecy, making of other, commercial talent an a fool out of. At the damage of luminary collapses, falling. 130. (The sun). Ljubov, beauty, happiness, property, gift of quiet pastime, commercial talent. 140. (Venus). Subordination, labour, household, modesty, commercial talent. 150. (Mercury). Passion to pleasures, art, poetry, not enough senses, propensity to the journeys, commercial talent. 160. (Moon). Commercial talent, zeal, persistence, great desires. At the damage of luminary collapses and falling. 170. (Saturn). Durable sufficiency, cunning, carefulness, secrecy. Critical degree. 180. (Jupiter). Long innings, moderation, love to nature. 190. (Mars). Good inferior, servant, educator. Sportsman. At the damage falling. 200. (The sun). Fight with secret enemies, cunning, rebelliousness. 210. (Venus). Large property, riches, easy zarabotki. 220. (Mercury). Danger, outgoing from love, sensuality, trouble, disagreement. At the damage propensity to mental affections. Propensity to militarism, if strong Mars, and also good doctor. 230. (Moon). Ljubov to swimming, to the water types of sport, profit from it. At the damage illnesses of spine. 240. (Saturn). Failure, captivity. Danger of cancer, gouts, hernia. Capacities for painting. 250. (Jupiter). Education, anarchist, revolutionary, danger of suicide. 260. (Mars). Disputes, cunning, special relations, danger of suicide. 270. (The sun). Frivolity, auction tendencies, inflammation of buds. 280. (Venus). Friendliness, serious researches, danger of tuberculosis. 290. (Mercury). Passivity, good conduct, sufferings. 300. (Moon). Illnesses of head, wounds, melancholy, filosofichnost. Critical degree. LIBRA 10. (Venus). Danger of wound and violent death, riches of thoughts. 20. (Mercury). Religiousness, dedication, serious research.

30. (Moon). Dependence, narrow-mindedness, humanism, capacity for painting. 40. (Saturn). Zeal, agriculture, fag. At the damage abscesses. 50. (Jupiter). Physical danger, love to the art, enthusiasm. At the damage cruelty. Unjustified mortal risk. 60. (Mars). Subordination, poverty, fag and tasks. 70. (The sun). Danger from partnership and marriage, not clear position, propensity to the icterus, at the damage by Jupiter or Saturn. 80. (Venus). Illness and death of persons nice to the heart, immorality, mercy is enthusiasm. 90. (Mercury). Will-power, aggressiveness, danger in a fight. 100. (Moon). Danger, love to the house, bad domain by itself. 110. (Saturn). Surprising origin, ambivalent character, cunning. 120. (Jupiter). Improvidence, uncertainty, melancholy on the pas. 130. (Mars). Losses, separation, ambivalent character, joint rheumatism, interest to the diet. Critical degree. 140. (The sun). Exploitation of other, propensity to the actress. 150. (Venus). Sympathy, devotion, necessity in love, musicality. At damaged Mars paralysis. If astsendent in mutabelnih signs and is damaged by Saturn or Uranium propensity to suicide. 160. (Mercury). Carefulness, zeal, distant journeys, mainly, in tropics. 170. (Moon). Ljubov to the art, criticism, Harm from a carelessness, oratorical talent, smooth speech. 180. (Saturn). Property, calmness, propensity to the house. 190. (Jupiter). Well-to-do position, self-possession, aspiration, activity, persistence. 200. (Mars). Religiousness, kindness, sacrificial. 210. (The sun). Dependence, losses, lack of seriousness. At the damage of Venus abscesses. 220. (Venus). Losses from disorder, not enough persistence, artistic capabilities, fantasy, sense of word and appearance, architecture, building, glory, honour. 230. (Mercury). Propensity to medicine, chemistries, to pharmacy business, research spirit, rewards, success in overcoming of obstacles. 240. (Moon). Fight against passions, victory will, musicality. 250. (Saturn). Haughtiness, literary capabilities with propensity to idealism, beauty, good position, approach to swell society. 260. (Jupiter). Quick wits, boldness, improvidence. Critical degree. 270. (Mars). Harm from higher persons, laboured advancement. 280. (The sun). Happiness, successes, modesty, exactness, a communicability, access to swell society, is higher that, where was born. 290. (Venus). Fantasy, love to nature, devotion, not enough energy. 300. (Mercury). Carefulness, dangerous friends, danger of violent death. SCORPION 10. (Mars). Perkiness, danger in a fight, pushing ways, treachery of other people. 20. (The sun). Increase, large plans, guidance, exploitation of other. 30. (Venus). Special dissipated spirit. 40. (Mercury). Ambivalent conduct, bellicosity, love of power, propensity, to spiritual one. 50. (Moon). Force of thoughts which will not be carried out, injury. 60. (Saturn). Persistence, overcoming the obstacles, cunning, free-thinking. 70. (Jupiter). Profit, money and property. 80. (Mars). Vigilance, haughtiness, boldness, a lot of interests. 90. (The sun). Need, loss of father, love to loneliness, serious conduct, alcoholism. Critical degree. 