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11. Physical Education (Code No.


It covers the following aspects :

Eligibility Conditions for Admission to the course, Conditions for Granting Affiliation to
Schools for offering Physical Education as an Elective subject, Norms for Physical Fitness
Test (For use at the time of Admission), Theory Syllabus (Class XIth), Theory Syllabus
(Class XIIth), Practical Activity Syllabus (Class XI and XIIth) Part A, Part-B, Part-C, Part-
D, Design of the Question Paper-I, Marking Scheme Question Paper-I, Blue Print, Sample
Question Paper-I, Marking Scheme Question Paper-II, Blue Print, Sample Question Paper-II.


The following category of Students will be permitted to join the course :

1. Those who have represented the school in Inter-school Tournaments in any

2. Those who do not represent the school but are keen to join the course should undergo
a physical fitness test and secure a minimum of 40% marks. The norms of the test to
be used for ascertaining eligibility is given on page 2.

3. Those granted permission to join the course should be medically fit to follow a
prescribed programme of physical education.

4. The unit of a class in physical education and health education should not exceed 40

5. Instructional hours and duration of the period should be strictly as per the norms of
the Board.


Only those schools satisfying the following conditions will be permitted to offer physical
education as a course of study at +2 stage as an elective subject :

1. The school should have adequate open space to accommodate at least 200 mts. Track
and play fields for minimum three games/sports.

2. The teacher handling the elective programme of physical education should hold a
Master Degree in Physical Education.

3. The school should provide adequate funds for physical education and health education
for the purchase of equipments, books on physical education and also for the
maintenance of sports facilities.

(For admission)


100 mts.(Sec.) 12 min Run/Walk
Long Jump
Cricket Ball
throw (Mts.)
Shuttle Run
(4x10 mts.)
10 12.0 2000 5.50 70 8.5
9 12.5 1900 5.25 65 9.0
8 13.0 1800 5.00 60 9.4
7 13.5 1700 4.80 55 9.7
6 13.8 1650 4.65 50 10.0
5 14.0 1600 4.50 45 10.3
4 14.5 1550 4.35 40 10.6
3 14.8 1450 4.10 35 11.0
2 15.3 1350 3.85 30 11.5
1 15.8 1250 3.60 25 12.0


100 mts.(Sec.) 9 min Run/Walk
Long Jump
Cricket Ball
throw (Mts.)
Shuttle Run
(4x10 mts.)
10 14.0 1700 5.0 50 9.5
9 14.5 1600 4.75 46 10.0
8 15.0 1500 4.50 42 10.5
7 15.5 1400 4.25 38 11.0
6 16.0 1300 4.00 34 11.5
5 16.5 1200 3.75 30 12.0
4 17.0 1100 3.50 26 12.5
3 17.5 1000 3.25 22 13.0
2 18.0 900 3.00 18 13.5
1 18.5 800 2.75 14 14.0

Class XI



1.1 Meaning and definition of Physical Education its aim and objectives.
1.2 Modern Concept and Scope of Physical Education
1.3 Need and importance of Physical Education
1.4 Misconceptions about Physical Education
1.5 Place of Physical Education in the total Education Process.


Effects of exercise on :

2.1 Muscular System.
2.2 Circulatory System.
2.3 Respiratory System.
2.4 Digestive System


3.1 Definition of Psychology and Sports Psychology.
3.2 Achievement and Motivation in Sports.
3.3 Sportsmanship and Sports ethics.


1. History of the game/sport (Any one game/sport of students choice)
2. Latest general rules of the game/sport (Any one game/sport of students choice)
3. Measurement of play fields and specifications of sports equipment
4. Fundamental skills of the game/sport
5. Related sports terminologies
6. Important tournaments and venues
7. Sports personalities
8. Sports Awards


1.1 Concept and objectives of Health Education
1.2 Importance of Health Education.
1.3 Principles of Health Education.
1.4 Importance of Community participation for the health promotion and welfare of
individual, family and community.

2.1 Meaning of communicable diseases.
2.2 Essential conditions for Communicable Diseases to occur and disease process
2.3 Common alert signals indicating on set of Communicable Diseases
2.4 Mode of transmission, common symptoms and prevention of spread (transmission) of
AIDS, Hepatitis-B and Hepatitis-C


3.1 Abuse of alcohol, tobacco and drugs and the effect of abuse on individual, family
and community.

3.2 Effect of alcohol, tobacco and drugs on sportsperson.

3.3 Eating habits that cause obesity and its effect on health of individual

Class XII



1.1 Meaning and Importance of Physical Fitness and Wellness.
1.2 Components of Physical Fitness and Wellness.
1.3 Factors affecting Physical Fitness and Wellness.
1.4 Principles of Physical Fitness development.
1.5 Means of fitness development.
1.5.1 Aerobic Activities Jogging, Cycling Calisthenics and Rhythmic exercises.
1.5.2 Participation in Games and Sports.
1.5.3 Circuit Training.


2.1 Meaning and concept of Training
2.2 Warming-up, Limbering down and their importance.
2.3 Methods of Training.

2.3.1 Methods of Strength Development Isometric, and Isokinetic
2.3.2 Methods of Endurance Development Continuous Method, Interval Training
and Fartlek.
2.3.3 Methods of Speed Development Acceleration runs and Pace Races.


3.1 Meaning of Sociology and its importance in Physical Education and Sports.
3.2 Games and Sports as mans cultural heritage
3.3 Development of leadership qualities and group dynamics.


