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Chapter 25 -New Immigration-people from Europe, Italians, Croats, Slovaks, Greeks, and Poles -nativism-anti-foreignism -American Protective Association-

created in 1887,nativist association -Brooklyn Bridge-completed 1883, added to NY glamour -Charles Darwin-theory that humans evolved from lower life forms -Social Gospel- the idea that the churches should solve the social issues -Salvation Army- helped the poor -Christian Science- founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879, Preached that Christianity heals sickness -Chautauqua movement-launched in 1874,education for adults -Booker T. Washington-taught black students, thought intelligence would solve the economic issues for blacks -George Washington Carver-slave-born, taught at Tuskegee Institute, internationally famous agricultural chemist who provided a much-needed boost to the southern economy by discovering hundreds of new uses for the lowly peanut (shampoo, axle grease), sweet potato (vinegar), and soybean (paint) -W.E.B. Dubois-earned a Ph.D. at Harvard, the first of his race, demanded complete equality for blacks, social as well as economic, to found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People -land-grant colleges-gift/trade of land for support of education -private philanthropy-individuals give money instead of government -John Hopkins University- specialized institution, opened in 1876 -elective system-allowed students to choose courses -Thomas A. Edison-invented phonograph -pragmatism-write by William James, psychology, described Americas greatest contribution to the history of philosophy, truth be tested -Joseph Pulitzer-journalistic tycoon, yellow journalism -William Randolph Hearst-opened the San Francisco Examiner in 1887,competitor of Pulitzer -Associated Press-newspaper company -Henry George-journalist/author, wrote Progress and Poverty -Edward Ballamy-he published a socialistic novel, Looking Backward -Emily Dickinson- poet, died before she was famous -Sidney Lanier- southern poet, wrote The Marshes of Glynn -Mark twain-wrote The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1867) and The Innocents Abroad (1869),The Golden Age, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) -Jack London-The Call of the Wild (1903), The Iron Heel (1907) -Victoria Wood hull-proclaimed her belief in free love in 1871 -Anthony Comstock-morality police -Susan B. Anthony-radical Quaker, omens rights activist -Womens Christian Temperance League-organized in 1874,women against alcohol -National Prohibition Party-organized in 1869,against alcohol -American red Cross- 1881, Clara Barton -George Eastman-innovator, founded the Eastman Kodak Company and invented roll film -James Whistler-portrait painter -P.T. Barnum-American showman -Buffalo Bill Cody-William F.Cody,worked with P.T. Barnum

1.National groups associated with the New Immigration were from Europe, Italians, Croats, Slovaks, Greeks, and Poles. The natives reactions were to help them assimilate into American society in exchange for votes, other atavists preached Christianity to them, creating settlement houses, and others turned antiforeignism. They thought the foreigners were taking away their jobs since they were willing to work for less. The role that Congress and organized labor played in regulating immigration was to stop any undesirables and the Chinese. Some effects of rapid urbanization were that religion no longer played an important part of a persons life. 2.Charles Darwins theory of evolution affected religion because the theory stated that man had evolved from lower life forms, not created by God. Modernists believed that the bible was neither historically nor scientifically accurate. Fundamentalists believed in the bible and everything it stated. The social gospel was the idea that the churches should solve the social issues. 3.Some of the trends in education were that grade-school education was mandatory, tax-supported schools, free textbooks, and teacher-training schools were made. African Americans were receiving higher levels of education and many gave back to the community. Higher education for all was also growing through federal grants and private philanthropy. Libraries were growing. Journalists cared more about pleasing everyone than getting the facts out. Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois graduated from Harvard and founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. William James helped further the field of psychology. Andrew Carnegie gave $60 million for the creation of libraries nationwide. 4.Writers of this period were: Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward; General Lewis Wallace, Ben Hurrah tale of the Christ; Horatio Alger. Poets of this period were :Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Sidney Lanier. Reformers were Victoria Wood hull and Tennessee Claflin, both sisters who preached free love. Artists were Augustus Saint-Gardens, George Innless and John Singer Sargent. Women during this period were allowed to work and grew more independent. Many women were outspoken during this period. The National American Woman Suffrage Association was formed and women were allowed to vote on local matters. Temperance movements fared well during this time and the eighteenth amendment was made to the constitution which forbade the sale, consumption and transportation of alcohol.

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