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The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Study

Sharon Serrago, Inc.

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Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 1

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

These vocabulary words which appear in the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini have also appeared on past SAT and PSAT tests. This list presents the words in the order they appear in the novel. Definitions of these words, along with tests over each set, are on the following pages. Tests will cover words in order of appearance in the groupings listed below. Answers appear on the last page.

Test 1
Chap. 1-3

Test 2
Chap. 4-7

Test 3
Chap. 8-12

Test 4
Chap. 13-17

Test 5
Chap 18-21

Test 6
Chap. 22-25

aloof appendage atrophy disdain garrulous impish infidelity jostled martyr notorious oscillating quell unscrupulous shard veracity

austere bellowed buoyed contrite feigned gravely imbecile imminent impeccable morose nemesis nuance subtle summoned taut trepidation vehemently viable

amiable arrogant bludgeoned burly chasm droned furrowed furtive harried interminable kindle palliative periphery portly precipitous pungent queries reticence rueful snippet

affable alluding ambivalent averting daunting exuded lineage melancholic meticulous nonchalantly pragmatic presumptuous rotund tranquil wary

animosity arduous arid benevolence cursory destitute emaciated empathy oblivion protruding ruminate stupefied surly undulating

ascertain epiphany foreboding impunity obligatory profusely prudence remorse replete rivulets serpentine surreal tactless terse

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 2

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

These vocabulary words which appear in the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini are listed here in alphabetical order. Definitions of these words, also in alphabetical order, appear at the end of these study materials.
affable alluding aloof ambivalent amiable animosity appendage arduous arid arrogant ascertain atrophy austere averting bellowed benevolence bludgeoned buoyed burly chasm contrite cursory daunting destitute disdain droned emaciated empathy epiphany exuded feigned foreboding furrowed furtive garrulous gravely harried imbecile imminent impeccable impish impunity infidelity interminable jostled kindle lineage martyr melancholic meticulous morose nemesis nonchalantly notorious nuance obligatory oblivion oscillating palliative periphery portly pragmatic precipitous presumptuous profusely protruding prudence pungent quell queries remorse replete reticence rivulets rotund rueful ruminate serpentine shard snippet stupefied subtle summoned surly surreal tactless taut terse tranquil trepidation undulating unscrupulous vehemently veracity viable wary

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 3

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Study 1
aloof (uh LOOF)

Chapters 1 - 3

Definition: apart, indifferent, detached, incurious, unconcerned Synonyms: detached, incurious, unconcerned Derivatives: aloofness

While the girls giggled and chattered, their father stood aloof in a corner, looking at his watch occasionally.

append (uh PEND)

Definition: to add in a supplementary manner Synonyms: adjoin, affix, annex, fasten, supplement Derivatives: appendage, appendant, appendance, appended

The committee decided to append the agreement by adding in several more stipulations.

atrophy (AT row fee)

Definition: to waste away, to wither Synonyms: decline, degeneration, deterioration Derivatives: atrophied, atrophying, atrophic

If you don't use your muscles, they will atrophy.

disdain (dis DANE)

Definition: intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy Synonyms: (to be) arrogant, haughty, high-handed, insolent, lordly, supercilious Derivatives: disdained, disdaining, disdainer, disdainful, disdainfully, disdainfulness

I disdain liars and gossips: I won't even speak to people like that.

garrulous (GAR yuh lus)

Definition: talkative, rambling; voluble Synonyms: voluble Derivatives: garrulously, garrulousness, garrulity

I'm amazed when my garrulous grandmother stops talking long enough to breathe!

impish (IM pish)

Definition: mischievous, befitting an imp Synonyms: devilish, knavish, prankish, roguish, wicked Derivatives: imp, impishly, impishness

His impish grin let us all know that he was about to trick us.

infidel (IN feh dul)

Synonyms: atheist Derivatives: infidelity

Definition: a person who has no religious faith; unbeliever

When he left the church, his family labeled him as an infidel.

jostled (JOS eld)

Definition: to bump or push, as in a crowd; elbow or shove roughly Synonyms: crowded, jolted, nudged, pushed, shoved, thrust Derivatives:

The child was jostled back and forth by the crowd as he tried to maneuver his way. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 4

martyr (MAR ter)

Definition: someone who suffers persecution and death for refusing to renounce a cause Synonyms: sufferer Derivatives: martyrish, martyrly, unmartyred

She died the death of a martyr as she burned at the stake, always refusing to renounce her ideology.

notorious (no TOR e us)

Definition: widely and unfavorably known Synonyms: disreputable, infamous Derivatives: notoriously

The man was notorious for his criminal ways.

oscillating (OS uh lay ting)

Definition: moving back and forth, swinging, varying Synonyms: fluctuating, swaying, undulating, vacillating Derivatives: oscillate, oscillates, oscillated, oscillation, oscillator, oscillatory

The swing was oscillating in the slow breeze.

quell (KWELL)

Definition: to quiet or to put down a disturbance Synonyms: mollify, hush, calm Derivatives: quelled, quelling, quells

I hope this antacid can quell my indigestion.

scrupulous (SKROO pyuh lus)

Synonyms: meticulous, punctilious Derivatives:

Definition: very principled, careful and conscientious; meticulous, punctilious

Her scrupulous attention to detail saved the company from a million-dollar mistake.

shard (SHARD)

Definition: a fragment of a brittle substance such as glass or pottery Synonyms: fragment, particle, remnant, scrap Derivatives:

We found shards of the vessels lying in the cave.

veracity (vuh RAS eh tee)

Definition: devotion to the truth; truthfulness, accuracy, correctness Synonyms: truthfulness, accuracy, correctness Derivatives: veracious, veraciously, veraciousness

I can attest to this woman's veracity: she's never told a lie in all the time I've known her.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 5

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Test 1
Directions: For each definition, select the best answer from among the choices given. _____________1. mischievous, befitting an imp a. impish _____________2. b. aloof c. garrulous d. notorious e. disdainful

something added in a supplementary manner a. infidelity b. martyr c. shard d. veracity e. appendage


bumped or pushed, as in a crowd; elbowed or shoved roughly a. oscillating b. jostled c. quelled d. disdained e. atrophied


an action of a person who has no religious faith; the act of an unbeliever a. aloofness b. martyr c. shard d. infidelity e. veracity


apart, indifferent, detached, incurious, unconcerned a. unscrupulous b. quelled c. aloof d. jostled e. garrulous


devotion to the truth; truthfulness, accuracy, correctness a. disdain b. appendage c. veracity d. impish e. infidelity


One who faces rejection or death rather than renounce a cause or a belief a. appendage b. martyr c. shard d. veracity e. imp


a fragment of a brittle substance such as glass or pottery a. veracity b. disdain c. appendage d. shard e. infidelity


to waste away, to wither a. martyr b. atrophy c. oscillate d. quell e. jostle


moving back and forth, swinging, varying a. atrophying b. quelling c. oscillating d. jostling e. disdaining


to quiet or to put down a disturbance a. shard b. oscillate c. atrophy d. disdain e. quell

_____________12. unprincipled; not careful or conscientious a. aloof _____________13. b. garrulous c. unscrupulous d. impish e. jostled

intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy a. disdain b. infidelity c. notorious d. atrophy e. veracity


widely and unfavorably known a. garrulous b. disdainful c. unscrupulous d. aloof e. notorious


talkative, rambling; voluble a. disdainful b. quelling c. oscillating d. garrulous e. impish

