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Quantitative Portfolio Strategies | 25 January 2010
Barclays Capital | Empirical Duration of Corporate Bonds and Credit Market Segmentation

25 January 2010 1
Many portfolio managers with investment grade benchmarks are allowed out-of-
benchmark (core-plus) allocations to high yield debt. As with any other asset class, they
need to understand the effect such allocations have on the overall duration of their
portfolio. It is widely acknowledged that the interest rate sensitivity of high yield securities is
not necessarily what their stated cash flows imply. Yet there is a wide range of opinion on
this issue among portfolio managers. At one extreme, there are those who account for the
full analytical duration of the high yield component. At the other extreme are the managers
who claim that high yield debt exhibits rather equity-like behavior and ignore the duration
contribution of high yield entirely. The majority in between usually have some heuristic rule
of thumb for example, to consider 25% of the analytical duration for high yield bonds.
Uncertainty about the interest rate sensitivity of high yield bonds can severely affect the
ability of portfolio managers to express their views on rates accurately. Assume, for
example, that a portfolio and its benchmark both have a duration of 5 and that the manager
shifts 10% of the portfolio into high yield, also with (analytical) duration of 5. Depending on
ones opinion, the true duration of the portfolio is anywhere between 4.5 and 5.0 a
tremendous range for many managers used to tweaking duration in much smaller
increments when expressing their views on rates. If the portfolio target duration is 4.80 and
the manager is prepared to adjust the Treasury component of the portfolio to hit this target,
does he need to add duration or subtract it?
Similar investors inquiries have prompted us to publish several studies since 2005 on the
empirical duration of U.S. investment grade and high yield bonds.
The studies confirmed
that empirical durations decline as credit ratings deteriorate and established a relation
between empirical duration and the level of spread based on both theoretical and empirical
evidence. The findings indicated that the sensitivity to rates decreases as spreads widen,
even across bonds with the same credit quality. Similar patterns were found for emerging
markets bonds.
The main focus of the initial research was on high yield bonds. The key concern was that
high yield managers tended to ignore the yield curve sensitivity of their portfolios, which at
that time was becoming increasingly important. As we explored the dependence on spread
levels, the operative conclusion was that as spreads continued to tighten, the effective
duration of high yield was likely to increase, corresponding to a larger portion of the
analytical values. We suggested that ignoring the curve duration is inappropriate in a tight-
spread environment.
The ultra-wide spread environment in late 2008 and early 2009 led many investors to ask
the opposite question: have investment grade empirical durations declined to levels typical
of high yield bonds? Certainly, the spread-dependent relationship we have documented
would lead us to expect empirical durations to be significantly lower than analytical
durations, even for investment grade bonds.
The extreme conditions in the credit market also served as a true out-of-sample test of
the earlier results and the framework we suggested for estimating empirical durations. We
found that the basic qualitative and quantitative conclusions of the earlier studies have been
largely confirmed, although the slope of the spread dependence of empirical duration was
flatter than what could have been expected.
Despite the abnormal spread levels that
characterized the crisis period beginning in 2007, investment grade bonds seemed reluctant

The complete list of publications on the topic can be found in the Reference Section.
Empirical Duration of Corporate Bonds in the Credit Crisis, May 28, 2009.
Madhur Ambastha
[email protected]

Arik Ben Dor
[email protected]

Lev Dynkin
[email protected]

Jay Hyman
[email protected]

Vadim Konstantinovsky
[email protected]
Barclays Capital | Empirical Duration of Corporate Bonds and Credit Market Segmentation

25 January 2010 2
to give up interest rate sensitivity, while high yield bonds continued to demonstrate equity-
like behavior, with zero or even negative empirical durations.
This clear separation between investment grade debt that stubbornly retained its interest-
rate sensitivity even as spreads widened and high yield debt that refused to increase its
sensitivity even when spreads tightened was a prominent and consistent feature in all
previous studies. Furthermore, default and recovery considerations could not account for
the observed gap.
The first part of this paper augments the various pieces we published on the topic and
provides a unified and coherent treatment of the relation between the analytical and
empirical duration of corporate bonds, updated through the recent credit crisis. In the
second part, we investigate two alternative explanations for the discontinuity in interest-
rate sensitivity between investment and non-investment grade debt.
First, we examine whether the apparent gap is a result of stale pricing. Specifically, we test
whether differences in pricing conventions and liquidity levels between the two markets
mechanically cause high yield bonds to appear to have lower interest rate sensitivity than
investment grade bonds. We conduct several tests including using the TRACE (Trade
Reporting and Compliance Engine) volume database to examine if our results may be driven
by a larger degree of stale pricing in the high yield market relative to investment grade.
While we do find a relation between trading volume and pricing dynamics, our results are
robust to the existence of stale pricing and there is no indication that the sharp decline in
interest rate sensitivity when crossing from investment grade to high yield territory is simply
an artifact of the data.
Another possibility was that our findings may have at least partially reflected differences in
bond characteristics across rating categories that could affect the observed hedge ratios. To
address this concern, we analyze the changes in empirical durations of individual bonds that
were downgraded from investment grade to high yield or, conversely, were upgraded from
high yield to investment grade. This event study approach, where the same population of
bonds is examined before and after the downgrade/upgrade date, controls for any bond-
specific characteristic.
We find that downgraded bonds experience a large decline in their interest rate sensitivity
close to the date of the downgrade. Furthermore, the magnitude of the change in empirical
duration is very similar to what we have already documented for the aggregate population
of bonds. The reverse patterns are observed for high yield bonds that were upgraded to
investment grade.
What, then, can account for the apparent segmentation in the credit markets between
investment and non-investment grade bonds? We hypothesize that the reason may be that
investors in the two markets use different performance metrics. Investment grade credit
managers are typically evaluated in terms of excess returns over Treasuries (or swaps),
while high yield managers tend to think in terms of total return and default risk. This
difference in approach, and the hedging practices that result from it, may lead to the
reduced effect of interest rate movements on high yield valuations. We provide some
indirect evidence supporting this theory.
The last section contains a discussion of several practical applications of using empirical
duration to hedge the interest rate exposure in credit portfolios.
Barclays Capital | Empirical Duration of Corporate Bonds and Credit Market Segmentation

25 January 2010 3
Empirical Duration Theory and Evidence
One of the dominant characteristics of a bond portfolio is its sensitivity to interest rates, as
captured by its Treasury duration. While any portfolio analytics software will dutifully turn
out duration numbers for bonds based on their projected cash flows, the typically negative
correlation between rates and spreads can dampen the actual response of corporate bonds
to a change in rates. Investors have long been aware of this phenomenon and distinguish
between analytical and empirical duration the amount by which a bonds absolute return
will change, given a particular yield change.
Despite the importance of understanding the relation between analytical and empirical
duration and being able to quantify their difference over time, there is no common accepted
approach for doing so. Many portfolio managers regress price returns against changes in
Treasury yield over rolling windows of various length. Others use some heuristic rule of
thumb, for example, to consider a fixed proportion of the analytical duration for high yield
bonds, while some ignore the issue altogether.
This section provides an updated review of the research we conducted on the relation
between empirical and analytical duration over the past several years. To understand under
what conditions empirical and analytical duration may differ, we first derive an explicit
theoretical linkage between the two. We then describe the estimation methodology and the
empirical findings across different rating categories and periods.
The Relation between Analytical and Empirical Duration
Let us assume that in a macro sense, the returns of credit securities can be broadly
described by a simple two-factor model, where the factors are a parallel shift in Treasury
yield y and a relative change in spreads s s s
/ = . The latter assumption builds on
extensive research on the behavior of corporate spreads, in which we found overwhelming
evidence that spread changes tend to be linearly proportional to the level of spreads.

