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Pakistan Studies MCQs Muhammad Bin Qasim

1. When Arabs under Muhammad Bin Qasim reached Daibul? a. 712 b. 812 c. 912 d. 1012 Raja Dahir was ruler of Sindh during the _____ dynasty a. Ummayyad b. Abassiya c. Khalafit d. Usmania What was the relation of Muhammad Bin Qasim with Hajjaj Bin Yousaf? a. Brother b. Father c. Grand Father d. Nephew, Son in Law When Muhammad Bin Qasim attacked Sindh, his age was a. 15 years b. 16 years c. 17 years d. 18 years Decisive battle was fought between Dahir and Muhammad Bin Qasim on _______ th a. 25 October 712 th b. 26 October 712 th c. 27 October 712 th d. 28 October 712 The decisive battle between Muhammad Bin Qasim and Dahir was fought at a. Lahore b. Aloor c. Lucknow d. Delhi After Capturing Aloor, Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered which city? a. Ahmadabad b. Harappa c. Mohenjo-Daro d. Multan Which new city was established by Qasim? a. Mumbai b. Delhi c. Mansoora d. Qasim Pur Which caliph called Muhammad Bin Qasim back from subcontinent? a. Saleem-Bin-Abdul-Malik b. Raheem-Bin-Abdul-Malik c. Rehan-Bin-Abdul-Malik d. Salman-Bin-Abdul-Malik

10. Who was appointed as the Governor of Sindh after Muhammad Bin Qasim? a. Tariq Bin Zyad b. Sulaiman c. Yazid Bin Muhallab d. Abdullah 11. Which province of Pakistan is called Bab-ul-Islam? a. Sindh b. Punjab c. Baluchistan d. N.W.F.P (K.P.K) 12. For how many years the Arab ruled over Sindh? a. 281 b. 282 c. 283 d. 284 13. First Islamic mosque was constructed in sub-continent in: a. Bhombhore b. Mansoora c. Multan d. Karachi 14. Muhammad Bin Qasims attack on Sindh was the a. First attack on subcontinent by Muslims b. Second attack on subcontinent by Muslims c. Third attack on subcontinent by Muslims d. Forth attack on subcontinent by Muslims





Hindu-Urdu Controversy
1. How old is Urdu language? a. 300 years b. 400 years c. 500 years d. 600 years Urdu is amalgamation of a. English and Persian b. Persian and Turkish c. Sunskirat and Persian d. Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hindi Lashkari was another name of which language? a. Arabic b. Urdu c. Persian d. Sanskirat In Muslims, who rendered valuable services for the development and protection of Urdu a. Liaqat Ali b. Sir Syed Ahmad c. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar








Pakistan Studies MCQs

d. Syed Suleman Nadvi Farhang-e-Asfia an authentic dictionary contains 54014 words out of which how many are Hindi words? a. 22195 b. 22196 c. 22197 d. 22198 6. From 1872-1888, How many Urdu journals and periodicals were published from Lucknow? a. 60 b. 62 c. 64 d. 66 7. When Banaras Institute was established? a. 1860 b. 1861 c. 1862 d. 1863 8. Banaras Institute was the first practical step taken against which language? a. Urdu b. Bengali c. Punjabi d. English 9. When Urdu was introduced as an official language in subcontinent by British Government? a. 1832 b. 1826 c. 1827 d. 1828 10. The Hindi-Urdu controversy began in which year? a. 1867 b. 1868 c. 1869 d. 1870 11. Some prominent Hindi leaders organized an agitation against the use of Urdu as official language and demanded that Hindi written in Davanagri Script should be introduced as a. National language b. International language c. Official language d. Unofficial language 12. Who first of all decided to adopt measures for the protection of Urdu? a. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan b. Syed Suleman Nadvi c. Allama Muhammad Iqbal d. Haji Shariatullah 5.

