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System Development Methods

System Development Methods (CT046-3-2)

Malaysian Telecom (Kennan Inventory System)
Group Assignment

Lecturer: Sivananthan A/L Chelliah Submitted by: - Mohammad Uzair -Sathya A/L Mariappan -Vikknenthan A/L Sivalinggam Intake: UC2F1007ITNC (TP021755) (TP023574) (TP020730)

System Development Methods

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Pert Chart ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Gantt Chart ................................................................................................................................................... 5 WorkLoad Matrix .......................................................................................................................................... 6 SELECTION OF METHODOLODIES ................................................................................................................. 8 SDLC (SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE) ....................................................................................... 9 RAD (Rapid Applications Development) ................................................................................................. 11 Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) ................................................................. 13 Justification of the Chosen Methodology ................................................................................................... 15 Problem Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Overview of the proposed system .............................................................................................................. 17 Process Model for Proposed System .......................................................................................................... 18 Level 0 ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Level 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 DFD Level 1.................................................................................................................................................. 21 Data Models- Proposed System .................................................................................................................. 22 Data Dictionary for Proposed System ......................................................................................................... 23 Data flows ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Data stores .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Processes................................................................................................................................................. 25 Source and Sink ....................................................................................................................................... 26 Event Model ................................................................................................................................................ 27 Physical Design:........................................................................................................................................... 29

System Development Methods


Many companies and organizations have realized significant growth over the past decade but they are finding it difficult to continue to drive maximum output from traditional ways of office work.Malaysian Telecommunication Services Bhd is an example.Malaysian Telecommunication Services Bhd. is required an inventory system to manage in house inventory needs. The main purpose behind implementing or creating a new system for the inventory is that it will reduce the workload of the workers. The objective of the proposed system is to reduce labor and paper costs and to make the employees concentrate on their job more. Besides that, it allows the company to keep track of its stock level.

System Development Methods

Pert Chart

Understanding the case study 15/9/2010 17/9/2010

18/9/2010 18/9/2010

Distributing group work 19/9/2010 19/9/2010

19/9/2010 19/9/2010

Introducing to the project 20/9/2010 21/9/2010

22/9/2010 22/9/2010

Schedule planning 22/9/2010 27/9/2010 22/9/2010 27/9/2010

Choosing methodology and justifying 28/9/2010 28/9/2010

5/10/2010 5/10/2010

System analysis & new system introduction 6/10/2010 6/10/2010

10/10/2010 11/10/2010

Designing Process Model 12/10/2010 12/10/2010

Designing Data Model 15/10/2010 15/10/2010 15/10/2010 15/10/2010 19/10/2010 19/10/2010 Data dictionary 20/10/2010 20/10/2010 20/10/2010 20/10/2010

Designing website interface 15/10/2010 15/10/2010

Designing Database ELH 30/10/2010 30/10/2010 15/10/2010 15/10/2010 30/10/2010 30/10/2010 20/10/2010 20/10/2010 21/10/2010 21/10/2010

Linking database to interface 30/10/2010 30/10/2010

6/11/2010 6/11/2010

Reviewing and compiling 7/11/2010 7/11/2010

8/11/2010 8/11/2010

System Development Methods


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System Development Methods

WorkLoad Matrix
Mohammad Uzair Comprehending the case study Introduction analyzing current system identifying current system resources (problems solutions ) Identifying processes building system Preparing schedule report and team distribution work Comparison methodologies Choosing suitable methodology the system Justifying choosing methodology Identifying the of the for of 90% 5% in the 5% 90% 5% & and its 5% 5% 90% and the 5% 90% 5% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% Sathya Mariappan a/l Vickey


System Development Methods



working with the methodology chosen Interpreting and

preparing for the prototype of the system Understanding the requirement of the users in order to build interface Designing logical design Designing physical design Reviewing project Compiling documenting and the interactive

System Development Methods


Nowadays, organizations use a standard set of steps called system development methodology in order to conduct all the procedures necessary to analyze, test, implement, record, and maintain information systems. There are several methodologies that can be used in planning a system. These methodologies are meant to be used to develop an information system therefore; the system can work well and effectively according to its purposes. It is an essential to choose the appropriate methodology in developing an information system because different systems have different characteristics. There are many methodologies available, but for this assignment our team will discuss the most three suitable methodologies and from these three methodologies the team will choose the best method and apply in the system. The following are the methodologies that will be discussed. 1- System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). 2- Rapid Application Development (RAD). 3- Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM).

