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1 | P a g e Or a l s S a f e t y

UH lH For more details please visit:

Q. Can free fall lifeboats be used as rescue boat?
A. Trials have shown that, other than in calms, free fall lifeboats cannot be recovered safely.
Hence free fall lifeboats are not acceptable as rescue boats. Thus ships fitted with free fall
lifeboats should be provided with a rescue boat and launching arrangements complying with the
relevant requirements.

Q. What is the function of fire line isolating valve?
A. The function of isolating valve is to isolate (separate) the section of the fire main within the
machinery space containing pump(s) from the rest of the fire line. When this valve is shut, all
the hydrants on the vessel, except those in the machinery space, can be supplied with water by
pump outside the machinery space, through pipes not entering the machinery space.

Q. Can the pipes from the pump mentioned above never enter machinery space?
A. Under exceptional circumstances, when it is impracticable to avoid pipe entering machinery
space, short lengths of the pipe from emergency pump can be allowed inside the machinery
space, provided that the section inside machinery space is enclosed in substantial steel casing so
as to maintain the integrity of the fire line.

Q. What is the designated location of the isolating valve?
A. The position of the isolating valve should be outside the machinery space and such as to be
easily accessible in case of fire. Further it should be maintained in working condition and clearly
marked and known to all ship staff.

Q. What is the requirement regarding number of portable dry powder fire extinguishers?
A. The regulation states that the number of portable dry powder fire extinguishers in
accommodation and service spaces or in machinery spaces should not be more than on half of
the total number of extinguishers provided in either of these spaces.

Q. Is there any limitation on stowing of portable CO2 type fire extinguisher?
A. Yes, CO2 type portable fire extinguisher should not be located in accommodation spaces.
Where this is inevitable, the volume of such space should be such that concentration of vapour
that can occur on discharge is not more than 5% of net volume of the space in consideration.
For this purpose the volume of CO2 shall be taken to be 0.56 m
Q. What is dynamic winch brake test?
A. This test is carried out annually and five yearly survival life boats/rescue boats, to check the
condition of winch foundation and brake functionality. It is done as follows:
ANNUAL: It is done by lowering the empty boat. Prior to its reaching water, when the
boat has reached its maximum lowering speed, the winch brake is applied abruptly.
Following the test, the brake pads and stressed structural parts should be inspected.
FIVE YEARLY: This test is done by lowering the boat loaded to a proof load equal to
1.1 times the weight of the survival craft or rescue boat and its full complement of
persons and equipment, or equivalent load. Again the brake is applied abruptly, before
2 | P a g e Or a l s S a f e t y
UH lH For more details please visit:

the boat enters the water, when the maximum lowering speed is reached. The test is
again followed by inspection of brake pads and stressed structural parts of the winch.
NOTE: In loading the boat, care should be taken that stability of the boat is not
compromised, by free surfaces or raising of COG.

Q. You are carrying coal in bulk and gas meter is showing high concentration of CO in hold(s).
What do you infer from this?
A. This means that coal is self heating and the temperature is rising.

Q. What should you do to avoid this problem?
A. Procure accurate and detailed information from shipper regarding the type of coal being
loaded. See, if the type being loaded is vulnerable to self heating. If so, pay particular to
trimming of cargo. The cargo should be leveled to the boundaries to avoid any pockets or
depressions. The pockets, if allowed to be left, will cause air to penetrate and aggravate
oxidation which in turn will cause heating. Stowage of coal adjacent to hot areas should be
Upon sailing, hatch covers should be kept closed and surface ventilation should be kept
to the absolute minimum to remove any accumulated methane. The atmosphere of the holds
should be checked and recorded regularly during the voyage.


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