1. History of the game/sport (Any one game/sport of students choice)
2. Latest general rules of the game/sport (Any one game/sport of students choice)
3. Measurement of play fields and specifications of sports equipment
4. Fundamental skills of the game/sport
5. Related sports terminologies
6. Important tournaments and venues
7. Sports personalities
8. Sports Awards


1.1 Concept of environment
1.2 Scope of environment living environment, work place environment and
environment for leisure activities
1.3 Essential elements of healthful environment safe water, low levels of noise,
clean air, sanitary surrounding, low levels of radio active radiations and absence
on hazards responsible for accidents in (i) home and neighbourhood in rural and
urban areas (ii) school and work place (iii) during leisure time activities
recreation and sports
1.4 Role of individual in improvement of environment for health promotion and
1.5 Disaster preparedness and health care during disasters.

2.1 Meaning and functions of family and its importance as a social institution
2.2 Needs and problems of adolescence and their management.
2.3 Human reproduction menstruation, conceptional and prenatal care
2.4 Problems associated with pre-marital sex and teenage pregnancies
2.5 Preparation of marriage.
2.4 Role of parents in child care.


3.1 Soft Tissue Injuries sprain and strain
3.2 Bone Injuries
3.3 Joint Injuries

(for Class XI & XII)

The activity syllabus has been divided into following three parts. The marks of each part are
as follows :

Part-A Physical Fitness Test (Compulsory) - 10 Marks
Part-B Track and Field (Two events) - 10 Marks
Part-C Games and Sports (One Game) - 10 Marks


10 Marks

100 mts.(Sec.) 12 min Run/Walk
Long Jump
Cricket Ball
throw (Mts.)
Shuttle Run
(4x10 mts.)
10 12.0 2000 5.50 70 8.5
9 12.5 1900 5.25 65 9.0
8 13.0 1800 5.00 60 9.4
7 13.5 1700 4.80 55 9.7
6 13.8 1650 4.65 50 10.0
5 14.0 1600 4.50 45 10.3
4 14.5 1550 4.35 40 10.6
3 14.8 1450 4.10 35 11.0
2 15.3 1350 3.85 30 11.5
1 15.8 1250 3.60 25 12.0


100 mts.(Sec.) 9 min Run/Walk
Long Jump
Cricket Ball
throw (Mts.)
Shuttle Run
(4x10 mts.)
10 14.0 1700 5.0 50 9.5
9 14.5 1600 4.75 46 10.0
8 15.0 1500 4.50 42 10.5
7 15.5 1400 4.25 38 11.0
6 16.0 1300 4.00 34 11.5
5 16.5 1200 3.75 30 12.0
4 17.0 1100 3.50 26 12.5
3 17.5 1000 3.25 22 13.0
2 18.0 900 3.00 18 13.5
1 18.5 800 2.75 14 14.0


(Any two from the following in each year)

The events to be selected each year must be different ( 10 marks for each event)


1) Practice of starts with blocks using proper command.
2) Time action period Reaction time, block clearance time, acceleration time, velocity
maintenance time, finish time

Scheme of grading :

(a) 100 m Run

Boys Girls
11.5 Sec. and below = A1 13.7 Sec. to 14.4 Sec = A1
11.6 Sec to 12.3 Sec = A2 14.5 Sec to 15.2 Sec. = A2
12.4 Sec. to 13.1 Sec. = B1 15.3 Sec. to 16.0 Sec. = B1
13.2 Sec. to 13.9 Sec. = B2 16.1 Sec. to 16.8 Sec. = B2
14.0 Sec. to 14.7 Sec = C1 16.9 Sec. to 17.7 Sec. = C1
14.8 Sec. to 15.5 Sec. = C2 17.8 Sec. to 18.5 Sec. = C2
15.6 Sec. to 16.3 Sec. = D1 18.6 Sec. to 19.3 Sec. = D1
16.4 Sec. to 17.1 Sec. = D2 19.4 Sec. to 20.1 Sec. = D2
17.2 and above = E 20.2 Sec. and above = E

(b) 200 m Run

25.0 Sec. and below = A1 24.0 Sec and below = A1
25.1 Sec. to 26.0 Sec. = A2 24.1 Sec. to 27.0 Sec. = A2
26.1 Sec. to 27.0 Sec. = B1 27.1 Sec. to 30.0 Sec. = B1
27.1 Sec. to 28.0 Sec. = B2 30.1 Sec. to 33.0 Sec. = B2
28.1 Sec. to 29.0 Sec. = C1 33.1 Sec. to 36.0 Sec. = C1
29.1 Sec. to 31.0 Sec. = C2 36.1 Sec. to 39.0 Sec. = C2
30.0 Sec. to 31.0 Sec. = D1 39.1 Sec. to 42.0 Sec. = D1
31.1 Sec. to 32.0 Sec. = D2 42.1 Sec. to 45.0 Sec. = D2
32.1 and above = E 45.1 and above = E

(c) 400 m Run (Boys) (Girls)
56.0 Sec. and below = A1 68.0.Sec. and below = A1
56.1 Sec. to 58.0 Sec.=A2 68.1 Sector 71.0 Sec.= A2
58.1 Sec. to 60.0 Sec.=B1 71.1 Sec. to 74.0 Sec. = B1
60.1 Sec. to 62.0 Sec. = B2 74.1 Sec. to 77.0 Sec. = B2
62.1 Sec. to 64.0 Sec. = C1 77.1 Sec. to 80.0 Sec. = C1
64.1 Sec. to 66.0 Sec. = C2 80.1 Sec. to 83.0 Sec. = C2
66.1 Sec. to 68.0 Sec. = D1 83.1 Sec. to 86.0 Sec. = D1
68.1 Sec. to 70.0 Sec. = D2 86.1 Sec. to 89.0 Sec. = D2
70.1 and above = E 89.1 and above = E

