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Advanced Placement United States History Unit I: The Colonial Era (1607-1763) Objective Questions Directions: Each of the

questions or statements below is followed by four or five suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is BEST in each case and place what you think is the correct letter on the answer sheet provided. 1. A central theme of the Puritan Ethic is its emphasis on: (A) world economic dependency on the institution of slavery. (B) the mobility of America's class structure. (C) the damaging effects of slavery on the South's economy. (D) patriotism and the glorification of the American nation. (E) hard work, thrift, and sobriety as signs of election. 2. In colonial America the enlightened view that reason can solve humanity's problems helps explain the: (A) early growth of New England education. (B) eighteenth century belief in Deism. (C) lack of public libraries. (D) Puritan and Quaker attitudes toward slavery. (E) curriculum of higher education. 3. The competition for North American territory was a major cause of: (A) the Mexican-American War. (B) the French and Indian War. (C) the Revolutionary War. (D) the Civil War. (E) the War of 1812. 4. To promote public libraries and the study of philosophy in colonial America was a major objective of the: (A) Moravian Community in colonial Pennsylvania. (B) Knickerbocker magazine of the 1840's. (C) Rappites and Shakers. (D) American Phrenological Journal in the 1840's. *(E) Philadelphia Junto Club. 5. A major objective of the New England Transcendentalists was to: (A) expand humanity's vision of itself by stressing individual initiative. (B) subject the community to the moral and political leadership of a few. (C) promote the ideals of economic and political equality. (D) raise the public's consciousness concerning the immorality of slavery. (E) promote public awareness of the bad effects of alcohol by urging sobriety. 6. Who among the following was the first to circumnavigate the world, although he died on route? (A) Juan Ponce de Leon. (B) Francisco Vasquez de Coronado (C) Giovanni da Verrazano (D) Hernando de Soto (E) Ferdinand Magellan 7. All of the following are characteristics of the Puritans EXCEPT: (A) a belief in hard work, sobriety, and material success.

(B) a respect for education. (C) a belief that intellectual leadership is supplied by the clergy. (D) a disbelief in Democracy. (E) a toleration of other religious beliefs. 8. A central objective of John Rolfe was: (A) to encourage centralization and cooperation. (B) to increase the wealth of the mother country. (C) to keep the colonies friendly. (D) to develop the fur trade. (E) to encourage the Virginia tobacco crop. 9. During colonial times, the Congregationalists settled in: (A) Pennsylvania. (B) New York. (C) New Jersey. (D) New England. (E) Maryland. 10. A central objective of the early New England Puritan leadership was to: (A) establish religious liberty for all. (B) eliminate the use of alcohol and tobacco. (C) eliminate any distinction between church and state. (D) reproduce the ecclesiastical structure of the Church of England. (E) establish the moral authority of the community over individual self-interest.. 11. A region near a bay is called the: (A) fall line. (B) Great Divide. (C) tidewater. (D) Appalachians. (E) Piedmont. 12. All of the following were religious leaders during colonial times EXCEPT: (A) William Ellery Channing. (B) Benjamin Rush. (C) John Woolman. (D) Cotton Mather. (E) George Whitefield. 13. A tidewater refers to: (A) a plain in the eastern region of the United States. (B) an area where the directional flow of rivers changes. (C) the major eastern mountain range. (D) a region near a bay. (E) the navigability of rivers. 14. Who among the following discovered Florida while searching for the legendary "Fountain of Youth?" (A) Francisco Vasquez de Coronado (B) Juan Ponce de Leon * (C) Ferdinand Magellan (D) Giovanni da Verranzano (E) Hernando de Soto 15. The First Great Awakening was: (A) a religious revival that occurred throughout the American colonies. (B) a slave rebellion in colonial South Carolina.

(C) an eighteenth century religious movement among Native Americans (Indians) dedicated to reaffirming traditional values. (D) the flowering of Enlightment political thought in colonial America. (E) an early colonial protest against English imperial policy. 16. Which of the following MOST ACCURATELY describes the attitude of seventeenth century Puritans toward religious liberty? (A) Having suffered persecution in England, they extended toleration to everyone. (B) The tolerated no one whose expressed religious views varied from their own views. (C) They tolerated all Protestant sects, but not Catholics. (D) They tolerated Catholics, but not Quakers. (E) They had no coherent views on religious liberty. 17. Which of the following is a correct statement about the use of slave labor in colonial Virginia? (A) It was forced on reluctant white Virginians by profitminded English merchants and the mercantilist officials of the Crown. (B) It was the first case in which Europeans enslaved Blacks. (C) It fulfilled the original plans of the Virginia Company. (D) It first occurred after the invention of Eli Whitney's cotton gin, which greatly stimulated the demand for low-cost labor. (E) It spread rapidly in the late seventeenth century, as blacks displaced white indentured servants in the tobacco fields. 18. The French and Indian War was a pivotal point in America's relationship to Great Britain because it led Great Britain to: (A) encourage colonial manufactures. (B) impose revenue taxes on the colonies. (C) ignore the colonies. (D) restrict immigration from England. (E) grant increased colonial self-government. 19. Deists of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries believed that: (A) natural laws, set by the Creator, govern the operation of the universe. (B) prayer has the power to make significant changes in a person's life. (C) the idea of God is merely the childish imagining of simple minds. (D) the universe was created by a natural, spontaneous combining of elements. (E) intuition rather than reason leads human beings to an awareness of the divine. 20. The mercantilist system in the eighteenth century led to: (A) the restriction of governmental intervention in the economy. (B) the protection of Native Americans (Indians) from European economic exploitations. (C) the expansion of colonial manufacturing. (D) the subordination of the colonial economy to that of the mother country. (E) noncompetitive commercial relations among nations.