13. When Sir Syed demanded from the Government that a Dar-ul-Tarjama be established so that the authentic works could be translated into Urdu for the benefit of students a. 1855 b. 1857 c. 1859 d. 1861 14. Where Sir Syed established Central Association? a. Muradabad b. Ghazipur c. Allahabad d. Aligarh 15. Which platform was used by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the protection of Urdu? a. Muslim League b. Scientific Society c. All India Congress d. All of the above 16. When George Cambell, ordered that Urdu should be scrapped from the syllabus books? a. 1871 b. 1872 c. 1873 d. 1874 17. Who was George Cambell? a. Governor of Bengal b. Governor of U.P c. Governor of Assam d. Governor of Punjab 18. When Anthonys MacDonal issued orders that Hindi should be used as official language? a. 1900 b. 1901 c. 1902 d. 1903 19. Who was Anthony MacDonal? a. U.P Governor b. Punjab Governor c. Bengal Governor d. Assam Governor 20. Who established Urdu Defence society? a. Nawab Waqar ul Mulk b. Nawab Mohsim ul Mulk c. Sir Syed d. Syed Suleman Nadvi 21. Urdu Defence Society protested against the biased decision of that Hindi should be used as official language a. Anthony MacDonald b. Robbert MacDonald

Pakistan Studies MCQs

22. c. Michel MacDonald d. Janefar MacDonald The students of which college protested against MacDonald for scraping Urdu as official language a. Lahore College b. Aligarh College c. Islamia College d. Islamia College Peshawar Why Governor debarred the Nawab using the title of Mohsin-ul-Mulk on October 19, 1900? a. For his staunch supposed for Hindi b. For his staunch support for Arabic c. For his staunch support for Persian d. For his staunch support for Urdu Who declared in 1917 that Hindi was the only language capable of becoming the national language of India? a. Moti Lal Nehru b. M.K. Gandhi c. Patel d. Indra Gandhi Who set up Anjuman-e-Tarakki-e-Urdu? a. Sir Syed Ahmad b. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar c. Maulana Muhammad Ali Shaukat d. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk Where Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk set up Anjuman-e-Tarakki-e-Urdu? a. Lucknow b. Aligarh c. Delhi d. Bombay When Anjuman-e-Tarakki-e-Urdu was established? a. 1903 b. 1904 c. 1905 d. 1906

3. First meeting of All India Congress was held in _______ a. Calcuta b. Bombay c. Delhi d. Aligarh 4. Who founded All India Congress? a. Nehru b. Gandhi c. A.O. Hume d. Tilak Gee 5. Idea of Congress forwarded by which Lord? a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Wavel c. Lord Dufferin d. Lord Morby 6. Initially what name was given to the party formed by A.O. Hume later known as Indian National Congress a. All India League b. All India Union c. All Parties Conference d. None of the above 7. Who was the first Muslim President of Congress? a. Badr-ud-Din Taiyabji b. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar c. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali Khan d. Abdul Kalam Azad 8. All India National Congress was a social organization. Who changed it into political organization? a. Lord Sir Games Caird b. Lord Dufferin c. Lord A.O. Hume d. None of the above 9. Who was elected as first president of Congress? a. Gandhi b. Jowahar Lal Nehru c. W.C. Bannerjee d. Biswas 10. Who explained the aims and objects of Congress? a. A.O. Hume b. Lord Curzon c. Lord Hastings d. Lord Dufferin 11. When Mr. Badruddin Taiyebji was elected president of Congress? a. 1885 b. 1886 c. 1887 d. 1888 12. How many Britishers remained president of Congress?






All India National Congress

1. Who was A.O. Hume? a. Retired I.C.S officer b. Retired judge c. Retired Police Inspector d. Retired School teacher Who was the first secretary general of Congress? a. A.O. Hume b. Tilak Gee c. Lord Dufferin d. Lord Warren Hasting


