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Having been sworn under oath, I declare as follows: 1. Decedent's Death Certificate. A copy of Decedent's Death Certificate is attached to this Affidavit. 2. Forty-Days Since Death. Forty (40) or more days have elapsed since Decedent's death. 3. Washington Resident. Decedent was a resident of Washington at his/her death. 4. No Personal Representative. No application or petition for the appointment of a Personal Representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 5. Decedent's Net Probate Estate Does Not Exceed $100,000. The value of Decedent's entire estate subject to probate, not including any surviving spouse's community property interest in such assets, wherever located, less liens and encumbrances, does not exceed one-hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). 6. Decedent's Debts. All of Decedent's debts, including funeral and burial expenses, have been paid or provided for. 7. My Name & Address. My name and address are as shown below.
Small Estate Affidavit RCW 11.62.010 Page 1 of 3

8. Claiming Successor. I am a "successor" of Decedent as defined in RCW 11.62.005. 9. Other Claiming Successors. No Others. I am the only claiming Successor; there are no others. --- OR --Other Claiming Successors. There are other claiming Successors. I have given each of them written notice, by personal service or mail, identifying my claim and describing the property claimed. At least ten (10) days have elapsed since the service or mailing of such notice. 10. Entitlement to Property. Sole Entitlement. I am personally entitled to full payment or delivery of the property claimed. --- OR --Entitlement on Behalf of All Claiming Successors. I am personally entitled to full payment or delivery of the property claimed on behalf, and with the written authority, of all other claiming Successors; a copy of which authority is attached to this Affidavit. 11. Property Claimed. A description of the personal property claimed, all of which is subject to probate, is as follows:

Dated: Signature: Printed Name: Address: ________________________________ Decedent's Claiming Successor

Small Estate Affidavit RCW 11.62.010 Page 2 of 3

STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ______ day of ___________, 200__ .

__________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________ Printed Name NOTARY PUBLIC for Washington Residing at: _______________________________ My appointment expires on: __________________

Small Estate Affidavit RCW 11.62.010 Page 3 of 3

Declaration under Penalty of Perjury

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: 1. Name & Address. My name and address are as shown below. 2. Receipt of Small Estate Affidavit. I have received a copy of the Small Estate Affidavit dated , in which the Claimant declares that he/she is a Claiming Successor of the Decedent . 3. Claiming Successor. I am also a "successor" of Decedent as defined in RCW 11.62.005. 4. Authorization. I authorize the Claimant to receive full payment or delivery of the property claimed on my behalf. 5. Accounting. I am providing this authorization to the Claimant in consideration of his/her promise to me that he/she will account to me for all payments or deliveries of property received under his/her Small Estate Affidavit within five (5) business days of its receipt. This Paragraph 5 concerns the rights and liabilities between only the Claimant and me. No possessor of any property claimed has any responsibility to see to the application of any property transferred to the Claimant. SIGNED Date: Place: On At ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Another Claiming Successor of Decedent


Printed Name: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Declaration of Another Claiming Successor to Decedent's Personal Property RCW 11.62.010 Page 1 of 1

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