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1.1 Introduction to the study 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Statement of the problem 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Methodology of data collection 1.6 Limitations of the study 1.7 Chapter scheme


Society is a diversified in all aspects. We see this among consumers, marketers, producers and even among CUSTOMER SATISFACTION from theoretical aspects. The study of customer satisfaction enables marketer to predict a customer satisfaction in the market; it also produces under standing of the role that consumption has in the lives of individuals. Customer satisfaction is defined as a behavior that consumers display while searching for purchase, using, evaluation and disposal of products, services and ideas that they to satisfy their needs. The study o f CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is concerned not only with what consumers buy, but also with what they buy it, when, from where and how they buy it and how often they buy it. It is concerned with learning the specific meanings that products hold for customer. Consumer research takes place at every phase of the consumption process; before the purchase, during the purchase and after purchases. Customer satisfaction is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. It attempts to understand the buyer decision processes/buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics, psychographics, and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. What we buy, how we buy, where and when we buy, in how much quantity we buy depends on our perception, self concept, social and cultural background and our age and family cycle, our attitudes, beliefs,

values motivation, personality, social class and many other factors that are both internal and external to us. Customer satisfaction is interdisciplinary; i.e. it is based on concepts and theories about people that have been developed by scientist in such diverse disciplines as psychology, sociology, social psychology, cultural anthropology and economics. Consumer research is the methodology used to study consumer Satisfaction. The study of customer satisfaction is the study of ho individuals make decision to spend their available resources on consumption elated items. It includes the study of what, why, when and form where they buy etc. There are number of reasons why the study of customer satisfaction developed as a separate marketing discipline. As sum as the marketing researchers began to study the buying behavior of customers, they realized that, despite a something me too approach to fashions, many consumer rebelled at using the identical products everyone else used. The primary purpose or studying as part of a marketing curriculum is to understand why and how consumers make their purchase decisions. These insights enable marketer to design more effective marketing strategies. Customer satisfaction has become an integral part of strategic market planning. The belief that ethics and responsibility should also be integral components of every marketing concept, which calls on marketer to fulfill the needs of their target market in ways that improve society as a whole. In addition to studying consumer uses and purchase and post purchase evaluations of the product they buy, consumers researchers are also interested in how individuals dispose the other ones new purchase.


To analyze the behavior of customers of Tanishq. To know the motivating factors of consumers in purchasing products To know how brand preference is formed in purchasing Golds To analyze marketing strategies of Tanishq. To ascertain the level of brand loyalty and brand image associated by To measure the level of customers satisfaction. To study the customer satisfaction towards Tanishq Jewelers.

of Tanishq.

ornaments among consumers.

consumer with a brand name TANISHQ and the reason for this.



The TITAN INDUSTRIES LTD. has launched its gold ornaments outlet named TANISHQ with entire package of offers and with unique collections of designs. So after 14 years of business and service, it is important to know how the customers satisfaction is against its competition and how effective has been the product positioning. After the purchase of specialty goods or shopping goods, the customer exhibits a post purchase behavior. It may be either cognitive consonance or cognitive dissonance. The consonance leads to dissatisfaction. But when it comes to customers going in high value premium segment goods such as gold, diamond and platinum ornaments, in a high competitive with too many players in the market, then the customer surely has a wide range of choice to choose from and carefully evaluates the different showrooms before making a purchase decision. In such a situation, any of purchase dissonance will lead to very high degree of dissatisfaction, which may also lead to spreading negative option to the prospective buyer of Jewelers outlet.



This study of under standing the satisfaction of the customers on jewellery brand, namely TANISHQ , apart from helping to acquire a better insight and understanding into the vital, but trivial aspects of the jewellery market, it also helps in assessing the companies strength and weakness against the competing jewellery brands. Thus helping in finding the loop holes in the companys products on in finding logical solutions to the problems. This study helps in finding out: How the customers rate the various attributes in TANISHQ as against other competitors.

How effective has been the company in positioning TANISHQ as a

reputed jewellery showroom. How effective has the companys marketing strategy of low making charge, with offering a whole lot of unique features provided in the market.



1. Source of data: There are broadly two types of data available to a researcher. They are; (a) Primary data (b) Secondary data Primary data: It refers to the first hand information collected by the researcher, specific to the research problem. It includes using different primary data collection tools such as personal interview using questionnaires, telephone surveys, mail surveys etc. For the present study, primary data was collected by survey method using questionnaires. Secondary data: It is the information that already exists for another purpose. This refers to all those data which are collected for some earlier research work. The secondary data for this work was obtained form company profile, company magazines, website, newspapers, internet, text books, reports and form company brochures and other promotional materials. 2. Sampling: In the consumer market research, there is a problem of selecting a sample of few hundred respondents from a vast population. The reason for sampling is that it is not possible to cover the entire population in the field of research. SAMPLING DESIGN Type of sample Sampling : Simple random : For this study the respondents were customer of TANISHQ only were selected.

Research instruments : Structured closed ended questionnaire. Method : The respondents were contacted personally and interviewed.


The main limitations are:8

Time limitation for compelling the project. The data obtained in some cases may be biased.
Difficulty in communication within the city while conducting the

The information obtained from the consumers based on questionnaires

was assumed to be factual.

Since the survey is based on sampling method, it does not disclose the character of the entire customers.


The whole study is prospered to be present in six chapters as follows:

The first chapter deals with a brief introduction, objectives and methodology of research problems. The second chapter describes about the gold industry. It gives a clear idea about history, occurrence, and production of gold and current gold market in both India and world. The third chapter gives a clear vision about the TANISHQ, its origin, history, area of operations, management & staff and promoters. The fourth chapter explains about the customer satisfaction, factors influencing it, models, and tools used to study it etc. The fifth chapter consists of analysis of customer satisfaction of customers of TANISHQ. Accepted tools of analysis such as tables, charts and diagrams were used. The last chapter gives a summary of the investigation. The investigator gives his view on regarding customer satisfaction towards TANISHQ and attempts to list out some suggestions for future actions.


