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The Strategic

Marketing Process
How to Structure Your Marketing
activities to achieve Better Results
Second Edition 2013



written by Moderandi Inc., creators of the marketing planning and management app at

The Strategic Marketing Process

This guide was written by the team at Moderandi Inc., creator of the Marketing MoTM planning and
management web app.
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Copyright Moderandi Inc. 2013. all rights reserved. no portion of this publication may be reproduced in any
form by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from Moderandi Inc.
ISBn Print: 978-0-9887431-0-6

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . .
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

The Internet has fundamentally changed the marketing function, causing the greatest shift in the field since the invention of the television.
Digital marketing, social media and mobile devices have dramatically changed how we connect with our audiences.
Theyve created a tremendous opportunity, as well as a tremendous burden.
The marketing function has become complicated.
No longer can we rely on print, publicity and a media buyer to distribute our catchy ad campaign; marketing nowadays
requires heavy IT resources and an understanding of complex metrics to effectively (and profitably) connect with our
marketbusier people, who have shorter attention spans, and often suffer from information overload.
Social media, search engine marketing, email marketing, mobile devices, website optimization, content marketing ...
its impossible for an individual marketer to master them all, in addition to their traditional media activities. And then
theres strategic planning, creative development and financial measurement.
Its overwhelming. And it has caused many marketers to specialize, focusing on a single medium as their area of
But the reality in most small to mid-size enterprises (SMEs) is that their marketing team only has room for a handful
of specialists, if any. Most dont have the budget to employ experts in all the necessary marketing mediums needed
to effectively reach their audience. And even if they do have the budget, they often dont have enough work to justify
hiring full-time specialists.
If youre not a specialist hired solely for your expertise, youre forced to know a little about a lotto be well-versed in
how to use a combination of digital and traditional mediums to effectively meet your revenue goals.
For the typical marketer at an SME, its created a quandary:
Identifying the right things to be doing, and then learning how to do them well
Many would argue that its more difficult for marketers to determine what we should be doing, instead of how to do
things right.
If were not sure what we should be doing, its easy to dive into the hot new tactic of the moment ... without having
a strong understanding of how it ties into the rest of our revenue-generation activities.
Specialization makes it easier to perform tactics well, but specialists arent necessarily the best resource to determine
strategythe right things to be doing. Specialists typically favor their own area of expertise.

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The 30,000-Foot Approach

This guide defines a marketing process that you can use to put structure around your daily, monthly and annual revenuegenerating activities. It will help you gain a better understanding of what you should be doing, and how it fits into your
overall strategy and departmental activities.
The guide groups common activities into three buckets, to clarify how the activities fit together in the revenue-generation

Strategy: Your high-level conceptualization of how your offering will penetrate your market. This is your global, longterm, go-to-market strategy, and it may cover 5 to 10 years.

Tools: The collateral, assets, software and processes that you use during the tactical execution of your strategies.
Customer Acquisition: The marketing mediums and tactics that you use to execute your strategies to achieve your

Visualizing these buckets helps to reinforce the need for strategy before tactics. Search engine marketing is a marketing
medium in the customer acquisition bucket. Its not a strategyits a tactic, supported by tools (your website, sales
literature, messaging, etc.), which should be tied to a strategy.
Our process covers more than just traditional marketing and ties together all go-to-market business activities: strategic
planning, financial planning and measurement, creative development, marketing execution and sales, and customer
Since marketing is always evolving, dont shy away from subjects and ideas that are new. Good marketers are always
Embrace marketing, and most importantly, enjoy creating value for your market and communicating the value of your
activities to your team.


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Table of Contents

Competitive Positioning

Brand Strategy

8 Pricing
11 Distribution Channels

15 Naming
19 Messaging
22 Corporate Identity
24 Websites
27 Sales Tools & Literature
30 Copywriting & Graphic Design
33 Vendor Selection
36 Recruiting
39 Customer Relationship Management
42 Customer Lifetime Value
45 Return on Investment

Customer Acquisition
49 Sales Process
52 Campaign Planning
56 Marketing Plan & Budget

59 Traditional Media
62 Direct Mail
65 Publicity
68 Telemarketing
71 Trade Shows & Events

74 SEO and SEM
77 Online Advertising
80 Social Media
84 Email Marketing

87 Customer Retention
90 Business Development
93 Sales Management
96 Whats Next?

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Competitive Positioning

What sets your product, service or company apart from your competitors? What value do you provide and how is it
different from the alternatives?
Competitive positioning is about defining how youll differentiate your offering and create value for your market. Its
about carving out a spot in the competitive landscape, putting your stake in the ground, and winning mindshare in the
marketplacebeing known for a certain something.
A good positioning strategy is influenced by:

Market profile: Size, competitors, stage of growth

Customer segments or personas: Groups of prospects with similar wants & needs
Competitive analysis: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the landscape
Method for delivering value: How you deliver value to your market at the highest level
When your market clearly sees how your offering is different from that of your competition, its easier to influence the
market and win mindshare. Without differentiation, it takes more time and budget to entice the market to engage with
you; as a result, many companies end up competing on pricea tough position to sustain over the long term.
One of the key elements that many small to mid-size companies overlook is how they provide value at the highest level.
There are three essential methods for delivering value: operational excellence, product leadership and customer intimacy.

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Here is a hypothetical example of each:

Operational Excellence

Product Leadership

Customer Intimacy

Herringer customers dont want bells

and whistles; they just want a good
product at the lowest possible price.

Orange Technologys customers

care most about qualitythey want
the best product.

Starboards market is flooded with

products at all points of the price

Herringer focuses on operational

excellence so they can continually
offer the lowest price in the market.
For example, they just patented
a new machine that dramatically
lowers their manufacturing costs.
Theyre not trying to create new or
better products; they just want to
produce more volume at a lower

Orange is completely dedicated

to innovation and quality. Theyre
constantly working on product
improvements and new ideas to
bring to market. They know what
their competitors are doing and are
completely focused on staying one
step ahead in order to capture a
greater share of their market.

Yet, Starboards customers want

more than a product off the shelf;
they want customized solutions.
So Starboards strategy is to know
as much as possible about their
customers businesses so they can
deliver the correct solutions over

Herringers method for delivering

value is operational excellence;
its a key driver of their long-term
strategy, and their positioning
reflects it.

Oranges brand and culture is all

about product leadership; their
market recognizes it and is willing to
pay for it.

Starboard knows that they cant

just say We offer great service.
Starboard delivers on their strategy
in every interaction with their market.

These companies have a complete understanding of how they deliver value to their market. Its part of their strategy,
which makes it easier for them to win a position in their respective markets.
Heres another way to think of it:
You can provide the best offering, the cheapest offering, or the most comprehensive offering, but you cant provide
all three.
Another key factor in your positioning is your competition. Sure, you need to put your stake in the ground and claim
your turf. But is it turf that you can own? Can you realistically beat your competition to own it?
Rather than leaving your market positioning to chance, establish a strategy. What youre ultimately striving for is to be
known for somethingto own mindshare of the market. This is typically easier for consumer product lines than for B2B
companies, because positioning a single product against three to five competitors is a simpler task than positioning a
mid-size B2B company with numerous offerings in numerous markets.
Owning a strong position in the market is challenging for most small- to mid-size companies, but you have a better
chance of achieving it if you clearly define a strategy and build your brand around it.

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Do you see your company in any of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You provide a one-of-a-kind offering

that your market needs and wants;
you have strong differentiation from
your competitors.

Your offering is somewhat different

fromand better thanthose
of your competitors, and you
communicate that difference
(though probably not as consistently
as you should).

Your market sees little difference

between you and your competitors,
and your name is not recognized.

Your market knows your name and

associates it with that one thing
that youre known for.
And you continually deliver on
itperception is realityso you
continue to win mindshare in your
market, defending your turf and
influencing your market.

Some of your market knows your

name, but they describe you in
different ways; youre not yet known
for that one thing, but at least
youre occasionally recognized.
You know that you could make a
greater impact on your market with
stronger positioning.

Because of this, you have to spend

precious budget and time educating
the market at each touch point. You
often end up competing solely on
price, though your business isnt
optimized to continue profitably
with falling prices.
You have to fight long and hard for
every sale. Its very difficult to meet
your revenue and profit goals.

How Competitive Positioning Aligns with Strategy

The concept of positioning is entirely strategic. Its the first element to address in strategic marketing, and everything
else is aligned to it. Jack Trout and Al Ries defined the concept years ago in their landmark book Positioning: The Battle
for Your Mind.
While the concept is simpleto be known for a single thing in the mind of the customerthe road to achieve it can
be complex. Its best to have a clear understanding of your marketdemographics, segments, their pains, how well
you and your competitors provide solutions, how you truly provide value, and your strengths and weaknessesbefore
making this decision.
A fully-informed decision is vital, because youll allocate a significant amount of resources in your journey to achieve it.

Key Concepts & Steps

Profile your market
Document the size of your market.
Identify your major competitors and how theyre positioned.
Determine whether your market is in the introductory, growth, mature, or declining stage of its life. This lifecycle
stage affects your strategy.

Segment your market

Understand the problems that your market faces. Talk with prospects and customers, or conduct research if you

have the time, budget and opportunity. Uncover their true wants and needsyoull learn a great deal about what
you can deliver to solve their problems and beat your competitors.

Group your prospects into segments or personas that have similar problems and can use your offering in similar
ways. By grouping prospects into segments or personas, you can efficiently market to each group.

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Define how you deliver value

At the highest level, there are three core types of value that a company can deliver: operational efficiency (the lowest
price), product leadership (the best product), or customer intimacy (the best solution & service). Determine which
one youre best equipped to deliver; your decision is your method for delivering value.

Evaluate your competition

List your competitors. Include any that can solve your customers problems, even if the competitors solutions are
much different from yourstheyre still your competition.

Rate yourself and your direct competitors based on operational efficiency (price), product leadership and customer
intimacy. Its easy to think youre the best, so be as impartial as you can be.

Stake a position
Identify areas where your competition is vulnerable.
Determine whether you can focus on those vulnerable areastheyre major opportunities.
Make a decision on how to position your offering or company.
Select the mindshare you want to own, and create your strategy to achieve it
Review the components of your market and evaluate what you want to be known for in the future. Condense all

your research and analysis into the one thing that you want to be known for, and design your long-term strategy
to achieve it.

Next Steps
Develop a brand strategy to help you communicate your positioning and solidify your value every time you touch your
market. Together, these two strategies are the essential building blocks for your business.

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Brand Strategy

How do you define a brand? Is it a logo, a name or a slogan, or a graphic design or a color scheme?
Your brand is the entire experience that your market has with your offering or company. Its what you stand for, a
promise that you make, and the personality that you convey.
And while it includes your logo, your color palette and your slogan, these are only creative elements that convey your
brand. In reality, your brand lives in the day-to-day interactions you have with your market:

The images you convey

The messages you deliver on your website and in your campaigns
The way your employees interact with customers
A customers opinion of you versus your competition
Branding is crucial for products and services sold in huge consumer markets. Its also important in B2B because it
helps you stand out from your competition. It brings your competitive positioning to life; it defines you as a certain
something in the mind of your market.
Think about successful consumer brands like Apple, Disney or Starbucks. You probably know what each brand represents. Now imagine that youre competing against one of these brands. If you want to capture significant market share,
start with a strong positioning and brand or you wont be successful.

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If youre B2C, its likely that a few brands dominate your market. If youre B2B, there may or may not be a strong brand
in your market. But when you put two companies up against each other, the one that represents something valuable
and memorable will have an easier time reaching, engaging, and converting customers. Its a perceptionand for most,
perception equals reality.
Successful branding creates brand equitythe amount of money that customers are willing to pay just because its
your brand. Brand equity is an intangible asset that can be tracked on your balance sheet, and can make your company
more valuable over the long term.
Instead of allowing your market to brand you, strive to have their experience with your brand align with your strategy.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your market recognizes your name,

knows exactly what you deliver,
and youre known for that certain
something in their mind.

The market may not have a

consistent view or impression of
your offering, but you think that its
positive overall.

You deliver a consistent experience

that the market has come to expect,
both visually and operationally, at
every market interaction.

You havent thought a lot about

branding because it doesnt seem
necessarily relevant, but you admit
that you can do a better job of
communicating consistently with
the market.

You dont have a brand strategy

and it shows. Its more difficult to
communicate with your market and
convince them to buy. They dont
have a clear impression of your
offering or why its better.

Customer acquisition happens

quickly because your brand
influences your market.

Youre not helping yourself, but

youre not hurting yourself either.

What you do, what you say, and

how you say it, may contradict each
other and confuse your market.
Competitors who communicate
effectively have a better shot at
winning customers.

How Brand Strategy Aligns with Strategy

At its title suggests, brand strategy is completely strategic; its your plan for how to achieve your desired positioning
how to become known for that certain something. It describes the consistent experience that you desire to deliver
to your market at each touch point.

Key Concepts & Steps

Audit your existing brand
If you have an existing brand, conduct a survey of your market and your stakeholders to understand how they view
your brand. This will give you an understanding of where you are and how much work needs to be done to get to
where you want to be.

Before creating your survey, outline what you think your brand should stand for, so you have criteria to evaluate

against the responses. If youre not sure how to create your brand criteria, complete the next steps, and then conduct your audit.

Define your brand architecture

Evaluate the features and benefits of your product / service. A feature is an attributea color, a configuration; a
benefit is what that feature does for the customer.

Identify which benefits are emotional (instead of functional)the most powerful brand strategies tap into emotions,
even among business buyers.

Review the emotional benefits and boil them down to your brand pillarsthe three things that your brand should
mean to your market.

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Define your brand experience

Think of your brand as a person with a distinct personality. Describe him or her, and then convey these traits in
everything that you do and create.

Determine your brand promisethe one thing that you deliver each time you interact with your market.

Write your brand story and positioning statement

Write your 25-word positioning statement that conveys the essence of your brand. It conveys who you are, what you

do, for whom, and one or two emotional benefits from interacting with your brand. Use it throughout your marketing

Write your brand story. This should convey your personality, your purposethe difference that youre trying to make

with your product, service or company. It builds credibility, differentiates you from your competition, and gives the
market a reason to listen to you. Seth Godin says that the two elements that must come together in a brand story are:

The story you can confidently tell

The worldview the buyer tells herself
When those align, you win.

Define your brand visual and operational requirements

Choose colors, fonts and other visual elements that match your personality.
Determine how your employees will interact with your market to convey your personality and ensure your brand
lives within your company.

Next Steps
Together with your competitive positioning strategy, your brand strategy is the essence of what you represent. A great
brand strategy helps you communicate more effectively with your market, so be true to it in every interaction you have
with your prospects and customers.
For example, youll reinforce your brand strategy through your pricing, your distribution channels, your name and corporate identity, your messages, your literature, your website and your marketing campaigns.

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Price is one of the classic 4 Ps of marketing (product, price, place, promotion). Since price is one of the 4Ps, its a key
element of every B2C marketing strategy. Yet in many B2B companies, marketers arent involved in pricing strategy.
Pricing is a complex subjectthere are many factors to consider, both short- and long-term. For example, your prices
need to:

Reflect the value that you provide versus your competitors

Consider what the market will truly pay for your offering
Enable you to reach your revenue and market share goals
Maximize your profits (either short-term or long-term)
When you have a truly unique offering with little direct competition, it can be challenging to establish your price. Create
a competitive analysis and strong strategy to understand:

What your prospects might pay for other solutions to their problems
Where your price should fall in relation to theirs
When your pricing, positioning, brand strategy and distribution channels are aligned, youre in the best situation to
maximize revenue and profits.

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Do you see your company in one of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Company A provides a premium

product, sold through carefullyselected retail outlets.

Company B charges an average

price for an average product.

Company C provides business

consulting services.

When theyre behind their sales

targets, individual reps are given the
green light to discount if needed to
meet their sales quotas.

To grow, they drop their hourly

rates by up to 40%. This gives
them access to an entire new set of

Management doesnt want to get

in a price war, but is willing to
ensure that they hit their short-term

Low rates mean they cant afford

the same top-tier consulting talent.

Their pricing is typically 15% above

the competitiontheyre the most
expensive product in their class.
Their demand curve is relatively
inelastic, meaning that their market
isnt that sensitive to price. Much
of that results from the carefully
selected positioning and branding
over the past five years.
Company As products never go on
sale, and retailers strictly adhere to
pricing rules and brand guidelines.

Management knows that they could

spend more in R&D to differentiate
their offering and have greater
pricing power, but they havent yet
committed the budget to do so.

The quality of their offering suffers,

and they end up providing mediocre
service for both markets.
By lowering the price of their
prestige brand to access a new
market, Company C has increased
its revenue, while reducing its profit
margin and damaging its brand.

How Pricing Aligns with Strategy

Its best to define your positioning, create your brand strategy, and identify your distribution channels before you develop your pricing strategy. By doing so, youll ensure that your pricing reflects your value and reinforces your brand.
For example, if your method for delivering value is product leadership, you shouldnt discount heavily or compete on
price; you should also minimize pricing conflicts with any channel partners.
Your pricing influences how the market perceives your offering. If youre perceived as a commodity, you must either
change the markets perception via a new positioning strategy, or compete on price and focus on innovating to keep
costs low so you can still make a profit.

Key Concepts & Steps

Align your pricing strategy to your method for delivering value
Your price sends a strong message to your marketit needs to be consistent with the value youre delivering.

