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System Center Data Protection Manager 2010 Troubleshooting Guide

Microsoft Corporation Published: July 2010

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DPM 2010 Troubleshooting Guide .................................................................................................. 8 In This Section .............................................................................................................................. 8 Diagnostic Process for Request Tracking and Error Tracing ............................................................ 9 Request Tracking .......................................................................................................................... 9 Request Tracking Tuning Feature ............................................................................................. 9 Error Tracing................................................................................................................................. 9 Error Tracing Tuning Feature .................................................................................................... 9 Standard Troubleshooting Procedures.......................................................................................... 10 In This Section ............................................................................................................................ 10 Verifying Status of the DPM Service.............................................................................................. 11 Checking Name Resolution............................................................................................................ 12 Identifying DNS Errors ................................................................................................................... 13 Additional Resources ................................................................................................................. 14 Tools ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Resolving "Access Denied" Errors.................................................................................................. 15 Troubleshooting DPM Installation Issues ...................................................................................... 16 In This Section ............................................................................................................................ 16 Troubleshooting Installation Issues ............................................................................................... 16 Troubleshooting Protection Agent Installation Issues .................................................................. 19 Troubleshooting Remote SQL Server Issues.................................................................................. 27 Troubleshooting Error ID 4307 .................................................................................................. 27 Troubleshooting Data Protection Issues ....................................................................................... 28 In This Section ............................................................................................................................ 29 General Data Protection Issues ..................................................................................................... 29 File Server Protection Issues ......................................................................................................... 36 Exchange Server Protection Issues ................................................................................................ 38

SQL Server Protection Issues ......................................................................................................... 45 Windows SharePoint Protection Issues......................................................................................... 52 Windows Server Backup Issues ..................................................................................................... 55 System Protection Issues............................................................................................................... 56 Mirrored Databases Issues ............................................................................................................ 57 Virtual Server Protection Issues .................................................................................................... 58 Manual Replica Creation Issues..................................................................................................... 59 Incompatible Filter Driver Errors ................................................................................................... 62 Client Computer Protection Issues ................................................................................................ 63 Hyper-V Protection Issues ............................................................................................................. 64 Hyper-V Virtual Machine Protection Issues ............................................................................... 64 Troubleshooting Data Recovery Issues ......................................................................................... 66 In This Section ............................................................................................................................ 67 General Data Recovery Issues ....................................................................................................... 67 Exchange Server Recovery Issues .................................................................................................. 68 SQL Server Recovery Issues ........................................................................................................... 71 Windows SharePoint Recovery Issues ........................................................................................... 72 Tape Library Recovery Issues ........................................................................................................ 74 End-User Recovery Issues.............................................................................................................. 75 Computers in Workgroups and Untrusted Domains Recovery Issues .......................................... 76 Computers in Workgroups and Untrusted Domains Recovery Issues ....................................... 76 Troubleshooting Tape Library Management Issues ...................................................................... 77 Troubleshooting Reporting Issues ................................................................................................. 81 Troubleshooting Performance Issues ............................................................................................ 88 In This Section ............................................................................................................................ 88 Network Bandwidth Issues ............................................................................................................ 88

Troubleshooting Database Issues.................................................................................................. 89 Additional Resources for Troubleshooting Database Issues...................................................... 94 Troubleshooting Job Status Issues ................................................................................................ 95 Troubleshooting the DPM System Recovery Tool ......................................................................... 95 Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery Issues .................................................................................... 97 Troubleshooting General DPM Issues ........................................................................................... 98 DPM 2010 Error Code Catalog..................................................................................................... 102 Error Messages......................................................................................................................... 103 DPM Error Codes ......................................................................................................................... 294 In This Section .......................................................................................................................... 295 Reference ................................................................................................................................. 295 Error ID: 319 ................................................................................................................................ 296 Error #319 Data Protection Manager .................................................................................. 296 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 296 User Action............................................................................................................................... 296 Error ID: 324 ................................................................................................................................ 297 Error #324 Data Protection Manager .................................................................................. 297 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 297 User Action............................................................................................................................... 297 Installing an agent by using DPM Management Shell: ......................................................... 298 Uninstalling an agent by using DPM Management Shell:..................................................... 298 Upgrading an agent by using DPM Management Shell: ....................................................... 298 Error ID: 347 ................................................................................................................................ 299 Error #347 Data Protection Manager .................................................................................. 299 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 299 User Action............................................................................................................................... 299 Error ID: 958 ................................................................................................................................ 300 Error #958 Data Protection Manager .................................................................................. 300 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 300 User Action............................................................................................................................... 300 Error ID: 1243 .............................................................................................................................. 301 Error #1243 Data Protection Manager ................................................................................ 301 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 301

User Action............................................................................................................................... 301 Error ID: 3133 .............................................................................................................................. 302 Error #3133 Data Protection Manager ................................................................................ 302 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 303 User Action............................................................................................................................... 303 Error ID: 24050 ............................................................................................................................ 303 Error #24050 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 303 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 304 User Action............................................................................................................................... 304 Error ID: 24084 ............................................................................................................................ 305 Error #24084 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 305 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 305 User Action............................................................................................................................... 305 Error ID: 30101 ............................................................................................................................ 306 Error #30101 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 306 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 307 User Action............................................................................................................................... 307 Modify the TapeSize registry value to match your tape size ............................................... 307 Reduce the number of parallel write buffers ....................................................................... 308 Error ID: 30111 ............................................................................................................................ 308 Error #30111 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 308 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 309 User Action............................................................................................................................... 309 Error ID: 30300 ............................................................................................................................ 309 Error #30300 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 309 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 310 User Action............................................................................................................................... 310 DPM writer was unable to snapshot the replica of <data source>, because the replica is not in a valid state (Validity: <Validity State>: ......................................................................... 310 DPM Writer has timed out waiting for replica to be free and available for snapshot. ........ 311 DPM has run out of free recovery point space and will fail snapshots for <data source> in order to prevent existing recovery points from getting recycled. .................................... 311 DPM writer was unable to snapshot the replica of <data source>. ..................................... 311 Error ID: 30216 ............................................................................................................................ 311 Error #30216 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 311

Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 312 User Action............................................................................................................................... 312 Error ID: 31224 ............................................................................................................................ 312 Error #31224 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 312 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 313 User Action............................................................................................................................... 313 Error ID: 32061 ............................................................................................................................ 314 Error #32061 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 314 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 314 User Action............................................................................................................................... 315 Error ID: 32062 ............................................................................................................................ 315 Error #32062 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 315 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 315 User Action............................................................................................................................... 316 Error ID: 32064 ............................................................................................................................ 316 Error #32064 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 316 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 316 User Action............................................................................................................................... 317 Error ID: 32065 ............................................................................................................................ 317 Error #32065 Data Protection Manager .............................................................................. 317 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 317 User Action............................................................................................................................... 318 Error ID: 32612 ............................................................................................................................ 318 Error #32612 Data Protection Manager ............................................................................... 318 Explanation .............................................................................................................................. 318 User Action............................................................................................................................... 319

DPM 2010 Troubleshooting Guide

This content provides guidance for troubleshooting System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010 issues.

In This Section
Diagnostic Process for Request Tracking and Error Tracing Standard Troubleshooting Procedures Troubleshooting DPM Installation Issues Troubleshooting Protection Agent Installation Issues Troubleshooting Data Protection Issues Troubleshooting Data Recovery Issues Troubleshooting Tape Library Management Issues Troubleshooting Reporting Issues Troubleshooting Performance Issues Troubleshooting Database Issues Troubleshooting Job Status Issues Troubleshooting the DPM System Recovery Tool Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery Issues Troubleshooting General DPM Issues DPM 2010 Error Code Catalog DPM Error Codes

Diagnostic Process for Request Tracking and Error Tracing

This topic explains the process for diagnosing request tracking and error tracing for System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010.

Request Tracking
Every trace statement has a log task ID that DPM logs in the agent traces. The log task ID is a globally unique identifier (GUID) that DPM generates for every task in the DPM engine. The log task ID is sent as a parameter in every command to the agent. There is full tracking for each task in the traces, which helps isolate traces for the job you want to trace. This is especially helpful when there are many data sources that you are protecting.

Request Tracking Tuning Feature

The request tracking tuning feature is available in the DPM engine, the DpmRA service, and other agent binaries. The feature is built into the binaries and it is always ON.

Error Tracing
Log error traces are put into a log file. These fixed sized error logs are retained for a specific amount of time. The log file is written in normal text and is readable by the administrator. The diagnostic information from these files is logged and can be collected by the Microsoft Platform Support Reporting utility (MPSRPT) from the user's computer. The log file helps administrators and Customer Service and Support (CSS) with firsthand information instead of the error code that appears in DPM Administrator Console. This helps categorize the failures more efficiently, and therefore reduces turnaround time. Additionally, since DPM logs as much diagnostic information as possible along with the API that has failed, the diagnostics and investigation can start before the user returns with a verbose log.

Error Tracing Tuning Feature

The error tracing tuning feature is built into the DPM engine, the DpmRA, DPMLA, DPMAC, DpmBackup, and DpmWriter services. It is always ON and collects TRACE_ERROR level traces into the log file by default. The following table shows how to tune the various parameters that drive the tuning feature.

Parameter Trace level

Overriding Registry Key TraceLogLevel

Default Value TRACE_ERROR

Possible Values All valid trace level flag combinations A valid existing folder path A file size (total disk space consumed for this binarys log = size * number of files to retain) Any non-negative number



DPM install Path

Max size of each file


5 MB

Max number of files to retain



<binary> = MSDPM (for engine), DPMRA (for RA), DPMLA (for LA), DPMAC (for AC), DpmBackup (for DPM backup), DpmWriter (for DPM writer). Note the following: The root path for the registry keys is HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager. The trace level and trace log location setting is global across all binaries. The current log file number is tracked in the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager: <binary>TraceLogNextNum (DWORD). This is an internal registry key and we recommend that you do not manually modify it.

Standard Troubleshooting Procedures

The procedures in this section are basic troubleshooting procedures that are referenced in other troubleshooting topics that appear in the DPM 2010 Troubleshooting Guide.

In This Section
Verifying Status of the DPM Service

Checking Name Resolution Identifying DNS Errors Resolving "Access Denied" Errors

Verifying Status of the DPM Service

The DPM service runs only when DPM jobs are being processed, and it stops automatically after a job is completed. If the instructions for troubleshooting an issue direct you to verify the status of the DPM service, follow these steps.

To verify status of the DPM service 1. On the DPM server, in Administrative Tools, open Services. 2. In Services, right-click the DPM service in the Details pane, and then click Properties. 3. On the General tab, ensure that Startup type is set to Automatic. 4. To start the service, on the General tab, click Start. If the DPM service starts successfully, the General tab displays the service status as Started. If the DPM service is running normally, scheduled protection jobs and other DPM jobs should start. 5. If the DPM service does not start, use Windows Event Viewer to look for possible shutdowns of services on which DPM depends. The following services are of interest: DPM File Agent SQLAgent$MICROSOFT$DPM$ (SQL Agent) MSSQL$MICROSOFT$DPM$ (SQL Server) Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) 6. If you see a service shutdown event for any of these services, start the service and ensure that the Startup type is set to Automatic. 7. If you cannot resolve the problem by enabling any disabled services listed in step 5, try restarting the individual services: a. Shut down individual services in the following order: VDS, VSS, SQL Agent,

SQL Server. The DPM service shuts down automatically. b. Start the VSS service. c. Start the DPM service. If the DPM service starts successfully, all dependent servicesVDS, SQL Agent, and SQL Serverwill also restart. 8. If the DPM service still does not start, restart the Windows Server operating system. If restarting the server does not fix the problem, a database failure might be causing the DPM service to shut down. For information on troubleshooting database failures, see Troubleshooting Database Issues. 9. If none of these solutions resolves the problem, contact Microsoft Product Support Services for help. For information, see Microsoft Help and Support (

Checking Name Resolution

Follow this procedure if the instructions for troubleshooting an issue direct you to check name resolution.

To check name resolution 1. On the file server, run the ipconfig command. Note the Domain Name System (DNS) suffix and Internet protocol (IP) address. 2. On the DPM server, ping the file server name to verify that the server name resolves to the correct fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and IP address. 3. On the DPM server, run the ipconfig command. Note the DNS suffix and IP address. 4. On the file server, ping the DPM server name to verify that the server name resolves to the correct FQDN and IP address. If the information obtained by ping and by ipconfig for either the file server or the DPM server is not correct, check the DNS client settings on that server. Note For instructions on using ping, see Using the ping command ( in Windows Server 2003 Help.

For instructions on using ipconfig, see Ipconfig ( in Windows Server 2003 Help.

Identifying DNS Errors

The DPM server and its protected computers cannot communicate reliably unless the Domain Name System (DNS) is functioning properly. Use the following procedures to identify and resolve DNS problems on either the DPM server or a protected computer: In the Services console, review the status of the following services and start them if they are not already started: DNS Client TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (if the intranet is NetBIOS-enabled) Verify that the Hosts file exists and that the correct path to the Hosts file is configured. Verify that HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\ REG_EXPAND_SZ: DataBasePath is set to %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\* Verify that the Hosts file is located at %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\*\hosts. Empty the following caches: To empty the DNS cache, run ipconfig /flushdns To empty the NetBIOS cache, run nbtstat -R and nbtstat -RR To empty the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache, run arp d * Verify the IP addresses of the DNS servers and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server: Run ipconfig /ALL to obtain the IP addresses. Use the Ping and Tracert commands to check network connectivity to each IP address. In Microsoft Management Console (MMC), open the Group Policy Object Editor snap-in for the local computer and verify the local DNS client settings in Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\DNS Client. Verify DNS Suffix Search List by running ipconfig /ALL.

Check related settings by using Network Connections in Control Panel. Right-click the appropriate network connection for the LAN, and then click Properties. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties. On the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click the Advanced button. Verify the settings on DNS and WINS tabs. Run nslookup using the debug and verbose options to see more detail related to the DNS queries. Use Network Monitor to determine whether the correct DNS server responds to ping.

Additional Resources
For more information on troubleshooting DNS, see the following: Domain Name System Center ( How DNS Works ( Troubleshooting DNS (

For more information on the following tools, see TCP/IP Tools and Settings ( Arp: View and manage the ARP cache on the interfaces of the local computer. Ipconfig: Display current TCP/IP network configuration values, update or release Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allocated leases, and display, register, or flush DNS names. Nbtstat: Check the state of current NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) connections, view and update the NetBIOS name cache, and determine the names registered with WINS. Nslookup: Check records, domain host aliases, domain host services, and operating system information by querying DNS servers. Ping: Send Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo messages to verify IP connectivity. Windows Server 2003 adds IPv6 parameters to the ping command. Tracert: Trace a path to a destination. Windows Server 2003 adds IPv6 parameters to the tracert command.


Resolving "Access Denied" Errors

"Access Denied" errors that occur while DPM is performing a task that involves communication with a protected computer often indicate a configuration problem on the computer. If you experience an "Access Denied" error in a task that involves communication with the computers, do the following: Verify that the system time on the DPM server and the protected computer is synchronized with the system time on the domain controller. On a computer running Windows Server 2003 SP2, verify that the DPM server is a member of the Distributed COM Users group and that the group has Distributed COM (DCOM) Launch and Access permissions for the file server. To verify group membership on the file server 1. In Computer Management, expand System Tools, expand Local Users and Groups, and then click Groups. 2. In the Details pane, double-click the Distributed COM Users group. 3. Verify that the computer account for the DPM server is a member of the group. To verify DCOM Launch and Access permission on the file server 1. In Administrative Tools, open Component Services. 2. Expand Component Services, expand Computers, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. 3. On the COM Security tab, under Access Permissions, click Edit Limits. 4. Verify that the Distributed COM Users group is allowed both Local Access and Remote Access permissions. 5. On the COM Security tab, under Launch and Activation Permissions, click Edit Limits. 6. Verify that the Distributed COM Users groups is allowed the following permissions: Local Launch Remote Launch Local Activation Remote Activation

Troubleshooting DPM Installation Issues

This section provides troubleshooting guidance on installation issues for installing and configuring System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010.

In This Section
Troubleshooting Installation Issues Troubleshooting Protection Agent Installation Issues Troubleshooting Remote SQL Server Issues

Troubleshooting Installation Issues

The following table provides guidance for troubleshooting issues that may occur when you are installing System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM). DPM Installation Issues

Issue Computer stops working when you uninstall DPM 2010 with the Remove data option. Windows Installer 4. 5

Possible Cause

Resolution 1. Uninstall DPM 2010 using the Retain data option. 2. Delete the DPM database. 3. Use Disk Management to delete the volumes created by DPM.

Run Windows Installer Setup from the \DPM2010\setup\redist folder.


Issue installation fails. SQL Server installation fails.

Possible Cause


Summary.txt file contains the following: A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: C:\SQLSVR2008\x64\setup\x64\sqlncli1 During DPM installation, Setup restarts the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service. If you are running applications other than DPM and its prerequisite software on the DPM server, you may experience an interruption in the operation of those applications while the WMI service is restarted. If the DPM server is unable to connect to the domain controller during installation, the DPM installation fails.

If the SQL Server Native Client is installed on the computer, remove it, and then retry the DPM installation.

A DPM installation interrupts non-DPM application s.

To prevent an interruption, shut down all other applications before you run DPM Setup.

Error 810 or ID: 4315. The trust relationshi p between this workstatio n and the primary domain failed. Error 812. Configurati on of reports failed.

Verify that the DPM server can communicate with the domain controller. In addition, verify that the DNS entries are for the domain controller and that they are correctly configured.

This problem occurs when both SQL Server Reporting Services and Windows SharePoint Services are installed in the same Internet Information Services (IIS) application

To resolve this issue, perform one of the following tasks: Uninstall Windows SharePoint Services by using Add or Remove Programs, uninstall DPM, and then


Possible Cause pool.

Resolution install DPM again. -Or Configure a side-by-side installation of SQL Server Reporting Services and Windows SharePoint Services. For instructions, see Troubleshooting
a Side-by-Side Installation of Reporting Services and Windows SharePoint Services

( nkId=50877). Error 820. This issue occurs if the WMI repository Setup is inconsistent. cannot query the system configurati on while performing the prerequisit e check on Windows Server 2008 operating system. DPM is unable to configure the Windows Server account because The custom password filter software is installed on the domain controllers. To resolve this issue, verify that the WMI repository is consistent by running Winmgmt /verifyrepository at the command prompt. If it is inconsistent, resolve the issue and try the installation again.

Disable the custom password filter before you install DPM.


Issue the password you entered does not meet the Group Policy requireme nts.

Possible Cause


Troubleshooting Protection Agent Installation Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance that supplements the specific error messages that you may encounter during protection agent installation. Before beginning the troubleshooting process, we recommend that you first try to manually install the protection agents. For detailed instructions for installing the protection agents manually, see Installing Protection Agents Manually ( Protection Agent Installation Issues

Issue SetDPMServer fails with error code 0x80070534 and error message No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.

Possible Cause A DPM 2010 agent was installed on this computer earlier, but a SetDPMServer action was not performed.

Resolution 1. Install the new protection agent. 2. Perform SetDPMServer on the old agent. 3. Uninstall the old protection agent. 4. Do an agent upgrade.


Issue Protection agent upgrade fails.

Possible Cause

Resolution If there is an entry for DPM Protection Agent in the installed programs list, try upgrading the agent by using DPMAgentInstaller.exe. If the previous step fails, uninstall the agent from Programs and Features and install it again by running DPMAgentInstaller <DPMServerName>.

Error 300: The Incorrect firewall agent operation configuration failed because it requirements could not on the DPM communicate with server. the specified server. The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) server is unavailable. Another installation is running on the specified server. The boot volume on the server is formatted as file allocation table (FAT).

To resolve this issue, do the following: For firewall configuration requirements, in the DPM Operations Guide, see Managing DPM

( ). For an unavailable RPC server, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 224370, "Troubleshooting RPC Server is Unavailable in Windows" ( Wait for the installation to complete, and then retry the operation. Convert the boot volume to NTFS file system if you have sufficient space. For more information about using the Convert command for converting FAT volumes to NTFS, see Microsoft TechNet article Convert ( Review Microsoft Knowledge Base article 156560, "Free Space Required to Convert FAT to NTFS" ( If neither of these actions resolves the problem, restart the specified server and then retry the operation.

Error 303: Agent operation with specified server failed.

Error 306: Agent installation failed

This issue occurs when the

Perform the following steps to reinstall the


Issue because the specified server already has a different version of the protection agent installed.

Possible Cause protection agent has already been installed on a server, but the DPM database does not have a record of the protection agent being installed.

Resolution protection agent: 1. Locally uninstall the protection agent from the server. 2. On the DPM server, in DPM Administrator Console, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, select the server. In the Actions section, click Refresh information. The agent status will change to Error. 3. In the Details section, click Remove the record of the server from this DPM computer. 4. Reinstall the protection agent on the server.

Error 308: The agent operation failed because of a communication error with the DPM Protection Agent service on the specified server.

Incorrect firewall configuration requirements on the DPM server. Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) configuration.

For firewall configuration requirements, in the DPM Operations Guide, see Managing DPM

( ). IPsec may be configured to block particular IP traffic, such as on a particular port or to particular addresses. For assistance in troubleshooting IPsec, see IPsec Troubleshooting (

The RPC server See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 224370, is unavailable. "Troubleshooting RPC Server is Unavailable in Windows" ( Error 316: The agent operation failed because the DPM Protection Agent service on the specified server did not respond. Error 319: The Incorrect firewall configuration requirements on the DPM server. For firewall configuration requirements, in the DPM Deployment Guide, see Installing Protection Agents
behind a Firewall


Incorrect firewall

For firewall configuration requirements, in the DPM


Issue agent operation failed because of a communication error with the DPM Agent Coordinator service on the specified server. Error 324: The agent operation failed because the DPM Agent Coordinator service on the specified server did not respond. Error 341: Agent operation failed because the credentials provided have insufficient privileges on the specified server.

Possible Cause configuration requirements on the DPM server.

Resolution Operations Guide, see Managing DPM Servers (

Incorrect firewall configuration requirements on the DPM server.

For firewall configuration requirements, in the DPM Operations Guide, see Managing DPM Servers (

The account used does not have sufficient privileges on the server. The system times of the DPM server, the server on which you are installing the agent, and the domain controller are not synchronized, and therefore the Kerberos authentication fails. The DNS setting on the

Retry the operation with an account that has administrator privileges on the specified server. Verify that system times on the DPM server and the server on which you are installing the agent are synchronized with the system time on the domain controller. Verify that the DNS settings are correct.



Possible Cause DPM server or the computer on which you are installing the protection agent is not correct.


Error 342: The agent operation failed because the DPM server could not communicate with the specified server. Error 347: An error occurred when the agent operation attempted to create the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name>. Error 348: An error occurred when the agent operation attempted to communicate with the DPM Agent Coordinator service on the specified server.

Incorrect firewall configuration requirements on the DPM server.

For firewall configuration requirements, in the DPM Operations Guide, see Managing DPM Servers (

The production server requires a restart to install the protection agent.

Install the protection agents manually. For more information about manually installing protection agents, see Installing Protection Agents Manually (

Incorrect security settings for the COM object on the computer.

Verify COM permissions on the server. Verify that the DCOM configuration settings are set as follows: COM Security Default Access Permissions Local Access and Remote Access permitted to Self Local Access permitted to System COM Security Machine Access Restriction (Security Limits)


Possible Cause

Resolution Local and Remote Access permitted to NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON Local and Remote Access permitted to BUILTIN\Distributed COM Users Local and Remote Access permitted to \Everyone COM Security Default Launch Permissions Launch permitted to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Launch permitted to NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE Launch permitted to BUILTIN\Administrators COM Security Machine Launch Restriction (Security Limits) Local Launch and Activate permitted to \Everyone Local and Remote Launch, Local and Remote Activate permitted to BUILTIN\Administrators Local and Remote Launch, Local and Remote Activate permitted to BUILTIN\Distributed COM Users

Error 271: The user does not have administrator access. - Or Error 377: The agent operation failed

The DCOM configuration settings did not meet the minimum requirements.

Verify that DCOM is enabled. If DCOM is enabled, verify that the DCOM configuration settings are set as follows: COM Security Default Access Permissions Local Access and Remote Access permitted to Self Local Access permitted to System COM Security Machine Access Restriction (Security

Issue because the minimum requirements in the DCOM configuration were not met.

Possible Cause

Resolution Limits) Local and Remote Access permitted to NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON Local and Remote Access permitted to BUILTIN\Distributed COM Users Local and Remote Access permitted to \Everyone COM Security Default Launch Permissions Launch permitted to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Launch permitted to NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE Launch permitted to BUILTIN\Administrators COM Security Machine Launch Restriction (Security Limits) Local Launch and Activate permitted to \Everyone Local and Remote Launch, Local and Remote Activate permitted to BUILTIN\Administrators Local and Remote Launch, Local and Remote Activate permitted to BUILTIN\Distributed COM Users

System Error 1130: Not enough server storage is available to process this command. - OR Event ID 2011: Not enough memory to complete the

The configuration parameter "IRPStackSize" of the server is too small for the server to use a local device.

We recommend that you increase the value of this parameter. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 177078, "Antivirus software may cause Event ID 2011" (


Issue transaction. Close some applications and retry. The RPC server is unavailable.

Possible Cause


A firewall is enabled on the remote computer.

If a firewall is enabled on the remote computer on which you are installing the protection agents, before installation you must run the DPMAgentInstaller.exe executable file. For more information, see Installing Protection Agents behind a

( The Windows SharePoint Services farm back-end server does not appear as protected in DPM Administrator Console. After you install a No action is required. DPM protects the back-end protection agent servers internally if the Windows SharePoint on a back-end Services farm has data on the server. server to protect a Windows SharePoint Services farm, the server does not appear as protected in the Management task area on the Agents tab. If the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) is running Windows Server 2000, the required Distributed COM Users group will be missing. To resolve this issue, upgrade the forest root PDC emulator operations master role holder to Windows Server 2003, and then perform the protection agent installation again. For more information, see Knowledge Base article 827016, "Local service and other well-known security principals do not appear on your Windows Server 2003 domain controller" ( Install the .NET Framework 3.5 with Service

The protection agent installation fails if you are installing it on a non-primary domain controller running Windows Server 2003.

The application has

The software

Issue failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect.

Possible Cause


requirements must Pack 1 (SP1), and then try the protection agent be met on the installation again. protected computer.

Troubleshooting Remote SQL Server Issues

Troubleshooting Error ID 4307
The following table provides guidance for troubleshooting Error ID 4307. This error occurs when you are attempting to connect to a remote SQL Server database when installing System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010. Troubleshooting Error ID 4307

Possible Cause Remote connection to the computer running SQL Server is disabled.

Resolution To enable the remote instance of SQL Server, do the following: 1. From the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager. 2. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the console pane, expand SQL Server Network Configuration, and then select the network protocol for the DPM named instance. 3. In the Details pane, if TCP/IP is disabled, right-click TCP/IP and click enable.

The SQL Server Browser service is disabled.

To start the SQL Server Browser service, do the


Possible Cause

Resolution following: 1. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the console pane, click SQL Server Services. 2. In the Details pane, right-click SQL Server Browser, and then click Properties. 3. In the SQL Server Browser Properties dialog box, on the Service tab, select Automatic from the Start Mode dropdown list, and then click OK. Note By default, Microsoft SQL Server sets the SQL Server Browser service to start automatically.

The name of the remote instance of SQL Server Make sure that the remote instance of SQL is in the incorrect format. Server is in the following format: <Computer name>\<Instance name> Note Only use <Computer name> for the default instance. There is no network connectivity between the DPM server and the computer running SQL Server. Make sure there is a connection between the DPM server and the computer running SQL Server.

Troubleshooting Data Protection Issues

This section includes troubleshooting assistance for data protection issues.


In This Section
General Data Protection Issues File Server Protection Issues Exchange Server Protection Issues SQL Server Protection Issues Windows SharePoint Protection Issues Windows Server Backup Issues System Protection Issues Mirrored Databases Issues Virtual Server Protection Issues Manual Replica Creation Issues Incompatible Filter Driver Errors Client Computer Protection Issues Hyper-V Protection Issues

General Data Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on general protection issues. Data Protection Issues

Issue Backup of data sources fail with agent upgrade error.

Possible cause


The protection Upgrade the protection agent on all members of agent on some the cluster. members of the cluster has not been upgraded. If you change a volume drive letter To display the correct drive letters in the New Protection Group Wizard, you must refresh the

Inconsistent drive letter references in

Issue the DPM New Protection Group Wizard.

Possible cause and then do not restart the computer before creating a protection group for that volume, inconsistent drive letter references may appear in the DPM New Protection Group Wizard. The DPM computer may have been temporarily disjoined from the Active Directory domain to which it previously belonged. For example, the DPM computer could have been disjoined because of a broken workstation-domain trust relationship. When the DPM computer is restarted, it is rejoined to the domain with the same name but is assigned a new Security Identifier (SID). All servers that are being

Resolution drive letters in SQL by performing the following steps: 1. Remove the volume from the protection group, retaining the replicas. 2. Read the volume to the protection group.

DPM is no longer able to communicate with its protected computers.

To restore communication and resume data protection activities, do the following: 1. Locally uninstall the protection agent from the protected computer. 2. On the DPM server, in DPM Administrator Console, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, select the protected computer. In the Actions pane, click Refresh information. The agent status changes to Error. 3. In the Details section, click Remove the record of the server from this DPM computer. Reinstall the protection agent on the computer. For instructions, in the Operations Guide, see
Managing DPM Servers




Possible cause protected by this DPM computer have an agent registry DCOM security setting that contains the obsolete SID. Therefore, the servers are unable to either launch the DPM protection agent or resume communication with the DPM computer.


After you install a protection agent on the computer and then create a protection group, you cannot access any data sources on the computer.

When you install a protection agent, after the computer restarts and is responsive to the ping command, it can take up to 20 minutes for the protection agent to respond to requests from the DPM New Protection Group Wizard. When a recovery point is created, it reflects the time of the most recent change to the protected volume. For example, if a recovery point is

Wait 20 minutes after the computer restarts and then run the DPM New Protection Group Wizard again, or try the following: In DPM Administrator Console, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, in the Actions pane, click Refresh information until the agent status changes to OK.

The recovery point time is not consistent with synchronization time.

No action is required.



Possible cause scheduled to be created at 11:00 A.M. and the most recent change to the protected volume occurred at 8:30 A.M., the recovery point that was created at 11:00 A.M. will display a time stamp of 8:30 A.M.


Synchronization jobs fail and the details in the application event log include "Unable to connect to Active Directory."

The DPM server may To troubleshoot this issue, do the following: not have access Retry the operation. rights to update Active Directory. Check for network connectivity between the DPM server and the domain controller. Verify that DPM is a member of the domain and that the domain controller is running. Verify that the DPM server has access rights to update Active Directory: a. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in and verify that Advanced Features is selected in the View menu. b. Expand the domain, and then expand System. c. Right-click MS-ShareMapConfiguration, and then click Properties. On the Security tab, verify that the DPM server name is listed.

Auto discovery does not discover changes

If a share on a computer is protected and the

No pending members will be discovered by auto discovery for a computer with a protected share if the computer also contains a share that

Issue to shares.

Possible cause computer also contains an unsupported share, then auto discovery will fail to discover changes to shares on that computer, such as new shares, removed shares, and share remappings.

Resolution points to a destination in the following list of unsupported shares: FAT volume. CD-ROM drive. USB drive. Mount point located inside another mount point. Special folders: System Volume Information folder, RECYCLER folder. Unsupported reparse point (that is, any reparse point other than a mount point). On a case-sensitive system, a folder that has the same name as another folder inside that folders parent, differing only in case (for example, F:\MarketingDocs and F:\marketingdocs). On a computer containing a share from the list of unsupported shares, we recommend that you protect only volumes and folders for auto discovery to work correctly.

The tape backup size increases after choosing to compress data for the protection group.

Your tape hardware may not allow the tape backup application to turn off compression.

If your tape backup size increases after selecting the Compress Data tape option in the DPM New Protection Group Wizard, check your protection group configuration for the following: Encrypt data. If encryption is enabled, check with your tape hardware vendor to ensure that your tape hardware allows the tape backup application to turn off compression. Compress data. If compression is enabled, check to see if you have files that are compressed that you expect to increase in size, such as media files or encrypted files.

Your long-term tape

If you are using tape To resolve this issue, when you create your

Issue backup fails because your full tape backup is not available. - Or Your long-term backup does not leverage the latest tape backup that was most recently created. Data protection fails when you are protecting two domain controllers.

Possible cause for both short-term and long-term protection, DPM creates copies of the latest short-term tape full backup to generate your longterm tape backup.

Resolution protection group, we recommend that you schedule your short-term protection full backup to run a day prior to your long-term protection. This enables your long-term tape backup to leverage the short-term tape backup that was most recently created. If you schedule the long-term tape backup to run prior to the short-term tape backup, the longterm backup will use the short-term full backup of the previous week.

If you are protecting To restart protection, do the following: data on two domain controllers and then 1. On the protected server, from the command prompt, change the directory (CD) to <drive uninstall the letter>:\Program Files\Microsoft Data protection agent Protection Manager\DPM\bin\. from one of the domain controllers, 2. Type SetDpmServer.exe -dpmServerName <DPM server name>. protection will fail. To view the number of existing recovery points, do the following: From the DPM Management Shell prompt, type $dpm = Connect-DPMServer dpmoffice02 $dpm.CurrentShadowCopyProvision.

Creating or modifying If the number of a protection group recovery points exceeds the number fails. that DPM has provisioned, creating or modifying a protection group will fail. In addition, you cannot view the number of recovery points in DPM Administrator Console. Replicas are marked Once a volume is

You must perform a manual consistency check.


Issue as inconsistent.

Possible cause marked as Missing, DPM only brings the volume back online during the next disk modification operation, such as Allocate disk space, or after restarting the computer. DPM then marks the replica as inconsistent. The software prerequisites may not be present on all nodes in the cluster.

Resolution For information about performing a consistency check, in DPM 2010 Help, see How to Synchronize a


Creating a protection group fails when protecting several nodes in a cluster, and the following error is displayed: "This item cannot be protected because some prerequisite software is missing. Ensure that all prerequisite software is installed and then protect this item." Adding a DPM server to a protection group on the secondary DPM server causes DPMRA service to fail on the primary DPM server. Unable to see

You must install the software prerequisites on all nodes on the cluster that you are protecting. For information about DPM prerequisite software and the servers it protects, see Protected Computer


The name given to Rename the protection group. the protection group on the primary DPM server contains special characters.


Issue protected data sources on the secondary DPM server. DPMRA service has terminated error in the Event Viewer log on the primary DPM server.

Possible cause


File Server Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on file server data protection issues. File Server Data Protection Issues

Issue A Volume Missing error occurs for some of your protected server volumes.

Possible Cause The DPM server cannot identify the volumes.

Resolution Perform the following steps to remove the Volume Missing status. 1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the navigation bar, and then select the Disks tab. 2. In the Actions pane, for each disk in the storage pool, click Rescan. The current disk data is displayed. 3. Close DPM Administrator Console, and then restart it. Check for any missing volume alerts in the details pane, and address them. 4. In the Protection task area, verify that DPM removed the Volume Missing status.

Inconsistent drive

If you change a

To display the correct drive letters in the New


Issue letter references in the DPM New Protection Group Wizard.

Possible Cause volume drive letter and then do not restart the computer before creating a protection group for that volume, inconsistent drive letter references may appear in the DPM New Protection Group Wizard. When a recovery point is created, it reflects the time of the most recent change to the protected volume. For example, if a recovery point is scheduled to be created at 11:00 A.M. and the most recent change to the protected volume occurred at 8:30 A.M., the recovery point that was created at 11:00 A.M. will display a time stamp of 8:30 A.M.

Resolution Protection Group Wizard, you must refresh the drive letters in SQL by performing the following steps: 1. Remove the volume from the protection group, retaining the replicas. 2. Read the volume to the protection group.

The recovery point time is not consistent with synchronization time.

No action is required.

Replicas are marked

Once a volume is

You must perform a manual consistency check.


Issue as inconsistent.

Possible Cause marked as Missing, DPM only brings the volume back online during the next disk modification operation, such as Allocate disk space, or after restarting the computer. DPM then marks the replica as inconsistent.

Resolution For information about performing a consistency check, in DPM 2010 Help, see How to Synchronize a


Exchange Server Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on protection issues for computers running Exchange Server. Exchange Server Protection Issues

Issue Exchang e Server data is unavaila ble for protectio n.

Possible Cause Before you can protect Exchange Server 2007 data, you must install hotfix 940006. For more details, see Knowledge Base article 940006, "Description of Update
Rollup 4 for Exchange 2007"

Details The following versions of Exchange Server must be installed on the computer that you want to protect: Exchange Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) - Or Exchange Server 2007 Important To protect Exchange Server data, the Exchange Server databases must be mounted within each

( wlink/?LinkId=99291).


Possible Cause

Details storage group.

DPM cannot protect Exchang e Server data.

The eseutil.exe and ese.dll versions that are installed on the most recent edition of Exchange Server must be the same versions that are installed on the DPM server.

