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Course Plan and Syllabus 2012

Course Code: ISSSV1850 Course Name: Scandinavian Government & Politics Course Leader: Jeff Lugowe Time: 8:15-10am, M-F Date Week 1 June 25 Introduction to the course and each other Themes of the course and required readings Course requirements and assessment Nation-building in the case of Norway Hilson, Mary. "Introduction: The Historical Meanings of Scandinavia." 11-24 Heidar, Knut. "Chapter 1: Small-Scaled, Egalitarian, and Territorially Based." 1-9 Hylland Eriksen, Thomas. "Being Norwegian in a Shrinking World: Reflections on Norwegian Identity." 11-37 The development of the Norwegian and Scandinavian party systems Hilson, Mary. "Chapter 1: Consensual Democracies? The Nordic Political Model" (excerpts). 25-37 Heidar, Knut. "Chapter 2: People, Society and History." 11-31 June 27 Wittrock, Bjrn. "The Making of Sweden" (excerpts). 52-63 Viby Mogensen, Gunnar. "Danes and their Politicians" (excerpts). 1419 Social democracy in Scandinavia Hilson, Mary. "Chapter 1: Consensual Democracies? The Nordic Model" (excerpts). 37-46 June 28 Eriksen, Erik Oddvar. "Norwegian social democracy and political governance." 131-148 Therborn, Gran. "A unique chapter in the history of democracy: the Social Democrats in Sweden." 1-33 Topic/ Readings/ Lecturer Optional Readings

June 26

Halvorsen, Knut and Steinar Stjern (2008). "Chapter 1: From Poverty to a Welfare State."

Molin, Karl. "Historical Orientation" (excerpts). xviixxviii

June 29

Social democracy in the 21st century Excursion: Landsorganisasjonen i Norge (LO) / Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (tentative) Tilton, Tim. "The role of ideology in Social Democratic politics." 429455

Meyer, Henning. "European Social Democracy in Crisis." 67-69 The Economist. "The strange death of social-democratic Sweden." 1-3 Week 2 New social cleavages and the expansion of the Scandinavian party spectrum Hilson, Mary. "Chapter 1: Consensual Democracies? The Nordic Model" (excerpts). 46-55 Arter, David. "Chapter 5: The 'earthquake elections' of 1970-73 and the emergence of new party types.' 103-132. Norwegian politics, I. Introduction to "The stuff campaigns are made of" (group projects) July 03 Heidar, Knut. "Chapter 4: Political forces and political participation" (excerpts). 61-70 Rokkan, Stein. "Chapter 3: Norway - numerical democracy and corporate pluralism." 70-115 Norwegian politics, II. Film: Oljeberget / The Rich Country July 04 Arter, David. "The Scandinavian party system(s) since 1970: less unidimensional and less distinctive?" 46-62. Please note: film screening held jointly with Contemporary Norwegian Society from 1-3pm Norwegian politics, III. Excursion: Stortinget / The Norwegian parliament Heidar, Knut. "Chapter 3: Political institutions." 33-59 The Economist. Norways election: rich but worried. Please note: excursion undertaken together with Contemporary Norwegian society from 1-3pm Parliamentary government and elections in Scandinavia, I. July 06 Heidar, Knut. "Chapter 4: Political forces and political participation" (excerpts). 70-85 van der Eijk, Cees and Mark N. Franklin. "Studying elections, parties and voters" (excerpts). 27-46

July 02

July 05

Week 3 Parliamentary government and elections in Scandinavia, II. Class exercise: forming a coalition government July 09 Heidar, Knut. "Norwegian parties and the party system: steadfast and changing." 807-833 The Nordic welfare state model Hilson, Mary. "Chapter 3: The Nordic model of welfare" 87-115 Esping-Anderson, Gsta. "Chapter 1: The three