If we assume further that the Treasury duration and the spread duration of a particular
security i are approximately the same, and given by
D , the return to this security can be
approximated as follows:
rel i i i i
s s D y D R ) (
To measure the sensitivity of the overall return to a change in Treasury yields, we use a
simple approximation for the relationship between spreads and yields, based on the sample
variances and covariance of the two:

( )
( )
s y
s y s y
rel rel
s y

, cov
= =

Using the above relationship to obtain the sensitivity of return to a shift in Treasury yield,
y , we have:

+ =

s y i i
i i i
s D
s y
s D D

) var(
) , cov(

For a detailed analysis of the topic see Ben Dor, A., L. Dynkin, P. Houweling, J. Hyman, E. Leeuwen, and O. Penninga.
DTS (Duration Times Spread): A New Measure of Spread Exposure in Credit Portfolios. Lehman Brothers, June 2005.
Notice that the expression in Equation (2) is the estimated coefficient from a univariate regression of changes in
relative spread against changes in yields.
Barclays Capital | Empirical Duration of Corporate Bonds and Credit Market Segmentation

25 January 2010 4
The expression in Equation (3) is the theoretical value for what we term empirical duration
the amount by which the absolute return will change given a particular yield change. Since
volatilities and spread levels are non-negative, the magnitude of the empirical duration
relative to the analytical figure depends on
s y,
, the correlation between yield and relative
spread changes. If this correlation is negative, the empirical duration would be lower than
the analytical one and may even end up being negative.
Estimation Methodology and Empirical Analysis
The expression derived in Equation (3) can easily be tested by estimating the following
i i i i i i i
y s D y D R + + =
The regression provides a linear approximation for the empirical hedge ratio H
(the ratio
between the empirical duration and the analytical duration) as a function of spread
s , as
i i i
s S H + = ) (
where ,
is the upper limit of the empirical hedge ratio that might be expected for a bond i
as spreads approach zero; the second coefficient, ,
which is negative in general, reflects
the reduction in hedge ratio as spreads widen.

While estimation of Equation (4) is straightforward in principle, the results may be sensitive
to the choice of sample frequency, period, and level of bond return aggregation. We
decided to conduct most of the analysis using daily data, for two reasons: to match the
hedging frequency employed in practice by portfolio managers and to achieve a larger
sample and consequently higher statistical power.
Daily data for individual bonds, however, are unavailable to us prior to 2006, which limits
our ability to evaluate the results across different market regimes. We use, instead,
aggregated daily return data of six credit rating categories spanning the Barclays Capital
Corporate and High Yield Indices (Aaa/Aa, A, Baa, Ba, B and Caa), which are available since
August 1998.
The regressions are estimated using the price returns for each rating
category and the contemporaneous yield changes of the 10y on-the-run Treasury note. The
s is represented by the option-adjusted spread of all securities (market value
weighted) comprising each rating category and is measured with a one-day lag (i.e., based
on the previous days closing mark).
Panel A of Figure 1 displays the regression coefficients estimated over the entire sample
period from August 1998 through November 2009, by rating category. The results confirm
a strong relationship between hedge ratios and the level of spreads, consistent with
Equation (5). The spread slope coefficient is negative and significant (at the 1% confidence
level) for all credit ratings, and the sensitivity at the limit (beta) for high grade bonds is close
to one as implied from Equation (3). Substituting, for example, the estimated beta and

s y

represented by the coefficient
varies over time, it may cause ,
to be different than the value
implied from equation (3), which is one.
We report results based on bi-weekly data, using individual bonds and after applying different liquidity filters in
the next two sections.
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25 January 2010 5
gamma for Baa rated bonds (0.85 and -0.02, respectively) in Equation (5) yields an
empirical hedge ratio of 0.83 for spreads of 1%, declining to 0.75 for spreads of 5%.
Panel B presents an evaluation of the expression in Equation (3) based on direct observation
of daily changes in credit spreads and Treasury yields. For each of the six quality groups, we
measure the standard deviation of relative spread changes, as well as the correlation with
changes in Treasury yield. We then use these to calculate the linkage factor shown in
Equation (2), which gives approximately the amount of relative spread widening one would
expect if yields were to drop by a certain amount. This number, along with the average
spread level for each quality group over the period, is used to calculate the theoretical hedge
ratio the quantity in parentheses at the end of Equation (3). This number, in turn, can be
compared with the average hedge ratio found for each quality group based on the
coefficients reported in Panel A.
Figure 1: Treasury Hedge Ratio of Corporate Bonds by Credit Rating
Panel A: Regression-Based Hedge Ratios
Coefficients Aaa/Aa A Baa Ba B Caa
b: hedge ratio limit 0.94 0.92 0.85 0.41 0.15 0.07
t - stat 70.69 58.36 50.66 11.94 2.80 0.79
: spread slope -0.05 -0.05 -0.02 - 0.05 - 0.03 -0.02
t - stat -8.19 -7.60 -4.55 - 7.85 - 4.51 -3.12
0.79 0.75 0.74 0.06 0.01 0.01
OAS range
Min 0.37 0.56 1.05 1.46 2.21 3.68
Average 1.04 1.50 2.16 3.92 5.77 10.75
Max 4.71 5.95 7.70 13.75 18.58 28.33
Hedge ratios at:
Min OAS 0.92 0.89 0.83 0.34 0.08 -0.01
Average OAS 0.88 0.85 0.80 0.22 - 0.03 -0.15
Max OAS 0.68 0.64 0.67 - 0.26 - 0.42 -0.52

Panel B: Model-Based Hedge Ratios
Aaa/Aa A Baa Ba B Caa
- Vol. of Relative Spread Changes
2.3% 1.8% 1.6% 2.5% 2.0% 1.8%
s y,
- Correlation with 10-Year Yield Chg.
-0.14 -0.17 -0.23 -0.50 -0.56 -0.40
- Vol. of Treasury Yield Changes (bp)
6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4
) / (
, y s s y
- Linkage Factor
-4.9% -5.0% -5.7% -19.4% -18.1% -11.5%
Theoretical Hedge Ratio at avg. spread level
(based on Eq. 3)
0.95 0.93 0.88 0.24 -0.04 -0.23
Note: All calculations are based on daily data between August 1, 1998, and November 30, 2009. The results in Panel A
are based on estimating Equation (4) separately for each rating category using the daily (market value-weighted) price
returns of all bonds comprising each category. Source: Barclays Capital
The results in Panel B corroborate the regression-based results, in three ways. First, relative
spread volatility is fairly similar across the various quality groups, consistent with our
previous research on spread behavior and the formulation in Equation 1. Second, both sets
of hedge ratios are similar in magnitude. Third, the steep drop in the hedge ratio to Treasury
yields as we cross over into high yield territory is again observed.
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25 January 2010 6
Panel B also confirms the findings in Hyman (2007) about the negative correlation between
interest rates and credit spreads. This is what makes the return volatility of investment
grade credit indices lower than that of Treasuries; here, it shows itself as a decrease in
empirical duration as the exposure to credit spread risk grows. As spread increases, the
effect of this negative correlation is magnified, as per equation (3); this makes the effect
more pronounced for high yield bonds than it is for investment grade bonds. In the extreme,
the exposure to credit spread may become high enough to even create negative durations.
Variation in Hedge Ratios across Credit Ratings
Figure 2 displays the hedge ratios as a function of spread, based on the regression
coefficients reported in Panel A of Figure 1, over the range of spreads at which bonds from
each rating category were trading during the sample period. The plot illustrates that the
interest rate sensitivities of the three investment grade ratings form a coherent pattern,
decreasing as spreads widen. In contrast, high yield bonds seem almost completely
disconnected from interest rates, even at spread levels that overlap with those of
investment grade bonds. With hedge ratios near or below zero across most spread levels,
high yield securities more closely resemble equities than bonds.
Figure 2: Hedge Ratios as a Function of Spread by Credit Rating
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
OAS (%)
Aaa/Aa A Baa Ba B Caa
Ratio of Empirical Duration to OAD

Note: The plot is based on substituting the regression coefficients from Panel A of Figure 1 and the minimum and
maximum spread level during the sample period (8/1/1998 - 11/30/2009) separately for each credit rating in Equation 5.
Source: Barclays Capital
One possible explanation to this sharp difference is that high yield bonds trade mostly on
default/recovery expectations and are, thus, less sensitive to Treasury yields. When the
likelihood of default is perceived as high, the primary determinant of a bonds value is
the assumed rate of recovery upon default. In extreme cases, this may cause all bonds of
a given issuer (at the same seniority level) to be marked at the same dollar price,
regardless of maturity. In situations such as this, the perceived negative correlation
between Treasury yields and spreads is just an artifact of a mis-specified model, in
which the bonds price is related to the discounted value of cash flows that the market
assumes will never arrive.