You must update eseutil.exe and ese.dll on the DPM server if they are updated on a computer running Exchange Server after applying an upgrade or an update. For more information about updating eseutil.exe and ese.dll, in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide, see Protected Computer Software Requirements. After you rename an Exchange Server storage group, you must restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service before you create a new protection group. To start the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service 1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services. 2. On the Services screen, scroll down and right-click Microsoft Exchange Information Store, and then click Restart.

After you rename an Exchang e Server storage group, the new name does not appear in the DPM New Protectio n Group Wizard. DPM 201 0 does not support increme ntal backups if circular

If you use the original storage group name, data recovery fails when trying to dismount the database.

You cannot enable circular logging if you want incremental backups for Exchange Server storage groups.

For successful incremental backups, we recommend that you disable circular logging for the protected storage group. After you disable circular logging, restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service (MSExchangeIS). To disable circular logging

Issue logging is enabled for Exchang e Server storage groups.

Possible Cause

Details 1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager. 2. If the Administrative Groups branch exists in the left pane, expand it, expand the appropriate administrative group's branch, expand the Servers branch, and then expand the appropriate server's branch. If the Administrative Groups branch does not exist, expand the Servers branch in the left pane, and then expand the appropriate server's branch. To expand a branch, double-click the branch or click the plus sign (+) to the left of the branch. 3. Right-click the storage group for which you want to disable circular logging, and then click Properties. 4. Clear the Enable Circular Logging check box, and then click OK. 5. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service (MSExchangeIS). To restart MSExchangeIS 1. Click Start, click Run, and then type services.msc to start the Services snap-in. 2. Right-click Microsoft Exchange Information Store, and then click Start. Note If you do not want to disable circular logging, you can modify the protection group properties so that synchronizations occur just before creating the recovery point. To change the synchronization frequency In the New Protection Group Wizard, on the Specify Short-Term Protection Policy page, select Just before a recovery point.

Issue Replica initializat ion and express full backup operatio ns stop prior to completi on.

Possible Cause


When you are protecting To protect data on a computer running Exchange data on a computer Server, perform the following steps: running a version of Exchange Server, the DPM 1. On the computer running Exchange Server, copy Ese.dll and eseutil.exe located in the Exchange server must include the Server installation location to the DPM server Ese.dll and eseutil.exe files installation location. The default installation that are located in the location on the DPM server is <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Exchange Server Manager\DPM\bin. installation location. 2. Cancel the replica initialization and express full backup jobs that did not complete. 3. Restart the canceled express full backup jobs. 4. Run a synchronization with consistency check for canceled replica initialization jobs. Note We recommend that you use the same processor architecture for the DPM server and the computer running Exchange Server. If your processor architecture is different, you must do the following: 1. Install the version of Exchange Server that you are protecting on a test server that is consistent with the hardware of the DPM server. 2. From the test server, copy Ese.dll and eseutil.exe located in the Exchange Server installation location to the DPM server installation location. The default installation location on the DPM server is <drive:>\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin.

The VSS writer does not clear Backup

In Exchange Server 2007 RTM and Exchange Server 2003 RTM, if you cancel the backup on a storage group within a

To recycle the VSS writer for: Event ID 2024 A: Restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service to recycle the VSS writer.

Issue in progress state for the storage group.

Possible Cause particular interval (between PrepareForBackup and DoSnapshot), the VSS writer does not clear Backup in progress state for the storage group. If the Exchange Local Continuous Replication (LCR) VSS replica writer is enabled, the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service will not appear on the Select Group Members page of the New Protection Group Wizard.

Details Event ID 2024 B: Restart the Exchange Server Replication service (Exssrv.exe) to recycle the VSS writer.

The Microsof t Exchang e Informat ion Store service does not appear on the Select Group Member s page of the New Protectio n Group Wizard. All data replicati on jobs fail.

To display the Exchange LCR-enabled storage groups in the DPM New Protection Group Wizard, use the following set key command to disable the (LCR) VSS replica writer: set key EnableVssWriter under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Replay\Parameter s to 0 DWORD type Note After setting the registry key, you must restart the Microsoft Exchange Server Replication service.

If the versions of Exchange Server Database Utilities (eseutil.exe) and ese.dll that are installed on the most recent edition of the protected Exchange Server are different from the versions that are installed on the DPM server, all

The eseutil.exe and ese.dll versions that are installed on the most recent edition of Exchange Server must be the same versions that are installed on the DPM server. For example, if you are protecting Exchange Server 2003 SP2, Exchange Server 2007, and Exchange Server 2007 SP1, you must copy eseutil.exe and ese.dll from the server running Exchange Server 2007 SP1 to the DPM server.



Possible Cause data replication jobs will fail.

Details The following scenarios show the versions of eseutil.exe and ese.dll that you must install on the DPM server: 32-bit operating system If DPM is protecting only computers running Exchange Server 2003 on a 32-bit operating system, copy eseutil.exe and ese.dll from the computer running Exchange Server 2003. If DPM is protecting computers running Exchange Server 2007, the 32-bit versions of eseutil.exe and ese.dll are required from Exchange Server 2007. You can obtain these versions from the Exchange Server 2007 Setup DVD. 64-bit operating system If DPM is protecting only computers running Exchange Server 2003 on a 32-bit operating system, copy eseutil.exe and ese.dll from the computer running Exchange Server 2003. If DPM is protecting Exchange Server 2007, copy eseutil.exe and ese.dll from the computer running Exchange Server 2007.

Exchang e Server protectio n fails.

If the Exchange writer is turned off for the Volume Shadow Copy service in Windows Small Business Server 2003, protection will fail.

By default, the Setup program for Windows Small Business Server 2003 turns off the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 writer for the Volume Shadow Copy service. To protect data using DPM 2010, the Exchange Server 2003 writer must be turned on. For more information about this issue, see Knowledge Base article 838183 "How to turn on the Exchange writer
for the Volume Shadow Copy service in Windows Small Business Server 2003"

( To turn on the Exchange writer 1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click


Possible Cause

Details OK. 2. Locate and then double-click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSe t\Services\MSExchangeIS\ParametersSystem 3. Double-click the Disable Exchange Writer value. 4. In the Value data text box, change the value from 1 to 0, and then click OK. 5. Quit Registry Editor. 6. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services. 7. Stop and then restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.

Local continuo us replicati on (LCR) protectio n fails with a VSS error.

If the Exchange Server Restart the replication service after updating the replication service is not registry key. restarted after the registry key is set, LCR fails for the storage group.

Setting The preferred server may and not have been specified. unsettin g the eseutil flag through the comman

Provide the topology as PT_CCR_ACTIVE_ONLY along with the RunEseUtilConsistencyCheck option.


Issue d line interface (CLI) fails. ID 30112: DPM encount ered a retryable VSS error (0x80042 3F3). The consiste ncy check fails with RMGene ricError.

Possible Cause


The next incremental backup fails when an incremental backup is performed after you run ntbackup on the storage group.

Create a DPM full recovery point before performing an incremental backup.

The consistency check will To resolve this issue, disable indexing, encryption, and fail if indexing, encryption, SIS for the folder containing the .edb file. or Single Instance Storage (SIS) is enabled for the folder containing the .edb file.

SQL Server Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on protection issues for computers running SQL Server. SQL Server Protection Issues


Possible Cause

Resolution Restart the computer.


Schedu Resources on the protected computer are led unavailable and hence SQL Server agent is

Issue SQL Server protec tion jobs not startin g.

Possible Cause not able to start.


DPM is You must have the required software unable installed to protect a computer running to SQL Server. protec t a SQL Server databa se.

The following versions of SQL Server must be installed on the instance of SQL Server that is hosting the database that you want to protect: SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 4 (SP4) - OR SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) Note DPM supports Standard, Enterprise, Workgroup, and Express Editions of SQL Server. Important You must start the SQL Server VSS Writer Service on the SQL Server. By default, the SQL Server VSS Writer Service is turned off when you install SQL Server 2005. To start the SQL Server VSS Writer Service 1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services.


Possible Cause

Resolution 2. On the Services screen, scroll down and right-click SQL Server VSS writer, and then click Start. Caution After you start the SQL Server VSS Writer Service, we recommend that you do not stop the service. If your backups begin to fail, check to ensure that the SQL Server VSS Writer Service is started.

The If you are protecting SQL Server 2005 on a SQL Windows Server 2008 operating system, Server you must install SQL Server 2005 SP2. VSS Writer service fails during protec tion. The SQL Server databa se backup fails. If you physically delete one of the database files from the SQL Server and do not remove it from the database, the SQL Server VSS Writer Service will continue to report the deleted file and DPM will not be able to locate it while performing backups.

For information about running editions of SQL Server on Windows Server 2008, see
Running SQL Server on Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Vista

( 30555).

Delete the database log files using the following query: ALTER DATABASE <file name>.mdf REMOVE FILE <file name>_log.ldf Note that you will not be able to restore to the original location from the backups that existed before you deleted the log files because the file does not exist. To resolve this issue, you must restore the database files, and then attach the database to the instance of SQL Server. To resolve this issue, you must set the


This can occur in the following scenario,

Issue you perfor m an inquiry job in the DPM New Protec tion Group Wizard , such as viewin g a list of data source s, if two differe nt SQL Server VSS Writer s are enume rating the same data source, the DPM server will

Possible Cause where you have two SQL Server VSS writers: SqlServerWriter and MSDEWriter.


value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentC ontrolSet\Services\VSS\Settings\MSDEVer You install an instance of SQL sionChecking registry key to 1 (a non-zero Server 2005. (The SQL Server VSS Writer Service is turned off by default) value), so the MSDEWriter is the only writer that enumerates the SQL Because the SQL Server VSS Writer Server 2005 databases. Service is turned off, the MSDEWriter writer enumerates the SQL Server 2005 databases. You turn on the SQL Server VSS Writer Service in the Service Control Manager, which sets the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Curr entControlSet\Services\VSS\Settings\ MSDEVersionChecking registry key value to 1. After the registry key value is set to 1, the MSDEWriter writer stops enumerating the SQL Server 2005 databases, and the SQLServerWriter writer starts enumerating them. You then set the value of the registry key to zero (0), which causes both the MSDEwriter and SQLServerWriter writers to start enumerating the SQL Server 2005 databases.


Issue crash. Databa se protec tion on an instanc e of SQL Server 2005 fails.

Possible Cause


If you are protecting a database on an instance of SQL Server 2000 and then upgrade to SQL Server 2005, database protection on the instance of SQL Server 2005 will fail.

After you upgrade to SQL Server 2005 and then restart the SQL Server VSS Writer service, DPM will not map the existing replica to the protected database. This is because the new VSS writer enumerates the new database, and therefore DPM recognizes it as a new data source. If this issue occurs, we recommend that you stop protection for the database that is hosted on the upgraded instance of SQL Server 2005, and then use the Create New Protection Wizard to reconfigure protection. Note After you reconfigure protection, DPM Administrator Console displays the protected database as two separate nodes. The protection status in the Protection task area appears as Inactive replica for one of the database nodes, and the DPM Recovery user interface displays two database nodes with the same name. No data loss occurs with this issue.

SQL Server 2000 databa se replica

Replica creation jobs may fail on a SQL Server 2000 database running on a 64-bit computer in Windows in Windows (WOW) mode.

If a replica creation job fails on a SQL Server 2000 database running on a 64-bit computer in Windows (WOW) mode, check the event viewer on the SQL Server computer for Event ID 20 "Volume

Issue creatio n job fails runnin g on a 64 bit compu ter. SQL Server full transa ction log causes synchr onizati on job failure s. DPM protec tion jobs start to fail.

Possible Cause

Resolution Shadow Copy Service error." For information about a supported hotfix to correct this issue, see Event ID 20 ( 3718).

If the database transaction log unexpectedly becomes full on a computer that is running SQL Server, your synchronization jobs will start to fail.

For information about how to resolve this problem, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 317375, "A transaction log grows unexpectedly or becomes full on computer that is running SQL Server "( 72730).

If DPM is protecting a SQL Server database If you plan to fail-back to the primary that is using mirroring or log shipping, database, do the following: after a failover the protected primary database will no longer be online and your After your protection jobs start to fail and the replica is no longer valid, DPM protection jobs will start to fail. perform a consistency check. Note If you fail-back to the primary database in a short period of time and the replica remains valid, then you do not have to perform a consistency check. If there is a delay in the fail-back to the primary database, you must create a protection group using the


Possible Cause

Resolution New Protection Group Wizard to protect the new active database. Note After the failover, you can stop protection on the new protection group. If you do not plan to fail-back to the primary database, we recommend that you remove it from protection and then configure protection for the new database. To remove the primary database, do the following: 1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Protection on the navigation bar. 2. In the Protection task area, select the database that you want to remove, and then in the Actions pane, select Remove from protection. 3. In the Stop Protection - <Protection Group name> dialog box, select the Retain Protected Data option, and then click Stop Protection. After you remove the primary database, configure protection for the new database using the New Protection Group Wizard.

Increm DPM does not support configuring ental incremental synchronizations for SQL synchr Server master databases. onizati ons fail for the SQL Server master

DPM allows log backups for databases configured in the full and bulk-logged recovery models. However, log backups cannot run against the SQL Server master database. Additionally, do not set the synchronization frequency for the master database to "just before a recovery point,"

Issue databa se.

Possible Cause

Resolution because there are no backup logs to obtain from the protected server during the recovery.

DPM is not protec ting SQL Server 2005 databa ses.

SQL Server 2005 includes database You can view database snapshots in the snapshots that appear in the New Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Protection Group Wizard as regular in the Database Snapshots folder. databases. However, DPM does not support protecting database snapshots for recovery.

Windows SharePoint Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on protection issues for computers running Windows SharePoint Services. Windows SharePoint Protection Issues

Issue The SQL Server alias did not resolve on the SQL Server Agent and protection for the Windows SharePoint Services farm fails.

Possible Cause The Windows SharePoint Services farm is unable to use a SQL Server alias that was created by using cliconfg.exe. Not all the SQL Server aliases are configured on the front-end Web

Resolution You must reconfigure the SQL Server alias by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

Check the list of servers on the Central Admin page of the SharePoint farm. Identify the SQL Server aliases from the list of SQL Server computers. Verify if all the SQL Server aliases


Possible Cause server.

Resolution have been configured on the SharePoint frontend Web server (the one that communicates with the DPM server).

The SQL Server alias DPM supports only TCP/IP SQL Server aliases. is not of type Reconfigure the aliases to type TCP/IP. TCP/IP. SQL Server client Install the SQL Server client connectivity connectivity components on the front-end Web server. components are not installed on the front-end Web server. For Windows SharePoint Services 3.0/MOSS 2007 farms, SQL Server 2005 client connectivity components are not installed on the front-end Web server. Windows SharePoint Services database log files are not truncated. If the path to any Windows SharePoint Services database log file exceeds 150 characters, DPM cannot truncate the log file. The Copy-Only registry value has Irrespective of the version of SQL Server on the back-end servers, for MOSS 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, you should install the SQL Server 2005 client connectivity components on the front-end Web server. Also, ensure that all the aliases are configured using this version of the client connectivity components.

We recommend running periodic scripts to truncate your Windows SharePoint Services database log files.

This registry entry needs to be deleted. It can be found under the following path on the DPM


Possible Cause been set for the specific SharePoint farm on the DPM server. The Do not truncate logs setting has been enabled for the SQL Server computer on which the SharePoint databases reside.

Resolution Server: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\CopyBackups with the name equivalent to the name of the Config database of the farm. This can be reset by using the following Windows PowerShell command: Set-DPMGlobalProperty Dpmserver $DPMMachineName TruncateSharePointDbLogs $true.

The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password (0x8000401A). Replica Inconsistent alerts for one or more SQL Server databases that were earlier a part of the SharePoint farm appear in the Monitoring pane.

If the password is reset for the Windows SharePoint Services farm, protection will fail.

From the command prompt, run ConfigureSharePoint.exe to reset the password. For more information about how to manage password changes, see How to change service
accounts and service account passwords in SharePoint Server 2007 and in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

( DPM retains the Resolve the alert by clicking Inactivate the alert. existing recovery points of the databases that have been removed from the SharePoint farm. This can happen if the removed database is recovered by using DPM or if DPM has been upgraded.


Issue Some of the SharePoint farms consistency check jobs appear to have stopped (no data transfer has occurred for a long time). The SharePoint catalog task fails with HR 0x80004003 (Invalid Pointer)

Possible Cause The consistency check was triggered while recovery of one of the farms components was in progress.

Resolution Cancel the consistency check job and restart the consistency check for the farm from the Protection pane.

There is a network Rerun the catalog job by using Windows connectivity issue PowerShell. between the SharePoint frontend Web server and the back-end server.

Windows Server Backup Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance for Windows Server Backup (WSB) issues. Windows Server Backup Issues

Issue When using WSB, the following errors might occur: DPM has detected a discontinuity in the log chain for <DatasourceType> <DatasourceName> on <ServerName> since the last synchronization. The recovery to the latest point in time failed. During a recovery to the latest point

Possible Cause Performing backups using WSB on a server which DPM is protecting can interfere with the backups DPM uses.

Resolution If you are using WSB, do the following: Ensure that WSB always takes a COPY backup using the WSB Backup Once Wizard. If you are using WSB Scheduled Backups, ensure that the volumes you are backing up do not contain any application

Issue in time, DPM attempts to perform a SQL Server transaction log backup to receive the latest changes from the SQL Server database <DatasourceName> on <ServerName> before starting the recovery. This transaction log backup has failed. DPM attempted to perform a SQL Server log backup, either as part of a backup job or a recovery to latest point in time job. The SQL Server log backup job has detected a discontinuity in the SQL Server log chain for <DatasourceType> database <DatasourceName> since the last backup. All incremental backup jobs will fail until an express full backup runs.

Possible Cause

Resolution data such as Exchange Server data or SQL Server data. After you reconfigure WSB, on the DPM server, run a new express full backup.

System Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance for system state protection issues. System Protection Issues

Issue Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) backups fail with Access Denied error.

Possible Cause You have just migrated from System State protection to BMR protection. This error occurs if the

Resolution 1. Remove BMR protection. 2. Modify protection group and include BMR protection.

One or more prerequisites

To resolve this issue, do the


Issue for protecting this data source is missing on your Windows Server 2008 operating system.

Possible Cause Windows Server Backup utility is not installed on the protected server.

Resolution following: 1. To install the Windows Server Backup utility, open a command prompt with administrator privileges, and then type Start /wait ocsetup WindowsServerBackup /quiet /norestart. Note To open a command prompt with administrator privileges, click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, rightclick Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

Mirrored Databases Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on protection issues for mirrored databases. Mirrored Databases Protection Issues

Issue The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and

Possible Cause If the password is reset for the Windows SharePoint Services farm, protection

Resolution From the command prompt, run ConfigureSharePoint.exe to reset the password. For more information about how to manage password changes, see How to change service
accounts and service account passwords in SharePoint Server 2007 and in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Issue password (0x8000401A).

Possible Cause will fail.

Resolution (

Virtual Server Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on protection issues for computers running Microsoft Virtual Server. Virtual Server Protection Issues

Issue You may see the error One or more volumes are missing for the following application: <Virtual machine name>. Ensure that the dependent volumes for the data sources are online. when you select a Virtual Server 2005 R2 based virtual machine.

Possible Cause For Virtual Server 2005 R2, DPM does not support backing up virtual machines hosted on a volume that does not have a drive letter. Note This problem does not apply to Hyper-V virtual machines. Virtual Server 2005 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) may not be

Resolution Provide a drive letter mount point for the volumes on which the VHD files exist and attempt to select for backup with DPM again.

Data on the virtual machine is unavailable for

Install Virtual Server 2005 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) on the server that you want to protect.


Issue protection.

Possible Cause installed on the server you want to protect. The Virtual Server VSS Writer service does not support online backup for the client virtual machine.


Backup fails on the virtual machine with unknown error 0x800423f3.

Use Windows Event Viewer on the Virtual Server machine to find if Event ID 1044 exists. If this event exists, the virtual machine cannot perform online backups. You can perform offline backups by updating the following registry key: Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Server\1.0\Backup\BackupType\<VMNAME> to 0.

Online backup fails.

Online backups fails if the virtual machine contains volumes that do not support shadow copies (FAT 32 file systems). Additionally, if the shadow copies exist on different virtual machine volumes, the backup fails.

Install Knowledge Base article 940349 Availability of a Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) update rollup package for Windows Server 2003 to resolve some VSS snapshot issues ( on the virtual machine. Ensure that the virtual machine is running before configuring the backup, and then delete the entries for the virtual machines for which the online backup is failing. Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Server\1.0\Backup\BackupType.

Manual Replica Creation Issues

When you create a manual replica, it is critical that you retain the same directory structure and properties (time stamps and security permissions) as those for the data that you are protecting. For guidance in selecting the specific settings, consult your backup software documentation and

the white papers included in the Featured Technical Content area of the DPM product site ( If the replica is created correctly, the directory structure of the ReplicaDir folder of the replica on the DPM server will map to the directory structure of the volume being protected. The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on issues for manual replica creation. Manual Replica Creation Issues

Issue Transferring data to an incorrect directory creates an incorrect replica hierarchy.

Possible Cause The replica must be created in the location that is specified in the Properties pane in DPM Administrator Console when you select manual replica creation. If you transfer the data to an incorrect location, you can use FsPathMerge to move the data or you can delete the replica data and create the replica again.

Resolution If you have already started synchronization with consistency check, you need to do the following: Remove the protected volume or share from the protection group and choose to delete the replica. Add the volume or share to the protection group. Manually create the replica again. In the case of an incorrect replica hierarchy, synchronization with consistency check can potentially synchronize the entire replica over the network from the file server, consuming valuable network bandwidth and CPU resources.

Re-creating junction points rather than using existing junction points.

This issue occurs when you use a tape backup that was created from a DPM server. If

If this occurs, manually delete the data and the path, and then manually create the


Possible Cause you do not choose to use existing junction points during the restore operation, data may be restored to the incorrect path.

Resolution replica again.

Failing to restore security settings when you restore the data.

The backup of the data includes the security settings of the source data. If you restore the data from the backup without restoring the security settings, the correct access control lists (ACLs) will not be configured on the files and folders.

Wait until synchronization with consistency check completes successfully. Incorrect replica data security settings can allow nonprivileged users to have access to the data. Failure to restore the security settings also means that synchronization with consistency check will take longer to complete and transfer more data over the network. Do not set the time stamp of restored files and folders to the restore time. We recommend that you use the time stamp that the files and folders had at the time of backup.

Incorrect time stamps cause synchronization with consistency check to take longer to complete.

Changing the file and folder time stamps because of user error or by-design behavior of the backup software causes synchronization with consistency check to take a long time to complete. For example, backup software might set the time stamp of the restored files and folders to the restore time rather than using the time stamp that the files and folders had at the time of backup.


Incompatible Filter Driver Errors

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance for incompatible filter errors. Data Protection Issues

Possible Cause If the WIM FS Filter driver (Wimfltr.sys) is installed on the protected server, an incompatible filter error occurs.

Resolution Perform the following steps to continue protection. 1. On the protected server, browse to the registry path HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agents\2.0. 2. Add wimfltr to the ExcludedFilters value, which contains the luafv value. 3. Restart the DPMRA service on the protected server. 4. On the DPM server, run a consistency check, and then run a synchronization job.

DPM is unable to continue protection for data sources on the protected server because it has detected an incompatible filter.

Perform the following steps to continue protection: 1. On the protected server, browse to the application event log to check for events from the DPMRA service that indicate the name of the incompatible filter. 2. If there are no incompatible filters listed in the event log, check to see if any file system filters were recently installed on the protected server. 3. After you identify the incompatible filter, we recommend that you uninstall the filter. Note If you do not want to uninstall the incompatible filter, DPM can protect the data using a consistency check mechanism instead of volume filter tracking. This will degradate performance; however, you will be able to continue protection. Perform the steps in the following procedure to protect

Possible Cause

Resolution the data using the consistency check mechanism. 1. On the protected server, browse to the registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Micr osoft Data Protection Manager\Agent\2.0. 2. Create a DWORD registry value named ForceFixup and set it to 1. 3. Stop and then restart the DPMRA service.

Client Computer Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on protection issues for client computers. Client Computer Protection Issues

Issue Missing recovery points

Possible Cause If a scheduled recovery point creation and a synchronization/consistency check from a client run concurrently, the recovery point will get skipped.

Solution To avoid losing a recovery point for such clients, schedule additional recovery point creation at low usage times so that client computers that missed the recovery point creation will get a recovery point later. 1. Launch the Windows Firewall console (Start -> Run -> firewall.cpl). 2. Click Advanced settings on the left pane. 3. Select Inbound rules, and scroll down to DPMRA and

Backups of client computers connected to corporate network through DirectAccess fail with RPC server unavailable error.

Edge traversal is blocked in the firewall settings.


Possible Cause

Solution DPMRA_DCOM_135. 4. Double click the rule and navigate to the Advanced tab. 5. In the Edge traversal group item, select Allow edge traversal.

Hyper-V Protection Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on protection issues for Hyper-V virtual machines.

Hyper-V Virtual Machine Protection Issues

Issue DPM error: DPM failed to synchronize changes for Microsoft Hyper-V \Backup Using Child Partition Snapshot\<<VM Name>> on <<Resource Group>> because the snapshot volume did not have sufficient storage space to hold the churn on the protected computer (ID 30115 Details: Unknown error (0x8004231f) (0x8004231F)) Reason Insufficien t storage in snapshot pool. Workaround Verify that the SAN has enough available storage to create hardware snapshots.

DPM error: The VSS Autoapplication writer or the VSS mounting

Enable auto-mounting by using the following


Issue provider is in a bad state. Either it was already in a bad state or it entered a bad state during the current operation. (ID 30111 Details: Unknown error (0x800423f4) (0x800423F4)) VMMS event: No snapshots to revert were found for virtual machine 'CSVVM02'. (Virtual machine ID 4774EF60-F4B6-47D6-A0B960452C6B7FE8) DPM error: The VSS application writer or the VSS provider is in a bad state. Either it was already in a bad state or it entered a bad state during the current operation. (ID 30111 Details: Unknown error (0x80042306) (0x80042306)) The operation failed for Microsoft Hyper-V \Backup Using Child Partition Snapshot\Win7.01 on Win7.01.dpmcsv1.DC505.LA B because the data source is not available. (ID 30169 Details: Unknown error (0x80042308) (0x80042308))



of command: Mountvol volumes might not be enabled on the protected computer.

The hardware provider has vetoed snapshot creation.

This is potentially a configuration issue. Check the application event logs for VSS hardware provider events and validate the storage configuration with your SAN vendor.

Live 1. Rerun the backup job. migration 2. Diagnose the storage volume for the virtual caused the machine. virtual For information about how to back up virtual machine machines on CSV, in the DPM 2010 Operations to move Guide, see Considerations for Backing Up Virtual to another Machines on CSV with the System VSS Provider node ( while the ). backup was in progress.


Reason Cluster disks are in a bad state. Data source was deleted.


DPM error: Failed to prepare a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) for backup as another backup using the same CSV is in progress. (ID 32612 Details: Unknown error (0x8007173d) (0x8007173D)) DPM error: An unexpected error occurred during job execution. (ID 104 Details: Element not found (0x80070490)) Backup of Hyper-V virtual machines are stalled and no data transfer is happening.

Too many parallel backups are competing for the same CSV LUN.

For information about how to enforce serial backups, in the DPM 2010 Operations Guide, see
Considerations for Backing Up Virtual Machines on CSV with the System VSS Provider


There Repair or remove the failed disk in the cluster. might be a failed disk in the cluster. TCP Run netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled to Chimney disable TCP Chimney Offloading. Offloading maybe active.

Troubleshooting Data Recovery Issues

This section includes troubleshooting assistance for data recovery issues.


In This Section
General Data Recovery Issues Exchange Server Recovery Issues SQL Server Recovery Issues Windows SharePoint Recovery Issues Tape Library Recovery Issues End-User Recovery Issues

General Data Recovery Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance for general data recovery issues. General Data Recovery Issues

Issue The Recovery Wizard Summary page does not display the details of the recoverable items.

Possible Cause If you selected data to restore at the item level, the Recovery Wizard Summary page will not display the details of the recoverable items.

Details Item details will not appear on the Recovery Wizard Summary page for the following: Windows SharePoint Services sites and items Exchange Server mailboxes The Summary page will display recovery details such as recovery points, media, and notifications.

The recovery job fails.

If you perform a recovery at the same time a disk-to-tape (D2T) short-term protection job is scheduled to run, the recovery will fail.

DPM will cancel a D2T shortterm protection job if it is running at the same time you are performing a recovery. You can complete the steps in the Recovery Wizard;


Possible Cause

Details however, the recovery job will fail. You must either cancel the D2T short-term protection job or wait for it to complete before performing the recovery.

Exchange Server Recovery Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance that supplements the specific error messages that you may encounter during recovery of Exchange Server data. Exchange Server Recovery Issues

Issue Recovery fails when trying to mount or dismount the Exchange Server database.

Possible Cause If you rename an Exchange Server storage group after protecting it, when DPM performs a recovery operation, the recovery will fail when trying to mount or dismount the database.

Resolution The caption of the Exchange Server storage group is used to mount and dismount the Exchange Server databases. If you rename the storage group, the caption stored in the protected object will be different from the actual caption and the mount and dismount operations will fail. If this occurs, we recommend that you do the following: Rename the storage group back to the original storage group name. When you detect a name change, update the caption name in the protected object. You can use the component name to identify a storage group to mount and dismount the databases under it instead of the caption name. Perform the following steps to provide the user with the Exchange Server Administrator privileges:

ID 104: An unexpected error occurred during

Exchange Server 2007 requires

Issue job execution.

Possible Cause


credentials of 1. From the command prompt, type dcomcnfg, and then click OK. an Exchange Server 2. On the Component Services screen, expand administrator Component Services, expand Computers, expand for dismounting My Computer, and then click DCOM Config. or mounting the 3. Right-click ExchangeCmdletsWrapper, and then database. click Properties. The DPM replication agent requires Local System account privileges, and therefore, recovery fails when trying to recover data on an Exchange Server 2007 server that is configured for clustered continuous replication (CCR). 4. In the Properties dialog box, on the Identity tab, select This user. 5. Provide the credentials for the account that has Exchange Server Administrator privileges, and then click OK.

Recovery to the latest Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) fails.

If the embedded database (.edb) and the streaming (.stm) files are renamed and then the databases are not dismounted

Dismount and remount the databases, and then retry the recovery. If you cannot dismount and remount the databases, restore the files and then copy them with a clean shutdown. Then move the files to the original location and mount the database.



Possible Cause and then remounted, the recovery fails.


Mailbox recovery fails with a catastrophic error when recovering to an alternate Exchange Server 2003 database.

The restore flag was not set when attempting to recover a mailbox to an alternate Exchange Server 2003 database.

After the recovery fails, go to the Exchange Server Management Console, set the recovery flag, and then mount the database.

The RecoverRecoverableItem cmdlet fails specifying that the specified recovery options were not valid.

If you specify The TargetServer attribute should be the active ResourceGroupName.ClusterServerName.DomainName. server name when recovering a storage group or database for Exchange Server Clustered Continuous Replication (CCR) through the commandline interface (CLI), the recovery fails. This error occurs if the .stm and .edb files that are associated with To bring the database to a Clean Shutdown state, move the .stm file to the same folder as the .edb file, and then run eseutil with the appropriate parameters.

eseutil execution fails with error code 0xfffff764 in the Application log.



Possible Cause a database are not in the same folder. When this occurs, the database is not brought to a Clean Shutdown state.


SQL Server Recovery Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on recovery issues for computers running SQL Server. SQL Server Recovery Issues

Issue The database recovery fails.

Possible Cause If you recover a SQL Server database by selecting the latest recovery point and then perform another recovery using the latest recovery point, the database recovery will fail.

Resolution When you recover a SQL Server database using the latest recovery point, DPM performs the recovery using the SQL Server logs that are available on the protected server. After you recover the database, you cannot perform another recovery using the latest recovery point until you perform a synchronization with consistency check. However, you can recover to a recovery point listed just prior to the latest recovery point. In this case, you will recover the


Possible Cause

Resolution database to the latest available recovery point on the DPM server; however, the logs on the SQL Server will not be utilized. This is because the logs on the SQL Server were already used as part of the latest point recovery that you performed earlier.

Windows SharePoint Recovery Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on recovery issues for computers running Windows SharePoint Services. Windows SharePoint Services Recovery Issues

Issue Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Unable to see recovered list item.

Possible Cause The item may still be in the site or site administrators Recycle Bin.

Resolution We recommend that you recover the item from the site or site administrators Recycle Bin, if it is the same version of the file that you are looking for, rather than recover it from the replica. Alternatively, clear both the Recycle Bins in SharePoint and then retry the recovery. If you are recovering an item that already exists in either the users or the site administrators Recycle Bin, DPM will restore a duplicate item and apply the parent folders permissions. However, if the item has been deleted from all Recycle Bins, then it will be restored along with the permissions. Run the catalog task.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 Recovering list item does not recover its permissions.

The item already exists in the list, or is in either the users Recycle Bin or the site administrators Recycle Bin.

Recovery points are DPM backs up the not displayed for sites databases and then

Issue or documents in DPM Administrator Console in the Recovery task area. (If you double-click the content databases, the sites do not appear.)

Possible Cause performs a catalog task to get a list of all the URLs in the content databases. By default, this process runs three hours after the first scheduled backup job of the day. If the catalog task has not completed, you will not be able to expand the content database in the DPM Recovery UI. If you recover a Windows SharePoint Services farm that had a detached database prior to recovery, you cannot attach the database after the recovery if the frontend Web server was different than the database DPM used for the recovery.


After recovering a Windows SharePoint Services farm, you cannot attach a content database.

To resolve this issue, do the following: Delete the config cache on the front-end Web server that was not used for the recovery. The cache is a set of XML files located in the following folder: <drive letter>:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\<config database ID>. Caution Do not delete the folder. Delete only the XML files in the folder. The cache will automatically rebuild, enabling you to attach the database.

Recovery of the Windows SharePoint Services farm fails.

If a Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) is installed after the Windows SharePoint

To resolve this issue, do the following: 1. Recover the Windows SharePoint Services farm by using the Recovery Wizard.


Possible Cause Services farm is protected, the recovery will fail.

Resolution 2. On the front-end Web server, from the command prompt, type psconfig -cmd upgrade -wait -force -inplace b2b. You must stop protection, and then use the New Protection Group Wizard to reprotect the Windows SharePoint Services farm.

Consistency check fails with "Data source not found".

If you perform a recovery after the content database is deleted from SQL Server Management Studio, and not through the Sharepoint Console, the consistency check will fail. The document or list item is being restored to an alternative URL within the same farm. The recovery point is located on the tape and the database has been removed from the SharePoint farm.

Permissions or ACLs for the document or list item have not been restored. Recovering a SharePoint content database to its original location fails.

DPM recovers the permissions or ACLs only if the item is being restored to the original location.

Recover the database by using the Recover to any SQL Instance option.

Tape Library Recovery Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on tape library recovery issues. Tape Library Recovery Issues

Issue Tape read errors occur when

Possible Cause File server data source

Resolution If tape read errors occur, do the


Issue attempting to recover a file server volume from tape.

Possible Cause


recovery from tape will fail if following: there are corrupt files on 1. Select the contents of the the tape. volume for recovery rather than the entire volume. For example, select all of the files and folders on <drive letter>:\ instead of selecting the entire <drive letter>:\ <volume>. 2. Retry the recovery. DPM will attempt to skip over the corrupt files on tape. Caution Because of serious tape corruption, DPM may not be able to find the files that are not corrupt. Therefore, DPM may not succeed in recovering the selected individual files.

End-User Recovery Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on end-user recovery issues. End-User Recovery Issues

Issue End-user recovery (EUR) configuration fails on

Possible Cause

Resolution Try either one of the following solutions: Copy DPMADSchemaExtension.exe from DPM install folder to the active directory and run it

Issue Windows Server 2008.

Possible Cause

Resolution from there. In Server Manager, click Add roles. Select Active Directory Domain Services role and install it. Launch DPM again and configure EUR.

If you enable end-user recovery functionality on your DPM server and then try to recover an earlier version of a file or folder from your computer, your computer automatically tries to recover the file or folder from the DPM server.

This issue occurs if the computer is secured by DPM or if there are no local shadow copies of the file or folder on the computer.

To resolve this issue, you must download Microsoft Knowledge Base article 903234 to update the Timewarp client on the client computer. To download article 903234, see An
update is available to the way that the Shadow Copy Client accesses shadow copies in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP


Computers in Workgroups and Untrusted Domains Recovery Issues

Computers in Workgroups and Untrusted Domains Recovery Issues
Issue Protection agent refresh fails after system state recovery of Possible Cause Password set for protection was updated after the system state of the protected machine Resolution Reset the password. For more information, in the DPM 2010 Operations Guide, see Updating Password for
Workgroup or Untrusted Computers


Possible Cause

Resolution (

protected computer. was backed up.

Troubleshooting Tape Library Management Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on tape library issues. Tape Library Issues

Error Message SetDPMSharedDatabase fails.

Possible Cause Exceptions have not been added to the firewall.

Resolution Add the following exceptions to the firewall on the DPM server: SqlBrowser SqlServer Windows Management Instrumentation

Tape is written by a non-DPM application using a physical block size either less than 1024 bytes or more than 65536 bytes.The tape in <LibraryType> <Library> at <MediaLocationType> <MediaLocationInfo> has been written to by another tape backup application using an unsupported physical block size.