If your method for delivering value is operational efficiency, then your price needs to be extremely competitive.
If your method for delivering value is product leadership or customer intimacy, a low price sends the wrong message.
After all, if a luxury item isnt expensive, is it really a luxury?

Understand your cost structure and profitability goals

Companies calculate these costs differently, so verify the exact calculations your company uses for:

Cost of goods sold (COGS): the cost to physically produce a product or service
Gross profit: the difference between the revenue you earn on a product and the cost to physically produce it

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In addition, understand how much profit the company needs to generate. With this knowledge, youll be far more effective when considering discount promotionsyoull know exactly how low you can go and still be profitable.

Analyze your competitors prices

Look at a wide variety of direct and indirect competitors to gauge where your price falls. If your method for delivering
value is operational efficiency, evaluate your competitors on a regular basis to ensure that you remain competitive.

Determine price sensitivity

A higher price typically means lower volume. Yet you may generate more total revenue and/or profit with fewer units
at the higher price; it depends on how sensitive your customers are to price fluctuations. If theyre extremely sensitive,
you may be better off at a much lower price with substantially greater volume.
Estimate how sensitive your customers are to fluctuationsit will help you determine the right price and volume combination. More importantly, you can estimate how a price change can impact your revenue.

Next Steps
Once youve finalized your pricing strategy, you can review your tools to make sure they support your strategy. Then,
dive into your sales process and campaign planning.


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Distribution Channels

Distribution, also known as placement, is one of the classic 4 Ps of marketing (product, promotion, price, placement).
Its a key element of your strategyit helps you expand your reach to penetrate your market.
B2B and B2C companies can sell through a single channel or through multiple channels that may include:

Direct/Internet: Selling through your own e-commerce website.

Direct/Sales Team: One or more sales teams that you employ directly. You may use multiple teams that specialize
in different products or customer segments.

Direct/Catalog: Selling through your own catalog.

Retail: Retailers sell directly to end-users via a physical store, a website or a catalog.
Wholesaler/Distributor: A company that buys products in bulk from many manufacturers and then resells smaller
volumes to resellers or retailers.

Value-Added Reseller (VAR): A VAR works with end-users to provide custom solutions that may include multiple
products and services from different manufacturers.

Consultant: A consultant develops relationships with companies and provides various types of services; they may
recommend a manufacturers product or simply purchase it to deliver a solution to their client.

Dealer: A company or person who buys inventory from either a manufacturer or a distributor, then resells it to an

Sales Agent/Manufacturers Rep: You can outsource your sales function to a company that sells different manufacturers products to a group of similar customers in a specific territory.

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Here are three distribution examples:

Direct to End-Users

Sell Through a Dealer Network

You have a sales team that sells

directly to Fortune 100 companies.

You sell a product through a

geographical network of dealers,
who sell to end-users in their areas.
The dealers may service the product
as well.

You have a second product line for

small businesses. Instead of using
your sales team, you sell this line
directly to end-users through your
website and marketing campaigns.
You have two markets and two
distribution channels.

Your dealers are essentially your

customers, and you have a strong
program to train and support them
with marketing campaigns and

Sell Through a VAR

(Value-Added Reseller)
You sell a product to a company
who bundles it with services or
other products and resells it. That
company is called a Value Added
Reseller (VAR) because it adds
value to your product.
A VAR may work with an end-user
to determine the right products and
configurations, and then implement
a system that includes your product.

To create a good distribution program, focus on the needs of your end-users.

If users need personalized service, you can utilize a local dealer network or reseller program to provide that service.
If your users prefer to buy online, you can create an e-commerce website and fulfillment system and sell direct; you
can also sell to another online retailer or distributor that can offer your product on their own sites.

You can build your own specialized sales team to prospect and close deals directly with customers.
Wholesalers, resellers, retailers, consultants and agents already have resources and relationships to quickly bring your
product to market. If you sell through these groups instead of (or in addition to) selling direct, treat the entire channel
as a group of customersand they are, since theyre buying your product and reselling it. Understand their needs and
deliver strong marketing programs; youll maximize everyones revenue in the process.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Youve used one or more

distribution channels to grow
your revenue and market share
more quickly than you would have

Youre using one or more

distribution channels with average
success. You may not have as many
channel partners as youd like, but
your current system is working
moderately well.

You probably arent hitting your

revenue goals because your
distribution strategy is in trouble.

Your end-users get the information

and service they need before and
after the sale.
If you reach your end-user through
wholesalers, VARs or other channel
partners, youve created many
successful marketing programs to
drive revenue through your channel
and youre committed to their


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You devote resources to the

program, but you wonder whether
youd be better off building an
alternative distribution methodone
that could help you grow more
aggressively than you are growing

With your current system, you may

not be effectively reaching your
end-users; your prospects probably
arent getting the information and
service they need to buy your
Your current system may also be
difficult to manage. For example,
channel members may not sell at
your suggested price; they dont
follow up on leads you deliver; they
dont service the product very well
and youre taking calls from angry

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How Distribution Aligns with Strategy

Your distribution channels should support your positioning and brand strategy. These methods of reaching your market
should be natural ways to access your market segments, and support the experience that your brand delivers.
For example, if youre selling a unique product that has little competition and is considered high-end, you dont want to
be carried in Walmart, where the majority of shoppers are looking for low-priced products that theyre already familiar with.
Or, if youre an enterprise software vendor, you should be working with professional services firms who have deep
experience with complex enterprise software deployments, and are a natural fit to engage with the types of companies
that you target.
You can evaluate a new distribution channel or improve your channel marketing / management at any time. Its especially important to think about distribution when youre going after a new customer segment, releasing a new product,
or looking for ways to aggressively grow your business.

Key Concepts & Steps

Evaluate how your end-users need to buy
Your distribution strategy should deliver the information and service your prospects need. For each customer segment,

How and where they prefer to buy

Whether they need personalized education and training
Whether they need additional products or services to be used along with yours
Whether your product needs to be customized or installed
Whether your product needs to be serviced

Match end-user needs to a distribution strategy

If your end-users need a great deal of information and service, your company can deliver it directly through a sales
force. You can also build a channel of qualified resellers or consultants. The size of the market and your price will
probably dictate which scenario is best.

If the buying process is fairly straightforward, you can sell direct via a website/catalog or perhaps through a wholesale/retail structure. You may also use an inbound telemarketing group or a field sales team.

If you need complete control over your products delivery and service, adding a channel partner probably isnt right
for you.

Identify natural partners

If you want to grow beyond the direct model, look for companies that have relationships with your end-users. If consultants, wholesalers or retailers already reach your customer base, theyre natural partners.

Build your channel

If youre setting up a distribution channel with one or more partners, treat it as a sales process:

Approach the potential channel partner and sell the value of the partnership.
Establish goals, service requirements and reporting requirements.
Deliver inventory (if necessary) and sales/support materials.
Train the partner.
Run promotions and programs to support the partner and help them increase sales.
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Minimize pricing conflicts

If you use multiple channels, carefully map out the price for each step in your channel, and include a fair profit for each
type of partner. Then compare the price that the end-user will payif a customer can buy from one channel at a lower
price than from another, your partners will rightfully have concerns. Pricing conflict is common, and it can jeopardize
your entire strategy, so do your best to map out the price at each step and develop the best solution possible.

Drive revenue through the channel

Service your channel partners as youd service your best customers and work with them to drive revenue. For example,
provide them with marketing funds or materials to promote your products; run campaigns to generate leads and forward them to your partners.

Next Steps
If youre creating a new channel, youll need a pricing strategy. Youll also need to deliver sales tools and literature,
and a sales process.
When your channel is up and running, you can start launching marketing campaigns to channel partners and end-users,
and manage the campaigns and partners throughout the year.


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How important is the name of your product, service or company?

Your name is a critical extension of your brand, and it can reinforce the value you provide or distance you from it. When
youre developing a name, you have a number of options:

Use the founder or inventors name (Hewlett-Packard)

Describe what you do (Southwest Airlines)
Describe an experience or image (Sprint)
Take a word out of context (Apple)
Make up a word (Google)
Its important to decide what your name should mean and represent. For example, if youre running a company that
provides naming services, your name is a sample of your workit should be great, right?

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Here are some companies that provide naming services:




These companies appear to be

more creative and better at finding
a name that stands out from the

These companies all sound the


These naming agencies have

forgettable names:

Werner & Stevens

Wollenski Associates

A Hundred Monkeys

The Naming Co.

Brighter Naming
Lasting Names
Name One!

(While they are hypothetical

examples, there are a lot of naming
companies named after their

All of these companies may provide great services, have many years of experience, and have terrific track records. If
you needed to select three companies to bid on your naming project, which companies would you contact? Are you
more likely to call a company with a unique name, an average name, or a forgettable name?
This example reinforces that you have one chance to make a first impression. Many of your potential customers might
know virtually nothing about your company, product or service, and a great name can make a positive impression and
open doors. A weak name can close them.
The name selection process is especially challenging because there are more than 26 million businesses in the United
States. U.S. trademark law protects business names, so when you find one you like, make sure you can use it. If you
infringe on a trademark, you could be forced to abandon your new name after investing a lot of time and money in it.
Also think about your internet marketing goals, since you may have to find a URL to match your name. There are almost
200 million domain names registered worldwide, and some experts believe that over 98% of words in the dictionary
are registered as domain names.
Dont let these challenges stop you from finding the best name you cantheres a lot at stake.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

A great name can create buzz,

position you as a true leader and
innovator, and reinforce your
positioning and brand in a word
or two.

You look and sound like everybody


A poor name can neutralize or even

negate the work you do to build a
position in the market.

Thats powerful. It can convey a

culture, a position, and differentiate
the company from the rest of the


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Youve missed an opportunity to

convey an important message, but
at least youre not hurting yourself.

You may have trouble generating

interest in your company, product
or service, forcing you to spend
more time and money educating the
market about your value.
A poor name can also limit your
opportunities if you expand into
other markets.

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How Naming Aligns with Strategy

Your company name is the anchor for your brand strategytypically the first thing that the market sees and hears.
Your name, logo, packaging (colors, fonts, and design), location (if the market visits your store or offices), tagline or
slogan, and unique ownable specialty (your mindshare) all work in concert to create a perception.
When launching a new consumer product, seasoned marketers often create their positioning, brand, distribution and
pricing strategies before they select a product name, to ensure that all are aligned at launch. With tens of millions of
dollars at stake, its important to get it right the first time.
Most small-to-midsize companies select a name to open their business, then build their brand, distribution and pricing
over time. Thats fine, but its important to work to align them, to give you the best chance at delivering a repeatable
brand experience and owning a unique perception in the mind of the market.

Key Concepts & Steps

Do you need to hire a consultant or agency to help with your name?
With a good process and strategy, you can probably develop a good name on your own. However, you may not have
the resources or desire to handle the project internally. While its no guarantee that a firm or consultant will develop a
better name, they may do it more quickly and objectively.
There are a number of factors to consider, including:


stakesif youre investing a lot of money into launching a new product to a major market with established
competition, the stakes are high.

Your confidence in your teams creative firepower or objectivity.

The amount of time and energy you have to devote to the project.
Whether you can afford to bring in an outside resource.

Develop a strategy
Determine what your name needs to accomplish.
Decide how it will work with existing product or service names (if applicable).
Determine what kind of name to developdescriptive, invented, founders name, etc.
Develop objective criteria to evaluate the names you generate.
Generate plenty of potential names
If youre competing beyond your local area, you may find that many of your potential names (or URLs) are already
taken, so youll need to create a long list. Invite a variety of people to a brainstorming session. Plan it well and capture
every idea for further evaluation.

Evaluate the list against your criteria

Your goal is to objectively find the name that meets your criteria, so be careful about asking friends and family whether
they like a name. For example, a name that raises eyebrows may do so because its differentand it may be the
most memorable and powerful one in the bunch.

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Also test the name to make sure it:

Sounds good over the phone

Wont be constantly mispronounced or misspelled, which defeats the purpose of a name
Isnt confusing
Conveys what you need it to convey
Has a URL that works with it

Protect your name

Its important to protect your name to the appropriate degree. If you choose a name that infringes on another companys trademark, you could receive a cease-and-desist letter and have to go to court and/or change your name after
months or even years of use.
By protecting your name, you also gain the ability to prevent future competitors from using it.

Next Steps
After you select a new name, you can create your logo and corporate identity, and then begin creating the messages
to use throughout your sales tools and literature, and your campaign creative.


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How do you respond when someone asks what does your company/product/service do? Do all your team members
answer the same way? Is your response compelling enough to make the listener want to learn more, or do you sound
like everyone else?
Messages are written and verbal statements that quickly describe what you do and how youre different. Theyre used
throughout your interactions with your market such as:

The elevator pitchthe 30-second response to what do you do?

Sales and marketing materialssales literature, websites, presentations and campaigns
The introductory statement in a phone call
Press releasesthe blurb at the bottom of the release that explains what the company does
Your mission statement
Good messages emphasize and support your positioning and brand strategy. They hone in on whats important to your
market and communicate it consistently and effectively.

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Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

By carefully crafting your messages,

you can strengthen your positioning,
your brand and the reasons your
markets should buy from you.

Ho-hum messages dont help you

stand out, but as long as theyre not
inaccurate or poorly written, they
probably wont hurt.

Without a set of documented

messages, individual team members
do their own authoring. The results
are inconsistent and rarely good.

Its easy to communicate your value.

The market gets it very quickly,
speeding up the sales process.

You are missing out on the

opportunity to strengthen your

Weak and inconsistent messages

confuse the market and can
contradict the other strategies
youve worked hard to implement.

How Messaging Aligns with Strategy

Consistent messaging is essential to communicating the ideas and concepts of your competitive positioning and brand
strategy to your market. It allows you to effectively communicate what you stand for and the value that your offering
Your messages should have a personality, a tone, and a purpose, and should align with the elements of your brand to
be most effective.

Key Concepts & Steps

Define your writing style and requirements
Before you start writing, define your style requirementstone, voice, style, vocabularyto ensure the writing will be
consistent and match your brand strategy.

Create an elevator pitch

The elevator pitch describes who you are, what you do, who your customers are and why they should buy from you.
After youve written it, read it out loud to see how it sounds and how long it takes (no more than 30 seconds).

Create your positioning statements

Write statements of various lengths25, 50 and 100 wordsso you have a message length that fits a variety of materials. The shorter statements focus on the value and positioning; the longer statements also include features and benefits.

Create a tagline/slogan
Your tagline/slogan is a more succinct phrase used in campaigns. It can be a few words or a short phraseand for
most business writers, its harder to create. You may want to hire a copywriter for this one.

Create your mission statement

An average mission statement describes why youre in business. A great mission statement is compelling, shows why
youre different and conveys your companys personality.

Determine where to use the messages

Make sure to use your new messages consistently. Train your team to use the messages and audit your materials
periodically to make sure theyre still working in the future.


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Next Steps
Your messages feed all of your communication with your market. Use them in your sales tools and literature, your
website and in your marketing campaigns.

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Corporate Identity

When was the last time someone gave you a fantastic business card? Did you turn it over and look at it closely? Did
you comment on it? And did you generate some sort of impression of that person and company?
Corporate identity is an extension of your brand and includes everything that has your logo or contact information on it:

Business cards
Mailing labels
Email templates & signatures

Proposal/quote templates
Promotional items

Fax covers

Many companies spend time and money on things like business cards yet overlook proposal templates, invoices and
email signaturesitems that your prospects and customers see more frequently. When an employee customizes an
email template with unusual designs or fonts, it can contradict an expensive and serious business cardand convey
a far different impression to the customer.
Each element in your identity should use the same fonts, colors, and layout. The design itself may not be incredibly
important unless youre in a creative field, but consistency and professionalism make an impression. In many cases it
may be a first impression, so why not make a good one?


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Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Every touch with your prospects

and customers is consistent and
professional. They see a simple,
effective design that conveys your
brand and delivers a consistent

Some of your identity is great

and other things, like invoices or
shipping labels, dont match up.
Prospects and customers probably
notice, but you dont think its a

Your prospects and customers see

a mishmash of poorly-produced
identity. They may wonder how you
can deliver the product or service
youre selling if you cant produce a
professional-looking document.

How Corporate Identity Aligns with Strategy

Your corporate identity represents your company brand. It should support the visual brand requirements of your brand
strategy, and be consistent throughout all of your print and digital materials.

Key Concepts & Steps

Evaluate your current identity usage
If youre already in business, does all of your identity reflect your brand?
Check everything from invoices and shipping labels to email signatures. Make sure that your logo is used correctly
(sometimes they get re-sized) and that all of your materials are consistent with your positioning and brand strategy.
For example, if youre focusing on innovative, expensive new products but you have flimsy business cards, youre not
reinforcing your brand.

Create professional, consistent templates for every touch point with your market
Use a consistent style for everything your company sends out. It may take only ten minutes to create a better template,
and that template may be seen by hundreds or thousands of prospects and customers over time.

Keep inventory
Templates can be altered or misplaced. Make sure that your team knows how to use them and check them regularly.

Next Steps
Once youve finished evaluating your identity, the typical next step is to focus on your sales tools and literature, as
well as your website.