Even in less extreme situations, the pricing of credit-risky securities is influenced by the probabilities that the issuer
will default at different times and the assumptions investors make about what the recovery rate would be should
this occur. Including the possibility of a recovery event in which we receive a principal payment smaller than the full
amount, but earlier in time, lessens the sensitivity of the pricing model to changes in Treasury rates. Berd, Mashal
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25 January 2010 7
In our 2005 study, we examined this explanation by repeating the analysis after excluding
from the dataset all bonds with a price below 80. This threshold was intended to separate
securities trading on price, i.e., on estimates of recovery value, from those priced by
discounting cash flows to redemption at a spread to Treasuries. However, the results were
essentially unchanged and the discontinuity in hedge ratios was still evident, suggesting
that the difference in interest rate sensitivities between the two markets cannot primarily be
due to considerations of default and recovery.
Furthermore, to the extent that credit risk is
broadly captured by the level of spread, one would expect bonds with the same spread level
to exhibit similar hedge ratios (as is also implied from Equation 3). While this is generally the
case when all bonds are rated either investment grade or high yield, it does not hold across
the two markets (Figure 3).
Figure 3 plots the hedge ratios as a function of spread level for Baa bonds during July 2007-
November 2009 and Ba rated bonds during August 1998-December 2005.
While the spreads
of Baa bonds during the crisis period almost exactly overlapped with those of Ba bonds in the
earlier period, their observed hedge ratios were very different, in terms of the absolute value
and the sensitivity to spread (i.e., the slope gamma). It seems that there is a clear separation
between the two markets that cannot be accounted for by consideration of default and
recovery (at least as captured by spread).
Figure 3: Discontinuity in Hedge Ratios between IG and HY Markets
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
OAS (%)
Baa (7/2007 - 11/2009) Ba (8/1998 - 12/2005)
Hedge Ratio (Empirical Duration / OAD)

Note: The plot is based on estimating Equation (4) separately for Baa and Ba rated bonds using the daily (market-
value-weighted) price returns of all bonds over different time periods during which they had similar spreads. We use
Baa data from July 2007-November 2009 and Ba data from August 1998-December 2005. Source: Barclays Capital
We investigate several alternative explanations to the apparent discontinuity in hedge ratios
between high grade and high yield bonds. First, however, we examine to what extent our
results are stable over time in different market conditions.
Stability and Predictability of Hedge Ratios
The time that elapsed since we published our initial findings in March 2005 has been
anything but uneventful. For example, the average OAS for the A rated portion of the U.S.

and Wang (2004) present a survival-based valuation framework that offers an analytical approach to the calculation
of interest rate sensitivity, as opposed to the empirical approach explored here.
We did not repeat this experiment because of the negative outcome in the prior study. Even more importantly, a price
cutoff of 80 would no longer filter out just a small portion of the index. For example, at the end of April 2009, the
percentage of bonds trading at 80 or lower in the Barclays High Yield Index was 52%, up from 4% in February 2005.
The estimation for each rating category was done separately over the respective period.
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25 January 2010 8
Corporate Index has widened from 57bp at the end of February 2005 to 188bp at the end of
November 2009, after reaching a record wide of 578bp in early December 2008. As the
widest observed spread within our earlier dataset was 230bp in October 2002, the recent
experience serves as a powerful out-of-sample test for past results.
If we were to project empirical hedge ratios as a function of spread based on our 2005
regression estimates, how closely would these projections match the empirical hedge ratios
that were actually observed during the recent crisis? Figure 4 compares the extrapolated
hedge ratios based on the original set of regression coefficients (shown in Panel A of
Figure 6) to the trailing 90-day empirical hedge ratios observed in practice, over June 2005-
November 2009.
This test is somewhat unfair: a straight-line approximation for a spread-
dependent quantity should be applied only for interpolation within the range of spreads
used in the fitting procedure. As spreads widened beyond the limits of our earlier data
sample, one should be hesitant to use that straight line fit to extrapolate further to the right;
yet that is exactly what we are doing in this exercise. Despite these reservations, we found
the outcome quite impressive.
The results in Figure 4 suggest that the projected hedge ratios overall provided a fairly good
fit, although the empirical hedge ratios exhibited some unstable behavior, especially in
volatile markets; both declined as spreads began to widen after June 2007.
However, the
empirical hedge ratios tended to decline less quickly than their projected counterparts,
especially in the case of investment grade bonds. Apparently, no matter how much spreads
widened, investment grade investors did not stop paying attention to interest rates and
continued to trade these securities as bonds, not as equity. Sensitivity to interest rates
disappeared only below a certain quality rating threshold.
To investigate this issue more closely, Figure 5 plots the time series of 90-day trailing
empirical duration alongside the average spread computed over the same time window,
starting in December 1998 until November 2009. The plots confirm the negative
relationship between empirical durations and the level of spread. As spreads have risen
since the second half of 2007, empirical durations have declined across the board, even for
higher quality bonds such as A and Baa. This should not be surprising, given that A spreads
in this period were multiples of Ba spreads in February 2005.
However, extrapolating from prior historical experience would have suggested lower
empirical durations than those observed in practice. In spite of investment grade spreads
going into traditionally high yield territory, their empirical durations have not reached the
low levels observed in high yield. Similarly, a weakening of the spread dependence is
observable in the high yield segment. As spreads widened to record levels since mid-2007,
empirical durations showed resilience, refusing to fall as low as the historical negative
correlation would imply. For example, when Ba spreads topped 600bp in 2002, the
corresponding empirical duration was as low as -2; we might have expected it to be even
more negative as spreads climbed above 1000bp in early 2009. Yet it never dipped too far
below zero.

The analysis starting date in June 2005 reflects the 90-day window beginning in March 2005, when the initial study
was published. The results for the two credit rating categories not plotted in Figure 4 (Aaa/Aa and Caa) are similar.
For example, a sharp dive in the A empirical duration, later reversed, was caused by the market turmoil that
followed the September 2008 bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, which carried an A rating at the time.
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25 January 2010 9
Figure 4: Comparison of Empirical versus Projected Hedge Ratios
A) U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Index: A C) U.S. High Yield Index: Ba
Jun-05 Feb-06 Oct-06 Jun-07 Feb-08 Oct-08
Empirical Extrapolated

Jun-05 Feb-06 Oct-06 Jun-07 Feb-08 Oct-08
Empirical Extrapolated
B) U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Index: Baa D) U.S. High Yield Index: B
Jun-05 Feb-06 Oct-06 Jun-07 Feb-08 Oct-08
Empirical Extrapolated

Jun-05 Feb-06 Oct-06 Jun-07 Feb-08 Oct-08
Empirical Extrapolated
Note: The empirical hedge ratios are based on regressing price returns against the product of Treasury duration and changes in 10y yield using a trailing 90-day
window between June 2005 and November 2009. The projected hedge ratios are extrapolated using the coefficients reported in Panel A of Figure 6.
Source: Barclays Capital
While the evidence in Figures 4 and 5 clearly support the relationship between empirical and
analytical duration as a function of spread level, they also indicate that the behavior during
the crisis period has deviated, to a certain extent, from what one may have expected. It is,
therefore, instructive to compare the results from re-estimating Equation 4 over the crisis
period of June 2007-November 2009 with the original results spanning August 1998-
February 2005.
The results reported in Figure 6 indicate that some of the patterns discussed earlier seem to
slide up the quality scale. In the tumultuous markets of the credit crisis, even Aaa/Aa
securities have a pronounced relationship between their empirical durations and spreads;
the observed regression coefficients are remarkably close to those in the earlier period for A
rated debt. In contrast, at the lower end of the spectrum, it is the independence between
empirical durations and spreads that creeps up to higher quality securities. Now, we do not
see any spread dependence even for Ba.

