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Long-Term Community Recovery Plan | May 2012

"Waterbury's vision is to build a sustainable economy and infrastructure for the 21st century that is flood-resilient, carbon-reducing, technology-driven and livable; to encourage innovation, participation, recreation, and the arts; to protect and enhance our scenic and natural resources; and to promote a healthy community where adults and children want to work, live, learn, play, and retire."

Executive Summary 4

Disaster Event Community Involvement How to Use This Document
6 8 9

Community Planning and Capacity Building Economic Development Energy, Efficiency, and Transportation Housing and Human Services Infrastructure and Flood Mitigation Parks and Recreation
11 17 27 35 41 49

Project Sponsors & Champions Matrix Project Relationship to Other Projects Community Recovery Fair Vote Results Letters of Support Acknowledgements

60 62


Prepared in coordination with FEMAs Long-Term Community Recovery program

E xecut iv e Summa ry
The 2011 spring flooding in Vermont was exacerbated on August 28, when Tropical Storm Irene dumped eight inches of rain on an already saturated terrain in a 12-hour time period, damaging hundreds of roads and bridges across the State. Thousands of homes and businesses statewide suffered long-term power outages, substantial damage, or destruction from the massive flooding. The Village of Waterbury, in Washington County, was uniquely impacted. Home to Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream, Waterbury is also the site of a large state office complex and the Vermont State Hospital. Flooding at the Waterbury State Office Complex displaced approximately 1,500 state employees, seriously jeopardizing the communitys economic sustainability. In the aftermath of the disaster, Waterbury community leaders recognized the need for the community to come together and create a path forward for recovery. The Waterbury community began the process of developing a long-term recovery plan, in November 2011 with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Long-Term Community Recovery (LTCR) team. A series of public meetings and workshops were held to facilitate the development of a community vision and a plan for long-term recovery. Community members developed specific projects to address recovery efforts in the following six sectors: 1) Community Planning and Capacity Building; 2) Economic Development; 3) Energy, Efficiency, and Transportation; 4) Housing and Human Services; 5) Infrastructure and Hazard Mitigation; and 6) Parks and Recreation. The Waterbury Long-Term Community Recovery Plan is the result of a five-month community-based initiative to address impacts of Tropical Storm Irene. This document presents a framework for achieving a community vision developed through the recovery planning process from the needs articulated by Waterbury residents.

I ntro duct I o n
Disaster Event Community Involvement How to Use This Document

D isast er Eve n t
For almost a decade prior to Tropical Storm Irene, the small Vermont town of Waterbury gained recognition for its unique assets, drawing visitors who appreciated the variety of recreational opportunities, quality restaurants, and abundant scenic beauty. Bolstered by the galvanizing forces behind local nonprofit groups, coupled with a committed and supportive community, Waterbury had revitalized itself; actively creating opportunities for growth and increased economic stability. On August 28 Tropical Storm Irene swept through Vermont depositing eight inches of rain on ground already saturated from an above average winter snow pack and a wet spring and summer. Rivers all over the State swelled and overflowed their banks. The widespread flooding created the states worst natural disaster since the historic flood of 1927. Flooding from the Winooski River damaged 220 homes and businesses in the Town and Village of Waterbury. Additionally 49 historic buildings in the Waterbury State Office Complex were seriously damaged, causing the displacement of approximately 1,500 employees. Residents living in the historic low-lying neighborhoods as well as those living in mobile homes were hit hardest by the storm. The Vermont State Hospital was damaged beyond repair and all 50 patients had to be evacuated and eventually relocated to other facilities across the state.

On August 29 the fast-acting and determined Waterbury community rose as quickly as the river; organizing themselves into task groups to rescue stranded people and animals, shut down wastewater pumping stations, and direct debris clearing operations. Volunteer flood-support groups formed to organize the collection of clothing and toys and establish food collection sites for storm victims The Thatcher Brook Primary School was used as an emergency shelter. Flooding at the Green Mountain Power substation caused power outages throughout the Village. The local radio station, WDEV, used a temporary generator to broadcast disaster relief and food kitchen locations and continually updated community members with critical information as the disaster unfolded. Total damages to private property were estimated at $9 million and millions more in revenues were lost due to business closures. Damages to public property are likely to exceed $100 million and it is estimated that the redevelopment of the Waterbury State Office Complex may exceed $100 million over the next three years. Businesses in the downtown continue to suffer from the costs of damage repair and from the long lasting effects of the loss of daily sales no longer generated in the Village, due in part to the departure of 1500 state employees.

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan

C om m un ity Involvemen t
On November 15 the Town of Waterbury Select Board and the Waterbury Village Trustees held a joint meeting and voted unanimously to accept FEMA LongTerm Community Recovery planning assistance. Following that resolution a community Visioning session was held on November 30 to develop community goals and a vision for the 5 to 10 year recovery effort. Seventy-five Waterbury residents, including Town Select Board members, Village Trustees, municipal employees, and other community representatives including business owners, historic preservationists, library staff, local developers, parks and recreation committee members, environmental groups, non-profit organizations, and school officials participated in the session. During this session the Waterbury community identified five sectors of the community in need of assistance: 1) Community Planning and Capacity Building; 2) Economic Development; 3) Energy, Efficiency, and Transportation; 4) Housing and Human Services; and 5) Infrastructure and Flood Mitigation. A sixth sector, Parks and Recreation, was later added.

A second public meeting, on December 14, hosted 120 participants and served as a project brainstorming session during which the community identified individual recovery projects within each sector. A project champion was selected to spearhead each of the chosen projects. Project champions worked independently and with their sector groups to further develop recovery projects and presented their ideas at a Project Champions meeting on January 18. After a month of project development work, project champions presented 19 projects at the Community Recovery Fair on February 16. Over 400 community members attended the Community Recovery Fair and voted by Australian ballot for their top five project choices. The following day, the Town Select Board and Village Trustees utilized the community feedback to help prioritize projects according to their importance to Waterburys recovery. Two additional vital projects were added at this time. The Waterbury Long-Term Community Recovery Plan incorporates all of the projects and provides possible funding source information that serves as a roadmap for the communitys long-term recovery efforts which will then be executed over the next several years. The long-term community recovery process culminated with a Community Partners Meeting, during which the Waterbury Long-Term Community Recovery Plan was presented to federal, state, regional, and local government representatives as well as foundation/non-profit representatives, in an effort to increase project funding opportunities.

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan

H ow t o Use Th is Documen t
The Waterbury Long-Term Community Recovery Plan is the result of a partnership between the Waterbury community and the FEMA Long-Term Community Recovery Team. This Plan is a guide for Waterburys elected officials, municipal staff, local stakeholders, and the community at-large to use in their long-term community recovery efforts. The Plan includes 22 recovery projects developed by community members and prioritized by the Town Select Board and Village Trustees according to importance for recovery. The Plan serves as a critical tool to demonstrate the communitys commitment to recovery and organizational capacity to potential resource providers and to build confidence that resources invested in the community will yield positive long-term results. This Plan is a living document that will evolve and change as new community needs emerge. However maintaining the continuity of the Waterbury communitys shared vision and building upon the towns core strengths, will be key to the success of all projects. A resource guide, included at the back of the Plan on a CD-ROM, contains detailed project worksheets for each of the projects and a matrix matching potential funding sources with appropriate projects. The Waterbury community was adversely impacted by Tropical Storm Irene but the strength, courage, ingenuity, and spirit that ignited in the hearts and minds of the Waterbury community will continue to contribute to the rebuilding of a stronger, more sustainable, and resilient town.


communIty PlannI ng and caPacI ty BuI l d I n g

New Municipal Offices and Library Complex Assistant Municipal Planner Repurposing 51 South Main Street Near-Term and Long-Term Location for Village Police

C onst ruct New Mun icipa l C o m p l e x

recovery tyPe: vItal

This project proposes construction of a new municipal complex that would house the Town/ Village municipal offices, the library, and shared community meeting space. The complex could potentially include space for the village police (long-term), non-profits such as the historical society museum, and a Waterbury Welcome Center. The new facility would serve as a hub for the community as well as a civic anchor in the downtown business district. Increased space

would allow for the expansion of library services to include after-school programs, more educational opportunities, and online courses; further enhancing the overall quality of life for both residents and visitors. By collocating functions, the project would reduce construction and operational costs as well as minimize environmental impact. At least three potential sites will be analyzed: 51 South Main Street, the State Office Complex, and the existing library site.