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 6

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Study 2
austere (aw STEER)

Chapters 4 - 7

Definition: strict, stern; unadorned, ascetic Synonyms: severe Derivatives: austereness, austerely, austerity

The governess was dressed in a prim, austere outfit of gray tweed.

bellow (BELL oh)

Definition: to cry out loudly, as in anger or pain Synonyms: scream, cry, howl Derivatives:

The child began to bellow when he was denied the toy.

buoyant (BOY unt)

Definition: capable of floating; cheerful Synonyms: happy, lighthearted, jaunty Derivatives: buoyancy, buoyance, buoyantly, buoyantness, buoy

Amazingly, her spirits were buoyant even when her team lost the championship.

contrite (kun TRITE)

Definition: extremely apologetic, remorseful, repentant, penitent Synonyms: penitent Derivatives: contritely, contriteness, contrition

My brother lost my bike, but he was so contrite I found it easy to forgive him.

feint (FAYNT)

Definition: a false appearance, a fake punch to occupy defenses allowing a real blow Synonyms: artifice, ruse, stratagem, trick, wile Derivatives: feign, feigned, feigning, feignedly, feigner

He pretended to fight the monster with a fake blow, a mere feint.

gravity (GRAV eh tee)

Definition: seriousness, importance Synonyms: earnestness, sedateness, sobriety, solemnity, staidness Derivatives: grave, graver, gravely

Only after he was asked to leave the school permanently did he finally understand the gravity of his infractions.

imbecile (EM buh sul)

Definition: a person affected with mental retardation; idiot, fool Synonyms: airhead, birdbrain, bonehead, ignoramus Derivatives:

He was acting like an imbecile after he drank so much alcohol.

immanent (IM muh nunt)

Definition: indwelling, inherent; within the limits of possible experience or knowledge Synonyms: inborn, innate, intrinsic, natural, indigenous Derivatives: immanence, immanently

The woman's beauty came from within; it was something immanent, not something imposed.

impeccable (im PEK uh bul)

Definition: free from fault or blame Synonyms: flawless, irreproachable Derivatives: impeccability, impeccableness, impeccably

She was dressed with impeccable style, from her chandelier earrings to her high-heeled boots. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 7

morose (muh ROSE)

Definition: being sullen or gloomy; glum, saturnine, sulky Synonyms: crabbed, glum, saturnine, sulky, surly Derivatives: morosely, moroseness, morosity

I jumped and cheered for the team, but morose Mike just muttered, "I bet we lose anyhow."

nemesis (NEM uh sis)

Definition: source of harm, powerful opponent Synonyms: rival, undoing, downfall Derivatives:

Bobby has been my nemesis since first grade, when he stole my best crayons.

nuance (NOO awns)

Definition: a subtle distinction or difference Synonyms: gradation, hint, shade, tinge, touch, trace Derivatives: nuances, nuanced, nuancing

Using limes instead of lemons in this recipe gives it an interesting nuance.

subtle (SUT ul)

Definition: delicate, elusive, not obvious Synonyms: Derivatives: subtilist, subtility, subtilization, subtilize, subtilizer, subtleness, subtlety

The difference between lemon flavor and lime flavor is subtle, but I can taste it.

summon (SUM un)

Definition: to call together, to send for or to request to appear Synonyms: convene, convoke, muster Derivatives: summoner, summons

When the principal summons you to his office, you have to go.

taut (TAUT)

Definition: tightly drawn, having no slack Synonyms: tight Derivatives: tautly, tautness, tauten

The tightrope walker tested the rope to make sure it was taut enough.

trepidation (trep eh DAY shun)

Definition: fear, trembling, agitation Synonyms: Derivatives: trepidate, trepidant, trepid, trepidly, trepidity

The lowly slave approached the queen with trepidation, terrified that he would be punished or sent away.

vehement (VEE uh munt)

Definition: forcefully expressing emotion or conviction Synonyms: Derivatives: vehemence, vehemency, vehemently

When he was asked about his involvement, his vehement denials convinced even the police chief.

viable (VIE uh bul)

Definition: capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately Synonyms: Derivatives: viability, viably

No, making a bonfire of your assignments is not a viable answer to your homework issues.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 8

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Test 2

Chapters 4 - 7

Directions: Find the correct word from the box below to complete the sentences that follow.

Exercise A

austere gravity

bellow imbecile

buoyant immanent

contrite impeccable

feign morose

1. Although I tried to _______ interest in the discussion, my boredom was apparent to all. 2. The child clung to the _____ life preserver floating in the turbulent water. 3. The seriousness of his demeanor underlined the _____ of the ceremony. 4. The monk's surroundings were _____ , only a bare bed, unadorned stone walls, and a small window. 5. What an _____ he is, acting like an absolute idiot! 6. I was in a really bad mood, too _____ to smile or talk or even go outside. 7. The hit from the stray bullet caused the angry man to __________ in pain. 8. His record is _____; he's never been faulted for misconduct during his time in the Navy. 9. The judge sensed that the _________ young man was sincerely remorseful concerning his theft of the car.

Exercise B

nemesis taut

nuance trepidation

subtle vehement

summon viable

10. Have the secretary make some calls and _____ the entire council to come together on Tuesday. 11. The subtle difference between her face and her twin's is only a _____. 12. She was _____ in her support for the bill, expressing her conviction passionately to the Senate. 13. She was terrified of rejection, but she overcame her _____ and dropped the application into the mailbox. 14. The _____ scent of a delicate perfume wafted around me, but I couldn't tell who was wearing it. 15. If this solution isn't _____, we must keep thinking until we find one that will work. 16. Kryptonite is Superman's _____, the only thing that can harm him. 17. Her face was drawn ______ upon hearing the news; the natural slackness was quickly replaced by a grim expression.
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 9

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Study 3
amiable (A mee uh bul)

Chapters 8 & 12

Definition: friendly, sociable, and congenial; civil and urbane, obliging Synonyms: good-natured, obliging, complaisant Derivatives: amiableness, amiably, amicable, amicability, amiability

The three old friends enjoyed an amiable stroll around the ranch.

arrogant (AIR uh gunt)

Definition: overbearingly assuming; insolently proud Synonyms: presumptuous, haughty, imperious, brazen Derivatives: arrogance, arrogancy, arrogantly

The coach was arrogant in assuming that her team could never lose.

bludgeoning (BLUD juhn)

Definition: to hit with heavy impact Synonyms: bang, bash, clobber, strike Derivatives: bludgeon, bludgeoned

No one could condone the bludgeoning of the man, even though he was wrong to have committed his crime.

burly (BUR lee)

Definition: great in bodily size, sturdy; brusque Synonyms: stocky, brawny, hefty, strapping Derivatives: burlier, burliest, burlily, burliness

The burly wrestler entered the ring with an air of confidence.

chasms (KAA zum)

Synonyms: abyss Derivatives:

Definition: a deep cleft in the surface of something; gorge; a marked division or difference

The miles that separate the two countries are like chasms that cannot be crossed.

drone (DRONE)

Definition: speaking in a monotonous tone; a continuous low humming sound Synonyms: monotone; murmur Derivatives: droned, droning, drones, droner, droningly, dronish