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Figure 5: The Relationship between Empirical Duration and Spread Level
A) U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Index: A C) U.S. High Yield Index: Ba
Dec-98 Jun-00 Nov-01 Apr-03 Sep-04 Feb-06 Jul-07 Dec-08
Empirical duration OAS, % (right axis)

Dec-98 Jun-00 Nov-01 Apr-03 Sep-04 Feb-06 Jul-07 Dec-08
Empirical duration OAS, % (right axis)
B) U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Index: Baa D) U.S. High Yield Index: B
Dec-98 Jun-00 Nov-01 Apr-03 Sep-04 Feb-06 Jul-07 Dec-08
Empirical duration OAS, % (right axis)

Dec-98 Jun-00 Nov-01 Apr-03 Sep-04 Feb-06 Jul-07 Dec-08
Empirical duration OAS, % (right axis)
Note: The empirical durations are based on regressing price returns against changes in the yield of the 10y on-the-run note using a trailing 90-days window between
December 1998 and November 2009. Source: Barclays Capital
However, one should be cautious when interpreting the outputs of these regressions, given
the lack of statistical significance. All of the t-statistics for this set of regressions are
substantially lower than before. This reflects both the smaller number of observations and
the dramatic increase in spread volatility. During this crisis period, the Treasury yield change
was certainly not the primary driver of price changes of credit bonds; it was secondary at
best. In such an environment, it is very difficult to isolate any small effect that yield changes
may have had on pricing against the background of extreme spread volatility.

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Figure 6: Empirical Hedge Ratios by Credit Rating during the Credit Crisis
Aaa-Aa A Baa Ba B Caa
Panel A: Aug 98 - Feb 05
: hedge ratio limit 0.90 0.95 0.99 0.60 0.22 0.17
t-stat 34.67 32.72 27.44 9.83 2.74 1.25
: spread slope -0.02 -0.08 -0.11 -0.09 -0.04 -0.02
t-stat -0.46 -3.48 -6.14 -5.72 -2.80 -1.81
OAS range (%)
Min 0.37 0.56 1.05 1.46 2.21 3.68
Ave 1.04 1.50 2.16 3.92 5.77 10.75
Max 4.71 5.95 7.70 13.75 18.58 28.33
Hedge ratio at:
Min OAS 0.89 0.91 0.88 0.47 0.14 0.10
Ave OAS 0.88 0.84 0.76 0.25 0.02 -0.04
Max OAS 0.83 0.49 0.17 -0.61 -0.44 -0.38
Panel B: July 07 - Nov 09
: hedge ratio limit 1.02 0.90 0.88 0.05 -0.17 -0.32
t-stat 16.19 13.18 15.68 0.41 -0.91 -1.43
: spread slope -0.08 -0.04 -0.02 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01
t-stat -3.69 -2.28 -2.00 -0.52 -0.38 -0.55
OAS range (%)
Min 0.70 0.90 1.21 2.05 2.70 4.30
Ave 2.26 2.92 3.73 6.35 8.44 13.00
Max 4.71 5.95 7.70 13.75 18.58 28.33
Hedge ratio at:
Min OAS 0.97 0.86 0.85 0.03 -0.19 -0.36
Ave OAS 0.84 0.78 0.79 0.00 -0.23 -0.43
Max OAS 0.65 0.65 0.70 -0.06 -0.30 -0.55
Note: The estimated coefficients are based on Equation (4). The regressions are estimated separately for each rating
category using the daily market-value price returns of all bonds comprising each category, between August 1998 and
February 2005 (Panel A) or July 2007 and November 2009 (Panel B). Source: Barclays Capital
Segmentation in Credit Markets
The evidence in the previous section suggests that there is a clear separation between the
hedge ratios of investment grade and high yield bonds. The sharp drop in hedge ratios
when crossing to high yield territory could not be explained by considerations of default and
recovery and persisted through the entire sample period despite the sometime unstable
behavior of hedge ratios over time. What can account for this phenomenon?
One possibility is that the discontinuous behavior of hedge ratios simply reflects different
market pricing conventions for investment grade and high yield bonds. Investment grade
bonds are typically quoted as a spread to a Treasury security with similar maturity
(parent), whereas high yield bonds are quoted on price. Therefore, even when daily
quotes for an investment grade bond are unchanged, it would still exhibit interest rate
sensitivity in our analysis as long as the Treasury curve has changed. In contrast, for a high
yield bond, the price return would be zero, suggesting no sensitivity to Treasury rates.
In liquid markets, securities are transacted frequently and prices are likely to closely reflect the
valuations of market participants. However, corporate bonds as an asset class are fairly illiquid,
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25 January 2010 12
and most bonds do not trade on any given day. For example, trading volume data for
September 2009 reported in TRACE indicate that about half of the bonds in the Corporate and
High Yield Indices traded less than 15 times during that month and 25-30% did not trade even
once. Furthermore, the average monthly turnover was only about 5% for investment grade
bonds and roughly 4% for high yield bonds.
As a result, daily corporate bond pricing data
mostly reflect traders quotes, rather than actual transactions. If these quotes are stale, the
different pricing conventions between the two markets can create the apparent segmentation
we observe. To investigate this hypothesis, we construct several proxies for liquidity and test
whether our results are sensitive to the existence of stale pricing.
Potential Stale Pricing and its Effect on Hedge Ratios
Traders quotes are more likely to accurately reflect the aggregate demand and supply
dynamics when markets are liquid. To the extent that stale quotes are less of a concern for
more liquid bonds, we examine the variation in interest rate sensitivity across credit ratings
conditional on trading volume as a proxy for liquidity. Each month, bonds in our sample are
assigned into quintiles based on their total dollar trading volume as reported in TRACE.
Quintile breakpoints are determined separately for investment and non-investment grade
bonds. We then compute aggregate market-value weighted statistics (price return, spread
and spread-duration) separately for each investment grade and high yield quintile.
Figure 7 reports the average traded volume and number of bonds in every quintile by credit
rating from January 2007 through November 2009.
Figure 7 clearly illustrates the relative
illiquidity of the corporate bond market. For example, bonds rated A in the top quintile have
an average monthly trading volume of $167.8mn, whereas those in the second most liquid
quintile have roughly one fifth of that volume. Furthermore, A rated bonds in the bottom
quintile were essentially not traded at all, and a similar pattern is evident irrespective of
credit quality. Across rating categories, investment grade and high yield bonds in the same
quintile exhibit fairly similar turnovers despite the large differences in absolute volume, as
the typical amount outstanding of an investment grade bond is two to three times larger
than that of a high yield bond.
Figure 7: Liquidity Quintiles: Bond Composition and Volume
Investment Grade High Yield

Q1 -Most
Liquid Q2 Q3 Q4
Q5 -Least

Q1 - Most
Liquid Q2 Q3 Q4
Q5 -Least
Bond Composition (Avg. Number of Issues per Month) Bond Composition (Avg. Number of Issues per Month)
Aaa/Aa 142 89 63 57 72 Ba 94 106 110 117 106
A 254 257 256 266 235 B 113 119 123 106 125
Baa 213 262 289 286 303 Caa 84 69 63 56 77
Total 609 609 609 610 611 Total 291 294 296 279 308
Trading Volume ($mn/month) Trading Volume ($mn/month)
Aaa/Aa 188.5 37.3 15.7 5.3 0.3 Ba 79.8 17.9 7.8 2.2 0.0
A 167.8 36.4 15.5 5.1 0.4 B 84.9 18.0 7.9 2.4 0.0
Baa 154.8 35.9 15.2 5.1 0.4 Caa 93.7 18.2 7.9 2.4 0.0
Note: Based on daily transaction data from TRACE between January 2007 and November 2009. Quintile breakpoints are determined separately for investment and
non-investment grade bonds each month based on the total trading volume per bond. The aggregate trading volumes are MV-weighted across all bonds in each
quintile-rating bucket. Source: Barclays Capital

