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June 2012

Active Deaf Kids Program Launched

ederal Sports Minister Kate Lundy and Australian Sports Commissions CEO, Simon Hollingsworth joined Deaf Sports Australia yesterday at the ACT Netball Centre in Canberra to launch the 2012 Active Deaf Kids program in front of 50 deaf and hard of hearing students, parents and supporters of the program.

joining 30 deaf and hard of hearing ACT students take part in Netball, Futsal, Tennis and Touch Football activities with local ACT sports organisations.

throughout Australia reaching up to 600 deaf and hard of hearing students; DSA will commission independent expert advice on hearing devices to address safety concerns and disseminate information to parents; DSA will work with the Australian Sports Commission to develop links to Active After-School Communities program in each state/territory and deliver the ADK program where possible; DSA will develop an educational booklet on deaf sports and distribute to state education departments, participating schools and NSOs / SSOs; DSA will develop a new section to the DSA website on the Active Deaf Kids project featuring youth related information.


he Active Deaf Kids program is designed by Deaf Sports Australia to help get more deaf and hard of hearing children participating in sport and to help overcome some of the challenges they face in accessing sports opportunities. he program was made possible by funding support from the Federal Government and the Australian Sports Commission who have provided $200,000 in funding to run the program for the next two years.

he manager of the Active Deaf Kids program, and former Dea ympian, Irena Farinacci spoke at the launch about the challenges she has faced in pursuing her love of sport and the role the Active Deaf Kids program has to play. Taking part in sports programs helped me meet other like-minded deaf and hard of hearing participants, as well as helped me to gain con dence in myself by accepting my hearing impairment and for who I am. The Active Deaf Kids program will help to inspire the next generation of young sportspeople and give them the con dence and support to get involved in sport

inister Lundy spoke passionately about the bene ts of sports participation in her speech and commented that The Active Deaf Kids program is about levelling the playing eld so kids with hearing impairment can get involved and participate in sport.


he Active Deaf Kids program is being rolled out around Australia over the next 12 months, and the next destinations are Adelaide and Brisbane in August. he key features of the program are as follows: DSA will conduct sports clinics and information sessions in schools

inister Lundy took great delight in participating in the sports clinics that were provided on the day

eaf Sports Australia extends their warmest gratitude to Sen. Kate Lundy and Simon Hollingsworth for supporting the program and for David Brady and the team at Deaf Sport and Recreation ACT for the help in putting together and running the Canberra clinic.

L - R: Craig Dodson, DSA CEO, Sen. Kate Lundy, Minister for Sports, Irena Farinacci, DSA Educations & Events Coordinator & Simon Hollingsworth, Australian Sports Commission CEO

event than in the past and it may not have all the bells and whistles of previous Dea ympics. That being said it is still very exciting that there will be a Dea ympics and we look forward to sending a strong and competitive team. The DSA Board will have a Board meeting this Saturday in Melbourne where amongst other things we will be discussing important issues like planning for the Dea ympics, the ADG review and reviewing the DSA Strategic Plan. It is an important meeting and there is plenty of work for us to do. I will give you an update on the key information in next months e-news. For your information here is the list of DSA Board and their portfolios: Governance Kathryn OBrien National Sports Phil Harper / James Ashley International A airs David Peters Finance David Peters Stakeholder Relations Brent Phillips Media / Communications Emma Merkas Membership James Ashley / Phil Harper Thanks for your continued support David Peters President

New DSA Membership Policy

Deaf Sports Australia (DSA) has updated its member protection policy (MPP). The MPP will work towards maintaining ethical and informed decision-making and responsible behaviours within our sport. It outlines DSAs commitment to a persons right to be treated with respect and dignity and to be safe and protected from abuse. This policy informs everyone involved in deaf sport at the national level of his or her legal and ethical rights and responsibilities and the standards of behaviour that are required. The policy attachments outline the procedures that support our commitment to eliminating discrimination, harassment, child abuse and other forms of inappropriate behaviour from our sport. DSA is committed to providing an environment free of harassment. DSA believes that anyone who works for DSA and/or represents DSA, and everyone with whom DSA deals, has the right to be treated with respect and dignity. This policy is an essential part of DSAs proactive and preventative approach to tackling inappropriate behaviour. To view the policy visit regulations.htm

It is my pleasure to let you all know that Deaf Sports Australia (DSA) have been successful in securing a $200,000 grant from the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) to deliver our Active Deaf Kids program over the next two years. The Active Deaf Kids program is designed by DSA to help get more deaf and hard of hearing children participating in sport and to help overcome some of the challenges they face in accessing sports opportunities. DSA will be visiting Schools throughout the Country to talk to children about the bene ts of sports participation and how to get involved in sport. The program was developed by DSA and a pilot program was run in Victoria in 2010 and last year we ran the program nationally. To secure a further two years funding support from the ASC is a good endorsement of the quality of the program and how important it is and congratulations to DSA sta member Irena Farinacci for all her hard work with the program. You will see more information about the program on the story about the program launch in Canberra last week in this months e-news. Recently the ICSD con rmed the 2013 summer Dea ympics will be held in So a, Bulgaria in July / August. At the moment DSA is waiting for further information from the ICSD, we have been requested to submit preliminary entry forms and are currently in discussions with our members and sports delegates to determine the likely team numbers. It is positive that a decision to stage the event has now been made, however, DSA is eagerly awaiting further information from the ICSD as at this stage we do not have a lot of information other than con rmation the event will go ahead. Given the short time lines involved and limited budget I expect the Dea ympics will be a smaller

