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In 1967 we were given few vaccines and the risk of autism was 1 in 10,000.

Guess what it is 45 years later 1 in 84!!! It is the vaccines!!! You do NOT have to give these to your children! They will bully you to but you do not have to! View Dr. Neustaedters Vaccine Choices presentation for parents
(see book recommendations at end of this article) (hear it from an ACTORthen you will believe it!) By Jane Sheppard The vaccination decision is one of the most important choices we can make as parents. However, in questioning vaccines, we open ourselves up to a great deal of criticism, disapproval and accusations of child neglect from doctors, school administrators, public health officials, family members and other parents. How, they ask, do we dare question a practice that has prevented so many devastating diseases and saved so many lives? Arent we putting our child and other children at risk for contracting serious diseases? After all, the government agencies designated to protect public health and most doctors say that childhood vaccines are safe. If you dig a little deeper into the issue, youll find many gaps and limitations in the data and knowledge regarding vaccine safety. Vaccines are capable of causing serious damage. Because they contain lab-altered viruses, bacteria and toxic substances, vaccines have the ability to cause mild to severe neurological and immune damage, or even death, depending on the vaccine given, the combination of vaccines given, the health of the child at the time of vaccination, and the genetic or biological factors that predispose the child to this damage. Vaccines are potent and toxic drugs that contain formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, antibiotics and other toxic components. Thoughtful parents are beginning to question the practice of injecting these toxic substances into the bodies of small babies and artificially manipulating their fragile immune systems during the crucial time of brain and immune development.

No Long-Term or Real-World Safety Studies

Pharmaceutical companies do safety testing of vaccines, but long term studies are not done. The follow-up for vaccine safety testing on individuals before a vaccine is marketed is only a few weeks, or a couple of months at the most. Pharmaceutical companies and government health officials rely on post-marketing data to see if there are reports of serious side effects and reactions after the vaccine has been released and given to millions of children. But most doctors are reluctant to report adverse reactions, and it is estimated that only between one and ten percent of vaccine reactions are ever reported. Even so, between 12,000 and 14,000 adverse reactions (including hospitalizations, injuries and death) are reported annually to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Since it may be difficult to establish causal relationship, many of the reported reactions are dismissed as coincidental with no further study. The control groups for determining adverse reactions are not unvaccinated children. Instead, they are children that have received other vaccines. This makes it possible for the vaccine in question to appear safer than it actually may be. In addition, no adequate studies have ever been done on the real-world risk; the cumulative effect of multiple doses of numerous vaccines given in the first 5 years of life

Chronic Diseases Rise as Vaccinations Increase

Chronic diseases and disabilities in children have risen dramatically as vaccination rates for a growing number of vaccines climb higher than ever before. 25 years ago, children following the recommended vaccine schedule received 23 doses of 7 vaccines before age six. Todays children

get 48 doses of 14 vaccines by age six. With the additional recommendation for annual flu shots, children may now get 69 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18. Given all these vaccinations, are our children healthier? In 1983, one in 10,000 American children had autism. Currently, there is one in 150 children diagnosed with autism. One out of six American children is learning disabled. One in nine has asthma and one in 450 is diabetic. In 2003, approximately 4.4 million children were reported to have attention deficit and hyperactivity, and this chronic condition continues to increase. Health officials continue to insist that there is no connection between vaccines and autism. However, Dr. Bernadine Healy the former head of the National Institutes of Health and member of the Institute of Medicine has stated that public health officials have intentionally avoided researching the vaccine-autism link because they are afraid the answer will scare the public. She acknowledges that public health officials have failed to fully research vaccines and how they may contribute to autism. Dr. Healy, along with many other doctors, thinks that there may be a subset of children who, for genetic or other reasons, are susceptible to developing autism following vaccination. In fact, the U.S. Government has recently conceded in vaccine court that vaccines contributed to the development of autism in child who is now age nine. There are thousands more autism cases in line to be heard in court in which the parents believe that vaccines contributed to their childrens autism. In June 2007, the first ever investigation to determine the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated children was done by Generation Rescue, a parent-funded, non-profit organization. This survey of over 17,000 children compared the rates of ADHD, autism, and asthma between vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Results showed that vaccinated U.S. children have a significantly higher risk of neurological disorders including autism and ADHD than unvaccinated children. This was not a comprehensive enough study to show proof of a connection, but it certainly raises big red flags and shows the need for a national study comparing outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Toxicity of Vaccines
A growing number of doctors believe that a babys immune system is not strong enough to handle the amount of vaccines given, and their livers and kidneys are not developed enough to metabolize or excrete the toxic chemicals and heavy metals in vaccines. Parents should know that even though mercury has finally been taken out of most childhood vaccines, there is still a significant amount of mercury in many flu shots as well as tetanus booster shots and some meningitis vaccines. Trace amounts of mercury still remain in other vaccines. Mercury is known to be one of the most toxic substances on Earth and no amount of mercury is safe, especially when injected into a babys small developing body. Even though most of the recent discussion concerning toxicity of vaccines has revolved around the mercury issue, mercury is certainly not the only toxic problem with childhood vaccines. Aluminum is used as an adjuvant to boost the immune response from vaccines. Scientific evidence of the safety of injected aluminum is sorely lacking. Aluminum can accumulate in tissues and can build up to toxic levels in the bloodstream, bones, and brain. Accumulation of aluminum in the brain is known to impair neurological and mental development. Animal studies show that aluminum causes convulsions, impaired memory, and defective learning.