2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.9 Introduction History Applications Occurrence Production Price Factors influencing the gold price gems and jewellery industry Over view of Gold industry in India

2.8 Indian



Gold has long been considered the most desirable of precious metals, and its value has been used as the standard for many currencies in history. Gold has been used as a symbol for purity, value, royalty. One of the salient features about the gold is that a single gram of weight is not at all wasted since its exploration. It has been rounding in different hands in one or the other way. The history of gold starts from 2600BC. A huge description is available in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. It may be the first metal used by humans and was valued for ornamentation and rituals. Important locations famous in the name of gold are Red sea in Saudi Arabia, Lydia, Romania, Las medullas, in Spain, Rosia Montana in Transylvania, Central America, Peru and Columbia. Today, gold has emerged as an important mean for investments also. Volatile markets and unstable economic conditions have also added to it. China is largest producer followed by South Africa. But India is the largest consumer of gold, where it is largely used for jewellery together with investment. Indias diversified religious customs and rituals have helped to the high demand for gold.

The symbol for the Sun has been used since ancient times to represent gold. The Turin mining papyrus Gold has been known and highly-valued since prehistoric times. It may have been the first metal used by humans and was valued for ornamentation and rituals. Egyptian hieroglyphs from as early as 2600 BC describe gold, which king Tushratta of the Mitanni claimed was "more plentiful than dirt" in Egypt.

The south-east corner of the Black Sea was famed for its gold. Exploitation is said to date from the time of Midas, and this gold was important in the establishment of what is probably the world's earliest coinage in Lydia between 643 and 630 BC. The Romans developed new methods for extracting gold on a large scale using hydraulic mining methods, especially in Spain from 25 BC(Before Christ) onwards and in Romania from 150 AD(After Death) onwards. The Mali Empire in Africa was famed throughout the old world for its large amounts of gold. Mansa Musa, ruler of the empire (13121337) became famous throughout the old world for his great hajj to Mecca in 1324. When he passed through Cairo in July of 1324, he was reportedly accompanied by a camel train that included thousands of people and nearly a hundred camels. He gave away so much gold that it took over a decade for the economy across North Africa to recover, due to the rapid inflation that it initiated. During the 19th century, gold rushes occurred whenever large gold deposits were discovered. The first documented discovery of gold in the United States was at the Reed Gold Mine near George Ville, North Carolina in 1803. The first major gold strike in the United States occurred in a small north Georgia town called Dahlonega. Further gold rushes occurred in California, Colorado, Otago, Australia, Witwatersrand, Black Hills, and Klondike. Because of its historically high value, much of the gold mined throughout history is still in circulation in one form or another.

In various countries, gold is used as a standard for monetary exchange, in coinage and in jewellery. Pure gold is too soft for ordinary use and is typically hardened by alloying with copper or other base metals. The gold content of gold alloys is measured in carats (k), pure gold being designated as 24k.

2.3.1 As a medium of monetary exchange

Gold coins intended for circulation from 1526 into the 1930s were typically a standard 22k alloy called crown gold, for hardness. Modern collector/investment bullion coins are typically 24k, although the American Gold Eagle and British gold sovereign continue to be made at 22k, on historical tradition. The world wide used coins are American Gold Eagle, British Gold Sovereign, Canadian Gold Maple Leaf, Gold Kangaroos, Australian Gold Nugget, Australian Lunar Calendar Series, Austrian Philharmonic and American Buffalo.

2.3.2 Jewellery
Because of the softness of pure (24k) gold, it is usually alloyed with base metals for use in jewellery, altering its hardness and ductility, melting point, color and other properties. Alloys with lower cartage, typically 22k, 18k, 14k or 10k, contain higher percentages of copper, or other base metals or silver or palladium in the alloy. Copper is the most commonly used base metal, yielding a redder color. 18k gold containing 25% copper

is found in antique and Russian jewellery and has a distinct, though not dominant, copper cast, creating rose gold. Fourteen carat gold-copper alloy is nearly identical in color to certain bronze alloys, and both may be used to produce police and other badges. Blue gold can be made by alloying with iron and purple gold can be made by alloying with aluminum, although rarely done except in specialize jewellery. Blue gold is more brittle and therefore more difficult to work with when making jewellery. Fourteen and eighteen carat gold alloys with silver alone appear greenish-yellow and are referred to as green gold. White gold alloys can be made with palladium or nickel. White 18 carat gold containing 17.3% nickel, 5.5% zinc and 2.2% copper is silver in appearance. Yellow 22 carat gold containing 2.13% silver and 6.2% copper.

2.3.3 Other uses

Salts and radio scopes of gold are used in pharmacology. Gold leaf, flakes or dust is used in some gourmet foodstuffs, sweets and drinks as decorative ingredient. Gold is used in dentistry as crowns and permanent bridges. Gold threads are used in embroidery Gold has been used for electrical wiring in some high energy applications, atomic experiment and other electrical equipments. Olympics, Nobel Prize and other competitions and honors award a gold medal to the winner.


In nature, gold most often occurs in its native state (that is, as a metal), though usually alloyed with silver. Native gold contains usually eight to ten percent silver, but often much more - alloys with a silver content over 20% are called electrum. As the amount of silver increases, the color becomes whiter and the specific gravity becomes lower. Ores bearing native gold consist of grains or microscopic particles of metallic gold embedded in rock, often in association with veins of quartz or sulfide minerals like pyrite. These are called "lode" deposits. Native gold is also found in the form of free flakes, grains or larger nuggets that have been eroded from rocks and end up in alluvial deposits (called placer deposits). Such free gold is always richer at the surface of goldbearing veins owing to the oxidation of accompanying minerals followed by weathering, and washing of the dust into streams and rivers, where it collects and can be welded by water action to form nuggets.

Since the 1880s, South Africa has been the source for a large proportion of the worlds gold supply, with about 50% of all gold ever produced having come from South Africa. Production in 1970 accounted for 79% of the world supply, producing about 1,000 tones. However by 2007 production was just 272 tones. This sharp decline was due to the increasing difficulty of extraction, changing economic factors affecting the industry, and tightened safety auditing. In 2007 China (with 276 tones) overtook South Africa as the world's largest gold producer, the first time since 1905 that South Africa has not been the largest.


Other major producers are United States, Australia, China, Russia and Peru. Mines in South Dakota and Nevada supply two-thirds of gold used in the United States. In South America, the controversial project Pascua Lama aims at exploitation of rich fields in the high mountains of Atacama Desert, at the border between Chile and Argentina. Today about one-quarter of the world gold output is estimated to originate from artisanal or small scale mining. After initial production, gold is often subsequently refined industrially by the Wohlwill(99.99%) process or the Miller process(99.95%). Other methods of assaying and purifying smaller amounts of gold include parting and inquartation as well as cupellation, or refining methods based on the dissolution of gold in aqua regia. The world's oceans hold a vast amount of gold, but in very low concentrations (perhaps 12 parts per 10 billion).