21. The tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy were distinctive in that they: (A) were less militant than other Native American (Indian) tribes. (B) all allied themselves with the American colonists against Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. (C) successfully resisted incorporation into the English furtrading system. (D) were converted to Anglicanism. (E) formed the most important Native American political organization to confront the colonists. 22. According to a current widely accepted hypothesis , which of the following was common to all of the native peoples of North and South America before 1492? (A) Accurate astronomical calendars. (B) Domestication of wild horses. (C) Rotation of agricultural crops. (D) Descent from Asian peoples. (E) Mining of gold and silver. 23. In the creation of which of the following colonies was commercial profit the first and foremost motive? (A) Connecticut (B) Maryland (C) Virginia (D) Pennsylvania (E) Rhode Island 24. Great Britain's conquest of French North America was facilitated by which of the following? (A) The large number of English-speaking settlers in Canada. (B) The discovery of the Northwest Passage. (C) The thin settlement of France's North American colonies. (D) The munitions industry in England's Atlantic Seaboard colonies. (E) The Battle of Austerlitz. 25. Benjamin Franklin's advice to eighteenth century American colonists that hard work and thrift would lead them to wealth was an appropriate formula for the time because: (A) taxes on income were needed by the government to raise revenues. (B) land scarcity and a rapidly growing population seriously curtailed economic opportunities. (C) most people of the period were unusually gullible and thus easily motivated by slogans and proverbs. (D) formal education and specialized skills were less necessary to economic success than they would later become. (E) legal restraints on the inheritance of wealth were increasing.

Advanced Placement United States History Unit I: "The Colonial Era (1607-1763) Essay Questions

Directions: Answer the following question based upon the criteria established in evaluating essays. You will have 45 minutes to complete this part of the test so use your time wisely!!! You should spend 7 minutes on the "outline", 4 minutes on the "introduction", 30 minutes on the "body" of the essay, and 4 minutes on the "conclusion". Make certain to show a "relationship" between the "crux" of this question and some other time period in America history (consensus) in you conclusion. Be sure to cite relevant historical evidence to substantiate your generalizations and to illustrate your answer. Use information from the supplementary reading where appropriate. 1. "The geographical conditions of the three major areas of English settlement in America -- New England, the Middle Colonies, and the South -- account for the differences in the colonial way of life in these three areas." Assess the validity of this statement.. 2. "Before 1763 British mercantilist policy, while restricting colonial economic development, allowed colonial life to develop unhampered by the Mother Country." Assess the validity of this statement.. 3. "The colonial wars fought between the British and the French for domination of the North American continent created a sense of national spirit among the British colonies and created the basis for later unity." Assess the validity of this statement.. 4. "Besides unleashing a series of events that improved man's material prospects, the discovery of (of America) also advanced man's spiritual prospects as well." Assess the validity of this statement.. 5. "While most American colonists of the mid-18th century were little interested in intellectual affairs, a climate was developing wherein intellectuals and scientists were responding to a new view of man and the world." Assess the validity of this statement.. 6. In the seventeenth-century, New England Puritans tried to create a model society. What were their aspirations, and to what extent were these aspirations fulfilled during the seventeenth-century? Assess the validity of this statement.. 7. From 1689 to 1763 several European nations vied for control of the North American continent. Why did England win the struggle? 8. To what extent and why did religious toleration increase in the American colonies during the 17th and 18th centuries? Answer with reference to THREE individuals, events, or movements in American religion during this time period.

9. Most major religious movements reflect shifts in religious beliefs and produce important social changes. Apply this generalization to TWO of the following: (A) 17th century Puritanism (B) The First Great Awakening (C) The Second Great Awakening 10. "The European backgrounds of the colonists played a larger role than the environment and the peculiar problems of the New World in shaping American character during the colonial period." Assess the validity of this statement.. 11. "Seemingly isolated in their remote communities, scattered like a broken string of beads between the wide Atlantic and the trackless Appalachian forests, Americans were constantly being affected by events both in the Old World and in the New." Assess the validity of this statement.. 12. Evaluate the role of each of the following in shaping American views toward England in the mid-18th century: (A) The Enlightenment (B) The French and Indian War (C) Mercantilist Laws 13. "The Puritans nobly fled from a land of despotism to a land of freedom, where they could not only enjoy their own religion, but prevent everybody else from enjoying his." Assess the validity of this statement.. 14. "Until 1763 Britain exerted control over the American colonies more by economic measures than by political measures." Assess the validity of this statement.. 15. "The intellectual life of colonial America was shaped more by the social and physical environment than by the ideas of contemporary European thinkers."

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