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100 marks are allocated to this paper. Attempt all questions in Section A (50 marks). Attempt any two questions from Section B (50 marks). Use labelled diagrams and sketches to illustrate your answers where appropriate. All calculations must be supported by working. A PLC datasheet is included for questions 5 and 13. A Flowchart symbol sheet is included for questions 6 and 11. Worksheets are provided for questions 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

PB X028/301 6/310


SECTION A Attempt ALL questions in this Section (50 marks). 1. (a) State one type of flow sensor that could be used in a Mechatronic System. (b) With the aid of a simple sketch, briefly describe the basic operation of the sensor chosen in Q1(a). (c) State two appropriate applications for the sensor chosen in Q1(a).


2 2 (5)


Page two

Marks 2. The diagram in Figure Q2 shows the basic architecture of a microcontroller. Some elements have been labelled with the letters A to C.

A Control bus

Figure Q2 (a) Which row in the Table Q2(a) correctly lists the names of the elements labelled A, B and C in Figure Q2.

Row 1 2 3

Element A is the ... Data bus Data bus Address bus

Element B is the ... Microprocessor Unit Memory Unit Microprocessor Unit Table Q2(a)

Element C is the ... Memory Unit Microprocessor Unit Output Unit 2

(b) Which one of the following three statements below correctly describes the nature of the data flow on the data bus in a microcontroller. Statement 1: Statement 2: Statement 3: On a data bus, the data flow is uni-directional. On a data bus, the data flow is bi-directional. On a data bus, the data flow is omni-directional. 1

(c) For a mechatronic control system within an industrial environment, state two advantages that a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based system has over an ASIC based system.

2 (5)

[Turn over [X028/301] Page three

Marks 3. Table Q3(a) shows a selection of codes used in Mechatronic Systems. Code name = 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 Code name = Gray code 0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100 1101 Code name = 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0011 0000 0100 0000 0101 0000 0110 0000 0111 0000 1000 0000 1001 0001 0000 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Table Q3(a) (a) On Worksheet Q3, complete Table Q3(a) by: (i) inserting each of the two missing code names; (ii) inserting each of the four missing code values. (b) An encoder disc has 1080 equally spaced slots and is rotated through 15 turns. On Worksheet Q3, determine the count that would be accumulated in a counter if the initial count was zero. 2 2 1110 1010 1011 1001 0001 0101 0001 0001 0001 0010 0001 0011

Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 (5)


Page four

Marks 4. (a) On Worksheet Q4, state the type of each robot in Figure Q4(a). 1

Figure Q4(a) (b) On Worksheet Q4, for the cylindrical and SCARA robots shown in Figure Q4(b), sketch each work envelope.

Figure Q4(b) (c) On Worksheet Q4, briefly explain the differences between lead-by-nose and point-to-point methods of programming with specific reference to a robotic application.

2 (5)

[Turn over


Page five

Marks 5. A mechatronic control system uses a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Ladder Diagram Q5 shows the PLC program.





T0 Timer T0


Timeout = 30 sec


Ladder Diagram Q5 Describe the operation of Ladder Diagram Q5 starting from the press (and release) of the START button, X0. Note: the inserted PLC Datasheet Q5/Q13 gives the PLC instruction set.



Page six


Figure Q6 illustrates an automated component sorting system. The system shows ARM2 activated. ARM2 ARM1 Conveyor Box Z C Sensor A Box X Box Y


Figure Q6 The system operates as follows: each component is placed on the conveyor at point C; the component is weighed as it passes over Sensor A; overweight components are routed into Box X by ARM1; underweight components are routed into Box Y by ARM2; the correct weight components continue on the conveyor into Box Z; the conveyor runs continuously.

(a) On Worksheet Q6, complete the flowchart shown in Figure Q6(a) to show the operation of the automated sorting system. Start Weigh component as it passes over sensor A

Figure Q6(a) Note: the inserted Flowchart Symbol Sheet Q6/Q11 gives a suitable selection of Flowchart Symbols. (b) The automated component sorting system is to be modified to count the correct weight components going into Box Z. This count has to be stored and displayed. On Worksheet Q6, describe the additional parts required for this modification and their basic operation.