The proposed municipal complex will be built to be flood resistant or may be located outside of the flood plain. Renovation of one or more historic buildings may be contemplated. If redeveloped, the building will employ flood and fire protection measures and allow for both passive and active solar application. All three potential project sites are in or proximate to the towns Designated Downtown and none will contribute to unwanted urban sprawl.

Action StepS Hold public forums Determine building uses and potential occupants Select an appropriate site Identify funding sources Determine preliminary design criteria including Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards Acquire approval from Waterbury Development Review Board and comply with Vermont State Act 250 Develop a Request for Proposal (RFP)


DiSASter reSilience The new municipal complex will be located outside the flood plain and/or incorporate measures to mitigate potential flood damage, which will ensure uninterrupted municipal functionality during future disaster events. coSt eStimAte $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 project chAmpionS Margaret Luce and Karen Miller project SponSor Town of Waterbury

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


U t ilization Stud y for Mu n i c i p a l Bu i l d i n g ( 5 1 So u th M a i n )

recovery tyPe: vItal

This project will evaluate the Village-owned lot and structure located at 51 South Main Street that, prior to Tropical Storm Irene, housed the Town/ Village municipal offices and the Village Police Department. Pending the results of the utilization study the site could potentially be suitable for the construction of a new facility for the municipal offices and/or Village Police Department. If the site is found insufficient to support these service facilities, the site could then be considered for construction of other facilities to support the downtown business district.

Action StepS Hold public forums Identify funding sources Determine preliminary design criteria including Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards Obtain approval from the Waterbury Development Review Board Develop a Request For Proposal (RFP) Have trustees work with an architect to fully explore options for repurposing property at 51 South Main Street Town and Village explore an Economic Development Administration (EDA) application for a Long-Term Recovery Director DiSASter reSilience Renovation of the old municipal building and/or new construction on the 51 South Main Street site will incorporate mitigation measures to minimize future damage from flooding as well as bring the building up to code for fire safety and accessibility.

coSt eStimAte Study: $15,000 (authorized on March 7, 2012 by Village voters) Capital: TBD project chAmpionS Village Board of Trustees (Skip Flanders) project SponSor Village of Waterbury


Village P ol ic e F ac ilit ies

recovery tyPe: vItal

There is an immediate need for a facility to house the Village Police Department, which was displaced by Tropical Storm Irene. The Police are currently using a temporary facility, which must be vacated in the Spring of 2012. In order to ensure continuity of services it is essential to relocate the police department to a temporary location with a two-year minimum tenure. This course of action is based on the assumption that a permanent location will be selected within two years. Action StepS Select a temporary location for the Village Police Department Secure approval of Village Board of Trustees and Development Review Board for both the location and facility Secure funding

DiSASter reSilience The identification of a temporary, short term location for the Village Police Department will provide the time necessary to conduct a comprehensive search and evaluation of options for a permanent location, which will be located outside of the flood plain and/or incorporate appropriate mitigation measures to ensure the continuity of critical police services during a future disaster event. coSt eStimAte Two-year total cost: $70,000 project chAmpionS Village Board of Trustees (Natalie Howell) project SponSor Village of Waterbury

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


A ssista n t Mun icipa l Plan n e r

recovery tyPe: ImPortant

The Assistant Municipal Planner will be responsible for the following tasks: Manage three revolving loan funds Implement housing and economic development programs Provide grant writing assistance Implement and administer grant funded housing and economic development projects Manage Waterburys long-term community recovery project implementation

DiSASter reSilience Increased municipal capacity will allow for more holistic review of new development and allow for the incorporation of emergency management planning into day-to-day planning. coSt eStimAte Position Salary and Benefits: $65,000 project chAmpion Steve Lotspeich project SponSor Town of Waterbury

The Town and Village of Waterbury will benefit from the increased community capacity that an Assistant Municipal Planner with economic development experience will provide. Increased municipal capacity may be a precondition for many long-term community recovery programs and projects as well as general community planning and implementation projects that the Town and Village does not currently have the staffing capabilities to undertake.

Action StepS Create a job description for the Assistant Municipal Planner position Assess municipal budget for funding Seek additional funding sources


eco no m I c develo Pm e n t
Business Resource Center Community Image Building Waterbury Arts Center Food System Development

B usiness Re sou rce Ce n te r

recovery tyPe: vItal

The creation of a business resource center will help stimulate the recovery of the Waterbury business community by initiating immediate action steps that support existing local businesses and encourage new business to locate in Waterbury. The business resource center will work closely with Revitalizing Waterbury and municipal leaders to provide consistent, dependable community resources that will encourage economic growth. Waterburys economic vitality provides the foundation for a successful and vibrant community. A successful program will help create and maintain quality employment opportunities for Waterbury workers, which in turn could attract entrepreneurs to develop new businesses in the area. Waterbury currently does not have an economic development office and therefore is unable to offer this valuable assistance to its local business community. The community vision involves returning the business community to its pre-flood workforce status and restoring services and companies dependent on that revenue stream because a strong economy leads to a more sustainable recovery. The business resource center will encourage growth across all business sectors and decrease community dependence on individual employers. The business resource center will support the use of all existing facilities to their highest and best use and support sustainable development, which would build on the natural beauty and core strengths of the area by leveraging energy, land, and natural resources. The business resource center would house three internal positions including: 1) Economic Development Director 2) Business Case Manager 3) Grant Writer and Administrator


Action StepS Secure community commitment to the program Research funding sources Identify potential sites for the Business Resource Center

DiSASter reSilience The business resource center will encourage the development of a diverse business sector, which will help protect the community from dependence on one or two large employers. A variety of economic opportunities in the community will decrease Waterburys economic vulnerability in the aftermath of a disaster event and leads to a more sustainable recovery.

coSt eStimAte First-year program costs $250,000 project chAmpionS Mark Frier, Sam Andersen, and Mary Miller project SponSor Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation (CVEDC)

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


C om mu n ity Ima g e Build i n g

recovery tyPe: ImPortant

Post-flood it is paramount to resume this project. News reports and images of Waterburys flood damage have clouded the communitys image and it is important to present the positive aspects of Waterburys recovery. The Town and Village now have the opportunity to leverage the surge of community pride that the local recovery effort elicited. More than ever, Waterbury citizens are connected to each other and share a powerful common sense of purpose and appreciation the communitys assets. One of the major objectives of a community image building initiative is to build community pride around an agreed upon set of images and phrases and to use them to project that pride to potential investors, visitors, and businesses. A brand is much more than a tagline, a logo, or an image. It is a system that can be employed, a toolbox that can be used, and an exercise the community undertakes to explore what makes it truly unique and marketable. A unified brand and message will represent the entire Waterbury community. The branding process will create a toolbox (a palette of logos, tag line options, design templates, and marketing pieces) which can be implemented in a concerted program. This project will provide the tools to effectively communicate

and recruit new businesses, tourists, shoppers, and residents. Establishing a nonprofit with a 501(c)3 designation will allow the Town and associated to accept available tax-deductible donations.

In March 2011, five months prior to the flood, Revitalizing Waterbury hosted a meeting on the topic of community image building (also referred to as branding). A diverse group of stakeholders met to learn the basics about branding: what it is, its value, how the process of identifying an image can work and the importance of the community speaking with one voice. Like so many things, the flood interrupted the momentum on this effort.


Action StepS Research other community image building efforts, lessons learned, funding sources, and recommendations of firms that have experience with communities of similar size Determine whether to undertake a branding effort as a stand-alone project or part of a more comprehensive economic development plan (marketing analysis and design) Seek and secure funding sources including in-kind services Prepare an RFP for technical assistance, advertise, review bids, and select firm(s) Develop a project timeline Conduct necessary stakeholder outreach Develop a toolkit and implementation guidelines

DiSASter reSilience A branding effort, particularly if coupled with a market analysis and design planning, will strengthen Waterburys image as a great place to live, start a business, visit, and invest. Highlighting Waterburys unique assets will help build a more cohesive and sustainable local economy. coSt eStimAte $15,000-$40,000 project chAmpionS Laura Parette and Cindy Lyons project SponSor Revitalizing Waterbury

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


Wat er b u ry Arts Ce n te r
recovery tyPe: ImPortant

A community arts center is necessary for artists to support and showcase their work and to provide arts instruction to members of the community. Flooding from Tropical Storm Irene impacted that effort and outreach in the following ways: 1. Art production was postponed or stopped as artists were forced to rebuild or relocate their studio space. 2. The disaster presented an opportunity in which artists could demonstrate their resiliency and passion to help the community heal. Artists met in homes and community studio spaces to identify possible solutions and establish a more viable future for the arts.

