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Akbar Birbal stories - Birbal Caught the Thief Once a rich merchant's house was robbed.

The merchant suspected that the thief was one of his servants. So he went to King Akbar and put forth his grievance. After hearing all about the incident, King Akbar called Birbal and asked his help. Birbal went to the merchants house and assembled all of his servants and asked that who stole the merchant's things. Everybody denied. Birbal thought for a moment, then gave a stick of equal length to all the servants of the merchant and said to them that these sticks are magical and the stick of the real thief will be longer by two inches tomorrow. All the servants should be present here again tomorrow with their sticks. All the servants went to their homes and gathered again at the same place the next day. Birbal asked them to show him their sticks. One of the servants had his stick shorter by two inches. Birbal said, "This is your thief, merchant." Later the merchant asked Birbal, "How did you catch him?" Birbal said, "The thief had already cut his stick short by two inches in the night fearing that his stick will be longer by two inches by morning." Like this Birbal caught the real thief.

Akbar Birbal Stories - The Golden Sword

King Akbar was a very kind-hearted man. Every morning, he took Birbal, his favourite courtier, in the villages and cities where he heard the grievances of the people. One day, in the market they found an old woman carrying a sword in her hands. Akbar stopped beside her and asked What are you doing with this sword? Your Majesty, said the old woman, This sword was lying with me for many years. Now I want to sell this sword so that I get some money which will help me in my bad days. Akbar took the sword from her, took it out of its case and closely inspected it. It was rusted and useless. Akbar returned it back to the old woman and said, This is of no use to me. The woman took it out of the case and looked at it with surprised eyes. Akbar was left astonished. He asked Whats wrong? Why are you so surprised? Birbal interrupted and said, Your Majesty, she is astonished because a very common saying is proved wrongly today. Which saying are you talking about? asked Akbar. That iron when comes in contact with Paras Mani gets converted to gold. This iron sword came in your hands, but it is still an iron one, explained Birbal. Yes, Your Majesty, this is the reason why I was so surprised, said the old woman. Akbar instantly asked the treasurer to replace the iron sword in the hands of the old woman with a golden sword.

Akbar Birbal Stories Blend of Light and Shadow

One day, Akbar was sitting along in his royal chamber. He was in a bad temper. That very moment Birbal arrived there. Being a humorous person, he cracked some joke which Akbar did not like. He bluntly said to his brightest gem, Birbal! Dont you have any other work besides cracking these stupid jokes? Birbal was extremely surprised at such an odd behavior of the king. He still tried to talk to him. But, Akbar said, You just go away from here, Birbal. I dont want to see your face ever in this court. Birbal was deeply hurt. He was too self-esteemed to remain in that kingdom after such an insult. He left the kingdom and took refuge in a remote village named Gokulpura. Nobody knew him in that village. After a few days, Akbar realized his mistake. He started missing Birbal. He ordered his spies to search for him but all in vain. Finally, he made an announcement that he wanted the royal water pool to get married. For this purpose, the chiefs of all the villages were required to assemble in the court along with the eligible bachelor ponds of their villages. But the condition was that the chiefs should fetch a blend of light and shadow with themselves. The chiefs were utterly astonished at such a condition. Bound by the royal orders, they all assembled in the court but without fulfilling the required conditions. The king fined all of them. Suddenly, his eyes fell upon the chief of Gokulpura. He was carrying a wornout cot on his head. Hey, whats this? asked Akbar with a smile. Your Majesty, this is a blend of light and shadow, the chief chuckled, See, this cot is torn from many places. The holes in it are filtering the sunrays which is giving a partially dark effect. The king laughed and said, Thats a good one. Now, tell me where is your pond, the bridegroom-to be. Your Majesty, he has arrived in your kingdom. He is waiting for his bride to come and welcome him, said the chief of Gokulpura. Now, Akbar understood the whole matter. He was wondering how could the innocent chief of a village think so cleverly. He asked him, Just tell me one thing, who gave you these ideas? Your Majesty, replied the chief, There is a person called Ramdas He has just shifted in our village. He suggested me all this. Akbar understood that Ramdas was Birbal himself in disguise. He requested the chief to take him to Ramdas. The chief did so. As soon as Akbar meet Birbal, he embraced him and apologized for his mistake. Birbal too was waiting to return back to the service of his dear king. Within no time, he cast off his disguise.

