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Dr.T.V.Rao MD
When think of our life there are three events, which are certain realities, birth, our living and definitely the death. All of us were gifted with great mystery of life that is our living in the world. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF HUMAN LIFE? This is the question that has been asked by every human that had lived on this planet. What is the purpose of life? Is it to live, work and die or there is something more to it than this? When we attain few years of age, we start realising the realities of the world. Many times we believe the religion and rituals influenced us, by the family, society we belong, apart from unbound phenomenon the religion we belong. Man is an ensouled entity gifted with body, mind, and intellect. We take good care of our body for the sake of domestic, social, and political wellbeing. Intellectually, we have made strident advances. Man has successfully explored the earth, oceans, and space and has made atomic bombs. A single atom bomb can destroy millions. Strangely enough, with all his achievements he remains ignorant about the prime source of energy from which his body and mind derive their strength - soul - his true self. We have so much identified with the body that we are unable to distinguish our soul from the body. With changing world, man imagines of materialism as source of happiness, as technology creates illusion to happiness, however technology has become part of everyones life. Many of the Hindus believe in Karma, law of retribution, the Hindu doctrine says, first the destiny is created, and then life is given. Other creatures cannot choose or change anything; they just have to go through it. Humans have intellect and Viveka, so humans can decide to do something or not to do it. Therefore the purpose, the sense of human life, is greater.

Eating, sleeping and creating children animals are also very active in. If humans do nothing else than this, then there is little difference between animals and humans. Humans have more obligations, a greater purpose in life. Even many intellectuals, the teachers, and Doctor too become hunters for positions and money worshippers; if we think a little what the society expects from us a ray of knowledge. The main purpose of human life is Gyana, to gain knowledge. Knowledge means Atma Gyana, self-realisation. If you die without this you have failed your purpose. It means you fail the human life; in order to achieve those knowledge humans should lead a very Sattvic life. You will never be satisfied completely by all worldly enjoyments. It does not matter what you do, the next day you are longing again for something. Is there anything that you can take and through this you will not have any longing anymore? Yes, there is something! When you get a miserable failure thats called a karmic slap many of us facing difficult situations to live with dignity and honour. But this you will get, if you want it or not. Human philosophies and Religions have not satisfactorily explained what the purpose of life is. But there is a superior wisdom that can tell us the truth about this matter. Hinduism continues to guide the humanity irrespective of religious belief, Human life is given to realise the Self. Realise Gyana. Without knowledge we are like animals. Therefore Adi Shankaracharya said: Know Thyself. All relationships, all belongings, nothing will help you. All will remain here. It is called a blind Moha (attachment) to cling on to worldly relationships and things. The purpose of this human life is to understand that we are not this body, but we are spiritual by nature and eternal servants of the Supreme Lord. By understanding this, we have to revive our lost loving relationship with God. And our duty is simply to do those activities that will help this realization and revive our love for Supreme power that many call as God, as mentioned in the

scriptures. Other duties are not contradictory or independent but simply subsidiary to this prime duty. No individual in the universally created equally, the destiny guides which we call it Karma, so we mean, we have no control on the future. The Bhagavad Gita teaches to be compassionate towards all living beings, thus love all living beings. This means dont be envious or hateful of others. Be friendly to others, be nice to others, be kind to others, be generous to others, be merciful to others, and be charitable to the needy. So dont get too attached to this temporary body and material life. We are designing our next body with the actions you are taking now. The world is running today on the principle of I alone create and enjoy. This consciousness is I am. Then what am I? In contaminated consciousness I am means I am the lord of all I survey. I am the enjoyer. The world revolves because every living being thinks that he is the lord and creator of the material world. Material consciousness has two psychic divisions. One is that I am the creator, and the other is that I am the enjoyer. Many of us are practising their own religion and hating others the truth remain, men must be intelligent to realize the importance of human life and refuse to act like ordinary animals. A human being should realize the aim of his life, and this direction is given in all scriptures, and the essence is given in Bhagavad-Gita. If we believe "I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge. I offer my respectful obeisances unto him." I truly believe the Almighty makes our passage in this world less turbulent that is essence in practice of HINDU DHARMA and preachings of BAGAVAD GITA. Email:

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