M.B.A 1

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Solapur University, Solapur.

Revised Structure and syllabus of the

Master of Business Administration ( MBA )

MBA Part I To be Implemented from June 2007 MBA Part II To be Implemented from June 2008




To be implemented from July 2007 OBJECTIVES The Basic objectives of the program are Provide the required conceptual knowledge, interpersonal skills among the students joining this course for managerial decisions and their implementations. Develop the students to make them responsible and contributory citizen for the economic development of the Nation. Develop the entrepreneurial capabilities among the students. Develop and understand the risk taking decision making system in business. Develop the analytical mind of the students to take decisions in complex situations.

Duration of the course - The course should be of two years full time course comprising four semesters. Admission to this course will be given through the CET Approved by the Competent Authority.


SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR, Structure of MBA course Semester I Paper Subjects No. 1 2 3 4 5 Perspective of Management Accounting for Management Managerial Economics Organisation Behaviour I Quantitative Techniques for Management. Managerial communication Marketing Research I. T. for Management Semester I I Paper Subject No. 9 10. 11 12 13 Marketing Applications & Practices Financial Management



4 4 4 4 4

4 4

Human Resource 4 Management Manufacturing & 4 Operations Management Economic Environment for 4 Business Legal Aspects of Business 4

6 7. 8**

4 4 4

14 15 16**

Organisation Behaviour II 4 Taxation Direct & Indirect 4 Taxes. Semester IV

Semester III 17. Corporate Planning & Strategic Management Management Accounting 4 26


27 28.

Entrepreneurial Development & Project Management Managerial Excellence Business Ethics Elective I Paper IV Paper V

19 20 21

Elective I Paper I Paper II Paper III Elective II

4 4 4

29 30

4 4

22 23 24 25

Paper I Paper II Paper III Project Report & Viva Voce

4 4 4

31 32

Elective II Paper IV Paper V

4 4


** Internal Papers. Electives 1. Marketing Management 2. Financial Management 3. Human Resource Management 4. System Management 5 International Business 6.Retail Management

Student has to select any two electives in the second year. Each Paper will be 100 marks out of which university will conduct examination for 70 marks and 30 marks for internal evaluation.

Distribution of 30 Marks Marks Attendance & Active Participation in the class ---05 2 Assignments ---05 Group Exercise / Seminar ---10 Participation in Case Methodology ---10 ( Minimum 5 Cases should be Covered ) --------------------30 Marks External -- University will conduct the examination for 70 marks, Question paper nature will be Flexible i.e. question may be asked for minimum 01 mark and maximum up to 14 marks.

Note :Paper No. 8 and 16 i.e. Information Technology for Management & Taxation Direct & Indirect Taxation will be the internal Papers No university exam will be conducted for these papers but the institute / college will allot grades to these subjects. After the first semester, students have to undertake a project in a group of 3-5 students under the guidance of internal teacher. Students have to undertake market surveys and should submit the report to the Institute as per the schedule declared by the institute. The student should collect the data from Primary and Secondary sources. Student has to prepare the questionnaire and should be get approved by the teacher allotted by the Institute.


Summer Placement Student has to undertake a project for a period of 50 day. Student has the following options.

1. Option - 1 ----- A 50 days in plant training in any business organisation ( Manufacturing / Service etc. ) 2. Option 2 ---- Student may undertake a project totally under the guidance of internal teacher. The topic and synopsis should be approved by the teacher before actual starting the work. Primary & Secondary data may be used for the Project Report. The period of project report will be of 50 days and student has to submit the weekly progress report to the head of the department through the internal guide. The typed report should be submitted to the institute as per the schedule declared by the Institute. The Viva voce examination will be conducted by the University. Paper No.25 Project Report and viva-voce will be of 100 marks. Out of this 50 marks will be internal project guide and Viva-voce will be conducted by the university committee for 50 marks. The committee should consist of 4 members. The composition of members will be as follows. 1 Two members (external) from the university area. 2 One member (internal) will be nominated by college. 3 One Expert may be from outside the university. The chairman of the committee may be the senior most teacher from the external member of university area. ----------------------------------------------------


Paper I Prespective of Management 1. Nature of Management- Basic Concepts of Management, Elements Of Management, Levels Of Management & Their Respective Functions. Management & External Environment- Economic, Technological, Social, Political, & Legal, Natural Environment. The Social Responsibility of Manager. Professionalism in Management. 2. The Evolution Of Management ThoughtsFredrick Taylor & Scientific Management, Henry Fayol- General Principles Of Management, Elements Of Management. The Emergence of the Behavioral Science- The Emergence Of Industrial Psychology. Development Of Sociological Approach To Management, The Hawthorne Studies, Recent Trends in Management. 3. PlanningBasic Planning Process, Objectives. The Nature of Objectives, Concepts Of MBO, Process Of MBO, 4. Organising- Basic Concepts-Division Of Work, Departmentalisation, Hierarchy, Co-Ordination, Organisation Design. Authority, Responsibility & Accountability, Span of Control. 5. Concept of Staffing & Directing. Motivation, Special Motivational Techniques, Motivational Theories- Need Theory, Hygiene Approach To Motivation Equity Theory, Expectancy Theory, Goal Setting Theory, Mcgregers Theory X & Theory Y, Theory Z by William Ouchi. Leadership- Trait Approaches To Leadership, Leadership Styles, Likerts 4 System Of Management, The Management Grid. 6. Controlling- Basic Concept, Relationship between Planning & Controlling. The Basic Control Process, Requirement for Effective Control. 7. Managing Globally The Multinational Enterprise, the Global environment, management functions applied globally, global economic integration.

8. Case study as a tool of learning - Solving the case study Identifying the problem , Analysing the situation , Developing alternative & making optimum choice(s) .Handling the case study Session .


Reference Books1. Management- By James A.F. Stoner, R. Edward Freeman & Daniel R. Gilbert. 2. Mangement- Global Perspective By Heinz Welhrich & Horolad. 3. Mangement By Martin C. Cathrol. 4. International Management: Concepts & Cases Manab Thakur, Gene E. Burton & B.N. Srivavtava. 5. Management By Peter Drucker. 6. Management & Organisation By Louis A. Allen. 7. Management Today- Gene Burton & Manb Thakur. 8. Management Principles and Guidelines Thomas Duening & John Ivancevich biztantra.


Paper - II Accounting For Management

1. Introduction to Managerial Accounting - Accounting as a Language, Definition of Accounting, book Keeping and Accounting, external and internal uses of Accounting Information. 2. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Conventions and Concept Accounting Conventions relevance, objectivity and feasibility.

3. Financial Accounting Accounting Mechanics basic records, preparation financial statements, some complex considerations in preparation of financial statements, Revenue recognition and Measurement, matching of Revenue and Expenses Inventory Pricing and valuation fixed Asset and Depreciation Accounting, intangible assets. 4. Accounting Practices and Process - Nature of accounting transactions journal entries & posting of ledger, subsidiary book preparation of trial balance, Final account of non-corporate organisation like proprietary & partnership firm. Bank reconciliation statement. 5 Cost Accounting introduction to cost Accounting, use of Cost Accounting Data, Objectives, importance & Advantages of cost accounting, Types of costing, cost unit, cost center, profit center. A) Elements of cost : Material, Labour , Overheads , Recording & Reporting of every cost element cost sheet B) Inventory valuation policy: FIFO, LIFO, Simple average & weighted average method.
Reference Books: 1. Advance Accountancy : M. C. SHUKLA . & T.S. GREWAL. 2. Advance accountancy : S.C. JAIN & K. L. NARANG. 3. Advance Accountancy : S. M. SHUKLA 4. Advanced Cost Accounting : S.C. JAIN & K. I. NARANG . 5. Cost Accounting : JAWAHARLAL . 6. Advance Accountancy : R. L. GUPTA & M. RADHASWAMI . 7. Principles & Practice of Cost Accounting : N. K. PRASAD . 8. Principles & Practice of Management Accounting : MANMOHAN GOEL.


PAPER III Managerial Economics 1) Meaning, features & Significance of managerial Economics. Scope of managerial Economics. 2) Demand Analysis Meaning, types of demands, & its determinants. Law of demand, Exception to law of demand, Consumer welfare measuring consumer welfare using demand curve. Elasticity of demand, AR & Elasticity, its relationship. Demand Forecasting Survey method & statistical method 3) Cost & Production Analysis: Cost concept, Cost output relationship, Cost curves, Production function, economies of scale least cost input combination, producer function. Measuring producer surplus using a supply curve COBB DOUGLAS production function. 4) Market structure Classification of market structure, price & output determination in perfect competition. Monopoly, price discrimination, Monopolistic Competition & oligopoly, competition maximises welfare- why producing less than the competitive output lower welfare? , Why producing more than the competitive output lower welfare? 5) Pricing practices: Cost plus pricing, incremental pricing, multiple product pricing, product line pricing . 6) Decision Analysis: Business Decision-Making, Certainty, risk & uncertainty, pay-off matrix, Source of business risk. Steps involved in analysis of risky decisions, risk premium & risk adjustment 7) Profit management: Role of profit in measurement of profit theories of profit. economy, Nature &

8) Macro Economics & Business: Business cycle & Business Policies, Theories of Business cycle. Monetary & non-Monetary.
Reference Books : 1) Managerial Economics Analysis Problems & cases P. I. Mehta . 2) Managerial Economics Application strategies & tactics James R. McGuigan R. Charls Moyer , Fredric H. Horris . 3) Managerial Economics G.S. Gupta . 4) Micro Economics Jefrrey M. pearloff . 5) Managerial Economics - P.L. Mote . 6) Managerial Economics D. M. Mithane.


Paper IV Organisation Behaviour I 1. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Introduction, Definition , Nature and Scope, Importance of the study of Individual and Organisation, Evolution of OB, Organisation as a social system, Approaches to OB. Individual Behaviour Introduction, Nature, understanding individual behaviour in organisation, importance, factors affecting individual behaviour Environmental factors, Personal Factors, Psychological factors. Personality Meaning , Determinants of Personality, process of personality formation, - Personality types Personality traits Assessment of personality, Personality & OB. Perception Definition, Nature, Basic Elements of Perception Process, Factors influencing perception, Social Perception, Decision Making, Attitudes and Behaviour. Values Meaning , importance and Relevance of Values to OB, Types of Values, Sources of values effects of values on behaviour, values, loyalty and ethical behaviour, values across culture. Attitude Definition, meaning, concept, types of attitudes, Attitude and consistency, Cognitive dissonance theory, attitude and workforce diversity. Job Satisfaction and interpersonal behaviour Meaning, performance and job Satisfaction, expression of dissatisfaction, time management goal Setting. Stress Management Meaning, Importance, Understanding Stress and its consequences, potential sources of stress, Factors causing stress, Managing Stress.








9. Career Management Meaning Definition, Phases in career, development, changing nature and concept of career planning. Reference books 1. Organisational Behaviour McShane Tata Mcgraw Hill 2. Organisational Behaviour Luthan 3. Organisational Behaviour Keith Devis 4. Organisational Behaviour Robins Prentice Hall 5. Organisational Behavior Baron & Greenberg Prentice Hall. 10


6. Organisational Behaviour Suja Nair Himalaya Publishing. 7. Organisational Behaviour K. Ashwathappa Himalaya Publishing. PAPER-V QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES FOR MANAGEMENT
1) Functions: Variable, constant, random variable discrete & continues random variable Meaning of functions, to find f (x) if x is known, functions used in business and economics, demand functions, supply function, cost function, revenue function, profit function, Newtons divided difference formula for unequal interval to determine the form of a function 2) Limits & Derivatives: Meaning of limits, meaning of Derivatives, Working rules of derivatives, application of derivatives to business & economics marginal cost, marginal revenue, maximisation & minimisation using second order derivative Determinants - Meaning of determinants ,Evaluation of second & third order determinants , Cramers rule. Matrices Meaning of matrix, order of matrix, addition of subtraction & multiplication of matrices, unit matrix, transpose of matrix, equality of two matrices, adjoint of matrix, inverse of matrix, scalar multiplication of a matrix, Application of matrices in business Mathematics of finance-interest calculation, annuity, present value of annuity. Meaning of Central Tendency-concept of Mean, Median & Mode, problems only on Mean, Measure of Dispersion mean deviation about median, Standard deviation & Variance. Correlation - Definition of correlation, Types of correlation Karl Pearsons correlation coefficient & its interpretation (continuous data be omitted) 9) Regression: Meaning of regression, least square method, linear & non linear regression, explained & unexplained variations 10) Probability -sample space, event, probability, problems of probability,

3) 4)

5) 6)


combination statements of additive & multiplicative laws of probability, dependant events, exclusive event, complimentary event, conditional probability (Definition of probability, distribution, Mean, S. D., p. d. f. of probability distribution.) 11 ) Index number : Price and value indices (only theory ) in business & economics



Note :

Use of Calculator is allowed. Examples based on Trigonometry to be avoided

Reference Books : 1) Business mathematics with applications: S. R. Arora . & Dinesh Khatter . 2) Fundamentals in Statistics : S.C. Gupta 3) Statistics for Management: Richard I. Levin & David S. Rubin . 4) Business Mathematics: Q. Zamiruddin & V.K. Khanna . S. k. Bhambri. 5) Business Statistics: S.J. Gupta & Indra Gupta.



