Kanban System

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Mechanical Engineering


Mr.Vaibhav V Naik Mechanical Engineering 2011-2012


KANBAN SYSTEM 1. Kanban is a Japanese term. The actual term means signal. It is one of the primary tools of JIT system. It signals a cycle of replenishment for production and materials. 2. It maintains an orderly and efficient flow of material throughout the entire manufacturing process. It is usually printed card that contains specific information such as part name, description and quantity, etc.

3. The Japanese refer to Kanban as simple parts movement system that depends on card and boxes/container to take parts from one workstation to another production line. 4. Kanban stands for Kan Card, Ban-Signal. The essence of the Kanban concept is that a supplies or the warehouse should only deliver components to the production line as and when they are needed, so that there is no storage in the production area. 5. The Kanban process utilizes two different kind of cards-transport Kanban and production Kanban. Both of cards do not have to be used simultaneously in a production process. 6. Kanban contains information from where the part/component originated and its destination. When only this card is used it is known as Simple Kanban process.

7. The production Kanban on the other hand outlines to what extent and when work has to be accomplished by a specific station on the production line.


Vaibhav V Naik


Together with the transport Kanban, it is knows as an integrated Kanban process.

Advantage of the Kanban process 1. A simple and understandable process. 2. Provides quick and process information. 3. Low cost associated with the transfer of information. 4. Provides quick response to changes. 5. Limit of over-capacity in process. 6. Avoids overproduction. 7. Is minimizing waste. 8. Control can be maintained. 9. Delegates responsibility to line workers. Furthermost Kanban represent an efficient tool to continuously rationalize the production process and find the source of problems.


Vaibhav V Naik


Since the circulation of Kanban will stop if there is a production problem on line, it is easy to both spot and correct the problem instanteously.


Vaibhav V Naik

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