Pakistan Studies MCQs

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 Who became the first Muslim judge of Calcutta H.C? a. Liaquat Ali Khan b. Badruddin c. Syed Ameer Ali d. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Who became the first Indian member of the judicial committee of the Privi council? a. Syed Ameer Ali b. Quaid-e-Azam c. Allama Muhammad Iqbal d. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali Who founded the Central National Mohammedan Association? a. Badruddin b. Syed Ameer Ali c. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan d. S.N. Bannerjee Where, Syed Ameer Ali founded the Central National Mohammedan Association? a. Kanpur b. Faizabad c. Calcutta d. Peshawar When Syed Ameer Ali founded the Central National Mohammedan Association? a. 1874 b. 1875 c. 1876 d. 1877 What was the object of Central National Mohammedan Association? a. To promote good feeling between Indian races and creeds b. To promote fellowship between Indian races and creeds c. To protect the interests of the Muslims d. All of above

d. Lord William When Lord Curzon announced the partition of Bengal th a. 16 October 1904 th b. 16 October 1905 th c. 16 October 1906 th d. 16 October 1907 4. When Secretary of State sanctioned the scheme of partition of Bengal? a. June 1904 b. June 1905 c. June 1906 d. June 1907 5. What was the total area of Bengal? a. 1,87,000 sq. km b. 1,88,000 sq. km c. 1,89,000 sq. km d. 1,90,000 sq. km 6. When Bengal was divided into two provinces? a. 1905 b. 1906 c. 1907 d. 1908 7. What was the total population of East Bengal in 1905? a. 29 Million b. 30 Million c. 31 Million d. 32 Million 8. Out of total population of 31 Million in East Bengal. How many were Muslims? a. 18 Million b. 19 Million c. 20 Million d. 21 Million 9. Out of total population of 31 Million in East Bengal. How many were Hindus? a. 10 Million b. 11 Million c. 12 Million d. 13 Million 10. What was the ratio between Muslims and Hindus in the so formed Eastern Bengal? a. 1:2 b. 2:2 c. 3:2 d. 4:2 11. Who sent scheme of Partition of Bengal to British government in February, 1905? a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Linlithgow c. Lord Wavel d. Lord Ripon 3.







Partition and Annulment of Bengal

1. When Lord Curzon became the Vice-Roy of India? a. 1899 b. 1900 c. 1901 d. 1902 Who announced the partition of Bengal? a. Lord Hastings b. Lord Wavel c. Lord Curzon


Pakistan Studies MCQs

12. Who sanctioned the scheme of Partition of Bengal? a. St John Brodrick b. Stephm c. Edward d. Albert 13. Who was Sir John Brodrick at the time of partition of Bengal? a. Governor-General b. Viceroy c. Lord d. Secretary of State 14. Who was the first Governor of East Bengal? a. Lord Curzon b. Mr Filler c. Lord Wavel d. Lord Hasting 15. Which was the capital of East Bengal? a. Silhat b. Dhaka c. Chitagong d. a. and b. both 16. At the time of partition of Bengal, who was the leader of Muslims in East Bengal? a. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk b. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk c. Nawab Samiullah Khan d. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan th 17. Who observed 16 October 1905, the Partition Day, as a day of National Mourning? a. Muslims b. Hindus c. Sikhs d. All of above 18. The new province of East Bengal brought happier prospects of political and economic life for the: a. Hindus b. Sikhs c. Muslims d. All of above 19. Which city became the centre point of agitation of Hindus against the partition of Bengal? a. Calcutta b. Bombay c. Delhi d. Dhaka 20. When Muslims accepted the Governments decision of Partition of Bengal? nd a. 20 October, 1905 st b. 21 October, 1905 nd c. 22 October, 1905

d. 23 October, 1905 21. Under whose leadership a Hindu delegation went to England to protest against the partition of Bengal? a. Nehru b. Gandhi c. Ghokhlay d. Swami Dyanand 22. Name the movement started by Hindus against anti-partition of Bengal started? a. Swadeshi Movement b. Vidashi Movement c. Quit India Movement d. Anti-British Movement 23. Who agitated for the annulment the partition of Bengal? a. Sikhs b. Congress c. Hindus d. B and C 24. In June, 1911 which member of the Viceroys council made a proposal for the reversal of the partition of Bengal? a. Sir John Jenkins b. Sir Fredrick Pollac c. Lord Hastings d. Lord Curzon 25. Who left the politics after the cancellation of the partition of Bengal? a. Nawab Samiullah Khan b. Sir Khizar Ahad Khan c. Syed Ameer Ali d. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk 26. When Partition of Bengal was annulled? a. 1910 b. 1911 c. 1912 d. 1913 27. Who made the announcement of annulment of Bengal in 1911? a. George II b. George III c. George IV d. George V 28. Where George V made the announcement of annulment of Bengal Partition? a. At his coronation Darbar in Delhi b. At his coronation Darbar in Bombay c. At his coronation Darbar in Lucknow d. At his coronation Darbar in Lahore 29. Who wrote a series of editorials in the journal, The Comrade condemning the annulment? a. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar b. Maulana Muhammad Ali Shaukat c. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