July 10

Manow, Philip. "Electoral rules, class coalitions and welfare state regimes, or how to explain Esping-Andersen with Stein Rokkan." 101121 The welfare state under fire Huntford, Roland. "Introduction" and "Welfare as an instrument of control." 7-13, 182-203 July 11 Callaghan, John. The Retreat of Social Democracy (excerpts). 122127, 143-149 Film: Den brysomme mannen/The Bothersome Man (excerpts) July 12 July 13 Week 4 The stuff campaigns are made of, I. Debates over the welfare state in Norway Group presentations Esping-Anderson, Gsta. "Towards the good society, once again?" 125 July 16 Goul Andersen, Jrgen. "The Danish Welfare State as Politics for Markets: Combining Equality and Competitiveness in a Global Economy." 71-78 The Economist. "The Swedish model: Admire the best, forget the rest." 1-7 Immigration to Scandinavia Brochmann, Grete and Knut Kjeldstadli. "Introduction," "Newcomers in the era of the nation state, 1814 to 1940," "Postwar growth and open borders and "Immigration and immigrants in the 1970s" (excerpts) 11-27, 87-109, 192-212 A multicultural Norway? Excursion: semi-structured walk around inner-eastern Oslo undertaken in small groups July 18 Kymlicka, Will. "The rise and fall of multiculturalism?: new debates on inclusion and accomodation in diverse societies." 32-49 Hylland Eriksen, Thomas. "The Pakistani Norwegians." 1-2 Hylland Eriksen, Thomas. "The Norwegians who don't exist." 1-2 No Classes: Long Weekend No Classes: Long Weekend

political economies of the welfare state." 161-184


July 17

Debates about diversity in Scandinavia Hedetoft, Ulf. "Denmark versus multiculturalism." 111-129 July 19 Levey Brahm, Geoffrey and Tariq Modood. "Chapter 10: Liberal democracy, multicultural citizenship and the Danish cartoon controversy." 216-243.

Modood, Tariq (2007). Chapter 1: Is Multiculturalism Appropriate for the 21st century?, in Multiculturalism: a civic idea, Polity Press, Cambridge. Mouritsen, Per. "Chapter 5: The particular universalism of a Nordic civic nation. Common values, state religion and Islam in Danish political culture." 70-89

Norwegian identity: an expanding rubber band? Gullestad, Marianne in Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond. 69-87 July 20 Hylland Eriksen, Thomas. Diversity versus difference: Neo-liberalism in the minority debate. 13-36 Please note: class today to be held jointly with Contemporary Norwegian Society from 1-3pm Week 5 The politics of asylum Excursion: IMDi (Integrering- og Mangfoldsdirektoratet/Directorate for Integration and Diversity) July 23 Brekke, Jan Paul and Monica Five Aarset. Why Norway? Understanding asylum destinations (excerpts). 9-14, 37-48, 89-98 Hervik, Peter. The emergence of neo-nationalism in Denmark. 92-106 The populist/far-right in Scandinavia, I. Albertazzi, Danielle and Duncan McDonnell. Introduction: the sceptre and the spectre. 1-11 Bjrklund, Tor and Jrgen Goul Andersen. Scandinavia and the far right. 147-162 Hagelund, Anniken. The Progress Party and the problem of culture: immigration politics and right-wing populism in Norway. 147-163 The populist/far-right in Scandinavia, II. Rydgren, Jens. Sweden: the Scandinavian exception. 135-150 July 25 The Economist. The far right in northern Europe: on the march. The Economist. The Sweden Democrats: living with the far right. The stuff campaigns are made of, II. Contemporary politics in Denmark and Sweden. Klingemann, Hans-Dieter. Appendix I: Parties, elections and politics (excerpts). 267-269, 272-274. March, Luke. Modern democratic socialists or old-style social democrats? (excerpts) 102-107. The Economist. The Swedish model: admire the best, forget the rest. The Economist. The Swedish election: moderate and happy. July 26 The Economist. Swedens general election: stalemate in Sweden. The Economist. Swedens Social Democrats: fading charms. The Economist. Swedish Social Democrats: in the dumps. The Economist. Danish politics: to vote, or not to vote? The Economist. Denmarks election: a left turn for Denmark. The Economist. Danish politics: Helles horrid honeymoon.

