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Visual Basic Lecture 1

The duration of this class will focus on writing Windows-based applications using Microsoft Visual Basic. If you are interested in computer programming in other languages, software is available at: Here you will be able to download software development tools from a variety of programming languages to suit your needs. And best of all: its completely free! If you wanted to pay for all of these together, it could easily cost you $1,200 for the full versions. So what is MSVB? VB is a programming language that not only allows you to write code for programs, but also allows you to visually design what the final program will look like. It provides a simple way for you to see and develop you program simultaneously. Getting Started: When you begin the VB 2005 Express program, you will have the option to click on several links that will allow you to see whats new in the world of Microsoft development. Also, in the lower left-hand box, you will notice a link that says How do I This can link you to both Microsofts help page and utilize the built-in help that comes with the program. In the upper left box, you will have options to open or create projects. Clicking on create will bring up a screen asking what type of application you want to create. Select Windows Application, type in the name of the project (if you have one), and press Ok. You should now see this:

You are currently looking at the design screen of your VB program. Lets go through what you are seeing piece-by-piece.

In the upper right-hand corner is the window for the Solution Explorer. Below the words Solution Explorer are five buttons. The first is for the Properties window which is below the Solution Explorer. The second is Show All Files, which allows you to see all of the files that VB is using to create your application. The third is a Refresh button. The fourth button allows you to View Code so you can tell your program what to do. The fifth button is View Designer, which will return you to this screen and allow you to add new features to your program. In the Solution Explorer window, you can right-click on any of the objects to modify them. For instance, you can add additional Forms by right-clicking on the project name and clicking Add ->Windows Form. Ill let you explore those other options on your own. Select Form1 in the Solution Explorer or click on the Form in the design window and direct your attention to the Properties Window. Here you will see all of the options available to you for how you can modify this program. There are a lot of options available, but I want you to pay attention to a few. First, you can re-name your program. Whatever name is displayed here is not what the user will see when they run the program. In order to change the name on the form itself, go down to the Text property and change the name to whatever you desire. Notice that you also have the option to add background colors and images, and you can modify the icons, fonts, etc. Direct you attention to the Toolbox located at the left side of the screen. Moving the mouse over the Toolbox will expand a menu with collapsible sections. I recommend that you expand the section for Common Controls and leave the others collapsed. The Toolbox contains all of the items which you will be able to place onto your program. These are the objects which the user will be able to see and interact with. You are probably familiar with many of them already and may not realize it. Now youll get to see how the things which you use so much actually work. Lets go through some of the common controls to make sure we understand what they are. If something does not look familiar to you, click on it, then move the mouse over the form, and click again. This will deposit one of these items onto your program so you can use it. Button: causes an event to occur when the uses clicks on the button CheckBox: allows the uses to select or de-select the option CheckedListBox: allows the user to select or clear a variety of choices ComboBox: contains a drop-down list for the user to select an item from Label: displays text that is typically non-interactive LinkLabel: a label with an internet hyperlink ListBox: displays a list of items from which the user can make a selection MaskedTextBox: a text box in which data of only one type can be entered ProgressBar: displays a bar that fills to indicate progress on an operation RadioButtion: allows the user to select only a single choice out of several choices Youll notice that if you place one of these items on your form, the Properties Window changes. This window will now reflect all available properties of the object you have selected, not the Form itself. If you want to place a Label on the program, then select if from the Toolbox, click on the Form, and then look at the Properties Window. Notice that the default name of the Label is Label1. VB will always name object by type and number by default. You can change the name of this label if you want. Notice that changing the name does not change what is displayed. The name of the object will be important when modifying its properties in the code. If you want to change the text, go to Text on the Properties Window and change the text. Notice that if you delete all of the text from a label, it will be very difficult to find. It is better to type in some text initially, but set the property Visible to false if you dont want the user to see it when the program loads. These properties can also be modified in the code. For instance, if an event

occurs (the user clicks a button, checks a box, etc.), you might want some of these properties to change. Lets try to write a basic program in VB. We want this program to display a line of text that tells the user to double click on the text in order to see a sunset. On the properties window, name the form Sunset. From the Toolbox, select Label and then click on the Form. A label should appear with the name Label1. On the properties of this label, go to Text, and change the text to Double-click here to see a sunset. Once you move the mouse off of that line of the properties window, youll notice that the text on the form has changed. Reposition the text so it is in the center of the Form. Now import a Picture-box from the toolbox and size it so that it takes up most of the Form. In the properties, go to Image, and click the button with the ellipses (). You should now have a window prompting you to select a resource. Select Local Resource, Import, and select the file Sunset from C:\ Documents and Settings\ All Users \ Shared Documents \ Shared Pictures \ Sample Pictures. Once you have selected the file Sunset, click open, and the picture-box should now display the picture of the sunset. Also, add a Button and change the text on it to Close. Think about what this program is supposed to do. We want the user to double-click on the text in order to see the sunset. That means that the sunset must be invisible when the form loads. So go to the properties of the picture box, and go to the property Visible, and change it to False. The visibility of the Label should be set to True, since the user needs to see the text in order to click on it. At this point, weve visually designed the program, but we havent written any code to tell the computer what to do. The main event of this program will occur if the user double-clicks on the label, so this is where we must focus our attention. Double-click on the label, and VB will begin generating a sub-routine for you. Below is the completed code for this program.