100. (Venus). Living aspirations, sham, at the damage of mercury and Saturn nervous breakdown. 110. (Mercury). Carelessness, danger, strong sex appeal, insolence. Success. 120. (Moon). Cunning, commercial capabilities, patience, treachery, a lot of opponents. 130. (Saturn). Hardness, impenetrability, self-confidence, success. At the damage of Saturn, Venus hoodoo, danger, captivity, poisoning. 140. (Jupiter). Openness, callousness, sorrow, need. At good Jupiter and Mars happiness. 150. (Mars). Bad fantasy and reasonableness, passions. 160. (The sun). Welfare, sympathy, good character, musicality. 170. (Venus). Cruelty, suffering, passions, trouble, danger from the side of enemies. 180. (Mercury). Malice, mistrust, curiosity, happiness. 190. (Moon). Vigilance, passion to pleasures, fights. 200. (Saturn). Journeys to the tropics, eccentricity, self-possession, danger of tumours. 210. (Jupiter). Independence, love to freedom, danger, at bad position the death. Collapse, possibility of criminal crimes. Critical degree. 220. (Mars). Passions, inconstant force, possibility of criminal crimes, death.

230. (The sun). Beautiful ideas, large aspiration to find itself the application which will not be carried out, rheumatism. 240. (Venus). Capacity, love to the house. Modesty, internal cleanness. 250. (Mercury). Fights, trouble, unfair income, at the damage alcoholism, use of drugs, propensity to suicide. 260. (Moon). Flatterer, losses from bad friends. 270. (Saturn). Elevated calmness, literary capabilities with propensity to realism. 280. (Jupiter). Ideals, spirituality, seriousness, dignity, respect. 290. (Mars). Study, successes, welfare, danger of eye diseases. 300. (The sun). Eloquence, brilliant career. SAGITTARIUS 10. (Jupiter). Danger, sport, unavailing aspirations, premature death from the wound. 20. (Mars). Perkiness, vorchlivost, it hunts, danger of wound. 30. (The sun). Fiery conduct, love, capture by passions. 40. (Venus). Purposefulness, presentiments, merry thought. Critical degree. 50. (Mercury). Two marriages, danger in family, anxieties, danger. 60. (Moon). Ingenuity, cunning; love acts large part in the life. At the damage phobias, neuroses. If there are aspects to Saturn, mercury or third house dangerous lung fever. 70. (Saturn). Large love, moderation, peaceful nature, sacrificial. At the damage of the Sun, Leo and fifth house heart troubles. 80. (Jupiter). Prudence, success of the considered plans, but happiness is very debatable. The damage can be instrumental in blindness. 90. (Mars). Passions threaten the lives, possibility of criminal crimes, rheumatism. At the damage of the Sun in astsendente enmity. 100. (The sun). Knowledge of true, riches, wisdom. Contempt of material. 110. (Venus). Rashness, the use of force of other in the benefit is related to the danger. 120. (Mercury). Perceptible passions, zeal. 130. (Moon). Disappointment, robbery, bad plans, joint rheumatism. 140. (Saturn). Study, religious, philosophical spirit. 150. (Jupiter). On foolishness the harm to property and posterity, cruelty, malice. 160. (Mars). Hopeless efforts, dispersion of forces. 170. (The sun). Loneliness, sorrow, renunciation, at the damage the propensity to murder, probability of death penalty. Critical degree. 180. (Venus). Black art, errors of spirit, false researches. Asthma. 190. (Mercury). Danger from a fire, shipwreck of fireside, journeys, strong spirit. 200. (Moon). Being friendly, communications, friendliness, not enough desire to work. 210. (Saturn). Synthetic spirit, inspiration, art, sciences. 220. (Jupiter). Fights, aggressiveness, fiery character, danger of wound, mathematical capabilities, at the damage madness. 230. (Mars). Jealousy, being of despair, disappointment in love. At the damage illnesses of spine. 240. (The sun). Anxieties, man to itself the enemy, humaneness. 250. (Venus). Eccentricity, tactlessness, capacities for literature (realism), propensity to anarchy, tyrannies, danger of nervous breakdown. 260. (Mercury). Adroitness, game by ideas, danger of suicide. 270. (Moon). Changeability, changes, hostility. Danger. 280. (Saturn). Persistence, calmness, purposefulness. 290. (Jupiter). Adroitness, inconstancy, trouble, rashness. 300. (Mars). Alternately happiness and hoodoo, small success. Critical degree. CAPRICORN 10. (Saturn). Ambivalent conduct, productivity, cunning, propensity to agriculture, technique. 20. (Jupiter). Bearable employment is difficult, success by the forces. 30. (Mars). Cunning, boldness, seriousness, violation of sight. 40. (The sun). Independence, capabilities which will be applied, capacities for medicine. 50. (Venus). Hospitality, unreasonable openness, possibility of robbery. 60. (Mercury). Superfluous sympathy, predominance of senses, loyalty. 70. (Moon). Changeable conduct, sorrow and laughter, competition, oratorical capabilities. 80. (Saturn). Haughtiness, effort, danger of paralysis, doubtful happiness.

