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June 10, 2012

Volume 12, Number 24

Vacation Bible School June 11-13 68 PM

Our Vacation Bible School begins tomorrow evening at 6 PM. We will be sharing the great promises of God. We have classes prepared for all children and even for adults. There will be wonderful Bible stories and lessons, applied crafts, interesting characters, many friends, and even refreshments. No matter what age you are, come, learn, enjoy, and bring a friend. Come and spend three evenings with Gods promises!
Events, Resources, and Information

The Sentinel June 10, 2012

Keep These In Prayer

Hubert Nelson is to have surgery on his back as soon as he overcomes an infection. Larry Scottis in Southwest Medical Center. Mary Haynes recovering from surgery last week. Father of Pat Overturf in Midwest City Medical Center. George Kingreceived a great report from recent tests. Follow-up treatments are being considered at this time. Jeanette Mitchellis home recovering from hip surgery. Kathryn Danner Stephen Hopkins sister needing a heart transplant.

Summer Series:
Great Questions from the New Testament Wednesday Evening: June 20 Are There Few Who Are Saved? Speaker: Paul Sparks Vacation Bible School: June 1113 If you ordered a T-shirt, or to volunteer for duties, see Josh. Also: A sign-up sheet for VBS food needs is posted on the bulletin board. If you have questions or are planning to help in the kitchen, please contact Nancy Coleman. Visitation Team #1is on duty this week. Check with Kevin on Sunday evening for assignments.

Clothes (Etc.) for the Christian Service Center Clothing and donations that are intended for the Don Fleming - Bills brother. CCS may be brought to the church Riley Baldwin chemo injections. building and placed in the next to Mark Baldwin, undergoing chemo the last classroom to the east of the treatments at home. auditorium doors. Homebound or Limited: Mens Breakfast Our next Jean ChristianLorella Wilson breakfast is scheduled for June 30. Aline McDaniel That is also clean-up day for the building. We will have breakfast Serving Overseas: Barry AdamsPerry Anderson for men and women . Clean Up Day On June 30 is Happy Birthday to ... clean-up day for our building and grounds. Volunteers can meet at Mary Cordrey 6/11 the building at 8 am for breakfast, Sue Fleming 6/12 followed by clean-up duties. Rae Hatfield 6/12 Happy Anniversary to... Lindsay MacDonald 6/13 Larry & Glyn Baldwin 6/12 Jerry Doyle 6/14 Don & Anita Worden 6/12 Caleb Pelton 6/14 Joe & Talsie Downs 6/17 Debra Ruminer 6/17 Tom & Karen Elmore 6/18 Sharon Wisley 6/17

Order of Service
Announcements Scripture: Matthew 7:21 Song 841 Sing and Be Happy

Does Anyone Cook Anymore?

John 4:31-34

We used to eat at home for almost every meal. Even in the summer, I can remember Mother calling us into the house to eat a prepared lunch (maybe a Tuna sandwich) of some kind. Even in our earlier years of marriage, my wife and I ate at home for most meals. With a growing family and very limSong 515 ited funds, eating-out was a reserved luxury. On Zions Glorious In more recent years, we have seen the Summit fast food industry explode. There are the many available restaurants with their well Prayer lighted drive-through access. There are also Song 557 the casual sit down places that a family can Rock of Ages easily get a meal with little preparation. Fast food is also at home. Prepared, frozen foods Comments can be zapped in a microwave oven. TV Lord's Supper dinners have come a long way. All I am trying to say is that food and eating Collection have changed as companions to our lifeSong 282 styles. We want it easy. We want it tasty. I Know That My Re- We want it cheap. We want it now. deemer Lives There is a parallel in our spiritual diet as well. Just like our dining, it seems that we Sermon: are looking for spiritual fast food. There A Spiritual Diet that has got to be a question: Is this really good Works for us? If we give it some thought, we will have to conclude that the answer is, Song 356 Probably not. Jesus Is Tenderly To get a little balance about all this, we Calling have to assert that not all spiritual nourishment needs to be a complicated feast, like Song 853 the old Sunday Dinner. Still, maybe it is God Is So Good time to pass the fast food places and get down to seeking the best spiritual food we Prayer can prepare. Russ Congratulations to J.C. & Stacy, Cade Glidewell arrived Monday morning, weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz, and 21 1/2 inches. Mom and Cade are home and doing well. Dad and Zoe too!!!

The Sentinel June 10, 2012

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (6/17/12)

Dwain Thacker

Teah Ausmus Michael & Kim Berry Walter & Carolyn McFadden
Spotlight on Mission Work Elm Street Church of Christ in Nevada, Missouri. We have sent support to this small congregation for several years in order to aid them in having a full-time preacher. They are in the process of seeking a new preacher at this time, and we are continuing to send our support. Elbert TurnerElbert is a fairly recent convert who has a desire to develop his teaching and preaching. He is presently a member of the Cherokee Hills Church of Christ. He is planning to attend Bear Valley School of Biblical Studies in the fall. We will begin supporting him in the amount of $200 per month. With these two works we have put the spotlight on all the external missions we are doing at this time. As you know, our missions and outreach are always developing and changes take place. We will try to communicate any changes as they come. Be sure to check the west bulletin board from time to time to keep up with our mission works as they report to us.
Ministers George King Dwain Thacker Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance Keith McDougal Russell Dyer Caleb Eggleston

Lord's Table (am) Prayers: Arless Murray

Alex Suarez Eddie Pelton Jim Skaggs Roger Scott Fred Jones Glen Elmore Hubert Nelson Sunday Bryan Ausmus Horace Phillips Larry Baldwin Stephen Hopkins Brian Jaworsky

Lord's Table (pm) Prayers (am)

Jerry Doyle

Prayers (pm)
Sam Greenroyd

Schedule of Services Bible study Worship Worship

Wednesday 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Deacons Michael Berry Joe Downs Bill Fleming Walter McFadden

Bible Study
Elders Kevin Keenan Horace Phillips Roger Scott Bill Sherman

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