System Development Methods


The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application. The SDLC provides a structured and standardized process for all phases of any system development effort. This methodology is usually used in developing a large project, so it needs extensive amount of time (usually more than 1 year) in order to complete the system. This methodology needs large fund and more efforts in completing a system. SDLC consists of six stages as it shown below:1- Planning 2- Systems analysis 3- Systems design 4- Testing 5- Implementing 6- Maintenance

1- Planning This stage is determining what the goal is and what the best way that used to reach to the goal. In this planning stage, it is very important to give consideration in some important factors such as equipment types, costs, employee willingness to learn, and employee knowledge. 2- Systems Analysis This stage includes a detailed study of the business needs of the organization and determines where the problem is. Options for changing the business process may be considered under this stage.

System Development Methods

3- Systems Design Once the problems have been identified it would be appropriate time to start to design the system to solve the problems that have been identified. Design focuses on high level design like, what programs are needed and how are they going to interact, low-level design (how the individual programs are going to work), interface design (what are the interfaces going to look like) and data design (what data will be required). 4- Implementing

In this phase the designs are translated into code. That means the actual codes will be accomplished during this stage. Different high level programming languages like C, C++, and Java are used for coding. With respect to the type of application, the right programming language is chosen.

5- Testing Once the system is built, the functionality of the individual subsystems is tested to ensure proper operation; this process is called stub testing. After the successful of testing of each subsystem, the entire system is tested to ensure all subsystems work together properly and to ensure that interfaces between modules work and this is called (integration testing) 6- Maintenance

Upon successful completion of Testing the project can move on to Implementation. Maintenance stage is the most important step of all because the company or the organization is using the system immediately stops using the old system in favor of the new one. Maintenance is responsible to keep track in what happening during the rest of the system's life such as changes, correction, additions, and debugs the errors


System Development Methods

RAD (Rapid Applications Development)

According to James Martin, "Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a development lifecycle designed to give much faster development and higher-quality results than those achieved with the traditional lifecycle. It is designed to take the maximum advantage of powerful development software that has evolved recently According to Professor Clifford Kettemborough of Whitehead College, University of Redlands, defines Rapid Application Development as an approach to building computer systems which combines Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (CASE) tools and techniques, user-driven prototyping, and stringent project delivery time limits into a potent, tested, reliable formula for top-notch quality and productivity. RAD drastically raises the quality of finished systems while reducing the time it takes to build them.

RAD is a way of developing software that uses modern, powerful, developing environments to make the process of software development better and faster. The idea behind RAD Methodology is to accelerate the requirements analysis and design phases and to reduce the amount of time until the users begin to see a working system. It involves the system users in the analysis, design, and construction activities. It makes users know how the system runs so the users can give suggestion or what they want in the system.


System Development Methods

Components of RAD

User involvement is key to success Prototyping is conducted in sessions similar to Joint Application Design (JAD) Prototyping screens become screens within the production system CASE tools are used to design the prototypes

Rapid Application Development systems commonly have these advantages and disadvantages as it shown in the following table.