Paper - VI Managerial Communication 1) Communication Meaning, Process of Communication, Barriers of Communication Techniques of Effective Communication Principles of Effective Communication 2. Written Communication A) Business Letters Layout , Enquiries, Circular, Quotas, order. Acknowledgment Execution Complaints, Claims & adjustment letters. Collection Letters ,Banking Correspondence, Agency Correspondence B) Organising Meeting - Preparation of Agenda, Minutes of Meetings, Resolution Types of Reports, Components of Reports. C) Applicants Letters, Resource Interview Letters, Of Reference Letter of Appointment Conformation , promotion , Retrenchment, Reassigned 3 ) Oral Communication A) Listening & Speaking. Extempore Speech Group discussion & Interview Techniques. B) Presentation - Presentation Techniques , Presentation of Speech. Presentation by using modern equipments. C) Non Verbal Expression - Body Languages Gestures Postures , Facial Expressions Dress Code. 4 . ) International Communication Importance of International Communication ,Principal of International Communication ,Principles For effective oral presentation 5 ) Use of Modern Electronic Equipment 1) Telecommunication, FAX, E. mail, Video conferencing Note 1. Every student has to deliver two extempore and two prepared speeches, 2. Students have to Organise minimum two meetings by following the Process. 3. Student has to write minimum two reports and the Teacher will allot different topics to every student.



Reference Books : 1 Basic Business Communication : Robert MaArcher. 2 Effective Business Communication :Murhy. 3 Excellence in Business Communication : Thill . 4 Handbook of Business Correspondance by : Frailey . 5 Business English & communication : Cleark . 6 Business communication : Pradhan & Thakur . 7 Business communication : Balsubramanium M. 8 Handbook of case writing : Culliton & James W.



Paper - VII Marketing Research

I. Marketing Research Meaning and Nature of Marketing Research. Applications and Limitations of Marketing Research. Threats to Marketing Research. Marketing Information Research. Marketing Research Management Introduction, Qualities of Marketing Research Manager, Evaluation and Control of Marketing Research, Marketing Research and Marketing Management. Formulation of Research Problem Design, Designing Data Collection forms. Choice of Research



Sampling Design Introduction, Characteristics of good sample design, Types of sample design. Determining Sampling Design and Sampling Size, Sampling Process, Advantages and Limitations of Sampling, Data Collection Primary data- observation- questionnaire Secondary data Sources of Secondary data. Interviewing Introduction, Conditions for successful interview, interviewing errors, selection of interviewers, training of interviewer. Field procedure Introduction designing selection and control procedure on field, Organizing and Conducting field work Processing and Analysis Editing Coding Preparing Mastersheet, Tabulation, various tools of Analysing data Interpretation and Report Writing Introduction Interpretation Oral Reporting Written Reporting Preparation of the Report.



Books recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Research G.C. Beri Research Suja Nair Himalaya Research Ramanuj Majumdar New age research Nargundkar Tata Mcgraw Hill Research Boyd , Westfal , Stasch - AITBS



INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and MIS(NEW) 1 Introduction to IT :- Concept , Component , Computers and Information System, Components of Information System, IT application in Management IT tool of MIS Components of MIS : Hardware: CPU, RAM, ROM, Storage Devices, Input/Output Devices, software: Operating Systems Languages and Packaes, Compiled versus Interpreted, Portability. Telecommunication: Circuit Switching versus Packet Switching, Local Area Networking Topologies (Ring, Bus, Star) Protocols (Contention, Token Passing, Polling) Network Operating Systems Communications Channels Copper Wire (twisted pair, cable) Fiber Optics, Wireless (satellite, microwave, radio, cellular) Wide Area Networks, Internet :EMail ,World Wide Web (HTTP), Internet Service Providers, Intranet, Extranets The Challenge Of Information System : Information System Software, Difference between computer literacy and information system literacy. Information needs at different organization levels. Major types of information system in organization and relationship between them, Enhancing management decision making, Artificial Intelligence. Managing Data Resources: Modern Database Environment : DBMS , logical and physical view of Data, Advantages of DBMS, Difference between DBMS and RDBMS, Database Trends : Distributed processing and Distributed Database, Object Oriented and Hypermedia Database. Strategic Role Of Information Systems And Building Information Systems : Information as a strategic resources and concept of strategic information system. Contribution of information systems to pursue competitive strategies. Building information systems: Contemporary approaches. Systems as a planned organizational change. System development & organizational change, Overview of system development System analysis, system design, completing this system development process. Alternative system building methods system life cycle, proto typing, application of software packages, end user development and outsourcing, System success and failure: causes of information system success and failure. E Commerce and ERP :E-Commerce scope: E-market, Internet commerce, EDI, M- Commerce, Application of E-commerce, ERP basic features, Benefits of ERP, Introduction to SAP, SAP Applications - an overview.

REFERENCE BOOKS : 1) Management of Information systems Jawadekar W.S. 2) Management of information systems James A. OBrien 3) Management of information systems Organisation and Technology by Kenenth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon. 4) Electronics Commerce : Whiteley 5) Information Technology : Peter Zorkosky .(East- West Press ). 6) Introduction to computer : V. Rajraman (PHI)



M.B.A PART-I (SEM-II) PAPER-IX Marketing Applications and Practices 1. MARKETING CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONSA. Introduction to marketing Nature and scope of marketing, the core concepts of marketing. B. Marketing of services Nature and characteristics of service, classification of services, importance of marketing in service sector, the future of service marketing. 2. PLANNINGA. Marketing planning process. B. Planning of marketing mix what is marketing mix? Elements of marketing mix, The place of marketing mix in marketing planning. C. Marketing segmentation Meaning and concept, benefits and doubts of segmentation, Basis of segmentation, Selection of segments, Market segmentation strategies, Product positioning. 3. UNDERSTANDING CONSUMERA. Determinants of consumer behaviour Meaning and definition of consumer behaviour, importance, factors influencing consumer behaviour, buying process. B. Brand Equity Definition, concept and advantages of customer relationship management (CRM). C. Indian consumer market Characteristics of Indian consumer market Demographic characteristics. 4. PRODUCT MANAGEMENTProduct life cycle concept, marketing mix at different stages, new product development and strategy. A. Product decision and strategies What is product? Types of products, product mix decisions, product line decisions. B. Branding and packaging decisions Brand name and trademark, branding decisions, advantages and disadvantages of branding, Pack, Packing, and packaging, features and functions of packaging. 5. PRICING AND PROMOTION STRATEGYA. Policies and practices Pricing methods, objectives, price determination policies. B. Marketing communication The promotion mix, Advertising and Publicity 5 Ms of advertising management. C. Personal selling and sales promotion Personal selling nature, process, importance, Sales promotion nature and importance, techniques.



6. Delivery Value A. Designing and Managing value networks and channels Marketing Channels and value networks, The role of marketing channels, Channel design and decision, Channel Management decision, Channel and integration and system, conflict co-operation and competition, E-Commerce marketing practices. B. Concepts Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics, Network Marketing Direct marketing REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. Marketing Management (Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control) Philip Kotler 2. Fundamental of Marketing William J. Stanton and others. 3. Principles and Practice of Marketing Philip Kotler 4. Marketing Management Rajan Saxena 5. Marketing Management S.A. Sherlekar 6. Service Marketing S.M.Zha



M.B.A.-I SEM-II PAPER X FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. Meaning, Importance and Objectives of Financial Management, Finance Functions, Structure of finance department, Emerging role of the Finance Manager in India. 2. Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements using the techniques of ratio analysis (preparation of statements using ratios should be avoided) and simple problems on fund flow analysis. 3. Working capital management Nature and need of working capital, determinants of working capital, cash management, receivables management and inventory management, estimation of working capital management, financing working capital. 4. Long-term financing sources of long term finance, Steps in raising long-term-finance. 5. Capital budgeting Nature and significance, techniques of capital budgeting Pay Back Method, Accounting rate of return, Net Present Value and profitability index simple problems. 6. Management of profits appropriation of profits, dividend policy (theories of dividend policy are excluded) determinants of dividend policy, bonus shares and stock splits. Share buyback. Reference Books. 1. Financial Management by Khan and Jain. 2. Financial Management by Prasanna Chandra (5th edition) 3. Financial Management by I M Pandey. 4. Management Accounting by Khan and Jain. 5. Financial Management by Bhalla.



Paper - XI Human Resource Management

1. Human resource management: Concepts, objectives, Scope, Difference between P.M & H.R.M, Strategic human resource, Evolution of HRM from commodity approach to systems approach. 2. Role of HRM : Role of HR Manager, Functions Managerial and operative functions, Significance of HRM, Role in Strategic management 3. Human resource planning : Concept, Importance of HRP, Concepts to Job analysis, Job description and job specification. Preparation to job description and job specification. 4. Procurement and Placement: Recruitment Defination, Objectives, factors affecting recruitment and sources of recruitment, Traditional and modern sources. Selection- definition, Essentials and significance of selection, Selection procedure, Concepts to Induction and placements. 5. Maintenance of Manpower: Safety and health programmes, Industrial accidents, occupational hazards, statutory provisions for safety health and working conditions under the Factories Act, 1948. Safety organization, Safety education and training. 6. Compensation Management: Components of Remuneration, Theories Expectancy, Equity and Agency theory. Factors affecting wage and salary levels, Challenges of remuneration. 7. Employee separation and superannuation : Voluntary Retirement scheme, Lay-off, retrenchment, Internal and external mobility, Separations. 8. Recent concepts : Human resource Audit, Research, Employees for lease, Moon Lighting by employees, Dual career groups, Flextime and Flex work. Reference Books: 1. Human Resource Management S.S.Khanka ( S.Chand & Co. New Delhi) 2. Human Resource Management V.S.P.Rao ( Excel books, New Delhi) 3. Human Resource Management Stephen Robbins. 4. Essential of Human Resource Management P.Subha Rao ( HPH) 5. Human Resource Management & Personnel Mgt. Aswathappa ( Tata Mcgraw Hill) 20


M.B.A -I SEM-II PAPER XII Manufacturing & Operations Management 1. THE PRODUCTION FUNCTION Nature & scope, activities, interface with other functional areas like Marketing, Purchasing, Finance, Personnel, Maintenance, R & D, concept of productivity. 2. TYPES OF PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Intermittent and continuos, job batch, mass and flow production systems, assembly lines balancing, emerging manufacturing technology option and choice. 3. PLANT LAYOUTS Product, process, fixed position and combination layouts. Flow lines cellular layout, U- shaped cells, workstation. 4. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL Objectives, various functions of PP & C, Elements of scheduling, Master scheduling, priority planning, facility loading, sequencing problem of scheduling. Production control activities, various control techniques. 5. QUALITY CONTROL Quality control, importance, Introduction to total quality management, cost of quality. inspection,

6. MAINTENANCE Objectives, types of maintenance, breakdown and preventive maintenance. 7. MATERIAL MANAGEMENT CONCEPT Primary and secondary objectives, its importance in present context, scope and activities of materials management and organisation. 8. INDUSTRIAL PURCHASING Functions, steps in purchasing procedure, purchasing policy. 9. Stores Functions- Storage equipments, material handling in stores & stores layout. 10.INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Type of inventory management systems, Fixed Order quantity and periodic review system, selective control of inventory ABC Analysis, VED Analysis. 11.MAKE AND BUY DECISIONS Technical, commercial and economic factors, Case studies in make or buy decision, Application of Break Even Analysis.



REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. Operation management Buffa 2. Operation management Worth 3. Operation management Chunawala, Patel.

PAPER - X III ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT FOR BUSINESS SECTION I 1. Indian economy Basic characteristics of Indian economy, major problems of Indian economy, objectives and strategy of economic planning, 8th and 9th five year plans, public sector and Indian planning, privatisation, liberalisation and globalisation of Indian economy. 2. General profile of agriculture and industry in India, interdependence of industry and agriculture for economic development in India, cooperative movement in India problems and prospects. 3. Industrial growth Role and pattern of industrialisation, Industrial growth rate and structural composition, large scale, small scale and medium scale industries, performance and problems, sickness in Indian industry. 4. RBI and its monetary policy, fiscal policy, reforms in banking sector, union budget.

1. International trade Distinct features of International transactions, Indias international trade exports and imports, India and world economy. 2. The rate of exchange Foreign exchange and its instruments, foreign exchange market, rate of exchange, change in exchange rate, speculation in currency trading, market rate and equilibrium rate of exchange. Rupee convertibility its importance and steps taken by Indian Government.