An informal survey conducted by the art community invoked an overwhelming response. An arts feasibility study is the next step needed in order to move forward the vision of establishing a sustainable center for the arts. The study will analyze the potential impacts of an art center that will serve all of the communities throughout a 4,000 square mile area of central Vermont extending northwest to the Champlain Islands and as far south as White River Junction. Once the study is completed, a business plan and development strategy will follow to help select the optimum location and maintenance requirements for each phase of development. This will provide the Waterbury community a base from which to meet evolving art market demands. The Waterbury Arts Center will complement all cultural and humanities organizations including, but not limited to, programming at the Waterbury Public Library, area schools, daycare centers, senior citizen centers, and recreational organizations. The Center could partner with business and community organizations to provide space and education, programming, and resources and information to business and community organizations.

Action StepS Conduct background research of potential user/beneficiaries Identify specific resources and partners within the community for ongoing support Perform a gap analysis Identify market capability Develop an implementation plan for phases of activity and growth Recommend initial and future programming based on strengths already present in the community Create a plan for various self-sustaining funding prospects, including capital funding sources Incorporate arts agendas and development Create a business plan that supports the centers mission and vision Ascertain the economic and cultural impact to the Waterbury community Identify recommended course of action for capital building and infrastructure Create strategies for both capital and organizational fundraising Research unidentified planning needs


coSt eStimAte Feasibility Study: $75,000 Development Plan: $75,000 Capital: $5,000,000 project chAmpion Monica Callan project SponSorS MOXIE Productions and Revitalize Waterbury (Interim sponsors); Waterbury Activities and Cultural Center (WACC)-in confirmation process at time of printing

The findings of a feasibility study will help determine the necessary next steps to construct an arts center in which the community can gather for art-based activities. It will also serve as a basis from which subsequent expansion can take place.

DiSASter reSilience The study will identify the best options for flood mitigation measures for the adaptive reuse of an existing site or new construction. Once construction has been completed the arts center building could serve a secondary purpose as an emergency shelter during future disaster events. Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


Food Syste m Develo p m e n t

recovery tyPe: of Interest

food businesses will create more jobs and help to brand Waterbury as a culinary destination. This project will help develop the food-related business sector in the area and generate momentum for Waterburys long-term economic recovery. The Food System Development project will utilize various funding sources and existing community resources to hire a Waterbury Local Food Coordinator to accomplish the following: Flooding from Tropical Storm Irene united a collection of food and agricultural businesses that had previously been disjointed and had functioned as independent entities. Producers (i.e., farmers, food manufacturers) and buyers (i.e., wholesale distributors, grocers, restaurant buyers/chefs, institutional food service buyers) in Waterbury have not always built and sustained relationships with each other, just as these producers and their consumers have not always connected with each another in the marketplace. There is untapped potential in Waterbury for food-related businesses to network, share resources, and promote local food businesses, as well as their products. Additionally, leveraging Waterburys high volume tourist visits to attract more customers for local Develop and convene a local food system business cluster to help local food producers and processors find local wholesale/retail markets, assist retail establishments and food service personnel in sourcing local food, and improve access to healthy, fresh, local food for all residents Promote the development of new farming operations in the Waterbury area Work with various organizations to market Waterbury as an agricultural tourism destination as part of a green community branding campaign Work with area farmers and businesses to increase tourist activities related to food, agriculture, food manufacturing, and the culinary arts Act as a clearinghouse for resources and

information on grants, funding, and technical assistance for farm and food businesses Coordinate efforts to support local educational programs concerning local food and farming heritage, thereby enhancing our farm-to-school opportunities and obtaining assistance and guidance from local and state agriculture and food-related programs and organizations


Action StepS Waterbury Area Food System Assessment complete final report (by February/March 2012) Disseminate Waterbury Area Food System Assessment and solicit feedback Begin to involve local farm and food businesses in the Food System Development project. Identify key participants who will join the Food System Business Cluster (February/ March 2012) Identify potential fiscal sponsors for the Food System Development project (March 2012) Establish an agreement with a fiscal sponsor for the project (April/May 2012) Apply for grants/funding for a Local Food System Coordinator (April 2012 through July 2012) Hire a Local Food System Coordinator (by September 2012) Local Food System Coordinator will develop a Food System Business Cluster network and hold regular meetings (Fall 2012) Establish regular matchmaking events and other food system development projects (Winter 2012/2013)

DiSASter reSilience Sustainable local/regional food systems increase a communitys ability to reduce risk and losses by promoting sustainable farming techniques that reduce non-point sources of water pollution, help retain soil integrity, and preserve the working landscape. Permaculture designs can mitigate runoff and retain soil even during adverse weather conditions. Additionally, a community that produces and processes food may be less reliant on outside disaster relief efforts and more resilient to a host of potential disasters. coSt eStimAte Annual cost of $65,000 for 3 years project chAmpionS Erica Campbell and Amy Hoskins project SponSor Waterbury-Duxbury Food Council

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan



energy, eff I cI ency, and transPo rtat I o n

Bicycle/Pedestrian System, Welcome Center, and Wayfinding Center for Resilient Technology and Development Waterbury Community Energy Create Sustainable Transportation System

Bicyc l e /Pe d e s tr i a n Sy s te m , We l c o m e Cent er, and Way f i nding

recovery tyPe: ImPortant

The successful development of a master plan for safe, accessible bicycling and walking in the Town/Village of Waterbury, offers an effective, healthy, and economical system for residents and visitors to navigate through town. Coupled with wayfinding signage, a Welcome Center, and information kiosks, this project will provide residents and visitors with a fun and efficient way to get information and travel through and around Waterbury. Waterbury is a compact community offering a wide variety of recreation and civic activities, an in-town library, excellent schools, office and retail space, and many restaurants. The town is surrounded by a rich assortment of natural resources; the reservoir, mountain bike trails, and two state parks. Residents and visitors of all ages enjoy getting exercise, being outdoors and pursuing an active lifestyle year-round. Considering the close proximity residents have to these community assets, it should be easier to get to them by bike or on foot, but residents find it difficult and consequently, choose to drive. This perpetuates in-town congestion and prevents these recreational assets from being fully used and enjoyed.

This project will assess parks and recreational facilities for pedestrian greenway opportunities and bicycle path options, anticipate future needs, and develop a plan based on assessment results. Ultimately, the goal of this project is to build upon Waterburys core strengths and support interest in experiencing the inherent wealth of its rich natural resources. This project can be described as a two-part effort: 1. Bike and Pedestrian Route Improvements 2. Wayfinding and Public Space Improvements Action StepS Conduct an accessibility Study to identify where to locate and connect pathways Complete bike/pedestrian Master Plan Develop a marketing plan to communicate project outcomes to general public Implement Wayfinding signage Implement Gateways and Welcome Kiosk

DiSASter reSilience The existing River Road Community Path and possible expansion areas are in the flood plain. Passive use of this space for recreational activity allows the land to be utilized without posing a danger to critical infrastructure.


coSt eStimAte Master Plan: $10,000-$20,000 Wayfinding: $50,000-$60,000 Welcome Center: $65,000$90,000 Capital Road Improvements: TBD project chAmpionS Bill Minter, Jane Brown, and Kaitlin OShea-Healy project SponSor Waterbury in Motion

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


C ent er fo r Resilien t Tec h n o l o g y a n d D e v e l o p m e n t

recovery tyPe: ImPortant

As the State Office Complex is rebuilt into a floodresistant center for state government, Waterbury will establish a nonprofit regional center for aggregating research and best practices in creating resilient communities and infrastructure. This center will foster research, consulting, and training designed to help municipalities,

consumers and businesses create resilient infrastructure that can successfully survive future disasters. The center will also host a business incubator designed to promote the development of innovative construction technologies and practices. Generation of jobs and the development of innovative best practices will further establish Waterbury as a leader in change management well into the 21st Century. KnowleDge center The Knowledge Center will be a central resource for disaster-affected communities in New England and around the country. Located in a flood-proof green building that is part of the newly redesigned State Complex, the knowledge center will host a world-class facility for sharing technologies and fostering innovation in developing flood-resistant infrastructure. The Center will provide best practices, technical assistance, and research for its clients and will train both public and privatesector professionals who are involved in rebuilding disaster-affected communities.