The drone of the machinery was always in the background vanquishing any hopes of silence in the room.

furrow (FUR ow)

Definition: to make wrinkles or grooves Synonyms: crease, crinkle, fluting, ridge, trench Derivatives: furrowed, furrowing

He furrowed his brow in contemplation of the remark.

furtive (FUR tiv)

Definition: secret in an underhanded way, stealthy Synonyms: clandestine, covert, stealthy, surrepetitious, underhanded Derivatives: furtively, furtiveness

He glanced furtively at his neighbor's test paper, hoping the teacher wouldn't notice.

harried (HAIR eed)

Definition: harassed, tormented Synonyms: annoyed, worried, troubled Derivatives: harry, harrying, unharried

The harried expression on her face told the story of her inner torment. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 10

interminable (in TUR mun uh bul)

Definition: having or seeming to have no end, wearisomely protracted Synonyms: ceaseless, endless, everlasting, incessant, perpetual, unceasing Derivatives: interminability, interminableness, interminably, interminate

In our geography class, we have to copy interminable lists of countries' currencies, imports, and exports.

kindle (KIN dul)

Definition: to start a fire, to stir up Synonyms: blaze, burn, flare, ignite, inflame, alight Derivatives: kindled, kindling, kindles

Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted to kindle a new spirit of brotherhood in the nation.

pall (PAWL)

Definition: to lose interest or attraction, to become wearisome Synonyms: jade, satiate, surfeit Derivatives:

I had listened to him so long that his rhetoric began to pall.

peripheral (puh RIF ur ul)

Definition: on the edge, not important Synonyms: external, incidental, irrelevant, minor, superficial, tangential Derivatives: peripheral, peripheric, peripheralism, peripherally, peripherically, periphery

When you drive on a busy street, good peripheral vision helps you keep track of the other cars.

portly (PORT lee)

Definition: heavy or rotund in a stately manner, stout Synonyms: ample, burly, corpulent, fleshy, rotund Derivatives: portliness

The portly dog was happy to perform tricks in exchange for treats and belly rubs.

precipitous (preh SIP eh tus)

Definition: marked by great rapidity, haste, or lack of caution Synonyms: hasty, sudden, rash; steep, sheer Derivatives: precipitously, precipitousness, precipice

Her precipitous and unwise actions caused problems for everyone in the group.

pungent (PUN junt)

Definition: sharp or irritating to the taste or smell, acrid Synonyms: piquant, poignant, racy Derivatives: pungence, pungency, pungently

When Victorian ladies fainted, someone would wave pungent "smelling salts" under their noses to wake them up.

query (KWEER ee)

Definition: an inquiry; to ask Synonyms: interrogation, question Derivatives: queried

If you aren't sure, write the company a query and ask the questions directly.

reticent (RET uh suns)

Definition: restrained in speech, reluctant to speak, reserve, taciturnity Synonyms: reserve, taciturnity Derivatives: reticency, reticent, reticently

She wanted to correct the teacher, but instead, remained reticent.

rue (ROO)

Definition: to be sorry for, to regret Synonyms: apologize, deplore, remorse, grieve, lament, mourn Derivatives: rueful, ruefully, ruefulness, rues

I rue the harsh words we exchanged, and I hope we can be friends in spite of them.

snippet (SNIP it)

Definition: a small amount, morsel Synonyms: bit, fragment, morsel, piece, smidgen, snip Derivatives: snippiness, snippety, snippy

He made an inaccurate assumption based on a snippet of a conversation he had overheard. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 11

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Test 3
Directions: Match the vocabulary word to its definition.

Chapters 8 - 12

Practice 1
_____________1. _____________2. _____________3. _____________4. _____________5. _____________6. _____________7. _____________8. _____________9. amiable arrogant bludgeon burly chasm drone furrow furtive harried a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. great in bodily size, sturdy; brusque harassed, tormented to hit with heavy impact to speak or make noise in a monotonous tone friendly, sociable, and congenial; civil and obliging secret in an underhanded way, stealthy overbearingly assuming; insolently proud seeming to have no end, wearisomely protracted a deep cleft in the surface; gorge; a marked division to make wrinkles or grooves

_____________10. interminable

Practice 2
_____________11. _____________12. _____________13. _____________14. _____________15. _____________16. _____________17. _____________18. _____________19. _____________20. kindle palliative peripheral portly precipitous pungent query reticent rue snippet k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. heavy or rotund in a stately manner, stout having the ability to ease or make better sharp or irritating to the taste or smell, acrid a small amount, morsel to start a fire, to stir up an inquiry marked by great rapidity, haste, or lack of caution on the edge, not important to be sorry for, to regret restrained in speech, reluctant to speak

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 12

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Study 4
affable (AF uh bul)

Chapters 13 - 17

Definition: friendly, courteous, amiable, cordial Synonyms: cordial, genial, gracious, sociable Derivatives: affability, affableness, affably

She was so affable and helpful that I felt comfortable with her right away.

allusion (uh LOO zhuh n)

Definition: a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something Synonyms: implication, inference, mention, suggestion Derivatives:

The author made an allusion to Shakespeare in his novel when he mentioned the Bard's memorable sonnets.

ambivalent (am BIV uh lunt)

Synonyms: undecided Derivatives: ambivalence

Definition: having contrary feelings or attitudes, uncertain as to course of action

He was ambivalent, unable to decide between theater classes and the football team.

aversion (uh VER shun)

Definition: strong disinclination, disliking Synonyms: hesitance, loathing, reluctance Derivatives: averseness, aversely, averse

Since I have a strong aversion to stinging insects, I run away if one flies toward me.

daunt (DAWNT)

Definition: to intimidate, to dismay Synonyms: subdue, discourage, dispirit Derivatives: dauntless, dauntlessly, dauntlessness

The long road ahead did not daunt her; on the contrary, with great determination she started her walk.

exude (ig ZOOD)

Definition: to come out gradually in drops through pores or small openings Synonyms: ooze out; emit Derivatives: exuded, exuding, exudes

The pierced tube began to exude wet paint from the tiny hole.

lineage (LEN ee ij)

Definition: line of descent or tradition Synonyms: background, ancestry Derivatives: lineages

You must trace your lineage for entrance into a genealogical society.

melancholy (MEL un kol ee)

Definition: depression of spirits Synonyms: sadness, dejection Derivatives: melancholia, melancholic, melancholiac, melancholically, melancholily, melancholiness, melancholious

After I saw that sad movie, the feeling of melancholy stayed with me for days.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 13

meticulous (muh TIK yuh lus)

Definition: taking great care Synonyms: punctilious, scrupulous Derivatives: meticulously, meticulousness

Her meticulous work on the car resulted in a perfectly running engine.

nonchalance (non shuh LAWNS)

Definition: indifference, a showing of little interest Synonyms: casualness, disregard, indifference, insouciance Derivatives: nonchalant, nonchalantly, nonchalantness

Just once, I wanted him to shake off that nonchalance and get really excited about something!

pragmatic (prag MAT ik)

Definition: practical, dealing with facts Synonyms: realistic Derivatives: pragmatical, pragmaticality, pragmatically, pragmaticalness, pragmaticism

If you are practical, you will make a pragmatic decision, not one based on emotion.