July 24

Norwegian political culture Case studies: gender equality and the environment Lister, Ruth. Gender, citizenship, and social justice in the Nordic countries: the views from the outside. 215-221 July 27 Skjeie, Hege and Birte Siim. Scandinavian feminist debates on citizenship. 345-360 Selle, Per. Environmentalism between state and local community: why Greenpeace has failed in Norway. 391-407 Week 6 Europe as seen from Scandinavia Pettersen, Per Arnt, et. al.. The 1994 E.U. referendum in Norway: continuity and change. 257-281 July 30 Lindstrm, Ulf. Euro-Consent, Euro-Contract, or Euro-Coercion? 81-97 The Economist. Jens Stoltenberg, Norways cautious prime minister. The Economist. To opt in or not to opt in. July 31 August 1 August 2 August 3 Exam review Final written exam Cini, Michelle (2007). Chapter 1: Introduction

Reading List
Week 1 Hilson, Mary (2008). Introduction: The Historical Meanings of Scandinavia, The Nordic Model: Scandinavian since 1945, Reaktion Books, London. Heidar, Knut. Chapter 1: Small-scaled, egalitarian, and territorially-based in Heidar, Knut (2001). Norway: Elites on Trial, Westview Press, Boulder. Hylland Eriksen, Thomas. "Being Norwegian in a shrinking world: Reflections on Norwegian Identity." (digital compendium) Halvorsen, Knut & Stjern, Steinar (2008) Chapter 1: From poverty to a welfare state in Work, Oil and Welfare: The Welfare State in Norway, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo Hilson, Mary (2008). Chapter 1: Consensual democracies? The Nordic political model, The Nordic Model: Scandinavian since 1945, Reaktion Books, London. Heidar, Knut (2001). Chapter 2: People, society and history in Norway: Elites on Trial, Westview Press, Boulder Wittrock, Bjrn (2004). "The Making of Sweden. (digital compendium) Viby Mogensen, Gunnar (1993). The historical analysis: changing roots of Danish politics in Danes and their Politicians : A Summary of the Findings of a Research Project on Political Credibility in Denmark, Aarhus University Press, Aarhus. Molin, Karl. "Historical orientation" in Klaus Misgeld, Karl Molin, and Klas mark (eds.) (1992) Creating social Democracy : A Century of the Social Democratic Labor Party in Sweden, Pennsylvania State University Press, State College. Eriksen, Erik Oddvar. Norwegian social democracy and political governance in Cohen Kiel, Anne (ed.)(1993) Continuity and Change: Aspects of Contemporary Norway, Scandinavian University Press, Oslo. Therborn, Gran. "A unique chapter in the history of democracy: the Social Democrats in Sweden in Klaus Misgeld, Karl Molin, and Klas mark (eds.) (1992) Creating social Democracy : A Century of the Social Democratic Labor Party in Sweden, Pennsylvania State University Press, State College. Tilton, Tim. "The role of ideology in Social Democratic politics in Klaus Misgeld, Karl Molin, and Klas mark (eds.) (1992) Creating social Democracy : A Century of the Social Democratic Labor Party in Sweden, Pennsylvania State University Press, State College. Meyer, Henning (2010). "European Social Democracy in Crisis." (digital compendium) The Economist (2010). "The strange death of social-democratic Sweden." (digital compendium)