90. (Jupiter). Haughtiness conduces to death, effort, falling. 100. (Mars). Reasonableness, hard conduct, danger of losses, surprising finds. 110. (The sun). High tasks, patronage of high persons, representativeness. 120. (Venus). Zeal, commercial capabilities, grandiose plans, love. 130. (Mercury). Force, self-possession, trade. Critical degree. 140. (Moon). Piones, risky job, fearlessness, crabbiness. 150. (Saturn). Sorrow, gladness of labour, seriousness, favourable influencing. At the damage by Mars paralysis. If astsendent in mutabelnih signs propensity to suicide. In good aspektatsii to Venus and Neptune musical capabilities. 160. (Jupiter). Conscious the forces, bold enterprises, sporting spirit, overcoming of great difficulties. 170. (Mars). Commercial capabilities. Loyalty, eloquence, good propagandist. 180. (The sun). Ambivalent conduct, happiness and hoodoo, danger from animals, qualities good and bad. 190. (Venus). Stable relations, a lot of support, force, good talents. 200. (Mercury). Proudness, gift of imitation, mimicry, the introspection, danger from animals, is special dogs. 210. (Moon). Mind, quick wits, science, good teacher. 220. (Saturn). Diligence, constancy, persistence, success by own forces, to the capacity for painting, medicine and agriculture. 230. (Jupiter). Ascetic tendencies, the anxieties are erotic, thinker. 240. (Mars). Nadezhda, technique, foresight, zeal, musical capabilities. 250. (The sun). Cunning, good position, diplomacy. 260. (Venus). Ljubov to nature, loneliness, contemplative, journeys. Critical degree. 270. (Mercury). Ljubov to nature, reverie, thoughtfulness. 280. (Moon). Exploitation, propensity to astronomy, journeys, considerable pressure of material relations. 290. (Saturn). Happiness, seriousness, gladness from children, bronchitis. 300. (Jupiter). Small successes, false hopes, disappointment. AQUARIUS 10. (Saturn). Uncertainty, indecision, danger of falling, propensity to murder. 20. (Jupiter). Anxieties, seriousness, science, inventions, curiosity, obryuzglost. 30. (Mars). Capacities for painting, losses, anxieties, reforms. 40. (The sun). Property, dread of spending, happiness, high tasks. 50. (Venus). Itch, pursuit, game with a danger. 60. (Mercury). Adroitness, satire, wit, unavailing negotiations, illnesses of eyes. 70. (Moon). Danger from women and on war. 80. (Saturn). Independence, self-possession, power, expectation, danger of fascination, illnesses of ear, at the damage by Uranium anaemia. 90. (Jupiter). Physical force, trouble from women, enterprise on the wrong way, propensity to the alcohol. Critical degree. 100. (Mars). Danger of freezing, collapse, strong personality, sense of reforms. 110. (The sun). Unreasonable energy, danger in professions in a fight, predominance of passions. 120. (Venus). Fight against authorities, rebellion, ambition, danger to get off from rails. 130. (Mercury). Danger, happiness in armies, partnership, lyric talent, joint rheumatism. 140. (Moon). Indecision, dangerous undertaking, danger from women, dependence. 150. (Saturn). Art, mysticism, happiness in transit, communications. 160. (Jupiter). Higher intelligentsia, ambition, technique, dangerous passions. 170. (Mars). Illnesses, medicine, inheritance. 180. (The sun). Medical capabilities, science, reserve, loneliness. 190. (Venus). Egoism, falling, catastrophe, introspection, at the damage by Saturn or Uranium curvature of spine. 200. (Mercury). Longevity, support, cunning, piety, loyalty, mysticism, occultism. 210. (Moon). Laziness, dreams, fantasies. Critical degree. 220. (Saturn). Wound, bankruptcy, danger from animals, persistence. 230. (Jupiter). Vigilance, loyalty of communication, mobility, idealistic anarchism, dramatic talent. At the damage by Saturn rheumatism. 240. (Mars). Anxieties, losses, weakness, Possibility of criminal crimes. 250. (The sun). Riches, dignity, danger, love of power, wound of other man, at damaged Venus abscesses, alcoholism, immorality, use of drugs, propensity to suicide. 260. (Venus). Deep senses and thoughts of mystic, alarm and falling. Musical capabilities, nervous breakdown. 270. (Mercury). Durable permanent profit and property, memory, research spirit, capacity for painting and astrology. At the damage tumours.