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Your website is potentially the most powerful sales and marketing tool in your arsenal.
A good site plays an enormous role in your sales process and can help you to reinforce your brand, generate leads
and support customers. Think of your site as your storefront that serves different groups and converts visitors into
prospects and customers. It can help you:

Generate leads
Nurture existing leads and move them closer to purchase
Build brand awareness
Deliver information about your products and services in a compelling way
Process orders, cross- and up-sell, and run special promotions
Communicate with existing customers and distribution channels
Communicate with partners, investors and potential new employees
Generate publicity
Although a good website can be a substantial investment, it doesnt have to be expensive. It just needs to effectively
communicate with your market and support your brand. When you develop your site with rich content and some basic
marketing functionality, you gain broad and potentially lucrative marketing capabilities.


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Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your site is more than a brochure

it sells. You use it for a variety of
internet marketing campaigns:
search, social, email, webinars,
ongoing communications, publicity
and more.

You have a standard site with

basic information plus a few press
releases and newsletters.

Your site works against you. It may

be the design, content (or lack of),
writing, or functionality. It doesnt
support your positioning and you
cant use it any internet marketing

Your content is relevant; you know

how many leads your campaigns
generate and what those leads cost.
You can quickly create landing
pages for campaigns so you can
convert traffic into prospects.

Youve tried some internet

marketing with mixed results. You
know your prospects look at your
site and it could be better, but its
no different than your competitors.
There are bigger priorities than a
site redesign, but you suspect that
more content and functionality
would give you more marketing

You wince when prospects ask for

the URL; you know that they dont
get a good impression from your
site and your competitors look
better and stronger.
You cant quantify whether youve
lost any businessbut you know
that you probably have.

How Websites Align with Strategy

Before building (or redesigning) a website, make sure that youve reviewed your competitive positioning and brand
strategy. Your website should support them. The copy on your website should reflect the consistent messages that
youve developed.
For many businesses, their website is their most important marketing toolit is often a customers first experience
with the brand. Your website may also play an integral role in your sales process and customer retention programs.

Key Concepts & Steps

Develop your project team and timeline
Work backwards from key deadlines to create your project timeline. Give yourself plenty of leeway since website
projects can easily hit snags.

If youre launching a sophisticated site, make sure youve included all of the relevant departments in your project team.

Define your needs

Before you hire a designer or developer, decide what your site needs to accomplish:

Your major goals.

How the site will support online and traditional marketing campaigns.
How the site will help you generate leads, nurture prospects, communicate with your market, process orders and
provide customer service.

The information and functionality you believe youll need.

Whether a basic design is fine or whether youll need something more unique and customized.

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Develop your content

Determine a preliminary game plan for your internet marketing efforts so that your site can support them.
List the users who will visit your site: new prospects, existing prospects, customers, partners, media, job applicants,
vendors, etc.

Develop a list of the information and tools (content) that each user wants to find on your site.
Review competitor and industry sites for additional ideas.

Organize the content

Organize your content so users can quickly find what they need. Youll also need to incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to help with search engine rankings. For example, your home page is most important to search
engines; if you dont get that page optimized for specific keywords, you wont rank as highly.

Identify the functionality youll need

Different types of functionality often require different programming solutions.

Determine whether you want to allow customers to do things like view product details, process orders, and access
their records on the site.

Evaluate other functionality such as support forums, search, calculators, streaming video, etc.
Determine the type of content management system you need to support your SEO and SEM needs.

Develop your design requirements

Like your sales literature, your site should support your brand. Use your regular color palette, typefaces and personality
traits as much as possible.

Identify any last requirements

Requirements for updating and managing the content
Programming technologies you do and dont want in the site
Reporting requirements
Qualify and hire vendors
Unless you have an in-house web development team, hire vendor(s) for design, programming, copywriting and/or SEO.
Review their past work and talk with recent clients to make sure that youre comfortable with their strategy and skills.

Next Steps
Once youve finished your site, use it in your marketing campaigns to communicate with your market.


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Sales Tools & Literature

Do you know many B2B companies that can sell their product or service without literature or other supporting materials?
Sales tools and literature help you communicate and strengthen your messages. Theyre also known as marketing
communications or collateral and may include:

Product data sheets
Case studies
White papers
PowerPoint presentations

Reference lists
Proposal templates

The printed word carries a lot of credibility, so your materials are important tools in your arsenal. They reinforce your
brand and can create a lasting impression on your prospects. A single printed or digital piece can reach multiple decision makers when your primary contact passes it along, and can even go viral if distributed on the web.
Sales tools and literature are more common in B2B than B2C (which relies more on marketing campaign messages
and branding) but many B2C companies use sales tools and literature to promote their offerings to wholesalers, distributors and retailers.
Good literature and tools should be tightly integrated into your sales process. Rather than inundating a prospect with
all of your information at once, break out the information into distinct pieces that answer a prospects key questions at
a specific stage in the process. As a result, your prospects can quickly absorb whats most relevant, make decisions
quickly and move to the next stage.

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Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your sales literature and tools

are strong components of your
marketing arsenal. They convey
your brand, speak directly to your
market, and deliver the right amount
of information at the right time.

Your literature and tools are typical

and general.

Your literature and tools

dont support your brand and
positioningtheyre working
against you.

They convey much of the

information your prospects need,
but lack the singular focus to be as
effective as they could be.

They truly help you move prospects

through the sales process as quickly
as possible.

You havent defined your typical

selling process for moving
prospects through the buying
process, and havent created
sales tools to address the typical
questions buyers have as they
evaluate your product or service.

How Sales Tools and Literature Align with Strategy

Your sales tools and literature should support your positioning, brand strategy and messaging. Theyre used to drill
down into more specific areas of your offering.

Key Concepts & Steps

Analyze your current materials
If you feel that your existing literature and tools could be more effective, take inventory:

Review each piece to determine its sole focus.

Ask your sales team and others for feedback on whether the piece is effective.
Make sure that the piece supports your positioning and brand strategy.
Make sure that each piece is delivered at the right time.

Determine what materials you need

List the steps of your sales process, then:

Brainstorm about the materials you could use to answer a prospects questions at each step.
Define a singular purpose for each piece of literature or tool.

Write, design & print your materials

To develop your content, focus on the singular purpose of each piece.

Outline the content that should be included in each piece.

Hire vendors for design and writing if needed.
Research and write the content.
Develop your design requirements.
Design the piece.
Get quotes and work with your chosen printer to ensure that youre happy with the final outcome.


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Train your team to use the materials

Make sure that everyone understands the purpose of each piece and when to use it.

Next Steps
Determine where and how to use your sales tools and literatureon your website, with your sales team, and in your
marketing campaigns.
Your sales tools should align with your sales process, to provide the granular details that prospects need as they move
through the steps of their buying decision.

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Copywriting & Graphic Design

Design and copy are essential tools for any brand. They play a major role in supporting positioning and shaping a
brand experience.
Brands are built by what we see, hear and touch. Our sensory experiences work together to create feelings and emotions, which create perceptions. These perceptions sometimes capture a piece of our mindwhen we decide what
something is known for.
Think about the elements of your brand that are defined by copywriting and graphic design:

Logos and corporate identity

Product packaging
Interior and exterior signs
Campaign messages and creative (delivered via websites, search engines, social media sites, print publications, radio,
television, email, direct mail, and in-person via events, store displays, telemarketing and sales)

These account for a substantial part of most brands experienceeverything but the people who represent your brand,
your product or service itself, your physical locations, and music or audio that you use.
Most companies use an array of copywriters and designers throughout the year. Since writers and designers typically
have strengths in specific areas, the challenge is to find the resources for the right projects.


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For example, copywriters can specialize in ad print ad copy, website copy, TV and radio copy, articles and blog posts,
press releases, creative storytelling, white papers and brochures, presentation writing, technical writing, or persuasive
sales copy.
Designers often specialize in logos and corporate identity, digital design for websites, print ad design, print brochure
design, digital presentation design, illustration, photography selection, or interactive design.
A great web designer might produce mediocre print ads; a great ad copywriter might produce thin website copy.
The key to maximizing the effectiveness of your copy and design is to understand what types of skills you need for
different projects, and have access to a talent pool (or be able to find the right talent for the job). Once you have the
right resource in place, a well-written creative brief (which includes detailed brand guidelines) should give your creative
resource the understanding they need to do their job.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your copy and design are powerful;

they communicate your objectives
simply, in a memorable way and are
consistent across all mediums.

Your copy and design arent bad

some is really effective and some

Naturally, the worst case scenario

is that your copy is poorly written,
and your design unappealing. Your
materials are inconsistent, and often
create a negative impression with
your market.

This doesnt mean that all the copy

is the same; it simply means that
the design and copy consistently
work together to convey your
personality and create a consistent
Your market gets it quickly ... and
you leave a lasting impression.

You realize that your team has

strengths and weaknesses, but you
dont have alternative options so
you make do with what you have.
You know that you could create
a more consistent and effective
experience, but you dont feel that
its hurting you too much.

You have scant copywriting and

design resources, either due to lack
of budget, or an inability to find the
right resources for the right project.
Your competitors brands are
stronger, and you feel that youre
losing market share because of it.

How Copywriting and Graphic Design Align with Strategy

Its difficult to build a strong brand without effective and consistent copy and design. They play a major role in shaping
your brand, affecting most of the touchpoints with your market.
Theyre a critical tool for executing your positioning and brand strategytheyre a key part of your tacticsthis is
where you do things right.

Key Concepts & Steps

Identify the strengths of your resources
Review the skills of your in-house team and pool of contractors and create a list or database that identifies who excels
at specific types of work.

Create a project timeline for each marketing piece

Provide a reasonable amount of time between each step so each team member can deliver on schedule. The earlier
you get started, the better your results.

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Determine what content will be in the piece

Content should drive the design, not the reverse. If you start with design and try to fill in content later, the piece may
not be nearly as effective. Identify the copy, graphics, photos or charts that youll need in your piece before starting
the design process.

Use a creative brief

A creative brief is an overview for a project. It can be simple or lengthy, depending on the complexity of the project
and the amount of background information your team needs. A good creative brief defines:

Goals, including the action you want the recipients to take after seeing the piece
Background information about the product, service, audience, company, etc.
Branding requirements including the desired color palette, logo usage, fonts, voice, tone and personality to convey

Establish criteria for the designs

Its much easier to evaluate design concepts when you have specific criteria to measure against. Establish those criteria upfront so your design team understands what they need to deliver, and then use them to choose concepts and
provide feedback.

Pay attention to proofs and the press check

Make sure that you have a very thorough review process in placea typo in an ad or brochure can be an expensive
and embarrassing error. And conduct a thorough press check so your printed materials completely match your requirements and vision; you wouldnt want your brochure printed on the wrong paper or your colors to be mismatched.

Next Steps
Keep looking for good copywriters and graphic designers with strengths in different areas.
With a good team of resources, youll have someone to call on, no matter what type of campaign idea or tool you
dream up.


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Vendor Selection

Vendors play a key role in most companys marketing activities. The explosive growth of the Internet has fundamentally
changed the marketing function, giving marketers a tremendous amount of new avenues to use for connecting with
their audiences.
The downside for marketers is the challenge of choosing which new digital mediums to use, and executing the tactics
in these new areas.
Some marketing leaders have decided to focus their departments on designing strategies and carefully managing
outsourced vendors that handle execution. Outsourcing allows marketers to gain deep expertise across a number of
different areas, providing better results at a lower cost than if they hired the talent for in-house execution.
For example, a seasoned marketing director and a team of a few marketing managers and coordinators could leverage
vendors to:

Build and execute digital marketing campaigns, including social media campaigns, online advertising, and SEO and SEM
Design and build websites, microsites and mobile apps
Purchase traditional media in print, radio and television
Write persuasive copy for sales tools and presentations
Design brand elements, including logos and corporate identity
Generate online and offline publicity
Create print collateral, including brochures, data sheets, posters and signage
Use telemarketing to reach their audience
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Create product packaging and displays

Design and fulfill direct mail campaigns
Manage events
The most successful marketing departments using this outsourced model understand what types of vendors they
need to execute their strategy, have a well-defined vetting and vendor selection process, and carefully manage vendor
deliverables, timeframes and costs.
Do you see your company in any of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You have a clear understanding of

the specific types of vendors that
you need, and have either a pool
of well-qualified vendors to choose
from, or understand how to select
and manage a new vendor.

You use some vendors for specific

activities. Some perform well, and
others dont, extending deadlines,
producing mediocre work and going
over budget.

You rarely use vendors, trying to get

as much done in-house as possible,
but you wish you could outsource
more to increase your bandwidth,
and get better results.

After handing off a project, you

check in occasionally to see how
the vendor is progressing, but as
the deadline nears, youre a bit
nervoushoping for good results.
Often times you get them, but it
doesnt surprise you when you dont.

When you do outsource a project,

its a crapshoot whether youre
going to get what you expect.

Your team requires vendors to

adhere to strict project scopes,
deadlines and costs, and you always
have a clear understanding of a
vendors performance.
As a result, your vendors
consistently deliver great results
that are on time and on budget.
This gives you time to focus
on developing strategies and
measuring results. Your vendors
truly enhance your business.

If you had more reliable vendors,

youd be able to contribute
more efforts to measuring and
improving campaign performance,
and designing new strategies to
enhance your positioning and build
your brand.

You wish that your team did a better

job managing vendors progress,
or at the minimum, could get the
vendors to deliver decent work on
You shy away from using new
vendors, because you never know
what youre going to get, and when
you spend precious budget and
receive poor results, you end up
looking bad to your executive team.

How Vendor Selection Aligns with Strategy

Some vendors can be very helpful creating strategies in their areas of expertise, but others might develop strategies
to promote the service that theyre selling (i.e. to win or expand the engagement), so its important to have a strong
understanding of your goals before engaging a vendor on a big project.
Additionally, most vendors work directly represents your brand, so make sure that these vendors have a strong understanding of your positioning and brand strategy, and ask them to show how their work supports it.

Key Concepts & Steps

Define your needs and timeline
Determine exactly what youre looking for before you start your vendor search. You may want to set an initial budget,
and then develop a timeline for your search, especially if you have important deadlines to meet. If you dont address
this beforehand, certain vendors may drive this process, adhering to a schedule that fits them, instead of what fits you.


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Identify and analyze vendors

Use the Web and ask for referrals to find a list of qualified vendors. Develop a list of qualifying questions and narrow
the field to a handful of companies.

Create your RFP

If youre looking for very simple, straightforward services, you can ask bidders to provide a proposal and quote. For
more complex or intangible projects, its better to create a Request for Proposal (RFP) that asks bidders to respond to
very specific questions in a consistent fashion. A standard RFP is especially helpful when:

The vendor is providing a comprehensive service

The project is intangible or has many elements, such as a website
You have very specific evaluation criteria and need to compare apples to apples
Youre evaluating a large number of bidders (more than four)
Then, evaluate, negotiate and award the project:

Rate your bidders on the important criteria and narrow the field.
Negotiate pricing and terms with your finalists, but remember the adage You get what you pay for. Dont just
choose the lowest bidchoose the vendor that best meets your criteria for success and fits within your budget.

Next Steps
Continue to improve your vendor research, RFPs, and vendor management. If you rely on vendors for collateral and
customer acquisition activities, treat them as key members of your team. Good vendor selection and management will
help you improve results.

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Many CEOs have gone on record saying Our people are our greatest asset.
For many companies, their people heavily influence their brand. Think of a service companythe people delivering the
service have the most interaction with the marketplace, and sometimes define the entire brand experience.
In some product companies and in most B2B companies, the sales and customer service teams play a heavy role in a
customers experience with the company.
The simplest way to build your team, department or company with good people who will represent your brand is to
have a well-defined recruiting program.
Like marketing, recruiting is both an art and a science:

Art: Getting to know a candidate to understand whether s/he is the best fit for the job.
Science: Defining detailed job requirements so you can search for the right candidates; conducting a wide search;
using a process for evaluating candidates; and measuring results.

Marketing leaders need to recruit talented people to help them turn their strategies into realitycoordinators, designers,
managers, account reps, sales reps, telemarketers, and business development reps.
If youre a marketing leader, you might not currently influence hiring decisions with the sales team or in other areas
of the company. While you dont have to become a human resources expert, if people in ANY area of your company
represent your brand, its a good idea to have your hiring teams evaluate your market-facing candidates against your
brand personality traits.


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When your company hires people that naturally represent your brand, its a lot easier to deliver a consistent brand
experience in the marketplace.
And when you use a standardized recruiting process for people involved in marketing and sales, you should end up
with more consistent results.
Do you see your company in any of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Every market-facing employee

understands your brand personality
traits and the experience that you
want to deliver. You have a strong
marketing and sales team with the
right skill sets to build the marketing
tools and execute the customer
acquisition activities that support
your strategy.

Some of your market-facing

employees represent your brand
well, but others dont. The people
in charge of your hiring have your
brand guidelines, but youre not
sure whether theyre adhered to
you control the hires on your team,
but not in other departments,
including sales.

You havent outlined your brand

personality traits, but if you did, youre
sure that not all of your market-facing
employees would fit them. There are
simply too many different types of
personalities. And if you did define
your brand and share it with your
executive team, youre not sure
whether theyd even buy into it.

Before each hire, you develop a

solid job description, compensation
plan and job profile so youre
sure about the qualifications and
personality type you need for the

You create job descriptions before

you recruit and you usually receive
an acceptable number of rsums.

