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hmir dispute.
ows best
a s

is li k e K
ess food solved…
-copy sho
Quality of mcussed but cannot be re
It can be dis
n who kn
the photo

Mess table g
some real ta ssip is the only thing th
ste to the f at adds
The perso

e in Tv series and
the man in

d re gu la ri ty of a CITian is reflected
The dedication anasses and assignments.
movies than in cl
It is not always good that a professor knows you by your name.

The number of extra sheets

a student uses is inversely
proportional to his knowledge!
about the

Never wake up a fr
It's much more fun iewnd dozing in the clas
hen the professor
and nothingcord,

We are all dead if wikepedia starts charging per 'ctrl C'.

she only wan a girl asks you for your

There is alw
that he scr that one friend in yo
ewed his p
aper and w ur gang who would s
ould end u a
p getting a y
ts the record

n S.
Not beating someone on his birthday night
doesn't mean he won’t beat you on yours. Don't miss the chance!

only on stage,
ay is greater th an
Boys, if

p u s o n a n y d
d eo d o ra nt used in g water used on the same d y!
ca m a

T h e to ta l in
CITians lov the amount of bath
One guy so learning from their
lves the as p
signment, eers.
turn back to th s don't expect performances

the rest 'l

even better en

earn' from
Group study sessions start with Maxwell's right hand rule
and end with Vijay's next release.
When a CITian
says 'I cleane
d my room'
e balcony for

he means that
path from his he made a
door to the be

bing up the
exam while clim
During showd

o re th e
That 30 minute
s b ef h to complete
stairs is enoug
left as choice.
half would be
half the syllab u s. Th e o th er
It is obligatory to abuse and shout Explore. Dream. Discover.
when the lights go out in the hostel.
Sitting (from left to right) Standing Second Row (from left to right)

Hostel General Secretary Nandeeswaran Photography Club A. Ramachandran

Students Union Chairman P. Arumugam Nature Club N. Mohamed Ali
Administrative Officer Dr. S. Shanmugam Muthamil Mandram K. Prakash
Principal Dr. V. Selladurai Elam Paravai editor V. Seenivasan
Students Union Staff Advisor Dr. A. Sivalingam Literary Club R.J.S.A. Jayamary Divya
Students Union Secretary Archana Valsan N.S.S S. Preethi

Standing First Row (from left to right) Standing Third Row (from left to right)

N.S.S S. Manobalan Quiz Club S. Vishnu Santosh

N.S.S Kavin Kumar Music Club R. Santhosh Kumar
Sports Club M. Anna Malai Arts Club T. Pravin
YHAI K. Manon Kumar Dramatix Club J. Jeyasiranjeevi
Film Club V. Pradeeep Rajan Space Club K. Arumugam
Youth Red Cross K. Manoj Srishti Editor R. Sriram
Karate Club M.P. Raj
Member not in photograph

N.C.C M. Dinesh Kumar

Editor’s Desk

arose gyptians
the w belie
all gr ve th
eat id orld and e
seem eas a all in Universe
ed in n d bre it. O began
wild sa rd
in th ne to hop akthroug er can be in chaos
great ew e hs b ,t
in be ilderness for order. came fro orn only hat from
auty o f yo S o do m m out o chao
Just a
s a ph it bec ur soul; fo n’t rein i inds so ch f chaos a s
omes r, nt a nd
of mu o
ndan enix rises a tim from its a hat monk otic that
burst e day from e l e s s piec n t i cs e y , le it
o s
stude f ideas fro of the CI he ashes,
t e of a can rise t it run
rt. a work
n m th T i
word ts to disc e imm ian. Srish deas are b so
s mak over e n se tal t i i s a com o r n out o
of th e Sris the a ent f th
e h rt pi
outsi students – ti what it ist within pool at C lation of e drudger
de. the w is , IT se y
ay th . Every ar their art- . It is a p veral such
ey ex t
ti press icle exhib their tho latform fo
and l ‘12 has c the t i
houg ts the wri ghts, the
u r
oads ome h t t i n i r
of ide o s with g
as as ha ut extrem in to prowess
has s a whole ve be ely w t h e wor
en pu e
Srish mething This blen
. t into ll. Each p ld
ti ’12 in it d them age h
for o f di i n g eve a s b
a com
pellin everyon verse ide ry pa een well e
g e a s g e and t dit
see t re like pla
read. and m
a k he m ed
he li nts, t e s aga-
tribu gh h Corre
ted t t of day. ey die wh spond
for ex oS Ev en ent
press rishti des eryone w they don
out a ing t erves ho h ’t
p he a
ers di prehensio ir though a pat on t s con-
Princ Dr. S
ipal . R. K
d not n and ts an he ba Adm . Pra
.To q d a r i d i d e c k i n
Dr. R sad
u o te fro n g to do a s with- i s t r ative . P
“20 mM Offic
r abha
appo ears from ark T what oth Stude Dr. V kar
nts’ U er . Sell
inted n ow w a i n her - n i o a d urai
the o b n Sta
nes y y the thi you will e: Staff ff Ad Dr. S
Advi visor . Sha
lines o u did n gs yo b e mo s o r – Lit n m ugam
.S d u re Chief erary Dr. A
catch ail away o. So thro didn’t do dis- Edito
r Club . Siva
the t fr w t i n
rade om the sa off the han
Asso Dr. P gam
ciate . San
So E w inds f e b o E t
in yo harbour w-
xplor d itors h i
e. Dr ur op and m Ra
eam. e n E makr
Disc s a i l s”
d i t o S a ishna
over. r i al Bo
n gham
itra n
Kart Chat
Mr. S hikey terje
riram R.J.S
an K
Rama .A. J amoo
krish Giris ayam rthy
nan Photo
h a
ando , J.F. Dom ry Divya
s Cou , ,R
ration rtesy & N. K. Arum inic Savio aj
Govi ugam Fern
s ndar ,
Designed & Executed by : A. R ajan K. Sriva -
amac tsan
Ace data Prinexcel Private Limited hand
Lalit ran
Coimbatore - 641 004. Phone : 0422 2561500 K
[email protected], T. Pr umar (C
avin e
(Bac nter Spr
k Co e
ver) ad)
The Year That Was
The Creator at His Best 18
Technovation-Interface Report 28
Placement Report 34
Association Activities 56
The Year in Pictures 74

And They Lived Happily Everafter

Lost in Time 14
You Must Die 38
On a Highway to Hell 58
What would it be? 80

Romantic Blues
An ode to Love 19
It’s over-rated! It’s fuzzy! It’s LOVE!! 42

Just For Laughs

10 Rules to become a (in) famous Popstar 22
Bear with it: People cry, Dunno Why!! 48
The Seven species of CIT 49
From Brown to White: A Cheapskate’s Guide 54
The Six String Affair 90
Editor’s Pick Picture Perfect
Movie Review 44 Klicks! 37
The Shiva Trilogy 88 Black and White 51
Weekend Getaways! 94
From Where We Stand
Desi Beat
Who will Survive?? - Golden Page 29
The Genius of the Ancient Indians 16 Of the Corrupt Politician & his Machiavellian Antics 36
Ramayana: The Eternal Guide 62 Revolutions through Facebook 53
The Land’s End 72 Of Recessions & Decisions 64
Stolen from the Great Indian Legacy 86 You Stole it!! 70
Are you Tagged? 92
The Men Who Scripted History
The Bard of Bengal 20 Pure Awesomeness!!
The Technowizard 66 Anime 32
The Man with the Midas Touch 98 Of the Naughty Calvin & the Lazy Garfield 78

Adrenalin Rush The Sands of Time

A 28-year wait ends! 12 Blast from the Past 40
A Religion called Football 24 Why this Kolaveri?? 76

First Hand Accounts Geek Space

Our First Contraption 26 Science is Fun 60

Down Memory Lane - OAT 46 Not so special after all!! 68
The Basket Ball Champs 82
Happy Birthday! 84
CorrM essa
espogne from the
Srishti dent
which b is an excellent
literatu rings out the piece of wor
zine is s e, art and desi students’ idea k
ym gn. of
strength bolic of their at This maga-
world. E ening relation titude towards
v s
scales ne ery time, the e in the present
better is w heights an ditorial board
s d
tire teamue. Congratul puts together a
and rai for keeping ations to the e
sing the t n
bar of p he tradition hig -
ion skill h
Dr. S
Secreeftrom the
Srishti ary
put fort s a gateway for
literatu h their talent a our students t
re, arts nd crea o
Ia a n d gene t i v i t y in
enthusia m very happy ral knowledge
s .
rial boa tic team of the to note that the
enthusin rd has done an rishti Edito-
g e
excellen the students to xcellent job in
tidbits. Tt articles, photo come out with
informa his edition is w , artwork and
this batc tive and reflect ell organized,
the staff h of students. s the morale o
advisor I f
and the congratulate
for their editorial board
t work.

Dr. R
. Prab
Prinecfriom the
Sri pal
ing illu shti 2012 is yet
imagina stration of the again an out
reflected tive skills of stu literary, art, w tand-
in d e it
is indeed the quality of nts. Hard wo and
of ideas a work of ar the articles. S rk is
a t
have no nd the creativ and a treasure rishti
d ity tr
will be i oubt that these of the students ove
nf ar .I
relished ormative, inter ticles and featu
I cong by the facult esting and w res
ratulate y il
the edito and students a l be
brillian rial board fo like.
t and un r
tiring e their

istratiMessage from th
ve Offi e
Srishti m very happy
is bein to kno
by the li g published eve w that
students terary club of ry year
talent an ave expressed th IT. Our
recognit d kn eir i
ion by a owledge that de deas,
wishes to ll. I co serve
t h e o ffice bea n v e y m
w h o h rers and y best
I wish a v al
them suc e contributed ar l the
cess in a t
ll their f icles.
endeavo ure

Dr. S.
Srishti ts’ Un Messa
– the C i o n S ge from
with the
t a f f Advi the
My h notion o sor
appin fe scalatin
youth o ess knows no bo gt
f CIT i
n unds to s c ious you he socially con
One sh b ringing s e e ng buds -
mind is ould have good out the a the dynamic ac of CIT.
nnual m tiv
feel and nothing but t self esteem an agazine ity of the budd
w h d with zea in
thought hat you believ oughts; a thoug then one feels l and ze g
s re e in ht i goo st.
your th flect every aspe . it begins with s nothing but h d. Understan
ough ct of aw ow y d tha
always ts to upgrade y your life in so ord, a picture ou see, what y t
provide o ci o o
Srishti such a p urself in social ety. It is ind r a mood. Yo u
will ren latform status. ispensib ur
flair. Y der you for you I hope le to rev
t t is
I who o u r articles, a l l a s triking o e m e r ge with h a t S rishti w e
le I b r ea y o ur profi i ll
of the ed heartedly appl ’m sure, will be k to exhibit yo ciency.
Secreta itorial boar aud and ap of im ur sk
ry, the P d of Sr preciate mense value t ill, elegance an
ishti. I th o d
a n d t sincerel e commitment all the students.
ardent h e y a
support Administra thank the Cor nd earnestness
and enc t r
ouragem ive Officer for espondent, the
ent for t their av
he stude id
God B nts’ acti and
less you vities.
! Keep

Dr. A
. Siva
Srishti S t ge from
is an ex
q u
, a n exemp
l a r y
a f f Advis the
about th i site, m ag
e dexter perfect blend o azine from the
ity of th
e studen f creativity and Literary Clu
ts of CI b
The no T and art. It spea of CIT,
b k
passion ideas carved o that CI ears testimony s volumes
provoki of Shelley an ut in chosen ch
are seco to the fact
ng artic d Kea i nd to no
les on cu ts’ love seled out words ne.
rrent iss of art. T unleash
ues focu e
g i s ses on th he beautiful tho s the
achi e u
d work eved without th thrown challenges tha ght
in a ma o f the edi e sweat i n t he globa t are
endevou g a z i n t o r i a l b o f h a r d l a r e n a.
rs of thi e par excellence oard of Srisht work. It is the
s board i
which h . I applaud a -2012 that has sincere
as blosso nd extol resulted
med int
o a susta the tremendous
leled wo ined, unpa
rk – S r
rishti 20 al-

Dr. P
. Sant
Litera Me
Creatio ry Clu ssage from
age to D
n requir
es the da
b Secr the
ream of r ingness etary
the eage a world t o Explore
around rness to Discov uilt on raw em the untread pa
! Sr er br otion th, th
spirit th ishti is the celeb illiance in the s and random e cour-
cides to a t is fre r ation s imple ideas a
go on a e to Explore. D of the unrestrai marvels of the nd
possibili crea rea ned worl
ty. Th tive spin, there m. Discover. spirit of man - d
of ingen e min is sim Wh the
ious idea d, when put to ply no limit t en the mind de
and abs s and s it, can o the bo -
mean ta tract thought b parks of brillia unleash a Pan undaries of
sk. S ubbles nce. T dora’
of creati rishti is a comp and draft them o capture thes s Box
v i o e
art and ity and fleetin lation of works nto a piece of p random
a s the w g m omen t h a t hav a per is
its creat
ive best. ritten word. D ts of pure thou e frozen such b no
genius i If thes ive in a ght as p ursts
n you, t e n ho
he Sris 100 pages spar d explore the h tos, works of
hti team k u
will con an idea or ins man mind at
sider it pire the
a job we c
ll done! reative
Readi y

Ms. Ja
y Div
ya R.J
As Messa
It is a socia g e from
reality. m a zi
All id ng how dream
t e Edito the
Srishti i eas s tak rs
is a foru ty hidden with begin as dream e shape and fo
Srishti m fo in ea s, an rm i
-12 is a r the students t ch one of us tha d it is the crea n
combina o expres t gives i ti
articles ti st t a mea v-
creativi which take yo on of many th heir ideas and ning.
ty. u to oug ima
magazi We have all h a newer, more ht provoking a ginations.
your cr n e an ad a exciti nd fu
eativity d I hope you great time putt ng world, bubb n filled
, let you t i l
r dream oo will enjoy r ng together this ing with
s take fo eading i s s ue of th
rm and thr
enable t ough it. Unle e
paper. E he word ash
xplore.D s to flow onto
Ms. S
The m mitra
o m e n Chatt
thing w t erjee
e agreed we planned on
The S wa bri
rishti, y s to give Sris nging Srishti,
formed ou h ti the
into a m read is a comp ’12- a touch of first
the worl e v er a gn i l a tio c olo
d we liv y idea put forth um opus ador n of thoughts t ur.
network e in .S nin ran
but also and that does rishti showcas g the best featur s-
plagia the intr not incl es the stu es of
i u d
imagina rism, middle- cate and intens de just pop, m ent’s take on
tions ov ea e o
er simpl st unrest et all. scenes that lie a vies and social
e and or Then t round t
dinary h h
things! ere are our usu em like
I hope a
it as mu you enj lly wild
ch as we oy read
did SRI ing
ing it!
M r. Kar
an Kr
Karthik & Mukesh

April 2, 2011 - 1.2 billion pairs of eyes followed the heavy bat swing of
“M.S.DHONI” as the white leather vanished into the Mumbai sky. The dream
run for the MEN IN BLUE started with a thumping victory over Bangladesh in their first encounter of the
10th edition of the ICC Cricket World Cup. The world cup campaign began in a rocking fashion with Se-
hwag driving the first ball of the innings through the covers. Little was in doubt over India’s victory with
Sehwag and Kohli hauling tons.

The journey next reached Bangalore with India playing England. Everyone witnessed the cricket God’s
presence as the ball travelled to every possible boundary on the ground. A cool and composed century
from Sachin placed India
in the driver’s seat be-
fore Strauss took centre
stage with a blazing ton.
OH BOY, there came
the unsung hero of the
WC, ‘ZAK’ with one of
the best performances of
the WC trapping Strauss
with a reverse swing-
ing Yorker. A tie was a
fitting end to the fierce
competition that lasted
for almost seven and half

Following easy wins

against minnows Ireland
and Netherlands; a tough match was on the cards against South Africa (“THE CHOKERS” – probably not
this time we suppose!!!!!) What an innings it was by THE MASTER, reaching a breezy ton aided by a swash-
buckling start from Sehwag. Though the Indians collapsed like a pack of cards during the Batting Power Play,
they managed a respectable total of 290. But a devastating final over by Ashish Nehra turned the match in
favour of the Proteas . A win over the Windies at Chepauk saw India through to the quarters.

A 28-year wait ends!

Facing the four time World Champions at Ahmeda- over shattered the hopes of the Indians as
bad, India’s chances were in doubt as the bowling Sehwag made his way back to the pavilion.
had not clicked during the group phase. With Pon- It was not long before Sachin followed suit.
ting raking in a dream ton, India had to chase a stiff The Mumbai crowd watched in surprise as
target of 260. The chase started off well with both THE GOD walked out of the field probably
Sachin and Gambhir reaching confident 50’s in no for the last time in a WC clash. The young
time. With an easy win looming, India started to guns took control of the game with Kohli and
collapse. Rescue came in the form of YUVI (GET Gambhir building a strong partnership. At
WELL SOON!!!) with brilliant support from Raina Kohli’s departure, CAPTAIN COOL walked
who was playing his first match of the WC, as Indians in to work his magic. And the surprise on
bid a sad farewell to Punter. every one’s face! It was indeed a brave deci-
sion to promote himself up the order, ahead
Indians faced their archrivals Pakistan in the semis – a of the in- form Yuvi. With chirpy singles and
high voltage encounter witnessed by the leaders from odd boundaries, the partnership reached 100
both the countries. Winning the toss and electing to in no time. Gambhir’s mistake made him fall
bat, India made a decent total thanks to some poor 3 short of what could have been an unforget-
catches by the Pakistanis and a ‘not so well made 85’ table ton of the WC final. But the damage
by Sachin. Wickets at regular intervals kept the fight had been done. In the next eight overs vic-
balanced. The win was sealed with Bhajji knocking tory was in sight. A loose ball from Kulasekara
off the stumps of the dangerous Umar Akmal. Then was blasted over the long boundary to mark
came the big day, the day which was in every Indian’s India’s second triumph at the WC.
mind for almost eight years (after the 2003 South Af-
rican disaster in the Wanderers against the Aussies)! Celebration and euphoria stormed the country
Finally it seemed that the Indian team had a chance as India clenched the Cup of Joy after 28 years
of winning the elusive world cup. of agonizing waiting. The win was indeed a
fitting tribute to THE MASTER BLASTER.
With Lankans electing to bat and Zaheer in full flow, The incidents that followed tugged the heart
Sri Lankans were made to work hard for their runs strings as THE MASTER was given due re-
in the first 15 overs. A solid partnership between spect by his team mates for his untiring serv-
Jayawardane and Sangakara with Mahela getting to a ices to the country. As Virat Kohli rightly
special ton and Perera blasting final overs off Indians, put it, ‘He (Sachin) has carried the burden of
India’s chances of winning took a second thought. the nation for 21 years, it was time we carried
The chase started and the second ball of Malinga’s him.’

Karthikeyan Krishnamoorthy
Preface: IV Year ECE

“A temporal paradox (also called a time paradox

and time travel paradox) is a paradoxical situation in
which, a time traveler causes through his actions in the “Check your pocket!”
past, the exclusion of the possibility of the time travel
that allowed those actions to be taken.” “Thanks man! Were you using mine?”