presumptuous (preh ZUMP choo us)

Definition: brazenly overstepping bounds, arrogant Synonyms: audacious, conceited, egotistic, insolent, pompous, pretentious, supercilious Derivatives: presume, presumer, presumption, presumptive, presumptively, presumptuously, presumptuousness

He was fired for his presumptuous actions and stubborn attitude.

rotund (roe TUND)

Definition: very plump, round Synonyms: beefy, burly, elephantine, hefty, portly, stout Derivatives: rotundity, rotundly, rotundate

The man's rotund stomach was a sure sign that he needed to lose some weight.

tranquil (TRANG kwul)

Definition: peaceful, calm Synonyms: placid, serene Derivatives: tranquilization, tranquilize, tranquility, tranquilness, tranquilizer

The lake house is the most tranquil spot I can imagine, so I go there to rest and meditate.

wary (WARE ee)

Definition: watchful or on one's guard; cautious; careful Synonyms: alert, vigilant, guarded, circumspect, prudent Derivatives: warier, wariest, warily, wariness

The speaker was wary of grammatical errors.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 14

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Test 4

Chapters 13 - 17

Directions: For each definition, select the best answer from among the choices given. making a passing or casual reference; making an incidental mention of something a. averting _____________2. b. daunting c. exuding d. pragmatic e. alluding

taking great care; punctilious, scrupulous a. pragmatic b. meticulous c. nonchalant d. ambivalent e. affable


having contrary feelings or attitudes, uncertain as to course of action a. ambivalent b. exuded c. rotund d. tranquil e. wary


indifference, a showing of little interest a. averting b. meticulousness c. nonchalance d. lineage e. rotund


friendly, courteous, amiable, cordial, genial, gracious, sociable a. ambivalent b. pragmatic c. meticulous d. affable e. presumptuous


watchful or on one's guard; cautious; careful a. tranquil b. wary c. pragmatic d. daunting e. affable


practical, dealing with facts a. affable b. ambivalent c. daunting d. nonchalant e. pragmatic


depression of spirits a. melancholy b. daunting c. affable d. tranquil e. rotund


brazenly overstepping bounds, arrogant a. affable b. averting c. presumptuous d. wary e. ambivalent


line of descent or tradition a. ambivalence b. aversion c. lineage d. pragmatism e. tranquility


peaceful, calm a. wary b. tranquil c. pragmatic d. daunting e. affable


to come out gradually in drops through pores or small openings a. exude b. avert c. daunt d. allude e. rotund


very plump, round a. wary b. pragmatic c. tranquil d. rotund e. daunting


strong disinclination, disliking, hesitance, loathing, reluctance a. pragmatism b. ambivalence c. aversion d. tranquility e. affability


intimidating, dismaying a. affable b. wary c. presumptuous d. meticulous e. daunting

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 15

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Study 5
animosity (an uh MAH suh tee)

Chapters 18 - 21

Definition: harsh feelings, enmity, resentment, hatred Synonyms: animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor Derivatives: animus

Name-calling can only breed animosity; can't we work this out like civilized people?

arduous (AR jew us)

Definition: very difficult to accomplish or to achieve, very demanding (task) Synonyms: hard, toilsome, onerous, wearisome Derivatives: arduously, arduousness

Early in the morning, the team began the arduous trip up Mount Everest.

arid (AIR id)

Definition: very dry Synonyms: barren, parched Derivatives: aridity, aridness, aridly

The arid climate of the American Southwest makes it a good place for people who are depressed by rain.

benevolence (buh NEV uh lunz)

Definition: kindness, generosity, charity Synonyms: goodwill Derivatives: benevolent, benevolently

The old mans benevolence was known by all; the little children even called him "Santa.

cursory (KUR suh ree)

Definition: superficial, casual, hastily done Synonyms: brief, desultory, perfunctory, speedy Derivatives: cursorily, cursoriness

Poetry analysis requires much more than a cursory reading of the poem.

destitution (des teh TOO shun)

Definition: state of being extremely poor, in extreme want Synonyms: impecunity, indigence, penury, want Derivatives: destitute, destitutely, destituteness

After the hurricane the family was left homeless, facing destitution.

emaciated (eh MAY see a ted)

Definition: thin, wasted, puny, gaunt as a result of little food Synonyms: atrophied, cadaverous, gaunt, haggard, skeletal, wasted Derivatives: emaciate, emaciation

The emaciated child had not eaten for days.

empathy (EM puh the)

Definition: understanding or identification with another's feelings or situation Synonyms: affinity, compassion, concord, pity, sympathy Derivatives: empathetic, empathetically, empathize

The empathy he received from the other survivors helped him through the tragedy he had experienced.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 16

oblivious (uh BLIV ee un)

Definition: unaware Synonyms: absentminded, distracted, heedless, neglectful, negligent Derivatives: oblivious, obliviously

The young man was oblivious to the pain he caused his friends when he turned his back on them.

protrusion (pro TROO zhun)

Definition: something sticking out Synonyms: bulge, projection, protuberance, swelling Derivatives: protusive, protusively, protusiveness

For days after she bumped her head, the protrusion of the "knot" was noticeable even through her hair.

ruminate (ROO muh nate)

Definition: to consider for a long time at a slow pace, to ponder Synonyms: meditate, muse, ponder Derivatives: ruminatingly, ruminator, ruminative, ruminant, ruminantly

We thought the old man had sat down to ruminate over some problem; instead, he had fallen asleep!

stupefy (STOO puh fie)

Definition: to dull the senses as to put into a stupor Synonyms: Derivatives: stupefyingly, stupefaction, stupefacient, stupefactive

The movie's boring plot line stupefied audiences.

surly (SUR lee)

Definition: churlishly rude or bad-tempered; unfriendly, hostile Synonyms: Derivatives: surlier, surliest, surlily, surliness

The boy's surly attitude was only made worse by the constant taunting at recess.

undulant (UN juh lunt)

Definition: moving with or resembling a wavelike motion Synonyms: Derivatives: undulance, undulate, undulated, undulating, undulation, undulatory

The undulant sidewinder slithers over the desert floor, avoiding other snakes.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 17

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Study 5

Chapters 18 - 21

Directions: Select the best answer from among the choices given to complete each sentence. As I touched the wall, I noticed a _____: something was sticking out between the stones! a. 2. benevolence b. rumination c. protrusion d. stupefaction e. destitution

The _____ work of editing is the most demanding task of the writing process. a. arid b. cursory c. emaciated d. arduous e. oblivious


I had all day to come up with an answer, so I took time to ___________ over all my options. a. ematiate b. ruminate c. protrude d. undulate e. empathize


The lecture was so dull and boring that we were all _______ by the time it was over. a. emaciated b. undulated c. arid d. ruminated e. stupefied


The hatred of one man for another can grow into _____ between their families. a. benevolence b. empathy c. animosity d. oblivion e. surly


Like the plight of other extremely poor people, this family's _____ went unnoticed for some time. a. animosity b. empathy c. surly d. destitution e. protrusion


Because the desert is so dry, finding an oasis to drink from is like a miracle in this _____ region. a. arid b. arduous c. benevolent d. empathetic e. oblivious


A _____ look at that letter is too superficial to give you a real understanding of what it says. a. destitute b. ruminated c. cursory d. stupefied e. surly


