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Methods & Materials Section in Scientific Manuscripts


Writing a manuscript is not a linear process, not necessary to begin with the Abstract and Introduction and end with References. Start with Methods, then the Results, Discussion, etc. After completing, check and recheck your manuscripts

Purpose of Methods & Materials Section

This section is especially important for articles written based on field researches. Its purpose is to make it possible for interested readers to repeat the authors study and reproduce his/her results. Therefore, author must describe, in proper detail, exactly what he/she did: what study was run and how it was run, what equipment and materials were used and how they were used, how much, how often, what, where, when, and why.

What to write in Methods & Materials Section

Subjects used (plants, humans) and their pre-experiment handling and care (anything that might affect the results must be included) Sample preparation techniques Origins of samples and materials (e.g., 46 of the fifth semester students of the English Teaching Study Program FKIP UKI ) Description of the field site (if applicable) including physical and biological features, and exact location (include a map, if applicable) Protocol for collecting data - how were the procedures carried out? Statistical analysis techniques used. If used (for example, t- tests), Information on computer programs used (e.g. SPSS version 18) Descriptions of equipment set-up and function

Materials & Methods Section Overall

Succinct: not verbose Clear: easy to read and understand Balanced: all the major topics are covered Focused: no superfluous information is included

Exercise 1
Read Nazaras Students Perception on EFL Speaking Skill Development ( ) and check the appropriateness of information provided in the method and materials section or not. Remember that the criterion of appropriateness is whether the provided information make it possible for interested readers to repeat the authors study and reproduce his/her results.

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