Somewhere in pre-independent India, 1946 “No! I knew it because you wore the same shirt
H.G. Wells looked at his pocket watch and at the
train. “It’s time” he said to himself. For one last time 9:10 A.M.
he stole a glance at the world. He boarded the train
from Allahabad to Trivandrum. He had chosen India As Mathew reached the main entrance, he saw his
because he wanted his attempt to be as inconspicuous friends returning. He had missed the girl yet again.
as possible. He had booked the entire train for himself Mathew felt so bad that he went straight to the library!
as he did not want any casualties or spectators. He had When he came back to his room after an hour, Raj
even gone to the extent of steering the train himself. was sitting in the middle of a pool of books,
bunking his less favorite subject.
He sat in the specially designed driver’s seat Mathew took a book o u t
and started the train. The train slowly of his bag and kept it
gathered pace and began to puff out on top of the stack
smoke in large amounts. Several and said “I have brought a
hours after it left Allahabad, Wells book from library”. Raj, without
pulled what looked like a brake. any hesitation asked, “What’s in it
Instead of halting, the train started for you?”
gaining momentum. He had a
final look at his pocket watch and “Can I borrow your time machine
manually set the few gears, that had for a day? Please.”
numbers inscribed on one of their
Old Library, CIT, around the
sides. Suddenly, several metal rings of
time of “inauguration of
human size sprang out of nowhere and
t h e clubs”, 2008
started revolving around the seat. A high
intensity light appeared from the ring…. It all started in their first year when they
were forced to clean the library. While others
8:45 A.M. Room no. 333, Thirumalai Hostel, CIT,
escaped using various tactics; Raj chose
Ten days before “Semmozhi Manadu”
to serve! Mathew unaware of Raj’s
“Dude, where is my Axe effect?” asked Mathew, sincerity (aka ‘sombuness’), was tricked
poking his head between a pile of ‘months old’ clothes to believe that it was the safest option! While
hanging on the twine. “It’s right on the table” replied Mathew discovered his dust allergy in the ‘century’
Raj, scribbling something illegible on a note. Raj and old piles of books, Raj discovered a hand-written book
Mathew had no attributes in common but had remained by H.G. Wells titled “The Time Machine”. It took two
as roommates for the last three years. and a half years to build the complete protocol from
“No, that’s Axe Chocolate! I want the Rockstar. There
is this new girl in first year; guys are going mad about 9:15 A.M. Back to Room no. 333, 2011
her. I keep missing her every day. Today, I am going to
“No way!” was the answer from Raj. Raj had gone
meet her, no matter what!”
through a great ordeal in building this time machine,
“You could have taken a bath by this time!” which consumed almost all his room’s space and
his spare time. He had to alienate himself from
“No way! I have tried this cool hair gel yesterday. I want movies, muse and much more. Only last month TM-
it to last as long as it can. Where is my handkerchief 10 (Time Machine-2010) had entered its final phase
anyway?” after a long hiatus. He wasn’t ready to take any

chances. But Mathew was! He said, “Dude, served but before he
remember?! It was I who could get back to his
found the portal”. senses, the

Near the EEE lab, entire

somewhere around the time of place shuddered
‘Brahma’, 2009 and vanished. After some time, h e
opened his eyes and found himself i n
“There is a gateway and only
a dark place. As his eyes adjusted
through that is time travel
to the darkness, he realized he had
possible. It acts as an
company. He saw a tall fair fellow;
entrance through
completely outlandish staring at him .He
w h i c h one can
looked at the guy but couldn’t recognize him.
reach the past,
future and the present ………” “So you found my notes?” he asked.
were the few lines from Well’s notes. TM- Confused, Mathew replied, “Excuse me.
10 was complete! However, Raj had no idea Do I know you?”
how to start it. The portal could be any non-
living thing- an object or an artifact or worse He replied “I am afraid not, as we are
“The London Bridge” as in the “Kate & Leopold” probably some centuries apart! But you do
movie. It was then that Mathew came back one day own something that belongs to me!” He pointed at
shouting merrily. He had attended the “campus clean” the book Mathew had brought and continued “I am
tour and had been allotted the east side of the college. H.G. Wells, the teleporter, who wrote it”. Mathew
There he had found an abandoned vehicle, with a tree’s felt like fainting. He gathered his strength and asked
trunk grown in middle of it. It was gravely corroded “What are you doing here and more importantly what
and had turned into a brick red color .Only a part of am I doing here?”
it, which appeared to be its chimney, gave away the
idea that it might had been a magnificent train engine He replied “Your question is erroneous! It should be
once . There was a circular metal disk in front of the ‘what are we doing here?’ because the answer is same”.
hood with Wells full name inscribed on it along with Mathew thought to himself “Ok this definitely is a
the Greek symbol for a gate. True to Raj’s suspicion, it dream. I am gonna wake up any time soon”. But Wells
turned out to be the portal. They extracted it later that continued “I did not realize that I would be redefining
night without anyone noticing. the entire concept of my existence by travelling
through time. After being caught in this ‘cryospat’ for
9:25 A.M. Back to Room no. 333, 2011 quite a sometime I have found out the truth. It’s called
‘time paradox effect’. When you travel through time,
“What for?” the entire course of life is changed. Your past, i.e. your
present from where you had started this journey is
“I missed the girl again!”
jeopardized. It ceases to exist. Hence you can’t return
“Get lost before I lose my temper.” to your present. So you enter this place which I have
named “cryospat” where no time or space exists!”
Mathew had a plan B. He waited till Raj left for lunch Having found a human after centuries, Wells went on
and locked the room from inside and opened the fully and on. Everything zoomed out of Mathew’s focus. All
clad TM-10. Raj had converted the wooden chair in that Mathew could think was “Vada Poche!”
his room into the TM-10. Mathew sat on it and pulled
what looked like a brake…. On the grounds of CIT, December, 1946

9:06 A.M. Same day An abandoned train was found near Peelamedu. Some
bizarre technical fault had caused it to derail. Ten
Mathew saw his friends take up their years later, the corporation requested C.I.T to repair
positions near the entrance and a girl the engine. Inside the engine, they found some bags,
passing through the gate. He was able to clothes and hand written notes. The notes were added
see her hair shining in the morning sun. to the college’s library. The engine was later joined by
He waited for her to turn around and when two humongous tanks.
she did, he saw a divine beauty in her!
He thought the purpose of his time travel was

U. Adithyan
IV Year IT

The Genius of the Ancient Indians

It is always assumed that the western

civilization has been making significant
progress in the field of science and that
the eastern civilization has not made any
considerable progress in these arenas. The
reason behind this is that we strongly believe
that the western civilization was the first to
invent machines which could fly, made great
discoveries in astronomy and made great
advances in mathematics. However the
TRUTH is - early Indians had an excellent
knowledge about our earth, the solar system
and the other stars in the universe, and had
created a variety of aircrafts well before
the western civilization even sketched an
aircraft model.

Until Nicolaus Copernicus formulated the
heliocentric cosmology, the western world
believed that Earth was the center and
the Sun and all the other planets revolved
around it. Indians knew that Earth and
the other planets revolved around the Sun
well before Copernicus’ discovery. The ADVANCEMENTS IN AVIATION
Navagraha (Nine Planets) are arranged in
temples in such a way that the statue of Sun In ancient Mythology, the Gods are often depicted
god is in the center and the statues of the travelling on flying vehicles called Vimanas. Some
other planet Gods are arranged around it. of the features of these Vimanas are similar to
(The Perur Temple is 2000 years old. 1400 present-day aircrafts and certain other features put
years before Nicholas!) the current aircrafts to shame.

When Ferdinand Magellan’s Victoria ship A translation from the Mahabharata reads,
reached Spain after the circumnavigation
“Bhima flew with his Vimana on an enormous ray
of Earth, the western society accepted that
which was as brilliant as the sun and made a noise
the Earth is round and not flat. The Indians
like that of a thunderstorm”. The noise described
sculpted the statue of God Varaha bearing
here is similar to the noise produced by that of an
the spherical shaped Earth, thousands
aero plane engine.
of years before that voyage. Aryabhata
accurately calculated the circumference of Vaimanika Shashtra - a text on aeronautics describes
the Earth during the 6th century! the construction of various aircrafts like Shakuna,
Sundara, Rukma, and Tripura. It gives an insight

gopi bhagya madhuvrata  N
srngiso dadhi sandhiga 
khala jivita khatava  A
gala hala rasandara
This literally translates to: “O Lord anoint-
ed with the yoghurt of the milkmaids’ A
worship (Krishna), O saviour of the fallen, H
O master of Shiva, please protect me.”
The above sloka can be decoded using the
Katapayadi system to give the value of pi.

The code used is as follows: on the propulsion of the Vimanas by ‘Mercury Vortex
The Sanskrit consonants Engines’, apparently a concept similar to electric
ka, ta, pa, and ya all denote 1; propulsion. The book explains the operation of the
kha, tha, pha, and ra all represent 2; ancient Vimanas and includes information on steering,
ga, da, ba, and la all stand for 3; protection of the aircrafts from lightning and ways to
Gha, dha, bha, and va all represent 4; change the drive to solar energy or some other energy
gna, na, ma, and sa all represent 5; source.
ca, ta, and sa all stand for 6;
cha, tha, and sa all denote 7; ADVANCEMENTS IN MATHEMATICS AND
ja, da, and ha all represent 8; COMMUNICATION
jha and dha stand for 9; and
Katapayadi system is an ancient Indian system to depict
ka means zero.
letters as numerals for easy remembrance of numbers
Vowels make no difference and it is left to as words or verses. A sloka in Karanapaddhati (an
the author to select a particular consonant astronomical treatise in Sanskrit) when decoded using
or vowel at each step. This great latitude the Katapayadi system, gives the value of pi up to ten
allows one to bring about additional mean- decimal places – 3.1415926536!
ings of his choice.
Zero was discovered by the Indians in second century
Therefore the top line, go = 3, pi = 1, bha B.C. Indian mathematicians considered zero as a
=4 , ya = 1 , ma = 5 , duv = 9 etc which separate numeral and it was used in this sense in
gives the first six figures of pi the circum- arithmetic.
ference of a circle to its diameter.
Though there was immense development in science,
At the same time, by application of the mathematics and technology in ancient India, this
consonant code given above, this verse knowledge has failed to reach the present generation
directly yields the decimal equivalent of pi due to many reasons. When proper and dedicated
divided by 10: pi/10 = 0.314159265358979 research is conducted on ancient texts, many hidden
32384626433832792. secrets will be revealed, which will be of great benefit to
the modern human civilization. It is left to the current
breed of Indians to take pride in their country’s rich
legacy and heritage and explore its vast and glorious
history to unearth the many hidden treasures of
the ancient past!

Brahma, the flagship
event of the Quiz Club of CIT,
was started way back in 2006 to com-
finals. P.
memorate the golden jubilee of our ques-
Nithin of third year
college. On September 11, 2011 the tions covered a
Mechanical department hosted the
sixth edition of Brahma took a new wide array of topics including
School Quiz finals. The school quiz fi-
avatar with separate final rounds Food and Travel. The colleges which
nals had innovative rounds like Nag-
for school and college teams. With made it to the stage were Amrita Uni-
a-gram (Anagram), Take your pick
prizes worth Rs. 50,000 up for grabs versity, PSG Tech, Symbiosis Pune,
etc. Satchidananda Jothi Niketan of
and more than 300 enthusiastic par- National Law School Bangalore and
Kallar maintained a steady lead in the
ticipants pouring in from Coimbatore, SASTRA Tanjore. The college finals
beginning, although girls from Vidya
Chennai, Bangalore and Pune, the started off with a question on quiz-
Niketan caught up with them even-
tagline of the event was aptly named zing glasses. The trademark two slides
tually, leading to a tie-breaker. The
“The Creator at His best”. Questions long questions were put up in the in-
tie-breaker round was more intense
in the preliminary round, common to finite bounce round, connect round
than the final round, as the tie could
school and college participants were and Xist round. SASTRA University
be resolved only in the third round
challenging and a hard nut to crack, established a clear lead from the first
of tie-breaker. Satchidananda Jothi
like those of any of the previous years. round and ended up as the winners of
Niketan finally walked away with the
This was proved when a college team the college quiz. To borrow from The
Brahma Rolling Trophy.
named their team as “Edachum Parthu Hindu “And then, it strikes you. Not
Podunga”. The preliminary questions The final round of the college quiz was everyone won, but no one lost. For,
ranged from Angry Anna game to conducted by Divya Dinesh, of final there was so much to learn at Brahma
Sprinkler Dance to Bose-Einstein year IT. The questions were well-bal- 2011.”
condensation. Top ­­­­six school teams anced to suit everybody’s taste. The
from the prelims made their way into

Aravind Kumar. K

An Ode To Love
II Year Mechanical

Love is Almighty!
For it is the manifestation of God; Love is magical!
Love is blind! For it casts the spell of joy;
For it sees no selfishness; Love is natural!
Love is caring! For it is felt, not learnt;
For it resists not the dear’s pain; Love is opulent!
Love is delight! For it is the real wealth of human kind;
For it brings two-fold cheer;
Love is a panacea!
Love is eternal! For it soothes pain and wear;
For it withers not, once bloomed;
Love is queer!
Love is faith! For it even loves those who hate;
For it deceives not its disciples;
Love is resurrection!
Love is gracious! For it redefines one’s life;
For it is a luscious flavor of selflessness;
Love is sacrificing!
Love is heavenly! For it is enlivened by generosity, not greed;
For it hath gifted paradise to its possessor;
Love is truth!
Love is indispensable! For it is the purest of all emotions;
For it is that which defines life;
Love is universal!
Love is jubilant! For it thrives everywhere from goblin to God;
For it gifts cheer to near and dear;
Love is vigour!
Love is life! For it propels one through the voyage of life;
For it makes the journey worthwhile;
Love is worship!
For it instills unwavering faith and trust;

Love is xenial!
For it is that which binds everyone;

Love is a yodel!
For it is the eternal song of the heart;

Love is the zenith!

For it is the highest of all qualities!

Siddharth Krishnamurthy
II Year Mechanical

The Bard of Bengal

The 150th birth anniversary of one of India’s most environment is yet to be understood even after a cen-
prominent figures was celebrated on May 7, 2011. He tury. While ‘Rising’ India is busy preparing teenage
was multi-faceted and one could not contain him to students for entrance exams to build its future gen-
a sphere of activities. Was he a poet, playwright, na- erations; Tagore’s ideology on teaching was much
tionalist, painter, musician, scientist, administrator advanced even in those days. After spending most
or an entrepreneur? He was Rabindranath Tagore!! of the money he received from the Nobel Prize, he
Born in Calcutta to Debendranath Tagore and finally set up Viswa Bharati, which was a meeting-
Sarada Devi, Rabindranath was the youngest of the ground for diverse cultures and a learning center,
13 surviving children of a wealthy Brahmin family. where conflicting interests were minimized, bringing
Most of Rabindranath’s siblings were philosophers, the world together.
musicians, poets, playwrights and novelists. His love
for art had no bounds and his family and the sur- Tagore played a very unique and non-political role
roundings provided a healthy atmosphere to nurture in our country’s freedom movement. His ideas of
his love. He was a part of his brother’s theatre group Nationalism were very different from the rest. He
and wrote many plays for the troupe. He was one of was a true patriot and believed in a united India
the very first Indians to form his own orchestra which and felt that nationalism is a source of war and car-
combined traditional Indian classical and folk with nage. He often had disagreements with prominent
western music. Poetry came naturally to him and he freedom fighters like Gandhi. For instance, during
started writing at a very young age under the pseu- the Swadeshi movement, he supported the drive to
donym ‘Bhanusingha’. Unusual for an artist, he was produce our own cloth and to boycott foreign goods
a man of science and had deep interest in Physics but disagreed on the notion of burning foreign cloth,
and Biology and often had arguments with his friends which he felt, was unnecessary and only ended up
Einstein and Bose. stirring the emotions of people.

All attempts of formal education failed for ‘Rabi’ (as The current ‘Anti Corruption’ movement bubbling
he was called at home) and he was home tutored by in India surely has a lot to learn from Tagore because
his brother. He went to London to pursue legal stud- giving infatuation a higher priority than truth is only
ies but finally ended up learning Western classical a sign of inherent slavishness. We may have obtained
and English folk music and returned home without freedom from the British but Tagore insisted on ob-
a degree. He was given the responsibility of main- taining freedom from fear.
taining his family estate Shelaidaha. The rural set-
ting and the sereneness of the Ganges were perhaps While we read poems of Shelley and Keats at school,
the inspirations for some of the best of his literary I only hope that the generations to come get exposed
works. He used his ancestral land to set up one of his to Tagore’s work and ideas! Finally as I sum up this
experimental schools Shantiniketan. His thought- article, I realize that even after another 100 years,
process was much ahead of his time. He believed in a this great man’s ideals will remain fresh and pure. His
certain form of education; one that gave freedom to thoughts and vision will find relevance in whichever
learn. He found formal schooling to be inferior and era we may be in!
boring. His aspiration for the expansion of the hu-
man spirit, freedom of power in our language, free-
dom of imagination in our literature, freedom of soul
in our religious creeds and that of mind in our social

Shriya Venkatesh
II Year M.Sc., Software

Rule #1: All you need is looks!

Talent is the last thing they care about. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what music is or all you sang were
choruses in the high school choir. Nor does it matter if your voice and a donkey’s bray sound quite alike. Auto
tune is there to help you out!! So, if you look alluring, your first check box is filled. Get going!

Rule #2: Don’t give up on making music!

Once you start getting recognition, there is also the possibility of you getting whacked by the audience; but you
have to keep going on. This may even result in potential injuries during your concert. If you still don’t believe
me, take a few lessons from Justin Bieber! He will tell you how to deal with shoe flings and water bottle hurls
from the agitated audience.

Rule #3: Keep your music video as irrelevant as possible!

The more weird and off base it is, the more views you get on YouTube and
the more popular you become! Creativity is not a big deal; all you need is a

Example: If you prepare a romantic track, shoot a video of two army men with
guns, a street brawl or a yard sale. You are bound to succeed!

Rule #4: Gibberish please!

Make sure the audience don’t understand your lyrics. Use plenty of meaning-
less and absurd words. You needn’t be a poet to write songs, even if you are
one, it doesn’t count.

Say your song goes on like “baby!! Yeahhhh!! Oohhhh….blah blah blah”
then the audience go “Woo!! Awesome! Applause!!”

Sing songs about months of the year, days in a week and multiplication tables in a disturbing false voice. Use pig
Latin phrases in your songs.

Rule #5: Get controversial!

Try criticizing other famous pop artists, celebrities, their personal issues and rumours in your work. Rap about
their private controversies and satirize them. But be warned, for there are chances that the artist whom you
blasted in your album sues you. Even if he does, it shouldn’t be a problem for you’ve got plenty of friends out there
who are sailing on the same boat. But don’t offend him to the extent where he gets extremely affronted and hires
a bunch of underground thugs to finish you off. Why lose a life?

Rule #6: Look weird, Look wonderful!

Try setting up some unique style for yourself. Wear costumes made from gunny bags or polythene covers. Try a
porcupine hairstyle and colour it violet, cyan, red or any other tacky colour.

If you are a female artiste, try wearing outfits made from bones, flesh, shoes, paper cups, and other trash (better
if it looks shabby and disgusting). Get counselling from Lady gaga! She would surely help you in getting your
wardrobe crazy and bling!

Rule #7: Help yourself

Try getting as much publicity as you can by self- humiliation. Slap a photographer, shoplift, yell swear words at
the press or work out a deliberate wardrobe malfunction! The more verbal abuse you hurl at the press, the more
columns they’ll dedicate for you! Trust me, controversy works!

Rule #8: Be economical with the truth!

LIE. Spin tales and fibs wherever you go. If you’re showing up at an interview, prepare your lies beforehand. Tell
tales about how bad your childhood was. Tell them how poor you’ve been and that you had nothing to eat but
grass and horse hay.

Give your audience an unused mail id and enthuse them by telling that you stay online 24x7 and they can mail
or contact you anytime. They won’t care if you don’t reply in a lifetime, but they would think that it was so nice
of you to disclose your personal mail id. (Poor souls, Ha!!)

Rule #9: Love thy haters!

This is a very very important rule. Never avenge your haters, be-
cause there are more haters out there, who waste their time watch-
ing your videos and pressing the dislike option everyday, than there
are fans.

Never ever make an abusive public statement about haters! Else

you would end up like the (in) famous celebrity Justin Biebz. For
more details refer Rule#2.

Rule #10: Patience!!

Don’t expect results overnight! It may take a few days, weeks,

months or even a lifetime for you to get eminence! Be patient!
You’ve got an entire lifetime to wait, and even more if you believe
in after life! So hang in there, for it is a small world and you will
somehow gain attention, even if you don’t really deserve it!

Ragavendra Rahul

A Religion Called Football

If you are anything like me, you would have had a fascinating that the acting occurs so often and I un-
schedule of bitterness and remorse after the World conditionally love this!! (May be that’s why I have a
Cup. That is the period where there is absolutely no craze for movies!!)
football played in any part of the globe. “FOOTBALL
VACUUM!” A vacuum that pains!! This article is
strictly for football lovers.