Pakistan Studies MCQs

d. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 30. Who criticized the annulment of Partition of Bengal? a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Minto c. Lord Hastings d. Lord William

a. Mr. Archbold b. Mr. White c. Mr. Clark d. Mr. Stewart Who was Mr. Archbold who got an appointment for Muslim with Viceroy Mints? a. Principal of Islamia College Lahore b. Principal of Islamia College Peshawar c. Principal of Aligarh College d. Principal of Lahore College The Memorial which was presented to the Viceroy by the Simla Deputation carried how many signatures of Muslims from Peshawar to Madars? a. 146 111 83 b. 146 111 84 c. 146 111 85 d. 146 111 86 Who led the Simla Deputation? a. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan b. Syed Ameer Ali c. Allama Muhammad Iqbal d. Sir Agha Khan What were the main demands for Simla Deputation? a. Seats in Legislature b. Seats of Judges in court for the Muslims c. Quota in government services d. All of above When turning point in the early phase of the Muslims political movement came? a. 1905 b. 1906 c. 1907 d. 1908 Who appointed a committee of executive council to inquire into the working of the India Council Act, 1892? a. Lord Minto b. Lord Curzon c. Lord William d. Lord Wavell What was/were the main objectives of the Simla Deputation? a. Separate Electorates for muslims b. Establishment of Muslims university c. Muslims should be given appointments in gazette services d. All of the above


The Simla Deputation

1. Which act introduced the principles of representation and election in India? a. Indian Councils Act, 1861 b. Indian Councils Act, 1864 c. Indian Councils Act, 1891 d. Indian Councils Act, 1892 When Lord Minto came into India as Viceroy? a. 1905 b. 1906 c. 1907 d. 1908 What was the duration of reign of Lord Minto II in subcontinent? a. 1905-1906 b. 1905-1907 c. 1905-1909 d. 1905-1910 The Muslims leaders drew up a plan of separate electorates for their community and presented it to Viceroy? a. Lord Minto b. Lord Curzon c. Lord William d. Lord Hastings Where Muslim leaders presented plan of separate electorates for their community to Viceroy Lord Minto? a. Simla b. Kashmir c. Balakot d. Bagh When Muslim leaders presented plan of separate electorates for their community to Viceroy Lord Minto? st a. 1 October, 1906 st b. 1 October, 1907 st c. 1 October, 1908 st d. 1 October, 1909 How many Muslim leaders participated in Simla Deputation? a. 34 b. 35 c. 36 d. 37 By whose efforts Muslim leaders got an appointment when Viceroy Minto? 10.












The All India Muslim League

1. When annual session of All India Muslim Education Conference was held? a. 1904 b. 1905 c. 1906


Pakistan Studies MCQs

d. 1907 Where annual session of All India Muslim Education Conference was held? a. Delhi b. Aligarh c. Dacca d. Lahore 4. Who presided over the Muslims League Educational Conference? a. Waqar-ul-Mulk b. Mohsin-ul-Mulk c. Sir Agha Khan d. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 5. Who had circulated an idea of the political organization known as All India muslim confederacy? a. Nawab Salim Ullah of Dacca b. Quaid-e-Azam c. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan d. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar 6. Who in his presidential address stressed the need for a political platform for the Muslims? a. Sir Adamjee b. Nawab Muzammil Ullah Khan c. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk d. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk 7. Who presented a resolution for the formation of the Muslim League? a. Mohsin-ul-Mulk b. Salim Ullah Khan c. Waqar-ul-Mulk d. Liaquat Ali Khan 8. Resolution for a political Platform for the muslims was moved by Salim ullah of Dacca which was supported by: a. Hakim Ajmal, Zafar Ali Khan and other participants b. Gandhi and Nehru c. Lord Curzon d. Both b and c 9. When All India Muslim League was formed? nd a. 21 December, 1906 th b. 30 December, 1906 st c. 31 December, 1906 st d. 1 January, 1907 10. Who was the first president of All India Muslim League? a. Sir Agha Khan b. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk c. Liaquat Ali Khan d. Quaid-e-Azam 11. Who were elected provisionally as joint sectaries of the Muslim League? a. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk b. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk c. Nawab Saeed-uz-Zaman 2.

