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1. Why would we choose a database system instead of simply storing data in operating system files? When would it make sense not to use a database system? 2. What is logical data independence and what is its important? (OR) Explain the differences between logical and physical data independence? 3. What are the types of languages a database system provides? Explain. 4. What are the five main functions of a database administrator? (OR) Explain database administrator responsibilities? 5. Explain the transaction management in a database? (OR) give short notes on transaction management? 6. Discuss the query processor of database system structure? 7. Define DBMS? List database system applications? 8. List four significant differences between a file processing system and a DBMS? (OR) What are the major disadvantages of file processing system? 9. A) Describe storage manager component of database system structure? B) Explain levels of abstraction in DBMS?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain the ER Diagram components and notations with their extended features? Explain relationship and relationship sets? Explain key constraints with an example? Explain the conceptual design for large enterprises with an example? Define aggregation? What is the problem associated with aggregation? Discuss the remedies? A) What is a partial key? How is it represented in ER diagram? Give an example? B) What is a descriptive attribute? Explain? C) Discuss the usage of ISA features in ER Diagram? 7. A) Construct an ER Diagram for a bank database. Bank maintains data about customers, their loans, their deposits, lockers. Determine the entities and relationships? B) What is the composite attribute? How to model it in the ER diagram? Explain with an example?

Chapter 3
1. What is a relation? Differences between relation schema and relation instance. Define the term Unary and degree of relation. What are domain constraints? 2. What SQL construct enables the definition of a relation? What constructs allow modification of relation instance? (OR) Explain how insertion, deletion and updating of database are performed in relation algebra? 3. Explain Key constraints and foreign key constraints? 4. What is a relational database query? Explain with an example? 5. What are the SQL constructs to modify the structure of tables, views and to destroy the tables and Views? 6. What is a view? Explain about views in detail? 7. A) Write a detail note on participation constraint?


B) What is the class hierarchy? How it is represented in the ER diagram?

1. Explain the following fundamental operation of relational algebra select, project, set, rename? 2. Consider the following schema Suppliers( sid: integer, sname: string, address: string) Parts( pid: integer, pname: String, color:string) Catalog( sid: integer, pid: integer, cost:real) The key fields are underlined. The catalog relation lists the price changes for parts by suppliers. Write the following queries in tuple relational calculus and domain relational calculus, A) Find the sids of suppliers who supply every red part. B) Find the sids of suppliers who supply every red part or supply every green part. C) Find the names of suppliers who supply some red parts. D) Find pairs of sids such that the suppliers with the first sid charges more 3. Define all the variations of the join operation. Why is the join operation given special attention? Can we express every join operation in terms of cross product, selection and projection? 4. A) Define the divisible operation in terms of the basic relational algebra operations. Describe a typical query that calls for division. Unlike join, the division operation is not given special treatment in database systems. Explain why? B) Relational calculus is said to be a declarative language, in contrast to algebra, which is a procedural language? Explain the distinction? 5. A) Define relational algebra, tuple and domain relational calculus? B) What are the differences between the two types of relational calculus? 6. Explain the types of join operations and set operations. 7. Consider the following database Employee(employee_name, street, city) Works(employee_name, company_name, salary) Company(company_name, city) Manager(employee_name, manager_name) Give an expression in the relational algebra, the tuple relational calculu sand the domain relational calculus, for the following query, Find the names of all employees who work for estate bank.

Chapter 5
1. Explain the FD and MVD with examples? 2. What is normalization? Give types of normalization? 3. What are the advantages of normalized relations over unnormalized relations?


4. Explain 3NF? Give one example? 5. Define BCNF? How does BCNF differ from 3NF? Explain with an example? 6. Consider the relation R(A, B, C, D, E, F) and FDs ABC, FA, CA, DE, EDA is the decomposition of R into R1( A, C, D) R2(B, C, D) and R3(E, F, D) lossless? Explain the requirement of lossless decomposition. 7. What is redundancy? What are the different problems encountered by redundancy? Explain them? 8. Define functional dependencies? How are primary keys related to functional dependencies? 9. Explain about 4NF? Give one example?

Chapter 6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are the reasons that strict 2PL is used in many database systems? Define dynamic database? Explain phantom problem by considering suitable example? Explain B+ tree locking used for concurrency control with suitable example? Write Thomas write rule? How the rule differed from timestamp-based rule? Explain granularity and multiple granularity? (OR) Write the Locking compatibility matrix used for multiple granularity? Explain with suitable example? 6. A) What is 2PL locking protocol? Explain with suitable example? How does it guarantee serializability? B) Differences between strict 2PL an rigorous 2PL? 7. Explain Read-only, Write-only and Read-before-write protocols in serializability? 8. Since every conflict serializability is a view serializable, why do we emphasize serializability rather than view serializability? 9. What is a cascade less schedule? Why is cacade less ness schedules are desirable? Are there any circumstances under which it would be desirable to allow non cascade less schedule? Explain 10. Explain different states of transactions? 11. Explain validation protocol with example? 12. A) Define the concept of schedule for a set of concurrent transaction, give a suitable example? (OR) Explain how concurrent execution of transactions improves overall system performance? B) What are the transaction Isolation levels in SQL?

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