His ________ attitude does nothing to win him friends; no one wants to deal with his constant bad moods. a. arduous b. surly c. arid d. undulating e. empathetic

10. I completely understand your feelings, but my _____ isn't enough to solve your problem. a. animosity b. benevolence c. destitution d. oblivion e. empathy

11. The children were having so much fun that they were _________ of the time, unaware that they would be late. a. 12. arid b. surly c. oblivious d. destitute e. arduous

I got seasick from watching the _____ movement of the ocean waves: up and down, up and down a. protruding b. emaciated c. arduous d. undulating e. cursory

13. When he proved his generosity yet again, nobody who knew him well was surprised by his _____. a. rumination b. benevolence c. animosity d. stupefaction e. oblivion

14. The _____ child was too thin and weak even to talk to the rescue workers who brought him food. a. arduous b. surly c. stupefied d. protruding e. emaciated

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 18

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Study 6
ascertain (as sur TANE)

Chapters 22 - 25

Definition: to find out definitely; to determine Synonyms: learn Derivatives: ascertainable, ascertainableness, ascertainably, ascertainer, ascertainment, ascertained

The detective attempted to ascertain the truth through his questioning of the suspect.

epiphany (uh PIF uh nee)

Definition: a sudden perception or insight into the reality of something Synonyms: revelation, understanding, insight Derivatives: epiphanies

When he heard the prophetic word, he had a sudden epiphany about what was about to come.

foreboding (fore BOE ding)

Definition: premonition of evil, an ominous omen Synonyms: prediction, portent, presentiment Derivatives: forebode, foreboder

When Calpurnia heard that the sky was raining fire outside, she was filled with foreboding.

impugn (im PYOON)

Definition: to assail or to attack one's honor or integrity Synonyms: attack, asperse, malign, criticize, censure Derivatives: impugnable, impugnation, impugnment

Because of his hatred, he began to impugn his enemy with a verbal attack.

obligatory (ob LIG uh tor ee)

Definition: required as a matter of obligation Synonyms: mandatory, required, necessary, imperative Derivatives: obligatoriness, obligatorily

His obligatory statement was not one of conviction, but rather one of obligation.

profuse (pro FUSE)

Definition: bountiful, pouring forth liberally; exhibiting great abundance Synonyms: copious galore, lavish Derivatives: profusely, profuseness

She continued to offer profuse apologies for her behavior.

prudent (PROOD unt)

Definition: wise and careful about practical matters Synonyms: judicious, sage, sane, sapient Derivatives: prudence, prudential, prudently

A prudent student studies consistently rather than only before an exam.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 19

remorseless (re MORSE less)

Definition: without remorse; pitiless Synonyms: merciless; ruthless; cruel Derivatives: remorse, remorseless, remorsefully

The criminal was completely remorseless about having committed the crime.

replete (reh PLETE)

Definition: filled to capacity, abundantly supplied Synonyms: plenary Derivatives: repleteness, repletion, repletive

After the harvest, the bins were replete with wheat.

rivulet (RIV yuh let)

Definition: a small stream, brook Synonyms: bourn, channel, creek, rill, runlet, runnel, streamlet Derivatives: rivulets

We made our way through the forest to the rivulet where we would have our picnic.

serpentine (SUR pen teen)

Definition: resembling a serpent, wily or tempting; diabolical Synonyms: cagey, cunning, sinuous, wily Derivatives: serpentinely, serpentiningly, serpentize

The serpentine wall curved like a snake around the property.

surreal (suh REAL)

Definition: having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream Synonyms: unreal; fantastic Derivatives:

The entire experience seemed surreal; it was like a fantasy.

tact (TAKT)

Definition: a keen sense for what is appropriate or tasteful in delicate situations Synonyms: diplomacy, perception, sensitivity, poise Derivatives: tactful, tactfully, tactfulness

With great tact, the arbitrator made both sides feel that they had won.

terse (TERS)

Definition: concise; succinct, summary Synonyms: compendious, laconic, pithy Derivatives: tersely, terseness

A good toast should be terse, not long-winded.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 20

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Test 6
1. a. 2. ascertain b. foreboding c. obligatory

Chapters 22 & 25

Directions: Select the best answer from among the choices given to complete each sentence. His ______ deference to the king was required of the man; it was not given freely. d. remorseful e. terse

The medication made him totally disoriented, making his surroundings seemingly ______. a. surreal b. obligatory c. profuse d. prudent e. tactless


As the climax approached, the ominous music filled the audience with _____. a. epiphany b. foreboding c. impunity d. remorse e. rivulets


When customers are angry, it takes great _____ to know the appropriate way to calm them. a. remorse b. impunity c. tact d. foreboding e. serpentine


I will use these reference books to _____ the information I have to find out. a. impugn b. profuse c. replete d. ascertain e. surreal


His was sweating so _____ that perspiration poured freely from his forehead into his eyes. a. remorsefully b. prudently c. surreally d. tersely e. profusely


That _____ message spoke volumes in only a few words. a. ascertain b. terse c. foreboding d. profuse e. replete


The evil magician tricked the villagers with his diabolical, ___________ plan. a. terse b. tactless c. surreal d. prudent e. serpentine


His sudden realization of the truth was an ______ not only to him, but to the entire group of onlookers. a. impunity b. obligatory c. epiphany d. oblivion e. empathy

10. When the man was insulted by his opponent, he retaliated and began to _______ the other's reputation. a. impugn b. ascertain c. terse d. ruminate e. emaciate

11. The girl stepped quickly from stone to stone to cross the small ______. a. terse b. epiphany c. rivulet d. foreboding e. replete

12. During the holidays, the food bank is usually _____ with a huge supply of canned vegetables. a. replete b. foreboding c. prudent d. serpentine e. terse

13. Even after his sentence had been mandated by the judge, the man remained _______ for the crimes he had committed. a. tactless b. prudent c. remorseless d. terse e. profuse

14. We thought it would be _____ if we checked with Mom first, since she always tells us to be wise and careful. a. tactless b. replete c. epiphany d. prudent e. terse

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 21

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Vocabulary Words
affable (AF uh bul)
Definition: friendly, courteous, amiable Synonyms: cordial, genial, gracious, sociable Derivatives: affability, affableness, affably

Alphabetical Listing

She was so affable and helpful that I felt comfortable with her right away.

allusion (uh LOO zhuh n)

Definition: a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something Synonyms: implication, inference, mention, suggestion Derivatives: allude, alluding, alluded

The author made an allusion to Shakespeare in his novel when he mentioned the Bard's memorable sonnets.

aloof (uh LOOF)

Definition: apart, indifferent, detached, incurious, unconcerned Synonyms: detached, incurious, unconcerned Derivatives: aloofness

While the girls giggled and chattered, their father stood aloof in a corner, looking at his watch occasionally.

ambivalent (am BIV uh lunt)

Synonyms: undecided Derivatives: ambivalence

Definition: having contrary feelings or attitudes, uncertain as to course of action

He was ambivalent, unable to decide between theater classes and the football team.

amiable (A mee uh bul)

Definition: friendly, sociable, and congenial; civil and urbane, obliging Synonyms: good-natured, obliging, complaisant Derivatives: amiableness, amiably, amicable, amicability, amiability