(i) Practice of standing start using proper command
(ii) Technique of endurance running
Scheme of Grading
(d) 800 m Run (Boys) (Girls)
2.10.0 and below.= A1 2.45.0 and below = A1
2.10.1 to 2.20.0 = A2 2.45.1 Sec. to 2.55.0 = A2
2.20.1 to 2.30.0 = B1 2.55.1 Sec. to 3.05.0 = B1
2.30.1 to 2.40.0 = B2 3.05.1 Sec.1o 3.15.0 = B2
2.40.1 to 2.50.0 = C1 3.15.1 Sec.to3.25.0 = C2
2.50.1 to 3.00.0 = C2 3.25.1 Sec. to 3.35.0 = C2
3.00.1 to 3.10.0 = D1 3.35.1 Sec. to 3.45.0 = D1
3.10.1 to 3.20.0 = D2 3.45.1 Sec. to 3.55.0 = D2
3.20.1 and above = E 3.55.1 and above = E

(e) 1500 m Runs (Boys only)
4.40.0 and below = A1
4.40.1 to 4.50.0 = A2
4.50.1 to 4.50.0 = B1
5.00.1 to 5.10.0 = B2
5.10.1 to 5.20.0 = C1
5.21.1 to 5.30.0 = C2
5.31.0 to 5.40.0=D1
5.40.1 to 5.50.0 = D2
5.50.1 and above = E

(f) 300 m Runs (For Boys only)
10.30.0 and below = A1
10.30.1 to 10.00.0 = A2
11.00.1 to 11.30.0 = B1
11.30.1 to 12.00.0 = B2
12.00.1 to 12.30.0 = C1
12.30.1 to 13.00.0 = C2
13.00.1 to 13.30.0 = D1
13.30.1 to 14.00.0 = D2
14.00.1 and above = E
(i) Swinging leg action
(ii) Trailing leg action
(iii) Position of the body while clearing the hurdle
(iv) Arm action
(v) Developing rhythm from start to first hurdle and in between the hurdles
Scheme of Grading
Boys (110 m) Girls (100 m)
20.0 Sec. and below = A1 20.0 Sec. and below = A1
20.1 Sec. to 21.0 Sec. = A2 20.1 Sec. to 21.0 Sec. = A2
21.1 Sec. to 22.0 Sec. = B1 21.1 Sec. to 22.0 Sec. = B1
22.1 Sec. to 23.0 Sec. = B2 22.1 Sec. to 23.0 Sec. = B2
23.1 Sec. to 24.0 Sec. = C1 23.1 Sec. to 24.0 Sec. = C1
24.1 Sec. to 25.0 Sec. = C2 24.1 Sec. to 25.0 Sec.= C2
25.1 Sec. to 26.0 Sec. = D1 25.1 Sec. to 26.0 Sec. = D1
26.1 Sec. to 27.0 Sec. = D2 26.1 Sec. to 27.0 Sec. = D2
27.1 and above = E 27.1 and above = E

400 m Hurdles (for boys)
65.0 Sec. and below = A1
65.1 Sec. to 68.0 Sec. = A2
68.1 Sec. to 71.0 Sec. = B1
71.1 Sec. to 74.0 Sec. = B2
74.1 Sec. to 77.0 Sec. = C1
77.1 Sec. to 80.0 Sec. = C2
80.1 Sec. to 83.0 Sec. = D1
83.1 Sec. to 86.0 Sec. = D2
86.1 and above = E

Broad Jump
- Approach run
- Takeoff
- Flying phase (running in the air style)
- Landing

Scheme of Grading :
Boys Girls
5.50 mts. and above = A1 5.00 mts. and above = A1
5.00 mts to 5.49 mts. = A2 4.50 mts. to 4.99 mts. = A2
4.50 mts. to 4.99 mts. = B1 4.00mts. to 4.49 mts. = B1
4.00 mts. to 4.49 mts. = B2 3.50 mts. to 3.99 mts = B2
3.50 mts. to 3.99 mts. = C1 3.00 mts. to 3.49 mts. = C1
3.00 mts. to 3.49 mts. = C2 2.50 mts. to 2.99 mts.= C2
2.50 mts. to 2.99 mts. = D1 2.00 mts. to 2.49 mts. = D1
2.00 mts. to 2.49 mts. = D2 1.50 mts. to 1.99 mts. = D2
2.00 and below = E 1.49 and below = E
(Boys Only)
- Approach run
- Take off
- Performance of hop, step and jump
- Landing

Scheme of Grading :
12 mts. and above = A1
11.50 mts. to 11.99 mts. = A2
11.00 mts. to 11.49 mts. = B1
10.50 mts. to 10.99 mts. =B2
10.00 mts. to 10.49 mts. = C1
9.50 mts. to 9.99 mts. = C2
9.00 mts. to 9.49 mts. = D1
8.50mts. to 8.99 mts. = D2
8.49 mts. and below = E

- Approach run
- Take off
- Flying phase (straddle roll)
- Landing

Scheme of Grading :
Boys Girls
1.79 mts and above = A1 1.50 mts and above = A1
1.60 mts. to 1.69 mts. = A2 1.45 mts. to 1.49 mts. = A2
1.50 mts. to 1.59 mts. = B1 1.40 mts. to 1.44 mts. = B1
1.40 mts. to 1.49 mts. = B2 1.30 mts. to 1.39 mts. = B2
1.30 mts. to 1.39 mts. = C1 1.20 mts. to 1.29 mts. = C1
1.20 mts. to 1.29 mts. = C2 1.10 mts. to 1.19 mts. = C2
1.10 mts. to 1.19 mts. = D1 1.00 mts. to 1.09 mts. = D1
1.00 mts. to 1.09 mts. = D2 0.90 mts. to 0.99 mts. = D2
0.99 mts. and below = E 0.89 mts. and below = E