Areas of specialization could include: Transportation infrastructure (roads and bridges) Floodplain redevelopment strategies Energy efficient rebuilding Community recovery (people and businesses) Business and municipal disaster planning BuSineSS incuBAtor The Business Incubator will accept businesses that have a strong connection to the work of the Center. While it will mirror some elements of currently successful venture models, the Business Incubator will focus on clean/green technologies and ideally attain the Green Stars rating. Areas of specialization could include: Architectural firms specializing in flood-safe buildings Transportation consultants Economic development consultants Energy efficiency contractors Technical writers and researchers Clean/ green technology developers


Action StepS Create nonprofit structure for center and incubator; develop partnerships Establish incubator pilot Redesign building appropriate to plan Staff Center, begin operations Open building and provide business incubator space

BuilDing DiSASter reSilience The entire project is about incorporating best practices into everyday planning, development, and business practices. Some of these practices include basics such as locate safely, focus on the likelihood (rather than unlikelihood) of future flooding when working with business owners, use technological best practices for storing data, IP and work products; but others are much broader (land use planning, energy development, rebuilding efficiently, etc.). coSt eStimAte Start-Up/Seed Money: $50,000-$150,000 Center/Incubator Development: $250,000$500,000 Ongoing Annual: $500,000-$1,000,000 project chAmpionS Liz Schlegel and Katherine Naylor project SponSor TBD

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


Wa te r b u ry C om m unit y E nergy
recovery tyPe: ImPortant

The intent of this project is to provide Waterbury with a clean, efficient, and locally-controlled energy system. The Waterbury State Complex site will be redesigned, repurposed and rebuilt. The initiative would build on an effort by Waterbury Local Energy Action Partnership (LEAP) to create a town-wide energy inventory, as well as use any relevant municipal planning data to develop a complete picture of Waterburys energy use. Doing so will help identify areas for potential infrastructure and efficiency upgrades and assess the communitys overall suitability for district heating. The next step will be evaluation of two existing energy centers that could potentially serve as a source for distributed district energy: 1. The energy plant at the State Office Complex 2. The Moretown Landfill gas generating plant A close examination of these as well as other planned energy projects, including those incorporating renewable energy sources, will help determine the viability of creating a central energy plant for heat and power generation to ultimately serve the State Office Complex and possibly some downtown businesses and residences.

The Village of Waterbury is compact with diverse land uses including residential, commercial, municipal, industrial, etc., all of which could benefit from shared power and heat resources. Waterbury residents have a significant desire for environmentally sustainable development, and are concerned that Waterbury remains an attractive, livable community with a vibrant local economy. A clean, efficient, locally-controlled energy system is a key component to this formula. For a long time to come, the homeowners, business owners, state employees, and tourists who live, work, and play here will depend on having flood resistant buildings, and a reliable source of efficient and clean heat and power.

Action StepS Complete community energy inventory Investigate power and heat generation sources Determine district heat options Evaluate supplemental renewable energy options (solar PV, small-scale wind, hydro) Determine feasibility of Master Plan/ community systems technical and financial Implement project development, construction, and commissioning DiSASter reSilience Climate change has altered weather patterns, and there is a high probability that another Irene-level storm will hit the Waterbury area in the future. Flood-resistant design must be utilized in all planning and management activities and must incorporate best-practices project management, data collection and storage. All capital projects must be smart, sustainable, economically viable, and, whenever possible, must have built-in redundancy.


coSt eStimAte Feasibility Study: $150,000 Co-Coordinators (9-12 month engagement): $70,000

project chAmpionS Katherine Vose, James Jennings, and Luke Shullenberger

project SponSor Green Lantern Development

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


C r eat e Sustain a b le Tra n s p o r ta ti o n Sy s te m

recovery tyPe: of Interest

Waterbury experiences parking shortages, periodic traffic jams, inefficient movement of trucks and cars, and a high proportion of single occupancy vehicles. The Energy, Efficiency, and Transportation Sector of the Long-Term Community Recovery planning process has developed a town-wide Carpooling/Carsharing program, and advocacy for increased mass transit opportunities. This project will enhance Waterburys overall economic vitality, sustainability, and quality of life for its citizens. Implementation of project elements will significantly decrease residents travel expenses by reducing outlays for travel within the local area. Additionally, movement throughout town will be better facilitated, minimizing traffic, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, freeing up parking, and stimulating community connections. Some components of the carpooling/carsharing program have been implemented in other Vermont towns. There is a high potential for similar success in Waterbury given the compact nature of the town, its proximity to the highway, and the presence of several large employers. Waterbury LEAP (Local Energy Action Partnership) has engaged in discussions with Ben & Jerrys and Green Mountain Coffee

Roasters regarding the potential of expanding carpooling and car-sharing programs for their employees. Action StepS Meet with local major employers to establish a controlled, defined environment in which to learn and experiment with effective communication techniques Expand effort to effectively communicate with general public and begin working within public schools Identify other local organizations that will be actively involved in moving these initiatives forward Develop detailed project plans and timelines Identify potential funding sources and write the necessary grant requests Complete the necessary research, provide supporting data to mass transit providers, and advocate for the appropriate increases in service Begin partnerships with large local employers, individuals, families, small businesses and non-profits

DiSASter reSilience A town with greater resources in the form of greater discretional funds is economically stronger, and a town where a wider range of people get to know each other through carpooling/carsharing, or sharing mass transit will be a stronger community. coSt eStimAte $52,000 project chAmpion Duncan McDougall project SponSor Waterbury LEAP


Ho usI ng and Hum an serv I c e s

Coordination of Health Services and Childcare/Preschool Relocation Affordable Housing Development ReBuild Waterbury

C oor din a tio n o f He a lth Se r v i c e s a n d C h i l d c a r e /Pr e - Sc h o o l R el oc at i on

recovery tyPe: vItal

Tropical Storm Irene exacerbated certain preexisting Health and Human Services (HHS) needs in the Village of Waterbury and created new service delivery challenges. The Coordination of Health Services and Childcare/Pre-School Relocation project responds to these urgent Health and Human Service care gaps within the community with a particular focus on vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

As the Village of Waterbury rebuilds, this project presents an opportunity to understand the needs of its most vulnerable populations and to design a responsive environment. The project focuses on the emotional health and well-being of local residents after Tropical Storm Irene, the lack of childcare services available to households with young children, and the lack of direct social services in the community, which often results in the need for local residents to travel to Montpelier or Barre to get appropriate care. This project will: Identify health and human services currently available in the community Identify service gaps in the community Develop a plan to improve service delivery in the Village of Waterbury

chilDcAre/preSchool relocAtion Prior to Irene, there was a shortage of child care services in the Town and Village of Waterbury. Several childcare centers and pre-school programs were destroyed and/or displaced by the flooding, creating a more pronounced service gap. Quality childcare services that are convenient to parents workplaces or homes are now even harder to find. Currently, the Learning Ladder (LL) Childrens Center plans to return to its newly renovated building, while the Hunger Mountain Childrens Center (HMCC) has explored several options for new locations, but has encountered continued obstacles to re-establishing a presence in the community. HMCC has recently contacted State Building and General Service officials to request that the State consider selling their formerly occupied building at 123 S. Main Street to HMCC, as they consider the future of the State Office Complex. HMCC has also expressed interest in the adjacent building, 121 S. Main Street, as a possible future location for their facilities. To date, the funding sources needed to purchase these properties, as well as funds for renovations, environmental remediation, and site improvements are outside the reach of the organization.


Action StepS Assist existing service providers in resuming normal operations as soon as possible Review childcare operations and obtain approval from the Childcare Licensing Division of the Department of Children and Families Child Development Division to increase service provision opportunities Assist existing providers to re-locate and reopen in stable, long-term spaces that meet their needs Assess the existing Health and Human Service resources and needs in the community post-flood, including childcare/ pre-school programs and elderly care. Encourage the continuation of crisis counseling services currently offered in Waterbury. Coordinate community services in such a way as to improve quality and delivery. Determine the short-term (2 - 5 yr.) projected Health and Human Service needs and develop a plan to meet the identified needs within 180 days. Fully implement this plan within one year.