DPM only supports reading a physical block size between 1024 bytes and 65536 bytes. Therefore DPM cannot read or overwrite the contents of this tape. If the tape was used by any other backup application with an unsupported block size, the block size information will persist with the tape.

To resolve this issue, do the following to erase the contents of the tape: In DPM Administrator Console, in the Management pane, on the Libraries tab, select the tape, and then click Erase tape After erasing the tape, DPM will be able to use it for backups.

Note If you have a


Error Message

Possible Cause

Resolution standalone tape drive, you might have to erase the tape using a tool other than DPM.

A new tape library or standAfter performing the alone tape drive does not appear Rescan operation, DPM Administrator Console in DPM Administrator Console. cannot identify a new tape library or stand-alone tape drive on the DPM server.

After you install a new tape library and then perform the Rescan operation, if the tape library does not appear on the Libraries tab in the Management task area of DPM Administrator Console, do the following: Ensure that the tape library and drives are properly connected. For SCSI connections, ensure that the logical unit number (LUN) for each device is unique. Ensure that Device Manager lists all tape libraries and stand-alone tape drives attached to the DPM server. If they do not appear in Device Manager, do the following: a. In Control Panel, double-click System. b. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Hardware tab, click Device Manager. c. In Device Manager, expand Tape drives, and if you added a tape

Error Message

Possible Cause

Resolution library, expand Medium Changers. d. Right-click the tape drives and medium changers if you added a tape library, and then click Scan for hardware changes. e. After the devices appear in Device Manager, return to the Libraries tab in the Management task area, and then click Rescan. Ensure the proper drivers are installed for each device.

Library jobs start to fail after removing a tape that was stuck in the tape library.

The library jobs fail because Media Manager continues to report the nonexisting tape in the drive.

To update the DPM library information, do the following: 1. Properly remove the tape from the drive by following the recommended procedures of the tape library vendor. 2. Power down and then restart the tape library. 3. In DPM Administrator Console, on the Libraries tab in the Management task area, click Inventory library. 4. In the Inventory dialog box, select Detailed inventory, and then click Start.

DPM Library Management cannot find the Quantum tape

If you are using the incorrect drivers for the

We recommend that you run Ltotape.sys for the Quantum


Error Message

Possible Cause

Resolution LTO drives.

drive in the Qualstar tape library. Quantum tape drive, DPM Library Management cannot find it because the drive was not initialized and configured. A new tape does not appear in DPM Administrator Console. After you add a new tape to your tape library without using Unlock library door or Add tape (IEPort), the new tape might not appear in the DPM Library Management task area.

To display the new tape, do the following: 1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the taskbar. 2. On the Libraries tab, in the Actions pane, click Inventory library. 3. In the Inventory dialog box, select Fast inventory, and then click Start.

A tape does not appear in the Library Management task area.

If you run a detailed inventory on the tape library after inserting a tape, the tape does not appear in the Library Management task area.

To display the tape in the Library Management task area, insert the tape in the tape library and then do the following: 1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the navigation bar. 2. On the Libraries tab, select the tape library. 3. In the Actions pane, click Inventory. 4. In the Inventory dialog box, select Fast inventory, and then click Start. 5. After the fast inventory is complete, in the Inventory

Error Message

Possible Cause

Resolution dialog box, select Detailed inventory, and then click Start.

DPM does not detect a newly inserted tape.

In DPM Administrator Console, if you run a detailed inventory, it will not detect inserted tapes that are new.

You must first run a fast inventory, which detects any tape (with or without a bar code) in any library. After you run a fast inventory, the detailed inventory will detect the new tape.

Troubleshooting Reporting Issues

The following table provides guidance for troubleshooting issues that may occur when configuring, viewing, exporting, or subscribing to DPM reports. General Reporting Issues

Issue E-mail functionality for reports is not working.

Possible cause

Resolution 1. The Reporting Services Service Account should be changed to run under a domain account. a. Open Reporting Service Configuration Manager from Start Menu->SQL Server 2008->Configuration Tools. b. Select the service account to be a domain account having permissions to send mail from SMTP server. 2. Set the SMTP settings from the DPM Administrator Console or the Reporting Service Configuration Manager.



Possible cause

Resolution a. Enter the SMTP server as SMTPHost. b. Ensure that the account is the same as the service account. 3. Set the SQL Service to run under any domain account from SQL Server Configuration Manager 4. Open reporting configuration file. By default it will be at C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\SQL\MSRS10.MSDPM2010\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config. Change the SMTP Authenticate tab to 2.

You subscribe to five reports for email delivery, but not all reports are delivered.

If you schedule all five When a DPM server is protecting a large number reports to be sent at of file servers, we recommend that you stagger the same time, the the delivery schedule for reports sent by e-mail. memory limitations of SQL Server Reporting Services may prevent some reports from being sent. This issue is most commonly caused when the security settings of the recipient e-mail address restrict e-mail delivery. This could happen, for example, if the recipient e-mail address is a distribution group whose properties are set to only receive email from authorized senders. Depending on the cause of the issue, there are several solutions you can try: Verify that the e-mail addresses used for subscribing to reports are valid. Verify that the security settings on the e-mail alias or distribution group do not restrict email notifications from being delivered to the intended addressee(s). Verify that the From address, which is specified on the SMTP Server tab for use in e-mail messages, contains a valid e-mail address. For more information, in Deploying DPM 2010, see Configuring the SMTP Server (

Reports are not received by designated e-mail recipients and DPM does not generate any errors.


Possible cause This issue may also occur when: The e-mail address of the recipient is not valid. The From address for e-mail messages on the SMTP Server tab is an invalid or unmonitored email address.

Resolution .

When exporting HTML reports to MHTML, charts do not display correctly.

If you try to export an HTML report to Web Archive (MHTML format) on a DPM server running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2), the charts on the report will not display. The proxy server settings in Internet Explorer may not be set correctly.

This is an issue with Internet Explorer, and occurs only the first time you export a report. Subsequent exported reports will display correctly.

When you try to view a DPM report, you see a Cannot find server or DNS error error message, or the report is not displayed in Internet Explorer.

To display reports in Internet Explorer, the proxy server for local connections needs to be bypassed. To bypass the proxy server for local connections: 1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options. 2. In the Internet Options dialog box, on the Connections tab, click LAN Settings. 3. In the LAN Settings dialog box, ensure that the correct proxy server name is entered and the Bypass proxy server for local


Possible cause

Resolution connections check box is selected. 4. If the proxy server setting is correct but you cannot select the Bypass proxy server for local connection check box because of company policy, then select Advanced Options and add Http://DPM <server name> to Exceptions.

One or more of the DPM report types are missing from the Reporting task area of DPM Administrator Console.

An administrator has manually deleted one or more of the DPM report templates from the DPM computer.

To restore the missing DPM report types, do the following: 1. Ensure that no DPM jobs are running. 2. Close DPM Administrator Console. 3. In Add or Remove Programs, uninstall DPM with the Retain data option enabled. If you do not enable the Retain data option, your existing data protection configuration will be deleted, including the protection schedule, replicas, and shadow copies. 4. After uninstallation has completed successfully, reinstall DPM.

DPM does not export reports to MHTML, Excel, or PDF formats.

If both Internet Explorer Enhanced Security and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) options are enabled, DPM cannot export reports to MHTML, Microsoft Excel, or PDF formats.

To export reports to MHTML, Excel, or PDF formats, you must disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security. To disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security: 1. In Add or Remove Programs, click Add/Remove Windows Components. 2. In the Windows Components Wizard dialog box, clear the Internet Enhanced Security Configurations check box. When a report fails, the report is run again as soon as the DPM computer is back online or at the next regularly scheduled time. This resolves the problem of not being able to view the report

A report has no data in it when you view it from DPM Administrator

One of the following problems might have prevented the report from running at the

Issue Console or in an email attachment.

Possible cause scheduled time: Reporting could not connect to the DPM database. The DPM computer was down for maintenance. The DPM computer was being restarted.

Resolution from DPM Administrator Console. To ensure that e-mail subscribers receive the corrected report: 1. Select the report type in the Reporting task area of DPM Administrator Console. 2. In the Actions pane, click Schedule. 3. In the Frequency drop-down list, click Once. 4. In the Date and Time drop-down lists, select the next available schedule. 5. After the "run once" report is generated, it will be sent to all subscribers. After the report has been successfully sent, set the reports back to their regular schedules. To restore the default setting, manually remove the DPM computer name from the Trusted Sites zone and add it to the Local Intranet zone. For more information on Internet Explorer security zones, in the Internet Explorer 6.0 Resource Kit see Security Zones (

The administrator is always prompted for user credentials to access DPM reports.

DPM Setup automatically adds the name of the DPM computer to the Local Intranet security zone in Internet Explorer to permit access to DPM reports without having to provide additional credentials. If you manually add the name of the DPM computer to the Trusted Sites zone, you will overwrite this default setting, and Internet Explorer will prompt for credentials before granting access to



Possible cause DPM reports.


When you try to view reports, you receive the following error message:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborte d) Get Online Help

The DPMR$<MachineNam e> account may not have the required user rights.

To resolve this error, you must ensure that the DPMR$<MachineName> account has the Allow log on locally user right. To assign the Allow log on locally user right to the DPMR$<MachineName> account: 1. In Administrative Tools, open Local Security Policy. 2. Under Security Settings, expand Local Policies, and then click User Rights Management. 3. In the details pane, right-click Allow log on locally, and then right-click Properties. 4. In the Allow log on locally Properties dialog box, click Add User or Group. 5. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, click Locations, click the name of the DPM server, and then click OK. 6. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, enter DPMReport, and then click OK. 7. In the Allow log on locally Properties dialog box, click OK. 8. In the details pane, right-click Deny log on locally, and then right-click Properties. 9. If the DPMR$<MachineName> account is listed, select DPMReport, and then click Remove.

Logon failed. (rsLogonFailed) Get Online Help

Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

Disk utilization for inactive replicas is not reported correctly in the Disk

For existing protection groups or file servers, current storage pool details

Disk utilization for these replicas will be correct in reports generated at least a day after the change is made.


Issue Utilization Report.

Possible cause do not display the current information (for example, up to the minute) for replicas that were removed, added, or removed from protection on the day that the report is generated. Your notification deliveries will fail if you enter the incorrect user name for authentication on the SMTP server.


Notification deliveries for reports and alerts fail.

To enter the correct user name for authentication, in the Options dialog box, on the SMTP Server tab, in the User name box, type the domain name of the user that appears in the "From" address box. For example, if the user name in the "From" address box is [email protected], in the User name box type <domain name>\Terry.

Logon failure (0x80070569): The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

This error occurs To add a domain user account, perform the when your security following steps: policy settings prevent the user from 1. Remove the DPMR$DPMMACHINENAME account from the logging on using a DPMDBReaders$DPMMACHINENAME local user account. group. 2. Delete the DPMR$DPMMACHINENAME account. 3. Add a domain user account (not an administrator account) to the DPMDBReaders$DPMMACHINENAME group. 4. Perform the following steps to modify the DPMReporterDataSource account to use this domain user account. For more information about modifying the


Possible cause

Resolution Report Manager, see Data Sources Properties

Page (Report Manager)

( 211). 5. Edit the Allow log on locally Group Policy setting and add the domain user account.

Troubleshooting Performance Issues

This section includes troubleshooting assistance for performance issues.

In This Section
Network Bandwidth Issues

Network Bandwidth Issues

The following table provides guidance for troubleshooting network bandwidth issues. Network Bandwidth Issues

Issue Network bandwidth usage is not being throttled.

Possible Cause The quality of service (QoS) may not be enabled on the production server and the DPM server.

Resolution If you enabled network bandwidth usage throttling in DPM Administrator Console and the network bandwidth usage is not being throttled, verify that QoS is enabled on the production server and the DPM server.


Troubleshooting Database Issues

System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010 processes rely on a database created in an instance of SQL Server 2008 SP1. The DPM database (DPMDB) stores all DPM settings, configuration, and reporting information for DPM. A database failure can cause DPM jobs to fail, interfere with the use of DPM Administrator Console, prevent DPM reporting, and stop the DPM service. A backlog of requests caused by low memory or high CPU usage also can cause client timeouts (when DPM processes take a long time to establish a connection to SQL Server or run a SQL query). Possible causes of DPM database failures include the following: An unusually high number of protection jobs being processed on the DPM server at one time, and SQL Server is unable to handle the volume of requests in a timely manner. This is the most common cause of client timeouts and general network errors. A database or transaction log that DPM uses has run out of disk space. The DPM database enters an inconsistent state or becomes corrupted. The SQL Server service is not running or is not configured correctly. Some database failures in DPM are caused by transitory problems that may resolve themselves. Examples include insufficient resources, client timeouts, insufficient disk space for transaction logs, deadlocks in SQL Server, recoverable database errors, and timing issues. Before you run diagnostics for this type of database failure, perform the following steps on the DPM server to ensure that the problem is not transitory.

To resolve issues that might cause a transitory database failure 1. Verify that the SQL Server service is running. In Administrative Tools, open Services, and verify that the status of the SQL Server (MSDPM2010) service is Started. If it is not, right-click the service, and then click Start or Resume, as appropriate. 2. If this does not fix the problem, close and reopen DPM Administrator Console. 3. If this does not fix the problem, stop and restart both the DPM service and the SQL Server (MSDPM2010) service. (In most cases, restarting the DPM service will resolve the issue.) For instructions, see Verifying Status of the DPM Service.


If you experience database failures in DPM that are not transitory in nature, the issues can be complex. You will need to work with your SQL Server administrator to diagnose and resolve the related issues. The following Database Errors table provides a starting point for resolving specific database errors. The Database Exceptions table later in this topic provides information about how to troubleshoot database exceptions. Database Errors

Error Error 940: Unable to connect to the database because of a fatal database error. It is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged. Error 941: Unable to connect to the DPM database.

To troubleshoot this error Ensure that the DPM instance of SQL Server (MSDPM2010) service is running. Then use Windows Event Viewer to find information about related events. To resolve issues related to database connection failures 1. Ensure that the DPM service is running. 2. Resolve transient issues that might be temporary database connection failures. 3. Make sure that SQL Server is configured correctly. For information about configuring SQL Server for use with DPM 2010, see
Manually Installing Prerequisite Software

( 02). Error 942: Database integrity is in question because of a hardware or software problem. If the integrity of the DPM database is in question, contact your SQL Server administrator. You might need to repair or restore the database in SQL Server from backup media. Inform the administrator every time this error is encountered. Look at Windows Event Log for SQL Server/media failures. It is possible that the problem is in the cache only and not on the disk itself. If so, restarting SQL Server corrects the problem. In some cases, it may be necessary to


To troubleshoot this error restore the database. To resolve issues related to a database that may be corrupt 1. Use Event Viewer on the DPM server to check for I/O problems at the time of the alert. I/O failures in the event log might explain why the database was corrupted. If that is the case, you might want to repair or replace the hard disk before restoring the database. 2. To determine the extent of the database problem, perform a database check on the database for which integrity is in question. In SQL Query Analyzer, enter the following command: dbcc checkdbdatabasename 3. Depending on the nature of the problem, you might need to repair or restore the DPM database. Some problems, such as indexing and caching problems, can be resolved by repairing the database or restarting SQL Server. Work with your SQL Server administrator to determine the best course of action.

Error 943: Unable to connect to the DPM database because the database is in an inconsistent state.

If DPM finds that the database is in an inconsistent state, the problem is unlikely to resolve itself. For help with troubleshooting the problem, contact Microsoft product support. For more information, see Microsoft Help and Support ( If you are experiencing client timeouts and general network errors that are possibly related to SQL Server being unable to handle the volume of requests, modify protection schedules for protection groups to stagger protection jobs.

Error 944: Database operation failed.


To troubleshoot this error A high incidence of client timeouts may be a sign that the volume that stores your database files and transaction logs is highly fragmented. If needed, use Disk Defragmenter to defragment the volume. A shortage of disk space for a SQL Server database file or transaction log generates a warning or error in SQL Server, depending on how critical the shortage has become. If transaction logs overflow, the DPM service probably will shut down after one or more failed attempts to access the database. To resolve issues caused by a shortage of disk space for databases or transaction logs a. Use Windows Event Viewer to get additional information about the problem. b. Use SQL Query Analyzer to get information about the size of the databases and the use of transaction log space by entering the following commands: sp_helpdb Reports the size of each database file. dbcc sqlperf (logspace) Reports the current sizes of transaction logs. c. Shrink the database and transaction logs. In SQL Query Analyzer, enter the following commands: dbcc shrinkfile (databasenamelog.dat) Shrinks the transaction logs for the specified database. dbcc shrinkfile (databasename_dat) Shrinks the specified database file.


To troubleshoot this error If disk space is still insufficient, extend the volume that contains the files to ensure sufficient disk space for the transaction log during peak performance. This error can also occur if the SQL Server administrator has deleted the database, taken the database offline, or detached the database for maintenance. If the database is offline or detached for maintenance, retry the operation after the database is brought online. If the database was deleted, restore the database from tape backup, and then run DpmSync.

Error 945: Unable to connect to the DPM database because of a general database failure.

For general database failures, ensure that the DPM service is running on the DPM server. Then use Windows Event Viewer to find information about related events. On a new DPM server, ensure that SQL Server is configured correctly. To resolve issues related to general database failures 1. Ensure that the SQL Server (MSDPM2010) service is running. 2. Resolve transient issues that might be temporary database connection failures. 3. Make sure that SQL Server is configured correctly. For information about configuring SQL Server for use with DPM, in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide, see Configuring
DPM 2010

( 157). 4. If general database failures persist, contact Microsoft product support for help with troubleshooting the problem. For information, see Microsoft Help and Support (


To troubleshoot this error 6).

Database Exceptions

Exception Exception 5168: Login failed for user <user name>.

To troubleshoot this exception DpmSync fails when trying to restore the DPMDB database because it cannot open the DPMDB database requested by the login. Verify that the DPM installation contains a new DPMDB database and that it is online before trying to restore an older database. If a new database does not exist on the DPM installation, uninstall and then reinstall DPM. After the installation is complete, run DpmSync again.

Additional Resources for Troubleshooting Database Issues

This following is a list of additional resources you might use to help diagnose and resolve DPM database issues. Configuring SQL Server for use with DPM, see Installing DPM 2010 ( Using the sp_helpdb system stored procedure for SQL Server in the Transact-SQL Reference ( Using the Database Console Commands (DBCC), DBCC SQLPERF and DBCC SHRINKFILE for SQL Server located in the DBCC section of the Transact-SQL Reference ( Using the Windows Server 2008 event logs to identify problems. Configuring and maintaining physical storage components in SQL Server 2008 to meet capacity, throughput, and performance requirements. For more information, in the

DPM 2010 Operations Guide, see Managing Performance (

Troubleshooting Job Status Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on job status issues. Job Status Issues

Issue DPM Administrator Console displays an error for jobs that are in progress and have not completed.

Possible Cause The DPM jobs are still in progress and have not finished running.

Resolution While DPM jobs are in progress, DPM continually retries the job until it is finished running. After the job is complete, DPM will display the correct job status. Verify that DPM is not transferring data, and then cancel the job. If the job continues to run, restart the DPM server.

File synchronization or recovery DPM may be perpetually point creation jobs continue to attempting to cancel the job. run, even when DPM is not transferring data.

Troubleshooting the DPM System Recovery Tool

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on DPM System Recovery Tool (SRT) issues. DPM System Recovery Tool Issues


Possible Cause

Resolution To resolve this issue, close and then restart the Recovery

On the computer that you are This issue occurs when there recovering, the Recovery are communication problems Center Rollback Wizard between the DPM SRT server

Issue suspends during the progressing state. After you restart the computer, it remains suspended. The restore operation fails.

Possible Cause and the protected server.

Resolution Center Rollback Wizard.

When you replace a disk that has crashed with a disk that contains partitions, the restore operation may fail. This issue may be due to the following: Compressed volumes are restored as expected; however, you must set compression attributes manually. DPM does not restore the security attribute of the root of a volume.

Replace the disk that has crashed with one that does not contain any partitions.

Volume attributes and access control lists (ACLs) do not restore properly.

If the recovery fails, we recommend that you restart the computer with a Boot Client CD, and then delete the contents in the temporary folder at the root of the volume.

The recovery sets included in a recovery point appear as unspecified in the user interface.

During a restore, the recovery sets included in a recovery point are not populated in the user interface and appear as unspecified.

If this issue occurs, you must close the user interface, restart the DPM System Recovery Tool Data Store service, and then restart the restore operation.

After you create a new recovery set, it does not appear in the user interface.

If the schedule console is To resolve this issue, refresh already open, the new recovery the user interface. If the new recovery set still does not set may not appear. appear, close and then restart the user interface. DPM SRT backs up FAT32 volumes as live volumes and cannot guarantee an No resolution for this issue.

Application data is not in a consistent state on FAT32 volumes.



Possible Cause application consistent state of data, or provide a single point for all files in the volume.


DPM SRT does not work correctly.

A previous version of Recovery Manager may have been installed before installing the DPM SRT.

Uninstall any previous versions of Recovery Manager before installing the DPM SRT.

Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on DPM disaster recovery issues. Disaster Recovery Issues

Issue Error ID: 31008 appears because DPM only refreshes protection agents every 30 minutes.

Possible Cause If a protected domain controller or secondary server becomes unavailable, the protection agents are not automatically refreshed in DPM Administration Console.

Resolution For disaster recovery scenarios, in DPM Administrator Console you must wait for the scheduled installation list refresh, which is a maximum of 30 minutes. To manually refresh the protection agents, in the Management task area, click the Agents tab, select the computer, and then in the Actions pane, click Refresh information.


Troubleshooting General DPM Issues

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on general System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010 issues. General DPM Issues


Possible Cause


DPM stops working when master DB is recovered.

If the master DB was protected from the same instance as DPMDB, DPM will stop working when the master DB is recovered. Ensure that the SQL Server services are running as inbuilt accounts (local system network service) or domain accounts. Running the SQL Server services under the "Managed service account" is not supported. If the NETBIOS name of the DPM server is longer than 15 characters, use the clipped name within the cmdlets. To resolve this issue, either retry the operation or wait 30 sec. 1. Attach agent from primary DPM to the newly added computer. 2. Run SetDPMServer
DPMServerName 98 -

Scheduled jobs not getting triggered when DPM uses a remote SQL instance

Some of the DPM Management Shell cmdlets do not work on DPM servers that have NETBIOS names longer than 15 characters.

Unable to add GUID Partition Table (GPT) disk to storage pool.

After switching back protection, jobs for some data A new backend/ sources start failing with Access Denied errors. physical node was added to


Possible Cause


a <> on the newly added SharePoin computer. t farm or cluster 3. Make sure the primary after protection is green. switch 4. Now run modify protection protection group on the . This secondary DPM server for node was the protection group containing affected data protected source. directly by the a. Expand the primary secondary DPM server node in the Modify Protection server. Wizard. The primary b. Expand the DPM did SharePoint frontend/resource group not know to which the new about this computer was added. new node until 5. Save the protection group. protection was switched back. DPM engine on secondary server stops working after it is denied access to a file on the primary server with the following stack:
Access to the path '\\\MTATempStore$\PSInfo\78 b18367-eb4e-4e1d-8cfd-a7e41cb48d6b.xml' is denied.</ExceptionMessage><ExceptionDetails>Syst em.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\\\MTATempStore$\PSInfo\78 b18367-eb4e-4e1d-8cfd-a7e41cb48d6b.xml' is denied.

Lack of permissio ns to a share or a name resolution conflict.

Change the name resolution order. For more information see How
to change name resolution order on Windows 95 and Windows NT

( nk/?LinkId=187186).



Possible Cause


at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

The user cannot open DPM Administrator Console.

If the user You must add the user to the is a Administrators group. member of a group other than the Administr ators group, such as Backup Operator, they will not have access to DPM Administr ator Console. Retry the operation at a later point when the churn is expected to be lower.

Error 30115: DPM failed to synchronize changes for The <Datasource Type> <Datasource Name> on <Server shadow copy Name>. storage area did not have



Possible Cause sufficient storage space to hold the churn on the protected computer.


Error 30116: VSS has deleted a shadow copy.

The shadow copy storage area might have run out of disk space on the server <server name>.

Increase the space allocated for the shadow copy storage area for protected volumes on this computer. To change the settings for shadow copies, do the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management to open Computer Management. 2. In the console tree, expand the node to Computer Management/System Tools/Shared Folders. 3. Right-click Shared Folders, select All Tasks, and click Configure Shadow Copies. 4. Click the volume where you want to make changes, and then click


Possible Cause


Settings. 5. In the Settings dialog box, change the settings as appropriate. Note the following: To perform this procedure, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. If the computer is joined to a domain, members of the Domain Administration group might be able to perform this procedure. There is a limit of 64 shadow copies per volume that can be stored. When this limit is reached, the oldest shadow copy will be deleted and cannot be retrieved.

DPM 2010 Error Code Catalog

DPM error codes are generated by a state or action, and display a message that provides information or notifies you of a problem. When appropriate, the error message includes a recommended action. Some error messages refer you to the DPM 2010 Operations Guide or other DPM documentation. For more information about resolving DPM errors, see the DPM Troubleshooting Guide (

User interface messages that are informational or instructional are not included in this catalog. For example, the message associated with error code 321, The selected servers will reboot immediately after the agents have been installed. Are you sure that you want to install agents on these servers? is not listed in this catalog. Some error messages contain placeholder text, such as <specified server>. The placeholder text indicates a value that DPM provides in the actual error message.

Error Messages
Error Code 7 Error Message Recommended Action

Unable to connect to the Active Directory Domain Services database.

Make sure that the DPM server is a member of a domain and that a domain controller is running. Also verify that there is network connectivity between the DPM server and the domain controller. Check the path and enter it again.


DPM cannot access the path <file name> because part of the path has been deleted or renamed. DPM cannot browse <server name> because the host is unreachable.


1) Verify that <server name> is online and remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, verify that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. Verify that the computer running DPM has DCOM launch and access permissions for <server name>, and that the system time on the DPM server and <server name> is synchronized with the system time on the domain controller.


DPM cannot browse <server name> because access was denied.


DPM cannot browse <server name> because the protection agent is not responding.

Error Code 14

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM cannot browse <server name> because of a communication error between DPM and the protection agent on the computer

To troubleshoot this error: 1) Verify that <server name> is remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, verify that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. 3) Restart the DPM Protection Agent (DPMRA) service on <server name>. If the service fails to start, reinstall the protection agent.


DPM cannot browse <server name> because a protection agent is not installed on <server name> or the computer is restarting.

To install a protection agent on <server name>, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, click Install in the Actions pane.


DPM cannot contact <server Restart <server name> and then try the operation again. name> until you complete the protection agent installation by restarting the computer. DPM cannot browse <server name> because the host is unreachable. 1) Make sure that <server name> is online and remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, make sure that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. On the Agents tab in the Management task area, check the status of the agent. Also, verify that the system times on the DPM server and the protected computer are synchronized with the system time on the domain controller. If you just installed an agent on <server name>, the computer might be restarting. Wait a few minutes after Windows starts for the agent to become available.



DPM cannot browse <server name> because access is denied.


DPM cannot browse <server name> because the agent is

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

not responding.

Otherwise, troubleshoot the problem as follows: 1) Check recent records from the DPMRA source in the Application Event Log on <server name> to find out why the agent failed to respond. 2) Make sure that the DPM server is remotely accessible from <server name>. 3) If a firewall is enabled on the DPM server, make sure that it is not blocking requests from <server name>. 4) Restart the DPM Protection Agent service on <server name>. If the service fails to start, re-install the protection agent.


DPM cannot browse <server name> because of a communication error with the agent.

If you just installed an agent on <server name>, the server might be restarting. Wait a few minutes after Windows starts for the agent to become available. Otherwise, troubleshoot the problem as follows: 1) Make sure that <server name> is remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, make sure that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. 3) Restart the DPM Protection Agent service on <server name>. If the service fails to start, re-install the protection agent.


The protection agent on <server name> was temporarily unable to respond because it was in an unexpected state. Cannot find the volume <volume name> on the

Retry the operation.


Make sure that the storage pool disk is accessible. If it is


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

computer running DPM. 64 Volume <volume name> is offline on the computer running DPM. DPM cannot browse <server name>, either because no agent is installed on <server name> or because the computer is rebooting. DPM cannot access the path <file name> because part of the path has been deleted or renamed. DPM cannot access <file name> because an element has been exclusively locked by another process. DPM cannot protect <file name>. The Recycle Bin, the System Volume Information folder, non-NTFS volumes, DFS links, CDs, Quorum Disk (for cluster) and other removable media cannot be protected. DPM failed to access the path <file name>. DPM failed to communicate with <server name> because

not, reallocate disk space and then reprotect the data. Please take the recommended action in Event Viewer on the DPM server.


To install a protection agent on <server name>, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, click Install in the Actions pane.


Check the path and enter it again.


Try the selection later or check to see if the object is locked by another process.



Verify that the path can be accessed successfully by using Windows Explorer. 1) Make sure that <server name> is online and remotely accessible from the DPM server.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

the computer is unreachable.

2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, make sure that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. 3) If you are using backup LAN, make sure that the backup LAN settings are valid.


DPM failed to communicate with the protection agent on <server name> because access is denied.

1) Verify that the DPM server has DCOM launch and access permissions for <server name> and that the system time on the DPM server and the protected computer is synchronized with the system time on the domain controller. 2) If this computer does not need to be protected any more, you may want to remove the record for this computer from the database. To remove the record, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, select the computer name. In the Details pane, click Remove Record. 3) Check to see that your domain controller can be reached from the DPM server and the protected computer. 4) If you are still facing communication issues between DPM and the protected computer, review the event log on the DPM server and the protected computer for events related to communication issues.


DPM failed to communicate with the protection agent on <server name> because the agent is not responding.

1) Check recent records from the DPMRA source in the Application Event Log on <server name> to find out why the agent failed to respond. 2) Make sure that the DPM server is remotely accessible from <server name>. 3) If a firewall is enabled on the DPM server, make sure that it is not blocking requests from <server name>. 4) Restart the DPM Protection Agent service on <server

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

name>. If the service fails to start, re-install the protection agent. 45 DPM failed to communicate with the protection agent on <server name> because the agent is not installed or the computer is rebooting. DPM failed to perform the operation because too many objects have been selected. Select fewer objects and then retry this operation. To install a protection agent on <server name>, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, click Install in the Actions pane. If the computer is in the process of restarting, allow some time for the computer to come online. Select fewer objects. 1) If you are trying to protect a large number of data sources on a volume, consider protecting the whole volume instead of individual data sources. 2)If you are trying to recover a large number of folders or files from a volume, consider recovering the parent folder, or divide the recovery into multiple operations.



Root directories were added to or removed from protection for volume <protected server volume name> on <protected server name>. The DPM service was unable to communicate with the protection agent on <server name>. DPM failed to move data because it did not receive the completion status from the protection agent. DPM cannot continue to protect the data on Restart the DPM Replication Agent service on <server name>.



Retry the operation.


1) Free up disk space on the protected computer. 2)


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

<protected server name> Retry the operation. because there is not enough disk space available on one or more of its volumes. 47 Some components of the protection agent on <protected server name> were not installed or configured properly. 1) Verify that the protected computer <protected server name> is not running an unsupported version of the operating system. 2) Consider restarting the computer <protected server name>. If the problem persists, uninstall the Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Protection Agent by using Add or Remove Programs on <protected server name>. Then, on the Agents tab of the Management task area, reinstall the protection agent on <protected server name>. 1) Restart <server name>. 2) If you have any protected data on this computer, synchronize with consistency check after <server name> successfully reboots.


<Server name> needs to be restarted. This may be because the computer has not been restarted since the protection agent was installed. To protect the selected data source, <server name> needs to be restarted for creating the change journal. The protection agent timed out while trying to access the file <file name> for volume <protected server volume name> on <protected server name>.

3040 0

Restart the computer and then synchronize with consistency check.


1) Make sure that the file <file name> is accessible. 2) Synchronize with consistency check.


Error Code 50

Error Message

Recommended Action

The DPM protection agent 1) Make sure that the file <file name> is accessible. failed to perform a consistency check on file <file 2) Retry the consistency check operation. name> for volume <protected server volume name> on <protected server name>. DPM failed to communicate with <server name> because of a communication error with the protection agent. 1) Make sure that <server name> is remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, make sure that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. 3) Restart the DPM Replication Agent service on <server name>. If the service fails to start, re-install the protection agent.



The protected volume <volume name> on <server name> could not be accessed. The volume may have been removed or dismounted, or another process may be exclusively using it.

Make sure that volume <volume name> can be accessed, and then click the recommended action link below. If a new volume <volume name> was created to replace a previously protected volume with the same name, and you want to protect the new volume, you must remove the original volume from its protection group, and then add the new volume to the protection group. You can retain the replica for future recoveries. If you no longer want to protect any data sources on the computer, you can uninstall the protection agent from the computer. If the volume has been permanently removed or deleted, remove the volume from its protection group (optionally choosing to retain the replica for future recoveries) and inactivate the alert by clicking "Inactive alert" Otherwise, click the recommended action link below.


Error Code 58

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM is out of disk space for the replica.

1) Allocate more disk space for the replica. For more information, see "How to modify disk allocation" in DPM Help. 2) Rerun failed operation by clicking the link below.


DPM was used to trigger the recovery for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. After this operation is complete, DPM must synchronize its replica with the data recovered on the protected computer in order to continue protection. The replica is being marked inconsistent to enable DPM to run a consistency check to synchronize the replica. DPM cannot protect <file name> because there is no virtual name configured for the Resource Group to which the file belongs. The consistency check job failed due to an internal error. The replica of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is not consistent with the protected data source. Make sure that the Resource Group has one virtual name configured. Also, check that dependencies between cluster resources are configured correctly.



Rerun the consistency check job.



Error Code 92

Error Message

Recommended Action

Cannot access volume on the replica of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. The share "<object name>" on <server name> is not currently protected. DPM is unable to continue protection for data sources on the protected server <server name> since it has detected an incompatible filter installed on this server. You must specify the e-mail addresses of users whom you want to notify about this recovery operation. Recovery cannot be performed right now as some other conflicting job is running. Please go to Alerts tab in Monitoring task area for details. The replica of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is being created.

Stop protection of <data source name> and then reconfigure protection for this data source.


Make sure that the share name and computer name are accurate.


Refer to the KB article for more details on resolving this error


In the Recipients box on the Recovery tab, type the email addresses.


Restart the recovery


If the replica creation is scheduled for a later time, no action is required. If you have chosen to manually create the replica, copy the data and then synchronize with consistency check.


The data source <data source No action is needed. Wait for DPM to update its type> <data source name> on database to reflect that this data source is no longer <server name> is no longer protected.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

protected and DPM no longer has a replica for it. The replica was probably deleted because the Stop Protection without retaining replica task was run on this data source. 95 Job failed on replica of <data source name> on <server name> because of ongoing synchronization. Job failure on replica of <data source name> on <server name> caused by ongoing replica creation. Job failure on replica of <data source name> on <server name> caused by ongoing consistency check. Operation failed on replica of <data source name> on <server name> since a recovery operation is currently in progress. Job failure on replica of <data source name> on <server name> caused by ongoing stop-protection job. Job failure on replica of <data source name> on <server name> caused by ongoing Cancel the ongoing operation, or wait for it to complete. Then retry the operation.


Wait for the replica creation operation to complete. Then retry the job.


Cancel the operation, or wait for it to complete. Then retry the job.


Cancel the operation, or wait for it to complete. Then retry the job.


Cancel the operation, or wait for it to complete. Then retry the job.


Cancel the operation, or wait for it to complete. Then retry the operation.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

recovery point creation. 101 This job failed because the No action is needed. Wait for DPM to update its replica for this data source is database to reflect that this data source is no longer being deallocated, probably protected. because the Stop Protection without retaining replica task was run on this data source. An unexpected error occurred Retry the operation. during job execution. The DPM protection agent is no longer tracking changes on <protected server volume name> on <protected server name>. The replica on the DPM server for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is inconsistent with the protected data source. Changes cannot be applied. <Server name> cannot be used as a destination for recovery because it has not been restarted since the protection agent was installed. <Server name> has been restarted without being properly shut down.



1) Check recent records from the FSRecord source in the System Event Log on <protected server name> to find out why the problem occurred. 2) Synchronize with consistency check.



Restart <server name> and then try the recovery operation again.


Error Code 131

Error Message

Recommended Action

File name extensions must begin with a '.' and cannot contain any of the following characters: /, \, :, *, ?, ", <, >, | Please remove duplicate file name extensions. Cannot protect this folder because data on other mount points of this volume have been selected for protection. Changes for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> cannot be applied to <file name>. Job failure for <data source Cancel the ongoing operation, or wait for it to complete. type> <data source name> on Then retry the job. <server name> caused by an ongoing conflicting operation on <server name>. Job failure on <data source name> on <server name> caused by ongoing backup operation. Job failure on <data source name> on <server name> caused by ongoing recovery from tape operation. Job failure on <server name> Cancel the operation, or wait for it to complete. Then retry the operation.