3. Balance of trade and balance of payment The balance of payment accounts, importance of balance of payments, the structure of balance of payment, disequilibrium in the balance of payments and its kinds, causes of disequilibrium, monetary and non monetary measures.

4. Role of organisations such as IMF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and European Union



5. WTO Structure, features and functions, major trade agreements. 6. Multinational Corporations Features of MNCs, classification of MNCs, role of MNCs in developing countries, drawbacks of Multinational Corporations. MNCs and FEMA.

REFERNCE BOOKS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Indias Economic Future V.V. Bhanoji Rao Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian Economy K.R. Gupta Indian Economy Ruddar Datt and K.P.M Sundharam Indian Economy S.K. Mishra and V.K. Puri Indian Economy A.N. Agarwal International Economics D.M. Mithan Business Environment Francis Cherunilum



PAPER XIV Legal Aspects of Business 1. 2 Administration of law & legal system in India . Introduction to legal aspects of Business in general Indian Contract Act (1872): a) Definition (Sec.2) b) Essential elements of a valid contract. c) Competency to enter in contracts (Sec. 11 & 12). d) Consent Free consent, Coercion, undue influence, fraud, mis-representation, mistake (sec 13-23). e) Void Agreement (sec 24-30) f) Consequences of breach of contract (sec73-75).

3. The Companies Act (1956) : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) J) Definition & characteristics of a company. Company distinguished from partnership. Kinds of Companies. Provisions relating to incorporation & Memorandum of Association , Articles of Association , Prospectus. Capital Structure, Shares & Debentures Management & administration Meetings & proceedings Directors, Boards powers & restrictions thereon. Prevention of oppression & mis-management. Winding up.

4. Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 a) b) c) d) e) Characteristics of negotiable instrument Promissory Notes, Bill of Exchange & Cheque. Negotiation (sec 46to 60) Special rules of evidence.(sec118 to 122) Crossing of cheque & dishonor of cheque (sec138 to 142)



5. Consumer Protection Act 1986. a) Definition of Defect, consumer dispute, deficiency , goods manufacturer, restrictive trade practices, service, unfair trade practices b) Central Consumer protection council, State Consumer protection council. c) Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum & provisions relating to the same. d) Drafting of consumer complaint. 6 .Industrial Dispute Act 1947 a) Definition of Industry, Industrial dispute (Bangalore water supply v/s A. Rajjappa AIR 1978 SC 548) Lay off, Lock out, retrenchment, wages & workmen. b) Provisions relating to strikes & lockouts c) Unfair practices on the part of the employers, trade unions of employees & workmen.

Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bare Acts- Govt. or Private publication Indian contract Act- Mulla Business Law- Gulshan Kapoor Commercial Law including company & industry law- Sen and Mitra Elements of merchantile law- N.D. Kapoor Indian companies Act- Ramayya.



Paper XV Organisation Behaviour II 1. Group Behaviour Definition and Classification of Groups, Group Structure formal leadership roles norms, status. Formal and informal groups, stages of group development. Determinants of group behaviour. 2. Group Dynamics Concept, Small groups in organisation why do people join groups, group decision making nature and style, how group takes decisions, strategies for improving group decisions, small group and managerial implications. 3. Work Teams Nature , Team Vs Group, , Problem Solving Teams , self managed work teams, Cross functional teams , creating effective teams work design , composition , teams and quality management, shaping team players, teams and workforce diversity, reengineering mature teams. 4. Organisational Design and Structure Nature , concept of OD , the concept of work design, Departmentation, Common Organisational designs, why do structure differs. 5. Organisational culture Meaning and Definition, cultural dimensions, Culture creation, managing cultural diversity in organisation, Changing the culture. 6. Organisational change Concept, Process of change, Resistance to change from employees and from organisation, forces of change, managing planned change, approaches to manage organisational change. 7. Conflict Meaning , concept, functional and dysfunctional conflicts, Levels of conflicts, intra personal and interpersonal conflicts, conflict process. 8. Power and politics Definition of power, bases of power, Acquisition of power, implications on performance and satisfaction , sources of power in organisation, Organisational politics Nature factors causing organisational Politics.

Reference books 1. Organisational Behaviour McShane Tata Mcgraw Hill 2. Organisational Behaviour Luthan 3. Organisational Behaviour Keith Devis 4. Organisational Behaviour Robins Prentice Hall 5. Organisational Behavior Baron & Greenberg Prentice Hall. 6. Organisational Behaviour Suja Nair Himalaya Publishing. 7. Organisational Behaviour K. Ashwathappa Himalaya Publishing. 26


Paper - XVI Taxation Direct & indirect Taxes

A) Income Tax 1) 2) 3) 4) i) ii ) iii ) iv ) 5) 6)

Direct Tax

Scope of Income Tax Definition / Concepts ( to the Extent necessary to compute Taxable Income ) Residential Status and Scope of Income Incidence of Taxation Heads of Income and Computation there under. Salaries House Property Business Income Other Income Exclusion From Total Income ( S.10 ) Deduction from Gross Total Income ( Chapter VI A ) B ) Indirect Taxes

Introduction to Maharashtra Sales Tax and service Tax.




M.B.A. II SEM. III Paper XVII Corporate Planning and Strategic Management 1. Concept of strategy : a) Defining strategy b) Levels at which strategy operates c) Strategic Decision Making and Approaches to Strategic Decision making d) Mission and Purpose, Objectives and Goals e) Strategic Business Units f) Corporate Planning Process 2. Environment Analysis and Diagnosis : a) Concept of Environment and its components b) Environment scanning and appraisal c) organizational appraisal d)Strategic advantage analysis and diagnosis e) SWOT analysis 3. Strategy Formulation and Choice of Alternatives : a) Strategies Modernization, Diversification, Integration, Merger, Take-over and Joint Venture strategies, Turnaround divestment and Liquidation strategies b) Process of Strategic Choice Industry, competitor and SWOT analysis; Synergy and Dysergy, GAP Analysis; Porters Five forces Model of competition; Mckinseys 7s framework; GE-9 Cell Model, Bostans Consultancy Model c) Distinctive competitiveness; d) Selection of matrix e) Factors affecting Strategic Choice Cost, Leadership, Differentiation focus, value chain analysis, bench-marking, service blue printing. 4. Strategy Implementation :a) Inter-relationship between formulation and implementation; b) Issues in strategy implementation, Resource Allocation, Budgets, Organization structure c) Matching structure and strategy d) Behavioural Issues Leadership styles, Corporate culture and values power e) Social Responsibilities Ethics, Building capable organization; f) Functional Issues Financial, Marketing, Operations and Personnel Plans and Policies 5. Strategy and Structure: Structural Considerations, Structure for strategies, Organizational design and change. 6. Strategy Evaluation: Importance, Symptoms of malfunctioning of strategy, Overview of strategic evaluation, strategic control, techniques of strategic evaluation and control, Operational Control. 7. Strategies for competing in globalizing markets, New Business Models and strategic for Internet Economy. 8. Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry and company situation, strategy and competitive advantage in diversified agencies, Evaluating the strategies of diversified agencies.



Books Recommended : 1. Managing Business Enterprise : Strategies, Structures and Systems S.K. Bhattacharya and N.Venkatraman VHP 2. Business Policy Kaxmi Azhar Tata McGraw Hill 3. Strategic Management 12th edition - Thompson and Strickland Tata Mcgraw Hill 4. Strategic Management David Fred R. PHI 5. Implementing Strategic Management H.Igor Ansoff PHI 6. Strategic Management in Action Coulter Mary K. PHI 7. Cases in Strategic Management S.B.Budhiraj and M.B.Athreya Tata McGraw Hill. 8. The Competitive Advantage of Nations - Macmillian 9. Strategic Management R.Srinivasan. ---------------------------------------



M.B.A. - II SEM- III Paper-XVIII Management Accounting 1 Management Accounting concept, objectives & functions. Distinguish between management accounting and Financial accounting, Cost accounting and management accounting. 2 Management Control System a) Basic Concept b) Boundaries of Management Control c) Management Control Environment- Behaviour in organization- Goals; Goal Congruence, Informal factors and formal factors influencing Control Systems d) Functions of Controller e) Management Control Process and Strategic Planning. 3 Designing Management Control Systems a) Process of working within Organizational Structure/ Constraints b) Responsibility accounting concept. C) Identification and setting of Responsibility Centers: Types of Responsibility Centers cost centre, Profit Centre and Investment Centre c) Development of Measures of Performance, Monitoring and Reporting Results and Balanced scorecard. 3 Budget and Budgetory control : Concept of Budget, Budgeting and Budgetory Control , Organisation for Budgetary control- Budget Centres, Budget Committee, Budget Manual, Budget period, Principal Budget Factors. Advantages and limitations of Budgetory Control System. Classification of Budgets - Functional Budgets and Master Budget, Cash Budget, Flexible budgeting . Concept of Zero-base Budgeting 4 Standard Costing and variance analysis Meaning of standareds, Establishing Cost Standard, Components of Standard Cost. Variance Analysis- Cost Variances- Material, Labour and Overhead variances. Revenue Variances- Sales variances and Profit variances.

5 Management Control in Decentralized Organization : a) Divisional Performance Evaluation- Advantages and Disadvantages of divisionalisation, prerequisite for successful divisionalization. b) Transfer Pricing in divisionalised companies Objectives of Transfer pricing, Methods of Transfer Pricing, Transfer pricing conflicts. 6. Cost Volume Profit Relationship - Advanced Decisions under CVP Analysis 7. Activity based costing Objectives, important factors of selecting the cost drivers, activity cost based management, simple problems.

8. Variations in Management Control : Magagement Control in Service Organisations- Professional Services, Financial Services, Health Care and Non-profit organizations. Problems of management control in Multinational Organisation. 30


9. Reporting to Management : Objectives of Reporting, Reporting needs at different managerial levels, types of reports, modes of reporting. 10. Introduction to Audit : Function as a control tool covering Financial Audit, Internal Audit, Cost Audit and Management Audit- Principles and objectives. Problems should be covered on following topics only ( Level of Knowledge- working) a) Preparation of Functional budgets, Master budget, Flexible Budget b) Problem on Variance analysis.. c) Problem on Cost-Volume-Analysis d) Problem on Activity Based Costing Books Recommended : 1. Management Control Systems Robert N.Anthony & Vijay Govindarajan 2. Management AccountingHorngreen, Sundem, StrattonPHI- Latest Edition 3. Management and Cost Accounting Colin Drury Chapman Hall(ELBS) Latest Edition. 4. Management Control System Kirbi C.J. and Maciariello J.A.-PHI- Latest edition 5. Management Control System Anathony Dearden 6. Cost Accounting Horngreen, Foster and S.M.Datar PHI Latest Edition 7. Advanced Cost and Management Accounting, Textbook V.K.Saxena & C.D.Vasistha Sultan and Chand 8. Theory and Problems of Management and Cost Accounting M.Y.Khan and P.K.Jain Tata Mcgraw Hill Publication Co.Ltd. 9. Management and Cost Accounting- Colin Drury 10. Management Accounting M.P. Pandikumar Excel Books. ------------------------------------------------




1. Introduction to Sales Management: Concept, Nature, Role of Sales Management in Marketing, Salesmanship, Specific Characteristics of a successful salesman, The Evolving Face of Personal Selling 2. Sales Forecasting: Concept of Forecasting, Sales Forecasting methods, Quantitaive and Qualitative methods. 3. Sales Organization: Need for Sales Organizations, their structure, Sales Managers Functions and responsibilities, Planning for major customers and sales Budget. 4. Personal Selling Process and Approaches: Personal Selling and Relationship Management - Selling to individuals & Institutions, Basics, Sales leads, Planning sales calls - Types of calls, Building long term partnership by selling Sales presentations, tools for personal selling, Sales Aids Use of technology in sales effective selling techniques, Tele Marketing. 5. Managing the Sales Force: a) Recruiting, Selection and Training of Sales force: Procedures and criteria extensively used as selection tools for recruiting and testing sales ability. Sales Force Job Analysis and Description b) Areas of sales Training: Company Specific Knowledge, product knowledge Industry and Market Trend Knowledge, customers and technology Relationship Selling Process and Customer education. Value added selling c) Motivating the Sales Team : Motivation Programs - Sales Meetings, Sales Contensts, Sales Compensating, ( Monetary compensation, incentive programs as motivators, Non-Monetary compensation fine tuning of compensation package. Supervising, d) Evaluating Sales Force Performance and Controlling Sales activities: Sales Records and Reporting Systems, Improving Sales Productivity, Ethical and Legal Issues in Sales Management.

. 32


Books Recommended 1. Sales Management - Richard Rstill Edward W. Cundiff 2. Strategies for selling-Gerald A.Michaelson 3. Sales Management Handbook Forsyth Ptrick 4. Value added selling-Tom Reilly 5. Building a Winning Sales Team Gini Graham & Scott 6. Professional Sales Management Anderson, Hair and Bush 7. Motivation and Job Satisfaction M. D. Pestonjee 8. Sales Management Thomos 9. International Marketing Robert Reed..