The difference in the amount of aluminum that may be considered safe for babies and the amount that is actually contained in vaccines is alarming. The FDA website says that premature babies receiving injected aluminum through IV fluids at levels greater than 4 to 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day, can accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity, and toxic build-up may occur at even lower rates. For a tiny premature baby, the toxic dose would be 10 to 20 mcg. It is estimated that a 12-pound, twomonth-old full-term, healthy baby could safely receive at least 30 mcg of injected aluminum via IV per day. But it is unknown how much more aluminum a healthy baby can handle and how much can be safely injected into a baby via vaccines. The safety of aluminum levels in vaccines has never been established. No research has been done to determine a babys ability to excrete aluminum to prevent toxic build-up. No one has measured the levels of aluminum absorption by the bloodstream when an aluminum-containing vaccine is injected into a baby. Also disturbing is the lack of data to determine if injected aluminum interacts with other vaccine toxins to cause harm to small developing bodies. A newborn baby receiving a Hepatitis B shot on its first day of life gets 250 mcg of aluminum from this vaccine. The total amount of aluminum that a 2-month-old baby receives from the recommended well-baby vaccines could vary from 295 mcg. to 1225 mcg., depending on which vaccines are given. This dose is usually repeated at 4 months and again at 6 months of age. There are also trace or residual amounts of 2-phenoxyethanol, phenol, albumin, sucrose, lactose, MSG, glycine, formaldehyde, and antibiotics (neomycin) in vaccines. These are very small amounts, but do we want to continually inject even small amounts of these toxins directly into our tiny babies developing bodies, given their inability to detoxify and how vulnerable they are to low levels of toxins? If trace amounts of formaldehyde, MSG, or antibiotics were in foods that were to be given to our babies, most of us wouldnt allow it. Yet, these toxins go directly into the babys bloodstream. Vaccines also can contain egg and yeast proteins. We delay giving our babies solid foods, mostly to avoid the proteins that can cause allergies. Why would we inject isolated proteins into their bodies at 2 months old? Vaccines also contain various animal products and are created using both human and animal tissues. These tissues can contain viruses and other contaminants. Even though there are processes to detoxify and clean the vaccines, some viruses have still made it into the final vaccine products that were injected into babies. One well-known case was a monkey virus known to cause cancer that was found in the polio vaccine given to millions of babies during the 50s and 60s. There remains a possibility of an unknown or new virus that may not be detected with current testing.

Vaccine Reactions
Vaccine reactions can take many forms, including one or more of the following:

rash hives itching swelling, redness, and pain at the injection site high fever difficulty breathing or wheezing

paleness or changes in skin or lip color muscle weakness or limpness excessive sleepiness or lack of responsiveness rapid heart beat dizziness unusual irritability or other behavior changes prolonged crying (especially high-pitched screaming in infants) seizures or convulsions (shaking, twitching, jerking) collapse/shock vomiting or diarrhea brain inflammation bruising mental/physical Regression

death Many parents have reported that their baby had a high-pitched scream for many hours directly after receiving a vaccine, and then regressed developmentally until being diagnosed with autism months later. Some babies have died after being vaccinated.

