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Environmental Factors 24 Conclusion After the results have been finalized, the researchers came up with these following

conclusions: 1. The environmental factors affecting the recovery of post operative patients are the inadequacy of space on the room provided for each patient inside the ward, inadequate sustenance of quiet and peaceful environment, inaccessibility of the comfort room, maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness of the room, unavailability of a good source of lighting especially on night time, and the provision of clean and appropriate foods for the patient. 2. The aforementioned environmental factors affect the recovery of post operative patients in a way that their normal sleep and rest patterns are altered, physical mobility is impaired, wound healing is delayed, motor problems such as difficulty in movement and muscle weakness in legs and feet is experienced, and fever is manifested. Also, patients complain of the side effects of anesthesia and gastrointestinal symptoms. The patients also become irritable and restless making them unable to relieve stress. All of these contribute to the prolonged stay of post operative patients in the hospital. 3. The proposed nursing actions focused on how to improve the environmental conditions affecting the recovery of post operative patients during their hospitalization. This can be achieved through interactive lecture, discussions and reinforcement of teaching to the personnel involved. Reduction of stress is also recommended in order to help them in their recovery. Recommendation: Based on the aforementioned conclusions, researchers have established the following recommendations. 1. The hospital personnel specifically the members of the health care team should minimize the noise at the nurses station such as keeping their conservation to a possible minimum during the hours of sleep of the post operative patient to provide them adequate rest and sleep. 2. The maintenance department of the hospital must maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the patients room by having a regular clean up of every room to acquire their optimum wellness during their hospitalization.

Environmental Factors 25 3. The health care providers should maintain the organization of the things inside the patients room to provide adequate space. Only the necessary things or equipment such as the oxygen tank, suction machine and IV stand must be on appropriate location for immediate patients need.

4. The pantry department must be able to supply appropriate diet for the post operative diet specifically a diet rich in protein, vitamin C and calories to help in their faster recovery. 5. That the proposed action plan be tried and evaluated.

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