Advantages - Dramatic time savings on the systems

Disadvantages - This method may not be useful for

development effort and it can save money large, unique or highly complex projects. and human effort. -Ability to rapidly change systems design as demanded by users. - System optimized for users involved in RAD process. - The result will likely satisfy the users. - Neither testing nor implementing stages are covered. - Difficulty with module reuse for future systems. - High cost of commitment on the part of key user personnel. - Concentrates on essential system elements from user viewpoint. - Lack of scalability designed into system and lack of attention to later systems administration built into system. - Increased speed of development. That is - Documentation is not important in

mean the speed increases can be achieved RAD. Once the system has been using a variety of methods including, rapid prototyping, virtualization of system related routines, the use of CASE tools and other techniques. completed, if there is any mistake or error in it, it is hard to detect because there is no proper documentation.


System Development Methods

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM)

SSADM is basically a systems approach to the analysis and design of information systems. SSADM is a waterfall method in which an information system design can be done. SSADM was developed in the UK by CCT (Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency) in the early 1980's. (, unknown year) This methodology is commonly used in UK. SSADM methodology adopts the SDLC phases. The steps in SSADM are similar with SDLC, but it does not cover strategic information technology plan (SITP) issues or the construction, testing and implementation of the eventual system (software). (, unknown year) SSADM has three different components. Structures are the first component that defines the frameworks of activities, steps and stages, and their inputs and outputs. Second component is called technique, which define how the activities are performed. Lastly, documentation is a component to define how the products of the activities, steps, and stages are presented. SSADM consists of 5 main modules as it shown below: Feasibility study Requirement analysis Requirement specification Logical system specification Physical design 1- Feasibility study it defines the problem and it involves documenting each of the potential solutions to a particular business problem. Feasibility study consists of a single stage (Stage 0 Feasibility), which involves conducting a high level analysis of a business area to determine whether a system can cost effectively support the business requirements.


System Development Methods

2- Requirements analysis. It is identifying of the requirements and needs of the system and modeling these needs in terms of the processes carried out. Requirements analysis consists of 2 stages. Stage 1 investigation of current environment and Stage 2 business system options. During stage 1 the systems requirements are identified and the current business environment is modeled in terms of the processes carried out and the data structures involved. During stage 1 data flow diagrams (DFDs) and logical data structure (LDS) are used to produce detailed logical models of the current system. Establish analysis framework. PIECES framework (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, Services) during stage 2 DFDs and LDS are produced to support and define each business system option and the final chosen option. 3- Requirements Specification consists of a single stage (Stage 3 Definition of Requirements) which involves further developing the work carried out in requirements analysis, detailed functional and non-functional requirements are identified in detail and new techniques are introduced to define the required processing and data structures. In stage 3 (definition of requirements) the DFDs and LDS are refined and cross validated in the light of the chosen business system option. The LDS is enhanced using relational data analysis (normalization).

4- Logical System Specification; consists of 2 stages, Stage 4 Technical System Options and Stage 5 Logical Design, and this module. This includes the design of update and enquiry processing. In stage 4 technical system options specifying the development and implementation environments are produced, one being selected. In stage 5 the logical design of update and enquiry processing and system dialogues is carried out

5- Physical Design it is the last module in SSADM. Physical Design; Module 5 Physical Design consists of a single stage (Stage 6 Physical Design) in which the logical system specification and technical system specification are used to create a physical database design and a set of program specifications.


System Development Methods

Justification of the Chosen Methodology

For this assignment, our team has chosen structured system analysis and design methodology (SSADM) as the best method comparing to the other two methodologies SDLC and RAD for several reasons. The following paragraphs are showing why our team has chosen SSADM instead of one of the other methodologies that have mentioned above. Timelines, theoretically, SSADM allows one to plan, manage and control a project well. Therefore, these points are essential because its deliver the product on time. (, unknown year) Besides that, it effective use of skills, that is mean SSADM does not require very special skills and can it easily teach to the staff. Moreover, one of the primary reasons for the selection SSADM is better quality, which means, SSADM reduces the error rate of the system by defining a certain quality level in the beginning and constantly checking the system. Furthermore, one benefit of using the SSADM is that it uses three different techniques (data flow modeling, logical data modeling, entity event modeling) to analyze how viable a new information system will be. For example, data flow modeling examines the ways data flows through the system, the areas where the data is held and how the data changes between forms. Logical data modeling shows the interconnectedness of the data and how these parts relate to one another. Entity event modeling shows the context of the data how it relates to events that occur in the business. As a result of that, by using these three different methods, a company can create a model that is more exact and comprehensive.