Week 2 Hilson, Mary (2008). Chapter 1: Consensual Democracies? The Nordic Political Model, The Nordic Model: Scandinavian since 1945, Reaktion Books, London. Arter, David (2008): Chapter 5: The earthquake elections of 1970-73 and the emergence of new party types in Scandinavian Politics Today, 2nd edition, Manchester University Press, Manchester. Heidar, Knut. "Chapter 4: Political forces and political participation" in Heidar, Knut (2001). Norway: Elites on Trial, Westview Press, Boulder, C.O.. Rokkan, Stein: Chapter 3: Norway Numerical Democracy and corporate pluralism, in Dahl, Robert A. (1996) Political oppositions in western democracies. Yale University Press, New Haven and London

Arter, David. "The Scandinavian party system(s) since 1970: less uni-dimensional and less distinctive?" in Democracy in Scandinavia : consensual, majoritarian or mixed? (2006). Manchester University Press, Manchester. Heidar, Knut. "Chapter 3: Political institutions" in Heidar, Knut (2001). Norway: Elites on Trial, Westview Press, Boulder, C.O.. The Economist (2009). Norways election: rich but worried. (digital compendium) van der Eijk, Cees and Mark N. Franklin (2009). "Studying elections, parties and voters" (excerpts). 27-46 in Elections and Voters, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmills.

Week 3 Heidar, Knut: Norwegian parties and the party system: Steadfast and changing in West European Politics, Vol. 28, No. 4, 807-833, September 2005. (digital compendium) Hilson, Mary (2008). Chapter 3: The Nordic Model of Welfare, The Nordic Model: Scandinavian Since 1945, Reaktion Books, London. Manow, Philip (2009). "Electoral rules, class coalitions and welfare state regimes, or how to explain Esping-Andersen with Stein Rokkan." (digital compendium) Esping-Anderson, Gsta (1990): Chapter 1 The Three Political Economies of the Welfare State in The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Polity Press, Cambridge Huntford, Roland (1975) "Introduction" and "Welfare as an instrument of control, The New Totalitarians, Allen Lane, London. Callaghan, John (2000). Ideological retreat of the left in the 1980s and Warfare on welfare (excerpts) in The Retreat of Social Democracy, Manchester University Press, Manchester. 122-127, 143-149

Week 4 Esping-Anderson, Gsta (2002). Towards the good society, once again? in Why We Need a New Welfare State, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Goul Anderson, Jrgen (2007). The Danish Welfare State as Politics for Markets: Combining Equality and Competitiveness in a Global Economy (digital compendium) The Economist (2006). The Swedish model: admire the best, forget the rest. Brochmann, Grete and Knut Kjeldstadli (2008). Introduction, Newcomers in the era of the nation state, 1814 to 1940, Postwar growth and open borders and Immigration and immigrants in the 1970s (excerpts) in A History of Immigration: The Case of Norway 900-2000, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. 11-27, 87-109, 192-212. Kymlicka, Will. The rise and fall of multiculturalism?: the new debates on inclusion and accomodation in diverse societies in Steven Vertovec and Susanne Wessendorf (eds.) (2010). The Multiculturalism Backlash: European Discourses, Policies and Practices, Routledge, London New York. Hylland Eriksen, Thomas (1997). The Pakistani Norwegians. (digital compendium) Hylland Eriksen, Thomas (1995). The Norwegians who dont exist. (digital compendium) Modood, Tariq (2007). Chapter 1: Is Multiculturalism Appropriate for the 21st century?, in Multiculturalism: A Civic Idea, Polity Press, Cambridge.

Hedetoft, Ulf. Denmark versus multiculturalism in Steven Vertovec and Susanne Wessendorf (eds.) (2010). The Multiculturalism Backlash: European Discourses, Policies and Practices, Routledge, London New York. Brahm Levey, Geoffrey & Modood, Tariq (2009). Chapter 10: Liberal democracy, multicultural citizenship and the Danish Cartoon controversy in Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Mourtisen, Per. The Particular Universalism of a Nordic Civic Nation Common Values, State Religion and Islam in Danish Political Culture in Triandafyllidou, Anna, Modood, Tariq and Zapata-Barrero, Ricard (2006). Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship: A European Approach, Routledge, London. Gullestad, Marianne. Imagined kinship: the role of descent in the rearticulation of Norwegian ethnonationalism in Gingrich, Andre and Marcus Banks (eds.) (2006) Neo-Nationalism in Europe and Beyond, Berghahn, London. Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. "Diversity versus difference: neo-liberalism in the minority debate" in Richard Rottenburg, Burkhar Schnepel, Shingo Shimada (eds.) (2006) The Making and Unmaking of Difference, Transaction, Bielefeld.