After the WC, English Premier League is the most

recognised and eagerly watched football com-
petition around the planet. Heavy branding
& obscene money transfer involved can
be tiresome. But still, I get excited every
year as the nine months of drama and
excitement continue to pound in my

Well let’s make an

analy- sis... Spain’s ‘La
Liga’ can be entertain-
ing to a few but it’s always
a two -horse race for the
title every year!! (You know
what I am talking about
- Barca and Madrid
There is yet another interesting aspect of EPL. Had
for God’s sake!) Italy’s
you watched 5 minutes of a game, you would have
‘SerieA’ is slow,
known how the commentators pluralize the singu-
France’s ‘Ligue1’
lar name of the team. Let me give you an example.
lacks qual-
struggling to mount an at- tack!!”
instead of “MANCHES- TER
a n d
UNITED ‘is’ strug- gling
G e r -
to mount an a t -
man’s ‘Bun-
tack.” When
desliga’ lacks
this is ap- plied
quality players.
to any team of EPL,
In comparison,
it is absolutely correct
EPL is fast & entertaining,
i n any- body’s
fanatically sup- ported and home
d i c - tionary!
to some of the greatest players of all
Players mis- behave
time. The thing that intrigues
like school students on the field
me the most about EPL is the
and this adds beauty to the game!! The
w a y a player acts after a foul.
interaction between a ref- eree who has just
In this era of HD broadcasts
called a foul and the player on whom the foul was
and endless replays, it seems ri-
called is really like two lads fighting for an inane rea-
diculous to see a player act as though he
has suffered a career ending injury when an
opposition player just clips his ankle!! Despite I really don’t know what not to like in EPL. It’s my
the questionable nature of the antics, I find it life!! It’s my religion!! And I live because of it!

I am preoccupied during the weekends when the There might be more important things in life, but
EPL matches are telecasted. I even tell my girlfriend nothing will give you the same feeling that your team
not to call me during the weekends!! One can easily gives you with highs and lows of a season. Being an
sense the quirks in my character - Agony, Jubilation, ardent LIVERPOOL fan, it would be iniquitous if
etc... Some matches, for want of time, are scheduled I don’t mention ‘my’ team’s’ key player. STEVEN
as mid-week fixtures i.e., on Tuesday’s and Wednes- GEORGE GERRARD!!! Our captain marvel! A true
day’s around 12 in the night. But that doesn’t prevent TALISMAN!! His passion, loyalty and love for the
me from watching it. And I attribute my incomplete sport have inspired me many a time. He is the main
assignments to this!! reason why I support this club. He has rescued us so

There should be a reason for me supporting EPL so many times from the jaws of defeat. My idol, I salute
much!! Well why would I be writing this article??? you STEVE G!
Well it all started way back in 2008 when I start-
ed watching the EURO CUP obsessively. There, I The crowd’s gusto always plays a major role for a
quickly latched onto a few players who happened to team’s glory - the moments when the crowd is in full
play for the EPL team Liverpool. The more I learnt support to the home team or is silenced by the qual-
about Liverpool, the more I came to know that I have ity of the visitor’s play. No sport can compete with
found my team!! I loved their history, their playing the passion shown by the fans in EPL. It is something
philosophy and of course their fans. The ANFIELD close to your life. You people need to feel it!! The
atmosphere, I would call it!! Oh gosh!! I need to go EPL causes an incurable addiction. Once you start
there at least once in my life. I consider this equiva- watching it, you really can’t stop it!! DON’T TELL I
lent to a Muslim going on a ‘PILGRIMAGE TO DIDN’T WARN YOU!!
MECCA. And in due course, I became a die-hard
LIVERPOOL FC (Football Club) fan.

P. Subramaniam

Our First Contraption M.K. Rajeshwaralu

III Year Mechanical

“Failure is the stepping stone to success” -this is a

well-known proverb and there are many instances
which make us realize this saying. Here is one such step, thankfully, went on smoothly. What next??
instance. What else?? Testing time!! To place and test the con-
traption, we needed an 8*8 space. The students un-
On a fine morning (I know its clichéd, but well, I read ion room (yup, it’s the perpetually locked room next
many stories!) of 20thDecember 2011, we guys decid- to the hostel office!) became our testing ground. A
ed to come up with a contraption for the technical day before the competition, we shifted all the pieces
symposiums that lay ahead. We were 12 in number of the contraption to the testing ground and split
and split into 2 groups of 6 each. We started off with into small groups focusing on the perfect outcome
an investment of Rs.100 each. As the days passed, of each step. We worked with gusto eliminating the
the strength and enthusiasm of both the teams grew time factor from our minds. As we moved into the
weak and we finally decided to work as a single unit wee hours of the night, still there wasn’t any visible
of 8. progress. With the chirping crickets for company, we
broke our heads to figure out an idea for the final step.
As the D day drew close, we were racing against time Ingenious ideas incepted our minds and we decided
to finalize the sequence of steps which would lead to to go in with something simple and use a needle in-
the bursting of a balloon with pellets. We were con- serted into m-seal as a weapon to burst the balloon.
sidering two ideas - one was to use a mouse trap as a
catapult and other was to use an air gun. After break- 1:30 a.m. on the clock!! Our hunger clocks started
ing our heads for weeks, we finalized the sequence buzzing and we decided to break for tea. Our college
of steps and moved on to the assembling stage. This security allowed us outside the college premises after

his typical ‘late night outings’ tirade. The falling dew us to KCT (that’s where the competition was to be
did not deter us from reaching Hopes where a person held) was honking at our door. We packed and left
usually sells tea. As luck would have it, the tea Anna without a consolidated trial of all the steps, praying
was missing that night. We returned to the student’s that the contraption would work!
union room hungrier than ever. We moved on to the
crucial stage: testing of the whole setup! We thought Just as we were leaving the campus, lady misfortune
it would take only a few minutes to arrange the setup. had one last smile at us! A tyre of one of the two
But it engulfed more time than we anticipated and vehicles in which we boarded became flat delaying us
the clock read 3:00 a.m. when we were finally done. further. Tyre change. KCT at last! (After an hour’s
By that time, two of us were fast asleep and the rest bumpy ride) After a well-deserved breakfast, we start-
trudged on with heavy drooping eyelids. ed setting up the contraption. Eleven on the clock!
Our first trial was a total failure. We were given one
With fingers crossed, we started the trial. The first last chance. Unfortunately, the final step failed and
trial was a total failure and the contraption didn’t we stood last among the four competing teams. Nev-
go beyond the first step. We patiently rectified the ertheless, we gathered encouragement from the ap-
mistakes and proceeded with the second trial. What preciation showered on us, for our steps stood apart
an improvement!!! We progressed till the sixth step from the rest as they glimmered with innovation. It
without an interruption. By 5’o clock in the morn- then dawned that we were true engineers, the breed
ing, we were half dead; what a day it had been! The that had applied the knowledge and skills acquired
exhaustion from a day of unprecedented flops and from the textbooks and solved a real world problem.
resurrections finally hit us; we decided to take a nap We were rejuvenated and decided to go ahead and
and return to the student’s union room by 6’o clock take up our next big project.
for one final trial. Thanks to the exhaustion from the
previous day, we slept longer than we had planned
for and ended up reaching our testing site only at
7:30. By that time, the cab we had hired for taking

Technovation- Interface Report
CIT once again witnessed one of the best symposiums different colleges would speak itself of the success
conducted in this part of the country – Technovation story of the fest. With each department conducting
and Interface 2012. The success of this two day event 10 – 15 events, the events were puzzling enough to
must be attributed to the preparation, which started tackle the tough, challenge the brainy and sure made
as early as November 2011. Sponsorship was a major even the toughest of the competitors to wonder at
criterion and it was no wonder that the office bearers the austerity, simplicity and the beauty of the events.
of this fest were prying their eyes upon sponsors even Also, a number of workshops were organised which
before the advent of 2012. They were successful managed to lure many students from almost all the
and some of the top firms which backed them were colleges in and around Tamil Nadu.
Indian Bank, Shoft Ship yard, State Bank of India,
Adoro Multimedia, ACC, Black Thunder, Bharat Finally, the valedictory function saw Dr. S. Krishna
Petroleum, Bosch and ST Couriers and there were Kumar, Senior Technical Officer, MOD describing
many more in the offing! CIT as Combination of Interface and Technovation.
It was time to sit back and relax. The valedictory
A lot of homework had to be done for this fest video of each department was a befitting end to all
that happened on 27 and 28 January 2012 – from the hard work put in.
sending the pre-invites and launching the website to
accommodation for the participants and many more! Technovation/Interface made the organisers familiar
Each and every organiser gave his all for the fest. with the word “Team Work”. The true meaning of
the words responsibility, inquisition, and initiative
The two day fiesta began with the inaugural were known to this team as a result of this fest. Truly,
function, appropriately presided over by Er.S.R. the success of this fest must be attributed to the
Manohar, Chief Engineer, Mettur Thermal Plant. organisers and the team.
A great number of events were conducted in the
spirit to identify talent and creativity. A turnout of
more than 2000 students from various disciplines of

Abdhul Kasim
Who will Survive?
~ A Darwin Perspective
Inception puts it this way, “Once

an idea has taken hold of the brain

it is almost impossible to eradicate.
An idea that is fully formed, fully

understood, will remain stuck inside
somewhere forever.”
views on the Holocaust would be! Would
An idea is infectious!! he side with Hitler and agree that it
was a natural result of the Survival
E=mc^2!! Einstein was the source of of the Fittest principle?? With the
this brilliant mass-energy relationship. rapid advancement in communication
Nuclear bombs were developed. The technology, I am sure that we would
devastation it caused was written in someday develop a device that can
Black Bold ink and the devastation communicate with the dead. I would
it may cause will have no ink to be then have an interesting opportunity to
written with. There was another interview the long dead Darwin! Will he
idea. “Survival of the fittest” be able to clarify our muddled view on
propagated by Charles Darwin, famed his theory of evolution??
naturalist and biologist. Hitler claimed

Me: Hello sir, this is probably the best

this theory to be the basis for his

propaganda that the white, blue interview I’ve ever done! You are one of
eyed Germans were a race better the greatest minds to have ever walked

than any other. He believed they the Earth. This is indeed an honour!
were the future and that other races
should make way. In simple words, Darwin: I did things that were my
the other races should perish. passion. Heredity, Inheritance and
Evolutionary science always fascinated
If modern physics was fathered by me. Understanding our existence was
Einstein, Charles Darwin is without my passion. Every human will be a
question the father of the theory of superhuman if they did what they were
evolution. good at. I was forced to study medicine
by my father, but I walked out and that
Albert Einstein could never be was for the good.
consoled, after the devastation
his idea brought on. He became a Me: That was good not just for you
fanatic supporter of world peace. Mr. Darwin, but I should say for the
He did social service for the rest entire human race as it gave us a clearer
of his life and fought against the perspective of our origins. Until you
military use of nuclear technology. came into the picture man believed
Darwin, thankfully, was already long what the Bible said “Human ancestors
dead when Hitler decided to go on were Adam & Eve”. “Human ancestors
a rampage citing his actions to be were primates and we are related to

a natural consequence of Darwin’s monkeys” is what you said, which was

theory. outrageous in your time. Sir, do you not
believe in God?
I have always pondered what Darwin’s
Darwin: Let me rephrase the question. It


should be…. “Am I religious or spiritual?” have resulted in tremendous progress
I am spiritual. I believe in an intelligent in genetic engineering, medical sciences
design of this world and the universe as and biotechnology. But I wish my views
a whole. But I don’t believe in the micro could have been interpreted by some
management of the universe by someone. in a better way.
There has to be an architect but not a
director. But I do respect the views of Me: Sir, we see an over-competitive
religious leaders. They have the right to world now. Resources like petroleum
say things as much as I have. I just wish and metals once gone aren’t coming
they let people choose. back. Overpopulation is seen as the
major reason. Don’t you think that
Me : Galileo would have loved to hear Hitler was partially right? He killed
that! “Survival of the fittest” - your the lesser productive Jews, the
greatest work is believed to be the reason handicapped and the old. Isn’t that an
for the World War-II. How do you look obvious conclusion of the ‘Survival of
at it? the fittest’ theory? Humans are after
all no more than animals themselves,
Darwin: Survival of the fittest happens once you take out their sophistication
only when a stronger species survives over and fancy gadgets. So doesn’t that
a weaker species when they are competing mean Hitler was right? If he wasn’t
then what did you mean by ‘Survival
of the fittest’?

Darwin: We will now have to think

deeply. I would say that it is the
feelings that human possesses,
that differentiate him from the
animals, making him an evolutionary
masterpiece. The feelings of love, hope,
faith, belief, grief and guilt were a
part of evolving into what we are now
from what we were. Through evolution
we have developed these feelings that
for the same resources. Human beings are differentiate us from animals. We have
a single species. Aryans and Negroes are learnt that collective growth is the
equal and belong to the same species. I way forward. Lesser productive Jews
believe all humans of different races have were so because they weren’t given
enough resources to survive together. the input they needed. But in those
lesser productive Jews there were
Adolf Hitler was a politician, he wanted exceptional people like Einstein. I could
political mileage. He conveniently tell you this because, I as a human,
misinterpreted me and used his oratory have the ability to think and interpret
skills to do things that can only be equated what future holds and analyze what
to cannibals. He shamed my theory. the past had, better than any animal.

Me:-That’s a very beautiful way to look Someone who could sing the sweetest
at things. Do you ever feel apologetic for song might be deaf. It has been
your theory which has been instrumental scientifically proved that when one
in mass killings? of our senses stops working some of
our other senses become more acute.
Darwin: Never. No one should ever shy Helen Keller, Stephen Hawking are
away from speaking the truth. Theory examples of such blessed people, who
of Evolution is universal. Its applications have done things that none of the

normal persons dared to do. Dyslexics itself better will mean so. A sword can’t
are slow learners but art exists even do the work of a needle. That is the
in their soul. They have the ability simple truth.
to think differently. Old people are
a source of experience. Aren’t these Me: Thank you sir. It’s very fortunate
men enough proof that the old and that I got this opportunity to talk to
the handicapped are not people we you. You have yet again given us a clear
can simply discard? Everyone can in perspective of what and who we are.
some way do something to change It is apparent that we have in us to
the world for the better. Maybe achieve great things once we accept that
one of those handicapped, old and all among us are equals.
dyslexic will have the answer for our
problems. Maybe they would find a Darwin: Science is a power and it should
cure for cancer. Maybe the blind see be exploited only to shape this beautiful
things that we don’t. planet into a better one. I still wonder
how Hitler couldn’t fall in love with
We can’t be like “Life is a race, be the most outstanding aspect of human
like a cuckoo, and push away your civilization - its diversity. I feel sorry
competitors”. We need to be humane. that he could never understand it. What
Again I am saying- Trust, hope and a person is cannot be determined by
love are evolutionary marvels. Do something as shallow as the colour of
compete positively for that would his skin. As the great bard once said
bring the best out of you. We have “What is in a name? that which we call
already seen lot of destruction. With a Rose, by any other name would smell
each induced death we are losing some as sweet!”. Blessed is a person who can
very important gene pool. see people without labels. Thank You!
May the future of human race be far
We need to learn to use our resources, away from discrimination and bloodshed.
not overuse them. We need to be
considerate. I don’t think earth will
ever see a stage where it has lost
all its resources. I believe the human
species will find a way for its survival.
There is renewable energy and there
is lots of grey matter in our brain to
think out for better utilization and
alternate resources.

Me: So has ‘Survival of the fittest’

been replaced by ‘collective growth’?

Darwin: Please do not misquote me.

Collective growth has always existed.
In nature we see a group of prey
population working together to fend
off the predator. A predator has to
work hard for its prize, that’s so
beautiful in itself. A stronger predator
would depend on a lot of conditions:
environment, climate, response to
any natural calamity for its survival.
Physical strength wouldn’t always
mean a stronger species; adapting

im e
Sibiharan & Nanditha
Of heartwrenching Emotions and Awe Inspiring Grandeur II Year CSE
Anime- the word automatically triggers the im-
age of cute cartoons meant for the preschool-
ers and kids. Anime, however, is far from the
cartoons meant for kids. The cat doesn’t just chase the rat here! Anime
are stories that have a life of their own. They are stories filled with angst,
love, laughter, tragedy, revenge, friendship and loads more. Anime are
sophisticated, sometimes violent and frequently deal with adult themes.
They have complex plots that keep you hooked to them, and boast off
endearing and strong characters who capture a permanent place in the
viewer’s heart.
Anime originated in Japan. But now it’s not only the Japanese who love
anime. Anime has attained almost a cult status and Anime festivals are
happening all over the world, in U.S., Brazil, Germany, France, and In-
dia. You may wonder as to what is so different about anime for it to have
garnered so much attention. Anime isn’t just entertainment. It’s a whole
new way of life. There are so many genres in anime, that there is always
something for everyone. It is a different way of telling a story, which will
involve you completely and hook you on an intellectual and emotional
level. Anybody can easily relate to a character because of the variety
found in anime.
There are quite a few anime, which without doubt will get you so hooked
up to them that you will loose track of time. You will tend to slip into
their world and will become a part of their adventure. Their victories will
become yours to celebrate and their losses will make you mourn. But hey
we do warn you: ANIME is ADDICTIVE! You may soon loose a grip on
reality. Anime will always be more than what you expect. Check it out
for yourself. Live and breathe in the world of anime. If you are looking for
a place to start, Skip beat and Naruto are the best to start with.

Welcome to The World of Anime!!

Skip Beat

Tsuruga Ren: Handsome, kind, the most popular ac- Sounds familiar? If you are thinking, “huh...That’s
tor in show biz and every girl’s poster boy! Ren is in the plot in nearly every romance??!!” Think again!!
love with Kyoko. Kyoko isn’t the average heroine who cries and throws
tantrums. You will fall in love with her strong char-
Kyoko Mogami: Sweet, cute, and a newbie to acting! acter and her burning desire for revenge. Heck, you’ll
She wants to beat Shou in show biz because he broke want to jump into the screen and take revenge for
her heart. her!!!

Shou Fuwa: The guy who broke Kyoko’s heart. She has the determination to succeed and beat Shou.
But she develops a love for acting and as the plot
builds, it becomes more about her developing as an
actress and less about revenge. From the first episode
to the last it can hold your attention effortlessly.

ninjas, war, friendship, bravery, honour, Japanese
history and love are there for all of us to understand.
It deals with serious subjects without losing its hu-
mour and laid back style.
My absolute favourite characters in the anime are
Naruto is a Japanese anime I started watching two Kakashi Hatake, Shino Aburame and Jiraiya. The
years back. I have been watching various kinds of reason why I call them my absolute favourites and
anime for years but none has ever caught my interest not just my favourites is that it’s so hard to dislike
like Naruto. anyone good or evil in this anime as everyone gets
their time to shine and has their deep-rooted stories
Naruto is a loud, hyperactive, teenage ninja who is
behind their character. No one is completely a vil-
on a quest to be recognised by other ninjas by be-
lain or a hero. They all have their moments of dark-
coming the Hokage – the highest ranking and most
ness and this makes these characters very human.
powerful ninja in the village. A definition like that
Each and every character introduced in Naruto is
may be a bit simple or misleading as Naruto is one of
so unique in composition that each viewer will defi-
the deepest, most informative, action packed anime
nitely find characters that suit their taste and mood.
I have ever watched and believe me, I’ve watched
quite a few. Similar anime: Bleach, One Piece, Fairy Tail
Naruto has many underlying meanings and is based
on so many interesting Japanese things that the in-
quisitive among us, like myself cannot help but ex-
plore. The information and lessons it provides about

Yoshiki Nakamura (the creator of this series)

spins a beautiful story that makes your heart
beat go BOOM with every episode. A must
watch for those who love a light-hearted, hu-
mor-filled romance with entrancing charac-
ters. Moreover, you need to watch the anime
just for Kyoko’s expressions and actions. The
dialogues are bound to leave you in fits of
laughter. Trust me, you might die laughing.

Similar anime: Maid Sama, Ouran High

School Host Club, Special A.
List of IT Companies List of Non-IT Companies Placement Report
AKAMAI* AKTIS ENGINEERING The final year of every CITian
ARICENT BRAKES INDIA MENT. Getting placed is not just
a matter of getting recruited in a
multinational company, whose
pay scale is up in the six figures.
ATHENA HEALTH* CITHAR VESSELS It is also a matter of beginning our
COMMVAULT COSMIC CIRCUITS* careers as Engineers. Placements
CTS(BSc) CYPRESS INDIA* this year started in the traditional
Invitations were sent not just to
our past recruiters, but also to big
EXETER F L SMIDTH firms that had not recruited from
FCS FORD INDIA CIT before and to some start-ups.
FIRST APEX GODREJ Their positive response raised our
GLOBAL SCHOLAR* HCL CORE morale and made us bring in a lot
more companies. So far 95 com-
panies have visited us. The mile-
stone 100 is now closer than ever!
IBM SERVICES KEC The placements for the academic
IGATE L AND T ECC year 2011-2012 started in the mid-
INFORMATICA L AND T HEAVY ENGG dle of June. SPCL, the first recruit-
er, hired three and it was indeed
a good start. Mu Sigma, Infor-
matica, Commvault, and Thought
L AND T INFOTECH MAHINDRA AND MAHINDRA Works soon came and hired the
LOGITECH* MANDO best brains. These were followed
LUCID IMAGING MARICO INDIA* by Indian Oil Corporation, L & T
MICROSOFT MICROCHIP and Microsoft, which recruited a

34 *-First timers
Companies like Global Scholar, Akamai, Source Core Biggies like ABB, Cypress Semiconductors In-
Bits, and Unisys started their recruitment drive from dia, Cosmic Circuits and Micro-Chip visited and mo-
CIT and they were highly satisfied with the perform- tivated the students to set their targets even higher.
ance of our students. We achieved the fastest hun- Companies like Ericsson Services, Visolve, Siemens,
dred! Igate, Logitech, and First Apex visited towards the
end of the academic year.