Cancel the operation, or wait for it to complete. Then retry the operation.


Cancel the operations, or wait for them to complete.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

caused by other ongoing conflicting operations on that computer. Note that some applications do not allow parallel recovery and backup operations on the same data source. 117

Then retry the operation

The synchronization job failed Create a valid recovery point on the primary DPM server due to an internal error. and rerun the synchronization job. To create a valid recovery point on the primary DPM server: 1) For SQL data, Exchange data or Windows SharePoint Services data, in the Protection task area, click 'Create recovery point', and select 'Express full backup on disk'. 2) For other types of data, in the Protection task area, click 'Create recovery point', and select 'Create a recovery point after synchronizing.


The selected data cannot be recovered to the DPM server <server name> because the replica is not in "replica creation pending" state. You cannot add more recovery points because the maximum number of recovery points for the entire retention range is <maximum limit> . You cannot choose this recovery point because the

Ensure that the replica is in "replica creation pending" state before recovering. For details on recovering a DPM server, refer to the DPM 2010 Operations Guide.


To increase the recovery points per day, you must either decrease the retention range or select fewer days of week.


Choose a recovery point that has a time difference with a previous recovery point that is equal to or greater

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

time difference between it than the specified synchronization frequency. and a previous recovery point is less than your synchronization frequency. Specified synchronization frequency: <value entered> 137 The protection group name entered already exists. DPM will look for your recovery tapes only in the selected library. Ensure that you load the tapes required for recovery to this selected library. Unable to create protection group because no disks or tape libraries available. The target path <object name> is located on the system volume. If you use DPM to protect data on this volume, you cannot restore operating system files or system state from this protection group member. To protect this computer's system state, select the system state as a member of a protection group. <Server name> is not protected. You can filter the

Enter a different name.



Configure a tape library or add a disk to the storage pool.



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

list only by computers that have been protected. 241 The volume <volume name> on <server name> is not currently protected. The network bandwidth usage throttling rate must be between 1 and 10000 Mbps. Cannot perform <input parameter tag> because the replica is not idle. If you use DPM to protect data on NETLOGON or SYSVOL shares on a domain controller, restoring the data using DPM will corrupt the domain controller's copy of the Active Directory Domain Services database. The backup frequency for Select a backup frequency that is equal to or greater long-term protection needs to than <input parameter tag>. be equal to or greater than the backup frequency for short-term protection. Backup frequency for shortterm protection: <input parameter tag>. 145 You cannot reduce the express full backup schedule because this would affect the Before you can reduce the express full backup schedule of this protection group, you must modify the protection group properties to specify a backup


Enter a number between 1 and 10000.


Wait for the ongoing job to complete or cancel the job in the Monitoring task area.



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

long-term recovery goals of this protection group. 146 The specified protection group name is not valid. A protection group name must be between 1 and 64 characters, with at least one alphabet letter. Please enter a valid name. To view the protected computers, you need to enable protection of these computers. To enable protection, on the Agent tab in the Management task area, select the DPM server, and then in the Details pane, click Modify. 148 You have chosen to protect replicas on another DPM server (primary DPM server). We recommend that you protect the database (DPMDB) of the primary DPM server along with the replicas. Without protecting DPMDB, you will not be able to recover the replicas of the primary DPM server in case of a disaster where the DPM database and the replicas are

frequency that is equal to or greater than weekly.



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

lost. If the primary DPM server database is protected, click OK to continue to the next step. 149 You have specified the change Free space on the volume on the protected computer journal size on volume and retry the task <volume name> for <server name> to be set to <value entered>. However, this is greater than the available space on the selected computer. You have selected replicas on another DPM server (primary DPM server) to protect. File exclusions will not apply to any data protected on a primary DPM server. File exclusion will apply to all other protection group members. 152 DPM data source cannot be added to the protection group because of the existing settings. Create a new protected group to add this data source. 156 The ability to add members to Either cancel the initial synchronization jobs for the this protection group is members or wait until they complete.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

temporarily disabled while initial synchronization of one or more members occurs. 157 <data source name> cannot be added to protection because it is already a member of a protection group <Value entered> is not a valid value. The maximum is <maximum size> <unit>. <Value entered> is not a valid value. Use only digits and, optionally, a decimal point. <Value entered> does not meet the minimum allocation value of <original calculated value> <unit>. <Volume name> on <server name> does not meet the minimum size requirement of 1 GB. The replicas for one or more of the volumes being protected are missing. This may be a result of one or more disks in the DPM storage pool being offline or the deletion of volumes created by DPM to store the replicas. You cannot modify Please remove the volume from selection.






In the Protection task area, select protection group <protection group> and click Review Pending Members. Follow instructions to allocate disk space for protection.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

disk allocation or configure protection for any members on these volumes until the replicas have been reallocated. 169 Although you chose to retain the replica for this previously protected volume, the replica is now missing from the DPM server. Either the volume used to store the replica has been deleted from the storage pool, or the disk on which the replica was stored cannot be detected. You cannot protect this previously protected volume until you delete the record of this replica from DPM. There is insufficient space on the storage pool disks to allocate the replica and recovery point volumes The inputs are not valid for custom scheme. You cannot protect the selected database now. This database is already selected for protection as part of Windows SharePoint Services protection to which

In the Protection task area, select the following member from <previously protected member's group name>: <list of protected members>, and click Delete replica in the Details pane.


Add more disks to the storage pool by using the Disks tab in the Management task area, or reduce the specified allocations



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

the database belongs. If you want to protect only this database, then you have to remove the Windows SharePoint Services farm from protection. 174 You cannot protect the selected Windows SharePoint Services data now. Some of the databases which are components of the Windows SharePoint Services farm have already been selected for protection. If you want to protect this Windows SharePoint Services data, then you have to remove the databases from protection. 175 Existing volumes do not meet the size requirements for replica and recovery point volumes for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Either use the DPM storage pool disks for protection or create volumes that are adequately sized. DPM will not use any volumes in which either operating system or DPM component


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

are installed. 176 DPM failed to use the volume <volume label> to create the replica since it is not adequately sized. Volumes to be used for the replica should be greater than <minimum size> GB DPM failed to use the volume <volume label> to create the recovery point volume since it is not adequately sized. Volumes to be used for storing the recovery points should be greater than <minimum size> GB DPM failed to use volume <volume label> since this has already been selected to protect <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> DPM cannot resize volumes Use the Disk Management Console to resize your <volume label> and <volume volumes label> which are being used to protect <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> since these are custom volumes. Failure to allocate disk space In the Protection task area, select protection group to the storage pool for storing <protection group> and click Review Pending Members.





Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

the replica and the recovery Follow instructions to allocate disk space for protection. points for <volume name> on <server name>. No protection will be initiated for <volume name> on <server name> until disk space has been allocated to the storage pool. 181 DPM could not create <protection group> because of failed disk allocations. Eseutil consistency check cannot be performed for this protection group, as eseutil.exe is not present on the DPM server. Refer to the allocation errors listed below and try to create the protection group again.


Copy the following files from the Exchange server installation folder to "<folder path>" location on the DPM server: Ese.dll Eseutil.exe Ensure that you do not copy the 64-bit version of eseutil.exe to a 32-bit DPM server. The 32-bit version of eseutil.exe can be obtained from the Exchange Server product disk. You can also choose not to run Eseutil consistency check for this protection group, by deselecting the "Run Eseutil Consistency check" option. However, this is not recommended as it will not ensure the recoverability of the protected Exchange data.


Select a single item for creating a recovery point on disk. You have currently selected multiple items in the list view.


Error Code 184

Error Message

Recommended Action

Cannot create recovery point for application data source because protection is stopped. There was a failure during recovery point consolidation. Check the Alerts tab in the Monitoring task area to locate this alert and fix the issue. Please retry recovery after that. Run consistency check and retry the operation.



The requested operation could not be completed because the replica was in an inconsistent state.


Your changes cannot be Retry the operation. applied because certain protection group properties have changed. The protection group properties could have changed due to either of the following: Only <maximum list items in Browse view> of the items in <object name> can be displayed. Either select <object name> for recovery or use the Search tab to find specific items to recover. DPM was unable to protect the members in the resource group <object name>. This resource group contains some resources that have dependencies which not 1) Check your cluster configuration to ensure that shares and disks on which these shares reside are part of the same resource group 2) Check your cluster configuration to ensure that the application and the disks it requires are part of the same



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

present as part of this group. 200 DPM could not perform the requested action on the selected items. This could be because the selected item or property associated with the items has undergone changes which prevent the action to be taken. 201 DPM failed to protect the SQL database <data source name> since this was part of the SharePoint Farm <referential data source name> which is either under active protection or has an inactive replica available. DPM could not recover the requested data. The selected recovery point is no longer available for recovery. 203 Recovery failed because the data source files have been moved since this recovery point was created. Maximum allowed frequency is 5 years

resource group. Retry the operation.

To be able to directly protect this Sql database you could do either of the following: 1) Rename the database and then protect it. 2) Stop protection of the SharePoint Farm and remove the replica associated with this farm. Then protect this database.


Select another recovery point.

1. Choose a recovery point created after the move operation. 2. Choose a different recovery type.



Error Code 205

Error Message

Recommended Action

No tape labels have been specified; you need to specify tape labels for the identification of tapes. The specified retention range is invalid. Specify a value for retention range which is equal to or less than 4158 weeks or 1188 months or 99 years.



An unexpected error occurred Retry the operation. during a VSS operation. No recovery point was created, either because synchronization has not occurred since the last recovery point was created, or because no changes were found during synchronization. DPM was unable to create the recovery point due to a general failure in the Volume Shadow Copy service. If synchronization has not occurred since the last recovery point was created, you can synchronize the replica with the protected data on the protected computer and then create a recovery point. For more information, see "How to synchronize a replica" and "How to create a recovery point" in DPM Help.



1) Make sure that the Volume Shadow Copy service is enabled on the DPM server. 2) Check recent records from the VolSnap source in the Application Event Log to find out why the problem occurred. 3) Retry the operation. Wait for a few minutes and then retry the operation.


Cannot create a recovery point because another recovery point creation is in progress. Cannot delete recovery point because it is in use for


Wait for all recovery jobs on the replica to complete and


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

recovery. 213 A recovery point was created and immediately deleted because of insufficient disk space. DPM does not have sufficient storage space available on the recovery point volume to create new recovery points.

then retry the operation. Modify disk allocation to increase space allocation for the recovery point volume.


Increase the disk allocation space for the recovery point volume, or delete old recovery points by using the Remove-RecoveryPoint cmdlet. For information about deleting recovery points, open DPM Management Shell and run "Get-Help Remove-RecoveryPoint -detailed". If you are using custom replica and recovery point volumes, such as in the case of a SAN, you cannot modify the disk space allocated by using DPM. In these cases, identify the volume that corresponds to the recovery point volume for the data source in question from the "Modify Disk allocation" dialog box. Then, open Disk Management, right-click the custom volume, and then select "Extend Volume".


Cannot create a recovery point because of a transient problem. You must specify the e-mail addresses of the recipients to send notifications.

1) Check recent records from the VolSnap source in the Application Event Log to find out why the problem occurred. 2) Retry the operation.



You must specify the SMTP On the Action menu, select Options. Select the SMTP server settings before you can Server tab to configure settings. subscribe to notifications. DPM cannot access <file name> because the file or folder has been exclusively Make sure that the item is not locked by another process.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

locked by another program. 229 DPM failed to access the path <file name>. DPM cannot enable e-mail subscription for reports unless SMTP details are configured in the remote SQL Server Reporting Service installation. SMTP details need to be configured manually when an existing SQL Server 2008 is chosen to be used for DPM during DPM setup. Enter the SMTP server name, SMTP port number, and SMTP From address manually in the SQL Server Reporting Services configuration file. Configuration file path: <file name> Server: <computer name> The SMTP Server details on the SMTP Servers tab in the Options dialog enables only DPM alert notifications. For more details, see DPM Help. 221 <Username> does not have administrator privileges on the DPM Server. Add the user to the Administrators group or specify different administrator and try again. Verify that the path can be accessed successfully by using Windows Explorer.



Error Code 222

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM cannot browse <server name> because access is denied.

On the Agents tab in the Management task area, check the status of the agent. Also, verify that the system times on the DPM server and the protected computer are synchronized with the system time on the domain controller. 1) Check recent records from the DPMRA source in the Application Event Log on <server name> to find out why the agent failed to respond. 2) Make sure that the DPM server is remotely accessible from <server name>. 3) If a firewall is enabled on the DPM server, make sure that it is not blocking requests from <server name>. 4) Restart the DPM Replication Agent service on <server name>. If the service fails to start, re-install the protection agent.


DPM cannot browse <server name> because the agent is not responding.


DPM cannot browse <server 1) Make sure that <server name> is remotely accessible name> because of a from the DPM server. communication error with the 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, make sure agent. that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. 3) Restart the DPM Replication Agent service on <server name>. If the service fails to start, re-install the protection agent.


DPM cannot browse <server name> either because no agent is installed on <server name> or because the computer is rebooting. No library is available for

To install a protection agent on <server name>, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, click Install in the Actions pane. If the computer is in the process of restarting, allow some time for the computer to come online. From the Library tab in Management, click Rescan to


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

recovery to proceed. 233 You have specified the same library for both primary library and copy library. The library you select as the primary library will read from the source tape and the library you select as the copy library will copy the data to tape. Specify two different libraries or specify a multi-drive library as a primary library. 234 You have selected a library which does not contain the online recovery tapes. The library which contains online recovery tapes is shown as recommended. If you do not select the recommended library, ensure that you transfer the recovery tapes to the selected library after you finish the recovery wizard. 237 You have chosen to recover the 'Latest' recovery time. For Exchange mailbox recovery, DPM supports only the "Previous point in time"

bring libraries online.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

recovery option. For the selected mailbox, it is <recovery point in time>. 247 <Input path> is not a valid network path. You must specify a path in the \\server\share format. No wildcards are allowed. <Input path> is not a valid local path. You must specify a path such as d:\, d:\folder. No wildcards are allowed. <Input name> is not a valid file or folder name. Make sure that the file name is correct and that the path is entered only in the appropriate Original location field. DPM could not set security permissions on the replica or recovery point volume that was created. DPM could not get security permissions on the replica or recovery point volume. An invalid path name was specified for the DPM database location. Review the error details, take appropriate action and retry the operation.





Review the error details, take appropriate action and retry the operation.


Specify the correct path of the .mdf or .bak file and try again.


Error Code 451

Error Message

Recommended Action

An invalid path name was specified for DPM Report database location. The selected recovery point no longer exists. DPM encountered an error while reading from the recovery point used for recovery. Either the recovery point no longer exists or, if you selected a share for recovery, the path to its contents is missing from the recovery point. DPM is unable to retrieve the configuration information from <server name>. Recover the data from another recovery point.




Ensure that the Windows Management Information (WMI) service <service name> is started and is accessible from the DPM server.


An error occurred when the Review the error details, take the appropriate action, agent operation attempted to and then retry the agent operation. transfer agent installation files to <server name>. Disk <NT disk number> cannot be removed from the storage pool because it contains storage pool volumes. The following computers do not meet the minimum software requirements for installing the DPM protection Verify that Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 is installed on the selected computers. If the operating system has been recently updated, Active Directory updates may still be pending. Wait until the Active



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

agent: <list of servers>.

Directory updates are complete, and then try to install the protection agent again. The time needed for Active Directory updates depends on your Active Directory domain replication policy. For more information about software requirements, see the DPM 2010 System Requirements.


Work hours are not valid. Specify valid work hours. An Alias or Display name cannot be empty value or contain any of the following characters <input name>. Specify valid names to search.



Unable to configure security Make sure that the password you have provided has settings for <server name> on administrator privileges on the target computer. the computer <computer name>. Unable to remove <server name> from the security group on <computer name>. The agent operation failed on <server name> because DPM could not communicate with the DPM protection agent. The computer may be protected by another DPM server, or the protection agent may have been uninstalled on the protected computer. Make sure that the password you have provided has administrator privileges on the target computer.



Check the following to troubleshoot this issue: 1) If the agent is no longer installed on the computer, remove the protected data sources on this computer from active protection. Then, remove the entry of this computer from the Agents tab in the Management task area. 2) If the agent is not installed on <server name>, run DpmAgentInstaller.exe with this DPM computer as a parameter. For more information, see the DPM Deployment Guide.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

3) To attach the computer correctly to this DPM server, run the SetDpmServer tool on the computer. For more information, see Installing Protection Agents Manually ( If the computer is protected by another DPM server, or if the protection agent has been uninstalled, you can remove the record of the computer from this DPM server. 4) You can uninstall the DPM agent using Add or Remove Programs on the selected computer. Then remove the record of the computer on the Agent tab in the Management task area of DPM Administrator Console. 271 The user <username> does Remove the computers from the "Select Computers" not have administrator access page or provide credentials for an account that has to the following items: administrator access to all of the selected computers. <server name> A site, document, list or listitem cannot be empty or contain any of the following characters <input name>. Could not connect to the Service Control Manager on <server name>. Please enter a valid value to search.



1) Make sure that <server name> is online and remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, make sure that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. Make sure that 1) Server is a member of a domain and that a domain controller is running. 2) There is network connectivity between the server and the domain controller.


Unable to connect to the Active Directory Domain Services database.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

3) "File and Printer sharing for Microsoft Networks" property is enabled in Local Area Connection. 291 The protection agent installation failed. The credentials you provided do not have administrator privileges on <server name>. You cannot uninstall protection agents from the protected computers until you remove all protected members on the associated computers from protection groups. The protection agent installation or upgrade succeeded. However, DPM could not remove the bootstrap service. Recovery failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. A protection agent is already installed on <server name>. You cannot install the protection agent on <server name> because it is the DPM server. Disk <NT disk number> is Select a different disk to add to the storage pool.

Verify that the credentials you provided have administrator privileges on <server name> and then try to reinstall the protection agent again.


Remove all of the members that are associated with the following computers from protection groups before uninstalling the protection agents: <list of servers>


You must restart the protected computer <server name> before it can be protected.


Recover to an alternate location or try recovering from another recovery point.




Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

already in the storage pool. 293 The protection agent operation failed. The credentials you provided do not belong to a valid domain user account. Do the following to troubleshoot this issue: 1) Verify that the credentials you entered belong to a valid domain user account, and then retry the operation. 2 ) Verify that the domain controller is available and functioning properly. 295 DPM could not remove the Protection Agent Coordinator service from <server name>. The protection agent is incompatible with the version of DPM that is installed on this computer. All subsequent protection and recovery tasks will fail on this computer until you update the protection agent. Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name>. 1) Update the protection agent to a version compatible with the DPM server. From the DPM Administrator Console, open the Agents tab in the Management task area. Select the computer on which the protection agent is installed. Click Update from the Actions pane. 2) If a firewall is enabled on the computer, run DPMAgentInstaller [DPM Server Name] on protected computer. From DPM Management Shell, run the AttachProductServer.ps1 commandlet on DPM server to update the DPM configuration.



The protection agent is Uninstall the protection agent from this computer and incompatible with the version then reinstall the protection agent. of DPM that is installed on this computer. All subsequent protection and recovery tasks will fail on this computer until you reinstall the correct version of the protection agent.


Error Code 299

Error Message

Recommended Action

For <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>, the following items could not be recovered: <temporary list of files>. The protection agent operation failed because it could not communicate with <server name>.

Make sure that the file is not already present and in use on the destination computers and that there is sufficient disk space for the files.


Do the following to troubleshoot this issue: 1) Verify that <server name> is online and remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, verify that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. 3) Verify that Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is configured on both the DPM server and the protected computer. If IPsec is only configured for one computer, turn off IPsec.


The protection agent upgrade To upgrade the protection agent: failed because the protection 1) In DPM Administrator Console, in the Management agent is not installed on task area, on the Agents tab, select the computer on <server name>. which the protection agent is installed, and then in the Actions pane, click Uninstall to remove the protection agent record. 2) On the Agents tab, click Install to reinstall the agent on <server name>.


The protection agent operation failed because it could not access the protection agent on <server name>. <Server name> may be running DPM, or the DPM protection agent may have been installed by another

Uninstall DPM or the DPM protection agent from <server name> and install the DPM protection agent again from the computer that you want to use to protect the computer.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM server. 303 The protection agent operation failed on <server name>. The protection agent operation failed because another agent operation was running on <server name>. The agent operation failed because the operating system on <server name> is not supported. Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then retry the agent operation.


Wait for the protection agent operation on <server name> to finish, and then try reinstalling the protection agent again.


Verify that the operating system is Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later on the selected computers. If the operating system has been recently updated, Active Directory updates may be pending. In this case, wait until Active Directory is finished updating, and then try installing the protection agent again. The time required for Active Directory updates depends on your domain Active Directory replication policy. For more information about software requirements, see the DPM 2010 System Requirements.


The protection agent installation on Windows 2003 Servers causes the computer to briefly lose network connectivity. The protection agent uninstall Wait a few moments and then try uninstalling the is unavailable because the protection agent again. DPM server is currently communicating with the protection agent on the following protected computers: <list of servers>.


Error Code 306

Error Message

Recommended Action

The protection agent installation failed because another version of the protection agent is already installed on <server name>. The protection agent operation failed because DPM detected an unknown DPM protection agent on <server name>. The protection agent operation failed because DPM could not communicate with the Protection Agent service on <server name>.

Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall the protection agent from <server name>, and then try reinstalling the protection agent.


Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall the protection agent from <server name>, then reinstall the protection agent and perform the operation again.


If you recently installed a protection agent on <server name>, the computer may be restarting. Wait a few minutes after restarting the computer for the protection agent to become available. If the problem persists, do the following: 1) Verify that <server name> is remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, verify that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. 3) Restart the DPM Protection Agent service on <server name>. If the service fails to start, uninstall the protection agent by using Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel on <server name>. Then in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, in the Actions pane, click Install to reinstall the protection agent on <server name>.


The agent operation failed because the ADMIN$ share on <server name> does not exist.

Verify that the system root is shared as ADMIN$ on <server name>.


Error Code 310

Error Message

Recommended Action

The agent operation failed because it could not access the ADMIN$ share on <server name>. Due to changes to <server name>, the DPM protection agent is no longer properly installed. The agent operation failed because the DPM Agent Coordinator service is not responding. The agent operation failed because an error occurred while running the installation program on <server name>.

Verify that you have ADMIN$ share permissions on <server name>, and that the system time on the DPM server and <server name> is synchronized with the system time on the domain controller. In DPM Administrator Console, uninstall the DPM protection agent. In the Management task area, on the Agents tab, select the protection agent, and then in the Actions pane click Uninstall. Restart the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name>.




Review the log files on <server name>: [windir]\temp\msdpm*.log and take appropriate action. Retry the operation, and if the error persists, restart the computer and then retry the operation again.


The agent operation failed Wait for the installation to complete and then retry the because an installation is agent operation. already in progress on <server name>. The agent operation failed because server <server name> is part of a cluster. DPM does not support protection of clustered servers. The protection agent operation on <server name> failed because the service did not respond. If you recently installed a protection agent on <server name>, the computer may be restarting. Wait a few minutes after restarting the computer for the protection agent to become available. Otherwise, troubleshoot the



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

problem as follows: 1) Check the recent records from the DPMRA source in the Application Event Log on <server name> to find out why the agent failed to respond. 2) Verify that the DPM server is remotely accessible from <server name>. 3) If a firewall is enabled on the DPM server, verify that it is not blocking requests from <server name>. 4) Restart the DPM Protection Agent service on <server name>. If the service fails to start, reinstall the DPM protection agent. 317 The protection agent Reinstall the missing files by running DPM Setup and installation failed because the DPM updates. files needed to install the protection agent (version <agent version>) are missing from the <server name> DPM server. The agent operation failed because DPM was unable to identify the computer account for <server name>. Verify that both <server name> and the domain controller are responding. Then in Microsoft Management Console (MMC), open the Group Policy Object Editor snap-in for the local computer and verify the local DNS client settings in Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\DNS Client. 1) Verify that <server name> is remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, make sure that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. Refer to the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide for more



The agent operation failed because of a communication error with the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name>.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

information on configuring the firewall for DPM. 320 The agent upgrade failed because the protection agent is not installed on <server name>. The following computers <list of servers> were not found in Active Directory Domain Services, or they do not have a Windows Server operating system installed. In DPM Administrator Console, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, click Uninstall to remove the agent record from DPM. Then click Install to reinstall the agent on <server name>. Do the following to troubleshoot this issue: 1) Check the spelling of the computer name. 2) Verify that Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 or later is installed on the computer. 3) Verify that you entered the fully qualified domain name for the computer. 4) If the computer has recently been added to the domain, you may need to wait for Active Directory to update. 5) If the computer was recently restarted, wait a few moments and then retry the agent operation again. 6) Verify that a two-way trust is enabled between the domain that the selected computer belongs to and the DPM server's domain. 324 The agent operation failed because the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name> did not respond. Do the following to troubleshoot this issue: 1) Check the recent DPMAC source records in the application event log on <server name>. 2) Verify that the DPM server is remotely accessible from <server name>. 3) If a firewall is enabled on the DPM server, verify that it is not blocking requests from <server name>. 4) Verify that the time on the DPM server and the


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

selected computer is synchronized with the domain controller. At a command prompt, type "net time /set" to synchronize the time with the domain controller. 325 The agent operation failed because the protection agent is not active until you restart the selected computers. The protection agent operation failed because access was denied to the <server name> DPM server. Restart the selected computers.


Check the following: 1) If <server name> is protected by another DPM server, you cannot install the protection agent on it. 2) If the DPM Agent Coordinator service is installed on <server name>, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel on <server name> to uninstall it. 3) If another protection agent management job is running on <server name>, wait for it to complete, and then retry the operation.


The agent operation failed because the Remote Registry service is not running on <server name>.

Start the Remote Registry service on <server name>. On the Administrative Tools menu, select Services. In the right pane, right-click Remote Registry, and then click Start. Note: You can disable the Remote Registry service after the agent operation is complete. Select less than <maximum installation servers> computers to add to the Selected Computers list.


You can only select <maximum installation servers> computers to install at a time. The agent operation failed because <server name> is not a 32-bit computer or a 64-bit computer.



Error Code 329

Error Message

Recommended Action

The agent operation failed because an incompatible version of <name> is installed on <server name>.

Install <name> version <version number> or later, or uninstall <name> from the computer. If <name> was installed by your original equipment manufacturer (OEM), please contact your OEM support for instructions. Start the Windows Installer service on <server name>. On the Administrative Tools menu, select Services. In the right pane, right-click Windows Installer, and then click Start. Note: You can disable the Windows Installer service after the agent operation has completed. Do the following to troubleshoot this issue: 1) If another DPM server is currently protecting <server name> use that DPM server to uninstall the protection agent from <server name>. Then, use this DPM server to install the protection agent on <server name>. 2) Verify that the time on the DPM server and the selected computer is synchronized with the domain controller. At a command prompt, type "net time /set" to synchronize the time with the domain controller. 3) If the computer is a domain controller, verify that the primary domain controller (the PDC Emulator) is running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), and that Active Directory has completed replication between the domain controllers since the Windows Server 2003 SP1 installation.


The agent operation failed because the Windows Installer service on <server name> is disabled.


You cannot install the protection agent on <server name> because access to the computer has been denied.


The protection agent upgrade failed because <server name> has a more recent version of the protection agent (version <agent version>) installed.

Uninstall the existing DPM protection agent from <server name> using Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. Then in DPM Administrator Console, reinstall the DPM protection agent version that you want. In the Management task area, on the Agents tab,


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

click Install in the Actions pane. 341 The agent operation failed because the credentials you provided do not have sufficient user rights on <server name>. The agent operation failed because the DPM server could not communicate with <server name>. Retry the agent operation and provide credentials that have administrator user rights on <server name>.


1) Verify that <server name> is online and remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) If a firewall is enabled on <server name>, verify that it is not blocking requests from the DPM server. 3) Verify that the Remote Registry service on <server name> is running during the protection agent operation. If the Remote Registry service is not started, on the Administrative Tools menu, select Services. In the right pane, right-click Remote Registry, and then click Start. Note: You can disable the service after the protection agent operation is complete.


DPM could not find the correct version of the DPM protection agent on the selected computer.

1) Make sure that the correct version of the agent is installed on the selected computer. 2)If the protection agent has been recently upgraded, in DPM Management Shell, run AttachProductionServer.ps1 [computer name] and refresh the agent status again. Restart the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name>, and then try to reinstall the protection agent.


The agent operation failed because of a communication error with the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name>. An error occurred when the


Review the error details, take the appropriate action,


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

agent operation attempted to and then retry the agent operation. create the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name>. 348 An error occurred when the Review the error details, take the appropriate action, agent operation attempted to and then retry the agent operation. communicate with the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server name>. Disk <NT disk number> cannot be added to the storage pool. Make sure that the disks being added to the storage pool do not contain any of the following: system volume, boot volume, OEM or other special volumes, DPM software, or SQL Server databases. Check the application and system event logs for information on the error. Check the application and system event logs for information on the error. Make sure that you have specified a valid SQL server instance associated with DPM and you are logged on as a user with administrator privileges. Make sure that the SQL server services are running and you are restoring a valid DPM database backup.



The DPM service failed to stop. The DPM service failed to start. DpmSync failed to connect to the specified SQL Server instance. Failed to attach database [<database name>] at location [<database location>] to SQL server. Disk <NT disk number> cannot be added to the storage pool because the disk either failed or is missing.





Check Disk Management to see whether the disk is online. If the disk is offline, check the hardware configuration and rescan.


Error Code 354

Error Message

Recommended Action

Disk <NT disk number> is not listed in the storage pool. The folder on which the replicas must be mounted already exists.

In the Management task area, select the Disks tab and click Rescan to refresh all disks that are owned by DPM. Clear all unmounted directories from <DLS volume root> directory and then retry the operation.



The specified action can be Run the tool on the DPM server to complete these performed only on a steps. computer with DPM installed. Unable to detach the database. The allocation of disk space for replica volumes failed because there is not enough unallocated disk space in the storage pool. The operation failed due to a virtual disk service error Check that you have permission to detach the DPM database. Add more disks to the storage pool or reduce the replica volume size requirement.




Retry the operation.


Disk <NT disk number> was For more information about supported disk types, see not added to the storage pool the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide. because it could not be converted to a dynamic disk. The replica cannot be increased because the replica volume is missing. DPM is currently shutting down and cannot complete the requested operation Reallocate the replicas before trying to increase them.



After DPM shuts down, restart DPM and then retry this operation


Error Code 366

Error Message

Recommended Action

The computer running DPM has deleted volume [<volume GUID>, <volume label>] from DPM disk <NT disk number> because it was not a DPM volume. DpmSync has completed with the following errors: <DPM synchronization summary>. DPM has deleted DPM volume [<volume GUID>, <volume label>] because the size of the volume was modified externally using system tools. Do not change the size of volumes on DPMowned disks using system tools. A protection agent is not installed on <node> in <cluster> server cluster. Protection may fail if a failover occurs to <node>. Agent operation failed. The agent operation failed because DPM detected a more recent version of the DPM protection agent (version <agent version>) on <server name>.

In the Management task area, select the Disks tab and review all disks that are owned by DPM.


On the DPM server, use Event Viewer to view details for this event. The details are available in the application event log.



Install the protection agent on each node of the server cluster.

370 372

Install the updated version <agent version> of the protection agent on the DPM server.


Error Code 400

Error Message

Recommended Action

The DPM server was unable to retrieve information about the remote system using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service on <server name>.

Verify the following: 1) <Server name> is online and remotely accessible from the DPM server. 2) A firewall if enabled on <server name> is not blocking WMI requests from the DPM server. 3) The WMI service on <server name> is running.


The agent installation failed while trying to install the Agent Coordinator service.

Verify the following: 1) The share \\<server name>\ADMIN$ is accessible 2) Remote calls from the DPM server to the Service Control Manager (SCM) on <server name> are not blocked by a firewall.


Access was denied when Verify that you have permissions to create the lock file trying to create the lock file in in \\<server name>\Admin$. \\<server name>\Admin$. When trying to retrieve information from the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service on <server name>, access was denied. The agent operation failed when trying to install the Agent Coordinator service. Verify that you have access to the WMI service on <server name>.



Verify the following: 1) The share \\<server name>\ADMIN$ is accessible 2) The remote calls from the DPM server to the Service Control Manager (SCM) on <server name> are not being blocked by a firewall.


DPM could not identify if computer <server name> is

Agent installation on <server name> can continue. To successfully protect clustered resources, you must

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action


install the DPM protection agent on all the members of the cluster. Review the error details and ensure that the Windows Management Instrumentation service is running and can be accessed remotely from the DPM server. Agent installation on <chosen server name> can continue. To successfully protect clustered resources, you must install the DPM protection agent on all the members of the cluster. Ensure that the cluster state is correctly configured and verify that all members are joined to the domain. For details, please refer to application event log.


DPM detected that server <chosen server name> is clustered, but could not identify the fully qualified domain name of <server name>. There were some failures in the synchronization operation. Invalid command line arguments were specified. The DPM database on the DPM server <server name> has been restored from a backup. As a result, the alerts that were generated before <database restore time> do not reflect the current state of alerts on the DPM server. To synchronize the MOM view with the current state on the DPM server: 1) In the MOM Operator console, resolve all alerts for the <server name> DPM server, and the computers



For help about DpmSync, at the command prompt, type DpmSync -?.



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

that it protects: In Alerts view, display all alerts for Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM), sort the alerts by the Source column, and select the alerts for <server name>. To remove the selected alerts, right-click, click Set Alert Resolution State, and click Resolved. 2) On the DPM server, republish DPM alerts: In DPM Administrator Console, select Options on the Action menu, click the Alert Publishing tab, and click Publish Active Alerts. This publishes all existing alerts that may require a user action to MOM. 460 Invalid combination of arguments specified. Run DpmSync -? to review the syntax of the tool.


Instance name specified could Specify the correct name for the instance of SQL Server. not be found Error: Unable to retrieve DPM Specify the correct path and try again. database file path Path not found: '<file name>'. Ensure that the database backup exists at the specified path.




Unable to close all Review the error details and try again. connections for detaching the

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

database. 466 Unable to copy database files to <file name>. DPM database is not present in the instance of SQL Server. Unable to attach the database. The message cannot be sent to the SMTP server. An authentication error occurred when trying to connect to the SMTP server. The SMTP server has rejected one or more of the recipient addresses. Review the error details and try again.


Check that the DPM database is present in the given instance of SQL Server. Ensure that the DPM database backup is valid.



Check the SMTP server settings.


You typed an incorrect , password, or SMTP server name. Type the correct password to enable e-mail delivery of reports and alert notifications. Confirm the recipient addresses.



The SMTP Server port number Enter a valid port number. must be in the range between 1 and 65535. Cannot connect to SMTP server. The passwords entered do not match. The SMTP server reports that the From address is not valid. An e-mail message has been successfully sent to


Verify SMTP server name and port number.


Reenter the passwords.


Check for appropriate permissions to send via SMTP to the specified server.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

<recipient>. 529 An e-mail message has been successfully sent to the specified recipients. A blank password is not allowed. The DPM alerts have been published to the DPM Alerts event log. Changes to end-user recovery settings do not fully take effect for each protection group until the next successful synchronization is complete. DPM must be installed on a computer running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Install DPM on a computer running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1). The Windows Server 2003 SP1 redistributable package is available at Enter a password.






To install DPM, you must be Log on to the computer as an administrator or member logged on as an administrator of the local administrators group, and then run Setup or a member of the local again. administrators group. The computer processor speed does not meet the DPM minimum configuration requirements. The minimum required processor speed is <clock speed>. Upgrade the computer hardware to meet the DPM minimum configuration requirements; or install DPM on a different computer. For information about DPM system requirements, see the DPM 2010 System Requirements.



Error Code 803

Error Message

Recommended Action

The available memory on the computer is less than the DPM minimum memory requirement. The minimum memory requirement is <minimum memory required> MB, and the recommended memory requirement is 2 GB. There is not enough disk space for <installation item>. DPM cannot load the file <file name>. The file may be missing or corrupt. The DPM installation failed.

Upgrade the computer hardware to meet the DPM minimum configuration requirements;, or install DPM on a different computer. For information about DPM system requirements, see the DPM 2010 System Requirements.


Free additional disk space on this disk, or choose a different location. Run DPM Setup from the DPM product DVD. If you already ran Setup from the DVD, then the DVD is corrupt. Review the error details, take appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again. Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to remove the DPM files and registry entries that were created during Setup. Verify that SQL Server is properly installed and that it is running, and then run Setup again. Verify that SQL Server Reporting Services is installed properly and that it is running. Review the error details, take appropriate action, and then try uninstalling DPM again. Troubleshoot your Windows Installer installation. Contact your support personnel for further help. Verify that the Application Data folder path has fewer than 260 characters, and then run DPM Setup again.




The DPM database was not created.


Report configuration failed.


The DPM uninstall failed.


The configuration data for this product is corrupt. The Setup log file path <file name> is too long after being


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

fully qualified. 818 The Setup log file path <file name> is not valid. Setup cannot query the system configuration. Specify a valid Application Data folder path.


Verify that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is running. If the WMI service is not running, in Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, and then click Services. Right-click Windows Management Instrumentation, and then click Start. Verify that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is running. If the WMI service is not running, in Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, and then click Services. Right-click Windows Management Instrumentation, and then click Start. Verify that the registry key <registry key> exists, and then run DPM Setup again. To troubleshoot this issue, review the recent errors in the Windows Event Log.