M.B.A.-II SEM-III GROUP A : MARKETING MANAGEMENT PAPER-II INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS & CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR 1. Concept and Process of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC): Elements of IMCa) Advertising Classification of advertising, types, advertising appropriation, advertising campaigns b) Sales Promotion Different types of Sales Promotion, relationship between Sales promotion and advertising c) Publicity Types of Publicity , relationship between advertising and publicity d) Personal Selling e) Direct marketing and direct response methods f) Event Management g) E-Commerce h) Corporate Communication i) Public Relations Types of PR j) Media relations k) Community relations l) Industrial relations and m) Government relations n) Employee relations (House Journals / Newsletter) o) Crisis Management p) Trade Fairs and Exhibitions 2. IMC Message Design: AIDA model - Considerations for creative idea visualization 3. Media Management - Media Process - Media Jargons - Media Buying Strategies and execution 4. Suppliers in IMC: Hoarding Contractors/Printers etc., Ad. Agency Departments of Ad. Agency, Client Servicing-client Agency relationship, account planning 5. Consumer Behavior: Concept, diversity of consumer behavior, Characteristics of Indian Consumers. 6. Influences on the Consumer: Consumer needs, motives - positive and negative motivation - rational versus emotional motives. Consumer relevant reference groups - opinion leaders - family decisions making and consumption related roles - family life cycle - social class and consumer behaviour - influence of culture on consumer behaviour - cross cultural context. Diffusion of innovations: the diffusion process - the adoption process - consumer innovativeness and personality traits. 34


7. Consumer decision making: Models of consumer decision making - EngleKollatt-Blackwell model, Howard-Sheth Model, Bettmans Model, HCB Model. Concept of involvement & extensive problem solving - limited problem solving routinized responsive behavior. 8. Post purchase behavior: Consumer satisfaction concept & Models Expectancy Disconfirmation, Desires Congruency Model, Equity Theory, Attribution Theory, Cognitive dissonance, Consumer delight, consumer complaint behaviour. 9. Consumerism: Evolution of consumer society. Definition of consumerism, buyers & sellers rights, effects of consumerism. Books recommended: 1 Advertising and Promotions - Belch & Belch,Tata Mcgrew Hill 2001 2 Advertising Management - Rajeev Batra,John G.Myers & David A AakerPHI 3 International Edition - Contemporary Advertising Irwin/McGraw Hill 4 Integrated Marketing Communications - Duncon- TMH 5 Foundations of Advertising Theory & Practice- S.A.Chunawalla & K.C.Sethia- Himalya Publishing 6 Consumer Behaviour Suja Nair (HPI) 7 Consumer Behavior Leon Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk Pearson / PHI, 8/e 8 Consumer Behavior Hawkins, Best, Coney TMH, 9/e, 2004 9 Customer Behavior A Managerial Perspective Sheth, Mittal Thomson, 10 Conceptual Issues In Consumer Behavior Indian Context S Ramesh Kumar Pearson, 11 Consumer behaviour - Louden, Delebeta -----------------------------------



M.B.A.-II SEM-III GROUP A : MARKETING MANAGEMENT PAPER-III DISTRIBUTION AND RETAIL MANAGEMENT 1) Marketing Channels: Definition & Importance, Functions of Marketing Channels Intensive, Selective & Exclusive distribution strategies, Decisions in Channel Management 2) Wholesaling: Concept, Importance, Functions Wholesaler Marketing Decisions Trends in Wholesaling 3) Retailing: Concept, Importance, Functions - Indian Vs. Global Scenario 4) Retail formats: Store & Non Store Retailing -FranchisingUnconventional channels 5) Retail Location: Factors affecting location decision Site Selection Location based retail Strategies 6) Store Design: Interiors and Exteriors - Store layout Types of layouts Factors affecting store layout Store image mix Store Faade The Internet Store. 7) Store Administration: Floor space managementManaging store inventories and display 8) Merchandising: Concept, Importance, Functions Steps in merchandising planning Category management: Definition and process Introduction to Private label brands 9) Retail Communication Mix: Planning retail communication - Managing in-store promotions and events 10) Integrated Marketing Channels: Channels for Consumer goods, Industrial goods & Services Horizontal, Vertical, Multichannel Marketing Systems 11) Introduction to Supply Chain Management: Concept significance components. 12) Channel Management: Channel selection - Channel Conflicts & its Resolution- Channel Performance Evaluation 13) Technology in distribution: Barcoding RFID Electronic payment systems Books Recommended 1) Channel Management Stern El- Ansary 2) Retailing Management Swapna Pradhan 3) Retail Management Gibson Vedamani 4) Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Dr. Subhash Bhave 5) Channel Management & Retail Management Meenal Dhotre --------------------------------------



M.B.A.-II SEM.-III Group B- Financial Management -Paper I INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM 1. Introduction to IFS- System Overview of the Indian Financial System - Pre and Post 1991 period, Components of the formal financial system, Organisational structure of the Indian Financial System.

2. Capital Market Primary Market and Secondary Market A ) Primary Market - Public Issue, Right Issue and Private Placement. Steps in Public Issue, Role of various agencies in public issue-Merchant Bankers, Underwriters, Brokers, Bankers to the Issue, Registrar to the Issue. Promotional agencies. Concept of Book Building. (Exercise for internal -Analysis of any recent two IPO/Public Issue). B ) Secondary Market Constituents of Secondary Market Brokers, Sub Brokers, Depository, Custodians, Stock Exchange : Definition, Overview of Stock Exchanges in India, Trading on stock exchanges, Order types, cash/margin trading, Rolling Settlement, Role of Clearing House, Introduction to E-Trading. Introduction to Derivatives on stock exchanges, BSE Sensitive Index and Nifty. (Exercise for internals- Analysis of volume on stock exchanges, Sensex, FIIs investment) C ) SEBI Role of SEBI in capital market D )Accessing international capital market- Various instruments in the market. Introduction to NASDAQ and leading stock exchanges. 3. Money Market a) Concept of money market, money market Instruments and its features Money Market Intermediaries. b) Banking Management of Bank Funds, Concept of Core Banking, NPA, Securitisation, Innovations in E-Banking. Parameters for evaluation of Banks. c) NBFC- Major functions of NBFC. d) Role of RBI as a regulator. 4) Insurance Life Insurance and General Insurance a) Introduction to LIC and Private Insurance Companies. Major schemes and its features. b) Introduction public sector and private sector general insurance companies. Major schemes of these companie and its features. c) Role of IRDA 37


5) Mutual Fund Concept and role of MF, Fund structure and constituents, Legal and regulatory framework, valuation and taxation, Measuring and evaluating Mutual Fund performance.

Books Recommended 1. Financial Institutions and Markets- Bhole 2 Indian Financial System- Khan M.Y. 3 Financial Markets and Servies- E.Gorden and K.Natarajan 4 Indian Financial System Bharati V.Pathak 5 Indian Financial System H.R.Machiraju 6 Indian Financial System Dr.G.Ramesh Babu -----------------------------



M.B.A.-II SEM.-III Group B- Financial Management -Paper II FINANCIAL DECISION ANALYSIS 1. Capital Structure Decision: Financial leverage, Operating leverages, Indifference points. Approaches to appropriate Capital structure- EBIT-EPS Analysis, Designing capital structure. 2. 2. statement Financial Statement Analysis- Nature, Techniques- Comparative financial, Trend percentages, Common Size financial statement. Ratio Analysis- Liquidity, Activity, Profitability, Leverage ratios, Inter-firm analysis, utility of ratio analysis. 3. Funds Flow Statement analysis and Cash Flow Statements analysis Theory and Problems. 4. Venture Capital- Concept, features, venture capital financing- early and later stage, after care stage. Disinvestment mechanism, Indian venture capital scenario, SEBI(Chandrasekhar) Committee 2000. 5. Leasing Essential Elements, , Types of leases, Rationale for leasing, Mechanics of leasing, Leasing as financing decision. Impact of taxation on leasing decision. Higher Purchase Finance- Meaning & Characteristics, Lease financing v/s Hire purchase financing, Taxation Aspect. 6 Corporate Restructuring -- Merger, Types of Mergers, Economics of Merger, Acquisition and Restructuring Decisions : Reasons and advantages of merger, Mechanics of Merger, Terms of Merger, Takeovers, Joint Ventrues, Managing and Acquisition, Portfolio Restructuring, Financial Restructuring, Organisatinal Restructuring. Legal and Procedural Aspects of Merger 7.. Financial Management in Sick Units- Definition of Sickness, Causes of Sickness, Symptoms of sickness, Prediction of Sickness, Revival of a Sick Units. Introduction to BIFR. 8. Business Valuation conceptual Framework of Valuation, Methods of Valuation and Approaches to Value Measurements Market Value added approach, (MVA ),Economic Value Added approach ( EVA ). Books Recommended1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Financial Management- Fifth Edition- Prasanna Chandra Financial Management- Van Horne, James C. Financial Management and Policy- Bhalla V.K. Financial Management- Khan and Jain Financial Management- I.M. Pandey Management Accounting & Financial Accounting. M.Y Khan & P.K.Jain 7. Principles of Financial Management-R.P.Rustagi.



M.B.A.-II SEM.-III Group B- Financial Management -Paper III Project Planning And Working Capital Management 1 Project planning- Generation and screening of project ideas, Market and Demand Analysis, Technical Analysis, Financial Estimates and projections. 2. Capital Budgeting- Nature of , Data requirements : Indentifying Relevant Cash Flows, Evaluation Techniques- Pay Back Period, ARR, NPV, PI, IRR. Capital Budgeting additional aspects- NPV, IRR PI Methods comparision. Risk Analysis in Capital BudgetingDefinition of risk- Sensitivity analysis, simulation, Risk Evaluation Approaches- Probability Distribution Approach and and Decision Tree Approach. 3 Development of Financial Institution Evolution of Development of Fiancial institution, IFCI, IIBI Ltd., SIDBI, IDFC Ltd. The Export Import Bank of India, SICOM. Major schemes of Project financing and appraisal of term loans by financial institutions. 4 Working Capital Management Nature of Working Capital, Trade-off between Profitability and Risk, Determining Financing Mix. Planning of working capital Need for working capital, Determinants of working Capital, Computation of working capital. Working Capital Financing- Trade Credit, Bank Credit, Commercial Papers, Factoring. 6 Management of Cash- Motives of holding cash, Objcectives of cash management, Factors determining the cash need, Cash Management Basic Strategies, Cash Management Techniques. 7 Receivables Management Objectives, Costs - Collection Cost, Capital Cost, Delinquency cost, Default Cost. Benefits of Management of Receivables, Credit Policies, Credit Terms and Collection Policies. 8 Inventory Management- Concept, Benefits and costs of holding inventories, Inventory Control Techniques- ABC Analysis, EOQ, various levels, Safety stock. Books Recommended 1. Projects : Planning, Analysis, Selection, 2. Implementation and Review- Prasanna Chandra 3. Financial Management- P.V.Kulkarni & B.G.Satyaprasad 4 Financial Management M.Y.Khan & P.K.Jain 4. Working Capital Management- V.K.Bhalla 5. Working Capital Management- Scherr F.C. 6. Working Capital Management J.J.Hampton and C.L.Wagner --------------------------------5



MBA II SEM III. Group C HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. PAPER I STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. 1. Strategic Human Resource Management : Meaning , Benefits , Role of HRM in Strategic Management, Strategic Management Process, Steps in strategic management, types of strategies, linking company and HR strategy & challenges. Traditional HR vs Strategic HR. 2. Human Resource Planning : Definition , Objectives, Importance, Factors affecting HRP, Process of HRP, Employee Forecasting Trend analysis, Ratio Analysis, Scatter Plot, Computerized Forecasting, Delphi Method, Manager Judgement, Supply forecasting. 3. Training and Development Strategies Competency mapping; Multi-Skilling, Succession planning; Cross cultural training. 4. Performance Management Strategies Defining key result areas (KRA); Result based performance, Linking performance to pay; Merit based promotions. Competency based pay- Meaning, importance, pros, cons & results. 5. Induction & Placement- Induction Meaning, Induction Programme formal or informal, individual or collective, serial or disjunctive, Investiture or Disinvestiture, Requisites of effective programme. 6. Changing environment of HRM Internal and External factors. Internal factors Human Resource of Country, changing demands of employers, employees organization. External factors Change in Technology, Legal and Government, Customer Social factors, Economic and Political factors. 7. Corporate social Responsibility, Industrial social work, Social security concepts and components.
Reference Books : 1. Personnel Management by Edwin Flippo. 2. Personnel & Human Resource Management Text & Cases By P. Subba Rao. 3. Human Resource Management An Experiential Approach by H. John Bernandin & Joyce E.A.Russell. 4. Human Resource Management S.S.Khanka (S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi.) 5. Human Resource Management and Personnel Management Aswathappa (Tata Magraw Hill New Delhi) 6. Aspects of Labour Welfare and Social Security A.M.Sharma.