The job count as on February 29 is 850 and we are

all set to beat our previous placement records. We
missed out a few companies that had visited us ear-
lier but the balance was set right by companies that
visited CIT for the first time. We are confident that
placements will be even better next year.

We would like to thank our placement officer, Dr.N.

Murugan, our additional placement officer, Dr. Sivas-
Bulk recruiters like Aricent, TCS, Wipro, IBM, and ubramaniam, our deputy placement officer, Dr.Rajesh
HCL joined the fray and the job count increased ex- Ranganathan and the college management for their
ponentially. Core companies like Mahindra and Ma- constant support. We thank all our placement coor-
hindra, Robert Bosch, Godrej, Murugappa, Delphi, dinators for their untiring efforts that made this feat
Ford India, Brakes India, Hyundai, Toshiba, Ashok possible.
Leyland, L & T Ramboll, Technip, Saipem, Dastur-
co, Mando, FLSmidth and many more also visited us. We wish our successors all the very best and hope
The 500th job offer came soon. they will reach greater heights.

Global Sch
quality of st udents is much
had go od skills. The
th e st u dents rejected
Good. E v en een to.
y o th er co ll eges we had b
than man
Mu Sigma ntals
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s for gai is
Good - Aca ents. i t i e
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a re u n e
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od t of som ne
Very go d e r standing
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Circuits bro ader lev
Cosmic ndamenta l
ls. More vault
g fu
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m is si n
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A lot of st ls w il l help. Als sis.
ndame n ta ore empha tudy
stress on fu circuits is given m h u p b asics. S !!
alog to brus gram More…
help if an o n . Need ro
l xsi l e d g e o r e p repa r a t i
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Tata E ying K
now Need m ore….!! Pract
in appl M
be better
t Srishti-2012
u is Anjana & Archana
r r h
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III Year

C a
e ian lli
th ic ve
f t
O li hia
Po ac ics
M nt one who are sure of what they
A are doing and
join the
the other who
rat race just because
t h e others are into it. It is
always preferable to join the
first group, since there is always
less competition there!

The Lokpal bill fiasco and the recent pro-

tests against the commissioning of the Ku-
dankulam nuclear power plant stand testimony
to the invasion of Machiavellian politics into all
spheres of national life to eliminate the sincere and
the intelligentsia. The protests against the operation
of the nuclear plant are absurd and ludicrous. The
Fukushima daichi nuclear plant explosion triggered
a series of events all around the world and the Ku-
Politics and pol- dankulam nuclear issue is one among them. The
iticians pervade plant has been tested by various experts all around
every aspect of the the world and is found safe to operate. But the pub-
human society. Since we lic is still in a state of frenzy and the situation is not
are in the habit of eulogizing getting better, if anything, it is getting worse day by
the great men of the past by mak- day as these local protestors are getting support and
ing them mythological heroes, their monetary funds from foreign sources in a bid to sabo-
trickeries are given a personal colour tage the Indian nuclear power projects. Mobilizing
and they are accepted as part of the clashes the public for their own vested interests by using the
between the good and the evil. All wars were carrot stick policy is what the politicians of our coun-
politically oriented. The Trojan wars, the hundred try do best, but people fail to realise this simple truth.
year Anglo - French war and the Kurukshetra were
all between two kings and not nations. The basic in- It is left for the people to decide now, if they should
tention remains the same – ‘To Gain Power.’ Only go ahead with the operation of the plant or not. The
the methods change! state is already in a state of despair because of the
excessive prolonged power cuts and load shedding. If
When Adolf Hitler once asserted, ‘ If you wish the the Kudankulam nuclear plant becomes operational,
sympathy of the broad masses, then you must tell it would be a relief to the people.
them the crudest and most stupid things!” he was
most probably thinking of his fortunes as a politician. The mindset of the politicians should change and
Politics is synonymous to contrasts, contradictions their sincere aim should be to serve the people and
and deceptions, to gain ground among the com- not to gather money and deposit it in some bank in
mon people. In a country like India, with majority some part of the world and live a gleeful life while
of the people living in villages and being illiterate, turning a blind eye to the atrocities meted out to the
deceiving the common man has never been this sim- people who have made them their leaders.
ple. There are two categories of people in this world;

J. Giridharan


Someone was following her. The rear view mirror in After a lot of thought, she decided to have some cof-
her car showed the black limousine again. She had fee in a small cafe across the road. As she crossed the
seen that car three times since morning. The first road, she noticed the black limousine speeding to-
time, it was a mere passing car. The second time she wards her. Before she could react, she was down on
assumed it to be a coincidence. The third time, she the road in a pool of blood. Moments later she was
could not help but wonder if she was being followed, unconscious. When she opened her eyes, she found
but why?? herself lying on a hospital bed and someone was sit-
ting by her side. He said, “Oh wonderful! You have
She reached her apartment and sank into her chair.
made it Miss Anne!! I am Sergeant Robert.”
One week had passed since Anne, one of the great-
est lawyers, had met Kate. Kate had come into her “Where am I?”
office asking for a divorce. When Anne asked why
she wanted a divorce, she became nervous and fright- “In the Government Hospital,
ened. She kept mumbling and almost yelled out in a Miss Anne!! You were hit and
rage, “That’s none of your business. I want a divorce. knocked out by a black limou-
Get the papers ready and bring it to my house! My sine. Thanks to a passer-by, you were
house is at the Alachian hilltop. It is a wooden house admitted here. He was able to give the plate
with a cock standing on the roof.” Anne had no idea number of the limousine and as per our investiga-
where Alachian hill was and since her meeting with tion the man who tried to kill you is the head of a
Kate, a lot of mysterious things had happened to her. mafia. He heads the wanted list of many countries.
Someone had tried to murder her twice. Her house He smuggles diamonds in and out of the country. In
was broken into and now, she was being followed short, he is an international terrorist .His name is
by a black Limousine. Anne wondered if these inci- Larry and his wife’s name is Kate. The woman was
dents had to do anything with Kate. She had already found dead three days back. It looks like Kate had
lodged a complaint against the murder attempts but learned about her husband’s real face and hence ap-
the police too were clueless. proached you for a divorce. Larry was furious that his

wife had learnt about him and fearing that she would After another half hours’ drive, they started mount-
reveal his identity to the police, he killed her. On ing a hill. She could see a lone house at the hilltop
seeing the divorce papers, he must have concluded and guessed it was the house the Sergeant owned. As
that Kate had revealed his identity to you. That is they reached the hilltop, she caught a glimpse of the
why he tried to murder you three times.” house in propinquity and she could see a cock stand-
ing on the roof. The next instant, she saw a board
Suddenly, every piece of the puzzle fell in place! reading “ALACHIAN HILL”. The colour drained
Truth unveiled!! Anne asked, “Where is he now?” out of Anne’s face as she stared at the board in dis-
“The police are trying their best to find him. Miss belief and looked around to find an evil grin on the
Anne, it is not safe for you to stay here. Your life is Sergeant’s face. The next instant the car stopped in
at jeopardy. I suggest you come with me right now to front of the house. To her horror, she saw the same
a safe place.” black limousine that had followed her. She was sick
to her stomach. As she turned to her left, she saw a
Anne had to accept that the sergeant was right and
man with a beard standing there pointing a gun at
decided to go with him. Half an hour later, the law-
her. The Sergeant laughed, “Miss Anne, may I in-
yer and the sergeant were in a police patrol car driv-
troduce you to Mr. Larry!!” The man with the beard
ing north.
pulled the trigger. “Bang!”
She asked, “Where are we going?” “I own a house on
the top of a hill about ten miles from here, you will be
safe there.” She felt thankful to the Sergeant.

Ngaonii pou

“Blast from The Past”

We all have our time machines! Those that take us back are memories and those that carry us forward are dreams.
My question is ‘Why can’t we change the past?’. If we were to be teleported a century back from today (i.e. 1912),
what fantasies would we have looked ahead to?

Zap back to 1912!! Let’s get us ourselves oriented to the world as it was in 1912! For starters, there are no cell
phones, ipods or any other of our fancy gadgets! Countries like South Africa, Dubai Mexico, Malaysia, Turkey,
and Singapore aren’t on the map yet! In fact these countries are not even properly shaped. British India is under
the direct control of King George V. Charlie Chaplin is the marvel of Hollywood. A closet without a pair of jeans
is a certainty. Rock-pop records are of classical piano. Forget about microwave ovens, even a mere ball point pen
is yet to be discovered.

The Sinking of the Mighty Leviathan!

The Titanic (also known as the
“unsinkable”), largest ship afloat
of that time, embarked on her
maiden voyage. The world was
filled with hope and awe. No other ship in
the history of ocean travel aroused as much in-
terest as the Titanic did. In just a few short days
those emotions of awe and wonder turned to
horror and grief. Four days into her journey, at
11:40 P.M., on the night of April 14, 1912, she
hit an iceberg. When the ship sank, the lives of
both the famous and the unknown were lost.
One thousand five and hundred twenty-two
passengers and crew were nowhere to be seen.
Only 705 survived!

The Delhi Durbar The Introduction of the Olympic Rings!

On a chilly winter morning of 1912, Del- The 1912 summer Olympics was held in Stockholm, Sweden.
hiwalas made a beeline to witness the big- Stockholm barely had 28 nations participating in 26 sports.
gest event of the British Raj — ‘The Delhi The significance of the fifth Olympics, however, was the in-
Durbar’. The event became historic for troduction of “Olympic rings”, which was composed of five
another important reason. It was then that interlocking rings of different colours (namely blue, yellow,
King George V announced the shifting of black, green and red.) It represented the five continents of
the capital of India from Calcutta to Delhi. the earth. This summer, the “Olympic rings” will be a century
After the revolt of 1857, Calcutta became old. We will be witnessing 204 nations competing in different
the Royal Capital of India, then ruled by sports, which is a sign of world peace.
a Governor General and Viceroy. Back
then, Delhi, once the capital of the Mughal
Empire, was a modest town and the glori-
ous Mughal past of Delhi was forgotten.
The shifting of the capital put Delhi back
on India’s political map and changed the
course of its history. British India’s imperial
capital, today, remains the political nerve
centre of the country.

Man Learns to Fly!
This period also marked advancement
in aerial combat. The first working air-
plane was designed and made to fly by
the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville.
Wilber died in 1912 but his invention was
seen to be moving to its zenith. Airplanes
reached the speed of 100 miles per hour
for the first time. Royal Air force, the fly-
ing wings of British Empire were able to
takeoff from a ship. French inventor Franz
Reichelt (known as the “flying tailor”),
died in a jump from the Eiffel Tower in
an attempt to demonstrate his parachute,
and after a month the first successful para-
chuting jump from an aero plane was wit-

The Birth of China Of Several Firsts!

On the political front, the South Pole in Antarctica was first discovered by Ronald Amundsen’s
announcement of the for- during his ex-
mation of the Chinese re- pedition and he
public by Sun Yat Sen and achieved the feat
the abdication of the last that was thought
Qin Emperor, after a rule of humanly impos-
two centuries were signifi- sible for ages.
cant in 1912. It also marked The first diesel
the end of the Meiji Era in locomotive was
Japan upon the death of introduced by
the last Meiji Emperor. The Prussians (erst-
Balkan peninsula, referred while Germany).
to as South-Eastern Eu- Believe it or not,
rope, was under the control it was only then
of Ottoman Empire (erst- that Richard G.
while Turkey). Bulgaria, Drew invented
Greece and Serbia raged clear adhesive
war against the Empire and tape (also called
acquired independence. cello tape). We engineers are very familiar with assembly lines and its im-
This war was the ‘Infamous portance. Of course, for the first time Henry Ford introduced the conveyer
Balkan war.’ Europe was in belt based assembly-line in his car factory in 1912, it greatly reduced the
a state of turmoil. assembling time of a car. Crossword puzzle, a word game, was invented by
Arthur Wynne.

Changing the past is neither viable nor advisable. History has several stories both of grandeur and failures to tell
us. Leap years are special and somehow have a mythological significance. 2012 awaits you!! Re-sequence your
DNA! Play your part and leave behind a legacy that can be celebrated a century later! I did mine by jotting this
piece on this leap year night!!!

Jayamary Divya R.J.S.A
It’s over-rated! IV Year Chemical

It’s fuzzy!
It’s LOVE!!
Poets have spent lifetimes trying to essay this peacefully; has it programmed in his DNA,
emotion on page! Artists have tried to freeze the need to belong, to be adored and cajoled.
it in all its beauty on canvas. Books, movies
In the bygone era, love was a serious affair
and pop songs, so heart-breakingly beautiful,
that took time and effort to take form. The
have been written by men in the throes of
story used to be that of a boy who met a
this all-consuming emotion or in the searing girl and after a million odd meeting of the
pain of its loss. Monuments have been built, eyes and exchange of blushing smiles shyly
wars have been fought and empires have swapped phone numbers with her. A period
been razed down. All in the name of LOVE! of anticipation and agonizing wait followed
this swapping and the couple to be would
So what is all the fuss around this warm and perhaps imagine their entire love story be-
fuzzy feeling which makes even the most sen- fore a call ever happened. When the phone
sible and level- headed among us become finally rings, a conversation that had lasted
complete and hapless fools in the presence of for two hours would seem like a fleeting two
that special boy or girl? Are we all hopeless minutes and much analysis would be made
romantics and defenseless victims of Cupid? before a date is ever arranged! A long ‘get-
ting to know you period’ would follow before
Nope! either uttered the magic words and agreed to
advertise their love affair to the world.
Most of us walk into this pink and glossy
bubble (often, against our better judgment) In this age of T-20 cricket, facebook friends,
gadgets and instant messages, love too has
knowing pretty well that the road ahead is
taken a new avatar and presents itself in an
hardly worth its share of drama and trou-
easy adaptable and fast-track format.
ble. In fact, we all spend a good and sizeable
chunk of our lives hunting for that special Day 1: Boy meets girl. (By meeting, I imply a
someone, desperately hoping and praying to Facebook ping or a random text message and
find ourselves in a perfectly scripted romance. in the rare case a glance in the corridor!)
Humanity, can however, hardly be blamed Day 2: The obsessive, compulsive texting
for its timeless affair and obsession with love. phenomenon begins! (Texting is any day a
Man, unlike the beasts of the wild; which in safer bet than calling as it eliminates those
the heat of the moment mate and part ways awkward moments of silence in the initial

‘getting to know you’ period) In this texting odd cases of perfectly scripted Romeo-Juliett
period, every message is over analyzed and love stories but aren’t most of our love affairs
every reply is deleted and rephrased half a half-baked and half-hearted tales of lust and
dozen times before hitting the send button. mush?! Love, in the present scenario, has be-
This digitized and less intimate form of com- come more of a sugar-coated cover up for lust,
munication greatly accelerates the courtship fleeting affairs and the need to blend in with
period (what took several days a decade back the peer group. True love isn’t something
is now accomplished in a little over 100 mes- that happens over-night or over a cup of cof-
sages) and helps present a more charming fee. It is something that is built together over
and fancier version of oneself. time on conditions of trust, truth and under-
standing. Despite the endless stream of sweet
Day 5: Date Night! nothings, mushy dates, huge love cards and
Day 7: The boy utters the three magic words! fluffy teddy bears; love affairs these days have
a limited shelf life and a rapid fall out, more
Day 8: Girl plays hard to get before pledging often than not, follows the initial warm and
her true all-consum- ing fuzzy love-struck period,
love in another thanks to the flim-
couple of days. sy foundations
The cou- on which the
ple then love story is
promptly built.
their Face- Old school
book status or fast
from single track the
to commit- whole love
ted and put up issue seems to
a post claiming have been vastly
that their life is now over-rated over the
complete and perfect. centuries and its hold on
happiness blown way out of
Day 10: The speak from dawn proportion! Agreed, it feels great
till dusk about the same inane and to be cherished, cuddled and wanted
mundane things (GOD bless the stink- but does it make sense to place our joy
ing cheap call rates) and the “spend every in someone outside of ourselves? I do not
waking moment with each other” phase be- mean to sound like a love Grinch but Love is
gins! no more than a visceral moment - of course
that moment can last for days, months or a
Welcome to the world of modern day ro- lifetime! If you’re in love, then good for you.
mances. They meet, they fall in love, they But if you’re not, then revel in the freedom
break up, they move on! And the circle and joy of living life on your terms while it
continues! Agreed, that there are still those lasts!!

The Adventures of Tintin - The Secret of John Carter 
The Unicorn  Set on the Red planet, this big budget Walt Disney action-adventure is really a treat
This big screen adaptation of one of the popular for the eyes with its awesome CG. Thankfully, the aliens in this movie are not just ‘the
comics of the 20th century is the first animated film lil green fellas’ we are so used to, but are also human-like (the only difference being
by Steven Spielberg. It brings to life (literally!) the their blue blood!). After Avatar, this movie is a must watch, at least for its breathtak-
characters of Tintin, the relentless young reporter and ing visual effects.
his dog Snowy as they meet the liquor loving Cap-
tain Haddock. The villainous Red Rackham sets his The Artist 
sight upon the treasure trove and is hell bent on
wreaking his ancestral vengeance against the A must watch movie for its black and white
Haddocks. The movie is indeed a treat to all cinematography, surreal screen play
Tintin lovers across the globe! and feel good music. The Art-
ist takes us back to the by-
7Aam Arivu  gone era of film making
The biggest disappointment of 2011. where an intricate
A groundbreaking plot element, storyline was
a star-studded cast and a huge everything.
budget could not save this movie
from a lousy storyline set in a
commercial perspective. Surya
is well on his path to become
the next Illayathalapati (!)
Kaadhalil Sodahapu-
vadu Eppadi 
Based on a short film by the
same name, this full length
comedy flick has caught
the attention of young-
sters. Woven around the
romance between two
college students, this story
comically portrays 21st
century college love at
its craziest best. Yes, this
movie deserves to be in
the top 10 this year.
Deiva Thirumagal 
Inspired by the Hollywood movie ‘I am Mangatha
Sam’, Deiva Thiumagal revolves around 
the relationship between a daughter and fa-
ther. Vikram’s brilliant performance as Krishna This Ajith starrer lived up to
puts all the self-proclaimed super-stars (little, i t s expectation. The ‘salt and pepper’ hair-
mini, micro, nano…) to shame. Director Vijay’s style, the double-crossing, the exceptional BGM by Yuvan and the bril-
smart blend of humor, emotions and a heart melt- liant storyline made Ajith’s 50th movie a blockbuster hit. Venkat Prabhu’s
ing climax made this movie popular among peo- directorial style and the excellent screenplay was an added plus to this full
ple of all age groups. GVP’s music enraptures the time entertainer.
entire film. DTM moves even the toughest among
us to tears. Rockstar 
Rockstar did not live up to the expectations of the very
The Dirty Picture  talented Imtiaz Ali (director of Jab We Met). The
This picture tracks the rise and fall of Reshma film follows the life of a college student and
(Vidya Balan), who does not have great acting his rise from an ordinary artist to a su-
skills but sure knows how to use her sexual charm perstar. The epic love story is deft-
to her advantage. Loosely modeled on the story ly woven with the dark and
of real life temptress of the 80s, Silk Smitha, the depressing bits, in a way
movie brings out the flamboyant cine industry much different from
of that period. Laudable performances by Vidya mainstream Bolly-
Balan, Emraan Haashmi and Naseeruddin Shah wood cinema.
Watch it for
Hp7- Part 2 

make the movie worth a watch!


Bodyguard 
Bodyguard has all the ingredients of a masala
blockbuster- action, romance, drama, comedy,
Sparrow! Savvy!

song and dance. Unlike the conventional over-

Pure Awesomeness!

blown Salman Khan movies, this film portrays

high dose of drama!

Cars 2 
Year of Sequels : A Glimpse

him in a more restrained, down-to-earth role.

per-sedans heartlessly.
It all ends here but you wish it doesn’t.