DPM Setup could not access the SQL Server Reporting Services configuration.


DPM Setup cannot access registry key <registry key>. DPM cannot connect to the Service Control Manager (SCM). DPM cannot open the handle to the <Setup service name> service.



To troubleshoot this issue, review the recent errors in the Windows Event Log.


DPM cannot read the service Review the recent errors in the Windows Event Log on <service name> configuration. <server name>. Setup cannot grant the <> account access to the DPM database. Setup cannot remove the Verify that SQL Server is properly installed and that it is running.



To delete the reports manually, go to http://<computer


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

deployed reports. 833 Setup could not delete the <username> user account.

name>/<ReportServer$ instance name>. To delete the <username> user account, on the Administrative Tools menu, click Computer Management. Expand Local Users and Groups, and then select Users. Right-click <username>, and then click Delete. Verify that the DPM server meets the software requirements. Uninstall DPM, and then run DPM Setup again. Specify a different installation location.


The DPM repair failed.


Setup cannot calculate the disk space for the specified location. Setup cannot access the <registry key> registry key for the <SQL Server instance name> instance of SQL Server. The <directory path> directory is not on an NTFS volume.


Verify that SQL Server 2008 is properly installed.


Install the prerequisite software and DPM on a volume formatted with NTFS.


The physical location of the Verify that the instance of SQL Server is properly existing DPM database cannot installed, and that the <service name> SQL Server be found. service is running. DPM Setup could not delete the DPMDB database. To delete the DPMDB database, in SQL Server Manager Studio, connect to server <DPM server name>\<instance name>. Expand the <instance name> instance of SQL Server, expand Databases, right-click the DPMDB database, and then click Delete.



Error Code 846

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM cannot locate SqlCmd.exe.

Verify that the SQL Client Tools are installed. If they are not installed, you must install the SQL Client Tools, and then run DPM Setup again.


DPM cannot create the Restart the computer, then uninstall DPM, and then run <Setup service name> service. Setup again. Failure to create the service may be due to a pending restart. Setup is unable to copy the files from <source location> to <installation location>. Setup is unable to delete the folder <installation location>. Setup is unable to mark files at <folder path> for deletion. Cannot start Setup. Verify that Setup has access to the installation location.



Delete the folder manually.


After DPM setup is complete, delete the files manually.


Run the Setup program from the DPM product DVD. If you already ran Setup from the DVD, then the DVD is corrupt.


Setup is unable to register DPM in Add or Remove Programs. Another instance of DPM Setup is running. Setup was unable to delete the scheduled jobs. Verify that only one instance of DPM Setup is running, and then proceed with DPM Setup. Open SQL Server Management Studio, and connect to the DPM instance of SQL Server. Expand the instance of SQL Server, browse to SQL Server Agent, and then in Jobs, delete the <schedule category> category.




Error Code 856

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM could not access the Verify that the SQL Server service is running. If the SQL existing DPM database, or the Server service is running, restore the DPM database, DPM database is corrupt. and then run DPM Setup again. DPM cannot enumerate the list of computers on which protection agents are installed because it cannot gain access to the DPM database. The DPM product key is invalid. Protection agents may be installed on some of the computers. Uninstall the agents on the protected computers using Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.



Enter a valid DPM product key. The product key is located on the back cover of the Data Protection Manager product DVD. Manually delete the folder <folder path> after completing DPM Setup. Verify that the current user has permissions to create the file. To launch the DPM Setup program, double-click Setup.exe in the root folder of the product DVD. Verify that SQL Server is properly installed.


DPM Setup cannot delete folder <folder path>. DPM Setup cannot create the <file name> file. This program is for internal DPM use only. Setup cannot parse the SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services configuration file (<file name>) for the SMTP server address and the address of the sender. DPM cannot stop service <Setup service name>. DPM cannot read the installation path registry key. Some of the folders will not





Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then try installing DPM again. Manually delete the folders after completing DPM Setup.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

be deleted. 862 Setup cannot start the <Setup Review the error details, take the appropriate action, service name> service. and then try installing DPM again. You cannot use the selected location <directory path> to install DPM. DPM can only be installed on the local drive of the computer. DPM cannot be installed to read-only folders, hidden folders, folders within mount points, root volumes, or directly to local system folders such as <folder path>. You cannot install DPM on removable media or a network share. The location <media location type> <media location information> cannot be used as an installation location. DPM cannot query the volume information for directory <directory path>. Setup could not enumerate the information about volumes allocated to DPM. Select a different location on which to install DPM.



Select a location on a local hard drive to install DPM.


Select another installation location on a local hard drive to install DPM.


On the Administrative Tools menu, select Computer Management, and then open Disk Management. Delete the volumes allocated to DPM from the disks that were added to the storage pool. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Computer Management. Expand Users and Groups, click Users,


The Windows account that was created in DPM Administrator Console in the

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Recovery task area could not be removed. 870 DPM cannot query the attributes of directory <directory path>.

right-click the Windows account, and then click Delete.

Select another installation location on a local hard drive to install DPM.


DPM Setup has detected an To install the earlier version of DPM, you must first existing installation of DPM uninstall the existing version. on this computer. The existing installation is a later version than the version you are trying to install. DPM Setup cannot create the folder <folder path>. DPM Setup cannot write to file <file name>. If the folder already exists, delete the folder, and then run DPM Setup again. If the file already exists, delete the file, and then run Setup again.




DPM Setup could not delete To delete the service manually, at the command service <Setup service name>. prompt, type "sc delete <Setup service name>". The DPM protection agent configuration failed. The required local group could not be created. DPM Setup cannot read the <file name> file. Setup cannot create the protection job schedules. Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then try installing DPM again. Try installing DPM again.




Verify that the current user has permissions to read the file. Open SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the DPM instance of SQL Server. Expand the instance of SQL Server, browse to SQL Server Agent, and then in Jobs, delete the <schedule category> category.


Error Code 882

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM Setup could not create a If the DPM protection agent is installed on this required service. This computer, use Add or Remove Programs in Control computer may be protected Panel to uninstall it, and then run DPM Setup again. by another computer running DPM. You cannot install DPM on a computer on which a protection agent is installed. An error occurred while trying Uninstall DPM by using Add or Remove Programs in to configure DPM. Control Panel, and then run DPM Setup again. DPM: Resolved critical alert: <server name>. The following alert became inactive at <resolved time>. The following alert occurred at <occurred since>. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. DPM Setup could not create the DPM shortcut on your desktop. The database files from a previous DPM installation were found at <location>. DPM does not support upgrading from the version of DPM that is currently







To start using DPM, on the Start Menu, point to All Programs, and then click Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007. Delete the existing files at <location>, or select an alternative location for your database.



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

installed. 892 The computer <computer name> could not be removed from the intranet security zone settings in Internet Explorer. Setup cannot delete the volumes that are allocated to DPM. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options. In the Internet Options dialog box, on the Security tab, click Local intranet, click Sites, then click Advanced, and then remove computer <computer name> from the intranet zone. On the Administrative Tools menu, select Computer Management, and then open Disk Management. Delete the volumes allocated to DPM from the disks that were added to the storage pool. Manually delete the DPM shortcut from your desktop.



DPM Setup could not delete the DPM shortcut on your desktop. The service <Setup service name> was not deleted from the computer. DPM could not connect to database <database name>.


Restart the computer to delete the service <Setup service name>.


Verify that the SQL Server service <service name> is started, and that you have permissions to query the SQL Server. In SQL Server Management Studio, delete the following databases: <database name>, <temporary database name>.


DPM could not delete database <database name>.


DPM Setup cannot query the Verify that the Windows Management Instrumentation SQL Server Reporting Services (WMI) service is running, and that your SQL Server configuration. Reporting Services installation is not corrupt. DPM Setup could not delete the MSDPMTrustedMachines local group. Manually delete the MSDPMTrustedMachines group. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Computer Management. Expand Local Users and Groups, and then click Groups. Right-click MSDPMTrustedMachines, and


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

then click Delete. 900 DPM Setup could not delete all the registry keys that DPM uses. DPM Setup could not delete the DPM Agent Coordinator service. The protection agent on <server name> is not compatible with the DPM version. The protection agent version is <agent version>, and the DPM version is <computer version>. The protection agent on <server name> is not compatible with the DPM version. The protection agent version is <agent version>, and the DPM version is <computer version>. The job encountered an internal database error. The job failed because of an unexpected error The operation failed because the data source VSS component <file name> is missing. Manually delete the DPM Agent Coordinator service. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Services. Right-click DPM Agent Coordinator, and then click Delete. Update the protection agent on <server name>.




Verify that all required DPM updates are applied to this computer.


Retry the operation.


Make sure that the DPMRA service is running on the selected computer. Check to see that the protected data source is installed properly and the VSS writer service is running.



Error Code 921

Error Message

Recommended Action

The operation failed because an error occurred while enumerating the data source for the SqlServerWriter\<database name> on which mirroring was enabled using Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) or Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). DPM has failed to write events to the DPM Alerts event log. Either the DPM Alerts event log has been deleted or the permissions have been changed. The job was canceled. The user either canceled the job or modified the associated protection group. DPM has received an improperly formed message and was unable to interpret it. The DPM service terminated unexpectedly during completion of the job. The termination may have been caused by a system reboot. DPM was not able to complete this job within the

Configure the mirrored database using a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) instead of an IP address. DPM cannot back up mirrored databases that are configured with IP addresses.


Uninstall DPM and then reinstall DPM to recreate the DPM Alerts event log.


Retry the operation.


Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support.


Retry the operation.


In the Monitoring task area, group jobs by type and review the job details. If the next scheduled occurrence

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

allotted time.

of this job is currently running, no action is required. If the job is not currently running, retry the job. Retry the operation.


The job has been canceled because of the failure of another job on which it depended.


The job was canceled because Retry the operation. it was scheduled during the inactivity timeframe. Cannot connect to the DPM Please wait for DpmSync to complete its operation. If service because it is running DpmSync is not running and the DPM service is still in in recovery mode, which was recovery mode, then run DpmSync again. initiated by the DpmSync tool. Connection to the DPM service has been lost. Make sure that the DPM service is running. Review the application event log for information about a possible service shutdown. DPM service could be running in recovery mode, which was initiated by the DpmSync tool. If DpmSync is not running and the DPM service is still in recovery mode, then run DpmSync again.




Connection to the DPM service has been lost.


The DPM Administrator Ensure that the version is between <minimum UI Console version <version version> and <maximum UI version>. number> is incompatible with the DPM server version. Unable to connect to the database because of a fatal database error. It is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged. Review the event log and take appropriate action. Make sure that SQL Server is running.



Error Code 941

Error Message

Recommended Action

Unable to connect to the DPM database. The integrity of the database integrity is questionable because of a hardware or software problem.

Make sure that SQL Server is running and that it is configured correctly. Contact an experienced SQL Server administrator whenever this error occurs. Look at Windows Event Log for troubleshooting. Run DBCC CHECKDB to determine the extent of the damage. It is possible that the problem is in the cache only and not on the disk itself. If so, restarting SQL Server corrects the problem. Otherwise, use DBCC to repair the problem. In some cases, it may be necessary to restore the DPM database. Contact an experienced SQL Server administrator whenever this error occurs. In some cases, it may be necessary to restore the DPM database. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support. Make sure that SQL Server is running and that it is configured correctly. Then retry the operation. Make sure that SQL Server is running and that it is configured correctly.



Unable to connect to the DPM database because the database is in an inconsistent state.


Database operation failed.


Unable to connect to the DPM database because of a general database failure. Another instance of DPM is currently running. Unable to connect to <server name>. A connection to DPM Server <server name> is already open. No schedules found for the


Restart the computer and then retry the operation again. Verify that the DPM service is running on this computer.





Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

job definition. 955 The consistency check resulted in the following changes to SQL Server Agent schedules: Schedules added: <schedules added> Schedules removed: <schedules removed> Schedules updated: <schedules updated>. DPM is unable to protect your Windows SharePoint Services farm until you install agents on the following servers : <server name>. The arguments for the job definition are not valid. To install agents on these servers, on the Agents tab in the Management task area, click Install in the Action pane. If any of the above servers correspond to a cluster, you need to install the DPM protection agent on all the physical nodes of that cluster. Retry the operation with the correct argument syntax.




The DPM job failed because it Restart the DPM service. could not contact the DPM engine. The operation failed because of a protection agent failure. Retry the operation.



An unexpected error caused a Restart the DPM service. DPM service failure. Login failure caused by an incorrect password. You cannot cancel the selected job at this time.


Verify the password is correct and try again.


Error Code 1100

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM: Information alert: <server name>. DPM: Warning alert: <server name>. DPM: Critical alert: <server name>. DPM: Recovery alert: <server name>. DPM: Resolved information alert: <server name>. DPM: Resolved warning alert: <server name>. Status: <alert status> Volume: <volume name> Computer: <server name> Description: Used disk space on replica volume exceeds threshold of <threshold value>. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.








Status: <alert status> Data source type: <data source type> Data source: <data source name> Computer: <server name>

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Protection group: <protection group> Description: Replica volume cannot be detected. 1202 Status: <alert status> Protection Group: <protection group> Description: DPM discovered one of the following changes: a. New shares or volumes b. Deleted volumes or shares c. Shares have been remapped. 1204 The replica for <data source For more information, open DPM Administrator Console name> on <server name> is and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. currently being synchronized with consistency check. A consistency check can be started automatically or manually. Automatic consistency checks are scheduled in the Protection task area by selecting the Optimize performance action. Manual consistency checks are initiated by an administrator in the Protection task area by selecting the Create recovery point action.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

Error Code 1205

Error Message

Recommended Action

Status: <alert status> Data source type: <data source type> Data source: <data source name> Computer: <server name> Description: Replica is being created.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


The replica of <data source name> on <server name> is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for this data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. Status: <alert status> Computer: <server name> Description: Recovery jobs started @ <start date time>.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Status: <alert status> Description: New protectable computers found.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Status: <alert status> Description: Data copy job failed

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Status: <alert status>

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Description: Backup to tape failed. 1210 Status: <alert status> Computer: <server name> Description: Recovery jobs started @ <start date time> completed with some failures. 1211

and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

Recovery to <protected For more information, open DPM Administrator Console server name> that started at and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. <start date time> completed. Some jobs have successfully recovered data and some jobs have failed. Status: <alert status> Computer: <server name> Description: Recovery jobs started @ <start date time> completed successfully. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.



Status: <alert status> Data source type: <data source type> Data source: <data source name> Computer: <server name> Description: Last <failure count> recovery points not

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

created. 1215 Status: <alert status> Data source type: <data source type> Data source: <data source name> Computer: <server name> Description: Synchronization jobs failing. 1216 Status: <alert status> Data source type: <data source type> Data source: <data source name> Computer: <server name> Description: DPM failed to stop protection. 1218 The replica for <data source For more information, open DPM Administrator Console type> <data source name> on and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. <server name> is not created. You have chosen to create the replica manually. All subsequent protection activities for this data source will fail until the replica is created and synchronized with consistency check.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

Error Code 1219

Error Message

Recommended Action

The replica for <data source For more information, open DPM Administrator Console type> <data source name> on and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. <server name> is not created. Replica creation job is scheduled to run at a later time. Data protection will not start until replica creation is complete. Status: <alert status> Description: The disk <disk name> cannot be detected or has stopped responding. All subsequent protection activities that use this disk will fail until the disk is brought back online. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.



Status: <alert status> Computer: <server name> Description: Incompatible DPM protection agent.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Status: <alert status> Computer: <server name> Description: Unable to contact DPM protection agent.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Status: <alert status> Computer: <server name> Description: Failed to update

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

end-user recovery permissions. 1224 Status: <alert status> Volume: <volume name> Computer: <server name> Description: Network bandwidth usage throttling not working. 1249 Status: <alert status> Description: DPM detected multiple disks with the same disk identification number (DiskID). None of these disks will be added to the DPM Storage Pool. 1225 Unsupported data found. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Status: <alert status> <library type> : <library> Description: <library type> <library> is not available, and all jobs for this library will fail until the connection is established.


Status: <alert status> <library type> : <library>

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Description: Library is not functioning efficiently. 1228 Status: <alert status> <library type> : <library> Drive: <library drive> Description: Tape is decommissioned and should be removed from the library. 1229 Status: <alert status> <library type> : <library> Description: Number of free tapes is less than or equals the threshold value. 1230 Status: <alert status> <library type>: <library> Tape: <media label> Description: Tape erase job failed 1244 Database size on DPM server has exceeded the threshold value. The share <share name> that previously mapped to <old folder path> has changed to <new folder path>. DPM will continue to protect <old

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

folder path>, but recommends you modify protection as suggested in Recommended Action. 2000 DPM failed to run the operation because another conflicting operation is in progress. Status: <alert status> <library type> : <library> Tape: <media list> Description: Tape verification job couldn't start or failed. 1233 Status: <alert status> Description: Library catalog for backup job was not built correctly. 1237 Status: <alert status> <library type> : <library> Library drive: <library drive> Description: A drive in the library is not functioning. 1238 Status: <alert status> <library type> : <library> Tape: <media label>

Retry the operation later.


For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Description: Tape has been verified 1240 Status: <alert status> <library type>: <library> Description: Job requires tape that is not available in the library 1243 Status: <alert status> <library type>: <library> Tape: <media label> Description: Detailed tape inventory failed 1245 Status: <alert status> <library type>: <library> Tape: <media label> Description: Data integrity verification failed. 1246 Status: <alert status> Volume: <volume name> Computer: <server name> Description: Used disk space for recovery point volume exceeds threshold of <threshold value>. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Error Code 1247

Error Message

Recommended Action

Status: <alert status> Data source type: <data source type> Data source: <data source name> Computer: <server name> Description: DPM failed to configure protection.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Status: <alert status> Data source type: <data source type> Data source: <data source name> Computer: <server name> Description: Consolidation of recovery points failed.

For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


The specified path is invalid.

The specified destination path is not valid. Restore to an alternate location. The specified source path does not exist. Select a valid path. 1) Refer to the detailed error code in the description above. Retry this operation after the issue has been fixed. 2) If the error was due to insufficient resources, then it could be a transient failure and you should retry this operation after some time.


The specified path does not exist. DPM encountered an error while performing an operation for <file name>.


Error Code 2034

Error Message

Recommended Action

The specified path does not reside on an NTFS volume. The operation failed because of inadequate disk space.

The specified destination path does not reside on an NTFS volume. Restore to an NTFS volume . Increase the amount of free space on volume <volume name> on the destination computer and then retry the operation, or recover to an alternate destination that has sufficient free space. 1) Run chkdsk on the affected volume and then run synchronization with consistency check. 2) If running chkdsk does not solve the problem, and the server indicated above is a protected server (and not the DPM server), consider deleting this file from the source and then running synchronization with consistency check. Verify that <volume name> on <server name> exists. If the volume exists, retry the operation.



The Operation failed since DPM was unable to access the file/folder <file name> on <agent protected server>. This could be due to the file/folder being corrupt or the file system on the volume being corrupt. DPM could not detect the selected volume <volume name> on <server name>.



Some items were not Retry the recovery to a destination that does not recovered because recovering contain a reparse point. items across a reparse point is not permitted. The folder <reparse point path> under the recovery destination is a reparse point. The requested report history could not be found in SQL Server Reporting Services. The number of DPM licenses Specify a number for the DPM licenses greater than or must be greater than or equal equal to zero. to zero.



Error Code 3001

Error Message

Recommended Action

Reporting Services Server cannot connect to the DPM database. DPM could not generate this report. A parameter is missing or it was incorrectly specified. The SQL Server Reporting Services service is not running.

To repair the configuration, follow steps for repairing DPM from DPM Setup Help.



Start the service on the computer on which the DPM database was created. On the Administrative Tools menu, select Services. Right-click SQL Server Reporting Services, and then click Start. Verify that you are an administrator on the DPM server. If the DPM SQL database is hosted on a remote computer, verify that you are a member of the DPM administrators group on the remote SQL Server.


You have insufficient permissions to perform this action on the report.


DPM could not generate this report. A parameter is missing or it is incorrectly specified. The report you requested Repair your DPM installation using the steps described could not be found on the in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide. SQL Server Reporting Services server. The report cannot be displayed because the report property settings are incorrect. The SQL Server Agent service <instance name> is not responding. Repair your DPM installation using the steps described in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.




Restart the SQL Server Agent service <instance name>.


Error Code 3009

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM could not set up a schedule for this report. The information is either missing or it is incorrectly specified. DPM cannot set up an e-mail subscription for this report. The information may be missing or incorrect. There is not enough content to generate a report for this time period. The number of days of available data must be at least <day count> before DPM can generate this report. Click Options in the Actions pane, then click the SMTP Server tab, and provide the correct SMTP server name and e-mail address.



To generate this report, specify at least <day count> days.


DPM cannot perform this action because no valid property settings have been detected for this report. DPM could not connect to SQL Server Reporting Services server because of IIS connectivity issues.

Repair your DPM installation using the steps described in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


On the computer on which the DPM database was created, restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service. On the Administrative Tools menu, select Services, right-click World Wide Web Publishing Service, and then click Start.


An error occurred causing the Retry the reporting task. If the problem persists, repair reporting job on <server your DPM installation using the steps described in the name> to fail. The system DPM 2010 Deployment Guide. files may be corrupt. DPM is unable to change the Log on to <server name>. On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, point


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

e-mail settings.

to Configuration Tools, and then click Reporting Services Configuration. In Configure Report Server, update the email settings. To create the account, reinstall DPM using the steps described in DPM Setup Help.


A Windows account is required to view DPM reports. DPM is unable to create the Windows account group because the group already exists. The user account that DPM Reporting created is disabled.


Delete the Windows account group, and then retry the operation.


To reenable the account, in DPM Administrator Console, click Reporting on the Navigation bar. Click Options in the Actions pane, and on the Reporting Password tab, enter a valid password. Change the password for account <account name>. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Computer Management. Expand Local Users and Groups, and then click Users. Right-click <account name>, and then click Set Password. Review the error details and take appropriate action. Then retry the operation.


The reporting password for the Windows account has expired.


Unable to configure local Windows account in the system. The operation is allowed only on the primary domain controller for the domain. DPM is unable to create the Windows account because the account already exists. DPM is unable to configure the Windows account


Delete the Windows account, and then retry the operation.


Enter another password for the account.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

because the password you entered does not meet the Group Policy requirements. 3024 DPM cannot grant the DPM database access to the <> account. Verify that SQL Server is running, and that it is configured correctly.


You are unable to add the Log on as an administrator or backup operator, and local computer to the intranet then try the operation again. security zone in Internet Explorer because of insufficient permissions. The report schedule has expired and will be reset. DPM is unable to create the report schedule because the date specified has already past. DPM is unable to create the schedule because the time specified has already past. The report file does not contain an entry for the description. The report file contains an incorrect description value. Check the DPM report settings.



Specify today or a later date.


Specify a future date.


Repair your DPM installation using the steps described in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


Repair your DPM installation using the steps described in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


You cannot add the computer We recommend that you reinstall Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. Use Add or Remove to the trusted zone. Programs in Control Panel. Click Add/Remove Windows Components, and then check Internet Explorer

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Enhanced Security Configuration. However, you can proceed to the report by specifying your password in subsequent steps. 3029 DPM has detected incorrect property settings for certain reports. DPM reporting requires ASP.NET 2.0, which is not found or installed on this computer. Repair your DPM installation using the steps described in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


Install ASP .NET 2.0. Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. Click Add/Remove Windows Components, check Applications Server, and then click Details. Check ASP.Net and Internet Information Services (IIS), and then click OK. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area.


Description: Data source missing.


The recovery jobs for <data No action required. source name> that started at <start date time>, with the destination of <server name>, have successfully completed. DPM database (DPMDB) size has exceeded the threshold limit. DPM database size: <DPM database size> GB DPM database location: <DPM database location> on <server name>. The DPM database (DPMDB) size cannot be reduced. To resolve this alert, you need to increase the free space in the DPMDB volume, or increase the alert threshold value in the tape catalog retention dialog. If the tape catalog is very large, reducing the size of the tape catalog may ensure that DPM database does not grow any further.



DPM is unable to read the registry to retrieve report settings because of

Log on as an administrator and then retry the operation.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

insufficient permissions. 3036 DPM reporting cannot query the IIS configuration. Connect to the computer on which the DPM database was created. Verify that the Windows Management Instrumentation service is running.


SQL Server Reporting Services Verify that SQL Server Reporting Services is properly is not installed or is not installed and is running. configured properly. DPM reporting is not yet activated because the required security settings could not be applied to the DPMReport local account. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Local Security Policy. Expand Local Policies, and then select User Rights Assignment. Right-click Allow log on locally policy, and then click Properties. Click Add User or Groups, and add the DPMReport account. If the account is listed in the Deny log on locally policy, remove it. Log on to <server name>. On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, point to Configuration Tools, and then click Reporting Services Configuration. In Configure Report Server, update the email settings. Re-run synchronization or wait for the next synchronization to occur. If the problem persists, check your domain configuration. Either run a synchronization, or wait for the next scheduled synchronization to occur. If the problem persists, check your domain configuration. Redo the schema extension operation.



DPM Setup is unable to update the report server configuration to configure email settings.


Unable to update shares or share permissions.


Unable to update the Active Directory Domain Services database. Active Directory Domain Services schema is not configured properly.



No nodes have been detected 1. On the Agents tab in the Management task area,

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

for cluster <cluster>.

check if the cluster nodes are accessible 2. Use the cluster administrative console to check if the cluster has been unclustered,


One or more volumes are missing for the following applications: <list of data sources> The used disk space on the computer running DPM for the replica of <data source type> <data source name> has exceeded the threshold value of <threshold value>%%. If you do not allocate more disk space, synchronization jobs may fail due to insufficient disk space. Recovery data for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> in protection group <protection group> resides on a volume that cannot be detected. All subsequent protection activities relating to <data source name> will fail until this volume is brought back online or the replica is recreated. DPM failed to obtain catalog information as part of the backup for <data source

Ensure that the dependent volumes for the data sources are online.


Allocate more disk space for the replica. If no free disk space is available in the storage pool, you may need to add physical disks to the computer running DPM.


Verify that the disk containing the replica volume and the recovery point volume is shown in Disk Management. If you are unable to locate the volumes in Disk Management, use the Protection task area in DPM Administrator Console to stop protection of the data source using the Delete replica option, and then add the data source to a protection group again.


1) If you do not expect to be performing item-level restores using this recovery point, then dismiss this alert; otherwise, take the recommended actions in the

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

type> <data source name> on <server name>. Your recovery point is valid, but you will be unable to perform item-level recoveries using this recovery point.

subsequent steps. 2) If the operation failed for a short-term backup to disk, in the Protection task area, select the data source and click Create recovery point to restart the backup. 3) If the operation failed for a short-term backup to tape, in the Protection task area, select all the failed data sources that belong to the same protection group, and click Create recovery point tape. This will ensure that the tape backups are located on the same tape. 4) Dismiss this alert immediately after starting your backup.


The replica for <data source No action required. type> <data source name> is currently being synchronized with consistency check. A consistency check can be started automatically or manually. Automatic consistency checks are scheduled in the Protection task area by selecting the Optimize performance action. Manual consistency checks are initiated by an administrator in the Protection task area by selecting the Create recovery point action. The replica of <data source No action required. type> <data source name> on <server name> is being created. After the initial


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

replica is created, only incremental changes are synchronized. 3106 The replica of <data source Synchronize with consistency check. type> <data source name> on <server name> is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. You can recover data from existing recovery points, but new recovery points cannot be created until the replica is consistent The recovery jobs for <data No action required. source type> <data source name> that started at <start date time>, with the destination of <server name>, are in progress. The recovery jobs for <data Make sure that the file is not already present and in use source type> <data source on the destination computer, and that there is sufficient name> that started at <start disk space for the files. date time>, with the destination of <server name>, have completed. Some jobs successfully recovered data and some jobs failed. The following items could not be recovered: <temporary list



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

of files>. 3111 The recovery jobs for <data source type> <data source name> that started at <start date time>, with the destination of <protected server name>, have completed. Most or all jobs failed to recover the requested data. On the Jobs tab in the Monitoring tasks area, group jobs by type to view details of the recovery jobs.


The recovery jobs for <data No action required. source type> <data source name> that started at <start date time>, with the destination of <server name>, have successfully completed. Exchange Recovery If you are recovering to Exchange server which is CCR or LCR, perform following steps: 1) Reseed the replica of the recovered storage group. 2) Resume storage group copy for the recovered storage group.



Recovery point creation jobs for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> have been failing. The number of failed recovery point creation jobs = <failure count>. Since <occurred since>, synchronization jobs for <data


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

source name> on <server name> have failed. The total number of failed jobs = <failure count>. The last job failed for the following reason: 3116 DPM failed to stop protection for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. If you no longer want to protect any data sources on the computer, you can uninstall the protection agent from the computer. You can also retry the stop protection job.


New computers were found See Details for list of computers. that you may want to protect. The replica for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is not created. You have chosen to create the replica manually. All subsequent protection activities for this data source will fail until the replica is created and synchronized with consistency check. 1) Manually copy data to the replica path as specified in the details for this data source in the Protection task area. 2) After you copy the data, click the link below to synchronize with consistency check.



The replica for <data source No action required. type> <data source name> on <server name> is not created. Replica creation job is scheduled to run at a later time. Data protection will not start until replica creation is complete. The disk <disk name> cannot On the Disks tab in the Management task area, check


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

be detected or has stopped responding. All subsequent protection activities that use this disk will fail until the disk is brought back online.

the status of disks. If a disk is missing, rescan the disk configuration to detect the disk. If the disk is still missing, verify physical disk connections and perform Rescan again. If the disk is no longer available, you can remove the disk from the storage pool. To continue protecting the affected data, stop protection of the data sources using the Delete replica option, and then add the data sources to a protection group again. For more information, open DPM Administrator Console and review the alert details in the Monitoring task area. On the Agents tab in the Management task area, check the status of the agent and update to the correct version.


Description: New data source found. The DPM protection agent on <server name> is incompatible with this DPM instance. All subsequent protection and recovery activities for <server name> will fail until the correct version of the agent is installed.



The DPM protection agent on On the Agents tab in the Management task area, check <server name> could not be the status of the agent. contacted. Subsequent protection activities for this computer may fail if the connection is not established. The attempted contact failed for the following reason: Failed to update permissions used for end-user recovery on <server name>. Permissions update failed for the following reason:


Error Code 3124

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM network bandwidth usage throttling is not working because the Windows Quality of Service (QoS) Packet Scheduler is not enabled on <server name>.

Either stop the DPM protection agent service on <server name> and make sure that the QoS Packet Scheduler is enabled, or disable network bandwidth usage throttling for the computer. To install the QoS Packet Scheduler: In Control Panel, point to Network Connections, rightclick the appropriate connection, and then click Properties. On the General tab, click Install, click Service, click Add, click QoS Packet Scheduler, and then click OK.


DPM has discovered new unsupported files or folders on one or more protected volumes. DPM will continue to protect the supported data on these volumes, but will not protect the unsupported data. The share <share name> that previously mapped to <old folder path> has changed to <new folder path>. DPM will continue to protect <old folder path>, but recommends you modify protection as suggested in Recommended Action. To start protecting <new folder path>, in the Protection task area, perform the following steps: 1) Stop protection for this share. 2) Re-protect the same share again. To setup protection properly for the <old folder path>, in the Protection task area, perform the following steps: 1) Stop protection for this share. 2) Protect <old folder path>.



DPM detected multiple disks with the same disk identification number (DiskID). None of these disks will be added to the DPM

1) Check to see that multipath software is running on the DPM server. 2) In the Management task area, on the Disks tab, click


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Storage Pool. 3151 DPM was unable to complete this job within the time allocated.

Rescan. In the Monitoring task area, group jobs by type and review the job details. If the next scheduled occurrence of this job is currently running, no action is required. If the job is not currently running, retry the job. If you retry a synchronization job and it fails again, consider enabling on-the-wire compression. For more information, see "How to Enable On-the-Wire Compression" in DPM Help.


Choose to send Microsoft anonymous feedback automatically about your hardware and software configurations, and feature usage patterns. Creation of recovery points for <data source name> on <server name> have failed. The last recovery point creation failed for the following reason: Synchronization jobs for <data source name> on <server name> have failed. Recovery data for <data source name> on <server name> in protection group <protection group> resides on a volume that cannot be detected. All subsequent protection activities relating

Opt-in or opt-out of the Customer Experience Improvement Program.




Verify that the disk containing the replica volume is shown in Disk Management. Or, in the Protection task area in DPM Administrator Console, use the Modify disk allocation action to allocate replica space.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

to <data source name> will fail until this volume is brought back online or the replica is re-created. 3162 The replica of <data source No action required. name> on <server name> is being created. After the initial copy is made, only incremental changes are synchronized. The recovery jobs for <data No action required. source name> that started at <start date time>, with the destination of <server name>, are in progress. The replica of <data source name> on <server name> is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. The recovery jobs for <data On the Jobs tab in the Monitoring tasks area, filter jobs source name> that started at by type to view details of the recovery jobs. <start date time>, with the destination of <server name>, have completed. Some jobs have successfully recovered data and some jobs have failed.





Error Code 3166

Error Message

Recommended Action

The recovery jobs for <data source name> that started at <start date time>, with the destination of <protected server name>, have completed. Most or all jobs failed to recover the requested data. The used disk space on the computer running DPM for the recovery point volume of <data source type> <data source name> has exceeded the threshold value of <threshold value>%% (DPM accounts 600 MB for internal usage in addition to free space available). If you do not allocate more disk space, synchronization jobs may fail due to insufficient disk space. DPM could not start a recovery, consistency check, or initial replica creation job for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> for following reason:\n The start time is greater or equal to the end time. Please correct the filter definition.

On the Jobs tab in the Monitoring tasks area, filter jobs by type to view details of the recovery jobs.


Allocate more disk space for the recovery point volume using the Modify disk allocation action in the Protection task area. If no free disk space is available in the storage pool, you may need to add physical disks to the computer running DPM.




Error Code 3172

Error Message

Recommended Action

At least one library must be selected in the filter definition. At least one data source must be selected in the filter definition. At least one job type and job status must be specified in the filter definition. Data transferred and time elapsed must be an integer, and greater than or equal to zero, and less than the maximum number size. Date not entered in the correct format. The default filter cannot be updated or deleted. Consolidation of recovery points of the replica failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> when one of the following operations was being performed: Express full backup Consistency check Recovery







Check the Alerts tab in the Monitoring task area to locate the specific alert for the operations indicated above. Follow the recommended action for that alert. If you do not find any active alerts for the operations indicated above, you should click the link below to inactivate this alert.

Error Code 3179

Error Message

Recommended Action

There already exists a filter with the given name. Please specify a different filter name. Could not access end-user recovery-specific information in Active Directory Domain Services DPM failed to log in with the specified password. Could not access end-user recovery-specific content in Active Directory Domain Services. <library type> <library> could not be contacted. All jobs for <library type> <library> will fail if the connection is not established. The attempted contact failed for the following reason:\n <library type> <library> is not functioning efficiently for the following reason: The drive information for <library type> <library> is incorrect and needs to be refreshed. The number of drives reported for this library is different from the number of drives detected by DPM. If any drives are out of the library for servicing, ignore this alert; otherwise, remap the drives within the library manually. For information about remapping tape library drives, see the DPM 2010 Operations Guide. Check the domain configuration to ensure that the DPM schema extension has been successfully applied to the Active Directory. Also verify that DPM has permissions to access the data in the extended schema. Check your password and then retry the operation.




Re-run synchronization or wait for the next synchronization to occur. If the problem persists, check your domain configuration.




Library drive <library drive> in <library> is not functioning and library jobs may fail until

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

the drive is repaired. The drive is not functioning for the following reason:\n 3304 DPM has marked the <media label> tape as decommissioned, which means that data cannot be written to this tape in the future. You may be able to recover data from this tape. The number of free tapes in the <library type> <library> is less than or equals the threshold value of <threshold value>. You must add tape to the library and mark it as free in order to prevent future backups from failing. <media label> could not be erased for the following reason: Data on the tapes <media list> cannot be verified for the following reason:\n The data copy job failed for the following reason:\n The back up to tape job failed for the following reason: The backup to tape job completed, but the catalog

This tape is decommissioned and should be removed from the library. You may be able to recover data from this tape. If recovery from this tape fails, check for a duplicate or older copy of the data.


Add tape to the library and mark it as free.






Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

was not built correctly for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Although no data is lost, you must rebuild the catalog to access the data of the backup job. 3313 Verification is completed for the following tape(s) in <library type> <library>: <media list> The detailed inventory of tape failed for the following reason: Your search returned more than 250 results. Only 250 results can be displayed. This job cannot be rerun because the data is not valid. To retry, in the Recovery task area, copy the data to tape using the Recovery wizard. The recovery job is paused because the required tape is not available in <library type> <library>. Insert the required tape in the library through the I/E port or by unlocking the library door. Click "Continue Job" in the details section of this alert, if you add the required tape without using the Add tape (I/E port) or Unlock Door actions on the Library tab in the Management task area. Insert the tape with label <media label> in the library through the I/E port or by unlocking the library door. Click "Continue Job" in the Details section of this alert, if

No action required.



