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Mission Bay Cluster By-Laws May 16, 2012

Whereas the SDUSD Board of Education has released a Vision 2020 for Educational Excellence on February 23, 2010 with the expressed purpose of guiding SDUSD students, teachers, staff, and the Board of Education with a set of goals for 10 years, Whereas the SDUSD Board of Education included in this vision the commitment to execute a Community-Based School Reform Model to elevate all schools within the district to higher levels of student achievement, which empowers teachers, students, and parents within a cluster community to improve student achievement, Whereas the SDUSD Board of Education acted on April 20, 2010 to restructure SDUSD based upon cluster model, Whereas the SDUSD Board of Education has supplied a document released January 20, 2011 that defines the Mission Bay Cluster, Whereas the SDUSD Board of Education members have encouraged clusters to establish a democratic, representative process for providing recommendations to the SDUSD administration and the Board or Education for operating the cluster, Whereas the SDUSD Board of Education has defined the primary responsibility of the cluster to be the improvement of academic performance through operation of the cluster sites as a community, Let it be resolved that the Mission Bay Cluster Committee shall be formed to: 1. Establish policies for improving academic performance, 2. Provide representation for students, parents, teachers, staff, and the community in the operation of the Mission Bay Cluster Schools, 3. Operate according to the By-Laws set forth.

The name of this organization shall be: Mission Bay Cluster Committee or MBCC.

The sites under the jurisdiction of the MBCC shall be: o Mission Bay High School o Pacific Beach Middle School o Bayview Terrace Elementary School o Crown Point Elementary School o Pacific Beach Elementary School o Sessions Elementary School The community served by the MBCC shall include: o All citizens and the school aged children, regardless of enrollment in public or private schools, residing in the attendance zone defined by Mission Bay High School and the sites listed above. o All students and their parents and/or legal guardians currently enrolled in these sites.

Leadership Structure
I. II. III. The Officers shall consist of a Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Secretary, and District Liaison. The Committee Members shall consist of representation from all of sites and the community. The Leadership shall consist of the Committee Members and all Officers.

By Laws
Article 1 MBCC Meetings
All MBCC meetings shall be held in a public place and shall be open to the public. Meetings shall have an agenda agreed upon by the Leadership prior to the meeting. Meetings shall be conducted by the Chair. The Secretary shall be responsible for chronicling the meetings to capture actionable items as well as record votes and elections. The District Liaison shall be responsible for summarizing the advisory and actionable items proposed to the Board of Education that affect the MB Cluster on a weekly basis and distributing these to the Officers and/or the Committee. The District Liaison shall be responsible for communicating with the SDUSD administration either through the Area Superintendent or the Parent Support Liaison to understand upcoming SDUSD initiatives that affect the MB Cluster.

Article 2 Voting Rights

Actionable items including but not limited to raising/tabling agenda items, policy statements, lobbying of the administration or Board of Education on behalf of the MBCC, curriculum recommendations, modifications to the By-Laws, Mission Statement and Vision Statement, conducting elections, and allocation of resources (e.g. funds raised by the MBCC or recommendations for expenditures by SDUSD that directly impact the MBCC sites), shall be voted upon by the Committee Members and Officers. Each Committee Member and Officer shall have one vote.

Motions for actionable items may be raised by any Committee Member or Officer. Motions will be recognized, or not, by the Chair. All motions require a second by a Committee Member or Officer. Discussion will be available for all motions. A subsequent motion is required to table discussion and vote on the item. All votes shall be Yea/Yes or Nay/No. All motions shall carry or fail based upon majority rule. In the event of tie vote, the motion fails.

Article 3 Committee Membership

Committee Membership shall be defined as representatives of each site; as such there may be as many as two Committee Members plus one Committee Member for each 200 pupils It is the responsibility of the Committee Member to represent the best interest of the community served by its site. The Committee Member is entrusted to communicate with its community, solicit feedback on actionable items, and raise these items to the attention of the MBCC. The community is defined as the students attending the site or residing in the attendance zone of the site and the staff (all SDUSD employees) of the site. A Committee Member must meet the following criteria: SDUSD staff (teacher, administrator, staff, Classified employee, or Certified employee as defined by employment records held by SDUSD) of the aforementioned sites, Parent/Legal Guardian of a student enrolled in one of the aforementioned sites, Student enrolled in the site at least 18 years of age, Resident of the community at least 18 years of age.

Committee Membership shall be established by each individual site. It is the responsibility of the Principal at each site to ensure that Committee Members meet to criteria established above. It is each sites latitude to select its Committee Members. The following are a non-exhaustive list of acceptable methods for selecting a Committee Member: Schoolwide election, Election by the School Site Council (SSC), Parent/Teacher Organization or Parent/Teacher Association election, Specifying representation from teachers, staff, parents, and students.

In the absence of democratic processes, Committee Membership may be appointed by the site Principal. The Principal shall supply a list of Committee Members to the Officers. This list may change at any time during the year as long as the Committee Member has been selected via the processes outlined above. Term limits for Committee Members shall be at the discretion of the sites. The initial allocation of Committee Membership shall be based upon the following 2010-2011 enrollment data: Mission Bay High School: 1599 students; up to 10 Committee Members, Pacific Beach Middle School: 694 students; up to 6 Committee Members,

Bayview Terrace Elementary: 234 students; up to 4 Committee Members, Crown Point Elementary: 263 students; up to 4 Committee Members, Pacific Beach Elementary: 345 students; up to 4 Committee Members, Sessions Elementary: 397 students; up to 5 Committee Members.

Article 4 Quorum
Voting upon actionable items requires a quorum or minimum number of voting members (e.g. Committee Members and Officers). A quorum shall be: At least two Officers, At least one Committee Member from each of six (6) sites.

Article 5 Election of Officers

Election of Officers shall be by all attendees present at the meeting held for the purpose of elections. A single vote may be cast for a single candidate for each elected position by any attendee that meets the criteria established for Committee Members. Qualifications for Officers will be the same as the qualifications of Committee Members. Nominations are required for all positions. Nominations can be established at any time prior to the election. Candidates may not nominate themselves. Elections shall be held annually no later than the last day of school as established by the SDUSD Instructional Calendar for Traditional Schools. Elections shall be held annually with the exception of the Past Chair and Chair positions. For the first year, 2011-2012, the Chair position shall be elected. For all subsequent years, the Chair position shall be filled by the previous years Chair Elect. The Past Chair position shall be vacant for the 2011-2012 year. For all subsequent years, the Past Chair position shall be held by the previous years Chair and the Chair shall be held by the previous years Chair Elect. By virtue of this process, a Chair shall not serve for more than one term. However, the Past Chair may be nominated as the next Chair Elect. In the event that Officers are not elected, the body shall not be able to conduct business until an election is held.

Article 6 By-Law Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended through the voting processes and representation described in the previous articles by a simple majority.

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