Like other precious metals, gold is measured by troy weight and by grams. When it is alloyed with other metals the term carat or karat is used to indicate the amount of gold present, with 24 karats being pure gold and lower ratings proportionally less. The purity of a gold bar can also be expressed as a decimal figure ranging from 0 to 1, known as the millesimal fineness, such as 0.999 being very pure. The price of gold is determined on the open market, but a procedure known as the Gold Fixing in London, originating in September 1919,


provides a daily benchmark figure to the industry. The afternoon fixing appeared in 1968 to fix a price when US markets are open.


Today, like all investments and commodities, the price of gold is ultimately driven by supply and demand, including hoarding and disposal. Unlike most other commodities, the hoarding and disposal plays a much bigger role in affecting the price, because most of the gold ever mined still exists and is potentially able to come on to the market for the right price.

2.7.1 Bank failures

When dollars were fully convertible into gold, both were regarded as money. However, most people preferred to carry around paper banknotes rather than the somewhat heavier and less divisible gold coins.

2.7.2 Low or negative real interest rates

If the return on bonds, equities and real estate is not adequately compensating for risk and inflation then the demand for gold and other alternative investments such as commodities increases.

2.7.3 War, invasion, looting, crisis

In times of national crisis, people fear that their assets may be seized and that the currency may become worthless. They see gold as a solid asset which will always buy food or transportation. Thus in times of great uncertainty, particularly when war is feared, the demand for gold rises.



The exports of gems and jewellery registered an upbeat growth of percent in dollar terms. This is a particularly interesting industry from an Indian stand point, since it involves imported raw materials, domestic value added and global markets and provides skilled employment. Indian gems firms are tightly integrated into global production chains. In order to give a boost to exports of gems and jewellery, Government took major policy initiative during the same year.



5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
TQ+GP 1998-99 76 1999-00 162 2000-01 215 2001-02 302 2002-03 345 2003-04 425 2004-05 550 2005-06 775 2006-07 1251 2007-08 2008 - 09 2009 -10 2010 - 11 1800 2543 3800 4650




and Japan.

India is the largest consumer of gold in the world followed by China

India is emerging as worlds largest trading centre of gold with a target of US$16 bn set for 2010. India dominates the worlds cut and polished diamonds (CPD) market. In value terms, the country accounts for approximately 55% of global polished diamond market and nearly 9% of the jewellery market.

Surat contributes 90% of Indias total diamond exports.

Indias domestics branded jewellery market is estimated at Rs 600-700 crores.

There are 13 bullion importing bank in India.

Indias gem and Jewellery Exports Promotion Council (GJEPC) is aiming at turning India into an international diamond trading centre. Since India is already enjoying 80-85% of the world CPD market, scope for further growth in diamond exports is limited. Hence, if Indias gems and jewellery sector is to substantially increase exports, the best lies in the jeweler sub sector.

Indias imports an average of 18000 bars a day, about 70% of the total demand and the balance is being sourced to indigenous output and metal recycled from old jewelries. The main reason why India has not made a dent in jeweler exports market is the existence of government restrictions in their domestic jewellery industry in the pre-economic liberalization era. If the

gold jewellery exports are to be encouraged, it would be necessary to allow bulk imports of gold which would have to be converted to jewellery and then exported.




3.1 Introduction 3.2 History 3.3 VISION, MISSION & VALUES OF TANISHQ 3.4 Areas of operation 3.5 TANISHQ- Raipur 3.6 Management and staff 3.7 Mission of the organization 3.8 Special features of TANISHQ 3.9 Organizational structure 3.10 Details of TANISHQ collections



Tanishq is India's largest, most desirable and fastest growing jewellery brand in India. Started in 1995, Tanishq is the jewellery business group of Titan Industries Ltd - promoted by the TATA group, India's most respected and widely diversified business conglomerate. This year marks a decade of successful innings for Tanishq. With a retail sales of 1200 crore last year and gunning for 2000 crores this year, Tanishq has arrived in the Indian jewellery market. It is a story of a successful Indian enterprise, which has delivered value to its customers and shareholders in a complex category, marked by its completely localized front end as well as back end. Tanishq has set up production and sourcing bases with through research of the jewellery crafts of India. jewellery at Tanishq is crafted in one of the world's most modern factories. The factory complies with all labour and environmental standards. Located at Hosur, Tamil Nadu, the 1,35,000 sq. ft. factory is equipped with the latest and most modern machinery and equipment. Every product at Tanishq is painstakingly crafted to perfection. Diligent care and quality processes ensure that the Tanishq finish is unmatched by any other jeweller in the country. Tanishq challenged the age-old jeweller's word with TATA's guaranteed purity. It exploded the market with facts about rampant impurity across India. It introduced technology-backed challenge in a category completely governed by individual trust. Tanishq introduced innovations like Karatmeter, the only non destructive means to check the purity of gold.


Tanishq also introduced professional retailing in the dis-organised Indian jewellery bazaar, where women can shop with comfort and peace, without worrying about the purity of the jewellery they are buying, as well as, select from the best jewellery collections available in the Indian market. Tanishq today is India's most aspirational fine jewellery brand with 91 stores in 64 cities, with an exquisite range of gold jewellery studded with diamonds or coloured gems and a wide range of equally spectacular jewellery in 22Kt pure gold. Exquisite platinum jewellery is also part of the product range. Jewellery is one of the last great commodity frontiers in India; it has remained so because this market is very fragmented, very unorganized. Tanishq has successfully taken on the challenge of transforming this frontier into a reliable consumer space by bringing to it all the virtues and benefits that branding offers". - Harish Bhat, CEO, Tanishq. Tanishq is the jewelley Brand of Titan Industries ltd., which is turn is part of the bigger Tata group of companies. Tanishq is Indias largest, most desirable and fastest growing jewellery brand in India. The word TANISHQ can be interpreted in two ways. They are: a) TAN mean body and ISHQ means love both put together means love with the body.
b) TA represents TATA and NISHQ a Sanskrit word which means gold


Tanishq opened its first store At Chennai in 1996. It is Indias only fine jewellery brand with a national presence and is an acknowledged business leader in the country. Tanishq jewellery is sold exclusively through three types of stores namely (a) Company controlled retail stores (b) Management owned (c) Franchisees owned and its still expending.