Weakened Immunity
A growing number of doctors agree that weakened immunity and susceptibility to allergies, asthma, and chronic infections is another long-term consequence of the large number of vaccines given to babies and children at their most vulnerable time of immune development. A babys immune system develops through breastfeeding, proper nutrition and from its complex responses to natural exposure to disease. When a baby is naturally exposed to a virus, the immune system has several layers of responses that deal with the invasion. Allowing the range of acute inflammatory responses to typical childhood diseases strengthens immunity and strengthens the childs health overall. Conversely, injecting multiple doses of altered viruses and toxins directly into the body bypasses many of the normal immune responses. The vaccine injection triggers antibody production, but antibodies are only one level of protection and not full natural immunity. The immune system is very complex and the different branches of the immune system require a balanced, synergistic relationship to function properly. Repeated vaccinations may over-stimulate the branch that produces antibodies, while suppressing the branch responsible for acute inflammatory responses. Intelligent doctors and parents are beginning to question this manipulation of the immune system. Since we are seeing a huge increase in pediatric allergies, asthma, auto-immune diseases, and chronic immune deficiencies, we must look at mass vaccination policy and demand the proper studies to find out what is happening to our childrens immune systems.

Universal Vaccines for Everyone?

Does it make sense to mandate vaccines for every child given the risks involved? The public health strategy for eliminating diseases includes universal vaccines for everyone, regardless of risks to the individual child who may have biological or genetic susceptibility to vaccine damage. There are no tests that can show which babies will have serious reactions. Some

children must be sacrificed in order to achieve the goal of eradicating disease in a population. They tell us that more lives will be lost to the disease if we dont vaccinate against it. But is this statement really true in the current reality of high-tech medicine in a population with effective sanitation and knowledge about the immunology of breastfeeding? We cannot wipe out every disease on the planet. It may be more sensible to focus on naturally strengthening our childrens immune systems to effectively deal with the increasing number of superbugs created by the inappropriate and massive use of antibiotics than to inject numerous toxins into their delicate, developing bodies. If we allow our childrens immunity to develop on its own as nature intended, breastfeed and use good nutrition and other natural immuneenhancing methods to keep our childrens immunity strong, then why would we want to inject foreign material and toxins into their bodies that can weaken their health, especially since safety has not been proven? An increasing number of parents are not willing to take the risk of sacrificing their child to a point of view that goes against their core beliefs about health and wellness.

The Captive Multi-Billion Dollar Vaccine Market

What fuels the ubiquitous belief that vaccines are the supreme solution to disease and that those who do not accept vaccines are putting themselves and others at risk? In Americas moneydriven vaccine campaign, the vaccine industry uses the government, doctors, and school officials to effectively market their products and gain mass acceptance of their message. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepts safety data from the manufacturers and licenses vaccines used in the U.S. After licensing, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), appointed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), makes recommendations on doses and ages for the use of these vaccines in children. ACIP immunization recommendations are extremely influential and enacted into law as mandates by individual states. In the past 25 years, every childhood vaccine produced by the drug companies has been mandated for use by all American children. Many members of both the ACIP and the FDAs advisory committees have been found by the U.S. Government Reform Committee to have blatant conflicts of interest, with strong financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines. The Government Reform Committee exposed these conflicts of interest, focusing on the approval of the rotavirus vaccine, which was found to cause severe bowel obstructions. This vaccine was pulled from the market after a significant number of babies were injured and required surgery, and one baby died from the vaccine. It was found that the FDAs advisory committee members that approved the rotavirus vaccine were aware of the problems but voted to approve it anyway. Three out of these five members had financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that were developing different versions of the rotavirus vaccine. This is not an isolated incident. Congressman Burton, the head of the Reform Committee remarked, If the panels that have made the decisions on all vaccines on the Childhood Immunization Schedule had as many conflicts as we found with rotavirus, then the entire process has been polluted and the public trust has been violated. A mandate for every child in the country to use their product gives vaccine manufacturers a steady and constant demand for their products. And since they are protected from legal action by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program of 1986, they are rushing to bring new vaccines to

market. Vaccines are the only commercial products marketed and sold for profit in the U.S. that are not subject to product liability laws. As more parents are beginning to mistrust vaccines, money is being spent to fund pro-vaccine organizations for public relations and damage control. Vaccine experts are hired to manipulate public opinion by denying the severity of adverse reactions and reinforcing the belief that the benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks. Instead of becoming alarmed by reports of vaccineinduced brain damage and pushing for the unbiased research needed to determine why this is happening, vaccine manufacturers and government agencies embark on intensive public relations campaigns to make sure the public trust in vaccines has not been diminished in any way. Their main goal is to keep the vaccine program moving forward at any cost. As Randall Neustaedter, OMD warns parents in The Vaccine Guide: Making an Informed Choice, Vaccines represent consumer goods and parents should research this product far more carefully than other purchases because their childrens lives could be at stake.

