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Respected Sir/Madam, My self KAVITHA.K pursuing MBA in JSSATE Bangalore. Im undertaking A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION at BEML LTD KGF as part of the project towards partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Management course. Your opinion is highly valuable. Your identity will not be revealed in any way through your participation in this study. The results will not be reported in a way that will reveal individual participants. Name : . Age : .

Qualification : .. Designation : . Experience : .

Department : . 1. Are you satisfied with the Wages and Salary Administration in your organization? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

2. Are you satisfied with the benefits provided by the organization? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

3. Is the salary dependent on your work performance? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

4. Is the salary competitive when compared to other organization? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

5. Do you have a good opportunity for career advancement? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

6. Are you satisfied with the performance appraisal techniques followed in your organization? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

7. Is your promotion based on seniority? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

8. Is the relationship with your co-workers is cordial? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

9. Is team work facilitated in the organization? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

10. When a decision is made at work place is your opinion considered? a) Yes 11. Is your superior effective? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide b) No c) Cannot

12. Do you get adequate support from the supervisor? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

13. Do you feel that the relationship with your superior is cordial? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

14. Are you happy with your work environment? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

15. Do you feel your job involves great deal of stress? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

16. Do you feel safe while doing the job? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

17. Do you have the opportunity to learn more? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

18. Do you get adequate opportunities to demonstrate your skills? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

19. Do you get recognition for your work? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

20. Does the company frequently conduct training program? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

21. Do you have the capability to achieve targets in time? a) Yes b) No c) Cannot Decide

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