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A Short Animated Movie Concerning About Using Public Transportation to Save the Environment

A project proposal submitted by: Indah Kartika Buana Putri For Bayer Young Environmental Envoy 2009

Project purpose: To increase society awareness about air pollution problem among young people and to encourage them, as many as possible, to contribute, individually or in a group, in reducing pollution and improving the environment.

Project title : A short animated movie concerning about using public transportation to save the environment.

Project Purpose: The purpose is to increase community awareness, especially young people, about the air pollution problem and the impacts in many sectors such as health, economic, and climate change and to encourage them, as many as possible, to contribute, individually or in a group, in reducing pollution and improving the environment.

Background: Air pollution has several impacts to the environment. Pollutants such as hidrocarbons and NOx gases react with sunlight will create ozone. And whereas ozone in stratosphere is essential to life on Earth, ozone at ground level is caustic, stinging gas that can cause extensive damage to human respiratory system. The long-term effect associated with the presence of pollutants containing nitrogen and sulfur compounds is the formation of acid rain that leads to damaging ecosystem.

Air pollution is also a major problem in Bandung. More than 50%


caused by motor vehicles in which the number has increased


Based on a research by Puji Lestari, an air pollution specialist from Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology,






associated with the change of people lifestyle. Today people tend to fulfill their secondary needs, such as cars, which eventually consumes more

energy and affects air quality.

Some efforts that have been so far carried out by local government and NGOs2 to improve the air quality in Bandung are: 1. Some regulations, laws, and policies concerning this problem have been made 2. Development of biodiesel by Chemical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology to reduce oil dependence in Bandung 3. Emission test for motor vehicles 4. Monitoring air quality 5. Bike to work program 6. Reforestation held by some NGOs

These efforts theoretically seem to be adequate to handle air pollution. However, many additional problems occurred such as the corruption among the authorities, lack of facility for bicycler (there are no bike paths and the traffic is very dense) etc. Among all problems, lack of

Non Government Organizations

awareness regarding air pollution is the major problem in Indonesia. In order to reduce pollution and prevent further damage, an environmental education needs to be provided especially to young people. The quickly growing in internet technology is being widely used to access information among young people in Indonesia, such as youtube, facebook, myspace, friendster, 4shared, etc. This can be used as a powerful tool to deliver messages about air pollutions among young Indonesians. By using this information technology, we want to help the city to alleviate the air pollution problem by making a short animated movie that communicates about how young people can involve in protecting environment in which I hope it will also have a beneficial effect in economy in Bandung.

Project and Beneficiaries: The project is to make a movie with duration about 3-4 minutes. It is an animated cartoon movie which will be designed to picture the lifestyle of people in Bandung and the impact of that lifestyle, and a campaign to insist young people to wisely use car/motor cycle and use public transportation more often as a starting effort. This will reduce oil consumption and pollution, and increase income for low income people and subsequently will open job market in public transportation. The movie will be packed well, so that after watching people will have a better understanding about global air pollution issues, and how they can

contribute locally. Finally, the actions of the young people will help to concomitantly have economical impact by spending money more efficiently and broadening job markets. MAKING MOVIE







The ultimate beneficiaries will be after watching the movie people are expected to contribute in reducing pollutant emission in order to prevent economic loss due to air pollution and improving air quality.

Target Audience/Participants: The movie will be uploaded in many popular and most visited websites, such as youtube, facebook, myspace, friendster, 4shared, etc. The participant will be mostly teenager age 14-24 and people who are actively visit these websites. And if it is possible, it will be uploaded too in official website of Bandung city, Bandung Institute of Technology, and other available environmental websites.

Individual Outcomes: Individual will be more aware to the air pollution effect and they will act to reduce emissions Individual will think twice before he drives a car alone without any passengers in it Individual will be encouraged to find and use an environmental friendly alternative energy to replace oil Individual will consider using public transportation, or riding a bicycle, or walking rather than using his personal motor vehicles.

Agenda: Activity July August Septemb

er 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Recruitment for the movie maker team Brainstorming and collecting fact Divide tasks to the team Start making the movie Project Evaluation Final check and Correction (if

necessary) Report and publication

Project Management :

The task divisions and management will be done after the team members are gathered.

Resources: Partners or resource persons will be identified and selected based on their ability to contribute in this movie making. The team will consist of 5 people or more who are able or interested in drawing, animating, making story, publishing, and in saving environment. Facilities such as software, computers, and books are available.

Budgets: Requirements Software for 5 computers Quanti ty 5 Price Rp125.000 Rp300.000

Books about macromedia flash 1 set and animation movie Drawing set Consumption Transportation Course and Consultation Total 2 set

Rp325.000 Rp200.000 Rp150.000 Rp400.000 Rp1.500.000

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