The three old friends enjoyed an amiable stroll around the ranch.

animosity (an uh MAH suh tee)

Definition: harsh feelings, enmity, resentment, hatred Synonyms: animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor Derivatives: animus

Name-calling can only breed animosity; can't we work this out like civilized people?

append (uh PEND)

Definition: to add in a supplementary manner Synonyms: adjoin, affix, annex, fasten, supplement Derivatives: appendage, appendant, appendance, appended

The committee decided to append the agreement by adding in several more stipulations.

arduous (AR jew us)

Definition: very difficult to accomplish or to achieve, very demanding (task) Synonyms: hard, toilsome, onerous, wearisome Derivatives: arduously, arduousness

Early in the morning, the team began the arduous trip up Mount Everest.

arid (AIR id)

Definition: very dry, without moisture Synonyms: barren, parched Derivatives: aridity, aridness, aridly

The arid climate of the American Southwest makes it a good place for people who are depressed by rain. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 22

arrogant (AIR uh gunt)

Definition: overbearingly assuming; insolently proud Synonyms: presumptuous, haughty, imperious, brazen Derivatives: arrogance, arrogancy, arrogantly

The coach was arrogant in assuming that her team could never lose.

ascertain (as sur TANE)

Definition: to find out definitely; to determine Synonyms: learn Derivatives: ascertainable, ascertainableness, ascertainably, ascertainer, ascertainment, ascertained

The detective attempted to ascertain the truth through his questioning of the suspect.

atrophy (AT row fee)

Definition: to waste away, to wither Synonyms: decline, degeneration, deterioration Derivatives: atrophied, atrophying, atrophic

If you don't use your muscles, they will atrophy.

austere (aw STEER)

Definition: strict, stern; unadorned, ascetic Synonyms: severe Derivatives: austereness, austerely, austerity

The governess was dressed in a prim, austere outfit of gray tweed.

aversion (uh VER shun)

Definition: strong disinclination, disliking Synonyms: hesitance, loathing, reluctance Derivatives: averseness, aversely, averse

Since I have a strong aversion to stinging insects, I run away if one flies toward me.

bellow (BELL oh)

Definition: to cry out loudly, as in anger or pain Synonyms: scream, cry, howl Derivatives:

The child began to bellow when he was denied the toy.

benevolence (buh NEV uh lunz)

Definition: kindness, generosity, charity Synonyms: goodwill Derivatives: benevolent, benevolently

The old mans benevolence was known by all; the little children even called him "Santa.

bludgeoning (BLUD juhn)

Definition: to hit with heavy impact Synonyms: bang, bash, clobber, strike Derivatives: bludgeon, bludgeoned

No one could condone the bludgeoning of the man, even though he was wrong to have committed his crime.

buoyant (BOY unt)

Definition: capable of floating; cheerful Synonyms: happy, lighthearted, jaunty Derivatives: buoyancy, buoyance, buoyantly, buoyantness, buoy

Amazingly, her spirits were buoyant even when her team lost the championship.

burly (BUR lee)

Definition: great in bodily size, sturdy; brusque Synonyms: stocky, brawny, hefty, strapping Derivatives: burlier, burliest, burlily, burliness

The burly wrestler entered the ring with an air of confidence.

chasms (KAA zum)

Synonyms: abyss Derivatives:

Definition: a deep cleft in the surface of something; gorge; a marked division or difference

The miles that separate the two countries are like chasms that cannot be crossed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 23

contrite (kun TRITE)

Definition: extremely apologetic, remorseful, repentant, penitent Synonyms: penitent Derivatives: contritely, contriteness, contrition

My brother lost my bike, but he was so contrite I found it easy to forgive him.

cursory (KUR suh ree)

Definition: superficial, casual, hastily done Synonyms: brief, desultory, perfunctory, speedy Derivatives: cursorily, cursoriness

Poetry analysis requires much more than a cursory reading of the poem.

daunt (DAWNT)

Definition: to intimidate, to dismay Synonyms: subdue, discourage, dispirit Derivatives: dauntless, dauntlessly, dauntlessness

The long road ahead did not daunt her; on the contrary, with great determination she started her walk.

destitution (des teh TOO shun)

Definition: state of being extremely poor, in extreme want Synonyms: impecunity, indigence, penury, want Derivatives: destitute, destitutely, destituteness

After the hurricane the family was left homeless, facing destitution.

disdain (dis DANE)

Definition: intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy Synonyms: (to be) arrogant, haughty, high-handed, insolent, lordly, supercilious Derivatives: disdained, disdaining, disdainer, disdainful, disdainfully, disdainfulness

I disdain liars and gossips: I won't even speak to people like that.

drone (DRONE)

Definition: speaking in a monotonous tone; a continuous low humming sound Synonyms: monotone; murmur Derivatives: droned, droning, drones, droner, droningly, dronish

The drone of the machinery was always in the background vanquishing any hopes of silence in the room.

emaciated (eh MAY see a ted)

Definition: thin, wasted, puny, gaunt as a result of little food Synonyms: atrophied, cadaverous, gaunt, haggard, skeletal, wasted Derivatives: emaciate, emaciation

The emaciated child had not eaten for days.

empathy (EM puh the)

Definition: understanding or identification with another's feelings or situation Synonyms: affinity, compassion, concord, pity, sympathy Derivatives: empathetic, empathetically, empathize

The empathy he received from the other survivors helped him through the tragedy he had experienced.

epiphany ()

Definition: Synonyms: revelation, understanding, insight Derivatives:

When he heard the prophetic word, he had a sudden epiphany about what was about to come.

exude (ig ZOOD)

Definition: to come out gradually in drops through pores or small openings Synonyms: ooze out; emit Derivatives: exuded, exuding, exudes

The pierced tube began to exude wet paint from the tiny hole.

feint (FAYNT)

Definition: a false appearance, a fake punch to occupy defenses allowing a real blow Synonyms: artifice, ruse, stratagem, trick, wile Derivatives: feign, feigned, feigning, feignedly, feigner

He pretended to fight the monster with a fake blow, a mere feint.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 24

foreboding (fore BOE ding)

Definition: premonition of evil, an ominous omen Synonyms: prediction, portent, presentiment Derivatives: forebode, foreboder

When Calpurnia heard that the sky was raining fire outside, she was filled with foreboding.

furrow (FUR ow)

Definition: to make wrinkles or grooves Synonyms: crease, crinkle, fluting, ridge, trench Derivatives: furrowed, furrowing

He furrowed his brow in contemplation of the remark.

furtive (FUR tiv)

Definition: secret in an underhanded way, stealthy Synonyms: clandestine, covert, stealthy, surrepetitious, underhanded Derivatives: furtively, furtiveness

He glanced furtively at his neighbor's test paper, hoping the teacher wouldn't notice.

garrulous (GAR yuh lus)

Definition: talkative, rambling; voluble Synonyms: voluble Derivatives: garrulously, garrulousness, garrulity

I'm amazed when my garrulous grandmother stops talking long enough to breathe!

grandiose (GRAN dee ose)

Definition: impressive, imposing Synonyms: grand, magnificent, majestic, stately Derivatives: grandiosely, grandioseness, grandiosity

The grandiose plan for the party included a five-tier champagne fountain and a foot-high cherry cheesecake.

grave (GRAV eh tee)

