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2nd draft

Jawad yousaf
Mba Hrm 020-93-144

Submitted to : Maim Aqsa Akbar.

Departments of ptcl:
There are some of the following departments of the ptcl. Finance department Marketing department Business Development department Sales Department Business Intelligence department Public Relations Organization Chart of Communication department Human Resource Department Establishment department

There are different departments in PTCL. I have worked in Hrm department as an internee. The working of main departments of PTCL is mentioned below: Finance Department: On the basis of different functions, performed by PTCLs Finance department, the department is divided into three sub-department: 1. Revenue Department 2. Accounts Department 3. Finance Department Revenue Department: The Revenue Department is responsible for setting a target of revenue being achieved during the year, making action to achieve the desired target and collecting of revenue earned. This branch is also concerned with the issue that may affect the revenue in one or the other way. 1. Domestic Revenue 2. International Revenue 3. Corporate Revenue Domestic Revenue The first source of domestic revenue is domestic billing that includes line rent and local call charges etc. International Revenue There are two International Gateway Exchange of PTCL, one in Rawalpindi and the other in Karachi.

International revenue is collected in Nostro account of New York (USA) from all over the world. Corporate Revenue Other then domestic and international revenue, PTCL is also earning corporate revenue through: 1. PTML-Pakistan telecom Mobile Limited (Ufone) 2. VAS-PTCL calling cards etc. 3. Paknet- Internet Services provider 4. TIP-Telephone Industries of Pakistan 5. CTI-Carrier Telephone Industries 6. Financial Investments are contributing a major role towards corporate revenue. Accounts Department: The Accounts department is responsible for all accounting, record of keeping, publication of accounts, audit, employees compensation, inventories recording, fix assets accounting, complete accounting system and internal control, pensions and direct taxation. Finance Department Finance Department is responsible for the budgeting, planning and transaction relating to income and revenue, expenses, pricing control funds and treasury measure and direct taxation.

Communication Department:
The communication department of PTCL is controlled by senior executive vice president, who looks after four different departments: 1. Marketing Department 2. Sales Department 3. Business development Department 4. Public relations

Marketing Department:
The Marketing Department adopted a proactive role in introducing marketing techniques for retaining current customers and attracting new ones. Marketing department check that what are the existing products, what are the provisions for new products and the development of these new products? hierarchy of communication Department: SEVP (Communication) Zafar Usmani: EVP (Marketing)

Tariq Qureshi GM (Consumer products) Dawaar Mailk

Senior Manager Advertising Miss Zaib Mailk Product Manager Usman Ali Khan Manager Corporate services Mr. Minhaj Manager marketing research Mr.Raheel Depty.Manager advertising Mr. Waqar Depty.Manager marketing Mr. Murad Manager marketing Mr. Haider Assistant Manager marketing Mr. Mushtaq Marketing Executive Miss Farhana Data Control Assistant Miss Kalsoom

Sales Department:
Sales department is responsible to increase the sales of different packages. Employees in the sales department check that where sales are possible and how much potential is in the market. Sales person check new places of potential where they can increase their sales. They develop distribution network and use different media vehicles to increase their sales.

Business development Department:

Business development department is responsible to develop products for corporate sector. They look for Prospects for new business, making sales presentations and few other tasks. They target corporate sector/companies not general public.

Business Intelligence Department:

This department checks the trend and traffic in PTCL own services in market and also check what is the effect of competitor action on the services of PTCL. For example, there is need to check the traffic of calls by customers, and at what time there is maximum usage. Assure that the performance of the data warehouse environment is performing optimally through the use of capacity planning, and systems monitoring.

Public Relations:
Like all other departments of PTCL, the role and responsibilities of the Public Relations Department has also taken on a new dimension after the onset of Telecom Sector deregulation. Public Relations Department of PTCL is engaged in the Companys image building activities through road shows close, circuit television, hoardings & billboards. The public relations department ensures publicity of companys policies and activities. Press releases, articles, and write ups are published regularly in the print and aired by the electronic media. To enhance the company image and counter negative news item, clarifications and rebuttals are promptly issued by the PR department. The PR officers based in major cities also helped in image building across the country

Human Resource Department:

Management of people at work is very important in every organization, because organization goals and objectives are achieved by the co-ordination of people working at the organization. Every organization has personnel function whether or not specific manager has been so designated. Every organization must hire, train, motivate, maintain and ultimately separate employees. Human resource department is responsible for arranging and managing human capital for PTCL. Their main tasks include recruitment, selection, promotion, performance management, training arrangement for employees etc. Establishment Department: It is another important department that works under administration. Its main responsibilities include assigning duties and responsibilities to employees and managing varied issues regarding their jobs and work performance. This department process and finalize appeal cases against orders of punishment It is also responsible to process and finalize creation/re-designation/abolition/retention/upgradation/transfer of posts and various regions, departments, divisions or subdivisions. It also process and finalize duties and responsibilities of officers. It is also responsible for process and finalization of provision of posts as per requirement by redesignation of existing staff or creation of a new temporary post if justified. It may perform modification or fixation of assignment or jurisdiction of every official as per requirement.

Following are the charcteristics of performance management system. I ask these characteristics from the director HR of ptcl that following characteristics are implemented in the ptcl

Strategic Congruence: (Yes) this is achieved through a sense of ownership, all employees of PTCL by virtue of having longevity of their service and understanding the fact of being strategic partners of the Organization do adhere to Strategic Congruence.

Thoroughness: (Yes) A very comprehensive PMS is in place and all the parameters are evaluated thoroughly and completely. Practicality: (Yes) With the advent of latest technology, PMS is handled through and ERP system, which makes it more practical than ever before. Meaningfulness: (Yes) PMS here is quite meaningful and this information is indeed used for better decision making of the management. Specificity: (No) Specificity of PMS needs a lot of improvement, PTCL is still going under evolutionary period and hopefully well improve this characteristic in a better manner in near future. Identification of Effective/Ineffective Performance: (Yes) PMS in PTCL is considered to be the most important exercise, which is off-course used to identify the strengths & weaknesses of all associates being appraised and subsequently their better placement. Reliability: (yes) Performances of all employees are monitored consistently and believed to be error free due to controlled environment of ERP. Validity: (No) Validity of our PMS is still little questionable and we are trying to improve upon each time we conduct this exercise. Acceptability &Fairness: (Yes) This is supposed to be the spirit of any PMS and we do adhere to this characteristic religiously.

Inclusiveness: (yes) Employees being appraised through our PMS are considered to be the most important stakeholder and owners of this drill, their feedback is important and recorded as an essential tool for improvement. Openness: (No) Since we are still transforming from a Government Department to a private Organization so we hope to see this parameter observed more openly in coming future. Correctability: (Yes) Grievances and reservations of all employees are welcomed for the sake of system improvement. Standardization: (Yes) As mentioned earlier, PMS, being very important to us, is based on Standardization; it is observed timely and faithfully across the board. Ethicality: (Yes) We do not believe in business but ethical business. Our system is based on our ethical practices so the PMS.

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