Hotchkiss and Jostova (2007) report similar results based on a comprehensive dataset of insurance companies
transactions from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
We do not have access to TRACE data before January 2007. In addition, TRACE market coverage before that date is
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Is using liquidity (as captured by trading volumes) effective in mitigating stale pricing? While
it is difficult to address this question directly, Figure 8 presents some indirect results. Panel
A reports the standard deviation of the daily aggregate price returns for all quintile-rating
combinations and their durations, whereas Panel B reports the average correlation of price
return across volume quintiles,
j i
q q ,
If liquid bonds experience more frequent price
adjustments than less liquid bonds (within the same credit rating), then the standard
deviation of their price returns should be higher. Similarly, return correlations should decline
the more distant two quintiles are from each other.
The results from Figure 8 are consistent with both predictions. First, the volatility of price
returns for the second quintile is uniformly lower than that of the top quintile for each of the
credit rating groups. Furthermore, the magnitude of decline between the top and bottom
quintiles (despite the generally higher duration of bonds in the bottom quintile) increases as
credit quality deteriorates, consistent with a potentially larger degree of stale pricing for
lower credit qualities. Second, the correlation of price returns between any two quintiles
declines the further apart they are in terms of their liquidity profiles. For example,
2 1
,q q
the correlation between the highest and second-highest liquidity quintile, is 0.85, whereas it
is only 0.75 for
5 1
,q q
. These results suggest that trading volume as a proxy for liquidity is
able to capture some cross-sectional variation in bonds price adjustment dynamic. Hence,
more liquid (e.g., traded) bonds are less likely to have stale prices and in particular those
comprising the top liquidity quintile.
Figure 8: Price Return Volatilities and Correlations across Liquidity Quintiles7
Panel A: Std. of Price
Returns (bp/day) Aaa-Aa A Baa Ba B Caa
Q1 - Most liquid 47 59 52 67 86 122
Q2 38 44 46 38 44 77
Q3 40 47 46 35 38 61
Q4 47 50 48 30 33 54
Q5 - Least liquid 52 56 48 39 54 72
Durations (years) Aaa/Aa A Baa Ba B Caa
Q1 - Most liquid 5.51 6.39 6.92 4.84 4.22 4.21
Q2 4.67 5.85 6.09 4.69 4.04 4.06
Q3 5.19 6.29 6.07 4.56 4.12 4.02
Q4 5.88 6.75 6.14 4.83 4.24 4.23
Q5 - Least liquid 6.58 7.38 6.44 5.01 4.60 4.41

Panel B: Daily price
return correlation
Q1 -most
liquid Q2 Q3 Q4
Q5 - Least
Q1 - Most liquid 1.00 0.85 0.77 0.73 0.75
Q2 1.00 0.92 0.87 0.85
Q3 1.00 0.90 0.84
Q4 1.00 0.82
Q5 - Least liquid 1.00
Note: Based on daily transaction data from TRACE between January 2007 and November 2009. Quintile breakpoints
are determined separately for investment and non-investment grade bonds each month based on the total trading
volume per bond. Panel A reports price returns standard deviations computed using the daily market-value weighted
price returns of all bonds in each quintile-rating combination. Panel B reports price return correlations computed
between daily price returns of every quintile-rating combination over the sample period and then averaged across all
credit ratings groups. Source: Barclays Capital

Values for
j i
q q ,

in Panel B represent the correlation between daily price returns of quintiles i and j over the
sample period averaged across all credit ratings groups.
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25 January 2010 14
Figure 9 displays the results of re-estimating Equation 4 separately for each credit rating
group using only the most liquid bonds those comprising quintile 1. The large drop in
empirical hedge ratios when crossing from investment grade to non-investment grade
territory documented earlier is still evident. For example, despite the extreme market
dynamics during the sample period (January 2007-November 2009), Baa bonds maintained
a hedge ratio of 0.71, even at spreads of 700bp, whereas high yield bonds exhibited zero or
even negative hedge ratios for the same level of spreads. Furthermore, the results are very
similar to those reported in Figure 6, despite the difference in population, for , investment
grade and high yield bonds.
Figure 9: Hedge Ratios as a Function of Spread for Liquidity Quintile 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
OAS (%)
Ratio of Empirical
Duration to OAD
Aaa-Aa A Baa Ba B Caa

Note: The plot is based on estimating Equation (4) separately for each rating category using daily data of all bonds comprising
liquidity quintile 1, between January 1, 2007, and November 30, 2009. The resulting coefficients and the minimum and
maximum spread level during the sample period are then substituted separately for each credit rating in Equation 5.
Source: Barclays Capital
While Figure 9 nicely illustrates the large difference in interest-rate sensitivity for the most
liquid subset of investment grade and high yield bonds, it is important to note that the same
pattern is also observed for less liquid bonds. Figure 10 plots hedge ratios as function of
spread level for Baa and Ba rated bonds separately for all liquidity quintiles. Figure 10
indicates that the gap in hedge ratios between the lowest quality investment grade bonds
(Baa) and the highest quality high yield bonds (Ba) is largely independent of their underlying
liquidity profile and can be observed even for bonds in quintile 5, where the potential for
stale pricing is likely to be the largest.
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Figure 10: Hedge Ratios for Baa and Ba Rated Bonds by Liquidity Quintile
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
OAS (%)
Empirical Hedge
Q1-Baa Q1-Ba Q2-Baa Q2-Ba
Q3-Baa Q3-Ba Q4-Baa Q4-Ba
Q5-Baa Q5-Ba

Note: The reported coefficients are based on estimating Equation (4). The regressions are estimated separately for
each liquidity-rating combination using daily price return between January 2007 and November 2009.
Source: Barclays Capital
In addition to controlling for trading volume, we conduct two more experiments to ensure
that the lack of rates sensitivity of high yield bonds is not an artifact of stale pricing. First,
we repeat the analysis with bi-weekly rather than daily price returns over the same period as
in Figure 1 (August 1998 and November 2009). Using a bi-weekly frequency reduces the
likelihood of having unchanged prices, while still keeping the sample size large enough to
ensure sufficient statistical power. Second, we attempt to directly identify and exclude
observations that possibly reflect stale prices. All bonds comprising the Corporate and High
Yield Indices with a sequence of five or more unchanged quotes in any month are excluded
from the eligible population of bonds for that month.
Equation (4) is then re-estimated
separately for the six ratings groups using only the eligible population of bonds from
January 2007 through November 2009.
The results from filtering out consecutive unchanged prices and using bi-weekly price
returns (not reported for brevity) are almost identical to those using daily data and the
entire population of bonds. Once again, they reject the notion that the difference in pricing
conventions and relative illiquidity of corporate bonds are responsible for our results.
Hedge Ratios following Rating Changes An Event Study Approach
The analysis of the relation between analytical and empirical duration has relied so far on
using aggregated statistics of various bond portfolios constructed based on credit ratings.
This approach was taken, in part, to examine the relation between hedge ratios and credit
qualities but mainly to achieve a sufficiently long sample period that reflects diverse credit
market conditions.
One disadvantage of using aggregated data is that our findings may reflect, at least partially,
differences in bond characteristics across rating categories, which can affect the observed
hedge ratios. For example, many of the bonds rated as high yield at issuance are callable. If
market perception about the likelihood of a bond being called is materially different than
that implied by the option-adjusted duration (OAD) model, it could lead to a large
discrepancy between the analytical and empirical duration. If the population of high yield

For investment grade bonds, unchanged quotes are in spread terms whereas for high yield bonds, they are in price
terms. On average, about 50% and 4% of the bonds comprising the High yield and Corporate Indices are excluded
monthly, respectively.
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bonds has a higher percentage of callable bonds than in investment grade, or has a
systematic difference in any other macro characteristic, perhaps these hidden differences
are causing the empirical durations of the two groups to diverge?
To address this issue, we repeat the analysis using daily data on individual bonds that were
downgraded from investment grade to high yield status or conversely were upgraded from
high yield to investment grade status since 2006. For each bond, we estimate and then analyze
the change in hedge ratio before and after the rating "event" (upgrade or downgrade). This
"event study" approach controls for all bond-specific characteristics and allows us to conduct a
direct test of the difference in hedge ratios between investment grade and high yield bonds.
Data and Methodology
The analysis was carried out for all bonds that were part of the Barclays Corporate and High
yield Indices and experienced a "rating-event" between January 1, 2006 and November 30,
2009. A "rating-event" was defined as a downgrade from any investment grade rating to high
yield status or conversely an upgrade from any high yield rating to investment grade
status.15F16 We require each bond to have at least 50 data points (after excluding all zero price
returns to mitigate potential "stale pricing",) before and after the event (i.e., a minimum of 100
observations per bond).
Figure 11: Frequency of Bonds Experiencing "Rating Events" by Quarter
2006-Q2 2006-Q4 2007-Q2 2007-Q4 2008-Q2 2008-Q4 2009-Q2
Downgrades Upgrades