Use the search controls to refine your search.




<task name> is paused because the required tape <media label> is not available

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

in the library <library type> <library>.

you add the required tape without using the Add tape (I/E port) or Unlock Door actions on the Library tab in the Management task area.


Data verification of <data source name> on tape <media list> in <library type> <library> found data integrity issues on the following files: <temporary list of files>


To cancel pending replica creation for <volume name> on <server name>, remove all members from the protection group <protection group> that reside on this volume. To reschedule replica creation, add the members back to the protection group. The protection group configuration has changed and therefore this job cannot be re-run. On the Jobs tab in the Monitoring task area, rerun this job. This job cannot be rerun because the data is not valid. To retry, in the Recovery task area, click Verify data in the Actions pane. This job cannot be rerun because the data is not valid.




Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

To retry, recatalog the tape's contents in the Recovery task area. 3609 This job cannot be rerun because the protection group associated with it has been modified. An incompatible version of the database was detected. DPM cannot continue loading DPM Administrator Console. Restore a valid database using the steps described in the DPM 2010 Operations Guide, and then retry the operation.



Version <database version> of Restore a valid database using the steps described in the DPM database, and the DPM 2010 Operations Guide, and then retry the version <binary version> of operation. the DPM application are not compatible. The evaluation copy of DPM has expired. You must purchase a DPM license. For details about obtaining a DPM license, see the Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager Web site at: Uninstall DPM and then re-install DPM to recreate the security group.



DPM could not find the MSDPMTrustedMachines security group. Either this group has been deleted or the entry is corrupt. The version of the DPM database installed on this computer is later than the version of the DPM application.


To continue using DPM, you must install any service packs or hotfixes that were part of your previous DPM installation.


Error Code 3754

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM Administrator Console can be opened only by a user belonging to a domain. Log on using a domain user account, and try again. DPM Setup failed to configure Use Add or Remove programs in Control Panel to the service <service name>. uninstall DPM. After uninstalling, run DPM Setup again. DPM Setup was unable to collect information about volumes in the storage pool because access to the database was denied. Setup was unable to delete the <database name> database. There is insufficient disk space on system volume <system drive> to complete the installation. Manually delete the volumes allocated to the storage pool or format the disks.




Manually delete the database using SQL Server Management Studio.


To continue with the installation, free up <system disk space required> MB of disk space on the system volume.


The SQL Server Reporting Uninstall SQL Server 2008, and then run DPM Setup Services installation is not again to install the prerequisite software. valid because it is installed on a computer on which Internet Information Services (IIS) or ASP.Net is not installed. Setup has detected that the installation of Reporting Services is not correctly configured or no instance of Reporting Services is linked to 1) To use the local dedicated MS$DPM2007$ instance with DPM, uninstall SQL Server and run setup again. 2) To use the option of installing DPM with an existing instance of SQL Server, make sure that the Reporting Services instance is also installed and linked correctly.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

<instance name> of SQL Server. 4005 DPM found the following databases that were created by an earlier installation of SQL Server Reporting Services: <comma separated database names>.

For details, refer to DPM Setup Help.

Setup will delete these databases.


Service <name> is running DPM Setup will change the credentials to a local user under <credentials> account. credentials. <name> must run under local user credentials. Service <name> is not installed. The <prerequisite> installation is not valid. The <name> service is running under <credentials> credentials. We recommend that the service run under the NT Authority\NetworkService account. You installed DPM protection agents on several computers. We recommend that you uninstall them before proceeding. DPM database <DPM database> is missing or corrupt. Uninstall <prerequisite> and then run DPM Setup again.



In the Reporting Services Configuration tool, choose 'Windows Service Identity' and change the settings to the built-in Network Service account for <SQL Server instance name> instance of SQL Server 2008.


In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the Navigation bar. On the Agents tab, select the agents, and then click Uninstall.


If you are performing a clean installation of DPM, you must delete the DPM database before you run Setup. If you are upgrading or repairing an existing installation of DPM, you must restore a valid DPM database, and then

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

proceed with Setup. 4019 DPM Setup detected an existing DPM database in the <SQL Server instance name> instance of SQL Server. DPM cannot be installed on an existing database. DPM Setup detected several existing protection groups. In SQL Server Management Studio, delete the <DPM database> database, and then run DPM Setup again. If you need to reuse an older DPM database, back up the database and restore it after completing the DPM installation.


In DPM Administrator Console, in the Protection task area, remove the groups from protection, and then run DPM Setup again. Verify that the computer is joined to a domain, that DNS is correctly configured, and that you are logged on as a domain user with administrator user rights.


DPM Setup could not access Active Directory Domain Services. You cannot proceed with the DPM Installation. The <prerequisite> installation failed. All changes made by the <prerequisite> installation to the system were rolled back. The <prerequisite> installation failed. All changes made by the <prerequisite> installation to the system were rolled back. The <prerequisite> configuration failed.


Manually install <prerequisite>. For instructions, see "Manually Installing Prerequisite Software" in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


Manually install <prerequisite>. For instructions, see "Manually Installing Prerequisite Software" in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


Use Add or Remove programs in Control Panel to uninstall <prerequisite>. After uninstalling <prerequisite> run DPM Setup again. Manually delete account <account name>.


DPM could not delete the <account name> user


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

account. 4033 DPM Setup could not remove the DPM Administrator Console shortcuts from: <comma separated shortcut locations>. DPM Setup could not delete service <service name>. The DPM database was removed, however, DPM could not remove database files <database files complete location>. Setup was unable to delete the schedules from the master database. Manually delete the DPM Administrator Console shortcuts.


Manually delete service <service name>. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Services. Delete the database files manually.



Open SQL Server Management Studio, and connect to the DPM instance of SQL Server. Expand the instance of SQL Server, browse to SQL Server Agent, and then in Jobs, delete the <schedule category> category. If you are reinstalling DPM on this computer, no action is necessary. If you are not reinstalling DPM, you must uninstall SQL Server 2008 to remove the reports. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options. In the Internet Options dialog box, on the Security tab, click Local intranet, click Sites, then click Advanced, and then remove computer <computer name> from the intranet zone. Delete the group manually. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Computer Management. Expand Local Users and Groups, and then click Groups. Right-click <group name>, and then click Delete.


Setup was unable to remove reports deployed with SQL Server Reporting Services. The computer <computer name> could not be removed from the intranet security zone settings in Internet Explorer. DPM Setup could not delete the <group name> group on computer <computer name>.



Error Code 4037

Error Message

Recommended Action

To finish deleting service <service name>, you must restart the computer. DPM Setup was unable to unmount the volumes from <volumes directory>. This computer has less than the recommended amount of memory for optimal performance of DPM. The recommended amount of memory is 2 GB. The domain controller role is enabled on this computer. DPM does not support installing DPM on a domain controller. Setup has detected that SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 has not been installed on the selected SQL Server. DPM Setup was unable to set permissions on folder <directory path>. DPM cannot delete <file name>. DPM Setup was unable to configure service <Setup service name>.

Restart your computer.


Manually unmount the volumes using Disk Management.


Add more memory to this computer or install DPM on a different computer.


Install DPM on a computer that is not a domain controller.


Install SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 or higher and try again.


Verify that the folder <directory path> is a valid location and that the current user has access to the location.


Verify that the current user has permissions to delete the file. Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then try running DPM Setup again.



Error Code 4049

Error Message

Recommended Action

The <prerequisite> installation failed. All changes made by the <prerequisite> installation to the system were rolled back. The <prerequisite> installation failed. All changes made by the <prerequisite> installation to the system were rolled back. Setup was unable to add protected computers to the <DCOM Users Group> group. You did not specify the . You did not specify a company name. The specified path <file name> is invalid. The command line argument <command line argument> is invalid.

Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall DPM. Then manually install <prerequisite>. For instructions, see "Manually Installing Prerequisite Software" in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall DPM. Then manually install <prerequisite>. For instructions, see "Manually Installing Prerequisite Software" in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


Review the error details. Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall DPM, and then run DPM Setup again. Specify a . Specify a company name.

4065 4066


Specify a valid path and verify that the path is accessible. See "Installing DPM" in DPM Setup Help.



The path <file name> exceeds Choose a path with a shorter length. <maximum limit> characters. The command line argument <command line argument> is already specified. There is insufficient disk space on the program files See "Installing DPM" in DPM Setup Help.



To continue with the DPM installation, free up <binary


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

volume <binary drive> to complete the installation. 4052 You cannot install DPM on a server if a DPM protection agent has been installed it. DPM Setup was unable to remove the protected computers from the <DCOM Users Group> group.

disk space required> MB of disk space on the volume.


Delete the protected computers from the group. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Computer Management. Expand Local Users and Groups, and then click Groups. Right-click <DCOM Users Group>, and then click Delete. If Windows Firewall is enabled, remove DPM and the protection agent from the exceptions list. In Control Panel, click Windows Firewall, click the Exceptions tab, and then delete Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 and the Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Replication Agent from the list of exceptions.


DPM Setup was unable to remove DPM and the protection agent from the Windows Firewall exceptions list.


DPM Setup was unable to add Review the error details. In Control Panel, click DPM to the Windows Firewall Windows Firewall, and on the General tab, verify that the "Don't allow exceptions" option is unchecked. Use Exceptions. Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall DPM and then run DPM Setup again. There is insufficient disk space on the database volume <database drive> to complete the installation. DPM requires the Microsoft$DPM$ instance of SQL Server. None of the existing SQL Server installations have the name To continue with the installation, free up <database disk space required> MB of disk space on the volume.



To avoid expiration of SQL Server 2008, exit Setup and install the SQL Server 2008 licensed retail copy, or upgrade to SQL Server 2008 within 180 days. To properly configure the SQL Server 2008 settings, see "Manually Installing Prerequisite Software" in the

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Microsoft$DPM$. Setup will DPM 2010 Deployment Guide. install the Evaluation Edition of SQL Server 2008, which will expire in 180 days. 4059 DPM Setup installs the Evaluation Edition of SQL Server 2008 which expires 180 days after installation. To avoid expiration of SQL Server 2008, exit Setup and install the SQL Server 2008 licensed retail copy, or upgrade to SQL Server 2008 within 180 days. To properly configure the SQL Server 2008 settings, see "Manually Installing Prerequisite Software" in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide. At the command prompt, run inetmgr.exe. To enable the Default Web site, expand the Web Sites folder, right-click Default Web Site, and then click Start.


The Default Web site that Internet Information Services (IIS) uses is disabled. You cannot install or run SQL Server Reporting Services if this Web site is unavailable. The Default Web site used by Internet Information Services (IIS) does not exist. SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services cannot be installed or run unless this Web site is available.


Use Add or Remove Programs from Control Panel. Uninstall SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services if already installed. Uninstall Internet Information Services (IIS). Then run DPM Setup again to install IIS and SQL Server 2008 with Reporting Services with the correct configuration.


Installation source <folder Make sure that the DPM installation DVD is copied path> for installing correctly and re-run Setup. prerequisites either does not exist or cannot be accessed or Setup cannot find one or more prerequisites at the location. The input <input parameter Specify a valid input <input parameter tag>.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

tag> is mandatory. 4070 The prerequisite check failed with errors. DPM Setup could not delete the DPM Administrator Console shortcut from: <comma separated shortcut locations>. The value for <command line argument> was not specified. DPM is not installed on this computer. DPM is already installed on this computer DPM is not installed on this computer. No IN file is specified in the command line. DPM configuration failed. Review the errors in the DPM setup log file <Setup log file>. Resolve the errors, and then run DPM Setup again. Please delete the shortcuts manually.



See "Installing DPM" in the DPM Setup Help.


Run DPM Setup from the DPM product DVD.


To uninstall DPM, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. To install DPM, see "Installing DPM" in DPM Setup Help.



See "Installing DPM" in DPM Setup Help.


Refer to the "Troubleshooting" section of DPM Setup Help. Start the service manually. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Services. Right-click <Setup service name>, and then click Start. Refer to "Troubleshooting" section of DPM help.


DPM cannot start service <Setup service name>.


DPM setup could not configure agents.


Error Code 4084

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM setup could not configure SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services. DPM has been successfully installed. However, DPM Setup could not delete the extracted folder <folder path>. DPM Setup could not delete the extracted folder <folder path>. DPM Setup could not delete the virtual directory <folder path>.

Refer to "Troubleshooting" section of DPM help.


Delete folder <folder path> manually.


Delete folder <folder path> manually.


Delete the directory manually. On the Administrative Tools menu, click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Expand the Web Sites folder, expand Default Web Site, and then delete the virtual directory <folder path>. Verify that the MSSQL$<instance name> service is started. If the service is not started, on the Administrative Tools menu, click Services. Right-click MSSQL$<instance name>, and then click Start.


DPM Setup could not configure the database <database name>.


DPM Setup detected that No action is required. Microsoft$DPM$, the instance of SQL Server used in the current installation of DPM, is an instance of SQL Server 2008 Evaluation Edition. Setup will upgrade the instance to the SQL Server 2008 Retail Edition as part of the DPM upgrade.


Error Code 4091

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM Setup could not determine the edition of SQL Server used in the current installation of DPM.

If the current installation of DPM uses an expired instance of the Evaluation Edition of SQL Server 2008, you must manually upgrade to the retail edition of SQL Server 2008. For instructions, see the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide. For more information about this error, see the application event log. No action required.


DPM Setup has detected that the current installation of DPM uses the Evaluation Edition of SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services. Setup will upgrade to the retail edition of SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services as part of the upgrade of DPM. DPM Writer could not access the registry. You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation. DPM Setup could not determine the edition of SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services used in the current installation of DPM. DPM Setup has detected that the current installation of DPM uses an expired instance of the Evaluation Edition of SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services.


Make sure that Data Protection Manager is installed correctly. On the DPM server, use Event Viewer to view details for this event. The details are available in the application event log. Verify that the Report Server and World Wide Web Publishing services are running: In Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, click Services, and check the Status column for each service.




Manually upgrade to the retail edition of SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services, and then run DPM Setup again. For instructions for upgrading Reporting Services, see the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.


Error Code 4200

Error Message

Recommended Action

The DPM Writer service could Review the Application Event log for more details. Verify that DPM is installed and that the DPM Writer service is not be accessed. running. The backup operation did not complete successfully. Some backup shadow copies could not be created. DPM Writer could not connect to the <database name> database. DPM Writer could not query the <database name> database. DPM Writer encountered an internal error. Ensure that the DPM replicas are not busy and retry the operation.



Make sure that the SQL Server instance used by DPM is running and is accessible over network.


Make sure that the SQL Server instance used by DPM is running and is accessible over network.


Please restart the DPM Writer service, and then try the backup operation again. For additional troubleshooting information, review the application event log and the DPM Troubleshooting Guide. Please try the backup operation again. For additional troubleshooting information, see the DPM Troubleshooting Guide. Make sure that the SQL Server services are running with appropriate privileges.


DpmBackup encountered an internal error.


DpmPathMerge could not query the <database name> database. DpmPathMerge could not access the registry. DPM Setup failed to disable the Removable Storage service (NtmsSvc).


Make sure that Data Protection Manager is installed correctly. Manually stop and disable the Removable Storage service. On the Administrative tools menu, click Services. Right-click Removable Storage, and then click


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Stop. Then run DPM Setup again. 4318 DPM Setup failed to create the DPMRADCOMTrustedMachin es or DPMRADmTrustedMachines group. DPM has been successfully installed. However, you must restart the computer to complete the DPM installation. DPM Setup was unable to configure the DPMRATrustedMachines Group security settings. You cannot install DPM on a computer with Microsoft Cluster service enabled. DPM Setup failed to add a user to the local group. DpmPathMerge encountered an internal error. Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again.


Restart the computer to complete the DPM installation.


Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again.


Use the Cluster Administrator tool to remove this computer from the cluster or install DPM on another computer. Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again. Please try the operation again. For additional troubleshooting information, see the DPM Troubleshooting Guide. To ensure that this replica is consistent with the protected data, run the FsPathMerge tool to manually remove extraneous path information from the restored replica. For instructions for using FsPathMerge, see the DPM Operations Guide.




Either because this replica was restored from a backup that was not created using the DpmBackup tool, or because the GUID of the protected volume has

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

changed since the backup was created, DpmPathMerge cannot automatically remove extraneous path information. 4220 DPM writer was unable to snapshot the replica of <data source name>, because the replica is not in a valid state (Validity: <validity>). DPM Writer has timed out waiting for replica to be free and available for snapshot. DPM has run out of free recovery point space and will fail snapshots for <data source name> in order to prevent existing recovery points from getting recycled. DPM Setup could not delete the DPMRA service. DPM Setup was unable to uninstall the Dr. Watson version that DPM installed. DPM Setup has detected that the required version of Windows PowerShell is not installed. This software is required for DPM to run correctly. In DPM Administrator Console, run a consistency check for the data source to ensure that the replica is consistent.


Retry again when no jobs are running for the selected data source.


1) Increase the space allocated for the recovery point volume for <data source name>. 2) Retry the operation after increasing the space for the recovery point volume.


Delete the DPMRA service manually. At the command prompt, type "sc delete DPMRA". For information about manually uninstalling Dr. Watson, see "Troubleshooting" in DPM Setup Help.



Install Windows PowerShell and Power shell Multilanguage User Interface pack. Then run DPM Setup again.


Error Code 4304

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM Setup detected that the Single Instance Store (SIS) component is not installed. This software is required for Data Protection Manager to run correctly. DPM Setup detected a previous version of Microsoft Management Console.

To install SIS, run "start /wait ocsetup.exe SIS-Limited /quiet /norestart" from the command-line and restart the computer. Then run DPM setup again


Download and install Microsoft Management Console 3.0 from or upgrade the operating system to Windows Server 2003 R2, and then run DPM Setup again. Review the error log for details. Verify that the Remote SQL Server administrator credentials you provided are correct and that they have logon permissions on the local computer. Verify that the specified computer and the instance of SQL Server meets the following requirements: 1) The computer is accessible over the network. 2) A firewall is not blocking requests from the DPM computer. For steps to configure the firewall on the SQL Server, follow the steps described here: 3) The specified user is an administrator on the computer running the instance of SQL Server.


DPM Setup is unable to use the credentials provided to log on as <username>.


DPM Setup is unable to connect to the specified instance of SQL Server.


An invalid SQL Server instance Specify a valid instance of SQL Server. was specified. The SQL Server 2008 installation failed. All changes made by the SQL Server 2008 installation to the system Manually install SQL Server 2008. For instructions, see "Manually Installing Prerequisite Software" in the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide.



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

were rolled back. 4312 DPM Setup detected that the Removable Storage service is running. To install DPM correctly, DPM Setup will stop and disable this service. DPM Setup could not delete the DPM Library Agent service. DPM Setup was unable to share the folder [InstallLocation]\Temp as MTATempStore$. The SQL Server 2008 installation failed. Delete the service manually. At the command prompt, type "sc delete DPMLA".



Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again.


Review the SQL Server installation log file for failures, and then take the appropriate action.


DPM Setup could not Verify that the DPM server is a member of a domain and configure the security settings that a domain controller is running. Additionally, verify that there is network connectivity between the DPM for this computer. server and the domain controller. DPM cannot access registry key <registry key> on computer <computer name>. Verify that the registry key exists, that user <> has full permissions, and that the Remote Registry service is running on this computer and computer <computer name>. Specify a different instance to install DPM or choose the option to let DPM install its own SQL Server instance. If DPM's SQL Server instance already exists, it will be reused. Verify that computers are joined to the same domain, that the DNS client service is running, and that DNS is



You cannot choose the instance <instance name> on the local computer.


DPM Setup failed to get the fully qualified domain name

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

for either the computer accessible over the network. Then run DPM Setup again. running DPM or the computer with the selected instance of SQL Server. 4326 DPM Setup failed to create certificate stores required for DPM. Setup failed to delete the certificate stores created for DPM. The service <name> is running under <credentials> credentials. It should be running under domain user credentials. DPM setup is unable to verify if the Microsoft Cluster service is enabled on this computer. DPM Setup could not remove the account <user account name> from the group <group name>. The Microsoft System Center DPM Support Files on the SQL Server computer <computer name> were not removed. Could not query database <database name> from the <instance name> instance of Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again.


At a command prompt, run "certutil.exe -delstore" to delete the certificates in DPMBackStore and DPMRestoreStore. Run the SQL Configuration tool on the computer running SQL Server to change the account for the services. Then try again.



Verify that this computer does not have the Microsoft Cluster service enabled, and then proceed with the DPM installation.


Manually delete account <user account name> from the group.


If no other DPM server is using the server for hosting the DPM database, uninstall the Microsoft System Center DPM Support Files using Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. Review the error message and retry the action:



Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

SQL Server. 4333 DPM Management Shell is already installed on this computer.

<exception message> On the Start menu, select "DPM Management Shell" from "Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007".


DPM 2010 cannot be installed Install DPM 2010 on a different computer and migrate on the same computer as your settings using the upgrade tool. For details, refer to DPM 2006. the DPM 2010 Deployment Guide. Cannot find file: <file name>. Run MigrateDPM2006 [-exportSettings] [dpm2006server ServerName] first to create the file. Run MigrateDPM2006 [-exportSettings] [dpm2006server ServerName] to recreate the file.



Settings file <file name> is invalid.


The DPM protection agent is Install the agent and try the operation again. not installed on the computer <computer name>. Could not find configuration for <computer name>. Enter a valid name for a computer configuration to migrate.



Failed to copy file <file name> Review the error details and take appropriate action. from <source location> to Then retry the operation. <destination location>. There is insufficient disk space on the database volume <database drive> on <computer name>. Setup cannot query the SQL Server. A restart is required to complete the uninstallation of


Free <database disk space required> MB of disk space on the volume to continue with the installation.


Make sure that SQL Server service is running.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

Data Protection Manager. 4343 MigrateDPM2006 has encountered an error. Make sure that: 1) You have administrator access to <computer name>. 2) Check the computer name provided and make sure the computer has an installation of Data Protection Manager 2006 with Service Pack 1 applied. 4344 Setup could not detect an installation of Microsoft System Center DPM Support Files on the selected SQL Server. Setup has detected that the selected SQL Server has an older version of Microsoft System Center DPM Support Files installed. The settings for data source <data source name> on server <server name> have not been imported to this DPM server. Copy for replica <data source name> on computer <server name> failed and this data source is being skipped. DPM requires the Named Pipes protocol to be enabled on the selected instance of SQL Server. Install the SQLPrep.msi located on the installation DVD or installation share, and try again. The package is located inside the DPM 2010 install (msi) folder.


Install the latest SQLPrep.msi located on the installation DVD or installation share, and try again. The package is located inside the DPM 2010 install (msi) folder.


Run MigrateDPM2006 [-importSettings] [dpm2006server ServerName] [-protectedServer ServerName] and then retry the data copy.


Review the error details and take appropriate action. Then retry the operation.


On the selected server, run the SQL Server Configuration Manager tool and enable the network configuration for the selected instance.


Error Code 4349

Error Message

Recommended Action

Unable to set permissions on the folder corresponding to "MTATempStore$" share. DPM Upgrade marked replicas are invalid. Setup has detected that client-side certificates are required for Internet Information Services on this computer. DPM does not support IIS requiring clientside certificates. Setup was unable to mount replica volumes under the path <volumes directory>. Setup was unable to dismount replica volumes under the path <volumes directory>. DPM setup has detected that the SQL Server Agent service on the selected instance is not configured to run as "Automatic". Setup will reconfigure the service to ensure DPM can function correctly after installation. DPM Setup detected that a required hotfix is missing.

Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then retry the installation.



On the selected server, in Administrative Tools, run Internet Information Services Manager. For the Default Web site, select "Properties" and click the "Directory Security" tab. Under "Secure Communication", click "Edit" and set the option for client certificates option to "Ignore client certificates" or "Accept client certificates".


Using Disk Management, manually mount the DPM volumes before using DPM.


Using Disk Management, manually dismount the DPM volumes.



Install hotfix 940349 from, and then run DPM Setup again.

Error Code 4357

Error Message

Recommended Action

Setup has detected that this DPM server is using a shared library.

Disable library sharing by running the following commands and launch setup again. 1. SetSharedDPMDatbase.exe RemoveDatabaseSharing. 2. AddLibraryServerForDpm.exe DpmServerWithLibrary -Remove


DPM setup has detected the Default Web Site is not configured to use port 80.

At the command prompt, run inetmgr.exe. To change port for the Default Web site, expand Web Sites, right click Default Web Site, and select properties. Configure 'TCP port' setting to '80'.Then, run setup again. Ensure all volumes are online. In Disk Management Console, right-click every DPM volume and select Properties. From the Security tab, restrict access to the volumes for administrators group and the LocalSystem account only by applying the appropriate permissions. Ensure correct SQL data files are copied from existing DPM SQL instance and attached to the given SQL instance. Then, run DPM 2010 Setup again.


DPM Setup was unable to set security permissions on some of the volumes in the storage pool. The volume may be missing. DPM setup cannot upgrade the existing installation because the DPM database version does not match with installed DPM version. DPM cannot access the path <file name> because the SYSTEM account has been denied permission. DPM cannot access the path <file name> because the SYSTEM account has been denied permission. DPM has unexpectedly reached the end of the tape



Set the permissions for the SYSTEM account to allow Full Control of the item.


Set the permissions for the SYSTEM account to allow Full Control of the item.


If you have another copy of this tape, then retry


Error Code 3

Error Message

Recommended Action

<media label>. This could be because the tape was tampered with. Rescan cannot be performed because DPM is currently performing other operations on the server. DPM failed to move one or more tapes to the I/E port slots DPM cannot access mount points under the path <file name> because the SYSTEM account has been denied permission. DPM cannot access mount points under the path <file name> because the SYSTEM account has been denied permission. Tape <media label> cannot be marked as a cleaning tape because it is not a cleaning tape. DPM cannot complete the requested operation on tape <media label> because this tape is being used by some other job.

recovery using the copy.

2304 4

Wait for the other operations to complete, and then retry this operation.

2304 5

1) Check to see that the library door is locked and that the I/E port is retracted. 2) Check to see that there are sufficient free I/E port slots in the library. Set the permissions for the SYSTEM account to allow List Folder Contents and Read for items in the specified path.



Set the permissions for the SYSTEM account to allow List Folder Contents and Read for items in the specified path.

2400 7

2400 8

Retry the operation later.


Error Code 2401 4

Error Message

Recommended Action

Library lacks power or cables are not connected properly

1) Verify that the library is turned on. 2) Verify that data connection and power cables are connected properly. 3) Open Computer Management and verify that the library is displayed in Device Manager.

2401 5

Tape is stuck in the library autoloader.

Remove the tape from the library autoloader. Consult the documentation for your hardware for instructions on troubleshooting tape errors. When the tape is repaired, run the library job again

2401 7

The <library type> <library> On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, drive information needs to be select the library and click Rescan in the Actions pane. refreshed. Drive cleaning failed or timed out. Change the cleaning tape and then, on the Libraries tab in the Management task area, select the drive and click Clean in the Actions pane.

2401 8

2401 9

Drive <drive name> in <library Contact product support for your hardware to get the type> <library> needs drive serviced. You should also review all protection groups to identify if the absence of this drive requires servicing. changes to drive allocations. DPM attempted to move a tape to <element type> <element name> but this <element type> was occupied. DPM may not be in synch with the current state of the library <library>. 1) On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, select the library <library> and click 'Inventory' in the Actions pane. 2) If the <element type> contains a tape, remove this tape by using the front panel of your library.

2402 1

2402 2

The <element type> <element On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, name> did not contain a tape select the <library type> <library> and click Inventory when DPM expected it to.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM might not be in synch with the state of the <library type> <library> 2402 3 The library <library> mandates that when a tape is dismounted, it should be moved back to the slot it was originally mounted from. However, the slot <slot name> is not empty. A library with the same name is already attached to this server. Please choose a different name for the library. 2402 5 The operation cannot be performed on <library type> <library> because it does not have any I/E ports. Operation cannot be performed because DPM Administrator Console is not synchronized with the actual state of the library.

library in the Actions pane.

1) Remove the tape in the slot <slot name> by using the front panel of your library. 2) On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, click Inventory library in order to run inventory

2402 4

2402 6

Close and reopen DPM Administrator Console to synchronize it with the actual state of the library.

2402 7

Operation failed since the slot Use the front panel of your library to move the tape <slot name> in library from its current location to the slot specified above. <library> was empty. This tape is currently present in <media location type> <media location information>

Error Code 2405 4

Error Message

Recommended Action

Operation cannot be performed on the tape in <media location type> <media location information> because it is a cleaning tape. Tape erase operation was skipped because <library type> <library> does not support tape erase. DPM was unable to recatalog On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, click the tape in <media location Inventory library. Then, select the tape <media label> type> <media location and click Identify unknown tape. information> in <library type> <library> because this tape has not been identified. DPM could not reserve the I/E Ensure that there are no pending alerts for the library. port resource because one of Also check whether I/E port slots have been left open; if required resources is not yes, close the I/E port slots. accessible. The operation failed because the I/E port is currently in use. DPM failed to erase the selected tape because the state of the <library type> <library> as seen by DPM is inconsistent with the actual state of the library. The barcode on the tape <media label> in <media Retry this operation after the I/E port is free.

2402 9

2403 1

2403 4

2403 6

2403 7

Run a detailed inventory and a fast inventory.

2403 8

1. If the barcode of this tape has been changed, then click the link below to fix this issue. Refresh barcode on

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

location type> <media location information> appears to have changed since the last time it was inventoried in DPM.

tape <- this is a link to delete older barcode and set the current as the actual barcode. 2. If this tape is a copy of a DPM tape created by external tool, erase this tape before using it. To erase this tape and resolve this issue, click the link below. Erase tape and refresh barcode state <- this is a link 1. Remove the tapes from the library. 2. Clear duplicate barcode information from DPM. <- this is a link. 3. Replace the barcodes on the tapes and insert them back in library. 4. Inventory the library. <- this is a link to run FI +DI On the Library tab in the Management task area, click Inventory library. Select the option to perform a detailed inventory.

2403 9

Duplicate barcodes detected on tapes with labels <media label> and <media label>

2404 0

DPM failed to recatalog the imported tape <media label> because it has not been inventoried DPM failed to recatalog the imported tape <media label> because the tape is blank. DPM failed to recatalog the imported tapes because they do not contain the catalog information. Failed to perform the operation since the tape <media label> is not available in <library type> <library> Required tape resource <media label> is reserved by another task. DPM could not reserve the

2404 1

DPM can only recatalog a tape that has valid data on it.

2404 2

It is likely that your data spans multiple tapes and the catalog information is present on another tape. Insert all tapes associated with the backup and retry the operation. Add tape to the library, or to the drive in the case of a stand-alone tape drive. Retry the operation after adding tape.

2405 0

2405 1

Wait for the other task to complete, or cancel the ongoing operation. Retry the operation.


1) View and resolve all alerts for the library and its

Error Code 2

Error Message

Recommended Action

drive resource because one of drive(s). Retry the operation after resolving the alerts. required drive resources is 2) Go to the Library tab in the Management pane and not online or it needs click Rescan. Once the rescan operation has completed cleaning or servicing. successfully, retry the operation. Required drive resource is reserved by another task. View and resolve all alerts for the library and drive, or wait for other operations to complete. Retry the operation after resolving the alerts. 1) On the Alerts tab in the Monitoring task area, resolve all alerts for this library and its drive. Retry this operation after resolving the alerts. 2) If you have some drives which are functioning correctly but are currently being used, wait for the other operations to complete and then retry this operation. Check to see if there are any active alerts indicating suspect tapes. If such an alert exists, take the appropriate recommended action and then retry this job. 1) If this library is associated with an active protection group, modify the protection group to associate it with another library to prevent tape-related jobs from failing. 2) If you want to use this library for your tape-related jobs, on the Libraries tab in the Management task area, select this library, and then click Enable library in the Actions pane.

2405 3

2405 5

Operation failed because no usable drives were available in <library type> <library>. Either no drive is online or all the drives) need cleaning or servicing.

2406 1

Unexpected tape detected in <media location type> <media location information> in <library type> <library> <library type> <library> has been disabled by the DPM administrator

2405 6

2406 0

Some certificates under DPMBackupStore have changed since the start of the job.

Retry the job.


Error Code 2407 2

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPMBackupStore or DPMRestoreStore is not present. No certificate is present under DPMBackupStore.

Recreate DPMBackupStore and DPMRestoreStore Certificate stores using the Certificate Management console. Add certificates to the DPM backup certificates collection. See "How to Encrypt Data in a Protection Group " in DPM Help for more information about certificates.

2407 3

2407 4 2407 5

Failed to encrypt data on tape Retry the job

Certificates on tape are corrupt. Data on this tape cannot be recovered. DPM failed to create a copy of the tape backup for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> because the tape backup failed or did not run. 1) Retry the failed tape backup job using the alert in the Monitoring task area. 2) If your copy failed because the tape backup job did not run at all, in the Protection task area, click Create recovery point - tape to create a short-term tape backup. 3) After successfully running the tape backup, retry the failed copy job using the alert in the Monitoring task area.

2405 7

2405 8

The certificate <certificate name> with serial number <certificate serial number> issued by <certificate issuer> will expire by <expiration date>. All encrypted backup jobs will fail after this time

1) If this certificate contains a private key, move this certificate to the DPM recovery certificates collection for recovering data in the future, and replace this certificate with a valid certificate in the DPM backup certificates collection to continue further backups. 2) If this certificate does not contain a private key, replace this certificate with a valid certificate in the DPM backup certificates collection to continue further

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

backups. See "How to Encrypt Data in a Protection Group " in DPM Help for more information about certificates. 2405 9 The certificate <certificate name> with serial number <certificate serial number> issued by <certificate issuer> will expire by <expiration date>. All encrypted backup jobs will fail after this time 1) If this certificate contains a private key, move this certificate to the DPM recovery certificates collection for recovering data in future, and replace this certificate with a valid certificate in the DPM backup certificates collection to continue further backups. 2) If this certificate does not contain a private key, replace this certificate with a valid certificate in the DPM backup certificates collection to continue further backups. See "How to Encrypt Data in a Protection Group " in DPM Help for more information about certificates. 2407 0 Some of the certificates under 1) If this certificate contains a private key, move this DPMBackupStore have certificate to the DPM recovery certificates collection for recovering data in future, and replace this certificate expired with a valid certificate in the DPM backup certificates collection to continue further backups. 2) If this certificate does not contain a private key, replace this certificate with a valid certificate in the DPM backup certificates collection to continue further backups. See "How to Encrypt Data in a Protection Group " in DPM Help for more information about certificates. 2407 1 This DPM server is not authorized to read or write to this encrypted tape because there is no valid certificate in DPMBackupStore and 1) Make sure that DPMBackupStore has the certificate to decrypt this tape. 2)Use this tape on a DPM server which is authorized to read this tape.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPMRestoreStore which can decrypt data. 2407 6 2407 7

See "How to Encrypt Data in a Protection Group " in DPM Help for more information about certificates.

The command sent by DPM to Retry the operation. the library agent timed out. DPM failed to mount the tape <media label> in drive <drive name> for the library <library>. This is because DPM is not synchronized with the current state of the library. DPM failed to dismount the tape <media label> in drive <drive name> for the library <library>. This is because DPM is not synchronized with the current state of the library. On the Library tab in the Management task area, select the library and then click Inventory library. If enabled, select the option to run Fast inventory; otherwise, run Detailed inventory.

2408 6

On the Library tab in the Management task area, select the library and then click Inventory library. If enabled, select the option to run Fast inventory; otherwise, run Detailed inventory.

2407 8

No certificate with private key In the Certificate Management console, open certificate is present in DPMBackupStore stores for the Computer account on the DPM server. Add a certificate which has the private key to the DPMBackupStore certificates collection. See "How to Encrypt Data in a Protection Group " in DPM Help for more information about certificates.

2407 9

DPM encountered an error Retry the operation. while attempting to parse the tape catalog information for tape <media label>. DPM failed to perform the operation since the specified


Error Code 2 2500 1

Error Message

Recommended Action

recovery point does not exist Rescan cannot be performed at this moment because DPM is performing other operations on the <library type> <library>. DPM failed to inventory the <library type> <library>. This is possibly due to a hardware issue. DPM encountered a critical error while trying to parse the contents of the tape <media label>. This may be because the data on this tape is corrupt. The tape in <library type> <library> at <media location type> <media location information> has been written to by some other tape backup application by using an unsupported physical block size . DPM only supports a physical block size between 1024 bytes and 65536 bytes and hence will not be able to read or overwrite the contents of this tape. Recovery failed for <data Please wait for the current library operations to complete and then retry this operation

2501 1

Refer to your hardware manual for troubleshooting steps.

2408 0

1) Check if you have another copy of this tape. If a copy is available, use that to retry the recovery. 2) If you do not have another copy of this tape, then open the Recovery task area and select all required individual recoverable items and perform the recovery. Go to the Libraries tab in the Management pane, select the tape, and click Erase tape to erase the content of this tape. After erasing this tape, DPM will be able to use it for backups.