d. a. and b. 12. A committee consisting of how many members was set up to draft the constitution of Muslim League? a. 40 b. 50 c. 60 d. 70 13. Who drafted rules and regulations of the Muslim League? a. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar b. Maulana Muhammad Ali Shaukat c. Sir Agha Khan d. Liaquat Ali Khan 14. Where the first central office of Muslim League was set up? a. Kanpur b. Sharanpur c. Aligarh d. Lahore 15. When the first regular session of the Muslim League was held? th a. 28 December, 1907 th b. 29 December, 1907 th c. 30 December, 1907 d. Both b. and c. 16. Where the first regular session of the Muslim League was held? a. Karachi b. Bombay c. Muradabad d. Surat 17. Who presided over first session of the Muslim League? a. Agha Khan b. Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai c. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar d. Liaquat Ali Jhan 18. Who was Nawab Muzammil Ullah Khan? a. Principal of Aligarh College b. Teacher of Aligarh College c. Secretary of Aligarh College d. Joint Secretary of Aligarh College 19. After Sir Agha Khan, who was appointed president of Muslim League? a. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk b. Nawab Saleem-ullah of Dacca c. Nawab Muzammil d. Raja of Mahamoodabad 20. Which Association merged into the Muslim League? a. Muhammadan Association b. Indian Association c. Asian Association d. Muslims Association

Pakistan Studies MCQs

21. When Nawabzada Liaquat ali Khan became the secretary of All India Muslim League? a. 1936 b. 1937 c. 1938 d. 1939 22. Who presided over the inaugural meeting to Muslim League held in London on May 6, 1908? a. Syed Ameer Ali b. Sir Muhammad Shafi c. Hassan Bilgrami d. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar

7. Which branch of the All India Muslim League made earnest efforts to bring home to the British Government the necessity of conceding separate electorate? a. London Branch b. Canadian Branch c. Turkish Branch d. Australian Branch Which Hindu organization had emerged in the Hindu politics with a highly prejudicial concept of nationalism? a. Hindu Raj b. Hindu Loc Sabha c. Hindu Mahasabha d. Hindu Bund Which organization believed that Muslims should be eliminated from the Indian Society? a. Hindu Mahasabha b. Arya Samaj c. Dev Samaj d. Parathane Samaj Indian Councils Act of 1909 is also known as. a. Minto-Morley reforms b. Minto Hastings reforms c. Minto Warren reforms d. Minto Cornwallis reforms Who was Lord Morley? a. Governor General of India b. Secretary of state for India c. Member of Legislative council d. Viceroy Who was Lord Minto? a. Viceroy of India b. Governor-General c. Secretary of State of India d. Member of Legislative Council Under which Act, the imperial and provincial councils were enlarged in size? a. Indian Councils Act, 1861 b. Indian Councils Act, 1864 c. Indian Councils Act, 1909 d. Indian Councils Act, 1892 Which reforms conferred on the Muslims the double vote? a. Chelmsford reforms b. Minto-Morley reforms c. Minto Hastings reforms d. Minto Cornwallis reforms Which reforms were initially created a great deal of awareness among Indian people? a. Indian Council reforms b. Legislative reforms


Separate Electorate and Minto-Morley Reforms

1. Who became the Governor General of British India in 1910? a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Hardinge c. Lord Mayo d. Lord Minto III When the demand of separate electorate by Muslim League was put forward? a. 1909 b. 1910 c. 1911 d. 1912 In which reforms the demand of separate electorate was incorporated? a. Minto-Morley reforms b. Minto Hastings reforms c. Minto Warren reforms d. Minto Cornwallis reforms The acceptance of demand for appointment of Muslim judges was also incorporated in, a. India Act 1919 b. India Act 1935 c. Minto-Morley reforms d. India Act 1929 The purpose of Hindu Mahasabha was to a. Eliminate Sikhs b. Eliminate Muslims c. Protect rights and interests of Hindus and Muslims d. Gain independence Which Hindu supported separate electorate? a. Gandhi b. Moti Lal Nehru c. Patel d. Mr. S.P. Sinha