Parents Can Make Informed Choices

At the doctors office, parents are given a two-page Vaccine Information Statement which highlights the importance of vaccines and downplays the harmful effects. Many parents are coerced into vaccinating their children by doctors who say they will no longer accept their children as patients if they are not vaccinated. Many parents are also worried that their children will be denied school attendance if they dont vaccinate. Informed consent means that an informed patient (or parent) has absolute freedom to accept or reject any specific medical treatment or procedure. The patient (or parent) has the right to be treated sensitively and compassionately while learning about his or her options. The doctor is both ethically obligated and legally required to participate in a communication process that helps the patient to understand risks and benefits as well as alternatives. There are informed consent statutes and case laws in all 50 states in the U.S. Why dont these revered informed consent laws apply when it comes to vaccination, especially when this medical intervention carries the risk of brain damage and death? Parents are almost never told about exemptions to state vaccine laws. They are usually told they do not have a choice. The Association of American Physicians is deeply concerned that vaccine policy is based on incomplete studies of efficacy and potential adverse effects of the vaccines and results in the violation of informed consent. While we acknowledge that vaccines in the past have prevented many serious illnesses, they also have the potential to do great harm if given to the wrong individual, says Jane Orient, M.D. That decision must be made by the patient (or parent) in consultation with their physician not through coercion by a government agency or school district. We have the right to select the kind of preventive health care that is appropriate for our family. We should never be forced to accept any medical procedure that carries the risk of injury or death against our will. Making an informed decision requires that we evaluate the needs of our family and assess the pros and cons of each vaccine within this context. If we wish to take the precautionary approach and keep our childrens bodies free from harmful toxins to develop healthy immunity naturally, we have every right to say no to vaccines. In the U.S. we have the legal right to exempt our children from vaccines in order for them to attend public school. All states have medical exemptions (these must be signed by a doctor), 48 states have exemptions for religious beliefs, and 15 states have exemptions for philosophical beliefs. Claiming the philosophical exemption in some states (California, for example) is as easy

as signing the statement on the back of the schools vaccination record or providing a letter which states that vaccination is against your personal beliefs. When you claim an exemption, there should be no questions and your child legally must be admitted to school. A religious exemption can be a little trickier, sometimes requiring a letter from a recognized church, but in many cases a parent can write a letter simply stating vaccinations are against their religious beliefs. If you are seeking an exemption, get a copy of your state immunization law and follow exactly what it says about what is needed for an exemption. Many parents are not aware that these exemptions exist since public health officials, doctors, or school administrators usually dont mention them. We need to realize that our parental rights have been taken away in the process of trying to eradicate disease in a way that can have devastating consequences to our childrens health and well-being. We blindly put our faith in the medical industry and public health officials who view disease as an enemy to exterminate at all costs, regardless of the number of damaged children or deaths that may occur in the process. When we accept these policies, we give our power over to the government and vaccine industry and let them intrude in our familys private health care choices. We, as parents, need to take our power back and make informed choices for our children without coercion, threat, or disapproval by doctors or health officials. And we should be applauded, not shamed, by our friends, family and other parents for refusing to blindly follow doctors orders as we carefully consider all the issues that can affect the health of our precious children. In fact, thorough investigation before making vaccine decisions and parental demand for proven safety is the only thing that will ever begin to make disease prevention safe for everyones children.

Book Recommendation:
The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults, by Randall Neustaedter OMD

Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients: What Do We Know? What Dont We Know?, Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD, FAAP s.htm Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal?, Robert W. Sears, MD, MOTHERING No. 146, JanuaryFebruary 2008, pp. 46-53 Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary Institute for Vaccine Safety, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health Thimerosal Content in Some US Licensed Vaccines National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Congressman Dan Burton, Hearings on vaccine-autism connection Special Report: Autism & Vaccines: A New Look at an Old Story, The Vaccine Reaction, published by National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Summer 2000

Opening Statement by Chairman Dan Burton, Committee on Government Reform, FACA: Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development: Preserving the Integrity of the Process, June 15, 2000 Washington DC Majority Staff Report, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives June 15, 2000 The Case Against Immunizatons, Richard Moskowitz, M. D. Journal of the AIH, March 1983 How Vaccinations Work, Philip Incao, M.D . May 5, 1999 Updated 2006 The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults, Randall Neustaedter, OMD 2002 Generation Rescue Cal-Oregon Unvaccinated Survey Vaccine Safety Research Priorities: Engaging the Public, Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center, presentation to the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, Washington, D.C., April 11, 2008 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Leading Dr.: Vaccines-Autism Worth Study CBS News Exclusive: Former Head Of NIH Says Government Too Quick To Dismiss Possible Link, WASHINGTON, May 12, 2008 Sharyl Attkisson Poling case intensifies debate; vaccine-autism link worth investigating, says former NIH director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc, May 24th, 2008

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