- Stance
- Glide
- Release
- Reverse
Scheme of Grading :
Boys Girls
10 mts. and above = A 8.50 mts. and above = A1
9 mts. to 9.99 mts. = A2 7.50 mts. to 8.49 mts. = A2
8 mts. to 8.99 mts. = B1 6.50 mts. to 7.49 mts. = B1
7 mts. to 7.99 mts. = B2 5.50 mts. to 6.49 mts. = B2
6 mts. to 6.99 mts. = C1 4.50 mts. to 5.49 mts. = C1
5 mts. to 5.99 mts. = C2 3.50 mts. to 4.49 mts. = C2
4 mts. to 4.99 mts. = D1 3.00 mts. to 3.49 mts. = D1
3 mts. to 3.99 mts. = D2 2.50 mts. to 2.99 mts = D2
2.00 mts. and below = E 2.49 mts. and below = E

- Stance
- Preliminary Swings
- Throws with one and one and a half turn
- Reverse

Scheme of Grading :
Boys Girls
25 mts. and above = A1 20 mts. and above = A1
22 24.99 mts. = A2 17 mts. to 19.99 mts = A2
19 mts. to 21.99 mts. = B1 14 mts. to 16.99 mts. = B1
16 mts. to 18.99 mts. = B2 11 mts. to 13.99 mts. = B2
13 mts. to 15.99 mts. = C1 8 mts. to 10.99 mts. = C1
10 mts. to 12.99 mts. = C2 5 mts. to 7.99 mts = C2
7 mts. to 9.99 mts. = D1 4 mts. to 4.99 mts. = D1
4 mts. to 6.99 mts. = D2 3 mts. to 3.99 mts. = D2
3.99 mts. and below = E 2.99 mts. and below = E

- Grip
- Javelin carry
- Transition from approach to five stride rhythm B
- Release
- Reverse
Scheme of Grading :
Boys Girls
35 mts. and above = A1 22 mts. and above = A1
32 mts. to 34.99 mts. = A2 19 mts. to 21.99 mts. = A2
29 mts. to 31.99 mts. = B1 16 mts. to 18.99 mts. = B1
26 mts. to 28.99 mts. = B2 13 mts. to 15.99 mts. = B2
23 mts. to 25.99 mts. = C1 11mts. to 12.99 mts. = C1
20 mts. to 22.99 mts. = C2 9 mts. to 10.99 mts. = C2
17mts. to 19.99 mts = D1 7 mts. to 8.99 mts. = D1
14 mts. to 16.99 mts. = D2 5 mts. to 6.99 mts. = D2
13.99 mts. and below = E 4.99 mts. and below = E

Team Games (10 marks)

(Any two from the following in each year. Different games or sports to be taken each year)

I. Straight Hitting Stopping
(a) Reverse hitting and stopping
(b) Hitting on the wrong foot

II. Straight Push and Stopping
(a) Reverse push and stopping
(b) Pushing on the wrong foot
III. Scooping
(a) Push scoop
(c) Shoveling
IV. Flick
(a) Straight Flick
(b) Reverse Flick
(c) Flick on the wrong foot

V. Dribbling and Carrying the Ball
VI. Passing
(a) Through pass
(b) Return pass
(c) Deflection pass
(d) Interchanging position
VII. Dodging
(a) Dodging to the opponents left
(b) Dodging to the opponents right
(c) Double dodging

VIII. Different Techniques of

(a) Penalty Comer
(b) Comer
(c) Penalty Stroke
(d) Push in
(e) Goal Keeping

IX. Tackling
(a) Lunging
(b) Feinting

X. Positional Play in Attack
XI. Positional Play in Defence
XII. Simple strategies and tactics in attack and defence
XIII. Lead up games, drills, minor games and relays for the improvements of techniques
of all the fundamental skills.

Scheme of Grading
50% marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers in
Physical Education.
1. Dribbling and Dodging :
5 flags are placed in a line 5 feet from each other. Players dribble the ball zig zag and dodge-
in-between the flags to the end of the line and back again 2 chances.
2. Pushing :
Pushing from a distance of 30 yards for boys and 20 yards for girls. Nine attempts. One point
for each successful try.
3. Hitting for distance :
From goal line towards goal (better of the two trials)
Boys Girls
Distance Distance
Above 80 mts. = A1 Above 50 mts. = A1
70 to 79 mts. = A2 45 to 49 mts. = A2
60 to 69 mts. = B1 40 to 44 mts. = B1
50 to 59 mts. = B2 35 to 39 mts. = B2
40 to 49 mts. = C1 30 to 34 mts. = C1
30 to 39 mts. = C2 25 to 29 mts. = C2
20 to 29 mts. = D1 20 to 24 mts. = D1
10 to 19 mts. = D2 10 to 19 mts. = D2 .
10 mts. and below = E 10 mts. and below = E

4. Test for Tackling
Marks will be awarded on the basis of perfomance.
2. Table Tennis
1. Service
(a) Chopped service
(b) Side spin service
2. Strokes
(a) Defensive strokes :
(i) Block return
(ii) Balloon return
(iii) Chopping the top spin drives (forehand and backhand)
(iv) Flat return
(b) Attacking strokes:
(i) Stop ball
(ii) Loop top spin ball
(iii) Side spin ball
(iv) Flat hit (forehand and backhand)
(v) Chop attack (forehand and backhand)
3. Receiving :
(a) Receiving side spin service
(i) Forehand side spin service
(ii) Forehand shoulder level, side spin service
(iii) Backhand side pull service

(b) Receiving different types of strokes :
(i) From all the attacking strokes taught so far
(ii) From all the defensive strokes taught so far
4. Tactics
(a) Mid-distance (All rounders) tactics
(b) Variation tactics
(c) Anticipation
(d) Playing position
(e) Foot work

Scheme of Grading
50% marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play situation preferably by panel of three professional
teachers in Physical Education.
1. A nine point scale should be used in grading various techniques of Table Tennis. For
objective marking more than one person should grade the students.
Different types of services strokes and ability to receive different services and strokes are to
be graded as follows :
A1 = 9 points
A2 = 8 points
B1 = 7 points
B2 = 6 points
C1 = 5 points
C2 = 4 points
D1= 3 points
D2 = 2 points
E = 1 points and below
2. Besides testing students in various techniques, he should be separately graded in game
situation. Grading should be done by more than one person. The following points should
be observed in grading students.