BuilDing DiSASter reSilience Building community capacity for health services provision, especially childcare, will enable Waterbury to better respond to community needs during a disaster event. coSt eStimAte Consulting work on health services and eldercare: $50,000 Renovations and improvements at the three child care/preschool sites: $100,000 Cost for HMCC to acquire real estate: TBD

project chAmpionS Health Services: TBD Childcare/Preschool Relocation: Lisa Scagliotti project SponSorS Health Services: TBD Childcare/Preschool Relocation: Hunger Mountain Childcare

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


A ff or da b le Ho u sing De v e l o p m e n t
recovery tyPe: vItal

More than nine percent of the housing stock in the Town of Waterbury was damaged or destroyed by Tropical Storm Irene. Of the 2,027 households in Waterbury, prior to Irene, 200 homes were damaged and 25 homes completely destroyed. Following the disaster low-income households, particularly renters, face extended periods without permanent housing, and their ability to return depends on the availability of affordable housing units. The Central Vermont Community Land Trust (CVCLT) manages much of the existing affordable housing in Waterbury. CVCLT is currently unable to meet Waterburys housing demands and operates with a waiting list. The Green Mountain Seminary building has 17 one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments, and currently has a 9 person waiting list. The Stimson and Graves building (senior housing) has 12 one-bedroom and two twobedroom apartments. There are 10 people waiting for the single one-bedroom apartment that is currently vacant. Many low and moderate income families were housed in owner occupied or rental mobile home units. Most of these mobile homes were rendered completely uninhabitable by the storm.

The goal of the Affordable Housing Development project is to secure funding to conduct a general housing market study to quantify the demand and the types of housing needed in the region including: a pre-disaster and post-disaster demographic analysis, housing characteristics, housing market by type, market conditions, and a

housing gap analysis. Based on the study results, the intent of the project is to generate safe and affordable housing as a cornerstone to an economically viable, environmentally sustainable, and socioeconomically diverse community. Many different options will be considered as possible solutions to the current lack of affordable housing


options, including the possibility of rehabilitating some of the available properties in the State Office Complex such as Stanley and Wasson Halls. Some of the factors that will need to be considered during the repair and replacement of affordable housing units include flood resiliency, affordability, transportation, and energy costs. The repair and replacement of sub-standard housing will increase property values and the communitys future economic viability. Action StepS Secure funding and hire consultants to conduct a housing market study Work with town officials, Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services, the Hazard Mitigation Program, and ReBuild Waterbury to identify and act on redevelopment opportunities Seek funding for new affordable housing development and support for the implementation of innovative financing programs Meet with property owners and other stakeholders to gauge openness to new affordable housing developments Conduct a community design charrette

DiSASter reSilience The town, local developers, and the housing nonprofits are committed to making Waterburys housing stock less vulnerable to another flood event. Rehabilitation of existing single family homes that were flooded should include steps that will reduce the damage if another flood occurs. Rehabilitation of any property in the State Office Complex must include extensive consideration of potential future flood events as well steps to prevent these buildings from significant flood damage. Additionally any new housing construction must meet the most current flood mitigation requirements, participate in the National Flood Insurance Program, and be sited to reduce loss from future flooding.

coSt eStimAte Capital costs for redevelopment of Stanley Hall: $8,000,000 Capital costs for redevelopment of Wasson Hall: $3,000,000 project chAmpion Alison Friedkin project SponSor Central Vermont Community Land Trust (CVCLT)

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


R eB uild Wa te rbu ry
recovery tyPe: vItal

ReBuild Waterbury formed as a result of the devastating flooding from Tropical Storm Irene. In the days after the storm, Waterbury Town and Village officials, together with hundreds of volunteers, worked tirelessly to respond to the immediate needs of the affected residents and business owners. As the emergency needs for safety, food, shelter, clothing and community infrastructure were addressed, it became apparent that a long-term recovery effort would be required to provide assistance, particularly to homeowners. Town and village officials met with Revitalizing Waterbury members to identify a structure that could be created as quickly as possible. From that outreach came ReBuild Waterbury, a long-term recovery project that functions under the auspices of Revitalizing Waterbury, an established 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.

Through the use of case management, volunteer coordination and construction management, ReBuild Waterbury is actively assisting individuals/ homeowners in the Waterbury/Duxbury area to return to safe and decent housing. ReBuild volunteers and staff are working with individuals/ families to locate alternative permanent housing, to repair and rehabilitate current housing, or to completely demolish and rebuild entire homes. It is also anticipated as spring/summer of 2012 arrives that additional mold/mildew mitigation will need to occur, particularly to those homes that may have closed up too soon. Original estimates identified 70 individuals/families in need of assistance. As of March 2012 that number has been reached and therefore, original estimates will be surpassed by project completion in April 2013.

DiSASter reSilience Lessons learned from ReBuild Waterburys ability to effectively respond to the immediate needs of the community during and after Tropical Storm Irene will provide a framework for preparedness and response in the event of a future disaster. coSt eStimAte $918,000 ($435,798 has already been raised/committed) project chAmpionS Theresa Wood, MK Monley, and Chris Nordle project SponSor Revitalizing Waterbury


Infrastr ucture and flo o d m I tI g at I o n

Emergency Power Program Flood Proof Main Sewage Pump Station Waterbury Village Flood Study Dac Rowe Flood-Proofing and Recreation Enhancement

Em e rg ency P o we r P r ogr a m
recovery tyPe: vItal

Natural disasters result in the widespread interruption of basic utilities such as electric services and water, often causing damage to critical infrastructure. As a disaster unfolds the reestablishment of electric power and access to clean water become priorities in affected communities. The Thatcher Brook Primary School and Crossett Brook Middle School have been identified as emergency shelter locations and will require continuous functionality during disaster events. Similarly critical infrastructure, including the wastewater treatment plant, requires continuous operation during disaster events. This project identifies five locations for emergency generators and identifies the electrical demands and size requirements for each location. Each unit will be placed outside the flood plain and will include automatic start functions. Proposed installation locations include: Thatcher Brook Primary School Crossett Brook Middle School Sweet Water Road Well-Field Wastewater Treatment Plant Proposed new Municipal Complex

Implementation of this project will provide the community with access to critical electrical services during future disaster events. The project will also decrease emergency spending which occurs when needed resources are unavailable within the community. Action StepS Determine installation requirements Determine necessary size of supplemental generators to include allowance for growth Prioritize installations and available funding Install system(s)

DiSASter reSilience Disaster impacted communities may anticipate a quicker return to normalcy due to greater public administrative capacities and improved health and safety standards at public shelters. This project will provide ongoing access to essential needs and help mitigate the increased burden of loss associated with slow response rates. coSt eStimAte Cost per installation: $65,000-$160,000 Total project cost: $465,000 project chAmpionS Don Schneider and Alec Tuscany project SponSorS Town and Village of Waterbury


Flood Proof Main Sewage Pump Station

recovery tyPe: vItal

The main sewage pump station supports village residents, major commercial and industrial properties, and the State Office Complex, which encompass a service base of an estimated 5,373 individuals. During flood events, the wastewater station has lost power resulting in a loss of service and requiring the implementation of a bypass system. This bypass system requires raw wastewater to be removed and disposed of off-site at an estimated cost of $20,000 per day. The Village/Town has relied upon this bypass service during past flood events. The excessive costs of executing the bypass option create a highly impractical short-term solution for local authorities who are forced to finance interim sewer services until the main sewage pump station is restored. The main sewage pump station has flooded four times in the past ten years. The two existing pumps located at the lowest level of the facility have been damaged during each flood event. Resources that otherwise could have been used to fund critical long-term system updates and improvements have been spent on emergency pumping and removal services. The steel gasket flood doors and exterior wall

openings leak during flood events and present additional health and safety hazards. The main sewage pump station has been placed back in service following each flood event. Mitigation of this recurring problem would prevent costly avoidable operational expenses associated with future repairs. This project has three components: 1. Existing flood doors: reinforced gaskets replaced, closing mechanisms rehabilitated 2. Existing wall penetrations: resealed with grout, hardened with additional steel cover 3. Existing sewage pumps: replaced with two dry-pit submersible solid handling pumps Dependable, cost-effective municipal services are critical to the health of a community and are essential for attracting new business opportunities. Annual operational and maintenance costs for the MPS are funded through quarterly sewer rent revenues. Current costs are likely to be reduced if the mitigation of the MPS system is implemented. The technical components of this project, as well as the projected financial estimates must receive

the approval of the Village of Waterbury Water & Sewer Commissioners. Upon approval, the information can be forwarded to the Village of Waterbury Board of Trustees for final approval and initiation of the project. Action StepS Obtain approval to conduct pump sizing exercise and develop requirements Disseminate Request for Proposals/Apply for FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Award contract and approve funding Execute mitigation activities