2 (5)


Page seven

[Turn over

Marks 7. The graphs shown below in Figure Q7(a) and Figure Q7(b) represent the response to a step change for two different types of temperature control systems. Temperature Temperature

Figure Q7(a)


Figure Q7(b)


(a) With reference to the graphs in Figure Q7(a) and Figure Q7(b), state which row in the table below correctly describes the type of control response. Row 1 2 3 Figure Q7(a) represents ... an OPEN LOOP control system response a PID control system response an ON/OFF control system response Figure Q7(b) represents ... a PID control system response an ON/OFF control system response an OPEN LOOP control system response

(b) Briefly describe each of the following terms associated with the individual P, I and D elements within a PID control strategy. Error Signal Response Time Offset

3 (5)


Page eight

Marks 8. Figure Q8 shows a directional motion sensor system. When a sensor is in line with a tooth on the wheel, a logic 1 is the output. The wheel is shown rotating clockwise at a constant speed.

Sensor A A

1 0 1 B 0

Sensor B A

Waveform set 1

1 Figure Q8 0 1 B 0
Waveform set 2

1 A 0 1 B 0
Waveform set 3

(a) State which waveform set represents the output of sensors A and B for clockwise rotation. (b) On Worksheet Q8(b) draw the waveform set for anti-clockwise rotation of the toothed wheel. (c) In your answer book, state a suitable sensor for sensor A.

2 1 (5)

[Turn over


Page nine

Marks 9. Figure Q9 shows a schematic diagram of an automated liquid soap dispenser. When a hand is sensed in the sensor field, 5 ml of liquid soap is dispensed.

500 ml liquid soap cartridge

Drive motor Flexible plastic tube

Rotational soap pump Sensor

Sensor field

Figure Q9 (a) State a suitable sensor for the detection of a hand. (b) 5 ml of liquid soap is delivered by the rotational soap pump. Briefly describe a suitable system that would enable the number of rotations of the pump to be counted/controlled. (c) Briefly describe a suitable sensor/indication system that could be used to indicate when the automatic liquid soap dispenser requires the liquid soap cartridge to be replaced. 1

2 (5)


Page ten

10. This question consists of a series of multiple choice questions and answers for a number of mechatronic related themes. On Worksheet Q10, answer the multiple choice question by putting a tick in the correct box. (a) An example of a temperature sensor is a b c d e a light emitting diode an electric motor a strain gauge a micro switch a thermocouple.


(b) A float switch is a device used to sense a b c d e force pressure level temperature flow.

(c) A hydraulic actuator is used to a b c d e count pulses provide heat measure level detect pressure provide motion.

(d) A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a b c d e high maintenance a pneumatic device an electric motor linear only reprogrammable.

(e) BCD is a b c d e a sensor a coding system a control strategy a mechatronic actuator a type of electric motor. [END OF SECTION A] [Turn over for SECTION B on Page twelve Page eleven (5)


SECTION B Attempt any TWO questions in this Section (50 marks). Each question is worth 25 marks. 11. Figure Q11 shows a simplified schematic diagram of an automated workstation that produces sheet steel guide plates.

Hydraulic punch unit

Hydraulic press unit

Rotating index table Sensor A Load conveyor





Unload conveyor

ROBOT Robotic Arm Stage 1 Stage 2 Stages 3 & 4

Blank Plate

Punched Plate Figure Q11

Punched & Pressed Plate

The system comprises: Robotic arm to load/unload plates Load conveyor Sensor A Rotating index table Hydraulic punch unit Hydraulic press unit Unload conveyor Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).


Page twelve

11. (continued) The system operates in the following way for each blank plate. Stage 1. The Robot loads a blank plate onto the rotating index table where it is magnetically clamped. Stage 2. The blank plate is punched. Stage 3. The punched plate is pressed into shape. Stage 4. The punched and pressed plate is unloaded. A signal from the PLC rotates the index table 90 degrees clockwise between each stage. The cycle continues while there are blank plates available. The PLC sends a signal to the hydraulic punch unit to initiate the punching action. When the hydraulic punch unit has completed the punching action it returns a punch completed signal to the PLC. The PLC sends a signal to the hydraulic press unit to initiate the pressing action. When the hydraulic press unit has completed the pressing action it returns a press completed signal to the PLC. The system is designed in such a way that the load, punch, press and unload stages will not operate until the table has turned through the required angle. The PLC prevents the table from rotating while each stage is being carried out. The unload conveyor runs continuously. (a) The load conveyor delivers blank plates. When a blank plate reaches Sensor A, the conveyor stops. When the robot removes the blank plate, the conveyor restarts and delivers the next blank plate. Suggest and describe a suitable sensor for Sensor A. (b) Sketch a flow chart of the system for one complete cycle of manufacture. Note: the inserted Flowchart Symbol Sheet Q6/Q11 gives a suitable selection of Flowchart Symbols. (c) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using a hydraulic power source for the hydraulic press unit. (d) Identify two safety issues with this system and state how each could be resolved. (e) Produce a labelled sketch of a suitable design for the robot gripper which would allow the loading/unloading tasks to be undertaken. (f) The table rotation must be 90 degrees with an error of plus or minus one tenth of a degree. Calculate how many bits would be required on a rotary encoder to achieve this resolution. (g) Identify: (i) the input signals; (ii) the output signals which are required to interface the PLC unit with the physical hardware. [X028/301] Page thirteen [Turn over


