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Parasha B chukkotai

"'You shall count off seven Shabbatot of years, seven times seven years; and there shall be to you the days of seven Shabbatot of years, even forty-nine years. Then you shall sound the loud shofar on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you shall sound the shofar throughout all your land. Leviticus 25:8-9

Yovel or Jubilee In our Bible, the first occurrence of the word "Jubilee" is the Hebrew term teruah. Actually, teruah is a series of short trumpet blasts on the shofar. Out of the twenty-two times "Jubilee" appears in the Scripture, twenty-one times it is translated from the Hebrew word yovel. Yovel literally means "the shofar of a ram". The ram's horn, the shofar, is a symbol of repentance and redemption. Rashi According to Rashi from the sounding of the shofar . Josh 6:4-14 Ramban Ramban however objects: What sense is there in saying of a year that it shall be a blowing to you and you shall return? Further, he points out that the shofar need not necessarily be a rams horn, but can be made of the horn of a wild goat. Following Ibn Ezra, He sees the word yovel as meaning sending forth or bringing the liberty that characterize the year. Tradition Tradition states that when Abraham slew the ram caught in the thicket, he preserved the two ram's horns. One of these horns was sounded at the giving of the law at Sinai. This event marked the beginning of Israel's return to the land that God had promised to them the land where His presence would dwell. In essence, this represents repentance, for the true meaning of repentance is not "turning", but "returning". The second ram's horn is to be sounded on the day of final redemption, when all departed saints are resurrected. So the term yovel or Jubilee alludes to returning, repentance, and redemption. The shofars used in announcing Jubilee were silver. This is another allusion to redemption for in the Scripture, silver always

represents "redemption". Gold and silver-plated shofarot (ram's horns) Messianic Significance: 1. First horn -Inscribing of the Torah in the heart. 2. Second horn Yom Teruah , Trumpet sounds , final redemption. Reason There were several practical reasons to allow the land to rest every seventh year. First, there were often swarms of locusts sweeping the Middle East devouring everything in their sight (see Joel 1:1-5). These insects have an incubation period of seven years. By allowing the land to rest during the sabbatical year, and assuming this seventh year coincided with the arrival of the locusts, it is possible that Israel's farms lay empty when the locusts showed up to eat. Therefore, they would travel to other nations and devour their increase. Secondly, farming year after year takes the nutrients from the soil. By allowing the land to lay fallow and allowing the fruit from the trees to fall to the ground and rot, it restored much needed nutrients to the topsoil. The Sabbatical year allowed the land to rest and to replenish itself. What the Sabbatical year was to the land, the Year of Jubilee was to the people. Messianic Significance: 1. First destruction of the devourer. 2.Second restoration of strength. The Jubilee marks the Lords possession of the land and people of Israel. Each Israelite returns to his ancestral inheritance and to his family in the year of Jubilee, to demonstrate that they and the Land belong to the Lord alone, no one else may take final possession of them. In the same way all Israel belongs to the Lord alone. Messianic Significance: The Lords possession of mankind and the earth. Benefits Everyone was at complete rest during the Year of Jubilee. There were

to be no struggles, either financially, materially or spiritually. It was a time of joy, freedom, celebration and release. In fact, God sent such an increase of produce from the fields during the forty-ninth year that the entire nation could eat from that increase during the fiftieth year! Once the Year of Jubilee had been declared, there were several important releases that immediately occurred after the silver trumpet sounded. ALL HEBREW SLAVES WERE PERMITTED TO RETURN TO THEIR FAMILIES THE HEBREWS WERE NOT TO OPPRESS ONE ANOTHER. PROPERTY WHICH HAD BEEN SOLD COULD BE REDEEMED BY ITS ORIGINAL OWNER. IT WAS NOT PERMISSIBLE TO CHARGE INTEREST TO A POOR MAN OR STRANGER. PEOPLE WERE TO DWELL IN A LAND OF SAFETY This was God's intention, for in Leviticus 25:16, He instructed them that the land must not be sold permanently because "the land is Mine and you are but My tenants". Messianic Significance: Yeshua has achieved all this for believers. 50 (Pentecost ,50 days and Jubilee ,50 years) Fifty is the number connected with the Holy Spirit and Jubilee. The Spirit was poured out at the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Yeshua. Israel had what is called the year of Jubilee every 50 years. This year of JUBILEE, in which every man returned unto his own possession, is a picture of the reign of Jesus and His saints, when all Israel shall return to its possessions and the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with songs of everlasting joy. I'd say that meant JUBILEE. "And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they

shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away." That's Isaiah 35:10. Here is the word "ransomed," so that meant "redeemed," and it is connected with Israel's return of JUBILEE. Then when 20, the number for redemption, is multiplied by 50, the number of years connected with the year of JUBILEE, the product is 1000, the number of years of the Millennium reign as in Revelation 20:4-6. The blowing of the trumpet was connected with the year of JUBILEE and the returning of the people to their possessions. "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the stream of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, 0 ye children of Israel. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem." That's Isaiah 27:12, 13. "Then shall they know that I am the Lord their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there. Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord God." That's Ezekiel 39:28,29. From this it is seen that there is to be an outpouring of the Spirit on Israel bringing great joy. This is why the number 50 is connected both with the Holy Spirit and the years of Jubilee. In the year of Jubilee they were to proclaim liberty throughout all the land. In II Corinthians 3:17 we read, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The word of God tells us that creation shall be delivered from the Bondage into the glorious liberty of the children of God. See Romans 8:21. Israel shall also have rest from her bondage in the glorious year of Jubilee, or the 1000-year reign. See Isaiah 14:1-3. Yeshua When Jesus takes the seven sealed book out of the hand of God in Revelation 5, it is a Jubilee will. The "Lamb of God" is getting ready to redeem the earth back to God. When Jesus returned to Nazareth after His forty days of fasting, He

stood at the front of the synagogue and read from Isaiah 61, a prophecy concerning the Messiah. This, Christ's first sermon in a public setting, is recorded in Luke 4:18-19.