Week 5 Brekke, Jan-Paul and Monica Five Aarset. Why Norway?: understanding asylum destinations. (digital compendium) Hervik, Peter. The emergence of neo-nationalism in Denmark in Gingrich, Andre and Marcus Banks (eds.) (2006) Neo-Nationalism in Europe and Beyond, Berghahn, London. Albertazzi, Danielle and Duncan McDonnell. Introduction: the sceptre and the spectre in Albertazzi, Danielle and Duncan McDonnell (eds.) (2008) Twenty-First Century Populism: The Spectre of Western Democracy, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke. Bjrklund, Tor and Goul Andersen, Jrgen. Scandinavia and the Far Right in Davies, Peter & Jackson, Paul (eds) (2008) The Far Right in Europe: an Encyclopedia, Greenwood World Publishing, Oxford. Hagelund, Anniken. "The Progress Party and the problem of culture: immigration politics and right-wing populism in Norway" in Rydgren, Jens (ed.) (2005) Movements of Exclusion: Radical Right-Wing Populism in the Western World, Nova Science Publishers, New York. Rydgren, Jens. Sweden: the Scandinavian exception in Albertazzi, Danielle and Duncan McDonnell (eds.) (2008) Twenty-First Century Populism: The Spectre of Western Democracy, Palgrave MacMillan, Basing Stoke. The Economist (2011). The far right in northern Europe: on the march. (digital compendium) The Economist (2011). The Sweden Democrats: living with the far right. (digital compendium) Klingemann, Hans-Dieter. Appendix I: Parties, elections and politics (excerpts) in Thomassen, Jacques (ed.) (2005) The European Voter: A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 267-269, 272-274. March, Luke (2011). Modern democratic socialists or old-style social democrats? (excerpts) in Radical Left Parties in Europe, Routledge, New York The Economist (2006). The Swedish model: admire the best, forget the rest. (digital compendium) The Economist (2010). The Swedish election: moderate and happy. (digital compendium) The Economist (2010). Swedens general election: stalemate in Sweden. (digital compendium)

The Economist (2011). Swedens Social Democrats: fading charms. (digital compendium) The Economist (2012). Swedish Social Democrats: in the dumps. (digital compendium) The Economist (2011). Danish politics: to vote, or not to vote? (digital compendium) The Economist (2011). Denmarks election: a left turn for Denmark. (digital compendium) The Economist (2012). Danish politics: Helles horrid honeymoon. (digital compendium) Lister, Ruth. "Gender, citizenship, and social justice in the Nordic countries: the view from the outside" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson (eds.) (2008) in Gender Equality in Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The Limits of Political Ambition, Policy Press, Bristol. Skjeie, Hege and Birte Siim. Scandinavian feminist debates on citizenship. (digital compendium) Selle, Per. Environmentalism between state and local community: why Greenpeace has failed in Norway. (digital compendium)

Week 6 Lindstrm, Ulf (1992). Breathe impasse, part I: social democracy finding a social democratic Europe? in Euro-Consent, Euro-Contract or Euro-Coercion?, Scandinavian University Press, Oslo. The Economist (2000). Jens Stoltenberg, Norways cautious prime minister. The Economist (2012). To opt in or not to opt in. Pettersen, Per Arnt, et. al. (1996). The 1994 E.U. referendum in Norway: continuity and change. (digital compendium) Cini, Michelle (2007). Chapter 1: Introduction in European Union Politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

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