Overall the movie has endearing performances

Sherlock Holmes 2 

This vampire sucks!

Kung-Fu Panda 2 

X-men - First Class 

which make the movie worth a watch, despite

A Messy ride!
MI 4 - The Ghost Protocol ***

the half-baked screenplay.

Twilight - Breaking Dawn 
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 
Impulsive action, a gripping plot and a

Yes, Tom Cruise does like to crash su-

Holmes deduction still remains a seduc-
Disappointing yet watchable for Jack

Down Memory Lane - OAT
Memories! Memories are so weird they make you cry at the times you laughed and make
you laugh at the times you cried. If there is one place in CIT that has given me such
wonderful memories, it is the Open Amphitheatre. Wondering what on earth I am talk-
ing about? It is our very own OAT. This stadium reminds me of the Colosseum at Rome
(Don’t worry it’s not the architecture but its state of ruin that paints in my mind the
picture of the Colosseum). The place looks so beat-up that it makes the Colosseum look
younger! To every hosteller OAT was once a wonderful way to sneak into the college
after 9, hassle free. (Damn those new walls!)

This relic and I share a lot of memories. I didn’t take a liking to this place instantly, the
gruelling P.T. hour when we ran around this stadium, gosh! I so hated it. To run around
when the sun is breaking your head is insane (I always took the liberty to walk though
:P). It was during Interface 10, that I started liking this place. After the D-Day gala was
over, it was time for fireworks, food and celebration. I had a brilliant view of the fireworks
thanks to the binoculars my senior had. OAT was so amazing that day!! The cool breeze,
the openness and before I knew it, my senior had become my best buddy.

Believe me people, when I say that this is the best place to clear your head. The openness
of this place makes you see things in a different light. This dull looking place can bring so
much fun. The vastness makes you feel minuscule and makes you understand your place
in the scheme of things.

R. Sriram

It is at OAT where I spent the maximum time with my friends. The Kuttisuvaru (though
it is too small even by kuttisuvaru standards) has witnessed our whines, whims, serious
arguments and meaningless mokkais.
All those late night strolls we had at OAT were simply amazing. The soothing wind, the
starry sky and the solitude, what more can you ask for? (Bondas, of course! – The very
spice of CIT) This place has witnessed so much joy that it effortlessly brings to you a
calm like no other.
It is a piece of CIT history. It remembers all those music and dramatix events right from
the 60s. It remembers the enthusiasm of its students, their hopes and their dreams. It re-
members what it is like to be young, when the world seems to be filled with opportunities.
It remembers that nothing lasts forever. It remembers that what once was, no longer is
and what now is, will one day no longer be.
It is unfair that we watch silently as the OAT is left to rot. A place that brings back so
many memories deserves to be cherished and protected. I wish that the OAT is restored
to its former glory and the stands are once again full with students cheering for their

Bear With It : People Cry, Dunno Why !!

The secret behind every “’HIT TV SERIAL” is in
the HEROINE shedding tears. This can
be clearly apprehended when
the TRPs of these
shows shoot up,
whenever it’s
‘Lead’ cries. More
the tears, big-
ger the hit! Every
time I turn on a TV
channel broadcast-
ing some Indian daily
soap, there is someone
crying and someone
from behind the curtains
rejoicing. The misery of
poverty, betrayal, fathers’ Coming back to the cry ba-
hating their daughters and bies of our daily soaps… Ever won-
the villainy mother in-law dered how much an ‘ABLA BESAHARA
cause more and more tears to BAHU’ would be earning for shedding those glycerin
be shed. This is not “kahani ghar tears in television? Thousands of bucks daily! Glyc-
ghar ki” but this is “kahani har ghar ki” (story of erin, with all its cons, is their best friend. It is the
every house). And I can guarantee that anyone who golden tears of these actors that get all the Indian
has watched just one or two of these sagas can be- house wives horrifyingly involved in these tales. And
come the director of the next. If anyone has a doubt, the involvement is so much that rather than prepar-
I can state a good explanation! ing dinner or checking whether their sons are done
with their homework or not, they prefer worrying
Every tale in the Indian television starts with a ro- about these ‘ABLA BESAHARA BAHU’S’, who
mance. The romance however is not a simple and try to escape from their mother-in-law’s or other
cute love story. It has truck load of villains whose vamps in the serial.
only life ambition simply seems to be messing up the
couple’s happily ever-after. The plot follows a very And with this, we have gone so far into the virtual
predictable line and generally involves a strong and world, which never seems happy or never seems to
undying love affair between a big shot business ty- rest, and we are consciously choosing it over happier
coon (whose mother is evil personified) and a poor reality which defines our lives. Entertainment is sup-
middle class girl working at his office (who went un- posed to add gloss and cheer to life and bring a smile
noticed for ages and was discovered when the serial to the viewer’s face! Sadly, Indian TV drama seems
started) or the other way round. After the short (short to be popular for just the opposite reason. So if you
implying a couple of months and some 100 episodes) want to be the next Indian TV serial director follow
and sweet love moments , comes the ‘MISERY’ part this simple mantra: Get a cute pair (or better make
where the girl and the boy struggle for another cou- it a love triangle), an evil mother-in-law, thrown in
ple of years (depending on the TRP’s) to either fight some loan sharks and ailing relatives and lastly coat
against the family or to convince the family to unite the entire package with bottles of glycerin.

Kishore Gopinath
III Year Civil
IV Year Civil
S. Kiruthiga
I Year IT

Revolutions Through
Egypt which was mourning and reeling under the clutches of the dicta-
tor Mubarak for nearly three decades got its freedom on Feb 11th, 2011.
Mubarak stepped down from power after 14 days of continuous protests
all over the country.
Google’s Middle East and North Africa marketing director, Woel
Ghonim, a leader in the Egyptian uprising told CNN that this revolu-
tion started online. This revolution started on Facebook and the Egyp-
tian protesters must thank the internet for their victory. It is clear that
the uprising was organized using new social media tools.
Ibrahim Warde, adjunct professor of international business at the
In this fast paced world, where Man (rac- Fletcher school agreed that the new communication tools had left the
government clueless (containing
es against time, literally!) hardly gets the
internet is not a joke!) and made
chance to meet people, discuss, gossip and
number of things happen which
share the joys and pangs of life; Facebook is were not possible before. Warde be-
a great technological advancement, a boon lieved that importance of social me-
which serves to know people, exchange dia was most evident in the Egyptian
ideas and learn things. But many raise their and Tunisian political struggles.
eyebrows, Facebook a boon? It definitely is! Esrae Abdhul Fatah, was even
christened the Facebook Girl, as
To all those who complain of hacking and she organized a nation- wide strike
the other ill effects of Facebook, it is in- through her page.
teresting to note that Facebook has played
a pivotal role in revolutions in the middle The speed at which the revolutions
spread was astounding. The force and breadth of the impact of social
east nations and reached out to people and
media on recent revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and parts of Libya was
places, where the conventional media was staggering.
barred from reaching.
The fact that People who do not find freedom in their everyday lives,
encounter freedom in the online world acts as a trigger and this has an
explosive potential.
Twitter and Facebook have been the only channel of information ex-
change, spreading revolutionary messages and speeches in countries
like Bahrain, Libya and Syria, where authorities have refused access
even to the international media. The social networks have enabled
millions across the globe to express their ideas more openly.
Facebook is a powerful tool that has in it the capacity to recruit a mil-
lion strong army at the click of a button. It is not a wind that can be
taken lightly but a gale that can bring down even the most formidable
of empires.
N. Govindharajan

From Brown to White

II Year M.Sc., Software

~ A Cheapskate’s Guide

Step Right in. You have come to the right place.

Tired of your brown skin? Want to get fair quick- Below are some of the cheapest products I have
ly, easily and more importantly, CHEAPLY? known that will enhance your non-existent fair-
ness in no time. A few are household items that
The cheapness factor is one which is hardly ad- won’t even increase your current budget by a sin-
dressed by many cosmetic companies. While gle penny.
most of them are aware of this country’s obses-
sion with fairness (except the government) hard- Calcium Carbonate: This piece of cosmetic
ly few understand the cravings of an Indian to is a beauty. It is found in large quantities in tal-
save as much money as he can. However, luckily cum powders. Even buildings are made fair using
for them the need to become fair is a more pow- this stuff. What is the secret of the house that
erful pull than the need to save money thanks stands out in the sun without getting tanned
to high disposable incomes and globalization. for years? And this stuff is literally dirt cheap.
With foreign brands like Chanel, L’Oreal, Chris- Best of all is that if it is winter, this warms up
tian Dior etc. available in India, pretty soon the your skin without the need of any artificial heat-
brown will be forever abolished from the face of ers, further bringing down the cost. And yeah,
India and will be replaced by pure milky, silky, it is completely maintenance free. Paint yourself
costly white. The UPA government is said to be once and forget the need to ever visit the beauty
discussing a plan to offer more subsidies on cos- parlour for years. Even the Caucasians would
metics to people, cutting back on organic farm- envy you.
ing and solar power harvesting to eradicate this
Chlorine: If calcium carbonate is not your
nation-wide disease.
style, then step up to chlorine. The most widely
Until such plans are implemented your options used bleaching agent. If you are not convinced,
for cheap fairness are quite limited. let me give you an example. Trees are brown (just
as your skin) in colour. Yet, the paper produced
from them are snow-white. Why? Chlorine is
used to bleach wood pulp to produce WHITE

paper. Your skin is softer than wood pulp making
it easier to bleach you white. Chlorine is anti- If you are a shut-in guy who never likes to get
bacterial and can effectively kill the microbes out of the house or a facebook ka baap (you are if
that cause pimples and other skin problems, ef- you upload 20000 pics of yourself sporting cheap
fectively cleansing your skin. sunglasses and have each part of your anatomy
tagged and liked by 400 people) then here is an
(Note: As chlorine is a carcinogen, you can even even simpler idea .Take a 200 Megapixel cam-
die quickly, without having to worry about grow- era. Shoot a picture of yourself in front of a white
ing old or worrying about future expenses.) wall. Load it into your Core 7 Duo computer.
Open the image in an image editor and invert
Asian Paints: Ironically, this paint aims to colours. Bingo the wall becomes black and you
eradicate the colour of the Indian continent, white. Upload it in facebook and tag all your
brown and yellow. Unlike chlorine and calcium rockstar friends in it. And you have yourself a
carbonate where you get only one kind of tex- new white rapper/ bollywood banger/whatever
ture, paints allow a broader variety of texture. you want to be.
Choose from glossy, matte, patterned and multi-
colour. Want to be a red-neck? Add some red If any of the above products have proved effec-
paint in the neck and the cheeks and chin and tive in your quest for fairness, be caring and share
almost everywhere. Plus painting allows the this article with your friends. Brownness is a seri-
option of having multi-colour posters on your ous contagious disease that passes through gen-
body. Become Ronny Coleman by simply paint- erations. These products are not only effective,
ing big muscles and the bollywood six packs on they are also CHEAP, a crucial characteristic in
yourself (Note: Ronny Coleman is brown). Top the face of ever rising inflation of food prices. A
off the body paint with some reflective coating small step like getting your friend to read this ar-
to keep yourself cool in summer. For some ex- ticle will go a long way in abolishing the brown
tra cost, Asian paints will even paint your body colour from our country forever, freeing us from
with Mickey Mouse themed colours and designs oppression and allowing us to achieve our full
(that’s right, you rule ma man). potential of being a superpower.

Chemical Engineering Association
Secretary S. Mothil
Staff Advisor Dr. V.M. Sivakumar
Seminars/Workshops International Conference on Process Automation, Control and
Current challenges in Oil, Gas & Allied sectors
Workshop on Intellectual Patent rights
Seminar on Water Purity and Standards by Mrs. Vasanthi Lawrence
Magazine Synergy
Intra - Departmental Event Quintessence

Civil Engineering Association

Secretary K. Kavinmathi
Staff Advisor Dr. V.G. Sri Santhi
Seminars/Workshops Seminar on Mineral Admixtures and HPC by Mrs.M. Muthupriya
Seminar on CAD and 3ds arch design by Mr. Praveen Peter
National Level Conference on Mitigation of vital pollutants in the
environment by Dr.P. Lakshmana Perumalsami
Seminar on Degradation and colour removal of pulp by microorganisms
by Mrs. Saraswathi
Seminar on Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Masonry Wall
Panel by Mrs.M. Muthupriya
Magazine Edifice

Computer Science and Information Technology Association

Secretary S. Prabhu and D.M. Chozhan
Staff Advisor Dr. R. Renuga
Seminars Seminar on Cloud Computing
Seminar on Data Warehousing, Business Objects and Business Intelligence
Seminar on Foreign Languages by TCS

Electronics and Communication Engineering Association
Secretary P. Rakesh
Staff Advisor Dr. S. Uma Maheshwari and Ms.P. Chitra
Seminars/Workshop Workshop on Texas Instrument Development Tools by Mr. Sheik Abdullah
and Mr. Daniel Jeyaraj
Seminar on Science and Technology by Dr. Ashok Rao
Seminar on Career development and Higher Studies by Mr. Aiyappan and
Mr. Uma Maheshwaran
Seminar on Android by Mr. Murendhazir Lathif
Magazine Resonance
Intra-Departmental Event Emissions

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Association

Secretary M. Karthikeyan
Staff Advisor Dr. Devi Shree and Mr. S.J. Sugumar
Seminars/Workshops Guest lecture on Energy Conservation by Mr.D. Selvaraj
Seminar on ARM Processor architecture by Dr. Sadanand Gulwadi.
Workshop on Recent Trends in Embedded System and Automation with
Guest lecture on Nuclear Bomb in Your backyard to satisfy Energy Crisis-
Dream or Delusion for Future by Dr. Saji Baby
Magazine/Newsletter Grid
Intra - Departmental Event Electro

Mechanical Engineering Association

Secretary R. Rahul
Staff Advisor Dr. Rajesh Ranganathan
Seminars/Workshops Seminar on design software - CATIA, UNIGRAPHICS conducted by
CADD centre.
Seminar on Finite Element Method (FEM) by Dr. A. Rajadurai
Workshop on Welding by Dr. N. Murugan
Seminar on Design software by EDS Technologies
Seminar on Industrial Development by N. Ramanan
Seminar on Higher Education by IEC Abroad Pvt. Ltd.
Intra - Departmental Event Glimpses

ig h w a y t o H e ll
On a H

S omewhere in Western Europe, near the French

German border, on enemy territory… On either
side, there are thick toothsome forests, their leaves
you felt earlier has almost vanished. You feel sub-
dued, even at that speed.

rustling and the winds howling through the thick

forests. Other than that, total silence!!! The clouds
look menacing... Ahead of you, there is an endless
A s you go on, you join a fork in the road. Some-
thing doesn’t feel right. You hear a low pitched
growl. Something is approaching, and it’s coming
stretch tempting you. You look at the cavort horse fast. You look over your shoulder, you see the object
ensign embedded on your steering wheel, and think that has caused the disturbance, and it appears out
about everything it stands for - Power, Precision and of nowhere. You feel a sense of awe as you recog-
Speed. It forces you to give in to your desires and nize the familiar form and the emblem on its nose.
overcome your fear. At the push of a button, the The fastest machine on the roads!! Its numbers far
monster awakens and its heart comes roaring to exceed your own. But wait, there’s something else!
life. You give it a few nudges by kicking the accel- A high pitched sound, not one, but of two engines!
erator to spur it on. The deafening sound rattles all Out of the woods, appear two other beasts, on ei-
life in the silent forest. ther side. It’s an ambush!

Y ou shift onto the first gear and waiting for the

perfect moment you floor the accelerator. In a
split second, a number of things happen! You hear
O n your left, there is the car that laid the foun-
dation for your own and every other hyper car
on the planet - The ancestor of all hyper cars, in
the tires screeching and get a faint smell of burning a fiery orange; you look in amazement at Gordon
rubber, and then you feel a sudden jerk; your entire Murray’s masterpiece. It may be fifteen years older
body is pushed backwards, almost as if someone than your car, but its specifications are ahead of
is taking a shot at you in the gut, as you accelerate most super cars of the present era. On your right,
to a 100 kmph in just a little over three seconds. In there is yet another mighty opponent! In an instant
about ten seconds, you begin to feel normal again you recognize the trademark design and the raging
as you’re accelerating at a much slower pace. You bull logo on the midnight black hood - your arch
stop accelerating once you’re cruising at 200 kmph, nemesis. These two join the speed demon, and they
which is nowhere near the car’s full potential. But accelerate towards you at a blinding speed. You
you decide to save all that power for later exploits panic at first, but then you remember, your car is
and meanwhile you enjoy the smooth sail as the no push over either; it is feared by the ones on your
trees go whizzing past you. The beautiful European rear and every other brand in the world. You’ve got
scenery soothes your mind and all the excitement a reputation to protect. Ferrari has entrusted you


Sindhu, Shanjiv Kumar

& Priya Surana
II Year

with their flagship, and you will honor them. You you surge ahead. Finally the corner is right ahead
accept the challenge. of you. The Moment of Truth!! You stomp on the
brakes and turn the wheels. The wheels screech as

Y ou see a button; you switch over to race mode.

Immediately, the car’s senses are heightened.
They’ve almost caught up with you. The Bugatti is
they glide over the wet tarmac. You keep going wide;
you’ve misjudged; you feel a huge blow and you
hear the car hit the side railing and see sparks fly-
right beside you and the M c Laren is gaining on ing on your left. Finally the road straightens out and
you as well. The Lamborghini is still trying to catch you move away from the railing. You look behind,
up. Just when the Bugatti and you are nose to nose, you see the McLaren and the Lamborghini drifting,
you flare up the throttle. The pulse of the car races and the Bugatti slowing down. Too much power! All
close to ten thousand beats a minute, almost at its of a sudden, the McLaren spirals upwards and hits
physical limit. The speedometer flickers between the ground with a catastrophic crash. A moment of
340 – 347 kmph. The Bugatti and the M c Laren silence for the departed.
have much more to offer, and they race ahead at
370 km/h leaving you and the Lamborghini be- You move on ahead, the faint glow of the city
hind. A few specks of rain appear on your screen, lights are visible, and then the thought hits you.
and then the downpour starts. Everything in front Victory!!! You floor the throttle and race ahead,
of you is a blur .You begin to lose all hope, just your eyes begin to glimmer with hope and excite-
then you see two brake lights flashing before you. ment, and as you cross the check post you hit the
They’re slowing down! In about half a minute, you brakes and turn the car to its limit bringing it to a
realize why - a sharp right is ahead! You’re trying screeching halt. The Bugatti stops right in front of
to decide, whether to overtake them now or slow you, and the Lamborghini right behind it. You stare
down. Not slowing down would be suicidal. But the at each other for a moment - Mutual respect! And
very thought of turning at that speed gets your heart then you part ways as you’ve reached crossroads.
pumping and your adrenaline rushing, and you de- Who knows what fate has in store for you next, and
cide to take the fall, and don’t slow down. whom you’ll get thrown against in the future for
your next challenge!! But you decide to think about
At this point, man and machine share a mystical that when it tomorrow comes.
bond with each other, and are in tune with each
other. They have complete faith in each other’s’
abilities. You take the plunge. In an instant, you whiz
past the rest of the pack. They’re dumbfounded as
L ive life for the very moment! And savor the mo-
ment of victory and live to race another day.

Poorvaja Sankaran


Science is fun?! That indeed sounds like

an oxymoron to most of us. I can hear the
voices mumbling, “That’s just two words
that really don’t go well with each other!”
To most of us, science is limited to the cov-
ers of boring Physics and Chemistry text-
books. Science, however, has a wider pres-
ence than that. Just turn on your curiosity
and you will find science in all its glory right
from the digestion of the food you had for
breakfast to the dreams you have when you
are wrapped cozily under your bed covers at
night. For all those curious folks out there,
here is an archive that I hope will spark in
you the inquisitiveness to find the marvels
of science in everyday life and in every lit-
tle thing around you!