MBA II. SEM III. Group C HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. PAPER II TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 1. Training for Development Concept of Training and Development, Need for training , Importance of Training , Difference between Training and Development, Principles of Training and areas of training. Assessment of Training Needs, Training Methods- On the Job and Off Job Methods, Electronic Training Computer Based training , Electronic performance support system(EPSS) , Distance and Internet Based Training Tele-training, Video conferencing , Training via Internet , Learning portals. 2. Management Development needs, importance & Methods. Organizational Development Through Human Resource Development. 3. Learning Organisation : Linkage of Learning with Training and Learning Organisation, Organisational Learning, Instruments on Learning Organisation, Essentials for Developing a Learning Organisation, E-learning. 4. Performance Appraisal- Definition, Objectives, Need for Appraisal, Essentials of performance appraisals and problems of performance appraisal, Methods of Performance Appraisal- Traditional and Modern Methods- Graphic Rating-Scale, Straight Ranking Method, Paired Comparison Method, Critical Incident Method, Group Appraisal , Confidential Methods, Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale (BARS), Assessment centers 5. Managing Careers: Career Planning, Factors affecting Career Choices; Career Stages, Career anchors, Need for Career Planning, Managing Promotions, Transfers & Demotions. 6. Evaluation of Training Program: Kirkpatrick approach, Bells systems approach, CIRO approach, Types of evaluation instruments. Cost-benefit analysis. 7. International training - Training strategies, Expatriate training stagesobjectives, Global assignments, cross cultural training, training effectiveness, CCT programme & CCT effectiveness.
Reference Books: 1 Training Manual on Human Resource Management & Organisational Learning V.N.Srivastava & Girdhar J.Ghyni. 2. Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler. 3. Human Resource Management by Robbins. 4. Human Resource Management P. Subba Rao. 5. Human Resource Management and Personnel Management Aswathappa (Tata Magraw Hill New Delhi) 6. International Human Resource Management- Aswathappa --------------------------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group C HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. PAPER III INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & INTEGRATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE. 1. Industrial Relations:- Meaning & Objectives, Importance, Role of Three Actors to Industrial Relations State, Employer & Employees, Causes for poor IR, Developing sound IR. Ethical approach to IR, Code of conduct. 2. Trade Unions Meaning, Why do workers join unions, Types of trade unions, Theories to trade Union, Trade union movement in India, Problems of trade unions, Functions of trade unions, Trade union Act Registration of trade unions, Need for Recognition & Rights to recognition of trade unions, Central trade unions in India. 3. Industrial Disputes Definition, Causes of Industrial disputes, Types of Industrial disputes, Prevention of Industrial disputes, Settlement of Industrial disputes. Industrial Dispute Act Conditions to Strikes, Lock-outs, Lay-off & Retrenchment, Laws relating to standing orders. 4. Collective Bargaining Definition, Importance, Prerequisites of collective bargaining Union bargaining process Types of bargaining Collective bargaining in India. Grievance & Disciplinary procedure Meaning, Need & procedure. 5. Integration of Interest Individual & organizational problems in Integration. Integration process. 6. Quality of Work Life and Quality Circles: Meaning of quality of work life Quality Circles- Objectives- Process, Structure and problems- workers participation in management and quality circles Concept of empowerment. 7. Minimum Wage Act, 1948 objective, Fixing of minimum wages & Advisory committee or Board. The Payment of wage Act, 1936 Fixation of wage periods, time of payment of wages, Deductions which may be made under it. 8. The Provident fund Act objectives, Provisions, Administration. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 Objectives, Main Provisions, administration. The Bonus Act, 1965 and The workmens Compensation Act.



Books Recommended : 1. Personnel Management by Edwin Flippo. 2. Personnel & Human Resource Management Text & Cases By P. Subba Rao. (Himalaya Publishing house) 3. Dynamic Personnel Administration by Prof. M.N. Rudrabasavraj. 4. Dynamic of Industrial Relations in India by C.B.Memoria. (Himalaya Publishing house) 5. Human Resource Management S.S.Khanka (S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi.) 6. Industrial Relations & Collective bargaining Nirmal Singh & S.K.Bhatia ( Deep & Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.) 6. Human Resource Management and Personnel Management Aswathappa (Tata Magraw Hill New Delhi) 8. Labour Laws S.K.Bhatia. ------------------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group D System Management Paper-I Management Information Systems ( MIS )

1. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES OF MIS : The role and importance of information systems, The place of information systems in the organisation, The power of MIS, strategic role of information systems. Uses of MIS. 2. THE CHALLENGE OF INFORMATION SYSTEM : Difference between computer literacy and information system literacy. Information needs of different organisation levels. Major types of information system in organisation and relationship between them, Enhancing management decision making, decision support systems (DSS) understanding DSS, characteristics components, major DSS applications. Group decision support systems (GDSS), - elements, characteristics, how GDSS can enhance group decision - making? Executive support systems (ESS) role of ESS in the organisation, developing ESS, benefits of ESS. 3. FOUNDATIONS OF INFORMATION SYSTEM : Devices and tools for interacting with MIS hardware, software and telecommunication. Managing data resources organising data in a traditional file environment and problems, modern database environment, logical and physical view of data, advantages of database management system. Designing database 3 models Hierarchical data model, Network data model, Relational data model, advantages and disadvantages of this model, database trends distributed processing and distributed databases, object oriented and hypermedia databases, management requirements for database systems data administration, data planning and modeling methodology, challenges in database management. 4. STRATEGIC ROLE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND BUILDING INFORMATION SYSTEMS : Information as a strategic resources and concept of strategic information system. Contribution of information systems to pursue competitive strategies. Building information systems: Contemporary approaches. Systems as a planned organisational change. System development & organisational change, Overview of system development System analysis, system design, completing this system development process. Alternative system building methods system life cycle, proto typing, application of software packages, end user development and outsourcing.



5. INFORMATION SYSTEM SUCCESS AND FAILURE : Major problem areas in information system, causes of information system success and failure, evolution of success of information systems. Principle causes of information system failure, appropriate strategies to implement the process. 6. APPLICATION OF MIS IN VARIOUS FUNCTIONAL AREAS : Marketing information systems, financial information systems, human resource information systems, production information systems. 7. Artificial intelligence: Need and Application. AI based systems: Fuzzy knowledge in rule based system; Expert system shells; working on an expert system shell; Development of an expert system modal for a functional area.

REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. Management of Information systems Gordon B. Davis & Margreth H. Olson 2. Management of Information systems Jawadekar W.S. 3. Information systems management in practice Ralph H. Sprague Jr. & Barbara C. McNurlin 4. Management of information systems James A. OBrien 5. Information system concepts for management 4th edition Lucas 6. Management of information systems 2nd edition Kroenke David. 7. Management of information systems Organisation and Technology by Kenenth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon. ----------------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group D System Management Paper-II Business Process Re-engineering & ERP 1. Conceptual foundation of business process Re-engineering: Role of information technology in BPR; Process improvement and process redesign; BPR experience in Indian industry; Process identification and mapping; Role/Activity diagrams; Process visioning and Bench marking. Business process improvement. Business process redesign; Man management for BPR implementation; Re-organizing people and managing change.

2. Enterprise Resource Planning Introduction What is ERP? Need of ERP Advantages of ERP Growth of ERP 3 ERP and Related Technologies Business process Reengineering (BPR) Management Information System (MIS) Decision Support Systems (DSS) Executive Support Systems (ESS) Data Warehousing, Data Mining Online Analytical Processing (OLTP) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 4. ERP modules & Vendors Finance Production planning , control & maintenance Sales & Distribution Human Resource Management (HRM) Inventory Control System Quality Management ERP Market 5. ERP Implementation Life Cycle Evaluation and selection of ERP package Project planning Implementation team training & testing End user training & Going Live Post Evaluation & Maintenance



6. ERP Case Studies Post implementation review of ERP Packages in Manufacturing , Services , and other Organizations

Books Recommended : Enterprise Resource Planning - Alexis Leon ERP Ware : ERP Implementation Framework - V.K. Garg & N.K. Venkitakrishnan ERP : By Leon , ERP Concepts and Planning - Garg & Venkitakrishnan Suggested Readings :1. Carr. D.K. and Johansson, H.J. Best practice in Re-engineering, New York, McGraw Hill, 1995 2. Champy, James Re-engineering Management; The mandate for new leadership London, Harper Collins 1995 3. Coulson - Thomas C. Business process Re-engineering; Myth and Reality, London, Kogan Page, 1994 4. Davenport, T.H. Process Innovation: Re-engineering Work Through Information technology, Boston, Harvard Business school Press 1993 5. Hammer, Michael Re-engineering the Corporation: a Menifesto for business revolution, London, Nicholas Brealey, 1993 6. Jayaraman M.S. etc. Business Process Re-engineering New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1994 7. Peppard J. and Rowland P. The essence of business process Re-engineering, New York, Prentice Hall Inc., 1995 -----------------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group D System Management Paper-III C PROGRAMMING Sr. No Topic 1 1 An Overview of C 1.1. A Brief History of C 1.2. C is middle-level Language 1.3. C is a Structured Language 1.4. Complier Vs Interpreters 1.5. The Form of a C Program. 1.6. Library & Linking. 1.7 Compilation & Execution of C. Program on Dos & Unix 2 2.Variables, Data Types, Operator & Expression 2.1. Character Set 2.2. C Token 2.3. Identifier & Keyword 2.4. Constant 2.4.1 Integer Constant 2.4.2 Floating Point Constant 2.4.3. Character Constant 2.4.4. String Literals 2.4.5. Enumeration Constant 2.5. Data Types in C 2.6. Data Declaration & Definition 2.7. Operator & Expression 2.7.1. Arithmetic Operator 2.7.2. Relational Operator 2.7.3. Logical Operator 2.7.4. Increment & Decrement Operator 2.7.5. Bitwise Operator 2.7.6. Assignment Operator 2.7.7. Conditional Operator 2.7.8. Precedence & Associativity of Operators. 3 3. Console I/O 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Character input & Output. 3.3. String Input & Output. 3.4. Formatted Input/Output (scanf/printf) 3.5. sprintf & sscanf 4 4.0 Control Statement 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Selection Statements 4.2.1. if 4.2.2. Nested if 4.2.3. The if-else-if 4.2.4. The ? alternative 4.2.5. The Conditional Expression 4.2.6. switch 49


4.2.7. Nested switch 4.3. Iteration Statements 4.3.1. The for loop 4.3.2. The while loop 4.3.3. The do-while loop 4.4. Jump Statements 4.4.1. The goto & label 4.4.2. The break & continue 4.4.3. The exit() function 5 5.0 Pointers Introduction Memory Organization The basics of Pointer The Pointer operator Application of Pointer 5. 5.6. Pointer Expression 5.6.1. Declaration of Pointer 5.6.2. Initializing Pointer 5.6.3. De-referencing Pointer 5.8. Pointer Arithmetic 5.9. Precedence of &, * operators 5.10.Pointer to Pointer 6 6.0 Array & String 6.1. Single Dimension Arrays 6.1.1. Accessing array elements 6.1.2. Initializing an array 6.2. Multidimension Arrays 6.2.1. Intializing the arrays 6.2.2. Memory Representation 6.2.3. Accessing array elements 6.3. Passing Single Dimension array to Function 6.4. Array & Pointer 6.5. Array of Pointer 6.6. String Manipulation Functions 7 7.0 Function 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Arguments & local variables 7.3. Returning Function Results 7.4. Call by reference & Call by value 7.5. Recursion 9 9.0 Structure ,Union, Enumeration & typedef 9.1. Structures 9.1.1. Declaration and Initializing Structure 9.1.2. Accessing Structure members 9.1.3. Structure Assignments 9.1.4. Arrays of Structure 9.1.5. Passing Structure to function 9.1.6. Structure Pointer 9.2 Unions 10 10.0 File handling 50


10.1. Introduction 10.2. Defining & Opening a File 10.3. Closing a File 10.4. Input/Output Operations on Files Reference: 1. C : The Complete Reference : Herbert Schildt 2. Let us C Solutions : Y.P. Kanetkar 3. Spirit Of C : Moolish Kooper. 4. Programming in C : S. Kochan. 5. C Programming Language : Kernighan & Ritchie. 6. Programming in C : R. Hutchison. 7. Graphics Under C : Y. Kanetkar ---------------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group E Production Management Paper-I INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING

1. Productivity :- Production System. Definition of Productivity, Factors affecting Productivity, Kinds of Productivity Measures, Increasing Productivity of Resources. 2. Work Study :- Definition and Concept, Objectives and need, Basic Procedure. 3. Method Study :- Need for method study, Procedure, Principles of motion Economy. 4. Recording of Method Study :- Use of various chart, Outline charts. Flow process chart for Worker and Materials. And Equipment. Man-machine chart, Two hundred chart, SIMO Chart, Multiple Chart, Multiple Activity Chart, Travel Chart, String diagram. 5 . Work- Measurement :- Technique of work, Measurement including estimating, Stop watch time study, Pre-determined time standards, Synthetic estimate of work times, Activity Sampling. 6. Computation Of Standard Time :- Elements, Types of Elements, Performance Rating, Allowances, Need for Allowances, Types of Allowances. 7. Ergonomics :- Nature of, Factors in ergonomics, Socio-technical System. Books Recommended :1. Work Study I.L.O. 2. Work study of Ergonomics L.C. Jhamb 3. Work Study Curie and Faraday 4. Industrial Engg. And Management O.P.Khanna ---------------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group E Production Management Paper-II Purchasing & Supply Management 1. Role of purchasing and supply management in business. Organization , Relationship with all other departments in the organization, Problems faced by Materials Management, Present status in India and the future. 2. Purchasing function, Procedure for purchasing, Design Specifications and engineering drawings, receiving of incoming quality inspection, Acceptance Sampling Plans, Importance and selection of source of supply, Evaluating performance of supplier, Vendor rating, Negotiation and price determination, Order preparation and follow-up, Legal aspects of purchasing. 3. Management of buying plans, Knowledge of stable and unstable market, Timing of purchase, Forward buying, Hand-to-mouth buying, Speculative buying, Hedging, Purchasing research, International Purchasing and global sourcing, receiving and issuing procedures, purchasing of capital equipment. 4. Stores management, functions, Classification and Codification, Story layout stores equipment, Preservation of materials, Two-bin system, Disposal of scrap and surplus. 5. Cost-reduction techniques, Standardization, Simplification and variety reduction, Value analysis. 6. Factors influencing make or buy decisions, Analysis of make or buy decisions. 7. MRP and JIT Systems, Controlling the timing factor. 8. Computerized materials, Management system, Documents in inventory, Purchase requisition, Purchase orders, Receiving and inspection formats, Frequency and types of management reports. BOOKS RECOMMENDED :1. Purchasing and materials management - D.W. Dobler 2. Handbooks of materials management- GopalKrishnan P. and Sudarshan . 3. Purchasing principles and management - Baily. ----------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group E Production Management Paper-III Production Planning and Inventory Management 1. Forecasting and Production : Objectives, Factors affecting accuracy of forecast, Methods of forecasting. 2. Production planning to meet regular and seasonal demands, Routing, Loading, Scheduling dispatching and progress chart. 3. Aggregate Planning, Job shop planning, Line balancing, Planning versus execution. 4. Materials requirement planning, Perspective, Bill of materials, Master production schedules, Inventory status, Methodology, Explosion of requirements, Determining Gross Net Requirements and various reports. 5. Various documents used in production planning and control. Application of computers in PP & C. 6. Role of inventory Planner in production planning, Use of inventory turn to stimulate productivity improvements, Effect on service level, ROL, Integration of sales forecast, Production planning and inventory management. BOOKS RECOMMENDED :1. Principles of production control - Burbidge 2. Production and inventory control Handbook - Greene, James H. 3. Production and inventory control - Mc Leavey, Dennis W. And Narasimohan S.L. 4. Manufacturing planning and control - Valiman T.E. etc. -------------------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group F Agriculture and Co-operative Management Paper-I CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT 1. Origin of Co-operative Movement: Meaning: Origin and Development of co-operative movement in world and in India. Feature and Principles of co-operation. Application of co-operative principles in practice;Co-operative sector and Economic Development 2. Co-operative Management: Nature and functions: Process of establishing a co-operative unit. Professionalism in co-operative management, placement and the role of the Board of Directors in co-operative management. Role of leadership in cooperative management. Development of co-operative leaders. State and cooperative Movement: Role of state in co-operatives agencies, state Aid and State Regulations. 3. Legal Framework for Co-operatives: Approach towards co-operative legislation: Administration of Co-operative; Effect of Co-operative Law on management. 4. Rural Credit: Need, Objectives, Sources of Agricultural Finance; Rural indebtedness; Factors Analysis and Implications; Systems of Rural and Agricultural credits in India. 5. Co-operative Finance to Agricultural Sector: Short and Medium term Finance: State Co-operative Banks; District and Central Co-operative Banks; Primary Agricultural Credit Co-operative Society and Land Development Banks.
Books Recommended: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ansari A.A.- Co-operative Management Pattern. Akrnat J.S.- New Dimensions of Co-operative Management. Goel B.B.-Co-operative Management and Administration. Sah A.K.-Professional Management for Co-operatives. Ajit Singh-Rural Development and Banking in India. Dandekar V.M.- Financing small and Marginal Farmers through co-operative credit structure. 7. Naidu L.K.-Bank Finance Rural Development. --------------------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group F Agriculture and Co-operative Management Paper-II AGRICULTURAL MARKETING 1. Marketing environment for agricultural products: Rural Markets; Socio-cultural-political Environment influencing agri Marketing. 2. Marketing System: Marketing of consumer durable and non-durable goods and services in the rural markets with special reference to product planning, media planning. Planning and distribution channels and organizing, personal selling in rural markets in India. 3. Marketing of Agricultural Inputs: Meaning of Agricultural Inputs, Agriculture inputs with special reference to fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and other inputs. Organizations and functions of agricultural Marketing in India. 4. Product Planning, grading and packaging for Domestic and Export Markets: Product decision-Concept of product, brand, packaging. Need for grading reliability of the quality of the products as a basis of price examination: Grade determination techniques; AGMARK, BIS Grades and standards prevailing in other countries. Quality Standards of Agricultural Commodities. Domestic and Export Markets: IS 14000;ISO 9000, Quality Assurance in the Domestic/Export markets for Agricultural Products. 5. Pricing of Agricultural commodities. Pricing decisions: Factors influencing pricing decisions, Perceived value pricing. Role of Institutions in determination of prices of agricultural commodities, Processing facilities for different Agricultural Products. Role of warehousing, Determination of agricultural prices and marketing margins. Role of agricultural price commission. Concept of Value and Value Addition: Pricing in Competitive Environment; Various Pricing strategies. 6. Promotion of agricultural Products: Concept of promotional mix, Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and public relation. Applying appropriate promotional mix for agricultural products, Problems of promoting agricultural products, Possible solutions.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Books Recommended: Arora R.C.-Integrated Rural Development. Mishra S.N.- Politics and Society in Rural India. Porter, Michael E- Competitive Strategy Philip Kotler -Marketing Management. Rudra AShok-Indian Agricultural Economics-Myths and Realities. Stalk George-Competing Against Time. Export Management -Prof. Laxmi Narayn. ----------------------



MBA-II SEM III. Group F Agriculture and Co-operative Management Paper-III AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT

1. Fundamentals of Farm Management: Scope of modern agriculture, special features of agricultural and industrial production, difference between farm and non-farm business management. 2. The farm as household and business unit: Role of Management-Types of decisions, restraints upon the decision makers, change and uncertainty in relation to management; decision making criteria; methods of mitigating the effects of risk and uncertainty; Time as a factor in decision-making. 3. Farm production systems and management functions: Peasants, proprietorship, co-operative farming. Capital farming, corporate farming. Land tenure systems and agricultural production management. 4. Farm Economics: Demand for agricultural products, Production and supply of farm productProduction function and its type, Law of Diminishing Returns Input combinations; Production management decision-Factor-factor decisions, factor-products decision, product-product decision, relationship between outputs. 5. Farm Technology: Effects of new technology, management and technology change, gains from technological improvement to producers and consumers, mechanism and automation. Green houses 6. Supply response in agricultural Production: Aggregate supply, supply of individual products, short and long run supply, peculiarities in supply. 7. Cost of Production: Estimation of cost of production of farm products, cost of A, B, C -- Problems in cost estimation 8. Issues in Farm Management: Size-Productivity debate, Measurement of farm efficiently, Irrigation Management, Production Planning -Specialisation and diversification.



Books Recommended: 1. Robertson C.A.-An Introduction to Agricultural Production Economics and Farm Management -Tata Mcgraw Iii11. 2. Heady, Earl O and Jensen Herald R-Farm Management Economics Prentice Hall 3. Barnard C.S. and Nix J.S,-Farm Planning and Control 4. Blake C.D.-Fundamentals of Modern Agriculture 5. Sandhu and singh - Fundamentals of Agriculture 6. Agrawal A.N.-Indian Agriculture 7. Sharma A.N. and Sharma V.K.-Elements of Farm Management. -----------------------------------



M.B.A. II SEM. IV Paper-XXVI Entrepreneurship Development and Project Management

1. Foundations of Entrepreneurship Development: Concept and Need of Entrepreneurship Development Definition of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Invention, Creativity, Business Idea, Opportunities through change. Concepts of Entrepreneur, Manager, Intra preneur / Corporate Entrepreneur comparative study - Roles, Responsibilities, Career opportunities. Entrepreneurship as a career, Entrepreneurship as a style of management, The changing role of the entrepreneur: mid career dilemmas Closing the window. Sustaining Competitiveness - Maintaining competitive advantage. 2. Theories of Entrepreneurship: Innovation Theory by Schumpeter & Imitating Theory of High Achievement by McClelland X-Efficiency Theory by Leibenstein Theory of Profit by Knight Theory of Social change by Everett Hagen 3. Influences on Entrepreneurship Development : a. Entrepreneurial Traits b. External Influences on Entrepreneurship Development: Socio- Cultural, Political, Economical, Personal. Entrepreneurial culture with special reference to Intrapreneurship / Corporate Entrepreneurship. c. Entrepreneurial Success and Failure: Reasons and Remedies. 4. Women Entrepreneurs: Challenges to Woman Entrepreneurs, Achievements of Woman Entrepreneurs, Role Models of Woman Entrepreneurs. 5. Creating Entrepreneurial Venture - Entrepreneurship Development Cycle 6. Business Planning Process - The business plan as an entrepreneurial tool Elements of Business Plan, Objectives, Market Analysis, Development of product / idea, Marketing, Finance, Organisation & Management, Ownership, Critical risk contingencies of the proposal, Scheduling and milestones. 7. Project Management Technical, Financial, Marketing Personnel and Management feasibility Reports Financial schemes offered by various financial institutions like Commercial Banks, IDBI, ICICI, SIDBI, SFCs, Venture Capital Funding, Angle Capitalist 8. Entrepreneurship Development and Government Role of Central Government and State Government in promoting Entrepreneurship with various incentives, subsidies, grants etc. with special reference to Export oriented unites



Role of the following agencies in the Entrepreneurship Development 1. DIC District Industrial Center 2. SISI Small Industries Services Institute 3. EDII Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India 4. NIESBUD National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development 5. NEDB National Entrepreneurship Development Board

Note: Case studies of Entrepreneurs successful, failed, turnaround ventures should be discussed in the class. Exercises / activities should be conducted on generating business ideas and Identifying problems and opportunities Interactive sessions with Entrepreneurs, authorities of financial institutions, Government officials should be organized

Books Recommended: 1. Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Development Vasant Desai. 2. Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation David H. Holt 3. Entrepreneurship Development New Venture Creation Satish Taneja, S.L.Gupta 4. Project management K. Nagarajan. 5. Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Resources Marc J. Dollinger 6. The Culture of Entrepreneurship Brigitte Berger.




M.B.A.II SEM- IV Paper-XXVII Managerial Excellence 1. What is Excellence ? The foundation of Excellence a) Strategy (Customer, Competitors and Company) and culture (Commitment, Competence and Consistency) b) Using strategic Thinking, The essence of strategic Thinking, How to think strategically , Replacing Planning Planning with strategic thinking c) Culture Awareness and Culture Building, Assessing an Organizations Culture d) How to match strategy and culture ?