280. (Moon). Passion to pleasures, hop, considerable role of own personality. 290. (Saturn). Military business, representativeness and dignity, success, at the damage by Uranium, Mars and mercury neuritis. 300. (Jupiter). Dignity, self-confidence, ascent, great expectations. PISCES 10. (Jupiter). Ambivalent conduct, happiness, happy partnership and marriage, propensity to asceticism. 20. (Mars). Lack of initiative, not enough boldness, fears, unwillingness to work. 30. (The sun). Passion to pleasures, not enough calmness, high aspirations. 40. (Venus). Calmness, not enough impulses, propensity to mysticism. Asthma, askeza. Critical degree. 50. (Mercury). Ljubov, friendship, passion to pleasures, interest to the theater and art, doubtful influencing, insidious chances. 60. (Moon). Faith in the womanish help, heavy profit, unhappy enterprises. 70. (Saturn). Oratorical capacities, propensity to the art, fantasy, interest for a cult. 80. (Jupiter). Aspirations, hopes, riches. 90. (Mars). Passionate adherent of religion, emigration, journeys, renunciation, possibility of criminal crimes, propensity to murder, rheumatism. 100. (The sun). Propensity to chemistry, to medicine, exploitations, harm from a superfluous aggressiveness and violence. 110. (Venus). Danger, going from trouble, contemplative, astrologic capabilities. 120. (Mercury). Cowardice, thoughtfulness, aspirations, auction capabilities. 130. (Moon). Large love and large passion, good actor, superfluous changes of senses. 140. (Saturn). Dangerous profession and work, love to nature, agriculture and art, fame. 150. (Jupiter). Capacity for surgery, to medicine, cunning, energy, distant roads. 160. (Mars). Ljubov to family, danger for the life, vigilance, exactness, successes. 170. (The sun). Sacrificial, danger for the life, passion. Critical degree. 180. (Venus). Ljubov to sport, rivalry, danger caused by women, at the damage the asthma. 190. (Mercury). Fight without success, disappointment, lack of boldness. 200. (Moon). Fantasy, nervous illnesses, strong instincts. 210. (Saturn). Disputes, trouble, wound. 220. (Jupiter). Women, hoodoo, love to the sea captured a fate. At the damage danger of madness. At good aspektatsii capacities for medicine and painting. At the damage of Mars and mercury danger of injury, prick, explosion and fire. 230. (Mars). Carelessness, crabbiness, sensuality, itch, effort, at the damage illnesses of spine. 240. (The sun). Sensuality, strong love, marriage, at the damage danger of cancer. 250. (Venus). Reproaches of conscience, itch, temptation, danger of cancer, gout. 260. (Mercury). Sharp mind, battle conduct, victory. Picturesque capabilities. At the damage danger of suicide. 270. (Moon). Spending on women, love to nature, happiness, inflammation of buds. 280. (Saturn). Cunning in all, successes, influencing. At the damage danger of tuberculosis, in attitude toward an eighth house and Saturn danger to drown. 290. (Jupiter). Piety, danger from water, policy. 300. (Mars). Strong sensuality, egoism, tests. Critical degree.

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