When reading from Isaiah 61:1-2, one can see that Jesus purposely omitted part of Isaiah 61:2. It reads: "To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn..." Jesus declared the "acceptable year of the Lord", and then shut the book. He said nothing about the "day of vengeance". Why? The ancient rabbis believed in two messiahs. One is called "Messiah Ben Joseph" (Messiah the son of Joseph), and the other is called "Messiah Ben David" (Messiah the son of David). They believed the first messiah would suffer, and the second messiah would rule. They saw this theme in the writing of the prophets and thought they were two different persons. The fact is that Jesus is the only Messiah, and He will appear in two different roles. The first time He came to suffer and die for the sins of the world. The second time He appears He is called the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" (Revelation 5:5). As a lamb He died, but as the lion He will rule! When He returns as the lion He will roar from Zion! He will rule the nations "with a rod of iron". He will come "in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thessalonians 1:8). Yeshua our Jubilee Yet, the first time Christ came, He came to proclaim the "acceptable year of the Lord"! This is a term that alludes to the year of Jubilee! He was telling the Jews, "I am the fulfillment of what the prophets wrote, and I am your Jubilee!" This is why He closed the book immediately

after declaring the acceptable year of the Lord. Jesus did not preach a message of vengeance to His audience in Nazareth, because He did not appear the first time as a Messiah of wrath and judgment. He is called the "Lamb of God".

In Isaiah 53, the Bible says, "... he is as a lamb to the slaughter and as sheep before her shearers is dumb yet he openeth not his mouth". It is interesting to note that the word "sheep" in this verse is the Hebrew word yovelJubilee. Christ came the first time as the Lamb to declare redemption to mankind. He did not come to "condemn the world, but came that the world through Him might be saved". He was full of mercy and grace. He came to: PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR (LUKE 4:18) HEAL THE BROKENHEARTED (LUKE 4:18) PREACH DELIVERANCE TO THE CAPTIVES (LUKE 4:18) DECLARE RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND (LUKE 4:18) PREACH THE JUBILEE OF THE LORD (LUKE 4:19)

ISRAEL When one traces the genealogies found in Genesis, revealing the time from Adam to Abraham, we discover there were 1,948 years from Adam to the birth of Abraham. From the birth of the second man Adam (Jesus) to the restoration of the seed of Abraham (Israel), was exactly 1,948 years (1948). The year 1948 was marked by the restoration of Israel as a nation among the nations. CHURCH It was during the same time period in 1948 that a major revival came to the United States of America. There were many men of various denominations who spearheaded a great awakening from coast to coast. Men such as Billy Graham and Oral Roberts became household names, although they were from opposite ends of the denominational spectrum.

Beginning in 1948, a revival known as the "restoration revival" began to sweep the nations as men set up large tents seating 15 to 20 thousand people. In many of the tents there were astonishing miracles of healing that were reported, many of which were confirmed in the early stages of the revival. This revival lasted for about seven years and began to slowly fade out. The point is, it coincided with the restoration of modern Israel. It was during June of 1967 that the Six Day War broke out. In this decisive war, the enemies of Israel were defeated, and Jerusalem was reunited as the capital of Israel. Spiritually, the late 1960's was the turning point in the church as it relates to God tearing down denominational barriers. Those issues, that had once divided the people of God, were slowly being removed. During this time, people from various denominations began to join together and unite around the gospel message of Jesus Christ in what has been called the Charismatic movement. 1998 For whatever reasons, Mikhail Gorbachev was instrumental in bringing about a great restoration for the Jews. Once again, we see in the natural, the captives returning back to their homeland. Since about 1990, there has been a steady stream of Jews making aliyah "return" to the land of Israel. For example, in Jewish thought, the sounding of the silver trumpet of Jubilee was called "the joyful sound" and was also termed "the acceptable year of the Lord". If we understand these concepts, we can learn how to respond when Jubilee is proclaimed and how to flow in the Jubilee blessing. The announcement made in Nazareth at the beginning of Jesus' ministry was a proclamation that a Jubilee was beginning. For fortytwo months, the greatest revival the world ever witnessed occurred inside of Israel as Jesus the "Jubilee Man" ministered freedom, deliverance and healing to suffering and hurting people. I believe we are now entering the climax of a final revival! Parallelism of Israel and the Church

Israel 1897 Theodor Herzl ,Zionist movement 1948 Birth of Israel 1967 Six days war movement , Jesus movement 1973 Yom KippurWar Movement 1998 Israels Jubilee from 1948 creative miracles etc.

The Church Pentecostal Movement Healing revival Charismatic Modern Day Messianic Signs and wonders ,

Conclusion: Yeshua our Messiah is our Yovel , who has achieved Yovel for us, giving back everything to mankind what was lost in the garden.

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