2. Necessary Skills to achieve Excellence : Creative Insight Importance of insight in selecting the successful strategy, How to become a Insightful executive; b) Sensitivity Importance of Sensitivity in Initiating Strong Cultures, How to become a sensitive executive; c) Vision Importance of Vision in uniting Strategy and culture, How to become a visionary executive, d) Versatility Importance of Versatility in converting Threats into opportunities, How to become a versatile executive, e) Focus Importance of Focus in exploiting the change, How to become a focused executive, f) Patience Importance of patience in lasting the excellence, How to become a Patient Executive. g) Positive Thinking Benefits of Positive Thinking, Steps to building a positive attitude. 3. Creating Excellence : a)Startup Organizing Strategy and culture, b) Growth Holding Strategy and culture together and Determining Appropriate Strategy, c) Crisis Radically Altering Strategy and culture, d) Evolution Fine tuning strategy and culture i.e. Carefully Evolving strategy Culture Alloy 4. Leadership : Role of Individual Leaders in Creating Excellence b) Leadership Styles- Charismatic Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Visionary Leadership c) Contemporary Issues in Leadership Emotional, Intelligence and Leadership, Team Leadership, Cross-cultural Leadership. 5. Emotional Intelligence : Importance of Emotions and Emotional Intelligence in creating Excellence : Emotional Literacy a concept, Emotional Intelligence Applied, Improving Emotional Literacy 6. Creating Excellence in the process : TQM Objectives , procedure b) ISO series an overview, c) Quality Standards d) Kaizen way of thinking Usefulness of Kaizen in managing for Excellence e) 5 S concept, Total Productivity maintenance f) Six Sigma Concept, a tool to make improvements in all operations within a process g) Stages of six sigma implementation Discover, Decide, Organize, Initialize, Deploy, Sustain, h) Studying minimum one international company that achieved an excellence and sustained growth with the help of application of Six Sigma Strategy (e.g. General Electric) 62


Books Recommended 1. Creating Excellence Craig R.Hickman & Michael A.Silva George Allen & Unwin, London Universal Book Stall, New Delhi 2. Six Sigma Mikel Harry and Richard Scroeder Doubleday, A division of Random House Inc. Newyork. 3. Secrets of Break- through Leadership Peter Capezio and Debra Morehouse Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai. 4. Organizational Behaviour Stephen Robbins PHI, New Delhi 5. Achieving Managerial Excellence S.K.Bhattacharya Published by S.G.Wasani for Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi 6. Managing Creativity for Corporate Excellance- P.N.Rustogi 7. The EQ Edge- Stevan J.Stein and Howard E.Book




M.B.A. II SEM. IV Paper-XVIII Business Ethics 1 Business Ethics : Importance of Ethics in Business, Globalisation and sustainability - Traditional Theories, Application of Traditional Theories to Modern Businesses. Overview of Ethics Value Systems, Trusteeship Management- Gandhian Philosophy of Wealth Management Business and Society: Changing concepts and objectives of Business, Responsive Management, Corporate Social policy, Management by Values, Social responsibility and profitability, Forces inducing Social Responsibility. Social responsibilities of Business Organization. Basic Framework of Normative Ethics,: Ethics and Decision Making, Ethical Aspects Corporate Policy, Morality and Rationality in Organisation, Moral Relationship between Individual and Organisation. Making Moral Decisions. Conflict between personal values and organizational goals. Corporate culture, Consumerism and Ethics: Consumer Rights, Exploitation of consumers, Consumer Protection, U.N. guidelines for Consumer Protection, Consumer Protection and Consumerism in India, Ethics in Advertising, Woman in Advertising. Responsibilities of Advertising Agencies Corporate Governance: Meaning, Importance, prerequisites, regulatory and voluntary actions, Corporate Governance in India. Ethics in Business Disciplines- Ethics and HRM, Ethics and Marketing, Ethics in Finance and Accounting, Ethical implications of Technology. Ethics and Information Technology. Business ethics and Environment Management: Basics of Environment, Environment pollution, Ozone Depletion, Global Climate change, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Waste Management. Environmental Regulations WTO environmental provisions, Environmental Regulation in India, Environment Protection. Making decisions in Business Ethics what is an Ethical decision, Models of ethical decision making, Individual influences on ethical decision making, situational influences on decision making.



Books Recommeded 1 Business Ethics- Andrew Crane & Dirk Matten. 2. Perspectives in Business Ethics- Laura Hartman-Mcgraw Hill 3 Business Environment - Francis Cherunilam, Himalaya 4 Business Ethics C.S.V.Murthy. 5 Management Policy and Strategic Management, R.M.Srivastava 6 Perspectice Management by V.P.Michael, 7 Business Ethics Dr.A.K.Gavai (Himalaya Publishing House) ---------------------------





Introduction to Services: Nature of Services; Characteristics of Services Intangibility, Inconsistency, Inseparability and Inventory; Search, experience and credence attributes, Classification of Services; Consumer versus Industrial Services. Global and Indian Scenario in services sector: Importance of Services Marketing;Every business a service business; Service as key differentiator for manufacturing industries. Services Marketing Mix : Introduction to the 7 Ps of Services Marketing Mix;Product-Service Continuum; Standalone service products; Service products bundled with tangible products; Service Life Cycle. Distribution: Place Distribution Strategies for Services; Challenges in distribution of Services; Role of Internet in distribution of Services. Promotion: Promotion objective for Services ; Personnel Selling, Advertising and Sales Promotion; Role of Relationship Marketing in promoting services. Pricing: Factors involved in pricing a service product ; demand variation and capacity constraints ; Capacity Planning, Measures to respond to changes in demand; Reshaping demand using effective pricing. People: The key role of service employees in a service business; Services marketing triangle; Service profit chain, Concept of Service encounter Moment of Truth; Training and development of employees; Motivation and empowerment. Physical evidence: Nature of physical evidence; Importance of physical evidence in services; Tangibilizing through physical evidence; Servicescapes. Process: Service as a process & as a system - Different process aspects and managerial challenges - Strategies for managing inconsistency Customer role in services - Customers as co-producers; Self Service Technologies, Customer Service in Service Marketing












Customer Satisfaction & Service Quality: Monitoring and Measuring customer satisfaction , Order taking and fulfillment; Service Guarantee Handling complaints effectively; Defects, Failures and Recovery. Concept and Importance of quality in Services; How customers evaluate service performance, Service Quality Models Parsuraman-ZeithamalBitner(PZB)Gaps Model, SERVQUAL, SERVPERF Gronroos model Technology & Service Strategy: Applying technology to service settings, eservices.


Books Recommended 1. Services Marketing - Zeithaml , Bitner, Gremler & Pandit , TMGH, 4th ed. 2. Services Marketing - Christopher Lovelock 3. Services Marketing - Rampal & Gupta 4. Essence of Services Marketing - Ardian Payne 5. Services Marketing - Helen Woodruffe ----------------------------



M.B.A.-II SEM-IV GROUP A : MARKETING MANAGEMENT PAPER-V INTERNATIONAL MARKETING 1 Introduction to Global Marketing Deciding whether to go abroad, Deciding which markets to enter, Deciding how to enter the market, Deciding on the marketing programme, Deciding on marketing organization. Global Marketing Environment Economic Social Cultural Demographic Political Legal and Regulatory Geographic Technological Environment Global Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Global Market Segmentation, Global Targeting Global Product Positioning[study few Indian multinational companies entered into Global market]. Global Marketing Information System Elements of Global Information System, Sources of Information, Marketing Research, Global Marketing Research Control Product Decisions Basic Concepts Product characteristics, Product Design Decisions, Geographic expansion strategic alternatives, New product in Global Market.[Study various products of multinational companies entered in Indian Market] Pricing Decisions Global Pricing Strategies, Environmental Influences on Pricing Decisions, Transfer Pricing, Global Pricing Policy alternatives. [Staff & make companies of multinational products with Indian products. Consider consumer durable like soaps, shampoos & white goods.] Channel Decision Channel Objectives and constraints, Channel Structure, Channel strategy for new market entry Advertising Decisions 5 Ms of advertising Mission, Money, Message, Media, Measurement, Advertisement content, Advertisement copy, Global Media Decisions.[Study different ads of Indian & foreign on various TV channels.]



Export Procedure and documentation Important steps in export procedure, Documents Pre-shipment document, Documents related to goods, Certificate related to shipments, documents related to payment, documents related to inspection, documents related to excisable goods. Reference Books : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Global Marketing Management Warren J. Keegan International Marketing Francis Cherunilam Export Marketing B.S.Rathor and J.S.Rathor Global Marketing Management S.A.Sherlekar and V.S.Sherlekar Marketing Management Philip Kotler International Marketing Sak Onkvisit & John Shaw Pearson . -------------------------



M.B.A.-II SEM.-IV Group B- Finance Management -Paper IV INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 1. Investment : Concept, Investment v/s speculation, Characteristics of Investment, Investment Attributes, Investment Allternatives- Non-marketable Fixed Income Avenues- Bank Deposit, Company Deposit, Post Office Time Deposits, Monthly Income Scheme of Post Office, National Savings Certificates, PPF and EPFS. Other Investment Avenues Shares, FCD, NCD, Bonds, Gilt-edged securities, Units of MF, Life Insurance, Real Estate. Investment Attributes. Real Estate, Precious Objects. 2 Risk and ReturnMeasuring Historical Return, Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean. Meaning of Risk, Elements of Risk- Systematic Risk and Unsystematic Risk, Measurement of Risk-Variance and Standard Deviation. Measuring expected return and risk- Probability Distribution, Expected Rate of Return, Standard Deviation of Return. 3 Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Portfolio Return, Portfolio Risk, Portfolio Diversification, Optimal Portfolio. 4 Capital Asset Pricing Model- The Risk Reward Relationship- Basic assupitions, Capital Market Line, Security Market Line, Inputs required for Applying CAMP. 5 Random Walk Theory- Assumptions of Random Walk Theory, Market Hypothesis- Weak, semi-strong, strong efficient markets. Efficient

6 Debt Instruments- Types and features of debt instrument, Bond Pricing, Bond Yields, Risk in Debt, Interest Rate Risk, Rating of Debt Securities- Various Rating Companies in India, Process of Rating adopted by these compaies. Bond Portfolio Management- Passive Strategy and Active Strategy. 7 Analytical Framework for investment in Share- Fundamental AnalysisEconomic Analysis, Industry Analysis and Company Analysis. Technical Analysis- Charting Techniques, Technical Indicators. Trends, Indicators, Indices and moving averages applied in Technical Analysis. Evaluation of Technical Analysis. 8 Portfolio Management Specification of Investment Objectives and Constraints, Selection of Assest Mix, Formulation of Portfolio Strategy, Selection of Securities, Portfolio Execution, Portfolio Revision, Performance Evaluation. 9. Prepare Investment plans for individuals at various life cycle stages. A) Young unmarried stage B) Young Married stage I) Where both partners work II) If only one of the two partners earns the family living c) Young Married with Children Stage, D) Married with Older Children Stage E) Pre-Retirement Stage F) Retirement Stage. 70


Books Recommended 1. 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8. 9 10 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Donald E. Fischer and Ronald J. Jordon Modern Investments and Security Analysis Russell J.Fuller & James L. Farrell, Jr. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Prasanna Chandra Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management- M. Ranganatham and R.Madhumathi Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Punithavathy Pandian Investment Management by Preeti Singh Investment Management - V.A.Avadhani Investment Jane Cowdell Portfolio Management Samir Barua, J.R.Varma, V.Raghunathan Workbook by Association of Mutual Funds in India ---------------------------------



M.B.A.-II SEM.-IV Group B- Finance Management -Paper V INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 1 International Business Environment : Nature and characteristics of International Business, Globalisation and Indias financial sector reforms. Scope of International Finance, Importance of International Finance. 2 World Financial Markets and Institutions: International Banking, International Bond Market, International Equity Market. Introduction to NASDAC. 3 Foreign Exchange Market - Structure of Foreign Exchange Market, Types of Transactions, Exchange Rate quotations and arbitrage, Interrelationship between Exchange and Interest Rate.

4. Exchange Rate Mechanism- Exchange rate quotations, Determination of exchange rate in spot market and forward market. Factors influencing exchange rate, Theories of Exchange Rate Behavior Purchasing Power Parity, Interest Rate Parity, 5. Risks in International Operations : Exchange rate risk, Interest rate risk and political risk. Techniques of covering risks- Internal and External.

6. Exchange Control Regulations Export Credit Guarantee Corporation EXIM Bank Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India Convertibility, 7. Export Import Financing Mechanism Buyers Credit Suppliers Credit Financing in foreign currency for exports and rupee finance 8. Financial Management of the Multinational Firm Foreign Direct Investment Cost of Capital and Capital Structure of a Multinational Firm - Multinational Capital Budgeting Multinational Cash Management Country Risk Analysis International Taxation Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements Problems should be covered on following topics only. a) Exchange Rate quotations and arbitrage b) Determination of exchange rate in spot market and forward market. c) Techniques of covering risks d) Multinational Capital Budgeting Books Recommended 1. International Financial Management- Cheol Eun & Burce Resnick 2 Finance of International Trade Alastair Watson, Paul Cowdell 3. International Finance A.V.Rajwade 4. International Finance P.G.Apte 5. Exchange Control Regulations Nabhi 6 Global Business Finance- V.A.Avadhani 7 International Financial Management- P.K Jain & others. -----------------------------------72


MBA-II SEM IV. Group C HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. PAPER IV Personnel Administration - Application & Procedure 1. 2. Personnel Administration Definition, Nature, Objectives, Principles. HR Policy Manual How to develop a HR Manual, Who should use a policy Manual, What should be included in a Policy Manual. General Communication Drafting of appointment orders, Interview Letters, Promotion, Transfer & Appreciation Letters, Notices & Circulars. Wage & Salary Administration Objectives & Systems, Components of remuneration- wage and salary, incentives, fringe benefits, perquisites, Non-monetary benefits. Factors influencing employee remuneration, challenges of Remuneration. Concept of wages Minimum wage, Fair wage & living wage. Statutory Returns TDS, Professional Tax, Form 16 (A) PF contribution, HRA & conveyance. Incentives- Individual employee incentives and recognition programs. Piecework plans, Merit pay as an Incentives, Merit pay options, Incentives for professional employees, recognition based awards. Incentives for salespeople- salary plan, commission plan, combination plan, setting sales quotas, strategic sales incentives. Team/Group incentives. Incentives for managers and executives. Fringe benefits Defination, Objectives, Types of Fringe benefits. Grievance & Disciplinary procedure- Meaning, causes, Grievance procedure & disciplinary procedure. Suspension Orders, show cause, Notices, memo, chargesheet, warning, letter of termination & dismissal.




