Chapter I Revised

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Background of Study Teaching children with autistic condition requires special treatment, since autism is a rare case. According to dr. Melly Budhiman SpKJ on Autism discussion with Kompas on May 5th 2008; in America, children having autism syndrome were only 1:150 births. Meanwhile, in England was 1:100 births, then it has changed rapidly in every year. In the early 1990s, it became autism boom. However, autism birth data in Indonesia are not available. (Kompas, June 7th 2008). As stated by Brown (2001), strategy is a specific method to solve a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, or planned design for controlling and manipulating certain information. On the other hand, certain techniques in teaching English as a foreign language are pretty much needed, and the technique used to teach learners with disabilities should be different from normal students. Delphie (2006) states that autistic children need special treatment in order to fulfill their needs. It is also because special needs student has his/her own learning pattern. Additionally, it is important to gather the student information in making learning program for special needs student effective. Based on Salvia and Ysseldyke cited in Delphie (2006), there are three important aspects in designing instruction for special needs student; student condition before being involved in the program, the student special characters,

and students condition after learning process. Children with autism have a problem in communication. However, it is as same as normal children who also need to learn language to communicate with their environment. Troike (2006) states that there are some factors driving the students successfully to learn English as their second language, some of them are linguistics ability and psychology. Due to their psychology problem, autistic student needs more attention than normal children. Nevertheless, one of important parts of human intelligences is language. It is in line with what was proposed by Gardner in Delphie (2009). In spite of the fact that autism children communication seems to be different from other children (Dahlgren & Gilberg in Siegel, 1996), some of children with autism can communicate with their environment. It is proven by how some of children with autism can speak, and the fact that their articulation is often normal or even precocious (Kjelgaard & Tager-flusberg in Siegel, 1996). Teacher strategies in teaching autistic children have the largest responsibility in improving autistic children communication skill. Although the parents role also takes an important role in their life, but the role of teacher is more important in giving suggestion and advice to parents about the development of their children, whether the children need a specific program or not. In accordance with the reason, it becomes an interesting topic to find what teacher strategies are used in teaching English for autism.

Research Question

This research is expected to asnwer the following questions: What strategies are used by teacher in teaching English for autism? Which strategies are used the most?

Aims of Research The research is conducted to identify the following aims: To find out the strategies used by teacher in teaching English for autism. To find out the most used strategies used by teacher in teaching English for autism.

Significance of the Research By using a case study as one of descriptive research type in qualitative approach, this research will investigate teacher strategies used in teaching English for autism. Besides, this research also tries to identify the most used strategies in teaching autisic student. This research is conducted to find out teacher strategies used in teaching English for autism in one of inclusion schools in Cirebon.

Scope of Research The scope of research has been limited to find out teacher strategies in teaching English for autism in inlusion setting and this research only focuses on the discussion about one English teacher in Cirebon, particularly, teacher who teaches in an inclusion school.

Research Design Research Method The research uses qualitative approach based on case study as the framework of descriptive research. It was aimed at describing teacher strategies used in teaching English for autism in an inclusion setting. There are several steps in conducting the descriptive method: collecting, classifying, and computing the data, and then making conclusions and report. To meet the aims of the research, there are some steps carried out: Recording the interview with the respondent Transcribing the result of the interview of each respondent Synthesizing the scripts of the result Analyzing the answer of the respondents Classifying data into the selected categories Clarifying the answers of the respondents Interpreting the intent of the respondents answer Presenting the result into a coherent description Afterward, the results of the observation result were analyzed through the following steps: Recording the teaching process Transcribing the result of observation Synthesizing the scripts of the result Analyzing the result of observation

Classifying data into the selected categories Clarifying the result of observation Presenting the result into a coherent description

Instrument To gather the data, this research uses the following instruments: Interview, the interview purpose is to get depth and greater information. Observation, the observation purpose is to get the real teaching process and strategies used in teaching English for autism.

Analysis of Data In analyzing the data, qualitative descriptive method will be used in this research. The data are then gained from observations and interviews. There are some steps in analyzing the data: Classifying the result of the interview and observation based on the categories Transcribing the result of the interview from recorder Analyzing the answer of interviews and the result of observation Interpreting the answer of interviews and the result of observation Presenting the result by descriptive method The result of the analysis will answer the research questions to identify the strategies used in teaching English for autism.

Organization of the paper

This paper will be presented in five chapters as follows: Chapter I Introduction This chapter contains introduction which discusses the background of the study, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, research method, and organization of the paper Chapter II Theoretical Foundation This chapter contains theoretical framework that is relevant to the research Chapter III Methodology This chapter discusses the methodology adopted in this research, including the statements of problem, the design of research, the site and respondent, the procedure of the research, the data analysis and the last is clarification of term. Chapter IV Findings and Discussions In this chapter, the findings are analyzed and presented in systematic way, followed by discussion upon the findings. Chapter V Conclusions and Suggestions This chapter presents the conclusion of the research and it provides some suggestions for further research.

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