(a) Defence
(b) Attack
(c) Footwork
(d) Positioning
(f) Anticipation

1. Offensive skills -Aero kick, Curve kick, Role kick, Mule kick.
2. Defensive skills -Trunk catch, Shoulder catch, Chain formation, No crossplay
3. Escapes - Escaping from chain formation and various other holds.
4. Lead up games - Langdi Kabaddi, Release the prisoner, Circle Kabaddi

Pattern of Play
(i) Offensive
(ii) Defensive
(iii) Chain
(iv) Playing in small court
(v) Playing with less number of players
Scheme of Grading:
50% marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers
physical education.

Ability in cant 5 points.

A1 = 60 Sec
A2 = 55 Sec.
B1 = 50 Sec.
B2 = 45 Sec
C1 = 40 Sec.
C2 = 35 Sec.
D1 = 30 Sec.
D2 = 25 Sec.
E = Below 25 Sec.
A. Testing in Offensive skills - 9 points
B. Testing in Defensive skill - 9 points
C. General playing ability and combination - 9 points
1. Chasing skills -Trapping, Diving - stationary dive, running dive. Touching at the foot with
either hand. Dragging along the cross line and along the post.
2. Skills in running -Escape from trapping. Avoiding, Trap, Tempting the Chasers to
3. Method of running -Ring play, Front ring, Back ring, Initial and subsequent positioning.
Use of various skills changing repeatedly.
4. Lead up games :
(i) Atya Patya
(ii) Three Deep
(iii) Sanjeevani (Giving life or Vish Amrit)

Scheme of Grading:
50% marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers in
physical education.
1. Endurance and Speed Running 9 points
2. Testing in chasing skills 9 points
3. Testing in Running skills 9 points
4. Testing in methods Running 9 points
5. General playing ability and combination 9 points

Note :
1. In case of items 2, 3 and 4 above, the candidate may be asked to demonstrate any two
skills, for each hand specified and marks may be awarded on the basis of accuracy of form
and effectiveness of moves.
2. The candidate will be rated in the actual game situation for display of the skills

(Only for Boys)
Skills :
1. Kicking
(a) Kicking fundamentals
(i) Instep kick
(ii) Kicking with inside of the foot.
(iii) Kicking with outside of the foot.
(b) Lofted kicks with either foot
(c) Practice of in-swing and out-swing

(d) Practice of Comer kicks - Lobbing - Clip shots, and, penalty kicks with special emphasis
according to new amendments.

2. Passing and Inter-passing :
(a) Inter-passing between two players
(b) Inter-passing among three players
(c) Three man weave
(d) Inter-passing among 4 players in different zones
(e) Related practices

3. Tackling
(a) Interception and hasty tackles
(b) Sliding tackles
(b) Relating practices
4. Heading
(a) Related practices of heading and
(b) Lead up drills
5. Dribbling
Practice of dribbling skills suited to functional training

6. Goal keeping

(a) Collecting balls from basic positions, challenged position, advancing and coming out and
anticipation of free ball situation and challenged situation
(b) Punching and fisting high balls.
(c) Defending and saving penalty kicks
6. Lead up and minor games
(a) Heading volleyball
(b) Two ball Soccer
(c) Five a side football
8. Games situation and practice for positional play
9. Tactics and Coaching and the Game
General orientation about the importance of strategies in game:
(a) Positional play and elementary tactics of play
(b) Conditioned games and group practice
(c) Starts and restarts
(d) Elements of defence and attack
(e) Two back system and three back system
(f) Principle of zonal defence and man to man defence
(g) W. and M. Formation of attack
(h) Defence and attack from free-kicks, penalty-kicks and comer-kicks
(i) Tactics of defence and attack for adverse conditions

Scheme of Grading
50% Marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers
physical education.
2. Stationary ball kicking (Lofted kick) right or left foot (Best foot)
Above 45 mts. = A1
40 mts. to 44 mts. = A2
35 mts. to 39 mts. = B1
30 mts. to 34 mts. = B2
25 mts. to 29 mts. = C1
20 mts. to 24 mts. = C2
15 19 mts. = D1
10 14 mts. = D2
And below 10 mts. = E

3. Drop-shot (Half Volley)
Above 60 mts. = A1
50 mts. to 59 mts. = A2
40 mts to 49 mts. = B1
30 mts. to 39 mts. = B2
20 mts. to 29 mts. = C1
l5 mts. to 19 mts. = C2
10 mts. to 14 mts. = D1
4 mts. to 9 mts. = D2
below 4 mts. = E
4. Trapping -Trapping a falling ball from 20 ft. height, 9 chances - one point for every
one successful attempt.

5. Heading for distance
21 mts. = A1
18 mts. = A2
l5 mts. = B1
12 mts. = B2
9 mts. = C1
6 mts. = C2
3 mts. = D1
1 mts. = D2
below 1 mts. = E
6. Running with the ball (Dribbling) with a controlled ball and shooting running from the
centre circle and shooting from the penalty area.
Norms may be worked out according to the means and standard of performance for speed
accuracy and accurate shot in goal.
Highly skillful dribble = A1
Accurate and powerful shot = A2
Fast and accurate shot = Bl
Sufficiently fast and accurate shot = B2
Slow but accurate shot = C1
Very slow but accurate shot = C2
Slow but near miss shot = D1
Slow and uncontrolled shot = D2
Aimless shot = E

(Only for Boys)

1. Batting
Forward Defence, Backward Defence, Forward Stroke, Backward Stroke, Cover
Drive, Pull, Cut, Hook, Glance, Stepping out to drive the flighted ball.
2. Bowling
Out-swing, In-swing, Off Break, Leg Break and Googly.
3. Fielding
Catching - high and slip catches, throwing at the stumps from different angles
4. Wicket Keeping

5. Lead up games
(a) Bucket Cricket
(b) Soft ball game
(c) Target hitting for fielding practice

6. Tactics
(a) Field placing to different types of bowling and batting
(b) Captaincy - Duties of the captain, responsibilities under different situations
(c) Wicket keeping

Scheme of Grading
50% Marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers
in physical education.