Definition: serious, important Synonyms: earnestness, sedateness, sobriety, solemnity, staidness Derivatives: grave, graver, gravely, gravity

Only after he was asked to leave the school permanently did he finally understand the gravity of his infractions.

harried (HAIR eed)

Definition: harassed, tormented Synonyms: agitated, anxious, beset, distressed, stressed, troubled Derivatives:

The harried expression on her face told the story of her inner torment.

imbecile (EM buh sul)

Definition: a person affected with mental retardation; idiot, fool Synonyms: airhead, birdbrain, bonehead, ignoramus Derivatives:

He was acting like an imbecile after he drank so much alcohol.

immanent (IM muh nunt)

Definition: indwelling, inherent; being within the limits of possible experience Synonyms: inborn, innate, intrinsic, natural, indigenous Derivatives: immanence, immanently

The woman's beauty came from within; it was something immanent, not something imposed.

impeccable (im PEK uh bul)

Definition: free from fault or blame Synonyms: flawless, irreproachable Derivatives: impeccability, impeccableness, impeccably

She was dressed with impeccable style, from her chandelier earrings to her high-heeled boots.

impish (IM pish)

Definition: mischievous, befitting an imp Synonyms: devilish, knavish, prankish, roguish, wicked Derivatives: imp, impishly, impishness

His impish grin let us all know that he was about to trick us. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 25

impugn (im PYOON)

Definition: to assail or to attack one's honor or integrity Synonyms: contradict, dispute, negate, question, smear, traduce Derivatives: impugnable, impugnation, impugnment

Because of his hatred, he began to impugn his enemy with a verbal attack.

infidel (IN feh dul)

Synonyms: atheist Derivatives: infidelity

Definition: a person who has no religious faith; unbeliever

When he left the church, his family labeled him as an infidel.

interminable (in TUR mun uh bul)

Definition: having or seeming to have no end, wearisomely protracted Synonyms: ceaseless, endless, everlasting, incessant, perpetual, unceasing Derivatives: interminability, interminableness, interminably, interminate

In our geography class, we have to copy interminable lists of countries' currencies, imports, and exports.

jostled (JOS eld)

Definition: to bump or push, as in a crowd; elbow or shove roughly Synonyms: crowded, jolted, nudged, pushed, shoved, thrust Derivatives:

The child was jostled back and forth by the crowd as he tried to maneuver his way.

kindle (KIN dul)

Definition: to start a fire, to stir up Synonyms: blaze, burn, flare, ignite, inflame, alight Derivatives: kindled, kindling, kindles

Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted to kindle a new spirit of brotherhood in the nation.

lineage (LEN ee ij)

Definition: line of descent or tradition Synonyms: background, ancestry Derivatives: lineages

You must trace your lineage for entrance into a genealogical society.

martyr (MAR ter)

Definition: someone who suffers persecution and death for refusing to renounce a cause Synonyms: sufferer Derivatives: martyrish, martyrly, unmartyred

She died the death of a martyr as she burned at the stake, always refusing to renounce her ideology.

melancholy (MEL un kol ee)

Definition: depression of spirits Synonyms: blue, despondent, disconsolate, gloomy, pensive, woebegone Derivatives: melancholia, melancholic, melancholiac, melancholically, melancholily, melancholiness, melancholious

After I saw that sad movie, the feeling of melancholy stayed with me for days.

meticulous (muh TIK yuh lus)

Definition: taking great care Synonyms: punctilious, scrupulous Derivatives: meticulously, meticulousness

Her meticulous work on the car resulted in a perfectly running engine.

morose (muh ROSE)

Definition: being sullen or gloomy; glum, saturnine, sulky Synonyms: crabbed, glum, saturnine, sulky, surly Derivatives: morosely, moroseness, morosity

I jumped and cheered for the team, but morose Mike just muttered, "I bet we lose anyhow."

nemesis (NEM uh sis)

Synonyms: rival Derivatives:

Definition: source of harm, powerful opponent

Bobby has been my nemesis since first grade, when he stole my best crayons. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 26

nonchalance (non shuh LAWNS)

Definition: indifference, a showing of little interest Synonyms: casualness, disregard, indifference Derivatives: nonchalant, nonchalantly, nonchalantness

Just once, I wanted him to shake off that nonchalance and get really excited about something!

notorious (no TOR e us)

Definition: widely and unfavorably known Synonyms: disreputable, infamous Derivatives: notoriously

The man was notorious for his criminal ways.

nuance (NOO awns)

Definition: a subtle distinction or difference Synonyms: gradation, hint, shade, tinge, touch, trace Derivatives: nuances, nuanced, nuancing

Using limes instead of lemons in this recipe gives it an interesting nuance.

obligatory (ob LIG uh tor ee)

Definition: required as a matter of obligation Synonyms: mandatory, required, necessary, imperative Derivatives: obligated

His obligatory statement was not one of conviction, but rather one of obligation.

oblivious (uh BLIV ee un)

Definition: unaware Synonyms: absentminded, distracted, heedless, neglectful, negligent Derivatives: oblivious, obliviously

The young man was oblivious to the pain he caused his friends when he turned his back on them.

oscillating (OS uh lay ting)

Definition: moving back and forth, swinging, varying Synonyms: fluctuating, swaying, undulating, vacillating Derivatives: oscillate, oscillates, oscillated, oscillation, oscillator, oscillatory

The swing was oscillating in the slow breeze.

pall (PAWL)

Definition: to lose interest or attraction, to become wearisome Synonyms: jade, satiate, surfeit Derivatives:

I had listened to him so long that his rhetoric began to pall.

peripheral (puh RIF ur ul)

Definition: on the edge, not important Synonyms: external, incidental, irrelevant, minor, superficial, tangential Derivatives: peripheral, peripheric, peripheralism, peripherally, peripherically, periphery

When you drive on a busy street, good peripheral vision helps you keep track of the other cars.

portly (PORT lee)

Definition: heavy or rotund in a stately manner, stout Synonyms: ample, burly, corpulent, fleshy, rotund Derivatives: portliness

The portly dog was happy to perform tricks in exchange for treats and belly rubs.

pragmatic (prag MAT ik)

Definition: practical, dealing with facts Synonyms: realistic Derivatives: pragmatical, pragmaticality, pragmatically, pragmaticalness, pragmaticism

If you are practical, you will make a pragmatic decision, not one based on emotion.

precipitous (preh SIP eh tus)

Definition: marked by great rapidity, haste, or lack of caution Synonyms: hasty, sudden, rash; steep, sheer Derivatives: precipitously, precipitousness, precipice

Her precipitous and unwise actions caused problems for everyone in the group.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 27

presumptuous (preh ZUMP choo us)

Definition: brazenly overstepping bounds, arrogant Synonyms: audacious, conceited, egotistic, insolent, pompous, pretentious, supercilious Derivatives: presume, presumer, presumption, presumptive, presumptively, presumptuously, presumptuousness

He was fired for his presumptuous actions and stubborn attitude.

profuse (pro FUSE)

Definition: bountiful, pouring forth liberally; exhibiting great abundance Synonyms: copious galore, lavish Derivatives: profusely, profuseness

She continued to offer profuse apologies for her behavior.

protrusion (pro TROO zhun)

