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Distinguished from Criminal Law iv. Construction of rule b) Jurisdiction i. Definition ii. Distinguished from venue iii. Criminal Jurisdiction; Requisites; How determined; iv. Territorial Jurisdiction v. Exception to Territorial Principle vi. Definition and Apportionment of Jurisdiction II. Rule 110. Prosecution of Offenses a) Sec. 1. Institution of Criminal Actions 1. Reodica v. C.A., 292 SCRA 87 2. Francisco v. C.A., 122 SCRA 538 3. Domingo v. Sandiganbayan, 322 SCRA 655 4. Dominador v. Sandiganbayan, 328 SCRA 292 5. Ong v. People, 342 SCRA 372 6. Samson v. Guingona, Jr., 348 SCRA 32 b) Sec. 2. The Complaint or Information 7. City of Manila vs. Rizal, 27 Phil 50 8. Ngo Yao Tit vs. Sheriff of Manila, 27 Phil 378 c) Sec. 3. Complaint defined d) Sec. 4. Information defined 9. People v. Mendez, 335 SCRA 147 10. Tam Wing Tak v. Makasiar, 350 SCRA 475 11. Sanchez v. Demetriou, 277 SCRA 627 12. People v. Oso, 62 Phil. 271 e) Sec. 5. Who must prosecute criminal actions 13. Visbal v. Judge Ramos, A.M. No. MTJ-00-1306, Mar. 20, 2001 14. People v. Beriales, 70 SCRA 361 15. Bravo v. Court of Appeals, 208 SCRA 531 16. Chua Burce v. Court of Appeals, 331 SCRA 1 17. People v. Tanada, 166 SCRA 360 18. People v. Bugtong, 169 SCRA 767 19. Pilapil v. Ibay Somera, 174 SCRA 653 20. People v. Schneckenburger, 73 Phil 413 21. Fernandez v. Lantin, 74 SCRA 338 22. Perez v. Hagonoy Rural Bank, 327 SCRA 585 N.B. Read Article 344 of the RPC in relation to sec 5, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules. You must note that rape is now a crime against persons and was deleted as one of the private crimes that can only be commenced by the offended party pursuant to RA 8353, The anti-rape law of 1997) The complaint required in said Art. 344 is

merely a condition precedent to the exercise of the proper authorities of the power to prosecute the guilty parties f) Sec. 6. Sufficiency of complaint or information 23. People v. Bayya, 327 SCRA 771 24. Serra v. Mortiga, 11 Phil 762 g) Sec. 7. Name of the accused 25. People v. Narvaes, 59 Phil 738 26. People v. Ramos, 85 Phil 68 27. People v. Perresa, 362 SCRA 202 h) Sec. 8. Designation of the offense 28. People v. Labado, 98 SCRA 730 29. People v. Torres, 165 SCRA 702 30. People v. Cosare, 95 Phil 657 31. People v. Nuez, 310 SCRA 168 32. People v. Nava, 333 SCRA 749 i) Sec. 9. Cause of Accusation 33. US v. Tan Choco, 12 Phil 262 j) Sec. 10. Place of commission of the offense 34. People v. Mercado, 65 Phil 668 35. People v. Pinuela et. Al, 91 Phil 53 k) Sec. 11. Date of commission of the offense 36. People v. Gianan-, 340 SCRA 477 37. People v. Magbanua, 319 SCRA 719 38. People v. Ladrillo, 320 SCRA 61 l) Sec. 12. Name of the offended party m) Sec. 13. Duplicity of the offense n) Sec. 14. Amendment or Substitution 39. Crespo v. Mogul, 151 SCRA 462, 40. Dimatulac v. Villon, 297 SCRA 679 41. Dungog v. Court of Appeals, 159 SCRA 145 42. Gabionza v. CA, G.R. No. 140311, Mar. 30, 2001 o) Sec. 15. Place where the action is to be instituted 43. Parulan v. Director of Prisons, 22 SCRA 638 44. People v. Grospe, 157 SCRA 155 p) Sec. 16. Intervention of the offended party in criminal action 45. Diel v. Martinez, 76 Phil. 273

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