Notice that the code begins with Public Class Sunset. It is public in the way that the global variables were public. Other programs could conceivably call this program if I added this functionality to it. The term class means a logical grouping of procedures and data that simplify program organization. It is called Sunset because we changed the name of this form to Sunset. The drop-down menu on the left will list for us all of the objects contained in this class. The menu on the right will list all actions that can be performed on or by those objects. The next line of code says:
Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click As System.Object, ByVal e As

This tells us that this is a Private (as opposed to Public) sub-routine (or sub-procedure) that will treat events (of type Click) on the object Label1. Specifically, this sub-routine will tell the computer what to do if the user clicks once on the label. We said we wanted the user to double-click on the text. Change Label1.Click into Label1.DoubleClick. Notice that this can be done several ways. You can manually type it in; or you can also select the event Double-click from the drop-down menu. We need this sub-procedure to hide the text in the label and make the picture appear. We do this by altering the properties of these objects. The properties of an object can be accessed by typing in its name followed by a period. When you hit the period, a drop-down menu will appear listing all of the properties of that object. Type in the following: Label1.Visible = False Picturebox1.Visible = True Now the sub-routine will tell the program that a double-click on the text will cause the text to become invisible and make the picture appear. Also, the button Close that we created needs to close the program when it is clicked. Go back to the Designer view, double-click on the button Close, and the code for a subprocedure will appear beneath the sub-procedure for the Label1. If some code needs to access a property of the program, it can do so through the use of Me. Type in the following: Me.close Now that weve created the code for our program, lets test it. Before compiling the program into an executable file that can be distributed, you always want to Debug the program first. In order to do this, click the Debug menu, and then click Start Debugging. VB will now create a temporary compilation of your program so you can test the code out. You can check that the program works by double-clicking on the text, verify that the text disappears and the picture appears, and then hit the close button. Once you have checked the program and cleared out any bugs, you can create an executable (.exe) file that you can use on any Windows operating system. This can be done through the Build menu at the top of the screen. Before we do that, lets add a little more functionality to this program. Right now, the only way to make the picture appear is to double-click on the text. Normally, operations in Windows programs do not involve clicking on text. Also, we have not made a way to remove the picture once it has appeared. You normally use buttons, check-boxes, radio-buttons, etc. Lets add that functionality to the program.

Go back to the design view and expand the size of the form to make room for additional objects. Since we already have a text line that accomplishes something, lets leave it in the program, but create another Label from the Toolbox, and add a Checkbox, two Radio Buttons, and two Buttons. Arrange it so your form looks something like this:

Change the text of the objects appropriately so it looks similar to what you see here. Now we need to add some functionality to this program. Lets think about what we want each of these objects to do. The new Label, the Hide Sunset Button, and the Hide Sunset RadioButton need to make the picture disappear. So all of them will have the code: PictureBox1.Visible = False The Label you just added needs to make the picture disappear when the user doubleclicks on it. But should this Label even be visible when the picture is not displayed? If we dont want the user having this option, we might want to make Label2 invisible at the start of the program. The same can be said of the Hide Sunset button. Go back to the designer view and change the Visible property to false for both of these. Also, the RadioButtons need to reflect the status of the program when it loads. When you begin the program, the picture is not visible; so why should the RadioButton labeled View Sunset be checked? Click on the RadioButton labeled Hide Sunset and change the Property Checked to true (or you could click on the RadioButton

labeled View sunset and change the Property Checked to false). Remember, any properties that you want loaded when the program starts should be set in the Designer View. Now we need to make sure that all of these objects do everything that they are supposed to. Lets consider Label1, the label we originally worked with. When this label is doubleclicked, it needs to disappear, make the picture appear, and also make Label2 appear. Also, it needs to make the appropriate changes to the other objects. Heres what the code might look like:
Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.DoubleClick Label1.Visible = False Label2.Visible = True Button2.Visible = False Button3.Visible = True RadioButton1.Checked = True CheckBox1.Checked = True PictureBox1.Visible = True End Sub

Homework 1: Make the appropriate changes to the rest of the program. Make sure that each object interacts appropriately with the rest. You might want to make use of an IfThen statement for the checkbox and the RadioButtons. Extra Credit: Good computer programmers always strive to make their programs as efficient as possible. One way to measure this is to look at how many lines of code you have. See if you can write this program in fewer than 50 lines of code and still have it retain all of its functionality. You can check how many lines of code you have by clicking on the last line of code and looking at the line number at the bottom of the screen.

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