The batting ability of the players be tested at the net according to the merit of the ball and the
the manner in which played by them should be judged and graded. The bowling should be
done by different types of bowlers (fast, spin, etc.). Players to be graded out of 9 points.

The bowlers should be asked to bowl their normal run-up using their own styles of bowling.
Different marks be made on the pitch at a distance of 8 feet from the popping crease for
medium fast bowlers and about 4 feet from the popping crease for slow bowlers. 9 chances be
given to each player.
(a) Perfect with style, direction, length and accuracy A1 = 9 points
(b) Bowling with correct style on the stump A2 = 8 points
( c ) Bowling correctly within a distance of one foot on
either side of the wicket B1 = 7 points
(d) Bowling within a distance of one foot rather on the off-side B2 = 6 points
(e) Bowling within a distance of one foot rather on the leg-side C1 = 5 points
(f) Bowling farther away on the off-side C2 = 4 points
(g) Bowling farther away on the leg-side D1 = 3 points
(h) Poor performance D2 = 2 points
(i) Not able to bowl at all E = 1 point
The players are made to stand at least 30 to 40 yds. away from the wicket.
(a) The coach or a player hits high catches. Nine catches are hit to each player. Each
successful attempt gives one point.
(b) The coach hits the ball to the players in different angles. They have to run, pick-up
and throw the ball to the wicket. For every correct step and picking up the player gets
one point. 9 chances to be given.

1. Strokes
(a) Forehand and Backhand overhead strokes
(i) Lob
(ii) Toss
(iii) Clear (offensive and defensive)
(iv) Drop
(v) Smash
2. Forehand and Backhand side arm strokes
(a) Drive
3. Forehand and Backhand under arm strokes
(a) Net strokes
4. Forehand and Backhand Cross Court Strokes
5. Tactics and Strategy
(a) Systems of play.
(i) Singles Play
(ii) Doubles pattern of play
- Front and Back
- Side by Side
- Rotation
(iii) Mixed Doubles Game

Scheme of Grading
50% Marks will be awarded on the basis of students predominance on objective test an 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers in
physical education.
I. A nine point scale should be used in grading various skills of Badminton.
Different types of services, strokes and ability to receive different types of services
and strokes to be graded and scheme to be devised by the teachers themselves.
Note: For service test, zones should be marked on the court.

II. Besides testing in various skills, students should be separately graded in a game
situation. The following points should be observed while grading the students.
1. Defence
2. Attack
3 .Footwork
4. Positioning
5. Anticipation

1. The serve
(a) Overhead service (Tennis)
(b) Round arm Service
(c) Floating service (overhead and side arm)
2. The Pass
(a) Over-headpass : Two handed pass with back rolling
(b) Two handed pass with side rolling
(c) Jump and pass
(d) Under arm pass
(e) Forward dive and pass
(f) One arm pass with side rolling

3. The Set-up
(a) Setting up for quick smash
(b) Move and set-up (from back zones)
( c ) Setting up in different zones at varying trajectories

4. The Net Recovery
(a) Two handed overhead pass with and without rolling
(b) One hand underarm pass with and without rolling
5. The Attack
(a) Smash with turn of body
(b) Smash with wrist
(c) Round arm smash
(d) Smash on short pass (ascending balls)
(e) Simple attack combinations
6. The Block
(a) Double block against different types of attack
(b) Double block in assigned Zones
(c) Double block against quick attack
(d) Double block against attack combinations
(e) Triple block against attack from zone 3
7. Lead up Games
(a) Bounce Volleyball
(b) Shover ball
(c) Double (two against two)
(d) Three against three
8. Patterns of Play
4-2 system
5-1 system
50% Marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers in
physical education.

Nine attempts allowed. One point for each successful attempt. The successful attempt
would mean the ball crossing the net within the side markers and falling in to the
opponents court.
Under Hand Pass
Nine attempts allowed. One point for each successful attempt is awarded. Underhand
pass to be executed from a service, served sidearm or roundarm from the other side
of the court. The successful attempt will constitute the receiving of the correct ball
raised higher than the upper band of the net. The ball crossing the net will constitute a
fault and hence will not be given credit. Similarly the ball slipping from hand and
going away outside the court will be given no grade.

Nine attempts allowed. One point for each successful attempt. The candidate stands in
No. 3 zone and is given a ball to be boosted to zone No.4. The ball must rise higher
than upper band of the net. No point will be awarded in the following situations:
(a) The ball crossing into opponent's own court
(b) The ball landing outside one's own court
(c) The ball passed but away from the attack area
(d) Mispass
(e) Other faults in testing double touch etc.
Nine attempts allowed. One point for each successful attempt. Smash is to be
executed from No. 2 zone. The ball is supplied from No. 6 zone that is the centre of
court and pass is raised from No. 3 zone (facing the smasher)
Nine attempts allowed. One point for each successful attempt. Block is to be executed
in No. 2 and 4 zones alternatively. Reasonably good smash is made from the
opponents zones Nos. 4 and 2 and the candidate adjust the block.
(a) The ball going direct to the opponent's court after block will be treated as a correct
attempt and should get full credit.
(b) The ball landing into one's own court as a good attempt should get full credit.

1. Ball handling - Holding position of fingers, body position, stance of player with ball
2. Catching the ball - (Receiving) skills involved.

