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1 Name: Melena Jordanova, Sola Ogata, Danielle Cai

The main goal of our coaching presentation is to further develop within our athletes cooperative team skills and coordination required in everyday life. We aim to do this through the aboriginal game kalq to appreciate the traditional culture of our land.

Warm up (5 minutes):
Battle royale tip game - a tip game, every man for himself, once you are tipped, you are out and must sit down. Quad stretches (also improves coordination)/Hamstring stretches Calf stretches Wrist and ankle rolling Side lunges/reaches (warms up and exercises the upper body)

Skill drills (5 minutes):

Year 9 Coaching and Appraising Assignment

In teams of 5, we will arrange the class into 5 lines, with two players standing on one end, and three facing them on the other end. The first player on the end with 3 players in each team will hold a ball and racket. On the whistle, they will start walking towards their team member on the other end whilst bouncing the ball into the air continuously, until they reach the other end and pass it over. They will continue to do this until all players of the team have had a go, and whichever team finishes first is the winner of the relay. This team will win a head start for their first round of the actual game.

Game (8 minutes):
The team members will arrange themselves into a circle about 1.5 meters apart. Each player will hold a paddle/racket and each team will have a ball to share. When the game starts they will try to volley the ball around the circle once without it touching the ground. The first player its the ball underarm to pass it to the next player, who uses their racket to deflect it and so on. If the ball is dropped, they will restart with the second player. Once the ball has gone around, the team must sit down to indicate they are finished. Each round will increase in difficulty, with an increase in space between players as the first

2 Name: Melena Jordanova, Sola Ogata, Danielle Cai

change. Each time a team is first to finish, they are awarded a point, and whichever team collects the most points at the end as the opportunity to receive a merit if they have displayed good sportsmanship throughout the activities.

Cool down:
Arm stretches closing the gate and Calf stretches One leg over sitting, one leg straight, the other bent over it, arm opposite bent leg on

27 plastic paddles 6 tennis balls Whistle

Year 9 Coaching and Appraising Assignment

Safety considerations:
All students participating in this activity must wear the appropriate sports uniform and footwear for maximum safety and performance however, because this game is not high intensity, incorrect uniform will also be allowed, to some extent. We will warn the players how to be responsible with the equipment, and will explain the rules of the game. Depending on weather conditions, the presentation will take place either on the top oval or the basketball courts (in case of soggy grass).

We will walk around during the game rounds giving feedback using the positive feedback sandwich method. Students will be encouraged and motivated with the awarding of merits. Our feedback will be constructive and meaningful to each individual or the group, and will be consistent. It will incorporate praise as well as corrective feedback in order to encourage further improvement and skill development.

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