Pakistan Studies MCQs

16. c. Minto-Morley reforms d. Political reforms of 1905 A deputation met Lord Minto in 1909 for separate electorate for Muslims headed by a. Sir Agha Khan b. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar c. Zafar Ali Khan d. Syed Ameer Ali How many people were killed in Kanpur incident in 1913? a. 133 b. 135 c. 145 d. 141 Which Government demolished the Masjid in 1913? a. British b. Muslims c. Hindu d. Sikhs What stand was taken by the British Government to justify its act of demolishing the masjid place where ablution was performed? a. Washing place is not the sacred part of Muslims b. Washing place is not the sacred part of Islam c. Washing place is not the sacred part of Masjid d. b. and c. When Lord Hardinge in order to pacify the Muslims feelings visited the Kanpur? a. October 14, 1913 b. October 15, 1913 c. October 16, 1913 d. October 17, 1913 Lucknow Pact 1916 1. When some prominent Muslims leaders appeared on the Congress platform at Kanpur to declare that the time was coming when both Hindus and Muslims should be stand side by side a. December 1912 b. December 1913 c. December 1914 d. December 1915 st Where, on 31 December 1912, a meeting of the Muslim League was held? a. Lahore b. Lucknow c. Delhi d. Kanpur st On 31 December 1912, a meeting of League was held under the chairmanship of a. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan b. Liaquat Ali Khan

c. Agha Khan d. Quaid-e-Azam 5. Who gave the title Mahatma Gandhi to Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi? a. Nehru b. Abu-ul-Kalam Azad c. Rabinder Nath Tigore d. None of these 6. All India Muslim League changed his constitution in 1913 which paved the way for the Congress and League to come closer. What was reason behind this change? a. Revocation of partition of Bengal in December, 1911 b. Revocation of partition of Asam in December, 1911 c. Revocation of partition of India in December, 1911 d. None of these 7. Who attended both the council meeting of Muslims League and Lucknow session of 1913 as a special guest? a. Allama Muhammad Iqbal b. Muhammad Ali Jinnah c. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan d. Liaquat Ali Khan 8. Whose inclusion in the Muslim League was the historic event which gave a new dimension to Muslim Leagues political struggle? a. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar b. Maulana Muhammad Ali Shaukat c. Muhammad Ali Jinnah d. Sir Agha Khan 10. Where annual session of Congress of 1913 was held? a. Lahore b. Karachi c. Bombay (Mumbai) d. Peshawar 11. When first time, in the history of Indian joint session of Muslim League and Congress held? a. December, 1916 b. December, 1917 c. December, 1918 d. December, 1919 12. Who was called the True Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity? a. Syed Suleman Nadvi b. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan c. Quaid-e-Azam d. Allama Muhammad Iqbal 13. When Congress and Muslim League made agreement on Constitutional Reforms? a. 1913 b. 1914 c. 1915 d. 1916







Pakistan Studies MCQs

14. The agreement of Constitutional Reforms reached by Congress and League is called? a. Bombay Pact b. Lucknow Pact c. Delhi Pact d. Lahore Pact 15. In which pact the Muslim and Hindus agreed for Separate Electorate for Muslims? a. Karachi Pact b. Peshawar Pact c. Lahore Pact d. Lucknow Pact 16. Punjab Muslim League was headed by: a. Mian Muhammad Sami b. Mian Muhammad Shafi c. Mian Muhammad Nabi d. Mian Muhammad Latif 17. Quaid-e-Azam signed the Lucknow Pact on behalf of Muslim League, who signed on behalf of Congress a. Mahatama Gandhi b. Moti Lal Nehru c. Ambeka Charan Mojam Dar d. None of these 18. Why the Bengali Muslims oppossed Lucknow Pact? a. Their majority in the provincial Legislature turned into minority b. Their minority in the provincial Legistature turned into majority c. Their majority in the central Legislature turned into minority d. Their minority in the central Legislature turned into majority 19. How many seats were agreed in Lucknow Pact for Muslims in the Central Legislature? a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/4 d. 1/5 20. The Lucknow Pact was the culmination of the Quaids persostant efforts for the unity of? a. Hindus b. Muslims c. Hindu-Muslims d. Hindu-Sikhs 21. The constitutional features of Lucknow Pact were incorporated in which Act? a. Rawalat Act b. Indian Council Act c. Act of settlement d. Government of India Act, 1919 22. Which Pact was accepted by the Congress and Muslim League to lay the foundation of a permentant united action against the British? a. Lucknow Pact