Tanishq is currently operating a retail network of 117 exclusive boutiques across 78 cities of India. It has recently launched a new line of concept stores under the Revitaliser of Tradition theme. The first-of-its-kind stores under the new theme located at Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore and Pune, attempt to combine the grandeur of the past with the reality of the present without losing the inherent character and appeal of the brand.Apart from opening a store in the U S last year, Tanishq recently opened its largest retail store in Chennai (spread over three-floors, 20,000 sq ft). Tanishq jewellery is crafted in one of the worlds most modern factories. The factory complies with all labour and environmental standards located at Hosur. Tamil Nadu, the 135000 sq. ft. factory is equipped with the latest and most modern machinery and equipment. Every product at Tanishq is painstakingly crafted to perfection. Diligent care and quality processes ensure that the Tanishq finish is unmatched by any other jeweler in the country.




To be the most desirable jewellery brand for indian women



We will continuously create wealth for all our stakeholder, by transforming the jewellery business and by being the gold standard in design, shopping experience and ethical practices


Each of us will cherish and uphold these values

We shall be true to ourselves and fair to others

Every individual is an equal partner


We shall have boundless enthusiasm to do the best

Customer shall be foremost in everything we do

We shall challenge the obvious and the safe



TANISHQ has opened its outlets throughout South India and Gulf countries. In total it has 117 outlets. Some of them are listed as below: Madhyapradesh: Indore (3 outlets), Bhopal, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Chhattisgarh: Raipur, up-coming outlets in Bhilai & Bilaspur. UAE: Dubai.

Tanishq launched its franchise store in Raipur on 7th July 2000. It was inaugurated by Mr. Manoj Lunkad. It is located in the G.E. Road, Shaheed Smarak Complex, Shop No.11-12 Raipur. The showroom is fully air conditioned and has a good parking facility too.


Management is concerned with the accomplishment of objectives by utilizing physical and financial resources through the efforts of manpower. Staff refers to the human resources within an organization. The Raipur unit is lead by a very good team headed by Mrs. Soma Sharma who is the Showroom Manager. Altogether it has 17 employees. Persons with their destinations are listed below: Showroom Manager Floor Manager Cashier : Mrs. Soma Sharma. : Ms. Roop Kiran Waghe. : Mr. Kunal Singh Thakur

Boutique Operation Specialist : Mr. Kapil Kumar.


At Tanishq its not just the products, its the experience that matters. We make sure that we give you the premium quality of not only product but service as well. Tanishq not only has an exquisite range of designs to meet all your requirements we also offer the benefit of any modification or customization on products. There are host of value added services that you can avail of at Tanishq like the Golden Harvest Savings Scheme, Gift Voucher purchase, Exchange of gold and diamonds etc.

3.7.1Golden Harvest Saving Scheme

Tanishqs Golden harvest Savings Scheme is one of the most lucrative savings schemes, that enables to save each month with Tanishq and plan for wedding jewellery purchases. Your monthly installments are safe with us, whereas savings at home could easily get spent. This scheme provides you with much better returns than other saving options like bank deposits or post office savings schemes. In addition, Tanishqs special bonus at the end of the scheme period helps you stretch your jewellery budget. How much money must one invest to enroll in the Savings Scheme? You need to invest only Rs.500/- per month to enroll. You could also deposit a larger sum, as long as they are in multiples of Rs.500/- You can choose from two convenient savings scheme options- an11+1 Annual Plan (11month installments) and an Extended Plan (18 month installments). BONUS: 15.6% of monthly installment in 11+1 Annual Plan

130% of monthly installment in Extended Plan


At the end of the scheme period, pick up Tanishq jewellery of your choice worth the amount deposited plus the BONUS

Installment Amount (Rs) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000

Bonus for 11+1 months Bonus for 18 months scheme scheme 500 650 1000 1300 1500 1950 2000 2600 2500 3250 3000 3900 4000 5200 5000 6500

3.7.2 Exchange Policy in Tanishq

Exchange your old jewellery for new with Tanishq

Most retailers have a differential buy back or different rates for selling and buying gold jewellery. At Tanishq, a single gold rate is maintained for buying or selling gold jewellery. 8% of the value is deducted for costs involved with testing, refining and taxes for the jewellery given by the customer. When you exchange any Tanishq gold coin with jewellery, you get the benefit of the current gold rate and full value exchange without deduction. When you exchange any other banks gold coin with jewellery there is a 5% deduction on value. This deduction is made for handling and transportation costs and for refining the metal received on exchange How are Diamonds exchanged in the market? How are diamonds exchanged at Tanishq? Most jewelers exchange jewellery returned to them at the purchase price hence any appreciation in the value of gold and diamonds are not accounted for.

At Tanishq, when you exchange diamond jewellery purchased from us it is exchanged for its current value, thus giving you the benefit of any appreciation that would have taken place in the price of gold or diamonds

3.7.3 Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers make the perfect gift for friends and family. These are available at all Tanishq showrooms across India and are also redeemable across the country, Gift vouchers are available in the following denomination Rs. 2501/-, Rs. 5001/- , Rs. 10001/- and Rs. 25001/- So now you no longer need to worry about gifting your loved one, something of her choice!

3.7.4 Purity Checks

Purity checks allow lovers of the yellow metal to test the purity of the gold they already own. Playing a significant role in this is the Karat meter, which is the most scientific measure of purity in the world. It uses X-rays to give an exact reading of the purity of gold in just three minutes, giving the consumer an unmatched benefit when buying or selling gold. It is in fact the most scientifically proven, non-destructive means of testing the purity of gold. Due to its excellent precision, X-ray analysis has been adopted by

international agencies as well as by BIS in India as part of the certification process used to Hallmark Gold.

3.7.5 Anuttara
You can also become the member of Tanishqs loyalty programme Anuttara and avail of various discounts and priveleges.

1. Exclusive showroom for 100% , 916 gold & Daimond collections. 2. Pure value for money guaranteed while buying and selling. 4. Special Monthly Saving Scheme promoted by Tanishq for Customer thats name is Golden Harvest Scheme.