You have some team members who

arent qualified for their roles. They
require a great deal of management
and youre concerned about the time
that itll take to replace them.

You screen and interview your

candidates efficiently and when you
hire someone, s/hes excited about
the job. You have little turnover and
your employees are truly a valuable
asset to the company.

Sometimes the process drags

out longer than it should, and
youve hired some candidates
that werent a great fit. You do
have some average performers on
your team, but there are no major

Its difficult to find qualified

candidates, especially because
experience is expensive. Morale
isnt great and people view their
job as tediousthere isnt a lot of
excitement and positive energy in
your team.

How Recruiting Aligns with Strategy

Every market-facing employee contributes to your brand experience, so getting the right people aboard directly affects
the execution of your brand strategy.
You need talented people in your department to help you shape your strategies and manage execution, so good recruiting practices are an essential element in any high-performing marketing department.
And, if your positioning is clear and your brand is strong, candidates that support what you stand for will come to you;
recruiting for a strong, well-defined brand is far easier than recruiting for an unknown, or poorly-defined brand.

Key Concepts & Steps

Share your brand guidelines with your entire leadership team
Have all of the people in your company understand your brands personality traits, and the experience that you wish
to deliver.

Use these during your screening and interviewing process. If people dont fit them, dont hire them.
Incent your people to refer potential new employees who fit your criteria.
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Define the position

Evaluate the job responsibilities and prioritize the skills and experience that your candidates will need.
Develop specific criteria youll use to evaluate your candidates.
Write a compelling ad
A good ad inspires qualified candidates to apply for the position. It needs to stand out among the ads theyll be
reviewing, and it needs to convey credibility, your brand and your personality.

Think of your ad as a sales pitch to a prospect and write it carefully.

Cast a wide net

Referrals are a great source for qualified candidates. Encourage everyone in your company to contact vendors, customers, friends and family about open positions. Create a job description that they can pass around.

Advertise in appropriate publications and websites. If youre concerned about cost, measure your cost per applicant
and per hire, and then use the best-performing sources the next time around.

If youre not finding qualified candidates, keep investing ... dont settle for mediocre applicants just because you
dont want to spend more money looking.

If youre doing a lot of hiring, make sure to post open jobs on your website and include content that speaks to applicants. Good candidates will look at your site to learn about the company.

Follow your process

Create a process and follow it: rsum review, phone screen, interview, second interview, reference check, and offer. A good process saves timefor example, dont invite a candidate for live interviews if you havent completed a
good phone screen. You may find that theyre not a good fit during the phone call.

Respect the time and talent of all your candidates. Thank them for interviewing and let them know when youve
extended an offer to someone else. You never know when youll cross paths again.

Next Steps
After you bring aboard new marketing and sales employees, make sure that they understand your positioning, brand
strategy and messaging so they can deliver on them every day.


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Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term that refers to two things:

A companys strategy for managing customer relationships and information

Software that manages that data
In its simplest form, CRM is a database where sales, marketing and customer service teams store critical account data:

Contact & account information (contact names, emails, phone numbers, SIC code, address, etc.)
Lead information
Sales rep name and activity history (calls, emails sent, inquiries, etc.)
Purchase history
Customer service tickets
Sales pipeline information
Marketing campaign data
CRM can also be an important reporting tool. For example, you can use it to:

Generate revenue projections for a product, a sales rep, and your company as a whole
Tie revenue to a marketing campaign
Pull up lists of leads and activities by sales rep
View the number of leads you have at each step in your sales process

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Track your progress against your goals

Manage marketing campaigns
Capture leads from your website
Minimize the time your team spends creating manual sales & activity reports
Here are three examples of how different companies can use CRM:

Enterprise CRM

Mid-Market CRM

Small Company CRM

Company A is a national insurance

company that sells direct to
consumers and uses a single CRM

Company Bs 60 employees use

CRM to manage 8,000 customer
records and thousands of prospects.
The system links to the request
information form on the companys
website. Leads are intelligently
routed directly to the sales rep for
that territory.

Company C has four sales reps, two

account managers and a marketing
manager. They use a web-based
system and pay per user per month.

Thousands of sales reps across the

country log in, enter prospect data
and use the system to manage their
sales activities.
At regional and corporate offices,
many departments use the data
to run-real time reportsrevenue
projections, sales metrics, customer
growth, customer satisfaction, and
ROI for marketing campaignsto
effectively manage the business.

The CRM links to the companys

accounting software. When orders
appear in the CRM system, they
also appear in the appropriate
financial reports. The operations
team uses the system to fulfill
orders and track shipping and
service history.

They started with a simple version

and upgraded when they needed
more functionality.
Their system tracks leads by
campaign, assigns leads to sales
reps, tracks account activity,
estimates revenue, launches and
measures marketing campaigns,
and stores templates for sales
letters, emails and presentations.

Every company needs to store this information somewhere, and there are CRM products with very simple functionality,
as well as complex multi-million dollar versions to handle almost any need. When you use the right CRM system, you
gain knowledge and power to keep your team on track and measure progress against goals.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your CRM matches your marketing,

sales, customer service and
retention strategies.

Your CRM meets your basic needs.

Your team uses it fairly regularly,
but you have to keep on them to
update data.

You dont have a solid system for

managing customer information
its kept in various files or databases
that arent linked.

It doesnt have all of the reporting

capabilities that youd like, and
revenue reporting tends to be
manual, so theres some lost sales

Its difficult and time-consuming to

create revenue projections, sales
reports and marketing campaign

Its easy to use and provides reports

that eliminate the need to generate
tedious manual reports. It integrates
with other software like accounting
and inventory, enabling your entire
team to view important data and
reports in real time.

Its fine, but it probably isnt the

best solution.

The result is lost revenue,

productivity and opportunity.

How CRM Aligns with Strategy

When you define your positioning and brand strategies, part of your strategy might be to provide excellent customer
service and build customer relationships. This would require a powerful CRM system.


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Key Concepts & Steps

Analyze your needs
If youre new to CRM or have a system that could be improved, define what you need.

Decide what information your team should be able to access and how theyll use it.
Identify who needs to use the system and where theyre located (i.e. in different offices).
Determine what reports youll want to generate, particularly your revenue and pipeline reports.
Identify the marketing programs that youd like to be able to run and how that information can help you better manage your accounts.

If youve outgrown your current system, you may be able to purchase add-ins to give your existing system more power.
You may also decide to evaluate new systems to gain the true functionality you need.

Evaluate and compare CRM software

Once youve defined your requirements, look for a CRM package that satisfies them. Remember that many systems
come in several versions. You can start with a basic version and upgrade as you grow, but make sure the upgrade
process is seamless.

Implement and monitor your system

When youre nearing the end of your selection process, prepare for implementation.

Create an implementation team.

Develop a schedule for key tasks: configuring fields, migrating data, creating reports, training users.
Create a solid training plan.
Launch the software.
Perform follow-up training to ensure that your team uses the software as planned. Most implementations fail because
employees dont use the software properly.

Gather feedback and modify the software configuration as neededmake it as intuitive and powerful as possible.

Next Steps
Many CRM systems have evolved to include marketing modules that you can use in your marketing campaign execution. CRM software can dramatically improve your sales process and sales management, so make sure that your entire
team understands how to effectively use the software.

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Customer Lifetime Value

Do you know what an average customer is truly worth to your company? By calculating your Customer Lifetime Value
(CLV), youll be able to answer that question.
CLV is the amount of profit that a customer delivers to your company for as long as the customer is buying from you.
Its typically calculated as the net present value (the value in todays dollars) of the profit that youll earn from all of
a customers purchases over time. When you know your CLV, you have an extremely powerful tool that helps with:

Acquisition: Youll have a better understanding of what you can spend to acquire customers.
Targeting: Youll know which customer segment delivers the most profit to your company and you can focus marketing efforts on that segment.

Return on investment: By using CLV in your ROI calculations for marketing campaigns, youll have a much more
accurate measure of campaign performance.

Customer retention: You can determine how much you can spend to profitably retain customers.
Single-customer profitability: You can calculate the profitability of an individual customer.
CLV becomes more important as your marketing budget rises and your customer base grows. Yet even an early-stage
company can benefit by using simple CLV estimates.


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Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You know how much an average

customer in each of your segments
is worth to you.

You have an idea of who your most

valuable customers are, but youre
not really sure how much you
should spend to acquire or retain

You dont know how much a

customer is worth or how much
you should spend on acquisition or

You focus your acquisition efforts

on your most valuable segments,
and you know how much you can
spend to profitably retain your

Your ROI measurements for your

marketing campaigns are probably
very general, though still helpful.

Youre not sure what your marketing

budget should be, and youre
not confident in the quality of the
investments youre making.

How CLV Aligns with Strategy

Knowing your customer lifetime value is helpful when evaluating your market segments to determine which are the
most profitable. This information can be used when evaluating your positioning strategy to determine if you should
strengthen your position within a particular segment or market, or target entirely new segments.

Key Concepts & Steps

Confirm your formulas
There are several figures youll need for your CLV calculations:

Cost of goods sold (COGS): the cost to physically produce a product or service
Gross profit: the difference between the price of your product and the COGS
Companies calculate these figures differently, so your first step is to confirm the formulas your company uses.

Determine your customer segments

The CLV calculation is most valuable when you measure it by customer segmentsimilar groups of customers who
use your products/services in a similar way.

For each segment, determine how long an average customer stays with youtheir lifetime
Review your customers buying patterns and calculate the total number of purchases they make and the time between
those purchases.

Calculate your CLV for each segment

Once you know the average lifetime, youll calculate:

The total profit you earn on all of their purchases.

The probability that theyll make successive purchases.
The value of future revenue if you had the cash today.

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Use CLV to improve your acquisition and retention marketing

Once you have a CLV for each customer segment, you can:

Set a maximum budget to acquire a particular type of customer.

Calculate whether a particular deal will be profitable.
Look at current customers who havent purchased according to the pattern you estimated in the calculation. Theyre
more likely to defect, so launch a retention campaign to those customers.

Plug it into your ROI projections. Its more accurate to calculate your return on a campaign when you use the total
profit the customer represents over time, not just the profit you earn on the first sale.

Next Steps
CLV is a powerful tool to use during the campaign planning process. Use it when projecting ROI before running a campaign, and after the campaign to see how well you performed.
Its also a valuable tool to use with customer retention, to determine how much to spend on your segments and customers, and when to let individual customers go.


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Return on Investment

Marketing campaigns and initiatives are best treated as investments, not expenses. Youre investing in enhancing your
brand, building awareness, generating leads and driving sales. And like any smart investment, they should be measured,
monitored and evaluated against other marketing investments to ensure that youre spending your money wisely.
Return on investment (ROI) is a measure of the profit earned from each investment. Like the return you earn on your
portfolio or bank account, its calculated as a percentage. In the simplest terms, the calculation is:
(Return Investment)
To express it as a percentage, multiply your result by 100.
ROI calculations for marketing campaigns and initiatives can be complex. With many variables on both the return side
and the investment (cost) side, understanding your ROI formula is essential in order to produce the best possible results.
For example, marketers may consider varied definitions of return, including:

Total revenue (or gross receipts or turnover, depending on your organization type and location) defined as the top
line sales generated from the campaign.

Gross profit (or a gross profit estimate) defined as revenue minus the cost of goods to produce/deliver a product or

service. Many marketers simply use the companys COG percentage (say 20%) and deduct it from the total revenue.

Net profit, which is gross profit minus expenses.

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On the investment side, its easy for marketers to input the media costs as the investment. But what other costs should
you include? When executing your campaign, you might include:

Creative costs
Printing costs
Technical costs (such as email platforms and website coding)
Management time
Cost of sales

Basic Marketing ROI Formulas

One basic formula uses the gross margin for units sold in the campaign and the marketing investment for the campaign:
Gross Profit Marketing Investment
Marketing Investment
You can also use the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) instead of gross profit. CLV is a measure of the profit generated
by a single customer or set of customers over their lifetime with your company.
Customer Lifetime Value Marketing Investment
Marketing Investment
However, some companies deduct other expenses:
Gross Profit (or CLV) Marketing Investment *Overhead Allocation *Incremental Expenses
Marketing Investment
*These expenses are typically tracked in Sales and General Expenses in overhead, but some companies deduct them in ROI calculations to
provide a closer estimate of the true profit that their marketing campaigns are generating for the company.

The components for calculating marketing ROI can be different for each organization, but with solid ROI calculations,
you can focus on campaigns that deliver the greatest return. For example, if one campaign generates a 15% ROI and
the other 50%, where will you invest your marketing budget next time? If your entire marketing budget only returns 6%
and the stock market returns 12%, your company can earn more profit by investing in the stock market.
Understanding ROI helps you improve your ongoing campaigns. When you tweak your offer or launch a campaign using
a different list, you can compare ROI and focus on the version with the best performance.
Finally, ROI helps you justify marketing investments. In tough times, companies often slash their marketing budgets
a dangerous move since marketing is an investment that produces revenue. By focusing on ROI, you can help your
company move away from the idea that marketing is a fluffy expense that can be cut when times get tough.


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Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You measure and track the ROI of

all of your marketing investments.
Your campaigns deliver the highest
possible return and youre able to
improve them over time.

You calculate ROI on some

investments, but because it can
get complex, you dont attempt to
measure it at all times.

You dont measure the performance

of any of your investments.

Your organization understands

and agrees with the choices you
make because there is solid data to
support your investments.

In fact, marketing is viewed as a

cost, rather than an investment.

You have a general idea of how your

investments perform relative to each
other, but you cant pinpoint the
exact return youre generating. And
in tough times, your budget is cut.

Your company isnt sure what works

and what doesnt work, and its a
struggle to meet goals.

How ROI Aligns with Strategy

Return on investment calculations are powerful tools to use in campaign planning and execution. Use them to determine
whether you can execute short-term marketing strategies profitably. ROI can be heavily influenced by the strength of
your brand and your pricing. Strong brands can typically acquire customers at a lower cost than weak brands, increasing marketing ROI.

Key Concepts & Steps

Confirm your formulas
There are several figures youll need for your ROI calculations:

Cost of goods sold (COGS): The cost to physically produce a product or service.
Marketing investment: Typically youd include just the cost of the media, not production costs or time invested by
certain employees. In certain cases, it may be better to include all of those figures.

Revenue: It can be tricky to tie revenue to a particular campaign, especially when you run a variety of campaigns
and have a long sales process. Your finance team may have some suggestions for estimating this figure.

Companies calculate these figures differently, so confirm the formulas your company usesyour finance team or accountant can guide you.

Establish an ROI threshold

Set an ROI goal for your entire budget and individual campaigns. Set a floor as well. By doing so, you gain more power
over your budget. If you project that a campaign wont hit the threshold, dont run it. If you cant get an ongoing campaign over the threshold, cut it and put your money elsewhere.

Set your marketing budget

When you have an ROI goal and annual revenue/profit goals, you can calculate the amount of money you should spend
on marketingjust solve the ROI formula for the investment figure. Youll be more confident that youre spending
the right amount of money to meet your goals.

Calculate ROI on campaigns; track and improve your results

Tracking ROI can be tricky with complex marketing campaigns. With a commitment and a good reporting process, you
can build solid measurements, even if you have to estimate during the process.

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Its not feasible to track ROI on every marketing investment, though, as some, such as branding and PR are not worth
the effort tracking. Many marketers simply separate their budget into two bucketsstrategic spend, and campaign
spending based on ROI projections.

Next Steps
By having a strong understanding of marketing ROI, youre able to better understand where to allocate your marketing
budgeton the tools and campaigns that will produce a positive return.
Use your ROI calculations to continually improve your campaigns; test new ways to increase your ROI and spend your
money on the campaigns that produce the greatest return for your company.


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Sales Process

How do prospects decide to purchase your product or service? Does a single decision maker find your product or service and buy on the spot, or does s/he go through many steps and approvals first? Perhaps there are multiple people
or departments involved in the decision, each with their own needs?
A sales process is a defined series of steps you follow as you guide prospects from initial contact to purchase. Theyre
far more common in B2B than in B2C, but many high-ticket B2C items (such as real estate or autos) to have a distinct
sales process.
Your sales process begins when you first identify a new prospect or the prospect engages with you. Heres an example:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

A prospect
responds to
a campaign
and requests

A sales rep calls

the prospect
to explain your

An in-person
meeting and
product demo
takes place.

Your team submits

a proposal to the

The prospect signs

an agreement
and makes first

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A documented sales process is a flowchart that explains:

Each distinct step a prospect takes

Knowledge the prospect needs to move to the next step
Literature and tools you provide to help the prospect move forward faster
The length of time a prospect needs at each step
Conversion rates: the percentage of prospects who move from one step to the next
With a documented sales process, you have a powerful tool that enables you to:

Sell more efficiently

Generate more accurate sales and revenue reports
Estimate the revenue and return on investment (ROI) of your marketing campaigns
See which stages take the most time and find new ways to move prospects forward
Create better sales tools and literature
Minimize the amount of time your reps spend on estimates and forecasts
Do you see your company in one of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You have a well-designed sales

process that measures the number
of prospects you have at each stage,
how long they stay in each stage,
and the revenue that your entire
pipeline represents.

You may or may not have a defined

sales process. You generally
follow the same steps to create a
customer, but theres a big variance
in the amount of time it takes to
close each one. In fact, even your
strongest reps have trouble closing
certain types of prospects.