3 6

4 (25)

12. Figure Q12 shows a schematic diagram of a crisp fryer unit used as part of a continuous manufacturing line. Feed belt Pre-formed, uncooked crisps Clamp belt Submerged electrical heaters Heated oil bath

Temperature sensor Re-use pump Filter Oil cleaning system Touch screen Figure Q12 The unit consists of a feed belt, clamp belt, heated oil bath, oil cleaning system with filter and re-use pump. The pre-formed, uncooked crisps arrive on the feed belt and are held gently in place by the clamp belt whilst they travel through the heated oil bath and are cooked. The cooked crisps exit the fryer and then pass on for further processing. The cooking oil temperature and belt speeds are computer controlled. The system is operated via a touch screen which displays a schematic diagram of the system showing the speed and temperature at strategic points. The cooking oil is heated by submerged electrical heaters and the temperature controlled to the required value of 200 C. The cooking oil is pumped from the bottom of the heated oil bath, passed through a filter to remove any crisp particles and is then returned into the heated oil bath.


Page fourteen

Marks 12. (continued) (a) Choose and briefly describe a suitable sensor which would allow the temperature of the cooking oil to be monitored/controlled. (b) The speed of the crisp fryer feed belt must be controlled accurately at 02m/s. Describe a suitable sensor system which would enable an accurate speed measurement to be obtained and interpreted by the computer control system. (c) Identify: (i) the input signals; (ii) the output signals required for the computer to monitor/control the crisp fryer unit. (d) Sketch and briefly describe a suitable sensor system which would allow the condition of the oil cleaning system filter to be monitored. (e) It has been decided to add an automated oil top-up system to the existing crisp fryer unit. List the additional parts required and give a brief description of how your system would integrate and operate within the modified crisp fryer unit. (f) (i) Outline two safety hazards associated with the crisp fryer unit and how each may be addressed at the design stage. (ii) Briefly describe two practical issues, in addition to safety issues, which could arise when sensing and controlling within an environment containing very hot cooking oil. 3 2

3 (25)

[Turn over


Page fifteen

13. Figure Q13 shows a PLC controlled industrial shredder for paper recycling. Paper is loaded into the paper cage. It then passes through the shredding rollers and the shredded paper falls into a skip.

Paper cage

Paper cage sensor (X1)

Shredding rollers

Motor overloaded sensor (X2) Warning light (Y1) Push button (X0)

Drive motor (Y0)


Figure Q13 The shredder operates as follows: The paper cage sensor indicates that the paper cage is correctly positioned. One push button and a paper cage sensor are used to control the machine and are assigned to PLC inputs X0 and X1 respectively. The shredder should only shred paper if the push button is pressed AND the paper cage sensor is activated. The motor of the shredder is controlled by PLC output Y0. There is a motor overloaded sensor connected to PLC input X2 which is activated if the drive motor has overloaded. The warning light is controlled by PLC output Y1.


Page sixteen


(continued) (a) A ladder diagram representing an initial PLC program controlling the shredder is shown in Ladder Diagram Q13(a). On Worksheet Q13(a) briefly explain the program action it represents and its effect on the operation of the shredder. Note: the inserted PLC Datasheet Q5/Q13 gives the PLC instruction set. X0 X1 Y0 Ladder Diagram Q13(a) (b) On Worksheet Q13(b), sketch a modified ladder diagram that will ensure that the drive motor continues to run after ONLY the Push button (XO) is released. (c) Making reference to the diagram you modified in Q13(b), on Worksheet Q13(c), briefly explain what would happen if the paper cage is removed and then put back while the shredder is in operation. (d) If the motor overloaded sensor (X2) detects an overload then it stops the drive motor and illuminates the warning light (Y1). On Worksheet Q13(d), redraw your ladder diagram incorporating this feature. Explain the program operation with this addition in place. (e) As shredding progresses, the skip will become full. An addition is to be made to the system so that when this happens the shredder motor is stopped and a skip full light turned on. (i) On Worksheet Q13(e), state a suitable skip full sensor. (ii) On Worksheet Q13(e), redraw your ladder diagram, adding the contact X3 of the skip full sensor to allow the program to stop the shredder motor and to turn on the skip full light on output Y2. (f) (i) The correct position of the paper cage is detected by a sensor. In your answer book, suggest a suitable sensor and briefly describe its operation. (ii) When the motor overloads it gets hot. Suggest two types of temperature sensor which could be used for this application and briefly describe the operation of one of your chosen sensors. (g) There is a risk that the shredder system jams and stops shredding material. Suggest a suitable system addition to detect this condition and briefly describe this with the aid of a sketch. (h) State two safety issues associated with this paper shredding system. [END OF SECTION B] [END OF QUESTION PAPER]


