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Synonyms & Antonyms Asked in Various Competitive Exams 2011

1. A synonym for vast is a. attentive. b. immense. c. steady. d. slight. 2. A synonym for enthusiastic is a. adamant. c. available. d. cheerful. b. eager. 3. A synonym for adequate is a. sufcient. b. mediocre. c. procient. d. average. 4. A synonym for comply is a. subdue. b. entertain. c. atter. d. obey. 5. An antonym for uniform is a. dissembling. b. diverse. c. bizarre. d. slovenly. 6. A synonym for ecstatic is a. inconsistent. b. positive. c. wild. d. thrilled. 7. A synonym for affect is a. accomplish. b. cause. c. sicken. d. inuence. 8. An antonym for wary is a. alert. b. leery. c. worried. d. careless. 9. An antonym for novel is a. dangerous. b. unsettled. c. suitable. d. old. 10. A synonym for continuous is a. intermittent. b. adjacent. c. uninterrupted. d. contiguous. 11. A synonym for courtesy is a. civility. b. congruity. c. conviviality. d. rudeness. 12. An antonym for fallacy is a. truth. b. blessing. c. weakness. d. fable. 13. An antonym for optimum is a. mediocre. b. victorious. c. worst. d. rational. 14. A synonym for frail is a. vivid. b. delicate. c. robust. d. adaptable. 15. A synonym for recuperate is a. mend. b. endorse.

c. persist. d. worsen. 16. An antonym for subsequent is a. necessary. b. insignicant. c. primary. d. previous. 17. A synonym for enlighten is a. relocate. b. confuse. c. comply. d. teach. 18. A synonym for garnish is a. depart. b. please. c. tarnish. d. embellish. 19. A synonym for composure is a. agitation. b. poise. c. liveliness. d. stimulation. 20. A synonym for verify is a. disclose. b. conrm. c. refute. d. unite. 21. An antonym for disperse is a. gather. b. agree. c. praise. d. satisfy. 22. A synonym for eccentric is a. normal. b. frugal. c. peculiar. d. selective. 23. A synonym for commendable is a. admirable.

b. accountable. c. irresponsible. d. noticeable. 24. An antonym for pacify is a. complicate. b. dismiss. c. excite. d. atomize. 25. An antonym for mirth is a. height. b. solemnity. c. expense. d. preparation. 26. A synonym for domain is a. entrance. b. rebellion. c. formation. d. territory. 27. A synonym for passive is a. inactive. b. emotional. c. lively. d. woeful. 28. An antonym for liberate is a. conserve. b. restrain. c. attack. d. ruin. 29. An antonym for faltering is a. steady. b. adoring. c. explanatory. d. reluctant. 30. An antonym for succinct is a. laconic. b. feeble. c. verbose. d. attentive.

1. b. Vast means very great in size; immense. 2. d. Enthusiastic means eager. 3. a. If something is adequate, it is sufcient. 4. d. Comply is synonymous with obey. 5. b. To be uniform is be consistent or the same as others; to be diverse is to have variety. 6. d. A person who is ecstatic is thrilled. 7. d. To affect means to inuence. 8. d. To be wary is to be on guard or watchful; careless is the opposite of watchful. 9. d. To be novel is to be new; the opposite is old. 10. c. Continuous means marked by uninterrupted extension in space and time. 11. a. A courtesy is a courteous or mannerly act; it is characterized by civility. 12. a. A fallacy is a false or mistaken idea, trickery; a truth is something which conforms to the facts. 13. c. Optimum means the most desirable; worst means the least desirable or good. 14. b. A frail person is weak and delicate. 15. a. Recuperate means to heal or mend. 16. d. Subsequent means coming after or following; previous means coming before. 17. d. If you enlighten someone, you instruct, inform, or teach to make them free of ignorance, prejudice or superstition. 18. d. To garnish means to adorn, decorate or embellish. 19. b. If you have composure and are self-assured, calm, or tranquil, you have poise. 20. b. To verify means to establish the truth or accuracy; to conrm. 21. a. Disperse means to scatter; to gather means to collect in one place. 22. c. An eccentric person is considered to be odd or peculiar. 23. a. Commendable is the same as admirable. 24. c. To pacify means to calm; to excite means to stir up. 25. b. Mirth means merriment; solemnity means seriousness. 26. d. A domain is an area governed by a ruler; a territory is an area for which someone is responsible. 27. a. To be passive is to accept or submit without rejection or resistance, or to be inactive. 28. b. To liberate means to release; to restrain means to deprive of liberty. 29. a. Faltering means stumbling, unsteady; steady means unfaltering, xed or secure. 30. c. To be succinct is to be concise; to be verbose is to be wordy.

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