You dont have a process or you

use one that doesnt match how
prospects want to buy.

You deliver the right amount of

information that prospects need at
each step, which helps them make
decisions quickly and move to the
next stage.
You use your sales process to
create more successful marketing
campaigns because you can predict
how many leads will become
customers and what those leads will
be worth to your company.

Your forecasts are probably all

manual and generally accurate, but
you wish that you had a reliable
snapshot to show exactly how
many accounts are at a certain
stage and what you need to do to

You deliver all of the information

about your offering but then seem
to lose control of the prospect.
Some prospects end up buying,
but you dont know why the others
Its a constant battle to figure out
how many real prospects you have
and what theyre worth. Your sales
team often spends valuable time
creating manual reports instead
of selling, which further hurts your
marketing and sales performance.

How Sales Process Aligns with Strategy

If you have multiple distribution channels, you might find that you have a different sales process for each. And, you
could have a different sales process for each offering you provide within an existing channel, so its valuable to document the buying steps that your market prefers to take for each offering within each channel combination.
Your sales processes are also influenced by your positioning, brand strategy and pricing. Your brand personality should
be evident at each step in the process. For example, if youre delivering a luxury experience, dont use pushy and aggressive sales tactics, and dont use price discounts to convert prospects to customers.


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Key Concepts & Steps

Determine how your prospects buy
List the steps that you think prospects logically take from the time they recognize a problem to the time that they purchase a solution. Talk with customers or ask your sales reps for more insight. Figure out what steps they take, what
they need to know at each step, and how you can deliver that information most effectively.

Create your process

For each step your prospects need to take, list:

What the prospect needs to learn

Sales tools and literature that you can provide to help the prospect move forward
The length of time that a prospect needs at that step
The percentage of prospects who move from each step to the next (your conversion rate)

Integrate your process into your CRM

Its helpful to add each sales process to your customer relationship management (CRM) software so that each account
is assigned to a stage at all times. That allows you to run reports to measure your progress and improve your sales

Project campaign results and revenue

When you have a sales process with conversion rates, you can quickly generate solid pipeline and revenue reports. For
example, if you have 50 prospects at the presentation stage, your conversion metrics may show that 20% will become
customers. That means those 50 prospects should deliver 10 new customers. Your conversion metrics will also tell
you when that should happen and how much revenue those prospect represent.
You can use a similar calculation to project results from new marketing campaigns. For example, if a campaign should
produce 100 qualified leads, you can estimate the number of meetings, presentations, and new customers that the
campaign will generate.

Improve your process to maximize revenue

When you have a defined process, its easier to test ideas for improving results. For example, you can:

Identify spots where prospects get stuck in the process and try new materials or messages to help them move

Measure how well different reps convert at each step and help those that arent doing as well
See how leads from different marketing campaigns convert, and use that information to improve your campaigns
Create campaigns to recycle leads that fall out of the process at various spots

Next Steps
After youve documented your sales process, decide which sales tools and literature should be delivered at each step.
Youll also use your sales process in your sales management to measure the success of your marketing campaigns: for
each campaign, you will be able to see how many leads entered the process and made it through each step.

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Campaign Planning

For many companies, marketing campaigns are the main method for both communicating with their market to reinforce
their positioning and for customer acquisition.
Good campaigns follow a theme and include a series of touches with the market. Its noisy in the marketplace, and a
message delivered once through a single medium rarely makes a difference. While theres no magic number regarding
the best frequency for a message to make an impact, opinions range from three to twenty times, with seven being an
old marketing adage.
Many marketing campaigns contain an overarching theme, which can be leveraged over extended periods of time with
multiple variations, or different elements, to tell an entire story.
An example would be The Duck campaign launched by the American Family Life Assurance Company in 2000. While
the company had been in business since 1955, it had only a 12% brand recognition rate before the campaign launched.
The company used the Kaplan Thaler Group to improve its name recognition. Kaplan created a new character, the
Aflac Duck, who appeared in ads featuring customers who had trouble remembering the insurance companys name.
In the ads, the duck appeared in the background and quacked the name Aflac (while usually ending up in a funny
Youve seen them, right? As a result of the long-running campaign, Aflacs brand recognition jumped from 12% to 90%,
and increased sales catapulted Aflac into a leadership position in the supplemental insurance market.


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Large consumer marketers typically use ad agencies (both traditional media and digital media agencies) to design their
campaign creative, handle the media buys, and track results. These are often multi-million dollar endeavors, and have
brought us such memorable advertising campaigns as:

Just Do It Nike
The Most Interesting Man in the World Dos Equis
Wheres the Beef? Wendys
We Try Harder Avis
Absolutely, Positively Overnight FedEx
While most small- to mid-market companies cant afford the multi-million dollar ad budgets from the Madison Avenue
agencies, they can create effective and memorable campaigns leveraging different media such as:

Online media, including interactive ads and

banners on website

Print media
Social media
Direct mail

Events and trade shows
Search engines
Outdoor media

True marketing campaigns are more than just advertisements. Complex campaigns leverage multiple mediums, use a
sequence of messages over an extended timeframe, support positioning, define a brand experience, and handle the
campaign fulfillment and selling.
Campaigns can also be simpleusing a single medium, with a single message and call-to-action. Here are three examples of very simple campaigns:

Generate New Leads

Drive Existing Prospects to

Your Trade Show Booth & VIP

1. Use a paid search ad promotion

with a special theme or call-toaction to generate traffic to your

1. Mail a postcard to attendees 3

weeks before the show; invite
them to your booth with an
intriguing incentive.

2. Receive information requests

from prospects via a landing
page form.

2. Mail a special invite to key

prospects and customers for a
VIP reception. Ask them to RSVP
by phone, email or URL.

3. Email the requested information.

4. Call the prospect; qualify the
prospect further and determine
next steps.

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marketing activities at

Promote an Offer for a Special

1. Run banner ads on industry
websites and targeted email
newsletters, driving traffic to
a special landing page to take
advantage of a special offer such
as a sale, or free promotion.
2. Send out a special email to your
house list to promote the offer.

4. Send an email to all confirmed

attendees 3 days before the

3. Create an intriguing story and tie

it to your offer. Write a searchoptimized press release and post
it on your site; distribute the
release and pitch the story to a
key industry reporter.

5. Email the non-respondents one

last time.

4. Run paid search ads driving

traffic to the landing page.

3. Call key prospects and customers

as a second effort.

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Its good practice to start with your companys annual goals and work backwards to develop campaigns to meet those
numbers. For example, when you know how many new customers you need, you can calculate how many leads youll
need, and then design campaigns to generate that number of leads over the course of the year.
With solid planning, a jolt of creativity, and a focus on measurement, youll be in a strong position for success.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You plan and execute your

campaigns to hit specific goals. You
dont always hit them, but you test
and improve different elements; the
ROI on your overall budget is above
your goal.

Your campaigns arent the most

creative or the splashiest, but
youve hit many of your marketing
goals. You dont test, but your
response rate is fine. You dont
know your ROI, but you know
generally which campaigns work

Your marketing programs tend to be

reactivesuddenly youre low on
leads or falling short of your goals
and you launch a campaign to fix
the problem.

You focus on an offer and callto-action, and you touch your

prospects several times and follow
up when appropriate.
You recognize the challenges in
measuring results, but you do what
you can; it helps you improve the
next time around.

When youre faced with ambitious

annual goals, you have problems
gaining budget approval. Since you
stick with the same campaigns, year
in and year out, its also difficult
to figure out how to generate
additional leads.

Since your programs dont seem

to work, its difficult to gain budget
approval for future campaigns
that could be better-planned and
Its a vicious cycle and you dont
know how to get out of it.

How Campaign Planning Aligns with Strategy

Your marketing campaigns are the vehicles for connecting with your marketplace, to generate leads and sales, and to
position you as that certain something.
Campaign copy and creative should always support your brand strategy and messages, even if youre running a tactical lead generation campaign. Theyre one of the most effective customer acquisition tactics in your marketing arsenal.

Key Concepts & Steps

Quantify your goals
Plan your campaigns to meet your annual revenue and volume goals. For example, if youre trying to generate 100
new customers, use your sales process conversion rates to figure out how many leads youll need and when youll
need them.

Think about how youll use different media. For example, if youre B2B, your sales team may be able to generate 30%
of your leads through prospecting; the rest may come from telemarketing, email, social media, direct mail, search
marketing, webinars, trade shows, etc.

Generate campaign ideas and strategies

Identify all of the business goals that will need marketing support. You may need campaigns to generate and nurture
prospects, to sell direct or through a channel, or to market to existing customers.

Evaluate ideas and options (traditional sales activities, Internet marketing, social media, telemarketing, direct mail,
email and publicity) to determine which ones are most effective for meeting a particular goal.


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Target your audience

With more specific targeting, you can speak more directly to the prospect and raise your response rates in the process.
Deliver one or two key messages and your call-to-action
If you include every detail about your offering, its easy for prospects to become overwhelmed. Move a prospect
just one step at a time.

Be creativeyour market is bombarded with messages daily, so grab their attention and engage them.

Create your budget and estimate your return on investment

Projecting campaign ROI is a powerful exercise that forces you to think through and estimate results for the important
metrics of your campaign:

Impressions, or exposure to your campaign creative

Conversions, or those who take action from the impression
The steps required to move from a conversion to a customer
The number of units sold, and the profit from each
The items of your campaign budget
The estimated ROI of your campaign

Plan your fulfillment

Your fulfillment processes can help or hurt your close rate, so be sure you outline your requirements. For example,

if youre running a campaign where prospects request a software demo, and it doesnt arrive for a week, your prospects may lose interest.

Plan to measure
When you measure your campaigns, its easier to gain budget approval the next time around. Youll also know exactly
which programs produce the highest return.

Establish how youll measure the success of each campaign. If there are variables you cant measure, decide how
you will account for those results.

Identify how youll capture the data you need to track responses to your campaignunique phone numbers, unique
URLs, etc.

Continually test and improve

Even on a small campaign, you can evaluate your ad, your copy, your list or other factors before you spend your
entire budget.

Choose a subset of your list or two versions of an ad; test them in small quantities and choose the best one for rollout.
Then you can test a second variable against the winner of the first test.

Keep the testing cycle going and track your results over time. Youll improve your response rates and your return
on investment.

Next Steps
After you plan your campaign, its time to focus on tactical execution. That means having a deep understanding of
the media youre using, carefully planning your media buys, tracking your results, and following the best practices and
steps for each media you use.

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Marketing Plan & Budget

A marketing plan is a detailed roadmap that outlines all of your marketing strategies, tactics, costs and projected results over a period of time. The plan keeps your entire team focused on specific goalsits a critical resource for your
entire company.
A good marketing plan typically includes:

Positioning strategy
Brand strategy
Product/service overview
Detailed goals by product, distribution channel
and/or customer segment

Sales plan
Major marketing campaigns
Detailed budget
Dates to review progress

It takes time to develop a solid plan, but its important because it ties all of your activities to tangible goals. Its also a
great opportunity to focus on the future, generate new ideas, and inspire your team. Even a simple plan is better than
none, but when you invest more effort upfront, youll have a better roadmap toward your goals.


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Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your marketing plan is a detailed

roadmap to meet your goals.

Youre incredibly busy, so its

difficult to invest the time in a
detailed marketing plan. Instead,
you develop a basic plan thats
based on last years version.

You dont typically create a

marketing plan. You have a budget,
but the numbers are haphazard.
Things change so quicklywhy
spend the time?

You include general revenue goals,

general sales strategies, and basic
campaigns; you stick with proven
techniques. Budgets are based on
last years numbers.

You take a similar approach with

the strategies that should drive
a marketing plan. You probably
dont have a positioning or
brand strategy; youre missing
out on distribution channels or
partnerships; your campaigns are
ineffective and you may not invest
in customer retention.

You recognize that the time you

invest to create a solid plan is
perhaps the best time youll invest
all yearit helps you work through
new strategies, issues, ideas and
When its done, your team
focuses on executing the plan and
measuring your progress all year
As a result, youve been able to hit
your goals, grow your business, and
enjoy the journey.

You could be more ambitious with

your revenue goals if your company
was willing to try new things,
but each year you stick with the

A plan is a compass. Without one,

you may be traveling in the right
direction, but its incredibly difficult
to stay on courseand that can
drastically limit your success.

How Your Marketing Plan and Budget Align with Strategy

Some statistics have shown that up to 85% of small- to mid-size companies create an annual marketing budget, but
without a concrete plan to accompany it. This explains why so many marketers are tactically focusedtheyre figuring
out how to spend a defined budget, instead of thinking about goals and strategies.
Creating an annual marketing plan, if done properly, forces you to think through your positioning and brand strategy,
along with your pricing, distribution, sales and customer retention strategies.
After outlining your strategies and setting your goals, begin outlining campaign ideas to bring your strategies to life.
Writing a comprehensive marketing plan can be a challenging exercise for many, but its a powerful one that is worth
investing in.

Key Concepts & Steps

Set your annual goals
Build your entire marketing plan to achieve the goals that you define:

Quantitative (numeric) goals such as total

product or channel as needed.

revenue, profit, number of customers, units sold, and breakdowns by

Strategic goalsfor example, you may want to expand into a new market with a new distribution channel, or you
may need to reposition your brand to reflect a change in your business.

Emphasize your positioning in the marketplace

Your positioning strategy defines how youll differentiate your offering from those of your competitors.
Your brand strategy defines what you stand for and how youll communicate with the market.

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Outline any plans for product or service improvements

If you need to do anything to strengthen your product line and better deliver on your positioning, address those issues
in your plan.

Develop your tactical sales plan

The number of sales reps youll need and the markets theyll target
Whether youll need to develop new compensation plans, or hire and train new personnel
Top priority markets, industries or customer segments; if you have a list of key prospects, include them
Your plan for managing current customers
Plans for launching any new distribution channels and driving revenue through existing channels
Outline your major marketing campaigns
You dont need to list every campaignjust outline your major promotional plans for the year. Youll need to set your
budget too, so the more planning you do now, the better. Your plans should include:

The top three campaigns youll run to generate leads, nurture customers, close, and/or market to existing customers
The media youll use (for example, email, social, online, print, telemarketing, trade shows, publicity, etc.)
Tools, technologies or resources youll needfor example, a new website, an email service provider, or a new piece
of software

Your estimated ROI and other financial goals

Develop a budget
Budgeting can be a difficult process. Many companies just estimate or base it on their previous years spend. An estimate is better than nothing, but if youve defined your major campaigns and needs, you can develop better numbers.

You can use ROI to determine the appropriate total budget for your marketing efforts.

Revisit your plan regularly

The planning process itself is immensely valuable, but if you dont review the plan regularly, its easy to lose focus.
Periodically revisit the plan, and measure your progress.

Next Steps
When youve finished your plan, its time to execute. You may need to create new messages, literature, websites or
other tools and processes for your campaigns, but after that, focus on customer acquisition.


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Traditional Media

Marketers have used traditional media such as print, radio, TV, yellow pages and even outdoor ads to reach consumer
markets for the last 50 to 100 years.
Traditional media can also play a role in the marketing mix for many B2B companies. These media often reach a broad
audience and thus can be relatively expensive. Yet in your industry or region, they may be very effective in helping you
reach your market. For example:

In many industries, print ads in monthly trade journals are an important vehicle to reach decision makers.
If your company sells to a certain geographic region, directory listings and ads may be crucial for reaching buyers
when theyre searching for solutions.

You may need to reach a wide variety of prospects in different industries, so you may advertise in a regional or national business publication, newspaper or radio program.

You can use these media to generate leads, build visibility, share your message and/or drive specific promotions. Theyre
especially helpful when you use them in conjunction with other media in a larger campaign.

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Here are two sample campaigns that incorporate traditional media:

Use Print & Online to Generate Leads

Use Radio to Generate Leads & Awareness

To generate leads, you run a print ad in an industry

journal and a banner ad on the publications website and
in their monthly subscriber email.

You run a schedule of :30 ads on a talk radio show that

reaches a broad base of businesspeople in your industry
or region.

The prospect calls to take advantage of your offer, or

visits a unique landing page on your website and fills out
a form.

As part of your package, you buy exclusive sponsorship

of the show. You receive special mentions throughout
the show, and you use the entire campaign to drive
traffic to a specific landing page on your website. The
page continues your message, captures the prospects
information or encourages a phone call.

A sales rep calls and sets up an in-person presentation.

Your telemarketing team qualifies leads and transfers hot

prospects to your sales team.

Its important to treat these programs as longer-term investments because responses tend to come in graduallythey
arent as immediate or measurable as internet marketing, telemarketing or direct mail. Targeting may be an issue and
you may not be able to measure the branding impact of your campaign, but theyre solid vehicles when theyre in line
with your goals or used in a larger campaign.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You understand the strengths and

limitations of traditional media,
and you use them effectively in
campaigns to drive awareness and

You run a sprinkling of traditional

media campaigns and generally
track the number of responses
that they generate. You know they
work to some degree, but you
cant quantify the results. The ads
themselves are mediocre, but you
rarely test them to improve.

You dont evaluate your media

buys very carefully. You dont
have specific goals and thus cant
measure whether youre successful
or not. You dont really test your
ads eitherthey offer a lot of
information and you cant really
say whether they work either for
branding or direct response.

