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Qualifying exam, Spring 2006, Day 1 (1) Let : A B be a homomorphism of commutative rings, and let pB B be a maximal ideal.

al. Set A pA := 1 (pB ). (a) Show that pA is prime but in general non maximal. (b) Assume that A, B are nitely generated algebras over a eld k and is a morphism of k-algebras. Show that in this case pA is maximal. (2) Let V be a 4-dimensional vector space over k, and let Gr2 (V ) denote the set of 2-dimensional vector subspaces of V . Set W = 2 (V ), and let P5 be the 5dimensional projective space, thought of as the set of lines in W . Dene a map of sets Gr2 (V ) P5 that sends a 2-dimensional subspace U V to the line 2 (U ) 2 (V ) = W . (a) Show that the above map is injective and identies Gr2 (V ) with the set of points of a projective subvariety of P5 . (b) Find the dimension of the above projective variety, and its degree. (3) Are there any non-constant bounded holomorphic functions dened on the complement C \ I of the unit interval I = {a R | 0 a 1} C in the complex plane C? (4) Let X be the topological space obtained by removing one point from a Riemann surface of genus g 1. Compute the homotopy groups n (X). (5) Let be a geodesic curve on a regular surface of revolution S R3 . Let (p) denote the angle the curve forms with the parallel at a point p and r(p) be the distance to the axes of revolution. Prove Clairauts relation: r cos = const. (6) Dene the function f on the interval [0, 1] as follows. If x = 0.x1 x2 x3 ... is the unique non-terminating decimal expansion of x (0, 1], dene f (x) = maxn {xn }. Prove that f is measurable.

Qualifying exam, Spring 2006, Day 2 (1) Describe irreducible representations of the nite group A4 . (2) Show that every morphism of projective varieties P2 P1 is constant. (3) Let g(z) be an entire holomorphic function. Dene the function F (z) on C \ [1, 1] by 1 g(x) F (z) = dx. 1 x z (a) Show that F (z) is analytic in C\[1, 1] and can be analytically continued across the open interval (1, 1). (b) Call F (z) and F+ (z) the analytic continuations from below and from above (1, 1) respectively. Calculate F+ (z) F (z) on (1, 1). (4) Let X be the blow-up of CP2 at one point. Compute the groups H i (X, Z). (5) Let F (x, y, z) be a smooth homogenous function of degree n, i.e. F (x, y, z) = n F (x, y, z). Prove that away from the origin the induced metric on the conical surface = {(x, y, z) | F (x, y, z) = 0} has Gaussian curvature equal to 0. (6) Let p > 0. Let lp denote sequences x = {xn } RN (here N denotes the set of natural numbers), such that |xn |p converges. We dene a topology on lp with the basis B r (x) = {y | |yn xn |p < r}. For which p does this topology arise from a norm?

Qualifying exam, Spring 2006, Day 3 (1) Let = e2i/37 and let = + 10 + 26 . Find (with proof) the degree of Q() over Q. (2) Let X An be an algebraic subvariety, dened by a non-trivial homegeneous ideal I k[t1 , ..., tn ]. (a) Show that the point 0 is contained in X. (b) Assume that X is non-singular at 0. Show that X = W for some linear subspace W An . (3) Let f be a holomorphic function on C whose image lands in the upper half plane. Prove that f is constant without using Picards theorem. (4) Let f be a continuous map CPn CPn . (a) Prove that if n is even, then f necessarily has a xed point. (b) Verify that the map f : C4 C4 dened by f (z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 ) = (z 2 , z 1 , z 4 , z 3 ) induces a map CP3 CP3 with no xed points. (5) (a) Let f, g be two C -maps between manifolds X Y . Let k be a closed dierential form on Y , and consider f (), g () k (X). Assume that there exists a homotopy between f and g, i.e., a smooth map h : R X Y such that h|0X = f and h|1X = g. Show that f () g () is exact. (b) Deduce that every closed k-form (k 1) on Rn is exact. (6) Does there exist a continuous function on the interval [0, 1] such that

xn f (x)dx =

1, 0,

n=1 n = 2, 3, ...

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