2408 4


Use your SAN software to take hardware snapshots of


Error Code 3

Error Message

Recommended Action

source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Hardware snapshots of the DPM replica and recovery point volumes are not mounted on the protected computer for SAN recovery The tape in <library type> <library> at <media location type> <media location information> appears to be a cleaning tape. However, this tape is not marked as a cleaning tape. The cleaning operation for drive <drive name> on library <library> took longer than expected. The cleaning operation may have failed.

the DPM replica and recovery point volumes and mount them on the protected computer

2500 2

On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, select this tape and click Mark as cleaning tape

2500 5

1) If supported, check the front panel of your library to verify that this cleaning operation completed successfully. 2) If the cleaning operation failed, try changing the cleaning tape and run the cleaning job again. On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, click Inventory library. If available, select the option to perform a fast inventory, otherwise, perform a detailed inventory.

2500 9

DPM is not synchronized with the current state of your library. Jobs running on the <library type> <library> can potentially fail. DPM tried to access <element type> <element name> on library <library>. This <element type> does not exist.

2501 0

1) On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, click Inventory library in order to run inventory. If enabled, select the option to run Fast inventory, otherwise run Detailed inventory. This will update the library state as seen by DPM. 2) Retry your failed operation after DPM has completed

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

the inventory successfully. 2501 2 DPM is not synchronized with the current state of your library. Jobs running on the <library type> <library> can potentially fail. DPM detected that the drive <drive name> does not appear to be installed correctly. <library type> <library> is not ready. On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, click Inventory library. If available, select the option to perform a fast inventory, otherwise, perform a detailed inventory.

2501 3

Check the SCSI and bus mappings of the drive to ensure that the drive is mapped correctly. If you change any of the mappings, open the Libraries tab in the Management task area and click Rescan. 1) Check if the library is turned on. 2) Check for loose connections on data or power channels. 3) Make sure that the library is visible in Device Manager. 4) Check to see that the door on the library is closed 5) Refer to your hardware manual for other troubleshooting steps.

2501 4

2501 5

Drive <drive name> was detected as not ready.

1) Check that the drive is powered on. 2) Check if the drive is being serviced. If yes, you can ignore this alert. 3) Check if the drive is connected properly. 4) Refer to your hardware manual for other troubleshooting steps.

2501 6

DPM failed to use the tape in <media location type> <media location information>

Check if the tape in slot <media location type> <media location information> is a cleaning tape. If yes, on the Libraries tab in the Management task area, select this

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

because it appears to be a cleaning tape that is identified incorrectly as a backup tape. 2501 7 DPM could not access a drive <drive name> since some other application is currently using it. DPM encountered an error while attempting to control the autoloader on library <library>

tape and click Mark as cleaning tape in the Actions pane.

Determine if some other application is using the drive and stop it.

2510 0

1) Turn off the library <library>, and then turn it on and retry the operation. 2) Examine the front panel of your library to see if any errors are being reported by your library. 3) Refer to your hardware manual for other troubleshooting steps.

2510 1

DPM encountered an error while attempting to use tape <media label> on the drive <drive name>. This could be a problem with your drive or tape.

1) Use the tape <media label> in a different drive. To do this, first disable the drive <drive name>. Select this tape and click Identify unknown tape. If this operation fails, it indicates a potential problem with your tape. 2) Use the tape <media label> in a different library. Load the tape in the other library, select this tape, and click 'Identify unknown tape'. If this operation fails, it indicates a potential problem with your tape. 3) If either of the above action resulted in the tape operation succeeding, it indicates a potential issue with your drive <drive name>. 4) Refer to your hardware manual for other troubleshooting steps.


DPM attempted to move a tape to <element type>

1) On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, select the library <library> and click 'Inventory' in the

Error Code 2

Error Message

Recommended Action

<element name> but this <element type> was occupied. DPM may not be in synch with the current state of the library <library> Tape drives or library devices may have been disconnected or reconnected on the DPM server. <library type> <library> is either turned off or has been disconnected

Actions pane. 2) If the <element type> contains a tape, remove the tape by using the front panel of your library.

2510 5

On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, click 'Rescan' in the Actions pane.

2510 6

1) Check if the <library type> <library> is turned on. 2) Check for loose data or power channel connections. 3) Make sure the library is visible in Device Manager.

2510 7

Drive <drive name> requires Drive <drive name> will be automatically cleaned by cleaning. The drive will not be DPM. If you are seeing this error frequently, please used for further operations service the drive. until it has been cleaned. The library <library> requires Use the front panel of the library <library> to move the all drives to be empty in order tape from the drive <drive name> to an empty slot to lock or unlock the door. However, the drive <drive name> has a tape in it. Tape might not be properly inserted in the stand-alone drive or the stand-alone drive is not ready. The operation failed because the insert/eject (I/E) port of the library <library> is open. 1) Check to see if the tape has been inserted correctly into the drive. 2) Check to see that the drive is ready and operational. Use the front panel of the library to close the I/E port.

2510 8

2510 9

2512 3


Error Code 2512 4

Error Message

Recommended Action

Rescan failed because the In Device Manager, check to see that the drivers for the tape drive or library hardware tape drive or library hardware are installed correctly. does not seem to have been set up correctly. DPM was unable to use <formatted device name value pairs> since this was being used by some other process. 1) Determine if any other process on the DPM server is currently using the library. If this is the case, stop the process. 2) Check to see that your library is powered up and functional Refer to the DPM 2010 Operations Guide for instructions on modifying the DPMLA.xml to correctly represent your current library configuration.

2512 5

2512 6

Failed to obtain drive mapping information from the file DPMLA.xml. The information in this file is not formatted correctly.

3000 2

After a tape mount operation, Update the library state by performing an inventory, no tape is found in the drive and then retry the operation. On the Libraries tab in the or the tape in drive has Management task area, click Inventory library. changed. DPM failed to recatalog the contents of the tape <media label> because it encountered a critical error while attempting to read catalog information from this tape. This may be because the tape data is corrupt. The specified recovery point does not exist If you have another copy of this tape, use that instead for the re-catalog operation. If this is the only copy of the tape and you want to recover as much data as is possible, on the Libraries tab in the Management task area, select this tape, click View contents, and copy the contents of this tape to disk.

3000 8

3001 5

Increase the disk allocation space for the recovery point volume, or delete old recovery points by using the Remove-RecoveryPoint cmdlet. For information about deleting recovery points, open DPM Management Shell

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

and run "Get-Help Remove-RecoveryPoint -detailed". If you are using custom replica and recovery point volumes, such as in the case of a SAN, you cannot modify the disk space allocated by using DPM. In these cases, identify the volume that corresponds to the recovery point volume for the data source from the Modify disk allocation dialog box. Then, open Disk Management, right-click the custom volume, and then select Extend Volume". 3001 2 Errors occurred while taking a Retry the operation. If it fails consistently, remove the protected data from the protection group and reprotect VSS snapshot of volume(s). it again. A critical inconsistency was detected, therefore changes cannot be replicated. Click Modify Protection Group to validate exclusion or inclusion filters for the data source. After the protection group is modified, click the link below to run a synchronization job with consistency check.

3002 4

3002 5 3002 6

One or more databases in the On the Exchange Server, verify the cause of failure from storage group failed to mount event logs entries. One or more databases in storage group failed to dismount DPM is unable to continue protection for <data source name> on <server name> because the change tracking information is corrupt DPM is unable to continue protection for <data source name> on server <server name> since the change

On the Exchange Server, verify the cause of failure from event logs entries.

3015 6

3022 2

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

tracking information is corrupt 3002 9 Eseutil.exe failed to apply logs Retry the operation. If the problem persists, the on database files to bring the recovery point may be corrupt. Retry recovery from database to a clean shutdown another recovery point. state. SIS is not enabled on the server. The volume is no longer available - it may be dismounted or offline DPM was unable to determine the last known backup tracking information for this data source. The change journal is corrupt due to bad sectors on the disk. Enable SIS for the server.

3003 0 3003 3

Make sure the volumes are online and mounted.

3003 7

Re-run the job.

3003 8

Delete the change journal by running "fsutil usn deletejournal" [see command usage for more information] at a command prompt. Click the recommended action link below to perform a consistency check. Ensure that all databases in the storage group are online, and then retry the job. Run synchronization with consistent check.

3004 5 3004 6 3005 1

At least one of the databases is not online Protection agent is unable to synchronize the replica. Overwrite database' flag is not set for one or more databases being recovered

On the Exchange server, set the 'Overwrite database' flag and retry the operation.


Error Code 3007 5

Error Message

Recommended Action

The volume for one of the specified database file locations does not exist. Check to see that the volumes for all file locations specified are available on the destination SQL server Operation failed for <data source name> on <server name> because the recovery point volume for this data source is not available on the DPM server. Future backups will also fail until this issue is fixed. 1) If your recovery point volume is offline, bring it online and then run consistency check for the affected data sources. 2) If your recovery point volume is not available to bring online, remove the affected members from protection and re-protect them. When stopping protection for the affected members, select the option to delete the replica on disk. 1) Increase the space allocated for the recovery point volume for <data source name>. We recommended that you increase the space by at least 25 percent more than the current allocation. 2) Run consistency check after increasing the space for the recovery point volume.

3007 6

3007 7

DPM has run out of free space on the recovery point volume for <data source name> on <server name>. Protection for this data source will fail in order to prevent existing recovery points from being deleted before their expiration. Operation failed for <data source name> on <server name> due to a VSS error on the DPM server. Future backups are also likely to fail until this issue is fixed.

3007 8

1) Rerun the consistency check and see if it resolves this issue. 2) Check to see if your disks are connected properly to the DPM server. If there are any disk cabling issues, rectify them and then run consistency check. 3) If you are certain that you do not have any disk cabling issues, clear the VSS fault. Next, run chkdsk on

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

<volume name> and finally run consistency check. 3010 0 DPM has detected that some other application has created recovery points on the recovery point volume for <data source name> for server <server name>. Future backups will fail until these recovery point are deleted. Operation failed for <data source name> on <server name> due to a VSS error on the DPM server. Open the DPM Management Shell and run .\DeleteShadowcopy.ps1 "<volume name>" to delete the externally created recovery points on the recovery point volume.

3008 3

1) Rerun the consistency check and see if it resolves this issue. 2) If running consistency check does not resolve this issue, increase the page file size on the DPM server and then run the consistency check job. Rerun the consistency check.

3008 4

Operation failed for <data source name> on <server name> due to a VSS error on the DPM server. Operation failed for <agent protected server> as the system ran out of memory. DPM has detected a checksum mismatch during data transfer over the network DPM encountered a critical error while performing an I/O operation on the tape in <media location type> <media location

3008 5

Check the Event Viewer entries to figure out the cause. Retry the operation after fixing the problem.

3008 7

Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator to diagnose possible network issues.

3010 1

Retry the operation. If the problem occurs again, contact your hardware vendor to get your hardware serviced.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

information>. 3010 2 There was an unrecoverable error during I/O operations on the drive. Retry the operation with another tape, or try restoring partial data from backup.

3010 3

After a tape mount operation, Update the library state by performing an inventory, no tape is found in the drive and then retry the operation. On the Libraries tab in the or the tape in drive has Management task area, click Inventory library. changed. DPM failed to write to tape Remove the write protection from the tape and retry because the tape is writethe operation. protected. The tape may be in (drive-name/slot id) The tape and the drive type may not be compatible. Check that the tape and the drive type are compatible, and the drive is supported. Also check if the drive firmware needs an upgrade. DPM will recreate the temp area with appropriate permissions Retry the operation.

3010 4

3010 5

3010 7 3011 0

RA cannot read from/write to temp area. DPM has encountered a critical internal error. (Critical error in reading/parsing DirsAndFileOffsetFileList) No more space left in Temp storage volume.

3010 6

1) Create a folder called 'temp' under the DPM installation path on the DPM server (by default this path would be "(Program Files)\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM". 2) Share this folder out as a share called "temp". 3) Give the local system account on the DPM server Full Control permissions on this folder.

Error Code 3010 8

Error Message

Recommended Action

Either the tape <media label> has corrupt data or this is not the right tape. DPM failed to recatalog the contents of the tape because it encountered a critical error while attempting to read catalog information from this tape. This may be because the tape data is corrupt. The VSS application writer or the VSS provider is in a bad state. Either it was already in a bad state or it entered a bad state during the current operation. DPM encountered a retryable VSS error.

Use another copy of the tape and retry the operation. You can view the contents of the tape to confirm that it contains the expected data. If you have another copy of this tape, use that instead for the recatalog operation. If this is the only copy of the tape and you want to recover as much data as possible, then select this tape on the Libraries tab in the Management task area, click View contents, and copy the contents of this tape to disk.

3010 9

3011 1

Please check that the Event Service and the VSS service are running, and check for errors associated with these services in the Application Event Log on the server <server name>. Please allow 10 minutes for VSS to repair itself and then retry the operation.

3011 2

Check the Application Event Log on <server name> for the cause of the failure. Fix the cause and retry the operation.

3030 0

Synchronization for replica of Review the application event log on the protected <data source name> on computer for errors from the DPM writer service. Take <server name> failed because appropriate action and retry the operation. the replica is not in a valid state or is in an inactive state. DPM encountered an error Retry the operation. while trying to create a recovery point for one or more volumes for data source <data source name> on <server name>. This may have happened because the

3011 3

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

volume name is no longer valid. 3011 4 No VSS provider supports one Please stop protection for this volume and any data or more volumes for data sources that are hosted on this volume. source <data source name> on <server name>, therefore DPM cannot create recovery points for these volumes. DPM failed to synchronize Retry the operation at a later point when the churn is changes for <data source expected to be lower. type> <data source name> on <server name> because the snapshot volume did not have sufficient storage space to hold the churn on the protected computer The change journal ID may have changed since the last synchronization. DPM is unable to track changes on this computer. DPM failed to recover all the files. Recover to an alternate location or try recovering from another recovery point.

3011 5

3011 9

3012 0 3011 6

VSS has deleted a shadow Increase the space allocated for the VSS diff area of copy since it has probably run volumes involved in protection on this server. out of disk space on the server <server name>. A journal wrap error has occurred on the change journal, and therefore DPM is unable to track any more 1) Click the link below to run synchronization with consistency check. 2) If the problem persists, you can increase the change

3011 7

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

changes or may have missed some changes for the data source <data source name> on <server name>.

journal size or configure the current protection group to synchronize more often. To change the synchronization schedule, select the protection group in the Protection task area, and in the Actions pane, click Modify protection group. To change the change journal size, click Modify disk allocation, select the Protected Server tab, click Modify, and then change the space allocated.

3014 9

DPM cannot continue protection for <data source type> <data source name> on cluster <virtual server name> because this cluster experienced an unexpected failover. Change journal not initialized or is the wrong size 1) Click the "Modify protection group for this data source..." link below to configure change journal size. On the Disk Allocation page, select the Protected Server tab and click Modify, then change the space allocated. 2) After the protection group is modified, click the link below to run a synchronization job with consistency check.

3011 8

3012 1

File copy failed. The directory for source location <source location> or destination location <destination location> does not exist. (<message>) Exception trace: <exception message>

Please make sure that the source and target locations are correct and have appropriate permissions.


File copy failed. The source

Please make sure that the source and target locations


Error Code 2

Error Message

Recommended Action

location <source location> does not exist. (<message>) Exception trace : <exception message>

are correct and have appropriate permissions.

3012 3

File copy failed due to an I/O error. Source location: <source location> Destination location: <destination location>. (<message>) Exception trace :<exception message>

Please make sure that the source and destination locations exist and have full control permissions for the local system account.

3012 4

Catalog for backup job was not built correctly for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Another backup job of <data source name> on <server name> is in progress. Backup of <data source name> on <server name> cannot be completed. DPM could not find a valid recovery point on disk.

Retry the operation.

3012 5

Please wait for the earlier backup job to finish, and then retry the backup. Or, you can cancel the current job, and then retry the backup job. On the Jobs tab in the Monitoring task area, check for failures of synchronization jobs and resolve those. Next, create a valid recovery point and then run the backup to tape job again. To create a valid recovery point: 1) For application data, in the Protection task area, click Create recovery point, and then select Express full

3012 6

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

backup on disk. 2) For file data, in the Protection task area, click Create recovery point and then select Create a recovery point after synchronizing. 3012 7 3012 8 Operation failed due to an internal error Invalid backup type specified for <data source name> on <server name>. DPM failed to generate the file list to complete the task. Retry the operation.

If you are backing up to tape, perform a full backup. If you are backing up to disk, perform an express full backup. On the Libraries tab in the Management task area, select the tape and then click View Contents in the Actions pane. Verify that you do not have more than 100 protectable data sources on a single volume. If this is the case, check to see if you can split your data source across more volumes.

3012 9

3013 0

DPM failed to start tracking changes for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> because of insufficient memory resources

3015 0

DPM is attempting to back up Enable SIS on the computer by using Add/Remove or restore a SIS link file, which Windows Components in Add or Remove Programs. requires SIS to be enabled on <server name>. DPM cannot continue protecting <data source name> on <server name> because the volume on which this data resides on has been resized.

3015 2


Error Code 3015 4

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM encountered an unknown error while tracking changes for <data source name> on <server name>. DPM is unable to continue protection for <data source name> on <server name> because this computer has been powered off without shutting it down cleanly. The replica is inconsistent for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> due to a CCR failover. A synchronization job with consistency check will be automatically triggered after 30 minutes. Database mount failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Database dismount failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. DPM is not synchronized with the changes on <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Protection cannot continue. No action required.

3015 5

3013 9

3014 3

Please contact the exchange admin. Verify the cause of failure from event logs entries on the exchange server.

3014 4

On the Exchange server, verify the cause of failure from event logs entries.

3013 1

Check to see if you are protecting a clustered resource which has undergone a dirty failover. In this case, DPM requires a synchronization with consistency check before it can continue protection.


Error Code 3013 2

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM skipped the synchronization job for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> because it detected an unexpected backup state. A critical inconsistency was detected for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> and therefore changes cannot be replicated for <file name>. DPM failed to clean up data of old incremental backups on the replica for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Synchronization will fail until the replica cleanup succeeds. The replica of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is not consistent with the protected data source. DPM has detected changes in file locations or volume configurations of protected objects since the data source was configured for protection.

Wait for the next scheduled backup job to trigger for protection to continue. Alternately you can manually trigger a backup job in the Protection task area by selecting this data source and then clicking Create recovery point - Disk.

3013 3

In the Protection task area, click Modify Protection Group to validate exclusion and inclusion filters for the data source. If modifying the protection group does not start a consistency check, run a synchronization with consistency check.

3013 4

This may happen if the replica volume is being accessed from outside of DPM. Please see the detailed error, resolve the issue with respect to the replica volume path, and retry the job. Otherwise, DPM will synchronize with the changes during the next scheduled synchronization job.

3013 5

In the Protection task area, click Modify Protection Group to update the configuration information for the data source on the DPM server and to increase the replica volume size if necessary. If modifying the protection group does not start a consistency check, run a synchronization with consistency check.


The replica of <data source

In the Protection task area, click Modify Protection


Error Code 6

Error Message

Recommended Action

type> <data source name> on <server name> is not consistent with the protected data source. DPM detected that some protected objects are missing since it was configured for protection.

Group to update the configuration information for the data source on the DPM server and to increase the replica volume size if necessary. If modifying the protection group does not start a consistency check, run a synchronization with consistency check.

3013 7

The replica of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is not consistent with the protected data source. DPM detected new protectable objects for the data source since it was configured for protection.

In the Protection task area, click Modify Protection Group to update the configuration information for the data source on the DPM server and to increase the replica volume size if necessary. If modifying the protection group does not start a consistency check, run a synchronization with consistency check.

3013 8

The replica of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is not consistent with the protected data source. DPM detected changes in existing protected objects and detected new protectable objects for the data source since it was configured for protection.

In the Protection task area, click Modify Protection Group to update the configuration information for the data source on the DPM server and to increase the replica volume size if necessary. If modifying the protection group does not start a consistency check, run a synchronization with consistency check.

3030 1

The replica of <data source 1) Check to see if some SQL databases have been added type> <data source name> on to the protected SharePoint farm. If this is the case, go <server name> is not to the protection pane and select the option to Modify

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

consistent with the protected data source.

Protected Group. Go through the wizard without making any changes. 2) If no SQL databases have been added to the farm, check to see if any of the SQL data bases belonging to this farm is already protected as a SQL data source by DPM. If this is the case, then go to the protection pane and stop protecting this SQL database with the option to delete the replica. After this is done, recreate protection for this SharePoint farm. 3) If neither of the earlier options are valid, check to see if your SQL writer is running correctly on the backend nodes of your protected SharePoint farm. If the writer is not a healthy state, restart the writer.

3030 2

The replica of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is not consistent with the protected data source. DPM failed to backup <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> to tape.

Check to see if some SQL databases have been removed from the protected SharePoint farm. If this is the case, go to the protection pane and stop protecting this farm with the option to retain current data backups. Then, recreate protection for this SharePoint farm. 1) Check to see if some SQL databases have been added to/or removed from the protected SharePoint farm. If this is the case, go to the protection pane and stop protecting this farm with the option to retain current data backups. Then, recreate protection for this SharePoint farm. 2) Check to see if any of the SQL data bases belonging to this farm is already protected as a SQL data source by DPM. If this is the case, then go to the protection pane and stop protecting this SQL database with the option to delete the replica. After this is done, recreate protection for this SharePoint farm.

3030 3


DPM tried to do a SQL log

If you see this failure as part of a backup job, then in the


Error Code 0

Error Message

Recommended Action

backup, either as part of a backup job or a recovery to latest point in time job. The SQL log backup job has detected a discontinuity in the SQL log chain for <data source type> database <data source name> since the last backup. All incremental backup jobs will fail until an express full backup runs. The protection agent on <server name> is disabled.

Protection task area, select the SQL Server database and click Create recovery point. Choose express full backup. Alternately, you can wait for the next scheduled express full backup to run. If this failure occurs as part of a recovery job, then try to recover from another point in time. Review the Application Event Viewer logs on the computer running SQL Server for more details.

3018 6

Enable the protection agent on the protected computer in DPM Administrator Console, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab.

3102 4

Cannot run an incremental synchronization and create a recovery point for <data source name> because the application does not support it. To recover <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>, DPM must stop and start the SQL Server service on <server name>. After stopping the service, DPM was unable to successfully start the service. To recover <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>, DPM must stop and start the SQL Server Please check that the SQL Server service on the protected computer can be sent the start command successfully. After you ensure that the service can be successfully started, retry the recovery. If this error occurs again, try to recover the master database from another recovery point.

3014 1

3014 2

Please check that the SQL Server service on the protected computer can be sent the stop command successfully. After you ensure that the service can be successfully stopped, retry the recovery.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

service on <server name>. DPM was unable to successfully stop the service. 3014 6 Data consistency verification check failed for <object name> of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Either the database files are corrupt or the proper versions of the following files are missing. If you have recently upgraded your Exchange server, please copy them from that server to DPM server. eseutil.exe ese.dll Contact the administrator for Exchange server, and verify the issue. You can recover the last known good backup to address the corrupted state. 3014 7 Eseutil.exe failed to apply logs on database files for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> to bring the database to a clean shutdown state. DPM was unable to access the cluster resource group <virtual server name> for <data source name> of protection group <protection group> DPM failed to read its change tracking information for <data source name> on <server name>. The file system on <server Make sure the volumes are online and that the file

Please contact the Exchange administrator. Event logs on the above server may help resolve the issue. If the problem persists, the recovery point may be corrupt. Retry recovery from another recovery point.

3014 8

Verify that the cluster resource group <virtual server name> is accessible by using the Cluster Administration console.

3015 1


Error Code 3

Error Message

Recommended Action

name> on which data source system is in a consistent state. <data source name> of protection group <protection group> resides, is in an invalid state and it is no longer available. The alias of the user to which DPM has to connect the recovered mail box is online and connected to an Exchange server. Please specify an alias which is offline and not connected to any Exchange server.

3015 7

3015 8

Verification failed for the tape Retry the tape backup and then retry verification. backup of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> because the tape backup failed. DPM cannot continue protection for <data source type> <data source name> on cluster <virtual server name> because this cluster experienced a failover. DPM failed to perform the Retry the tape backup job. tape backup for <data source type> <data source name> on cluster <virtual server name> because this cluster experienced a failover. DPM is unable to determine Retry the operation. If the replica has been marked tracking information for <data inconsistent, run a consistency check on this data source type> <data source source.

3015 9

3016 0

3016 1

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

name> on <server name>. 3016 2 Protection cannot continue because the change journal used for tracking changes for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is corrupt due to bad sectors on the disk. The path to the SQL temporary folder for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is too long. This can cause backup or recovery jobs to fail. Delete the change journal on the protected computer by using the FsUtil.exe tool and recreate the change journal. Next, run a consistency check on the data source.

3016 3

DPM creates the temporary folder in the same location as the SQL database log file. The temporary folder name is 'DPM_SQL_PROTECT'. To fix this issue: 1) Change the location of the database log file so that its physical path is as short as possible. 2) Run a consistency check job for this database.

3103 0 3103 1

No library has been specified for protection. Protection for <protection group> has been set only to tape. The backup job failed because Bring all databases in the storage group online and DPM detected that some retry. databases of the Exchange Server Storage Group instance <data source name> on <server name> are offline. The <data source type> <data source name> on <server 1) Check that the database is online.

3016 7

3016 4


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

name> is not available

2) Check that the database is not in a restoring state. 3) Verify that the database has not been deleted. 4) Make sure that the database is accessible.

3016 5

The backup job failed because DPM detected that the <data source name> instance of SQL Server 2000 on <server name> has been upgraded to SQL 2005. DPM detected that the recovery point volume for <data source type> <data source name> is not available on the DPM server. Protection jobs will fail until the recovery point volume is brought online. Full backup is required for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> as <service name> service has been restarted.

Please stop protection for all databases that belong to this instance (with the Retain protected data' option), and reconfigure protection for the databases in a new protection group. This will allow you to continue protection for the databases while still retaining old backups for recovery. Ensure that all the disks added to the DPM storage pool are online.

3016 6

3016 8

In the Protection task area, click 'Create recovery pointdisk' and select 'Create a recovery point by using express full backup'.

3016 9

The operation failed for <data 1) Check that the data source is online. source type> <data source 2) Check that the data source is not in a restoring state. name> on <server name> because the data source is 3) Verify that the application writer is running. not available. 4) Make sure that the data source is accessible. 5. Verify that the data source is not missing.


The recovery to the latest

Check the Application Event Viewer logs on the SQL


Error Code 0

Error Message

Recommended Action

point in time failed. During a recovery to the latest point in time, DPM tries to do a tail log restore to apply the latest changes on the SQL database <data source name> on <server name> at the end of the recovery. This tail log restore failed.

Server to find out why the tail log restore may have failed. You can do the following to fix the issue: 1) Recovery to the latest point in time is not possible immediately after another recovery has been performed on the same database. Allow a synchronization job to run before you attempt a recovery to the latest point in time. 2) Choose an alternate point in time to recover to, if you run into this problem repeatedly.

3017 1

The recovery to the latest point in time has failed. During a recovery to the latest point in time, DPM tries to do a SQL transaction log backup to get the latest changes from the SQL database <data source name> on <server name> before starting the recovery. This transaction log backup has failed.

Check the Application Event Viewer logs on the SQL Server to find out why the SQL transaction log backup may have failed. You can do the following to fix the issue: 1) If the SQL log chain is broken, you will have to run a full backup to re-initialize the log chain. 2) If the DPM replica for database is invalid, you will have to run a consistency check operation for this database. Choose an alternate point in time to recover to, if transaction log backups cannot be successfully run against database. This can happen if the SQL Server process is overloaded, or running short of memory. Please ensure that you are able to successfully run transactions against the SQL database in question and then retry the failed job.

3017 2

The DPM job failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> because the SQL Server instance refused a connection to the protection agent. Execution of SQL command


Check the Application Event Viewer logs on the SQL


Error Code 3

Error Message

Recommended Action

failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>. Recovery failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> because the overwrite flag is not set for <database name>. DPM failed to replicate changes for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> due to the high amount of file system activity on this volume. Recovery point cannot be created on tape for data source <data source name> because the protection for <protection group> has been set to disk. Protection for <protection group> has been set only to disk. <library type> <library> has <total number> drives. You cannot specify a value more than that. File delete failed due to I/O error. File may be in use by some other application. File

Server for entries posted by the SQL Server service to find out why the SQL command may have failed. For more details, look at the SQL Server error logs. On the Exchange Administrator Console, set the 'Overwrite database' flags for the databases being recovered and retry the operation.

3017 4

3017 5

Check to see that no application running on this computer is malfunctioning to cause this high file system activity. If you consistently run into this error, in the Protection task area, click Modify disk allocation. On the Protected Computers tab, click Modify to increase the change journal size on the protected computer.

3102 5

3102 6

3102 7

3017 6

Ensure that the file location is correct and that the file has appropriate permissions.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

location: <location> 3018 3 File delete failed because of unauthorized access error. File path: <location> Ensure that the file location is correct and that the file has appropriate permissions.

3018 4

DPM cannot continue 1) In the Monitoring task area, resolve the "Unable to protection for <data source configure protection" alert for this data source. type> <data source name> on 2) Click the link below to retry the job. <server name>. Recovery for <data source In the Recovery task area, select the recovery point just type> <data source name> to prior to the latest recovery point. the latest recovery point cannot be performed because you have already recovered it to a previous recovery point. Protection agent on <protected server name> was unexpectedly shut down during synchronization. DPM may have replicated data partially for <data source type> <data source name>. Recovery point for <data source type> <data source name> was created when the replica was inconsistent. Some data from this recovery point may contain partially synchronized data. The execution of the preMake sure that the pre-backup script does not have any backup script for <data source errors and can execute successfully. type> <data source name>

3018 5

3018 7

3018 8

3018 9

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

returned an error. 3019 0 The execution of the postMake sure that the post-backup script does not have backup script for <data source any errors and can execute successfully. type> <data source name> returned an error. The execution of the preMake sure that the pre-backup script finishes execution backup script for <data source within the time specified, or increase the timeout type> <data source name> period. timed out. The execution of the postMake sure that the post-backup script finishes backup script for <data source execution within the time specified, or increase the type> <data source name> timeout period. timed out. The configuration of the prebackup script or the postbackup script XML for <data source type> <data source name> is incorrect. DPM cannot protect <data source name> on <server name> because case-sensitive support is not enabled on the DPM server. DPM has run out of free space on the recovery point volume and will fail synchronization for <data source name> on <server name> in order to prevent existing recovery points from Make sure that the pre-backup script or post-backup script configuration XML file does not have any errors and that the XML is well formed.

3019 1

3019 2

3019 3

3019 4

Enable case-sensitive support on the DPM server by following the steps described in;ENUS;938455.

3019 5

1) Increase the space allocated for the recovery point volume for <data source name>. 2) Retry the operation after increasing the space for the recovery point volume.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

being deleted. 3022 1 DPM failed to replicate the changes for the <data source type> <data source name>. The operation failed while DPM was attempting to apply the changes to the replica. The parameter set that you have specified is incorrect. Specify only long-term tape policy objective. The parameter set that you have specified is incorrect. Specify only short- and longterm tape policy objectives. The parameter set that you have specified is incorrect. Specify only short-term disk and long-term tape policy objectives. Incremental synchronization job cannot run on all the protected items in this protection group. Change the synchronization frequency to "Just before a recovery point". Long-term retention range can be specified only in weeks, months, or years.

3101 3

3101 4

3101 5

3101 6

3101 7

Error Code 3019 7

Error Message

Recommended Action

Recovery failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> as the specified storage group is not a recovery storage group. DPM has detected that the cluster configuration has changed for resource group <virtual server name> and has marked the replica inconsistent. Recovery failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> as the specified storage group is a recovery storage group. Recovery failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> as the alternate storage group or the database specified is invalid. Recovery failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> because the target database specified is in mounted state. Prepare for backup operation for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> has been stopped

Retry the operation and specify a recovery storage group.

3020 9

3019 6

Retry the operation and specify a storage group which is not a recovery storage group, or select the Recover to Recovery Storage Group option.

3019 8

Verify that the storage group or the database exists on the Exchange server.

3019 9

Verify that the target database is in a dismounted state.

3020 0

Please retry the operation.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

because this operation depended on another backup operation which failed or was canceled. 3020 1 Prepare for recovery Please retry the operation. operation for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> has been stopped because this operation depended on another recovery operation which failed or was canceled. The SQL temporary folder for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is not yet configured. DPM creates the temporary folder in the same location as the SQL database log file. The temporary folder name is 'DPM_SQL_PROTECT'. DPM has not yet configured the temporary folder on <server name>. In the Protection task area, create a recovery point for this database.

3020 2

3020 3

Replica for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> is already consistent. Scheduled consistency check will not be run on consistent replica. Replica writer is enabled for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> for Exchange 2007 with LCR. DPM requires the Replica writer to be disabled for protecting Exchange 2007 with LCR. Please disable the replica writer by adding a DWORD value, EnableVssWriter, to the key 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Replay\Paramete rs', setting the value to 0, and restarting the Microsoft Exchange Replication Service. Then retry the operation.

3020 4

Error Code 3020 5

Error Message

Recommended Action

Recovery failed for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> because a database with the name you specified already exists on the SQL instance. DPM was unable to compile a list of recoverable objects for <data source type> <data source name>. You will be unable to perform detailed level recoveries from this recovery point. No action is required because the next scheduled full backup will synchronize the list of recoverable objects. Alternately, in the Protection task area, select the required protected object, click 'Create recovery point', and select the option to create a recovery point using a full backup. Data consistency check timed out for <object name> of <data source type> <data source name> on <server name>.

Provide an alternate name for the database to be recovered. Ensure that no database with the name you have specified already exists on the SQL server.

3020 7

3020 8

If the error has been reported for your Exchange server, it indicates that the Exchange server backup files may be corrupt. Follow these steps to resolve the issue: 1) Consult the Exchange server administrator to verify if the databases and logs on the Exchange server are in a good state. 2) If the database and logs on the Exchange server are not corrupt, you need to run a synchronization with

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

consistency check for this data source. 3) In case the database and logs on the Exchange server are corrupt, you can choose to recover the Exchange data from the last known good backup. 3021 0 The execution of the presnapshot step returned an error. The execution of the presnapshot step timed out. The execution of the postsnapshot step returned an error. The execution of the postsnapshot step timed out. Failed to create the System State backup. Failed to create the System State backup within the timeout period. DPM has detected a discontinuity in the log chain for <data source type> <data source name> on <server name> since the last synchronization. Check to see that the pre-snapshot step does not have any errors and can execute successfully.

3021 1 3021 2

Check to see that the pre-snapshot step can successfully finish executing within the timeout period. Check to see that the post-snapshot step does not have any errors and can execute successfully.

3021 3 3021 4 3021 5

Check to see that the post-snapshot step can successfully finish executing within the timeout period. Check the event log on the protected computer <server name> and fix any errors reported. Check the event log on the protected computer <server name> to determine why the backup timed out.

3021 6

1) Consult the administrator of the Exchange server to rectify the problem. Please ensure that exchange circular logging is turned off. Synchronization jobs may continue to fail until this issue is resolved. 2) Last backup might have failed after log truncation. In the Protection task area, click 'Create recovery point' and select 'full backup' option.


Operation failed because

Check the Application Event Log on <server name> for


Error Code 8

Error Message

Recommended Action

DPM encountered an unexpected VSS error.

the cause of the failure. Fix the cause and retry the operation.

3021 9

Cmdlet execution failed Please contact the exchange admin and resolve the (<reason>) for <data source issue type> <data source name> on <server name>. Activation of COM component ExchangeCmdletWrapper failed on <server name>. Operation failed since the protected data source size had not been calculated for <data source name> prior to running this operation. Failed to create the protection group because no members were selected for protection. The parameter set that you have specified is incorrect. Specify only short-term disk policy objective. The parameter set that you have specified is incorrect. Specify only short-term tape policy objective. Failed to create the protection group since some of the required schedules

3022 0

Please make sure that the COM component ExchangeCmdletWrapper is configured appropriately.

3100 0

Ensure that Get-DatasourceDiskAllocation and SetDatasourceDiskAllocation are executed successfully prior to running this operation.

3101 0

Retry protection group creation by adding members.

3101 1

3101 2

3100 1

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

have not been specified. 3100 2 Failed to create the protection group because a library or stand-alone tape drive has not been specified and tape protection has been selected. Operation failed because <server name> is not accessible from the DPM server. Failed to enumerate resource groups on the cluster <server name>. Specify a library or stand-alone tape drive and then try to create the protection group.

3100 3

Use the cluster management software to check to see if the cluster resource group <server name> is online.

3100 4

1. Verify that the Cluster service is running on the cluster <server name> 2. Verify that you can ping the cluster from the DPM server.

3100 5

DPM cannot protect the On the Agents tab in the Management task area, install cluster resource group on protection agents on all nodes that this resource group <server name> because could fail over to. protection agents are not installed on all nodes that this resource group could fail over to. DPM cannot start the Create New Protection Group Wizard because there are no computers with protection agents installed. On to the Agents tab in the Management task area, install protection agents on the computers that you want to protect. After installing the agents successfully, start the Create New Protection Group Wizard.