3 2 (25)


Page seventeen





Total Marks


Worksheets for Q3, Q4, Q6, Q8, Q10 and Q13

Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town



Date of birth Day Month


Scottish candidate number

Number of seat

To be inserted inside the front cover of the candidates answer book and returned with it.





Worksheet Q3 (a) Complete Table Q3(a) by: (i) inserting each of the two missing code names; (ii) inserting each of the four missing code values. Decimal Code name = 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 Code name = Gray code 0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100 1101 Code name = 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0011 0000 0100 0000 0101 0000 0110 0000 0111 0000 1000 0000 1001 0001 0000 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Table Q3(a) (b) An encoder disc has 1080 equally spaced slots and is rotated through 15 turns. Determine the count that would be accumulated in a counter if the initial count was zero. 1110 1010 1011 1001 0001 0101 0001 0001 0001 0010 0001 0011

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Count = ________________


Page two

Worksheet Q4 (a) State the type of each robot in Figure Q4(a).

Figure Q4(a) ______________________________ ________________________________

(b) For the cylindrical and SCARA robots shown in Figure Q4(b), sketch each work envelope.

Figure Q4(b)

(c) Briefly explain the differences between lead-by-nose and point-to-point methods of programming with specific reference to a robotic application. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ [X028/302] Page three [Turn over

Worksheet Q6 (a) Complete the flowchart shown in Figure Q6(a) to show the operation of the automated sorting system. Note: the inserted Flowchart Symbol Sheet Q6/Q11 gives a suitable selection of Flowchart Symbols.

Start Weigh component as it passes over sensor A

Figure Q6(a)

(b) The automated component sorting system is to be modified to count the correct weight components going into Box Z. This count has to be stored and displayed. Describe the additional parts required for this modification and their basic operation.


Page four

Worksheet Q8(b) (b) Draw the waveform set for anti-clockwise rotation of the toothed wheel.

Sensor A

Sensor B

1 A 0 1 B 0

[Turn over


Page five

Worksheet Q10 10. This question consists of a series of multiple choice questions and answers for a number of mechatronic related themes. Answer the multiple choice question by putting a tick in the correct box. (a) An example of a temperature sensor is a b c d e a light emitting diode an electric motor a strain gauge a micro switch a thermocouple.

(b) A float switch is a device used to sense a b c d e force pressure level temperature flow.

(c) A hydraulic actuator is used to a b c d e count pulses provide heat measure level detect pressure provide motion.

(d) A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a b c d e high maintenance a pneumatic device an electric motor linear only reprogrammable.

(e) BCD is a b c d e [X028/302] a sensor a coding system a control strategy a mechatronic actuator a type of electric motor. Page six

Worksheet Q13 (a) A ladder diagram representing an initial PLC program controlling the shredder is shown in Ladder Diagram Q13(a). Briefly explain the program action it represents and its effect on the operation of the shredder. Note: the inserted PLC Datasheet Q5/Q13 gives the PLC instruction set. X0 X1 Y0 Ladder Diagram Q13(a) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (b) Sketch a modified ladder diagram that will ensure that the drive motor continues to run after ONLY the Push button (XO) is released.


Page seven

[Turn over

Worksheet Q13 (continued) (c) Making reference to the diagram you modified in Q13(b), briefly explain what would happen if the paper cage is removed and then put back while the shredder is in operation. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (d) If the motor overloaded sensor (X2) detects an overload, then it stops the drive motor and illuminates the warning light (Y1). Redraw your ladder diagram incorporating this feature. Explain the program operation with this addition in place.

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ [X028/302] Page eight

Worksheet Q13 (continued) (e) As shredding progresses, the skip will become full. An addition is to be made to the system so that when this happens the shredder motor is stopped and a skip full light turned on. (i) State a suitable skip full sensor. A suitable sensor is ______________________________________________ (ii) Redraw your ladder diagram, adding the contact X3 of the skip full sensor to allow the program to stop the shredder motor and to turn on the skip full light on output Y2.



Page nine




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