The secret of the crispy cookies! The fan and tube-light interfer- The swinging hands and the
ence spectacle! marching legs!
Food is like the spider’s gossa-
mer thread for us, humans. ‘Live Light is one of the most valuable Man learns to walk when he is
to eat’ is catching up as the cur- gifts bestowed upon us by God. just a year old. At some point in
rent trend rather than ‘eat to There are numerous sources of our life, the question, as to why
live’. Chocolates, biscuits and light and each source has its own we move our hands to and fro
all varieties of fast foods top our characteristic features. This dif- while walking strikes our mind.
preference chart. We buy them, ference plays an important role A few of us would have consid-
gorge upon them and store the in how we presume certain things ered this for a moment and then
rest in refrigerators. But, if by any work. Have you ever seen a ta- let the thought slip away, while
chance they are left exposed to ble fan under a tube light? Have a few others would have gone as
cool air, what happens to these you noticed that the fan appears far as to discover the science of
biscuits?? You will find that they to rotate backward and forward walking. To keep our torso stable
lose all their crispness when left when observed under the tube and conserve energy, we swing
open to air for a long time. But light?? This phenomenon can our arms backward and forward
had you stored them in a fridge, only be seen when the fan is lit by while walking. When you swing,
you surprisingly find that their an electrical lamp. The illusion say, your right leg forward to take
crispness remains intact! Ever does not occur when the fan is lit a step, you provide a rotational
wondered what is the simple sci- by sunlight or candle light. This moment about the central verti-
ence behind this?? The moisture naturally leads us to question the cal axis of your torso. By the prin-
content in fresh biscuits is about fundamental difference between ciple of conservation of angular
five percent after baking and this these light sources. Electrical momentum, an opposite reac-
results in the crisp texture and lamps emit light according to the tionary force is felt by your torso.
good storage stability of biscuits. frequency (50Hz) of the mains
The relative humidity in the at- supply. In simple terms, the lamp
mosphere can vary from about 40 is ON for 10 ms, goes OFF for the
percent during summer to 90 per- next 10 ms, and the process re-
cent on a cool, rainy day. When peats 50 times a second. But, we
these biscuits are left open to air, don’t see the ON-OFF process
they absorb the moisture in the because of our eye’s persistence By swinging your right arm back-
air and hence lose their crispness. of vision. Hence, when the light ward and left arm forward, you
Inside a fridge the water mol- goes off, the eye involuntarily re- counterbalance this moment.
ecules condense on the cooling tains the image of the fan blades’ Just try running without swinging
coils and the air is kept moisture- position. Again when the light your arms at all. Or worse still,
free. As a result the biscuits re- comes on, the fan’s blades would try running while swinging your
main cool, crispy and yummy to have moved to a new position arms in the direction opposite to
eat!! and the eye records a new im- normal, you will find that your
age. Depending on the speed of torso rotates from side to side in
the fan, the image retained by an uncomfortable and unnatu-
the eye gives us the illusion. Sup- ral manner. Of course, legs are
posing, we make the fan rotate heavier than arms, so as to ensure
at a speed of 50rps and place it that the moments are the same;
under an electrical lamp, the fan evolution has ensured that our
would appear to be stationary. If arms are farther from central axis
the speed is different from 50 rps, of our bodies than our legs. This
the fan seems to rotate slowly for- allows the moments from our legs
ward or backward depending on and our arms to be roughly equal
the speed. Sunlight and candle enabling us to walk the earth on
light on the other hand, are con- two very stable legs.
tinuous light sources and hence
do not distort the image of the
rotating fan.

S. Brindha


Ramayana- one of the greatest epics of this country, might have taken an entirely different course.
may have been written centuries ago, however, it is
one from which many a lesson can be learnt and ap- Holding back vengeance and remorse in one’s heart can
plied to everyday life as well. Parallels can be drawn leave a scar so deep that it becomes impossible to erase. If
from this story which was set in a completely differ- people develop the habit of forgiveness, the world would
ent era to the present day strife-torn world be a better place to live in.

A Lesson on Forgiveness A Lesson on Respect

Rama made fun of Manthara, the hunch-back maid Take the case of the ideal son, Rama. His father
of Kaikeyi, when he was a boy. Manthara never for- promised him the “The Crown” and the next mo-
got nor forgave the humiliation she suffered. When ment his step-mother announced his banishment.
Rama’s corona- tion was Respectfully Rama accepted the decision though it
announced, s h e was unfair, for the simple reason that it was an elder
decided i t who had declared his banishment. 14 years later,
was the when he returned from exile, he first saluted Kaikeyi
time despite the injustice meted out to him. But for
t o her, he would not have rid the world off

No ill feelings, no heart-burn, no temper

tantrums. Rama was a shining example of
respect to elders.

A Lesson on Brotherhood
S h e When Bhara- ta came to meet Rama in the
p o i - forest, Lak- shmana was furious. He accused
soned Bharata of being ambitious and having
K a i - inten- tions of doing away with Rama.
keyi’s Rama calmed him saying that,
Bharata knew his dharma and was
beyond all this.

There is an abundance of brotherly love throughout the

mind and
epic. Where is brotherly love in today’s world where men
s a w to it that
do not hesitate to even slay their own over a paltry ances-
Rama g o t
tral property ownership debate?
ban- ished
from t h e
k i n g - dom for 1 4
A Lesson on being a Good Samaritan
years. Had Manthara cho- Jatayu fought with the mighty Ravana. It was a fight
sen not to hold onto her bitter- of age against youth, beaks against keen weapons.
ness and unleash it as re- venge
years later, the Ramay- a n a These days we close our eyes at injustices happening right

around the corner of our streets. We walk away when we Hanuman’s music was far superior to theirs and they
see a fellow human being abused. Where has our con- felt ashamed of having argued amongst themselves.
science gone? When we see any helpless person in any The raga played by Hanuman on this occasion is re-
danger or difficulty, let us think of Jatayu and with a firm ferred as ‘kundakriya’ or ‘hanuman thodi’.
mind try to help them regardless of the circumstance.
The say a man’s true test of character is in how he deals
A Lesson on Karma with his achievements and accepts praise. Humble heroes
have become a rare species in this present world.
Slaying Vali by shooting an arrow from behind a tree
is a slur on Rama’s name - but it was beyond him. A Lesson on Righteousness
Vali was arrogant and had a mystical ability to drain
half the strength of the opponent in front of him and Vibee- shana, Ravana’s brother, was the epitome
add it to his own. Killing him from behind was the o f righteousness. He was against Ravana
only way. For this deed when Rama was reincarnated a b - ducting Sita and he took utmost
as Krishna, he was slain by a hunter, who mistook ef- fort to advise Ravana about his
Krishna’s toe for a bird. Krishna as Rama, slayed Vali wrong doing. Though Ravana
and the same Vali as the hunter in the next life killed was his brother, he surrendered
Krishna. a t the feet of Rama and helped
him. In spite of being
This is the law of Karma. The evil we do (however much born in a family of
we may justify it) will come back to haunt us. Asuras, Vibeeshana
was wise, noble and
A Lesson on Equality always stood by
When Rama accepted food which was
tasted and preserved by a tribal In the todays’ de-
woman Sabhari, caste moralized world,
and creed did not such righteousness is
matter. nowhere to be seen.

Is this not a les- A Lesson on

son for us in the Trust
present times
when religion When Sita was
and caste are abducted by
trying to tear Ravana, though
us apart? she was capable
of destroying the
A Lesson on Humility whole place, she
never did so, as it
All of us know that Hanuman would be a slur on Rama’s strength.
was strong and brave besides be- With immense confidence in
ing full of wisdom. Yet, he was also Rama, she waited patiently for
humble. Sages Naradha and Thumburu had a dispute Rama to save her.
as to, who was more talented in playing the veena.
When they requested Hanuman to judge them, he Today, men have lost their trust and faith in their fellow
wanted them to first hear him play and then decide humans. We are living in a world of mistrust and be-
whether he was worthy of judging them. When Ha- trayal. It is time we took a leaf out of Sita’s unshakeable
numan played, Naradha and Thumburu closed their trust and faith in Rama.
eyes and were soon lost in the music. After the music
stopped, the sages opened their eyes and witnessed Ramayana is an epic not only because it is has
a strange sight! The rocks around them had melted withstood the test of time but because it can eas-
and the rock on which Hanuman was sitting had also ily relate to the past, present and the future.
become soft. Both Naradha and Thumburu realized

Srivatsan Kumar

Of Recessions & Decisions

Economics, by definition, is a science that is deeply In the Western world, there exists a wide economic
connected with the lives of men and as such, has a disparity among different classes of people. Nowhere
strong link with ethics and morality. In this second is this more apparent than in the United States
decade of the 21st century, we, the Indians are keen where 1% of the population controls nearly 60% of
to establish ourselves as an economic power to be the country’s wealth. So it is not surprising that ’The
reckoned with. At this juncture, there are options Occupy Wall Street Movement’ sprung up there.
available to us which may not be the case later on.
Investing in the stock market is supposed to help the
Our economic policy, since 1991, has been nothing economy. With your money, you can buy shares in a
but to follow the path taken by the Western company which you believe, will do well. Over time,
economies since the Industrial Revolution. Now we as the company does well, the value of your shares
know where that road leads to. We understand the increase. This is Investment.
effects that unbridled and unregulated capitalism
has on the world markets and more importantly on Speculation on the other hand is that which happens
the lives of the common man. In this article, I look when financial companies just buy shares to falsely
to explore two different events - The Occupy Wall increase their value and make a profit at the expense
Street (OWS) movement and the proposal to allow of others. Thus the price of a share has nothing to do
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Retail India. with the actual value of the company.

Speculation on housing and land, by various financial Such a move will cause large scale job losses and
giants, was one of the major causes of the global will destroy the livelihood of small retailers all over
recession in 2008, the effects of which are still being the country. When these shops suffer, so will their
felt. Their speculation caused a number of these suppliers and other middlemen associated with them.
companies to go under. These companies had to be
rescued by the governments using tax payer’s money Luckily, the opposition parties were quick to point out
as they were considered too big to fall. Despite their these consequences, even if, only for political reasons.
previous failures, these companies resumed business They organized protests large enough to make the
as usual and focused on their own profits while government scrap the proposal. They also alleged
people lost their homes and were unable to keep up that the move was brought to the parliament due to
with the prices rising due to speculation. the lobbying of foreign corporations.

This unleashed a wave of public anger, rarely seen At this juncture, we must realize that large
in first world countries. Slogans like “We’re the 99% corporations have a degree of financial clout which
gained much popularity. All this culminated in a cannot be matched by the general populace. Their
“dharna” style sit-in-protest with people from various interests will be pushed forward and their views will
parts of the country assembling in Wall Street, the be accounted by the powers that be. We must also
home of the New York Stock Exchange, demanding realize that it is this mentality of serving the interests
the government to put the needs of the people before of a few over the interests of the many that has
that of large corporations. brought the US to an undesirable position; that while
unbridled capitalism brings short term comfort, it is
This novel protest brought into limelight the hardships inclusive development that will bring stability to any
faced by the average citizen and the extent of public society; that it is not possible for only one portion of
anger against the government, which was favouring the society to develop without the others.
the corporations over the public. This move prompted
the US government to rethink its long term economic Now we stand at crossroads - We can either follow
policies. the West down a path that leads nowhere or we can
forge a new path for ourselves; a path where there
While the US government is rethinking on its is no inequality; a path where there is a share of the
capitalist policies, the Indian government has tabled a pie for all; a path towards a stable, self-sufficient
proposal in the parliament which would allow foreign and independent society. All we need is the will and
companies to own up to 51 percent of supermarkets courage to create our own road and more importantly
and up to 100% of single-brand retail stores in the the empathy to make space for every Indian big and
country. This means that the foreign corporations small on that road!
can open their own stores and sell their own goods in
our country. This move would allow retail giants like
Walmart and IKEA to open stores in streets across
our country.

One may ask what all the hue and cry is about. The
experience gained from the West has shown that
these large corporations will invariably replace
the small retailers. India has nearly 1.5 crore small
retail shops operating, which employ nearly 4 crore
people. History shows that large corporations will
slash prices to a point which can’t be matched by the
smaller retailers. They will manage the incurred losses
themselves in order to force the smaller retailers to
close, after which they will have a monopoly over the

“I do what I Love and
I Love what I do”
- Pranav Mistry


Sixth Sense
The Technowizard
If God is the one who defines sense, then
he is the GOD! He is the God of the en-
gineering community. If engineering is the
art of applying the knowledge and skills

His other interesting inventions include a so-

phisticated pen which can write in 3D, Sun-
flower- a simple op-amp device to track the
position of sun, Akshar-a method for inputting
acquired to the real world, then he is with- Indian scripts into digital devices and so on.
out doubt the God of every engineering Pranav’s inventions not only drag the atten-
student. Every Indian should feel proud tion of the globe, but also bring out the artist
that one among us is being hailed as one in him.
of the ten best inventors, not just in one
or two continents, but in the whole world! He is a multi-faceted person, who, besides be-
He is the one who makes every human feel ing an engineer and designer, is a table ten-
that nothing is impossible when man puts nis player. He bagged the district champion-
his mind to it. He is the personification of ship for seven years in a row. He is the founder
optimism. He is the gift of Gujarat. He is of social robotics group in IIT, Bombay. Love
PRANAV MISTRY. Now for those who for his work makes him an expert in his field.
do not know who Pranav is, he is one of Pranav says “I do what I love and I love what
the chief contributors and the backbone I do”. There is a saying “The test of any man’s
behind the sixth sense technology. character is how he takes praise”. Pranav, a sa-
pient inventor is best known for his courtesy
Sixth sense technology is an interface be- and humility. None of his inventions went to
tween humans and digital data. It makes his head. His interest and involvement in eve-
use of a camera, mirror, projector, some ry new work of his is akin to a beginner’s.
colored markers and software to process the
marker movement. These colored markers When we think of a scientist, a silhouette of
act as visual tracking fiducial (somewhat a dowdy person with a bald head and rimmed
similar to a reference electrode; reference spectacles comes to our head. Pranav is far, far
for comparison or measurement) support- away from this clichéd image and looks like the
ing multiple users. The camera tracks the guy next door! At 31, Pranav has bagged many
user’s hand gestures and the projector awards of which the “Young Indian Innova-
projects the information on the surface of tor” and the “Inventor of the year 2009” are
the user’s choice. In a nutshell, by simple noteworthy. Mistry’s future plans include ex-
finger movements the user can bring the tending his ideas to the industries that are in-
world under his feet. The user can flick terested in his technology. When asked about
through photos, surf the internet and what setting up his own company he says “I thought
not. One notable and interesting fact is of that option. It’s logical. But I believe I still
that, projection can be made on just about have five or six years of creativity left in me”.
any physical surface of the user’s choice. While Pranav is getting offers from different
This breaks the limitation of the conven- corners of the world, he is disappointed that he
tional display devices, making sky the limit is not getting offers from his own country. Will
to the computer’s display area (literally!). India think???

K. Arumugam

Not so special after all!

We human beings claim ourselves to be the most intelligent
creatures on Earth. We have been anything, but modest about
this. But the fact is humans are just a blend of some really well
chosen traits from creatures that we consider inferior to us. The
study of these features that indicate intelligence in non-hu-
mans is called as “Animal Cognition” or “Cognitive Ethology”.

What makes us Human?

Or rather, what makes human beings so special? This article

is an attempt to seek answer to this question from a scientific
perspective. But beware! Science can be more mystifying than
your wildest imaginations!

Now back to the question. What makes human beings special?

The ability to effectively communicate? To empathize? Self-

awareness or consciousness (what we call as soul)? Tool usage
(Engineering!)? Sense of humour? The list is non-exhaustive.

There are members from the animal kingdom whose senses

have evolved to what we call superhuman levels. There are
creatures on Earth that have walked beside the mighty Dino-
saurs, watched the biggest meteor strike the Earth, and watched
us grow from the degenerate monkeys we were to what we are
today and saw us destroy a good part of Earth and a number of
species living on it.

Whales, the largest mammal alive, use ‘echolocation’ to detect

obstacles (as massive as their body!) under water. This is a spe-
cially designed SONAR system that relies on the vibration
producing capability of its vocal cords. These ‘sounds’, called
as ‘songs’ by marine biologists are the loudest and the most
complicated sounds produced by the animal kingdom. Scien-
tists are yet to understand these songs fully.

Chimps, our closest living relatives on Earth, keep startling

biologists every day exhibiting many advanced features. Chim-
panzees have been using tools for the past 4300 years. They
are one among the very few species on Earth, to use handmade
tools (even advanced tools like spears!) for hunting. They also
show advanced social behaviour such as empathy, well devel-
oped numeric and planning capabilities and altruism. Recently
chimps have been found to plan for the future, (like preparing

in advance for a possible fight in the group) just like we do. So the next
time a chimp looks at you and smiles, smile back, for he shares a large
part of your genome. He might even be your distant cousin!

The next most unique feature of humans is self-awareness. Every morn-

ing before college, irrespective of how late we are to class, we spend at
least 2 minutes in front of the mirror checking our appearance. If you
think that is very human then wait. There are a whole bunch of ani-
mals (that range from bonobos, chimpanzees, and bottlenose dolphins
to elephants and European magpies) that recognize their reflection in
mirror or water surface. If they see anything unusual on their face, they
try to clean it. We humans actually don’t recognize ourselves in mir-
rors till we are 18 months old!

The most important step in human evolution was our learning to

farm food, rather than to hunt it down or collect it. But surprisingly
enough, there are creatures on Earth that have been ‘farming’ for a
much longer period than human beings. The leaf cutter ants farm a
variety of fungi for nutrients. They nurture them and protect them
against pests or other creatures and the fungus provides nutrients in
return! A more interesting case is that of Aphids (plant lice), which
are ‘milked’ by ants in return for protection. They release honey dew
through specialized canals in their body, which are fed on by the ants.
If that doesn’t sound like farming, then we have to redefine the word.
Besides these leaf cutters, specific breeds of fish and some African ter-
mites also practice farming.

Bees are marvellous creatures. It took us years of research and thou-

sands of cups of coffees to figure out their flight mechanism, which
seemed to defy all known laws of aerodynamics. But that is not all.
Determination of shortest path (travelling salesman problem) in the
shortest possible time is one of the biggest challenges in the comput-
ing world. Computers normally determine length of all possible ways
and choose the shortest paths. Bees, whose brains are hardly the size of
grass seeds, when presented with a set of flowers for collecting nectar,
solve the problem in no time! We are yet to understand how they
perform this feat. But one thing is for sure. Without computers, it may
even take eons for a man to solve the same problem.

The single defining feature of human beings is probably our sense of

humour. Or it was thought so. Because studies have revealed that our
close relatives (besides our chimp cousins) apes, have a well-devel-
oped sense of humour. Wild apes have been caught taunting tiger cubs
(when mommy is away hunting or dating) playing with their tails or
ears and running away, only to return and do it again.

So what makes us, human beings superior to all of these creatures?

The very fact that all our super heroes like spider man, batman, cat-
woman, etc. have been modelled based on some of the marvellous
creations of nature is proof enough that we are not. We just happen to
be at the portion of the evolutionary ladder, which provides us with a
better view on the rest of the world. `

Sindhuja Raghunathan
IV Year M.Sc., Software


Plagiarism - the déjà vu we feel on hearing a song, see- meer, the author of Neon Nagaram, has a natural flair
ing a movie or reading a book is fast becoming a trend to elucidate complex things in simple layman terms and
in the world of glitz and glamour. Though the major- makes Neon Nagaram a gripping read by including
ity of the audience and the media world seem to gladly sub-plots dealing with a case of Obssessive Compulsive
embrace this trend; plagiarism in simple words- ‘Is theft Disorder and a love crisis. The 17 songs by this group
in broad day light in front of a very large audience!’ It of IT professionals and students is second to none and
is the story of a certain someone’s everyday legal battle are bound to leave you awestruck with its variety and
about his tunes or idea being used without due credits freshness.
being given to him. When I came across a fictitious
From the brief sketch of Mayakkam Enna and neon
character that had been plagiarized; I felt like my exam
Nagaram given above, it is immensely clear that
had been forfeited just because my roll number was
Selvaraghavan’s flick is a direct rip off this music novel
replaced by some crook.
by Paadhai. However, while the former revels in the

Mayakkam Enna, the immensely popular Selvaragha- accolades pouring in for his film; the latter lives in the
van flick, is no doubt a brilliant movie. For those who shadows with little or no appreciation for their work.
haven’t watched the movie- Mayakam Enna traces the
The question is: Who needs to be blamed for plagia-
story of Karthik Swaminathan and the great turmoil
rism? Is it the man who shamelessly copies another
he is put through when his work is plagiarised by his
man’s creativity? Or is it the audience who appreciate
mentor. The instances when Karthik cries and begs for
the theft?
his work to be identified fall on deaf ears. The movie
was a huge success largely because it dealt with a fresh A survey conducted by Paadhai revealed that the public
theme- plagiarism. However, for a movie which speaks sentiment was divided on the subject of plagiarism. The
so much on plagiarism, the idea is far from being an following are excerpts from the public response to the
original one! survey.
Neon Nagaram, a musical novel based on a true • ‘Why would I even bother? All I want is my star’s
story by Paadhai (a creative group, formed to express song to be a chartbuster.’
emotions through all possible art forms) is the story of • ‘As long as the song sounds good who is bothered
Vinay, an engineering drop-out turned full-time guitar- about its origin?’
ist whose songs are being plagiarised by a composer.
His struggle for recognition and his victory over the • ‘This is a strategy to take our industry to a world
man, who stole his work, form the central plot. Sham- class quality’
• ‘The song is good and let’s have that I am enjoying the A few cosmetic words for covering up plagiarism such as
Tamil (or any other language) version of it.’ inspiration and tribute can in a way repair the loss and
damage done to the original creators. For the paranoid out
• ‘Don’t we share if a status is good in face book? It’s
there in the web, who cast everything as copied, I would
just like that. The music director likes the song and
like to clearly define plagiarism. I would like to quote
hence he has brought it out in his album.’
Director Saran to aptly clarify plagiarism and incidence:
• ‘Oh I thought he did the song on his own and even “... just because Titanic and Kadhal Mannan (which was
appreciated his capability. But truth sounds bitter’ released earlier) have the same plot of a hero wooing an
• ‘I never thought that he will do this. I have always engaged girl, I can’t complain that James Cameroon pla-
dreamt of becoming him’ giarised the idea. It all depends on how the plot unfolds.”