5. German made gold check carat meter to check the purity of gold while buying and selling gold. 6. Exclusive collections of diamonds Jewellery. 7. IGI certificate of authenticity and buy back guarantee for diamond ornaments. 8. Special counter for worlds smallest Bhagwat Geeta Pendent Collection. 10. International Gemological Institutes certificate for diamond ornaments. 11. PGI certificate for platinum ornaments. 12. Availability of well trained professional sales executives.


Social responsibility means the obligation of a business to act in manner, which will serve the best interest of the society.

3.8.1 Towards the employees

Workers are, indeed the pillars of the organization. They are the important part of the organization. It is therefore very necessary to keep them satisfied and give them in due. According to modern philosophy, labour is a human being and worker next. TANISHQ has to ensure job security for their workers and has to pay reasonable salaries for their effort. It also creates good working conditions like good lighting, ventilation, air conditioning etc to its employees. The company also provides ESI to their staff. They are provided with accommodation, insurance coverage and uniforms to the


staff. The firm also ensures selection and recruitment is being done without any discrimination like caste, colour, religion, and state.

3.8.2 Towards the customers

The satisfaction of the customers should be the primary concern of every business concern. TANISHQ ensures marketing of such goods which are demanded by the customers based on their taste and preferences. it also ensures adequate supply of good quality products at reasonable price. After all their punch line is PURE JEWELLERY, PURE JOY.

3.8.3 To-wards the society

Every organization has responsibility not only towards employees and customers but also towards the society also. TANISHQ ensures maximum utilization of nations rich resources. They try to dispose less wastage. Together with this they also create more employment opportunities. Provide jobs for unemployed youths of rural area. It also maintains good relation with local area. 3.8.4 Hope Campaign Tanishq is participating with Indian Cancer Society in the Hope Campaign to create awareness about cancer and generate funds for the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Tanishq is supporting the cause by creating I CAN rings or called as Hope rings in 18karat gold which will be showcased in select Tanishq Boutiques, and will be sold only as customer order. Entire profits from the sale of these rings will be donated to Indian Cancer Society



An organizational structure explains how authority and responsibility flows from one head to other. In TANISHQ Managing Director is at the top level. He sets the plans and policies. He controls each and every corner of the organisation. TANISHQ follows the centralized form of structure. It means that all powers are vested with the op level management. Chart No: 3.1 Organizational Chart



The exclusive collections of TANISHQ include:

The Diamond Collection

No gemstone expresses human emotions more powerfully than a diamond After all, a diamond is timeless and finding your perfect piece of diamond jewellery is an exhilarating and unique experience. Cut and crafted with utmost care the diamond collection renders each piece eternal.


The Wedding Collection

The bride blushes; Everyone around smiles; The shenai announces festivity; The priests chant auspicious promises; She walks demurely; A vision of beauty; Her jewels are exquisite; Crafted by the best in the land; As pure as the blessings bestowed on her.


The Zoya Collection

Intricacy coupled with the simplicity; The magnificence of history interwoven with linear contemporary; Secrets of the pharaohs masked with the mystery of the cosmos; oriental art embellished with occidental architecture; nature's bounty matched with man's ingenuity.


The Fashion Earring Collection

The Fashion earring collection', has a range of over 300 exclusive designs. Keeping in tune with the raging popularity that earrings currently enjoy, the Tanishq design team has created the Fashion earring collection, inspired by the evergreen Jhumkas or Karnaphools and the trendy Chandelier and delicate Stiletto designs


The Kundan and Polki Collection

Influenced by the mughal era Kundan work requires special craftsmanship and a myriad of stages, each crafted by a different set of highly skilled karigars. Tanishq as a revitaliser of tradition brings to life techniques and motifs of the period through our exquisite collections of Kundan and Polki (uncut diamonds). It is difficult for jewelers to ensure the purity and correct grammage of the product since it involves so many stages. However, Tanishq ensures the karatage and net wt of the product.


The Colours of Royalty Collection

Colors of Royalty a range of exquisite studded jewellery, reminiscent of the magical Victorian era. The collection is inspired by the classic design essence and sensibilities found in the architecture, fashion, design, drapes and patterns of the Victorian period. Tanishq has incorporated the timelessness of these styles into exquisite jewellery designs to present a collection where fashion and tradition converge. This line of precious stones and diamond jewellery in 18k from Tanishq comprises more than 200 pieces and is by far the largest studded collection launched by us. This exclusive collection was launched at the Ponds Femina Miss India 2006, where the 25 finalists wore it. The Colors of Royalty is a line of exclusive gems and stone studded jewellery that reflects the grandeur of India's rich past represented through the varied meanings associated with colors in our lives


The Moham Collection

The collection comprises designs, motifs inspired by nature that have been beautifully crafted to make them the most desirable possession this season Moham is a range of exclusive ruby studded jewellery that embodies the auspiciousness the color red has in our lives. Rubies have been associated with prosperity, passion and have been the most coveted gemstone for many years. It is a must have for a Indian women. This range attempts to strike a balance between convention and fashion by creating designs suitable for the progressive Indian woman, rooted in her tradition. This line of Ruby studded jewellery from Tanishq is available in both 18k and 22k. This launch reiterates Tanishq's focus on catering to region specific tastes and preferences. India offers great potential for the Moham collection where Ruby studded jewellery enjoys great popularity and acceptance. Consumer survey indicates that women attach great inspirational value to rubies, second only to diamonds.


The Aria Collection

Aria is a collection of variety of everyday jewellery which depict various moods and feelings: Mysteries of love Mysteries of passion Mysteries of envy Bewitching Fascinating Enchanting Hypnotizing Sensuous Captivating


Tanishq Launches Worlds Smallest Bhagwad Gita

1 sq cm pendant with entire 18 chapters of Gita inscribed in 24K gold

Bhagawad Gita is one of the most scared and religious scriptures of Hinduism. It is also described as a practical, self-contained guide to life. Tanishq, Indias largest branded jewellery retail chain, riding on their design expertise and urge for continuous product innovation, today, launched the Worlds Smallest Bhagwad Gita in the form of a Pendant.