Comparing to RAD and SDLC, SSADM is more efficient than RAD, because in RAD code is not hand crafted. Besides that, in RAD successful efforts difficult to repeat (no two projects evolve the same way) (, unknown year) On the other hand, lack of proper documentation is one of the reasons why a program with no SDLC model is undesirable.


System Development Methods

Problem Analysis
Telecom used to work things out manually. This included searching for records of customers, taking reports on paper and so on. So, the whole system was previously very slow. To ensure a better and more efficient process, this new inventory system called the Kennan is created. Kennan is the latest system that will be used by the companys cashier, management staff, data entry clerk, inventory personnel and sales person. This new system provides a better place to work for the current employees. Kennan is created to make the life of the Telecom employees easier and also to make sure that a corporate company like Telecom keeps up with the pace of the world.


System Development Methods

Overview of the proposed system

The management of Telecom has decided to implement a new system called the KENNAN. This system helps the organization a lot of ways. The system enables the company to reduce labor and paper costs since many ofthe daily functions will then be automated. It allows employees to concentrate on their jobs rather than spending time on searching records. Human errors can be reduced e.g. calculation error might lead to wrong billing to the customers. It allows the company to keep track of its stock levels as late replenishment of inventory can result in insufficient stocks to meet customer demands. The time it takes to process sales to customers can be made faster. Faster response time means that sale of items can be quickly closed. It presents a good image to the companys clients leading to more confidence in the company. This allows it to gain a competitive advantage over its competitor.Inventory levels can be closely and easily watched with the new system as the management has better control over inventory levels. This is because inventory levels are updated every time a sale to customer is made and whenever new stocks arrive.


System Development Methods

Process Model for Proposed System

Context diagram


System Development Methods

Level 0


System Development Methods

Level 1

DFD level 1 Process 1

1.1 ___________
Register via telephone

Phone number

1.1.1 ___________
identifying customer through phone number Unidentified phone no.

D | Customer

Register Customer information


1.2 ___________
Register via coming to headquarters Customer's appointment

1.2.1 ___________
identifying customer through making an appointment Unknown customer

1.4 ___________
gathering new customer information Existing customer's info


Unregistered customer

1.3 ___________
Register via website

1.3.1 ___________
Customer login identifying customer through customer's login


System Development Methods

DFD Level 1
DFD level 1 Process 2

2.1 ________ Customer register via face to face

2.1.1 ___________
Appointment identifying customer through making an appointment

Collecting info

Customer register 2.2 ___________ Customer register via phone 2.2.1 ___________
Phone num identifying customer through phone number Collecting info

Customer register

2.4 ___________
Obtaining apparel details

Order details

Customer register

Collecting info

2.3 ___________ Customer register via sending email

2.3.1 ___________
login identifying customer through customer's email name

DFD level 1 Process 9

9.1.1 ___________ Identifying supplier through invoice or contract
Payment details

