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Sajuuk • The Great Master Sajuuk, Whose Hand Shapes What Is (see Kiith Gaalsen
(means “The HW Doc)
Creator”) • Huge ship/being - Biotech, no gender
• Timeless age
• Moves from galaxy to galaxy seeding Hyperspace tech. Copies itself as
HS Modules – this is it’s reproductive cycle
• Came to HW galaxy, built gates
• Seeded about 7 HS Modules to bring evolved races to the gates and
thereby meet & prosper.
• When enough MS Mods are in one place at one time, Sajuuk will awaken to
meet the new galactic “family” of spacefarers – it’s ‘children’
• Knights are Sajuuk’s Heralds:
• Designed to unify everyone and thus wake Sajuuk. (Tried and failed
once before?)
• When attatched to HS module, the person acquires telepathic connection
with other HS Mod users (Emperor, Bentusi)
• This is a “unifying” tendancy Sajuuk planned to help gather ‘offspring’
and thus awaken.
• Once attatched, a person’s ‘personality matrix’ is imparted into the
Module = Ghost of Karan Sjet (and others??)
The First Time • The First Time: the galaxy-wide discovery of the HS Modules
• Hiigaran Ancestors
• Bentusi Ancestors
• Whomever Else’s Ancestors
• Initial prosperity and good vibes
• Bentusi Ancestors establish Outer Rim Trade Routes
• Discovery of the HS Gate System (Knights secretly help)
The Old Empire • Peace & Harmony ensue from use of Gate System
• Old Empire formed as a single common government
• OE flourishes and remains unchallenged for ages…
• GALACTIC WAR starts over the Modules & Gates
• Knights try to gather opponents to waken Sajuuk – and fail
• Hiigara besieged by [Taiidan / Kushan invaders]
The New Empire • Hiigara sacked
• New Empire replaces old one
• Hiigarans secreted HS module away to save it from the conquerors
• P2 don’t have a Mod and decide to hide forever in a nebula
• Kharak chosen as good hiding place. Temple-Observatory run
by HS priests – cultural amnesia to preserve secrecy of HS
Mod. Old twisted Sajuuk legend and Imperial fears combine
to produce harsh religious dogma (see “Kiith Gaalsen” HW
• Empire commands Gate System with iron fist
• Plants hundreds of HS detector probes around the Outer Rim in case
Escapees try to HS somewhere from hiding
Homeworld • Discovery of Guidestone
Epoch • Built MS – triggers destruction of Kharak
• Journey to Hiigara
• Bentusi remember the legend of Sajuuk and want you to return so that
you can take your rightful place as a ‘chosen one’ at the awakening. So
they help you along the way.
• Meet P2 again
• Their HS “follow” tech (from original fleeing) leads them to
Inhibitor tech
• Emperor has one of the old HS Modules
• “Touches” Karan with it.
• Death of the Emperor detected by Knights?
• Knights do something?
• The HW Mothership is dismantled
• “Pax Hiigara” lasts only 200 years
The Dust Wars • The Dust Wars start over some minor event - Wars over HS Gates and
ownership of the HS Module from HW ensue.
• Some particularly nasty event everyone remembers to set-up
someone’s revenge later… ?
HW2 Epoch • Hiigarans defeated at Canista IV
• Dust Wars “leftovers” – galaxy in shambles
ACT I • Hiigaran Shipyard with HW HS Module recovered
Desperate • The Echo of Karan Sjet appears to Fleet NAV (and you)
defense • Message about coming together for Sajuuk… the “Invite”
• Interpreted as a vision of galactic unity
• Veygr Messiah rises up:
• Discoverer of a long lost HS Module
• Connects to it – builds huge battleship
• Declares Karan Sjet is his rightful Queen – that she “contacted
him and told him to come to her” - that it’s Sajuuk’s will – that you
are unworthy, etc…
• Jihad Holy / Dynastic War between Veygr and Hiragana ensues
• Evacuation of Nalthorean homeworld
• Subsequent annihilation of evacuees = emotional motivation for 1st act
ACT II • New Veygr Offensive – claim to be “Inherit the galaxy”
Faint Hope • Bentusi give clue that supports Sjet’s “advice” about “invite”
• You come to learn that your true task is to collect the HS Modules at the HS
“Hub” – a giant crossroad / mysterious “Stonehenge” of HS Gates where 7
Gates meet together – (perhaps each Gate points towards the HW of each
of the ‘seeded’ races?)
ACT III • You have to lure the Veygr to the Hub
Final • You get to the Hub with the help of the Knights
Confrontation / • Amidst tons of ancient artifacts, etc… (‘sacred ground’) Sajuuk’s ship lies
True dormant, encrusted with add-ons, etc
Homecoming • Knights seem to be helping everyone
• Final Battle of the “Invited” at the site of Sarjuuk’s ancient ship.
• Sarjuuk awakens during the course of the final battle
• Hiigarans win the day
• Sajuuk explains how you can now meet the extra-galactic community – all
the other galaxies Sajuuk has already ‘seeded’
Epilogue • Sajuuk departs to find another galaxy to ‘seed’ with Hyperspace tech.
• You meditate on the sheer size of the universe as Sajuuk shows you all the
galaxies in your local cluster, then pulls back further to show you IT ALL

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