2012 World Deaf Golf Championships 9 - 12 October, Japan

The 2012 World Deaf Golf Championships is expected to be attended by approximately 100 golfers from 16 countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, U.S.A, and Wales. The Australian Mens Team: Mark Aird Queensland Jack Besley Victoria [Current Australian Mens Deaf Golf Champion] Luke Ellis NSW Andrew Honeysett NSW Phil Malm Tasmania Jack McLeod NSW [16 years old] Mark Aird and Luke Ellis will act as co-captains of the Mens Team The Australian Ladies Team: Maree Evans - NSW [Current Australian Ladies Deaf Golf Champion] Jennifer Maric Queensland The Australian Seniors Team: Paul Hammond NSW Kevin Hayden Queensland Tony Klimek Western Australia [Current Australian Seniors Deaf Golf Champion] Wayne Parsons Queensland Wendy Home (QLD) - Team Manager Deaf Sports Australia wishes the Australian Deaf Golf Team all the best at the upcoming World Championships!

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Active Deaf Kids Program Photo Gallery

Sen. Kate Lundy o ering her support of the program in her speech

Sen. Kate Lundy after o cially launching the program after cutting the ribbon

The kids enjoying learning netball drills

Sen. Kate Lundy having a go at one of her favourite sport, Touch Football with the kids

Sen. Kate Lundy having a go at Tennis with the kids

Sen. Kate Lundy with some of the participants at the clinic

News Updates from the ICSD

New Technical Delegate Appointments
New Technical Commission Chair Reed Gershwind Appointed ICSD Swimming Technical Director Reed Gershwind (USA), has been appointed the new chair of ICSDs Technical Commission. Reed is one of the most successful Dea ympians of all time, competing in ve Dea ympics and winning no fewer than 13 gold medals in swimming and waterpolo. ICSD is fortunate in having so many passionate and knowledgeable technical directors,: said ICSD President Craig Crowley. The technical commission should be an excellent link between the board & sta and those TDs. I am grateful that Reed is prepared to lead the commission. added Crowley. The technical commissions rst priority will be to review Dea ympics technical issues, to assist Bulgaria in preparing for the So a 2013 Dea ympics. Tim Stones And Richard Pearce To Serve ICSD At Worlds and Dea ympics ICSD today announced the appointment of two new technical directors for athletics. Richard Pearce of Australia will focus on the So a 2013 Dea ympics. Tim Stones of the UK will focus on the 2012 World Deaf Athletics Championships in Toronto, and then assist Richard in 2013. ICSD is lucky to have such talented former athletes now prepared to give back to our deaf athletics community, stated ICSD President Craig Crowley. Both Richard Pearce and Tim Stones are Dea ympians in the sport of athletics. The medals won by Richard Pearce on the track include two from So a 1993, in the same stadium that will serve for the 2013 Dea ympics. Tim Stones competed in Taipei 2009 and is also a quali ed coach and technical o cial. The World Deaf Athletics Championships are just around the corner, continued Crowley. And preparations for So a 2013 are increasing in pace. It is vital that we ensure our deaf athletes have the best and fairest possible conditions in which to compete. Im delighted that Tim Stones will be joined in Toronto by a technical delegate from the relevant international federation, the IAAF. Best wishes to all participants as they make their nal preparations. Very best wishes Craig A. Crowley MBE President

2013 Dea ympic Games - So a, Bulgaria

Greetings from ICSD, On behalf of ICSD Board we bring some news to members, athletes and sports friends on ICSD activities to date: 1. So a Dea ympics 2013 - Bulgaria: we have been in constant contact with Bulgaria as regards plans and arrangements for next years DEAFLYMPIC event; inspection visit is now expected to take place during the rst week in September 2012; please follow correspondence from CEO as regards registration forms. 2. ICSD Governance - ICSD Board are in process of completing arrangements for consultation exercise to be forwarded to members later this month - Please look out for them via our email to members and website to our sports friends. 3. ICSD Legal Commission - formal interviews have recently been completed and it is expected that an announcement will be made shortly to recruit 2 newest members to the Commission headed by our Board member, Rebecca Adam. 4. Technical Commission - ICSD Board is to make a formal announcement of new Chair early this month and ICSD Board is also keen to tie up terms of reference for Technical and Athletes this month. 5. ICSD wishes to congratulate both Asia Paci c & PanAmdes for electing new Presidents & new Board - more of that to come in next months bulletin - ICSD thanks previous Boards for their hard work and commitment - new change means important times ahead for both regional Confederations. 6. ICSD has sent the nal draft of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to World Federation of the Deaf for their Board to consider its contents for way forward partnership for the bene t of deaf people and athletes all over the world. Thats it for now - more to come later - thanks for watching! Click in this link to see the video

Contact Deaf Sports Australia

Ground Level, 340 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002, Australia Email: [email protected] TTY -(+613) 9473 1154 Phone -(+613) 9473 1191

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