The pendant with Bhagwad Gita inscribed can be seen under a 20X microscope and can be read under a 200X microscope. All the 18 chapters of Bhagwad Gita are inscribed in 24K gold (purest form of gold) on a 1 cm sq. tablet, which is developed into a pendant. This 22K

gold pendant is available in 6 variants. The Gita Pendant will be available by 22nd April 2009, at select Tanishq outlets across the country. Talking on the occasion of launch, Mr. Sandeep Kulhalli, Vice President, Tanishq said, We at Tanishq always aim to offer the best and unique products with innovative and contemporary designs. This year on the occasion of Akshaya Trithiya we are offering this auspicious Bhagwat Gita Pendant for our valued customers. We are confident that this auspicious piece of jewellery will be one of the prized possessions for our consumers. With the launch of this pendant, Tanishq also has entered the Nano race by offering product that is designed using Nano technology. Professor Pawan Sinha from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, has created this Bhagwad Gita tablet. He has patented the technology. Professor Sinha holds a Limca Book of Records for creating the smallest Bible (1/4th cm sq tablet). Professor Sinha is also the co-founder of Project Prakash, an NGO which helps in correcting congenital cataract in children. A certain portion of the proceeds from the sale of this pendant will be donated towards the project. Tanishq jewellery, from the Tata Group, has been synonymous with superior craftsmanship, exclusive designs and guaranteed product quality. It has built for itself the envious reputation of being the only jewellery brand in the country that strives to understand the Indian woman and provide her with jewellery that meets her traditional and contemporary aspirations and desires.

Exquisite crowns and jewellery

Tanishq, India's most innovative jewellery brand, unveiled the awe-inspiring set of crowns and its 'Colors of Royalty' range of jewellery, specially crafted for India's leading beauty pageant, Femina Miss India 2007.


Tanishq has built itself a reputation of bringing innovative designs that suit the needs of "the ever-changing never-changing" Indian woman.The crowns have been designed to convey the essence of India through the use of distinctive motifs such as the traditional and auspicious 'teeka' - the Indian touch to the contemporary styling. Crafted with painstaking detail, each of these crowns convey a story; a story of their "ORIGIN". Inspired by interplanetary movements and colors of flora and fauna, these tiaras are a stunning combination of trillions, baguettes, round brilliant cuts, princess, pears and specially cut colored crystals. Each crown weighs about 450 gms and has a special spring mechanism designed to fit perfectly on any size or shape of head. The inspiration behind each crown is distinct and personifies the spirit of the title. Miss Universe: This crown has the perfect cosmic blend of elements, very like the universe itself. The large red stone, set slightly on the side, is the symbolic and stylised 'teeka'. Miss Universe: This crown has the perfect cosmic blend of elements, very like the universe itself. The large red stone, set slightly on the side, is the symbolic and stylised 'teeka'. Miss World: The natural essence of this piece is enhanced by the wave-like undulating shape on the base of the crown, sitting snugly on the forehead of the wearer. And of course the vivid rectangular blue stone that expresses the teeka of victory, and sets off the varying hues of the sea on the rest of the crown.

Miss Earth: This crown derives its inspiration from the essence of natureher flora and fauna. Based on the fabulous colours and movement of the peacock and its feathers, this stunning piece is an intriguing study in harmony and contrast. The jewellery crafted beautifully with interspersion of diamonds and colored stones, is an ode to the ecstatic beauty and supreme power behind every woman. The contemporary styling has been brought to life with sensuous curves, balance, rhythm and symmetry of classic Indian motifs in an unconventional synthesis. These beautiful and vibrant gemstones in different shapes, sizes and colors are sprinkled amongst diamonds to create a symphony that enhances the look of the stones and adds a dash of color to conventional designs. Tanishq has translated the timelessness of these designs to a modern context and brought to life a collection where fashion, design and tradition blend perfectly.



4.1 Introduction 4.2 Customer satisfaction 4.3 BuyerAn Enigma 4.4 Factors influencing customer satisfaction 4.5 Models of customer satisfaction 4.6 Tools to study customer satisfaction 4.7 Outlet selection and purchase 4.8 Purchase behavior 4.9 Post purchase behavior


All of us are consumers. We consume things of daily use; we also consume and buy these products according to our needs, preferences and buying power. These can be consumable goods, durable goods, specialty goods or industrial goods. What we buy, how we buy, where and when we buy, in how much quantity we buy depends on our perception, self concept, social and cultural background and our age and family cycle, our attitudes, beliefs, values motivation, personality, social class and many other factors that are both internal and external to us.


The degree to which customer expectations of a product or service are met or exceeded. Corporate and individual customers may have widely differing reasons for purchasing a product or service and therefore any measurement of satisfaction will need to be able to take into account such differences. The quality of after-sales service can also be a crucial factor in influencing any purchasing decision. More and more companies are striving, not just for customer satisfaction, but for customer delight, that extra bit of added value that may lead to increased customer loyalty. Any extra added value, however, will need to be carefully costed. The degree to which there is match between the customer's expectations of the product and the actual performance of the product. Expectations are formed based on information consumers receive from salespersons, friends, family, opinion leaders, etc., as well as past experience with the

product. This is an important measure of the ability of a firm to successfully meet the needs of its customer

Retailers are faced with many issues as they attempt to be successful. The key issues include:

Customer Satisfaction Retailers know that satisfied customers are loyal customers. Consequently, retailers must develop strategies intended to build relationships that result in customers returning to make more purchases. Ability to Acquire the Right Products A customer will only be satisfied if they can purchase the right products to satisfy their needs. Since a large percentage of retailers do not manufacture their own products, they must seek suppliers who will supply products demanded by customers. Thus, an important objective for retailers is to identify the products customers will demand and negotiate with suppliers to obtain these products. Product Presentation Once obtained products must be presented or merchandised to customers in a way that generates interest. Retail merchandising often requires hiring creative people who understand and can relate to the market. Traffic Building Like any marketer, retailers must use promotional methods to build customer interest. For retailers a key measure of interest is the number of people visiting a retail location or website. Building traffic is accomplished with a variety of promotional techniques such as advertising, including local newspapers or Internet, and specialized promotional activities, such as coupons. Layout For store-based retailers a stores physical layout is an important component in creating a retail experience that will attract customers. The physical layout is more than just deciding in what part of the store to locate products. For many retailers designing the right shopping atmosphere (e.g., objects, light, sound) can add to the appeal of a store. Layout is also important in the online world where site navigation and usability may be deciding factors in whether of a retail website is successful. Location Where to physically locate a retail store may help or hinder store traffic. Well placed stores with high visibility and easy access, while possibly commanding higher land usage fees, may hold

significantly more value than lower cost sites that yield less traffic. Understanding the trade-off between costs and benefits of locations is an important retail decision. Keeping Pace With Technology Technology has invaded all areas of retailing including customer knowledge (e.g., customer relationship management software), product movement (e.g., use of RFID tags for tracking), point-of-purchase (e.g., scanners, kiosks, self-serve checkout), web technologies (e.g., online shopping carts, purchase recommendations) and many more.