6 7.

Reference Books : 1. Guide on Labour Management forms and precedents (Law, Practice & Procedure) by S.D. Puri (Snow white publications) 2. Personnel Management by Edwin Flippo 3. Personnel Management by C.B. Mamoria 4. Dynamics of personnel Administration by Rudrabaswaraj. 5. Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler. 6. Personnel and HRM by A.M.Sharma. ----------------------------



MBA-II SEM IV. Group C HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. PAPER V Emerging Trends in HR Practices 1. International H.R.M Difference between Domestic HRM and IHRM, Managing International HR activites- HR planning, Recruitment & Selection, Recent trends in International Staffing, Performance management Setting goals, appraising & Providing feedback. HR Information System Meaning, Need, Advantages and uses. Designing of HRIS, Computerised HRIS, Limitation of HRIS. Computerized skill inventories, Global Talent Search. Managing HR in virtual Organisation Meaning, Types of virtual organization, Difference between traditional & virtual organizations, Advantages and disadvantages of virtual organizations, Features of virtual organization, Managing HR in virtual organization. Globalisation & HRM- Impact on Employment, HR Development, wage & benefits, Trade unions, Collective bargaining, Participative management & Quality circles. TQM & HR management :- Priniciples of TQM, Methods of Total Quality Management, HRM & TQM, HR strategy to TQM. HRD Accounting and Audit: HRA Introduction, need and objectives, methods and valuation models, benefits of HRA. HRD Audit: Meaning, methodology, issues, audit instruments, HRD Scorecard, Report. Re-Engineering HR Functions and Processes, implementing reengineering changes.







Reference Books : 1. Personnel & Human Resource Management P. Subba Rao. (Himalaya Publishing House) 2. International Human Resource Management :- Peter Dowling, Denice E.Welch & Schuler ( Excel Books. New Delhi.) 3. H.R.M by Gary Dessler. 4. HRM by Robbins. 5. Human Resource management Biswajeet Pattanayak. ( Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 6. Re-engineering of Human Resources Lyle Spencer (Jr) ( John Wiley and Sons) --------------------------------------------



MBA II SEM IV Group D- System Management Paper IV RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 1. Introduction 1.1 History : Advantages and limitations of RDBMS; Users of RDBMS, 1.2 Software Modules in RDBMS; Architecture of RDBMS. 2. Modeling Techniques 2.1 Different Types of Models, Introduction to ERD. 3. Hierarchical Database 4. Network Database 5. Relational Database Introduction; Codd's Rules; Concept of Domain, Tuple, cardinality; Comparison between HDB-NDB-RDB 6. Normalization Advantages and disadvantages of Normalization; 1NF-2NF-3NF- rules with examples; Anomalies. 7. SQL commands. Basic Structure, Set Operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, Nested Subqueries, Views, Complex Queries, Modification of the Database, Joined Relations, Data-Definition Language, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, Exercises. 8. Introduction to object oriented database Concept, Object binding in Oracle - Class, Attribute, Methods, Object type, Definition, Declaring and initializing, Methods, Alter and Drop type.

ORACLE Introduction to Oracle Architecture Queries Select with all options, Operators, Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical ( in, between, like, all, %, _, any, exists, is null, and ,or, not, Distinct) Order by clause SQL Functions Date, Sys_date , next_day, Add_months, last_day, months_between, Numeric ,round, trunc, abs, ceil, cos, exp, floor Character, initcap, lower, upper, ltrim, rtrim, translate, length, lpad, rpad, replace Conversion , to_char, to_date, to_number Miscellaneous , Uid, User, nvl, vsize, decode, rownum Group function , avg, max, min, sum, count, with Group by and Having Clause Nested functions. Joins Simple join Equi join Non equi join Self join Outer join Set operators (Union, union all, intersect, minus) 75


Sub queries and Correlated query DML statements (Insert, Update, Delete with where clause) TCL (Commit, Rollback, Savepoint) Locks in Oracle DDL Statements Data types Character Char,Varchar/varchar2,Long Number Number (p) - fixed point, Number (p,s) - floating point Date Raw Long raw Introduction to LOB datatypes (CLOB,BLOB, BFILE) Table Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, Rename Constraints ( Primary key, Foreign Key, Unique Key, Check, Default, Not Null, On delete, Cascade) Column level and Table level constraints Oracle Objects Views, Sequences, Synonyms, Index (Define, Alter and Drop) Introduction to Report writing using SQL (Title, Btitle, skip, set, pause, column, sql.pno, Break on, compute sum, set server output on.) Database Triggers Types of Triggers Enabling, disabling Predicates- inserting, updating, deleting Procedures and Functions Definition, Implementation and Execution

Books Recommended 1. Oracle8- William G Page Jr. and Nathan Hughes 2. Martine Gruber Mastering SQL - BPB ----------------------------------



MBA II SEM IV Group D- System Management Paper V Security and control Information system 1. Introduction to security; Need for security and control, Risks to information system data and resources, Definitions of information security, Computer crimes and virus, Internal control. 2. Types of security, Physical security; Threats to security, Physical access, fire and theft protection, Environmental hazards: Logical security; Threats to security, Access control identification, Authentication, Authorization, Password control and management Access control software; 3. Data security: Threats to security, Access controls, Back-up and recovery strategies. Data input/output control, Data encryption; Tele-communication security: 4. Physical security, Logical access security, Dial-in access security, Network management control, Authentication protocols, Internet, intranet/extranet security; Computer configuration and operation security: Hardware/Software security, Start up shut down procedures, Journals, Backup recovery strategies; 5. Personal security: Threats to security, Protection from people, Protection of employees; Security Planning: Risk and security policy, Security management, Business continuity planning, Security audit. Suggested Readings :1. EDP Auditing by Ron Weber 2. PC and LAN security by Stephan Cobb 3. Enterprise Security- protecting information assets by Michael E. Kabey 4. Enterprise Disaster Recovery Planning by Miora 5. Computer Security for Dummies 6. Internet Security by Derek Atkins et al 7. Systems Audit - Revati Shrira -------------------------------



MBA II SEM IV Group E- Production Management Paper IV Total Quality Management 1. Basic concept of Total Quality, Evolution of total quality management, components of TQ loop. 2. Conceptual approach to SQC, Acceptance Sampling and inspection plans, Statistical Process Control, Process Capability. 3. Quality assurance, Quality Audit, Quality certification systems-Introductory treatment to ISO 9000,QS 14,000 and QS 9000 and other standards. 4. Humanistic aspects of TQM: Management of Quality Circles and Zero Defect Program, Quality Improvement team, Role of workers, Supervisors and Management in TQM. 5. Quality Costs-Analysis of various quality cost and losses, balance between cost of quality and value of quality. 6. Failure Analysts, functional linkage of Quality with Reliability and

Maintainability. 7. Marketing aspects of TQM, Total quality of Service, Total quality and safety, Six Sigma.

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Statistical Quality Control-R.C.Gupta. 2. ISO 9000 Handbook-Ed.Robert Peach. 3. Total Quality control-Armond V.Flegenbaum. 4. ISO 9000 Quality management system-International Trade Center Geneva. --------------------------------------------



MBA II SEM IV Group E- Production Management Paper V World Class Manufacturing 1. World Class Manufacturing Environment, Imperatives for success, System approach and change in mindset, Strategic decisions in Manufacturing Management. Choice of technology, Capacity and layouts, Automation in Material handing system. 2. State of international business. Managerial attitude towards globalization of business, Entering the international area. Managerial challenges for the future. 3. Software in use, problems in implementation, Indian experience, optimized production technology. 4. Principles advocated in just-in-time system, JIT, manufacturing system , JIT pull system, use of kanban system, JIT purchase, source development, supply chain management. 5. Total quality management philosophy, TQM principles, TQM tools, quality through design quality system and ISO 9000,QS 9000 etc 6. Total productive maintain concept of reliability , reliability improvement ,concept of maintainability and maintainability improvement. 7. Automation in design and Manufacturing, Role of IT in World class Manufacturing, Concept of Flexible Manufacturing System, Group technology, Cellular Manufacturing Systems. 8. Environment Pollution, Factors causing Pollution, Effect on human health, Control of environment Pollution. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Management today- Burton and Thakur. 2. Operation Management- Hughes, Chris. 3. Programmed Learning at for Production and Operations Management- Buffa, Elwoods.



MBA II SEM IV Group F- Agriculture and Co-operative Management Paper IV Agro Processing Industries & Rural Industrialization 1. Rural-Urban organization and industrial patterns: Decentralized industries, Small and medium scale industries, Choice of Rural. Agro based Industries, Issues in the size & location of Industries, Appropriate Technology & Issues in the transfer of technology. 2.Rural labour employment & rural industries: Policy & development of cottage industries; Organization & administration of KVIC; Promotional measures-Subsidies; incentives & financial inputs. 3. Agro-processing cooperatives in Maharashtra: Cooperative Sugar Industries, Cooperative Spinning Mills, Diary Cooperatives, Flowery CultureRole of Agro-processing cooperatives in the development Maharashtra. Mgt. Problems & prospects for Agro-processing co-operatives. 4. Issues in Agro-processing Industries: Issues in Product development, Pricing, quality marketing & supporting organization, Role of co-operatives, financial institutions, central, state & local Govertment, Socio-economics impacts of Industrialization 5. Challenges before Agro-based Industries: Sugar industries-transition from partial decontrol to total-decontrol, excess stock with sugar factories, export problems in sugar industry derivative trading in sugar industry. Spinning MillsHigher cost of raw materials, absolete technology, Management of spinning mills, marketing of yarn, global challenges before cooperative spinning mills. 6. WTO & its impact on Agro-based industries Books Recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. Acharya S. S & Agarwal N. L Agricultural Marketing in India Dasgupta S.-Diffusion of Agricultural Innovation in village India Desai Vasant Rural Development Dholkia R. H & Iyengar- Planning for rural Development Issues & Case Studies 5. Hanumantha Rao C. H.- Technological Change & Distribution of Gains in Indian Agriculture. ----------------------------------



MBA II SEM IV Group F- Agriculture and Co-operative Management Paper V INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND AGRICULTURE 1. Scope and gains from International trade ; Theory of comparative advantages ; trade and welfare; factor mobility ; International capital flows; transfer of technology; Terms of credit, comparative cost. 2. Trade Policies; tariffs & Quota, Effects of Tariff Monopoly and price discrimination state Trading; Bilateral Trade; Multilateral Trade. 3. Organisation and Objectives of International Organisation like IMF, IBRD, IDA, IFC,& OTHER Affiliates; The SDR Mechanism and its working ; international liquidity problem; international monetary system & trade, GATT, UNCTAD. WTO, Organisation & their functions. 4. World Trade Agreements, trade liberalization , Regional Integration & Economic Growth ; Import -Export Procedure; Strategies of Exports for agro based industries. 5. India's position in the Global market; Loading Agriculture Produces/products for Export Earnings; importing countries of these products; Competing Countries; Strategies to Boost Exports. 6. Processing; AGMARK Grading & Quality Control Packaging, Brand Names; Labeling ; Sales Promotion with the country & outside the country. 7. SWOT Analysis for each of the commodities mentioned below from the point of the view of exports: A] Cereals--Important crops like wheat, rice ,etc B] Pules--Important crops like grams, moong, urd, etc... C] Oil seeds Important crops like soybean, mustard, ground nuts, linseed etc D] Commercial Crops --Important crops cotton, jute, sugarcane, textiles, chilies, onion, potato, etc E] Horticulture crops--Important fruits like apple, banana, mango, grapes, pomegranates, etc F] Vegetables--Important crops like tomato, brinjal , cauliflower, cabbage, etc 8. Use of Internet in agri-market development. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Agricultural Research Through International Co-operatives---Ravi Shrivastav & G.C. Shrivastav 2. International Economics-- Dominik Salvatore 3. Export Management --Prof. Laxmi Narayn 4. Changing Prospective in Indian Agriculture-Bhanushali S.G. & Pujari A.G. ----------------------------------------


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