Definition: something sticking out Synonyms: bulge, projection, protuberance, swelling Derivatives: protusive, protusively, protusiveness

For days after she bumped her head, the protrusion of the "knot" was noticeable even through her hair.

prudent (PROOD unt)

Definition: wise and careful about practical matters Synonyms: judicious, sage, sane, sapient Derivatives: prudence, prudential, prudently

A prudent student studies consistently rather than only before an exam.

pungent (PUN junt)

Definition: sharp or irritating to the taste or smell, acrid Synonyms: piquant, poignant, racy Derivatives: pungence, pungency, pungently

When Victorian ladies fainted, someone would wave pungent "smelling salts" under their noses to wake them up.

quell (KWELL)

Definition: to quiet or to put down a disturbance Synonyms: mollify, hush, calm Derivatives: quelled, quelling, quells

I hope this antacid can quell my indigestion.

query (KWEER ee)

Definition: an inquiry Synonyms: inquiry, interrogation, question Derivatives: question, ask

If you aren't sure, write the company a query and ask the questions directly.

remorseless (re MORSE less)

Definition: without remorse; pitiless Synonyms: merciless; ruthless; cruel Derivatives:

The criminal was completely remorseless about having committed the crime.

replete (reh PLETE)

Definition: filled to capacity, abundantly supplied Synonyms: plenary Derivatives: repleteness, repletion, repletive

After the harvest, the bins were replete with grain.

reticent (RET uh suns)

Definition: restrained in speech, reluctant to speak Synonyms: reserve, taciturnity Derivatives: reticency, reticent, reticently

She wanted to correct the teacher, but instead, remained reticent.

rivulet (RIV yuh let)

Definition: a small stream, brook Synonyms: bourn, channel, creek, rill, runlet, runnel, streamlet Derivatives: rivulets

We made our way through the forest to the rivulet where we would have our picnic. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 28

rotund (roe TUND)

Definition: very plump, round Synonyms: beefy, burly, elephantine, hefty, portly, stout Derivatives: rotundity, rotundly, rotundate

The man's rotund stomach was a sure sign that he needed to lose wome weight.

rue (ROO)

Definition: to be sorry for, to regret Synonyms: deplore, remorse, grieve, lament, mourn Derivatives: rueful, ruefully, ruefulness, rues

I rue the harsh words we exchanged, and I hope we can be friends in spite of them.

ruminate (ROO muh nate)

Definition: to consider for a long time at a slow pace, to ponder Synonyms: meditate, muse, ponder Derivatives: ruminatingly, ruminator, ruminative, ruminant, ruminantly

We thought the old man had sat down to ruminate over some problem; instead, he had fallen asleep!

scrupulous (SKROO pyuh lus)

Synonyms: meticulous, punctilious Derivatives:

Definition: principled, very careful and conscientious; meticulous, punctilious

Her scrupulous attention to detail saved the company from a million-dollar mistake.

serpentine (SUR pen teen)

Definition: resembling a serpent, wily or tempting; diabolical Synonyms: cagey, cunning, sinuous, wily Derivatives: serpentinely, serpentiningly, serpentize

The serpentine wall curved like a snake around the property.

shard (SHARD)

Definition: a fragment of a brittle substance such as glass or pottery Synonyms: fragment, particle, remnant, scrap Derivatives:

We found shards of the vessels lying in the cave.

snippet (SNIP it)

Definition: a small amount, morsel Synonyms: bit, fragment, piece, smidgen, snip Derivatives: snippiness, snippety, snippy

He made an inaccurate assumption based on a snippet of a conversation he hadoverheard.

stupefy (STOO puh fie)

Definition: to dull the senses as to put into a stupor Synonyms: Derivatives: stupefyingly, stupefaction, stupefacient, stupefactive

The movie's boring plot line stupefied audiences.

subtle (SUT ul)

Definition: delicate, elusive, not obvious Synonyms: Derivatives: subtilist, subtility, subtilization, subtilize, subtilizer, subtleness, subtlety

The difference between lemon flavor and lime flavor is subtle, but I can taste it.

summon (SUM un)

Definition: to call together, to send for or to request to appear Synonyms: convene, convoke, muster Derivatives: summoner, summons

When the principal summons you to his office, you have to go.

surly (SUR lee)

Definition: churlishly rude or bad-tempered; unfriendly, hostile Synonyms: Derivatives: surlier, surliest, surlily, surliness

The boy's surly attitude was only made worse by the constant taunting at recess.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 29

surreal (suh REAL)

Definition: having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream Synonyms: unreal; fantastic Derivatives:

The entire experience seemed surreal; it was like a fantasy.

tact (TAKT)

Definition: a keen sense for what is appropriate or tasteful in delicate situations Synonyms: diplomacy, perception, sensitivity, poise Derivatives: tactful, tactfully, tactfulness

With great tact, the arbitrator made both sides feel that they had won.

taut (TAUT)

Definition: tightly drawn, having no slack Synonyms: tight Derivatives: tautly, tautness, tauten

The tightrope walker tested the rope to make sure it was taut enough.

terse (TERS)

Definition: concise; succinct, summary Synonyms: compendious, laconic, pithy Derivatives: tersely, terseness

A good toast should be terse, not long-winded.

tranquil (TRANG kwul)

Definition: peaceful, calm Synonyms: placid, serene Derivatives: tranquilization, tranquilize, tranquility, tranquilness, tranquilizer

The lake house is the most tranquil spot I can imagine, so I go there to rest and meditate.

trepidation (trep eh DAY shun)

Definition: fear, trembling, agitation Synonyms: Derivatives: trepidate, trepidant, trepid, trepidly, trepidity

The lowly slave approached the queen with trepidation, terrified that he would be punished or sent away.

undulant (UN juh lunt)

Definition: moving with or resembling a wavelike motion Synonyms: Derivatives: undulance, undulate, undulated, undulating, undulation, undulatory

The undulant sidewinder slithers over the desert floor, avoiding other snakes.

vehement (VEE uh munt)

Definition: forcefully expressing emotion or conviction Derivatives: vehemence, vehemency, vehemently

When he was asked about his involvement, his vehement denials convinced even the police chief.

veracity (vuh RAS eh tee)

Definition: devotion to the truth; truthfulness, accuracy, correctness Synonyms: truthfulness, accuracy, correctness Derivatives: veracious, veraciously, veraciousness

I can attest to this woman's veracity: she's never told a lie in all the time I've known her.

viable (VIE uh bul)

Definition: capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately Synonyms: Derivatives: viability, viably

No, making a bonfire of your assignments is not a viable answer to your homework issues.

wary (WARE ee)

Definition: watchful or on one's guard; cautious; careful Synonyms: alert, vigilant, guarded, circumspect, prudent Derivatives: warier, wariest, warily, wariness

The speaker was wary of grammatical errors.

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 30

The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Test 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. a e b d c c b d b c e c a e d

Test 2
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. feign buoyant gravity austere imbecile morose bellow impeccable contrite summon nuance vehement trepidation subtle viable nemesis taut

Test 3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. e g c a i d j f b h o l r k q m p t s n

Test 4
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. e b a c d b e a c c b a d c e

Test 5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. c d b e c d a c b e c d b e

Test 6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. c a b c d e b

Test 6
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. e c a c a c d

Copyright 2011 by Sharon Serrago, Inc. 31

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