Note: Based on all bonds that were part of the Barclays Corporate and High yield Indices and experienced a "rating-event"
between January 1, 2006 and November 30, 2009. A "rating-event" was defined as a downgrade from any investment grade
rating to high yield status or conversely an upgrade from any high yield rating to investment grade status.
Source: Barclays Capital
The resulting sample includes 410 rating events of which 123 are upgrades and 287 are
downgrades. They represent 402 bonds from 137 individual issuers. Figure 11 displays the
total number of rating events by type in each quarter during the sample period. Not
surprisingly, the rating events are not uniformly distributed over time. Most of the downgrades
occurred during Q3 08 and onward, whereas the upgrades mostly concentrated around the
beginning and middle of the period.
Before we report the results of the analysis for the entire sample, it is instructive to look at one
specific example. Figure 12 displays the 90-days trailing hedge ratio, average spread (over the
same period) and credit rating (shown at the bottom of the chart) for a 30y bond with a

For example, a downgrade from an A-rating to a Baa-rating would not qualify as a "rating-event".
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7.875% coupon issued by Alltel in July 2001. The bond has experienced several rating changes
since 2006, which makes it an interesting test-case for the relation between hedge ratio and
credit quality.
Figure 12: Variation in Alltel 30y Bond Hedge Ratio Following Rating Changes
May-06 Sep-06 Jan-07 May-07 Aug-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 May-09
Empirical Hedge Ratio (90-Days rolling) Average OAS
Ba2 Caa1
6/8/08 - Verizon
offers to buy Alltel
5/23/07 - Alltel
1/8/09 - Merger

Note: The plot displays the 90-days trailing hedge ratio, average spread (over the same period) and credit rating for a
30-year bond with a 7.875% coupon issued by Alltel in July 2001 (CUSIP 02039DC). Source: Barclays Capital
Until May 23, 2007, the bond enjoyed an investment grade rating of A2 and exhibited a hedge
ratio close to 1, which declined to as low as 0.75 as the bond spread widened to over 200bp,
consistent with the estimates for A-rated bonds in Figure 1. Following the downgrade to high
yield status (A2 to Ba2), the hedge ratio declined steadily to about 0.4 as spreads widened to
450bp and dropped even further to negative territory (as a low as -0.6) after the bond was
further downgraded to Caa1 on November 21, 2007.
The hedge ratio (and spread) reversed course soon after Verizons offer to acquire Alltel was
announced in June 2008, although the bond credit rating remained unchanged. Once the
acquisition was completed on January 8, 2009, the bond was upgraded to investment grade
status and regained its initial rating (A2). Similarly, the hedge ratio increased (and spread level
decreased) gradually from about 0.25 to roughly 0.95 at the end of August 2009, similar to its
value at the beginning of 2006.
Empirical Analysis
To study the behavior of hedge ratios for the sample of bonds that experienced a "rating
event, we estimated Equation (4) for each bond separately before and after the rating change
using all available data except the month during which the rating event occurred, which is
excluded. If a bond experienced more than one rating change, we estimate the regression
using data up to three months before the next event or starting three months after the
previous event to avoid any spill-over effects.
Figure 13 reports summary statistics for the pre- and post-rating event regressions, separately
for upgraded and downgraded bonds. The values in Figure 13 represent sample medians
rather than means to mitigate the potential effect of outliers. The P-values for the null
hypothesis of equal medians before and after the rating event are computed based on the
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test.

A P-value of < 0.0001 implies that with a 99.99% confidence these parameters have different values before and
after the ratings event, and that our results are not simply the results of random noise.
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Figure 13: Summary Statistics for Bonds Experiencing a "Rating Event"
Downgrades Upgrades
Before After
P-value for
Difference Before After
P-value for
Beta 1.00 0.45 <0.0001 0.43 0.88 <0.0001
Gamma -0.04 -0.05 0.021 -0.07 -0.02 0.153
Mean OAS (bp) 255 749 180 360
Hedge Ratio at Mean OAS 0.86 0.08 <0.0001 0.20 0.80 <0.0001
Bonds with Hedge Ratio Change as Expected 86% 80%
R-sqr 0.16 0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.14 <0.0001
Sample Size 287 287 123 123
Note: The figures are based on estimating Equation (4) for each bond separately before and after the rating-event using all available data except the month during
which the rating-event occurred, which is excluded. If a bond experienced more than one rating change, we estimate the regression using data up to three-month
before the next event or starting three months after the previous event. Values for Beta, Gamma, Mean OAS, Hedge ratio and R-sqr are based on the sample median.
The P-value reflects the probability that the median values before and after the Rating-event are drawn from the same distribution using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney
test. The percentage of hedge ratio change as expected is the proportion of bonds where hedge ratios decreased after a downgrade or increased after an upgrade.
Source: Barclays Capital
The results are overall consistent with our previous findings for upgraded and downgraded
bonds. For bonds initially rated investment grade, the typical limit hedge ratio (beta)
decreased from 1.00 to 0.45 after the rating change, compared with 0.85 and 0.41 reported
in Figure 1 (based on Baa and Ba rated bonds, respectively). The results for upgraded bonds
are similar but with the opposite directionality with beta increasing from 0.43 to 0.88. The
spread slope coefficient (gamma) is always negative and fairly stable, although for
downgraded bonds, the 0.01 difference (from -0.04 to -0.05) is significant at the 5% level.
The changes in explanatory power are also in accordance with previous results and highly
significant. The regressions R
dramatically decline for downgraded bonds (from 0.16 to
0.01) and rise for upgraded bonds (from 0.02 to 0.14).
Not surprisingly, the average spread level for downgraded bonds increased from 255bp
before the rating event to 750bp after it. While the similar rise in spread level for bonds that
were upgraded may look unreasonable at first, it reflects the general timing of upgrades
toward the beginning of the period (Figure 11) and the sharp rise in spreads following the
credit crisis.
Hedge ratios (computed by using the estimates of beta, gamma, and the average spread of
each bond during the estimation window) for downgraded bonds declined from 0.86 to
0.08, very similar to the results generated by employing the coefficients from Figure 1 (0.79
and 0.05 before and after the rating event, respectively) for the respective spread levels. In
addition, the hedge ratios for downgraded bonds before the rating change are very similar
to those of upgraded bonds after the rating change (0.80), despite the fact that these are
two distinct bonds populations. Figure 14 also reports the percentage of bonds where the
hedge ratio changed "as expected" e.g., consistent with our null hypothesis of a decrease
after a downgrade and an increase after an upgrade. In both cases, this hit ratio is very
high 86% in the case of downgraded bonds and 80% for upgraded bonds.
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Figure 14: Pre- and Post-Rating Event Hedge Ratios for Individual Bonds
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Hedge Ratio Pre-event
Hedge Ratio Post-event

Note: Hedge ratios are computed by using the estimates of beta, gamma, and the average spread of each bond during
the estimation window. Each observation represents a single bond where the x- and y-axis measure the hedge ratio
before and after the rating event, respectively. Source: Barclays Capital
These results are also illustrated in Figure 14. Each observation represents a single bond
where the x- and y-axis measure the hedge ratio before and after the rating event
respectively. The scatter-plot reveals the sharp contrast in hedge ratios before and after the
rating-event. Hedge ratios for downgraded bonds mostly ranged between 0.8 and 1.0, while
they were rated investment grade, but hovered around zero after the downgrade with many
of the bonds exhibiting negative hedge ratios, similar to what was documented in Figure 2
for high yield bonds. In contrast, for upgraded bonds, almost all observations are located
above the 45 degree line, implying that the hedge ratios have increased and most range
between 0.6 and 0.8.
Performance Evaluation and Hedge Ratios
The analysis of individual bonds that experienced a rating event confirmed all prior results
(both qualitatively and quantitatively), suggesting that data aggregation did not affect our
findings. In particular, the sharp drop in hedge ratios when crossing to high yield territory,
which we termed "market segmentation" could not be explained by security-specific
attributes that characterize high yield bonds. Nor could considerations of credit risk (default
and recovery) or differences in pricing conventions between the markets.
We propose the following explanation based on the difference in performance metrics used
by investors in the two markets. Despite the fact that seemingly similar securities (corporate
bonds) are traded in both, investment grade credit managers are typically evaluated in
terms of excess returns over Treasuries (or swaps). High yield managers on the other hand,
tend to think in terms of total return and default risk. Such a difference in approach and the
hedging practices (or lack of) that result from it is likely to generate the observed reduction
in the effect of interest rate movements on high yield valuations, which we observe.
While the hypothesis is simple and intuitive, it is difficult to test directly as we are unable to
observe the hedging activity by portfolio managers. Still, the rating event analysis may
provide some important, albeit indirect, evidence that supports this theory. Figure 15 plots
the median hedge ratio as a function of time relative to the timing of the rating event
(separately for downgraded and upgraded bonds). Hedge ratios are estimated over one of 8
3-month, non-overlapping periods spanning the two-year window around the rating event
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The population of bonds varies across time and declines the more distant the period
is from the event date (either before or after).
The results in Figure 15 illustrate the strong discontinuity in hedge ratios around the rating
event date. For downgraded bonds, the hedge ratio drops from 0.80 in the three months
just before the downgrade to 0.38 in the three months following it. Similarly, the hedge ratio
for upgraded bonds rises from 0.28 to 0.81 over the same -periods. In contrast, the degree
of variation in the prior and subsequent nine months (-12 to -3 and 3 to 12) are limited. For
example, for upgraded bonds, the hedge ratio ranged from 0.16 to 0.23 before the rating
change similar to the level just before the rating change. Similarly, the hedge ratio after the
upgrade increased initially from 0.81 further to 0.91 but then declined back to 0.82.
One exception is the continued decline of the hedge ratio for investment grade bond after
they were downgraded (from 0.38 to -0.04). This reflects the relative clustering of the
downgrade events in our sample around the height of the credit crisis. As Figure 11 shows,
a total of 144 downgrades occurred between the last quarter of 2008 and the second
quarter of 2009. This clustering, coupled with the extreme widening of spreads, resulted in
the seemingly continued deterioration of hedge ratios up to a year after the downgrade.
Figure 15: Variation in Hedge Ratio over Time by Rating Event
-12 to -10 -9 to -7 -6 to -4 -3 to -1 1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 9 10 to 12
Hedge Ratio
Rating Event