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


DiSASter reSilience Mitigation measures to ensure continued functionality of the main sewage pump station during disaster events will allow funds allocated for the emergency bypass system to be utilized for other emergency needs in a disaster event. coSt eStimAte Capital Equipment and installation: $149,500 project chAmpion Alec Tuscany project SponSor Village of Waterbury


Waterbury Village Flood Study

recovery tyPe: vItal A flood inundation study and the creation of a flood risk model will enhance local capacities for flood response and mitigation. Flood inundation maps illustrate the extent of flooding anticipated in a specific area and indicate where roadways, streets, buildings, and residential neighborhoods are likely to be impacted by floodwaters. Flood risk models are planning and mitigation tools for municipal and state officials, including emergency managers, floodplain managers, and regional/urban planners. Flood risk models will provide decision-makers in Waterbury with the information to better mitigate the impacts of flooding and build a more resilient community by enhancing awareness of flood hazards. Flood risk modeling will provide Waterbury officials with the ability to view inundation levels in minor, moderate, and major flood categories; display 100-year and 500-year flood projections and floodway zones, and show the extent of flooding expected in a specific area. The projected study area for mapping and modeling begins south of Waterbury Village at the confluence of the Mad and Winooski Rivers. The study area would extend seven miles north to the Bolton Dam and 1,000 meters on either side of the centerline of the Winooski River. The flood study documentation will help with adjustments to control the flow of flood waters. A topographical flood risk model will serve as an additional source of information for planning future town projects and will: Determine if changes should be made at bridge locations to reduce flooding potentials Provide community planners with data to determine whether or not flood plain areas should be restored Support infrastructure planning for existing repairs and future construction Develop plans for flood relief features, bridge, or road construction which can alleviate flood risk Increase understanding and anticipate flood characteristics and movement Provide accurate mapping for future planning and development purposes Action StepS Identify existing flood studies, models, and data Determine deficiencies and gaps in preexisting studies Design a study to address the deficiencies in current flood models and provide mitigation alternatives Work with Consultant/Agency to develop timeline for deliverables. Gather topographic information from Aerial Survey Gather site information with survey equipment if needed Reduce data and use in maps and existing Hydrologic Engineering Centers-River Analysis Systems (HEC-RAS) model Alter model to determine impact on bridges, flood relief features and structures Identify and model flood inundation and mitigation scenarios to reduce flood vulnerability Present findings to municipal leaders and the public with recommendations that promote flood resiliency Produce large scale map for municipal use

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


Study Area of Flood Inundation Map and Model for Waterbury Village

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DiSASter reSilience Best practices for construction of infrastructure can be implemented if flood patterns within the river corridor are better understood. A Village flood study will help municipal officials better implement available funding so that preventative maintenance prior to a disaster event and replacement costs afterwards are reduced. coSt eStimAte Topographic information from Aerial Survey: $20,000-$40,000 Data processing and flood inundation simulation: $50,000-$100,000 Public and municipal resources based on the modeling results: $10,000 Total Project Cost: $80,000 - $150,000 project chAmpionS John Grenier and Dan Currier





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Study Area Waterbury Village Area

0 0.25 0.5 Miles 1


project SponSorS Town and Village of Waterbury


D a c R o w e Fl o o d - Pr o o fi n g a n d R ec reat i on E nhanc em ent

recovery tyPe: of Interest

The Dascombe Rowe Recreation Fields Dac Rowe is a recreation area that hosts four baseball fields and four youth soccer fields in the heart of the Village of Waterbury. Approximately 22 acres, Dac Rowe, is located near the confluence of the Thatcher Brook and the Winooski River. It acts as a natural floodplain buffer during annual flooding events, absorbing and containing rising floodwaters and preventing damage elsewhere in the community. Tropical Storm Irene caused severe damage to the Dac Rowe recreational infrastructure. The intent of this project is to replace the infrastructure in a sustainable manner by identifying and implementing flood-resistant alternatives including development of a new site plan for the recreation fields, parking lots, facilities and infrastructure.

Project Objectives: 1. Flood-proofing existing infrastructure to avoid damage during future flooding events 2. Expanding and enhancing the recreational opportunities available at Dac Rowe to sustain existing sport and recreation resources, while also developing new ones The project will commence with the Dac Rowe Flood Mitigation and Expanded Recreational Activity Feasibility Study to determine the most sustainable and cost-effective manner to achieve both objectives. The implementation of the Dac Rowe flood-proofing project will help reduce the costs associated with future flooding events and enhancing whole community assets. In support of the objectives, the Dac Rowe flood-proofing project will explore: A variety of site plans to facilitate efficient land use in the floodplain Improvements that will enhance existing recreational opportunities and accommodate new winter sporting activities Redesign of park facilities and infrastructure to improve vehicular access and pedestrian

circulation Expanding the connections to recreational trails in the area Providing an access point to the Winooski River for kayakers and river activities

Action StepS Investigate flood-resistant alternatives to the existing chain-link fencing that defines the outfield, the backstops, and the dugouts Design a site plan that repositions the infrastructure away from the floodway while facilitating better pedestrian and vehicular circulation Add access for additional recreational activities such as cross country skiing and kayaking, and install concessions or similar amenities Construct improved infrastructure that incorporate innovative flood-mitigation and landscape-design principles

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


D ac Rowe Flo o d -Proo fin g a n d R e c r e a ti o n En h a n c e m e n t

recovery tyPe: of Interest

DiSASter reSilience The objective of this project is to reduce the likelihood of loss in the future. This project will identify and implement flood-resistant alternatives to the existing chain-link fencing and electrical boxes, which suffered damages from Tropical Storm Irene. Repositioning the existing fields and associated infrastructure using best practices for floodplain design will provide complementary benefits to these flood-proofing solutions. coSt eStimAte Study: $5,000 - $10,000 Existing infrastructure repair (without incorporation of flood-resistant enhancements or design improvements): $78,535 project chAmpionS Kane Smart and Peg ONeill project SponSor Town of Waterbury


Parks and recreat I o n

Recreation Director for Waterbury Parks and Recreation Master Plan Little River-village Connector Trail

D ir ect or of Re cre a tio n fo r Wa te r b u r y

recovery tyPe: of Interest

Tropical Storm Irene severely impacted many of Waterburys recreational facilities, including Dac Rowe Field and waterfront property along the Winooski River, which is littered with debris. Recreational offerings in Waterbury have been managed in the past by volunteers and town officials, who have higher priority projects to supervise. A 2010 Waterbury Summer Recreation Study identified a need for a full-time recreation director to develop Waterburys recreational resources and to actively promote Waterbury as a recreation destination. A recreation director will facilitate recreation planning efforts as well as marking outreach to help attract increased recreational tourism, which will help enhance Waterburys continued economic recovery. This project will help the Town continue to provide recreational opportunities for residents as well as explore more income generating recreational programs for both locals and visitors alike.


DutieS of the recreAtion Director Draft a master plan for Waterbury Parks and Recreation programs Identify and pursue alternative grant and funding sources for this position and recreation programs Develop, implement, and monitor recreation policies and directives Monitor, evaluate, and report on Waterbury recreation programs Liaise with the State and advocate for Waterburys recreational needs in terms of public land usage, i.e. State Park land Prepare an annual operating budget for Waterburys recreation programs Recommend facility upgrades, design, and requirements for long term recreation program development Manage employees and volunteers Research similar recreation programs and services to develop new and effective practices Communicate recreation information to the Town/Village, community groups, and individuals Manage special events

Action StepS Establish community driven board to move project forward Create job description for Recreation Program Director Secure initial funding for position (1-year) Incorporate Recreation Director Position into annual Town/Village budget Interview and hire Recreation Program Director Conduct quarterly assessment of Recreation Program needs Identify long-term/transitional funding sources DiSASter reSilience A recreation director will help ensure that new development of recreation facilities and repair and replacement of existing facilities incorporates flood plain management techniques and is complimentary to town wide land use planning initiatives. A recreation director may also help market Waterbury as recreational tourism destination, which will increase the communitys economic resilience.

coSt eStimAte Annual Salary: $45,000 project chAmpion Peg ONeill project SponSor Town of Waterbury/Waterbury Recreation Committee

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


P ar ks a n d Re cre a tio n M a s te r Pl a n
recovery tyPe: of Interest

Storm Irene. Access to quality recreational experiences is important to the Waterbury community. A parks and recreation master plan will enable Waterbury to take full advantage of the recreational resources in the community, like the Waterbury Reservoir, mountain bike trails, the Winooski River, and other pedestrian greenway opportunities, and to improve the overall quality of life for visitors and the Waterbury community. As the community recovers from Tropical Storm Irene the Town is in a position to take stock of existing parks and recreational facilities, assess future needs, and design a plan to manage recreation development and encourage recreational tourism. A parks and recreation master plan will assess and plan for Waterburys current and future recreational needs and establish specific goals and policies to guide improvements to existing recreational resources. A master plan will include an analysis of the supply, demand, and needs for park and recreation facilities and services within the Town of Waterbury, and include a comprehensive assessment of exiting public and private facilities in and around the Waterbury area. The Master Plan will also outline implementation strategies to help meet the challenges of providing high quality parks and recreational facilities.

