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Holy Lands: Rules Reference Sheet

Common Dice Rolls

Attribute Ability Combat Skills Saving Throws d12 d20 d20 d20 d20 Low High High High High

Intellect Wisdom Patience Strength Agility Speed Endurance Beauty Charisma

Perception Search Climb Jump Balance Hide

Bedrest heals 1 LP per hour Binding Wounds heals 1d2 LP one time a day or 1d4 with the Medical Skill Medical Skill heals 1d4(may be stacked with Bind Wounds)

Clerics/Saints restore FP at 1 per hour. All other characters take 8 hours to restore to full.

Advantage (ADV)
Natural 20: +3 to all Attack rolls that round. Natural 1: -3 to all Defend/Dodge rolls that round. Forfeiting ADV is when you decide to not act on your turn, but concentrate only on defense during that round. By doing so you gain a +1 DEF/DOD per level, for that round, but may not attack that round.

Attack (ATK)
Natural 20: Double Damage (Natural 20 vs a Natural 1 means automatic death.) Natural 1: Rolls on the penalty table 1 Hits himself causing full damage 2 Hits himself causing half damage 3 Hits a friend causing half damage 4 Hurls or breaks their weapon 5 Lose footing, Agility roll or fall down and loses ADV for next round 6 Misses target dramatically, no effect Simultaneous ATKs, If you elect to forfeit your DOD/DEF roll you may simultaneously attack you opponent on their turn. Doing so means that the opponent and you may only use your armor DEF in determining the hit. Your ATK roll must be higher than the opponents or your simultaneous ATK fails (his ATK may still hit though). If your ATK roll is more than twice your opponents, then you are able to hit your opponent first before he can hit you. A simultaneous attack must be declared prior to making your ADV roll.

Dodge / Defend (DOD/DEF)

Natural 20: Always successful, gains immediate extra ATK (this ATK does not count against AtR). Natural 1: Takes +1/2 DAM from ATK (i.e. if ATK does 8 pts, then DAM is 12 (8+4=12)) Dodge is attempting to move out to way of the ATK, and hoping your armor will absorb the blow. Defend is using your weapon to block the attack.

Knock Out Damage

Weapon Pommel / Flat OBJ: WF 1- (10lbs <) OBJ: WF 2+ (20lbs >) OBJ: WF 3+ (30lbs >) 1d8+DAM 1d8+DAM 2d6+ DAM 1d6 per WF + DAM Time Knocked Out: Total Knock Out DAM + STR 4 = ten rnds knocked out

Holy Lands: The Christian Role-playing Game

Faith Quest Games

Holy Lands: Rules Reference Sheet

Attacks Per Round (AtR)
Weapon Skill Max AtR W.S. Combat Arms 3 W.S. Hand to Hand 4 W.S. Kick Attack 2 W.S. Missiles 3 W.S. Thrown 3 W.S. Shield Play 2 You may attack once per each AtR that you have, up to the max AtR allowed per that Skill. You lose one AtR each time you get hit and take damage.

Defend/Dodge (DEF/DOD)
You may DEF/DOD a number of times equal to twice your highest AtR. A hit does not reduce your number of DEF/DOD.

Speed AR x5 = Max # of feet travelled in first rnd. Speed AR x10 = Max # of feet per round (top Speed) Speed AR /2 = # rounds to reach top speed Endurance AR = Max rounds sustained at top speed Endurance AR = Ten-Rounds sustained at half speed

Strength Limits
Strength AR /2 = Max # of WF able to carry normally without being encumbered Strength AR = Max # of WF able to lift and carry for 2 feet per Encumbrance AR Strength AR x2 = Max # of WF able to press Strength AR x3 = Max # of WF able to push or pull Note: WF = 10lbs per (i.e. WF 1 = 10lbs, WF 3=30lbs, WF 9 = 90 lbs etc)

Holding Your Breath

You may hold your breath equal to 10x your Endurance AR in seconds.

You earn experience points for the following actions: Using Faith, including Daily Faith and Miracles Saving Throws, Attributes, Abilities, and skills used Charitable deeds, roleplaying, and positive teamwork Successfully achieving a mission Defeating a monster/demon 5 Exp Points for each Faith Point spent 50 Exp Points for each action/use that is successful 100 Exp Points for each deed 200 Exp Points for each Character Exp Points, as per monster/demon description

Holy Lands: The Christian Role-playing Game

Faith Quest Games

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