Customer satisfaction is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, sociopsychology, anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision processes/buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics, psychographics, and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. Belch and Belch define customer satisfaction as 'the process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires'.



Although it is important for the firm to understand the buyer and accordingly evolve it marketing strategy, the buyer or consumer continues to be an enigma sometimes responding the way the marketer wants and on other occasions just refusing to buy the product from the same marketer. For this reason, ht buyers mind has been termed as a black box, the marketer provides stimuli but he is uncertain of the buyers response. This stimulus is a combination of product, brand name, colour, style, packaging, intangible services, merchandizing, shelf display, advertising, distribution, publicity and so forth. Further todays customer is being greatly influenced by the media especially electronic. Technological developments in the field of information, biotechnology and genetics, and intensive competitions in all products and services are also impacting consumer choices.


The factors that influence customer satisfaction can be classified into internal factors and external environmental factors. External factors do not affect the decision process directly, but percolate or filter through the individual determinants, to influence the decision process. The individual determinants that affect customer satisfaction are: Motivation and involvement Attitudes Personality and self concept

Learning and memory Information processing Cultural influences Sub-cultural influences Social class influences Social group influences Family influences Personal influences Other influences

The external influences or factors are:


We have already seen that there are many factors which influence the decision making of consumers. There are various consumer models which help in the under standing of customer satisfaction. They are formulated by different economist and management scientist based on various ideas. They are: Economic Model Psychological Model Input process output Model Sociological Model Hawrath Sheth Model Sociological Model Engel-Blackwell-Kollath Model Model of family decision making

Nicosia Model A model of industrial buying behavior


It is important to marketer to regularly study buyer behavior. The different tools available to him or her are: 4.6.1 Surveys This is the most common technique used in studying customer satisfaction. It involves the use of questionnaires. Different scaling techniques like Likert and Thurstone are used to measure consumer attitudes. The problem with survey methodology is that it gives to marketer only conscious response of the customer. 4.6.2 Projective Techniques To throw the customer off his or her conscious level and to get know subconscious-level responses, projective techniques like word association, picture association and thematic appreciation tests have been used. This provides valuable information on his or her product or brand and about the customers lifestyle and self concept. 4.6.3 Focus Group Discussions This is another qualitative technique used to assess how customers perceive the product and use situations. It also provides the marketer with valuable information on the target market.



As the number of product and brands are increasing in the market, so are the retail outlets and it becomes very confusing for the customers to choose the retail stores. The selecting of a retail store also involves almost the same process as selecting a brand. A retail outlet relates to a service or a product which caters to the consumer. The retail trade occurs from the stores but, it also occurs from catalogues, direct mail via print media, television and radio. Retailing is also done in weekly markets which are put up in different areas of a city on different days. It is also done from consumer, by means of various media. It has become very challenging and exciting, both for consumers and marketers. The consumer may give first preference to the store or the product or, he may give equal importance to both. Sometimes one prefers a store first, where he can get friendly and logical advice to buy the product or brand of second priority, if he is assured of proper service and proper guidance, rather than buying a product of his choice on first priority and missing out on other important aspects of purchase.


We have seen that in many products, decision-making is a very lengthy process, and takes a very long time. The problem is recognized and a lot of information is gathered. After this is done, the last two stages of decision-making, that is, the purchase and post purchase come into play. Purchase is very important as it generates revenue, and post purchase gives us an idea of the likes and dislikes of the consumer. Post


purchase behavior also establishes s link between the marketer and the target market segment. Purchase is important to the marketer as the product was planned, produced, priced, promoted and distributed after a lot of effort. If purchase does not take place, the marketer has failed in his marketing effort. He then needs to change the marketing mix. He has to change entire strategy, as the ultimate aim of the marketer is to float a product which will generate revenue and bring satisfaction to the customers. Purchase is important for his success, for achieving his objectives and for formulating competitive strategies against the competitors. It marks the end of his search, end of his efforts and chooses the brand of his choice for expected benefits.


It is important for the marketer to know whether his product is liked by the consumer or not. He wants the feedback about his product so that corrective action, if necessary, can be taken, and the marketing mix be modified accordingly. Post purchase behavior is the reaction of the consumers; it gives an idea of his likes and dislikes, preferences and attitudes and satisfaction towards the product. It indicates whether or not the purchase motives have been achieved. Purchase is the means and post purchase is the end. Post purchase behavior indicates whether or not repeat purchase will be made. Whether the customer will recommend the product to others or not. It indicates whether long term profits can or cannot be expected. All this can be found out by the post purchase behavior or the customers. Post purchase is the last phase in the decisionmaking process.



5.1 Introduction 5.2 Questionnaire 5.3 Analysis of data


In this chapter an attempt is made to study about behavior of consumers of consumers in Raipur district about TANISHQ.

1. Name Address Ph. No 2. Gender 3. Marital status 4. Age (in years) : ________________________________ : ________________________________ : ________________________________ : Male [ ] [ Female ] [ [ [ [ ] ]

: Married :

Unmarried [ ] ] ] ]

Below 18 19 - 28 29 - 38

Above 38 [ 5. Your childrens detail: Daughter Birthday Son Name..

6. Please tell us about your overall shopping experience at Tanishq. WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER [ [ [ ] ] ]

7. Experience at storea. Were the sales staff warm and courteous? WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER purchase? WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [

] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

b. Did you get prompt service from the sales staff?

c. Did the sales staff understand your requirements?

d. Did the sales staff have good knowledge about the jewellery you

e. Were the sales staff well groomed?

f. Were you offered soft drink, tea, or coffee at the store?

g. Could you make your purchase at a leisurely pace? WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

h. Was your billing smooth and quick?

i. Was the Anuttara Loyalty Program explained properly?

j. Were you assured of a good service after purchase? WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER 8. Store ambiencea. Was the entrance to the store clean and welcoming? WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] [ [ [ ] ] ]

b. Was the store ambience comfortable?