b. c. d. Delhi Pact Congress League Pact Muslim League Pact Montague Reforms and tragedy of Jallianwala Bagh 1. Who headed the committee appointed to suggest ways and means to crush political conspriacies agains the Government? a. S.A. Rowlatt b. Hasting c. Williams d. Minto The political leaders declared which report as criminal? a. Rowlatt Committee report b. Hasting Committee report c. Williams Committee report d. Minto Committee report Who resigned from the imperial Legislative Council in sheer protest against the Rowlatt Act? a. Nehru b. Gandhi c. Quiad-e-Azam d. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan When the Rowlatt Bill was presented before the Imperial lesgislative council, how many non-officials members voted against it? a. 23 members b. 28 members c. 29 members d. 25 members Who ordered the police to fire on crowed gathered in Jallianwala bagh? a. General Dyer b. Lord Curzon c. Lord Minto d. Lord Wavell The people gathered in Jallianwala Bagh were protesting against which act? a. Indian Council Act b. Act of Settlement c. Rowlatt Act d. Indian Government Act, 1919 After the tragedy of Jallianwala Bagh martial law in which province was imposed? a. Sindh b. Bengal c. Punjab d. Assam When Edwin Montague for India made an announcement of the British policyin the House of Commons? a. August 19, 1917








Pakistan Studies MCQs

b. August 20, 1917 c. August 21, 1917 d. August 22, 1917 Who was Edwin Montague? a. Governor b. Viceroy c. Lord d. Secretary of State Mr. Montague prepared a scheme of which reforms which was presented to the Government for approval? a. Constitutional b. Agricultural c. Religious d. Social After approval by the Government the scheme was enforced as a. Regulating Act b. Pitts Act c. Rowlatt Act d. Government of India Act, 1919 Government of India Act, 1919 is also known as: a. Montague Chelmsford reforms of 1919 b. Minto-Morley reforms c. Minto-Warren reforms d. Minto-Cornwallis reforms Act of 1919, provinced which type of legislature at the central in place of the Imperial Legislature Council consisting of one house? a. Bicameral b. Unicameral c. a. and b. d. none of above According to Act of 1919, the term of the Central Assembly was a. 3 years b. 4 years c. 5 years d. 6 years According to Act of 1919, the term of Council of State was a. 2 years b. 3 years c. 4 years d. 5 years Under which Act, system of direct elections was prescribed for both the Houses? a. Legislative Council Act b. Act of Settlement c. Act of 1919 d. Act of 1935 Under which actm the Governor General was given the power to Summon? a. Act of 1919 b. Act of 1920

19. c. Act of 1921 d. Act of 1922 Which Act introduce Dyarchy? a. Rowlatt Act b. Trust Act c. Negotiable instrument Act d. Act of 1919 The system of Dyarchy was in operation from? a. 1921 to 1937 b. 1922 to 1937 c. 1923 to 1937 d. 1924 to 1937 The system of Dyarchy failed due to a. Un-scientific Division of subjects b. No Joint Responsibility c. No ministerial control over superior services d. All of above What was the reaction of Muslim League in respect of Dyarchy system? a. Muslim league declared it acceptable b. Muslim league declared it unacceptable c. Muslim league declared it satisfactory d. Muslim league declared it unsatisfactory Which Political party rejected Montague reforms? a. Congress b. Muslim League c. Awami League d. National Indian Which Political Party















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