You test your campaigns to improve

them over time and you measure
the campaigns to the best of your
ability. While you dont measure the
value of your brand-building, you
do adjust your ROI calculations to
incorporate an allowance for that

You know its important to be in the

vehicles you choose, and you stick
with the same tactics because your
competitors are doing the same

Youre wasting your budget and

time on programs that could be
vastly improved.

How Traditional Media Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using traditional media should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience
that you wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own.
Additionally, make sure that your traditional media campaign is aligned to the goals that youve established in your
campaign plan.


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Key Concepts & Steps

Develop a strong strategy
First, determine what you need to accomplish. For example, you may need to generate a specific number of leads, raise
your visibility in a certain industry or geography, or communicate a key message across different media. Set tangible
goals for your traditional media plan.
Each traditional media vehicle has benefits and drawbacks. When youve defined your goals, you can decide which
vehicle will work best. Make sure you plan how to measure your campaign as well.

Decide whether to buy media in-house or through an agency

Media buying can be a tricky and time-consuming process. If you have a lot of media to buy, you may want to hire
an agency. Youll pay for their services, but they may also have more buying power to negotiate better deals and find
ways to reach your target market more cost-effectively.

Consider targeting when comparing costs

Media sales reps may quote you a flat rate for a particular ad or they may quote a cost per thousand (CPM) impressions.
You may pay a higher CPM for a more targeted media than a general one, but if you calculate your cost per targeted
impression instead, you can truly compare apples to apples.

Create a compelling ad and call-to-action

Your ad needs to grab the attention of your marketbe creative, but keep your message simple and clear. Include a callto-actionencourage prospects to call or visit a special landing page to learn more about a particular offer or program.

Continually test, refine and improve

Its wise to test any campaign before spending your entire budget. If youre considering multiple publications for print
ads, run the same ad in two different ones to see which generates the best response. Or test different headlines and
offers. Your goal is to find the ads and publications that generate the best response, and then run them for the remainder of your campaign.

Next Steps
As you design and manage campaigns using traditional media, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used in the
campaign, measure your results, and focus on continuous improvement.

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marketing activities at

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Direct Mail

For many years, direct mail has been an important marketing vehicle. Even though many companies have turned to
email and internet marketing, a targeted and well-produced mail campaign can still be highly effective.
Direct mail campaigns can generate leads, promote special offers, support other campaigns, communicate with customers and raise your visibility in your market. You can be very simple or wildly creative depending on your goalsfor
example, you can use a:

Handwritten note
Simple but effective sales letter
Postcard with a four-color image on one side and a printed message on the back
Digitally-printed brochure with the prospects name printed in the headline and body copy
Dimensional piece that you develop for a specific purpose
Direct mail can be an effective vehicle for a B2B company if you focus on strategic, targeted mailings instead of large
bulk mail campaigns, which draw very low response rates at much higher costs than online marketing. Instead, consider
using mail to:

Invite current customers and top prospects to an event youre holding at a trade show
Send product literature with the prospects name and custom specifications printed into
digital printing)

Announce a compelling sale


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the brochure itself (via

Here are three sample mail campaigns:

Generate New Leads

Nurture Existing Leads

Cross-Sell Current Customers

Mail a personalized, hand-signed

letter to targeted prospects. Quickly
introduce your value proposition;
invite prospects to call or visit your
website to view a demo, download
a special report, or request a quote.
Follow up with a phone call a week

Mail a quarterly industry update

or case study with graphs and
reference infomore than youd
be able to provide in an email
newsletter. Focus the piece on a
typical objection prospects have
before they buy.

Develop a piece that delivers a

compelling case for your current
customers to buy related products
and services. Include a strong callto-action; encourage customers to
call or visit your website to learn
more and buy.

If youre B2B, its better to think about mail as an integral part of a larger campaign. Dont just mail and wait for the
phone to ring. Instead, plan a campaign that starts with an introduction via mail, then perhaps a follow-up phone call
from a sales rep and a demo delivered via email or via social media.
When you use the right strategy and execution, direct mail can be a strong addition to your marketing arsenal.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Youre happy with the ROI on your

mail campaigns.

Youve had some success with mail

campaigns. Sometimes theyre spurof-the moment; you know that you
could do a better job of planning
ahead and focusing your message.
You typically use mail in conjunction
with a phone call.

Youve used mail in the past but

felt that it was a waste of money.
The list was expensive and didnt
necessarily have the right contact
names. The mail piece and postage
were expensive and contained a lot
of information, yet it didnt generate
the response you planned.

You design each piece to grab

attention, convey a simple message
and move the prospect toward
You test your mailings and tweak
the headlines, envelopes or offers
to increase response, and you use
targeted and current lists.

You dont really test your campaigns

and try to improve results, but your
response rates are acceptable.

You had counted on it generating

a lot of leads that you ended up
having to find elsewhere.

How Direct Mail Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using direct mail should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience that
you wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own.
Additionally, make sure that your direct mail campaign is tied to the goals youve established in your campaign plan.

Key Concepts & Steps

Define your goals
Tie your campaign to a specific objectivefor example, the number of responses that you need or the number of
customers you want to generate. Then design your campaign to meet your specific goal.

Target your audience

Narrow your audience as much as you canyoull be able to speak more directly to your prospects with better results.
Youll also save on postage and production.

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Focus on the offer

Dont overwhelm your audience with every detail about your product and company. Focus on the offer itselfthe
purpose for the mailing, the call-to-action. For example, if youre promoting a software demo, explain what the demo
will help them learn and why they should request it now. Touch on the key benefits, but dont muddy your message
by including every detail about the software and the history of your company.

Develop your content, then your creative

First determine how much copy youll need, what kind of graphics or photography youll include, how to promote the
offer, etc. Once youve defined the content youll need to achieve your goals, start the design process. If youre working with a design and/or writing team, explain your requirements in a creative brief so youre all on the same page.

Tackle the campaign logistics

Make sure that you plan how your piece will be folded, stuffed, addressed, stamped, mailed, etc. If youre running large
campaigns, you may want to hire a vendor to handle this step.

Test, measure and continually improve

Mail is a terrific media for testingyou can select a random set of records from your list, send your mailing, measure
your response, then tweak the mailing and send it to another subset. You can improve the list targeting, your offer,
the envelope design, the copy and the design itself. Commit to continuous improvement and use what you learn in all
future campaigns.

Next Steps
As you design and manage campaigns using direct mail, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used in the campaign,
and focus on continually improving your tactical execution.


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Have you ever read a story about a company and then contacted them to learn more about their product or service?
Or listened to a CEO deliver a speech and found yourself researching the company later on?
Publicity in the media can be extremely valuable in building credibility and awareness for your company, product or
service. For example, a legitimate news story acts as an endorsement that can reach a wide audience for very little
cost beyond your own creativity and time. There are many forms of publicity including:

News stories and interviews in trade journals, industry sites, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Expert quotes in a story written by a journalist or blogger
Self-authored stories published on websites or in industry publications
Speaking engagements
Publicity is a cost-effective medium that can:

Build awareness about your brand, products or services, expertise and people
Drive prospects to your website
Drive event attendance or participation in a promotion
Educate the market about problems your company can solve
Create an ongoing dialogue with the market
The key to success: create newsworthy stories. They should be interesting, relevant and timely. They should educate
and inform, and provide your prospects with insight into how to solve a problem.

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Even if you dont think you have newsworthy content to share with the world, you can benefit by implementing small
newsworthy programs (such as charity work) that will raise your visibility. At the very least, you should include news
releases on your website; they help improve search engine rankings and enable prospects to see what youve been doing.
Publicity isnt about luckits about investing in a good PR program, and it can really pay off over time.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your company is very well known in your

industry. When you launch a product or
release a newsworthy story, important
publications write about you, and youre
often quoted in industry articles.

You use PR sporadically with

mixed resultsan occasional
blurb in an industry journal, a
miscellaneous quote as an expert.

You dont use any form of public

relations. You may be a startup
or an established company, but
youre not known by journalists
in your industry. You see your
competitors featured in industry
publications even when your
solution may be better; your
company doesnt seem to have
that level of credibility, and
youre not sure how to get it.

You capitalize on the role the Internet

plays in publicityyour press releases
drive prospects and customers to your
website. You also use blogs or other
online publicity techniques to create a
strong presence on the Internet.

You put press releases on your

website and distribute them online,
knowing that they make your site
more interesting to prospects, but
youre not sure whether youre
gaining the full benefit from your

How Publicity Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using publicity should support your positioning and convey your brands personality.
Additionally, make sure that your publicity campaign is tied to the goals that youve established in your campaign plan.

Key Concepts & Steps

Create a publicity strategy
Dont just shotgun press releases when you need to drum up some attention. Plan your publicity strategy as you
would any marketing campaign:

Develop a calendar that ties story ideas to key events and spreads your content out over the year.
List events that may offer good speaking opportunities.
Identify publications, reporters and bloggers who cover subjects that are relevant for your company.
Create traditional and online press materials to give reporters supporting and background information for their stories.
Know the audience for each story and carefully target your media.

Develop newsworthy story ideas

Every day, journalists are bombarded with press releases touting new product launches, business alliances, research
discoveries, etc. But journalists dont just make announcementsthey need to tell compelling stories that their readers
will find interesting and useful. A trade journal may run a one-paragraph blurb about a new product, but to get headlines,
photos, interviews and full-page coverage, you need to develop real stories.
Like movies, good news stories are often about conflict. An endless stream of positive information is boring. Instead,
develop stories with substance: Good vs. Evil, Nature vs. Nurture, Race Against Time, Company A vs. Company B,
Employee Against the World, Company vs. the System.
In addition, good stories can go viral when you distribute them on the web.


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Market your stories and expertise

Journalists need stories. When you have a story, you have something to offer. With a quick, courteous phone call and
a simple pitch, you may find a journalist who says, Yes, Im interested in that story, send me your material. That
three-minute phone call could make a substantial difference in your campaign success.
Reach out when you identify a potential speaking engagement or find a journalist or blogger who may want to quote
an expert from your company. Be sure to prepare a short pitch and support materials as well.

Use the Internet

Many PR experts say the traditional press release is dead. These days, a worthwhile PR strategy has to capitalize on
the Internet.

Write a second version of your normal releases with rich keywords and a format that helps search engines easily
find the release.

Post your search-friendly releases on your sitethey should be represented as an actual page on the site, not a PDF.
Send your release to Internet news distribution services.
Consider adding an RSS feed to your siteit will send updated content to other publishers.
Distribute your releases via Twitter, Facebook, Digg and other social media sites.

Next Steps
As you design and manage publicity campaigns, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used in the campaign, and
focus on continually improving your tactical execution.
Its difficult to measure the return on publicity, but if youre really focused on creating stories and reaching out, you
have sound potential for success. One big story or important speaking engagement could generate fantastic results,
so keep at it!

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marketing activities at

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The phrase cold calling sends chills down the spines of many businesspeople. Its often viewed as an intimidating,
difficult, and boring process ... and that means it doesnt get done as often as it should.
Telemarketing campaigns help companies reach a group of targeted prospects or customers to communicate a message, gather feedback, and determine a next step for the relationship. Telemarketing can be an important part of any
marketing strategyfor example, you can use it to:

Generate leads
Qualify prospects who have downloaded information from your website or attended a webinar
Follow up on a direct mail or email offer
Take orders for special promotions
Keep your marketing database current
Conduct marketing research
In many companies, sales reps should make hundreds or thousands of cold calls every month to set appointments
and/or generate leads. But busy reps usually prefer to work on closing their existing pipeline. Prospecting often slips
on the priority list; as a result, the sales pipeline isnt always filled with new prospects.
If cold calling is an effective way to introduce your company to new prospects, dont ignore it. Instead of forcing a sales
team to devote time to prospecting, many companies use an in-house or outsourced telemarketing group to make a
high volume of calls, find decision makers and qualify leads for the field sales group.


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When telemarketers handle prospecting, salespeople can spend 100% of their time selling and closing. Your company
can produce more revenue in the same amount of time; your reps earn more commission, theyre doing what they love,
and theyre more satisfied with their jobs.
You can use a telemarketing team in a variety of campaigns:

Outbound Lead Generation

Outbound Campaign Support

Inbound Sales Support

Company As telemarketers call

targeted lists. They identify the
decision maker, ask qualifying
questions, and gauge the prospects
needs and interest level. If a
prospect meets certain criteria,
the telemarketer sets a follow-up
appointment for a sales rep.

Company B increases their

response rates by including a
phone call in campaigns. For
example, when they hold an event
at a trade show, they call prospects
before mailing an invite to lift their
response rate. They also follow up
with those who dont respond.

Company C makes sure that

prospects who visit their website
can call and speak with someone
immediately. They use an inbound
sales support team to answer
questions and probe callers. The
reps send follow-up materials and
a field sales rep follows up with the
most qualified prospects.

With the right strategy and proper management, a good telemarketing operation can produce great value for your

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You have a team or vendor to

prequalify leads and handle inbound
and outbound calls for marketing

You have a vendor or in-house

team and their performance is

You dont have a telemarketing

operation. Sales reps make their
own cold-calls but they simply dont
make enough.

Your team successfully represents

your brand to your market. You
have strong management in
place and can easily report on key
statistics: contacts per hour, stats
by rep, etc.
You set goals and hit them

If theyre in-house, you have some

statistics, but not enough, and
theres a fair amount of turnover on
the team.
In fact, youre always training
someone new. You see the value in
using telemarketing and you think
your operation could improve.

When prospects call from your

website, there frequently isnt a
person available to talk with them live.
And when you need to include a
phone call in a marketing campaign,
its an enormous battle to get reps
to make calls.

How Telemarketing Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using telemarketing should support your positioning and brand strategy. Most of this is conveyed through
each individual telemarketer, so write your scripts and train your reps to adhere to the personality traits of your brand.

Key Concepts & Steps

Set your goals
You can use telemarketing in many ways; brainstorm the campaigns that will work best for your company. For example,
you may need to generate leads for your sales team or use telemarketing to support other marketing campaigns.

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Forecast and budget; determine whether to build in-house or outsource

Estimate your call volume, and then think about hours of operation, fluctuations in call volume, and the skill set youll
need in your reps.

Your call volume also drives your headcount, software, phone system and the office space youll need.
These requirements will help you decide whether to use a vendor or hire and manage a team in-house. If you reach
out to vendors, having these requirements ready will make your discussions easier and faster.

Budget for everything including headcount, software licenses, bonuses and management.

Develop good scripts

Reps will need to capture attention, build value, and close; a good script will help them do it consistently.

Make your scripts conversational, simple, and focused on the end goal.
It helps to make and listen to calls as youre developing and refining your script. What looks good on paper may not
work on the phone.

Get feedback from your team as well.

Train and coach your team

Regular coaching and quality assurance is crucial.

Engage your reps, role-play and guide them through calls.

Listen to calls regularly, evaluate your reps and coach them to improve their performance.

Report your results

Define the reports that youll needyour system may not be able to provide all of the data, but you can probably
find an alternate solution.

Use reports to consistently evaluate progress and improve your campaigns.

Next Steps
As you design and manage telemarketing campaigns, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used in the campaign, and
focus on continually improving your tactical execution.
Once your campaign is running, its all about execution, so manage your team and devote the resources necessary
for success.


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Trade Shows & Events

Theres an old saying in business that people buy from people. If thats the case, its a good idea to get people together as often as possible!
Trade shows and events are gatherings for people with common interests to achieve a goal. B2B and B2C companies
use them to generate leads, nurture prospects, build brand awareness, conduct training, or enhance relationships with
existing partners and customers. Options include:

Trade shows: You can have an exhibit booth, sponsor roundtable discussions or speeches, arrange for one of your
executives give a presentation or sit on a panel, advertise in show publications and/or host your own reception.

Seminars or conferences: Sponsor an industry conference or create a seminar and market it to your prospects.
Networking meetings: Participate in and/or sponsor industry or local meetings; you can also create a one-time or
ongoing breakfast or lunch meeting series for your prospects to attend.

Webinars: Webinars are online seminars with slides and audio; you can use them to generate leads and communicate
with large groups at a lower cost than a live meeting.

Events for the arts, sports or charities: You can participate in these events as a sponsor with advertising, blocks
of tickets, promotions and a reception for your VIPs.

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Many shows and events are major investments with numerous logistics:

Event planning
Exhibit booth design and materials

Sales materials
Sales follow-up

When executed properly, a great event could produce a large percentage of the leads that a company needs to generate over an entire year. With a halfhearted strategy, companies usually get lackluster results.
Do you see your company in any of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You use trade shows, special

events and/or webinars to
generate new prospects and reach
out to existing prospects and

You regularly attend trade shows

and youve tried a few webinars
with mixed resultstheres a lot
of competition for your prospects

You exhibit at trade shows and youre

never satisfied with your results. Its
hard to stand around for days and you
know that leads fall through the cracks
in the weeks afterward.

You stand out from your

competitors, deliver compelling
information and create meaningful
dialog with your market.

At shows, your team does a

decent job of qualifying leads and
following up; you know that you
generate new business but you
dont know how much.

Your competitors are always doing

something big at the shows but you
havent been able to afford anything
but your booth.

You set goals and measure

them, and you know your ROI
validates the investment. You also
implement marketing programs
and continue dialog after the event
so that leads dont fall through the

It seems like you could be

generating a lot more business
from these programs, but youre
not sure how to do it.

