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421 Park Drive Clawson, MI 48017 (248) 321-6363 [email protected] 201 Morrill Hall Department of English Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824

Ph.D. M.A. B.A. Michigan State University English. Expected May 2013. Eastern Michigan University Literature. August 2007. Adrian College English. May 2005. Summa cum laude

Vacancy: Metaphors of the Unoccupied Mind in the Nineteenth-Century Novel Judith Stoddart (chair), Zarena Aslami, Ellen Pollak, Natalie Phillips, Scott Juengel (reader, Vanderbilt University). Fields of specialization: The long nineteenth century, British literature and culture, American literature and culture, history of psychology, gender and the novel, history of the novel.

Instructor, Michigan State University The Birth of the Detective: Studies in the Development of Crime and Detection Stories, Center for Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities. Introductory 200-level humanities course for all majors. Focus on students critical engagement with cultural representations of transgression and justice; 19th and 20th century texts. Foundations of Literary Studies, English. Introductory 200-level course for English majors. Training in multi-genre close reading and analytical writing. 2011


Women and Representation, Center for Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities. Introductory 200-level humanities course for all majors. Analysis of womens experience in North America, Caribbean, and Anglophone Europe;18th-21st century texts Introduction to Women Writers, 1688-1925, English. 100-level course focusing on psychology and access to knowledge. Literatures, Cultures, Identities, Center for Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities. Hybrid course. Pre-designated set of texts and online exercises. Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University Humor, History, and the Humanities, Center for Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities. Under direction of Dr. Edward Watts. Led discussion sections and graded papers on literature ranging from classical drama to comics to contemporary novels. Asian and Asian-American Identities, Center for Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities. Under direction of Dr. Sheng-mei Ma. Led discussion sections and graded papers on short stories and novels. Graduate Assistant, Eastern Michigan University Researching the Public Experience, English. Introductory research writing course for all majors. Reading and Writing the College Experience, English. Multi-genre composition course for first-year students.


2009-2010 2008-2009



2006-2007 2005-2006

Neuroscience and Reading: An Annotated Bibliography of Recent Sources, What is a Reader? Project, Stanford University, 2011


Study Coordinator, Interdisciplinary experiments in science and literature fMRI study on literary attention (pleasure reading vs. close reading); 2011-2012

General Editor, Atlantikos Journal of transatlantic studies run by English graduate students. Writing Center Instructor, Eastern Michigan University One-on-one conferencing with students of all disciplines Tutoring help for non-native speakers writing in English Hiring Committee for Graduate Assistants, Eastern Michigan University Interviewed and evaluated applicants to teach college composition Guest Speaker, Teaching Composition at the College Level. Eastern Michigan University. Advised graduate instructors in composition strategies and assignments.

2009-2010 2005-2007

2006, 2007 2006

Lucy Snowes Inner Architecture: Head and Heart in Charlotte Bronts Villette, British Women Writers Conference. June 2012. What a Mans Resolution Can Achieve: Productive Vacancy, Subjective Expansion, and Nation-Building in The Woman in White, Department of English, Michigan State University. April 2012. Through the Glass Screen: The Detective-Curator in The Woman in White, Midwest Conference on British Studies. November 2011. Silent Spaces of Empire: The Museal Novel and Cognitive Lucre in The Woman in White, Midwest Victorian Studies Association Conference. April 2011. Unorthodox Virtue: Britains Journey Toward Moral Perfectibility in Mrs. Humphry Wards Robert Elsmere and Sarah Grands The Heavenly Twins, British Women Writers Conference. April 2010. Corrupted British Bodies: The Catholic Threat to Eugenics in The Heavenly Twins, British Modernities Conference on Religion, Secularism, and Nationhood. April 2009. The Godless West: Exile in The Blue Hotel, Midwest Conference on Literature, Language, and Media. February 2008.


Copy Editor. Dr. Natalie Phillips, Distraction Monograph. 2012

Grant Writer. DARPA: Narrative Networks. Collaborated with multi-institution team of grant writers to submit grant for a study on reading, virtual reality, and war trauma. Technical Writer for Huron Valley Printing and Imaging, Ypsilanti, MI




Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Michigan State University John and Ruth Yunck Endowed Scholarship, Michigan State University Graduate School Merit Fellowship, Michigan State University English Department Fellowship, Michigan State University Outstanding Writing Center Tutor, Eastern Michigan University For dedication and effectiveness; based in part on student evaluations. Graduate Fellowship, Eastern Michigan University Outstanding Senior in English, Adrian College McNaughton Award, Adrian College Awarded by Religion and Philosophy Department 2013 2012 2012 2011-2012 2007 2005, 2006 2005 2005

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