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Requisition Tables REQ_HDR: Requisition Header REQ_LINE: Requisition Line REQ_LINE_SHIP : Requisition Line Schedule REQ_LN_DISTRIB: Requistion Distribution

Purchase Order Tables PS_PO_HDR ---PO header detail PS_PO_LINE ---Po line details PS_PO_LINE_DISTRIB ---PO line distribution details PO_LINE_MATCHED PS_VENDOR---Vendor details. PS_PERSONAL_DATA ---Personal data details PS_IF_WFLOW_PO---PO work flow details PS_PO_LINE_SHIP---PO ship details. PS_PO_RECV_LN_VW---when PO received then its details PS_VCHR_LN_PO_VW---when we create voucher of PO PS_RECV_HDR---Receiver header table RECV_LN Account Payable/Voucher Tables PAYMENT_TBL: AP disbursements table. PYMNT_VCHR_XREF: Voucher Scheduled Payment. PYMNT_XREF_VW VCHR_ACCTG_LINE: AP accounting entries. VENDOR VENDOR_ADDR VOUCHER: AP voucher header table. VOUCHER_LINE: AP voucher line. DISTRIB_LINE: Voucher distribution table. RT_RATE_TBL : Market Rate Data Tale. There is also the market rate default view RT_DFLT_VW. GRP_AP: Stores AP control groups. Accounts Receivable Tables PS_ITEM PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY PS_ITEM_DST PS_PENDING_ITEM PS_PENDING_DST PS_GROUP_CONTROL PS_DEPOSIT_CONTROL PS_PAYMENT PS_PAYMENT_ID_CUST PS_PAYMENT_ID_ITEM

Asset Managemnt ASSET ASSET_ACQ_DET ASSET_ALL_VW ASSET_CUSTODIAN ASSET_LOCATION COST DIST_LN Billing BI_ACCT_ENTRY BI_HDR BI_LINE BI_LINE_DST General Ledger Tables (GL Journals) & Commitment Control PS_LEDGER: The general ledger data table. PS_JRNL_HEADER: Stores general ledger journal header data. PS_JRNL_LN: Stores general ledger journal line data. LEDGER_BUDG LEDGER_BUDG_KK LEDGER_KK LEDGER_PROJ SOURCE_TBL PS_GL_ACCOUNT_TBL: GL Accounts table. BUS_UNIT_TBL_GL CAL_DETP_TBL ACCOUNT_EXP_VW ACCOUNT_REV_VW LED_DEFN_TBL ps_combo_rule_tbl: Stores ChartField combination rules. ps_combo_group_tbl: Stores ChartField combination groups. ps_combo_data_tbl: ChartField Combo data table. ps_bu_led_comb_tbl: Business Unit CharField Combos for Ledger. KK_ACTIVITY_LOG KK_SOURCE_HDR KK_SOURCE_LN Voucher Build Staging Tables PS_VCHR_HDR_STG PS_VCHR_LINE_STG PS_VCHR_DIST_STG PS_VCHR_PYMT_STG ps_bu_dfhi_opt_vw: Used by voucher build for the defaulting process.

Contracts CNTRCT_HDR CNTRCT_LINE Projects PROJECT PROJECT_HEADER PROJ_RESOURCE PROJECT_STATUS PROJ_TYPE_TBL Grants Management GM_AWARD GM_BUD_HDR GM_BUD_LINE_DTL GM_BUD_LINE_SUM GM_PROPOSAL GM_PROP_PROJ Inventory Accounting BUS_UNIT_TBL_INV CM_ACCTG_LINE CM_ACCT_POST_LN INV_ITEMS ITM_VENDOR ITM_VNDR_UOM ITM_VNDR_UOM_PR MASTER_ITEM_TBL Business Unit Tables PS_BUS_UNIT_TBL_FS: PeopleSoft financials business units. PS_BUS_UNIT_TBL_AM: Asset Management business unit table. PS_BUS_UNIT_TBL_AP: Accounts Payable business unit table. PS_BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR: Accounts Receivable business unit table. PS_BUS_UNIT_TBL_GL: General Ledger business unit table. PS_BUS_UNIT_TBL_BI: Bill business unit table. Vendor Tables VENDOR: Stores vendor related information. VENDOR_ADDR: Vendor address related info. VENDOR_LOC: Vendor locations. VENDOR_PAY: Payment processing sepecifications such as payment method, payment handling code, bank code and so forth. VNDR_ADDR_SCROL: Index to address table. VNDR_CNTCT_SCR: Index to contact table. VNDR_LOC_SCROL: Index to location table.

VENDOR_ID_NBRS: Additional ID numbers (Dun & Bradstreet numbers). VENDOR_ADDR_PHN: Vendor phone numbers. VENDOR_CNTCT: Vendor contacts. VENDOR_CONVER: Vendor converstaions. VENDOR_INVOICE: Stores vendor invoice related flags. VENDOR_TYPE: Vendor type codes. VNDR_BANK_ACCT: Vendor electronic payment information. VNDR_CNTCT_PHN: Vendor contact phone numbers. VNDR_IND_CLASS: Vendor Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes. VNDR_URL: Vendor website address. VNDR_VAT_RGSTRN: Vendor VAT information. VENDOR_WTHD: Witholding data. VENDOR_WTHD_JUR: Witholding type. VAT (Value Added Tax) Tables PS_TAX_CD: Stores VAT Tax codes. PS_TAX_AUTHORITY: Stores VAT Tax codes percentage rates.

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