Akbar Birbal Stories - The Mango Tree

One day, two men appeared in the court of Akbar. They were neighbors. They had a dispute over a mango tree. The mango tree had just borne fruits. Both Raghav and Keshav were laying their claim over the tree. King Akbar asked the servant who was hired as a guard for the tree. He said, Sir, they both are my masters. They together appointed me and I got half amount of the salary from each of them. Akbar asked Birbal to do justice. Birbal requested them to come again next day. After they had gone, Birbal said something to the guard of the tree. He nodded and agreed to the plan. During the night, the guard went to Keshav and said, Sir, I have seen some thieves around the tree. They are planning to steal all the mangoes. What did you say? Thieves! said Keshav, Sorry, I wont go. They are thieves. They might be armed. I dont want to risk my life for a few fruits. Now, the guard went to Raghav and repeated his statement. Raghav stood up with a start and said, They want to steal my fruits. How could they even think of it? I will teach them such a lesson that they will remember it throughout their lives. Saying this, Raghav grabbed a stick and went outside. Birbals spies were watching the whole scene. They told the entire story to Birbal. Next day, when Raghav and Keshav went to the court, Birbal said, We have decided that the tree would be cut and the place vacated would be cleaned. To this, Keshav said, Sir, you are the master. How can we deny your orders? You can do as you wish. But Raghav interrupted and said, Please sir, dont do that. The tree is the result of my endeavours. This is the first time it has borne fruits. I request you to please drop the idea of cutting it and give it to Keshav. Birbal said, Raghav, we know that you are the real owner of the tree. You were the one who rushed to face the thieves last night, whereas, Keshav showed no interest regarding the matter. So I have decided to give the ownership of the tree to you. Raghav felt very happy and Keshav, the liar, hide his face and quietly slipped away.

Akbar Birbal Stories - The

Stolen Swan

One day, a rich merchant appeared in the court of Akbar. After some formal greetings, he told him the reason for his arrival. He said, Your Majesty, a couple of months back, I bought a swan. It was very beautiful. It had golden feathers. I used to keep it in a large cage that I got exclusively built for it. One fateful morning, when I looked at the cage, I found it empty. What do you think might have happened to your swan? asked Akbar. Sir, I think one of my servants has stolen it, replied the merchant. Akbar asked his spies to investigate the matter well. They interrogated the servants, kept an eye on them, spied on them, but all in vain. Finally, they acknowledged their defeat and said bluntly that they had failed to find the thief. Birbal offered his help. He accompanied the merchant to his home. There he called all the servants and asked them to stand in a row. Then he demanded the cage of the swan. He carefully examined the cage and pretended to whisper some words to it. The merchant got surprised. What are you doing, Sir? asked the merchant. Sh.. sh.. sh.., the cage is telling me about the thief, said Birbal. Well, what is it saying? questioned the merchant. It is saying that the thief has killed the swan and hidden its golden feathers in his turban, replied Birbal. Now, the servant who had stolen the swan got very nervous. He thought that he is carrying the feathers of the swan in his turban. Instinctively, he started examining his turban. No one but Birbal noticed him. He asked all the servants to depart except that particular servant. After all the servants has gone, he cross-examined that servant. He denied having committed the theft. Birbal scolded him and threatened him that would be whipped. At last, he acknowledged his theft. Birbal ordered to whip him.

Akbar Birbal Stories - A Pitcher of Wisdom

Once, an ambassador of a neighbouring country visited the court of Akbar and said, Sir, we have heard that there are too many wise and witty people in your court. So our King has sent me to fetch a pitcher full of wisdom from here. I expect you to fulfill our kings wish soon. Akbar was puzzled to hear this. He thought what a senseless wish was this. How can one procure a pitcher full of wisdom? Finding no way out, he sent for Birbal, the wisest of his gems. Birbal having heard the entire thing, slightly chuckled and said, Do not worry, Your Majesty, I will fulfill their demand, I just need few weeks time. Akbar granted him this. Birbal asked a servant to get a pitcher. Then he took the pitcher to a pumpkin creeper and placed it inverted over the pumpkin flower. Birbal then went to the ambassador and said, Sir, we just need two weeks time. I assure you, the wisdom will reach the brim of the pitcher within a fortnight. After fifteen days, Birbal stopped his experiment and found that the pumpkin had got completely stuck inside the pitcher. He took the pitcher to the ambassador and gifting it to him, said, Sir, here is your pitcher full of wisdom. You please take the fruit of wisdom out of it without causing it any harm and return us our pot. The ambassador closely inspected the fruit of wisdom and feeling embarrassed left for his country. King Akbar, seeing the gesture of the ambassador, said to Birbal, Show me the fruit of wisdom, Birbal. I want to see what is there in the fruit that made the ambassador leave without uttering a single word. At this, Birbal handed the pitcher to Akbar. The King found a pumpkin stuck inside it. He could not help laughing and praising his wisest gem heartily.

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