Note: Each observation represents the median hedge ratio over one of 8 three month, non-overlapping periods
spanning the two-year window around the rating event date. Hedge ratios are computed by using the estimates of
beta, gamma, and the average spread of each bond during the estimation window. The coefficients are based on
estimating Equation (4) separately for each bond with at least 50 data points in a given three-month period.
Source: Barclays Capital
Overall, the pattern of fairly stable hedge ratios up to three months before the rating change, a
sharp change around the rating event, and then a renewed stabilization at a new level is fully
consistent with our hypothesis. Notice also that this argument implies that such behavior
should be observed, even if market participants are able to anticipate the rating changes well
in advance. Despite the fact that rating agencies are often slow to incorporate new
information and adjust credit ratings accordingly, investment grade bonds pending a
downgrade should still exhibit high interest rate sensitivity and vice versa for high yield bonds.

Hedge ratios are computed by using the estimates of beta, gamma, and the average spread of each bond during the
estimation window. As before, bonds with less than 50 data points (in any three-month period) are excluded from
the median calculation.
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Applications of Empirical Duration in Portfolio Management
What are the practical implications of our findings to a portfolio manager? If one is passively
managing the duration exposures of a corporate bond portfolio relative to a corporate index,
the issue is largely irrelevant. As long as the two sets of duration exposures are systematically
matched, and the bonds in the portfolio are qualitatively similar to the benchmark, we would
expect them to react similarly to changes in the yield curve. The empirical relationship is
more important when a large corporate exposure is hedged purely with Treasuries or swaps.
In such cases, if an adjustment is not made, the portfolio might end up over-hedged with
respect to rates. Let us examine several such examples in greater detail.
Index Replication with Derivatives
Investors often prefer to replicate a target index with only liquid instruments such as
Treasury futures, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps. Barclays Capital publishes
returns on several baskets (known as RBI - Replicating Bond Index baskets), which are
designed to replicate the returns of various Barclays Capital Indices using combinations of
The weighting of the basket components is determined such that the target
index main analytics are matched to the extent possible.
One of these baskets (RBI-2) is designed to track the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index
using only Treasury futures and interest rate swaps.
While the rates exposure of the credit
component of the index (based on a six-point key rate duration (KRD) profile) is matched,
the spread exposure is left unhedged. However, our results suggest that a better tracking
should be achieved with a hedge ratio somewhat lower than 1. In other words, the KRDs of
the swaps in the basket should be less than the corresponding analytical KRDs used in the
standard product. Would such an adjustment lead to an appreciable reduction in TEV?
We conducted an experiment in which we re-weighted the swaps in RBI-2 baskets monthly
from March 2004 (the product launch date) through November 2009. Each month, we
estimated Equation (4), separately for each credit quality group, using an expanding
window of daily data (from August 1998). Then, using the market weights and average OAS
of each quality group, we calculated a single hedge ratio for the index, applied it to the six
KRDs (and therefore the weights) of the swaps in the basket, and computed the baskets
return. The resulting time series of these empirical RBI returns was compared with that of
the standard, published product to determine whether the tracking error volatility versus the
Credit Index was improved by switching to empirical hedging.

See Replicating Bond Index Baskets (RBIs): Performance, Risks, and Alternative RBI Baskets, Barclays Capital,
October 7, 2009.
RBI-2 refers to RBI Series 2. RBI Series 1 uses CDX to add an explicit spread exposure, and its performance is closely
linked to the cash-CDS basis.
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The TEV for the overall period of 69 months declined by 13bp, from 209 to 196bp/month.
While the reduction in realized TEV is not extremely large, we did not expect it to be. Clearly, the
tracking errors reflected first and foremost the mismatch in spread exposure between credit
bonds and swaps. It is important to note, however, that improvement in TEV has been
consistent through the entire period. Figure 6 displays the TEV on an expanding window,
starting at 12 months and working its way to the full 68-month period. Panel A compares the
TEV of the standard and empirical RBI. Panel B plots just the difference to highlight the
improvement. The plot suggests that the TEV of the empirical RBI has always stayed below that
of the standard product and the improvement has actually increased during recent crisis period.
Asset-Liability Management for Pension Funds
Many pension funds manage corporate bond portfolios against liabilities discounted off the
Aa corporate curve. The duration of the liabilities is often longer than that of the portfolio.
Our study suggests that one-for-one duration matching may over-hedge the portfolio. If
interest rates rise but spreads simultaneously tighten, the hedged portfolio will lose value
faster than the marked-to-market liabilities, a potentially disastrous scenario. This study
may offer some guidance in deciding on the prudent hedge ratio.
Hedging an Active Credit Exposure
A straightforward example is using Treasury futures or swaps to hedge the rates exposure
in a credit portfolio. Should the manager use analytical or empirical durations? The answer
to this question is more complex than it might seem at first glance. Different types of
hedges may be appropriate to express different views; it is important to understand the
precise implications and consequences of each approach.
A decision to have an active credit position may express the view that current spread levels
are high relative to the investors estimate of credit risk and that a long-horizon exposure
should generate a steady stream of positive carry returns. If the investor has no view on the
near-term direction of spread movement, he may wish to hedge this position against mark-
to-market volatility stemming from fluctuations in both rates and spreads. If the hedge
consists of only Treasury futures and swaps, the overall volatility of the position may be
minimized when the hedge ratio to the rates exposure is less than one, as our empirical
research suggests.
Figure 16: Credit RBI-2 Based on Empirical and Analytical Durations; Effect on TEV
A) TEV, Empirical Versus Analytical

B) TEV Differential (Empirical TEV minus Analytical TEV)
Mar-05 Dec-05 Sep-06 Jun-07 Mar-08 Dec-08 Sep-09
bp per month