You havent tried any other events

because theyre an enormous effort for
very little payoff. Youve never really
been able to measure the results from
the shows that you attendyou get a
handful of leads and that seems to be it.

With a solid strategy, plan, investment and measurement, events can be an exciting marketing medium for B2B or
B2C marketers.

How Trade Shows and Events Align with Strategy

Your events and presence at trade shows should support your positioning and brand strategy. For events, your location,
theme, visuals, host or MC, refreshments, and entertainment or giveaways all work together to create an impression
of your brand. For trade shows, its your booth, materials, giveaways, and people that create the impression.

Key Concepts & Steps

Choose an event that matches your need
Define your marketing objectives: generate leads, nurture existing leads, build relationships, train and educate, or
raise visibility/brand awareness.

Focus on the types of events that will help you meet your goals: industry events and shows, networking events,
seminars and conferences, sponsored events, charity events, webinars and more.

Brainstorm to create a list of events and themes that will fit with your goals.

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Outline your event strategy

Understand what your prospects need and how you can deliver it during the event. For example, think about the content
that your prospects want and how you should structure the event.

Create your event plan

Once you have a strategy, start the planning process: time, date, location, theme, event flow, materials, script, responsibilities and more.

Plan for sales-related activities: what happens with new leads, how youll prioritize leads, follow-up timing, materials
they should receive, etc.

Promote your event

To drive attendance or participation, develop a thorough promotional campaign with a strong call-to-action.
Use multiple media to touch your market frequently and consistently.
If youre sponsoring another companys event, be sure to promote your participationdont leave it up to someone
else to drive your traffic.

Script your event and execute

A good event script and plan will help you execute without problems. Create a detailed timeline; rehearse appropriate
activities with your team; make sure everyone clearly understands their responsibilities.

Measure your events success

Review your goals-to-actual measurements and share the results with your team.
Document everything you learned so you can use that information next time.

Next Steps
Trade shows and events typically generate new relationships or foster existing ones. Its important to set solid followup procedures with your team so that valuable leads dont fall through the cracks.
As you design and manage events and attend trade shows, evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy and focus on
continually improving your tactical execution.

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Search marketing is about gaining visibility on search engines when users search for terms that relate to your business.
For most companies, ranking high in the search results isnt luckits a result of solid effort in one or both categories
of search marketing:
Organic search (SEO): When you enter a keyword or phrase into a search engine like Google or Bing, the organic
results are displayed in the main body of the page.
When your market searches for information about your products and services, you want to rank highly in search engine
results. By optimizing your site, you can improve your ranking for important search terms and phrases (keywords).
You can also improve your rank by getting other important sites to link to yours.
Paid search (SEM): Paid search enables you to buy listings in the sponsored area of a search engine. There are
a variety of paid search programs, but the most common is called pay-per-click (PPC), meaning you only pay for a
listing when a prospect clicks your ad.
In search marketing, companies focus on driving more traffic to targeted areas of their website. They use search to:

Generate new leads

Sell products
Build their brand
Divert traffic from their competitors


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Studies show that most peopleboth business people and consumers considering large purchasesresearch their
problems, potential purchases and vendors online and use a search engine in the process. And the higher the price of
the product/service, the earlier in the research process they use a search engine.
For many B2B companies, generating only a handful of additional serious prospects can make a substantial difference
in revenue. Using search marketing may efficiently produce these additional prospects.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Youre generating very targeted

prospects through your search
marketing programs. Your site is
optimized and youve built a lot
of important incoming links, so
you rank well in organic results for
targeted keywords.

Youve built a new website and

its been optimized for search,
but you dont rank in the top 10
for any keywords other than your
company name.

Your website isnt optimized for

search and youre nowhere to be
found on search engines, even for
very targeted terms.

You use paid search to supplement

that traffic and you create custom
landing pages for your campaigns
to convert visitors into prospects or

Youve tried some paid search with

good success; your conversion
rates on the traffic are okay but
could be better.
You know that search marketing
is a solid opportunityyoure just
figuring out how to improve your

In fact, you may not even rank for

searches on your company name.
Unfortunately, your competitors show
up on the first and second pages for
the terms your prospects use.
As a result, your competitors are
winning new business and furthering
their lead in the market.

How Search Engine Marketing Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using search engines should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience
that you wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own. This includes your ad copy, landing pages, and page
descriptions that appear in organic results.

Key Concepts & Steps

Create your search strategy
Review your short- and long-term goals to help determine whether to focus on organic or paid search (or both). It takes
time to improve your organic search rankings, but you can launch a paid search campaign today. However, there are
other considerations: the amount of traffic that you need, your budget, and your marketing objectives. Once youve
reviewed the pros and cons of each, you can select the search strategy thats right for you.

Generate a list of keywords

Before you can optimize your site or launch a paid campaign, generate a list of keywordsterms your prospects use
when looking for information that you can deliver. You can brainstorm, copy keywords from competitors, or use online
tools (such as Googles Keyword Tool) to generate a list and estimate traffic.

Optimize your website

Rewrite your content and code your pages so that theyre optimized for search engines.
Make sure the content is organized in the best possible manner.
Eliminate any technologies that prevent search engines from reading your content (for example, search engines
cant read graphics or Flash content).

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Register your site in important directories that play a vital role in search engine results.
If you dont have anyone on staff that is an SEO expert, hire an outside specialist.

Generate inbound links

Search engines reward you when sites link to yoursthey assume that your site must be valuable and youll rank higher
in search results. The higher the page rank of the sites that link to you, the more they help to raise your own ranking.
You want links from popular industry authorities, recognized directories, and reputable companies and organizations.

Implement additional Internet campaigns

These programs can improve your search results:

Using social media, online advertising and online PR to generate traffic and links
Including a blog on your site
Distributing search-optimized press releases on the web
Creating RSS feeds to distribute updated content from your site to other websites

Start testing paid search

To begin using paid search, youll:

Develop targeted landing pages for each campaign

Write your ad(s)
Create an account with a search network
Set up your campaign with the network
Set a daily or monthly budget
Start tracking your results

Next Steps
As you design and manage campaigns using search engines, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used in the campaign, and focus on continually improving your tactical execution.
Pay close attention to click-through rates and conversion rates; for most paid search campaigns, the difference between
positive and negative ROI is thorough testing and detailed management.


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Online Advertising

Internet marketing isnt just for consumer marketers or large B2B firmsits a powerful vehicle for companies of all sizes.
Online advertising offers marketers an opportunity to reach very broad or very targeted prospects to generate leads,
communicate a message and raise visibility. The term refers to three general types of campaigns:

Banner ads placed on other websites

Ads or sponsored content on targeted email newsletters
Affiliate programs that enable you to put your ad on another companys website and in return you pay a commission
on clicks or sales

While a B2B marketer has a smaller universe of prospects than a consumer marketer, the value of each prospect is
typically far greater. With a targeted campaign and a good offer, you may only need to generate a handful of highly
qualified prospects to produce substantial revenue.

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Here are three examples of online ad campaigns:

Generate New Leads

Direct Sales

Increase Your Visibility

Promote a white paper, webinar

or demo that can help prospects
who are in the early phases of their
research. Drive them to a special
landing page where you provide
details about the offer and capture
key pieces of data so you can follow
up when the prospect is ready.

Run ads to sell a particular product

or service. Drive prospects to a
special landing page that describes
your offer in detail. You create
supplemental pages to provide
additional information if needed.
You focus on converting those
prospects into sales.

Run a campaign to share a message,

promote an event or offer, or raise
awareness about your products.
Your goal is twofold: Drive clickthroughs and generate awareness.
You use landing pages designed to
convert a visitor into a prospect or

What are the benefits of online advertising?

Timing: Reach people when theyre actively looking for information and solutions.
Immediacy: You can test and launch very quickly and generate response almost immediately.
Targeting: You can deliver your message to very specific audiences.
Lead generation and nurturing: You can capture prospects early, provide valuable information, and nurture them
throughout the sales process.

Cost: You can reach a large audience quickly and at a lower cost than many other types of media.
Scalability: You can run campaigns of any size, at any budget level.
As with any marketing program, its important to develop a good strategy, target your audience, test, measure and
improveespecially because its easy and inexpensive to test different aspects of your campaigns in order to generate
the best possible results.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your online ad campaigns

are a strong element in your
marketing mix.

You run campaigns periodically and

theyre moderately successful. Prices are
high, but you reach a targeted audience.

You use them to generate

prospects and customers,
but gaining visibility is also
important. You calculate ROI so
you can compare the return of
these investments compared to
your other programs.

You occasionally test and tweak your

ads, but it isnt a priority.

Youve advertised on a few sites

and generated some traffic, but
you dont have data to indicate
whether your campaigns are
successful beyond initial visits.

You continually test your ads

and landing pages to maximize
your response rates.

You think you can generate even more

traffic, but without better metrics,
you cant divert more funds to these

Since you use cost per click to measure

success, you cant accurately calculate
ROI, but youre satisfied with what youre
paying for traffic.

You dont create special landing

pagesyou drive visitors to your
home page, and you rarely test
your ads.
You cringe at the prices for the
sites youd really like to use, and
you think youre wasting money
since youre paying for impressions
not clicks.

How Online Advertising Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using online media should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience that
you wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own.
This includes your ad graphics, copy, as well as your landing pages and conversion process.


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Key Concepts & Steps

Before you launch an online campaign, its important to have a good website that can measure your traffic and convert
visitors to prospects or customers. Its also helpful to address your online campaigns in your annual marketing plan
and budget.

Develop a tangible goal

For example, determine how many click-throughs or leads that you need to generate, and then estimate your response
rates to figure out how many impressions youll need. Make sure that you know how youll measure your campaign
as well.

Target your audience

Profile and target your audience. You can reach a large audience with your ad, but that doesnt mean you shouldnarrow targeting means you can speak more directly to the needs of your target market.

Create a good offer and compelling call-to-action

Your ad needs to generate interest and get people to click through to your website to learn moregive them a reason,
a benefit. Keep your message simple and clear.

Focus on conversion
When you run a great ad, continue the message and momentum on your website. Dont drive prospects to your home
pageinstead, create unique landing pages that focus on the topic you used to generate their interest. Focus and sell!

Test your ad variables

Its easy and inexpensive to test your online campaigns. You can test the offer, the design of your ad, the size and location of the ad, or the sites that you choose. Start with the element thats most importantfor example, the offerand
create two versions of the ad. Then run them against each other to see which one performs best.

Next Steps
As you design and manage campaigns using online media, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used in the campaign,
and focus on continually improving your tactical execution.
Keep refining your online campaigns and your website to drive and convert traffic.

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Social Media

By now, everyone is probably familiar with social media. But how many marketers truly understand how to use social
media to achieve business goals?
Social media describes the category of websites that allow people to connect, communicate and share information
in real time on the Internet. Social media allows almost anyone to be a publisherto disseminate information quickly
without controls.
Social media has become a powerful tool that marketers can use to:

Build brand awareness

Interact directly with customers and the market
Launch promotions
Distribute news
Generate leads
Monitor competitors
Build links
Connect with thought-leaders
Find out how the market perceives you
Establish thought-leadership
Gather market research
Facilitate sales

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Social media evolved from the Web 2.0 technologies in the early 2000sblogging platforms and wikis. The number
of social media websitesor from a marketers perspective, social media toolsis immense. From 2006 to 2012, it
was estimated that there were over 300 popular social media websites. There are probably thousands of others, and
over 100,000,000 blogs.
Since most social media websites are free, its easy to go social and start interacting with others. There are substantial
costs to make it effective, however, such as graphic design, content development, publishing and account management,
listening to the conversation, responding to feedback and monitoring and managing performance.
Social media works well for certain types of business goals, but not so well for others. Since the barriers to start are
so low, many marketers begin using social media without a carefully crafted plan and without the proper commitment,
which typically leads to wasted time and a lost investment. Worse yet, the crowd can be a harsh critic and negative
information moves through the Web instantaneously, punishing bad social campaigns or a companys negative behavior.
The good news is that most social media sites fall into a handful of different categories:

Social Bookmarking: Interaction by tagging websites and searching through websites bookmarked by other people.
Social News & Voting: Interaction by voting for shared articles and content and commenting on them.
Social Content: Blogs, micro blogs (Twitter), wikis, presentations, documents, photo and video sharing. Interact by
sharing information and commenting on user submissions.

Social Networking: Interaction by adding friends, commenting on profiles, joining groups and having discussions.
A number of these sites include features from the other categories.

If youre just starting with social media, thinking about the categories instead of all the individual sites (Facebook, Twitter, Slideshare, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc.) makes it easier to understand how to use them to achieve your business goals.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Social media isnt just a promotional

channel for Julies Chocolates; its a
way to interact with their customers
and enhance their brand.

Encompass Healthcare is a large,

multi-state healthcare agency. They
have a substantial marketing budget,
focusing mostly on traditional media
such as print, radio and television.

Digital Training & Distribution

creates and delivers industryspecific training videos for a variety
of technical products.

Julies marketing director commits

25% of her marketing budget to
social media. She uses Facebook
to launch promotions and gain
customer feedback, Twitter to
interact with fans and promote
sales, and YouTube and Vimeo to
distribute humorous videos about
how the team comes up with ideas
for new candy shapes.
Social media plays an integral
role in Julies brand strategy. It
adds personality to the brand and
connects it directly to their market.

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The company has created a

Facebook page and regularly
tweets on Twitter, but the content
is generally a rehash of the ads and
promotions from their traditional
media campaigns.
The marketing team knows
they should have a social media
presence, but no one is dedicated to
using social media to interact with
the market and bring their brand
directly to members; they simply
view it as another place to promote

The company uses its sales reps

as the primary delivery channel for
information about whats happening
in the industry. And, the sales reps
handle the marketing function,
generating new leads and turning
prospects into customers on a oneto-one basis.
Years ago, the company launched a
quarterly newsletter and, while their
market appreciated the information,
the company didnt make a
concerted effort to keep it alive.
Since the company focuses little
effort on marketing, it has no
interest in dedicating time and
resources to interacting with its
market using social media.

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As youre considering how you might use social media, heres a helpful tip: think of social media as a cocktail party ...
online. You can mingle and share information and participate in a global conversation. But remember that once you
publish something socially, whether its a comment or piece of content, youve lost control of it and it can be indexed
by the search engines, sometimes forever.
Since you have no control over how the crowd speaks about your company or brand, an unhappy customer can generate quite a buzz. An example is United Airlines, who damaged a customers guitar and refused to replace it, spawning
the hit YouTube song United Breaks Guitars, decrying Uniteds customer service and brand.

How Social Media Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using social should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience that you
wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own.
This includes the graphic design of your social media sites, but more importantly, its influenced by the communication
from your peoplethe responses, tone, and messages that they convey.

Key Concepts and Steps

Most social media campaigns use multiple social media websites and are tied into your own website. Make sure that
your site is updated and can handle social media success (i.e. a lot of traffic) if you achieve it. And make sure that it
reflects your brand.

Develop your campaign around specific business goals

Dont go social just because everyone else is. Determine your specific business goals and decide if social media can
help you accomplish them.

Research and listen

Since social media is a conversation, the first step before planning any campaign is to take the time to listen to the
conversation. See whats happening on numerous sites, identify the influencers and think about the conversation:

Should you participate?

How can you participate and add value?
Will participating help you achieve your business goals?

Create a social media plan

Few campaigns will be successful without a plan, and its just as important with social media. Carefully target your
audience, determine the message you desire to communicate, secure the creative and technical resources you need,
and plan the time on your calendar to execute.

Invest in quality content

Most social media campaigns involve content, whether its commentary, excerpts, thoughts, presentations, pictures
or video. The Web is cluttered, so distribute the highest-quality content possible.


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Commit the time to manage and interact

While some social media campaigns become instant hits, theyre the exception, not the norm. B2C marketers can typically create more interesting campaigns that garner immediate feedback. Most B2B marketers find that the nature of
their content requires more hard work to distribute and generate conversation. Many successful B2B campaigns have
taken months of laborious work, day-in and day-out, to build a following and generate buzz.

Be respectful and follow best practices

Online conversation moves quickly, and sometimes feedback can be harsh. Its a good idea to avoid negativity, and be
respectful of others, especially your critics. Be transparent, admit mistakes, and handle your online conversations with
great careyou never know how they can influence public perception about you or your brand.

Measure and refine

Whether youre measuring specific metrics like number of followers, links, group interactions or web traffic, or a return
on your social media investment, review your data to see how youre progressing and what adjustments you might
need to make. This will help you see if one element of your campaign is working better than another, enabling you to
shift resources there for better performance.

Next Steps
As you design and manage campaigns using social media, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used in the campaign,
and focus on continually improving your tactical execution.
Social media has evolved faster than almost any other medium in history. Whats hot today isnt always popular tomorrow. Remember Friendster? Theres no guarantee Facebook and Twitter will stay on top ... keep up-to-date on the trends.

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Email Marketing

Email marketing has been a staple for consumer marketers since the mid-1990s. A few years later, B2B marketers
discovered its value, and email campaigns have become an important tool for businesses in all stages and industries.
Email marketing enables you to cost-effectively communicate with your market in a way thats immediate and relevant.
With email, you can:

Nurture leads
Build brand awareness
Obtain prospects
Build customer loyalty
Generate sales
You can usually launch a campaign and measure your results quickly, making email a great option for time-sensitive
programs. Its easy and inexpensive to test different aspects of your campaign on a segment of your list, so you can
hone your creative and your offer to generate the best possible results.