3100 6

3100 8

This item cannot be protected Click Help to view the list of prerequisite software for because some prerequisite the selected item. software is missing. Ensure

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

that all prerequisite software is installed and then protect this item. 3100 9 Modify Protection Group is disabled because the following network names have been deleted: <input parameter tag>. The specified retention range supports the following backup frequencies only: <input parameter tag>. The item <protectable object> does not exist in protection group <protection group>. The item <protectable object> cannot be excluded because it is a data source. Recovery point cannot be created for external data source <data source name>. Recovery point cannot be created for unprotected data source <data source name>. Recovery point cannot be created on disk for data source <data source name> because the protection for <protection group> has been

Stop protection of protected members on these clusters before you modify the protection group.

3101 8

3101 9

3102 0

3102 1

3102 2

3102 3

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

set to tape. 3102 8 Data source <data source name> does not belong to a protection group. Data source <data source name> has no inactive replica on <media label>. Journal size cannot be set for <data source name> because this data source does not use a change journal. Operation failed because the recovery point specified for deletion was created as part of an incremental tape backup. DPM can only delete recovery points that were created as part of a full tape backup. Retry the operation after specifying a recovery point created by a full tape backup. This will automatically delete all the recovery points created by the full tape backup as well as all dependent incremental tape backups. 3103 4 The operation will remove the following recovery point(s) because they have

3102 9

3103 2

3103 3

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

dependencies on each other: 3103 6 Consistency check schedule should be modified using the <input parameter tag> cmdlet. DayofWeek needs to be specified to continue. Cannot specify consistency check schedule for protection groups configured only for tape-based protection. RelativeInterval needs to be specified to continue. Duplicate times specified, please specify unique times. Duplicate weekdays specified, please specify unique days of the week. Cannot specify offset schedules for protection groups configured only for tape-based protection. Consistency check cannot be started for unprotected data source <data source name>. Consistency check cannot be started for data source <data source name> because the

3103 7 3103 8

3103 9 3104 0 3104 1

3104 2

3104 3

3104 4

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

protection for <protection group> has been set to tape. 3104 5 There are multiple copies of data. Please choose one of the following and pass it to this cmdlet. The selected item cannot be added to protection. From the DPM computer, only DPM database can be selected for protection. You have chosen short-term protection using disk for this protection group. You cannot do that because you selected the DPM database as a member of this protection group and it can be protected only using tape. 3104 8 Online recatalog can be run for file volume and share data sources only. The number of recovery point locations should be equal to the number of recoverable items passed to this cmdlet. The recovery point location that you have passed is invalid. Please try again with a

3104 6

3104 7

Click Help for more information.

3104 9

3105 0

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

different value. 3105 1 3105 2 Add the search path string and try again. This step cannot be performed because some of the prerequisite steps have not executed. Please ensure that the appropriate steps among <missing step list> have been executed successfully and then retry this step. For more details, see DPM Help. This protection group does not support the given protection type. Please try again with a different value. All data sources passed should belong to the same protection group. The data source <data source name> specified is not a part of the protection group <protection group>. The minimum space required for the <disk item> is <minimum size>. Please choose a value more than that and try again.

3105 3

3105 4

3105 5

3105 6


Error Code 3105 7

Error Message

Recommended Action

The disk space requirement for <disk item> cannot be less than the current value of <used size>. Please choose a value more than that and try again. The data source <data source name> is not protected and size calculations cannot be done on it. This recovery source location is on a disk and not on a tape. Size optimization cannot be done on data source <data source name>. This can be done only if a part of the data source is protected. Retry without the -CalculateSize option. Specify a scheduled replica creation time that is less than 1 year. The protection type has been set to disk-based protection only, therefore this command is ignored. This tape is marked as a cleaning tape. Run the command on the correct tape.

3105 8

3106 0 3105 9

3106 1

3106 2

3106 3

Error Code 3106 4

Error Message

Recommended Action

Incorrect start time specified. Enter the start time in the following format "hh:mm" Child data source objects cannot be obtained for external data source <data source name>. Protection group <protection group> does not contain this type of schedule. This file type has not been specified for exclusion. This member is not specified for protection and cannot be removed from protection. Please specify the library to use in RecoveryOption for recovery from tape, and try again. This operation is valid only on a recovery point on tape. The recovery point location passed does not belong to current recovery point. This step cannot be performed because prerequisite steps have not been completed. For more information, type 'Get-Help

3106 5

3106 6

3106 7 3106 8

3106 9

3107 0 3107 1

3107 2

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

<Cmdlet name>' in DPM Management Shell. 3107 3 3107 4 Invalid Search Detail Passed

The target computer either does not exist or is currently not protected by DPM Shares can be retrieved only from a volume recovery point Recovery cannot proceed as the replica for the selected data source is not in "replica creation pending" state. The search string should use UNC Format if the protected computer is not specified. If the search is intended on a folder, then specify the protected computer name. System state cannot be recovered back to the original location. Please restore to an alternate location. The recoverable item cannot be recovered. Please see DPM Help for more details. The specified alternate instance is the same as original. Please specify a

3107 5 3107 6

Ensure that you have run DpmSync -reallocateReplica before recovering data to the replica. For details, see the DPM 2010 Operations Guide.

3107 7

3107 8

3107 9

3108 0

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

different instance or change the database name 3108 2 The specified alternate database name is a system database. DPM cannot recover a system database to an alternate location. Change the specified database name so that it is not a system database. The alternate database name is empty. Provide a valid alternate database name to use for the recovery The alternate SQL instance name is either empty or invalid. Provide a valid alternate SQL instance name to use for the recovery DPM cannot detect the volume <data source name> on server <server name>. If the volume is present, this problem can be rectified by refreshing the state using the Get-Datasource ProductionServer <ProductionServer> -Inquire cmdlet, then retry the current task. Remove the inactive protection for <referential data source name> in the Protection task area by selecting the data source and then clicking Remove inactive protection option in the Actions pane.

3108 3

3108 4

3108 5

3108 6

Data source <data source name> cannot be selected for protection because it was previously protected as part of data source <referential data source name> and has inactive disk or tape replicas. Data source <referential data


Remove the inactive protection for <data source name>


Error Code 7

Error Message

Recommended Action

source name> cannot be in the Protection task area by selecting the data source selected for protection and then clicking Remove inactive protection option in because its component the Actions pane. database <data source name> was protected independently and has inactive disk or tape replicas. The specified short-term backup frequency does not support creation of incremental backups. The specified IP address already exists in the list of IP addresses specified in the backup LAN IP address list. The specified IP address cannot be removed because it does not exist in the backup LAN IP address list. The specified address is not a valid subnet address. Please specify a daily backup frequency or remove the CreateIncrementals parameter.

3108 8

3108 9

If you would like to change the sequence number of the IP address, first remove the IP address and then add it to the appropriate sequence number.

3109 0

Only the addresses which are currently a part of the Backup LAN can be removed. Use GetBackupNetworkAddress to view a list of IP addresses which are a part of the Backup LAN. Subnet address should be in either of the following formats, (IPV4) or A821:db8:3c4d:15::/64 (IPV6) Use Get-BackupNetworkAddress command to see the list of valid sequence numbers

3109 1

3109 2

The specified sequence number is not valid. Try again with a valid number. The specified subnet mask is not valid for IPV6. The specified subnet mask is not valid for IPV4.

3109 3 3109 4

Valid subnet mask for IPV6 address lies between 1 - 128.

Valid subnet mask for IPV4 address lies between 1 - 32.


Error Code 3109 5

Error Message

Recommended Action

The specified recovery options are not valid.

Check the parameters that you are passing to the cmdlet and ensure that these parameters correspond to the data source type that you are attempting to recover. Retry this operation on the DPM server which was used to create this recovery point.

3109 6

Failed to perform TestDPMTapeData on the specified recovery point since this was created by some other DPM installation. <Server name> is not an owner for the Exchange cluster resource group <virtual server name>. The PreferredPhysicalNode is specified incorrectly.

3109 7

Contact your Exchange administrator or retry with the fully qualified domain name (e.g.

3109 8

Please provide all the values and try again. For example, "PreferredPhysicalNode (,, (,".

3109 9

The retention range cannot be achieved with the current synchronization frequency. Invalid command line parameters specified. The rescan operation failed. For more details, view the Jobs tab in the Monitoring task area. Rescan operation completed successfully.

3110 0 3110 2

Please provide the correct parameters and try again.

3110 3

Error Code 3110 5

Error Message

Recommended Action

The door on the <library type> <library> could not be unlocked Door successfully unlocked for <library type> <library>. You can now open the library door. The door will be automatically locked again in <time in minutes> minutes.

3110 6

3110 7

The door on the <library type> <library> could not be locked. Door successfully locked for <library type> <library>. The selected drive is in use. To disable the drive, wait for the job to finish or cancel the job. Selected drive is disabled. Any protection jobs configured to use the library to which the selected drive belongs will use the remaining drives on the library. Selected drives are enabled.

Check the library door and ensure that it is closed properly. If the door is not closed, close it and then retry this operation.

3110 8 3111 0

3111 2

3111 3


Error Code 3111 4

Error Message

Recommended Action

Cleaning tapes are not available in <library>, to clean the selected drives. Add cleaning tapes and restart the cleaning job.

3113 9 3114 0

Door of <library type> <library> is already unlocked. Door of <library type> <library> is being unlocked. Please wait for the operation to complete. Door of <library type> <library> is already locked. The selected tapes cannot be marked as free because they belong to protection groups. You need to stop protection of the associated protection groups before you can mark the tapes as free. The protection group that a tape belongs to is listed in the Protection Group column.

3114 1 3111 6

3112 0

The selected tapes cannot be erased because they belong to protection groups. You need to stop protection of the associated protection groups before you can erase

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

the tapes. The protection group that a tape belongs to is listed in the Protection Group column. 3112 3 I/E port door of <library> is now open. Place the tapes to be added in the I/E port, and then click OK. On clicking OK the I/E port door will be closed and the tapes in I/E port will be added to the library. 3112 4 The selected tapes could not be marked as free because another job has reserved them for use. The selected tape(s) could not be marked as cleaning tapes because they are currently in use. <failure count> tape(s) could not be marked as cleaning tapes because they are currently in use. DPM could not perform the requested action on the selected items. This could be because the selected items or some properties associated with

3112 5

3112 6

3112 7

Close and reopen DPM Administrator Console to synchronize it.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

these items have changes that prevent the action from being taken. 3112 8 The selected data will be copied to the specified location. You can monitor the progress of the copy job(s) on the Jobs tab in the Monitoring task area. 3112 9 <failure count> out of <total number> selected tapes cannot be marked as free because they belong to protection groups. You need to stop protection of the associated protection groups before you can mark the tapes as free. The protection group that a tape belongs to is listed in the Protection Group column. 3113 0 <failure count> out of <total number> selected tapes could not be marked as free because another job has reserved them for use. The selected tape(s) could not be unmarked as cleaning tapes because they are

3113 4

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

currently in use. 3113 1 <failure count> out of <total number> selected tapes cannot be marked as free. The tapes must be erased. Click Erase tape in the Actions pane to erase the tapes. This requirement to erase the tapes was specified in the protection groups to which the tapes previously belonged. 3113 3 <failure count> out of <total number> tapes cannot not be erased because they contain data that is being protected. You need to stop protection of the associated protection groups before you can erase the tapes. The protection group that a tape belongs to is listed in the Protection Group column. 3113 5 <failure count> tape(s) could not be unmarked as cleaning tapes because they are currently in use. The selected tape is currently being recataloged. The contents of this tape can

3113 6

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

be viewed only after the recatalog operation successfully completes. 3113 7 Operation failed because <library type> <library> is offline. Operation failed because <library type> <library> is disabled. Door of <library type> <library> is being locked. Please wait for the operation to complete. Connection already exists to DPM server <server name>. You can only be connected to a single DPM server at a time. Please end the existing connection using DisconnectDPMServer before attempting to run cmdlets that are targeted to another DPM server. The server <server name> could not be found in Active Directory. Ping this server to verify that it is accessible and then retry the operation. If the server is accessible, verify that the DPM service is running and that the current user has a domain account and is a member of the local administrators group. If the problem persists, contact your DPM administrator.

3113 8

3114 2

3114 3

3114 4


Tape in <location> cannot be recataloged. Perform the


Error Code 5

Error Message

Recommended Action

following before retrying this cmdlet: If the tape is marked as free, run Set-Tape -NotFree on this tape. If the tape is marked as unknown, run StartDPMLibraryInventory on this tape.

3114 6 3114 7

Operation failed because drive <drive name> is offline. Operation failed because drive <drive name> is disabled. All selected tapes were successfully moved to the I/E port slots of the library <library> This operation is not allowed on a suspect tape. DPM was unable to initiate recovery to the specified computer. Take out the tape in <location>, replace the barcode, and run detailed inventory on the tape. 1) Check to see that the computer name provided is the fully qualified domain name. 2) Check to see that the computer specified has a protection agent installed on it. 3) If recovery is to a clustered server, ensure that all physical nodes belonging to this cluster have the protection agent installed.

3115 0

3115 1 3120 0


Error Code 3120 3

Error Message

Recommended Action

The selected recovery point is not valid for recovery to a DPM server. This option is disabled as the DPM database DPMDB cannot be recovered directly to the original location. For more information, see the DPM 2010 Operations Guide. Latest point in time recovery is not supported from: 1) Secondary DPM server. 2) Invalid replica. 3) Inactive protection.

3120 4

3120 5

3120 6

DPM cannot protect this member. On the secondary DPM server, you can only protect data sources for the primary DPM server or the data sources of the computers that the primary DPM server is protecting. Cannot perform <input parameter tag> on a replica which is pending manual replica creation. Cannot perform <input parameter tag> on a replica which is missing. Complete the manual creation of the replica and then retry this operation.

3120 7

3120 8

Verify that the disk containing the replica volume and the recovery point volume is shown in Disk Management. If you are unable to locate the volumes in

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

the Disk Management console, open the Protection task area in DPM Administrator Console to stop protection of the data source using the Delete replica option, and then add the data source to a protection group again. 3120 9 Cannot perform <input parameter tag> on a replica which is inconsistent. DPM cannot protect this member. On the secondary DPM server, partial protection of a replica is not allowed. DPM cannot protect this member. On the secondary DPM server, you cannot protect data sources which are not protected by the primary DPM server. Failed to create schedule with Specify a date which is less than or equal to 28. the specified start time because the date is invalid. You have selected a clustered resource group for switching protection. This operation will apply to all the nodes under this resource group: <server name>. Protection for other resource groups belonging to this cluster may fail. You need to perform this operation for all resource groups to resume

Run synchronization with consistency check for this replica and then retry this operation.

3121 0

3121 1

3130 0

3121 2

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

protection. 3121 3 You cannot recover to original location from a secondary DPM server without switching protection of the protected computer to the secondary DPM server. To enable this, open DPM Management Shell, run the Switch-Protection.ps1 script, and then try this operation again. 3121 4 Switch protection failed because there is no protection agent on the protected computer. Invalid input. Switching protection back to primary DPM server is not allowed on a primary DPM server. Switching protection back to the primary DPM server is allowed only on a secondary DPM server. Invalid input. You cannot switch protection for a primary DPM server. Switching protection is allowed to switch protection for protected computers only.

3121 5

3121 6


Error Code 3130 1

Error Message

Recommended Action

Recovery point cannot be created for <data source name> since protection has been stopped for this data. DPM was unable to attach the 1) Check to see that the specified instance of SQL Server content database to the SQL is online. Instance <SQL Server instance 2) If your SQL database files do not have the .mdf, .ndf, name> on the recovery farm. and .ldf extensions for the primary data file, secondary data file, and log file, respectively, then DPM will not be able to attach the content database to the specified SQL Instance and cannot perform a site or document recovery from it. DPM was unable to detect the presence of the Web application named 'DPMRecoveryWebApplicatio n' in the recovery farm. 1) Check to see that the recovery farm is online and running. 2) Make sure you have created a Web application in the recovery farm with the name 'DPMRecoveryWebApplication'. For more information, see the DPM 2010 Operations Guide.

3200 0

3200 1

3200 2

DPM was unable to attach the 1) Check to see that the recovery farm is online and content database to the running. recovery farm. 2) Check to see that the WSSCmdletWrapper DCOM component is configured correctly on the front-end Web server hosting the recovery farm. For more information, see the DPM 2010 Operations Guide.

3200 3

DPM was unable to export the item <site URL> from the

1) Check to see that the recovery farm is online and running.


Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

recovery farm.

2) Check to see that the WSSCmdletWrapper DCOM component is configured correctly on the front-end Web server hosting the recovery farm. For more information, see the DPM 2010 Operations Guide. 3) Check that all features, Web templates, and language packs present on the protected farm are also present on the specified recovery farm. 4) It is possible that the item you want to recover is not present in this version of the content database. Use a different recovery point for recovery. 5) Run ConfigureSharePoint.exe on the recovery farm server and modify the TEMP variable to point to a location that has sufficient space to recover the selected item.

3200 4

DPM was unable to detach the content database <content database> from the recovery farm.

1) Check to see that the recovery farm is online and running. 2) Open the SharePoint Central Administration Console of the recovery farm and delete the content database. 1) Check to see that the protected farm is online and running. 2) Check to see that the WSSCmdletWrapper DCOM component is configured correctly on the front-end Web server hosting the protected farm. For more information, see the DPM 2010 Operations Guide. 3) Ensure that all features, Web templates, and language packs present on the recovery farm are also

3200 5

DPM was unable to import the item <site URL> to the protected farm.

Error Code

Error Message

Recommended Action

present on the protected farm. 4) Run ConfigureSharePoint.exe on the target server and modify the TEMP variable to point to a location that has sufficient space to recover the selected item. 3200 6 DPM found that 'DPMRecoveryWebApplicatio n' was not properly configured. 1) Check to see that the protected farm is online and running. 2) Open SharePoint Administration Console and delete the Web application named 'DPMRecoveryWebApplication' and recreate it. 3) Retry the operation again. 3200 7 DPM failed to protect <data source name> because DPM detected multiple front-end Web servers for the same farm that have the SharePoint VSS writer enabled. 1) Turn off the SharePoint VSS writer on the front-end Web servers that you do not want to protect the farm. Only one front-end Web server in this farm should have the SharePoint VSS writer turned on. 2) Close the Create New Protection Group Wizard and retry the operation. 1) Verify that the appropriate SQL Server VSS Writers on the computers hosting the Windows SharePoint Services databases are enabled. 2) Verify that the Windows SharePoint Services Search VSS Writers are enabled on the computers where the search indices are.

3200 8

This Windows SharePoint Services farm cannot be protected because DPM did not find any dependent databases and search indices to be protected.

3121 7

You can offset synchronization frequency only for incremental backups. The offset is greater than synchronization frequency.

3121 8


Error Code 3121 9

Error Message

Recommended Action

Invalid synchronization frequency. You can only set synchronization frequency to 6, 12 or 24 hours. DPM failed to apply the required policies to this protection group since the recovery point limit for this DPM server has been exceeded. If you see this error on the primary DPM server then do the following: 1) Check to see if you can reduce the number of express full backupss (or file recovery points) for the data sources that are currently being protected. 2) Reduce the retention range for the existing protection groups 3) Reduce the number of data sources being protected by this DPM server If you see this error on the secondary DPM server. Do the following: 1) Check to see if you can reduce the synchronization frequency for applications (or file recovery points) that are currently being protected. 2) Reduce the retention range for the existing protection groups. 3) Reduce the number of data sources being protected by this DPM server.

3122 0

DPM Error Codes

The content in this section provides guidance for resolving issues identified by specific error messages in System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010.

The content in these topics may be updated. It is the most current information available and supersedes the recommended actions in the product for the specified error.

In This Section
Error ID: 319 Error ID: 324 Error ID: 347 Error ID: 958 Error ID: 1243 Error ID: 3133 Error ID: 24050 Error ID: 24084 Error ID: 30101 Error ID: 30111 Error ID: 30300 Error ID: 30216 Error ID: 31224 Error ID: 32061 Error ID: 32062 Error ID: 32064 Error ID: 32065 Error ID: 32612

DPM 2010 Troubleshooting Guide


Error ID: 319

Error #319 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message The agent operation failed because of a communication error with the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <ServerName>. 3.0 Data Protection Manager 319

This error can occur when you attempt to update a DPM protection agent on a protected computer that is running a localized version of Windows Server 2003 SP2 that is not supported by the DPM Agent Installer.

User Action
To resolve this issue, do the following: 1. If the protected computer is running a localized version of Windows Server 2003 SP1, first upgrade the operating system to Windows Server 2003 SP2. 2. On the protected computer, download and install the appropriated localized version of hotfix in Knowledge Base article 975759: Update for Windows Server 2003 (, and then try the upgrade again. Note

The "Hotfix download available" form displays the languages for which the hotfix is available.

Error ID: 324

Error #324 Data Protection Manager
You may encounter this error while attempting to install, uninstall, or upgrade an agent by using DPM Management Shell. Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message The agent operation failed because the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <server> did not respond. 3.0 Data Protection Manager 324

This error might be caused by the following: The target computer is not reachable on the network. The firewall on the target computer is blocking requests from the DPM server.

User Action
To troubleshoot this issue, do the following: 1. Check the recent DPMAC source records in the application event log on <server>.

2. Verify that the DPM server is remotely accessible from <server>. 3. If a firewall is enabled on the DPM server, verify that it is not blocking requests from <server>. 4. Verify that the time on the DPM server and the selected computer is synchronized with the domain controller. At a command prompt, type net time /set to synchronize the time with the domain controller. Then take the following actions based on which agent operation you were performing:

Installing an agent by using DPM Management Shell:

1. Copy DPMAgentInstaller.exe and DPMAgentInstaller_x64.exe to a share. 2. On the target computer, log on as an administrator and then open a command prompt window with elevated privileges. 3. Navigate to the network share, and then run the appropriate DPMAgentInstaller <FQDN of DPM server>. 4. On the DPM server, open DPM Administrator Console. In the Management task area, click the Agents tab, click Install Agent, and then select Attach agents. Complete the wizard.

Uninstalling an agent by using DPM Management Shell:

1. Log on to the target computer and in Control Panel navigate to Programs and Features. 2. Uninstall the Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2010 Agent. 3. On the DPM server, start DPM Management Shell. 4. Run the RemoveProductionServer.ps1 script to remove the target computer from the DPM server.

Upgrading an agent by using DPM Management Shell:

1. Copy the required DPMAgentInstaller.exe to a network share. 2. Log on to the target computer on which you want to upgrade the agent. 3. Navigate to the network share, and then run DPMAgentInstaller.exe. 4. On the DPM server, open DPM Administrator Console. In the Management task area, click the Agents tab. 5. Refresh the status of the target computer.


Error ID: 347

Error #347 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message Agent operation failed. (ID 370) An error occurred when the agent operation attempted to create the DPM Agent Coordinator service on <Server Name>. (ID 347 Details: The handle is not valid.) 3.0 Data Protection Manager 347

This error might occur when the Agent Coordinator service is not running or responding on the target server.

User Action
To resolve this issue, do the following: Verify that the Agent Coordinator service on <Server Name> is responding, if it is present. Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then retry the agent operation. Try installing the protection agent manually on the target computer. For more information, in the DPM Deployment Guide, see Installing Protection Agents Manually (

Error ID: 958

Error #958 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message DPM cannot browse the contents of the virtual machine on the protected computer <protected computer>. 3.0 Data Protection Manager 958

Item-level recovery is not supported in the following scenarios: The VHD contains a dynamic disk inside the guest operating system. The VHD has no volume. HyperV role is not installed on the DPM server.

User Action
Perform a full restore of the virtual machine. If none of the conditions listed in the Explanation section are present, and you still get this error, try the workaround explained in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2013544 (


Error ID: 1243

Error #1243 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message The detailed inventory of tape failed for the following reason: (ID: 3316) Detailed inventory failed. (ID 1243) 3.0 Data Protection Manager 1243

Detailed inventory failures can be caused by the following conditions: The state of the DPM library changes without the changes being communicated to the DPM server. This can happen if tapes are removed, inserted, or moved without running a fast inventory after the operation. The specified tape is in a drive and being backed up. Detailed inventories can raise an error for a failure on each slot. If you have a lot of slots, you might receive too many failure error alerts.

User Action
To resolve this issue, do one or more of the following:

Perform a fast inventory after each tape operation. Ensure that the tape specified for a detailed inventory is not in a drive and being backed up. To reduce the number of detailed inventory failure alerts, create the following registry key. To open the Registry Editor, click Start, click Run, and then type regedit. Caution Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. These problems could require you to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. Always make sure that you back up the registry before you modify it, and that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\1.0\Alert Value Name: DetailedInventoryFailed Data Type: REG_DWORD Value Data 0

Note After you have created the registry key, you can check whether detailed inventory jobs fail or succeed by using the Jobs tab in the Monitoring view.

Error ID: 3133

Error #3133 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name

Data Protection Manager 3133



DPM failed to gather item level catalog for <x> databases of the SharePoint Farm <Farm Name>. Some of the recovery points for these databases in the farm would be associated with an earlier successful catalog. (ID 3133)

DPM could not collect the list of URLs from some of the databases in the SharePoint farm. If these databases have been cataloged previously, you can view a list of URLs for each database in the Recovery task area. However, any URLs that have been added since the databases were last cataloged will not appear. To view the list of databases that could not be cataloged, search for the WSSCmdLetWrapper.errlog file in the DPM installation folders on the SharePoint front-end Web server and DPM server.

User Action
Restart the catalog job for the SharePoint farm by running the Start-CreateCatalog cmdlet in DPM Management Shell.

Error ID: 24050

Error #24050 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name

Data Protection Manager 24050



Failed to perform the operation since the tape <Media Label> is not available in <Library Type> <Library>. (ID 24050)

This error is usually caused by running out of free tapes in the library. Note To avoid running out of free tapes in the library, you can periodically check for Free tape threshold reached alerts in the Alerts tab of the Monitoring task area.

User Action
To resolve this issue, do the following: 1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Monitoring on the navigation bar, and then click the Alerts tab. Check for any Free tape threshold reached alerts generated by the libraries. If such alerts are present, proceed to step 3. 2. In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the navigation bar, click the Libraries tab, and then do the following: Expand all library slots and check for any free or expired tapes. If there are none, proceed to step 3. Check for any suspect tapes in the library. If suspect tapes are present, see the Managing Suspect Tapes section of How to Identify Tapes ( 3. Insert new tapes into the library, and then run a Fast inventory action followed by an Identify unknown tapes action. In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the navigation bar, click the Libraries tab, and ensure that the new tapes appear as free. Then, click Monitoring on the navigation bar, click the Alerts tab, and restart the failed jobs.


Error ID: 24084

Error #24084 Data Protection Manager
You may encounter this error when a tape is written by a non-DPM application using a physical block size either less than 1024 bytes or more than 65536 bytes. Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message The tape in <LibraryType> <Library> at <MediaLocationType> <MediaLocationInfo> has been written to by another tape backup application using an unsupported physical block size. 3.0 Data Protection Manager 24084

DPM only supports a physical block size between 1024 bytes and 65536 bytes. Therefore, DPM cannot read or overwrite the contents of this tape. If the tape was used by any other backup application with an unsupported block size, the block size information will persist with the tape.

User Action
To resolve this issue, do the following to erase the contents of the tape:


In DPM Administrator Console, in the Management task area, click the Libraries tab, select the tape, and then click Erase tape. After erasing the tape, DPM will be able to use it for backups. Note If you have a stand-alone tape drive, you might have to erase the tape by using a tool other than DPM.

Error ID: 30101

Error #30101 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message Library drive <Library Drive> in <Library> is not functioning and library jobs may fail until the drive is repaired. The drive is not functioning for the following reason: (ID: 3303) DPM encountered a critical error while performing an I/O operation on the tape <Media Label> (Barcode - <Media Barcode>) in <Media Location Type> <Media Location Info>. (ID 30101) 3.0 Data Protection Manager 30101


This issue is usually caused by the driver for the tape drive but can also be caused by hardware issues. Possible causes include the following: When a tape reaches the end, some drivers will incorrectly return a Device I/O error code instead of an End of tape reached code. An errant driver might not be able to handle multiple parallel write requests. The backup might fail because data was written successfully after an initial device I/O error. There might be a defective tape or a bad sector on the tape. The tape drive might be defective or dirty.

User Action
To resolve this issue, do one or more of the following: 1. The first step is to download and install the latest driver and firmware updates from the tape drive vendor. 2. Many tape drive vendors also offer utilities that you can use to diagnose hardware problems. 3. Clean and service the tape drive.

Modify the TapeSize registry value to match your tape size

When a tape reaches the end, some drivers will incorrectly return a Device I/O error code instead of an End of tape reached code. To resolve this issue, modify the value of the following registry key to match your tape size. Caution Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. These problems could require you to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. Always make sure that you back up the registry before you modify it, and that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent Value Name: TapeSize Data Type: REG_DWORD Value Data (in MBs) 00030000 307

When a tape reaches the end, DPM reads the TapeSize value (in MBs). If the tape drive driver returns a Device I/O error code and the amount of data written by DPM is greater than the TapeSize value (in MBs), DPM automatically converts the Device I/O error code to an End of tape reached code, and then spans to the next tape. If your tape size is different from the TapeSize value in the registry, you need to modify the TapeSize value accordingly.

Reduce the number of parallel write buffers

An errant driver might not be able to handle multiple parallel write requests. To resolve this issue, reduce the number of parallel write buffers that DPM uses by creating and modifying the following registry key. Caution Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. These problems could require you to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. Always make sure that you back up the registry before you modify it, and that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent Value Name: BufferQueueSize Data Type: REG_DWORD Value Data 00000001

Start by setting the BufferQueueSize value to 1 or another low value, and then increase it to the maximum value that the driver can accommodate before it begins to send device I/O error alerts again.

Error ID: 30111

Error #30111 Data Protection Manager
Details Product Data Protection Manager

ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message



The VSS application writer or the VSS provider is in a bad state. Either it was already in a bad state or it entered a bad state during the current operation. (ID 30111 Details: Unknown error (0x80042306) (0x80042306))

This error occurs when the shadow copy provider fails to create a snapshot for the requested volume. The most common reason for this is that the required snapshot management licenses are not installed on the servers in the cluster, and the hardware provider does not handle the request to create a snapshot.

User Action
Ensure that the required licenses are installed on the server, and then retry the backup.

Error ID: 30300

Error #30300 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source

Data Protection Manager 30300

Version Symbolic Name Message


Recovery point creation jobs for <data source> on <DPM server> have been failing. The number of failed recovery point creation jobs = n. If the data source protected is SharePoint, then click Error Details to view the list of databases for which recovery point creation has failed. (ID 3114) Synchronization for the replica of <data source> on <DPM server> failed because the replica is not in a valid state or is in an inactive state. (ID 30300 Details: VssError: The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried, the error is likely to reoccur.)

This alert may be raised on the secondary DPM server after a synchronization job for a data source has failed on the primary DPM server.

User Action
Review the application event log on the protected computer for errors from the DPM writer service. Take the appropriate action, and then try the operation again. The following are the events you might find in the log and the recommended action for each event:

DPM writer was unable to snapshot the replica of <data source>, because the replica is not in a valid state (Validity: <Validity State>:
In DPM Administrator Console on the primary DPM Server, run a consistency check for the data source <data source> to ensure that the replica is consistent.


DPM Writer has timed out waiting for replica to be free and available for snapshot.
Retry the job from the secondary DPM server when no jobs are running on the primary DPM server for the selected data source.

DPM has run out of free recovery point space and will fail snapshots for <data source> in order to prevent existing recovery points from getting recycled.
1. Increase the space allocated for the recovery point volume for <data source> on the primary DPM server. 2. Retry the operation on the secondary DPM server.

DPM writer was unable to snapshot the replica of <data source>.

The following are possible causes: No valid recovery points are present on the replica. The last express full backup job for the data source failed. There was a failure while deleting the incremental recovery points that are not valid on the replica. To resolve this issue, in DPM Administrator Console on the primary DPM server, run an express full backup job for the data source.

Error ID: 30216

Error #30216 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Data Protection Manager 30216


Version Symbolic Name Message


Windows Server Backup may truncate Exchange and SQL Server logs being protected by DPM.

Using Windows Server Backup to create backups of a volume that is protected by DPM may truncate the Exchange Server or SQL Server logs.

User Action
If you use Windows Server Backup to back up a volume, only do so by using the Backup Once Wizard. If you use the Backup Schedule Wizard to perform scheduled backups, ensure that the volumes that are being protected by DPM do not contain application data such as Exchange Server mailbox stores or SQL Server databases. To resolve this error, reconfigure Windows Server Backup. Then in DPM Administrator Console, in the Protection task area, select the volume, click Create recovery point, and then click Express full backup.

Error ID: 31224

Error #31224 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Data Protection Manager 31224


Source Version Symbolic Name Message Create protection group: <protection group name> failed. The Allocate Replica task for <data source name> failed. (ID 31224) 3.0

You will encounter a replica creation error and a protection group creation error if you perform the following actions in sequence: 1. Protect a data source in one protection group (protection group 1). 2. Stop protecting the data source in protection group 1 and retain its data. 3. Protect the data source in a second protection group (protection group 2). 4. Stop protecting the data source in protection group 2, retain its data, and then protect the data source in a third protection group.

User Action
To protect a data source that has been previously protected in two other protection groups, you must first remove all recovery points of the data source that are associated with the first protection group as described in the following steps: 1. Get a list of all data sources on the DPM server. $ds = Get-Datasource [-DPMservername]<DPMservername> 2. Identify the data source that you want to protect in the list. Using $ds returns a zero-based array. So if the data source you want is the sixth one in the list, you would use $ds[5] to identify it in the next step. 3. Get all the recovery points associated with the data source. $rp = Get-RecoveryPoint $ds[5]

4. Select a recovery point that was taken when the data source was in the first protection group (for example, $rp[2]). 5. Remove the recovery point. Remove-RecoveryPoint $rp[2] 6. Repeat the last two steps until you have removed all recovery points associated with the data source when it was in the first protection group.

Error ID: 32061

Error #32061 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message Dynamic disks use a private region of the disk to maintain a Logical Disk Manager (LDM) database. The LDM database will be at <CurrentLdmOccupancy>% occupancy after this operation. When occupancy reaches <LdmErrorThreshold>%, all volume creations and grows will be disabled and backups that require volume grows may fail. 3.0 Data Protection Manager 32061

Dynamic disks use a private region at the end of the disk to maintain a Logical Disk Manager (LDM) database that has a limited size that cannot be exceeded.

User Action
You can control the growth of the LDM database by migrating one or more data sources to a different volume. To migrate a data source to a different volume, in DPM Management Shell, run the MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM cmdlet.

Error ID: 32062

Error #32062 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message Dynamic disks use a private region of the disk to maintain a Logical Disk Manager (LDM) database. The LDM database is currently at <CurrentLdmOccupancy>% occupancy. When occupancy reaches <LdmErrorThreshold>%, all volume creations and grows will be disabled and backups that require volume grows may fail. 3.0 Data Protection Manager 32062

Dynamic disks use a private region at the end of the disk to maintain a Logical Disk Manager (LDM) database that has a limited size that cannot be exceeded.

User Action
You can control the growth of the LDM database by migrating one or more data sources to a different volume. To migrate a data source to a different volume, in DPM Management Shell, run the MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM cmdlet.

Error ID: 32064

Error #32064 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message Dynamic disks use a private region of the disk to maintain a Logical Disk Manager (LDM) database. This volume creation or grow was not allowed because the occupancy of the LDM database would have been <CurrentLdmOccupancy>% after this operation, which is above the DPM limit of <LdmErrorThreshold>% 3.0 Data Protection Manager 32064

Dynamic disks use a private region at the end of the disk to maintain a Logical Disk Manager (LDM) database that has a limited size that cannot be exceeded.

User Action
You can control the growth of the LDM database by migrating one or more data sources to a different volume. To migrate a data source to a different volume, in DPM Management Shell, run the MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM cmdlet.

Error ID: 32065

Error #32065 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message Dynamic disks use a private region of the disk to maintain a Logical Disk Manager (LDM) database. The current occupancy of the LDM database is <CurrentLdmOccupancy>%, which is over the DPM limit of <LdmErrorThreshold>%. Hence, all volume creations and grows have been disabled. 3.0 Data Protection Manager 32065

Dynamic disks use a private region at the end of the disk to maintain a Logical Disk Manager (LDM) database that has a limited size that cannot be exceeded.


User Action
You can control the growth of the LDM database by migrating one or more data sources to a different volume. To migrate a data source to a different volume, in DPM Management Shell, run the MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM cmdlet.

Error ID: 32612

Error #32612 Data Protection Manager
Details Product ID Source Version Symbolic Name Message Failed to prepare a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) for backup as another backup using the same CSV is in progress. (ID 32612 Details: Unknown error (0x8007173d) (0x8007173D)) 03.00 Data Protection Manager 32612

This error might occur when a hardware provider is not installed on the protected server. If no hardware provider is installed, DPM uses only software snapshots for backup, which means that the CSV is left in redirected access mode for the entire length of the backup. While this is the case, another virtual machine that is on the same CSV but on a different node of the cluster cannot be backed up. If the CSV that is in redirected access mode is not released before another backup is attempted, this error occurs.

User Action
If you are using software-based Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) providers, we recommend that you also use VSS hardware providers. For more information, see VSS Hardware Providers ( If a hardware VSS provider is already installed on the node, check the status of the CSVs used by this virtual machine by using the Cluster Administration Console, re-enable direct I/O for the CSV, and then try the operation again.


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