• ‘He was my inspiration and now I am ashamed to call As fans we are far more tolerant. We wait for an album/
him the same’ film of our icon for days and if the album or film doesn’t
satisfy us we wait for the next. We spend so much money
These sample responses give us a clear picture of the divid- and time on what we like. The world is moving fast. Time
ed opinion of the audience. It is amply clear that while a doesn’t wait and so is the Social Network. The moment a
section of the audience act as the driving force behind pla- song is posted, the whole database of the song including the
giarism; there is an equal number which strongly denounce prelude, interlude, lyrics, base notes, original composer,

album, year, everything is out. No longer will the listener

it, acting as watch dogs and guardians of an artist’s hold the interest to listen to the song which was out already
creativity. Behind every plagiarised work that receives ac- years back in other languages.
claim and glory; there is a poor soul which has been denied
recognition, whose dreams and hopes have been crushed As fans, we hold the responsibility to only support those
and trampled upon. Would we appreciate and applaud a creations that are original. We hold the power to do away
thief who steals a fellow human’s livelihood? with this menace that is pervading the intellectual realm of
creativity. This menace will keep growing until we are be-
These men who without the slightest hesitation steal an- hind the art, rather than the artist. Blindly supporting our
other man’s work need to answer a few questions. icons, conveniently ignoring their plagiarist mischiefs, will
• Why don’t you give up? You aren’t capable of creat- not put an end to this. It is our responsibility to appreciate
ing a master piece by your own merit. At least give a good art regardless of whether it is the work of a legend or
chance for those who are capable and waiting! a first-timer. Just remember: Plagiarism destroys crea-
tivity. The artist can never become more important
• Don’t you feel guilty and ashamed to put your label
than the art itself.
on a creation which isn’t yours?
• Ok you copied, why did you not consider posting the
source or at the least acknowledging the fact in the
III Year Civil

The Land’s End -


Post Cyclone Era

A massive and furious cyclone hit this sleepy town in

If one has a penchant for impossibly blue seas, pris- 1964 and it was soon declared as a ‘Ghost Village’ by
tine white sands and added to it –ruins by the shore, the Government of Tamil Nadu after the chaos and
Dhanushkodi is a sure delight! This beautiful coastal destruction created by the cyclone made the place
village is located at the tip of Rameshwaram Island. unfit for living. The hump of the road, a wrecked
The name of this deserted village has a mythological Dhanushkodi railway station, a church with its roof
origin. It is said that Dhanushkodi (literally translat- ripped off, a shattered ferry office, a thorn covered
ing into arrow’s end) was the place were Lord Rama platform, a high stone-walled water tank, a grand
on Vibeeshana’s request broke the Sethu (bridge) red arch (symbolic of the old post office!) and some
that connected India to Lanka using the end of his brick-and-stone store houses are the only remains of
bow. The mythological background of the city has a village which flourished long ago. For a city which
made Dhanushkodi every Hindu pilgrim’s must visit was ravaged by a cyclone and where not much resto-
place en-route to his salvation. ration work was attempted, it is simply amazing that
about 600 fishing families still continue to live in the
The sleepy village
ruins of this village!
Despite its pristine beauty and mythological impor-
Life in the lost land
tance Dhanushkodi was always a sleepy town which
was never big on progress and growth. It was a simple Dhanushkodi has its nearest telephone service about
village with a post office, a Customs office, a railway 20km away! The village is rich in spring water. The
station, a church and few temples. All the needs of villagers depend on these little water holes for drink-
the town like groceries, vegetables, jewellery and ing as the water from the holes isn’t saline! A tall
textiles were brought to its people through the infre- solar lamp-post at the centre of the village is the only
quent railway service.

source of light for the whole land. The trucks that road leading to the village has sea on either side. The
come by are their only source of transportation. De- left side is called the MALE (since it is quiet) and the
spite the bad living conditions, kids here get educa- right side is called the FEMALE (since it is roaring).
tion. An interesting fact is that Dhanushkodi escaped
or rather was spared from the 2004 tsunami.
Must visit spots in Dhanushkodi

The Adam’s Bridge made of limestone which con-

Dhanushkodi is one of the richest fishing belts in In-
nects India with Sri Lanka is a feast to the eyes. What
dia. Wedged between the seas, Dhanushkodi’s fami-
makes the Adam’s Bridge a peculiar one is that the
lies depend solely on fishing. The fishermen and their
coral rocks and stones which make this bridge float
families are most affected by the frequent detentions
over water. There is much debate in the scientific
and alleged harassment by Lankan authorities when
community as to how this phenomenon is possible.
some stray into that country’s territorial waters since
There is also an equally intense debate among his-
the territory of India is hard to distinguish from Lan-
torians as to whether the bridge was a natural forma-
tion or the one built by Lord Ram. Apart from Ram
On the Indian mainland, across the waters, Tamil Sethu, the Naag Temple and the Panchmukhi Ha-
refugees from Sri Lanka, arrive in a never ending numan Mandir are the most prominent attractions
stream. For these people, dispossessed of their lands of Dhanushkodi. The Dhanushkodi Beach, the gulf
with ever receding hopes of return, Dhanushkodi al- of Mannar Marine National Park and the Pamban
ways has and will continue to be their safe haven. Bridge also figure on the frequented sites of visit.

How to get there? Covered with weeds, sunk in sand and corroded by
the sea, Dhanushkodi is a living (or a dead?) re-
Dhanushkodi is situated near the holy town of minder of the fleeting nature of life—It, in a way,
Rameshwaram. Only light vehicles are allowed. So reinstates your faith in the fortitude and courage of
to reach the place one has to drive down a few kil- people and reminds you that life, despite everything,
ometers from the mainland in a local tempo. The should go on!
local tempo runs over a wooden plank called a ‘fatta’
without which the vehicle cannot even move. The

J.F.Dominic Savio Fernando

Why This Kolaveri??

An eerily lit room, a few musical instruments mentioned songs indicate that they are framed
banging, an upcoming actor singing (reading from common colloquial Tamil and of late Eng-
perhaps) in an ordinary rhymes-like tune, don’t lish words. The lyrics are just raw and they are
think twice - of course it’s Why This Kolaveri something which an average Joe would come
Di!! Launched during mid-November 2011, up with after a few drinks. They are something
this down tempo gaana has become an Internet which an average man can easily relate to, in this
phenomenon. Crossing more than 40 million fast and busy world.
YouTube views, this new rhythmic number has
crossed the national borders (perhaps the only Well, lyrics aside, if you are now thinking that
ones who haven’t heard this yet are the aliens in music plays an important role in making these
outer space). Let us come back to this later and kinds of songs a rage among the masses, think
broaden our spectrum of thoughts for now. again. As I already mentioned any banging me-
tallic instrument in the background would suf-
When songs were first introduced in Tamil cin- fice. Folk instruments like Nadaswaram, Urumee
ema they were of only one kind, Melody. But as and Thavil are also brought in to add a desi fla-
time went by, one became two. There were both vor to these numbers. Next comes the voice.
melodies and rocking numbers. But, of late we The magic here is that you don’t need a Susheela
are witnessing a diversion from this traditional or a Mohit Chauhan to vocalize these lyrics. A
path of Indian cinematic music. Hit numbers like single coarse male voice would be just perfect for
Evan Di Unna Pethan, Loosu Penne, and Why these kinds of scenarios. A perfect blend of these
This Kolaveri Di seem to be forming a genre of broken lyrics, gibberish music and substandard
their own. Have you ever wondered the reason voice creates a ‘Why This Kolaveri Di’ or an
behind this?? The answer is right in front of your ‘Evan Di Unna Pethan’ and makes them a global
eyes. We are getting more urbanized. phenomenon.

During the 60’s, the songs composed in Tamil- Everything indicates that we are all in the mid-
nadu had a folk foundation; mainly because they dle of a transition. A shift from our culture to the
related to the slow pace of the people’s life. But one from the West. But we can be sure of one
on the contrary, the songs which are composed thing, that these ‘Kolaveri’ breed of songs will
now are all done with an urban theme in the form the music of tomorrow.
background. A closer look at the lyrics of not
only Why This Kolaveri Di but also, the above

Of the Naughty Calvin Srishti-2012
Sanghamitra Chatterjee
and the lazy GaRfield IV Year Chemical
The first of the comic
strips can be traced
back to Germany in CALVIN AND HOBBES
the 1880s, mainly to
Calvin, the impulsive and energetic six-year old and his tiger friend Hobbes were created
be published in news-
papers. They have to- on November 18th
day transformed into 1985 by an Ameri-
a new form of litera- can cartoonist Bill
Waterson. The se-
ture. Comic strips are
ries was concluded
a short and effective
on 31st December
way of communicat-
ing thoughts. Here is GARFIELD
a take on two of my The main char-
favourite comic strips Garfield com-
acter of the strip,
which have man- Calvin is a curious, ics began on
aged to entertain the imaginative and 19th June 1978,
young and old alike. highly intelligent and still con-
kid. The boy’s self- tinue to run
ish, rude, ill-tem- in almost all
pered yet caring newspapers and dailies worldwide. Created by Jim Davis,
Garfield holds a Guinness World record for being the most
and sensitive nature appeals instantly. Although
syndicated comic strip in the world.
his grades are consistently poor, Calvin demon-
strates a high level of intelligence through his
Garfield is an anthropomorphic, fat and lazy cat, who loves
refined vocabulary. Most of the time, his quotes
seem to be echoing the thoughts in your mind ac- eating lasagna, hates Mondays and any kind of work. Infact
curately. Like most of us, he hates going to school, he is often caught saying “breathing is an exercise!!” Apart
dreams of tackling monsters when in class and from being fat and lazy, Garfield is also depicted as cynical
never studies for tests. The defining motif of the and sadistic. He enjoys kicking Odie from the table, smack-
strip is the dual charac- ter of Hob- ing spiders and constantly teasing Jon - his human caretaker
bes. To Calvin, he is more hu-
about not being able to find a suitable date. He is shown to
man, much larger than him
and full of inde- pendent have weird relationships with the other animals in the house.
ideas and atti- tudes, but Though he eats all of Jon’s pets (like goldfish and birds), he
every other character makes friends with the mice in the house and actually helps
in the strip sees him as them with the mischief, much against the nature of a cat.
just a stuffed toy. The Garfield’s favourite hobby is munching popcorn and watch-
characters are so well ing television. His fights with Jon for the remote are just like
the fights in the hostel for our favourite programs. He ignores
that every
Odie completely except when it comes to kicking or insulting
him. Odie on the other hand is a rather cheerful and obedient
but extremely moronic dog. He is Garfield’s best friend and
favourite victim. Garfield’s pessimistic attitude and sarcastic
reader connects to them and comments are the best parts of the strip which make it an all-
feels a part of their own extended self being por-
time favorite.
trayed. There is indeed a little bit of Calvin and
Hobbes in each one of us!

A. Bala Vidhyaa

e ? ? ?
ld It B
I‘ve never given much thought hour, after which sleep thankfully

o u
to the existence of ghosts or of took over!
the after-life until this particular
incident, which made me think
otherwise. On a breezy August
Now to the scary
part! When I woke
W ha t W head,
shut my eyes,
and started chanting some
weekend, my room-mates and I up the next day, shlokas and prayed that sleep
set off to watch a newly released I decided to give her a piece would soon take over me. I had no
horror film. It all started there! of my mind and complained about intentions of exploring the dark
People who are familiar with the her super annoying anklets. She, unknown unlike the blonde babes
girl’s hostel, would know how a however calmly replied, that her in the scary Hollywood super hits.
four member room looks like. For anklet broke two days before and so The next morning, I sincerely
the benefit of others (especially the she wasn’t wearing it the previous narrated the entire episode to my
guys :P ) here is the basic layout of night . For a moment, my heart parents and my over protective dad
a room: two beds cemented to the skipped a beat but then I thought took me to half a dozen temples,
floor separated by a wooden plank (or actually hoped) that she was performed every thinkable puja and
about 5 feet in height . My den is in fibbing to fool me and give me the covered my wrist with colourful
the portion facing the front door. creeps; as it was public knowledge bands. When I got back to the
that I was a scaredy-cat. However, hostel, my friends finally managed
A week after that movie, I heard the I turned pale when she showed me to convince me that it was still a
usual anklet sounds from my room- her broken anklet. I sat rooted to safe and normal ghost-free world
mate who uses the bed adjacent to the spot. I was petrified, because and that I was suffering from what is
mine. (She has a habit of chatting I was quite sure that no one else called the ‘Horror Film Syndrome’.
till 12 or some days she starts in my room wore an anklet. My
only at 12 and goes non-stop!!) I mind conjured up scary and ghastly I decided not to dwell more on
assumed that she was just chatting, images of ghosts, evil spirits and the subject and move on since the
sprawled on her bed like any other all the other scary creatures of the noisy/annoying/eerie anklets did
day. It usually doesn’t disturb me, dark as it tried to come up with an not intercept my sleep anymore.
but that night I couldn’t stand it. explanation of the previous night’s But, the question remains-What if I
Just when I was about to tell her events! had turned ON the lights and seen
to bring down her anklet musical, something that night?? It gives me
a figure got up from her side and Two days later, my ears heard the the chills even now.
left the room. I was relieved and same annoying (or should I say
hoped to get back to my dreams. eerie?!) anklet and then when Anyways I leave it to the readers to
Sadly, her noisy anklets had already I lifted my head out of my bed decide what or who it might have
done the deed. I couldn’t sleep and covers, I saw the same figure walk been (INCEPTION style!). Have a
busied myself in staring at the dusty out of my room. I, being the scaredy ghastly day!
fan on the ceiling for a good half -cat pulled the covers tight over my


The Basket Ball Champs

I Year EEE

2011-2012 was indeed a really rewarding one for our

college Basketball team. Out of the five tournaments
that we participated two trophies and two third place
finishes, I should say “is no easy feat” considering
the fact that there are over 75 basketball teams in

The year started with the SSN trophy for which we

travelled to Chennai. Not one of our best tournaments
I should say- we lost in the quarter finals! Time
passed by and the Zonals came along. Even as the
fixtures rolled out, we knew we were on course for
a collision with PSG Tech in the semis. From 21-2
down in the first half, we fought back in the second
half with a new vigor. Scratching and scraping we
drew level at 31-31 with the crowd going “ooh” and
“aah” all the time. At that point, Vishnu got fouled
out and you could say it was one of the crucial points
of the game. Yet, we matched them point for point
and in the closing seconds of the game they scored a
basket enabling them to win 42-41. It was one of the
best matches that I’ve been a part of and believe me
people, I’ve had my share of action as I have been
playing the game for the past ten years.

The 1st semester rolled by and the 2nd semester came

along bringing with it a host of tournaments. Our
luck finally turned around and we started winning
all those close matches that we had been losing
previously. First was the Krishna Trophy where we
beat Karpagam, Hindusthan and Ramakrishna en
route to the trophy. A special mention has to be given
to our captain Sudhakar, Sivaraman, Aravindhan,
Vishnu, Nivedhan, Mohan and Vimal who fought
back from a deficit of 10 points to clinch victory.

Our team was on a roll, and then came the S.R.I.T

trophy which we won. But to say it was an easy victory
is an exaggeration. In the finals we came up against
Kumaraguru College of Technology who had been
ruling the roost for the past three years. Due to the
heroic efforts of the team we snatched a cliff-hanger
64-61.Victory is always sweet when it is earned.

A special mention has to be given to our 4th year

senior R. Ragul who has been our coach and mentor,
shouting himself sore match in and match out.

We finished the year on a victorious note by clinching

the CIT trophy after 5 years. We look forward to yet
another year of action packed matches and glorious
winnings. Until next time...

Lokesh Raj & Rahul
III Year

Happy Birthday

Monday Mornings! How I hate them!! Getting back walked into the door right across my room, glad to
to work after two days of fun and relaxation is seri- find that it was calm and quiet in there. Hoping to
ously a nightmare and drudgery. This Monday was no get back to sleep, I locked the room and was about
different. In fact it turned out to be one of the worst to turn on the lights when I heard hushed voices.
ever – being sent out of the class twice, an unfinished Those peering eyes and hushed voices scared me out
assignment; what more to ask??? I hate Mondays and of my wits. Was this a nightmare?? I turned back and
I think you would totally agree with me. opened the door. People poured in-“No way out!!!” I
thought to myself. I had to admit at that time then-
At long last, after a day of dramatic events, it was “This Monday was surely not my day”.
time to hit the bed. How I had looked forward to it!
Eventually, I was there in my safe haven - my dream- Suddenly the dark room was greeted by a slight
land. Sweet dreams finally!! The government declar- flickering glow of light. Out of nowhere, a cake was
ing a month long holiday, no more exams, and then brought. It was lit with candles and had my girl-
yeah, watching my good old friend playing soccer in friend’s name on it (or to be precise it had the name
the college grounds… Dreams really have no bounds, of the girl I had a huge crush on but could never mus-
do they?? ter the courage to talk to). Finally, It dawned on me!
It was my birthday!!That was literally the ICING
All at once, my vision blurred. Where was I??? Were ON THE CAKE!!!!
my eyes deceiving me? Fools, why were these idiots
freaking out here at this time? Where was I? My senses It was party time. The cake was cut and they took
were gradually returning to normal. I heard someone no chance in letting me have even a slice of it. I was
tell me “Idiot, It’s your stupid old room!” and those given a wonderful cake facial followed by a rain of
who were shouting were (dear me!!!- I should have blows on my back. They thought that the cake right-
known) those crazy filthy little morons - my friends. fully belonged to my face!

Everyone came running. I thought, “They have gone Words of love poured in with warm wishes!!! Hands
mad, literally!” They thrashed me- but with a look of known, unknown greeted me; I was too overwhelmed
glee on their faces. What were they so happy about? to say a thing….. My friends- They made this Birth-
I really had no clue! day of mine a memorable one….!!

Anyways, I was happy to find an open door. Escape, “Was that their gift to me?” or “Were they my gifts?”
at last I thought! I was happy to have eluded my angry
Each and every day is unique. Birthdays make you
friends (who seemed to have huge smiles plastered
feel special and show how many care about you and
across their faces!). I scratched my head, wondering
adore you. What more can you ask for, when it is
what I had done to get bashed up by my friends. I
with your FRIENDS???