Mar-05 Dec-05 Sep-06 Jun-07 Mar-08 Dec-08 Sep-09
bp per month
Source: Barclays Capital Source: Barclays Capital
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25 January 2010 23
However, an active credit exposure may also be motivated by a view that spreads will
tighten. In this case, an empirical adjustment to the hedge ratios may be counterproductive.
Imagine a scenario in which interest rates rise and spreads tighten exactly as implied by the
historical relationship between the two. An empirical hedge, reduced to reflect this known
correlation, would exactly offset both of these market effects. Is this what the investor
intended? In this example, the view that spreads would tighten may prove correct, but
would not result in any net profit, as the gain from the spread tightening would be offset by
the under-hedged losses from the rise in rates. If, however, the credit overweight were
implemented by a full analytical rates hedge, then the position would profit on spread
tightening and lose on widening, regardless of what happened to interest rates.
These two approaches can perhaps be expressed most concisely in the context of a simple
two-factor risk model. A long credit position has exposure to a yield factor and a spread
factor, with a negative correlation between them. Suppose two investors wish to hedge the
interest rates risk of this position with a rates-only hedge, but with different goals in mind.
The first investor wants to earn the carry of the position, while putting in place the
minimum-risk hedge. He will end up with less than complete hedging of the rates exposure,
reflecting the negative correlation with the remaining spread exposure. The second investor
wants to maintain the exposure to the spread factor, while fully hedging the exposure to the
rates factor. She may end up with a greater overall TEV, but a smaller TEV component due
to rates, on which she had no view and, therefore, sought neutrality.
Core-Plus Investment in High Yield Bonds
Consider a credit portfolio manager with a core-plus mandate which allows him to make an
allocation to high yield bonds. Because of the much lower interest rate sensitivity of high
yield bonds, replacing part of his investment grade allocation with an otherwise similar
allocation to non-investment grade bonds would shorten the empirical duration of his
portfolio. This may carry a practical implication for credit managers who would like to
shorten their portfolios duration in expectation of a rise in interest rates in the near future.
We examine such a strategy, which buys bonds with the highest high yield rating (Ba) and
sells short bonds with the lowest investment grade rating (Baa). Since the strategy does not
intend to take a view on the direction of credit spreads, it has an additional (long)
investment in A-rated bonds to achieve perfect hedging of analytical duration and DTS. In
practice, the manager could implement such a strategy as an overlay to his existing
portfolio, shifting some of his BBB-rated assets to A-rated and BB-rated bonds.
To implement the strategy, we use all A and Baa-rated bonds in the Barclays Capital U.S.
Corporate Index, and Ba-rated bonds in the U.S. High Yield Index, from January 1992 to
November 2009. The analysis is conducted within industry sectors to mitigate any sector-
specific risk.
The strategy is rebalanced monthly to match the analytical duration and DTS
of the long and short positions. Since the long and short positions may not be dollar
equivalent, the strategy also invests (or borrows) cash at 1-month USD Libor. The sector-
level returns are aggregated to obtain the overall strategy return, weighing each sector by
the market value of the Baa-rated bonds in that sector.

Bonds are classified into one of the following 18 sectors: Finance (Banking, Brokerage, Finance Companies,
Insurance, REITs, Other), Industrials (Basic Industry, Capital Goods, Consumer Cyclical, Consumer Non-cyclical,
Energy, technology, Transportation, Communications, Other), and Utility (Electric, Natural Gas, Other). To mitigate
idiosyncratic risk, the strategy is implemented for a given sector only on months when the sector is populated by at
least 20 bonds
Barclays Capital | Empirical Duration of Corporate Bonds and Credit Market Segmentation

25 January 2010 24
Figure 17 plots the strategy monthly returns versus the contemporaneous average change
in 2, 5, and 10y rates. If this strategy is short empirical duration as a consequence of the
credit market segmentation, the strategy should generate positive returns when rates rally
and negative returns in months when rates decline (assuming that credit exposure is
perfectly hedged using DTS). The plot indicates some positive relation between the
performance of the strategy and the change in interest rates. However, there are many
months in which the strategy does not perform according to expectation. For example, the
strategy gained 2.3% in December 2008 when rates, on average, declined by 43bp, and lost
1.5% in May 2009 when rates increased by 23bp. A simple performance attribution for the
strategy based on regressing the strategy returns against changes in interest rates and
credit spreads (measured by changes in AA spread) finds a significant positive loading on
change in rates (coefficient of 0.39, t-stat = 3.86), with an insignificant loading on change in
credit spreads (coefficient of -0.17, t-stat = -1.09) and a zero intercept. However, the low
explanatory power (R
= 8%) suggests that there are other factors which influence the
performance of the strategy.
Figure 17: Changes in Rates and the Performance of a "Short" Empirical Duration Strategy
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Change in Rates (Avg of 2-,5-,10-yr rates in bp/month)
Strategy Return (%/mo)

Source: Barclays Capital
The relationship between the strategy performance and the change in rates may be more
ambiguous in months with small changes in rates, when any effect of the short empirical
duration position may be overshadowed by credit shocks or defaults. Figure 18, therefore,
tabulates the performance statistics for the strategy in months when the change in rates is
positive or negative, as well as when the change in rates is larger than one standard
The results suggest that the strategy earns positive average returns when rates
rise and negative average returns when rates decline. Moreover, the pattern is stronger
when changes in rates exceed one standard deviation with positive (negative) returns in
70% of months with rising (declining) rates.
The performance of the strategy further supports the segmentation between investment
grade and high yield credit, and , highlights the importance of considering empirical
durations when investing in high yield credit.

We calculate the volatility of interest rates as the standard deviation of the average change in 2-,5-, and 10-yr rates,
over the January 1992 to November 2009 period, which comes out as 28bp/month
Barclays Capital | Empirical Duration of Corporate Bonds and Credit Market Segmentation

25 January 2010 25
Figure 18: Summary Statistics for "Short" Empirical Duration Strategy

Positive/Negative Monthly
Change in Rates
Monthly Change in Rates > 1
Std. Deviation
Rising Rates Declining Rates Rising Rates Declining Rates
Average return (%/mo) 0.10 -0.04 0.25 -0.14
Volatility (%/mo) 0.40 0.45 0.44 0.63
Number of months 101 112 36 37
t-stat 2.49 -0.89 3.39 -1.37
Best Month 1.62 2.26 1.62 2.26
Worst Month -1.47 -2.06 -0.57 -2.06
% up months 61% 48% 69% 30%
Source: Barclays Capital
In previous publications prior to the 2007-08 credit crisis, we had conducted a systematic
analysis of the relationship between empirical duration of corporate bonds and the level of
spreads. These studies demonstrated that empirical duration depends on spread and
sensitivity to rates decrease as spreads widen, even for bonds with the same credit quality.
Moreover, empirical durations fall sharply when we move from investment grade into high
yield territory. A more recent publication updated the analysis through the credit crisis and
examined if investment grade empirical durations declined to levels typical of high yield
bonds in the ultra-wide spread environment during the crisis. The study found that there is
a fundamental qualitative difference between the behavior of investment grade and high
yield bonds with respect to interest rates. Specifically, even in ultra-wide spread
environments, investment grade credit seems reluctant to give up its interest rate sensitivity,
while high yield continues to demonstrate equity-like behavior with zero or negative
empirical durations.
This paper unifies and augments all our previous studies on empirical duration of corporate
bonds. We document the clear segmentation between investment and non-investment
grade bonds with respect to their interest rate sensitivity, and show that the phenomena is
not due to stale pricing. That is, differences in pricing conventions and liquidity do not seem
to be the reason for the lower empirical durations of high yield bonds. We also show that
differences in bond characteristics between investment and non-investment grade cannot
possibly account for the observed discontinuity in empirical durations. We analyze the
changes in empirical duration of individual bonds that were either downgraded from
investment grade to high yield or upgraded from high yield to investment grade status.
Since the same population of bonds is examined before and after a downgrade/upgrade,
this approach controls for any bond-specific characteristics that may have artificially
created the segmentation effect. We find that downgraded bonds experience a large decline
in their empirical durations close to the date of downgrade, with the magnitude of the
change in empirical duration being close to what we find for the aggregate population of
bonds. Similarly, high yield bonds that were upgraded to investment grade status
experience a large increase in their empirical durations as well.
Finally, we discuss several practical implications of using empirical durations in managing
credit portfolios. The issue is largely irrelevant when managing the duration exposures of a
corporate bond portfolio relative to a benchmark since what matters then is whether the
durations of the portfolio and the benchmark are matched, be it analytical or empirical
Barclays Capital | Empirical Duration of Corporate Bonds and Credit Market Segmentation

25 January 2010 26
duration. Empirical durations become important when actively hedging a credit portfolio
with only Treasuries or swaps, since using analytical durations would generally cause the
portfolio to be over-hedged with respect to rates. Empirical durations are also relevant for a
credit manager looking to invest in high yield credit as a part of a core-plus mandate. We
examine one example in which replacing investment by non-investment grade bonds while
matching analytical duration would lead to a short duration position.
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25 January 2010 27
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We, Madhur Ambastha, Arik Ben Dor, Lev Dynkin, Jay Hyman and Vadim Konstantinovsky, hereby certify (1) that the views expressed in this research
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