9.1 ___________ Cash payment




9.2 ___________ Online payment


9.2.1 ___________ Identifying supplier via accounting num

Payment details

9.4 ___________ Completing procedures

Payment Payment details

Compete pay

9.3 ___________ Pay via credit card


9.3.1 ___________ Identifying supplier via accounting num


System Development Methods

Data Models- Proposed System

Manager PK ManagerID MFName MLName Phone_num PK

Switch SwitchID

SName Series Day_configure FK1 RouterID

Router Customer PK CustomerID PK RouterID

C_FName C_LName Phone_num Address Gender Email FK1 ManagerID

R_name Series time FK1 ManagerID

C_Account PK AcountNum

Phone_Model PK PhoneID

A_day A_time Branch FK1 CustomerID

P_model Series P_line Time Day FK1 CustomerID


System Development Methods

Data Dictionary for Proposed System

Data Dictionary is a special kind of dictionary used as reference book, that contains the details of the data items and data structure of DFD. In DFD our team gave the names to source and sink, data flows, processes and data stores. These names are the descriptive ofthe data. They do not give details so data dictionary is formed to keep the detail of the source and sink data flows, processes and data store. Data flows are the pipelines to carry data connect the processes, external entities and data stores on a DFD. The composition of data is known and defined in a data dictionary. Data stores that contain data are called data stores. Data stores represents holding areas for collection of data. Data stores are used when different processes need to share information but are active at different times and only processes are connected to data stores. Processes transform incoming data flows into outgoing data flows in a defined manner. A process is a distinct activity (or set of activities) described by its inputs and outputs, and describes a unique behavior that has a beginning and an end, and it is performed repeatedly. Sources and sinks are also known as external entities. External entities define the sources and destinations of information entering and leaving the system. An external entity can be any class of people, an organization, or another system that has predefined behavior.


System Development Methods

Data flows
Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Register Obtaining customer's information. Customer Customer data store. Request order Customer request apparels. Customer. Cashier. Payment Cashier pays apparels invoice to the supplier. Cashier Supplier. Maintenance Management staff writes report about status. Management staff. Report data store.

Data stores
Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Record: Customer data stores Stores customers information and provided report. Customers Information. Customers report. Customers details (name, gender, address, phone).

Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Record:

Maintenance data stores Providing reports about status. Maintenance report. Maintenance status. Customer status.


System Development Methods

Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Process num: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Process num: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Process num: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Process num: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Process num: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Process num: Register Stores customers information. New customer. Customer data store. 1.0 Order apparels Customer requests apparels from cashier. New customer. Cashier. 2.0 Receive order Cashier order apparels from warehouse. Cashier. Warehouse. 3.0 Purchase Warehouse purchase apparels from supplier. Warehouse purchase order. Supplier receives order and sends apparels and invoice. 4.0 Customer payscashier. Customer Cashier 10.0 Generate invoice Warehouse provides invoice and give it to management staff to pays supplier. Warehouse. Management staff 6.0


System Development Methods

Source and Sink

Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: Name: Description: Input Data Flows: Output Data Flows: New customer Person who registers with Telecom Customers details. Receipt of membership. Warehouse Warehouse for apparels, place where all apparels stored. Receive apparels from supplier. Gives apparels to customers.

Cashier A person who is responsible of money. Invoices, reports. Full payment. Supplier Organization which supply apparels. Money from Telecom. apparels. Management staff A person who works in Telecom. Information Create report


System Development Methods

Event Model
Entity Life History




Face to face



Customer info *

End of contract








Repairing Report *

Create report *










Firewall *



Contract ended


System Development Methods

Sales person


Sales person life



Interview *

Register customer *



Contract ended


System Development Methods

Physical Design:
The physical design and prototype for the project has been developer using Visual Basic 6.0 and Access database, the database and VB6.0 application have been linked together to keep records of all processes performed by the system. The following figures of the prototype demonstrate how the system is going to perform.

Welcome Screen Once you run the program you will see this screen before the login screen,

Login Screen After the Welcome screen you will be prompt to write the username and password Username:sdm


System Development Methods


Main Screen After the login you will see the main screen which consists of different functions. On this menu we can record, view, update, delete, and print the data and invoice.


System Development Methods

Item Entry On this page you can insert the new data of the product or the services.


System Development Methods

Bill Entry In this form you can save the bill.


System Development Methods

Daily Expense Form This form helps you record the daily expense.


System Development Methods

Purchase Form This form helps you record the data about the purchases which you made.


System Development Methods

Sale Master Form This form helps you records the data of the clients to whom the goods are sold.


System Development Methods

View Form This form let you view all the data stored inside the system regarding inventories.


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