A. Revathi

Stolen From II Year ECE

The Great Indian Legacy

I came across a really crazy fact few months back… but hang on; at last it turned to be a re-
ally spicy one. Don’t believe me?? Then continue reading. Will you believe if I say that
it was us, the Indians who invented the “atom bomb”?? Eyebrows down people! Let me
get to the point. When nuclear weapon testing was conducted in Afghanistan, the
scientists who were dumbstruck by the outcomes of the testing were eager to find
out whether any other weapon caused a similar destruction. To their stupefaction,
they found that the ‘BRAHMASTRA’ mentioned in the Bhagavath Gita had
exhibited the same aftermath as they had seen. The black fumes rose into the
sky like a giant mushroom, the energy produced was 14 times as intense as
the sun and its effects included infertility in men and women, hair fall, etc.
How can all these be imaginative? Information given in Gita has been
proved to be factual. But people think it as yet another myth. Never-
theless, the archeological scrutiny in the remains of the Indus val-
ley civilization, especially Mohenjo-Daro made the myth a verity.
The skeletons found in that spot were un-ruined. Also the walls
of the city appeared like quartz crystals. When rocks melt and
cool down, they get solidified in the form of crystals. The only
causative for such crystal formation could have been a volcanic
eruption. Yet there are no traces of volcano in that spot then
what could have been the reason behind it? Yes it could only
have been ‘THE BRAHMASTRA’ that was used only once
in the war as mentioned in the Bhagavath Gita. There are
evidences that the war spot was Mohenjo-Daro. Scientists
too have recorded radioactive radiations all over the city
…Startled, right? So was I. Don’t believe me?? Then go,
grab your granny’s Gita and find the truth by yourself!!
Tell me now who invented discovered atom bomb?? We
Indians or the foreigners? Not only this, super-powers
like Germany have patented around 2850 products
prepared using turmeric, neem etc… that grow only in
tropical countries like India. The U.S has stolen almost
1.7 times as much as Germany has. This is not some-
thing that happened long ago, this information was re-
corded in 2002. Not only were our possessions looted,
but our knowledge acquired over years of labor has been
patented by other nations. The Pythagoras Theorem
was invented by us. But who has the sole authority over
it? The sine series, cosine series, the number system and
measurements that rooted from our knowledge were loot-
ed by the foreign blood-suckers. People today don’t even
bother to question this. In fact we youngsters have forgot-
ten what our ancestors invented. We must value our legacy
and even if we cannot undo the doings of the past we must
protect what is rightfully ours.

Book Review
Indian mythology is indeed a vast and fascinating of the book is the intense discussion on Faith and
world, but its reach has often been limited to the Science between Shiva and Brihaspathi (the Chief
stories re-counted by ageing grand-parents to open- Scientist of Meluha). The book ends on a cliff hanger
mouthed toddlers. In today’s world of racy Dan making its readers itch for the next one in the series.
Brown plots and cute and mushy Chetan Bhagat
works, it is commendable that Amish has taken up THE SECRET OF THE NAGAS
a classic mythological tale and transformed it into a
gripping and fast-paced trilogy. The Shiva in this sequel is a confident, happy man
unlike the Shiva in the first book. He accepts his role
THE IMMORTALS OF MELUHA as a Mahadev and works for the good of the people.
The newest additions to the entourage of Shiva are
The book is the first of the Shiva Trilogy by Amish Kali, Ganesha, Karthik and Parashuram. Though the
Tripathi, an IIM graduate. It delves into the unex- book is pale on the storyline as compared to the first,
plored areas of Hindu mythology woven around the the plot is nevertheless griping and keeps you hooked
basic concept “All Gods were once humans and their till the last page. He introduces a new concept of the
actions alone made them what they are regarded as Vasudevs who assist the Mahadev in essaying his role
today”. effectively and communicate through radio waves in
The story is set in 1900BC in what we know as the temples.
Indus Valley Civilisation. The kingdom of Meluha Although the author was heavily criticized for use
was a near perfect empire, inhabited by the Surya- of modern English, it actually works in favour
vanshis and they followed a strict disciplinary sys- of the reader and helps the current generation
tem as established by Lord Rama. Swadweep, the relate to the plot more easily, making his
Chandravanshis’ land, on the other hand, was book a clear hit. He has done a brilliant job
a disorganized city with many evils some of by portraying Shiva as a mortal - smitten
which continue to exist till date. The book by Sati, swearing like a commoner and
focuses on two other classes of people- the marred by guilt. It is a perfect blend
Vikarmas and the Nagas. These people of a classic grand-mother’s tale and
are believed to have been cursed due a bollywood masala movie. Yet
to the sins of their previous birth and again, this book ends on a cliff
are hence treated as outcasts. The hanger, leaving the readers yearn-
story begins with a simple Tibetan ing for his yet to be released finale
tribal chief - Shiva who, with his with nail-biting eagerness!
tribe, crosses borders into Meluha.
On arriving there, the simpleton The third and final book in this
is revered as the Neelkanth who series-THE OATH OF THE
would save the Meluhans from VAYUPUTRAS to be released
the evil Chandravanshis. in December 2012, will
The plot delves into continue the tale and
the firsthand ac- bring the series to
count of how a glorious end.
Shiva handles Till then,
the bizarre and keep wait-
sudden God- ing! HAR
like treatment HAR MA-
he receives HADEV!
from everyone,
including Em-
peror Daksha.
The best part

K. P. Pavithra Rao

The Six String Affair

A Guitar is a simple way of depicting one’s feelings and Three Main Reasons why You SHOULD own a
emotions in the form of music. This instrument can Guitar:
play a huge role in one’s life. A guitar is more than
an instrument with 6 strings. It is a medium through 1. They are more mobile than other instruments, so if in
which man can connect with the world and let his case you are planning for a night out or beach party,
emotions run riot. A guitar is one which is suited the best fit to hyphen the mood would be a Guitar!
for any mood and lets the player’s emotions shape
the music. It lends itself perfectly for both a metal
2. A Guitar also helps a lot in bringing people together.
rock and soothing melody. It can be soulful;
You would have noticed in many movies that the guitar
tugging at your heart with a gentle vibe or can
plays a vital part in the act of proposal. So
have your emotions flaring up with loud and
just in case if you have fallen for someone
vibrant music. A Guitar can be a total mood
and waiting to open up your feelings to
changer if a person starts playing it. It
him/her, you should probably get
has the capacity to make a sad
yourself a Guitar.
person happy and a happy
person happier.
3. Quick
If this isn’t reason
enough as to why
you should start
this classic
here’s one The guitar, I bet,
more! If will become
you’re your perfect
the guitar companion and
person one which would
in your sway along with
college band your your moods and
popularity and coolness quotient connect to the world
is bound to go up by a few notches. outside! According to me, we
Learning a guitar would take a maximum of one month. can give a totally new meaning to our life by associating
Learning the guitar is a simple exercise too. Once you get a ourselves with music and the simplest way is to GRAB A
hang of the six strings you are set to create your own master GUITAR AND START STRUMMING!

Prabha Devi

Are You Tagged?

“Dude, PUMA shirt... Wow!!! You look cool today
yaar... wassup? Huh... Trying to impress Ananya?” Tags were once hidden behind the shirt collars, away
-“hmmmJJ (smug look) ...Yeah, hope she finds me from plain sight. People of that bygone era chose to
smarter and more charming at least today!!” wear clothes that were comfortable and looked good
on them. Today, the brands scream out for attention!
And the babbling continues!
To many modern day urban youth, a brand is a must
The guy in the T-shirt continues boasting about his have to establish their social standing! Clothes to
branded shoes, swanky shades, blah! blah! blah! He them are no more the stuff, that keep you clad, but
waits outside Ananya’s class, in the canteen, cafe those that reflect inner persona and worth. With the
(everywhere except perhaps the Ladies Lounge!) current day two income families, I am not here to
Did Ananya like him on that day? Was he really point fingers at these COBs who spend wads of cash
smart thanks to his super cool branded gear? Though on these Tags! But there is a question which needs to
Ananya might not have found him any smarter, he be addressed! Isn’t it menial to wrap and define one’s
felt that he looked better thanks to the clothes that persona in something as flimsy as the clothes you
gave him that extra dash of confidence. wear or the shoes you sport?! Aren’t we defined by
I am not here to criticize! I am not blaming that guy something more solid, substantial and deep-rooted??
alone. In fact it is the mentality of all the ‘crazy over The COBs are so tuned into their brand craze that
brand-tag’ (COB) youth! Brand craze has become the they refuse to recognize a world beyond it! Once they
mantra of today’s Gen X. This COB generation suf- sport a branded gear, they become self-conscious and
fers from an obsessive compulsive disorder to quote self-centered. You can watch that guy/girl being so
brands in everything they use! cautious about it, that if someone fails to notice the
Yeah! They are like… man!! “PUMA!! LEE!!! tag, it spoils their mood!! COB’s act weird during
REEBOK!!!! ADIDAS!!!!!” (Kindly note these situations. One can easily visualize their
the arithmetic progression of the ex- transformation from the normal state
clamatory marks). The minute to the excited state.
you sport a branded item, you They become extreme-
become one of them – the ly conscious of their
elite class of super cool walk, the way they
dudes! spike their hair and
even the way they
Thanks to this ob- have a drink.
sessed breed of men,
that a simple white The brand mental-
Tee with ADIDAS ity is so rapidly en-
sewn onto a corner tering our system
costs a fortune! To that it dictates who
make it clear it is we choose as friends
not the brand, it is and more impor-
the TAG that matters. tantly who we define
The common man (i.e., ourselves as! There is
the non-brand obsessed no harm in sporting the
janta) is often left wonder- big names, but should we
ing as to what all this brand let the TAGs speak for us?!
fuss is about! This janta often
(and rightly!) see the COBs as walk-
ing bill boards for the brands they unwit-
tingly advertise!

Masinagudi is a stretch of forest between Bandipur Catherine Falls or St. Catherine Falls is simply a sce-
national park (Karnataka) and Mudumalai national nic wonder. Situated at around 8km from Kotagiri,
park (TN). These forests offer great scope for those this double cascaded waterfall with its beautiful sur-
looking for a weekend getaway into wild and trekkers
roundings is a visual treat. Though the water falls
looking for a tenacious terrain. There are many re-
sorts around the national park with cozy rooms and from 250ft, there are certain spots along the down-
mouthwatering culinary. It is also a great place for stream where water flow is gentle. It is these areas
birdwatchers. The Tamilnadu Forest Department that we recommend you to visit. The spray of the icy
conducts regular van safaris and elephant safaris into water, the gentle flow of the stream and the natural
the forest. It is home to many endangered species like serenity, will help you find your ‘inner peace’. The
the Indian Elephant, Bengal tigers, Indian Leopard, tea estates (walk for about a km in any direction from
Gaur and Chital. There are many other attractions the falls, and you’ll end up in one), are also a sight to
in the park like the Moyar falls and the Pykaara Lake, behold. Start early and you may also get a chance to
a scenic lake situated between hills. It is a lake un- peek at the tea curing. Though travelling by bus is
touched by pollution and crowds, and there is an an-
the easiest and safest option, we recommend a long
nual summer boat race conducted every year. Many
resorts in Masinagudi, offer tree houses for rent. So bike ride with your friends. For it is not the destina-
go ahead, spend a weekend in the wilderness! tion but the journey which matters the most!

<<< Weekend Getaways! >>>

At about 800 feet
above the sea level,
Top Slip is the per-
fect place if you want
a nice long refresh-
ing holiday. This
‘pollution free para-
dise’ stands majesti-
cally between green
spread mountains.
The unique teak and
bamboo forests along
with the diverse flora
are a treat to the shut-
terbugs. The elephant

training camp in Top Slip is the major crowd puller. For the more adventurous kind of people, this place also
provides for elephant safaris and trekking. The Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, is also one of the must visit
places near Top Slip. The number of places around Top Slip is so much that a single day is just not enough. So
try booking one of the tree top houses or the jungle lodges well in advance and think of staying there for the
weekend. Top Slip is a place which should only be understood through the eyes rather than words.


Nelliampathy hills is one of the lesser known hill sta- Situated at around 50km from Coimbatore, this
tions of South India. This picturesque summer desti- popular tourist attraction lies on the foothills of Val-
nation is blessed with evergreen forests and boasts of
parai. But be warned, as the name suggests, monkeys
wild animals like- elephants, bisons and plantations
of coffee, tea, orange and cardamom. These hills are a swarm around the place. Whether it is a pack of chips
part of the Sahyadri ranges of the Western Ghats and or a cell phone or simply a handkerchief, the mis-
so are about 500 to 1600 meters above sea level. This chief makers in this place are ever ready to snatch it
is the perfect holiday destination for all those nature
out your hands. Monkey falls is an awesome place to
lovers and adventure buffs. As one proceeds up the
long and winding road, there are many resorts and es- visit, only during the season time, which is after the
tates located at various points. One estate, built dur- onset of the monsoons. You will have plenty of time
ing the period of British rule is of particular tourist in college during the peak season to visit this place.
interest. At Kaikatty, a community hall is available Unlike Catherine falls, the flora and fauna en route
which is used as a base by trekkers. The trek from
to this place is not exactly spectacular, so taking a bus
Kaikatty to Palagapandy, the highest spot in the nel-
liampathy hills is a treat. From Palagapandy one can to reach the destination would be the cheapest and
hire a jeep or trek to Mampara another breathtak- the best option.
ing vantage point or visit Seetharkundu for fantastic
view of the valley and the 100m high waterfalls.


Adjacent to Top Slip and situated at an alti-

tude of 3500 feet, Valparai can be rightly in-
cluded in the ‘Paradise Places of Tamilnadu’
list. Monkeys, peacocks and sometimes even
deer can be easily spotted beside the road.
The great hornbill is a delight to watch. If you
are lucky enough, you may even get a glimpse
at the mighty elephants. The numerous wa-
ter bodies are a treat to the eyes. Valparai
is a place where planning a day’s trip is not
enough. So think in advance and plan well.

Royal Prince & Senthil

If Sourav should be referred to as the “Prince of Kolkata” then this man should be called the
“Prince of Ranchi”. “Where and what is Ranchi?” might be one question that pops
in many a mind. For decades nothing good, other than Iron ore, manganese
and limestone came from this city in Jharkhand (formerly a part of Bihar).
If there is one man the nation might have heard of from this part of the
country, a decade back, it should’ve been that of the notorious politician,
Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav. No one, in any part of the world would have
anticipated a 28-year drought for the world cup being broken under
the leadership of a man from this soil, the man considered to be one
with the Midas touch, Mahendra Singh Dhoni!

It was a hot and sunny day in Vizag and India

was play- ing the second match of the
ODI series against its arch rival, Paki-
stan. Few would have imagined that
they would witness an innings from a
man who would bring greater glory to
the nation in its most favourite sport.
Sourav Ganguly, the best captain
India ever had till then, promoted
the man with a flowing mane up
the bat- ting order and what
followed was entertainment for
people both in the stands and in the
field. In just the 5th match of his inter-
national career this man produced a match

the man with

the midas touch
winning knock of 148 off just 123 balls. The blitzkrieg knock been delayed we never would’ve
captain himself would never have contemplated seen more of him.
that this would be the man who would emulate
Being in the position as that of his idol, Gilly,
him and was destined for further glory on 2nd
behind the stumps, he hasn’t been a natural
April 2011.
mover to take stunning catches diving across but
Over the years India had produced some fine he’s much quicker to remove the bails off than
cricketers like Gavaskar, Sachin, Sourav and any other keeper today. He may not be the best
Dravid with a pretty good number in the list. keeper to have stood behind the stumps for In-
But, usually most of them had come from crick- dia but he certainly has done more than anyone
eting hubs like Mumbai, Bengal, Karnataka etc. else in both ODIs and tests for India and has the

For a nation with so much of politics in every most number of dismissals by an Indian keeper.
sport, it remains to be understood how this man,
Though he possesses a cool headed multitasking
from a state never known for the sport, could rise
ability, the one that has kept him in the team
up the ranks. India had always wanted a wicket-
for long is his batting. Technically one would
keeper, who could bat, for a long time. Coming
never consider him a specialist batsman. Though
behind the heels of players like Ajay Ratra, MSK
he doesn’t possess the elegance of Sachin, the
Prasad, Vijay Dhaiya, Parthiv Patel, Dinesh
flair of Sourav or the solidity of Rahul, his record
Karthik who were good with the gloves but not
boasts of consistency unmatched even by the
as promising with the bat, MSD, for sure, was
above names in ODIs. Ever since his debut in
one such experimental material and had his first

December 2004, he has never been dropped on justified his worth by winning two league and
grounds of inconsistency. His knocks of 183* at one championship titles for his franchise. The
Jaipur against the Lankans and 72* off 46 balls TIME magazine added him in its “Time 100”
at Lahore against Pakistan are ones that show list of 100 most influential people of 2011. He
that this man can bat at any position. He has remains the advertiser’s dream and a poster boy
been unusually prolific while chasing down tar- for modern-day India. According to the Sport-
gets. His average of over 100, in matches India sPro magazine Dhoni is the 10th most valuable
has won chasing, is the best as on date. The fact brand in field of sports worldwide and #1 among
that he won the ODI player of the year for 2009 all Asian superstars.
and is consistently ranked in the top-10 for ODI
Of all the records that this man possesses, the
batsmen implicates him being a specialist bats-
crowning achievement is that which was accom-
man statistically if not technically.
plished at the Wankhede with a six off Nuwan
In 2007, after India was knocked out of the Kulasekara. Before the tournament, India, no
World cup in the Caribbean, Dhoni was given doubt, had a balanced bat- ting unit. But, the
the captain’s arm band. His first assignment was bowling was always a con-
the T20 championship with a young and in- cern and the way
experienced side and in a MS handled the
format that limited resources
India had till at hand should
then played be recognised.
just a single Most fans
match. He argue that
made the unex- the credit
pected happen shouldn’t go
and India was the to Dhoni because
winner of the in- his performance through the tourna-
augural edition of ment wasn’t worthy except in the finals. In 2003,
it, a record that will stand forever Ganguly along with an impressive Sachin took
unbeaten. Soon after, he was also given the cap- India to the finals but both the legends and the
taincy of the test side and under him India went team failed. Eight years later, Captain Dhoni’s
on to become the #1 test team for the first time batting didn’t play a great role in bringing India
in history. In the test format, though his batting to the finals but on that day of the ultimate clash
record hasn’t been as impressive as that of his he made sure the trophy wasn’t leaving India and
ODI record, statistically he’s the best wicket- even Sachin, considered to be “God of Indian
keeper batsman for India. Cricket” could only watch and applaud from the
dressing room!!!!
All his qualities put together made him the hot-
test property at the inaugural IPL auction as he
was bought for a whopping 1.5 million USD. He

Sitting (from left to right) Standing Second Row (from left to right)

Hostel General Secretary Nandeeswaran Photography Club A. Ramachandran

Students Union Chairman P. Arumugam Nature Club N. Mohamed Ali
Administrative Officer Dr. S. Shanmugam Muthamil Mandram K. Prakash
Principal Dr. V. Selladurai Elam Paravai editor V. Seenivasan
Students Union Staff Advisor Dr. A. Sivalingam Literary Club R.J.S.A. Jayamary Divya
Students Union Secretary Archana Valsan N.S.S S. Preethi

Standing First Row (from left to right) Standing Third Row (from left to right)

N.S.S S. Manobalan Quiz Club S. Vishnu Santosh

N.S.S Kavin Kumar Music Club R. Santhosh Kumar
Sports Club M. Anna Malai Arts Club T. Pravin
YHAI K. Manon Kumar Dramatics club J. Jeyasiranjeevi
Film Club V. Pradeeep Rajan Space Club K. Arumugam
Youth Red Cross K. Manoj Srishti Editor R. Sriram
Karate Club M.P. Raj
Member not in photograph

N.C.C M. Dinesh Kumar

hmir dispute.
ows best
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ess food solved…
-copy sho
Quality of mcussed but cannot be re
It can be dis
n who kn
the photo

Mess table g
some real ta ssip is the only thing th
ste to the f at adds
The perso

e in Tv series and
the man in

d re gu la ri ty of a CITian is reflected
The dedication anasses and assignments.
movies than in cl
It is not always good that a professor knows you by your name.

The number of extra sheets

a student uses is inversely
proportional to his knowledge!
about the

Never wake up a fr
It's much more fun iewnd dozing in the clas
hen the professor
and nothingcord,

We are all dead if wikepedia starts charging per 'ctrl C'.

she only wan a girl asks you for your

There is alw
that he scr that one friend in yo
ewed his p
aper and w ur gang who would s
ould end u a
p getting a y
ts the record

n S.
Not beating someone on his birthday night
doesn't mean he won’t beat you on yours. Don't miss the chance!

only on stage,
ay is greater th an
Boys, if

p u s o n a n y d
d eo d o ra nt used in g water used on the same d y!
ca m a

T h e to ta l in
CITians lov the amount of bath
One guy so learning from their
lves the as p
signment, eers.
turn back to th s don't expect performances

the rest 'l

even better en

earn' from
Group study sessions start with Maxwell's right hand rule
and end with Vijay's next release.
When a CITian
says 'I cleane
d my room'
e balcony for

he means that
path from his he made a
door to the be

bing up the
exam while clim
During showd

o re th e
That 30 minute
s b ef h to complete
stairs is enoug
left as choice.
half would be
half the syllab u s. Th e o th er
It is obligatory to abuse and shout Explore. Dream. Discover.
when the lights go out in the hostel.

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