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Pathophysiology of Viral Hepatitis

Risk Factors: Poor sanitation and hygiene Contaminated food and water Multiple sexual partners Immunosupressed Injecting drug users Blood transfusion Health care workers Infants born to HBV-infected mother

Etiology: Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E

Acute liver inflammation

Cytotoxic cytokines and natural killer cells cause lysis of infected hepatotocytes Pre - icteric phase Kupffer cells proliferate and

Induction of immune response

Antigen-antibody complexes

Activation of complement system S/S: Anorexia, RUQ pain, nausea, malaise, wt loss (1 21 days*) *maximum infectivity for HAV

Cell injury

Immune complex formation in circulation Immune complex deposition in vascular Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) Impairs blood supply to the

Fibrous scars

Obstruction of blood and bile flow Ischemia



Liver damage


If managed: Adequate rest Avoid alcohol and drugs detoxified by the liver Vitamin supplements High in calorie and protiencarbohydrates and low in fat diet.

Icteric phase

Virus is not killed

Same GI s/s as Pre Icteric phase, dark urine, jaundice, hepatomegaly (2 -4 weeks duration)

Viral antigens persists in the liver

Viral infection

Carrier of state B, C, D, (asymptomatic)

Promotes liver cells for regeneration

Transmit disease

Liver resume to normal appearance and function

May progress to: Hepato cellular carcinoma

Post - icteric phase

Liver cirrhosis Liver failure

Malaise, Fatigue, Hepatomegaly may remain (2 4 months duration)


Diagnostic Examinations: Liver function test: Aspartate aminotransferase(AST) Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase Bilirubin Alkaline phosphatase Serum albumin Serum belirubin Prothrombin time -hepatitis A surface antigen (HAsAg) or hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg)

Symptomatology: Preicteric (prodomal phase) -Last for 1wk -Elevated temperature and chills -Nausea and vomiting -Dyspnea -Head ache -Arthralgia -Weakness -Weigth loss -Hepatomegaly -lymphadenopathy Icteric Phase -Starts with the onset of jaundice -Intensity in 2wks and last for 4-6 wks -worsening of anorexia -N/V -Dyspnea -weakness and malaise -liver tenderness increases Posticteric Phase -begins with the disappearance of jaundice, normally last for several wks up to 4 months

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