3. Passing skills - (Drills in pairs)
(a) Two handed chestpass
(b) Two handed bounce pass
(c) Two handed underhand pass (right/left side)
(d) Two handed overhead pass
4. Dribbling - Dribbling high with speed, using alternate hands, low dribble
5. Shooting
(a) Two handed set shot
(b) Two handed free throw
(c) Lay up shot following dribble using right hand (over the shoulder)

6. Footwork - Player stance, position of feet, position of hand, elementary shuffling
and sliding movement (drills).

7. Pivoting - Stationary Pivot.
8. Individual defense - Player stance, position of hands, position of feet, defender's
position in between opponent and basket.
9. Team defence - Man to Man defence.
10. Team Offence - Fast break offence
11. Lead up games/relays -
(a) Captain ball
(b) Pin Basket Ball
(c) 5 passes(front court)
(d) Dribbling and passing relay
(e) Dribbling and passing relay
(f) Lay up shooting relays
12. Full court and half court game situations using simple defence-offence taught.
Scheme of Grading
50% Marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers in
physical education.

Objective Assessment
Set Shooting (10 chances)
1. (20' away from ring) One point for each chance converted
(Best of two trials) Note: A student missing all chances will
get 1 point
2. Pivot shots (stationary) 10 chances One point each chance converted
from free throw lanes (3 on each Note: A student not converting any
side) and one from free throwline Basket will get 1 point
(Best of two trials)
Boys Marks to be awarded
3. Continuous lay up shooting from 22 seconds and below 10
each side of Basket (left, centre, 22.1 to 22.5 sec. 9
right) starting from behind centre 22.6 to 23.0 sec. 8
line and finishing the dribble at the 23.1 to 23.5 sec. 7
starting point (timing/shooting are 23.6 to 24.0 sec. 6
important). 24.1 to 24.5 sec. 5
24.6 to 25.0 sec. 4
25.1 to 25.5 sec. 3
25.6 to 26.0 sec. 2
26.1 to 26.5 sec. 1
24 seconds and below 10
24.1 to 24.5 sec. 9
24.6 to 25.0 sec. 8
25.1 to 25.5 sec. 7
25.6 to 26.0 sec. 6
26.1 to 26.5 sec. 5
26.6 to 27.0 sec. 4
27.1 to 27.5 sec. 3
27.6 to 28.0 sec. 2
28.1 to 28.5 sec. 1
Note : Unless basket is converted on one side, the student should not go to shooting
at the other side.
4. Give and Go Lay Up Ten chances (one point for each chance
from centre) converted
(Best of two Trials)
Note : A student who does not score even one gets 1 point.

5. Zig-Zag Dribble
(Width of the Floor)

Marks to be awarded
Boys Girls
10.5 seconds and below 10 11.0 seconds and below 10
10.6 sec. to 11.0 sec. 9 11.1 sec. to 11.5 sec. 9
11.1 sec. to 11.5 sec. 8 11.6 sec. to 12.0 sec. 8
11.6 sec. to 12.0 sec. 7 12.1 sec. to 12.5 sec. 7
12.1 sec. to 12.6 sec. 6 12.6 sec. to 13.0 sec. 6
12.6 sec. to 13.0 sec. 5 13.1 sec. to 13.5 sec. 5
13.1 sec. to 13.5 sec. 4 13.6 14.0 sec. 4
13.6 sec. to 14.0 sec. 3 14.1 sec. to 14.5 sec. 3
14.1 sec. to 14.5 sec. 2 14.6 sec. to 15.0 sec. 2
14.6 sec. to 15.0 sec. 1 15.1 sec. to 15.5 sec. 1

Note :
1. From one side line 5 Indian Clubs are arranged at 1.50 metre distance (in between
each club) and the player starts dribbling from one side line in zig-zag manner and crosses the
other side line to return without breaking the dribble in a zig-zag manner weaving in and
around the clubs and finishes at the starting point. Other hand may be used for dribbling.

2. The first Indian club is 4 metres away and the last Indian club is also 4 metres away
from the two side lines concerned.

1. Revision of skills-taught in Class IX and X.
2. Variations in service
1. Chop or slice service (side spin)
2. Top Spin Service

3. Variations in strokes
1. Cross Court Drives - forehand and back hand
2. Down the line-forehand and backhand
3. Full Volley forehand/backhand from mid court
4. Half Volley forehand/backhand
5. Drop shots, Drop volley
6. Lob Strokes
7. Running approach shots
2. Besides techniques, students should be separately graded in game situation. Grading
should be done by more than one person. The following points are to be borne in
mind while grading students in game situations :
1. Defence
2. Attack
3. Mastery of Fundamental
4. Foot work
5. Team work
6. Anticipation
7. Positioning
8. Tactics and Strategy