[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [

] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

d. Were the washrooms clean?

e. Was the showroom well-lit?

9. Quality of jewellery/ design and ranga. Jewellery designs appealed to my taste.


[ [ [ [ [ [

] ] ] ] ] ]

b. Wide range of jewellery is available.

d. Jewellery purchased is worth the money spent. WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ]

e. Exclusive / unique design is available.

10. Is there any thing you want to share about your experience at the store? a b

11. Would you visit this showroom again? Yes Maybe No

12. Would you recommend our showroom to other?




14. For whom did you buy the jewellery? For yourself For gifting

15. Are you satisfied with making charges of TANISHQ? Yes [ ] No [


16. What is the occasion for which you bought the jewellery? Wedding Daily wear Birthday/Anniversary Festival Other special occasions (specify). 17. Lastly, can you tell us what you like the most about Tanishq? The assurance purity Availability of a wide range Promoted by the Tata group Any other (please specify):. Design & craftsmanship In-store & after sales service



Table No. 1 Showing the no. of customers in Gender classes. Category Male Female Total No. of Respondents 9 41 50 Chart No. 1 Gender wise classification of the respondents Percentage 18% 82% 100%

Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

9 were male. 41 were female.


Table No. 2 Showing the marital status of the customers Status Unmarried Married Total No. of Respondents 6 44 50 Chart No. 2 Marital status of the respondents. Percentage 12% 88% 100%

Out of the 50 respondents surveyed: 6 respondents are unmarried. 44 respondents are married.


Table No. 3 Showing the no. of respondents belonging to different age groups. Age Below 18 18-28 29-38 Above 38 Total No. of Respondents 03 14 24 09 50 Chart No. 3 Different age group of the respondents Percentage 6% 28% 48% 18% 100%

Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

3 respondents were in the group below 18 yrs. 14 respondents were in the group 18-28 yrs. 24 respondents were in the group 29-38yrs. 9 respondents were in the group above 38 yrs. Table No. 4

Showing the no. of customers overall shopping experience at Tanishq. Customer Say WOW GOOD COULD BE BETTER TOTAL No of Respondent 45 04 01 50 Chart No. 4 Percentage 90% 08% 02% 100%

Overall shopping experience of customer at Tanishq

Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

45 respondents say WOW. 4 respondents say GOOD. 1 respondent say COULD BE BETTER. Table No. 5 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AT THE STORE


No of Respondent 41 07 02 50

Percentage 82% 14% 04% 100%


Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

41 respondents say WOW. 7 respondents say GOOD. 2 respondent say COULD BE BETTER.

Table No. 6


No of Respondent 46 03 01 50 Chart No. 6


Percentage 92% 06% 02% 100%


Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

46 respondents say WOW. 3 respondents say GOOD. 1 respondent say COULD BE BETTER.


Percentage 90% 08% 02% 100%


Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

45 respondents say WOW. 4 respondents say GOOD. 1 respondent say COULD BE BETTER. Table No. 8 SHOWING NO. OF CUSTOMERS WHO SAY VISIT THIS SHOWROOM AGAIN Customer Reply YES NO TOTAL No of Respondent 48 2 50 Chart No. 8 CUSTOMERS WHO SAY VISIT THIS SHOWROOM AGAIN Percentage 96% 04% 100%


Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

48 respondents say YES. 4 respondents say NO.



Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

47 respondents say YES. 3 respondents say NO.

Table No.10 Showing the no. of customers bought which occasion. OCCASION WEDDING DAILY WEAR BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OTHER SPECIAL OCCASIONS TOTAL No of Respondent 05 15 08 16 06 50 Percentage 10% 30% 16% 32% 12% 100%

Chart No. 10


Customers bought which occasion

Out of the 50 respondents surveyed:

05 respondents say WEDDING. 15 respondents say DAILY WEAR. 08 respondents say BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY. 16 respondents say FESTIVAL. 06 respondents say OTHER SPECIAL OCCASIONS



6.1 Introduction

6.2 Findings 6.3 Suggestions 6.4 Conclusions 6.5 References

6.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter gives overall information about the customer satisfaction of TANISHQ customers. It also includes findings, suggestions and conclusions about the study. 6.2 FINDINGS Most of the respondents are females.


Customers of TANISHQ are mainly from upper class and Most of the purchasers of TANISHQ are mainly educated. Purity factor Karatage as promised. Transparency through a complete scientific method of Gold Exchange policies same buying & selling rates. Free servicing without any Gold loss. Diamonds with proper certification of authenticity. Buy back on Colour & Semi-precious stones. Complete transparency in billing. Fusion & Western designs (Designed Jewellery for Jodha Most importantly, the TATA lineage Trust & Customer TANISHQ has got large no. of gold & diamond ornaments Only a few customers are not aware of Jewellery other then The making charges of TANISHQ are satisfactory according Through advertisement large no. of customers came to know

upper middle class families.

purity detection KARATMETER.

Akbar & Paheli).



gold coins available in TANISHQ.

to the respondents.

about TANISHQ.

Factors like company image, quality, advertisement,

collections & ethical practice have equally influenced the purchase. Major no. of respondents is satisfied with the showroom facility.

Designs of ornaments are rated as unique. Respondents got immediate and exact response for the Salespersons responsiveness is rated as somewhat good and TANISHQ provides good service facility. The overall performance of TANISHQ is good. Respondents are ready to insist their well wishers to purchase The customer satisfaction of TANISHQ is good.

complaints registered & queries.


Level of satisfaction of customers is good.



TANISHQ customers are business people and have high

income, so it should be better to frame promotion programs targeting the lower class people.


With regard to advertising, the company should focus on persuasive advertising highlighting the unique feature and benefits of their products.

Only a few customers had purchased platinum ornaments, so a Among the service facilities, respondents suggest to decrease Steps should be taken to attract more wedding customers.

special attention should be paid in this area.

billing process.

6.4 CONCLUSION To conclude the overall responses of the customers of TANISHQ is good. The overall performances in all areas are satisfactory. During the study it was found that the following factors such as making charges, salesman responsiveness, ornaments designs, price & ethical practice etc. has satisfactorily influenced customer satisfaction. Further, there is some kind of promotion activities required to hold the present customers and make new customers. 6.5 REFERENCES

Consumer Behavior. - Matin Khan


Marketing Management - A. Vinod Company profile and company magazines.


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