Action StepS Meet with the Recreation Committee and Municipal Planner to discuss scope of work Develop a committee responsible for administration of project Identify funding sources and apply for grants Compile an index of existing information for master plan development Solicit cost estimates from qualified consultants Hire a consultant Consultant meets with the committee to discuss project deliverables DiSASter reSilience A recreation master plan will address flood mitigation measures and explore alternatives to additional development in the floodplain surrounding the ice rink. A recreation master plan will help integrate recreational development and natural resource protection with existing land use planning.

Waterbury is home to a wide variety of year-round recreational opportunities including downhill/xcountry skiing, snowshoeing, canoeing, sailing, ice skating, outdoor workshops for all ages, connectivity/nature walks, and mountain biking. Many of the facilities that house these activities are outdated and/or need of repair or replacement, including Dac Rowe Field, which experienced significant damage from Tropical


coSt eStimAte $25,000-$45,000

project chAmpion Becca Washburn

project SponSor Town of Waterbury/Waterbury Recreation Committee

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


Lit t le River-Villag e Co n n e c to r Tr a i l
recovery tyPe: of Interest

Recreational opportunities including the Perry Hill mountain bike trails, Little River State Park, and the Waterbury Reservoir draw hundreds of tourists to the Waterbury each year. Connecting these recreational resources to the Village and establishing Little River State Park as a destination for mountain biking will enable Waterbury to take advantage of the economic potential recreational tourism can offer the community. The first phase of this project is a feasibility study for the development of a multi-use recreation trail from the Village of Waterbury to Little River State Park, which will establish a connection between the downtown and one of the areas numerous gateways to recreational resources. The construction of this trail, proposed as the second phase of the project, will establish a pedestrian and bike friendly connector between the Village and the State Park which will encourage recreational tourism and bring outdoor enthusiasts into the Village to shop and dine. This trail will create an opportunity to connect mountain bike trails from Perry Hill in Waterbury, to the trail networks, or pods, in Little River State Park, Cottonbrook,

the Trapp Family Lodge, Town Loops/Cady Hill, Adams Camp, Sterling Forest, and possibly all the way to Morrisville. This trail system would make Waterbury one of the premiere ride centers on the east coast. The third phase of the project is the development of beginner and intermediate bike trails in Little River State Park, which will establish the Park as a legitimate pod in the Ride Center. The expansion of mountain biking opportunities in Little River State Park will anchor Waterbury in the Ride Center, allowing the Town and the State to take advantage of this resource. In addition, businesses will benefit from pedestrian traffic in the downtown, residents will enjoy access to the outdoors from their doorsteps promoting a healthy lifestyle, and visitors will benefit from convenient access to amenities and attractions Waterbury has to offer. DiSASter reSilience Enhancement and promotion of the Waterbury area as a mountain biking destination will expand the communitys income generating potential from recreational tourism and help create a more resilient economic base for the Town.


Action StepS Phase I Meet with Stowe Mountain Bike Club (SMBC) and other potential partners to gauge interest and capacity for assistance Secure funding for a feasibility study of potential trail corridors Hire a consultant to conduct a feasibility study Walk potential routes with project partners and landowners Develop a project budget Phase II Research and apply for grants Hire a professional trail crew Develop project schedule and organize volunteers Develop a business plan to promote Waterbury as a ride center Phase III Meet with SMBC and Vermont State Parks to discuss scope of work and timeframe for trail system development Research and secure grant funding to hire trail crews according to timeline

coSt eStimAte $25,000 - $30,000 project chAmpion Jay Provencher project SponSorS Waterbury Recreation Committee and Stowe Mountain Bike Club (SMBC)

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan



aPPen d I x
Project Champions and Sponsors Project Relationship to Other Projects Community Recoverty Fair vote Results Letters of Support Aknowlegements

WaterburyLongTermCommunityRecoveryProjectMatrix P r oject Cha mpio n s an d Sp o n s o r s

Project name Project champion(s) email Project sponsor cost estimate

Construct new Municipal Complex Karen Miller Margaret Luce Mike Bard UtilizationStudyforMunicipalBuilding(51SouthMain) Skip Flanders Natalie Howell-Sherman Lefty Sayah Village Police Facilities Natalie Howell-Sherman Skip Flanders Lefty Sayah Assistant Municipal Planner Steve Lotspeich

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Town of Waterbury



Study: $15,000 Capital: TBD

Village of Waterbury

$70,000 (2-year costs)

Town of Waterbury

Salary with Benefits: $65,000

Business Resource Center Mark Frier Sam Andersen Mary Miller Community Image Building Laura Parette Cindy Lyons Waterbury Arts Center Monica Callan

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation (CVEDC)

Program costs (first year): $250,000

Revitalizing Waterbury


Food System Development

Erica Campbell Amy Hoskins

[email protected] [email protected]

MOXIE Productions and Revitalize Waterbury Feasibility Study: $75,000 (Interim sponsors); Waterbury Activities and Cultural Center (WACC)-in confirmation process Development Plan: $75,000 at time of printing Capital: $5,000,000 Waterbury-Duxbury Food Council Annual cost for 3 years: $65,000

Bicycle/Pedestrian System, Welcome Center, and Wayfinding Bill Minter Jane Brown Kaitlin OShea-Healy Center for Resilient Technology and Development Liz Schlegel Katherine Naylor Waterbury Community Energy Katherine Vose James Jennings Luke Shullenberger Create Sustainable Transportation System Duncan McDougall

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Waterbury in Motion

Master Plan: $10,000-$20,000 Wayfinding: $50,000-$60,000 Welcome Center: $65,000$90,000 Capital Road Improvements: TBD


Start-Up/Seed Money: $50,000-$150,000 Center/Incubator Development: $250,000-$500,000 Ongoing Annual: $500,000-$1,000,000

Green Lantern Development

Feasibility Study: $150,000 Co-Coordinators (9-12 month engagement): $70,000

Waterbury LEAP

Technical assistance + Capital: $52,000




Pr o j e c t C ham pi ons and S pons ors

email Project sponsor cost estimate

Project name

Project champion(s)

Coordination of Health Services and Childcare/Preschool Relocation Lisa Scagliotti

[email protected]

Hunger Mountain Childcare

Health services and eldercare consulting work: $50,000 Renovations at 3 child care/preschool sites: $100,000 Cost for HMCC to acquire real estate: TBD

Affordable Housing Development ReBuild Waterbury

Alison Friedkin Theresa Wood MK Monley Chris Nordle

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Central Vermont Community Land Trust (CVCLT) Revitalizing Waterbury

Capital costs for Stanley Hall: $ 8,000,000 Capital costs for Wasson Hall: $3,000,000 $918,000 ($435,798 has already been raised/committed)

Emergency Power Program Don Schneider Alec Tuscany Flood Proof Main Sewerage Pump Station Alec Tuscany

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Town and Village of Waterbury


Village of Waterbury

Capital Equipment and Installation: $149,500

Waterbury Village Flood Study

John Grenier Dan Currier

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Town and Village of Waterbury

$80,000 - $150,000

Dac Rowe Flood-Proofing and Recreation Enhancement

Kane Smart Peg ONeill

Town of Waterbury

Study: $5,000 - $10,000

Parks and Recreation Master Plan Peg ONeill

[email protected]

Town of Waterbury/Waterbury Recreation Committee

Salary: $45,000

Director of Recreation for Waterbury

Becca Washburn

[email protected]

Town of Waterbury/Waterbury Recreation Committee


Little River-Village Connector Trail

Jay Provencher

[email protected]

Waterbury Recreation Committee and Stowe Mountain Bike Club (SMBC)



Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


P r oject Rela tio n ship to Oth e r Pr o j e c ts

The Waterbury Long-Term Recovery Plan presents 22 individual projects that, when completed, will help the community achieve its vision for recovery. Each project has a relationship with one or more of the other projects and implementation of each project will have direct and indirect impacts on other projects. The chart on the following page illustrates the relationships between projects and identifies type of impact each project will have on other projects.


Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


C om m un ity Recovery Fa ir Vo te R e s u l ts



Most Important


Februrary 16, 2012

e Future of Waterbury

*Priority groupings are based on votes for each project. The listing inside each grouping is alphabetical and does NOT indicate the number of votes received

ConstructNewMunicipalComplex UtilizationStudyforMunicipalBuilding(51SouthMain) VillagePoliceFacilities


Most Important to the Community

AssistantMunicipalPlanner BusinessResourceCenter CommunityImageBuilding WaterburyArtsCenter FoodSystemDevelopment Bicycle/PedestrianSystem,WelcomeCenter,and Wayfinding CenterforResilientTechnologyandDevelopment WaterburyCommunityEnergy CreateSustainableTransportationSystem CoordinationofHealthServicesandChildcare/Preschool Relocation AffordableHousingDevelopment EmergencyPowerProgram FloodProofMainSeweragePumpStation WaterburyVillageFloodStudy DacRoweFloodProofingandRecreationEnhancement DirectorofRecreationforWaterbury ParksandRecreationMasterPlan LittleRiverVillageConnectorTrail

Bicycle/Pedestrian System, Welcome Center, and Wayfinding Connector Trail to Little River and Beginner and Intermediate Trails at Little River State Park Flood Proof Main Sewerage Pump Station New Municipal Offices and Library Complex Repair/Replace Existing Affordable Housing and Create New Affordable Housing Opportunities Waterbury Arts Center Waterbury Business Resource Center Waterbury Village Flood Study

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Important to the Community

Center for Resilient Technology Community Distributed Energy Community Image Building Dac Rowe Flood-Proofing and Recreation Enhancement Food System Development Generator Procurement Program

Less Important to the Community

Assistant Municipal Planner with Specialty in Economic Development Director of Recreation for Waterbury Human Services Analysis and Strategy Improving Transportation Efficiency Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Waterbury Long-Term Community Recovery


Less Important

Ballot Results




Waterbury Community Recovery Fair

Let t ers of S upport

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


Let t er s of Sup p o rt


Let t ers of S upport

March29,2012 WaterburyMunicipalOffice 51SouthMainStreet Waterbury,Vermont05676 DearCitizensofWaterbury,

Asweallknow,WaterburywasdevastatedbyTropicalStormIreneonAugust28,2011.Portionsofthe townareforeveralteredbutthecommunitysdeterminationremainsstrong.Waterburyiscommitted, nowmorethanever,torebuildandrevitalizethecommunity. ThestormbroughtdestructionandlosstomanypartsofWaterburyindramaticmomentsthatsome residentswillneverforget.Thestormalsobroughtanopportunitytorejuvenateandimprovethetown. Local citizens and businesses have identified needs and prioritized projects necessary to spearhead economicrecoveryandfuturewellbeing. FEMAsspecializedlongtermrecoveryteamhasworkedwithcityofficialsandsupportgroupstocreate a community plan that includes projects specific to sustainable development in Waterbury. We look forwardtoworkingwithstateandfederalagenciesandlocalofficialstoidentifysourcesoffundingfor recoveryprojectsasimplementationproceeds. Therecoveryplanservesasaguideasthecitizenrycarriesitsvisionforward.Waterburywillselectand developprojectsthatmostclearlydefinethefutureitintendstoendorse.Resiliencyandgrowthare goalsweallcansupport. Those who contributed to the development of this plan deserve our heartfelt thanks and now we dedicateourselvestowarditsimplementation.Thetimehascometomovetowardthenewrealityand wepledgeourfullsupporttoWaterburyinthisendeavor. Sincerely,

SamAndersen,ExecutiveDirector CentralVermontEconomicDevelopment Corporation

HalCohen,ExecutiveDirector CentralVermontCommunityActionCouncil LindaRossi,DeputyDirector VermontSmallBusinessDevelopmentCenter

GeorgeMalek,President CentralVermontChamberofCommerce

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


We wou ld like to tha nk a ll of th e ma ny peopl e w h o h el ped Wa ter bu r y i n r e cove ri n g f rom t he f l ood , a n d i n deve lop in g ou r long -term com mu ni ty r ec over y pl a n, i nc l u di ng ou r dedi c a te d F E M A l on g - te rm re cove r y te a m . We would especia lly like to rec ogni z e th ose l i sted bel ow w h o pa r ti c i pa ted i n ou r p l a n n i n g m e et i n g s , a n d we a ppol ogi z e i n a dva nc e for omi ssi ons.
Fred Abraham Krister Adams Sally Adams Whitney Aldrich Melinda Anderman Sam Andersen Lisa Atwood Jeremy Ayers Mildred Badger Michael Bard Julie Benedict Adrianna Benson Joann Berno Randy Berno Tom Berry Jean Berthiaume Sasha Bianchi Faith Bieler Diane Bilodeau Dan Birdsall Jane Brown Dr. Phil Brown Paul Bruhn Nolan Burkhouse Tom Burrows Bob Butler Monica Callan Erica Campbell Jack Carter Freya Chaffee Rene Churchill Pam Clapp Everett W. Coffey Paul Comey Larry Crist Dan Currier Bob and Sally Dain Kathleen Daye Rick DeAngelis Hiata Defoe Gary Dillon Janet Doyle Madeline and Tom Drake George P. Drew Glennis Drew Alice Durkin Darrell Edmonds Pam Eldredge Rebecca Ellis Joby Feccia Kelly Ferguson Brian T. Fitzgerald Skip Flanders Vince Franke Roger A. Fraser Allison Friedkin Mark Frier Katherine Fritz Pam Gagnon Al Gardner Dr. Jen Gelbstein Jan Gendreau Steve Gladczuk Kate Greenleaf John Grenier Charlie Grenier Harriet Grenier Justin Griffith Cara Griswold Steve Hagenbuch Cheryl Hamilton Geoff Hand Sen. Bob Hartwell Mike Hedges Emily Higgins Steve Hill Rob Hofmann Amy Hoskins Natalie Howell Anne Imhoff Faith Ingulsrud James Jennings David Jennison Mary Kasamatsu Richard Katzman Bill Kernan Dave Kerr Jeanne Kirby Chuck Kletecka Sherry Knudsen Mary Koen Jeffrey Larkin


Matt Larson Anne Latulippe Carla Lawrence Brian Lindner Steve Lotspeich Margaret Luce David Luce Paul Luciano Cindy Lyons Garett MacCurtain Noelle Mackay Andrew MacLean John Malter Marni Martens Kym Maynard Gunner McCain Duncan McDougall Mame McKee Jerome Mercure Gordon Miller Karen Miller Mary Miller Carol Miller

Bill Minter Sue Minter Jen Mojo M K Monley Michael Monte Erin Mooney Matt Moran Mary Moulton Herschell Murry Katherine Naylor Eric Nealy Lars Nielsen Chris Nordle Peg ONeill Amanda Olney Carol ONeill Bill Orr Kaitlin OShea-Healy John Ostrum Emma Ottolenghi Laura Parette Cindy Parks Eileen Peltier

Peter Plagge Leslie Proto Jay Provencher Megan Rivera Ames Robb Clare Rock Myles Rossi Ian Rossi Lefty Sayah Lisa Scagliotti Rick Scharf Liz Schlegel Alena Schnarr Don Schneider Ken Scott Gus Seelig Will Senning Harry Shepard Bill Shepeluk Luke Shullenberger Jonathan Siegel Eileen Simpson Sue Sinclair

Kane Smart Eric Smith Karol Smith Lily Sojourner Wendy Speight Tom Stevens Jessica Stolz Allan Thompson Alex and Lorne Thomsen Alec Tuscany Steve Van Esen Chris Viens John Vincent Katherine Vose Becca Washburn Donnie Welch Darren Winham Theresa Wood Brian Woods Linda Wulff

Long-Term Community Recovery Plan


Waterbury artist Sarah-Lee Terrats rendition of Washington Crossing the Delaware; Washington County Crossing Main Street during Tropical Storm Irene.

A special thank you to Gordon Miller for his generous donation of photographs.

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