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Here are three sample email campaigns:

Generate New Leads

Direct Sales

Build Brand Awareness

Rent a list and send a short,

compelling message to generate
interest in your product. Drive
prospects to a special page on your
website to download a white paper,
a demo or other offer. Capture basic
information and follow up via phone
several days later.

Create a special offer for your

current prospects and customers;
compel them to click to your
website to learn and buy.

Use email to keep in touch with

prospects and customers. Deliver
timely, valuable information that
makes them want to read your
messages. Add news about your
company, special offers, etc., but
focus on content and information
rather than pure sales.

Email is more editorial than advertising, and its powerful because it can support and even drive a sales process. Yet,
like any medium, it has its challenges. B2C email marketing to cold lists has a terrible response rate. Social media is
reducing peoples reliance on email. Businesspeople often still receive hundreds of emails (or more) each day, so B2B
marketers need to get past spam filters and give people a reason to read. Youll also need a strong offer, valuable
editorial content, appropriate design and a good fulfillment and measurement process.
While you can reach a wide audience with email, that doesnt mean you should. Its most effective when you really
target so you can speak to specific needs. Think of it as a one-to-one communicationpersonalized, relevant and
timelynot a blast.
If youve used email in the past, do you see your company in one of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You have a strong email program

with very specific goals.

You perform some email marketing

and are generally satisfied with the
results. You send announcements
about products and offers; you
occasionally use email to generate
leads or keep your name in front of
existing ones.

You use email as a quick-fixwhen

youre low on leads, you do a blast
message; if you havent reached out
to customers in a while, you create
a quick newsletter.

You use technology to deliver

your messages effectively. Your
campaigns offer strong content
and messages; you create custom
landing pages to convert clicks to
You continually test your designs,
copy, list and offer to improve your
response. As a result, you usually
meet your ROI and business goals.

You occasionally test a campaign

before launch, but it isnt a major
priority. You know that your
campaigns could be stronger, but
you havent had time to improve

You generally dont target your

prospectsyou blast one message
to your entire list. You dont test
your campaigns, and you dont
know how many of your messages
are actually delivered.

How Email Marketing Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using email should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience that you
wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own. This includes your email design, copy, delivery frequency,
CAN-SPAM compliance and opt-out procedure.

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Key Concepts & Steps

Use email to meet the goals you set in your annual marketing plan; you can also use them as part of a broader marketing campaign. Youll also need to make sure your website is strong enough to support your campaign.

Develop your campaign around specific goals

Take the time to strategize and plan your campaign:

Develop a tangible objectivefor example, to generate a specific number of leads, demo requests, meetings, or

Profile and target your audience.

Create a good offer and compelling call-to-action, and present it early in your messagereaders skim.
Plan a series of emails to create an ongoing campaignit takes multiple touches to generate response.
Dont forget fulfillmentif your prospects expect a phone call or email, deliver it quickly or you could lose their interest.

Invest in good content

You probably dont want all of your emails to focus on product or service promotions. Readers will tire of them. Instead,
offer information thats relevant to your recipients. Its an investment to develop that content, but its the content that
gets people to open your messages and continue to read them over time.

Choose the right technology

If youve never launched an email campaign, youll probably need to use an email service provider (ESP), typically a
web-based service. Choose a reputable ESP to help you stay compliant with spam legislation and get your messages
to your prospects inboxesa major challenge in email marketing. A good ESP can raise your delivery rate, manage
your opt-in and opt-out process, keep your email list clean and provide reports that can help you improve your results.

Be respectful and follow industry practices

Make sure that youre following accepted industry practicesyoull improve your probability of success.

Mail to your house list regularlyeven corporate emails change rapidly. The more time between campaigns, the
higher your rate of bad addressesand those bounces could trigger spam alerts.

Make sure your recipients can easily opt-out of future communications.

If youre buying or renting a list, make sure its an opt-in list.

Continually test, refine and improve

Its always wise to test before launching a campaign. If youre working with a new ESP or list, evaluate your delivery
and response rate before you roll out. Keep testing and improving your subject lines, headlines and copy, design, offer,
landing pages, even the delivery timing. Youll improve all your campaigns in the process.

Next Steps
As your use of email increases, keep learning about open rates, subject lines, list fatigue, and other ways to improve
your campaigns.


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Customer Retention

How much have you invested in your marketing programs over the last few years? Thousands? Tens of thousands?
Millions? Tens of millions?
Customer retention is about keeping the customers that you already spent money to acquire. And if youre in an industry
where your customers make multiple purchases over the years, your entire team should be very focused on retaining
those customers by:

Delivering service thats consistent with your brand

Cross-selling, up-selling and asking for referrals from existing customers
Developing programs to increase customer loyalty and decrease turnover
Knowing the lifetime value for different segments and using that data to improve your marketing
Prioritizing retention as a major focus in your annual marketing plan
Studies show that it costs ten times more to generate a new customer than to maintain an existing one. If you have a
small number of customers, losing a few could cripple your company. Even if you have a large number of customers,
a small increase in your retention rate should dramatically increase your profits.
In his book The Loyalty Effect, Fred Reichheld writes that a 5% improvement in customer retention rates will yield
between a 25% to 100% increase in profits across a wide range of industries.

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With strong retention marketing, its much easier to grow your revenue and profitability. Do you see your company in
any of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your company is focused on

customer retention and it has paid
off. Renewals are high; you put a lot
of effort into campaigns and service
for existing customers. Incentives
encourage sales and support reps
to keep customers happy, and you
use financial modeling and surveys
to identify problems and focus on
vulnerable customers.

You know how important it is

to retain customers. The reps
who service existing customers
are good, but youve lost some
customers that you shouldnt have.
Youve sent out some surveys
but havent done much with the
data from them. And you struggle
with the commission on sales to
existing customerssome people
argue that you shouldnt pay at all
because theyre house accounts.

You dont formally market to your

current customers. You know that
your service could be better, but you
havent had the time to develop an
improvement plan. You definitely
have more turnover than youd like.

Your revenue has grown

substantially each year because
youre adding new customers
without losing current ones.

As a result, youre continually

investing to generate new customers.
Your revenue and profit margins are
much lower than they could be, and
the churning takes its toll on your

As a result, you have to replace

numerous current customers
each year.

How Customer Retention Aligns with Strategy

Customer service, retention activities and campaigns to existing customers should support your positioning and brand
strategy, contributing to the experience that you wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own.
You can work on your customer retention strategy at any time, and marketing campaigns to them may be an important
part of your strategy. You may also decide to increase your focus on retention when youre writing your annual marketing plan. But if youre losing customers, dont hesitate to focus your energy on retention right now.

Key Concepts & Steps

Determine your retention strategy
Your positioning and brand strategy should drive your retention plan. For example, if your method for delivering value
is customer intimacy, your customers are expecting great customer service. If theyre buying on price, youll usually
focus more on automating service to minimize costs.

Build your team

In some B2B industries, the original sales rep is the best person to manage an existing clientfor example, the account
may require ongoing selling. In other cases, its better to transition the customer to an account rep who focuses on
day-to-day management.
Once youve decided how to structure the team, determine how many people that youll need and start recruiting.

Pay commission for renewals and growing the business

Your current customers are your most valuable assetif your sales reps dont earn commission on renewals, theyll
have more incentive to spend their time chasing new business instead.


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Market to existing customers

Put as much effort into your current customer campaigns as you put into the rest of your marketing programs. Know
your audience, grab their attention, focus on the offer, measure your results. Use campaigns to:

Nurture your customer relationships

Encourage customers to buy again
Expand your relationships by cross-selling, up-selling and asking for referrals
Identify customers who are at risk of defecting
Continually deliver on your brand promise

Measure purchase intent and loyalty, not satisfaction

Customer feedback can help you improve your products and enhance your relationship with your customers. However,
its not effective to measure customer satisfaction because its so vague. Satisfied doesnt mean they intend to
keep buying. Instead, focus on behavior: Ask whether they intend to buy again and why or why not. Ask what three
things you can improve upon and whether theyll provide referrals. These questions provide more actionable insight
than satisfaction.

Use data to evaluate large groups of customers

If you dont have personal relationships with your customers, use data to identify customers who havent purchased
in the normal timeframe. They may be at risk of defecting and you can launch retention campaigns and encourage
them to stay.

Next Steps
Refine and improve your customer retention strategy and executionit may deliver the highest ROI of all of your marketing programs.
Service and manage your customer base, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used, and focus on continually improving your tactical execution.

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Business Development

Organizations apply the term business development (a.k.a. biz dev) to a variety of activities.
In this section, business development refers to high-level partnerships that generate revenue, create better products
and/or increase efficiency. These partnerships can help you:

Access new markets

Increase sales to existing markets
Improve your access to technology
Boost your productivity
Gain capital (human or financial)
In a true partnership, companies collaborate to achieve a common goal. Its more than a short-term promotion, such
as a special offer or marketing to each others customers. Instead, its an agreement to do business together while
sharing responsibilities, resources, risks and rewards.


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Here are three examples of true partnerships:

To Create New Products

To Increase Efficiency

To Create New Services

A computer manufacturer enters a

partnership with a fashion designer
to create a limited-edition laptop
and matching case.

A software company has a fantastic

new product but is inundated with
customer service calls that they
cant handle. They approach a
telemarketing firm that specializes in
the software industry.

A design firm partners with a direct

mail fulfillment firm to offer each
others services to their respective

They create a team of employees

from both companies to design and
market the product. The computer
manufacturer produces the
computers, the designer creates the
bag, and they share revenue fairly
based on their contributions and
cost structure.

Instead of just hiring the

telemarketing firm, they create a
partnership. The telemarketing
firm provides service for a greatly
reduced fee, then receives a
substantial commission for selling
the software companys other
related software. The partners work
closely together to maximize their
revenue on the sales program.

Each company promotes the

partnership to new prospects and
existing customers. They offer
the service with a single point of
contactif a design client needs
mail services, the design firm
manages the implementation rather
than just referring the client to the
mail firm.
Each company bills the other at
special rates so theres room
for a fair markup, providing each
company with additional revenue.

In these examples, each company has distinct responsibilities in the partnership. They each devote resources (either
time or money) to the program, and if it fails, they have similar levels of risk. Theyve also fairly divided the rewards.
The first step in a successful partnership is structure; the right arrangement aligns both companies toward an important
common goal. The second step is execution; a partnership should be managed like any business with careful attention
to detail, solid communication and focus on the end goals.
With the right structure and management, your business development deals have the greatest potential for success.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

The partnership is balanced and

productive for both parties.

Your partnership isnt balanced

perhaps you have more
responsibilities and resources
allocated or you dont share fairly in
the rewards.

You enter into a partnership and

invest substantial resources, but the
partnership goes awry.

You share responsibilities, resources,

risks and rewards, and the
partnership delivers substantial
revenue, cost savings or new
opportunities for both companies.

It produces value, though not what

you had expected; you hope that
the situation will improve with time.

Your partner isnt delivering as

needed and you dont have much
recourseyour partner isnt really
providing resources or sharing risk.
As a result, you end the partnership
and lose valuable time and money
on the deal.

Since these partnerships involve multiple departments in each company, there are usually a number of people involved
in the deal. Its often an executive or high-level biz dev person leading the process for each company, although in small
companies, a sales or marketing executive will typically take the reins. However, creating a partnership is more complex
than pure salesit requires a solid understanding of the business and operational objectives of multiple organizations.

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How Business Development Aligns with Strategy

Partnerships that you create from your business development efforts should support your positioning and brand strategy,
contributing to the experience that you wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own.
Choose partnerships carefully; the wrong one can hurt your perception in the marketplace and damage your brand.

Key Concepts & Steps

Identify potential partnerships
Brainstorm to identify partnerships that can help you meet your goals. For example, there may be related companies
with customer relationships in a different market; you may have vendors or suppliers who can help you improve your
products or firms that can help you round out your services.
Think about structure as wellthe resources that each party would provide, how the partnership would be managed
and what each party would invest and earn.

Identify the right biz dev person to lead the project

A good biz dev person has a broad understanding of business strategy and operations; s/he can also negotiate and
close a complex sale. Its a different skill set than many sales reps offer, but you may have a rep or executive on your
team who can do these kinds of dealsor you may tackle it yourself.

Pitch a partnership
Develop a strong pitch to capture the attention of your potential partners; focus on the high-level benefits for each party.
As you move through the sales process, cover all aspects of the partnership including detailed structure and terms.

Share responsibilities, resources, risks and rewards

You have a much stronger chance of success when a partnership is balanced. As you negotiate the deal, make sure
that your interests are completely aligned and that each party is contributing in all areas.

Next Steps
As you set up partnerships resulting from business development activities, evaluate the effectiveness of the partnership,
and focus on continually improving your tactical execution.
Make sure that your company manages and executes its responsibilities, so that youll reap the full benefits. As part
of the partnership you may launch new marketing campaignstreat them as you would any other marketing program.


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Sales Management

Improving your sales management is one of the easiest ways to increase your revenue and profitability.
Sales management is about leading the people and process your company uses to sell to prospects and convert them
into customers. Responsibilities include:

Building the right sales strategy

Hiring the right team
Creating the right compensation plans,
territories and quotas

Setting the right projections

Motivating your team

Tracking revenue against goals

Resolving conflicts
Training and coaching sales reps
Managing processes
Getting the sale!

Why are we talking about sales management in a marketing book?

Sales and marketing serve one purpose: to generate revenue. They should be completely aligned in their understanding of customer needs, their messages, and in the process they use to identify, sell, close and manage prospects
and customers. They should work together as a unit, providing valuable feedback to each other to improve all of
their strategies.

If youre B2B, your sales team is the voice of your company. In fact, your reps may be the only people with direct
customer interaction. They may be responsible for prospecting, selling and managing existing customers. They control
the dialogue with your market, gather feedback, and deliver much of your brand experience.

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The sales team will make or break your marketing efforts. Even if youre not personally responsible for the sales team,
its important to understand their role and draw on that knowledge to create better marketing programs.

When departments arent aligned, your company wastes time and opportunity. For example, when salespeople rewrite

literature and tools to their liking, your messages are diluted and salespeople are doing something other than selling.

Small improvements in your teams skills and processes can often produce substantial results. Even great salespeople
can benefit from coaching; if your team is struggling, theres room for improvement. And with the right attention to
your pipeline and goals, you can make sure that youre on track to hit your numbers and make adjustments as needed.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your sales team is a revenueproducing machine. They have the

right skills and experience; theyre
motivated to come in each day and
close business.

There are strong and weak players

on the sales team.

Your sales team isnt strong.

You may not have a dedicated
sales manager to help improve
performance. They may not have
enough experience, especially if
youre a small company that cant
yet afford the big hitters.

You coach them regularly to

improve their performance. When
problems arise, theyre dealt with
The sales team does a great
job delivering the companys
brand experience, messages and

Some require a lot more handholding than youd like; there isnt
always time to give them the help
they need.
As a result, their close ratios are
much lower. Theyre probably not
hitting their quotas, but theyre not
a major liability to the company.

You have a pipeline but dont know

whats happening with prospects; it
takes longer than it should to close
deals. You suspect that you need an
entirely new sales operation.

How Sales Management Aligns with Strategy

Your sales team should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience that you wish to
deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own.
This is accomplished by good hiring, training and strong management. Have your team represent the personality traits
of your brand, and look to hire people that fit them well.

Key Concepts & Steps

Create the right compensation plan and tie it to your revenue goals
Great salespeople want to make money. Tie the plan to your revenue goals and make sure that youre compensating
your reps for the right things. For example, if your reps dont earn commission for managing house accounts, theyll
spend their time going after new business, and you could lose valuable existing customers.

Set realistic quotas

Be realistic about what a salesperson can accomplish in a set timeframe. Good salespeople can be demotivated by
unrealistic quotas, which can lead to turnover.

Hire the right people

To build a great team, start with a strong recruiting effort. Create a detailed job description so you know exactly what you
need in your candidates. Cast a wide net, use a thorough interview process, and go after the candidates you really want.


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Coach and provide feedback

A good manager actively works with the sales team. Train your reps thoroughly and coach them to improve their skills.
Go on calls, establish performance measurements, and provide feedback. If a rep has trouble in a particular area, create an action plan and measure improvement.

Generate good reports

Youll need good sales reports to measure team and individual progress. Yet you dont want your sales reps to spend
valuable sales time creating manual lists and reports. Instead, develop automated reporting processesfor example,
create reports in your CRM system. With good reports, you can identify problems early and take action quickly.

Good sales reps want to get betterencourage them to read, attend seminars, network, and keep refining their skills.

Next Steps
As you manage your sales team throughout the year, evaluate the effectiveness of your people, process and tools, and
focus on continually improving your tactical execution.
Hire the right people, manage them well, and celebrate their success!

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Whats Next?
If youve made it this far, congratulations!
Hopefully youve identified some opportunities to improve your marketing by clarifying strategies, evaluating which
tactics to use, and adopting new ways to improve your tactical execution, keeping a balance of focus on understanding
what to be doing, and doing things well.
As you and your team explore ideas for new marketing programs, think about where they fall in the process, and how
they can support your strategy in the marketplace.
Continue learning and improving all of your marketing programs; strive to land in the best case scenarios used
throughout this guidebook.
Good luck!
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