(One activity to be chosen) 10 Marks
Note : Only such exercise which will develop higher levels of proficiency in performance
beyond the levels of normal individual are included. However, highly complicated and
difficult exercises which may be necessary for a true devotee in YOGA are not included.
1. Tadasana (heavenly stretch pose)
2. Vrikshasana (tree pose)
3. Trikonasana (Triangle stretch pose)
4. Gomukhasana ( cow face pose )
5. Padmasana (Lotus pose)
6. Vajarasana (thunderbolt pose)
7. Matsyasana (fish pose)
8. Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
9. Salabhasana (locust pose )
10. Chakrasana (Wheel pose)
11. Paschimottanasana (back stretch pose)
12. Ardh Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist pose)
13. Sarvangasana (shoulder stand pose)
14. Halasana (plough pose)
15. Shavasana (corpse pose)
1. Sheetali Pranayama (the cooling breath)
2. Sheetkari Pranayama (the hissing breadth)
3. Kapalabhati pranayama (the frontal brain bellowing)
4. Ujjai Pranayama (the psychic breadth)
Grading Plan
The grading will be done using a nine point scale. A student should select any five
Asanas and two Pranayama for demonstration. The grades will be awarded keeping in
view the following criteria :
(i) Smooth succession of movement from the initial to final position.
(ii) Degree of perfection in the final form.
(iii) Evidence of strain or tension (negative aspect).
(iv) Holding final position for some time, more in balancing exercises.
1. Back Stroke
(a) The stationary leg action with the support of the ball or a partner.
(b) Leg action with the move, hands by the side of thighs or at a later stage stretch.
(c) Arm action with the support of the partner or the ladder, alternate movement of
(d) Combinations of leg and arm action. Since the face is above the water level there is
not much problem of breathing.
(e) Once the movement are coordinated than the attempt should be for speed
2. Butterfly Stroke
(a) Arm action in standing position over the shallow water.
(b) Arm action on the move in the horizontal position.
(c) Preliminary hip movement in standing as well as horizontal position with the
support of the wall. The hips have to be pushed up and down alternatively.
(d) Dolphin kick with the arm on the side or in front.
(e) Dolphin kick with the body on the side as well.
(f) Full stroke with a slow attempt to coordinate arm leg movements and breathing.
3. Individual medley and medley and free style relays
4. Starts and turns
(i) Grab
(ii) Conventional (Circular armswing)
(iii) Bunch start
(iv) Track start
(i) Lateral (pivot) turn
(ii) Throwaway turn
(iii) Flip turn

5. Diving
(a) Back dive
(b) Inward dive
Scheme of Grading
50% Marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50%
on the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers in
physical education.

Code Breast Stroke Free style Stroke Back stroke Butterfly Stroke
A1 0 M 40 Sec. 0 M 30 Sec. 0 M 35 Sec. 0 M 50 Sec.
A2 0 M 50 Sec. 0 M 40 Sec. 0 M 45 Sec. 1 M 00 Sec.
B1 1 M 00 Sec. 0 M 50 Sec. 0 M 55 Sec. 1 M 10 Sec.
B2 1 M 10 Sec. 1 M 00 Sec. 1 M 05 Sec. 1 M 20 Sec.
C1 1 M 20 Sec. 1 M 10 Sec. 1 M 15 Sec. 1 M 30 Sec.
C2 1 M 30 Sec. 1 M 20 Sec. 1 M 25 Sec. 1 M 40 Sec.
D1 1 M 40 Sec. 1 M 30 Sec. 1 M 35 Sec. 1 M 50 Sec.
D2 1 M 50 Sec. 1 M 40 Sec. 1 M 45 Sec. 2 M 00 Sec.
E 2 M 00 Sec. 1 M 45 Sec. 1 M 55 Sec. 2 M 10 Sec.


1. Floor Exercises
(a) Forward roll to hand stand
(b) Backward roll to hand stand
(c) Forward roll to head spring
(d) Hand spring to dive roll
(e) Round off to back roll to hand stand
(f) Round off Flick Flack
(g) One leg hand spring
(h) One leg head spring
(i) Forward roll hand turns
(j) Hand stand to forward roll with straight legs
2. Vaulting Box
(a) Split vault
(b) Through vault
( c ) Hand stand with cart wheel
(d) Cart wheel
(e) Hand spring
3. Parallel Bars
(a) Up start
(b) Front uprise
(c) Shoulder stand
(d) Hand stand
(e) Hand stand with 180 degree turn
(f) Hand stand to front turn on the shoulder
(g) Backward roll
(h) Hand stand to cart wheel (dismount)

4. Horizontal Bar
(a) Up start with over grip
(b) Up start with under grip
(c) Short circle
(d) One leg circle with wheel food
(e) Heel foot
(f) Front giant circle
(g) Swing with through vault (dismount)
For Girls
1. Floor Exercises
(a) Forward roll to hand stand
(b) Backward roll to hand stand
(c) Round off
(d) Slow back hand spring
(e) Slow back head spring
(f) Split sitting
(g) Slow hand spring
(h) Hand spring
(i) Head spring

2. Vaulting Box
(a) Astride vault or split vault
(b) Through vault
(c) Hand spring

3. Beam
(a) Gallop step with balance
(b) Scissor jump
(c) Forward roll
(d) Backward roll
(e) Cart wheel
(f) Bridge
(g) Balance
(h) Jumping with split legs
Scheme of Grading
50% Marks will be awarded on the basis of students performance on objective test and 50% on
the basis of rating in actual play and preferably by panel of three professional teachers in
physical education.
Top Grade performance A1 = 9 points
Perfect performance A2 = 8 points
Satisfactory performance, except for bent knees or unpointed toes B1 = 7 points
Average performance knees and bent and toes are not pointed B2 = 6 points
No form but there is knowledge of how to perform the stunt. C1 = 5 points
Some ability to perform the stunt with extremely poor form and
knowledge of the stunt C2 = 4 points
Poor performance D1 = 3 points
Worst performance D2 = 2 points
Inability to perform the stunt E = 1 point



1. Physical Education & Health
2. Physical and Health Education
3. Introduction to Physical & Health
4. Physical Education & Health
5. Physical Fitness How to Develop
6. Foundation of Physical Education
7. Great Indian Players
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Friends Publication, New Delhi, 2000
Ashok Book Depot, Delhi, 2000
Avichal Publishing Company, Himachal Pradesh, 2000

B.R. International Publishers, Delhi, 2000
Friends Publication, New Delhi, 1992
Friends Publication, New Delhi, 1994
Sports Publication, Delhi, 1999
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13. Practical Guide to Physical
Education, Sports and Health

Friends Publication, New Delhi, 2000
14. New Millennium Physical
Education Practical Note Book

B.R. International Publishers, Delhi
15. Nikhil Physical Education
Practical Note Book

Nikhil Publications, Patna
16. New Style Physical Education &
Games Practical Note Book
Ashoka Book Depot, Delhi

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